#this quote pops up every once in a while and I couldn't not notice how cwn is literally its embodiment
Chu Wanning is the epitome of If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.
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justwonder113 · 4 months
I love your writing sm 🫠🫠
could you write something fluffy and suggestive for han were you sit on his lap in his studio chair and you can’t stop kissing him and you’re distracting him from his work and he finds it so cute that you’re like this x
Oh my god thank you so much sweetheart! You don't know how much it means to me that you like my writing. I'm really sorry for taking so long to write, even though I absolutely LOVED the idea!!! I had one the meltdowns and uni has been an absolute nightmare so sorry. I really hope this was what you wanted and I hope you will like it. I will try to update stories more and more. Thankfully I will have more time^^
My masterlist
If you have any requests feel free to ask(though it might take me some time)
Warnings: Kind of suggestive, Bold reader, Cute whiney Jisung but he does complete 180 in the end. Jisung calls reader a brat
You woke up from your sweet slumber by soft clicking of the keyboard. You didn't even realize when you started to dose off. All the work must have caught up to you. The week you had sure was hectic.
You looked at your boyfriend's hunched figure, he was deeply immersed in his work, he hadn't even noticed that you were awake. You felt sad, you barely saw each other. Your schedule was swarmed and he had comeback coming real soon. You tried to text and call but sometimes he was just so swarmed with work he responded hours later. He was really apologetic, he really tired his best. He texted you whenever he could, he sent gifts for you, sometimes flowers, sometimes food, when he knew your schedule was extra hectic. He also left you little notes around the house and, lets just say, randomly finding them was highlight of your day. Sometimes they were sweet messages, sometimes random quotes, sometimes silly little jokes and doodles. You loved every one of them and kept them in a little box in your room. You also tried to be just as supportive, this is why you were here in his studio, you came earlier with food and snacks for him and the boys. Jisung had barely texted you the whole day, so you knew he was extra busy, also you got suspicious that he wouldn't eat anything, he always got so involved with his work he sometimes forgot to even eat.
You were not wrong. Jisung shyly admitted to you that he, in fact, skipped a meal when you asked if he ate anything. Good for him that he was so cute and adorable you never had the ability to stay mad at him. He got so happy when he saw you that he almost knocked you down. He really was so adrable. The boys also thanked you, and you ate together, talking about what you were up to.
You talked for a while but one by one they left to do their own stuff leaving you with Jisung. Honestly, you were glad to be left alone with him, you've missed him too much. You talked with hushed voice, not once he let go of you, he was hugging you like a koala and showered your face with kisses. You couldn't help but giggle at his cute antics. After a while he excused himself and asked you to wait a little bit as he finished his song, promising to quickly wrap it up and go home together. But here you were now, still stuck in the studio.
You scanned around to find your phone to check the time, Jisung must have noticed you had fallen asleep and draped his jacket to keep you warm . He really was cute but you really wanted to scold him. He already worked inhuman hours he really was straining his body!
Your eyes almost popped out of your eyes when you noticed that it was basically midnight. Oh he really was done for now!
You got up, groaning from pain, your muscles were sore from laying on this uncomfortable sofa. After stretching a little you approached him, he was so immersed he didn't even notice you. You couldn't help but scoff when you carefully examined his face. His eyes were so red from looking at this damn screen all day. Apart from bloodshot eyes, he had dark eyebags, he looked a paler and you didn't know if you were exaggerating or not but he also looked a bit thinner. Also there was no way his body wouldn't ache from sitting like that, especially after dancing and practicing for ungodly amounts of time.
You carefully threaded your fingers through his hair and leaned down to kiss his cheek. He did jump a little not expecting your touch but he quickly relaxed and leaned into it. He opened his arms and looked at you with wide eyes expecting you to get into his lap and hug him. Sadly, it also meant that he still wasn't done. You sighed yet again, there was no way you could win this one. You complied and sat in his lap. Jisung immediately wrapped his arm around you and brought you closer to him so that you were chest to chest with no room between you, he quickly pecked your cheek and went back to working.
You tried your best to sit still and let him work so that you could go home as soon as possible, but you were also getting really bored.
After a minute or two an idea popped into your head. You shuffled a bit and hid your face into the crook of his neck, the smell of his perfume immediately soothing your senses. You put your right hand on his chest and wrapped the other around his shoulders. You waited for a second so that Jisung would think you were just getting comfortable, if he even noticed you moving around that is... The truth was that Han Jisung was really ticklish and his neck was especially sensitive. Whenever you decided to kiss his neck he would always reel back giggling and pouting at you cutely. He would always try and run away from you whenever he sensed that you were about to attack his neck. But where would he go now? You were in his lap, there was no way he could run.
You somewhat felt bad, he was always so sweet and gentle to you and no matter how ticklish he was he always let you snuggle up to his neck knowing that you loved it. Should you betray his trust like this?
He did notice you shuffling around, he tensed up for a second when your nose brushed against his sensitive skin but he quickly relaxed. You grinned it was your time to shine!
Carefully not to alert him you brushed your lips against his neck. The response was immediate, his hold around your waist immediately tightened. Oh you were going to get a reaction out of him one way or another. You kissed him again but with more passion now and quickly pecked him few more times. Jisung glanced at you but he didn't say anything. Oh he was on!
You continued your assault on his reddening skin and pecked every part of his skin you could reach one arm around his shoulders while the other had slid through his neck and into his hair playing with the silky soft stands on his nape, oaccasionaly pulling them drawing soft quiet groans from the boy. He whined out your name so prettily! And let's just say you absolutely adored his "little" reactions. He was set on staying as still as he could and act as if this whole thing didn't affect him at all but you could see right through him. "Babyy." He whined out but you didn't stop. His skin was all flushed in a beautiful shade of red, his breathing had become more rugged and shalllow. His left hand held onto your hip for dear life and brought you as close to him as it possibly could as if you would dissappear if he let go. God you loved this boy! You kissed him more and let's just say you hoped his jacket had a high collar because you had left really pretty marks onto his skin. You would gladly show it to the world but you were not sure how his fans would react if anyone were to see you and share photos. And you knew many stays had hawklike vision.
You didn't even consider to stop your attack, Jisung hadn't even done anything to stop you so, you let yourself go. It was only when you moved a little and started kissing his jaw and in the haze let your teeth graze against his skin that he held you tightly and pulled you off.
You looked at him with confused eyes, his face unreadable. Did you upset him? Was he mad? You were about to apologize when he sighed out something and leaned in to smash his lips against yours, knocking the breath out of your lungs. Both of his hands were around your waist now, pulling you impossibly close, as if he wanted to devour you, wanted to be one with you, and who were you to deny him anything? You tried your best to keep up with him and return the kiss with the same burning passion but honestly you couldn't keep up. You didn't know what came up to him but you loved it. You felt like melting, like you really thought you could turn into a puddle, you felt ignited, you felt alive. There was no thought in your head other than that you loved this boy. Your lungs were burning but you weren't even considering to lean back for air. You were just consumed with Han Jisung.
It was Han who broke the kiss and leaned back to let you breathe. Both of you struggled to breathe normally, as if you had forgotten how to do so. You wanted to say something but were at loss for words, it was Han who broke the silence. He flicked your forehead and pouted at you. "You're a real brat do you know that?" You couldn't help but giggle. You swore this boy had some type of switch into his head. He almost made you melt into a puddle by giving you the best kiss of your life and now he was pouting at you all cutely like he did nothing wrong. God you loved him!
You grinned at him, "Does this mean we're going home?"
Han rolled his eyes and softly pinched your side. "Brat."
Yup, you had won.
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
[19.55] cat hybrid!san × reader
⇀ san. what is san ? san's a cat. but san's not just a cat. san's an adorable cat
⇁ @bobateastay you did this AGAIN FFS /lovingly
It had become a routine it seems. Every Sunday, you and San decided that it's a day to just relax, do nothing. But it's a pact that although you both are doing nothing, you're doing nothing together.
On this particular do-nothing-day, you found yourself on your bed with a book in your hand as the tv played a movie that you've watched approximately 12 times within the past year. San was not far from where you are. He was sat on his gaming station that's situated on the other side of your shared bed with his back against the tv.
Maybe 2 hours has passed since you started your book and the movie was nearing its ending. San has been playing some sort of game with another cat hybrid named Wooyoung, a dog hybrid named Yunho and a snow fox hybrid named Yeosang, all of whom he befriend a long time ago.
You closed your book and stretched your body like how San taught you to, as you quote, "Reach the maximum relaxation because who wants to function with an ass that falls asleep every 10 minutes?" Which you don't quite understand but you don't care since somehow, it works. On your stomach, you folded your legs under your body and reached forward with your arms, stretching your back until you feel your spine cracking away. After your back, you released your legs and just pushed like how San would. You pushed until your legs shook, making you grin at yourself at how good it felt. Once you're done, you flipped your body and land on your side, facing San who was so focused on his own game that he hadn't noticed you looking at him.
"Go! Go! Go! No- Wooyoung I swear- YOU SAID YOU'RE GOOD AT THIS!!!!" he roared into his mic, fingers tapping furiously at his gaming keyboard. You don't know which entranced you more, his fingers dancing on the keyboard or the colourful lights on the keyboard itself. "I should have teamed up with Yunho... LOOK AT YEOSANG CHILLING RIGHT THERE!! HE'S WORKING TOGETHER WITH YUNH- oh that's rich coming from someone who died after 2 minutes-"
San stopped his rant to Wooyoung when he noticed you staring at him. Confused (yet very happy that he got your attention), San smiled at you for a bit before refocusing on his game. When he smiled, his dimples popped out and his black cat ears twitched from the fluff of white hair. You couldn't help but squeal and completely melted.
As he focused back on his game, you crawled over to his side of the bed and sat by his side. You took a good look at him, seeing how he scrunch his eyebrows when he was focused on attacking, how he seemed to be such a pro at balancing between using one hand on the keyboard and the other on the mouse, how his beautiful pupils dart around the screen, following the direction of his mouse (which is ironic considering he's a cat), all the while navigating and coordinating with Wooyoung. There's a grace to him playing games, and there's an adorableness to him cussing at his teammate and bitching about said teammate to his other friends.
Noticing you were staring at him, San's eyes began darting back and forth from the screen to you. "Is there something on my face?" he asked as he moved his headphone away, opting to let it rest on his neck so he could still hear what was going on but also to hear you. He was wondering why you were staring at him like that. Like he's the fluffiest marshmallow.
You simply shrugged and instead of answering, you simply reach to scratch the base of his left ear. The stimulation from the scratch made him purr and his eyes began fluttering. For a split second, he forgot that he was playing as his fingers curled and hovered above his gaming station.
It wasn't until you heard Wooyoung yelling at him through the headphones on his neck that he snapped out and immediately moved to shoot at a character in the game that you assume is either Yunho or Yeosang. San's a good player, but that doesn't mean he can't be petty when he wants to be. There were instances where he shot his own teammate after they called him clingy for being distracted by you, all the while adorning an adorable pout that made you peck his nose.
Seeing him needed by his teammate, you decided that maybe you were a distraction to him. You had just lifted your hand off of him when he suddenly let out a childish whine of disapproval. "What are you doing!?" he complained as he snapped his head to you. From the headphone, you could hear Wooyoung retaliating, something along the lines of "Me??? What the fuck are YOU doing!?" because in mere seconds, San was hissing at him. "Not you, dumbass! I was talking to (y/n)!" he said as he pouted at you.
"Me?" You furrowed your eyebrows at him, "What did I do?" you asked, confused. San puffed his cheeks and simply grab the hand that you used to scratch him and plopped it on the top of his head. "Pat," he said simply. Which sounded more like a demand.
