#this shit drives me crazy
sonofgloin · 1 year
Spotify needs variety settings from very low to very high. Yes, I like that song, but goddammit, you played it yesterday. I have wide and varied tastes. There are few songs i want to hear more than one a week. Maybe some listeners want to hear the same 5 tracks everyday on repeat but that's not what vast online music libraries should be for.
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seadragonaniciavt · 2 years
I love and hate OBS at the same time
While I was stuck on my eternal hiatus and things were updating, my Source Copy plugin decided it would latch itself mysteriously onto my OBS and I cant seem to update to the stable version for OBS 28 at all ;___; I legit made an OBS Forum account to beg the developer for help
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algumaideia · 2 years
What I hate about some analyses of The Devil to Pay in the Backlands is how people act like their interpretation of Diadorim as a woman is a justification of Riobaldo's attraction and erases the fact that Riobaldo liked a man.
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moomoorare · 2 years
i remember when i was making a painting i kept adding colors and then i hated the thing so i shoved it into a plastic bag and left it on the side of the room, where no one should reach it. In theory. Then months pass and i move from my grandma's top floor room to the other's. and i leave things behind. That painting as well. It wasnt even permanent at the time, just for the summer bc of the heat it reached 40°c in there so. Yeah. I moved. Anyways. I go to the room one night and , things feel different and then yeah. They went through my things. Which is a thing i hate SO DEEPLY. It's a boundary i take seriously. And j see that ugly painting first in a guest bedroom. Hidden at the top of a wooden structure. Then it's in the kitchen. I was SO angry that the ugly thing was hung there, which isn't ugly okay, i still hate it, it's full of hate and anger for me. That i stormed up to the bedroom and in the heat i painted another one. Which was so much prettier and better . And j brought it downstairs. I even painted the paper wrap with little flowers. And i gave it to my grandparents. "I see you have that there, now you can swap it with this" i don't remember the answer. I was just. Really hurt that my boundaries were crossed like that. It wasnt just hidden away. It was smugged with red and blue paint all over, angry markings. And there it was hung like.it w as the best thing ever. And sure it could have been for them. Whatever
This isnt a post about ' oh even things that you make that you think are ugly can be beautiful to someone else' yes. That's true. That's not the point. The point is that my privacy, my boundary, was crossed. And that no matter how much love and appreciation that dumb painting got. It wasnt supposed to be seen by anyone anyway. It was CLEARLY stashed away. Ready to be thrown away. And the hurt and annoyance i feel about it are valid. Because. They have so many paintings ive made for them hung in the living room, everywhere. But that one fucking painting was not supposed to be touched. And yet. My grandma went and rummaged through MY things. Personal belongings, like it was just paper in a bin. That's what infuriates me. The total lack of respect of boundaries. And that shit runs through the family because my mother does the same. One time she even stole a nail polish, lovingly displayed on a shelf with my other pretty things, (it was gifted to me by my best friend, who i see like 3 times a year, maybe, because she lives oversea now). And this nail polish, it was lilac and sparkly . I find in the bathroom at home all black and dirty. So I'm rightfully angry and go to my mother to ask about it. "Oh yeah you can have it back, it's not the color i wanted anyway". After it's been ruined, used and dirtied. Like. it's been like 5 years and I'm still SO angry about it. And it's always happening with some stupid shit like a vase or doodles. Fuck
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lilbeaftie · 10 months
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hahahalfwit · 5 months
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im studying them like little bugs
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chrisbangz · 15 days
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BANG CHAN ✦ RAILWAY dominATE SEOUL (240824) | © 방찬해
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lefthandarm-man · 1 month
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Bucky Barnes // The Winter Soldier Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
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vilethot · 9 months
“kill the cop in your head” is supposed to be used in instances where a person is assuming the worse in a another person/group based on a prejudiced thought (ex/ “this person is talking to themselves at a bus stop they’re probably on drugs and are going to hurt me best call the police for my safety 😌” or “that person says they’re poor but I saw them getting Starbucks they should continue to be homeless since they are spending frivolously) not for stupid ass lgbt label bullshit, fandom nonsense, gross ass “kinks”or used to shame black people calling out you’re favorite blog for antiblackness
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smolsawyer · 1 month
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Mafin (Marta & Fina - Sueños de Libertad) - 7/?
