#this stupid story is SO LONG I HATE IT
iholli · 1 year
inhales fuck it, I had fun with this, you're all getting subjected to it. My singular braincell is unleashing Booigi like the plague upon Discord and my friends are happy to encourage me. thank u Holly for the galaxy brain dialogue that inspired this silly little drabble <3
King Boo × Luigi || flirt
It's been a hell of a long night in this hotel, and King Boo can't stand it any longer. Except he's really, really bad at communicating his feelings to a certain oblivious green plumber.
Takes place during the final boss fight of Luigi's Mansion 3, so you know, if you don't want to get spoilered or whatever <3
It's been hours. At least 10 of them. And the man is exhausted.
He's been through hell, awake all night, narrowly avoiding death at every turn, fighting for his life every step of the way. He's tired and afraid, damn it, and his night still isn't done.
So this battle promising to stretch for long minutes is not something he's excited for.
Honestly, he's almost disappointed when Polterpup crashes into him, accidentally knocking him out of the way as the painting falls.
Luigi sits up as the ghostly canine hops off him, scampering off to who knows where, and the poor little plumber is back on his feet just in time for the great spectre before him to turn a seething glare on him. It's all Luigi can do not to collapse under that enraged violet gaze.
"Luigi! What are you doing over there?!"
King Boo is also tired, and he is pissed. He's spent far more than the whole night with that disgustingly obsessive woman dogging his heels like a lost puppy, watching her useless staff be thrown around by Luigi-- though, of course, the king can't deny his admiration of the man's strength and quick thinking-- and in turn feeling the anger of his own Boos being sucked away into that damned vacuum. He's going to break that frustrating contraption, so help him.
And after all that, after all his carefully laid plans-- the countless romantic settings, the harmless spooks, his desperate attempts to flirt-- Luigi still hasn't realized it! Only that awful Hellen Gravely had been wooed by the candlelit dining room, the beautiful concert, the seaside view! King Boo has had all he can take. At least Luigi vacuumed Hellen out of the picture, what a relief that was, and satisfying to say the least. Oh, and who could ignore the way Luigi smiled and danced and cheered for himself every time he successfully captured a ghost...he's just too cute!
He couldn't possibly admit it aloud, but that little green plumber has the king of Boos absolutely wrapped around his gloved finger.
"UGH! That's it! I'm sick to double death of you!"
Sick to his heart of that cute little mustache, those soft shoes, those blue doe eyes, that adorable accented voice, that sheer obliviousness! How could King Boo possibly make his feelings any clearer?! Surely Luigi is just tormenting him, and he's sick of it!
"You want to fight me? FINE! Let's go, Luigi! This is the end for you, once and for all! HERE I COME!"
The Italian's teeth are chattering in fear, because of course he doesn't want to fight, and he's thoroughly convinced the Boo just wants him dead, or at least trapped forever as a decoration. Well, it's no fault of his, considering every attempt King Boo has made at flirting has nearly gotten him poisoned or skewered or whatever else-- it's been such a long night, Luigi barely remembers all the ways the hotel has tried to kill him. And the king of Boos is very, very intimidating, no thanks to his threatening dialogue.
Which, Luigi can't possibly admit aloud, is rather attractive, in an inexplicable way. That voice, and those eyes, and...
No, no, no time to think about that now. That "rather attractive" ghost is trying to destroy him!
King Boo cackles, nearly at the end of his rope, summoning lightning, showing off his tongue (very intentionally, that is), throwing fireballs and explosives, every time missing and angrily cursing before vanishing. That Luigi...too smart in all the wrong places! Like he knows every move the Boo is going to make! Yet he can't figure out King Boo's affection towards him?!
When Luigi throws an explosive back at him, sending King Boo reeling and coughing smoke until he collapses on the roof, he's feeling more frustrated than ever. The plumber and that strange, goopy green clone of his suck him up by the tongue and smash him back and forth against the roof until the Boo tumbles backwards.
Enough is enough.
King Boo rematerializes before Luigi, glaring daggers, his enormous maw closed in a deep frown. The man steels himself for another round of attacks...
...but they don't come.
Instead, King Boo snaps.
"You know what?! Enough of this! You're cute and I've been trying to tell you that for hours-- no, YEARS now!"
Luigi freezes, his whole body going still as a ghost hit with his Strobulb. He...what?
The Boo's mouth is open now in a snarl, his brows low, his eyes glowing bright with irritation. He looks so angry; surely Luigi misheard him! If looks could kill, the plumber would already be six feet under!
"There, I said it! Must you torture me further?!"
No, he heard right.
He heard right?
