#this night i'll possess your corpse
classichorrorblog · 7 months
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This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse (1967)
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explicette · 4 months
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weirdlookindog · 6 months
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Esta Noite Encarnarei no Teu Cadáver (1967)
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moviesycho · 1 year
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every movie I’ve watched in 2023 [16/?]:
ESTA NOITE ENCARNAREI NO TEU CADÁVER (1967) "This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse" directed by José Mojica Marins
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horrororman · 6 months
🪓More #Horror films that were released on March 13th...
#TheGhostofFrankenstein 1942.
#ThisNightIllPossessYourCorpse 1967(Brazil).
#TheFunhouse 1981.
#Witchboard 1987.
#HighwaytoHell 1992(US).
#TheLastHouseontheLeft 2009.
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fitsofgloom · 2 years
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"Oh, and one last favor. If you pass by Heaven, give my regards to the angels. But if you end up in Hell, give my address to the Devil."
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Halloween Movie Night: This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse | Directed by José Mojica Marins (1967)
Following the events of the At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul, Zé do Caixão (Coffin Joe) continues his bizarre and disturbing quest to achieve immortality... and his methods have only gotten more sadistic!
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darkbluekies · 2 years
Cat & Mouse
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Mafia!yandere x fem reader x female!mafia!yandere
Summary: Jerry decides to take you from her rival, and Silas decides to take you back, creating a cat and mouse game where you're nothing more than a prize in their game.
Warnings: kidnapping, cutting, arson, knives, possessive behaviors, obsessive behavior, corpses, yandere, car crashes, mentions of broken bones, rope, bruises, guns, choking
Word count: 5.3k
[I wrote this a year ago, so I apologize if it's not as good! This was originally written in 3d person and Jerrys character was a man, so please excuse the errors I couldn't see during editing!!]
Jerry is humming for herself as she makes her way through Silas’s house. It’s in the middle of the night and she can’t sleep. Why not bother her rival? She struts around, looking for her dear rival. The men in his house are dead, Jerry’s men have made sure of that. Jerry walks upstairs. 
“Silas~”, she sings, spinning the gun on her fingers. “Where are you?”
No answer. 
“He doesn’t seem to be home, ma’am”, one of Jerry’s men says. "Must be out on a mission."
Jerry opens Silas’s bedroom door and walks in. She turns on the lamp, looking at the bed. There is someone lying in the bed, but it’s not the man Jerry’s searching for. It’s a woman tied to the bedpost. 
“Oh?” Jerry says in shock. 
She walks over to the girl, sitting down on the bed beside her. She meets your terrified eyes. Jerry lets her eyes wander over your body. You’re not visibly hurt which means that Silas must be fond of you. And for the situation you appear to be in, you’re not very fond of him. Bingo. Jerry needs to take you.
"W-Who are you?" you cry out.
Jerry can't help but think it sounds beautiful. Normally, she finds girls in fear annoying, but there's something mesmerizing about you.
“Be quiet”, Jerry says. “I’m going to untie you and you’re going to come with me. I’ll help you away from here.”
“D-Do you promise?”
“Yes. I’ll help you away from this bad man. You'll never see him again.”
She’ll make sure Silas never sees his precious little prisoner again. She unties you and helps you stand, holding her hand on your back, pushing you with her. Jerry’s worker looks at her with a weird glance in his eyes. Jerry sends him a stern gaze before directing her eyes down to you.
"Come with me quietly", she says, taking out her gun. "I don't know if there are any guards still alive. We don't need to get them here. I need you alive."
You grab  her arm, not wanting your savior to leave you. Jerry looks down at your hand in confusion before meeting your scared eyes. Her brain goes blank before she grabs your hand in hers and starts walking. Her heart jumps.
You make your way out to the car. Jerry helps you into the backseat. She sits down beside you, gun still in his hand. The man in the driver's seat starts the engine.
"Where are we going?" you ask weakly. "Can I go home?"
"You can't go home", Jerry says, tilting her head to the side with a smirk. "Two reasons. I need you to piss Silas off and you're kinda cute. I don't know if I want to let you go home."
You suddenly realize that who you just saw as a savior doesn't seem to be a hero after all. What if she's another villain?
Jerry cuts you off. "Just rest. It's in the middle of the night. I'll wake you up when we get home. What's your name?"
"I don't feel comfortable telling you…"
Jerry puts the gun to your throat.
"Cute name. I'm Jerry."
The car stops outside a house. It's different from Silas’. You can’t tell how though, it just different.
"Get out", Jerry says.
You do as she says, too scared to do anything else. The voice in your head is screaming at you to run, but you can’t. She’s right behind you with the gun in her hand. She leads you into her house, gun visible. 
“Stand still, Y/N”, Jerry says and goes to get a knife. “I’m going to do something.”
“PLease don’t hurt me!” you beg. 
“I’m not going to hurt you … a lot.”
Her men hold you still as she cuts a quick cut on your cheek. You scream in both pain and shock. The woman cleans the blood on her black clothes. 
"Come here", she says, bringing you into his arms. "Don't worry about that evil man. I'm here now."
Jerry takes you up to the bedroom and runs her hand through her shoulder length black hair. 
“I’m not going to tie you to the bed or lock the door”, Jerry says. “But I’d advise you to stay here. I can’t guarantee what you’ll see if you leave.”
“Let me go home”, you plead.
“Let’s compromise. If you go to sleep and actually sleep for the rest of the night, I’ll answer every question you have tomorrow. Good enough? Nothing is going to hurt you as long as you stay in this room. I promise you that.”
“Alright …”
What other choice do you have? You don't want to get hurt. You need to be healthy and alert if you want to be able to run and fight back. Jerry fixes the bed for you and watches how you lay down. To your surprise, she tucks you in before leaving the room. Right on time, her phone rings. She can see Silas’s name pop up on the screen. 
“Silas”, she says. 
“Why are you always messing around with my fucking stuff?!” Silas groans. 
“Because it’s fun, old man.”
“Where is she?”
Jerry knows damn well who he’s talking about, but hearing the frustrated hisses from him is all he wants.
“The woman”, Silas says. “The woman that was sleeping in my bed.”
“I wouldn’t say that she was sleeping. She was more or less crying.”
“Stop fucking doing that! Where is she?!”
“With me of course.”
“Why can’t you just leave her alone? Why do you have to mess with me all the time?”
“I told you … I think it’s funny.”
“You’re so immature. Give me my lady back. She literally doesn’t have anything to do with our business. Let’s keep it professional. For real.”
“Why would I? If you need to have her tied to the bedpost I’d say that she’s better off here.”
“It wouldn’t be forever! Just until she learned to trust me!”
Jerry laughs. “That’s so tragic, man.”
“Give her back. Let me have one thing for myself.”
“She’s so cute though. I don’t think I can let you take her.”
“Stop. Seriously.”
“Such a beautiful woman…”
“Jerry, I’m telling you, leave her alone. She’s mine.”
“Not anymore.”
Jerry smiles and hangs up, stretching her neck. 