Realizing why he was pissy, you couldn't help but chuckle and comply. Rather than distracting him with the scratches he usually demands before sleep, you simply pat and rub the top of his head gently. You let your fingers card through his soft locks and even took time to take notice of how his ears would move around, sometimes due to sounds or even fluttering when he felt satisfied. The pout on San's face soon melted, replaced with a satisfied grin. Even his tail swished around happily, seemingly doing a little happy dance.
You like seeing San this happy. When you both first decided to move in together, you were unsure because your friends told you all sorts of horror stories about hybrids. How because they're part animals, they still have animal instincts in them and some won't even hesitate to hurt you for fun. The predator ones that is. But when you saw San and saw the first time he smiled at you, you know that you had nothing to worry about. Ten thousand suns won't even be able to match his brightness. Because he's your San, he's your San-shine. Your little big ball of fluff who often demands attention without wanting to say anything. Your pouty baby when you're so busy with work that you couldn't spare 10 minutes to give him his daily forehead kisses and nose nuzzles. Your adorable source of happiness who doesn't even have to do anything to get your absolute ultimate affection. Seriously, you might need help detaching yourself from San. His adorableness is a distraction which is a big issue for you. But honestly, you're not complaining.
After a while, your arm started to get tired from the constant petting but you don't wanna let San down, he looked so pleased.
"Sannie, my arm hurts," you groaned, slowly pulling your hand off.
Without missing a beat, his ears flopped down and his eyes turned into giant orbs, eyebrows drooping sadly, and bottom lip jutted out. "But... Warm..." he quivered sadly. You cooed and reached to cup his face, "Well, you're playing now and I can't hold out that long... Can we continue later before we sleep?" you negotiated.
But of course, he shook his head stubbornly.
Before you could make a move, he had already pushed his gaming chair back and pulled you into his lap. You yelped at his strength that you're pretty sure stemmed from his absolute determination to get what he wants. But you quickly adjusted your position, legs slipping under his armrests and chin comfortably resting on his shoulder.
Not even two seconds after you found your comfortable position, San grunted and he bumped the side of his head with you. You pulled back slightly as you were about to scold him, but he beat you to it. With his lips pursed like a duck and eyebrows furrowed, he mumbled, "Attention, now."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at San. But even after saying that, he tightened his hold on you and rested his own chin on your shoulder. You bit your bottom lip to prevent yourself from grinning to yourself even wider. It's bad enough that San already has an iron grip on you with his adorableness, you can't let his hot-and-cold side affect you too. Not that it hasn't, but you're simply bullshitting yourself.
Obliging his request demand, your hands soon found purchase around him. You had an arm wrapped around his neck, playing with the fabric of his hoodie as the other tangled itself with the hair on the back of his head. You let your fingers softly comb his hair as you hum a tune from a Studio Ghibli movie. San soon found himself melting under your touch, evident from the way his shoulders relaxed and his tail swishing way more calmly against your leg, making you giggle.
If only time could stop, you'd be happy being in this position forever.
"Dude, I can hear (y/n) humming. Are you guys in the chair together!?"
"Shut your jealous mouth up Wooyoung, go be useful."
taglist :
@rdiamond2727 @bobateastay @kodzukein @phenomenalgirl9 @skzatzloveismonsterous @memorymonster @forapollosol @dreamlesswonder86 @maddiebabyxoxo @imababywolf @do-you-actually-care @marievllr-abg @ilsedingsx @wasteitonserendipity @bbymatz @noonaishere @jo-hwaberry @honeyhwaaa @ateezourstars @yoonjunshi @yoongiigolden @camillelafaye @charreddonuts @jcngh0-hq @kpopnightingale @starryunho @atinct @cutie-wooyo @mirror-juliet @hyuckilstan @jayb17 @multihoe-net @kpoplover718 @imswitchbabemox @starryunho
@seonghwarizon @chloepurpy
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The Price of Teasing a Trickster
Word count: 4050
Warnings: ABSOLUTELY RUTHLESS ler!Loki (oops, sorry 🤷‍♀️ I just couldn't help myself). Oh, and suggestive themes, given the plot is around the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Sick day = extra time for me to write 😉
This was certainly a unique request to write, but I had fun doing it! This came from a prompt sent by an anon requesting a night where you and Wanda watch the cult favorite comedy horror film, the Rocky Horror Picture Show, getting really into the songs and quotes. Then Loki happens across the pair of you and finds your enthusiasm to be entertaining.
If you haven't watched the film, I kept the specifics to just the beginning of the movie to avoid spoilers. It's a very... unique film, with suggestive themes, so please don't go searching for it young minors. The fic itself is completely SFW as always!
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“Are you two sure you don’t want to come bowling with us? It’s going to be quite the show!” Tony tilted his head toward Thor, who was animatedly discussing the rules of bowling with a nervous-looking Bruce.
“Yeah, we’re sure. My wrist is still acting up, wouldn’t want to injure myself, especially outside of a mission… how embarrassing would that be?” you quipped, massaging your wrist for dramatic effect.
“And I can’t possibly leave them here by themselves! I’m happy to keep them company,” Wanda added, throwing an arm around your shoulders. “You guys have fun, enjoy yourselves!”
“Alright… but if your boyfriend Robocop breaks something, you’ll be getting a really amusing phone call.” Tony winked at Wanda, then turned and followed the others out the door. You and Wanda stood quietly, listening as their voices faded out of earshot. When silence fell on the tower once again, you both turned toward each other with excitement etched across your faces.
“You ready??” she gushed.
“Let’s do this!!” you cheered.
Every year in October, you and Wanda found a night where the tower was empty to pop in your favorite horror movie – the Rocky Horror Picture Show, a guilty pleasure of yours. While some of the others (the human ones, at least) were familiar with the film, none of them shared the same level of enjoyment for it as you two. Sure, many of them found it amusing, but they didn’t have the script memorized. They didn’t sing and dance along with the music. So, rather than subjecting yourselves to the strange looks from the rest of the team while you enjoyed the movie, you simply waited until everyone was out of the tower so you could sing, dance, and recite the lines to your hearts’ content.
The pair of you skipped eagerly to the common room, you taking a seat on the sofa as Wanda set up the movie on the wide screen TV. She plunked down on the sofa beside you, grinning with enthusiasm as the opening credits began.
You were on your feet already as the first song started between Brad and Janet. Each time the creepy family in the background recited their names, you and Wanda looked at one another and recited along with them, giggling every time. You were glad the others weren’t here watching you – they’d never understand the amusement you found in –
“What in the norns are you two watching?”
You squeaked in surprise, scooping the remote off the couch and pressing pause as Loki strode into the room. Your face flushed at his confused, yet entertained expression as he stared at the pair of you. Wanda, however, seemed unphased.
“We’re watching a movie. Until you interrupted, that is.” She placed her hands on her hips defiantly.
“Watching? Last I checked, most people remain seated while watching a film.”
“Loki, why are you still here? I thought you went bowling with the others,” you demanded, trying to sound irritated but unable to hide the flustered squeak in your voice. The smirk that crossed his face told you he noticed, only serving to intensify the heat in your cheeks.
“I had no desire to spend the evening participating in such a trivial Midgardian sport. Not to mention, it’s quite unsanitary. Do they actually sterilize the bowling balls in between uses? Or ever, for that matter?” He scoffed, disgusted. “In any case – you’re avoiding the question.”
“If you must know – it’s called the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It’s a comedy horror movie – a cult favorite from the 1970s. And for your information, it’s a well-known fact that you’re supposed to participate along with the movie.” Wanda finished her explanation, folding her arms across her chest. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’d like to get back to our movie.”
“Might I join you, then?”
You shot him a wide-eyed look, unable to find the words to respond. Wanda glanced at your face, then looked back at Loki with the shadow of a smirk on her lips.
“Are you going to interrupt every five minutes to ask questions?” she asked warily.
“I’ll keep it to every fifteen minutes.”
“Fine. But we’re going to hold you to that.” Wanda motioned for Loki to have a seat, grinning as you stared at her indignantly.
“You didn’t ask my opinion,” you hissed in her ear as you both sat down on the sofa once again.
“I didn’t need to. I already knew what it would be.” She smirked as your face flushed.
For a little while, you remained a bit quieter than you would have if you weren’t so self-conscious about the God of Mischief watching your every move. Wanda didn’t seem to care, however – she continued to jump up and recite the best quotes loudly. You kept glancing at Loki to try to figure out what he was thinking, but his eyes remained trained on the screen, seemingly unbothered by Wanda’s constant outbursts.
She wasn’t about to allow you to sit quietly forever. As soon as the Time Warp song began to play, she grasped your hands and dragged you to your feet, her eyebrows raised expectantly as she began to sing along. Sighing, you resigned yourself to the music, singing loudly along with Wanda and doing the famous dance to accompany it.
A brief glance at Loki told you he was suddenly paying attention to the two of you; he had a surprised, amused grin on his face as he observed your antics. Your cheeks prickled with heat, but you were invested now, continuing on with the theatrics as if Loki wasn’t watching you.
You and Wanda wrapped up your routine as the song ended, collapsing onto the couch along with the party guests on screen. Loki began to clap his hands together slowly, prompting you to sit up and look at him.
“I must say – I didn’t expect to get a show when I asked to join you,” he noted, a teasing edge to his voice.
“You said you wouldn’t make fun!” you scolded.
“I said nothing of the sort. I promised I’d keep my questions to fifteen-minute intervals. I’ve yet to ask a question.” He leaned back in his chair, observing you smugly as your mouth opened and closed, trying to come up with a retort.
A swell of music on the television drew your attention to the screen once again. The character of Dr. Frank N Furter was making his appearance as the prelude to the next song played.
“Ok, I have a question now.” Loki was staring at the screen, eyebrows raised in bewilderment. You chuckled at his expression.
“Yes – he’s dressed as a woman.”
“No, that’s not what I was going to ask – why does this woman keep fainting?” He gesticulated to the screen where Janet had fallen to the floor. “Has she not seen anything like this before?”
“This was the 1970s. Midgardians hadn’t really gotten as accustomed to this sort of thing.”
“I see.” Loki observed the screen for a bit longer, only turning back to look at the pair of you when you both began to recite the lyrics along with the movie. “Do you honestly know every word in this movie by memory? How many times have you seen this?”
“More than I can count,” Wanda replied quickly between lyrics, jumping right back into song without missing a beat. You nodded in agreement toward Loki, not pausing in your own singing.
Loki was relatively quiet for the next few scenes, merely observing you with an air of amusement. You were beginning not to care so much that he was watching, although you certainly couldn’t help but blush as some of the more… provocative scenes. You expected him to begin asking more questions, but were surprised that he waited until the scene in the laboratory when they were flipping switches and pressing buttons to reveal Frank N Furter’s experiment.
“Are those real machine titles? They sound absolutely ridiculous,” Loki quipped as Frank was giving orders to his servants on screen.
“Of course not – it’s a comedy Loki, haven’t you figured that out by now?” you retorted.
“Yes, well you don’t seem to be laughing at this part.”
“Because it’s not… you know what, never mind.” You rolled your eyes, wondering how he could possibly be coming up with these seemingly nuanced questions when there were SO many other aspects of this movie that warranted questioning. It didn’t matter anyhow – Loki had already moved on as the scene continued to play out.
“Hang on a moment – do you mean to tell me this grand science experiment was to create a human?? Who would want to do such a thing? There’s enough of them already!”
“Hey!” Wanda exclaimed.
“You’re talking to two of those humans, in case you’ve forgotten,” you added huffily. “Also – you said you’d keep your questions to fifteen-minute intervals.”
“Yes, yes, alright…” he griped, shutting his mouth reluctantly. This time, he only lasted a few minutes before another question came to mind. “Tell me – what is the ‘horror’ portion of this film supposed to be?”
