#this piece was kinda really annoying ok i need a moment
dizzybizz · 1 year
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jenevawashere · 2 months
This was originally a reblog on one of @phoebeejeebies posts but I'm still internally screaming about it so you can now suffer with us! (if you want more context go read theirs first)
Phoebe takes the chess set with her, knowing no one will be there because it's night time. She does all of this as if it is a routine she does once a week. It doesn't feel like a spur of the moment decision. This is something she has done multiple times since moving to New York.
Now we do need to mention, she is a fifteen year old alone in New York City at night in a park. That is a really stupid thing to do alone in any city at night no matter your age. The repetitive nature with which she does this suggests to me that she isn't worried about this because she knows that she isn't alone.
I have yet to listen to the soundtrack for GFE, but I have an ear for music cues and reprises (Infinity War and Endgame were music goldmines for me and I remember losing my mind at the music choices in the theater, so much so that my silent nerding out annoyed my dad). Somehow, without knowing that the reused the first bit of Chess, I recognized what the tune implied along with Phoebe's actions.
I don't remember who plays first, but when the other chess piece moves, she looks around as if she's looking for someone. Again! Keep in mind, this is a weekly occurrence. She isn't confused because she's playing chess with a ghost, she's confused because Egon has yet to materialize.
When Melody materializes, Phoebe is disappointed that it isn't him. You can see it in her face. This is something sacred that she does with her grandfather once a week. Something her family doesn't know about. Ok, maybe Trevor knows.
If Egon did/does actually come back to visit, you can't tell me he only spent time with Phoebe. He literally helped Trevor fix the Ecto in GA, he was supervising Trev the entire time. There's even a small moment when the Ecto is going through the field that you can see the silhouette of another person in the car through the back windshield. I highly doubt Egon would let his grandson do something so reckless unsupervised. (Yes this was probably a camera man or a member of the stunt crew or something, but if it were, wouldn't they have removed it?)
After being benched, Phoebe needs someone to talk to, someone who will understand, and he isn't there. Instead, there's this ghost of some girl that's on fire and, oh, she's kinda cute...
NOW! IF this is something Phoebe and Egon do regularly (as is implied), why isn't he there?
I think, he heard about Garraka down some spiritual grape vine and knows that the ice age personified can control other spirits, or maybe he read something about it during self imposed watch duty in Summerville. The only reason Melody isn't being controlled like a puppet is because she made a deal with Garraka. Egon would know how dangerous being around the orb is.
These are his friends we're talking about. This is his family! He left to protect them by standing on the front line when no one else would. They are his world at this point. If his being there even as a ghost is what will put them in danger, then he is going to stay the fuck away if it will keep them safe.
The night after everything has thawed, I'd like to think that Phoebe went out at night and went back to the park without the chess set. He was waiting for here there, ready to comfort her in the way he couldn't a few days before.
*takes a deep breath, then screams* AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Rose Recaps 2023 - Japan
So, because I have a hard time making big lists and choosing favourites, this my version of a superlative post, by country.
The one that had me at the first frame
If It’s With You | Kimi to Nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo
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As soon as Amane appeared on screen I was gone. This damaged but confident boy had my heart from the beginning. But it was Ryuji that ended up with a bigger piece by the end. The way he saw Amane’s mask from the beginning and just went – “you don’t need to do that with me”. And the way he considered Amane’s feelings even when he wasn’t sure what to do or how to respond, or how he was feeling about all of it, was just beautiful to witness and at certain points kinda reminded of Ida.
Favourite Moment: Amane confessing and running away. Because visually it's so striking. The way he's running from the light that is Ryuji.
The one that was perfect and I never saw coming.
I Cannot Reach You | Kimi ni wa Todokanai
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I think that by now at least some people know how I feel about Japanese BL. I love it so much. And for me it’s always about the characters. Whether they are the embodiment of chaos, like Aoki or they are just incredible complex and empathic humans like Ida. - Yes, I’m using Kieta Hatsukoi every chance I get- I just love the way all these characters are written and portrait.
I loved these 2 boys in equal measure all throughout the show. I might have a soft spot for Yamato, but that’s only because pining boys are my weakness.
Yamato’s back and forth in his own head about what to do would be annoying to me in any other show, but it was so well done, and we were privy to his thought process throughout that it just made me feel for him deeply. And Kakeru learning about Yamato’s feelings right away in the first episode was a great choice, because he gave the show time to make the reciprocity more believable.
Favourite Moment - The exchange of gifts at the door. I love the nervousness that the two of them are feeling in this moment.
The one where I gave in.
My Beautiful Man S2 & Eternal
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Confession time. This was not love at first season for me. I don’t argue quality overall and much less the acting of the show, but it just didn’t click for me.
There were some truly great moments in the first season but there was a disconnect between my heart and my brain. This happens to me sometimes. Like I watch something that is objectively good but it doesn’t reach me.
That all changed with the second season and the film. I finally connect with Hira. Don't ask me why, I don't fully understand myself, but it happened right at the beginning of the season. I think perhaps it was because I started seeing more from Kiyoi pov, because before I was absolutely clueless about what he saw in Hira in the first place. Sorry if that sounds harsh.
I don't blame the show for this, as I said, I think all the elements are there, it just didn't connect for me.
Also, the film was gorgeous to watch. Several moments (specially the sequence where the gif is from) were so well shot and edited that I'm happy I went in already with a positive mindset.
Favourite Moment: The one from the gif. I'm a sucker for a drastic visual change when the moment calls for it.
The one that had me question if watching it was good for my mental health.
Tokyo in April is | Shigatsu no Tokyo wa
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Ok. I love this show. I love Ren. But this was a hard watch for me. Every week I had a struggle between two sides of me.
- Don’t watch it. It will be sad and you will be sad because of it. - But the last one was sad so I need to watch it to see if there’s happy. - Why not just wait? - Because I started already, so now I can’t wait. - But in this case binging is best. Cause for sure the ending is happy so you won’t be sad for long. - Yeah, but I need to see more now. And there’s a new episode waiting for me. - Fine. Just press play. After the episode. - I really shouldn’t watch this one live. (all this repeats the following week)
It was beautifully acted, there were some outstanding moments, the past was as tastefully done as it could be given the subject matter, and in the end my heart of full, but slightly damaged with the process.
Favourite Moment: Ren finding out Kazuma had been looking for him.
The one with all the magic.
What Did You Eat Yesterday? | Kinou Nani Tabeta? S2
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I already wrote how this show made me feel in another post. So I’ll just say this.
EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH THIS SHOW. NOW. If you haven’t, stop reading this and go. GO. NOW. Start.
There is magic here and you don’t even know.
Favourite Moment: ALL OF THEM. But really this one.
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Shiro. Just Shiro.
Well, I'll try to write the next one in these next couple of days. Wish me luck.
Thanks for reading💜
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herbariumua · 2 months
So, I have recently read Simpsons Comics Issue 30, where Burns made about a hundred clones of Smithers and replaced every worker on the powerplant with him.
I liked it so much, that I want to make a post about it, there would be no deep analysis, just things that I especially adore in this story.
And, of course, spoilers?..
So, the short plot is: workers of the powerplant are demanding to add 5 cents to their salary - and Mr Burns wouldn't be himself if he just agreed to it. So he created a really complicated scheme to make a hundred clones of Smithers to replace every worker with him. And it was working well...
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..until it blows up right in his face.
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But at the end of the day, Smithers actually saved the whole situation and Mr Burns's life (of course he did).
Also, look how adorkable Waylon looks in his cute Hawaiian shirt that matches Monty's costume by colors.
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So, yes, the story plot about clones going crazy and trying to murder everyone was pretty predictable, but no one even tried to hide it. The best part of the comics - how totally gay is it.
Really, I feel like it is one of the gayest burnsmithers story I have read so far, and, surprisely, it comes from the Burns's side.
Like, look at this man here, he said himself that he's "never been happier" while literally surrounded by Smithers's caring and affection towards him.
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Or how he is walking among Smithers's clones, because he is like the way they are so happy and excited to see him. In this story I feel like he knows very well about Waylon's feelings toward him - and he not only enjoys it, but also encourages it in every way.
(Original Smithers being kinda jealous (?) and suspicious toward his own clones is hilarious. This man knows himself too well).
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I mean, he gave them a "reward" to serve him 24/7. This old fox definitely knows that Smithers would actually die to have the opportunity to be around him 24/7. It might sound like a funny joke to the reader, but inside the story, it IS an actual reward.
("there can't be enough of me to go around" - oh my god, Monty, we all know what you are)
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Also how he started to miss Smitherses the moment they ran away (even if they were trying to cut him into pieces).
Just admit you are in love with him and get married already!
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Also a cute moment that I noticed - while he is surrounded by absolutely identical clones, he still wants to the actual Smithers to take care of his needs. How sweet.
