#this scene knocked me flat on my ass and left me a sobbing mess on the floor
obisamya · 1 year
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I really miss hearing you play. You do? Of course. Thought you hated it when I played. Why on earth would you think that? 'Cause you literally said that to me once, Dad. You said I wouldn't practise enough, how I was squandering my potential and wasting my privilege. You were given opportunities I never had, and so I expected a lot from you. Well, it scared the shit out of me. I know that now.
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Live For Me
Bucky Barnes x Shapeshifter OFC
Word Count: 1343
NSFW: None
Warnings: Suicide, Endgame Compliant, The Winter Soldier, Panic Attacks, Sad Bucky, Self-Destructive Bucky, Bucky chokes Dany and not in a fun way
Tags: Angst, No Happy Ending
Summary: Steve has left Bucky for Peggy. Dany tries to convince Bucky he doesn’t have to let this break him, but he’s determined to shatter.
A/N: This is based on my OC, Dany Thornberry. She is in love with Bucky but he doesn’t return her affections. I have a RP account on twitter if you’d like to learn more about her. The handle is @/angel_Iike_you (the L in like is an I).
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Steve was gone.
He had gone back.
When presented with the choice between staying with Bucky in the present and living with Peggy in the past- he chose her. He chose a woman he barely knew over his best friend.
It broke him.
Bucky didn’t leave his room for three weeks.
Dany tried to check on him. Short of busting down his door- there was nothing she could do. Nothing he’d let her do. She left thermoses of soup outside his door and returned the next day to find them still full. She kept leaving them.
Three weeks and two days after Steve left Bucky came out of his room. He didn’t speak to anyone. He only trained.
And trained.
And trained.
And trained.
Hours upon hours spent in the tower gym. Working his muscles until he collapsed. When his arm gave out and he could barely stand- he’d shoot. When he ran out of ammo he returned to the punching bags and the weights. On and on it went.
Dany visited him there. At first she spoke to him about how proud she was that he was doing something. He never spoke. Not once. Her words of encouragement turned into sobbing pleas of Speak to me. Please, say something.
But he was silent. His heart had left him and returned to the 40’s. To the decade that stole him away in the first place.
So she went to her last resort.
Physical confrontation.
Dany tried to block his path and was promptly shoved out of the way. She stumbled a few feet but managed to not fall on her ass. She gripped his arm and turned him to face her.
“Bucky, please.” She was answered not with words but with a cold hand on her throat. Her pleading eyes were met with dark unforgiving blue ones. She gasped and clawed at his metal hand. He gave her a final squeeze and dropped her. Dany fell to the ground and gasped for the sweet oxygen filling her deprived lungs. Still, she crawled for him. Bruised and crying, she was on her knees for him. This confused him. He had hurt her. She should be running away not crawling in complete submission towards him. He found he didn’t care. Bucky knew he had loved the woman before him at some point, but he couldn’t muster a single feeling or thought other than “He’s gone. He left. He left me.” So Bucky left her there. Crying, bruised, and broken, he left her.
- - - Three Weeks Later - - -
Two short knocks on hollow wood echoed through Bucky’s bedroom. He had returned to his floor for sleeping purposes. His bed was too cold. Too empty. He laid on a blanket, a black duffel bag next to him.
“Bucky, I know you’re in there.” Silence.
“Bucky- please. I need to know you’re okay.”
‘Okay?’ He thought. ‘My okay left in a space suit six weeks ago.’
“That’s it. Open up or I’m breaking the fucking door down.” He sighed. A broken door meant noise. Loud noise. He didn’t much feel like a panic attack right now. Bucky stood and walked to the door on easy feet, opening it to reveal Dany.
She looked a mess. He may have been heartbroken and utterly wrecked internally, but he was still showering. Her hair was knotted and her cheeks puffy. Her eyes were red and her hands shaky. But when she saw him, alive and conscious, she smiled.
“Hey, sugarplum.” Her voice was raw from crying. Bucky tensed at the name. It was familiar. Familiarity is weakness.
“What do you want?” The first words he’d spoken since Steve left. His voice was raw like hers but from lack of use rather than sobbing. Crying was for the weak.
Her face brightened. His words were harsh but they were words. He was speaking. She was foolish to believe he was healing.
“I wanted to make sure you’re…” Her gaze fell behind him. First to the blanket on the floor, next to the duffel bag beside it. Her breath hitched.
“You’re leaving.” Her body straightened. She was a spy. She was an Avenger. He was a possible ally. Possible threat.
“Where?” Was her only question.
“Russia.” No point in lying. All she’d have to do to find out was ask Friday who he’d been in contact with to get him a private flight. Her eyes widened in fear.
“Bucky- you wouldn’t.” Her voice was dangerously close to breaking.
“I am. There’s nothing left for me here.” Bucky realized he could see her heart breaking. Shattering. He didn’t care.
“So because he’s gone you’re going back to them? Back to him?” Her hands clenched and unclenched at her sides.
“What do you want from me, Dany?” Bucky’s voice was monotone. Flat. There was no trace of love or sadness or even anger. This - she - was simply a nuisance. Preventing him from accomplishing his mission.
“What do I want from you? You-” She took in a shaky breath, her shoulders heaving. “I gave you everything! I gave you every piece of me! What do I want from you? I want you to choose me! I want you to live for me!.” She didn’t know when she started hitting his chest but she was. Her fists pounded on the hard muscle there. Dany let out a broken sob and looked up at him. At the blue eyes she had drowned in so many times. At the forehead she had kissed and the nose she had set when he broke it. She brought a hand to his jaw and brought his face down to hers, pressing her forehead against his.
“Please. Stay.”
He said nothing. Only waited for her to release him. When she did, he pulled back and closed the door in her face.
She checked with Friday in the morning.
“Sergeant Barnes left at three AM this morning, Ms. Thornberry.”
Dany nodded.
He was gone.
- - - Six Months Later - - -
Dany clicked on the TV and listened to the newscaster drone on and on about some politician’s shady dealings. She tuned it out. Nothing reached her brain anymore. Everything was stopped in the cotton of her ears. She was filling out paperwork from her latest mission. It had been violent. She had nearly lost her arm.
After a few minutes a musical tone played from the TV followed by a dramatic voice.
“Breaking News out of Budapest - the Winter Soldier has been spotted fleeing the scene of Hungarian President Nagy’s assassination.” The woman droned on but Dany’s eyes were glued to the screen. That was Bucky - her Bucky - in black leather with a red star painted on his arm. Bucky had killed a man in cold blood.
‘No.’ She thought. ‘Not Bucky.’
But as the camera zoomed in on a man with a mask covering his mouth - as Dany saw the cold blue of the eyes that used to be so full of life - of love - she knew.
Bucky Barnes was dead.
- - - Six Months Later - - -
The Soldat sat in a hotel lobby. His latest master had a meeting and he was told to sit and wait - like a good dog. He did. He was always obedient. Ever since the man with blonde hair and deep blue eyes had left. The TV in the corner blared a story about lost puppies. His acute hearing made the volume insufferable. A loud musical tone almost made him wince- almost. A man behind a news desk began speaking in Romanian, his voice echoing around the tiled room from the speakers in the television.
“Breaking News from New York City. The Avenger commonly known as “Changeling” has died. She was found in an apartment in Harlem. Cause of death has yet to be released but insider information describes a possible suicide.” The rest of the man’s words fade out as the Soldat watched the television. Pictures flashed across the screen of a beautiful woman with mahogany hair. She had a bright smile and hazel eyes. A flicker of a memory danced through his brain. Dany. Dany is dead. He thought for a long moment. Long after the images had left the screen and after his master had called him back to their home base, he thought about the girl with the pretty smile and the hazel eyes.
And he felt nothing.
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lupinlongbottom · 4 years
Almost Fading
Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: An Order mission went wrong, leaving a soaked Sirius on the doorstep of the Lupin’s home, Remus clinging onto the world around him. 
Prompt: Hii, i’d like to request a remus x reader where he gets very (like, VERY) hurt on an order mission, and sirius like brings him to him and the readers shared apartment or something, and they have to make sure remus doesn’t die i suppose. It’s sad i know but it would be nice to have a happy ending? Thank you ❤️- Anon
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Blood, mentions of wounds, swearing
A/N: Angst! Wow. Makes me sad. Realized that I haven’t been writing for anyone but Charlie for a while, so here’s our favorite furry boy! So, here’s the sappy sadness!
The storm didn’t cease. The creaking of the quaint cottage only echoed throughout the empty halls. How long had it been since Remus left for the mission? At least four hours ago, he had said that it wouldn’t take longer than an hour at most. It was only a reconnaissance mission for the order, something Remus assured wouldn’t be difficult. Easy enough, no chance of harm. (Y/N) could do nothing but worry, listening to the pelting of rain to the kitchen window. Suddenly, the front door swung open, the wind whistling through the front foyer, blowing towards the open kitchen.
“(Y/N)!” A voice shrieked, beckoning the witch to follow it. 
“Sirius?”(Y/N) said, recognizing the voice almost immediately. She ran to the front door, only to find Sirius Black, dripping wet from the rain.
“You have to help,” Sirius croaked, turning slightly, revealing Remus, bloodied and whimpering on his back. “Get the couch ready, some towels, any sort of healing materials you may have.”
“What the fuck happened to him?” (Y/N) practically shrieked, noting the crimson dripping onto the floorboards, the red soaking into his clothes. “Sirius, answer me!”
“Do you really think now’s the time, (Y/N)?” He quipped back, setting him down on the brown and tattered couch, hitting his shin on the table in front of it. “For Godric’s sake, woman, get your ass in gear and do something!”
(Y/N) didn’t have to be asked again. She sprang down the hall, flinging open the cabinet that housed the various bottles and potion ingredients that the couple could afford. It wasn’t much, but anything could help. “Dittany… dittany…” she mumbled, fingering through the serums. “Dittany!” She grasped onto the small purple vial and a handful of old towels before rushing back to the war scene in front of her.
“The worst of it’s on his chest,” Sirius said, opening the torn shirt to (Y/N). She nodded, holding back a choked sob, perhaps vomit as well. The wounds were deep, the flesh seemingly hanging onto nothing at all. 
“Move,” (Y/N) choked out, pushing Sirius to the side, allowing her to kneel before her partner. Her hands shook with every twist of the vial, but she managed to get the top off, dropping the clear liquid onto his chest. The wound began to sizzle, closing up partially. “The kitchen,” she mumbled, dripping more of the dittany around his chest, watching it rise and fall. He was still breathing.
“What?” Sirius asked, begging for her to repeat.
“Make yourself useful,” (Y/N) seethed, pointing to the kitchen. “A bowl of warm water, a big one. Go,” Sirius didn’t need to be asked twice. He quickly fled to the kitchen, seemingly to obtain the materials she required. “What on earth did you get yourself into, Rem?” 
The bottle of dittany had reached its end, (Y/N) using the majority of it on his chest. Thankfully, the wounds were shallower, not nearly as vicious and red as they were before. The bleeding lessened, but hardly didn’t stop. (Y/N) pulled out her wand and began to recite healing incantations, hoping that the rudimentary skills she’d picked up on could assist in a wound so deep. They usually helped after a full moon, but this was another story.
“Warm water,” Sirius said, setting the bright blue bowl onto the coffee table next to (Y/N). “A big bowl,” he said, trying to crack a smile. “Just like you requested.”
(Y/N) nodded meekly at the bowl, dipping a towel into the water, allowing droplets to fall onto the floorboards before pressing it to Remus’ chest. The vibrant red began to fade to a softer pink, cleaner with each swipe. She could see Remus’ face twist in pain, unaware to the sensations. “Could you lift him? I need to wrap him up with clean bandages,” Sirius helped his friend sit up, allowing (Y/N) to fully remove the mess of what used to be a shirt, unrolling the gauze around his torso until it seemingly looked the part.
“Is he stable?” 
“For now,” (Y/N) shrugged, wiping the sweat off her forehead, eyes transfixed onto the man on the couch. His brows were drawn tight together, almost as if he was having a nightmare. “Are you going to tell me now? Or am I going to have to ask my near-dead husband?” She turned to Sirius, who had found a home on the plush chair adjacent to the couch.
“It’s a long story,” Sirius said, rubbing the blood on his brow across his face with his thumb. “Well, how ‘bout that?” he mumbled, noting the red now spread onto his thumb.
“I have the time,” (Y/N) said, throwing Sirius a wet rag, hitting him square in the face. “Talk.”
“Who knew Mrs. Lupin could bite?” Sirius teased, holding the rag to his brow, cleaning his thumb in the process. “Thought that was your husband’s forte, no?”
“Alright, alright,” Sirius said, finally giving in. “Did Remus fill you in on the specificities of the mission tonight?” (Y/N) shook her head, almost sadly. “Of course he didn’t. What a bloke, bet he was trying to protect you—”
“I don’t need protection.”
“You don’t think I know that?” Sirius chuckled. “Blimey, (Y/N), you’re one of the fiercest duelers I know. Knock me to my knees in two seconds flat, you could. Even in your current… state,” he motioned to the growing bump beneath (Y/N)’s chest.
“I’m glad you know that much,” (Y/N) grinned lightly, turning back to her husband, still passed out, her hand instinctively resting atop the bump. “If only my husband would be wise enough to see it.”
“Look, we all understand why Remus won’t let you tag along for the Order anymore. James made Lily hold back with Harry, too, you know? But I agree, it’s unfair that he’s keeping Order material from you just because you have a leech sucking the life out of you.”
“My baby isn’t a leech,” (Y/N) said, turning her attention back to Sirius, his bloodied boots resting atop of their table. “I’m just as much a member of the Order as Remus is,” she pushed his boot off, allowing it to hit the floor with a thud. “As much as you are.”
“Tell your husband that, mate,” Sirius groaned, leaning forward to re-wet his cloth. “Otherwise he’s going to keep doing it.”
“Was the mission a simple reconnoissance?” (Y/N) asked, already knowing the answer. Sirius shook his head. “Figures,” she clicked, preparing a heated speech to recite later, once Remus was in better shape, of course. She wasn’t mental.
“We already knew of their location, learned about it a week prior. We were set to go in, obtain any documents or materials that could give us a clue as to what You-Know-Who was up to—”
“And by materials…?”
“Yeah, we bloodied up some Death Eaters,” Sirius said, sheepishly pulling a grin. “We tried to, anyway. One of ‘em, Goyle, I think, got the better of Moony and used a nasty spell I had never heard of before, caused him to fall flat on the ground,” he shook his head, almost repulsed by the memory. “The blood was massive, (Y/N). I thought he was going to die, then and there. I knew the mission was a bust, so I grabbed ahold of him and Disapparated us the second I could, hoped that I’d end up here and… you know the rest.”
