#this may or may not be something from my really sad steddie fic that i had to take a break from
starrystevie · 2 years
currently thinking about wayne looking out the trailer window a few days after he lost eddie and seeing the harrington boy drinking out of a flask and talking to the ground a few plots away from the trailer. he sees him touch the dirt, palm pressed firmly down with a sad and almost secret smile pulling at his lips.
he watches him just for bit longer until the boy wipes at his face and lays down against the ground and wayne looks away because he feels like he's interrupting... something.
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
something I really don't like is when Steve's dad/parents are written as like, cartoonishly abusive as a way to get him together with Eddie. Like I've read a lot of meaningful and amazing fics where his relationship with his parents has been explored without it feeling like just a way to hurt him so Eddie can swoop in to comfort him, but I've also read fics where Steve is like, full on sobbing and melting down bc he broke a plate and his dad would've beat him for it. So then Eddie gets to save the day! Like I'm not saying this kind of trauma response isnt real. As someone who was emotionally abused by my mom and has cptsd, I still have a hard time not getting emotional and nervous when I break something even though I know my partner isn't like that. But the way people write about it makes me feel like they just want Eddie to be able to jump in and comfort him and heal him from his trauma when what he really would need is therapy lol. Also, the fact that there will be like terrible physical abuse when there's no evidence of this happening in canon makes me feel like people don't understand that abuse doesn't have to be like that to be incredibly damaging...emotional abuse and neglect have just as much effect on a person and ultimately none of it is going to be cured by Eddie munson coming in and telling you that don't worry, you are lovable and I am going to cuddle your trauma away. If this were true, my partner would have been able to fix me years ago lmao. Sorry for the long ask, I do love steddie and I think there are a lot of amazing writers and fics who characterize them really well, but I also think that writing abuse this way is kind of gross, especially when you then continue to put your characters in an abusive or at least toxic relationship but treat it like it's healthy and romantic
when it comes to parents, this fandom can be very all or nothing. they’re either horribly abusive in every single way possible, to the point that they’re basically a disney villain, or they’re the best parents around and never do any wrong! and both get pretty boring.
i think a lot of storylines in steddie fics exist to kind of… have eddie ‘rescue’ steve. from his jock-ness, from his interests, from his parents and his life. i don’t doubt it’s supposed to be romantic and present eddie as steve’s saviour, but it just ends up seeming kind of codependent, with just a bit too much focus on romantic love as the be all and end all (for me).
anyway, i think a lot of the attitude towards parents in this fandom is just focused on getting rid of most of them so they don’t have to waste time on them. steve’s parents are abusive, so he can just move in with eddie and wayne! or they’re neglectful and never at home, and now max (whose mother is either just dead or abandoned her) can move in with steve. robin’s parents are homophobic, and most of the parties parents just never get mentioned lmao. it’s all just abuse for the sake of abuse. so characters can be sad and parentless. i know i’m an outlier in this, but i actually really enjoy thinking about all the teens parents, and what their relationships may be like.
sometimes i worry that this fandom only sees the horrific physical abuse as abuse, because, like you said, a lot of people treat abusive or toxic relationships like they’re healthy. i honestly don’t think they recognise the abusive traits they’re representing, because it’s not ‘obvious abuse’.
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oh-stars · 1 year
Fic Update
Okay after careful thought, I've figured out a plan for my upcoming fics. This is all tentative and could change, but this is my plan for now! The Harrington Brood -- The final chapter will posted on August 21, 2023. you carved the space for my sadness to be seen for once (hold on to me) -- The hiatus will end on August 22, 2023, with weekly chapters on each Tuesday for the foreseeable future!
Surprise One-shot -- I'll be posting a one shot on August 25, 2023. More information on this in the next few weeks! Paranorman fic -- Aiming to post this fic throughout October! This is the biggest if out of the bunch, if I'm honest. I've got a good chunk written already but it has a ways to go before I will publish it. And finally... Steddie Big Bang fic -- I have no idea when this one will be posted. Unfortunately, it hasn't been a smooth experience so far and it looks like I may have to pull it from the event. If that happens, I'll be posting the first chapter on August 24, 2023, with weekly chapters on each Thursday. If I'm able to stay in the event, then it'll be posted with the rest of the projects in October. Other than that, I may have something in the works for SpiderVerse Big Bang! Still way too early for that though. :) Everything is still up in the air, but I am really excited to share my projects with you. There's something exciting about each piece that I think is really special.