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But of course, there are also a ton of gay moments from Smithers's side. I mean, where Smithers' clones went a little bit crazy about Burns...
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...and I like how the original one is literally his guard dog.
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The ending is very sweet and satisfying too. And I adore the last picture, where Waylon's joke made Monty laugh. These two is an excellent couple for sure.
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And who else headcanon that all of these Waylon's clones will find their happiness with Monty's clones, who escaped during "The Princess Guide"? Let my boys be happy, please, they totally deserve it.
PS Also I am so happy to see that Burns actually enjoys Smithers's company so much, he is totally ok with surrounding himself only with his clones and keeping them around to serve him 24/7.
In the newest episodes of the show we barely see them interacting this friendly as they used to be, it almost feels like Burns is constantly annoyed with his presence, which is so uncanon for him.
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ashdreams2023 · 9 months
Hello! I had this idea, and I wanted to see if you're ok with it. So I kinda want to see if it is possible to mash the multiverse thingy of marvel to harry potter.
Can you make one where in another universe Severus Snape married Lily (or anyone really) and had a daughter. I don't know how, but the daughter got sucked into a portal that transported her to canon hp, where she met Sev. She looks so much like Snape and even has his wit, snark, and sarcasm. What will Snape's reaction be to a teenage girl calling him dad and is very confused on why everyone she knows suddenly "pretends" to not know her. She's getting panicky and overwhelmed.
If it's too much, I totally understand ♡♡♡
I feel like you read one of my old posts before, because I talked about this specific idea before!
It’s not too much at all dear
Severus snape x daughter reader
Never change
You squinted your eyes at the sun shine on your face directly, you looked around and noticed you’re back at school grounds.
Was it a dream? Was that death eater just a figment of your imagination’s? Honestly that wouldn’t be surprising, you’ve seen too much in your years and you’re not even full 16.
Hogwarts did that to students, you feel old and young at the same time, you wondered how your dad made it out alive out of this place in one piece.
You stood up and dusted your robes, the wind blowed up as you walked inside the castle, you kept your face in its usual natural state and looked around, something felt slightly off, some students were staring at you.
It would be understandable if they were first years or looking nervous, having your father’s features wasn’t exactly the most calming thing to witness in the morning.
But there were seventh years, whispering, people from your own house, they knew better than to do that.
Something was definitely off.
"Draco!" You spotted you friend near a tree, he turned around and frowned your way, that was odd, sure he acted sometimes annoyed but you haven’t said it done anything to piss him off lately.
"Who are you? Is this a joke to you? You’re not allowed to pretend you’re in another house"
You blinked at him then crossed your arms over your chest "Has your pea sized brain popped or something? It’s not funny Draco, and I fail to see the humor with this stupid prank everyone is on but me"
The blonde scoffed and looked you up and down "You sound like professor snape, and you act like him too, the only joke here is you" that hurt, yet you didn’t show it, this was a cruel prank and you will put an end to it, you’re not gonna be the butt of someone’s child’s joke.
"I hope you know that I will not let this slip so easily, be grateful I haven’t cursed you yet"
"Ohh I’m scared of mini snape"
Controlling what’s left in you of anger you stormed away to the direction of your father’s office, there were people staring and whispering.
You even bumped into potter, the boy did a double take before whispering to friends about some cruel unfortunate hex you were hit with to look like their potions master.
By the time you reached his office you both felt choked and angry "Dad we need to talk" you choked out but instead of your father’s usual reaction you were met with utter confusion and even slight annoyance.
He was grading papers and was sneering at you when he got a good look at your face "If this some type of joke I promise the consequences of this would be fatal" He stood up to his full height.
"This is not humorous in the slightest! You of all people should know better than this!"
Your father stared at you, furious but you stood your ground.
"Who do you think you are?"
"Your daughter."
There was a moment of silence then before you knew it he was breaking into your memories, one by one, from your most precious moments with him and your mother to your most current when a death eater blasted you.
You fall down on your knees, out of breath and looking up at him hurt and confused "Dad what’s going on?"
He looks at you with wide eyes, he’s never seen something like this before, those were not fake memories, they happened and they were real.
You were real.
"Who…how? This is impossible…"
"Dad I’m scared, why is everyone acting so weird?"
"I’m afraid…I’m actually your father…at least not in this world?"
That was probably the breaking point for you, this man was supposed to be your father, the safest person to go too and now…somehow you’re stranger with the same face.
"You were hit with a spell of sorts" He said kneeling down in front of you. You felt so small and lost, no one knew who you were, you felt alone.
"Tell me something I haven’t figured out already why don’t you?!" You snapped at him.
He doesn’t react much and just sighs "You’re not supposed to be here and it seems that…you’ll have to stay here until I figure out what was used on" typical of him to already think of solutions on the spot.
So familiar but distant.
"Child…I am not gonna ask you for anything personal but I need you to trust my word, I don’t plan to harm you"
You always trusted your father, severus snape may seem like a heartless git from the outside but he was the kindest man at heart, at least in your eyes and even now, this version of him…he wasn’t your grumpy old man but he was still a part of him.
"I trust you…i always did" you let out a breath.
"Good….I have one last question"
He opened his mouth then closed, he looked almost hesitant, something he rarely showed but then spoke "Was I a good father?"
You blinked at him "You were the best, a good father a husband, my mother loved you and you loved us both"
"I see. Now get up" his tone was calmer and his eyes weren’t sharp as before.
When you got up and looked at him walking back to his desk, a form of safety tingled in your chest, it wasn’t always his words that made you appreciate him, he spoke with his body, his hands weren’t firm and his jaw was clenched.
He was thinking, maybe even worried.
He was worried for you….
A small smile tugged on your lips as you sat on a chair near his desk, like you did a million times in your lifetime and watched him write a letter to the headmaster.
Some things never change.
Sorry if there’s some grammar mistakes I wrote this between my shifts so hopefully it’s good lol 🤍
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crushedsweets · 9 months
What’s your opinion/interpretation on Toby’s memory loss?
Ok guys everyone’s gonna sigh and think I’m boring but I dont like the memory loss and him forgetting lyra . Dunno why but it never brought me any sort of like emotion , not even sad. But no worries I do have words to share ..
in the few months that he was under the operators influence and doing horrific shit(literally killed a few middle schoolers, leaving bloody remains in public parks for families to see, burning down random buildings), he has little to no memory of those times. He still retains an absurd amount of aggression and violent tendencies that came from the operator, but he has fuzzy memories and it’s mostly of like… eating random fast food or cleaning himself in a public bathroom. Not so much his worst moments. Eventually, once Masky and hoody borderline kidnap him and put him under slender rather than the operator, it takes MONTHS for him to piece together the last like 7 years of his life. He can remember like.. the ages 5-10 just fine, but not much past that. Eventually the memories of lyra, her death, and his youth come barreling back
He only really processed what happened when he started going through news reports and whatever, cuz Masky and hoody were hesitant to tell him anything . They know what it’s like to unknowingly do shit they never want to think about, never want to take accountability for. Toby’s an annoying violent prick but he was 18 and Tim and Brian were like 29 by this point and just saw him as a kid who was in their shoes not too long ago. Plus they kinda had to keep him as calm as possible for the sake of their job
Eventually he remembers everything (aside from the few months I mentioned, including his fathers death) and it just kinda. Made him angry ? He felt weak again, thinking about all the things that happened to him and how little power he had all his damn life, and now he can’t even remember the day he took his fathers life. The day he believed he put all his problems to rest
Half related to the memory loss, but Toby absolutely still feels underlying sadism, need for power/control, stress relief, etc in his killing when he’s working under slenderman. Regrettably, he’s found himself having fun taking peoples lives under orders, especially since he’s only really killing grown adults who are sticking their noses where they don’t belong. he projects the image of frank (and occasionally Connie but that’s a lot more complicated) onto them, and makes up stories in his head for why it was good, why it was just, why it was okay.
AGAIN, for the first few years , he sees slendy as his savior who pulled him out of hell that his dad and the operator put him in. He even attributes his memory loss to slenderman trying to ‘protect’ him. Just a very odd mindset, whatever gets him through the day
Toby doesn’t seek victims out for a thrill, like Jeff or (early on) clocky. But he finds a way to enjoy it when he has to, and he knows that whatever happened during those lost memories is what made him like this
Also let me clarify that slender absolutely can still take control of a lot of peoples mental states and the proxies do have blank spots in their memories from time to time, but ironically, toby experiences this the least because he’s just so willing to listen if it means he can be in control of something, or gain the approval of his ‘savior’
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cybertron-after-dark · 10 months
ok ok shockwave anon again here to be cringe... could I please request a tfp shockwave × reader oneshot or drabble, where reader is indulging a touched starved shockwave and petting his helm and he leans into it and just gets all the lovings. i need to nurture this man so bad it makes me ill that I can't 😭 YOUR WRITING IS SO SOLID ILY TYSM
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Bestie we're all cringe here, we on the robot kisser blog. Also thank you for the lovely words, barking at you in tism solidarity 💖
You really couldn't have predicted the chain reaction you set off on accident, honest. Not the scale of it, at least.