After a night of barely sleeping, you wake up, seeing Jerry sleeping beside you. Your eyes linger on her for a while. She’s wearing a black bra and the tattoos on her shoulders and arms look too harsh for the face that now is turned towards you. She looks sweet, not like last night. You sit up, rubbing your eyes. Jerry is indeed sleeping. Could you try to get out of this house? You carefully get out of the bed and walk over to the door opening it. Right outside lies the body of a girl, a girl you recognize all too well. Someone you wished to see again. You let out a screeching scream that wakes the sleeping woman.
"I did say I wouldn't be able to guarantee what you'd see if you tried to leave the room", she yawns from the bed, stretching her body.
"W-What have you done?!"
"Isn't it pretty obvious?"
You put your hand over your mouth, too shocked to even cry. Jerry drags herself up from the bed, over to you. She walks up behind your stunned figure and wraps her tattooed arms around your waist, locking her hands in place before resting her chin on your shoulder. She’s warm and puffy from sleeping and her bare skin feels too warm for her ice cold heart.
"That stupid bitch Silas thinks he can have you", she scoffs with a small smirk, voice raspy from the lack of talking during her sleep. "No, he can't. I like watching him struggle. And I don't want to be alone again. You're going to stay with me."
You rip her arms off of you and jump over the dead body. You start to run before Jerry can stop you.
"I'm too tired to play!" Jerry groans, but sets off after you.
She doesn't even try catching up with you. She knows he doesn't need to. Every door and window in this house is locked. You stop after trying to open every door you pass.
"Poor thing, did you think I left doors unlocked like Silas? I'm not that stupid. I'm not unlocking them until I trust you", she cooes, pulling you to her chest. "Let's go eat something."
She lets go of you and starts walking downstairs. You look at her matching underwear, appalled that she was sleeping like that right next to you. You feel a couple more doors, all are locked.
"No use, Y/N", Jerry smirks over her shoulder.
“How do you know Silas?”
"Me and Silas aren’t friends. We kind of were, but not anymore. I used to be his right hand man, but quit. I can’t stand that bitch. He seems to have gotten fond of you and I had to take you. Out of spite."
"So can you let me go home? You don't want me-"
"I think I will be interested in you, pretty thing, so no. I can't let you go. And I told you that I didn’t want to be alone again! Never again.”
You decide to keep silent from now on as a protest. Jerry makes a simple meal and gives you one plate. You look away. 
“Eat. I’m not telling you twice”, she warns. 
You shake your head.
“I haven’t put anything in it for fuck sake, if that’s why you’re so hesitant”, he sighs. “I could do it, but not without a reason.”
She starts to feed you when you refuse once again. 
After breakfast, she takes you to the bedroom again. The body is still lying outside the door, but she covers your eyes and nose and closes the door behind you. 
“I have some business today”, she says, placing you down on the bed. “You will be alone until night time. I want you to tell the man downstairs when you’re hungry and I want you to behave and not cause any trouble. Can you do that for me?”
You only find yourself nodding. 
“You can walk around in the house how much you want, you can watch TV. That's it. Got it?”
You nod.
“Good girl. I’ll be back later!” Jerry smiles, walking out. “I’ll remove the body, I promise!”
Only a few minutes later, all you can hear is silence. 
When your stomach is rumbling, you walk downstairs. No man can be seen. 
“Hello?” you say hesitantly. “Hello?”
“Yeah?” the man says and comes out of a room by the living room. 
“Jerry told me to tell you when I got hungry…”
“I’ll make you something. Go up and wait until I call for you.”
“Can I watch TV?”
“Go ahead.”
You walk into the living room and sit down on the couch, turning on the TV with a remote. After not being able to sleep for a few nights, you feel like a walking zombie. You fall asleep while watching TV, waiting for your meal. 
While you’re sleeping, the front door gets unlocked and a familiar face walks in, hiding the gun in his belt. His men kill the cooking man quickly and quietly to avoid any drama.
“I’ll go find her”, Silas says. 
“The TV is on”, one of his men says, listening closely. “Look there. I’ll go to the bedroom.”
Silas nods. He walks into the living room, seeing his darling sleeping on the couch with a blanket over your body. His heart melts upon seeing the sight. He walks up to you and  crouches down by your face, caressing your cheek. You open your eyes. 
“Y/N …”, he says with a voice full of regret. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have gone on that damn mission, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you alone.”
“S-Silas?!” you stutter, quickly trying to get away from him. 
“Shh, shh, it’s alright, come here, let’s go home now. Everything will be okay.” 
He traces the cut on her cheek with a hiss. 
"I'll kill her."
He starts pulling you into his arms and lifts you up. You start to panic. He might save you from Jerry, but he’s no better himself.
“Let me go!” you shout. 
“Shh, it’s alright, I’ll save you from this bad man. I'm so sorry I didn't come earlier, I could have prevented you from getting hurt. Jerry’s a madwoman, it wouldn’t surprise me if she hurt you to make me mad. ”
He picks you up and walks with you out to his car, placing you down in the backseat. You hug yourself and feel how you’re shaking. This can’t be happening!
“I’m here for you”, he says, hanging his jacket over your shoulders. “It’s alright now, my love.”
You stay quiet. You should be happy that you’re out of Jerry’s claws …  only problem is that you’re now back in Silas’s. 
The car stops outside his house. He walks around the car and opens your door. 
“Come, let’s go inside”, he smiles. “You’re safe now. With me. You must be hungry. Are you?”
You nod slightly. Silas smiles and brings you inside. 
“If you want, you can take a shower while I cook food and then we’ll eat together. Does that sound good?
You nod almost unnoticeably. He leads you to the bathroom and gives you a towel and clothes.
“All clothes I’ve gotten for you are soft, made of cotton, satin or that fluffy teddy bear material and my laundry detergent are allergy free”, he says. “I don’t think any of the clothes will give you any discomfort. The shampoo, soap and conditioner are also allergy free and skin friendly. I have moisturizing cream in the cabinet in case you want some. It’s all yours.”
He gives you a little pile of a nightgown, cardigan, socks and underwear. He puts the towel by the sink. He walks out. You close the door, locking the door. While you remove your clothes and step into the shower you can only think of the last few days and how bizarre they’ve been. 
Afterwards, you walk downstairs, looking at Silas’s back as he stands by the stove. He turns around, looking at you with a smile. 
“I thought I felt someone staring at me”, he says. “You look beautiful, baby. The lunch is done, let’s eat.”
You sit down by the table. Silas puts a pink plaster over the cut Jerry’s  done. You poke the food with the fork, not feeling hungry anymore. You were hungry before you got kidnapped back to Silas’s place. Now, you just feel nauseous. 
“Aren’t you hungry?” Silas asks with a frown. 
“I don’t know …”, you say quietly. “Sorry…”
“Don’t be, sweetheart. Whatever damage Jerry has done to you, I will heal. I will take care of you.”
“Please don’t tie me again …”
“I won’t. If you promise me you will give me a chance.”