Thanks for your patience, everyone. Feel free to ask about a certain project!!!
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amysnotdeadyet · 9 months
2023 in review
Just the fannish creations, thanks. I don't want to think too hard about how fucking weird and stressful the year was outside of that. XD
I found some old 00Q art hiding on my hard drive and posted it in Feb.
I wrote a short Inception ficlet for @ladyprydian in April to try to jumpstart my muses. It didn't work.
I binge-wrote a whole-ass Sandman fic with (gasp!) fade-to-black porn in it in May.
July brought the Stony games! I was much less prolific than last year, but I managed a few things, starting with 3 little drabbles about perception.
I did a giftfic for the games! It starts in media res and I, being a troll, titled it In Pornia Res because yeah, this one's just pure porn against a background of worldbuilding.
I posted a longstanding WIP that was 100% self-indulgent trash, with Tony and Steve getting Bucky as their new sugar baby and treating him them right. Absolutely just the fluffiest of trash, but 66K of it!
I posted another longstanding WIP that's really pre-slash (I KNOW so weird) but involves catboy Tony, catboy Bucky, and a puppy Steve who's gonna get both (after the fic anyway).
My last little Stony Games fill was 8-bit pixel porn, because of course it was.
Later in August I did the "write what you want to see" thing and banged out (heh) a very kinky Stranger Things fic with Steve/Eddie and a leather bar. Somehow, it's still extremely fluffy.
I drew! Fanart! With pens and shit! Also Steve/Eddie.
And then I made pixel art of them, because why not.
Another Steddie fic, this time a modern AU with 'lost touch' feelings and also banging the rockstar in his hotel room.
And finally, my MTH2021 fic is posting a year late, and will continue on into the new year. It's all done and edited, I just like the daily posting method for getting drip-fed dopamine and also sitting there posting 29 chapters at once is no bueno.
You can find all of this stuff here, so I'm not link-stuffing the post: https://archiveofourown.org/users/swtalmnd/works
What's Coming in 2024 (besides my blorbos)
I have a few more Stuckony WIPs waiting in the wings, including my MTH 2022 fic, which I hope to finish in time to actually participate in 2024.
I have at least 1 novel coming out and maybe 2? I didn't publish ANY original fiction last year (gah), but I finished 1 draft (the sequel to Hive) and am plodding along on 2 more (Julian 4 and something new). I am so slow these days, tho, gah. I have no idea how some people put out multiple books a year, year after year.
I've got a few more Eeveeon arts to share, which I always forget to do on Tumbls.
I might actually open commissions next year (for art, I don't enjoy fic commissions).
I'm gonna a Stuckony Valentine thing, so you'll get at least one short fic from me in Feb.
I'm hoping something new will sweep me into its fandomy arms, because while I do love my current blorbos (MCU & Stranger Things), neither one is really doing the full fixation dance in my brain and that's sad. OTOH I'd like to finish my MCU WIPs before that spark fully dies ahahaha haha ha.
As far as art goes, I'm keeping up my Patreon sketch cards and not a ton else, but my new-new meds are helping me Get Shit Done, so I'm really hoping that I can get back into larger-than-a-playing-card artwork, both fannish and non.
I'm still gonna do more of my 8-bit bullshit, though.
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pubbydreams · 1 year
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𝐢'𝐦 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭 (𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐨) ⁠— [𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰]
pairing: steddie fic summary: after two months of ignoring their increasing thoughts about one another, steve and eddie struggle to put themselves out of their misery. fic content notes: depiction of an autistic meltdown, internalized homophobia, nsfw - mdni, referenced past child abuse (emotional & verbal). preview notes: angst (i think that's it but pls let me know otherwise) preview wc: 793
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“One,” she retorts, “I’m an academic scholar—”
“Ruth was an academic scholar,” he snorts.
“I was Rose, dingus. And fine, maybe she didn’t, but what, was I supposed to just leave you out here sulking all by yourself?” She stresses like he’s completely out to lunch.
“I’m— I wasn’t sulking!” He sneers, furious at just how quickly and easily she’s able to burrow under his skin.
“Steve, I could hear you wallowing from the other side of campus,” she whines, “it was majorly messing with my mojo.”