All you really did was try to hold his hand. Not something you were entirely sure would be possible, strictly speaking. The size difference was vast, but you were determined to do something sweet and romantic. You wanted to be a good partner. So, while he was at the lab table, fiddling with the components to a new cloning pod, you reached over to his free servo from your seat next to his workspace, brushing your hand against his much bigger digits. You weren't even fully sure if he'd notice, but the reaction was immediate.
He completely froze, his one optic fixed on you. After a pause, he spoke.
"Do you require anything?"
For a second you were scared he was annoyed, but he just sounded... Unsure? Always a bit hard to tell with Shockwave.
"Not trying to get your attention or anything, just holding your hand. Or, you know, holding a little of it," you answered, sheepish.
"For what purpose?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Oh! I didn't really stop to think if Cybertronians, like... Do that normally," you explained. "For humans it's like an affectionate gesture. Like, a convenient point of contact you can maintain while you maneuver around."
"Simply illogical..." he huffed.
"Sorry!" You squeaked, retracting your hand. Shockwave's antennae quickly flicked down a notch at the loss of contact. "Probably should've asked first..."
"I... You do not have to... I didn't..." He fumbled, his antennae whirring and flicking every which way as he tried to piece the sentence together.
You tried to help him out.
"...Did you want me to stop?"
You brought your hand to his again, and you saw his optics dim as you ran your hand over his digits, tracing all the lines and seams you could reach.
"I do not understand why, but... This is enjoyable. I still assert that is fully illogical, though," he said. You could hear a slight rumbling coming from his chest. Revving his engine? Was he... Purring?
"Contact is just a staple of social creatures, man. Feels nice because you need it, or you start to go kinda feral," you explained.
"Dubious. I have lived a long life without any such contact, and I have never exhibited any signs of such regression," he refuted. The weight of his words took a moment to sink in.
"...wait you've never been touched like this? Just... For affection's sake?" You asked, bewildered.
"Of course not."
He really just didn't see anything wrong with that statement...
"Dude... That's..." You stuffed down the urge to call it sad. No pity. You know he can't stand pity. "Well, that's a lot of lost time we'll have to make up for." You tightened your hold on his digits in a squeeze, and the purr grew louder. It seemed he was agreeable to that.
"...May I request a specific point of contact?" He queried. You nodded your head, and he leaned down over the table, resting his helm (sort of) on your lap, though shifting his weight awkwardly so you didn't get crushed. You couldn't look him in the optic, his gaze was pointed far to the side, but you could see the tentative shift of his audial fins well enough to know he wasn't sure how this would go. "I have seen this behavior exhibited in humans regardless of the species of the recipient. I believe the colloquial term is 'head pats.' I hypothesize it will be more... Normal, given the difference in our scale and physiology," he reasoned.
"Oh yeah, nothing weird about petting a giant robot like a puppy," you snarked. His audial fins flicked back, but quickly returned upwards when you started petting his helm. The purring deepened, a low, bassy sound that you felt more than you heard, especially with him so up close and personal. Odd as the setup was, it was nice, and you felt good knowing he was finally getting some much-deserved affection. You felt a little bad that he might get in trouble for slacking on his work, that cloning pod is long forgotten, but for the moment, it could wait. For the moment, you just wanted to love on your boyfriend as he melted into your touch, letting yourself melt into the soft sounds of his rumbling engine and the contented sighs he let out in your hold.
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bababaka · 2 months
What i'd change in this piece of media! Or just rewritting it. Because truly it is right now.
Today's episode is.... Twilight!
Because for some reason i started thinking about Edward and Jasper and how they could be fixed and it turned into this clusterfuck. Anyways.
It is so damn boring! But it has potencial.
Ok. Let me explain myself. I started reading twilight's fanfiction without having ever watched the movies. At the time the movies came out, i was too young to take any interest in it, although the women around me did, and they fawned over Jacob and his shirtless scenes. Which was how i was team Jacob (not anymore tho ew)
Nevermind that, thing is, i only watched the movies after reading the phenomenal and creative fics. So, to me the movies paled in comparison.
Don't get me wrong. Twilight was a huge sucess, so it clearly did something right. This is only my opnion, okay?
Lets go.
So, the author created so many interesting characters and then proceeded to give us the most boring ones as the protagonists.
And Edward and Bella are actually interesting. But we got stuck with their annoying versions.
And beyond that, the really interesting side characters never have a chance to be developed. T-T
Not as much as they deserved at least.
And please, the Volturi needed a spin off of their own. Something akin to The Originals and The vampire Diaries.
Anyways, in this first part, i want to talk about how we could get into and actually develope the characters. I'll talk about each movie later.
First, our protagonists. Edward Cullen and Bella Swan.
Ok. I would LOVE if we had Edward at his antihero phase. Maybe at the tail end of it, maybe at its climax.
Would love to see Red Eyes Edward. Avenging men and women who were raped, tortured, murdered as he battles with his own sense of humanity and self hatred. Trying to do something good while still being a monster.
And yes, he would still be his edgelord self. But now his breakdowns would happen as he is covered by someone else's blood and insides. Rocking himself in a alleyway's corner, looking at nothing as the body at his feet just gets colder and colder.
At some point, he would kill someone inocent. Who was wrongly accused of something. And when he discovers this, he sees his victim's mother crying, yelling at the heavens, begging for answers, for justice. For something. Anything. And Edward would hate himself for thinking for a moment he could do good. "You're a murderer, a demon. You're the one who deserves to die."
And then we have Bella, just as she is. I wouldn't change much about her really. Just make her a bit less "not like other girls" and lessen her infatuation with Edward. Or maybe amplify it. But in a different way. She is taken with Edward not because wow, he is handsome, misterious or smth. But because he is weird. Maybe even have a monsterloving Bella. Who is fascinated by this idea of an angel of death. But as she encounters it, him, she realizes nothing is black in white. He kills people. Humans like her.
She would be attracted, but terrified. Battling against her morals. He has to feed, but he kills only those who are criminals. But who is he to play the judge and jury? And would be interesting for Edward to become more attached to life and morals (as in, murder is murder, bitch. Stop killing people even though theyre criminals and deserve it. Youre not God).
I would love to see their oposing ideas inspire each other and provoke drama and grownth.
Also, id love to see Bella's reasons to be a vampire to be more than Edward. I saw this idea on tiktok i think. And it makes so much sense.
Her reasons would be: she is a bit of a history nerd and wants to be there as historical moments are happening and live to see its repercursions; she is afraid of getting old( but not dying, since she is suicidal and has a kinda morbid curiosity about it); she doesnt want to lose Alice, or Emmett, nor Jasper or Rosalie and Carlisle and Esme; she wants to feel part of something, this family, something she severely lacked as a child and still do as a teenager.
I want a Bella that is in love and obssessed with Edward, but as the story goes on, she learns to be independent. She learns how to be confident in her weird self. And have more than just Edward, although she is very much in love with him.
She would not get pregnant. But would be a vampire because dude. She is so much better as a vampire. Lord above. And well that would be the culmination of her character growth.
Next episode:
Alice, Jasper and him being a confederate soldie or smth :)
Reminder, if you do not agree with me, thats okay. If you want to let me know about your opnion, be nice about it.
Aaaand, this is only for fun. I've never read the books, and its been a long time since i've watched the movies. So, chill.
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cyphyra · 11 months
ok so after i was freed from having to be on my dog's schedule i came across a neat little game called Pseudoregalia a buncha people seemed to be recommending and looked pretty neat (and the protag is cute, sue me >.>)
now, normally, platformers drive me up the damn wall and i cant play them, because most of them give you tools you need to be EXTREMELY precise with, but Pseudoregalia makes it feel like you can fuck up and still manage to scrape by depending on what abilities you've picked up
i had a few moments of genuine pain smacking my head into a wall over and over, but the movement is just extremely responsive and made it feel satisfying when i'd do something i dont think i was supposed to do at the time
there's only 2 main gripes i have with the game-- one, the combat is kinda ass comparative to the platforming; basic, un-upgradeable 1-2-3 ground combo, no aerial combo (in favor of getting a vertical boost for movement which is fine, but still a bit annoying if you dont realize you're in the air going for a combo. lock-on also doesnt move the camera to face the enemy which causes some awkward angles) two, it is criminally short, and a bit bare for collectables imo. most are behind locked doors and ones that arent are usually just health pieces. but im not too upset about collectibles cause if there were useless ones id just say they're useless so, there's that. but it really is far too short-- and i mean that in the most appreciative way i can; this game fucking rules and i want to play so much more of it but there's no more game after the major keys + final boss ;^;
tl;dr: i have my gripes, but the game is honestly phenominal and for 6 bucks I'd recommend it to literally anyone who just likes fun games, platformers, retro styles, or cute goat-cat-bunny women (im so goddamn normal abt Sybil i swear)
30 notes · View notes
zero00o0 · 2 years
CW: mcyt g/t, fearplay, horror elements
// Hi! This is a new blog of mine (haven’t been on tumblr in years 💀). I’ve been stalking the mcyt g/t tag for awhile and noticed the tag was kinda dying so I’m making an appearance to fan the flames lol. I hope y’all like this story! Feel free to send asks and whatever lol //
The torch in his hand flickered, the flames dancing on the end of the stick as George gingerly made his way through the cavern he’d found himself lost in. He wasn’t planning on even going into any caves today, the original plan being to find some food to stock up on. But while he was wandering in search of animals, the sight of exposed iron tempted him. One thing led to another, and now the brit was lost. A single torch, some wooden tools, and a single piece of chicken to his name.