“Alright …”
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The very next day, Silas takes you on a mission, refusing to let you get out of his sight again. When you come back however, something seems to be wrong. The house is on fire and two of Silas’s now dead men are hung on the wall by the front door. Silas hurries to turn you around before you see too much. One of his men who has gathered outside the burning villa gives him a bloody note. 
“How are you going to take care of Y/N when you don’t have a house, huh?”
Silas turns around, looking at you who look more than terrified. He clenches his jaw.
“We need to move her. Now”, he says in stress and calls two of his men over. “You two, drive Y/N to the secret base. She has to stay there for a moment.”
He hugs you tightly. You can feel his hammering heart against your chest 
“I’ll go kill Jerry and then I’ll come for you. She can’t have gone far. I’ll come soon, I promise. I love you so much, baby.”
The two men take you to the car to drive you away to the safe place. 
Jerry knows you’re in that black car that drives on the empty road. And she knows what to do with it. Crash it. Not a chance she’ll let it reach its destination. To him. She tells her men to crash the other car, but make sure not to kill anyone. She’ll kill the chauffeurs alone and bring you back to safety. The car Jerry’s men are in crashes into Silas’s, making it come to an abrupt halt. Jerry runs out of her car — doesn’t even close the door behind her— over to the destroyed one. You’re lying in the backseat with blood running from your mouth, nose and hair, eyes barely open. The very sight makes Jerry’s heart ache. She pulls you out and holds you in hernarms. You whimper out a broken sob, moaning in pain. 
“Shh, don’t cry”, Jerry whispers. “It’ll be over soon.”
She holds you gently in her arms as she walks back to her car. You’re crying loudly from fear, shock and pain, moaning painfully from every step Jerry takes. It reminds her of a baby that hurt themselves. But this is not a baby overreacting from walking into a wall, this is a real scenario of a broken girl in a car crash.
“Shh, shh”, she hushes, kissing your forehead. 
Jerry sits down in the backseat with you in her lap, putting a blanket over you. You cling onto her, crying heavily. Her heart flutters. You’re searching for safety in her.
“Do you think you have any broken bones, Y/N?” she asks. 
“I-I d-don’t k-know!” you sob loudly.
The drivers look at each other. 
“I have you, baby. You’re okay”, Jerry whispers. “Try to relax. Can you do that for me?”
“M-Mhm”, Y/N sobs. 
“Good girl. My best girl.” 
You meet her dark eyes. She can see the pain you’re in, it’s exposing you. She kisses your bloody forehead.
“I’ll take the pain away”, she promises. “Just hold on a little, baby. You’re so strong, I’m so, so, so proud of you.”
She holds you in her grip all the way to her house. Jerry carries you inside, changes your clothes, wipes the blood off your face and washes your hair. She gently removes your clothes, seeing the bruised mess underneath. 
“Everything hurts!” you almost scream as she pulls one of her t-shirts over your head and moves her arms to get in the arm-holes.
“Shh, I know, I know”, Jerry cooes before placing you down on his bed, tucking you in. 
“Why did you do this to me?” you asks weakly. 
“I had to risk it to get you back. I’ll take away the pain. I promise. I’ll take good care of you. Can you try to move your body? We have to make sure nothing’s broken.”
You wiggle your fingers, lift your legs and arms, turning your head. Nothing’s broken, only badly hurt and bruised. Jerry sighs out in relief. She knew what she was doing, but the small risk of anything unplanned happening was always there. 
Her phone rings and when she sees the name, she smiles sadistically. 
“I’ll go get you some painkillers”, Jerry says and leaves the room. As soon as she does, he picks up the call. “Hello, Silas.”
“What the fuck have you done?!” he shouts on the other side. “First, you burn down my fucking house and kill two of my guards and now the car is wrecked and the drivers are killed! What have you done to Y/N?! Don’t you realize how badly you could have hurt her?! Are you fucking insane?!”
“She’s a little manhandled, but she’ll be fine. She’s strong. I’ll take care of her very well and make sure she heals right.”
“You’re risking Y/N’s life! You’re playing with her as if she was some toy! She can die!”
“I know what I’m doing, old man. Loosen up. I don’t like seeing Y/N in pain, but I’ll do anything to get her away from you. And you should see how dependent she is on me when she’s hurt. You wish it was you, don’t you?”
“You’re a damn parasite, Jerry! Let me talk to her.”
“I need to see so you haven’t fucking killed her!”
“Fine. Two minutes.”
Jerry walks inside the bedroom again, putting on the speaker, giving you the phone.
“Hello …?” you whispers quietly. 
“Y/N, oh, my … darling, are you hurt?” Silas asks worriedly. 
“Everything is hurting …”
“I’m sorry, once again I fucked up, I‘m sorry! I shouldn’t leave you alone. You know I would never do that to you, right? I’d never hurt you.”
“Hey, don’t manipulate her like that!” Jerry scoffs, taking the phone. “You’re worse than me.”
“I’m not trying to manipulate her! I’m telling the truth!”
Y/N whines out a broken sob. Their loud, upset voices make her head pound heavily. 
“Shh, it’s alright, baby girl”, Jerry cooes, caressing her cheek. “I’ll go get that painkiller now, I promise.”
She walks outside the room. 
“I’ll never forgive you if you give Y/N forever damage, do you hear me, Jerry?” Silas says. 
“If you don’t want her in every condition she comes in, I’ll gladly take her. I’ll love her however she is.”
“I will too, but if she’s suffering, I’ll kill you!”
“Try. I dare you. While you plan it out, I’ll be with Y/N.”
Jerry smirks and hangs up, going to the bathroom to get the painkiller. She walks back with the little pill and a glass of water. You tries to sit up, but moan in pain. 
“No, no, I’ll help you”, Jerry says. “Don’t move.”
She helps you up in a half sitting, half lying position with a big pillow behind your back. She holds the glass and pill to your mouth. Thankfully, your neck wasn’t very badly injured so you can swallow it yourself. 
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Silas pulls the knife out of the man’s chest, exhaling shakily. He’s never felt this type of anger. He imagines that the near dead man under him is Jerry. You’re lying in her bed, hurt beyond infinity and he can’t do anything about it. Silas lets out a loud, animalistic roar before dumping the body down in the water. He sits down on the sand and starts to cry into his hands. He neither has have a home or the person that matters to him the most. Jerry is two steps before him and he has to think quickly if he wants to win. 
I have to do something. I have to hurry. 
Silas has to get a new house and a new plan. The house is the most important at the moment. He has to have a safe place for you when he rescues you. The base isn't a good place, it's not safe. He doesn’t have much time.
“I’m going to kill you, Jerry, and I’m going to enjoy it”, Silas says before standing up. 
One of his men is quick to find a new house for Silas. He likes it, but there’s a lot to fix before you come back. His men have to take care of that. Silas has another thing to do: to get you back. He thinks about how to do it. No way he'll do what Jerry did. He'll never scare or hurt his love. He is way too mature for that.
"Jerry is violent, but she's dumb", Silas tells one of his men. "She is in that age where she thinks she's untouchable. She's never on her guard.”
