#this shouldn't be bugging me :D
dummerjan · 2 years
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I posted 5,200 times in 2022
That's 4,797 more posts than 2021!
167 posts created (3%)
5,033 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,728 of my posts in 2022
Only 28% of my posts had no tags
#kinnporsche - 1,444 posts
#the eclipse - 256 posts
#art - 190 posts
#hannibal - 169 posts
#bad buddy - 168 posts
#jeff satur - 164 posts
#meins - 164 posts
#the untamed - 127 posts
#music - 94 posts
#my tooth your love - 92 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#even when he teases kan about liking thua it’s never in a derisive or cruel way. it just seems obvious to him. normal. not shameful.idk man!
My Top Posts in 2022:
imagine vegas trying to seduce pete in nothing but his murder suit
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45 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
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71 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
I'll never be over Kim just straight out telling Chay to write a love song about him what a loser
88 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
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187 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
emotionally I am always on a rooftop somewhere in Bangkok
273 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
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kylos-starlight · 6 months
Me? Using the rest of my screenshot scav hunt to post about the newest boyo? ahah...... yes ._.
....I ranted in the tags oops LMAO
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mappingway · 2 years
like yes most people enjoy leveling up. most people enjoy this part of the hobby. i get it. but i’m also a fucked up mentally ill ball of yarn. something about leveling up incites some part of my lizard brain and i just crumble.
i don’t know. something about feeling stupid and inadequate and overwhelmed and not knowing where to start. the amount of choices. the amount of reading. i’ve never been someone to plan out an rpg game or “build” characters. i make characters and then am forced to make a build for dnd.
i don’t like building characters. i don’t like choices and pathways and feeling as if “maybe if i had taken x at level 7 i would have been able to help more”. builds don’t inspire joy. they inspire stress.
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
Reasons the Mothman should die, collectively written by the residents of the Hazbin Hotel:
Coding for Characters: Vaggie, Charlie, Pentious, Alastor, Niffty, Husk, pretty much everyone
TW: References to abuse
He’s holding back Angel’s progress. (Vaggie, is killing really necessary?) (I am concerned about going after a Vee)
I’m hungry (ALASTOR!)
Ms. Angel gets nervous when on the phone with him.
His coat is tacky.
He’s a bug! And bugs must be DESTROYED!
So Angel stops feeling like he has to be so damn fake. This is getting on my fucking nerves.
HE LICKED CHARLIE!!! (Vaggie, wait it’s okay.)
Color scheme sucks. Purple AND red?!
He makes Angel sad, NOBODY should make Angel sad.
Those obnoxious glasses just make him look stupid.
He’s a manipulative, abusive prick.
ANGEL DIDN'T KNOW BOUNDARIES WERE A THING?!?!?!?!?!? (Honestly that explains a lot.)
NOBODY deserves to be in an abusive relationship.
Too many arms. Nobody needs that many. (...Angel has that many?) (Well maybe he shouldn't.)
Ms. Angel keeps coming home all messy!!
He’s ruining hearts for everyone. Me and Angel already have enough. At least those are on our bodies, what’s his excuse?
Hearts should not even be ASSOCIATED with Valentino, THIS IS NOT LOVE.
I can do without all the sexual depravity. While I am in Hell this is NOT one of the reasons.
If I have to hear that ringtone one more damn time-
The Eggies found some of his films. They should never be exposed to such horrors. Now I have to explain what “a sex” is.
Makes picture shows that are a disgrace to the idea of “entertainment.”
He’s making a bad name for Uncle Ozzie. This is NOT “lust.”
So we don’t have to listen to another one of Angel’s pornos. (Agreed, it’s quite horrifying!!)
So Ms. Angel isn’t tired when she gets home and can save the kinky stuff for then :) (Niff, really?)
So the kid stops coming home with bruises and cuts that I fix up at 3 am. (Husk, what the fuck?)
Because what the FUCK Valentino?
He keeps forcing Angel to do drugs. (HE WHAT?! Like crack??) (That but also I’m pretty sure whatever comes out of him is an aphrodisiac.)
I want to use his antenna as a backscratcher
Has that whole red color thing going on. Only I am allowed to wear red :) (Al, your text isn’t even red.) (My what?)
What is up with his red spit and smoke? Seriously disgusting.
The red stuff from him may be what allows Velvette to create her “Love Potions” which funds Vax’s stupid endeavors (Do you mean Vox?) (Who?)
FOR MY COLLECTION :D (…yeah okay.)
Really is making a bad name for Overlords. And not in the fun way.
Angel’s shown trauma signs of abuse in our meetings. Im pretty sure it’s Valentino.
Make a doll out of his fur so I have a main villain for roach puppet shows!!!
His only purpose is to keep Veks occupied but considering Vixen’s inane attempts to catch my attention it isn’t working.
So Angel can have his soul and he and Husk can run off into the sunset together like in a fanfiction!!! (Ah, yes that would be nice.) (WE WHAT?!) (Oh Husker, denial doesn’t suit you.)
So Angel can get a good boyfriend THAT’S NOT ME to stop these bullshit allegations.
So Angel can admit his feelings to Husker because our cat surely isn’t going to be the first to do it. (ALASTOR I SWEAR TO GOD!)
Who knows how many other people he’s abusing.
Seems to give Vicks confidence. He has enough of that as is. It much more fun to destroy him.
He makes Angel sad which makes Cherri sad!
Called my dear Rosie an "old hag" NOBODY CALLS ROSIE AN OLD HAG.
Angel is a good friend and deserves so much better.
I’ve forgotten what moths taste like.
He keeps trying to get Angel to move out :(
Told the kid he had to lose weight. What the actual FUCK. (Ill kill him.)
He’s annoying and looks quite stupid. How has this not been added yet?!
He’s making a bad name for Spanish speakers everywhere. (Yeah it’s embarrassing.) (Wait… what?)
He’s making a bad name for pansexuals everywhere.
He’s making a bad name for wing-holders everywhere. (HE HAS FUCKING WINGS?!) (Oh, yeah, I didn’t tell you?)
Too tall. This is ridiculous.
Won’t admit he’s blind so he’s become even more of a public safety hazard.
If I get one more transmission of him and Box commiting lascivious acts someone will be eaten. I don’t care who. What the purpose of these are I don’t know. Advertisement? (I think it’s to make you jealous boss.) (Ha! Jealous of what? Mediocre sex with a pathetic excuse for a businessman with a TV as a head?)
Because Angel deserves fucking better.
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mytheoristavenue · 3 months
Mean!Tokoyami x Sweet!Reader where he knows you like him and just does not care. You go out of his way to pack him lunch, take notes for him when he misses class for his work study, ask him how his day is and he goes out if his way to tell you he's not your friend and to stop.
"I'm not your little boyfriend," he scolds, neck hot from having to look into your sparkly doe eyes. "I don't need you fawning over me, got it?"
Finally, after being shot down so many times, you decide to let sleeping dogs lie and he notices immediately. Since your first day at UA, you've followed him around like a lovesick puppy and now? You just walk right past him. You don't even ask him how his morning was, how he slept, if he at breakfast.
"What gives?" He grumbles coming to walk beside you.
"What do you mean, Tokoyami?" You tilt your head to him, totally neutral to his presence.
He stops in his tracks before shaking is head and catching back up. You've never called him by his last name. It's always been something irritatingly friendly like 'Fumi', 'Toko', or 'Yami'. "Since when do you call me that?"
"Call you what? Tokoyami?" You blink, clueless.
"Don't play dumb," he grumbles, hands shoved in his pockets. "You always call me by a nickname."
"Why would I do that?" You continue, aloof. "It's like you said, we aren't dating. We aren't even friends, it's not appropriate for me to be giving you nicknames like we are."
"We're friends..." he mutters, stare fixed to the floor. "Nevermind that, what's been up with you lately?"
"I don't see what you mean." You continue, hardly paying him mind at this point.
"Oh stop," he huffs, exhausted with your charade. "You used to fawn all over me, now it's like you don't even see me."
"You told me to stop and I did." You answer matter of factly, stepping into the elevator.
"Yeah, I've told you that like everyday for the better part of three years, why is it just now sticking?" He rolls his eyes, holding the doors open before stepping in.
"Why are you upset?" You respond with a question, adjusting how your books sit in your arms.
"I'm not."