The sound of guttural groaning startled him, causing him to whip around and pull out his sword, putting away his torch as a result. When he realized that he covered himself in thick darkness, he scrambled to get out his torch once more. His hands shook fearfully as he looked around for his light source, and his attention was taken away from the horrible, inhuman sounds getting closer, and closer. By the time George found his torch, a green, decaying face appeared with the newfound light and charged at him. It’s dead hands grabbed at him, damaging him instantly. George screamed and tried to back up, but failed to realize that there was no passage to safety behind him, but a long drop down into the heart of the cave, right into a burning pool of lava. Before he could realize this, he lost his balance. George was falling, falling, falling… And as his body finally hit the scorching, agonizing heat of the earth’s hottest liquid, he let out one last scream of plea;
George threw his headset across the room as the “You Died” screen appeared on his computer. He grinded his teeth in annoyance as he tossed his head back and facepalmed. That was his fifth attempt at playing Minecraft Hardcore mode today. The british gamer was determined to keep a world running until he could beat the game, but at this rate it seemed that personal challenge would take him weeks.
As he leaned forward to grab his bottle of water, he could hear footsteps sounding from down the hall. A moment later there was a knock on his door. “George? Dude? Are you good in there?”
George rolled his eyes as he stood from his chair, stretching his arms as he walked to the door to let the familiar voice inside. “Yes, Sapnap. I’m fine. Just annoyed at this stupid game.” He huffed as he met his roommate’s gaze. The American who lived with him scrunched up his face as he pushed past George to enter his room. “Uuh.. ok. Yeah, come on in I guess.” He said sarcastically, stifling an annoyed groan.
Sapnap ignored George as he walked up to the Brit’s desk, his hands on his hips as he looked around at the cluttered, trash filled space. George leaned on his wall by the door, waiting on Sapnap to turn around so he could get the hint that he didn’t want him in his room right now. But the man just shook his head as he dared to pick up a crushed can of Sprite. “How long have you been in here?” Sapnap asked, revulsion dripping from his words. George just scoffed. “Why?” He asked. Sapnap turned around to finally face him.
“Dude, me and Karl moved in with you because we thought it’d be cool to, like, hangout all the time. But as soon as that first week was up it’s like we only see you max twice a week.” George crossed his arms over his chest as he looked away from Sapnap. “What is this? Some intervention?” Sapnap shrugged as he tossed the can into the trash. “Maybe… It’s just.. There’s nothing wrong with liking games, I like them too but… you really need to take a break from your computer.”
George looked at him again. Sapnap also crossed his arms over his chest as the two stood at a standstill. Sapnap was waiting on George to say something, while George was waiting on Sapnap to leave him alone. But alas, Sapnap was a stronger man than him.
George sighed, dropping his arms to his sides. “Ok, fine. Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m a little chronically online… whatever. But what else is there to do? It’s autumn, and cold, and the fun things are closed.” Sapnap raised an eyebrow and smiled. George didn’t like when he smiled like that. “What if,” Sapnap crowed, “I told you there was?”
“A cabin. In the middle of nowhere. In Ohio. THIS IS YOUR IDEA OF SOMETHING FUN TO DO?!?!”
George threw his hands up over his head as Sapnap loaded the last bag into the car. The American laughed as the taller American, Karl, put a comforting hand on George’s back. “Awww come on, George! It’ll be just like camping! But with electricity, and we won’t have to sleep in a tent! And there’s plumbing!” He exclaimed, his face lit up with excitement that even George couldn’t stay mad at. But he could be annoyed with it. The brit crossed his arms as he glared at Sapnap, who was playing with the car keys. The brunette laughed as he shrugged. “Come on, George. It’s only for a week.” He chuckled.
George looked back at their Floridan home with sadness, but Karl’s stupid smile and tight half-hug ultimately had George groaning and walking towards Sapnap’s car. “Fine. But I’m riding shotgun.” He declared. “Nope! Already called it!” Karl giggled as he ran ahead of George and tussled with him for the front seat.
Whatever. Maybe Sapnap and Karl were right. Maybe this little no-internet getaway will be fun.
Even after about 14 and a half hours, George couldn’t say he was having the time of his life. Save for a few fun singing moments, pit stops, and funny stories between the men, the road trip was very long, and very tiring. Maybe it was a good thing that George sat in the back for most of the trip, because Karl got so carsick that they had to pull over on a busy highway so he could throw up. Twice.
George was napping in the backseat when he felt the car come to a stop. This wouldn’t normally make him stir, but the sound of a car door opening definitely peaked his interest enough for him to open an eye. “Wake up, George. We’re at the check-in.” Karl reached back and shook George’s shoulder gently. The Brit yawned and sat up, shrugging Karl’s hand off of him. ”Do we have to go in?” He groaned, rubbing his eyes. “Well you don’t have to, but I have to pee.” He snickered. George, not wanting to sit alone in the car, followed Karl into the old, antique-looking check-in cabin. As George looked around the outside, he realized just how isolated this place was. The trees were huge, nearly comically so. The branches and leaves were wild and thick, blocking a lot of the setting sun’s light from getting through. He was half asleep while Sapnap and Karl were talking earlier, but he’s pretty sure he heard Sapnap mention the nearest general store was a half hour drive away from their cabin.
The bell above the door let out a ring as Karl and George entered the room. It was smaller than what he expected. The lighting was dim. It didn’t help that all the windows were shut with the curtains pulled tight. There was a rack with magazines and pamphlets on one side of the room, with some seating on the other. The check-in desk was right in the middle. An elderly lady sat behind it, talking with Sapnap. She couldn’t have been younger than 70. “Hi, ma’am,” Karl began, “I was just looking for-“
“For the bathroom?” She sent him a knowing smile. “You wan’ go down that hall, second door on th’ left. I ain’t cleaned it since last week, so I hope you ain’t no germaphobe.” Karl smiled at her, nodding a thanks before heading down the hall. She turned back to Sapnap and handed him a key. “As I was sayin’, This opens th’ front door, back door, and top floor porch. Y’all got the best cabin I can offer ya. I only hope it suits y’all tropical boys nicely.” Sapnap laughed as he jingled the keys in his hand. “Thank you! I’m sure it will.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a wad of money. Rich bastard. “This should be what I owe you.” The lady reached forward and counted the cash with boney fingers. She hummed after a moment and looked up at Sapnap. “You’re off by twenty.” She said. Sapnap frowned and counted the cash on the counter. Cursing under his breath, he excused himself to look for more in the car. The bell above the door ringed as he jogged to the car.
George, not wanting to initiate conversation, turned to the pamphlets and pretended to browse. A still silence filled the room for a few long moments. “Have you ever been campin’?” The lady’s voice suddenly sounded, mildly startling George. He didn’t turn to her as he replied, “No, I haven’t.” He could hear her shift in her chair. “I could tell.” The southern drawl in her voice was both comforting and odd. George stayed quiet.
Suddenly it was as if a large gust of wind came out of no where, and caused the trees from outside to shift. The sound of branches scraping against each other and leaves rustling was a loud juxtaposition to the calm quietness a mere moment before. It wouldn’t have been strange, if it weren’t for the fact that George couldn’t hear any wind. Just rustling. George turned his head to a closed window and narrowed his eyes. He waited for it to stop but it didn’t. It sounded like it was getting closer, if anything. A weird, sudden wave of overwhelming curiosity came over the brit as he walked closer to the window. The rustling got louder. George reached out to move the curtain, when a cold hand suddenly seized his wrist, and with shocking strength, held him back.
“Don’t.” The lady whispered. When George dared to look at her face he was met with eyes full of terror. The rustling from outside stopped. Her hand shook as she held onto George, her grip never loosening, as if she was holding him for comfort. After a stunned second George pulled his arm away and stood back. “What the heck is wrong with you?” He let out, surprised at his own confrontational tone. The lady just shushed him as she inched closer to the window. “It heard you arrive.”