“We'll get her back, boss."
"Yeah, we will."
The pain is eating you up from the inside. You want to scream, but you’re too exhausted to do that. Jerry is downstairs today and you’re all alone in the room. The silence is just what you need. There are guards right outside the door, ready to attack in case Silas appears. They have one objective: to protect you at all costs. 
All you are doing is lay in that bed, day after day. When Jerry isn’t home, you watch TV, listen to music or sleep. You’re exhausted. Getting kidnapped back and forth is tearing you physically, mentally and and emotionally. You can’t take it anymore. Jerry was willing to crash a car to get you. What more is she prepared to do? 
Silas makes his way through the house, finding Jerry by the bedroom door. Silas’ men take her by surprise and hold her still as Silas makes his way into the bedroom, over to the bed. Jerry should have known. The sound she heard earlier was footsteps, she should have known!
"Don't you fucking touch her, you sons of bitches!" Jerry shouts angrily, trying to get out of the grip the guards are holding her in. One of them holds their arm around her neck in a chokehold. "Let me go, you fucking idiots!"
She almost doesn't sound human, more like a demon. The fear of Silas taking you away makes her adrenaline pump through his veins. 
“That you can use those kinds of words in front of Y/N is just disgusting”, the older man says. “You really are horrible.”
You whimper out a sob, a single tear running down your cheek as you watch Silas get closer. He looks heartbroken to see you in this condition. You look like you’re on the edge of seeing death. 
"Don't be scared", Silas says gently. "I got you."
You think about all the times you had to get manually moved to the toilet to empty yourself and how badly that hurt. You can’t get moved again. 
"Don't move me … please", you whisper.
"What?" Silas asks. Please tell him he heard wrong. That can’t have come out of your mouth. 
"Please don't move me … it hurts so much."
"You heard her!" Jerry almost shouts, fighting against the guards. "Leave her alone!"
"Y/N’s opinion doesn't really matter now", the older one says, standing up. "She doesn't understand what's best for her. I'll take care of her even better than you do."
He bends down to pick her up.
"No, no, no, no, please-", you whine.
"Shh, it'll only hurt for a little while, I promise. Then everything will be good again."
"No, please…"
"Why don't you listen to her?!" Jerry spits. 
You let out a moan of pain as you get lifted off the bed.
“Stop, Silas, for real!” Jerry panics. “She wishes to stay! You can't do that to her!”
You have never seen her like this. She actually looks — and sounds — terrified. She doesn’t look like the cruel woman who wears an iconic smirk … for once she resembles a real human.
“I can do whatever I want. Shut her up, she’s too loud”, Silas says and walks out of the room with you in his arms. 
“D-Don’t kill her”, you manage to get out. 
It’ll all be your fault if Jerry loses her life.
“I wasn't going to kill him!” Silas hurries to say. Clearly lying.
“Let me down, it hurts too much!”
"I'm so sorry. We're soon in the car, I promise."
He carries you out to the car and places you down in the backseat with your head in his lap. You start to cry as the car drives. The small jerking, rocking motion makes every muscle in your body ache. You’re deadly afraid that Jerry will crash this car too. You won’t survive another attack. Silas wipes your tears. God, his heart is aching. How could Jerry do this?
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A week goes by. By now, you can walk normally, it’s only in the mornings and evenings you feel the pain in your body. Today though, a weird feeling has entered your body and won’t go away. Something will happen, you can feel it.  It's been too peaceful for too long.
“Let’s bake something”, Silas says. “Let’s bake … a cake! You deserve a cake for being such a good girl even though Jerry broke your body.”
They walk down to the kitchen and prepare everything, taking out the eggs, milk, sugar, flour and what more they need. 
“Are you ready?” Silas asks, holding up his phone for the recipe. “Let’s go.”
You start pouring in the different ingredients in the bowl and stir. 
They take the cake out of the oven thirty minutes later. A wonderful scent has spread throughout the house. You smother the purplle vanilla cream over the cake, looking at the pretty color. You’re all in your own world.
 Suddenly, she hears some weird sound. Silas frowns, looking behind him. Jerry and five of her men enter the kitchen with guns in their hands, directed at them. 
“How nice to meet you again, Silas”, she smirks and looks at Y/N. “Hello, baby. You don’t have any bruises left. You’re still pretty.”
“Leave”, Silas growls. “Leave us alone.”
“I’m going to leave, but I have to bring my baby home first. I let you have her, I was generous. But now it’s time for her to come home. And I’m going to have her. You care about your men, don’t you? I will kill them one by one until you give Y/N to me voluntarily.”
She shoots one of the men to show that she’s serious and that she’s willing to  kill more. You force your scream to silence as you watch the man fall down, blood covering his corpse. You start to shake as tears fall down your cheeks. 
“One down”, Jerry says, tilting her head. “If you don't want more of your men to get a first class ticket to Hell, Silas, leave the room. Now.”
Silas sighs heavily, gives you a defeated kiss on your cheek before passing Jerry in the door.
“I will get her back, you know that”, he says. “I’m only letting you get her because I know you’ll do something insane that’ll scar her for life or give her even more bruises. Look at her, you’ve already done enough.”
“You’re right, I’d do something worse. Don’t worry though, I’ll take care of her, like I always do.”
Jerry walks over to the scared girl by the cake, collecting some purple icing on her finger, tasting it. Her gun is still in her hand, resting on the kitchen aisle. Your gaze is stuck on it as the tears fall down, shoulders shaking worse than before. 
"It's good, you're a good baker", Jerry smiles. “Look at me.”
You  force her eyes to meet hers. 
“You’re going to come with me now, won’t you?” she asks. 
You don’t answer. 
“Y/N, I’m going to shoot one of Silas’s men for every minute you refuse to come with me.”
“Please don’t …”
“I’m not kidding.”
“Okay, okay, okay, fine, I’ll come.”
“Good girl..”
Jerry takes your hand, giving it a kiss. You have to walk over the dead body to get out of the kitchen. The smell of fresh blood is making your head and stomach  spin. Jerry brings you with her out of the house, just in time for you to duck into a bush and throw up. 
“Ah, poor baby”, she says worriedly, holding up your hair. “You’re not used to death. It’ll be fine.”
She helps you to the car. Your gut had been right. It had been too calm for too long. 
Am I just a ragdoll for them to pull apart as they please? you think. I can’t deal with this anymore. 
But you have no other choice.
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trulyumai · 5 months
Oh, Mr mosses (Series!) V
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Synopsis: You were fine with the job, the steps were easy enough but the secret  of the D.D.D was getting harder and harder to contain. Each night a new entity would enter the building, each with its own horrific look and intentions. Just as you debate on leaving, a new resident has entered the premises; Francis Mosses who is absolutely entranced by your being. Now, his Mimic has taken a liking to you too.
Will you be as smitten of them as they are of you? Only time will tell.
Author Note: Hello everyone, a bit longer of a chapter but thats okay! After Thursday I will be final free! Which means I'll have more time for writing and answering requests, thank you for your patience! <3
Warnings: Blood, Obsessive/Possessive behavior, Stalking, Talk about Death, Mutilation.