“I’m shocked neither of you got splinched,” (Y/N) said, noting Sirius’ minor injuries. “Couldn’t say the same about my husband. But it doesn’t seem like any of these could be because of splinching…” She gave Remus a once over, hoping to find nothing new.
“Hey, I’m excellent at Apparition, thank you very much,” Sirius boasted, his chest puffing proudly. “Passed my exam with flying colors, I did.”
“Whatever spell Goyle used really beat him up,” (Y/N) said, her fingers tracing the healing cuts on his arms, now no longer bleeding. They were shallow, nearly as deep as what a normal full moon would bring. “You said you’ve never seen it before?”
Sirius shook his head. “It sounded like a spell Snivellus tried using on James, once. Didn’t work then,” His grey eyes fell upon his friend. “Guess he worked out the kinks.”
“Must’ve,” (Y/N) hummed, her hand grasping Remus’ gently. His breathing hitched for a moment before returning to its rhythmic beat. “Sirius, feel free to clean yourself up, enjoy a hot shower, I have that enchanted soap you like.”
“You sure you’ll be okay alone with him?” Sirius asked, lifting himself off the chair. (Y/N) nodded meekly. “If something happens, just scream and I’ll be down in two ticks, even if I’m indecent,” he winked, disappearing down the hall. A few moments passed before (Y/N) heard the water turn on, the pipes creaking throughout the house.
“Remus,” (Y/N) sighed, rubbing his hand with her thumb in small circles. “If you can hear me,” she paused, hoping for a response. Nothing. “Know that you’re a right git, alright?” 
“I’m bloodied up…” Remus breathed, his hazel eyes flickering open for the first time that evening. “And the first thing you call me is a git?”
“Glad to see you’re feeling better,” (Y/N) smirked, the hot tears blinking away from her eyes by the second. “You had me scared, Rem, I thought you were a goner.”
“Are you alright?” Remus asked, his voice raspy and dry. “The baby—”
“You’re acting like I was the one who was cut open like a prime rib,” (Y/N) laughed, feeling the tears run down her cheek, dripping off her chin. “I was here, safe and sound in your perfect little bubble where nothing can harm me, as usual,” (Y/N) said, the sarcasm flowing from her tongue like acid.
“Good,” Remus nodded, resting his head back onto the pillow, closing his eyes again. “I’m glad.”
“You idiot,” (Y/N) mumbled. “That was supposed to make you feel guilty!”
“I do,” He responded, taking a deep breath. “Never said I didn’t”
“You don’t regret it for a second, do you?” (Y/N) said, forcing herself not to scream. She had to be mad at him, even if she was elated that he was alive. Remus coughed, his face twisting in pain. “Let me at least get you a glass of water—”
“Stay,” Remus said, holding onto (Y/N)’s wrist, forbidding her from moving from her very spot. “Please.”
“Alright,” (Y/N) said, settling back onto the floor. “You know, this isn’t an ideal position for the baby,” she smiled, glancing down at her growing bump. It’s been six months since they had found out, Remus had fled the scene, leaving (Y/N) alone for the first month and a half. He was scared, afraid of the monster his son or daughter could become. One swift kick to the head later, thanks James, Remus realized his foolish mistake and came running back. 
“I could give you the couch,” Remus said, leaning upwards slightly before (Y/N) gingerly pushed him back down. “Yeah, not the brightest idea.”
“No,” (Y/N) smiled, shaking her head. The clock on the wall dauntingly clicked with every second passing, the silence in the room deafening to Remus’ shallow breathing. “Do you want me to keep talking?”
“Please,” Remus nodded. “It helps.”
“I read that baby book Lily gave me,” (Y/N) began, still running circles on the back of Remus’ hand. “It’s a muggle one, said her sister gifted it to her. You couldn’t imagine the photos they had in there, I’d say they’re more gruesome than the state you’re in right about now.”
“Is that so?” Remus let out an airy chuckle. “Better be glad they’re not magic photos.”
“Disgusting,” (Y/N) groaned, only imagining the horror of moving images. “I flipped through most of that, don’t want to be spoiled on the big day, you know? Skipped right to the list of names.”
“They have those?”
“Loads of ‘em,” (Y/N) nodded. “English names, French names, names that should be used exclusively for dogs—”
“Like Padfoot?” Remus smiled lightly.
“Godric, would he give that name up? I’m not naming our child after some mutt—”
“That mutt being a potential godfather, love,” Remus reminded, gently squeezing (Y/N)’s hand. 
“He has Harry, frankly I think that ought to be enough for him,” (Y/N) laughed, noting the color returning to Remus’ cheeks. “But I wrote down a few names I quite fancied.”
“Read them to me,” Remus said, opening his again. “Please?”
“Accio,” (Y/N) called, waving her wand lightly. A paper that rested on the kitchen counter fluttered through the air and into her free hand. “Are you sure you want to hear them? I imagine you have your own preferences on a name—” 
“None at all,” Remus shook his head. “I never really gave children a second thought, let alone names.”
“Well,” (Y/N) choked, trying to hide her true feelings from the obviously somber and quite dark sentence Remus had muttered. “I rather fancied Hope, after your mum.”
“Another Hope Lupin?” Remus smiled lightly. “She’d be ecstatic, to say the least. But don’t let my family persuade your choices on names, love,” Remus squeezed her hand. “The child should be able to make own of their name, don’t you think?”
“I agree,” (Y/N) nodded, squeezing his hand back. “I was thinking more towards a middle name, much like James and Lily did with Harry,” she snorted. “But like hell we’ll give her my name. I’ve always hated it.”
“I rather like your name,” Remus hummed, moving his other hand to rest on his chest lightly. “It’s my favorite thing to say.”
“Remus,” (Y/N) said, feeling her face grow hot to the touch. “Even near-death you know how to flatter a girl,” she smiled, pushing a tuft of light brown hair out of her husband’s eyes, her hand resting gently on his jaw.
“Not just any girl,” he smiled, now able to fully see (Y/N) in the faint glow of the light drowning from the kitchen. “My wife.”
“Yes, your wife,” (Y/N) hummed, feeling Remus’ head lean more into her touch. He closed his eyes again, enjoying the touch of his wife. “Jane was a top one, Eleanor, Isabella, Audrey…”
“Those are all wonderful,” Remus nodded. “And boy names?”
“I didn’t even bother, seeing as there’s no need for—shit,” (Y/N) ripped her hand from Remus’ face. His eyes flicked open again.
“(Y/N),” Remus said, leaning up just a bit. “Are we having a girl?”
“The doctors told me last week,” (Y/N) groaned, ashamed for letting the secret slip. “I wanted to tell you differently, I was working on knitting a pink jumper for you, going to surprise you with it.”
“A girl…”
“Are you upset by that?”
“Of course not,” Remus smiled, looking (Y/N) in the eyes. “We’re having a beautiful baby girl and you think I’d be upset? Far from it.”
“Good,” (Y/N) nodded, feeling the tears from before return to the edges of her eyes. “Just be surprised when I give you the jumper anyway, I’ve been working awfully hard on it.”
“Will do,” Remus smiled, feeling the sting of tears threatening his own eyes. “Love?”
He removed his hand from hers, moving it behind her neck, pushing her gently towards himself. Their lips touched gently, (Y/N) afraid to push anything deeper onto the already weak man. A flittering of small pecks dotted their lips, each softer than the last.
“Thank you, for everything,” Remus said, thumb drawing circles on her jaw. “I don’t thank you enough. For putting up with me and my condition, for listening to my worries about your health, for saving my life,” his smile grew wider. “And for my daughter. Our daughter.”  
“Will you start trusting me again? Tell me the truth about what you’re doing? You have two girls to come home to now, two girls that need you, Remus.”
“You’re right, it was foolish of me to even think of it otherwise.”
(Y/N) leaned in to kiss him again, feeling the swell of love in her chest, a feeling she’s grateful to enjoy, grateful that Remus wasn’t dead, grateful that he’ll get to meet their daughter. See her off on her first day at Hogwarts, learn about the woman she’d become. Grateful for the life they have left to enjoy.
General Tag List: @maralisa124 , @leighxlover , @hey-its-me-rai , @missihart23 , @biatheintrovert , @chocolaterumble, @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy , @steve-thotgers , @greeneyedthief, @kitkatkl
Remus Lupin Tag List: @knowledgeisthebomb , @serenefreakgeek
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apparentlyicry · 4 years
Character Development//Kiribaku
Let me write about Bakugou's character development, cause honestly no one could've done it better.
Bakugou's feet crunched underneath the gravely concrete of UA's sidewalk he took to reach outside the gate. He heard the excitement chatter of his classmates behind him, and he started to walk faster every time he heard them get too close. He was fine though, he was used to it. Not being in their conversations. Walking home alone, after school.
And yet even with these thoughts, there was some part of him that still felt something about being left out. He immediately brushed them away, sparks starting to crackle in his sweaty palms. Damn it, Kacchan thought, I'm not weak, I don't need them.
As he was almost beginning to reach the gate, hands pulling tighter against his backpack, a rough hand tapped him on the shoulder, causing Bakugou to rip around in plain shock. Nobody just touches him, even just to ask him a question.
"Hey Bakugou! Wanna walk together?" He almost scoffed at the spiky-haired boy's question, noticing that his other friends were slowly beginning to walk away.
"Why don't you go with your real friends." Bakugou glared at Kirishima, hoping that his eyes would send some sort of signal to him that he was not to be messed around with.
"You're my friend!" Maybe it was the gentle tone of admiration Kiri had, but something in those words set him off. In a weird way. Instead of talking back like he usually would with anyone else, he felt flushed. He hesitated speaking, looking up at the red eyes of his classmate, his whole aura seeming to give off some kind of sweet glow.
Bakugou stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants, and begin to quickly walk out of the gate, back hunched as to avoid any eye contact with Kiri at all.
But Kirishima didn't give up that easily, he followed him with a hop in his step, smiling cheerfully as he started to go on about his day, which seemed to annoy the blasty boy even more.
"Shut it! Stop following me." He yelled at him, glaring dagger that didn't seem to reach Kiri's heart. Kiri let out one flat ha and rolled his eyes at Katsuki. "I'm not following you. I just noticed we live close together! Thought it'd be nice if we walked together!" He smiled after his explanation, his sharp teeth shining in the dawning sunlight.
Thought it'd be nice if we walked together. Kacchan never thought a single sentence could send his heart straining against his chest, his breath seeming to drop all together. He felt his cheeks begin to get hotter and he looked away from the kind boy, hotly spitting out a quick, "Whatever."
And maybe it was the way his voice sounded when he talked excitedly about the new plans Mr. Aizawa talked briefly about for their class in the future, or the adorable fondness in his eyes whenever he dared glance at the hot-head, then quickly would look away. Or maybe it was how Kiri would move his hands around if he was talking about something or someone, imitating it at his best.
But something about this peculiar day, the day he didn't walk alone, made Bakugou feel things. Things he hoped he would forget about tomorrow.
Bakugou knew something was up the moment he had heard Mandalay's voice ringing throughout his head, and by the look on Todoroki's face, he wasn't the only one who heard it. And even as he fought against the villains that swarmed around the forest, by the League of Villains of course, but even with or without his friends help, he had still gotten taken.
Of course he was the one they had to choose. Not Deku and his stupid All-Might quirk, not Icy-Hot, him.
And here he was, tied up to a chair, metal cuffs surrounding the whole of his hands. Smart, they know I'd use my quirk the second I saw where I was. He was still of course agitated about this whole situation, especially about the fact that his classmates, nor any of the heroes at school tried to search for him yet.
Did they think they'd turn him into a villain? Ha. No way, that wasn't Kacchan. Even if he was a hot-headed jerk, he still wished to be a pro-hero, he'd never turn his back away from that.
And even as he was saved from the villains, All Might being there with him along with others, he still felt as if something was odd. It was too easy. Too quick. There had to be something under the League of Villain's sleeve, and there was.
As quicker than he could even blink, he was gone again, being pulled into a slimy dark area, before he returned with more confusion than he could remember ever having.
He was still in an open area, so that was good. And his hands were free, which was even better. If it had to be done, he could fight his way out of it, and he began to before he was interrupted by more portals that opened up, with the villains that were knocked out pouring out of them. Shit, Katsuki thought, his hands curling into fists in case something happened.
But nothing happened, that was until a tall, dark figure swarmed over everyone. The man behind it all, their so-called "Boss". He looked absolutely stupid, wearing a dark suit and a weird-ass helmet on his head, with tubes sticking out of it and into his body. But still, the sight alone made his hairs stand on the back of his neck.
He knew he was up for a fight, and he was more than prepared for it, but his cocky side got the better of him. As he dodged the first attack from the crazy-looking girl who had a weird obsession with blood, a crash caused him and the others to fall back, looking wildly around at what it was.
All Might. He was locked in a heated glare with the big villain, and he wasn't smiling. Bakugou smirked at the fright the smaller villains shared on each of their faces, but that soon changed when they started to fight against him again, this time giving it their all.
As cocky as Bakugou was during classes, he couldn't take on all of these Villains on his own, he needed help, but there were no other heroes around that could give that.
Suddenly, as the fight seemed to keep being draw out, a huge blast of an explosion distracted all of them, distracted the villains the most. And it would've made Bakugou even more on edge, if it wasn't for the fact that it was his fucking classmates.
Iida was shooting into the sky, Deku and Kiri riding on his back. The scene itself, mostly seeing Kiri, made his heart shoot deep down into his stomach. "Come!" He yelled, pushing a hand out towards Kacchan as they kept going up in the air.
And he did.
Using his blast powers, he was able to shoot himself up away from the hands of the Villains. He grabbed Kirishima's sweaty hand with his own sweat-drenched palm, looking up at the others who all smiled at the fact their plan had worked.
"You idiots!" And he was smiling, actually smiling. At all of it, the fact that he was out of the fight, that he was able to see friendly faces that helped him, and glad to be holding Kiri's hand, the whole thought of it giving him a weirdly giddy sensation.
He was safe.
That was all that mattered.
"Stupid asshole." He murmured as he looked in Kirishima's direction, watching as the already sad frown the usually perky boy wore on his face deepened as he seemed to be in a deep trance of thought.
After the villain attack, and the news of All Might's retirement while they stayed at the hospital, his friends had opened up about how they planned out their whole scheme. And one thing slipped out about how Kiri had gotten those night-vision goggles, and it wasn't for cheap.
He had used his own money, for something that would help Bakugou. He'd never had anyone sacrifice anything for him before, and that thought alone infuriated him. Why would he waste his money on one thing that would only be used once?
Kacchan had to do something about it. And so he did.
Dragging Kaminari behind the gates of the new UA dorms, the shorter male immediately protesting, trying to get out of his grip. "Hey! What're you-?"