"Then why does it matter?" You ask, finally looking at him in earnest. "Tokoyami, I never had some silly infatuation with you, I had real feelings for you. I put so much effort into trying to prove that to you and you ever so much as tried to give me a chance. You didn't even let me down easy. Why shouldn't I move on with my life?"
Tokoyami had never considered how your back and forth affected you. He'd always assumed you'd be obsessed with him forever. "You don't like me anymore?"
"I didn't say that," you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. "It'll take a while to get over it but-"
"D-Don't get over it." He interrupts, looking away bashfully and rubbing the back of his neck. "O-Over me, I mean..."
You narrow your eyes, fury bubbling in your stomach. "You've got some nerve-"
"I've always liked you." He finally confesses with a heavy sigh. "I-I've been offstandish because it was hard for me to accept that you had actual feelings for me..." To your dismay, all your anger suddenly melts away. You're heart just can't help but soar. "At first, it bugged me how you were always by my side, confessing and going out of your way for me at every turn but...somewhere along we way I grew to like the attention." He looked back up at you, offering a hand. "And...it really bothered me when you suddenly stopped."
Hesitantly, you take his hand. "Don't think I'm not still frustrated with you," you warn with a glare.
"I know," he confirms with a sheepish nod, thumb brushing your knuckles gently. "But I wanna start making up for it," he flashes you a smile, vermillion eyes searching for validation. "Would you let me take you out this weekend?"
"Oh, Fumi..." you gasp, giggling with delight. His eyes widen with hope when you call him by a nickname. Suddenly you deadpan. "No."
Panic flashes across his face, only strengthened by your fit of laughter. "Sorry, sorry, I couldn't resist!" You snicker. "Of course I'll go out with you."
"Oh fuck off," he shakes his head, fed up with your antics as the elevator stops and he steps out. "Saturday, be ready by six or I'm going without you."
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dicenete · 3 months
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I repainted his face more times than probably necessary but something always caught my eye and still does, but it is done. is done. It's fine. xD IkePri Tagteam:
@scummy-writes @goustmilk @solacedeer @m-mmiy @mxrmaid-poet
@pawnkyyy @ludivineikewolf @violettduchess @floydsteeth @wistfulwanderingone
@sh0jun @lorei-writes
A little bit of rambling of him below the break, spoilers (Keith's route, and little bit of Nokto's route) and such :0 so you have been warned.
TL;DR: I enjoyed the route despite its questionable elements. MC is too forgiving at times, but other than that, romanctic route was cute. Licht, the third wheel, was funny but sad.
Okay first about Keith's visual design: I really love how his design is the most asymmetrical from the suitors. Like the jacket and the vest he has. The jacket is very interestingly layered, almost like you aren't sure which part is the main thing and what is the accent. The green or the gold? The host or the alter? : D Same with his vest. His duality is battling in his clothing too hahaha
Keith's route was interesting. I had heard lots of differing opinions about it and I had my own reservations.
One mainly about the portrayal of DID and how the route does it. First things first: I'm not an expert at all. I won't even humor the idea that I had any say in anything regarding it. But overall, it could have been worse? Of course it might be very extreme in the way Alter Keith is hostile towards Host Keith. And of course you shouldn't take this as the only way the alter systems work. But as I said: I'm not an expert.
I had heard that the dramatic route follows Alter Keith and romantic route host Keith. I picked the romantic one. I had my personal reasons for that tho. But aside from that, it was nice to be with Keith that who struggled with self-worth. It was nice to see him grow as a character and find that strength to stand up for himself. (The fact that the host Keith seems to think that he is inferior to Alter Keith and that people would prefer the alter over him. The amount of stress that will bring. )
Keith's uncle was your very generic villain/antagonist without any real depth. He was a spoiled noble and so on. But since this was more about Keith inner journey I thought it was fine that it was like that.
The drugging scene… Well. That's a… a topic. Hmm… Host Keith himself felt very guilty about it and was full of remorse. Not that it was his choice to do it. Alter Keith well… He might justify it because he was gathering information about a rumor that might endanger his home country and people if it were true. I kinda can see where he is coming from, but also...IT CERTAINLY WAS DESTROYING OF TRUST. Like that time when Nokto "accidently" gets MC drunk. but hey ho. Since there is limited time frame for the chapters, I do understand they can't really jam all the things there, but I wanted Belle be more angry with him with Alter Keith for longer.
Maybe that's what bugs me sometimes. That Belle/Emma/MC is sometimes too forgiving and too much of a doormat. It works in routes like Yves and Licht (from the routes I have played, Leon seems like the most respectable gentleman too), because they are not being insulting towards her. I would even think that she works with Clavis, tho I would love to see him with someone who shares his chaotic gremlin energy. But with characters like Chev, Silvio or Alter Keith the their "power" doesn't feel balanced. MC seems to be completely on their mercy even if they stand up to them in some way. (Gilbert is another can of nasty things.)(With Chev's route, well, that is also a rambling for another time. But I haven't finished his route yet. so I will keep my ramblings to myself for now.)
Is Keith's route more about acceptance then? Accepting the good and the bad of a person? Possibly. I would think that is a good way to put it. Both Keiths have good and bad sides. And it seems that they are working on them.
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thesakuragarnet · 6 months
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Summary: Dabi is beyond obsessed. He’s obsessed with the way that Hawks cries out when they’re fucking. He’s obsessed with the way Hawks looks pinned beneath him, writhing and clinging for dear life to the bed, breath hot and heavy in the air. Dabi is obsessed with his new toy and everything he has to offer…at least…that’s what he keeps telling himself.
Hawks is suffocating. He's drowning in ideals that he's been conditioned to ignore and cast aside. Now, he finds that instead of drowning in the blood of his enemies, he's drunk off love and lust...underneath one of Japan's most wanted.
Non-Spicy Tags: DabiHawks, obsessive/possessive Dabi, heavy smut, swearing, making out, intimacy
Word Count: 3,087 words
AO3 link
Spicy Tags: T0p d0m Dabi, sub b0ttom Hawks, a n a l sex, bl0wjobs, sloppy/sleepy s3x and kisses, morning s3x, aftercare, explicit s3xual content
Dabi is beyond obsessed. He’s obsessed with the way that Hawks cries out when they’re fucking. He’s obsessed with the way Hawks looks pinned beneath him, writhing and clinging for dear life to the bed, breath hot and heavy in the air. Dabi is obsessed with his new toy and everything he has to offer…at least…that’s what he keeps telling himself. It's getting harder and harder for him to swallow his emotions. His mask slips around Hawks; he catches himself letting Touya slip through the cracks, staring at the hero with wide, shining eyes full of hope and talking until his throat hurts. It's...easier with Hawks. Dabi doesn't understand it. His guard should be up. His walls should be impenetrable. Still, from their very first kiss, Dabi's felt like his soul has been snatched up. He can only maintain his uncaring facade for so long until they're alone, and then, he finds himself whispering sweet nothings in Hawks' ears. He finds himself wanting Hawks. 
At the same time, Hawks is suffocating. He's drowning in ideals that he's been conditioned to ignore and cast aside. Now, he finds that instead of drowning in the blood of his enemies, he's drunk off love and lust...underneath one of Japan's most wanted. He didn't expect Dabi to be so intentional and intimate. Inviting Dabi into his bed became commonplace after their first time, when Dabi carefully and consensually coaxed him to climax, checking in with him more times than should've been necessary. Dabi was a villain. He shouldn't have cared how Hawks felt about their little fling...if that's all it was. Hawks was used to being used...and sex with Dabi should've been no different. Except, it was. It was so abhorrently different that it flipped Hawks' brain inside out. Sex with Dabi felt safe, and it was extremely concerning and a little insane to even consider "Dabi" and "safe" in the same breath. But, it was comforting. Hawks craved the villain's sweet embrace with such a violent thirst that it felt unbearable. Every fleeting touch made his wings stiffen and his heart flutter. 
Hawks was just finishing up his patrol shift when his phone buzzed in his pocket. In truth, he thought it was the HPSC leader bugging him for more intel on the League; he certainly was caught off guard by the "you up?" text from Dabi followed by the address of a love hotel. Hawks snorts before he dials the burner phone he's memorized by heart. 
"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Only supposed to call for emergencies, birdie," Dabi hums mockingly into the phone as he lounges on the king-sized hotel bed. 
"You're the one who sent me you up," Hawks chides, and Dabi rolls his eyes, resting a scarred arm behind his head as he kicks off his leather boots. 
"I've got an update for you. Wanna discuss it in person," He admits, keeping his descriptions minimal. Dabi's whole identity has been mystique, a charming similarity that he finds in Hawks. 