Also available on AO3!
Taglist: @tfamidoingwithmylife @mariaflor873 @fandomfeind @greycloudsy @skully-skeleton-bone0106 @im-here-for-the-fun-of-it @the-tiger-lover78 @itoshilvr @wilddreamer98 (Let me know if you want to be added!)
God, even the way she laid there, limp against the office wall was everything to him. 
Biting down on 28 only crunches and squelches echoed through the room, the said man laid in pieces by his feet. 
He casually sat there in her squeaky chair, munching on a limb like it was normal; an everyday hobby. 
Humming a familiar tune he threw the rest of the arm past him, somewhere towards the cabinets, he had to guess. 
With his feet on the desk he sighed. 
Soon the D.D.D would learn of his presence, his safety would be at risk and his little toy would be in even more danger than she already was. 
Maybe he would take her, hide her away to be his little wife. That is what they’re called, aren’t they?
First things first; he had to dispose of the replica. 
Clicking his teeth he scratched his nails on the wood beside him. 
That fucking fool. A useless mirror image he copied. 
He had to learn everything about the man before taking his face; starting with his job, his hobbies, his routes, down to the fucking shampoo he preferred. Until it got to his favorite area, the most recent addition in his life; the pretty receptionist. 
He knew it would be so easy to manipulate the woman. Her mind was so weak compared to him, with just a tad bit of bending (Mentally and a bit physically), he molded her perfectly for him. 
Enough to not only get access to the building, but to her as well. 
She groaned as she laid there, she must be having a nightmare. He hoped it involved him, with some image of the mimic biting chunks out or flesh, kissing them as he went on.  Holding back a grin he decided to move her, before someone else were to poke their nose in the already bloodied business of theirs. He pulled her up until she reached his chest and eyed the old corroded clipboard by the door. 
Going down the list of names he got to her; room 24 Level 2.
Stepping through the red he rubbed his feet on 28’s corpse, letting the leftover blood dry on his once white, button up. We wouldn’t want a little trail now would we? 
Clicking the green button he passed 28 once more, whistling lowly as the elevator pushed its doors open with a groan. 
Stepping in his clawed finger pressed the second button on the wall, watched as the doors came together with a satisfying thunk. 
Belly satiated and full, he looked down at the woman in his arms, her head was lolled to the side, leaning firmly on his chest. Grinning wide he bent towards her, pressing a sloppy, bloody kiss to her forehead, cheek and nose. 
The box dinged once again, the doors slid open loudly to indicate their arrival to her floor. 
Walking through the corridor, he read the numbers idly 
10, 12, 14, 
A turn left 
16, 18, 20- 
A creek escaped, some neighbor had opened their door, just up ahead.
It was that rich suited prick. 
“Ah! Francis, lovely to- is that the receptionist?” His grin was hesitant, eying the girl with bloody marks on her face. 
He could kill him now, but it would be more of a mess to deal with, he doubted he could hide another body from the D.D.D.
Mustering up a smile, his sharp teeth gritted together.
“She’s ah, not feeling well,” attempting to move past the pompous man and walk towards her door just steps away, the man stopped them once more and put a hand out for extra measure. 
Growling he slowly turned, met the eyes of the man once more. 
“Do we have a problem,” he gritted, claws digging into the poor girl below him. 
“Well- ah, tell her to visit me when she feels up to it,” 
He put his hand back at his side, rubbing his fingers idly. 
“I have a job opportunity for her, you see!” 
Not bothering to waste anymore time, he pressed on to her room. Ignoring the suited man's stares as he clicked her key into place, shoving them both inside before slamming the door. 
“Fucking prick.” He muttered. 
But now he was all alone, could touch and prod at the girl with no interruptions. 
Looking around he noticed the apartment was tidy; everything had a place, plants sat by the darkened windowsill and beside them, a full bookcase was laid about. Her kitchen was spotless, only a few decorative items littered the counters while the sink was, of course, empty. 
Holding her up with one hand he scratched at his gums, pieces of bone were starting to prod against his teeth, becoming more annoying than painful. 
Looking for her bedroom he propped open a door with his shoulder, and with a thump, dumped her unceremoniously on the mattress. 
It was then, he realized. 
“Oh fuck.” 
Bolting angrily back towards the door, the hallway and elevator as fast as he could, he bit down on his annoyingly human cheek; hard. 
He left the elevator unlocked. 
Any other mimic could come through freely and he really couldn’t have that. 
Another competition for his food? Yeah no, fuck that. He hated how territorial his kind was, made everything a pain in the ass to retrieve and made survival even more strenuous. 
It’s why he found himself here; In this little rundown apartment, with surprisingly good security. 
Being denied and caught over and over made everything so much more satisfying, because he knew that if he waited- stuck around for the right moment, he’d get in. 
Watched plenty of his kind die too, before deciding to take a shape of his own, and finally, making his way to the pretty and gullible receptionist. 
Mashing the first floor button he clawed at his face, light red marks dented down with each press of his fingers. 
Ironically enough, he’s the one that has to distinguish between what’s real and fake now.
Waiting for the elevator he growled.
“What a pain in the ass.” 
The milkman was tired. Getting in, absolutely no one was there to check his ID, and he wondered if the receptionist was okay (Yet again). It seemed that lately, that’s all he could think about. Her health, the way she smiled, her pretty hands.
 Not once had she missed any of her shifts, and although he had only been there for a short time, he would always hear from the neighbors how dutiful she was. 
Come sickness, fatigue, anything, she would be there. 
Walking past the office, his fingers shook cautiously by his sides. 
Enough was enough, he would talk to her, he couldn’t avoid her forever and his little, “crush,” wasn’t going away anytime soon. 
So with a long intake of air. He pressed her floor number. 
It was now or never. 
The doors closed, and the travel up began. 
Floor 2
With his head pointed downwards he heard the doors sliding open before walking forward, passing a quick figure to his left. Not bothering to greet them he kept his head down.
The anxiety was getting to him and wait- he didn’t even know what room she was in! 
Head up, he turned back toward the figure that passed him. 
They obviously resided on this floor, maybe he could attempt to ask them about her room without completely looking like a creep. 
But what he saw he just couldn’t explain- rationally describe. 
His face stared back at him, it was set in a scowl while he noticed vast amounts of blood adorned his usually crisp white shirt. The doors were on their way to closing, and this version of him reached out to stop it.
He was too late, the metal doors crashed together and Francis could feel his heart jumping out of his chest. 
What the actual fuck was going on.
Was he that tired? 
Grabbing his face he turned back, mumbling incessant comforts to stop the beats of his heart from getting any faster. 
He needed to find her room, and fast.
The first thing she noticed was her head. It boomed with an unfathomable amount of pressure, and she was hesitant to open her eyes. 
She felt around, immediately recognizing the comfort of her own duvet, the silkiness of her pillows,  the faint wafts of the candle she lit the night prior. It calmed the tenseness found between her shoulders, instantly relaxing against the cushioned material. 