“Just wait. And no more questions, I’m setting a timer this time,” you grumbled, setting your phone to go off in fifteen minutes.
There was no need – Loki got his answer shortly thereafter when the murder happened.
You would have been surprised at the fact that Loki decided to remain in the common room for the entirety of the movie, if it weren’t for the fact that he grew more and more amused watching you and Wanda singing along even as the plot grew stranger and stranger. By the time the film had ended, he was genuinely laughing at the pair of you.
“I must admit, that was quite entertaining. Bravo.” He applauded teasingly as Wanda bowed facetiously for him. You merely grinned sheepishly.
“Did you like the movie?” Wanda asked.
“Oh, absolutely not. But I certainly wasn’t bored.”
You shrugged. “It usually takes a few play-throughs to really see the appeal.”
“Well then, I suppose in a few years we’ll revisit this conversation.”
You furrowed your brow, glaring at him. “Who says you’re invited to watch with us next year?”
“If I do recall, I invited myself. Not to mention, I don’t need your permission to sit in the common room. It’s not as though you can force me to leave.” He smirked, rising to his feet. “Now that you’ve cured my boredom for the evening, I’ll be retiring to bed. I’ve no interest in the inevitable idle chatter that is to come when the others return home.” With a nod and a wink, he exited the common room, heading down the hallway to his room.
“Wanda!” you hissed once his footsteps were out of earshot. “Why did you let him stay and watch?? He’s going to tease us for months, years even!”
She shrugged. “It doesn’t bother me. You’re the one that gets all blushy around him.” You shoved her shoulder playfully as she smirked at you.
“On THAT note – I’m taking a page out of Loki’s book and heading to bed,” you announced, bidding her goodnight before retreating to your own bedroom.
The following morning, you awoke fairly early, having gone to bed sooner than you typically did. You lay in bed scrolling through your phone for a few minutes, but the growling in your stomach became too distracting, and so you left your room to seek breakfast. (And coffee. Coffee was essential.)
The only early risers in the tower typically headed straight to the gym in the morning. You were startled, therefore, to hear someone humming in the kitchen as you drew nearer. Holding your breath, you tiptoed closer to the doorway and peeked inside to see who the musical early bird could be. You just barely bit back a noise of surprise when you saw the dark-haired trickster god standing at the kitchen counter preparing a pot of coffee. Even more surprising was the song you realized he was humming to himself.
It was the Time Warp song from the movie last night.
You stood silently in the doorway, listening in amusement. Somehow, he hadn’t noticed you yet – a feat in and of itself, considering he prided himself on being impossible to sneak up on. No way were you letting this slide after he’d spent all evening teasing you for singing along.
As he finished pouring himself a mug of coffee, you sauntered into the room, smirking at the startled god as he finally noticed your presence. His eyes narrowed, scowling at your amused expression.
“I thought you said you didn’t like the movie,” you teased, folding your arms across your chest and leaning casually back against the counter to exude an air of condescension.
“I don’t. I merely have the infernal music stuck in my head,” he countered.
“Mmhmm. And that’s why you were bobbing your head to the beat?”
The fire in his eyes as he glared at you could have burned you from across the room.
“Just as I thought,” you confirmed with a smirk.
“I recommend you drop the arrogant tone, agent,” he growled, placing his mug down on the counter. “You may not like where it gets you.”
“Oh no, I’m so s-scared,” you taunted sarcastically, standing your ground. “Tell me – are you learning to do the dance as well?”
“That’s it.”
Loki suddenly lunged for you, his hands aimed toward what you thought was your sides. Your (unfortunate) instinct was to yelp and wrap your arms around your waist protectively. Immediately, you realized you’d made a dire mistake, the notion only confirmed by the sudden flash of mischief that crossed Loki’s face.
“I was planning to lock you in the closet, but you’ve given me a much more effective plan.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Your heart was pounding in your ears, and you could only hope it wasn’t showing on your face.
“Oh, I think you know very well what I’m talking about.” Without waiting for you to run, he stooped down to wrap his arms around your legs, hoisting you up over his shoulder.
“HEY!” You swatted your hands against Loki’s back in protest. He didn’t even flinch, chuckling sinisterly as he carried you to the common room, flipping you off his shoulder onto the couch and swiftly clambering up to sit on your legs, pinning you down. You swiped at him viciously, but he merely smirked and caught your wrists in his hands.
“Oh… you are in trouble,” he hummed. Your eyes widened as he slowly dragged your arms to rest above your head, pinning them against the couch.
“You think this scares me?” you goaded, feigning a confident smirk.
“Still have some sass in you, I see?” He clicked his tongue, shaking his head pitifully. A cool, tingly feeling wrapped around your wrists, and you were shocked to find that you couldn’t move them even after his hands retracted from yours. “How about now, hmm?”
“How about you sing that song for me again?” you countered facetiously.
“You don’t know when to quit, do you, agent?”
In all honesty, you were deathly curious about what he’d do if you continued to provoke him. It was just such fun poking the bear. And you truly weren’t afraid of him, anyhow. He’d never hurt you – you knew him well enough to trust him. He was just playing a game. So, you were playing along.
“Now then…” he pondered, tugging his sleeves up to his mid-forearms. “Care to tell me where to start?”
“I still don’t know what you’re talking about.” He had yet to actually declare his intentions, it was true. You weren’t about to say anything if he had something else in mind –
“Do I need to spell it out for you?” He suddenly shot his hands out toward your sides again, making you squeak and tense up involuntarily. He stopped just inches away from your sides, tilting his head with a knowing smirk. “I didn’t think so.”
“You think this is going to get me to stop teasing you?” you asked haughtily, swallowing the anxious quiver in your voice. “You don’t know me very well, do you Loki?”
He laughed, a low rumble in his chest. “On the contrary – I believe it’s you who is unacquainted with just how ruthless I can be. You do recall I am the God of Mischief, I hope.”
This whole altercation was making your face feel warm.
“If you’re not going to tell me where to begin, I’ll need to decide for myself somehow.” Loki’s smirk expanded as he let his hands hover inches over your sides, his eyes trained on yours, assessing your facial expressions. You bit the inside of your cheek, wincing when he wiggled his fingers by your sides without touching you. “Oh, dear. You seem to be doing a poor job at hiding your weak spots.”
“Am not.” You bit down harder on the inside of your cheek as he moved his hands up agonizingly slowly, watching you in amusement as he continued to wiggle his fingers just out of reach of your lower ribs, ascending up your ribcage. You were alarmed to feel anticipatory giggles rising in your throat the higher his hands moved, fighting desperately not to let them out knowing he’d never let you live it down if he found out you were air ticklish.
“Tell me, darling – is this bothering you? The unbearable anticipation? The knowledge that I’m able to map out your most vulnerable spots without… even… touching you?” He dragged out the end of the sentence as his hands moved to hover over your belly, so close to touching you that your skin tingled just from the proximity of his fingertips.
He’s not going to tickle you yet… don’t react… don’t give him the satisfaction… You shut your eyes and took a few breaths in and out, but found that not knowing where his hands were made you more anxious, so you quickly opened them once again. He said nothing as he gazed at you with his maddening smirk plastered on his face, hands hovering over your hips now.
“I do hope you’re regretting your decision to poke fun at me.” Experimentally, he scooted back a bit to let his hands linger just above your thighs near your knees, deciding quickly it wasn’t eliciting enough of a panic response in your face and returning to wiggling his fingers over your ribs.
“Ugh, Loki just get ON with it!” you demanded, unsure how much longer you could tolerate the anticipation.
“Why should I, when this is so effective?” He shot his hands up to float over your neck, wriggling just within your line of vision. You shrugged your shoulders up a bit, biting down hard on your tongue. You watched as he moved to let his fingertips drift just above your upper arms, coming far too close to touching the bare skin on your inner biceps.
You broke, light giggles pouring out of your mouth. His eyes shot halfway up his forehead, laughing in surprise at your reaction.
“Really? This is what breaks you?” He retracted his hands, watching you visibly relax, then quickly moved them back to hover over your sides to see if it elicited a similar response. You whined, giggling again when his hands drew nearer to your arms again. “Dear me, agent. Color me intrigued. I’ve never known a person to be exceedingly ticklish here.” The tips of his index fingers connected with the inside of your elbows, trailing gently down to the hem of your short sleeves as your giggles grew frantic.
“Lokihihihi cut it out!” you squealed, jolting as his fingers trailed back up the same path toward your elbow.
“How delightful. I must say, I would never have discovered this spot had you been able to contain your laughter. It’s quite adorable.” He added his middle fingers, ghosting along the hypersensitive skin. You twisted your arms against the magic spell he’d placed over your wrists to no avail, nearly screeching when he decided he’d tired of waiting and began scratching with all five fingers just above the hem of your sleeves. The targeted attack was driving you out of your mind, giggles escalating to desperate laughter as you kicked your feet against the couch cushions.
“Begging now, are we?” he tutted, tracing around the skin just by the hem of your sleeves. You actually did screech this time, tears of mirth springing to your eyes. “Have you learned your lesson yet, agent?”
“YEHEHES!!” you nodded frantically, ready to do just about anything to make this stop. It was maddeningly effective – such a gentle, light touch, and yet you were practically crawling out of your skin in ticklish agony. And yet, deep down you really didn’t mind the attention.
“Hmm. I’m not sure that I believe you. But I suppose I can give you a reprieve.”
You sighed in relief when his fingers moved away from that wretchedly sensitive spot, only to start screeching with laughter once again when he dug his thumbs in harsh circles against your upper ribs, his fingertips hooking around to the backs of your shoulders. He was laughing with you now, clearly enjoying how easily he was able to take you apart.
“LOKI!! AHAHAHA I CA- IHI…” Your pleas died on your lips as your laughter grew silent, overwhelmed by the sensation. He let up, resting his hands motionlessly against your sides. “Gohohods Loki!! You… you’re…”
“Ruthless?” He smirked, kneading his fingers into your sides and sending you back into hysterics for the third time. “It’s almost as if you doubted me when I warned you this would happen. Such a shame.”
You’d never doubt him again, you told yourself. If anything, ruthless was an understatement. He was FAR too good at this – knowing exactly where to put pressure and exactly where to pinch or squeeze. You spluttered when his fingers skittered across your belly, scratching and clawing and poking into the soft skin.
“I’M SOHOHORRY! I’M SO-HO-RRYHYHY!! PLEHEHEASE!” As much as you were enjoying this little game, you really couldn’t take any more, feeling as if you might explode if you laughed any harder. Loki recognized the seriousness in your tone, promptly removing his hands from your ticklish torso and waving off his spell on your wrists. Your arms shot down immediately to your sides, rubbing the residual tingles off your skin.
“I do hope I’ve made my point, darling. It’s unwise to tease the God of Mischief.” He gave you a pitying smile, eyes gleaming at the giggling mess you’d become.
“Noho kidding!!” You shoved at his legs, prompting him to get off you so you could sit up and straighten your shirt, running your fingers through your tangled hair. “Honestly, it’s so unfair that you can tease me but I can’t tease you without repercussions.”
“I suppose you’ll just have to come to terms with it.”
“Or I’ll need to find a friend to help me get back at you.”
“Did I hear you say you wanted more?” he asked rhetorically, wiggling his fingers toward you threateningly.
“GODS no! I’m kidding!” you promised. He chuckled at your terrified reaction, smirking with satisfaction. “You know, you don’t have to wait until next year to watch the movie again. It’s a Halloween staple for Wanda and I. We’re happy to watch it again… but only if you help fend off the others if they tease us.”
“Tease you? The others?” He shook his head. “Well, we can’t be having that, can we? Only I can tease you and get away with it.”
“Is that so?” You grinned shyly, looking down at your hands in your lap. “So, does that mean you want to watch it again with us?”
