#this might be the dumbest discourse I've seen
crowfanity · 8 months
Sorry for posting so much about Palworld but no I'm not
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anubisisms · 9 months
(Different anon) I'm hearing every side of criticism about Alice Oseman, but what confuses me is how a lot of that criticism is based on a 2017 reply. While I do believe it is important to uphold people to their words of the past, is it just possible Alice and their art just changed in the past 6 or 7 years instead of them being a hypocrite? I just Heartstopper for the first time last month so I wasn't present at the time, but has Alice said more to show growth overtime? (But I also understand the frustration of East Asian fans and authors insulted by Alice's words and how time doesn't necessarily forgive that)
Btw, the art is confirmed to have been drawn by Alice as they posted it to their Tapas, Webtoon and Tumblr accounts themselves.
Ooh, thank you for the confirmation on Alice themself posting it! I've only seen the Twitter side so I appreciate it <3
Personally, I haven't seen any recent public statements from Oseman regarding if their opinions have changed; they might well have, and I'm very pleased for them if that's the case. As far as I know, they haven't offered a retraction on anything they've said previously. They don't have their archive enabled on tumblr, so I can't check for sure whether or not that original ask about sexual content is still up. I couldn't find it after a few tag searches, so they well could have deleted it because they changed their mind. I won't make a definitive statement either way. I don't know Alice personally, so I can't say.
All we really have to go on is that they've made no (public) effort to retract their words, and they certainly seemed to lean into the 'wholesome and healthy' image Heartstopper has when the Netflix series was premiering. But again, that in itself isn't a bad thing, and I don't blame Alice for that; it's fine to cater to a certain audience! Heartstopper is wholesome and healthy! Wanting a SFW community is totally okay!!!
But the issue is less hypocrisy on Alice's part and more that they did court the SFW audience enough that it's become an established part of their brand. They did enable this kind of community to grow. And it remains ridiculous that they're being treated this way. The 'fans' doing this need to learn the concept of don't like, don't read, or just how to disengage altogether. The problem is that the audience that's been curated doesn't see even the wholesome and sweet depictions of sex in Heartstopper as acceptable. The people complaining about this want their gay men sanitised and sexless.
It's an example of the old 'leopards eating your face' political joke: if you don't want to get your face eaten by a leopard, don't vote for the Leopards Eating Faces Party. Even if it was years ago, Alice set the culture of Heartstopper's community as 'pure, clean and fluffy'. They attracted people who hold disdain for NSFW content. Tossing some NSFW content in there after so long of 'clean wholesomeness', no matter how mild, is going to set those people off like a bomb.
I just feel bad for them, honestly. There's nothing wrong with that art they posted. Even if they did make some missteps years ago, this hysteria is absurd. Whether they have changed their views or not, it sucks that they're being called horrific things, accused of crimes, and misgendered online. The people doing it need to be deactivated ASAP.
It's not so much about hypocrisy as it is the cause and effect, unfortunately. Hopefully it all blows over soon! It's the dumbest discourse I've seen in a while.
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romeoburg-archived · 1 year
hi bestie im going to bbring ruin upon the fandom. violence ask game
3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 23, 24, aannnnd 25.
and a bonus: what was the dumbest discourse you were personally involved in
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on Tumblr?
In 2020 there was this user, who I'm sure had good intentions, who was saying that shipping any Aiden ship was abusive and that shipping with Radar was pedophilia. Again, I think it was good intentions, but it was a really bad take.
4. What was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I'm really petty, I just didn't like their art style or their writing.
9. Worst part of canon?
That we didn't get to see more of Fred, and that we didn't get to see more Harper or really any other DLC or Season 1 characters who weren't the main cast. Also, as much as I'm like neutral on Ivor again, I think we should've gotten to see him more, too.
10. Worst part of fanon?
Aiden woobification. It might've died down since 2020, or I might just be really good at avoiding it. Radar infantilism is still something I see really bad. Fatphobia. Also racism is like, kind of bad in the MCSM fandom and I don't think a lot of people talk about it.
11. Number of fandom-related words you've filtered?
Finally a question I'm most suited for. If I count both filtered tags and words: 21. Honestly not as many as I was expecting.