The nozzle of the Poltergust clatters on the now-cracked concrete, Luigi barely even realizing he's dropped his only protection. He stares, then blinks and starts sputtering.
"C...cute? A-ME?!"
Oh, the Boo is a goner when that heavy accent comes out. His face flushes royal blue as he drifts like a deflating balloon to the rooftop. "OF COURSE YOU! HOW have you not figured that out?!" King Boo tries to snap in his usual tone, but it comes out in more of a pathetic whine as his voice cracks in disbelief.
"You've been-a trying to kill me all-a night!" Luigi chokes out. He's so shocked, he sinks to his knees, taking off his cap as his other hand comes up to run through his hair, the Boo watching his every move-- has he ever seen the plumber without his hat? His hair looks as soft as his mustache...
"I-- I HAVE NOT!" King Boo retorts after a moment, equally stunned.
"What...what do you call all of-a that, then?!"
"I was trying to flirt with you!" The king frantically pinwheels his nubby arms in a desperate attempt to explain. "I know those idiots kept ruining everything, but I was trying! I had a nice dinner planned, a walk through the garden floor, a magic show--"
Luigi's hand drops to his lap and he stares again at the ghost. "You set up all that...as a date?"
King Boo stops his rambling. "...yes?"
The little Italian giggles breathily, then laughs harder and harder, until he's gasping, arms wrapped around himself and tears rolling down his cheeks. King Boo blushes furiously. "What-- stop that! Why are you laughing at me? What's so funny?!"
"Oh, scusa, bello," Luigi manages when he finally catches his breath, wiping his face with his shirt sleeves. "It's just-- you are-a terrible at flirting!"
The Boo puffs out his cheeks, impossibly blue as he crosses his nubs in offense. "Well-- well, you're terrible at noticing, then!" He grumbles, his mouth closing in a pout.
"Both people are-a supposed to be there for a date, you know." The man giggles once more. He can't help being amused at the adorable grumpy face before him, and he's giddy with relief, heart fluttering now that he realizes that the ghost wasn't actually trying to murder him all this time, that the little voice in his heart was a mutual feeling.
"I...knew that." Boo's violet eyes flick away-- he definitely didn't know that-- then snaps his eyes back to Luigi in sudden realization. "Wait, what did you call me?!"
Luigi just smirks, one eyebrow cocking up, a show of the confidence he's feeling now. "Maybe if you-a take me on a real date yourself, I'll-a tell you, tesoro."
"T-TES--" King Boo blows the rest of the word into a raspberry, flustered, not knowing if the Italian is taunting him or complimenting him.
"Wait...are you asking ME on a date?"
Luigi gets to his feet, shuffling across the roof to retrieve the frame lying all but forgotten on the concrete. He inspects it for a moment, then sets it upright along the wall of the roof, aiming the Poltergust's dark-light attachment at the image of his friends and brother.
The plumber glances back at King Boo before switching the light on, grinning once more at the uncertain though hopeful king watching him. "Yeah, I-a guess I am." The light activates, a beam of rainbow slowly coloring the painting.
Well, after he explains this to Mario, and gets the group comfortably settled in the hotel, that is. And maybe gets the Boos out of their respective containers, since he knows the king will be asking.
Luigi's heart flutters again. His night doesn't feel so long anymore.
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kataraslove · 8 months
I just really hope that the new ATLA movie will be interesting, bright and exciting, that it will pay tribute to all the characters, but especially to Katara. And there will be kataang in it: wonderful, respectful, supportive relationships. And a huge number of pro-Katara, pro-Aang and pro-kataang new fans will come to the fandom. I hope that the time will come when a respectful and competent and deeper gaze of the canon and canonical characters will dominate the fandom, and the toxic z/tara will remain in the minority (I have nothing against zutara as a ship but I am against lying about characters and hatred, and, unfortunately, I saw most of this in the z/tara fandom). Let the era of peace and kindness finally come for the fandom, as Zuko would say.
one can only hope for that, anon! after that leaked image of adult gaang came out, i saw antis do a complete 180 about their perceptions on kataang. so who knows? however, considering that it's been 15 years, i don't think perceptions on here - or in other places - are really going to change much from people who vehemently despise kataang. i think every interaction and scene between katara and aang, no matter how positive it is, will be spun to be made as if it's negative. i mean, we literally saw their reactions to a COOKBOOK that stated that aang liked to cook for katara. "wow, i can't believe you need a cookbook to confirm that aang does the bare minimum," or, my personal favourite, "katara has to literally baby aang by controlling how much sugar he eats!"