If he’s being honest with himself, he’s not sure what to say to that, and he’s way too tired to try to come up with something witty or sarcastic, so he just drops it. Anyway, she’s technically right, ‘cause he’s absolutely sulking. Not that he can really help it, but whatever.
His heart may have finally calmed down, but her tone spikes his anxiety right back up again. If she’s going to dance around whatever it is, it must be bad, and he really doesn’t want to deal with bad right now, but he’d rather deal with it now than in five minutes or however long it takes for her to get to the point.
“Robin, whatever it is just say it, alright?” He begs, palms going a little sweaty.
She sucks a deep breath in through her teeth, and stretches her arms in front of her, biding her time in spite of him. Asshole.
“No, it’s nothing,” she lies, “I just wanted to know how you and Eddie are doing.”
“Me and Eddie?” He asks, ears going hot at the idea of there being a ‘him and Eddie.’
“Yeah, I mean, you’ve got this weird thing going on, right?” She probes, suddenly really fascinated by the zipper on her backpack.
Alright, yeah, no, he’s not dealing with this.
“There is no thing going on,” he corrects.
“OK,” Robin mutters before ticking off his sins on her fingers, “I catch you canoodling in the den, you invite him to the pool party, the two of you disappear for like, an hour, then he runs out without saying goodbye—which you got super sad over, by the way—and, like, every single time I’ve mentioned him this last week you’ve gotten all weird.”
“I do not get weird!” He protests. “And we were not canoodling!”
As much as he hates to admit it, she’s right, and it sucks. What’s worse is that it’s been that obvious. In his own head, he’s actually been kind of proud of himself, thinking he’s done an alright job at hiding just how much it hurts to constantly be left with an Eddie shaped hole in his chest. What happened to him? He used to be better at hiding things, didn’t he?
She frowns, and it looks like it’s made of pity which makes him sick. “Look, Steve, as much as it pains me to say it, you’re my best friend. Do you really think I wouldn’t notice—"
“Robin. There’s nothing to notice. We’re friends. It’s just…it’s taking a bit to break in,” he insists, hating how goddamn defensive he sounds.
As far as best friends go, he’s really lucked out because the minute things get too heavy, she always backs out. Things are just about as heavy as they can get outside of the world ending, so he watches as the fight drains out of her.
“Fine, I’ll drop it. But Steve, in the Upside down…I know what it looks like to look at someone the way he looks at you,” she confesses, her words coming out all slow and serious.
As far as best friends go, he’s not sure he’s got a good one, ‘cause for as much as she claims to know about him, Robin doesn’t know a damn thing. If anything, he’s the one looking at Eddie. If anything, he’s the Robin, and Eddie’s Tammy Thompson. Yeah, sure, Eddie’s eyes are technically on him, but it’s temporary and doesn’t mean much more than a shaky friendship and mutually beneficial whatever. The look she thinks she’s seeing isn’t there. He should know.
“It’s not like that,” he stresses through a mutter.
She doesn’t believe him, obviously she doesn’t believe him, and she’s looking at him with so much understanding and disappointment he just wants to shrivel up and die.
“OK,” she says just as quietly.
It isn’t there, and it’s never going to be there, and the sooner he, and Robin, and whoever else accepts that, the better. Even if he’s going to milk every single second of Eddie’s attention—and do everything in his power to keep the focus on him—it’s silly and destructive to pretend that it means any more than it does.
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hai, i'm pubby! if you enjoyed this little excerpt, please consider checking out the full fic on ao3!! have a great day!! ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა
read on ao3! ♡ masterlist ♡ kofi
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vinmauro · 1 year
edancy for this ask game bc u knew i was gonna ask JBDHKJ
both you and @keerysquinn asked for edancy so i'll answer both here<3
when I started shipping it if I did: july 2022 bc of kai. 7 miles rewrote my brain. actually i am pretty sure that i asked about your rarepair and i was instantly on board.
my thoughts: there's just so much potential with them. you can go with before show vibes, au vibes, after show eddie!lives vibes. there is so much. seven miles can't be for nothing!!
What makes me happy about them: a bit same as before, the possibilities and potential with them. that there is a shared survivor's guilt, in a sense, that they don't necessarily have with other characters. chrissy may not have been eddie's best friend so the emotional baggage there is different, but they both failed to save someone lost to the upside down. and that they both went into that final battle knowing that there was a chance they wouldn't get out but it had to end. i think they really could have had something. platonically. romantically. anything.