He pondered for a moment. “I suppose I’ll humor you. But you must promise to watch a movie of my choosing after that.”
Your heart skipped. “I guess I can handle that.”
You realized, after you’d finally gone back to the kitchen to finish what you’d started and get breakfast, what the implications of his request were. The implications of his cold mug of coffee still sitting on the kitchen counter. He wanted to spend time with you. He enjoyed spending time with you.
You’d have to thank Wanda later for letting him stay.
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stellartales · 3 years
zhongli ▪︎ glazed moon
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pairing: zhongli x traveler!reader
genre(s): comfort + mild angst + fluff
summary: liyue harbor is once again preparing for another festival — the mid-autumn festival. but somehow she simply couldn't bring herself to join the others in the celebration. definitely not when her heart is aching in melancholy for her missing twin. — | m.list
background: this scenario takes place during the mid-autumn festival - as quoted from wikipedia - it is the second-most important holiday after Chinese New Year with a history dating back 3,000 years, when China's emperors worshipped the moon for bountiful harvests.[2] The celebration is called Chuseok (autumn eve) in Korea, Tsukimi (moon-viewing) in Japan and Tết Trung Thu (Mid-Autumn Festival) in Vietnam
this event celebrated by the chinese is usually spent eating mooncakes and drinking teas. lanterns are also an important aspect of this festival. unlike the yuanxiao fesitval or mingxiao festival (which is the fictional festival featuring best boy Xiao in GI) where lanterns are released into the sky, lanterns are hand-held. this is a festival i celebrate every year hence i'm familiar with it — feel free to read up about this on wiki!
a/n: don't mind me, this is just a random idea that popped in my head. i'm in the mood for some angsty stuff these days so just had to get it out. Flute version of 无羁 (Wu Ji) from the drama 'Untamed' was the song which inspired my angsty mood while typing this. pardon my errors (I may have missed them and i kinda wrote this on a spur sooooo yea)
Please do me a favor and reblog this. Thank youuuu ❤
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the vitality of liyue harbor has always been astounding; an envy of the seven nations.
bright, bustling streets even in the darkness of nights was enough to show the nature of the city.
though, today it was a different kind of bustle. stores were already closed; even the nocturnal businesses that one would only see at night.
the moon had been bright and round the past few nights while the people busied themselves for another festival to come.
— the mid-autumn festival, an annual festival celebrated by the people of liyue or at least that was what zhongli explained yesterday when he extended an invitation to her to join him and others in moon-gazing today.
tonight, the moon shone bright and full in the clear dark sky, seemingly more so than the previous nights.
strategically rooted to the ground of a spacious balcony overlooking the gentle waves below, the stone tables were in a perfect spot beneath the brilliant moon.
colorful mooncakes of various flavors and teacups filled with steaming tea laid before her.
she sat at one of the round stone tables with some funeral parlor staff and of course, zhongli himself who has been rather busy ever since she arrived—
the cheerful chatters and laughter drew her eyes away from the empty seat beside her and to the tables across theirs.
his archon days were over, he said.
he was simply trying to experience a mundane life as 'zhongli' now, as the geo archon had put it when she expressed her surprise at his involvement with a festival fabricated by the mortals' minds.
and indeed—
her gaze idled on him.
— he was doing it too well.
illuminated by the golden glow the table lanterns emanated, the cordial and relaxed atmosphere was warmed by attentive eyes and smiling lips.
all on him.
apparently, some things never changed. whether he was rex lapis or zhongli, he carried an alluring elegance and charisma. clinging to every word and his occasional hand gestures, they were like moths drawn to a flame.
she could understand why; she liked hearing him talk. she would have gone over too, if not...if not for this weight on her heart.
it has been nearly a year since she was in teyvat looking for her twin. these few days in the harbor, the full moon was a constant reminder of how time has passed, and yet...
a heavy sigh escaped her. a longing gleam waned in her eyes as she lifted her gaze to the sky.
they used to talk and eat under a full moon just like this, a bitter ache clenched her heart.
her teeth sank into her lower lip as it trembled.
please...not now. her hands curled into shaking fists as she tried to hold back the tears threatening to leave her eyes.
not now. not at this party. she silently pleaded with herself, her squared shoulders shaking. it took all her willpower to not let the dam break.
but one managed to escape her anyway.
she was up on her feet fast and slipped away from the party as subtly as she could.
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stumbling out of the party half-blind with tears wasn't exactly the best situation to remember about the cloak meant to keep her warm on an autumn night.
luckily, she didn't end up falling off the stairs she currently sat on.
autumn in liyue was typically not cold, but tonight seemed especially so.
she shivered to the chilly breeze brushing against her back. goosebumps crawled across her skin, particularly on the areas her dress failed to protect against the cold.
she couldn't quite bring herself to go back for the cloak. not with the mess she was now.
the sight of the round moon above wavered in her vision as tears quietly trailed down her cheeks.
under the vast, seemingly endless night sky, she felt small...
— her knees were drawn closer to her chest, curled fingers digging into her dress.
...and extremely powerless.
where is he? why can't she find him? is he even in teyvat? Is he even...still alive? does he even exist anymore?
—a dreading sense of hopelessness echoed in her heart and summoned another wave of tears wavering her vision.
under this wide, endless sky and its luminous moon, she felt alone, truly alone in the presence of the joyous cacophony of laughter and playful yells coming from the festival she left behind.
a nasty voice prompted by the noise taunted her — of how no one would notice, even if she were to walk right out of liyue harbor right now.
drowning in harsh, relentless thoughts, she failed to notice the gaze of a pair of wise, golden eyes on her back, soft with concern.
long legs covered the distance between them in a quiet, graceful stride; the gentle clacks of his loafers whenever their heels hit the ground slipped past her notice too.
not even when he climbed down the steps to settle himself next to her, a step above hers.
not even the inevitable proximity between their bodies caused by the short stairs spacious for one but narrow for two.
only until his coat was off his shoulders and wrapped around hers—
"why the tears on the mid-autumn festival?"
—she jolted with a sharp gasp, her widening eyes snapping over to him.
the calm and prodding gaze that met hers was accompanied by the tender brush of his thumb across her left cheek, right under her tearing eye before switching over to her other.
she stayed stunned, unsure she was feeling so because someone noticed she had left or was it because of this simple gesture.
zhongli has always been a mentor-like figure to her. his words, his wise gazes, the comforting pets he occasionally gave on her head and back had always reminded her of how she was a mere child in his eyes.
but tonight...this, nothing about the gentleness his hand or his eyes emanate felt normal. or was she just delirious?
the strange stutter of her heart caused by the hand on her face, the blush heating up her cheeks made her tear her gaze away from his, flustered.
zhongli let his hand drop back onto his knee, but his eyes stayed.
crossing her arms to hold onto his coat sitting on her shoulders, she thought hard to recall his question.
"i can't help thinking about my brother, that's all." she looked back at him, smiling.
a smile he thought reminded him of the moon when it was not yet full — a quiet light melancholic with vague sadness.
"don't worry about me, i'll be fine." she slipped a glance over her shoulder in the direction of the festival. "you should go back there, zhongli, they need you. what's mid-autumn festival for liyue without you?"
she moved to remove the coat from her shoulders, but a hand wrapped around her wrist stopped her.
"but what's mid-autumn festival without you, my dear friend?"
zhongli regarded her intently, his eyes boring into hers for a second before shifting to focus on his coat.
there was something else in his eyes when they return to hers; it came and went in a flicker. "...keep this on, it's chilly today."
"thanks..." she murmured, her shoulders sinking as she yet again returned her thoughts to her brother.
"aether..." the pain she guarded showed on her face. "will i ever be able to see him again?"
tears started to well up in her eyes once again.
"i'm sorry, zhongli, i'm so sorry..." a quiet sob broke through, "today is supposed to be about the mid-autumn festival, and yet...here you are, listening to me."
zhongli's mouth opened then snapped close.
he always knew what to say whenever she was in a pinch. however, it was tears this time, and he wasn't exactly sure about what he should do about his body's urge to extend his arms out to her.
he was already more than a thousand years old.
as the former geo archon, he was the immovable rock. emotions and impulses he used to hold within himself in his younger days were buried deep under the sands of time...or at least they should be.
so where did this come from? was this strange stir an inevitable part of being a mortal?
"you know what?"
her movement to rise from the spot beside him turned his head back to her.
resolute hardened the glint in her tearing eyes, "i don't want to hold you back any longer,"
her fingers curled into a shaky fist, nails digging into her palm.
"....the people need you. i-i think i should just go bac—"
his hand flew out before he could think any further; his body was faster than his thoughts this time.
her next breath puffed out of her, in surprise and bewilderment as her body was tugged and cocooned by a breathing warmth before she could understand what happened.
and when she did, her eyes flew wide.
cheek pressed against his neck, she found herself held to his chest. she could feel his chin atop her head and his arms around her.
he was beside her a moment ago, and now he was behind sharing the same step as her, broad enough to accommodate them. was she the one who moved? or did he?
she didn't know how but she couldn't find the energy to care —the scent of musk and lingering tea engulfing her was an alluring comfort that made her want to stop trying.
so warm. really, really warm.
and so was his voice. "...but you need me." a hand caressed the back of her head.
there was a pause before a feigned cough ensued. "i meant, this."
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
First time reader click here
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TW/Summary: brucetony x reader PRON. You have finally reached the point where there is real ✨spice✨. Also, m/m kissing. There will be mild m/m action from now on in the fic. I cannot stay away from the gay and I refuse to apologize. Brucetony nation how we feelin'?
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I padded quietly behind the glass divider, stripping off my lab coat and protective glasses to deposit them on the nearest flat surface. My joints popped as I stretched.
Bruce and I spent a lot of time in the lab together lately as Tony and Pete worked together on the kid's Spider Suit, something that was a tad above my level of understanding. I was much better with chemicals and cell division than I was with thermonuclear physics, me and Pete were two sides of the same coin. It was only recently that I had noticed exactly how much our respective science fields of choice complemented each other and it was a blessing that Tony and Bruce made us a little corner in their respective labs, a few square feet where I and Pete could literally do anything we wanted to.
A year ago, I would have said that science is a hobby of mine and not something I wanted to do full time. I was fully prepared to commit to medical or law school, to grow into a prestigious career that would multiply my wealth and acquire me friends in high places. My parents certainly expected me to continue cultivating the image of our family empire.
I wasn't so sure anymore. Tony and Bruce were so fucking happy in their little worlds, getting lost in their labs for days on end, creating, reinventing the world every single day. There weren't any words meaningful enough to describe how it made me feel, seeing my two men just vibing in their element. It seemed glaringly stupid the most famous thing they were for was the superhero side-gig they had, they were so much more than cannon fodder planet Earth considered them to be.
At some point during the night, Tony called for Bruce to assist him with a new feature on his suit, a kind of a very condensed, targeted explosive. These days Tony didn't hold back from discussing Stark trade secrets around me anymore, so I sent Bruce on his merry way and finished his tasks for him, carefully replicating his style of taking notes and observing the reactions. As usual, Friday ran most of the calculations so my brain wasn't muddled too much by annoying math. Out of four of us, Peter was the only crazy person to actually like doing the math - the spider bite must've screwed with his brains, I guess.
I would've been content to just hang back and observe the men thinking, but Bruce took notice of me hovering by the exit. The scientist froze and just looked back at me for a minute, eyes round and soft. I missed the exact moment my mouth curved into a warm smile and the time Bruce's goofy grin made an appearance.
"You done, Princess?" He asked, gesturing to his lab.
I nodded, padding over to him, easily settling into the warmth of his open arms. Tony smiled at me briefly, distracted by the equations on the holo-screens, reaching over to peck me on the cheek, not minding Bruce at all. Strangely enough, both men fit around me so easily, so naturally, I wondered if they'd planned this... Relationship. What were the chances of such a perfect fit for three people? Meanwhile, Bruce's other arm wrapped around Tony's shoulders and the engineer willingly fell into the embrace beside me.