"Sure you're not just horny?" Hawks teases, a glimmer of a smile pulling at the corners of his lips. 
There's a brief silence and a scoff, and, when Dabi speaks again, there's a distinct edge to his voice:
"Are you coming or not?"
'Did he take offense to that?' Hawks wonders, eyebrows raising at the prospect of the villain hinting at mutual feelings. Neither of them voiced that they cared for one another...not explicitly. Sure, the longing touches following hookups were a little more than casual, and the gentle words they whispered to one another were a little more than simple seductions. Hawks runs over his schedule for the following day in his head before deciding he can afford a night with Dabi.
"Be there in ten."
Hawks turns the hotel room key over and over between his fingers as he struts down the hallway, thoughts spiraling in his brain.
What intel could Dabi have gathered? Had he figured out that he was a lying bastard? Had the villains made even more advances? Was he just looking for a quickie?
Finally, he finds the right hotel room, and he straightens up his posture, looking around to make sure there's no civilians before he puts the key in the lock. Hawks opens the door to find Dabi sitting on the edge of the bed, shirtless, filing his nails. Dabi's not ripped by any means, but it doesn't mean he's not nice to look at shirtless. Hawks quickly slips in, closing the door behind him, and the motion makes Dabi look up with a smug smirk plastered on his face. 
"There's the pretty bird," Dabi murmurs, clicking his tongue, "You're late."
"I'm here, aren't I?"
"Ten minutes and thirty seconds."
"Had to find the right room," Hawks sniffs, trying to act like he doesn't care. Besides, Dabi's just being annoying on purpose. He tends to do that. Dabi wipes his hands on his jeans, brushing away the fine dust before tossing the file toward his folded jacket in the corner. He takes a good look at Hawks, eyes analyzing every inch of the Pro Hero. Hawks tries not to squirm beneath his gaze. 
"You look tired," Dabi says flatly, though it's unable to read whether his tone is out of pity or mockery. 
"Just got off shift," Hawks yawns, eyes suddenly feeling particularly heavy. "So. What's the update?"
"All business, ain't ya, Hawks?" Dabi snorts, lip curling the tiniest bit, but Hawks doesn't notice...either that or he doesn't care. "The update...I think you're ready to come with me to the Paranormal Liberation Front hideout."
Hawks' eyes light up. He's that much closer to getting intel on Shigaraki's whereabouts. "Really?"
"Don't act so surprised, hero. I don't just let anyone sleep with me," Dabi mutters under his breath, accidentally letting the last sentence leave his lips rather than letting it stay in his brain. His words stick with Hawks for a few moments before the Hero Commission's mission invades the hero's mind. Hawks is going to make it possible. A world where heroes have too much time on their hands. A safe world...far different than the world he grew up in. 
"When are we going?" Hawks blurts, anticipation boiling in his veins. His eagerness calls Dabi's walls up, setting off alarm bells that he wishes would shut the fuck up. 
"Tomorrow. I got in a bit of a spat with my co-lieutenant today. Decided I'd rather spend a night with you out here rather than in that swanky mansion. No spy cameras here," Dabi sighs, leaning back and stretching. 
"Spy cameras?" Hawks cocks his head. 
"Don't worry about it," Dabi shakes his head, realizing he's already said too much. Hawks blinks before noticing just how heavy his body feels. He'd spent all day catching low-level criminals and stopping villain attacks. He's in desperate need of a shower...and probably Dabi. He sees the glint in his lover's ocean-blue eyes and gulps. 
'Most definitely Dabi,' He thinks to himself. 
"Hey. I'm gonna go hop in the shower," Hawks stammers, eager to get into bed with the villain as soon as possible...eager to feel those sweet caresses that almost make him forget why he's sleeping with Dabi in the first place. Dabi's eyes become half-lidded, a devilish grin forming on his scar-laden mug as he watches Hawks walk into the connected bathroom and shut the door behind him. 
Steam pours out of the bathroom when Hawks opens the door, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, water droplets clinging to his muscular frame, highlighting the curves and ridges that Dabi loves to trace with his tongue. Dabi's already stripped down to his underwear, still sitting on the edge of the bed, taking in the sight before him. The Pro approaches, letting the towel drop before straddling Dabi's lap, forcing a breathy gasp from the villain's throat as their erections grind against one another. 
"Fuck," Dabi huffs, hands caressing Hawks' sides, wrapping around his back to scratch the space between his wings as Hawks drapes his own arms around Dabi's neck. Soft whimpers rumble in Hawks' throat as he rocks his hips, his voice thick with desire. 
"Baby, I think you're too tired to get railed," Dabi chuckles, once again adopting that taunting tone despite his obvious arousal. Hawks borderline whines; he needs to blow off some steam after his shift. He needs Dabi to fuck him senseless...but he's right. He's too tired. 
"Shut up," Hawks retorts with a particularly rough thrust that sends sparks up Dabi's spine, making his head feel fuzzy and his dick uncomfortably hard. He reaches up, cupping the hero's face before letting his eyelids flutter closed and connecting their lips in a tender kiss. Hawks hums into the gesture, eyes rolling back into his head as his senses go into overdrive. Kissing Dabi is intoxicating. The way his mismatched lips fit perfectly between Hawks'. The way Dabi's stitched tongue traces every inch of his mouth is simultaneously overwhelming yet delicate; it drives Hawks wild. 
Hawks kisses Dabi back passionately, pulling him closer as one kiss becomes one thousand. The villain's hands find their way to his lover's shoulders, and he promptly uses his body weight and momentum to send them hurtling onto the bed; Hawks is pinned beneath him, their lips never once part. Hawks groans Dabi's name into his mouth, making the villain shudder, tongues intertwining. Dabi breaks free from the kiss with a raspy sigh, pupils blown out as he sinks his teeth into the side of Hawks' neck. The hero moans, head in the clouds as he feels Dabi's fangs softly sinking into his flesh, just hard enough to leave a mark. Dabi pulls away, bringing his lips to Hawks' ear as he whispers:
"You wanna feel good, birdie?" 
Hawks chews his bottom lip, nodding vigorously...embarrassingly vigorously. It makes Dabi have to swallow a chuckle. 
"You remember the safe word?" Dabi asks, pressing kisses beneath Hawks' earlobe as the hero hums a "yes". 
"Relax for me," The villain sighs as he begins kissing all the way down Hawks' body. Hawks watches Dabi's head slowly move down, lips grazing the space between his pecs and trailing to his six-pack. He can't help the noise that bursts from his mouth when his lover starts kissing from the bottom of his shaft all the way up to his tip. The hero shudders, wings flaring out behind him on the bed and flexing as Dabi teasingly licks up and down his cock, flashing that impressively long tongue of his. Dabi's tongue is warm and feels utterly heavenly against his skin, and the villain adores the sounds he's forcing out of Hawks. The hums and whines kiss his scarred ears and make lust boil in his gut. Carefully, Dabi sucks Hawks' tip into his mouth, tongue swirling around the soft flesh and making the hero's toes curl. 
"Shit, Dabs," Hawks groans, trying so hard not to buck his hips and force Dabi to deepthroat him all at once. In the handful of times that they've hooked up, Dabi's managed to memorize all of Hawks' weak points...at least when it comes to sex. 
"You taste so good," Dabi rasps, pulling back before taking Hawks all the way into his throat. Dabi groans at the taste of Hawks' pre-come coating his tongue, hands braced against Hawks' muscular thighs, fingernails ever so slightly digging into his skin as he sucks him off. "So fucking good."
Hawks' pleasure-filled sighs are music to Dabi's ears, and his eyes roll back into his head as Dabi expertly presses his tongue against his shaft. Hawks doesn't know when Dabi lubed up his fingers, but the moment he feels cold pressing against his hole, it makes him tense up. 
"Relax," Dabi mutters with his mouth full of cock as he rubs the ring of muscle. Hawks sighs, raising his arms to cover his eyes as his cheeks heat up, and he focuses on the sensations. He focuses on Dabi's tongue, on Dabi's fingers, on Dabi. A flighty curse leaves Hawks' lips, voice breaking as Dabi delicately presses a finger inside, gently curling it as he takes Hawks further into his mouth. 
"Gonna come," Hawks trills, sweat beading on his brow as Dabi starts scissoring him open, fingers gently massaging his insides. Dabi takes him all the way once again, and Hawks sees stars. The heat of the villain's mouth, the way he's unconsciously rutting against Dabi's fingers, fucking himself deeper to Dabi's delight, it's all too much for the Pro Hero.