that being said, i'm not interested in changing the minds of people who genuinely believe kataang to be an abusive relationship. what i do want instead is for the adult gaang movie to provide a fandom environment in which kataang shippers are not afraid to admit that they ship kataang. for a whole week after the leaked image was released, there was a kataang renaissance that occurred on twitter, with viral kataang tweets and people coming out and admitting that they enjoyed kataang. much like the kataang renaissance that occurred after the legend of korra first aired (with canon confirmation that katara and aang had three children before bryke ripped that perfect family perception to shreds), i want that same thing to happen following the adult gaang movie, except in a much larger scale, with much more fandom content.
at the end of the day, though, what i really want is for katara to be done justice by this movie; for her to receive the recognition that she deserves after 15 long years of absolutely null. i do believe that she will receive justice in the form of good writing and canon recognition - the signs are all there - but at the same time, i am a little cautious just because it is bryke behind the wheels. those two, in their efforts to explore what they believe to be nuance, tend to leave out a whole bunch of details. simply put, they're not the best writers, and even worse, they've been horrible at receiving criticism in the past. so i hope those are attributes of theirs that have changed over the years, as they've matured and gained more industry experience. i think it has, just based on the things that i've heard from the two, and the fact that they're now part of a gigantic hollywood megacorporation and streaming service that is dependent on the success of avatar studios. speaking of which, you have no idea just how much paramount is riding on avatar studios to become a commercial success. the fate and future of avatar studios are absolutely reliant on this adult gaang movie becoming a huge commercial hit.
... which is my other area of concern. just what are bryke willing to do to ensure that the movie will be a huge hit? what plot points will they introduce? what will they do with the characters? i don't think that they're going to pander to fandom demands (have certain ships become romantic) because they said that they're not going to do that. at the same time, however, what exactly are they going to do? katara and aang aren't the most popular characters in the series, their romantic relationship is an area of contention and controversy among the fanbase; from a business standpoint, how exactly will avatar studios handle this? i don't want any cheap, convoluted, soap-opera. i also don't want a marvel movie in the form of avatar. i want fulfilling character arcs and dynamics and plot points that stay true to the themes of avatar the last airbender. as we've seen with the kyoshi novels, we know that the spirit of avatar can be replicated if the right creative voices are in the writing room, holding the pen.
i suppose that's something that bryke will have to deal with and figure out. no use losing sleep over things we know nothing about. just based on the things that i've seen and read, the contextual clues over the years, the new content from avatar studios, i think we can expect the best, especially as kataang shippers. however, i do approach this whole scenario with some (read: a lot of) caution.
but i absolutely agree with you here (and what you said about zutara shippers):
And a huge number of pro-Katara, pro-Aang and pro-kataang new fans will come to the fandom. I hope that the time will come when a respectful and competent and deeper gaze of the canon and canonical characters will dominate the fandom.
i long for a future in which katara fandom analysis isn't essentially, "she's horribly mistreated by the gaang as their resident Mother. that is, until zuko the liberator comes save her. this is why she would be a perfect firelady." if nothing else, please let the outcome of the movie allow for nuanced perspectives of katara's character.
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falling-mellow · 1 month
Mel's yet another reminder to please stop telling other people what to do.
There will be people that don't want to watch ESC. This is perfectly fine. You totally have this right of own choice.
But so do the people that do want to watch. I don't know if I can say 'we', but I think(?) we are not forcing not-watchers to watch. So please also don't force watchers not to watch.
Stop calling people that do want to watch names, bad things, and just let them make their own choice for themselves.
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Here’s the first song story I did
It’s shit because I like barely edited it but whatever it’s done and going out into the world
Tw for: murder, child abuse, strangulation, police (idk if I should add more but Weh)
This is the song
Please remember!!! This is not based off of the song specifically and is just what my brain came up with!!
Anyways here you go
Alex combed his fingers through his hair as he stared down at the photo album. He didn't know how George had gotten a hold of it and he figured it was something violent, but it was still a monster load of unwanted evidence and a hurt in his stomach that worsened as he flipped through the pages. He and Ivan never looked happy per say but everything had seemed so much brighter back then, back before he was alex at all. While he scratched out any mentions of demetri, ivan, or emily, Noticeably, Though he cautiously checked every page and pocket, there was no mention of his father.
He had separate reasons for all of them to be defaced, three separate reasons for three separate things.
Demitri was crossed out because he was dead, he was an idea of what could have been and he was lost. His mother had named him that, and he would not let her have that pride, so he had erased demitri as his quietest form of retaliation.
Emily was crossed out because the bitch didn't deserve to be remembered. She didn't deserve anything she had. And still somehow, she got everything she wanted from the children she hurt and there was never a consequence in the world for her. She was a violent disgusting person unfit to be a mother or a person at all and he hoped nobody had to know her ever again.