"Keep it PG," Peter mumbled, eyeing the same equations with an annoyed stupor. Tony hummed, poking at the screen a bit.
"It's 2:30 AM, guys," I said, casting a glance at Pete who stubbornly rubbed his eyes but continued thinking so damn loudly. I could practically hear the sound of his brain overheating. "Spiders need sleep too," I reached over to poke Pete's arm.
"Shit, kid," Tony switched to concerned dad mode almost instantly, rubbing his face. "Go to bed. We'll finish tomorrow."
"I almost have it figured out," Peter refused to budge, frowning.
"I am one text away from Spidermom at all times," I threatened him, giggling, referring to Natasha's murder glare all of them were going to be subjected to should she find out Pete skipped on sleep in favor of science. Nat had some strong opinions regarding a healthy lifestyle for one Peter Parker.
"Spidermom," Pete scoffed but stood up nonetheless, blearily blinking his shiny eyes in the fluorescent lights of Tony's lab. "That makes you either my Spider-aunt or Spider-sibling," He sleepily made his way to hug me, embracing all three of us in the process. Peter's coordination was far from stellar when he was tired.
"I'm not one of the Spider Gang. I'm the..." I trailed off, unsure. Where exactly did I fit in? "I'm the human embodiment of Florida, a freeloader hippy aunt that shows up randomly with pot brownies. That, yes," My own brain was tired and not making much sense either.
Tony snorted. "Hot hippy aunt," His hand made way to my butt, giving it a discreet grope.
"It's not easy being the family disappointment but yet, here I am," I quoted a meme, high-fiving Peter on his way out. "So, Irondad confirmed," I raised an eyebrow at Tony who rolled his eyes, pulling me against his chest once the door behind Pete closed.
Bruce sighed, removing his glasses and letting them dangle freely around his neck, pushing them up against my back as he hugged me from behind, securely pressing me in between him and Tony. My body began to respond, a warm sensation spreading through my limbs and culminating at the side of my neck where Bruce pressed feather-light kisses along my jugular and up towards my ear.
Tony's lips captured my own, dry and chapped, moving lazily as if all three of us had all the time in the world. His calloused hand stroked my face, occasionally dipping to rake through Bruce's curls. The scientist himself was stroking my skin, hands slowly but surely making their way under the hem of Stephen's hoodie, tracing my hipbones. I couldn't resist doing the same to Tony, palming his back and sneaking a handful of his ass, making him chuckle into the kiss.
"Mind the goods," The engineer teased, parting briefly to chuck off his shirt carelessly. His jeans, belt-less, hung low on his hips, the prominent V looking as delicious as the most gourmet chocolate cake. My eyes followed the happy trail on their own accord, hands reaching out to pull him back towards me. Tony happily obliged, watching Bruce unzip my hoodie with sparkling eyes.
"I can't help myself. Why man have round butt if not for squish?" I squinted at him playfully, shrugging off the sleeves and relishing in the feeling of Bruce, shirtless and warm, resting his head on my shoulder.
"I have to agree," The scientist chuckled thoughtfully, both of us smirking at Tony who smoldered in response, all but bursting with smugness. "Bed?" Bruce inquired.
"Lab sex," Tony replied gleefully, steering us towards the bigger, sturdier tables in the back. Because, at the end of the day, Tony was Tony.
Bruce looked at me questioningly. I shrugged. "Lab sex," Before turning over and kissing him, faster and harder than last time. It was familiar and easy, the flow we had was amazing and it never once crossed my mind to be ashamed or apprehensive in the presence of my two men.
The chemistry between us three was intoxicating: they kept throwing small, appreciative glances at each other. Tony's eyes lingered on Bruce's strong arms, the scientist eyeing the engineer's chest and lips in turn.
My bra and panties were disposed of quickly, flying over our heads together with Tony's jeans; I palmed the visible erection while gasping into his mouth, licking my way into it lustfully. Bruce groaned behind me, my feverish kisses still fresh on his own lips, grinding into my ass with controlled movements. I couldn't resist moving with him, arching my back into his touch. The fingers along my spine left shockwaves in their wake.
Following the directions of my arms, Tony hopped onto the table, invitingly spreading his legs. My mouth watered - his thighs were absolutely fucking massive and kept me up at night more times than I'd cared to count. I wanted to bury my face in them, so bad.
"How do you wanna do this?" Bruce asked from behind me, having made quick work of the remainder of his clothes.
The warmth of his cock rubbed against my thighs. "God gave me three holes for a reason," I sassed, swallowing a moan. My next attempt at the very same thing wasn't as successful: Tony gasped at my words, something quiet and lewd, taking hold of my hair like he knew I loved, and steered my face in the direction of his cock. I mouthed at the wet spot on his boxers obediently, pushing my ass back towards the already naked scientist. Bruce was anything if not practical in disposing of his clothes.
He was not in a rush. Damn him, damn his self-control and damn both these sexy-ass, big-brained dorks. They wound me up so well with just a few gentle touches and words, doing nothing but mirroring each other's smug smirks over the top of my head. In a rush to enact some revenge, because I was a spiteful little shit, my fingers hastily peeled off Tony's boxers and went straight for the thing I knew made his eyes roll into the back of his skull.
"Fuck," As I predicted, Tony's eyes fluttered shut as he cursed and I made my way down his length, taking as much as I could of it in my mouth without warm-up. Tony's cock was absolutely delicious, thick and flushed.
Bruce hummed, running his fingers down the cleft of my ass and feeling at the dampness collected at my core, hot and sticky arousal that had me rubbing back onto his digits, needy. Two of his fingers slipped in with ease as he worked me open for his thick cock - Bruce knew how to take care of me, he felt the little spasms of my cunt as it greedily accepted the intrusion. "So good, baby girl," He cooed. I could feel the burn of his stare on my head as I bobbed it up and down on Tony's cock at a moderate pace.
There was no rush. Just three people enjoying themselves. Tony leaned back, on one hand, using the other to keep my hair out of my face, arc reactor illuminating the trio of us, giving his pleasure-filled face an ethereal tint. It became that much more surreal when his eyes met Bruce's: the sparkles only grew in quantity.
My moan, as Bruce slid inside of me with one smooth thrust, made Tony's thighs tense up and quiver. I was loud, always so, so the more Bruce rutted into me, the more desperate and breathy Tony became, feeling the vibrations around his cock, his hips meeting my mouth half-way. As soon as clever fingers touched my clit, I was done for, spasming around both men.
"Fuck, that's so good," Tony slurred, tightening his hold on me to the point of his knuckles turning white.
Bruce quickened, ever so responsive little groans leaving his mouth. "Hear that, Princess? Tony loves it," He purred encouragingly, making me grip Tony's thighs in desperation. The rumbly tone of Bruce's voice, coarse and rushed, was making me feel hotter than before; Tony groaned too, evidently having had the very same conclusion. Both men resonated each other's lust like an echo chamber, back and forth, until a cacophony of lewd grunts and moans was all that made sense. I was stuck in the middle of our combined longing, full and full.
My brain retreated, uncharacteristically quiet, leaving just the bare naked need to feel. So I did, I basked in the shared waves of bliss that didn't seem to end. I felt Tony fall first: the sound made it's way out of his chest, long and low, as he spilled in my mouth, twitching and pulsating, ropes of him coating me from the inside out. I swallowed the salty fluid, immediately placing my cheek atop his thigh to steady myself.
Bruce pounded on me something good, sharp, steady thrusts that made my breasts bounce and my inhales halt intermittently, out of rhythm. My exhaled air burned, the fire of my need all but scorching the soft flesh of Tony's leg.
With every stroke, I could feel another peak approach closer and closer. Tony's hand on my hair tightened, and so must've I - because an unholy growl left Bruce's mouth the very same moment.
"Huh," Tony's smug smirk was heard and not seen. "Princess, be good," He pulled my hair back, lifting my face to meet his eyes.
Words weren't forming for me, at all, so I blankly stared at the man who was positively leering down at me, mouth set in a mocking tilt. I hoped my eyes conveyed the utter devotion I felt towards the two men currently enjoying themselves to the fullest.
Behind me, Bruce growled again. "Don't think she knows how to, Tony," Startling me with the authoritative tone of his voice. I'm sure the man noticed the hot wave that his voice raised within me.
"Brat," Tony mocked, briefly sharing a look with Bruce. The engineer leaned in and carefully wrapped a hand around my throat, an array of stuttered gasps making their way onto his forearm - I saw the way the fine dark hairs stood up. He loved it, he loved my submission and my obedience, and most of all, he loved my unwillingness to go down without a fight.
Bruce crowded in on me, pushing me into a position that bordered on uncomfortable, adding tension to my body, tension that made me oversensitive and needy; hot and cold at the same time, on the brink of release but unable to reach it. Tony was still gripping my throat, firm pressure, as firm as the look he held me down with.
I saw the twitch of his mouth as he moved in to kiss me... And missed, much to my confusion - it lasted for a split second until I realized Tony didn't miss anything, ever. The two moans were a little too soft, a little too symphonic. As soon as my brain caught up with the fact Tony had just kissed Bruce, I was shivering, coming so violently, Tony had to strengthen the hold on me.
Bruce's fingertips dug into my stomach, my hips, his cock nestled so deeply inside of me, I felt every vein as my inner muscles milked him for all he's worth.
"Fuck," He groaned lowly and then he was coming too, one hand splayed across my stomach and the other grasping at Tony's shoulder. The engineer was holding both of us upright from the sheer force of our orgasms. I wasn't the only one who's legs shook.
We panted out our exhaustion, Tony's chuckle breaking the huff-huff-huff interlude. "Great to know that Jolly Green isn't a party crasher," The engineer wrapped his arms around me and Bruce.
"Tony," The scientist groaned.
"You'll be saying that more from now on," Tony saw the opportunity and he took it.
"I'm always down to tag-team Bruce," I couldn't resist adding.
He snorted. "Princess, you literally can't stand right now."
"Give me five minutes, a glass of water and a flat surface," I challenged him, knowing damn well that there would be round two and possibly three if judging only by the fact Tony's hands have had already ventured down to my breasts, palming them idly. "Tony, Bruce has, possibly, one of the most amazing cocks I've ever seen. Not being face to face with it, quite possibly, might be a crime."
Both of my men started laughing, one mortified and the other genuinely amused and I could not have been happier.
"And you've seen how many?" Bruce snarked, leading us to the elevator to go up to Tony's penthouse. The scientist's possessive streak was no joke and I fully expected to be held down and owned and bred in little less than an hour, nothing else in my head but the chase for my and their release.
It was my turn to laugh, equal parts amused and mortified. "Enough."
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kandikorne · 3 years
What’s Left of Me [BTS AU]
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Words: 3.6 K
Summary: Jungkook was a typical college student. Nothing interesting there, his only friend, Kim Seokjin, or as he calls him, Jin, is terribly ill with an unknown illness that not even the doctors can prescribe. One night Jin asks Jungkook if he wants to play a game. Only the game isn’t what Jungkook thought. But it’s just a game right? What’s the worst that could happen?
Genre: Angst, Mature Content, Horror/Thriller. 
~ ~ ~
It was nearing midnight as Jungkook had arrived back to his flat after a long drive across town just to deliver some notes and cards to Jin, who was currently running a fever with a mysterious illness. The doctors weren't even a hundred percent sure what was wrong with Jin, maybe it was a strain of pneumonia?   
Yeah that has to be it, thought Jungkook as he slid off his shoes and went straight to his computer, he logged on and started to type up his essay on emotions and how they play into day to day life, but the emotion his professor gave him was quite difficult. It was sadness.