George felt his heart sink in an impending doom type of feeling. “What are you talking about?” What could be big enough to make those noises? Bears? He didn’t think there were bears in Ohio. And even if there were, would it be such a scary event of one appearing, that the lady who lived here would react in such a way?
Her eyes remained glued to George as the two stood in uncomfortable silence. After a minute, she let out a breath. She must’ve been holding it. When George sighed, he realized he’d been as well.
“It wants me to open th’ curtains.” She stuttered, walking back behind the counter. “It wants to see you.” George’s mouth was open in a silent shock. “Listen to me, boy. No matter how loud the trees talk, no matter how much you feel watched, no matter what you see, you can never, ever go out there alone. Never. Those who go into the woods alone don’t never ever come back home the same. Do you understand me, boy?”
“I-“ George’s voice faltered. “I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME, BOY?!” She shouted.
Suddenly, a door opened from down the hall, and Karl walked out. His face was pale, and if George knew Karl, then Karl had definitely been in there puking the whole time. Thanks a lot Karl. The taller man looked at the lady with confusion as he put himself between her and George. A bell ringing caused George to whip his head around to look at the opening door. Deep down he wanted to shout “Close the door!” But, not wanting to seem crazy, he bit his tongue. Sapnap paused at the door, a wad of five dollar bills in his hand as he looked at the scene before him.
“Uhh..I found twenty dollars..”
“Ok… you’re gonna have to start over. What about trees talking, now?”
George frowned at the back of Sapnap’s head as he growled in frustration. “How many times do I have to explain, guys?! The trees started rustling, so I went to open the window and she went crazy! She said there’s was something out there and it wanted to watch us.” His voice was strained as he tried to explain the best he could, but honestly he was still shaken up from the experience. Despite that, here they were, back in the car and driving towards the cabin.
Sapnap shot Karl a look of worry, but the other just looked back at George with sympathy. “Dude she was… old. She’s just some crazy old lady living alone in the woods. There probably wasn’t even any rustling! I didn’t hear-“ George cut him off. “No, no. You can say she’s crazy all you want but I heard the rustling, and I’m not crazy.” He looked at Sapnap once more. “You were literally outside, Sapnap. Tell me you heard it!” Karl looked at Sapnap now, and the driver seemed to zone out in thought for a moment, before shaking his head and replying, “I heard the wind making the leaves shake, George.” To that George fell back in the seat and stared at the top of the car. “George.. dont let some crazy old woman get you superstitious. We’re here to have fun, remember?” Karl looked back at George, waiting for a reply. “Ok. Yeah.” George muttered, clearing his throat. “You guys are probably right.” He sat up again and Karl smiled at him. The boy turned back around and began playing with the radio as he and Sapnap argued over what station to play.
George looked out the window and tuned them out with his own thoughts. He was being too paranoid. That lady lived alone for probably years, in the middle of what could’ve been the creepiest woods in the country. Of course she was out of her mind. Who wouldn’t be? He shouldn’t dwell on it.
But as the car began to lose its connection to the radio, and the silence of the woods began to pour into the car, and what little light there was left of the sunset faded.. George couldn’t help but think about what she said. The woman never said the thing…whatever it was…wasn’t trying to see them…
But that it was trying to see him.
“Holy moly! Would you look at the size of that!” Karl beamed as he shoved his head out of the window. George leaned up to look at the cabin through the front window as Sapnap rolled up into the driveway. “I told you guys I got us the best of the best.” Sapnap said, pride swelling in his tone. “Don’t get too cocky, we haven’t even seen the inside.” George said. But he had to admit that it was nice. It was a two-story wooden cabin with beautifully elegant architecture. The bright lights already on from inside the building was a comforting sight, especially since it got dark fast. Sapnap just scoffed playfully as he put the car in park and got out.
They grabbed what bags they could carry and headed inside. Sapnap unlocked the door and led them inside. George gasped and Karl all but screamed. Inside was the largest living room ever with the nicest, renovated kitchen George had seen in awhile, all underneath a beautiful glass skylight, that allowed them to see not only the second floor, but the sky as well. He didn’t expect something this nice to be in a place like this, owned by a woman like that. He could see doors that led to different rooms as well as a staircase that led upstairs to what apparently was the game room. Sapnap’s been talking about playing pool since they started this vacation.
“Alright. How about we get the rest of our bags in and head to bed? It’s late.” Karl suggested, wiping a bead of sweat off of his forehead, mumbling briefly about the heat as he dropped his bags where he stood. The other two agreed and dropped their bags as well, heading back to the car to get the rest of their things.
As they walked back to the car, George took a moment to look out into the dark surroundings. He’d never lived anywhere remote before. His whole life, even back in England, he’d lived in the city. The lights never went dark there, and he liked that. It beat going outside at night to take out the trash and not being able to see anything around you.
As he stared into the seemingly endless blackness, he couldn’t stop his mind from thinking back to the old lady. He wanted to believe she was crazy and move on, he really did, but she just seemed so… scared. All of her windows were shut and covered. Not just one, but all of them. As creepy as the woods were, they were also pleasant to look at in the day. Why would she, someone who chose to live in them, cover all the ways of seeing them unless she was truly terrified of something out there. Something watching her. George’s eyes were looking around. He felt like he didn’t have control over his wandering gaze as he scanned the edge of the trees.
He was about to turn his head away when he saw a heap of shadows rapidly retreat into the trees.
George froze. His heart stopped in his chest and his breath hitched. He fixed on the spot where the darkness was and the trees began, his eyes stuck open, fearful that if they were to close that he’d miss something. He stared at the spot with alarming stillness. What was that? Whatever it was, it was big enough to even overshadow the large trees. George gulped as he could faintly hear something. Shifting. Rustling. Like the wind was lightly blowing the branches once more, but George felt no gusts of air hit his sweaty skin. And yet…
“George! Dude! Come on, there’s only a few more bags in there.” The sound of Sapnap’s voice forced George out of his trance, and he dared to turn his head away from the trees to look at him. Sapnap gave George a questioning gaze. George glanced back at the trees momentarily. Nothing. Not even a sound. He turned back and cleared his throat. “Never been in the woods before.” He said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. “It’s weird out here.” He said, forcing a smile. Sapnap and Karl already thought he was freaking out, he didn’t need to make them think it was worse. “Well you can daydream all you want after you get the last bags.” Sapnap walked back inside the cabin, following Karl. George heaved a sigh as he buried his face in his palms. He had to get himself together. He was getting too paranoid. She was just a crazy old lady.
There was nothing out there.
“Dude! Ow, don’t splash me! That water is hot, what the heck is wrong with you?!” Karl complained as he ducked for cover behind a chair as George and Sapnap laughed, trying to splash the boy with the water from the hot tub. They did invite Karl to get in, but the boy refused, opting to just sit outside and talk with them instead. He claimed it was already warm outside, but the other two called him crazy since it was literally 50°F.
It’s been three days since they arrived at the cabin. And honestly, it has been some of the best fun George has had in awhile. Despite George’s hesitance, they went out and explored the woods the first day. It was so beautiful, that not even George’s paranoia kept him from enjoying himself. And not to mention that they didn’t hear or see anything, and no rustling happened without the wind’s help. The forest was quiet, and tranquil, not even the sounds of birds or other rodents could be heard. The second day they all played pool, which George lost pitifully at. He felt annoyed, but it was all in good fun. They even made chicken (that they brought from home). It was honestly delicious, and at that point George wasn’t even thinking about the occurrence at the check-in cabin. And now here they were, the night of the third day, having the time of their lives on the second floor porch. No rustling, or scary wilderness noises to be heard. Just the comforting laughter of his best friends. George honestly felt embarrassed that he was so worked up the other day. A monster in the woods! How stupid.
“Well, what’d I tell you, George? I told you that we’d have fun!” Sapnap gloated, sitting back in the hot tub, relaxing. George rolled his eyes endearingly. “Fine, okay, you were right. I really needed to get out of my room. Thanks, Sap.” Sapnap over-exaggeratingly placed a hand on his heart and open his mouth in shock. He could hear Karl laughing softly as well. “George? Giving me a compliment? Maybe this place is haunted by the scary woods monster!” George replied by splashing him right in the face. Sapnap laughed as he spit out the water that’d gotten into his mouth.
“How are you guys still in there? It’s so hot out..” George and Sapnap looked over to Karl. He was sitting on one of the stools and was facing the two men in the hot tub. He was wearing a muscle shirt and basketball shorts. And even though the wind wasn’t blowing tonight, it was still freezing. George was about to reply with a snarky response, when Sapnap spoke over him. “Karl? Are you ok?” George glanced at Sapnap before looking back at Karl. Now that he actually took a moment to study his face.. he could tell something was wrong.