He crossed out Ivan for much less angry reasons than the other two, he wanted Ivan to be safe. his little brother. He loved Ivan more than the world itself and hated himself for leaving him.
“Coward” is what the voice in his head called him.
“ monster. Coward. You left him to die in her care.” it gnawed at him every second of everyday and he knew he couldn't go back now. Not while there was evidence still.
“Soon”, he thought.
“Soon is good.”
So Alex continued his work of scratching and defacing all three of the people for all three of his reasons..
It was difficult to do what he needed all the time and never what he wanted, he still felt trapped even out of that hellhole,it really felt like the only difference was that the blood being shed was supposed to mean something.
George caught him off guard with the blow to the side of the head and Alex went skittering across the concrete floor.
He felt like everything was underwater and everything was all wrong.
“The fuck?” was all he could manage to string together as he tried to push himself up.
“I've had a change in interest,” George said as he lumbered over.
“Somebody knows how to pay better”
It took longer than Alex liked to form a coherent enough thought to make sense of that.
“To kill me?” choked its way out of Alex's throat while he frantically searched his pockets for any sense of self defense. George twitched a little as he wound up for another hit but didn't answer the question. Alex got to his feet and just barely dodged the second punch, He was racking his brain for something he could use- there was no way he could stand a chance in a fistfight. Alex made it to the drawer in his desk and pulled it open scanning for something, anything that could be used and came back with a letter opener. He thought for a second on how he could use something so small, which hurt considering the previous hit to the side of his head that was definitely less than soft, but he figured something out in the end.
As the larger man approached Alex pretended he could hear his little brother cheering him on, telling him that he could do it, but it was a cruel thing to do because a child let alone a child like Ivan would cheer for something like this.
When George trew his third punch Alex used his smaller frame to an advantage and ducked behind him as quickly as possible.he only had a second to do this correctly and so much of him didn't want this.
“Murderer” said the voice in his head.
“You leave your little brother all alone and you murder the man who has been helping you.”
Alex took a breath for nearly a second, jumped, and planted the letter opener in George's neck.
He made a squeak, and promptly fell over onto the cold concrete.
He was frozen, then. he was locked in place staring down at the presumably dead man
That he had thought was his friend.
“It's not your friend if you have to pay it to care” he reminded himself and closed his eyes tight.
Why did it have to be so hard?
Why did stuff like this come up?
Why couldn't everything just be okay?
Alex wanted so badly for everything to be okay, but there was no way to obtain something like that. He wanted it more than anything in the world and he would never get it, and even when things finally seemed to work out, it always went to shit.
Why did it have to do that?
Why did it have to be so hard?
Why did stuff like this come up?
Why couldn't everything just be okay?
It hit him in a second that all the evidence was gone. All the evidence he could possibly get rid of was gone with George, if everything was gone, there was only one place he was supposed to go.
Alex got in his car after he had finished defacing anything that he had left remotely close to a normal keepsake. He left the body, he didn't care. He knew where he was going, he remembered being dragged back by walk or car every time he tried to run away. He could practically hear Emily screaming at him that she swore he was trying to get them in trouble.That he was a disgusting excuse for a child. That his father was waiting for him at home.he could never remember anything but angry flashes after that.
Even though he knew the way perfectly, it still took something out of him to get to the right streets. He figured he had a concussion but now was not the time to worry about that. There was that, and there was the voice in his head as well.
“Why would you go back when you are just going to hurt? Murderer murderer murderer.you left little brother all alone to kill your own father, and you couldn't even find him. Why would Ivan want to see you ever again? Not to mention Emily will be there too. Can you really face her? Maybe you want to see her, because for all of the shit maybe you are a mama's boy. You probably failed to protect your brother. You are failing to stay away. Maybe Emily will hurt you again, maybe you deserve it. You probably even liked it when-”
“Shut up”, Alex said aloud. “I hate her and I hate you.”
he looked in the rearview mirror for the last comment, glaring at himself like it would leak through into his thoughts and make them go away. He hated remembering, hated thinking about it at all, hated her voice echoing around his head, but things would never change so he did his best to push her out of his mind for now.
As he turned the corner, one side of the road opened down a lake miles below. Alex weighed the possibilities of anyone finding him if he drove off and into the water, but he had heard that drowning wasn't exactly as quick and easy enough to make it all that tempting.
Alex got out of the car before he turned the street corner. He had grabbed his gun from the car, and the voice inside his head bubbled up to hiss at him.
“A gun?” it said. “Murderers use guns. Monsters use guns. What do you think that makes you? What are you going to do with it anyway? You could end up hurting ivan.”