Hawks' orgasm wrecks his whole body, shivers of pleasure rolling through his bones as he spurts ropes of cum down Dabi's throat. The villain drinks it eagerly, almost enthusiastically, sucking through the orgasm and flexing his fingers against Hawks' prostate. When Hawks is out of breath and whimpering pathetically, Dabi pulls his slick lips off of his cock with a resounding pop. He sighs, lying down on the bed next to Hawks before pulling the blankets up over them. 
"Was it good for you?" Hawks asks, half-chuckling between deep breaths.
"It'll be good for me in the morning...if you're up for it," Dabi sighs with a smile before wrapping his arms around Hawks, pulling him into his chest. 
"Goodnight, Dabi," Hawks huffs, letting the relief wash over him as he yawns.
Sunrise manages to seep into the dark room of the love hotel, coming in through the almost opaque curtains and striking the crumpled bedsheets. Dabi is the first to stir, eyes blinking open to see Hawks' sleeping form. He hates the smile that instantly spreads across his face. He's got feelings for a hero...whether he wants to recognize what type of feelings they are or not. He crawls closer, pressing his lips to Hawks' forehead. The hero stirs, stretching his wings out, pupils turning to slits when he sees Dabi as he panics for a split second. It only takes another nanosecond for him to remember that he's not in any danger. 
"Morning," Hawks grins, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
"G'mornin, birdie," Dabi sneers before pressing his lips to Hawks' in a sleepy, passionate kiss. Hawks hums into Dabi's mouth, leaning into his embrace. It doesn't take long for them to become a tangle of limbs and tongues, slowly growing erections rocking against one another as they connect their lips over and over again. 
"Wanna fuck you," Dabi slurs between sloppy kisses, "so bad."
"Please," Hawks whimpers, voice cracking between lip locks as his hands hastily run through Dabi's hair, dragging down to the scars on his shoulder blade where Hawks feels the rough patch of skin. Their labored breaths seem to echo off of the walls of the love hotel room, sweat beading on their bodies as they fluidly grind against each other.
"God, Hawks," Dabi moans lowly, words flowing like molasses on his tongue from his half-asleep brain. He grips Hawks' hips before reaching down and grabbing the underside of his thighs. 
"You ready, baby?" Dabi slurs, and Hawks nods, sleepy tears in his eyes as Dabi reaches over onto the nightstand, grabbing the bottle of lube and groaning as he strokes it over his cock. 
"Want you so bad," Dabi pants, softly biting his bottom lip as he slicks up his dick, lining it up with Hawks' hole. He lifts up Hawks' legs, spreading them up and apart as he slowly slips in, groaning as Hawks' walls squeeze every inch. 
"Dabi-hah-you-fuck you feel so good," Hawks stutters, eyes welling with tears as he focuses on the sensation of his lover stretching him open. The subtle praise goes right to Dabi's cock, and he slips all the way inside with a crisp smack of skin against skin. Dabi haphazardly rocks his hips back and forth, punching the air out of Hawks' lungs. 
"No one else can touch you," Dabi rasps, his voice ragged and gravelly, distorted by the brief sighs polluting his resolve. "No one else can fuck you. No one else. But me. Only me."
Hawks crumbles beneath Dabi's possessive words. He's never felt wanted...not really. Not in the ways that Dabi makes him feel wanted. 
"You're mine. You're fucking miiine," Dabi slurs, drunk off his own pleasure as he pants between languid thrusts. 
"I'm yours," Hawks chokes, tears streaming down his face, sleepy and euphoric. His brain is jelly, and his vision is blurry; he can't concentrate on anything but Dabi. 
"Mine," The villain groans, dissolving into the feeling of Hawks clamping down on him, into the sight of Hawks completely wrecked beneath him, into the sounds of Hawks crying in ecstasy, into the smells of pure, raw passion.
The rhythm of lovemaking is sloppy and all over the place, after all, they're both still half-asleep. Still, it's intoxicating, exhilarating, and everything in between. It's otherworldly. They're both so drunk on love and lust and ecstasy. 
"C'mere," Dabi sighs, leaning down and connecting their lips, kissing Hawks while they fuck. Hawks moans into Dabi's mouth, the vibrations tasting sweeter than honey on the villain's tongue. Dabi can feel the overwhelming rush rising in the pit of his stomach, his orgasm threatening to ravage him at any moment. 
"Close," Dabi gasps, grunting as his dick pulses inside Hawks. "Where do you want it?"
"Inside," Hawks blubbers, "Come inside me."
Dabi practically sticks his tongue down Hawks' throat as his hand snakes down his body and wraps around the hero's leaking cock, pumping his hand while he ruts up into his guts. Hawks cries out, back arching as he rapidly approaches his own climax. 
"Fuck," Dabi chokes out as he comes without warning, hips jerking as he empties inside of Hawks. It doesn't take long for Hawks to release into Dabi's hand, and, soon, they're both flushed and sweaty.
Hawks sighs as Dabi releases his flagging erection, and Dabi licks the pro's cum off his hand, never once breaking eye contact. Hawks shudders, even more blood rushing to his cheeks as he comes down from the high. 
"Gonna pull out. Ready?" Dabi huffs, and Hawks murmurs in agreement. Slowly, the villain and the hero separate, bodies still entangled, yet not as intimately as moments ago. Dabi rests on top of Hawks, listening to the feathered hero's heartbeat as he rests his head on his chest. 
"So...hah...we heading to the hideout?" Hawks chuckles, and Dabi grunts in irritation. 
"Gimme a minute. Then we'll go."
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Request: Velvet, Eleanor, and Magilou with a shy S/O who is trying to hide the hickeys their girl friend gave them.
(Tales of Berseria) Velvet, Eleanor, and Magilou's S/O trying to hide their hickeys
Gotta say for all three of them, ow.
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Velvet's S/O struggles to look at her directly, one hand gently rubbing their neck.
Velvet has a smug grin as she crosses her arms.
(Velvet) "I think that looks good on you, personally."
(S/O) "I-It's really obvious where they are!"
(Velvet) "I'm pretty sure that's the whole point of a hickey. Besides showing you're mine anyway-"
Honestly, she doesn't really care what anyone thought about the marks. And seeing S/O get this flustered over them was pretty amusing.
But there was one problem with her carefree attitude about it.
(Laphicet) "S/O? What happened to your neck?"
(S/O) "O-Oh! Well, t-that's!-"
(Eizen) "Why are you that flustered about-...Oh."
Eizen sighs, making Eleanor walk over to the group and realize what happened.
(Eleanor) "Oh my-VELVET!"
She gives Eleanor a glance, raising an eyebrow.
(Velvet) "What?"
(Eleanor) "It's...just so indecent! Why did you-"
(Laphicet) "Did Velvet do something to S/O?"
(Eizen) "No boy, don't ask questions about it. You'll learn when you're older."
(Laphicet) "...Huh?"
S/O had their face buried in their hands, making Laphicet even more confused.
Eleanor crossed her arms and looked extremely disgusted.
(Eleanor) "I cannot believe you two would-"
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(Velvet) "S/O, go wash those marks off your neck. And Laphicet, it was from bug bites."
(Laphicet) "What kind of bug would...?-"
(Eizen) "One you shouldn't ask about. Here, let's ask Rokurou about it, and leave the ladies at...this."
Eizen quickly rushed away Laphicet from S/O, Velvet, and Eleanor.
(S/O) "I want to die..."
(Eleanor) "Well...at least wear a scarf!"
(Velvet) sigh "Pride still intact, S/O?"
(S/O) "No..."
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Eleanor may have...gotten carried away in the moment.
Truthfully, if she had hickeys on herself, she would absolutely panic.
So to see that she had caused very noticeable ones on S/O's neck and shoulders.
(Eleanor) "...Oh my-..."
Eleanor and S/O struggle to look each other in the eye, both blushing a scarlet red.
(Eleanor) "I am so sorry...L-Let me find you something to cover it up! Or at least some makeup!"
Despite her best efforts, it is extremely noticeable.
(Rokurou) "Hey, S/O? Think ya got something on your neck."
(S/O) "D-D-Do I?!"
(Rokurou) "Yeah, looks like bite ma-...Oh."
Velvet turns around to both Eleanor and S/O, noticing both their expressions.
(Velvet) "Should've just let that lie, Rokurou."