Karl’s face was red. And not just a normal red, but red red. Scarlet red. His eyes were drooping, not like he was tired but like he was forcing himself to stay conscious. He was slouching. He looked like he was on the brink of death. “I’m fine, just a little hot.” He said meagerly. At this, Sapnap hopped out of the tub and went to his side, an arm wrapped around him as he felt the boy’s forehead. “Jesus Karl! You’re scorching hot!” He exclaimed. Sapnap moved Karl from the chair, the boy only letting a weak groan of protest but not being able to resist much more by the looks of it. George was out of the tub by then, a towel around his green trunks as he hovered nearby. “George, go get my car keys. I’m taking him to the hospital.” Sapnap ordered. He didn’t have to tell George twice, the Brit was flying down the stairs and to the bar where the car keys were, running outside and starting the car.
Sapnap and Karl walked outside not a minute later, Karl using Sapnap as a support as he walked with shaky knees. As he watched them walk towards the car, he realized that the boy had probably been sick since the start of their trip, and just blamed it on car sickness. George felt a twinge of guilt for not noticing his friend’s true condition.
Sapnap and George helped Karl into the backseat and Sapnap went to get in the driver’s side. As George opened the passenger door, Sapnap stopped him. “No, George. You stay here. We’ll be back before morning.” The Brit froze at his friend’s words. He stared at him dumbfoundedly before shaking his head. “What? No! I’m not staying here alone!” Sapnap’s expression was now that of agitation. “For Christ’s sake, George. I think Karl being a million degrees and nauseous is a little more important than you’re stupid paranoia.” George flinched, and Sapnap’s face softened slightly. “We can’t leave our shit alone out here. Our credit cards are in there and our phones are in there, not to mention our clothes. The hospital is, like, an hour away. We’ll be back by the morning.” His tone was full of reassurance, but was still on edge. George opened his mouth to fire back, but the sound of Karl puking in the back seat shut him up. He shut the passenger door and stood back from the car, his arms crossing over his exposed chest as Sapnap started the car and drove off, leaving George alone.
The most logical thing to do is sleep until morning. He’ll wake up to the sound of Sapnap’s car pulling into the driveway, and be greeted by him and a better-looking Karl and he’ll laugh at how scared he was to be alone in the cabin.
And yet, here he lay, three hours later, wide awake.
He took a shower, put on his favorite grey sweatpants and his best blue sweatshirt, and immediately scurried to get into bed. He thought as long as the hall light was on, the doors were locked, and his window curtains were drawn, he’d be able to fall gracefully into sleep. Boy, was he wrong.
George turned over on his side, the blanket hugged tightly in his arms, eyes wide open. All three men had their own room, and they slept alone every night, so it wasn’t like sleeping alone was the thing scaring George. He was scared because if he heard something or, God forbid, saw something, there’d be nobody around for him to run to. The closest person to him was the old lady, and the check-in cabin was at least a 45 minute walk, and anything further than that being more than a two hour walk. He inhaled a shaky breath as his heart pounded in his chest. He was hyper focused on listening to anything that sounded from the outdoors. Thankfully, he could hear nothing.
Eventually George decided to sit up in the bed. He leaned over to the night stand and opened the drawer, looking for a book or magazine to keep him occupied. A disappointed look appeared on his face when all he was met with was a dust ball.
The Brit was going to try and go to sleep again, but thirst nagged at his dry mouth. He usually got water before bed, but tonight he was just too distracted.
As he stood up and walked to his bedroom door, he felt his body hesitate to go any further. The curtains in his room were shut, but the rest of the house had their windows wide open and ready to be looked into by any terrifying monster. He again thought of the old lady. All of her windows were blocked off, and she grew frantic at the idea of opening them, even an inch. George’s breath was shaky as he peered out of his door. It led straight to the kitchen so at least he didn’t have to make a scary walk down a dark hallway. He glanced at all the windows in the big room, and was relieved to see no inhuman monstrosities looking back.
Gingerly, George walked out into the kitchen and began looking for the cabinet with the cups. He checked all the windows again before he found a mug and walked over to the sink. He turned on the water and watched his mug fill up.
It was quiet.
The woods should be full of crickets, toads, and other activity but… it was quiet. Like mother nature was holding her breath. The only sound was the faucet running. George felt weird. Like, he was doing something wrong. Or was somewhere wrong. It was uncanny. And now that he thought of it, it felt this way in the woods the other day. Maybe he was subconsciously distracting himself with banter among his friends, but deep down…he knew something was wrong. The woods were quiet. Not in a peaceful way, but in a wrong way. Yesterday they stayed inside, but what George thought was the feeling of agitation from losing pool over and over, was starting to feel like how he felt now. Yeah, he was annoyed. But he was also ever so slightly keep his eye on the large, open windows surrounding them on every side. It was hard to describe what he was feeling. He could beat out it as something primal in him trying to take over his mind and make him run and hide in a little hole.
He realized his cup was overflowed and turned off the sink, drinking the water down as he leaned against the counter.
George’s brows furrowed. It didn’t make sense. He shouldn’t be so worked up, he shouldn’t have cold chills running down his arms and spine. He shouldn’t be working up a cold sweat, his heart shouldn’t be beating this fast, he had no reason to be scared. She was a crazy old woman. George wasn’t superstitious, he didn’t even believe in ghosts. Why, why was he so worked up? It’s like everywhere he went, something was watching him. But how? He checked every single window. The ones by the front door, the ones beside him, the grand ones to behind him. He checked every single window! There was no way, he was being watched.
George took a drink, and froze, the mug sitting by his lips. His heart stopped, his chills went still on his body, and his mind went numb.
He checked every single window, except one.
George’s body shook with anxiety. That primal feeling of raw fear filled his veins as he tilted his chin up.
The ceiling skylight.
He looked up to the glass ceiling and felt his entire existence shatter. He couldn’t conjure a though, no less a scream.
Looking back at him were two glowing green eyes, empty of light, empty of human emotion, focused on nothing but him, completely centered on every micro movement George was making. He shuddered as the thing seemed to perk up at George finally seeing it, as if it were saying, “Finally, what took you so long?”
Either it was too dark to see the rest of its features, or he didn’t look long enough, but the two green eyes was all he needed to see to get the hell out of that room.
Finally, after days, George let himself scream. He screamed with all his being, screamed so loud that he felt his vocal chords shake. He sprinted as fast as he could back to his room and slammed the door behind him. He heard the monster make a sound, it sounds like a bear growling, as he could literally feel the house shift under its weight, like it was trying to find George from the skylight.
The Brit was hyperventilating, he went for his phone but it had no service. He cursed loudly as he threw it on the bed.
Suddenly he could hear what he feared most, glass shattering. He heard it shatter and fall on the ground, and now he could hear the monster more clearly. It was animalistic sounds like he’d never heard of. Weird growling that he could only affiliate to a large bear or lion, but much deeper, much more evil.
George backed himself against the farthest wall as his body shook, literally shook, with panic. Rummaging could be heard from the other room, and George felt like being sick when he realized that it could only be the monster reaching it’s hand inside to feel around for him.
George looked around his room, trying to come up with a plan. He couldn’t hide in here, it could tear down the wall and grab him and he’d be dead.
His eyes flicked over to the largest window he had. He could run. He walked over to it and opened the curtains, peering out at the eerie darkness with a pit in his chest. It would expect him to stay in the house. If he ran, it wouldn’t expect it.
George opened the window but paused before he jumped out. He looked back at the bed and grabbed his phone, turning on the flashlight. He stared out the window once more, beginning to rethink his spontaneous idea before he heard a loud thump hit against his door, and the monster make a horrible sound of knowing.
He didn’t give it a chance to tear down his wall before jumping out of the window and sprinting full force into the thick dark. Alone.
It was 4 am. The slightest hints of light were beginning to show, and George hadn’t slept a wink. Ever since he jumped out of the window, he’d been on the move. He stayed in the general vicinity of the woods edge, because the last thing he wanted was to get lost in the monster’s territory. He was exhausted,. Physically, mentally, emotionally, instinctively. He wanted to pass out, to let sleep take over, to rest. But he couldn’t.
A few hours ago he dared to look back at the cabin to find that the monster wasn’t leaning over it anymore. And ever since then, George had been making sure to never keep looking in one direction for too long.
Part of him wanted it to turn out that he was crazy, that he hallucinated the whole thing. Because ever since he jumped out of the window, he hadn’t seen it at all. Surely it would’ve been chasing him by now? If it wasn’t, then was it real at all?
But then the silence filled his ears, and that was enough to reassure him that he wasn’t alone.
It was looking for him.
George decided to stay put at the forest edge behind the cabin, where he could see the driveway incase Sapnap decided to make an appearance. He was tired, and was hyper focusing on the sounds around him.