A sudden burst of electricity stopped his speaking, and gathering the attention of everybody else who stood in front of the dorms, including Kirishima. Bakugou smirked when he saw that he had drained him completely, making him look and act like a complete idiot. He pushed Kaminari out in front of everyone, causing the attention to be on him instead of Kacchan. Momo laughed first, causing strings of giggles coming out of everyone's mouth at the expression of Kaminari's face, and the weird mumble he said.
Everyone except Kirishima, who had jumped when Bakugou appeared in front of him, a wad of cash in his hand. "Woah! Did you mug him or something?" Kiri said, eyes widening when looking down at all of the money.
"No! This is mine, its to cover the cost of the goggles." Kacchan hotly spoke, refusing eye contact with the other male.
"How did you-?" Kiri was stopped abruptly when the cash forced itself into his own hands, stunned when a blushing Kacchan brushed his shoulder when he quickly dashed away, head down and hands in his pocket.
Kiri stood shocked, and looked back whilst smiling at his friend, who seemed flustered by showing any sign of endearment.
He would definitely tease about it with his friends later.
Bakugou stayed awake, tired eyes struggling to stay open but they'd flinch back to their wide state when hearing another muffled sob from the wall behind him. From Kiri's room.
Why was he crying? That was a question that was about to be answered, when Kacchan left his room and turned to the door next to his room, which was Kiri's. Even outside he could hear his loud sobs, surprised and angry that nobody else could hear it.
He hesitated at first, then knocked twice on the wooden door, hearing the cries stop for a short period, "Kiri?" He asked, pushing his ear against the door as well, awaiting for any answer. He knew the door was open, but he wanted to wait, wait for an answer from Kiri before barging in.
"Come in." A voice croaked out, and he heard the bedsprings creak which he assumed was Kiri moving. He came in, slowly opening the door and looking in before he walked in.
Kirishima was sitting up in bed, his hair hung down and his arm furiously rubbing at his red eyes. "What's up man? Didn't expect you to be up this late?" He cheerfully spoke, staring up at Bakugou like nothing was wrong, and that's what pissed him off even more.
"Shitty-hair, somethings obviously wrong, so just tell me so that I can sleep, okay?"
The bold move that Bakugou said made Kiri's whole soul double-over, his eyes already tearing up again from the brash statement. "I-It's nothing, seriously!" He rubbed his eyes again, the tears already beginning to fall down, his cheeks blushing embarrassingly as he looked down to avoid being burned by Kacchan's burning gaze.
He flinched when the bed sunk, the spot next to him sinking with a new weight. There was no words that he spoke only sitting besides Kiri, his presence bringing warmth to the other man's shivering body.
Kiri tried to stop himself from crying, but he just couldn't. No matter how hard he rubbed his palms into his eyes, trying to forcefully stop a single tear from dropping down his cheeks. Suddenly a warm hand was on his own, forcing his palm to stay away from his eye. That hand curled around his own, tightly securing them together.
He was surprised when he looked over and saw that Bakugou was still staring ahead, but his hand spoke more than his mouth. His thumb rubbed gentle circles on his knuckles, the action alone making Kiri's cries softened into sniffles instead, a light shade of blush dusted on his cheeks.
Bakugou, even if he was quiet, was furiously fighting in his mind about what new ideas popped into his head. Was this a crush? No way, Katsuki Bakugou didn't do "crushes". But, even so, he felt a slight joy when thinking of the idea of doing anything with Kirishima.
Little did he know, Kirishima felt the same, ever since he walked home with the hot-headed boy. And even the small bits of affection warmed his heart, and this whole event pushed it so much, he couldn't bear to hold it back anymore.
As soon as his tears dried on his cheeks, he tightened his own fingers around the hand that grasped his own, moving his body so that he could stare straight at Bakugou, who was still trying to avoid his look.
"Fuck it." Kirishima suddenly whispered, the curse setting Kacchan off-guard and the sudden feeling of a new weight pressed onto his lips.
His hands stayed in the air, one of which was still together with Kiri's, his shoulders going slack. It felt, right. Right to want this, the strange lips on his own. It was sloppy, but yet if felt so perfect. He kissed back hungrily, his hand releasing from Kirishima's to press both of them onto his waist, rubbing the hipbones slowly.
They released shortly after, Kiri leaning away with red staining his face, his mouth open showing the glint of his sharp teeth. Bakugou stared fondly at his face, moving forward to press his forehead against Kiri's, closing his eyes as he breathed in slowly.
Kirishima smiled softly and moved his hands so that they could wrap around the middle of Bakugou's torso, relaxing completely against him.
Kacchan would certainly change after this, one way or another.
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jenn-i-guess · 4 years
Character Development//Kiribaku
Let me write about Bakugou's character development, cause honestly no one could've done it better.
Bakugou's feet crunched underneath the gravely concrete of UA's sidewalk he took to reach outside the gate. He heard the excitement chatter of his classmates behind him, and he started to walk faster every time he heard them get too close. He was fine though, he was used to it. Not being in their conversations. Walking home alone, after school.
And yet even with these thoughts, there was some part of him that still felt something about being left out. He immediately brushed them away, sparks starting to crackle in his sweaty palms. Damn it, Kacchan thought, I'm not weak, I don't need them.
As he was almost beginning to reach the gate, hands pulling tighter against his backpack, a rough hand tapped him on the shoulder, causing Bakugou to rip around in plain shock. Nobody just touches him, even just to ask him a question.
"Hey Bakugou! Wanna walk together?" He almost scoffed at the spiky-haired boy's question, noticing that his other friends were slowly beginning to walk away.
"Why don't you go with your real friends." Bakugou glared at Kirishima, hoping that his eyes would send some sort of signal to him that he was not to be messed around with.
"You're my friend!" Maybe it was the gentle tone of admiration Kiri had, but something in those words set him off. In a weird way. Instead of talking back like he usually would with anyone else, he felt flushed. He hesitated speaking, looking up at the red eyes of his classmate, his whole aura seeming to give off some kind of sweet glow.
Bakugou stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants, and begin to quickly walk out of the gate, back hunched as to avoid any eye contact with Kiri at all.
But Kirishima didn't give up that easily, he followed him with a hop in his step, smiling cheerfully as he started to go on about his day, which seemed to annoy the blasty boy even more.
"Shut it! Stop following me." He yelled at him, glaring dagger that didn't seem to reach Kiri's heart. Kiri let out one flat ha and rolled his eyes at Katsuki. "I'm not following you. I just noticed we live close together! Thought it'd be nice if we walked together!" He smiled after his explanation, his sharp teeth shining in the dawning sunlight.
Thought it'd be nice if we walked together. Kacchan never thought a single sentence could send his heart straining against his chest, his breath seeming to drop all together. He felt his cheeks begin to get hotter and he looked away from the kind boy, hotly spitting out a quick, "Whatever."
And maybe it was the way his voice sounded when he talked excitedly about the new plans Mr. Aizawa talked briefly about for their class in the future, or the adorable fondness in his eyes whenever he dared glance at the hot-head, then quickly would look away. Or maybe it was how Kiri would move his hands around if he was talking about something or someone, imitating it at his best.
But something about this peculiar day, the day he didn't walk alone, made Bakugou feel things. Things he hoped he would forget about tomorrow.
Bakugou knew something was up the moment he had heard Mandalay's voice ringing throughout his head, and by the look on Todoroki's face, he wasn't the only one who heard it. And even as he fought against the villains that swarmed around the forest, by the League of Villains of course, but even with or without his friends help, he had still gotten taken.
Of course he was the one they had to choose. Not Deku and his stupid All-Might quirk, not Icy-Hot, him.
And here he was, tied up to a chair, metal cuffs surrounding the whole of his hands. Smart, they know I'd use my quirk the second I saw where I was. He was still of course agitated about this whole situation, especially about the fact that his classmates, nor any of the heroes at school tried to search for him yet.
Did they think they'd turn him into a villain? Ha. No way, that wasn't Kacchan. Even if he was a hot-headed jerk, he still wished to be a pro-hero, he'd never turn his back away from that.
And even as he was saved from the villains, All Might being there with him along with others, he still felt as if something was odd. It was too easy. Too quick. There had to be something under the League of Villain's sleeve, and there was.
As quicker than he could even blink, he was gone again, being pulled into a slimy dark area, before he returned with more confusion than he could remember ever having.
He was still in an open area, so that was good. And his hands were free, which was even better. If it had to be done, he could fight his way out of it, and he began to before he was interrupted by more portals that opened up, with the villains that were knocked out pouring out of them. Shit, Katsuki thought, his hands curling into fists in case something happened.
But nothing happened, that was until a tall, dark figure swarmed over everyone. The man behind it all, their so-called "Boss". He looked absolutely stupid, wearing a dark suit and a weird-ass helmet on his head, with tubes sticking out of it and into his body. But still, the sight alone made his hairs stand on the back of his neck.
He knew he was up for a fight, and he was more than prepared for it, but his cocky side got the better of him. As he dodged the first attack from the crazy-looking girl who had a weird obsession with blood, a crash caused him and the others to fall back, looking wildly around at what it was.
All Might. He was locked in a heated glare with the big villain, and he wasn't smiling. Bakugou smirked at the fright the smaller villains shared on each of their faces, but that soon changed when they started to fight against him again, this time giving it their all.
As cocky as Bakugou was during classes, he couldn't take on all of these Villains on his own, he needed help, but there were no other heroes around that could give that.
Suddenly, as the fight seemed to keep being draw out, a huge blast of an explosion distracted all of them, distracted the villains the most. And it would've made Bakugou even more on edge, if it wasn't for the fact that it was his fucking classmates.
Iida was shooting into the sky, Deku and Kiri riding on his back. The scene itself, mostly seeing Kiri, made his heart shoot deep down into his stomach. "Come!" He yelled, pushing a hand out towards Kacchan as they kept going up in the air.
And he did.
Using his blast powers, he was able to shoot himself up away from the hands of the Villains. He grabbed Kirishima's sweaty hand with his own sweat-drenched palm, looking up at the others who all smiled at the fact their plan had worked.
"You idiots!" And he was smiling, actually smiling. At all of it, the fact that he was out of the fight, that he was able to see friendly faces that helped him, and glad to be holding Kiri's hand, the whole thought of it giving him a weirdly giddy sensation.
He was safe.
That was all that mattered.
"Stupid asshole." He murmured as he looked in Kirishima's direction, watching as the already sad frown the usually perky boy wore on his face deepened as he seemed to be in a deep trance of thought.
After the villain attack, and the news of All Might's retirement while they stayed at the hospital, his friends had opened up about how they planned out their whole scheme. And one thing slipped out about how Kiri had gotten those night-vision goggles, and it wasn't for cheap.
He had used his own money, for something that would help Bakugou. He'd never had anyone sacrifice anything for him before, and that thought alone infuriated him. Why would he waste his money on one thing that would only be used once?
Kacchan had to do something about it. And so he did.
Dragging Kaminari behind the gates of the new UA dorms, the shorter male immediately protesting, trying to get out of his grip. "Hey! What're you-?"
A sudden burst of electricity stopped his speaking, and gathering the attention of everybody else who stood in front of the dorms, including Kirishima. Bakugou smirked when he saw that he had drained him completely, making him look and act like a complete idiot. He pushed Kaminari out in front of everyone, causing the attention to be on him instead of Kacchan. Momo laughed first, causing strings of giggles coming out of everyone's mouth at the expression of Kaminari's face, and the weird mumble he said.
Everyone except Kirishima, who had jumped when Bakugou appeared in front of him, a wad of cash in his hand. "Woah! Did you mug him or something?" Kiri said, eyes widening when looking down at all of the money.
"No! This is mine, its to cover the cost of the goggles." Kacchan hotly spoke, refusing eye contact with the other male.
"How did you-?" Kiri was stopped abruptly when the cash forced itself into his own hands, stunned when a blushing Kacchan brushed his shoulder when he quickly dashed away, head down and hands in his pocket.
Kiri stood shocked, and looked back whilst smiling at his friend, who seemed flustered by showing any sign of endearment.
He would definitely tease about it with his friends later.
Bakugou stayed awake, tired eyes struggling to stay open but they'd flinch back to their wide state when hearing another muffled sob from the wall behind him. From Kiri's room.
Why was he crying? That was a question that was about to be answered, when Kacchan left his room and turned to the door next to his room, which was Kiri's. Even outside he could hear his loud sobs, surprised and angry that nobody else could hear it.
He hesitated at first, then knocked twice on the wooden door, hearing the cries stop for a short period, "Kiri?" He asked, pushing his ear against the door as well, awaiting for any answer. He knew the door was open, but he wanted to wait, wait for an answer from Kiri before barging in.
"Come in." A voice croaked out, and he heard the bedsprings creak which he assumed was Kiri moving. He came in, slowly opening the door and looking in before he walked in.
Kirishima was sitting up in bed, his hair hung down and his arm furiously rubbing at his red eyes. "What's up man? Didn't expect you to be up this late?" He cheerfully spoke, staring up at Bakugou like nothing was wrong, and that's what pissed him off even more.
"Shitty-hair, somethings obviously wrong, so just tell me so that I can sleep, okay?"
The bold move that Bakugou said made Kiri's whole soul double-over, his eyes already tearing up again from the brash statement. "I-It's nothing, seriously!" He rubbed his eyes again, the tears already beginning to fall down, his cheeks blushing embarrassingly as he looked down to avoid being burned by Kacchan's burning gaze.
He flinched when the bed sunk, the spot next to him sinking with a new weight. There was no words that he spoke only sitting besides Kiri, his presence bringing warmth to the other man's shivering body.
Kiri tried to stop himself from crying, but he just couldn't. No matter how hard he rubbed his palms into his eyes, trying to forcefully stop a single tear from dropping down his cheeks. Suddenly a warm hand was on his own, forcing his palm to stay away from his eye. That hand curled around his own, tightly securing them together.
He was surprised when he looked over and saw that Bakugou was still staring ahead, but his hand spoke more than his mouth. His thumb rubbed gentle circles on his knuckles, the action alone making Kiri's cries softened into sniffles instead, a light shade of blush dusted on his cheeks.
Bakugou, even if he was quiet, was furiously fighting in his mind about what new ideas popped into his head. Was this a crush? No way, Katsuki Bakugou didn't do "crushes". But, even so, he felt a slight joy when thinking of the idea of doing anything with Kirishima.
Little did he know, Kirishima felt the same, ever since he walked home with the hot-headed boy. And even the small bits of affection warmed his heart, and this whole event pushed it so much, he couldn't bear to hold it back anymore.
As soon as his tears dried on his cheeks, he tightened his own fingers around the hand that grasped his own, moving his body so that he could stare straight at Bakugou, who was still trying to avoid his look.
"Fuck it." Kirishima suddenly whispered, the curse setting Kacchan off-guard and the sudden feeling of a new weight pressed onto his lips.