(Rokurou) "Yeeaaaah, didn't realize till it was too late. But hey, didn't think you had it in ya, Eleanor!"
Eleanor facepalmed and swore under her breath, making S/O stare at the ground even harder.
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(Velvet) "It's becoming our business when we can hear you two clear as day."
(S/O & Eleanor) "WHAT?!"
(Rokurou) "They're already dead, Velvet. No need to drive the dagger further."
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Magilou did that shit on purpose.
Sure, there were other ways of saying that S/O and Magilou were a couple.
But those ways are a lot less interesting and hot.
And Magilou bit hard.
(S/O) "M-Magilou, I'm covered in bites!"
(Magilou) "That you are. And?"
(Magilou) "Sure ya can! Here, let's go show the others right now!"
Magilou does not help with S/O's flustered reactions at all, in fact she made it worse.
The first people to see them was Velvet and Eleanor.
(Eleanor) "Good morn-..."
Eleanor's voice was caught in her throat as her eyes widened, looking at S/O's neck.
(Velvet) "...I'm even more glad I had my room far away from you two."
(Magilou) "Come now, you should be rejoicing at the healthy love blossoming between your two companions!"
Both Eleanor and Velvet's glance turned to S/O, who was on the floor, arms in their knees, and face in hands.
Accompanied by a noise that either sounded like a whine of agony, muffled screaming, or a mixture of both.
Then, the two looked back to Magilou.
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(Eleanor) "Ugh, too much information."
(Velvet) "Doubt she really cares about that."
(Magilou) "I don't!~"
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
Of course! Luzhen has to be there to see everything! He doesn't get tto go into town much at all so everything is new and different! And he is very much an Explorer like his bug brother mama. Wukong kinda has to keep him up there or he'll bounce off and they'll never find him again!
The twins are, once again, tbe bane of my existence. This time the colors were what I struggled with most. They simply did not want to color. They're mischievous, but less so than normal. Rumble don't feel too food with all the noise even through the headphones so Savage jsut wants to stick close to their sibling and they both stay close to Mom, but they still throws bao at their big brother's head. Just to be stinkers.
Yuebei is very much staying close to Mama, but she's happy to meet Dinosaur Girl. Her hanfu is intentionally big because I imagine she's going through the first of many growth spurts, so she needs the room. Yuebei is the most excited about the parade because she likes fireworks like Mama does, but keeps trying to eat things she shouldn't.
Wukong is my pride and joy in that Pic. I tried very, very hard to make him look human but not too human while also not obviously being a monkey. Maybe they think he's a cat, idk, they jsut know that ain't a human. He's super tired with all the cubs but still very much a stern and loving mom, it's the experience with all the babysitting he does for his subjects. He is the first to drop his glamour and the only one to do so on purpose, dropping it pretty much as soon as Spider Queen's hive bots try to target one of his cubs to get them away. He meets up with MK somewhere in the middle and hands the babies over before going to do the monkey king thing. MK shortly hands them over to Sandy in turn to follow after but has to flee because gross spiders and his mom getting caught. I like to think thay while the interaction goes similar to how he got caught the first time, the actual capture happened because Wukong pushed MK out of the way and ordered him to run as soon as he realized LBD was there
Luzhen is one misadventure away from Wukong making him a leash baby. He's so much like his big brother/adoptive mom that it worries Wukong sometimes. He just glad that his mini-me doesn't care for peaches XD
Rumble & Savage are so chaotic, they cause issues outside the forth wall. They def make a point of tossing bao buns at MK's head when he isn't looking - though he might just catch it mid-air with his teeth, he's had practice around these two. They likely try to avoid too much of the parade, but they still appreciate the visuals of the fireworks.
Oh gosh Yuebei hitting a (one of many to come) growth spurt and Wukong trying his best to find her nice day clothes that she hasn't outgrown. Yuebei hides behind her mama shyly before Mei says Hi, and suddenly the baby girl is excitedly pointing at Mei.
Mei: "Aww! Is she curious about me?" Wukong, sighs knowing whats coming: "Yes. She's fascinated with your skin." Mei: "No problem - these are my scale patches. I'm a d-" Yuebei, overjoyed: "Dinosaur!" Mei: "...Yep! I'm a dinosaur!" Yuebei: (*delighted giggling and bouncing in place!*) Wukong, whispering: "Sorry, she's in a big dinosaur phase." Mei: "Oh don't worry! I was a horse girl growing up! Gotta encourage her!"
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Wukong is beautiful in the art. He's so soft and strong looking. I can imagine he steals MK away to see the parade for a bit (and ask him how well his experiences in the city are going), only to get blindsided by the Spider Gang's attack. A spider-bot scares the babies and immediately it's Monkey King-mode.
MK just gets handed his little siblings when it becomes obvious that MK is terrified of the arachnid enemies. Wukong knows MK isn't ready to take these guys on and doesn't want his eldest to lock up under pressure, so he tells him to take his siblings and get out of there. The twins argue that they want to stay and fight but protective mama Wukong ain't having it. MK runs to the Noodle Gang since Sandy is almost guaranteed to have a vehicle that can get them out of there (or barring that the HQ in the bowel of his ship).
And ofc as the pressure/severity of the situation increases, MK's own glamour falls apart - leaving a panicking monkey demon in the human's place.
Tang, triumphantly: "HAH! Told you! Monkey demon!" Pigsy: (*grumbling*) MK: "Huh?" Pigsy: "We sorta had this running theory that you weren't 100% human, kid." MK: "Since when?" Pigsy: "Since before you picked up the staff. I thought you were like, a human raised by demons or something." Sandy: "I personally thought you might have been part cat demon." MK: "...did anyone think I was just human??" Red Son: "I did." MK: "GAAHH! How'd you get on the ship!?"
Just a full chaotic New Years
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holy-puckslibrary · 6 months
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sid to a furry friend's rescue!
florist!reader gets flustered during sid's calendar shoot
parents mentors for the day
someone's going on a date with chief crosby... and it ain't our girl </3
gif from @matbaerzal
To Sidney, this sham is nothing more than a meat-market legitimized. His fierce, formidable crew, flaunted and auctioned off in the name of "charity," as upstanding members of the local community brazenly gawk and drink themselves into a courageous stupor.
Gathered in packs around the local watering hole on a Friday night, the only things missing are high-res Animal Planet cameras and the calm wonder of Sir David Attenborough. It's only a matter of time before they start throwing themselves at each other like elk during mating season.
It's a shame Sidney won't be around to see it.
"Don't even think about it, Chief."
Sidney slumps; he spoke too soon.
Now, he's caught between cracked-door freedom and the firm grip of his Assistant Fire Chief. Kneading at the annoyance budding between his brows, Sidney turns on his heel to face his childhood best friend.
"C'mon, really? This is a circus, Nate. I shouldn't—Is this really something I should be doing? Y'know, it's not exactly... becoming of a civil servant."
"I'm doing it," Nate shrugs. "You don't see me pitching a fit."
The Chief glares. "Yeah, because you already know who you're going home with."
"Not true; tonight's could be the night Emmy decides to act on her grade school crush," the blonde jokes, his chin tipped across the gymnasium. "And who'd blame her? Flower's lookin' better than usual tonight."
The younger of the two only laughs in response to the dramatic groan of his name.
"No, I get it. You're acting pissy because your flower's stuck at home with a stomach bug, and, subsequently, you've been condemned to the terrible fate of having Cole Harbour's hottest fight tooth and nail for a date with you—oh, the horror! Truly, I feel for you, Saint Crosby."
"Bandwagon much?" he grumbles.
As Nate's grin widens, Sid's frown deepens.
Blue eyes twinkling with satisfaction, Nate teases, "You didn't deny it this time."
"D-Deny, what?"
Nate rolls his eyes; Sid's refusal to acknowledge anything, let alone something so obvious to anyone with eyes, was starting to get old, and fast.
"Yeah, sure, okay. Play dumb if it makes you feel better. But I'd figure my shit out sooner rather than later if I were you."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Sidney blinks.
"Oh, nothing... Just that you aren't the only civil servant sniffing around Blossom & Bloom these days."
With a parting wink, Nate vanishes into the crowd, leaving Sidney to stew in a fresh pot of bubbling unease.
and the plot thickens... hehehe 😈
as always, i would really appreciate if you reblogged my work, left a comment or dropped by my inbox w some feedback :) fandom runs on engagement, and so do writers!! thx a mil in advance!