If he just would’ve came out of his room, if he just spent more time with his friends, none of this would’ve happened. Sapnap wouldn’t have done this to try and make George socialize. Was this his punishment for being a bad friend? Was this the price to pay for being an ungrateful prick? George couldn’t help but curl up into himself. Sapnap and Karl won’t be back for hours. They won’t be back until it’s too late, and they’ll come inside and see what happened and think he went crazy. Sapnap will blame himself and Karl will too. Why did it have to turn out this way? Why him? Why?
A car could be heard in the distance.
George lifted his head from his knees and looked bewildered at the driveway. A familiar black car pulled into the long driveway, a comforting yellow light coming off of the headlights. They were home. They were home! He did it! He beat the fucking monster!
George stood, his body shaking as he balanced his exhausted body on the trees beside him. He opened his mouth to yell, but he was cut off.
The trees behind him rustled.
And the air was still.
George had his phone in his hands, and as he turned around he shined the flashlight up, and up, and up….
And two lifeless, inhuman, green eyes met the shine of his light.
George stumbled back, falling over. But what he didn’t know was that the space behind him wasn’t a safe field of open yard, but the hand of the monster, sitting in wait for George to fall right into it.
George gasped and violently writhed as fingers quickly wrapped around his form, he whined in fear as he tried with what little energy he had left to squeeze out of the cold hands that had him trapped.
And as the monster stood up, George let out one last scream of plea;
part two? maybe 👀
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lauradirge · 2 months
In honor of homestuck day I'm coming out as someone who's currently reading homestuck for the first time
And here are my thoughts on this piece of media:
I understand why people can be annoying about homestuck because I'm enjoying it so much that I, too, want to be annoying about homestuck. It goes so many places and so bunch of random things in the world make me think "oh just like homestuck."
I'm a bit over halfway through (about page 4500).
Here's what I think about characters:
John - funny and sincere, love the guy
Rose - she's good there's a lot of good scenes with her, love her grimdark era
Dave - he has funny parts and I like when he gets into his time travel era
Jade - I love jade but it feels like she's barely in it sometimes, and she doesn't get a lot of chances to be a part of the core group? Kinda lame. She just turned into a human furry hybrid, which is fun.
Karkat- love this guy. He really sucks for a long time, it sucks reading his ALL CAPS RANTS until he starts to become more sincere and idk he's just a guy who wants to do the right thing.
Aradia - a jade type. I really like her but i feel like she doesn't get to be a character too often, just a plot device.
Sollux - who is this guy. He's like. Fine. I really didn't like him at first but he got a bit better recently, still... idk.
Equius- same as sollux except he never grew on me. I like it when he's not there.
Terezi- TEREZI I LOVE TEREZI SHES SO GOOD. I love her cool guy relationship with Dave and all her art rules.
Vriska - what can even be said? We love vriska. Loved her sad date with John. Hope to see her again soon.
Gamzee - I so far really like this guy even tho I didn't really want to. He was a scary clown for a second but now he is a chill clown. He's aight. Idk
Kanaya & Nepeta - these guys get the same slot cuz I feel the same about them. I like them both but I forget about them until they're on screen. Hopefully they get the chance to do some more.
Tavros - yeah I like him, I feel bad for this shy ass guy with these intense ass friends. But he also is like barely there.
Eridan - annoying guy! I also like him better when he's not there.
Feferi - look there are so many characters that I know they can't ALL be important but she's another one where like. She seems great but she needs more to do!
I think that's all the trolls... vriska come back.
I just got started with the post scratch characters so I'm still developing opinions about them. So far I like dirk the most. roxy has some funny moments but it is weird that she's a perpetually drunk teen. Jane and Jake havent done too much so they're just ok atm.
Anyway I'm not finished and I have no idea what compelled me to write this, I never talk about Fandom stuff. My opinions are subject to change between now and when I finish, and even after I finish my opinion will continue to change.
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37gorditas · 10 months
Why was Spamton so much more unsettling than Jevil?!?!
(Deltarune Chapter 2 spoilers under the funny line!)
I thought about this stuff when i was in the shower, so it probably doesn't make much sense but here goes!!!
Alright, I might be having serious brainrot, but i think compared to Jevil, Spamton is unsettling as FUCK. I mean, one of them is a fella in a jail cell somewhere that really likes chaos (and is also probably based on a random LINE sticker pack)...
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Spamton, on the other hand, while also having similar thoughts of freedom and is also similarly Kind Of Unhinged, is a bit more disturbing, especially when you're working to fight his NEO form. One event that sticks out to me is when you transfer his data onto the Empty Disk. As the data starts transferring, line by line, the shop turns greyscale, the music lowers in speed, and Spamton disappears.
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When playing through the game myself, I immediately left because Crap! I Kinda Liked That Guy! Something about him just Disappearing just got to me. Another pretty unsettling thing that happens is at the end of the Spamton NEO fight, he just. Falls to the ground, motionless. His NEO form lies there on a black background for what seemed like Hours, and the gang appears on a path leading out of the basement (IIRC.)
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Now, I don't think everything literally turned Pitch Black for the gang when they were on the tracks there. Seems that the game intentionally has everything else black out to emphasise what happened to US, the player. The same goes for the shop, in a way. While maybe the colour DID get transferred from the room along with Spamton (and the telephone???) it's like the game litters these jarring, quiet moments with Spamton throughout the game. But why?
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Maybe it's to show the parallels of Spamton to Kris. Kris is also unsettled by Spamton, especially seen after the fight, when they yell that they're not OK (if that option is picked.) Spamton may have painted a picture to Kris that there's no way out of being puppeted forever. (He talks about not being [Big] enough and that makes new goofy theories spring up in my head which i'll spare you guys from.) Kris is pretty annoyed by us, the players, already, and they DO have times where they just sever our connection to them through the SOUL, but these periods of time are brief. Spamton crushed the hopes that Kris may have had of completely regaining control.
But why show the parallels to US? What do we do, rewrite the game to make things go better for Spamton and Kris? Honestly, there's no way of knowing until at least chapters 3-5 come out. I need more LORE...... more TINY CHUNKS OF PLOT....... more FUNEE CHARACTERS......... to think about and tie back to this.
That's pretty much all I had to say, to be honest. I had a lot more ideas about this in the shower, but they don't make much sense to me now. PLEASE tell me what you guys think because there are probably a lot of pieces i didn't connect that well, and things i would've got wrong. I don't know where I thought I was going with this. Just putting my thoughts here so I can look back when the rest of the chapters come out and laugh.
TL;DR: Spamton's presented as being unsettling because he has pretty similar toils to Kris, who is also probably unsettled by him.
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Thanks for reading!
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i'd love to hear anything abt the lissiverse!! ik it's hard to answer such massive questions though so, what abt your kris? the watercolour piece you did of her is so pretty!!
yes kris! Thanks, it was my first time really using watercolours so I’m happy that it came out so well :D
so basically. She’s Suicune’s girl (no Better way to put it at the moment.) she is destined to be trapped in its crystal and serve it but she doesn’t know it yet. Arceus created a “backup copy” of her which is Lyra. Lyra lives in the void. Kris also doesn’t know about this. So later in their journey Lyra starts being able to interact with the real world, first being able to talk to kris (silver thinks she’s going crazy cause he can’t hear anything), then being seen by her, then being functionally “real” and joining their Pokémon adventure.
And at the end of everything (climax?) they’re up on a roof of (I think it’s) bell tower and they’re fighting someone (Giovanni?) with their legendaries and everything then (idk how she finds out, still figuring that out) basically kris has to make a choice to either go with suicune and Lyra will be real and a human and everything but she’ll be trapped with suicune or stay and Lyra poofs out of existence cause she isn’t “needed” anymore. She chooses to go to keep Lyra alive. BUT (ok maybe it’s a bit of a duex ex machina but it’s important to Ethan’s character arc) after failing to call ho oh (Ethan’s got some self esteem issues from always told he’ll never be even close to reds level (he looks up to red a lot) (he acts like he doesn’t care about what people say but he really cares) ) (and silver was able to call lugia first try with the silver wing (I think that’s what it’s called) but Ethan wasn’t. It still hasnt come at this point) (but the legendaries just wait until they’re really needed, and ho oh unknowingly destroys Ethan’s self esteem even more) (ok back to kris) at this point Ethan tries to call ho oh again as a last attempt to save her (oh and I’m shipping Ethan and kris here. It’s my best friends favourite ship and it’s rubbed off on me) and it shows up, and (I do not have this fully planned out) he manages to save her (oh and in suicune crystal world she’s wearing the sygna suit) and after everything Lyra basically gets to stay and kris basically adopts her as a sister
kris and Ethan’s dynamic is like. Kris: “why is this kid like this like he’s so weird be normal for once but why is he actually kinda cute what” and Ethan’s like: “oh this girls cool kind of annoying but like she’s cool I like her”
not sure about a team yet but I think her starters totodile.
uhhh long post but thanks for the ask and I hope you can understand something from here!