What makes me sad about them: that people are rude about shipping them, that eddie's dead, that their potential isn't realized.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: mischaracterization of nancy which i don't see often bc there's so few of us but i think that would be one thing to annoy me.
things I look for in fanfic: anything with them tbh. just more. more than i can give.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i mean i ship steddie, hellcheer, ronance, etc. just like eddie x happiness, nancy x happiness.
My happily ever after for them: eddie & nancy living in boston enjoying their lives away from hawkins, away from grief and judgment. basically the ending of i will love you without any strings attached. (shameless fic plug)
who is the big spoon/little spoon: i think personally they switch. depending on how either is feeling. eddie loves being the little spoon tho i'll say that.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: reading together. either one reading out loud or both silent. usually next to each other. or my favorite thing to picture is one sitting with the other's head in their lap and there's a hand absently playing with the other's hair.
send me a ship, a character or ask me to rank 5
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blankinsidecards · 2 years
Steddie fic rec list
Absolutely nobody asked for this but here we go! These are my top 5 favorites, meaning they live in my brain 24/7 and I want them tattooed on my eyelids. Edit: this has been updated!
oh, happy dagger on sunshine bones by inallthingsgoodorbad
Rating: M • Edit: Complete!
Eddie Munson is stuck in the Upside Down. Barely alive. Steve Harrington is trying to sleep and failing at it, miserably. What a strange thing it is, to save the world alongside friends and come away from it with nightmares and loneliness.
A fix-it fic to a heart wrenching degree. Deals with the trauma and ptsd of each character in really careful detail, and plots out a bright future for them in the same breath. Lots of gorgeous, if messy, original poetry that fit with Eddie’s emotions throughout the fic in really beautiful ways. This fic is criminally underappreciated, but it’s an absolute masterpiece. Highlights include: the nickname of ‘Angel’, bedsharing, a fluffy lumax subplot that made me sob with joy, a wonderful appreciation for our dear Uncle Wayne Munson, and food as a love language. Slooowww burn with so much pining.
the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it’s you by @greatunironic
Rating: E • Complete
Sixteen years after the world didn't end for the last time, Max Mayfield showed up on Steve’s doorstep and said, “You gonna walk me down the aisle in May or what?”
Or, it’s 2002 and Steve Harrington attends a wedding, a funeral, and a birth.
As the writer says in the notes of the first chapter, it’s a love letter to “Steve Harrington, father figures, + metalheads everywhere” which I think says more about the feel of it than I can convey here. The way that everyone is written, specifically Joyce and Hopper’s relationships with Steve, as so firmly family is something I didn’t know I needed so bad. I don’t reread fics very often, but I’ve read this one all the way through three times, and have listened to the podfic twice as well. (I’ve never been able to get into podfics but @itty-bitty-blondie did such a beautiful job with it) It will have you ugly crying through every chapter, I guarantee. And as fucking sad as it will make you, it also the softest, most comforting thing I’ve ever read in my life.
You’re Divine by OonionChiver
Rating: E • Edit: Complete!
‘Blood?’ Eddie says again.
Eyes black but for the slice of iridescent white in the centre. His teeth are sharp, his hands are weapons and Steve thinks maybe he’s made a mistake doing this without telling Eddie first. Eddie’s focus lowers, it moves to his left hand which is…
Oh fuck.
It’s dripping blood onto the floor.
‘Shit,’ Steve says, takes a single step back, swallows. ‘Eddie, I’m so sorry, fuck.’
Eddie can’t seem to look away, can’t bring his ethereal gaze back up where it belongs. Steve thinks he should run, he should flee. A tiny part of him knows Eddie will chase him. Eddie will catch him, outrun him easily.
It's more than a little fucked up how that thrills him.