Sure the assignment was simple and all but never really experiencing true sadness he didn't know how to start it off. Besides a cheesy quote about feeling broken and alone. 
He felt like he was about to go insane, he never felt true sadness and he was sure his professor would want it to be about something really depressing over just, ‘I lost my pet cat named Pete,’ but something more.
WIth a loud beep his phone went off alerting him of a text from Jin:
 "Kookie thank you for the study materials!" 
Jungkook smiled and was about to send him a response when Jin replied again:
 "Have you played What's Left of Me? Or heard of it?"
“Honestly no... What is it?” 
Before Jin responded Jungkook reread the name of the game and typed it in on his search bar for What’s Left of Me, all that popped up was a book. Frowning he knew this is not what his hyung meant so he went back to the search bar and tweaked his search adding Game. What popped up was Google claiming an error that Google was not responding. 
“Odd...” He muttered before he tried to open a new tab only for the new same message to reappear. “You have to be kidding me,” he groaned and continually refreshed only to keep getting the same message and that Google had crashed. 
“Why?!” He exclaimed, brows furrowing as he looked over at his phone only to see a video link from Jin. Clicking it he heard a soft female voice, practically whispering all while there was a black screen. 
“Hi... I’m not gonna introduce myself because what’s the point.... Well obviously you’re here for my game What’s Left of Me. The game’s a bit different than your average game, there’s no shooting of others but decisions and story based themes, you the Player decides what happens. Nothing is reversible so play how you feel but do it carefully. I am giving you the extent of five players to choose from and that is all. Thank you for your consideration and I hope you enjoy.” 
The video ended causing a frown to play on the young males features as he texted his hyung. 
“That gave me the chills. Her voice was so sad, yet so familiar. WHY WAS SHE WHISPERING???” 
Sent from Jin at 12:03
“I like how her video was, her voice was soft and peaceful as it captures your attention immediately. I’m ready to play it!” 
Sent from Jungkook at 12:03
“Ok... Did you download it?”
Sent from Jin
“Yea are you going to Kookie?”
Sent from Jungkook
“It won’t even let me view the game.”
Sent From Jin
“Restart your computer.” 
Why, thought the younger male but did as told, he waited for the system to reload and as it did their was a new file on his computer. WHAT’S LEFT OF ME in all caps. “How did this get here?” Scared Jungkook looked around his dark room but nothing was out of place, he even scanned his computer for a virus. Nada.
“Did it work?” Texted Jin, Jungkook could barely breathe yet alone focus on the situation at hand. How did this happen?
“Yeah the game was already on my computer somehow...” 
“Huh strange, maybe you clicked download.” Responded Jin and as he read the message he shook his head, Jin didn't seem to get it. The game just appeared. He hadn’t even had the option to download it as it never popped up when he searched it. 
“No because I couldn't even find the game when I originally searched it.”��
Sent from Jin
“Computer was probs lagging but at least you have the game now. I think I want to play Namjoon. He seems interesting. What about you?”
Sent from Jungkook
“Erm hang on let me load the game, I haven’t open it yet.”
“K.” Was all Jin said as the younger male moved his cursor over the game and clicked open. As the game was loading an eerie song was playing in the background, Hell it wasn’t even a song, more so screeching and loud crashes.  Every now and then the screen would glitch out and he’d get a brief glance at a girls face. He was only at 10% as the game completely froze except for the song which was on an endless loop and began repeating the word why over and over as the depressed girls face froze on screen before him, a single tear running down her smooth skin.
“You left us...” She whispered before the game automatically shut down and sent Jungkook staring at his home screen, eyes wide and breathing rapid. “What the literal fuck,” he cursed as the game restarted and took him back to the loading screen yet it was all different. Instead of a sad song on loop and the sad girl, the game played a soft happy tune as the background was all black and the title appeared in a bloody font. What’s Left of Me the words practically dripping down the screen as a candle flickered beneath the text casting long shadows revealing a room. 
He had to admit this game had some freaky cool artwork. He clicked the title, not really sure what else to do as there was no options for the game. His options appeared before him carved into the desk that the candle was sitting on. The game title was on the gray wall behind the candle. 
Jungkook read his options slowly and wondered if Jin saw the same things as him. 
Continue Game
New Game
Curious as to what Continue Game would do for him, since he’s never played it before and was sure no one has played it on his computer he clicked the option. The game file loaded and he was quickly inserted into a dark bathroom, a young man with copper hair, almost golden, was crying in the middle of the room. The only sounds besides the poor males soft spoken sobs was the sound of the bath running and pouring out onto the tiled floor all around the sobbing man. The game glitched and instead of water surrounding the copper haired male it was now a dark red substance which Jungkook could only assume was blood. He was no longer crying but screaming at the top of his lungs, “WHY WHY WHY!” His dark gaze looking dead at the screen, his eyes finding Jungkook’s, it was if he was was aware of Jungkook watching him. It was like the male wasn’t in the game.
Jungkook’s throat constricted with fear. The game crashed and he was back to the main menu. He most certainly wasn't going to try to continue that again unless it was his own saved progress, but even then he still didn't want to do this. 
Why is he even considering this game? For Jin, he softly reminded himself. But why did Jin even want to play this game, it was so freaky and weird. Did Jin not get the same intro as him? Maybe Jin was smarter than him and decided not to try and continue the game, speaking of the Continue Game option that was no longer present instead it said, Can’t Continue Something You Never Started or Cared For. 
Chills ran down his spine as he took a picture and went to send it to Jin who had been blowing up his cell. Jungkook didn't even read his messages from his hyung as he instantly went to send Jin the freaky message from the game. Only the test wouldn't go through, he was shot with an error. “What the Hell?” He grumbled and tried once more only for it to not send. 
“Why’s this happening? I paid my bill!” Biting his lower lip in confusion he looked at Jin’s messages and hoped his hyung would understand his technical difficulties. 
 From Jin sent at 12:10
Jungkook you there?
Hey did you start the game?
Kookie, kookie, kookie?????
Ok spam time 
What does a janitor yell at a party?
SUPPLIES! hahaha get it? Supplies 
I’m worried you alive? 
Wait are you asleep? 
If so sorry. Send a bunny emoji if you’ve been kidnapped.
I’m gonna start the game, Namjoon is pretty cool and looks good. What about you? Who will you play as, you have five options, all of them epic.
From Jin sent at 12:12 
I get it, you hate the game and you haven’t even started.
Jungkook shook his head and chuckled, Jin is so childish and impatient, he thought to himself and sent a quick apology text. Sent, he managed to send a text! His eyes widened as he tried to send the picture only the picture wouldn’t go through. 
Why was that?
Why was it that he could send an apology to Jin but not a picture? Did he not have enough storage? Was their text history too long? 
It just didn't add up. Whatever, he thought, It doesn’t even matter. It’s just a game. 
Clicking on the New Game option he was sent to a  character page. Five characters like Jin said, but there was an outline of a missing character, two actually. He hovered his cursor over both of them but all he got for their stats was:
Name: ???
Age: ???
Height: ???
Gender: ???
Description: ???
He looked at the outline and noticed the lock in the middle of their chests, he had to unlock them. How come he didn't see that when he was first looking at them? 
Whatever, just find a character and start the game so Jin won’t be upset. With a sigh he moved his over a young male with a blonde mullet, a boxy smile on his perfectly proportioned face. 
Name: Kim Taehyung. 
Age: 23
Height: 5′10 
Gender: Male
Description: Taehyung is a happy go lucky, one of a kind guy, unlike any others that you will ever encounter in life. 
Already interested and a tad bit jealous of how happy and lucky Taehyung gets to be while he, himself, is worried for Jin’s health and stressing over stupid projects that are all nearing there due date. Shoving some his hair out of his face he moved on to the next character, the one from the Continue Game option. Curious as to see what was wrong with him and who he was he began to read the stats.
Name: Worthless
Age: Does it matter? I’m just gonna fade away...
Height: Too short just like life....
Gender: Dead
Description: You let me die, it’s your fault. Why didn't you care about me? How could you let me go through with it? WHY’D YOU LEAVE ME?
Shaking his head with a low sigh escaping his lips, he wondered who was this character and why was he so depressed? But also curious of his stats, he asked Jin. 
Sent from Jungkook at 12:13
Jin who is the copper haired male after Taehyung?
Sent from Jin at 12:13
Who Jimin? Y? 
“Jimin,” whispered Jungkook softly almost as if he was testing out the name. His name was so nice compared to his description. The characters blank stare held his gaze, honestly Jungkook felt a bit guilty for this made up character. 
Sent from Jungkook at 12:15
I couldn't see his stats 4 sum reason. :/ 
Sent from Jin at 12:15
The pausing of this game is janky... Lemme go back to the lobby. Pray that my game saves
Sent from Jungkook at 12:16
I pray it saves
Sent from Jin at 12:17
Okay Name: Park Jimin Age: 22 Height: 4′8 Gender: Male duh Description he’s a chill dude with a beautiful smile.
*Height 5′8 lol he’s not that short. That’s about it.
Sent from Jungkook at 12:17
Is this some sort of dating sim?
Sent from Jin at 12:17
No most certainly not. I don;t really know what it is, but I know it’s not a dating sim. Each character has a different story, that’s all I know. 
Sent from Jungkook at 12:18
This is some srs bull.
Sent from Jin at 12:18
Please don't use acronyms Kookie. 
Jungkook laughed and shook his head at his hyungs requests when, he too, use abbreviations such as why to y.
Sent from Jungkook at 12:18
Yes boss
Sent from Jin at 12:19
😈 Lol picked your character yet?
Sent from Jungkook at 12:19
No not yet, my game’s acting up. 
Sent from Jin at 12:19
Well hurry up so you can play!!!!!
Sent from Jungkook at 12:20
Ok gimme a minute.
Placing his phone down in his lap he moved on to the next character, a tall male with silverish purple hair with deep brown eyes that seemed to be able to read your soul and a soft dimpled smile. 
Name: Kim Namjoon
Age: 23
Height: 5′11
Gender: Male
Description: A bookworm, a really hard worker with excellent grades, who’s also a natural leader. Pretty cool guy once you meet him. 
Jungkook chuckled at the last part, “once you meet him.” Like he’s gonna meet Kim Namjoon in person, he’s just a character in a video game, closest thing he’d get to meeting Namjoon is playing as him. Which he won’t because this is Jin’s character. 
The next character’s picture was sweaty, his tongue out, black hair in his eyes, as a black hat rested on his head. 
Name: Jung Hoseok
Age: 24 
Height: 5′10
Gender: Male
Description: Hoseok, Hobi, is an all around ray of sunshine, with constant happy vibes. Always there for you when you need it, remember?
He frowned, why is it like the game is talking to him directly, “Fine if I play as Hoseok or Hobi, whatever his name is I’ll remember that he’s a ray of sunshine to help others.” He grumbled but a small smile played on his features as a warm aura seemed to enclose around him. 
Moving away from the friendly happier male he moved onto the one dressed in all black, a mask covering his mouth and nose as his dark brown eyes stared at him judgingly. He was more ominous looking than scary.
Name: Min Yoongi
Age: 25
Height: 5′9 
Gender: Male 
Description: Always quiet but observant, known to stand up for those in need, tired but always working. 
Nodding his head, understanding each character he finally decided that he’s play as Taehyung. He would’ve played as Jimin if he was able to, but the game simply would not help let him. 
Starting up as Taehyung he was given the option:
Play as Kim Taehyung?
Yes?     No?
“Obviously,” he said with a chuckle as he selected, yes, the game loaded with ease, compared to when he first started the game. A small transition of a butterfly landing onto a window sill was played in the background, then he heard the sounds of a camera snapping a photo. 