With a muffled groan she allowed her eyelids to slink up, her messy room greeted her vision. 
Not remembering the trip up, she laid there, stretched out and confused. 
Craning her head just off the side of the bed, the receptionist glanced towards the hallway; to her front door that was wide open. 
Jerking up, her feet collided with one another, and looking more like a newborn calf than human she attempted her way to the front of the room. 
Never before had a fatigue caused this much confusion; chaos to her mind. 
Something had to be wrong. 
She remembered clocking in, idly sitting by as the clock ticked and ticked. After that it was all blank- it startled her to no end. 
With a hand on the door frame her figure leaned on the wall, just outside her abode. 
Biting her lip she held back a whimper, the bright lights of the hall burned her eyes, she tried to go off of memory, closing her eyes as she felt for every familiar bump and groove of the space.
Turning to where she remembered the elevator was, someone bumped into her- hard. 
“My goodness!” That voice… could it really be? 
“Francis?” Squinting her eyes she blinked repeatedly, trying to get the figure to focus in her vision. 
“H-Hey,” the deep voice answered back, smiling, as she knew it was the tired mailman. Only he could have such a serious yet flustered sounding voice.  
“I've been looking for you,”
The man gripped the girl's shoulders, light yet firm and bent down just to meet her gaze.
“Some… things have been happening, I wanted to see if you were okay.” Flustered, the girl forced out a laugh, taking a hand off her shoulder she gripped it softly. 
“I'm okay, you look more disheveled than me, big guy, what's up?” Kneading the flesh around his knuckles the man couldn't help but relax. 
She smelled so good- of lilac and vanilla, it invaded his senses and corrupted his mind. He couldn't even remember the duplicate until it was shoved back by his consciousness. 
Letting out a low moan he shook his head. ‘Focus Francis, god-’ 
“I have to talk to you,” he blurted out, face getting warmer as she paused her movement, and looked right at him. 
Letting out a giggle she rested her arm, just so it leaned comfortably in the crook of his elbow. 
“Okay? My rooms around the corner, if you wanna talk there?”
Not relying on his words he nodded his head, letting the girl lightly pull his arm to her apartment. 
Now, he just had to figure out how to explain his bloody twin. 
Should be easy!
And if she calls him crazy, and ultimately pushes him out of the apartment- possibly building, at least he got to get this close to her. 
Smelling her, touching her, it was better than living alone with his thoughts- tormenting him every hour of the week that he lazily spent thinking about her anyway.
Inhaling her flowery scent once more he shuddered, he hoped the pretty girl would believe him, so he could once more bask in her presence and ignore every little thing around.
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taro-bae · 1 month
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Twisted Wonderland
How do they sleep in general and with you
♡All Characters♡
I'll do a faculty and side character version too
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Riddle Roseheart -
Sleeps on his back with one arm over his chest the other on the mattress of his bed. Very light sleeper, he's probably stressed out even as he sleeps ready to off someone's head. Occasionally when he's in a deep sleep he will reach out grabbing a pillow or blanket edge to hug it in his sleep.
However with you he's a cuddler. He's so touch starved he can't help it. Little spoon in denial, he will never admit it but he just wants to be held or lie his head on your chest, he just needs a break.
Trey Clover -
Probably the most normal sleeper. Sleeps in a more casual position with one hand under the pillow. Bet he snores every once in a while when he fully falls asleep.
When your with him he let's you rest you head on his chest as he has an arm over you. He's very relaxed, he doesn't embrace you to tight or too soft perfect balance making sure you are also comfortable and get a good night's rest.
Cater Diamond -
The duality of man. Unlike his usual exaggerated persona, Cater sleeps in a more closed up fetal position or on his side. He's a little insecure and possibly depressed so in the privacy of his own bed he drops his act hugging himself to sleep. Suprisly, a somewhat peaceful sleeper but does move around sometimes.
When he has you with him he's a cuddler, he will probably lie right in the middle on top of you his head on your chest if he feels like it. During the night he probably moves more to the side and ends up less connected.
Deuce Spade -
Deuce is a little restless (he be fighting people in his dreams) but over all casual. Arms thrown in random direction head to the side. He sometimes let's out small snores if he's sleeping on his back
Whatever you want. He just wants you to he comfortable and satisfied. He can be big spoon or little spoon he won't complain. But he does like to have your arms around him as he lies on your chest.
Ace Trappola -
Arms behind his head (like on that one vingette). He's an asshole even in his sleep he takes up alot of space for himself. Sometimes moves around or hits.
He is smug and is always big spoon, he will hold you but also tease you for it. He'll be a jerk in a teasing manner if you cling to him saying that you're too clingy but he loves it.
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Leona Kingscholar -
Mf does not care he just wants a nap. He can fall asleep anywhere in a matter of seconds. A pretty chill deep sleeper, surprisingly doesn't snore but let's out deep chest rumbles or small growls.
You're his pillow. Head on your chest, lap, thighs, stomache, anywhere he feels like. Sometimes prefers holding you close to his chest in a possessive and protective embrace, just never call him clingy.
Ruggie Bucchi -
Messy sleeper. Bed hair, limbs spread out but he's still a light sleeper. He can sleep in any position usually flipping to his stomache to have his face close to the pillow to nuzzle into.
Cuddly hyena. He loves to have his head on your chest or nuzzled into your shoulder. He is fine with whatever, being held or holding you it doesn't matter as long as you're close. If you pat his head and ears he will let out small contained purrs.
Jack Howl -
On his side with his head resting on his biceps. His tail is tucked near his legs, ears resting on his head. Similar to leona, sometimes growls in his sleep when he's dreaming. (Imagine he does those leg kicking runs that dogs do in their sleep)
When your near him he's more relaxed. He feels very protective and gaurds you when you sleep, his arms in a protective hold around you his tail also finding its way to wrap around your body. Rests his chin on your head but makes sure to not hurt you with his grip (he's a very strong boy). But overall he's like a puppy protective and snuggly.
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Azul Ashengrotto -
It's either sleeping on his back like a corpse (hes practicing for his funeral thanks to the leech twins) or being complelty spread out with his limps everywhere taking up the bed. He is sometimes worried about drying up or turning into his merman form in his sleep.
Super cuddly, affection starved octopus. He wants you to hold him very tight so he can feel your presense and comfort. He's very insecure and wants to feel cared for, will cling to you in his sleep.
Jade Leech -
Another corpse. Sleeps on his back with his arms folded over his chest fingers intertwined. Very quiet sleeper, barely makes a sound, someone should check if he's still alive. He has a weird habit of smiling in his sleep, a small smile like he's scheming (he's dreaming of mushrooms).
If you're with him he's still quiet, he simply holds you in an embrace. He will stay up until you fall asleep and keep watch over you, it's a little creepy but he will stare at your sleeping form for some time until going to sleep himself.
Floyd Leech -
You already know...his arms and legs all over the place, jade walked in on his a few times practically half falling off the bed. He wakes up completely different to how he was falling asleep.