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yinttepk · 5 months
Aikaaaa where are you?!
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well, you see-
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okay, in all srsness tho
first and foremost, i am sincerely SO sorry for disappearing so suddenly like that 🙏
honestly, i genuinely wasn't expecting to go abruptly go poof outta nowhere either but
life had many other plans for me. and needless to say, i went through hell and back during this past month so to save you all from a sob story I'm gonna simply declare that i won 🗣️🗣️
as I am typing this, my heart is accelerating the limit it should have because well, im kinda anxious when it comes to going goners then reappearing after a month or so 😭
again, i do apologize
it's not to say that I am COMPLETELY returning ( you have school to curse for that.. IM IN MY LAST SEM THO SO WERE NEARING FREEXOM AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY ) however, I will do my best to catch up w yalls since its the least i believe I can do atm to express my inexplicable gratitude to yalls 😭💕
i am in the midst of beating up burnt out for doing this to me causing me to neglect important beings in my life so dw now yall 🥰
good news is that I've spent the majority of my leftover sanity to improve to the best of my capabilities in art tho;) and I'm quite proud of how I'm doing now;D
I greatly appreciate everyone, especially those who expressed concern for me. sorry for making you guys worry. I want to let y'all know that I am so thankful for y'all ( expect me to bug you even more now )
there are so much things i planned to yap about to y'all but hey, my fingers typing aren't necessarily in the mood to play along with me 😔 ( i could've handled this explanation wayyy betteebbut I am panicking bcs I accidentally pressed what I shouldn't have approx 30 mins ago the second I opened a certain of one of the few social medias I've havent ever since forever )
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starsurface · 7 months
Pt 3/3 of the Babyspace Regressor Hcs!! :D
Some might be a bit out of character, but I don't like imagining Bi-Han as this mean, spiteful lover. Don't get me wrong, he isn't perfect and definitely needs to work through some issues, but he'd probably, eventually, realize that screaming at you for little things doesn't work in a relationship.
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Bi-Han w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
❄️ He does adore you, even if he doesn't always tell you
❄️ Actually really likes baby regressors because he thinks they're less matiedence
❄️ Like, don't get him wrong, he'll love you no matter what headspace you regress to
❄️ But he doesn't have to chase a big kid around the house, or have to pick up after craft activities (which he'll still do because he loves you)
❄️ But he does prefer to just lay back and cuddle, maybe watch some cartoons if you want
❄️ . . . Unless you're an active regressor like Tomas, he's gotta keep on his toes!!
❄️ You were just sitting beside him, how on earth did you crawl all the way to the kitchen and start chewing on a fork in the minute he looked away??
❄️ You just giggle and show him your new fork friend, which he'll take away because he's a big meanie >:( (and he doesn't want metal in your mouth)
❄️ Is much more willing to buy you regression items than to buy himself stuff
❄️ Your his baby, of course he's going to spoil you
❄️ If you mention you like something, or look at it too long, expect it on your bed with a little note
❄️ No ifs or buts, he likes spoiling you and he's gonna do it >:(
❄️ Doesn't NOT like leaving you with others
❄ ️You're his baby!! He doesn't trust others to babysit you!!
❄️ Will also act like your the one dependent on him (no one believes him, he's just as clingy as you some days)
❄️ Although he gets really busy sometimes, so unfortunately you do need a babysitter (being the Grandmaster takes up a lot of his time unfortunately)
❄️ Tomas and Kuai Liang are his go to babysitters
❄️ ^ And surprisingly Raiden? He's very good with regressors, especially babyspace regressors
❄️ Favorite CG nicknames are Dada and Bi
❄️ Got super confused the first time you babbled in front of him and wondered if you were trying to tell him something important
❄️ ^ Don't worry, he got better over time
❄️ Babble encourager, but also gets so lost sometimes
❄️ Completely panicked the first time you needed something and all you could do was babble
❄️ Favorite nicknames for you are Snowflake, Sweetheart, Honey, and Little One
❄️ Doesn't really like going outside while your small
❄️ Not because he's embarrassed or ashamed of you (and he'll freeze anyone who dare thinks otherwise) but because it's easier to regress inside the comforts of your own rooms
❄️ Although if you wanna have a snow day . .
He won't say no
❄️ He'll take you outside, probably making you wear an outfit that you can barely move in, and will help you make a small snowman and snow angels
❄️ Usually he doesn't do PDA (massive cuddle bug behind closed doors though) but if your clingy out in public, he won't belittle you, that wouldn't be nice
❄️ You better believe you aren't leaving his side when your small
❄️ No Sir, he has a constant watch over you!!
❄️ What if you got hurt? Or crawled and touched something you shouldn't have? He can't chance it!!
❄️ Because of this, most times he'll carry you around on his hip or have you snuggle up to him
❄️ If you're super clingy, that's great!!
❄️ If you want a tiny bit more independence, just tell him and he'll change according to your preference
❄️ His favorite activity is cuddle time, where he can swaddle you and hold you for hours
❄️ But if you like playing a bit more, he can do tummy time
❄️ Would prefer you laying on him, but he guesses he can buy you a playmat 😒 (he'll look for the best one with little to no hesitation)
❄️ Finds it funny if you try to eat his nose, but will redirect you to a paci or chewie
❄️ If you ever regresser because of his anger issues or such, he'd feel so terrible
❄️ Tries his hardest to make it up too, he never meant to hurt you like that
❄️ Doesn't yell at you while you're small, but there have been a few close calls
❄️ Luckily, he's learnt a bit how to control his anger, and will instead give you the most nastiest ‘Knock it off’ glare if your being naughty on purpose
❄️ Although honestly, your so small and tiny, you rarely ever get the glare
❄️ How could he punish a baby for their crimes? You never meant to knock over your plate of food, he understands it was an accident
❄️ If you use diapers, he'll always make sure to have an extra box in his closet just in case
❄️ Another CG that's very sweet and comforting when it comes to diapers
❄️ Although warning, his fingers are really cold >:(
❄️ Actually, he's really cold in general
❄️ If you wanna cuddle him, you'll have to wear a few layers (a fuzzy onesie should be fine)
❄️ He'll also wrap you up in a few blankets before cuddling with you, just in case
❄️ While he does keep most of his intimidating persona (it's hard to drop, even around you) he does try to be more gentler because of how tiny you are
❄️ If you call him out for It, he'll pour and deny it, calling you silly
❄️ If someone else points it out, they're frozen on spot (Johnny almost missed his photo shoot because of it)
❄️ He'd use his powers to make you little snowflakes!!!
❄️ Like Rain, doesn't like using his powers for reasons he deems ‘silly’
❄️ But is also very prideful in his abilities, and adores showing them off
❄️ I just feel like he'd really like tapping your nose when you do something funky
❄️ Doesn't give much verbal praise, more kisses your temple and gives you a treat
❄️ If you want verbal praise though? Just tell him and he'll try his hardest
❄️ Man is usually a very tough and strict guy, but you melt his icy heart <3 (hehe)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I actually really like Bi-Han. Some people make him super mean (and I'm not saying he's not) but it gets intense sometimes. :(
Hope you enjoyed!! :D
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hpowellsmith · 15 days
Some things I've learned so far from the Honor Bound beta testing:
copy-pasting code is my nemesis. Many of the weird bugs like polyamorous characters showing up during makeouts when they shouldn't happen because of it
people who send bugs relating to smut scenes are heroes (I know it's awkward, and I appreciate it SO much because not everyone feels comfortable emailing that kind of thing)
sometimes I just forget something I wrote a while back
never underestimate my power to write a sentence, partially rewrite it, and then leave some of the original sentence there, left to be confusing to players
there is a character which some people absolutely despise, and others completely adore, which I love
do not neglect making miserable endings feel satisfying in some way or another (this is something I'm working on next week)
using variables for common verbs for gender-selectable characters/MCs is an absolute dream, 10/10 - so many fewer errors
Here are some of my favourite funny lines of feedback:
Phew! Who knew this annoying mf [Mandriotti] would be the one to come through?
[Fiore is] a gentleperson in the streets and a freak in the sheets, I must say!
Ok *swoon*! During my first playthrough I wasn't really impressed with Matia, but now, romancing her, she might be my favorite character!
Raffi has very prominent doggy vibes. Would pet.
SAVAREL MY BABY I had missed him so much ;_;
Then Varenn drops the F bomb and I know things are about to get real lol.