“Babe,” came a male voice in the background, the loading symbol stopped as the clip began to play. The light filtered into the room showing a few dust particles floating around as the butterfly stayed on the sill slowly moving it’s beautiful blue and black wings. 
“In here,” came the females voice, the door opened and the floor groaned with the males footsteps. “Are you coming, we’re about to leave?”
“Sorry was taking a picture.”
“You’re obsessed with that thing.”
“Photos keep memories.”
“Yeah but can also steal a part of your soul.” Spoke the deep voiced male jokingly as the girl laughed. What a sound to be heard, it was like music, so carefree and soft. Jungkook wished he could listen to her laugh all day, she seemed so happy, unlike any other girl he’s ever met and tried to talk to.
“Well this camera can’t have my soul,” she stated promptly. The camera angles changed revealing a small girl, her hair covering her face, until the man, who Jungkook recognized as his player Kim Taehyung, moved his hand to her face brushing her short dark brown hair away from her eyes. “You look so much better showing your face.” She shook her head, the hair falling back into her brown eyes as her dimpled grin moved to crinkle her eyes. 
“Whatever oppa,” she teased softly punching his arm. “I’m serious,” he muttered pulling her closer to him, her hands rested upon his chest and the camera still in her left hand. The butterfly flew past the camera showing the two lovers. 
The room changed, it was no longer the happy loving environment that Jungkook was originally thrusted into. Instead his character was sitting on his bed, his head in his hands, shoulders shaking with sobs. Every now and then he would repeat a name, it was obviously the girl that he was with name.
“Elli,” he whimpered, even his dog was sniffling and whimpering. His puppy rested his head on Taehyung’s thigh. Both of them were honestly too sad to watch causing Jungkook to push away from his desk and move to his bed. 
“What the fuck is this game? It said Taehyung was a happy go lucky guy, what the fuck happened to that?” Raking his fingers through his hair he took a deep breath and texted Jin:
I can’t play, I have class tomorrow 8 am. 
He lied flatly and went to send only it wouldn’t. “Again with this bullshit?” He questioned aloud pissed, throwing his phone across the room and onto his bed. “Fuck this,” he grumbled as he moved to his couch, falling heavily onto the cushions and looking up at his ceiling in annoyance. 
Through the corner of his eye he noticed the television had turned on. Must’ve sat on the remote, he thought to himself as he sat up and looked under the cushions only to find nothing but a quarter, three pennies, a dime, and a moldy cheeto. Scrunching his nose up in disgust and grabbing the 38 cents that he had found he placed the cushions back in their place. 
He turned on his lamp and continued his search only for the lamps light bulb to explode, shards of glasses flying through the paper lamp shade and nearly cutting him. Startled by the destruction he looked all around the room, his eyes landing on the Tv and to the message displayed through the static. 
juSt go bAck to the VidEo gaME ! 
The message was pretty clear of what it wanted him to do. The younger male didn’t understand why only a few letters were capitalized, and not even in a specific order or why there was two words underlined. Looking back and reading the all capitalized letters he wrote them down:
S - A - V - E    M - E 
A shiver ran down his spine at the startling code, maybe it was unintentional but something in his gut told him, it was there for a reason. He did the same with the two underlined words: 
Is what the message came down to. Who was he even supposed to be saving? And why was his television telling him to save the stupid game? It didn't make sense, all of this was just making him frustrated. He shook his head and unplugged the television having enough of this shit. 
“I’m done!” He exclaimed as he moved onto his bedroom, all the lights in the house began to flicker on and off. “Oh great my life now is becoming Paranormal Activity, fun.”
With a groan he went back down the hall and to his computer, the screen glowing at him. “Now how do I even save?” He grumbled trying to find a way to save the game without losing what little progress, technically none, that he’s made so far. 
With a roll of his tired eyes, he pulled up the options and found nothing useful on saving the game. “How the fuck? What is this even? This game,” he groaned out annoyed, ready to just log off his computer and restart Taehyung’s intro scene. Exiting the options he was brought face to face to Taehyung's sad, blood-tear stained cheeks, thanks to the new camera angle. What made it even more creepy was the twisted boxy smile on the male’s face as he stared right into the camera. 
Jumping back startled, and nearly falling out of the chair, Jungkook released a slight yelp as the character began to speak to him, almost directly. 
“Aren’t you gonna save me? Or are you, too, just gonna abandon me like all the others?” 
Two options appeared before him in a dark red, dripping font:
Save ME 
Abandon ME
Hesitant of what the two options meant he hovered his cursor trying to decipher what he should do, when he realized that this was the way of saving, or so he hoped. 
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honeyymistt · 3 years
I know this may be a lot, but I need an outside perspective. I have a friend who I was really close with, I trusted him more than anyone else, and we talked about everything. He knew more about me than anyone. We were best friends for a year and eventually we started an open fwb relationship. Things were great for a while, but then he got upset with me for hanging out with other guys, even though that was within the bounds we had laid out and discussed pretty extensively because we had a really good setup for open communication. He brought it up once near the end of last semester but told me not to stop seeing other people because he didn't want to say he wanted to be exclusive and then change his mind on me and have caused me to cut other guys off. I listened to him but cooled it on talking to other guys because I didn't want to hurt him. We went home for the summer (but he lives in the town where our university is so really he stayed there) and we talked every day like we have since we became friends and we facetimed every night just like we had over winter break (before the fwb situation). I wasn't really talking to other guys until I went on a date with a guy I met on tinder and felt too scared to say no to when he asked me to hang out with him so I got coffee with the guy. Apparently, me talking to other guys bothered him more than he had told me, and instead of talking to me about it, he went and started exclusively dating a girl he had known for a week. He waited a week and a half after they decided this to tell me and, when he did, he admitted that part of him did it to hurt me. I don't want to lose him because I've never trusted someone as much as I used to trust him, but it hurts to know that any part of him was willing to hurt me to any degree especially for someone he barely knows and admits that he's not even sure he really wants to date. I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust him the same way again. We go to a small university so I won't be able to avoid him, but still being friends is proving difficult. I have a process for forgiveness, and I'm usually pretty good at moving on, but I've never had to do those things with the expectation that I will still be close with the person after. I don't forgive him yet, but I am trying to work on it because I know we can't be friends still if I don't. I've seen him once since he told me because he only told me two days before he was scheduled to fly out to visit me and at that point, I couldn't ask him to cancel his flights. In the two days before he arrived I was so anxious I barely ate and I was so angry I thought about just trying to make him miserable the whole time he was visiting. We ended up talking about it because he kept pushing me because he knew I was upset and he didn't want to be miserable the whole time he was visiting. Things were a bit better after that. It was really weird to be around him and we don't know how to interact because both of us are normally super affectionate with our friends, but we're afraid of crossing lines since we used to be fwb and other people (namely the girl he's dating) might read into it. We just don't know where the lines are/should be in a situation like this. We've had a few conversations about everything so I know that he really regrets what he did and that this situation is painful and difficult and confusing for him too, but that is only making it harder for me to figure this all out. It hurts to be around him because I miss how comfortable and safe it used to feel and how much I trusted him. We talk less now since he's back home and I have the paranoia of 'maybe he actually hates me' that I used to never have with him but have always had with other friends. I just don't know if it's worth the emotional labor it requires if I'm just working towards a worse relationship than we had before. I don't want to talk to my other friends about the details of this because, like I said, it's a small school so stuff gets around. I also don't want them to treat him differently because I know that would hurt him. Any advice on
how to navigate all this? Am I doing the right thing in staying friends with him?
oh gosh, i just want to give you a big hug :( this sounds really challenging mentally and i'm so sorry that you don't feel comfortable with talking about this with your uni friends. you can always come to me <3
to actually give my perspective on this, i've never been in a fwb situation so i'm not sure how helpful my advice will be but i'll try my best! i'm not gonna lie, there are a lot of things in here that popped out to me as major red flags: him not wanting you to talk to other guys even though that was allowed, you feeling like you needed to cut off other guys, him not being able to communicate his hurt/anger/betrayal (?), etc., him dating a girl (partially to hurt you) and then not telling you. all of these are things that display his immaturity in your fwb situation. he messed up pretty bad and there's no denying that. you are totally valid in your feelings of confusion about whether or not you want to continue your friendship with him because he hurt you and he was unfair to you.
to offer another perspective on this whole situation, i think that not a lot of people will admit to their mistakes. not a lot of people will admit that part of them did something to hurt you. and yes, he did do some very bad things, but like you said, he feels sorry for what he did and i think that he's going to learn and mature from his faults.
i'm all for second chances in relationships (platonic, romantic, platonic & romantic, etc.) but the final say is ultimately up to you because i think that deep down, you already know whether or not you want him in your life. currently, i think that there are two ways that you could navigate this. there are definitely more choices but these are the two that i think are best.
1. you have 1 conversation with him where you lay everything out on the table. you both give each other a chance to say your side of the story, your true feelings, your mistakes (there may be some things that you did that were hurtful to him that you hadn't noticed or that he didn't communicate) and you both put your thoughts together on how to move forward. what do you both need from each other to get to how you were before? i know that you mentioned that you've had a few conversations with him before but do you feel like you held back a bit? are there things that were left unsaid? if there are, then it's likely that he feels the same way. i would suggest talking out this whole thing with him one last time if this is the case.
2. if continuing your friendship with him is causing you stress to the point of not sleeping or eating, i would say to distance yourself. if you need a temporary break from each other to reflect on what you did and/or recover from what was done to you, then do it. there's no rush in being friends again. there's this quote that i saw awhile and it said: "A break from someone will either make you realize how much you truly miss/love them or how much peace you have without them."
people make mistakes all the time and sometimes you ask yourself what you or the other person was thinking before doing it and the truth is, they probably weren't and they definitely weren't thinking about the potential consequences; but there's this tweet that i saw and it said "y'all be beating yourself up about the mistakes you've made in the past as if you been here twice or something. this is your first time living this life. give yourself some grace as you've learned to navigate through it. you don't know what you don't know til you know better." (IamKiraJ via twitter) i think the same thing goes towards other people's mistakes. they don't know what they don't know until they know better. you can call me too forgiving, but i think he knows better now. he has been good friend to you for a long time and i'm sure he's done a lot of good in your life. it's just up to you to decide whether or not the bad that he did was a deal breaker.
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Larry x florist reader
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I turned our closed sign over to where the Open side was facing the street. The sunshine felt warm and happy as it shone down on me bringing our store sign out front. I wasnt sure if it was the warm sun, the fresh air, or being surrounded by flowers but today felt like a good day. Afterall I did get to spend my Friday caring to beautiful flowers at Miss. Nancy's Flower Shop. I had started working here at the age of 16 and just stuck with it, so when Miss. Nancy retired she left me as head florist.
It had just turned ten and the shop was fully ready for customers, and the flowers had been tended to. Once I got the radio flipped on I took a seat at the register and opened up my book. A few older ladies came in to buy some flowers but that was it so far. By the time three fifteen had rolled around I was so lost in a particularly interesting part of my book that I had completely missed the bell ringing as a customer entered the store.
"Uh hello?" A deep almost stone sounding voice asked making me jump from shock. I looked up to see a tall muscular man with long brown hair, big brown eyes, a longer nose, and dressed in a torn up SF tank top with ripped skinny jeans on. I recognized the man for two reasons, one of which was because he lived in my building I think just a floor above mine, and the second being he was in a local band that had gotten pretty popular. "Sorry for scaring you dude but I need help picking out some flowers." He chuckled smirking at me. I blushed standing up and brushing down the apron I wore over my clothes. "Of course sorry about that." I said with a smile. "Its no problem my friend Todd is the same way if he's reading a good book." He shrugged. The two of walked over to where the flowers were kept.