Be prepared to be squeezed like a stress toy. He will embrace you with his arms and legs with all his body weight and height (and he's a big boy, good luck). He will occasionally try nibble on you and mutter things in his sleep.
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Kalim Al Asim -
Starts in a fetal position ends up somewhere else. Moves around alot a little fussy at times. He mumbles in his sleep about the most random things.
Another cuddler. Just wants to be close, is fine with whatever you want, big spoon, little spoon anything else he is up for everything. Might kick or hit you in his sleep accidently, rarely but it happened before.
Jamil Viper -
He's overworked and a very light sleeper. He sleeps on his side holding one of those long pillows in his hands. He has a habit of holding onto things in his sleep, he can't control it.
He's reserved so in the beginning he will be hesitant. But he secretly loves cuddles, but won't admit to it. Falling asleep with him will either be you on his chest with his arm over or him facing away but keeping a hand interlocked. During the night his habit of clinging will let him down, you'll wake up to him holding onto you.
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Vil Schoenheit-
Sleeping Beauty pose. On his back making sure to not damage his hair, his bed is super clean and comfy, silk sheets and pjs. Very calm and peaceful sleeper, ofcourse he doesn't snore.
He will let you rest you head on his chest as he holds you, he wants to make sure both of you sleep in 'healthy' positions that won't cause soreness or effect your appearance. Will sometimes let you cuddle into him.
Rook Hunt -
Doesn't sleep he stalks savanaclaw students
Follows some advice vil gave him on the best ways to sleep. He's dramatic even in his sleep, he probably has an arm over his head/eyes like a damsel in distress. Over than that pretty peaceful overall, doesn't snore but mumbles in French.
All over you, protective arms wrapped around you. He thinks you are perfection. He's an odd one, he will watch you sleep and take photos of you (you are going on his wall behind the wallpaper in his room). Over than that very affectionate and ensures you have the best sleep.
Epel Felmier -
Vil told him the right way he should be sleeping. He's not going to do that, sleeps spread out sometimes moving around. A little bit of a messy sleeper and sometimes snores.
He's big spoon in his mind. He wants to manly and the dominant one even if he's shorter than you. He will have his arms over you big spooning you but he's actually a little spoon in denial.
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Idia Shroud -
Another barely functioning non-sleeper. He plays games throughout the majority of the night. When he sleeps he sleeps on his side either hugging a pillow body pillow or in a not-so contracted fetal position
Give him time he'll be very anxious and shy about sleeping with someone else for a while. Once he gets used to it he likes to cuddle and entangle his body with yours. He likes to be held and have his head on your chest or face on your stomache. When he's a bit more bold he will hold you flushed against him chin on your head.
Ortho -
In his charging station....that's it
He will love some cuddles, he sees you as an older sibling and loves to get attention and affection from you and be held.
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Malleus Draconia -
He has a special pillow for his horns. Very peaceful and still sleeper, probably sleeps on his back. I can see him letting out some smoke from his mouth when he sleeps (dragon behaviour)
He watches you more than he sleeps but not in a creepy way, he wants to make sure your safe and having a restful sleep. He will make sure you have good dreams as he holds you while you sleep. He is thankful that you are comfortable enough to fall asleep with him, let alone on him.
Sebek Zigvolt -
Declares his love for Malleus as he sleeps. He sometimes mutters and talk in his sleep. He's a little tense but for once he's not frowning. He sleeps mostly on his back a hand over his head, he is a soldier who should he ready for action after all.
Very protective, he holds you to his chest with both his arms, one arm over behind your head. He keeps you very close to himself and is usually big spoon.
Silver -
Everyone knows he naps everywhere. Very quiet and insanely pretty as he sleeps, he's got the whole princely vibe. Can sleep in any position and anywhere.
Usually he falls asleep on you, with his head on your shoulder or maybe chest. If your in the comfort of your rooms he prefers holding you, he wants to be your knight and protect you. But he does find alot of comfort being little spoon. A very gentle sleeper.
Lilia Vanrouge -
Sleep? What's that? He's up gaming all night, he doesn't sleep. He's living that nocturnal bat lifestyle. When he does he takes up alot of space and snores (old man behaviour).
With you he stays up and cuddles your body really close occasionally brushing your hair out of your face or patting your head. Sleeps holding you the whole night.
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Inside the Mind of Coffin Joe will be released on November 28 via Arrow Video. The five-disc Blu-ray box set collects 10 films from Brazilian horror icon José Mojica Marins, better known as Coffin Joe.
It includes: 1964's At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul, 1967's This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse, 1968's The Strange World of Coffin Joe, 1970's Awakening of the Beast, 1971's The End of Man, 1972's When the Gods Fall Asleep, 1976's The Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures, 1977's Hellish Flesh, 1978's Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind, and 2008's Embodiment of Evil.
Each disc has its own Blu-ray case with reversible artwork by Butcher Billy. They're housed together in a slipcase with a book featuring new writing by Tim Lucas, Carlos Primati, Jerome Reuter, Amy Voorhees Searles, Kyle Anderson, and Paula Sacramento, a double-sided poster, and 12 double-sided art cards.
All 10 movies have been newly stored in 4K from the best available elements with original lossless mono audio (except Embodiment of Evil, which has lossless 2.0 and 5.1 audio). Special features are listed below, where you can also see more of the packaging.
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Disc 1: At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul
Audio commentary by José Mojica Marins, filmmaker Paulo Duarte, and film scholar Carlos Primati (Portuguese with English subtitles)
Video essay by Lindsay Hallam (new)
Damned: The Strange World of José Mojica Marins - 2001 documentary
Bloody Kingdom - Marins’ first short film with director’s commentary
Excerpts from early works by Marins
Disc 2: This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse / The Strange World of Coffin Joe
This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse audio commentary by José Mojica Marins, filmmaker Paulo Duarte, and film scholar Carlos Primati (Portuguese with English subtitles)
The Strange World of Coffin Joe audio commentary by José Mojica Marins, filmmaker Paulo Duarte, and film scholar Carlos Primati (Portuguese with English subtitles)
Interview with film historian Stephen Thrower (new)
Video essay by Miranda Corcoran looking Coffin Joe as horror host (new)
The Strange World of Coffin Joe alternate ending with commentary by Marins
Disc 3: Awakening of the Beast / The End of Man
Awakening of the Beast audio commentary by José Mojica Marins, filmmaker Paulo Duarte, and film scholar Carlos Primati (Portuguese with English subtitles)
The End of Man audio commentary by José Mojica Marins, filmmaker Paulo Duarte, and film scholar Carlos Primati (Portuguese with English subtitles)
Interview with Guy Adams on Marins’ esoteric aspects (new)
Video essay by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas on the gender politics of Marins’ films (new)
The Awakening of the Beast alternate opening titles
When the Gods Fall Asleep / The Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures
Interview with Virginie Sélavy on surrealism in Marins’ work (new)
Interview with Jack Sargeant (new)
Interview with Embodiment of Evil co-writer Dennison Ramalho (new)
Footage of Marins at the 2001 Sundance Film Festival
A Blind Date for Coffin Joe short film
Disc 5: Hellish Flesh / Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind
Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind commentary by José Mojica Marins, editor Nilcemar Leyart, Paulo Duarte, and Carlos Primati (Portuguese with English subtitles)
Interview with Andrew Leavold on Marins’ place in '60s & '70s Marginal Cinema (new)
Video essay by Kat Ellinger (new)
Disc 6: Embodiment of Evil
Audio commentary by producer Paulo Sacramento and co-writer Dennison Ramalho (Portuguese with English subtitles)
Interview with Dennison Ramalho (new)
Interview in which Ramalho pays tribute to Marins
Footage of Marins at the film’s premiere
Making Of featurette
Experimental Making Of featurettes
Multiple featurettes with commentary by Marins
Additional contents:
Collector’s book with new writing by Tim Lucas, Carlos Primati, Jerome Reuter, Amy Voorhees Searles, Kyle Anderson, and Paula Sacramento
Double-sided poster with artwork by Butcher Billy
12 double-sided art cards
Cultural icon, anti-establishment statement, sadistic lord of carnival horror! With his long fingernails, top hat and cape, Coffin Joe was the creation of Brazilian filmmaker José Mojica Marins, who wrote, directed and starred in a series of outrageous movies from 1964 to 2008.