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chimericchaos · 2 months
Minor rant, yes I did just come from the Big Tugg video on how english is stupid and I entirely agree with him on that
What I do not at all agree with is the opening of the video entirely dedicated to hating children - he just goes out of his way to say "oh yeah before I start this video, I fucking hate kids" and then gives a list of things kids don't know, (because, they're kids) and dunk on them for not knowing stuff
And I find it kinda ironic the person who says that kids should not feel proud of learning- sorry, memorizing- the alphabet, also mispronounces the word Celtic not ten seconds later. Perhaps we all could learn a thing or two by expanding our general knowledge and studying cultures and languages outside our own?
Speaking of languages, side-tangent-within-a-side-tangent, removing s or k and compounding them both into c is a shit take that I'm seeing way too much, when the obvious answer is to get rid of c, it only functions as a replacement for s or k and in either function it creates unnecessary problems (it's really unnecessary for "unnecessary" to be spelt like that but different topic) and that's why a Bunch of fucking languages around the world do Not include a c, such as the language I was forced to learn since birth and Still cannot speak: Afrikaans. There is not a single c in that language and I have never had a spelling mistake from s or k ever. Other mistakes sure but not concerning those.
And you may be wondering "well why can't we just contract the sounds into less letters to save space in the alphabet?" Because while that would not necessarily be so bad, that shit gets real out of hand real fast the more you do it, and all I'm saying is don't come knocking when you can't spell doodle when your a's are also e's and your u's are also i's
Anyway back to the topic of hating kids
This may seem like a wildly specific rant about one youtuber mentioning it offhand once, but I assure you this is not the first time today I've heard this. I hear this multiple times a week. From different people
For some damn reason it's kinda always been a popular take to hate kids and openly talk about how much one would like to see them suffer, and I don't fucking understand it at all???
Like, ok, you find their constant questions and mumbles and movements and other weird sounds very annoying, cool, I find the several cats outside my window doing many unsavoury things to each other each and every night annoying but I still don't talk about it like it's ok to hurt them
And maybe we can take a moment to rationalize the fact that kids tend to ask a lot of dumb things and say a lot of dumb things, because they're dumb?? they have far less experience on this earth than anyone who knows the definition of "economy", and do not yet know how to do basic living shit like how to cook a whole ass chicken, and they don't need to just yet, that's the point
People who don't know shit are going to do and say things as a consequence of not knowing shit
And this is very much a long-winded vent about something that doesn't really effect me at all, but I do in fact see it as a personal problem because not too long ago I too was a kid that didn't know shit, and I was a piece of shit because of it, sure, but something I very much remember is having to deal with people who hated me simply for existing, and I no longer have to deal with people hating my existange as a child, yes, but I still have various other unchangable things about myself that people hate me for, so through that experience I don't think it's a good thing to hate kids just because they're kids, regardless of how annoying the youtube comments are, and at the very least if you're going to think the spawn of your fellow humans are actually the spawn of satan, please do not talk about like it's a normal ass thing
And hey, maybe there's also a part of my brain that has yet to even fucking register that I'm in my roaring 20's now, so that may be why when I come across people hating kids I feel personally attacked
So with that knowledge, if you say to me that you hate kids, for whatever reason, rest assured I already hate you
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odyssean-flower · 10 months
ok i played the new story update in hsr and here are my thoughts
warning: it's kinda negative
first things first: yeah i know this isn't the end of the xianzhou story, there are six ships after all and i guess luofu is supposed to be like the opening act to a bigger conflict with the aeons but m a n the execution was not good
the 1.3 story is more like an epilogue, which is fine, but it really should have been added to the previous patch. tbh the luofu story didn't need to be stretched over three patches with its overall length
i feel like everything went wrong when they decided to make the dan shu quests optional instead. i feel like they had to scrap a lot of stuff because of that? i agree that the dan shu quests felt out of place but they could have moved it around instead of just cutting them out of the main storyline. It's fully voiced after all and it has interesting lore
the problem is that the writers wanted to incorporate so many concepts but didn't want to (or can't) increase the length of the story. There are so much stuff going on like the conflict between Lan and Yaoshi, the bad side to immortality, the vidyadhara politics, the stellaron and the lord ravager, the sanctus medicus, dan heng & dan feng, dan heng and blade, the stellaron hunters, the high-cloud quintet, luocha, but all of these things only get brief moments of spotlight before we move on to something else. it makes everything feel kind of inconsequential and confusing
Especially the dan heng il thing which really should have been the main point of the story. his transformation is cool but it also feels random. the opening cutscene with blade also comes off as baffling in retrospect bc he didn't really do or explain anything??
i think they tried to rectify this by making the companion quests (like yanqing's and dhil's) basically main quests but they only raise more questions that may or may not get a definite answer. also these quests are optional
the ending is so abrupt, but they still try to tease continuations (see: jingliu and luocha cutscene at the end) even though we're leaving?? and who knows when these threads will get picked up again
Another problem i have: the vagueness of the lore and story. We finally know what dan feng's sin is...kind of. We maybe kind of know what happened to baiheng. tingyun's dead...or is she??? the writers love teasing resolutions instead of giving them, and it's honestly annoying. And im saying this as a genshin lore fan who loves finding random readables and trying to piece together what happened
The high-cloud quintet: ok this might be an unpopular opinion but i don't really care about them. maybe it's just my inherent dislike for the trope of "super elite group full of hot people who have a lot of history with each other and they feel sad about it :(" but they are just not doing anything for me right now. I like them all individually but as a group? meh. Part of the problem is that their lore is scattered all over the place and is very vague, so you really have to read between the lines and speculate in order to get their story, which requires a certain amount of investment from the start. i repeat that im a genshin lore player, but the thing about genshin lore is that it's not needed to understand the main story most of the time. Important stuff about the characters, on the other hand? tbh i care way more about spina di rosula trio or the narzissenkreuz people, and most of those people are npcs (faceless even)
honestly high-cloud quintet deserved a world quest chain or something instead of just (a very nice) animated short. as it is now i don't know why we would ever revisit them in the future considering dan heng doesn't want anything to do with them. maybe a rematch with blade?
tldr xianzhou had a lot of cool ideas but the execution was bad. oh well at least it had jing yuan
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sho-minamimoto · 8 months
plz tell me about some of your ocs at random
YAAYYYY heres a few that r very special 2 me
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a sentient immortal grape that photosynthesize gunpowder and explode at will + regenerate itself at a moments notice. it was grown in a lab and escaped just to kinda run around out in the wild and have fun (not really on purpose it just got lost) and it usually expoads itself as a self defense mechanism against animals eating it (it can survive being food but it just doesnt like the experience) ive had this oc since i was like 8 maybe. im fond of this Orb also here are some phone doodles of it
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i'll put 2 more ocs under a read more i just wanted anyone scrolling to see the grape.
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(ref by my gf @nachtkern, various phone doodles by Me) This is Tesnik :) bitchboy guy who accidentally fused himself with an ant as a kid and gained the ability to disintegrate any part of his body into ants at will and he just decided to own it and live with it. he used to be an info broker and used his ants to manually spy on ppl + blackmail them + sell out secrets and got really rich that way but got way in over his head and got himself in a huge mess that ended with him Maybe (or Maybe Not) indirectly orchestrating the deaths of several people after his throat and afterwards he was like "man i dont wanna do all that again. im gonna be normal now" and now makes a living running a small cozy antique store with wares he collected and restoring old paintings. but he still spies on people with his ants as a bad habit of being nosy and just wanting to Know things at all times. he is my oc Ever. there are some ocs i have that i like a bit more than him but if i comm someone to draw my oc its always this guy and no one else.
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ok lastly this is Eirian.... i dont think i have any actual finished art of him but i love him to pieces hes a dumb loser idiot with a very low opinion of himself hes unapproachable and aloof and kind of a weirdo but hes very loyal to the ppl he cares abt and he cares for others really deeply. he has an obsession with his knife collection he loves knives and finds them really cool. also he can do parkour and loves getting into fights hes very rowdy. he has 2 sisters and they r all triplets he's very clingly with one and absolutely hates the other one (but not really he just finds her annoying.) I technically have 2 versions of this oc, one whos just Some Guy (as described above) and another whos the same guy but like a high fantasy au version. I dont wanna say Too much bc my gf and i kind of made a whole story abt it that we might do more with someday but in that version he's the disgraced prince of a kingdom that starts living on the run after killing his father (the King) and joins a travelling circus as an acrobat while trying to evade authorities and punishment from the rest of his family. i need to draw more of him hes a very special oc 2 me.
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