"So what kind of flowers are we looking for?" I asked while adjusting the pot of a sunflower. "Well I'm visiting my mom tonight and she's been a bit under the weather. What flowers are good for like a get well soon kinda thing?" He asked observing the large floral collection. "Gerbera daisies are perfect for a get well soon bouquet. You have the option of normal white dasies which is just as lovely or we have several prepared bouquets of multicolored ones. The morning sun bouquet is probably my personal favorite." I informed him grabbing the bouquet I had made that morning.
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"Its perfect!" He said his eyes lighting up excitedly. I couldn't help but giggle at his excitement. "This one is fifty dollars but of course we do have other options depending on your budget. I said walking with him back to the register counter. "No these are perfect no amount of money is too much for my mom. She deserves something nice." He said genuinely. "Wow your mom's lucky to have someone so sweet." I beamed carefully wrapping up the flowers in the paper placing them gently in a big case. "Shes the coolest man she makes my friends feel like family, she feeds me all the time when I'm there, and she even supports my crazy rockstar job." He said with an appreciative smile. "This box should keep them safe till you see her tonight just make sure they dont get too smushed or anything." I said handing him the flowers.
He paid for the bouquet and left happily. Although I was happy he found such a nice boquet I was kinda disappointed to see him leave. The next week went by pretty quickly and soon it was another beautiful Saturday afternoon and I had done all my shopping for the day. When i returned to my apartment there was a bouquet of flowers in front of my door. Setting down my bags I picked up the package admiring it.
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I recognized the boquet from the shop, it was the lavendar garden boquet that had white Roses, lavender daisy poms, Peruvian lilies, and lavender carnations. Smiling I looked around the hallway seeing no sign of who would have left me such a thoughtful gift. I picked up the card seeing there was a handwritten message.
Dear (y/n), sorry you probably recognize the flowers but I wanted to get you a beautiful gift and your shop has the best in state. I know this probably seems random but I see you in the lobby and in the halls all the time and your beauty has completely captured me. To quote some chick named Claudia Adrienne Grandi “If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.” sincerely, your secret admirer.
I smiled my face warming with a blush. Who could possibly think such sweet thoughts of me? Picking up the rest of my stuff I entered the apartment putting the beautiful flowers in a vase of water. I couldn't help but keep returning my stare to them. Picking up the card I reread the message again and again smiling like a fool the while time. The handwriting had a sense of familiarity to it but I couldn't place who. The way it was written almost reminded me of Larry and the way he spoke but it was impossible that a man who travelled the world with more female groupies than the Beatles had would ever want a florist from his hometown.
That next Wednesday I was sitting at the register tapping my pen against the counter. It had been a pretty slow day and my mind kept going back to my secret admirer. That's when a thought popped into my head. The flowers had been purchase here, so if the person used a credit card there information would be on the receipt. Jumping up from my chair I began flipping through our receipts from this month till I found the one for my flowers. Sure enough the person had paid with a card. I read through the receipt my eyed landing on the name Larry Johnson at the bottom.
When I entered my apartment building I was still smiling like crazy and the thought of Larry Johnson having a crush on me. I couldn't help but keep thinking of it all day. I wanted to say something to him but wasnt sure what. I mean he didn't even know that I figured it out yet. After dinner I remembered that I still had to go down and get my mail since thinking about Larry had distracted me. When I got to the lobby I noticed Larry grabbing his own mail. We exchanged smiles as i made my way to my mailbox.
Despite my shaking hands I was able to unlock my mailbox and get out the contents. "(Y/n)?" A voice asked that I knew didnt belong to Larry. I turned to see my ex Derek and his girlfriend Lylah. "Hi Derek." I sighed facing them both. "This is Lylah although I'm sure you remember her from the office parties you went to. We just got back in town from a beauty competition Lylah won." He informed me both of them giving me an obnoxious smile. I listened to them "catching up" with me for an agonizingly long half hour before I escaped to my apartment. Basically he just kept talking about how beautiful Lylah was compared to how I looked. I stared in my mirror poking at every flaw I saw frowning.
I still felt just as bad the next morning opting for a hoodie and some paint stained leggings. Work was tortureously long and slow due to the rain but I made it through and got home. When I made it to my door another boquet was sitting at my doorstep. This time it was a gorgeous sunflower pink rose bouquet. Gently picking it up I grabbed the card.
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Dear (Y/n), trying to find bouquets even close to as beautiful as you are is impossible. As beautiful as the bouquets that you make are you are too beautiful for even words or flowers to even compare. This was the most beautiful in the shop so I bought it. I'm sure you're confused but I got them from the other sales associate when you went on break. “A rose can never be a sunflower, and a sunflower can never be a rose. All flowers are beautiful in their own way, and that’s like people too.” never forget you're beautiful. Despite what any asshole might say. Sincerely, your secret admirer.
I felt tears fall down my cheeks reading his kind words. I wanted so badly to run to him and thank him and kiss him I knew I couldn't. He wanted to remain anonymous for a reason. That and I had no idea what apartment he was in.
The next week went by and I was feeling much better emotionally but unfortunately on Friday I woke up feeling extremely ill. I knew it wasnt anything serious just bad (headache/cramps). I suffered through Thursday relying on medicine but on Friday I was in no state to be working. I decided to spend the day in my baggy Sanitys Fall shirt with underwear underneath and no pants. Curled up with a blanket I turned on Netflix and fell asleep on the couch.
About two hours later I woke up parched and hungry. Wrapping the blanket around my shoulders I stumbled into the kitchen pouring some water. There was some shuffling coming from my door telling me someone was on the other side. It had to be Larry with more flowers so I decided to brave and open the door. When I opened the door he looked up at me embarrassed a blush on his face. "Oh (y/n) h-hey. I was just bringing these by um because you're sick and you said daisies were get well soon flowers and and-" he paused letting out a chuckle. "You knew didnt you?" He asked seeing the smile on my face. I nodded happily before speaking up. "Kiss me." I whispered in a hoarse voice. He smiled widely leaning down and pressing a gentle soft kiss to my lips. I kissed back wrapping my arms around him. When we pulled apart he handed me the flowers following me into the house. He made sure he spent the rest of the day taking care of me.
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ianalizz · 5 years
I Wanted to Kiss You
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Okay, this is my first time ever publishing something like this to the internet. I’m 20. I have a you-tube channel and I think I might read fanfics on there in the future. Okay, peace out girl scouts. xx
Ianaliz (Pronounced: Anna-Lise) 
Harry’s POV:
Remember when we were stuck in traffic on our way to the fair? You were complaining about my music taste and I simply rolled my eyes and turned up the radio, blasting Amy Winehouse's song, Valerie. My left hand left the wheel while my right maintained a sturdy position on it. While singing my lungs out and placing my hand in the air, you yelled, "Oh God no." I couldn't help, but laugh. Turning to you, I saw the golden light hit your high pale cheekbones as if on cue, and your brunette curls covered your puppy brown eyes that matched your pouting lips. I wanted to kiss you. "Look at the road, Styles." You said while turning down the music. I did as you told, but still stole glances of you from time to time.
After many arguments about who should be connected to the blue tooth and whether or not to turn back around because you had a headache, we made it. Not to the fair, but to the rest of our lives. I grabbed your soft hand and guided you to where you thought was the-- and I quote, freaking moon because of how far it was. Which was coincidental considering that it seemed like the moon was envious that the sun had kissed you earlier. Therefore the moon placed it's light on your freckled face, hugging every inch of your skin.
You'd smile when we passed by multiple families with babies and I could swear that the babies smiled back at you. Who wouldn't? Even the tall men stumbling out of the town bar would look at your direction. I gripped your hand tighter when they would pass, but you'd relax me in your touch by caressing my hand with your thumb.
The laughter, shouts, speeding cars started to fade away when we turned a corner. Once you saw the white rose petals on the pavement, your brows furrowed and you made us stop.
"What?" I said through a goofy grin.
"Harry, we can't walk through here. It looks like it was meant for someone." You whisper looking around the abandoned street. The concern was written perfectly on your face. The way your eyes wandered around or how your bottom lip was tucked in by your front teeth. I wanted to kiss you. Not yet. I reminded my self.
"We're fine. Let's just go through here and get out of anyone's way." The nervousness clear in my shaky voice, but you didn't seem to notice.
The clicking of your heels tried so hard to keep up with my long strides. Sometimes I did it purposely to see your little legs struggle to keep up. We again turn another corner and saw candles illuminating the small end of the street near the bridge where we had our first kiss.
A small gasp came from you and you instantly let go of my hand, covering your mouth. After taking in the sight, your eyes glossed over with tears. You look at me. I stood there attempting to grab the velvet box from my front pocket. You head shook as you cried into your hands. I got down on one knee after I withdrew the box, popping it open while popping the question. The words fell from my lips as your hands fell from your face. Will you marry me?
The rose of your lips turned pale as you backed up slightly and said a faint, No. My heart sunk and it sunk deeper when you didn't even give me a chance to get up before you ran away from me.
The only thoughts that ran through my head were; how the hell did you make the word "no" sound so beautiful? And even when you said it, why did I still want to kiss you?
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I got tagged by buddy Rachel @sheenaniigans
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1. why did you choose your url?
When I first started using Tumblr I didn't even realize the whump community existed so it started off as an art blog. I was dammittmarie back then. Once I stumbled across the whump community I decided a change was in order. My friends on the Whump Discord chat helped me pick it out and it's been a whirlwind love affair ever since.
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I have several!
@petalandtwig - I wanted a place to keep up my art collection so this is my peaceful little corner of tumblr @random-fandom-whump - I made this sideblog to host all my original content (gifs and fics) @daisies-in-the-graveyard - I wanted to keep my main predominately whump so I made this sideblog as a kind of catchall for posts I find humorous or profound @purewhump - I wanted a blog with all my favorite gifsets without any texts or asks clogging things up. Right now I'm using it to archive all my old random-fandom-whump sets that I'm slowly updating/redoing. @incorrect-whump-quotes - I've never officially come out and claimed this blog, but yeah, I run this one too :) @trope-appreciation-tuesdays - I was getting so many submissions every week here that I decided TAT needed its own home. @stargate-whump and @wayward-whump are my SGA and SPN fan blogs. And finally @the-land-of-nod where I collect gifs of people sleeping because... why not?
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
Since 2016
4. do you have a queue tag?
I do! "is that a q??" taken from the Vine where a boy's sister asks of the crayon he is holding: is that a weed??
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I am an amateur photographer and wanted a blog to share my photos and collect photos from others. Obviously, my tastes have changed XD
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It used to be Captain America but I kept telling @get-whumped how much I adored her Steve McGarrett icon and she let me have it when she switched to Morse! I'm going to keep it forever :)
7. why did you choose your header?
I think I found the picture while playing around on Tumblr one day and figured it would make a fun whump meme. I decided later to make it my header.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
On this blog it's actually something not related to whump (Link). This is my biggest whump related post (Link). My biggest gifset over on random-fandom-whump is this Lord of the Rings set (Link).
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I couldn't even begin to tell you. Is there even a place to check that? Its gotta be hundreds.
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
Oh yeah
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
I pretty much pop on and off all day
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
I think I've only blocked one other whumper because they stole my gifs and reposted them on their own blog. I doubt they noticed it happened so I guess you could call it a draw?
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
They rarely ever relate to whump so I have a built-in excuse to scroll right on past them :)
16. do you like tag games?
I do! I hardly ever remember to respond to them when I get tagged, though. So no one really @'s me all that much anymore, but I love doing them.
17. do you like ask games?
I do and try to send the OP an ask every time I come across one on my dash.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
@fyeahvulnerablemen for sure!
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
20. tags?
@damevinteren @let-the-whump-commence @straight-to-the-pain @bloodysideblog @thatsgonnaleaveamark @claracivry and anyone else who fancies it!
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