So far, this is definitely my favorite Vampire!Eddie fic I’ve read so far. I’m going to come right out and say it: I’ve read my fair share of toe-curling smut in my time, and this is the only fic that while I was reading it, I felt like I got a ‘New Kink Discovered’ alert. If you like your ships to be co-dependent in the most fucked up ways possible, this is for you. I cannot stress enough how absolutely drunk on this fic I was at the end of the first chapter. Good lord, PLEASE check the tags yourself before reading, it is A Lot. Apart from how hot it is, the author has put a huge amount of detail into the technicalities of Eddie’s vampirism and, I’m not sure if this is accurate due to my own lack of knowledge, but it seems like a lot of it is directly drawn from D&D mechanics and Kas lore. I may be wrong here, but it’s impressive either way. Another big highlight is that they take a sledgehammer to the Mr. & Mrs. Harrington’s shit in a beautifully cathartic way. Don’t be put off by the fact that there’s so few chapters, each chapter is really long and covers several days. It took my two an half hours to read the latest chapter (and I only had to put my phone down to scream into my pillow like, six or seven times)
the lathe by @palmviolet
Rating: M • Complete
"This time, do it right. This time Eddie won’t bleed out in his arms, in anyone’s arms. This time, Steve will do it right."
— or, Steve relives the day they try to kill Vecna over and over, and Eddie just can't seem to stop dying. Steve finds this totally unacceptable.
It’s a time loop fic. It’s a Steve-centric time loop fic. It has more themes and symbolism than Chekhov could shoot a gun at. It peels Eddie’s character apart like an onion. It’s the ultimate put-your-blorbo-in-a-glass-jar-and-study-him-like-a-bug for EITHER of them. It had me waiting like a war widow for each update. I was more anxious over the ending of this fic than I was of the actual s4 vol2. Again, check the tags and individual chapter warnings for yourself because, as the author warns, it really does get so much worse before it gets better- but it gets better. I think this may be one of my favorite fanfics of all time, of any fandom, and that’s really saying something.
a bottle of rouge (just me and you) by @anniebibananie and @galmance
Rating: E • Edit: Complete! • AU
Eddie was sure 1988 was going to be his fucking year. Harringley had finally made it big enough for their first national tour, and, sure, they might all get sick of each other on the bus and kill their livers over the course of several months, but this was his fucking dream. None of that other shit could wreck it.
But Eddie Munson’s life has always been a dumpster fire of massive proportions, so really he should have expected it: Steve Harrington ruining his fucking life.
[Over the course of Harringley’s first national tour, band rules are made, broken, and might just cause feelings that leave them on the precipice of destroying everything they’ve built.]
Eddie-centric band fic where the Fruity Four is a band and everyone is too fucking hot for their own good. Classic friends-with-benefits setup with delightfully fast realizations of Actual Feelings. I’m talking a -‘no fucking bandmates’ rule at the beginning of chapter one, and a blowjob by the end of chapter one- kind of pace. I haven’t seen a lot of bi/pan Eddie fics yet, and this one does a good job describing how he feels attraction. (I’m NOT saying it’s ‘good bi/pan rep’. The man is a SLUT and it’s FUN) I also love how they’ve written Nancy as this hardcore drummer while somehow keeping her completely in character. Highlights include Jonathan Byers being Steve’s ex-boyfriend, Argyle being the band’s beloved bus driver, and several absolutely electric concert scenes. There’s also not a SHRED of ‘period-typical homophobia’ if that’s something you, like me, have a hard time reading.
Edit: the sequel come right inside (welcome to my new life) just began and it’s from Steve’s pov five years later. Where Side A was the epitome of Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll; Side B is already addressing the recovery the characters have needed from that destructive lifestyle, and I’m so down for it. Edit: also now complete and with a very sweet happy ending!
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For the ask game
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
thank you!
🦅 I mentally outline fics in the form of daydreaming about them for a couple of days until I want to write them down. This is not very effective but there's only so much a woman can fight her own brain, especially for something I'm doing just for fun. On rare occasions I have managed to bullet-point the key details of a scene or interaction but I tend to be thinking about these things when I can't write (eg driving in the car) and then when I can write, well, I want to just write what I've thought about. I never have a plan for an entire plot and the few fics I've finished, I only thought of a satisfactory way to end them by happy chance. So it's mostly a pants thing.
I run out of steam on longer fics because the comments die off and they're such a huge part of what stimulates the development of the story in my mind, plus the feeling that no one is paying attention any more. I don't regard this as some injustice or insult, nobody owes me the response I would enjoy, it's just clear that what I'm putting out is not getting picked up and the energy I have for that idea fades. Then another one comes along. I don't know whether outlining and having a conclusion planned would change or fix this but for the above-mentioned reasons I don't think I can pull it off anyway.