Alex shook his head as if to shake the voice right out of his head and shoved the gun into his belt.
“It was just in case,” he told himself.
“Just in case anything went badly like it always seemed to.”
Seeing down the street he grew up on hurt Alex more than he wanted to think about.
“No” he thought
“Dimitri grew up here.” was easier to think about but only by a little.
Nothing was easy here, it never had been and it never would be but he would take what comfort he could get, and if that was by remembering a dead dream then he would remember but not connect.
As Alex walked towards his inevitable destination he scanned the roads and felt like a little kid again, recounting things that had happened in certain places. There was a tree that dimitri was once sitting under when a branch fell off, there were the bushes where dimitri had been bitten by a stray dog who roamed around, from which alex still had a small scar. There was the spot on the road where the police had been called the first time- and the spot where they had been called the second. And finally, there was the house.
Walking down the driveway he could see the trash bags all up one side of the fence. Piles of empty bottles and cans were shoved under the rotting porch and as he walked down the driveway Alex could smell the house reeked of beer and mold and filth.
“This was a bad idea” said the thoughts in his head.
“Your brother doesn't want to see you anyway. And you know what emily will do when she finds you-”
Alex forcefully shoved that voice out of the way and stared at the door. From inside there was something that might have been a yell, and something glass breaking.
He couldn't stall any longer.
After a minute all too short to prepare himself, Alex opened the door and went in.
The smell was worse on the inside.
The carpet was dirty and the ground was littered with all sorts of things that couldn't be safe for walking on, which made him more so glad he had kept his shoes on. Now that he was inside he could see that the disarray of the place had only gotten worse after he left, which made sense considering most of the cleaning was done by Alex himself, but was still upsetting to see. As he moved through the house, he remembered a thousand awful little things. Pins under fingernails, the feel of uncooked, moldy fruits or vegetables in his mouth, little cockroaches and worms that made homes in the mess. He didn't like thinking about it, remembering it made him want to scratch at his skin, made him feel dirty.
Nothing in this house was nice, but nothing had gotten under his skin until he saw the whiskey on the counter.
It was half empty and there was a dirty glass set beside it. Alex gaged like he was trying to throw it up, but there was nothing to throw up. He hated the sight of it, hated the burn of it, he remembered crying, crying made it worse.
For every cry he let out she would always pour a little more into the cup, a little more, a little more, until he stopped crying, sometimes he threw up, sometimes he fell asleep, sometimes he couldn't remember.
Alex’s hand raised instinctively to his mouth.
“you are going to throw up oh no, oh god no you feel sick you are sick and everything is wrong, stop crying you're only going to make it worse it burns you are suffocating it burns it hurts you are going to be sick you are going to throw up-”
The crash of something glass and a strangled yell upstairs broke Alex out of his headspace, and his focus snapped to the staircase. Alex ran up the stairs and turned the corner so fast he almost fell over. He barely even thought as he ran to the one open door, and he barely even thought as he reached for his gun.
Emily Volkova had never been a good person. She only hurt and ruined and broke people and things and really anything she could get her hands on. And her own two children were things remarkably easy to get her hands on.
Ivan was on the ground, just barely struggling against Emily, who had her hands around his neck so tight it looked like she herself was straining. She was never particularly strong but she had the advantage of being a grown woman fighting against a nine year old boy, and the advantage that the nine year old boy she was fighting wanted nothing more than for her to love him.
Alex could see ivans mouth moving, trying to choke out words that were lost to his excuse of a mothers screaming. Alex could barely understand what he was saying, but he didn't need to. What he did know was that Emily volkova had never been a good person, and that he was going to make her stop.
The sound of the gun cocking might have been what had gotten her attention, or she had just happened to notice at the moment he was leveling it to her head.
“Demitri, why the fuck are you here?” she said, barely loosening her grip on ivan. Her shock turned to anger turned to vicious manipulation faster than Alex could keep up with.
“Did your little trip go well? you leave right after your father so i have to take care of this stupid fucking kid by myself, why would you leave your own mother?”
“Shut up” was all that Alex said. He had built up all this hatred for this woman in his head but being with her now, seeing her, he hated himself for being scared.
She put on a face like she was hurt before shoving Ivan to the ground and getting up.
“dont tell me to fucking shut up you little shit. You would really shoot your own mother too? In Front of your little brother, the world out there has ruined you demitri.”
She took a step towards Alex and he had to fight himself not to step back, shaking as he tried to hold the gun in place.
“Ivan, close your eyes and cover your ears” he said, trying to see around Emily to his brother, who moved slowly and shakily.
“That's it.” Emily said with a little more fear in her voice.
“Put the gun down, Demitri, you can't do this to your mother.”