His hands stayed in the air, one of which was still together with Kiri's, his shoulders going slack. It felt, right. Right to want this, the strange lips on his own. It was sloppy, but yet if felt so perfect. He kissed back hungrily, his hand releasing from Kirishima's to press both of them onto his waist, rubbing the hipbones slowly.
They released shortly after, Kiri leaning away with red staining his face, his mouth open showing the glint of his sharp teeth. Bakugou stared fondly at his face, moving forward to press his forehead against Kiri's, closing his eyes as he breathed in slowly.
Kirishima smiled softly and moved his hands so that they could wrap around the middle of Bakugou's torso, relaxing completely against him.
Kacchan would certainly change after this, one way or another.
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whydoyouwantmyname · 6 years
Imagine How Violet Sending you away changed you.....
Part one 
Part two
Part three
Part four
part five
part six
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“Tate! Tate!” Violet stood in her room, knowing he would show up as soon as his name left her mouth. When he appeared, she could see that he had clearly been crying, and before she could tell him she understood his actions, Tate cut her off.
“Why did you send her away?” His voice cracking as new tears appeared.
He had found you crying in the kitchen, Constance trying to comfort you, as Moria just ignored the whole scene behind her. Tate’s heart broke as he took a seat beside you, placing a hand on your back. Constance glaring as you lifted your head and leaned into him, his arms wrapping around you as he gently kissed the top of your head.
“I think it is time you left Constance.” He calmly said over your sobs, causing the woman to slowly raise and leave through the back door, and then he addressed Moria, “I hope you will not take this the wrong way, but if you could please...”
“I will, but before I do, I just want you to know this is all your fault. If it wasn’t for you and your twisted behav...”
“GET OUT MORIA!” You pulled away and screamed through the tears, before burying your head into Tate’s shoulder, your hands hiding your face as he tightened his embrace. She was gone in an instance.
“She sent me away.” You finally whimpered, “I showed her, and she sent me away.”
“What?” His heart breaking at the pain he had indirectly caused you. He never wanted to hurt you, he only wanted to protect the relationship he held with Violet.
Your response to him was your silence, you couldn’t even fathom a answer as you cried, unaware that Tate also wept with you.
Then he heard her calling him, however he wasn’t going to answer, until...
“Go, see what she wants.” You whispered, pulling back slightly, and wiping the running eyeliner from your face.
“I don’t want to...”
“Tate, all I want is your happiness, so please go to her, and accept her forgiveness for hiding the truth from her.” Your hands wiping his own tears, before you added, “I will go play with Beau, I will be fine, I promise.”
“I love you.” He whispered to you before he rose to go to Violet
“I love you too.”
“She is supposed to be my friend, and she lied to me.” Violet replied
“I told her too, it isn’t her fault...”
“You mean just like you lied to me about being dead?” She snapped
“Now that is totally different.”
“No it isn’t.”
“Oh so I was supposed to just look at you and say, “Hey I’m Tate, I’m dead, wanna hook up?”
“Listen, I am not sending her away forever, I just need some space. So how about you and me just play some more games, and forget about this whole shit show.” She lied.
“She is...”
“Tate, I love you.”
With those words, Tate dropped the whole subject, his love for her overtaking his mind, as his frustration with her decision disappeared.
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You sat on the front porch, cigarette in hand as Constance approached you.
“Mother.” You greeted as she took a seat beside you, lighting her own cigarette as you exhaled.
“What brings you to the murder house today?” You exhaled as she leaned back and looked at you.
“Lawrence is in jail, for the murder of Travis.”
“Don’t you find it odd that all your lovers are either trapped in this house, or in prison because of this house.”
“Your father is...”
“You really think I don’t know that you killed Daddy in this house along with Moria?” You asked with a smile as she marveled at the intelligence you have.
“Does your brother...”
“No. I didn’t tell him that Daddy was dead. It would hurt him too much.”
“Has he ever shown himself to you?”
“Never. I have asked before, but he never does.” You put the cigarette out on the step, and mimicked her position as you looked out at the street.
“She still hasn’t asked you back, has she?”
“No. She has been spending more time with Tate, which is all I could ever ask for.”
“We all know how this is going to end though [Y/N]. We have to be prepared to...”
“She seems to be looking past the fact that Tate has his own issues, and is being open and inviting to him. That is all I have ever wanted for Tate, and if it means I have to sacrifice my own friendship with her, then I will do it.”
“I am sorry I was a shit mother.” She whispered, “You took on so much responsibility as a child, you raised your older brother, and your younger siblings, you cared so much for them you put them above yourself. Even in death, you can not stand letting their feelings and desires fall behind your own.”
“I am a shit sister.” You replied, “All of us a dead, my brother is a murderer, my other brother is still scared to mess up, my little sister is dead, and Addie....” your eyes started to water, “If I had just heard her at the fucking door when she knocked, if I had ignored Violet, and stayed downstairs, Addie would still be here.”
“Don’t you ever say that again, you beautiful soul. You are the best thing to ever happen to the Langdon family, and you are the most genuine sister.” She put a hand on your knee, and continued, “I never want you to believe that lie ever again.”
“Yes Mother.” You replied as she removed her hand, “Now what do you say we figure out something else to do, other then destroy what’s left of our lungs?”
“Sure Mother.” You smiled, before you both went to the basement.
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Weeks later you sat in the parlor, head leaning back against the couch as the puffs of grey smoke danced around above you. For the days were lonely for most of the day, Tate hadn’t spoken to you, at request of the girl who you betrayed, and the other ghost wouldn’t talk to you because of the horrible things your brother did, the fact that you even defended him made you a enemy. The only one who would still speak to you was Beau, Rosie, and your mother, but Beau never left the attic, Rosie didn’t want to come out of hiding, and your mother.... Well Ben and Moria haven’t been the nicest to her, so her visits were limited.
As you watched the smoke spread out above you, you felt the couch slightly dip beside you. A delicate hand brushed against your face as she wiped away tears you didn’t know you made.
“Don’t cry Dearest, Life is too short...”
“Nora, I don’t want to hear it, not today.”
“Tate has betrayed me.”
“Join the club, I am sure all the other ghosts will love to have a new addition to the I hate Tate Langdon club.” Your response was dry
“He won’t give me my baby.” She slowly breathed out, as you lolled your head to one side.
“Nora.” You whispered, as she looked at you, “I don’t give a fucking shit. He is just saying that because of Violet, and his blind love for her, but chances are, one of those babies ain’t gonna even make it through the birth, so you will get your baby. Tater tot is just trying to scare ya.”
“Why would he do that?” She whispered
“Because the world is cruel, and he doesn’t realize just how much the world changed him before he died.”
That’s when you heard the protests of a young girl, and the rebuttals of a desperate man, leaning up and looking past Nora you saw Ben dragging Violet out of the house, panic rising in you as he slammed the door.
“Shit.” You hissed as you rushed to the door, knowing she can’t leave. As you hurried towards the gate you tried to make a excuse, and quickly made yourself seen, “Hey Violet, are you ready to... oh Hello, you must be Mr. Harmon.”
“Who are you?” Ben’s face twisted, as Violet’s filled with rage.
“Oh I am Tiffany Robertson.” You answered, “Violet and I have to work on a school project today, it is due Monday and right now is the only time we both had free to work on it.”
“Well I am sorry bu....”
“Dad, please, this is a really important grade, and Tiffany is right, we can only work on it today. I will see Mom when she gets back.”
“You promise.”
“Okay, nice to meet you Tiffany.” Ben loaded himself in the car as you started towards Violet, who was looking at you with slight disgust.
“What the fuck was that?” She hissed as you both started towards the house, but when she looked beside her, you were gone.
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“You will never believe what just happened!” She exclaimed to Tate as she shut the door, and looked at her boyfriend who was typing away on the laptop.
“Your dad knows you aren’t in the car, and there is no explanation to why...”
“Your sister convinced him to not make me go.” She snapped, causing Tate to look at her in confusion, “I told her to go away, and she fucking....”
“Saved your ass.” Tate snapped
“Disregard my wishes.” She slumped into the bed next to him, and laid flat on her back
“Well if you ask me, She did what any best friend should, and saved your ass from having to explain to your parents that this whole house is haunted, and that you are dead.” He whispered, “So maybe you should just be thankful that she did.”
You walked back in the parlor and found Nora was gone, but Moria had filled the space, dusting away as she hummed to you.
“Silly girl, always protecting the ones you love, even when they don’t want you too.” She hummed as you flopped back down on the couch.
“Well what was I supposed to do, just let her expose all of us to her family as the undead?”
“No honey, that is what you are telling yourself, but we know the real root cause of you doing it. You don’t want Violet to tell her parents that Tate is dead, and have them google his sickening past.”
“Moria, my mother might as well have shot you in both of your eyes.” You slowly rose from the couch and started towards the attic, knowing that she was partly right.
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“You can’t be here!” Billie yelled as Tate exposed himself in the kitchen doorway, both Violet’s and Constance’s eyes falling on the boy. You stood between the two, refusing to expose yourself to the three who stood in the room with you, however ready to lunge at her for trying to cast him away.
“I just want to...”
“You have done enough, to your mother, to Violet, to everyone in this house.” Billie hissed before turning her eyes towards the empty space, “I can’t even imagine the pain you must feel towards him, so young, so beautiful, taken so young by your selfless act of love for a monster.”
“I am not...”
“Go away Tate. I will tell you how you can help later.” You replied, Tate looking at you with dark eyes as he slowly slipped away.
“The best help he can give us is letting us outcast him too.” She whispered, as Constance took her hand, muttering some nonsense to Violet, who was glaring at the empty space next to her, as you looked at Billie with the same cold eyes that your brother just gave you.
Later she was alone at the table, cigarette in hand, as Violet and Constance searched for the few valuable items she needed. You slowly pulled the chair out across from her, lighting your own cigarette as you whispered, “How did you know I was listening earlier?”
“I could feel your energy, compared to the others in this house, your’s feels very warm, however I feel the regret that you carry for recent events.”
“Why won’t you let Tate help you?”
“He is cold, suffocating almost. I could hear all the ghosts protest when he tried to enter, the whole energy of the house screaming murder, and disloyalty. When he entered the room all the warmth of the room seemed to vanish, except for one spot. Where you were standing.”
“Bullshit.” You hissed as you leaned back in the chair.
“Only someone pure could resist his darkness, someone who loved unconditionally, I heard you send him away, I heard the love towards him that you feel, and I felt the ache you felt doing it, and felt it deepen when Violet flared at you. I know all about you [Y/N], I know how you died, and I know what he took from you, and I know how he made you....”
“You don’t know shit lady. If you did you would let my brother help.” You pushed away from the table, and started storming towards the kitchen door, however her words refusing to stop you as she called, “You know what your brother truly is. You know that he is burdened with the darkness of this house’s energy, and that this house altered who he was. You can’t pretend to deny it forever.”
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tessxomarie · 6 years
Saving You - Part Eight
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*TRIGGER WARNING!!! This scene deals with the aftermath of a sexual assault, self-harm takes place and other discussions about sexual assault follow. If you need to skip this part, please do so. If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault and need a resource to reach out, please click this link: https://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline My inbox is always open if you would like to talk.*
I managed to run out of the clubhouse and into the office. I couldn’t even tell you how I did it, or who I passed by as I ran out of there.
I don’t even feel safe in here in the office, so I opt to go into the bathroom.
That was a mistake.
The mirror greets me, my makeup is smeared from my tears. My hair is a mangled mess.
Anger fills my body, sadness overtakes my heart and I just lose it.
I scream, and I slide down against the door which is still open.
I snap my pony tail on my wrist, but it’s doing nothing. The pain is still here. I hate feeling it.
Against every smart judgement in my mind, my body is on autopilot.
I crawl a step towards the sink cabinet in hopes to find what I’m looking for.
I open the cabinet and I see it, it’s shining like a first- place trophy - only this is far from a win.
I pick up the razor, and I take out the blade.
I close the door with my foot, and I just cry.
Sobs escape every 20 seconds it seems.
I’m not safe. I’m not protected. I am afraid.
“You lied, Jax. You lied to me. You and Tara both.” I sob.
I then revert back to old habits...my mind is at war, I know I shouldn’t do this - there are other ways but the other part of me, the part of mind that has had this old wound reopened, it’s as if this is my only option.
“Lies. That’s all you and Marcus fed me, didn’t you Jax?” I say between sniffles as I see the blood run down my arm.
“I’m doomed just like Briana and Jesse. There’s no way out of this.” I whisper, and that’s the last thing I remember before closing my eyes.
I start to come to it when I hear shouting.
“Leah! Leah please, please be in here!” A woman shouts.
“EZ, she has to be in here, I don’t know where she would run off to.” I faintly hear.
I hear what I think is the opening of the office door.
“Fuck.” A man says, whom I think is EZ as I’m in and out of it.
“Oh my god.” I hear a young voice say. “Isn’t that a hair tie on the ground?” She says...Letty.
“No. No no no no, Aleeah!” Kendra wails.
Next thing I hear is the bathroom door opening and a faint light from the office light shining down on me.
“No, Lee, no no no.” EZ says.
“Call an ambulance, now. Go EZ, go go go.”
“Letty, go get Bishop and Coco, now!”Kendra orders.
“Aleeah, come here, look at me, okay? You gotta open your eyes babe, come on.” I hear Kendra say as I feel her touch.
She takes the rag I was loosely holding and applies pressure for me.
I then feel her hands on my wrists. It’s then when I hear a big sob.
“Jesus, Leah. What happened? Come on, chica. Open your eyes, you have to be okay, come on.” She says as she grabs my face in her hand.
I slowly open them, again it’s like my body is at war with itself. I know I need to get it together and admit to Kendra what I just endured but the other part of my body is on shutdown mode.
“Kenz.” I whisper.
Kendra breathes a sigh of relief, “That’s my Lee, babe tell me what happened. Who hurt you?” She asks through tears.
“Erik.” I say and then I close my eyes again.“Motherfucker.” Kendra seethes.
“Leah!” I hear a man shout and it grows louder and louder.
I hear footsteps and I open my eyes ever so gently.
“Oh my fucking God. Kendra, what happened? She needs help!” He says in a panic.
I look over to Kendra and she wipes her eyes, as she remains putting pressure on my wrist with a rag. She holds up my hair tie, and Angel gives her a confused look.
“She always wears a hair tie on her wrist, always. When that hair tie is off, it means she was hurt - horribly.”
My eyes feel like anchors, but I look up at Angel, and his face drops.
His eyes lock with mine, and from what I can make out from my angle, it looks as if tears are forming in his eyes.
“Ambo is on its way, I called Franky too - he called Shelby, they’re waiting for you at the ER, Leah. If Franky gets here first he’ll take you.”“Thanks, EZ.” I say barely above a whisper.
Angel just stands there, frozen. “Come on, bro. Let’s give the girls some space. We can follow them to the hospital.” EZ says to Angel.
