#this man lives rent free in my head
kitthenameless · 4 months
Gale Dekarios appears at first glance to be an attractive but disheveled wizard with a lot of charm but also a sorta sad, wet energy (like a cat left out in the rain). Then you get to know him, and he still is that, but he's also...
Gale Dekarios:
- Archmage.
- Chosen of the Goddess of Magic.
- Best friends with a tressym.
- Penpals with a magma mephit.
- Has been to at least one other dimension.
- Once bought 60 drinks at an adventurer's bar to stop a needless fight.
- Lives in a tower.
- Seems like a pacifist but says things like, "Let me recite their demise," in battle.
- Knows a guy who can get you some brains.
I'm sure there are more interesting tidbits I'm missing, but I can't keep making this list forever.
Furthermore, all of Gale's horny lines come from out of nowhere and hit you like a truck. The timing and delivery are incredible. Completely blunt, no warning, no reservation. Just, "Not that I don't appreciate your musk," and, "I once read a book that explained in some detail the effect a brush with danger has on one's desire for... other forms of stimulation," and, "It surely can't be a surprise that I have a practiced tongue."
Just, Gale, man.
Fucking Gale.
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sheriffmango · 2 months
Oops! All Phoenix!
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viric-dreams · 3 months
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@zeebreezin's Laurence working on a very special soup.
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jackbaphomet · 1 year
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Redraw of the first time i drew Sleuth Jesters Eclipse~
Once a user said the best way to improve your work is by getting obsessed with a character. Come shake my hand queen/king/noble 🤝
@naffeclipse 's bastard boy
Oldie one
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maisha133 · 11 months
We have an entire chapter in Unravel Me of Aaron Warner confessing to Juliette that she is the love of his life and how he cannot literally breathe without her AN ENTIRE CHAPTER and then in ACFTL we just get a meager “I love you” from Jacks
lmaooo still salty about how this book went
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chaotixbat · 1 year
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obscene-tevene · 2 years
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I have an issue. And his name is William James Moriarty.
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xknzs · 10 months
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nov. 16.23 | ♥️
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foraltruism · 1 year
@welivetoserve : Swoons
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scarecrowdrugs · 1 year
Shivers Scarecrow Lore
Backstory mostly takes cues from Year One, along with Masters of Fear. He’s got trust issues cause of it, to say the least.
Roughly mid to late 40s by the time Damian’s been established as Robin
Semi-closeted bisexual. He’s someone who went to school in the Deep South in the 80s/90s and he was raised by a great grandmother who would absolutely have killed him if he ever outed himself. Jonathan knows how dangerous it was to be a bisexual man back in the day. It’s mostly unknown to the regular public, but somewhat known to some of the Rogues.
Grew up with a fairly thick Georgia accent, but he started training it out once he moved to Gotham, mostly due to a combo of people making assumptions about him due to it and because he really doesn’t want people digging into his history in Arlen. It’s mostly undetectable nowadays, but it will slip out if you get him flustered or annoyed enough.
He’s never gotten a formal diagnosis, but he’s been fairly certain since college that he’s autistic. Some of his stims include leg tapping, finger snapping, pen clicking, and hand flapping (usually only if he gets really excited). Some of his special interests include old medical journals, antique medical equipment, and book collecting.
Former psychology professor at Gotham University, with a healthy amount of published work. The question of whether or not citing his work is actually ethical is a common safety concern.
He’s not an actual licensed therapist, but he occasionally poses as one for the research opportunity. He’s actually managed to recruit at least two people as his henchmen this way.
He’s (sort of) a dad! I mean, murdering your mom and her husband and then impulsively stealing your half-sister counts, right? In his defense, he actually made an effort with Clarice. Kinda.
For all his many, many faults as a person, he’s genuinely grown to love Clarice. Yes, he killed her mother. Yes, she’s stabbed him in the gut once. All that being said, going after her is an absolute guarantee that you’re going to get butchered by the Scarecrow. As far as he’s concerned, that’s his little girl.
Absolute epitome of violent devotion. Unconditional love is something that he didn’t realize he was capable of or being shown. He’s a man who’s just learnt the concept of having actual human attachments and it’s resulted in him leaving claw marks in everyone he loves. Having Jonathan Crane in your life comes with the knowledge that he will kill anyone just to keep you safe.
That being said, he’s still one of the more dangerous Rogues for a reason. He doesn’t have that many hard limits with who he targets, and he’s definitely going to go out of his way to ruin your life if he feels like he’s been slighted.
Jonathan is a fairly okay cook if he actually wants to make an effort, but he’s usually too busy with research to remember to feed himself. He’s usually at his healthiest when he has someone else to feed. The man does make a pretty damn good potato soup.
Completely unironic enjoyer of shitty gas station coffee; we’re talking the absolute worst, most burnt coffee you can find. If it doesn’t come in a shitty Styrofoam cup, he ain’t interested.
He’s usually on fairly good terms with Riddler, Mad Hatter, and Harley, with the former being the one he’s on the best terms with. Eddie’s his usual go-to in case for a place to stay during emergencies. In Jervis’s case, it’s more of case of wanting to study him like an insect. In Harley’s case, he gets along with her due to briefly having her in his class for a semester back in the Gotham University days.
Scriddler is sort of canon here, albeit not as a romantic relationship. It’s more like a friends with benefits situation, not to mention the fact that Jonathan’s seen how messy Eddie can get when dating someone.
Very tall, we’re talking around 6′6″ tall and he wears lifts in his costume to give himself an extra inch or two in height. it’s all about the Looming, baby!
He enjoys a fairly wide range of musical genres, including bluegrass, outlaw country, swing, gothic rock, and new wave. He’s also a huge David Byrne fan, along with Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. 
Despite his height and general lankiness, he’s way more flexible than most people think. He’s made at least one escape attempt by crawling through an air vent. Not to mention the fact that he’s able to do some Alien: Isolation shit!
Scarecrow isn’t really a separate personality, but he does actively cultivate a different vibe when he’s Full Scarecrow Mode, somewhat similar to the concept of method acting. Everything from the way he talks to the way he walks is a performed action that he’s put intensive work into. He has a very particular gait he uses when actively stalking a person; he tends to start walking on the balls of his feet, really making his footsteps as loud as possible. He’ll also make certain vocalizations, mostly a mixture of soft hisses and a particular Predator-esque click. If he really wants to fuck with someone, he’s bringing out the Blixa Bargeld screams.
Jonathan’s really going for the idea that Scarecrow is something that isn’t quite human, and he’s very proud of the effect this has on people.
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triopsarecute · 2 years
I need an art of Kaveh as a fungus with empathy
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doctorelleth · 1 year
Legit a real gripe I have with BMFM is that Stoker has a completely different character design every time he shows up.
My preference is only his design in Once Upon a time on Mars, but I'll make an exception for Caveat Mentor, just because it's like two seconds after he escaped from POW camp. Dude's allowed to look a little haggard.
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rose-serpent · 4 months
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a nap
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froggielovescoffee · 3 months
ruin am iright? hehhehrhedhehrhehehrh
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tacc0yak1 · 6 months
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hmmmm nothing changes between these grandpas
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mintys-musings · 1 year
thinking abt tsumugi aobas chest. i want to rest my head on it while he rails his d- *minty has been forcily removed from this post*
*clawing noises*
femstars mugi include- *cartoonish bonk noise*
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