-Carmen, please don't do this to me. You already know that when I have Mrs. Marta in front of me I can't. -She's not going to bite you. -I'm not comfortable Carmen, really. Between everything she knows about me and the scolding she gave me yesterday, I'm not going to be calm. ... -I will explain to you what we are going to do and don't worry I am a little less strict than your boss.
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meyerlansky · 5 months
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hey, look, one's getting away. let him go. he won't get far.
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into-the-clintoris · 2 years
Hhhjjjj they said it so offhandedly but Murph pointing out how Gerard as a battlemaster is working really well and how Gerard is discovering he's really effective when bossing people around is one of the juiciest character details floating around right now, and it's so good because it's so intrinsically connected to his subclass too.
What I'm getting at is that the intrepid heros laughed it off -- wow, big surprise, the prince loves ordering people around. But it's character!!! Growth!!! Remember his flashback? Remember Elody poring over plans and war strategies while Gerard dismissed it and insisted they kick back and not worry about it? And now he's finding value in that leadership, he's noticing that directing his friends in battle is working, and that he's crazy good at it. Up until now he's just sat on a throne that was merely symbolic, and now he's slowly becoming a leader. I wonder what Elody would think if she met him now???
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tidalst · 1 year
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💥Oh its him again💥
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itsdefinitely · 10 months
hey don't cry. the jeri/rys will never be able to share simple human intimacy. they'll never get to hold hands. why are you crying louder
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comradesummers · 4 months
hate hate hate when lip gets in fiona's face and yells at her. even when she absolutely needs to be told that she's wrong, it's always so unnecessarily aggressive and he keeps fucking doing it. when she does something wrong his first instinct is to scream at her until she feels small. but when he does something wrong her first instinct is to help him.
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dj saying izzy was like a father figure to ed & then trying to connect that to ed killing his actual father is insane but specially, specially, when you remember that last episode stede & izzy had a pretty obvious moment where they came to an understanding about what it's like to be in love with the same man
that's not the kind of conversation and look you share with your ex's father figure. It's the one you share with your ex's ex while you're both still in love with him
Then the episode before that they kept cutting from stede&ed having sex to izzy singing a love song?
And the episode before that izzy stuttered and hesitantly asked stede what ed's been saying about him??
I know found families can have parental figures whom you may still feel a sexual and/or romantic attraction to, but at no point did either season ever show such a relationship between the two. I guess if you want to reach for it you could say that in early S1 there are times when izzy tries to look out for ed & guide him but even stede (fucking stede) clocks them as 'old married couple nearing the final stages of their divorce'
You could on a technicality apply the 'mentor dies at the end' trope to izzy but that's only if you assume that izzy's somewhat significantly older than ed and so probably looked out for ed at some point when they were working under hornigold together, which again is never shown in their dynamic (the only mention we get of it is through stede but I'm almost certain that most of what stede said was just him buttering up izzy to get him to train stede)
I feel like rather than 'father-figure/mentor dies at the end' it gives more 'even as we try to move on our existences are inseparably linked to each other and you're the last part of my old life that needs to die before I can finally be free to change and we both know that, even as it hurts' Yeah yeah izzy deserved to live a happy life away from blackbeard's influence the same way ed deserves to live a happy life away from izzy's (and I really wish he could have) but they've been unhealthily connected from the beginning (much more obvious in S2 seeing how neither of them could bare to get rid of the other's body) and it makes sense that eventually that's the trope & ending izzy fell into
point being:
david jenkins, sir, i respect your writing and love your show but that was absolutely NOT what was going on there
Izzy wanted to get fucked nasty but Ed's a bottom so it never worked out
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