I know I’m out of it, but I’m not that out of it to realize this is their first brother interaction I’ve witnessed in nine months.
“Lee, baby. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here for you, again. God, I suck. Like, what kind of friend let’s this shit happen twice and does nothing?” Kendra rambles.
I let out a light laugh, “Kenz, stop. No apologies are needed from you, okay? This shit, it just likes to happen to me I guess.”
Kendra then looks around to make sure no one is in ear shot and then she zeroes in on me and looks me dead in the eyes.
“Aleeah, we are going to talk about this and we are going to take Erik out, comprende? This is not a debate. This is going to get handled or else I’m stepping in.” She says with authority.
“Okay. We’ll talk, just not here. Let me get checked out first.” I say.
I see flashing lights from the reflection of the office windows. For whatever reason, I want to stand up and walk out of here on my own power, but it’s like my body is frozen - that internal battle continues.
“Leah.” Shelby says breathlessly, which catches Kenz and I off guard.
“Shelby, what are you doing here?” We both say at the same time.
“The MC called me and called Franky. When they told me what they saw of you, I knew I had to be the one to come take care of you. Leah, you’re going to be alright, okay? Let’s get you checked out, and maybe keep you for observation? That’s just a maybe.” She says in a positive tone, as she knows how to handle me with this situation, it’s not the first time she’s seen me like this, but God I hope it’s the last.
“Okay, that’s fine. Can we just go already? The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can be in my own bed.” Kendra and Shelby nod in agreement, and they both help me up and both guide me outside, that is where I’m swarmed by the Mayans.
“Aleeah, mija what happened?” Bishop asks full of worry as he rushes to me. “Jesus fucking Christ, Leah, sweetheart.” He continues.
“I’ll fill you in later.” I reply.
“I fucking hate this.” I hear Bishop say to Hank as I walk past them.
Bish, Coco, EZ and Angel along with everyone else gather right by the squad car.
“You boys can follow me, just give Leah some space for now.” Shelby states as she helps me get into the ambulance.
Franky then announces he’ll give the MC an escort. Before the paramedic closes the ambulance door, the last image I see is a group of grown ass men standing there - looks of shock and worry written all over their face. My eyes turn to Angel, who has now turned his back towards me but EZ has his hand on his shoulder, as if he is comforting him.
For whatever reason, I look towards the cage...and then I see those eyes - Erik’s eyes, beaming at me.
He’s has to be handled with, I think to myself as we take off to the ER.
I’m taken to the county hospital, also known as my place of occupation.
Shelby makes sure it looks as if I’m not there, but then a co-worker sees me, and we have to fib a few things and tell others that I had fainted and the MC demanded I’d be rushed to the ER - the story worked, and my co-workers bought it.
I’m in a stupid hospital gown, this thing is a serious atrocity.
“Is it wrong of me to say I’m more upset you made me change into this Mumu than letting me stay in my clothes?” I whine to Shelby.
“When you’re the patient, you don’t get a choice Leah.” She smirks as she looks over my chart.
Kendra is sitting on the edge of my bed. “if it makes you feel any better, you look hot in that gown.”
I laugh, because that’s what Kendra does best - makes me laugh.
“Okay, Leah, I’m going to run the rape kit. This is almost over...and if you want to talk, you know I’m here for you. I totally understand if you don’t, I only advise that you talk to someone, okay?” Shelby lectures.
I nod with a flat smirk, “Doctor’s orders are noted.” I say.
Shelby leaves my room and Kendra scoots closer to me on my bed.
“Can we talk?” She asks.
I readjust my position in my bed to sit up straight.
“Jesus Kenz, let her close the door first.” I scoff.
Kendra eye rolls me.I then take a deep breath and tell her what I remember.
“Erik was at the party, I had no clue the Oakland guys were coming down here. I had a gut feeling he was there, and that’s when I texted you. I knew you were on your way, I was just hoping you could have been there sooner. I tried making small talk with Angel, you know since he’s given me the weird cold shoulder for a little bit. He gave me the time of day for like a minute, I started to apologize for the whole Adelita bullshit, and that’s when Erik made his move. He slipped his arm around my waist. Angel the excused himself and left.” I begin to tell Kendra, and that’s when I hear a knock at my door. I can see from the little window, it’s the guys.
“I can go tell them to come back later. You need to rest, Lee.” Kendra insists.
“No, bring them in. I’ll tell them what happened, or at least part of it. I’ll come clean tomorrow, after I’m able to go home and shower - but I have to tell Marcus everything too. He needs to be the first to know.”
Kendra squeezes my hand and nods as she gets up to go let the MC in.
The entire Santo Padre Chapter is now standing around my bed.
Bishop, EZ and Angel are the closest ones to my bed. Everyone else stands behind them.
“Sweetheart, how are you doing?” Bishop asks. Kendra is now standing right next to me and holds my hand.
“I have to tell you all something, but I’m not ready to discuss it all right now.” I begin.
“You have our attention, Leah.” Bishop states. I clear my throat and run my free hand through my hair.
“Well, as you can see, I have a bandage on this wrist because I cut myself. I was a cutter back when I was a teenager, and I only cut when things got bad...really, really bad.” I tell them. I then look to Kendra for encouragement, she tilts her head and nods “Only share what you want to, you can tell them everything tomorrow.” She whispers.
I can feel tears forming as I’m about to say the words out loud to someone other than Kendra or Shelby.
I take another deep breath and I look at Angel, he looks so worried - so nervous, scared even.
“I was raped...at the clubhouse. That’s why I ran outside, and I went into the office bathroom. Found a razor, and now I’m here.” I say with slow tears rolling down my face.
The guys faces all drop, mutters of “Fuck.” and “Jesus Christ” echo in the room.
Riz, Taza, Hank and Creeper all look away for a moment - a combination of them pinching back tears of their own, and them trying to form words.
Coco and Gilly stare mindlessly, trying to process my words.
Angel, he’s taking it the worst.He keeps shaking his head, “Fuck no, no Leah, no.” He whines, “How could someone do this to you? Who was it? We’ll take care of it.” He shouts ever so slightly.
“Angel, calm down. You can’t get all wound up, not in here.” EZ says to his brother.
“What the fuck do we do then, brother? We let the fucker who did this roam our clubhouse free?” Angel fires back.
I can’t help but laugh, seeing and hearing these two argue - it snaps me back into some normalcy.
“Well I have to admit, it’s nice seeing you two speak to each other.” I chime in. Angel and EZ both look at me like little boys who were just caught sneaking cookies from the cookie jar.
“Sorry, Lee. We just want to help, in any way.” EZ says.
“Agreed, sweetheart. You name it, we’ll help. You’re not in this alone.” Bishop assures me as he comes to my side.
“Thank you Bish, and thank you guys for coming. I seriously didn’t mean for this to happen, I’m sorry for ruining the party.” I say with guilt, and then I feel more guilt for feeling remotely guilty for what happened.
“Leah, none of this is your fault.” Coco chirps. I give an empathetic nod, trying like Hell to agree with him.
“Okay guys, I think that’s all Leah is up for discussing tonight. I’ll come grab you if she needs anything.” Kendra announces and starts to push the MC out the door.
“I’m going to have one of the guy’s stay back, keep an eye on you and your surroundings. When you want to talk more, we’re here for you, babe.” Bishop says once more before kissing my forehead.
As he walks towards the door, Angel darts towards him. “I’ll stay back, protect her. Please Bish, let me do this.” He begs.
Bish then looks to me, “Are you okay with Angel keeping an eye on you?”
Part of me is in shock; to see Angel show this much emotion, to show the willingness to help - it doesn’t seem real.
“Uhh, yeah. That’s fine.” I stutter.
Bishop then leaves.
“Lee, I’m going to go find Shelby and see if she knows when you can be released.” Kendra announces.
“Okay.” I say as I twiddle my thumbs, I’m about to be left alone in a room with Angel and for whatever reason I’m nervous.
Just as Kendra heads out the door, Angel stops her and they both think I cannot hear them but that’s the opposite.
“Kendra,” Angel starts, “you said that when she took off the hair tie, that means things went horribly wrong...did you mean this isn’t the first time this has happened?” I hear Angel ask.
“You need to ask her that yourself.” I hear Kendra answer, and that’s when I see Angel’s head hang low.
He turns back and comes into my room, he lingers at the edge of my bed.
Awkward silence fills the room.
“I don’t know what to say right now, but I want you to know that I will help you - we’re going to take care of this.” He says as he crouches down to my level at the edge of my bed.
His eyes, they’re soft like the night he was shot and stabbed. There’s a spark of life there. I truly do not know what to say, or if I should even say anything - again, it’s like my body is frozen.
This pull I’ve felt towards Angel, it’s like a compass trying to find out where the true north is, spinning and spinning - I legit feel like I’m in Pocahontas.
“Thank you.” I say above a whisper, nodding my head in his direction.
He gives me a weak smile, and he keeps eying my bandage on my wrist.
He then goes and sits on the chair that is right by the foot of my bed.
“Leah, I need to ask this, because I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach.” Angel announces.
“What?” I ask confused.
“Erik did this, didn’t he?” He asks, his hands turn to fists as he already knows my answer.
I then answer his question with a question, “Why do you think that?”
“Leah, please tell me. He did this, didn’t he?” He insists, tears forming in eyes.
I look away because seeing Angel getting emotional is making me emotional.
I nod my head up and down for confirmation.
“No. God Dammit. Leah.” He says, and tears escape his eyes.
He then walks over close to me and kneels at my bedside.
“You were trying to talk to me, because he was there. You knew he was trouble, and I just walked away. I let him do this.” He says, tears slowly falling down his face.
“You didn’t do anything, Angel.” I say as I reach for his hand with my uninjured arm.
“That’s the problem, Leah. I didn’t do anything, I fucking left you when you literally begged me to stay. I’m so fucking sorry. I’m so sorry.” He pleads as he leans in and kisses my forehead.
The thought of anyone showing any affection towards me would have me hugging a toilet, but with Angel – it’s comforting in the strangest way.
He then looks at my bandaged wrist, another tear slips down his face.
He wipes his eyes, “I’m just going to go check outside, to make sure everything is still alright. I’ll be right back.” He assures me.
I then opt to close my eyes for a few moments.
About a half hour later, Kendra & Shelby wake me. I see Angel has dozed off in the chair.
That sight causes me to smile some, seeing this tall biker man passed out in a tiny hospital chair.
“Everything came back negative, Leah.” Shelby whispers, looking over to Angel.
I breathe a sigh of relief.  “It’s more of a shock to know he’s clean than to know what he did to me, again.” I mumble.
Kendra laughs softly, “what matters most is that you are okay, and your injuries are minor in doctor’s terms.”
“Does this mean I can go home tonight?” I ask eagerly.
Shelby nods her head, “Only if you promise to have someone look after you tonight and into tomorrow. That’s my compromise for not holding you here for a psych eval.”
I then motion over to Angel, “I don’t think I can get him out of my sight even if I tried.”
“He’s worried about you, and he’s feeling tremendous guilt.” Kendra says as she looks on at Angel.
“You can get changed and head on home, Leah. Kendra can sign for you if you’d like.” Shelby suggests.
Kendra then smiles deviously, “Hoodrat Kenz about to forge some signatures - bring it on. Oh, here Lee, I had some extra clothes in a bag in my car I had EZ dish out. Don’t worry, they’re clean.”
I let out a laugh, as I open the bag; a black tank top and a pair of capri leggings.
“Thanks, Kenz. Do you mind waking him up? And you can tell the MC I’m being released, just please tell Bishop I need Marcus to be there tomorrow so I can talk to them.” I plead, and Kendra holds my hand and gives in a good squeeze as confirmation.
Angel is woken up by Kenz, and he tries to play it off like it wasn’t sleeping.
“Don’t freak out, it’s not a crime to fall asleep in a hospital room.” I say getting out of bed, slowly.
Angel rushes over to my side and helps me sturdy myself.
Feeling his hands on my arm and waist, it almost feels electric but not in a sexual way by any means, more of that his touch, it feels different than anything I’ve ever felt.
I look up at him in shock that he’s doing this, helping me. He reads my face and I must have scared him because as soon as I was standing straight, he quickly removed his hands.
“Shit, I’m sorry Leah - I wasn’t thinking, knowing you probably don’t want anyone to touch you right now, I’m sorry.” He rambles.
I then reach out for his hand and I squeeze it, assuring him that he is okay.
“It’s okay Angel, trust me.” I say as I look him in the eyes.
“I um…I’m going to let you change and I’ll wait outside for you. The guys drove your car here, so I’ll drive you back to your place, sound good?”
“Yeah, sounds good.” I reply.
The car ride to my apartment is silent, but not an awkward silence. It’s a comfortable silence.
Angel and I pull up to my place. Angel rushes over to my door and opens it for me, which causes me to give him a surprised smile.
“I know I can be an asshole, but I can be a gentleman too.” He playfully says, which then makes me giggle.
For the first time tonight, I’m smiling a true smile.
He walks me to my approach, and before I look up at my door Angel stops.
“Jesus.” He says, and I look at him in confusion and then I look at my door. The word “Biker Whore” is spray painted on my front door, this causes Angel to panic and he tells me to stay behind him.
He draws his weapon, and he reaches for my door to see it is unlocked - “Lock was pried open.” He states.
We move through the front door and my place is trashed. Every room was disturbed, and more words were spray painted.
“Oh my God.” I say as I bring my hands to my mouth in shock and disbelief.
Erik did this. I know it. He hates that I tried to fight back, he hated that I kneed him, that I spit on him, that I fought to escape - this is how he gets back at me.
“I think it’s obvious but I’m going to say this anyway, you’re not staying here tonight.” Angel says as he carefully checks each room until he sees it’s clear.
I don’t have much in this apartment, but it still makes me incredibly sad that someone felt the need to do this - even after they attacked and assaulted me, they opt to add this on.
“As if me being sexually assaulted and violated tonight wasn’t enough, I can’t even go to my one safe place.” I say as tears roll down my cheeks.
Angel turns towards me, and he takes a step to get closer.
I quickly wipe away my tears, it’s as if I’m ashamed to even cry in front of him.
“Come here.” He says as he gently gives me a side hug.
“We’re going to handle Erik, Leah. I fucking promise. Go grab some clothes or whatever you need. I’ll take you to my place for the night.” Angel says, ever so softly.
I take a second and absorb his touch, even though it’s a side hug - it’s unusually comforting. Just like his touch earlier at the hospital.
I go to look in my room, and they just tore everything up. They legit tore it upside down.
As quickly as I opened my door, I close it; if I go in and look I’m going to cry even more.
“That was pointless. I can’t even walk in there. I think I have some clothes by my washer & dryer, just give me a sec.” I say as I pass Angel on by in the hall. “Take your time.” He says.