👀 The only things I have officially "in progress" (as opposed to tacitly abandoned like Just Business, Nothing Personal, alas) are Wrought Iron, the Mandalorian/Book of Boba Fett Bobadincobb farrier domestic AU (and I know my steam on that is getting low which is sad, it might end up in the abandoned pile) and the Stranger Things 4 Steddie fix-it canon divergence which I called Rock Steady only because I couldn't think of a title and defaulted to a pun. I've been really enjoying writing that but it has only one posted chapter so far with very little engagement (it's been up a week or so and has 168 hits) so I suspect it's not what many people reading that ship want, or it's too much the same as what lots of people are writing - Eddie Munson survives his injuries, the ending of ST4 is softened (for Max's sake if no one else!), Eddie and my dearly beloved Steve Harrington have the opportunity for the undercurrent of attraction between them to develop.
Two cakes, yes, but there can be a glut on the market of a particular flavour of cake. Elements of people getting their lives back together following a disaster, a tight friend group expanding/absorbing a new member, recovering from the physical and mental trauma of a near-death adventure, learning which after-effects will heal and which are just a part of life now, supporting each other and growing closer, teenage/young adult starting independent life/failing to launch goofiness, internalised homophobia causing hesitation, panic and will-they-won't-they, and also intermittently worrying about maybe becoming some sort of vampire.
A theme that I wasn't expecting it to develop but that I think follows from what we've seen in the show, ever since in ST2 we saw that even before Dustin picked on him for help, Steve was still carrying the bat with nails in it in the trunk of his car, is Steve's sense that what he may want to do with his life is limited by the need to stay at his post, as it were, and be a guardian. If your life is developing into a vigil against a villain you can never be sure is vanquished, how do you look to the future?
🤩 Whoever I'm writing currently, really! I regularly switch POVs in romantic/smut fics because it's satisfying to know what both/all sides are thinking, particularly when neither is sure what the other is thinking and both are inwardly freaking out about it. In the current WIP, Eddie is great fun because he's a weird nerdy bogan with an off-colour sense of humour, and Steve is a little bit more of a challenge because of the delicate balance of depicting his intellect. Steve's kinda dumb, Steve doesn't think he's dumb which is part of his dumbness, Steve does nevertheless have common sense and is gradually becoming more introspective. I love him a lot so it's hard to do him justice, and I want to show him a good time.
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blueeyedrichie · 4 years
what do you like about each It ship you write for? like what about each of the dynamics draws you to them? :)
reddie: otp forever and always. I love exploring them so much and I’m still learning every time I write them. To me, their love transcends everything. I love how their love for each other is so in your face but in different ways. I think the way they love each other frightens them with how intense it is and they never really get the opportunity to navigate that since they’re too young at first and when they meet again, yeah they’re adults, but they revert back to their same childish ways because it’s what they know. I think it’s especially scary for Richie, because he doesn’t really like to deal with his emotions, and Eddie challenges that. Richie has to deal with it because he loves Eddie, and that’s hard for him. I think it’s scary for Eddie because Richie is essentially all the things he’s been told to stay away from, but he doesn’t understand why. Because Richie isn’t bad, so those other things might not be bad either. I’m currently working on a fic where they meet in between the years, and I’m very excited about it. I’m trying to really dive in to how hard it would be for them to try to understand these memories they have but can’t quite grasp. There is just so much to take apart with them and I really enjoy writing them.
steddie: I think they are absolutely precious. In my opinion, Stan would have a way of calming Eddie down that no one else would. He’d be able to talk Eddie down from just about anything and have the logistics to back up why what he’s saying is true. I think where Richie would probably not be able to be serious sometimes, Stan would. And that can be good and bad, because sometimes Eddie needs the tension broken which is something Richie is best at. I also think Stan could offer Eddie the stability he needs and would make him feel safe, especially with his calm, collected demeanor. I think even if Stan was worried about something, he’d be able to appear calm enough to ease Eddie’s nerves. I just think they would have such a sweet dynamic together and Stan would really take the time to learn how to care for Eddie.