*sigh* Now I want to live in Zaledoan luxury with Hakim on staff. Couldn't I be Prince Javi? :D
I'm really glad I got to pet the cat! It also made me really soft every time the LIs pet cats! The cats in this game are very good!!
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Helping Hand
My first RD fic! I haven't written proper fanfic in a hot minute but the little pixel people grabbed me by the throat and opened my google docs
Also shoutout to @nightmun for helping me visualize Ian's silly little mug
Summary: After seeing Ada struggle with the rhythm treatments, Ian comes up with a way to help her out.
Fic under the read-more :)
Dr. Edega loomed over her, his eyes boring into her back over the top of his clipboard.
"I expect better from you, Dr. Paige. Times are changing. If you can't keep up, then maybe you're not cut out for this job after all,” he said lowly.
Ada couldn't meet his gaze. Instead she stared down at her hands, balled into trembling fists, as her heart pounded in her ears. Burning tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, and she immediately felt ashamed, like a child being scolded.
She had messed up. She had been treating a patient with the rhythm defibrillator and started to panic as soon as she lost track of the tempo. Ian had frantically swooped in to take over and finished the treatment smoothly, while Ada had watched, feeling numb.
She was distantly aware of Ian pushing past her, positioning himself between her and Edega.
"D-Dr. Edega, sir—this is a very new, experimental treatment method. We're still working out the kinks and—and no one's going to be perfect at it right away."
"That's no excuse. There's no room for mistakes when lives are on the line. You both know that."
"N–Not every case we get is life-threatening," Ian said, and she was faintly surprised at the edge of anger creeping into his tone. "And she'll practice. She can—"
Edega pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
"I don't care what she does as long as her performance improves. See to it that she receives more training as soon as possible. And keep looking for any bugs in the program in the meantime."
Ian opened his mouth to say something else, but was silenced by a single look from Edega. He shrunk into himself.
"Y–Yes, sir. Of course."
Edega turned on his heel and strode out of the room, leaving a heavy silence behind him. Ada didn't realize that she was still shaking until Ian placed a tentative hand on her shoulder.
"Ada?" His voice sounded so far away, as though he were speaking to her from underwater. She attempted to pull herself back, focusing on the warmth of his hand as a grounding point. She placed her own fingers unsteadily over his and gave him a tremulous smile.
Ian watched her face, brow furrowed in concern.
"He—he shouldn't speak to you like that. I—I hate it."
She sniffled and quickly swiped at the tears that were threatening to spill under her glasses. She took a deep breath and straightened, attempting to look professional instead of pathetic.
"No. He's right. We can't afford to make stupid mistakes in this line of work. And it’s not…it’s not just him.” She remembered the way the patient’s heart rate had spiked on the monitor when she missed a beat, and let out a shaky sigh. “I just...can't stop thinking about what might have happened if you weren't here."
Ian frowned.
"Ada. You can't go beating yourself up over what might have happened."
"Sure I can," she joked weakly. Ian didn't laugh.
"We're—we're all trying our best here," he continued. "And Edega doesn't see how much you do for the patients every day. He barely comes out of his office, and when he does it's only to—to reprimand us for something or other. Everyone else in this hospital loves you. You—you're a good doctor, Ada."
As she stared at him, all of the tears that she had swallowed came rising back up in her throat. She let her head fall against his shoulder with a soft thump, and a quiet sob escaped her. She felt Ian freeze for a moment, uncertain, before he awkwardly wrapped an arm around her. She leaned into the warmth.
"Sorry," he whispered. "Not really a hugger."
Ada let out a watery laugh.
"I know, doofus. Thank you."
She pulled back and tried in vain to wipe the tear stains from his coat.
“Ugh, I’m sorry. I’m crying all over you. This is gross.”
“Yeah, a little bit,” Ian said. “But that’s okay.”
Ada collapsed into a nearby chair, suddenly feeling indescribably exhausted. She pressed the heels of her palms into her eyes before letting out another long sigh. Ian sat down next to her, awkwardly rubbing the back of his hand.
"Personalized care, comforting patients, that's what I'm good at,” Ada said. “You're the one who’s amazing at all the technical stuff.” 
She stared up into the harsh light of the overhead fluorescents, letting her vision go blurry. 
“All Edega seems to care about is getting people in and out of treatment as quickly as possible. Seems like if he has his way, pretty soon everything will be done remotely. I guess I just feel kind of useless,” she muttered.
“You’re not useless,” Ian said quietly.
Ada made a noncommittal sound.
“Like you said, there’s so many other things you’re good at. Trust me, Ada, we—we’ll always need you. You’re everyone’s favorite doctor. Otherwise, they’d all be stuck with me,” he joked.
She attempted to muster a smile, but she knew it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Ian frowned again and fell silent for a long moment, seemingly lost in thought. Then he stood abruptly, nearly startling her out of her seat.
“Oh! I—I might actually know a way to help you!” he cried, pacing excitedly. “M–Meet me in the basement when you come in tomorrow.”
Ada blinked up at him, baffled. “Oh…um…okay? What—?”
Ian was already gone, scurrying down the hallway towards the door that led to the basement. Ada shook her head bemusedly, before scooping up her clipboard from the nearby table to see which patient she needed to check on next. She took a moment and closed her eyes, mentally preparing for the rest of her shift. 
Deep breaths.
She heaved herself onto her feet, and set off in the other direction towards Cole’s room.
When she came down to the basement the next morning, Ian looked haggard, yawning and rubbing at his eyes under his glasses. When he saw her, however, he lit up in a smile and eagerly waved her over.
“Ada! Hey! C-Come here, I have something to show you.”
On his desk was the rhythm defibrillator device, and attached to it was a new button that she didn’t recognize.
“...What’s this?” she asked as she slowly descended the stairs.
Ian spun around in his chair to face her, gesturing enthusiastically.
“I was up all night testing this, but it—it works! Basically, it modulates the detected heartbeats to—to simplify them on our end, and then it translates the button input back to the original complexity to match the patient’s heart pattern. S-So you’ll still be administering the same treatment, but it should be easier to—”
Tears welled in her eyes all over again, and Ada practically fell forward to pull him into a hug, grinning from ear to ear. Ian stiffened uncomfortably, and she suddenly remembered herself.
She stepped back and laughed sheepishly as she wiped away the tears.
“Right. Not a hugger. Sorry, I really need to be better about that.”
Ian looked at her for a moment, sighed, and then smiled. He stood from his chair and wrapped her in another hug, tighter than before.
“I’m willing to make exceptions,” he mumbled into her shoulder. Ada’s heart swelled, and she squeezed him back just as tightly. Then Ian let out a yelp as she lifted him off his feet in her excitement, and she quickly set him back down. 
“Too much?”
Ian laughed weakly, smoothing down his rumpled coat.
“Too much.”
“It’s okay.”
She returned her attention to the new button, running her fingers over the smooth surface. It looked fairly similar to the standard one, though slightly bigger. She gently pressed it down and it made a satisfying click.
“Thank you, Ian, seriously. This is…incredible.”
Ian scratched the back of his neck bashfully.
“It’s the least I could do. You already work so hard. H–Hopefully, this’ll make your job a little easier.”
Ada suddenly remembered his words from yesterday. You’re everyone’s favorite doctor. Otherwise, they’d all be stuck with me.
“You’re doing a good job, too, by the way,” she said softly. “Edega’s an idiot if he doesn’t see that. I know that a lot of your work is behind the scenes, but it’s just as important.”
“Oh. Thanks.” Ian looked away, embarrassed. “Y-You don’t have to say that.”
Ada smiled fondly.
“Just want you to know that you’ll always be my favorite radiologist.”
“I’m quite literally th–the only radiologist that we have.”
Ian finally broke into a smile, too. “Okay, okay. H-How about we test this thing?”
A week later, Ada told him that she had a gift for him, and produced a small white coffee mug from her coat pocket. Ian burst out laughing when he saw it.
“Wait, d-does that say ‘number one radiologist?’”
It was a “Number One Dad” mug from the dollar store that Ada had drawn over with a permanent marker. She had added two lines under the first D to turn it into an R, and had scribbled “-iologist” underneath, along with a little smiley face at the end. The mug soon became a permanent fixture on Ian’s desk, and she grinned to herself every time she passed by it.
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Let's Talk BL: My Love Mix Up Th
Ep. 1
Hello!! =D
Welcome to my other version of crack posts! This doesn't have any screenshots sorry 😅
Also, a little spoiler warning for those who haven't watched the original Kieta Hatsukoi, I might reference it a little, but it won't be any great big reveals, just small comparisons here and there. This is for the show only, since I haven't read the manga.