I look at the small load of laundry on my dryer. Scrubs, lovely. “If I had to work, I’d be all set, too bad I’m not.” I mumble as I’m more frustrated with myself.
I managed to find a pair of jeans, and a pair of jean shorts along with a few t-shirts to wear the next few days. I tell myself I can just go shopping in Kendra’s closet tomorrow.
“I have a few things. I guess that’s as good as it gets. I still have my own toothbrush, yay.” I say quietly and Angel motions for me to head out the door.
We arrive at Angel’s house a few minutes after we leave my complex. Again, another silent drive but not awkward.
He again helps me out of my car and leads me to his house. “It’s not much, but it’s just me here. A bed, a roof and some food - it can’t be that bad, right?” He says with a small smile, and when he does that I catch more of a spark in his eye.
Every time we look at each other, it’s as if I’m forgetting why I’m even with him to begin with.
I put my small bag of stuff on one of the living room chairs. I look around, he’s right - it’s not much but it’s perfect for him, just needs a good cleaning.
“Do you mind if I take a shower?” I ask nervously.
“Of course, down the hall, the door straight ahead.” He directs.
“Thanks.” I say quietly, as I still cannot believe I’m actually in his house, or that I’m with him in general.
I get out of the shower, and I realize I didn’t grab anything to sleep in. I’m in a towel, and against better judgment of me just prancing around his house in a towel, I opt to simply ask if he has anything sleeping attire.
“Uhh, Angel?” I nervously holler.
“What is it Leah, are you alright?” He says as he rushes down the hall.
I put my hand up through the little crack of the door, I laugh softly, “I’m fine, it’s just, I didn’t grab anything to sleep in. Can I be lame and borrow a shirt and some shorts?” I ask. Angel takes a moment, it’s as if he is thinking before he speaks which would be a first.
“Boxers or briefs?” He asks with a smirk, which causes me to laugh. That laugh felt really good.
“Clean.” I respond, which causes him to laugh.“I’ll be back in one second.”
He returns quickly with a pair of clean boxers and one of his flannels, a red and black one that I’ve seen him wear numerous of times.
“Here you go, Leah.” He tells me as he hands me these items.
“Thank you, I promise I’ll wash them get them back to you soon.”
He shakes his head and walks away, “don’t worry about it” he says as he wanders down the hall.
I dress myself in the tank top I had worn from the hospital, the black boxers he lent me and I put on his flannel.
As I get dressed, I can see some bruises already forming against my thighs...some around my arms...
I opt to button it halfway, each button I do I look in the mirror. Covering the marks as much as I can.
I take a moment in the mirror, I’m really wearing his shirt, in his house.
The smell...it smells just like him. A mix of scrap metal, biker exhaust and cigarette smoke with a hint of cologne - it’s oddly intoxicating.
I try my hair with towel, and let it air dry. I can already see the natural waves peeking through.
Talk to him, Leah. Just tell him everything. You need to tell someone or else you won’t be able to do it tomorrow.
I remerge from the bathroom and meet Angel in the living room. He has since changed into a tank of his own and some basketball shorts. His tattoos exposed...oh my.
“How are you feeling?” He asks.
“That’s a loaded question.” I retort with a sassy smile.
“Mind if I sit?” I ask motioning to the couch, “Be my guest.” he answers.
“Are you going to bust out in song?” I ask with a laugh, he gives me a confused look.
“Be our guest…? Beauty and the Beast?” I say, hoping to ring a bell.
He lets out a laugh, “Ohhh, Beauty and the Beast – I haven’t watched that since I was a kid.” He replies with a soft smile, never taking his eyes off of me.
His face, it reads of guilt – but I don’t want him feeling any guilt.
He didn’t hurt me, I don’t think he ever would – he trusts me, at least I still think he does.
If he trusts me, maybe I can just spit out the truth to him once and for all.
I have to tell someone this fucked up story.
“I need to talk to you.” I spit.
“Okay.” He says as he sits up, leaning his arms on his knees.
“I need to tell you everything, Angel.”
“About tonight?” He asks.
“Tonight, and just everything. Ineed to tell you about me, my past, and how it has affected me now. It’s been killing me, keeping these secrets so to speak - tonight, it was my breaking point for so many reasons.” I begin and my voice is already shaky.
Angel then moves from the couch to the coffee table in a swift movement. He’s now sitting right in front of me, as I remain on his recliner.
“I’m listening.” He says in a sharp tone, but it’s more of an eager sharp tone.
He reaches his hands out for mine, a gesture I never thought I’d witness.
I then take the initiative and put my hands in his.
Our eyes meet, and his eyes are burning into my soul. He’s giving me his undivided attention for the first time in our nine month history. He’s trusting me right now, to be honest - this is my chance to come clean, get my story out there and not feel scared or afraid anymore.
It’s time to tell someone my fucked up story.
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scuzmunkie · 6 years
Love is Blind: Chapter 7
A/N: Oh my sweet, amazing, darling little pumpkins!! You guys are awesome!!! Thank you so much for your kind words and support!! I wish I could give all of you big fat hugs!!! You guys know the drill! Lmk if there are any mistakes and if you’d like to be added to the tag list!! And now, chapter 7!!
Seth Rollins x Blind OFC
Warnings: Language, and if you squint really really hard and tilt your head to the left you might see a glimmer of hope!
Word Count: 2000+
Summary: Seth was Lily’s world, she was foolish enough to think that she was his. That is until he leaves her behind in pursuit of his dreams. What happens when fate throws them together again years after the heartache and tears? How can Lily see past the pain of the past when she can’t see at all?    
Amanda frantically looked for Lily, some friend she was, losing Lily when she needed her the most. As she ran around the corner she let out a sigh of relief when she saw Lily being held by her friends, grateful that there wasn’t any sign of Seth. Too bad she spoke too soon.
Lily was caught up in reuniting with Renee, Dean and Roman when an all too familiar scent hit her nose. For a brief second she closed her eyes, inhaled and allowed it to engulf her. When she opened her eyes again, they were full of unshed tears.
“L-Lily.” The first word uttered from Seth after so many painful and lonely years.
Everyone froze, silence so deafening, one could hear a pin drop. No one dared to breathe for fear of causing some sort of messed up chain reaction. Lily bit her bottom lip trying desperately to keep it from quivering.
Seth didn’t think, he just walked straight for her, caught off guard when she turned around, facing him. He felt the air leave his lungs as he looked into her eyes for the first time in years.
Lily stood still, listening to his footsteps as he got closer. Roman and Dean were rigid and Renee gave Lily’s hand a gentle squeeze, the three of them watching Lily and Seth’s every move.
After all the prayers, heartache and tears, Seth was finally standing in front of Lily again. All he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and never let her go... but he knew he couldn’t. He couldn’t hope that things would magically be as they once were. It would take time and hard work, but if she was willing to give him a second chance then he’d be willing to do damn near anything just so he could have her back in his life. But all that came to a screeching halt with one tiny word.
“Why?” Lily whispered, a single tear sliding down her cheek.
Seth was dumbfounded. He didn’t know how to answer that. She placed her soft hand gently on the face that was tattooed on her heart.
“I would’ve gone with you to the ends of the earth had you simply asked.” Her voice so quiet and small. With that she turned and walked away, not knowing where she was going, but she really didn’t care.
Seth would rather she screamed at him, push him, hell, he’d even take her slapping him. That he could handle, but he couldn’t handle seeing his once strong and fearless Lily so vulnerable and fragile, all because of him.
Seth went to follow after Lily but was stopped by a severely pissed off Amanda. Before he could protest, she clamped a hand over his mouth. Nodding her head towards a vacant room, she pulled him by his arm (although truth be told she would’ve much rather pull him by his ear) and dragged him away from their beloved Lily.
Once the door was shut Seth went to speak but immediately shut up when Amanda glared at him. They stood there in silence for what felt like eternity. She had the right mind to throttle him for the pure hell he put Lily through.
“Do you know who I am?” Amanda asked with a scowl that could make the Undertaker quiver with fear. She couldn’t help but chuckle on the inside at how mob like she sounded.
Seth simply nodded.
“You know who Lily is to me?”
Again, just a nod in response. Of course he knew who Amanda was. He knew everything about Lily’s life, knew how close they were and knew how intensely protective Amanda is of her best friend.
“Good. I’m only going to say this once, so listen up. Lily has had my back since day one. When everyone told me I was stupid to pursue music, she was the ONLY one who encouraged me to do so, she’s been there for me when I was at my lowest of lows and she dropped everything to come on tour with me when I broke my damn hand. So believe me when I say that there is nothing, and I mean nothing, I wouldn’t do for her, so if I see so much as one more sad tear because of you, I will not hesitate to lay your ass flat! Broken hand or not!”
Seth let out a sigh, knowing that he couldn’t argue with her. If the rolls were reversed, and someone hurt Dean or Roman, he’d be acting the same way. He knew he had to fix this if he had any hopes of winning his Lily back.
“Look” Seth said, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I know I screwed up. I screwed up big time and not a day goes by that I don’t regret the shit out of it, but please believe me when I say that I would happily spend the rest of my life making it up to Lily if she’d have me back.”
Amanda stood there listening to what Seth was saying, scrutinizing his every word and movement. Inside she was secretly hoping that he meant what he was saying. Although she hated to admit it she knew that Lily still loved him. The dumb asses needed each other.
“Fine.... but I mean it, Rollins! One more tear-“
“I know, my ass is grass. Believe me, I don’t want to hurt her anymore than I already have.”
Satisfied with his response, she simply nodded and left the room, leaving Seth to figure out a way to get back in Lily’s good graces.
Renee and Amanda sat with Lily on the couch in Lily’s hotel room while Dean and Roman watched the three women. After the show they decided it would be best to head back to where Amanda and Lily were staying. As fate would have it, they were staying at the same hotel that the WWE superstars were staying in. Dean and Roman were a little tired from performing. That, and the fact that the four of them chased Lily down before she got lost or hurt. Roman was the first to reach her.
Lily stormed down the hallway, not caring where she ended up. She could hear the others catching up so, as juvenile as it was, she started walking faster, breaking out into a jog.
“Uh-uh baby girl, nice try.” Roman grunted as he threw his arms around her waist, hoisting her into the air, walking towards Dean’s dressing room.
“Put me down, Roman!” She said through gritted teeth, squirming in his hold.
“Not gonna happen, doll.” Dean said catching up, Renee close behind.
“Um, what’s going on here?!” Hunter asked, slightly worried at the scene unfolding in front of him.
Renee motioned for Roman to take a still struggling Lily into the room, Dean following them inside along with Amanda who had just rejoined the group.
“Before you freak out, there’s somethings you need to know.” Renee explained calmly to a very confused Hunter, “When Dean, Seth, Roman and I were in college Seth was going through a similar situation, y’know, headaches, little to no sleep and irritable all the time. We didn’t know what to do, we were so worried about him and desperate for a solution.”
“How did you guys get him to snap out of it?” Hunter was willing to try anything at this point.
“We had almost lost all hope, then, one day, Lily happened. The girl Roman was just wrangling.” Renee said when she saw the confusion on Hunter’s face. “She was the only thing that pulled him out when he was drowning. A girl, who most considered broken, was able to hold Seth at night and reassure him that all would be alright.”
“Ok,” Hunter said, scratching his beard, “what happened then?”
“Well,” she said, letting out a sigh “they moved in together, started dating, fell in love. But, Seth being Seth, decided to end things, thinking it would be easier for Lily since he was gone most of the time. How he ended things tho was pretty tragic.”
“I’m afraid to ask but what did he do?” Hunter felt like he was listening to a soap opera.
“He simply stopped all communications with her without any explanation.” Renee wiped a stray tear from her cheek. “It nearly broke her.”
“As sad as all of this is, why is she here and more importantly, why is Roman man handling her?”
“Well, she had a run in with Seth just now and some emotions were let loose, so she took off. Roman is taking her to Dean’s dressing room for the remainder of the show. As for why she’s here, well, you asked if we had any solutions. She’s the only thing that can save him. That is, if they’re willing.”
“You sure you don’t want me to stay with you?” Amanda asked, hugging Lily goodnight. Dean, Roman and Renee had long since returned to their respected rooms, physically and emotionally drained from the events earlier that day.
“I’m sure. All I want to do now is climb under a mountain of blankets and pass out.” She gave Amanda her best reassuring smile while ushering her out the door.
Once she was alone she drew herself a soothing, warm bath and soaked away the heartache and pain that reopened from being around Seth again. When she was dressed she collapsed on the bed. It was then that she allowed her tears to fall and her sobs to run free. She didn’t care how loud she was being, she needed to get this out or it would do nothing but fester.
Suddenly her breath started to hitch. Oh no, not now. Not when she’s alone. She started hyperventilating between each cruel sob, her body shaking uncontrollably. She tried reaching for her phone to call Amanda but knocked it off the side table in the process. This only caused her to panic even more. Gasping for air and feeling light headed, she started to fade. Just then she felt strong arms wrap around her, forcing her onto her back.
“Shit, breathe, baby, breathe. That’s it, deep, slow breaths.” Rough hands smoothed her hair out if her face, forehead meeting forehead.“You’re ok, pretty baby, everything’s gonna be ok.” Flipping them both, Lily’s head was laid on a hard chest, fingers lovingly stroking through her hair as she continued to cry, body trembling.
Calming down, Lily was finally able to breath normally. Her tears ceasing and her weeping turning into small whimpers here and there. When she felt lips on her temple, however, she snapped. Pushing with all her might, she tried to create some distance. When that didn’t work she resorted to small fists pounding against solid chest.
“Let go of me, Seth!” She yelled, “How did you even get in here?! Forget that, why are you here?” She continued her assault on his chest, but he kept his hold on her. The dam breaking and years of pent up pain and anger unleashed on him.
“You have no r-right to be here! You, you left me! Let me go like I was some useless piece of garbage!!” She wailed.
Defeatedly she gave up, she knew she was no match for his strength. Instead she covered her face and quietly cried.
“I gave you all of me...” she whispered “and it wasn’t enough.”
Seth’s heart was shattering all over again, but he deserved it. ‘You did this to her when you chose to let her go, asshole!!’ he reminded himself. She was saying the truth, who was he to argue with her?
His room was right next to hers and he could hear every sob. When he couldn’t handle it anymore, he ran to the concierge’s desk and demanded a key to Lily’s room. It’s a good thing he did too, had he not, who knows what would’ve happened to her? It tore him apart finding her convulsing, gasping for air while her body was wracked with merciless sobs.
Shuttering at the thought, he pulled her closer to his chest, his lips in her hair as his hands ran up and down her back. He didn’t know if he’d ever get to hold her again so he was going to saver every second.
“I know baby, I completely screwed up and I broke not only your heart but your trust as well. I have no right to be here and nothing I can do will change the past. I know you’re better off without me and you don’t need me, but” he sighed. Here goes nothing, “I need you.”