stozier: this is fully like a friends to lovers thing for me. Even though Stan shuts Richies jokes down a lot, he is probably Richies biggest fan (after Eddie lbr) and when they hang out alone Stan will finally tell Richie just how funny he really thought he was earlier. I also think that Stan would be able to give Richie reality checks and honest feedback as far as his career. I think Richie would be able to get Stan to loosen up and would literally lose it every time Stan cracks a joke, especially when they’re extra dry and witty. Richie would be in awe of Stan in a lot of ways and I think they’d still act like just best friends around most other people, but are very soft and loving when they’re alone.
streddie: so take everything I’ve said and mash it together :’) but for real, I adore streddie. I think they all complement each other so well that it would work out for them. I think they’d all be very protective over each other. When I write streddie, it’s pretty heavy on the angst but ideally I do see them working out. They would all learn so much from each other and they’d never be bored. Stan would offer stability and safety, Richie would never allow the other two to be sad, and Eddie would be unable to hold in his affection for the other two. Honestly I can definitely see Richie and Stan disagreeing at times and Eddie being able to diffuse the situation and have them sit down and talk it out rather than argue which they may not be able to do without Eddie stepping in. If Eddie wasn’t there they’d still figure it out, but it would take way longer than necessary. And in the end they’d get three way married bc it’s my hc and I get to make the rules 🥺
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 4 years
Will you get mad at me if I ask you to answer ALL of the fanfic Day questions because I just really enjoy your writing and I want to know everything I can. ♡.♡
OMGosh Lock, lol. Nah, I’ll answer them all. Lol.
It got long, surprise surprise, so I put it all under the cut.
What is your favorite fic you have under your belt?
I mean, the all time favorite one I’ve written is It Was Only a Kiss from my Teen Wolf days because of all the emotional hurt/comfort. 
For It, I think, other than Death Is Just So Full, it has to be I Want to Hold Your Hand. It’s a preslash reddie fic that’s just so fucking soft.
What is your favorite snippet of dialogue?
I... Have such a hard time remembering what I wrote once it’s up. Lol. I’m looking over my fics rn like..? I wrote this?
The only thing that’s coming to mind is from my unfinished steddie fic, Leaning Out for Love-
It will be a cold day in hell before I fuck someone in a public bathroom, Eddie told the voice.
What inspired Fresh Raviolis?
You! Lol. Um. If I’m not mistaken, I think that was another @dysregulardyke​ helped fic. I was going to try and write some angst, and it was like. I don’t wanna write angst. I also think I just really liked the idea of Stan being the needy one. Usually it’s the other two, but like Stan always seems so solid, or at least the way I write/interpret him.
Do you prefer writing long or short fics?
So. Dijsf is actually the longest fic I’ve finished. When Leaning Out for Love is done, it will probably be longer. Historically, I have written much shorter fics, the longest coming in around 40k. It just depends on my mood. I’ve been writing a lot of short fics/drabbles lately because I don’t have the emotional energy for the bigger ones and I get bored easily. I do need to get back to that steddie though. It’s so good.
What’s your favorite headcanon you use in fics?
I’m just gonna say it. It’s. It’s unpopular. I’ve been avoiding saying it out loud to anyone but Lou. I’ve vague posted about it A LOT, but like. It is a common theme in my writing...
Richie’s parents don’t like him. They don’t get him, they think he’s weird and a freak. They don’t like that he’s queer. They just want him to be Normal.
Do I appreciate fics where Richie’s parents are loving and caring and so forth? Yes. I’ve read lots of drabbles and short fics where Went and Maggie are great parents, love him, and support him, but like. That’s not what I saw. That’s not how I took it.
Richie’s parents aren’t in the movies/miniseries. We have absolutely no idea what they are like. In the book, from what I remember, they have zero idea as to how to handle him. I know, I know that just because a parent doesn’t know how to handle their kid doesn’t mean they don’t like him, but. *shrug*
I don’t know if it’s even a favorite headcanon, it’s just one that seems to come up a lot.
What’s the detail you wait on bated breath for readers to notice?
The stuff I want people to notice is almost always stuff my first readers don’t get, so it usually gets cut. Like in dijsf, I had a part where Richie was going over stuff in his head and was like “A happened, and 2 was wrong, and c none of the above,” type something and both Lou and my other friend were like THIS MUST BE CORRECTED, and I did a sad.
How much do you like symbolism in your fics?
I don’t? I am a chaotic writer. I do not use outlines. I just write. The closest I come to outlines is making a calendar but that’s filled in as I go so I can have some idea when things happened.