“You were never my mother, I was never your son.” was all Alex said before he pulled the trigger.
Alex didn't like guns all that much because they were very loud and sometimes made big messes. He didn't like this situation much at all but he had to make sure that Ivan was okay, Alex could wait for later. As he moved his way into the room, he locked eyes with Ivan and felt a gut wrenching tear in his stomach. He could feel how hurt this little boy was. Then, he could see it. The bruises around his neck were to be expected, he had a black eye too. Ivan was covered in bruises, over his arms and legs that Alex could see. He seemed to have little cuts too, burns or razor slashes, cuts from kitchen knives or cut up soda cans might have been in the mix too. Some looked new, some looked old, more than a few looked infected.
“Oh god ivan.” Alex said involuntarily.
Ivan just stared, shaking, scared.
“I'm so sorry.” didn't get a response either.
So Alex sat with Ivan for a moment, a few more, what felt like an eternity, until Ivan reached and grabbed a hold of Alex's coat sleeve, then buried his face in Alex's shoulder. Alex held on like he was going to lose him again.
He never wanted to let go.
Ivan was cold and he was shaking, Alex could feel it radiating off of his body. He felt a pull of guilt, but he buried it, that's not what either of them needed right now.
“I'm going to take you away from here okay?” Alex told him.
“I'm going to make sure that nobody hurts you ever again.”
He scooped Ivan up and carried him slowly down the stairs, whispering gentle reassurances that he knew meant next to nothing.
He just wanted it to be okay,
He just wanted Ivan to be okay.
Alex hated that this gentleness felt like a lie after all that he’d done, but as long as Ivan could be alright again he would fake a whole world.
Quietly reaching the bottom of the stairs, Alex shifted his hold on Ivan to open the door. The doorknob was sticky under his fingers as he turned the knob, opening the door to the porch. From the porch you could see the whole yard, and you could see Domonik Volkov standing in the grass.
Ivan could feel his older brother tense, but the way he was positioned, he couldn't quite see.
“What is it?” he wanted to say, but words couldn't find their way to his mouth. A man's voice said something in a language he heard grown ups speak sometimes and Ivan tried to squirm to look, but Demitri held him too close. His older brother slowly, very slowly, walked off the porch to a bush and very carefully sat Ivan down on the dead grass.
“Stay here,” he said to ivan.
“Stay here, and don't look over there, and cover your ears, okay?”
Ivan nodded, and turned in the opposite direction of where he wasn't supposed to look.
Alex gave his hand a tight squeeze and got up.
Ivan tried his best to cover his ears but his wrists were weak and his hands shook so he opted for cradling his face between his bruised knees.
It wasn't good sound protection, he could still hear the two talking, arguing in the language that he didn't know.
There was a word he did know though,
“Monster.” Demitri kept saying.
.It sounded so cold off of his brother's tongue that the sharpness felt like a whole different person entirely, sounded more like mother if Ivan had to place it, but he didn't like to place the two in the same category.
There were sirens too now, they started far away but they kept getting louder and louder, and so was the arguing. The sirens eventually stopped and flashy red and blue lights painted the grass around Ivan with a fractured looking glow, but the arguing still went on. Ivan tried to pretend that everything was okay, that somebody was just having a dance party with some nice, police coloured lights.
The argument sounded more frantic now, like they were running out of time to be mad at eachother.
Everything sounded scary, the flashing lights felt dizzying and the yelling was too loud even when ivan tried to cover his ears and then-
The gunshot made everything go dead silent. Ivan squeezed his eyes shut so tight that he saw little spots in his eyelids. Somebody started walking over to the bush and Ivan looked up in hope but it wasn't Demitri, it was somebody that Ivan presumed to be a police officer. The officer scooped Ivan up in his arms and carried him to the back of his car where he gave him a blanket and stale cookie.
Ivan looked out at what he could of the scene, dead grass,lots of blood, the man that must have been the angry voice that weirdly looked alot like his father with a big towel over his face, and then dmitri, being arrested.
The eye contact was short, the brief message that his older brother sent was a fierce look and a nod.a nod as they shoved him into the back of the police car, as Ivan got driven away too.