12. The unpopular character that you actually like, and why more people should like them?
Um... Do I like any unpopular characters? I figure Romeo and Aiden are super popular... I guess if I have to get SPECIFIC, then red-suspender male Jesse. Green-suspender seems to be more popular. I just think he's neat.
15. That one thing you see in fanart all the time?
People forgetting Reuben's spots!
23. Ship you've unwillingly come around to?
None. Wulfden supremacy forever.
24. Topic that brings up the most rancid discourse?
Sanguine's breath, I was having a hard time coming up with one, and this might be old news, but Jesse pronouns discourse. Cannot believe the amount of people I used to see who would say that you couldn't use any pronouns for Jesse other than they/them. I don't have an issue with they/them Jesse, but you can't enforce your personal headcanons like they're canon.
25. Common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing?
That the fandom is dying. Maybe if people reblogged more art and stuff, and not just the joke or silly art, it wouldn't be so much.
Bonus: The dumbest discourse I've ever been personally involved in?
Once I got a callout for saying RPF was wrong. That was funny.
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strangesigils · 4 years
While your answer to the anon about that cannabis sigil to help enhance what they have been purchasing lately maybe true, it’s a bit closed off. There are many many witches who use it in their craft as I’m sure you’re aware of, and each time they partake to them it is a ritual in itself. Therefore to ask for a sigil to enhance it’s properties should be taken with more seriousness than, ‘maybe find a new dealer’. Cannabis is reverential to many people (and cultures), whether they take part in the craft or not, due to its healing abilities. With that being said not everyone has the ability to find a new dealer. Its not always as simple as that, whether it is due to the person’s locations, connections, physical or mental health, etc. In the weed witch/stoner witch/cannawitch/cannacraft community, sigil placement is widely practiced. Those of protection and enhancement being placed upon storage containers for the herb and any tools used in the partaking. They are also commonly known to be placed on rolling papers, which are then sealed with honey. That in particular is used a lot in rituals for self love, psychic enhancement, mental and physical health and many more. I would advise the anon and anyone else wanting that sigil or other ways of practice involved with it and cannabis, that there are sources here on this platform and outside platforms to help them. They should seek it out and not be dissuaded by anyone. Don’t be afraid or even think twice about creating your own sigils as a part of your craft, especially when it comes to this. They may be more powerful than any others you could find elsewhere, due to it being such a personal thing. Cannabis is a powerful resource, medicine and herb to many and deserves respect.
m8, I use weed in my practice too So yeah it’s a great resource and it’s medicine to some people with certain conditions, but it’s also very widely used as a recreational substance so you need to get over being offended by people talking about it light-heartedly
This wasn’t me giving heavy life or cultural advice, it was a casual suggestion off the top of my head in response to an equally casually phrased question. 
There is 0 need to take that ask so seriously as to drop a rant in my inbox at 2:30 am (my time, maybe not your time idk)
I’m not going to be super serious and solemn in all of my answers on every topic, so if that’s a problem for anyone then they can leave
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ask-reno · 2 years
Newest PSA? tumblr commentary ig
OOC for realsies
This probably won't get pinned but
I've seen a decent amount of chatter recently about what tumblr "is meant for" or not, so I feel the need to chime in with my perspective.
I don't care if you Reblog me. I don't care if your blog has zero posts and you're just reading what I write with no input whatsoever.
What you do on any social media platform is YOUR prerogative and it's not your job to push any content agenda if you just want to sit back and Like the content you enjoy reading. You should use tumblr however YOU want to use tumblr, and don't ever let anyone make you feel bad about how you use your blog, because this is your space as much as it's anyone else's.
I use Likes as a means of keeping track of stuff I might want to return to later. I almost never Reblog content unless it's directly related to what I'm posting. I do have other blogs where I Reblog to forward content, but those are separate and specific-use blogs.
If you want to participate in spreading content then sure, Reblog and Tag and go for it all you want. But I'm honestly sick of seeing all this condescending BS like other tumblr users are somehow falling short by not doing the same thing you're doing. That's petty and stupid, not to mention pretty creepy-level controlling. My tumblr is not your tumblr and it's not anyone's business what someone does with their blog.