How often do people catch onto your little details?
I honestly have no idea? No one mentions anything. I think sometimes I ask Lou about stuff, but like my brain is so not remembering shit right now about little details that I may have wanted people to notice.
What’s the fic you like the least?
... My most popular It fic Not Gonna Lose Me. Like I have no idea why. It’s good, it’s really good. But... I don’t like it. I almost didn’t even publish it, but both Lou and my other friend were like, it’s a solid fic, so... ??? I have no idea.
What would you change if you had it all to do again?
... i killed stan in dijsf and i felt so guilty about it i started writing Leaning Out for Love.
Like, my friend was over halfway done editing when I was like, I should- I should rewrite this. I should rewrite this so Stan lives, because I love Stan and he deserves to live.
Lou had to tell me very firmly that the fic would not have been the same if I kept Stan alive, and let me tell you, Leaning Out for Love is SOOOOOO different. It’s like literal polar opposite.
What’s a fanfic idea you haven’t done yet?
Any of the Losers as trans, nonbinary, asexual, or aromantic. There’s... thoughts that swirl around, but I hesitate. I wrote a lot of stuff like that in my Teen Wolf days, and they were good and I know helped people, but like. I don’t know. I don’t know why I can’t quite do that here. I probably will someday though.
What’s the hardest thing to write for you?
Describing what things/people look like. I have no ideas. Also sex positions?? And often emotions.
Do you have a favorite character to write for?
Eddie. Eddie spaghetti. I love Eddie so much. He’s fucking everything. Stan and Richie are close seconds though.
What’s your favorite shipping fic you’ve written? Favorite gen fic?
If we focus on It and push dijsf aside, my favorite shipping fic is probably my streddie fic We Won’t Settle for Less. The proposal scene is just... pure delight, lol. My favorite gen fic is I Want to Hold Your Hand. It’s just... So Good. So pure. Like. Just Richie and Eddie going on their first (not) date when they both only kind of know it’s a date? I don’t know. It just warm fuzzies.
Give us a snippet of something from your WiPs!
Have something from Leaning Out for Love-
Eddie smiled a little as he leaned up against a tree. He bit his lip as he looked around. He still couldn’t believe how much had and hadn’t changed in the Barrens. Stan leaned close to Eddie but didn’t touch him. Eddie grabbed his sleeve to pull him close, but Stan pulled away, shaking his head.
“No, talk to me,” Stan said.
Eddie shrugged a little. “There’s nothing to tell.”
“What? What do you want me to say? That I’m fucking terrified that I’m a disappointment? That I’m scared that you don’t actually like me? That I’ll never be good enough for this? For- For-” Eddie yelled, his voice raising with each word. He wrapped his arms around himself as he stared down at his feet. Stan didn’t say anything, just stood there watching him. “For you,” he whispered. He took a deep breath and chanced a look up at Stan who was just watching him, clearly lost for words. “Well are you going to say something?” Eddie snapped despite himself.
Stan opened his mouth and closed it. He started to reach for Eddie but stopped.
“Eddie, you’re- You don’t need to put so much pressure on yourself,” Stan said. “You’re one of the best people I know.”
Eddie huffed. “Yeah, I’m really fucking great.” He shook his head. “I live with my fucking- with fucking Sonia. I don’t even have a fucking job or savings! I’m a twenty-four year old gay man who’s most serious relationship was with a woman just like my mom!” He laughed again. “Real fucking catch.” Breathing hard, he looked down at his feet again.
“Hey!” Stan growled. He grabbed Eddie’s face roughly, his fingers digging into Eddie’s cheeks so Eddie would look up at him. “You are great. You are a catch. You are so fucking caring, and sweet, and hot. And strong.” Eddie tried to pull away, but Stan shifted, pushing him back. “You’re so fucking strong. You’re one of the strongest people I know. Yeah, life sucks right now. I get it. Mine does too. But it’s not going to suck forever.” A tear trickled down Eddie’s cheek. “It’s not going to suck forever.”
Eddie sucked in a deep breath. “I just- I don’t even know what I’m really doing here.”
“You’re doing your best,” Stan said gently. “And your best is good enough.” Eddie sighed, all the fight leaving his body, and he brought his hands up to Stan’s wrists.
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