Lily felt her heart flutter.
“I have no right asking you for a second chance, but I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you if you’ll have me.”
Seth felt like his heart was going to beat right out of his chest. He knew what he was asking of Lily was 100% selfish, but if there was even one iota of a chance she’d take his sorry ass back, then he had to try.
Placing a hand in his chest, Lily gently pushed herself away from him and sat up with her back to him. Truth be told she wanted nothing more than to give in, to have him back in her life, but could she trust him so intimately again? Was she willing to chance the heartbreak?
Seth wanted to pull his hair out as he sat waiting for her answer. Not knowing is far worse than getting a negative response. Just as he was beginning to lose hope, he heard her soft voice.
“It’s going to take time.” She whispered, “I can’t just give you my heart again.”
It wasn’t the answer that Seth was hoping for, but there was a small glimmer of hope, so he took it.
“Ok” he said, leaning towards her and placing a small kiss on her temple. Getting up off the bed, he was about to leave, hand in the door knob.
@haven-raven012591 @wrestlingfae @calwitch @lost-in-the-stories @team-elias @hanaslay @panda-girl1999 @neversatisfiedgirl
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sacred-arrow-writes · 7 years
Loving You In My Own Way
This is just a bunch of fluffy garbage. Probably makes no sense and is probably a little OC, but it's cute. I'm trying to gather courage to add chapters to If It Were Me and I'm coming up short. So, Enjoy.
@keichanz @shardetector @sankontesu @artistefish @mustardyellowsunshine @grapefruitwannabe @akiza-hades-rose
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Because I think you're cute.”
Inuyasha scoffed as he turned away, a blush mareing his cheeks. He heard her giggle and shift towards him, her arms wrapping around his middle. “Inuyashaaa-” her voice was breathy, causing the fine hair on the back of his neck to stand.
“Kagome, stop.” It was getting incredibly difficult to sit crossed legged when the woman he loved was breathing, quite literally, down his back, and her breasts were pressed firmly against his shoulder blades.
She giggled again, a small hiccup escaping her. “Excuse me, but I think you owe me a kiss for that scene you caused back there.”
This time her turned to her, whipping his hair across her face as he did so. Kagome squealed, losing her balance from the sudden movement and landed flat on her ass. “Hey!”
Inuyasha towered over her with a glare so vicious, Kagome actually shrank back. “I made a scene? Me?! No, wench. YOU made a scene. What the hell were you thinking accepting sake from a stranger?!”
“But I-”
“No. You stormed off on your own, for whatever fucking reason, in a village we know nothing about to drink with the son of the village head, who could have been a fucking demon in disguise. But thank the Gods he wasn't or it could have ended a lot worse than me throwing you over my shoulder and hauling your ass outta there. Tracking you down was bad enough, but to find you with him?”
Kagome stood up, pain and anger written across her face. The alcohol still clearly affecting her balance as she wobbled a moment before planting her feet and shoving a finger into his chest. As angry as he was at her for what she had done earlier that night, Inuyasha could not deny how beautiful she looked. Her cheeks were tainted pink, her raven locks cascading down her shoulders in a tumbling mess and her eyes, those beautiful chestnut eyes, were lined with unshed tears. All he could think about was taking the hand currently shoved against his chest and hauling her against him while he kissed her pouting, pink lips.
“You listen to me. Nothing happened between us. I only left because you took off to see a certain someone, AGAIN, and left me with Miroku. I was pissed and I’ll be damn if was gonna sit back and sulk. Kurisaki offered both Miroku and me to stay at his house for the night. I can’t help that Miroku took off to flirt with Kurisaki’s sister!”
Knocking her hand away, Inuyasha took a step closer, their noses inches from one another. “Just because that ass left you alone, didn't mean you had any right to drink with that sleazy son of a bitch!”
“You had no right to run off and see HER!” The unshed tears finally fell and Kagome let out a wet sob. Her shoulders shook violently the longer they stood there and soon she was sobbing uncontrollably. Maybe it was the alcohol, but Inuyasha had been with her so long, that he knew he needed to give her some comfort. The half-demon encircled her in his arms, tucking her head directly beneath his chin.
They said nothing. Inuyasha held her as she cried and she gripped the front of his fire rat as if he would disappear at any given moment. It felt like an eternity to Inuyasha, but soon the sobs lessened and Kagome sniffled before pulling away. “I'm sorry. I think I had too much to drink.”
“Feh. Ya think?” Chestnut eyes narrowed in his direction.
“Why did you go?” It was barely a whisper, but he had heard it nonetheless.
“I- I needed to talk to her.”
“You should have just stayed with her.”
Golden eyes widened. “Wha-”
“It would save me heartache if you just chose her and let me be. I'll be fine. I can go back to my time and Kikyo can help you look for the remaining jewel sha-”
“Now wait just a goddamn minute. I didn't go to chose her! You're so fucking stupid that you don't think about anything but the negative! I went to chose yo-” He stopped then, cheeks flaming as he watched her eyes widened in disbelief or was it happiness- He wasn't sure.
“You're choosing me?” It was like an instant buzz kill, but in the best of ways and though she was a lightweight drinker to begin with, Kagome didn't seem to mind that the alcohol was fading a bit quicker than she originally wanted.
“I-” It wasn't easy to cover his fumble, but maybe this was a good thing. He sighed heavily. “Yes.”
Tears fell from her eyes for a whole other reason. He didn't have time to think as she gave a watery squeal and jumped into his arms, hugging him as tight as she could. Inuyasha gave an oomph as he pulled her impossibly closer. “I didn't think this day would EVER come!” Her voice strained by both the after affects of the sake and her tears.
“Idiot. That's cause ya never stop to think about anything.” Inuyasha chuckled as he pressed his forehead to hers.
Blinking up at him and standing on her tiptoes, Kagome wove her hands together behind his neck. Her nose brushed his and Inuyasha sucked in a breath. “I am going to ignore that last comment.” Her breath ghosted his lips. “However, I will show you how much you mean to me.” With that, Kagome kissed him, pouring every ounce of love she felt for the half-demon within the kiss.
Inuyasha was stunned for a moment before he caught up with what was happening. His left hand dove into her hair, grasping the nape of her neck while his right hand pulled her hips flush against his. An involuntary growl rumbled in his chest causing Kagome to moan against his lips.
When his tongue pressed against her bottom lip, Kagome didn't hesitate to allow him entry. Both muscles battled for dominance and it was becoming increasingly hard for Inuyasha not to throw her down and have his way with the miko in his arms.
Kagome took control for a split second, becoming far too bold, and hauled one leg up around his hip. This ignited something inside him and before Kagome knew what was happening, her half-demon grasped her beneath her thighs and yanked her up, pelvis to pelvis. Her legs automatically wrapped around his slender waist as he backed her into a nearby tree.
The kissing didn't stop until Kagome needed to breath and still then Inuyasha ran his lips and tongue down her neck. Kagome gasped at the sensation, leaning her head back against the rough bark. “Inu-yassssha.”
“Kagome.” His lips descended down the column of her throat, leveling on her collarbone. Inuyasha pressed light kisses across her chest, nuzzling beneath her chin with his nose.
Kagome sucked in a breath drawing her bottom lip between her teeth in the process. The sensation was astounding and to show how much she enjoyed the attention, the sneaky priestess grasped the base of Inuyasha’s ears between her thumbs and forefingers, gently rubbing them in circles. Inuyasha stiffened for the barest of moment's before he relaxed into her touch.
Things began to heat up as Kagome started rubbing her hips in a circle, bearing down on Inuyasha’s stiffened dick. He reared back with an aroused growl and met her eye to eye. She was flushed, her eyes were clouded in love and desire, her chest heaved as she panted, still though she reached for him once more. This time when their lips met, it was sensual and slow. Things were moving to fast and with Naraku still on the loose, Inuyasha did not want to do anything too soon or too fast. They still had to find the jewel shards and kill Naraku before their happily ever after even began.
However, even though matting was odf the table, he could still tell her how much he loved her. Inuyasha pulled back, blushing under her gaze. “I-” He sucked in a breath. Then again, how could three little words that he felt so strongly about, defeat him every time it came to Kagome?
Said woman reached out to cup his cheek. Her forehead resting against his. “I know. I love you too.”
“Always.” Pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. he dropped her to her feet and pulled her into a hug. “When this is over, I swear I won't hold back.”
“I'll remember that.”
“I will make you mine in every possible way- err, not that your a possession, but in the ways that you'll be mine. Fuck, I mean-”
“I'm already yours. My heart and soul has loved you since the beginning.”
Inuyasha’s heart swelled and he wished he could say he felt the same, though he doubted she’d believe him. Instead, he took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles gently. Kagome's face flushed, it had felt an awful lot like he had proposed to her in the only way he knew how. “I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you're pretty much asking me to be your wife in the future?”
Golden eyes widened and cheeks lit up like a light. “Uh-well, I-”
Kagome looked horrified at the fear he didn't mean it that way and waved a hand in his face. “Oh forget I said that. I'm sorry that's not-” A clawed finger pressed to her mouth and she opened her eyes to see him smirking.
“If I was, are you going to accept being my mate, or wife as you call it?”
Smiling like a fool, Kagome nodded her head vigorously. “Yes. Yes. YES!” She hugged him tightly, his nose buried in the crook of her neck and she felt him smiling against her skin. Kagome pressed her lips against his furry ear. “Thank you. I love you.”
“Always.” He breathed in deeply, her scent a calming factor for him. “Always.”
She made a noise that sounded like a mix between a laugh and a sob and he only hugged her tighter. Inuyasha loved her, -truly, madly, deeply- but had no idea why he couldn't say it and for the time being, Kagome seemed okay with it.
Because his actions spoke louder than words. The way he held her. The way he kissed her. The way he risked his life for her. The way he said her name. Everything he did conveyed his feelings for her and she knew that he loved her unconditionally. So, he couldn't say it out loud, but they both knew the truth.
And for them, that was all that mattered.
This is nothing but  fluffy garbage. I'm sorry. Enjoy anyway!
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rreactoown · 7 years
Title: Beam to Nick.drive Ships: Nick/Griffin (Car Boys) Chapter: 1/??? Words: 1187 Rating: T for swearing and possible light violence. Summary: Nick Robinson gets hit by a book with a single written page, and his whole life spirals out of control.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ________________________________________
I remember that day from start to continuous start.
I grabbed my camera and filmed as Nick nearly drove off a cliff several times, and laughed, because I knew we couldn’t die. We fought the blob and nearly defeated it before our car fell down the hole. I remember.. sinking through the time tunnel. Faster, faster, and even faster yet. Me and Nick in the car, laughing about it and marvelling at the pretty sights outside.
I remember holding his hand with all my strength as I felt like, for once in our life, we could.. actually fucking die. And I remember how my vision went black. I don’t know how long I was out, because in the time loop, the time was.. Always. Yet never. I do remember, however, opening my eyes and being surrounded by white. It felt like I was falling, but also floating.
It took me a small amount of “time” (if you can even consider time real anymore) for me to realize that i was practically in a void. I could summon whatever I wanted. Except, unfortunately, people. I tried so hard and ended up sobbing for many.. for a lot of time. Because all I wanted was Nick back.
Of course, I eventually got used to the void. I could have almost everything I wanted here, including things that weren’t real! Like items from video games!
But.. No matter how content I got there I was never happy. Because I still couldn’t have the boy himself, Nick fucking Robinson.
So I had a.. pretty brilliant idea.
I summoned myself up a book, and a fancy rainbow pen. Just for flair. And I wrote up the very note you are reading now. Who even knows if this book got that far, considering that I am practically just gonna throw this knowledge nugget up into an endless white time hole.
If you are reading this, though..
My name is Griffin Mcelroy. I am stuck in a time loop (Sure you already got that part) and i’m lonely. I’m gonna stop giving myself food and water soon. So.. I might be screwed already by the time you read this. Either way, send some help for my sorry ass. And if you can’t?
Find Nick and tell him that I love him.
Nick Robinson stared down at that page and flipped through the others in slight disbelief, to see nothing else. This book was blank besides the one page, so that was fucking weird. This “Griffin” person mentioned a Nick a lot, and that.. definitely wasn’t him because.. Well..
Nick didn’t know anyone named Griffin.
He looked at the window of his house that the book had smashed through and shut the book, tucking it under his arm and a strand of hair behind his ear. Ultimately he decided that this must be some kind of odd and destructive little prank. He put the book down and called the police reporting what happened. The police, of course, could give two shits about what was happening and told him that it was a prank so they couldn’t do anything about it.
He sighed defeatedly and called over some people to come fix his window, because he was not going to sleep at all tonight if it was broken open like that. Nick tried proceeding through the rest of the day “normally”, especially after being woken up by a book crashing in his bedroom window and hitting him in the face. Luckily enough for him, he was left with nothing but a small cut on his cheek from.. Window. Glass. Yeeahh.
Another problem about trying to go through the day normally is that he.. kept going and picking the book back up and reading the page again. Over, and over, and over. He kept telling himself it was just a prank but some parts of it sounded so genuinely sad. What did this Griffin guy mean anyways by “Time was always, but never”? That’s impossible! Nick scoffed to himself and shook his head, setting the book back down for the fifth time today. He decided that he may as well get out of the house and away from the book for a while, because it seemed that this.. thing. Prank, whatever. Was messing with his head. He went to the bathroom and took a nice shower, made sure the cut on his face was clean, blow dried his hair, and then got dressed. He went to leave, but as soon as his hand went for the door’s handle, he seemed to freeze.
What if that book wasn’t a prank? What if he really WAS that Nick? What if there really was some weirdo named Griffin floating in an endless time hole waiting for him, terrified?
Okay. Okay, Nick thought to himself, you sound absolutely insane. Just go to the bathroom and splash some water in your face once more before you leave, you do not want to make a scene in public.
He turned and instantly took a step back, gasping and covering his mouth. The book was.. Right there. On the ground. Open to the only page with writing. And Nick was pretty goddamned sure he didn’t put it there. He slowly reached down and picked it up with extreme caution, hands shaking as he closed it and put it on the nearest flat surface.
Okay, so, maybe going in to public could wait for a better time.
He picked the book back up, walking to a chair and sitting on the edge of it, ready to dash if anything happened. He set the book on the table and slowly, with the tip of his finger… lifted the cover and instantly squeaked, shielding his face and cowering in fear. He stayed still, and then slowly peaked from between his arms. As they slowly dropped, he let out a quiet, “Oh.. Huh..” and examined the page which was.. starting to fade. He took out his phone and decided to take a few pictures of the page before putting his phone away.
Okay, so, the book thing was just down right terrifying. Nick grabbed a lighter and went over to the sink, chucking the book in it and unceremoniously setting it on fire. He waited until the fire got pretty large before quickly turning on the faucet and flooding the fire out, burnt bits of paper ash washing off.