I know I shouldn't be putting this right at the top (and honestly, feel free to ignore this particular point, it's entirely a personal opinion), but it's bugging me a little. In the special eps, the director as well as GemFourth have said how their characters are completely opposite to their own personalities, and how the roles were very challenging for them. They are both incredible actors, especially for their age. But, they're young, and suppressing their very personalities is hard. And it shows a bit. Not much, but sometimes, Kongthap has to frown to remain serious, Atom has to actively be hyper etc etc. It doesn't hamper the show in anyway, but it does make my eye twitch because if only they had switched roles, the boys would have soared. This is no way a criticism, I just think it would have been easier for them and the result could have been a bit more finely tuned. I do fear a little for them during the harder scenes.
Pahn is very cute and amazing and portrays Mudmee so well. (Will I have a smol crush on Mudmee just as I did on Hashimoto-chan? Yeah, probably)
The veggies scene was absolutely hilarious. They probably had to shoot that so many times 😭
This version is a little more fast-paced, me thinks, but I don't really mind
The colours are as obvious (and probably the same) as the original. (Kieta was so colour coded, even a rookie like me could see them vividly 😭👍🏼) For more about colours, I'd recommend visiting @respectthepetty
I liked how they showed the origin story of the cat (like in Cherry Magic Th).
Speaking of Cherry Magic. To be very honest, the original Japanese version of Cherry Magic wasn't very high on my favorites list, so I was a bit skeptical about the Thai remake. I was pleasantly surprised, and the Th version will always be one of my top 8 BLs. I was skeptical about MLMU for the exact opposite reason. I adore Kieta Hatsukoi. And that charm would be very hard to recreate, but I decided to wait and see. Till now, my hope remains that this'll be another Cherry Magic 😌 (maybe not that perfect, but still)
Atom is such a dork I love him 😭
Also, my cluless babie Kongthap 😭
I have nothing to say about character chemistry (it's GemFourth duh); I do have a teeny problem with the lighting/filter (I think the rooftop scenes might have been overexposed so they had to filter it or something), but after reading through the tags I realized that's not just me; the cinematography is so far so good and the characters are - it's just ep 1, mind you - well portrayed.
The unique friendship between Atom and Half is also nicely done.
HOW COULD I FORGET. The ads *vice versa war flashbacks*. It's just so hilarious. At this point, I'm just looking forward to all the ad placements. It's even more funny because GemFourth are the presenters for like 4 of them 😭😭👍🏼
That's all for now! See you next week. And as always thank you for reading! 😊
Here, have a slice of (vanilla) cake 🍰
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etsuven · 2 years
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etsuven's first kinktober: day 4/8
rating: smut technically but it's kind of fluffy too? or like its more fluff than smut idk man cw: fluff so much fluff soft seggs mentions includes: very soft stuff, reader has a strap/d!ck, scara in a pretty outfit, usage of scara's real name, scara is unintentionally mean in the beginning but only because he's embarrassed, this was supposed to be smut but it turned into me describing how much he loves you summary: scara shows off the new lingerie you bought him...
note: hi hello! welcome to the 4th day of k-tober!! this fic isn't prewritten, like i'm starting this at 1:10 AM the day i'm supposed to post it. it hopefully shouldn't take me that while to write, and even if it does take me a while to write, i have to be up at 6 anyways! i can just stay up the whole night, what's an all nighter gonna do to me? (the answer is sore eyes and staring off into space,) anyways, since it's so late, i've decided not to write a full fic, instead it'll be more story oriented! my usual readers may know that i tend to go for very dialogue oriented fics which you can cleary tell since i'm rambling here okay i have to get onto the fic byeee!!!!!!
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scaramouche found it embarrassing, really. the second you showed him the pretty purple lingerie you bought him, he quickly exploded into a ball of flushed cheek embarrassment. how could you ever imagine someone like him, the sixth of the fatui harbingers, to ever wear something as risqué as that?
he noticed how your face fell as he said those words, the gorgeous twinkle in your eyes fading away as you looked away in shame. his heart clenched at the sight.
walking over to you, he grabbed at the fabric, analyzing the various patterns of silk and lace. it looked expensive. did you really spend this much just for him? scara felt his cheeks heat up more, and there was no doubt that you could see him blushing.
"i'll wear it one day- i'm just not telling you when that day will be."
scaramouche waited a few more days after that conversation to try the outfit on. it was a night where you were out later than him, so he knew that there was a very low chance of you walking in on him. after putting the very intricate outfit on, he walked in front of the mirror.
don't tell anyone, but he felt his 'heart' stop for a moment.
as much as he hated to admit it, he looked great in the outfit. the color was a deep purple, reminiscent of the color he usually had in his fatui uniform. the top was on the looser side, and there was an excess of lace fabric where there normally would have been breasts. the material under that was a transparent silk, and it was the same shade of purple as the rest of the outfit.
he also wore a pair of panties which seemed to fit him perfectly, and they were also lace in order to give them a sexier feel and look. paired with the outfit was a pair of thigh highs that tipped with more lace around the upper thigh. the outfit had small accents of a deep red and gold, giving it an air of royalty.
scara wrapped his arms around his torso, his eyes wandering up and down his body in the mirror. everything fit him perfectly, from the fit down to the color scheme. it just screamed him. clearly you had put a lot of thought into it. speaking of you...
he wondered how you'd feel if you saw him in the outfit. would you be excited, wasting no time in order to pin him down on the bed and make him yours? would you get all nervous because of how pretty he was? he found himself chuckling at that thought. would you-
the sound of the bedroom door being pushed open and a gasp broke him out of his thoughts, causing him to look over in fear of who caught him.
you stood at the doorway, your mouth practically wide open as you took in his form. scaramouche felt your eyes wander up and down his body, his arms clutching tighter at his torso as he looked away shyly. "s-stop staring, and close your mouth... a bug will fly in..."
he watched out of the corner of his eye as you walked over to him, your steps quiet as you continued to stare. your hands gently grabbed at his arms, pulling them away from his torso so you could better see the outfit. a small curse left your mouth, and scaramouche only had the feeling of your fingers under his chin as a warning before your lips met his, quickly leaving him breathless.
your hands went to his waist, pushing him towards the bed with pure muscle memory as you refused to stop the kiss that was steadily growing heated. scara sat down once the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed, leading him to crane his neck in order to properly kiss you.
you took a second to pull away, whispering praises onto his lips as you pushed him down. you trailed kisses down his jawline, biting gently at places you knew would rile him up. his soft pants filled the air, hitching every now and then when you bit a particularly sensitive spot.
"you're so pretty, kuni." you spoke, and scara felt himself whimper at the husky tone in your voice. now, scaramouche felt that he wasn’t pretty. in fact, he was far from it. the things he has done in the past has made him less than a pretty person. but kunikuzushi? he was everything pretty and more.
kuni was the one to wake up next to you after a long night, he was the one to stare at you in the morning when he thought you were the prettiest person in the world.
kuni was the one to get all of your praise, as scaramouche didn't like being praised in public. kuni got to grab onto you late at night, moaning into the air as you thrust into him with your cock. he was the one to lay in between your legs and please you until you felt you were satisfied.
he was the one to cook for you when he had free time, a gentle smile on his face as he chatted with you about your days. he was the one who was able to watch your eyes light up at the taste of the dish he had just tried to make for the first time.
he used to find himself hating both of his sides. one was a confident and strong yet harsh leader for those under him, while the other was broken in ways that many wouldn't understand. it was being blocked out in favor of the other, in favor of the side that wasn't about to break down at the slightest gust of wind. he and scaramouche couldn't have been more different.
though there was one thing kunikuzushi and scaramouche had in common. their pure adoration for you, their lover.
as much as they they tried to hide it, neither of them could hide the love they had for you. whether it be one side showering you in expensive gifts that made him think of you, or the other making your favorite meal on his rare day off.
luckily you seemed to love both sides of him. you kept up with scara's banter and the often unnecessary harshness he had towards his subordinates, and you stuck with kuni during the times where he sobbed into your neck after a particularly bad nightmare.
you loved the sides he deemed as unlovable, and your actions and words indirectly made him question his beliefs and views of himself. he was scaramouche... and he was also kunikuzushi. if you came to love both sides of him so easily, then perhaps he could find the courage to do the same one day.
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