Pre-order Inside the Mind of Coffin Joe.
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ronnymerchant · 10 months
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weirdlookindog · 6 months
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José Mojica Marins in Esta Noite Encarnarei no Teu Cadáver (1967)
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violetdisasterzone · 2 years
Luo Binghe & Selflessness
There's a great post by @/jayktoralldaylong talking about how all the love interests in MXTX's novels prioritize the safety and well-being of the MCs rather than prioritizing - or even expecting - their love being returned. And image my surprise when the first reply I see is "Except Binghe. That bitch will sleep with your corpse," with others agreeing and calling him the "worst MXTX character" in the tags. I am yet again asking, did we read the same book? Luo Binghe is just as single-mindedly devoted to Shen Qingqiu as any of the others. Evidence of this is found at every turn during the main plot of Scum Villain: the plot during which he was actively possessed by a sentient evil sword. A sword which in a different timeline - a timeline without Shen Yuan - almost single-handedly turned Luo Bingge into a tyrant. He is under this influence for a majority of volumes 2 and 3 (of the Eng. transl.), which is also when he is accused of being "crazy" or "pushy" in regards to Shen Qingqiu.
Since the reply that inspired this post discussed the 5 years in which Shen Qingqiu was dead, that's what I'll address first. When Shen Qingqiu self-destructs, Luo Binghe is caught extremely off guard. It's easy, I think, to forget or disregard just how awful and confusing the entire novel's events have been for Binghe so far. Accepted to Qing Jing and subsequently horrifically abused for 4 years; a sudden, drastic, unexplained change in Shen Qingqiu and a blissful 3 years of peace; pushed into hell and utterly betrayed in an act of what appears to be very out of character hypocrisy. And when he returns (now in possession of the aforementioned sentient evil sword), he stays away from Cang Qiong and becomes a respectable cultivator in his own right, so that maybe, maybe Shen Qingqiu would accept him once again. And then he runs into Shen Qingqiu enjoying the company of someone who looks exactly like him; yet Shen Qingqiu runs from him, acting as though Binghe is the one who is dangerous, who is going to hurt him. Of course, Shen Qingqiu is justified in his fear, based on his own perceptions of the situation. But Luo Binghe does not know this.
Immediately following Shen Qingqiu's destruction is one of the only times we get a firsthand glimpse into Luo Binghe's perspective. This line is from the moments after he catches Shen Qingqiu's body: "Didn't Shizun hate his blood more than anything? Wasn't he unwilling to even be near him, to associate with him at all?" In the following pages is when he learns, for the first time that "Shizun too was...utterly heartbroken" during his time in the Abyss. When the chapter ends, Luo Binghe is still in utter shock, wiping the blood from Shen Qingqiu's face and trying, uselessly, to explain that he was just angry, that he just wanted to make him happy. We don't see the part of the scene where Luo Binghe leaves with the body, but it is not hard to infer that, in his complete state of denial and shock, his mind recently saved from an agonizing deviation, he was unwilling to part from his Shizun.
During the five years of Shen Qingqiu's absence, Luo Binghe kept his body in as perfect a state as possible. As we see in the Deep Dream extra, Luo Binghe brings Mu Qingfang (who he seems to respect, however minimally) to Huan Hua Pavilion some time after the events of Hua Yue City (which we know because Mu Qingfang expects Shen Qingqiu's body to "have long since festered and decayed"). We, as Shen Qingqiu, then get a glimpse into what Luo Binghe does with the body: he cooks countless meals that will go uneaten, and he transfers qi to prevent that decay. Skin to skin contact is the most direct way to transfer qi, as supported in many other scenes, including the flashback scene in this same extra. This type of qi transfer can also be carried out while sleeping, as evidenced in the Bing-mei vs. Bing-ge extra, providing a regulated stream of spiritual energy for an entire night. As Mu Qingfang said earlier, this uses up "an enormous amount of spiritual power" and is only enough to keep his body protected "for a single day" without reversing everything. Luo Binghe is immensely powerful, but even protagonists are not built to drain themselves every night for 5 years, while also fighting off Xin Mo, running Huan Hua, controlling the demon realm, and NOT giving up on everything. When Shen Qingqiu is thought to be dead in the minutes after Maigu Ridge, Luo Binge "almost tried to follow" him. And yet, when he believed there was even a chance he might return, he held on "for almost two thousand more of these days and nights."
The only other time we see Luo Binghe's interactions with the corpse is when Shen Qingqiu, undiscovered in the plant body, witnesses Liu Qingge's infiltration. In this, it is said that "Luo Binghe was unwilling to harm the corpse, so he could only release it." It's worth mentioning that, if Liu Qingge had managed to take the body back to Cang Qiong - or, what sequence is initiated when he does - it will be given burial rights, it will decay, and Shen Qingqiu will never again have a possibility of inhabiting it. Luo Binghe cannot let this happen; it's not merely about possession or attachment. And yet, he would sooner allow this possibility that allowing even the potential of harm to come to him.
When all is said and done, after Luo Binghe has been broken out of Xin Mo's control and Shen Qingqiu does not die - the first thing he does is return him to Cang Qiong Mountain. When Shen Qingqiu suggests that they leave, together, Luo Binghe is "dumbfounded." He fully expected to be left, for Shen Qingqiu to be unwilling. He would have done anything for Shen Qingqiu and expected nothing in return.
At his core, even under influence and in emotional turmoil, Luo Binghe's love is unfalteringly selfless. There are so many examples of this, both in the main plot and in the post-canon extras, but I think this post is long enough already. Suffice it to say that nothing is more important that Shen Qingqiu to Luo Binghe - least of all himself.
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ronmerchant · 28 days
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ghostofkathrine · 4 months
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This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse (1966)
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