He stepped away from the sink slowly and sighed. That felt.. good. Now, time to go on a walk, since the evil book is now destroyed.
He reached for the handle.
“God-DAMMIT!” Nick half shouted and then covered his mouth. Yeeeeeah, good job, Nick. Swear at potential guests. With a sigh, he opened the door to see.. People he didn’t even know? The man on the right had a beard and.. very nicely painted nails. The man on the left was a little bit chubbier and they looked.. Almost like they could be brothers.
“Hey, uh..”
The man on the left spoke.
“I’m Justin Mcelroy and this is my brother Travis. Are you Nick Robinson?”
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ruffsficstuffplace · 7 years
The Keeper of the Grove (Part 78)
For the etherite the cell was made of, the others in the control room could only guess at what had happened in the dreamscape as they all came to.
But a look at Weiss would easily tell you it wasn’t good.
She clutched her head, groaning in pain, tears suddenly welling up in her eyes as she was caught between the disconnect of what state she had left dreamscape in—a crying, sobbing mess—versus the state her real body was in—calm as can be.
Ruby rose up from the cushion beside her; she shook her head, before she wiped her moist eyes with her sleeve. She looked at Weiss, frowned, and reached out to her.
Weiss slapped her hand away in a panic.
Ruby winced and pulled it back, ice beginning to seep into her skin.
Winter raised her head, her suit’s systems just finished rebooting; she saw Ruby nursing her hand, the frost and the ice pouring from all around Weiss as she scrambled back up on her feet and stepped away from Ruby.
“Weiss…? What’s going on?!”
Ruby ignored her. “Weiss… you believe me, right?” she asked as she slowly, carefully walked after her.
Weiss turned tail and fled, more frost pouring from her whole body, thin sheets of ice forming and spreading out from her feet; she ran into a wall with her palms out, an inch thick layer of ice exploded all over the surface, almost trapping her hands.
Her whole body began to shake. “Abner… take me out of here…!”
Qrow finally came to shook his head, reeling from the dreamer’s honey and the Soul Eater fight beside. He looked at the scene in front of him, at the ice that was the etherite was just keeping from spreading. “The hell did I miss now...?”
“Weiss!” Ruby called out, tears welling in her eyes. “You believe me, don’t you…?!”
Weiss looked at her, saw the hurt, the confusion, the fear on her face. “I… I don’t know, Ruby…!” she cried.
Ruby reached out for her again. “Weiss, please--!”
Ruby yelped and jumped back as a wall of icicles erupted around Weiss, the sharp tips dangerously close to her piercing her.
Weiss’ eyes widened in horror, she looked down at her hands, and the rest of body, her skin covered in frost and ice.
Then, a rip in reality opened up beneath her, the world rushing past as she fell through it, back onto the teleporter in the control room.
They all yelped and jumped well back as frost began to pour out Weiss’ body, ice spread out on the floor. She ran past them and out to the halls, freezing the walls, the carpets, and the paintings as she did, her eyes stinging as she felt hot tears pouring down her cheeks, her skin prickling as they froze near instantly.
Weiss slipped on a patch of her own ice, instinctively threw her arms out in front of her; the soft, luxurious carpet turned into another inch thick layer of ice, her palms slid out, and her chin hit the floor.
She cried out and whimpered as she curled up into a ball, eyes squeezed and frozen shut, shivering and holding her hands to her chin, feeling the pain ebb away as her nerves went numb from the cold.
She didn’t resist when she felt Penny’s hands wrap around her, warmth seeping into her body as she carried her off to the infirmary.
Because her gauntlet couldn’t hold back her magic anymore, and Abner had to take it back to his Foundry to study and upgrade it, Weiss had to be put inside one of his other, less fortified containment units for dangerous and/or highly radioactive specimens.
He had spared sheets and pillows from the guest rooms to line the floors, and for some semblance of privacy built a curtain in front of the barrier that separated her from the rest of the lab, but there was no making it feel like anything other than what it was:
A prison cell.
She sat on a pillow with her knees pulled to her chest, an enchanted blanket wrapped around her and keeping most of her warm. Her jaw still ached, but the Fae bandage wrapped around it constantly supplied a steady flow of pain-killers as it helped accelerate the healing process.
Her comm-crystal had been removed for fear of permanently damaging it, leaving her with no communication with the world outside, or a means of telling the time. Abner had offered to put up a tablet on a stand between the barrier and the curtain, queue up plenty of entertainment holos, but Weiss told him not to.
She was sure her magic would ice the barrier over and make it impossible to see out, anyway.
She didn’t know how long she stayed there, how long it took for her magic to finally calm down and give the air-vent’s defrosting mechanisms a break, how long she sat in a corner of that frozen prison, indifferent to the frost nipping at the soles of her feet and her butt.
But she did know her seclusion was nothing compared to the aching pain she felt in her chest.
There was a knocking on the barrier. There was a part in the curtains outside, the light from the halls flashed on the ice inside and blinded Weiss for a moment. She was prepared to scowl and make her displeasure clear, until she noticed that exactly the ice was so thick it was nearly impossible to see out.
She could see a familiar silhouette and a pair of reindeer horns, however.
“Weiss...?” Ruby asked, her voice muffled and faint. “Are you okay in there…?”
Weiss looked down at her feet, at the blankets and pillows she was sitting on.
“Weiss?” Ruby knocked on the barrier again. “You asleep in there? ‘Cause if you are, I’ll just wait a while and leave...”
Weiss sighed, watching her frozen breath linger in the air. “What are you doing here, Ruby?” she asked.
“I wanted to ask if you’re okay. Abner says the vitals scanners say you are, but I just wanted to make sure...”
Weiss scowled. “I almost killed you, I’ve just learned that everyone being so supportive of me and my relationship with you was because it’s vital for us to make more miniature clones of you for this ongoing 1,000 year old clean-up job of the huge, realm-threatening disaster zone that is the Viridian Valley, and I almost hurt several of my friends and damaged a good chunk of Abner’s lab because I can’t control my powers, so now I’m stuck in another prison cell until he can upgrade my gauntlet.
“What do you think…?”
Ruby paused. “… Was that the, uh, retori… rhetora… did you actually want me to answer that question or…?” she trailed off.
“… I’ll just assume you were doing that… look, Weiss: I’m not mad, alright? I’m not surprised you freaked out like that. Most of the Keeper’s mates and especially the ones that didn’t work out also freaked out.
“Dad freaked out really bad, and it was a pretty big reason he decided to try a relationship with Aunt Raven instead.”
Weiss sighed. “Is that how the Council always tried to find mates for Keepers, Ruby? You keep them in the Bastion, give them enough time to get attached, before you reveal the secret to them when they’re high on hormones and least likely to say ‘No thanks, I’ll go see what my other options are’...?”
“Well, no, that’s not how it works. Like, at all.”
Weiss scowled. “Then how does it work, Ruby? Please, enlighten me! Expand my knowledge of how forces beyond my control and the authority figures in my life are once more emotionally terrorizing and manipulating me for their own self-serving purposes!”
“… I’m sorry, what was that you just sad…?”
“Oh! Well, the Council doesn’t actually do any of the picking; it’s not like, you know, every time we capture a human and don’t try to release them back ASAP, there’s this committee that goes and tests how badass or how powerful they are, and think to themselves, ‘Oh, it looks like this human/hybrid will probably make a Keeper baby!’
“The Keepers and their mates just kind of… you know... happen!”
“How so ‘happen’…?”
“Did you know that dad met mom at the Eve of the Ether fair at Candela, way, WAAAY back…?”
“He told me, yes.”
“And did he tell you about how he was trying to break the record for a test-your-strength game?”
“Yes. I’m assuming that’s why she made her move: she saw the numbers, thought this was a very strong human, right...?”
Ruby paused, before she laughed, and laughed hard, so much Weiss could hear her horns banging against the barrier when she doubled over.
Weiss scowled. “What’s so funny?!”
Ruby laughed for a few more seconds, before she stopped. “Weiss… he didn’t tell you what he looked like then, did he?”
Weiss paused. “… He wasn’t always that strong...?”
“You look at a ‘Then’ and ‘Now’ photo of him, you’d think that ‘Now’ was just ‘Then’s’ bigger, stronger, buffer older brother than the same person after a few years!
“He was a poor kid from Valentino, Weiss; most of his meals were nutriblocks and vita drinks, and he fueled his strength training with protein paste—the batches that they were giving away or throwing out because they came came out tasting even funnier than usual.”
Weiss winced, remembering the awful taste of nutriblocks when she’d made the ill-fated decision to try one so many years ago.
“The only exercise he got was lifting boxes for the people that couldn’t afford drones and were willing to break the law and pay poor kids way below minimum wage, getting into fights with others, and filling up old bottles with water for dumbbells.
“He did win a lot of his fights, but that was only because he could last long enough for the other guys to get so tired he could push them really hard and they’d still fall flat on their asses!”
Weiss blinked. “So why did he make that bet…?”
“Because he was desperate, and the guy at the test-your-strength game was a dick who was sure he couldn’t break the record. He didn’t even come close his first and second try, and it looked like he was about to fail at his third and his last, too…”
“So what did he do?”
“He stalled. Tried to psyche himself up, prayed to Piper, did some last-minute push-ups. None of these actually helped, but it did waste enough time that Aunt Raven got fed up and told him to get on with it already—mom REALLY wanted to try to break the record, too, and Uncle Qrow REALLY wanted that beer she promised him.
“Dad was about to do it, then, he got the idea to give them his last shot, said he’d pay for their own game if they couldn’t break it either.”
“Which he couldn’t, because he had bet his last Urochs...” Weiss muttered.
Ruby nodded. “Oh yeah! He was hoping that Uncle Qrow would do it, but the guy running the Test-Your-Strength game caught onto him so he gave the hammer to the person he thought was even less likely to break the record than dad.”
Weiss smiled. “Which would be Summer, a Keeper of the Grove.”
She could feel Ruby smile, despite the ice still covering the glass. “Mom broke the machine. The guy was in such shock, he gave them the money without a second thought, and by the time he snapped out of it dad was already buying Uncle Qrow that beer he really wanted at a bar ten blocks away.”
Weiss chuckled, before she paused. “… Why did she help him…?”
“Because, she saw that he was someone in need, and that she could help him out. Plus, she could get a free chance at the Test-Your-Strength game, so it wasn’t like she wasn’t getting what she wanted in the first place!
“You know, kind of like that night when you first went into the Valley, except I was looking for a way to stop even more of these expeditions without having to kill anyone.”
Weiss frowned. “So that’s what I was... a means to protect the Valley.”
“And someone that didn’t deserve to get roped into this messy business! I knew just from the chatter on the comms that you weren’t some foreman or a rich tycoon who wanted to oversee their latest project in person…
“… You were just a girl like me, probably out looking for adventure and excitement.”
Weiss looked down. “… I was actually trying to escape my father... find a new life somewhere else, where I could be free to decide what I wanted to do, without someone else trying to control me, dictate how I was supposed to live my life.
“I thought I’d found that here in the Valley… but in hindsight, I probably should have known better.”
There was silence on the other end for a long while.
“… You don’t have to be my girlfriend, you know? We could… you know… break up. It’s… it’s not like you’re the only badass human or mostly human hybrid in the realm, right…? Besides, what was that saying you humans have? About when you love someone…?”
“’If you love someone, let them go. If they come back to you, they’re yours. If they don’t, they never were.’”
“… Yeah. That, thanks...” Ruby paused. “… I guess… I guess this is my letting you go, Weiss. And whatever happens—whatever you do—I’ll… well I’ll try to be fine with it, like mom was with dad...”
Weiss felt tears well in her eyes. “Why…?”
“Because I love you, Weiss. And that’s what you do you love someone, right...?”
“No!” Weiss shouted, pouring down her cheeks. “Why do you love me, you dolt?! What do you even see in me?! Haven’t I already proven to you several times over that I am a literal ticking time bomb of emotions and personal issues waiting explode and possibly kill you with my freaky ice magic?!”
Weiss sobbed, her voice trembling as she whispered, “Why…?”
There was only the quiet, almost unnoticeable hum of the air vent for a long while.
“… You have that something, Weiss—what wasn’t there with all the others. I don’t know what that something is, or if it’s a bunch of somethings… but I just know that you have it.”
Weiss sniffed, stared at the silhouette of Ruby standing outside her cell, before hung her head, wrapped her blanket around it.
“… I need to go, Weiss...” Ruby muttered. “It’s late, I’m tired, and the hunts are going to start again soon since the red alert’s over and we definitely won’t be having a Soul Eater attack until the start of the Flood, at least...”
“So soon...?”
Ruby nodded. “We can’t stay at home, watch the news, and panic for weeks or months like you humans do, Weiss. Besides, it’s not like we Fae don’t have our very lives threatened every day...”
Weiss sighed. “I suppose so...”
“Do you want me to stay for longer?”
Weiss thought about it. “No. You go get some sleep, Ruby—the last two nights have been crazy...”
“Okay. I will. Good night, Weiss...”
“… Good night, Ruby.”
Silence. Ruby didn’t move.
“Hey Weiss…?”
“… Yes…?”
“Do you still love me…?”
“I… I don’t know, Ruby. I don’t know if I can love you, knowing I’m going to be part of… whatever this Valley actually is, whatever’s lurking in it that makes all of us—human or Fae—need you Keepers around.”
“… Do you want to try…?”
“You can sleep with dad at the cabins, and I’m sure Yang won’t mind switching places with you. We could go on dates together—you know, go out to eat together, watch some holos, or we could just make-out for a while, if that’s what you’d like!”
Weiss blushed. “… Ask me again in the morning, Ruby… it’s… it’s been a really long night...”
“Okay. I understand. No rush, alright? I’ll wait for however long it takes.”
Weiss frowned. “That’s a bold claim to make, Ruby.”
Ruby chuckled. “Dad dated Aunt Raven for several years, had Yang, then went through an ugly divorce before he changed his mind about becoming a Keeper’s mate. Waiting for the people we love to figure things out and become okay with the idea of a relationship with a Keeper is nothing new to any of us, stretching right back to Gabija.”
Weiss frowned. “And if I decide not to try, and if I find I’m happy with someone else, or if I do and we don’t work out?”
“Then we ‘never were,’ and I should go find someone else! That was what mom did, after dad told her he was going to become Aunt Raven’s mate as she was for sure pregnant with Yang.”
“So, is there anything I can do for you before I leave? For real, this time.”
Weiss thought about it. “No, nothing, thanks.”
“Okay. Goodbye, Weiss.”
Weiss peered out of her blankets, watched Ruby’s silhouette walk away to the side and out the exit of the specimen containment wing.
She closed her eyes and tried to sleep, even with the aching pain in her chest having grown worse in the meanwhile...
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