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chibi-scone · 3 months
Remember when the whole ordeal with s2 was that Ed was so heartbroken that Stede left him that he tried to get himself and the whole crew killed and then they got reunited within like 2 episodes and never spoke about anything of interest together and then that same Ed decided to ditch Stede after a couple of days because he wanted to catch fishes and that lasted half an episode before they got reunited again and the show ended on them leaving everyone to live in a simultaneously doomed to fail/happy ending inn and everyone was like wow good writing I can’t believe this could get canceled $10k billboard in times square
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alchemiclee · 8 months
been looking in tags for a few days now to see if anyone else found the whole high cloud quintet and related story to be a bit.....poorly written, nonsensical, contradictory, full of plot holes and loose ends, etc. apparently i'm not the only one. (and i'm not even talking about shipping stuff, because any time I saw someone mad about bad writing, someone always replies to be homophobic and laugh about failed ships. weirdos.) it could have been so good but was thrown into the garbage for the most part (IF you noticed all the plot holes and contradiction. if not, then it's a fine enough story tbh. I expect most people to see it on surface level and not read all the little hidden lore bits and try to piece it together like my autistic brain did. which is ok! enjoy it if you liked it and ignore me 😆)
#apparently one of the writers did it on purpose. wont explain here. you can find it elsewhere. but it makes sense now#that's why it fell apart and didnt make sense in the end#ive seem people say anyone mad about it is a shipper and thats why. they use it as an excuse to be homophobes#youre gross get out of thos fandom. im here as someone upset about the story who was very skeptical about any ship theories and focused#more on plot theories and overall friendship and stuff so its not even about shipping you het weirdos!!!#the contradictions and plot holes are bd regrdless of who you ship lmao stop reducing it to that#aure its fine if you ignlre those plot holes. but it happened to be the little plot holes that interested me the most so its obvious to me😅#cant wait until a talented writer in the fandom rewrites the whole story a lot better and fills in the holes and ties up the end better#please someone do this 😭#lee text#hsr#i just wanted a close found family who met a tragic end#my idea for a better way to write it is dan feng wanted free from the high elder cycle and yingxing helped him create a new elder#but it went wrong and failed because the preceptors fed him wrong info hopong it woukd destroy dan feng since they hated him#instead it was yingxing that died and dan feng selfishly brought him back somehow and thats why hes immortal and hates dan heng now#they created a monster in the process that made a mess and baiheng died trying to kill it maybe but hit its weak spot#so it was weaked enough for jingliu to slay it#maybe for a plot twist jing yuan somehow knew the preceptors were up to something and didnt stop the two because#they were too stubborn and he knew it would do nothing#we know the dragon heart disappeared so either it ended becoming bailu in the end#or it could be inaide blade bow. another fun possible plot twist. they never explained where it went so it coukd be a n y w h e r e#i had other ideas but i forget now. bht baiheng deserves better as well. just being a plot mechanism to make two dudes be stupid#is kinda bland and boring and wasted her character. she deserves better too!!!!#id write this if i had the time and brain power but ill hope someone else does it instead#OH yeah i forgot a big idea. dan feng and yingxing perhaps try to also kill the arbor and end the abundance and long life/reincarnation#and maybe that was one part that led to it all going wrong or something. since yingxing wanted revenge on the abundance for destroying#his home and family???? and dan feng wanted to escape the cycle? similar wants that worked together snd failed#these are all ideas from past theories i read and my own ideas i came up with all of which are better than what that bad writer did!#these are very incomplete ideas that im sure someone else can write better#lee rambles
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cat-of-starlight · 1 year
tfw you are trying to Limbus Pull but the game's only Bonus Units™ are the ones that freak you out/irritate you lmao whoops
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deus-ex-mona · 7 months
it’s that time of week again…
#and M A N today’s getsuyoubi was extra yuuutsu#first i dropped 2 cup things filled with water. cool. a mess was made. nice.#t h e n my workstation shook by itself and one of the cup things toppled down again. only it was filled with (diluted) acid this time!!!!#i wish it fell onto me bc at l e a s t my bad day would’ve ended with just an acid burn instead of getting worse#bc *then* we found out that we were near-out of [insert reagent here] that we need to run blanks for [test thing] yay!!!!! joy!!!!!!!!!#so we had to use a substitute solvent (sadge)#if only it ended there aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#i left work on time -> waited forever for the delayed bus -> decided to get some coffee or sth as a pick me up t h e n…#the coffee place happened to run out of single bags so i decided to put it into my bag instead (mistake)…#…a n d dropped my phone while trying to prop the stupid drink upright so it wouldn’t spill.#unfortunately for me though... some rando picked up my phone some time within the 30s-1 min wherein i realised that my phone was gone…#…and took it home with him instead of handing it to the customer service counter at the nearby train stations. ha.#called my phone a couple of times with the phone from a customer service counter but he~~ didn’t~~ pick up~~~~~~~~~#and so. long story short. i had to leave the house an extra time to go to this guy’s place to pick up my bb (read: my phone)#bc the dude~~~ can’t~~~~ speak~~~ english~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so he didn’t understand me when i told him my location~~~~~~~#and now it’s almost 8.30 in the pm. im waiting for the delayed bus to go home from wherever tf i am now. and i haven’t eaten all day :))))#(aside from a small cake thing but it’s negligible tbh)#aND HOLY FK I HATE THIS I FLAGGED DOWN THE BUS BUT IT SKIPPED THE STOP HELP ME I JUST WANNA GO HOME#.am i allowed to cry yet. i. just. i just wanna eat my dinner.#…come to think of it my drink ended up spilling in my bag while i was hunting for my phone. so. there’s that to clean up ig.#ughhhhhhhhh i wish that guy had just left my phone where he found it. s o b s#so yeah. if you read this i hope you had a good monday at least…#this truly is my ✨t r a g i c c o m e d y✨
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aro-wan · 6 months
It's strange to have a generally neutral-positive relationship with romance depicted in media that suddenly shifts to a hard negative-very slight neutral relationship with romance in media. All of this especially with a character that you adore and feel connected with and then see them be forced into the role of love interest and see other characters push for that romantic pairing that comes from no where and has no right involving this blorbo. Like, romance between characters is for fanfiction. Romance is for the five other main characters in the cast. Leave this one alone.