So this is a shout-out to all my followers who have zero posts on their blogs. You do you. KEEP doing you and don't listen to the haters. Because there will ALWAYS be someone online trying to tell you what you're ~doing wrong~.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but it's legit the dumbest discourse I've seen around here so far so I couldn't hold my tongue.
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bondsmagii · 3 years
kinda about the whole therapy thing in a way, but man, the way people treat the spiral in TMA drives me fucking nuts. Some people seem to forget how terrifying it is to have a mental illness sometimes? like the worst of it are the moments of lucidity where you realise you are lost in it. And while I love Michael and spiral, but sometimes the way people treat it as like """weird core""" or make genuine despair into an aesthetic rubs me the wrong way. Anyway maybe I'm just too mentally ill to chill about it idk
some of the dumbest takes I've seen have been re: the Spiral and Michael in particular. like. holy shit. you have to laugh :) <- me saying this through sheer rage
I think many people misinterpret the Fears in general to be honest, but some of them get it worse than others. a lot of people seem to think that the Spiral is kind of wacky fun times and don't really appreciate how insidious it is; nor do they seem to respect the fact that out of all of them, the Spiral is probably one of the more tangible ones that exists pretty closely to real life. of course all the Fears are rooted in actual fears/phobias, but a lot of the manifestations in the podcast are very extreme. the Spiral has a lot that can literally Just Happen, and probably has to many listeners. losing one's own mind is a fear that many have, and it's also something that statistically a lot of people will have to face. and that's not even counting the people who, while they might not experience it first hand, will have a loved one who does.
I will say, however, while I'm on my high horse, that the discourse about it being ableist to draw Michael in bright colours is absolutely fucking insane. it makes me laugh so much because I myself am absolutely balls to the wall insane, and the common depiction of Michael is exactly how I dress. I love seeing people be like "mentally ill people would NEVER dress like this because it ENCOURAGES THE BELIEF WE'RE ALL WACKY AND SILLY" and there I am, in at least four clashing patterns and brighter than the sun, like "relax" lmao. it's like what I was saying earlier in the therapy discussion: as soon as you start putting things into boxes, there immediately becomes a "right" way and a "wrong" way to do things. in this case, people are literally stating there's a "wrong" way to be insane, which is just about the stupidest thing I can imagine.
finally, because I'm apparently Bad Mentally Ill Rep all over, I'm of a mixed opinion about romanticising/aestheticising mental illness/despair/etc. I find it in poor taste and very disrespectful if it comes from somebody without these issues, who looks at genuine human suffering and thinks it can just be an aesthetic to try on or imitate. however, if somebody is actually suffering with these issues themselves, I think they should be able to do what they want with it. whatever works for them, you know? I know that romanticising/aestheticising things has been the one thing to get me through some really tough times in the past, and if I didn't have my self-depreciating humour, I would really struggle with the bullshit I have to deal with daily. I respect if it's not for other people, but it works for me. this is yet another reason why these vast generalisations are overall a bad idea: how many people who might have benefited from these techniques will not allow themselves to do it because they've internalised the idea that it's somehow inherently harmful? what works for some people doesn't work for others, but these generalisations seem to chronically forget that.
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daz4i · 4 years
yknow I've seen a lot of shit on this site but i still think the ace discourse is one of the dumbest things that happened here (at least considering how big its gotten). so this is another reminder for any exclusionist who might still be following me to block me bc i hate you, personally, and don't want you interacting with my posts. goodbye
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imagibunny · 2 years
bunny, you've run around discourse circles a bit. what'd the dumbest bit you've run into (not bait i promise, i just saw some dumb shit on twitter and thought you might out dumb me)
man. i've seen a lot of people putting on clown wigs and saying whatever over the years but top tier would either be the 'nblm dni' bullshit or the tr*nsandr*ph*bia stuff
in both cases i was violently harassed and for the latter someone decided to be smart and send me my ip, resulting in me giving up my old url and jumping aesthetics to try and make a clean break
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