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bootyful-seventeen · 10 months
hey y'all, anyone have any good stress relief tehniques or habits they'd like to share cuz I've been more stressed in the last 3 weeks then I was in the last 6 months
#to cut the long story short my mom had to sell the old house cuz her broke ass couldnt afford to keep it up#eventho it is a whole ass hoarders house and was in shambles with a flooded basement a collapsing ceiling in at least 2 rooms plus mold#and the stench a dirt and dog piss and shit all over the floor really made it worse then it was#but yeah so shes been staying with me and my grandma and its been awful#she hasnt been taking any of the medicine the doctors gave her when she snapped and started a fight and also started screaming at neighbour#so shes been terrorizing us here while the house has become her second hoarders den since she dragged so much crap here#my backyard side entrance and front porch are full of her shit and my grandma hates it since she can barely step into the house#so since she kept looking for places way out of her budget i had to go do house hunting since my useless sister is busy getting lit again#so ive been showing her shit in her price range that was under 420k cuz im not a moron who looks at 800k homes when i have 570k#and each time she has a new complaint saying its too expenive or its too small or its too old when she said she wants to do renovations#but shes saying she wants to renovate a newly renovated place instead of an old one#so i just showed her a house near my sisters uni and she liked the inside & backyard but she complained that 400k for newly renovated 3 bed#that is literally a 9 minute drive from my sisters uni is too expensive when shes the one who was looking at an old ass unrenovated bungalo#that is a street over from us that is 800k and she says it looks like garbage cuz an old lady previously owned it before dying#like no shit it looks old cuz older people lived those decades and like it and she just keeps doing her bullshit again & again#cuz when i tell you her mind is gone i mean it is GONE and she starts up all these wild stories to just explain some shit#like something goes missing? the neighbours are hungarian and stole it and left the hoard of junk in her old house#she has more stupid stories to harass and stress us out with but if im gonna share that ill have to write a book about it cuz fuck#and you know its bad when no one else can stand being in any contact with her cuz she starts screaming at people about it#so the only one who even likes her anymore is my sister and thats cuz shes deep in denial about just how insane she is & how abusive she is#so yeah i need some stress relief help that maybe isnt constantly hitting up maryjane cuz i dont do weed often especially since shes here#cuz weed 'burns your brain & makes you crazy like this' when shes the only one whos ever infuriated me to astronimical levels#i know retail therapy helped before she came here but i dont want to keep spending money i dont really have#it would be great tho but shes refusing to give me the 70k she said was mine from the house sale so i can cut her out for good
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vvelegrin · 4 months
hm it is perhaps time for a Video Game. it is friday evening and i am allowed to rest. amen.
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r1ghtwhereyouleftme · 4 months
Me: I hate [insert thing here] discourse
Also me: *gets so annoyed when people are blatantly stupid and do things thay make zero sense therefore making me go along with discourse bc I can only handle so much stupidity*
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Woke up this morning to a text from my oldest, closest online friend who'd ghosted me a few months ago telling me they'd been cruel to ghost and ignore me like that, but that our friendship had long run it's course, and we were too different now. They said talking to me felt like a chore and wasn't enjoyable anymore. They hope the rest of my life goes well, and they enjoyed the times we had together, but it's time that they left. Then they blocked me on everything, so I can't even say goodbye back.
Idk who needs to hear this but just because you're different people now, doesn't mean you can never speak to each other again. I would've been perfectly happy to catch up with them once or twice a year, or even less than that. I would've sent them my book since they'd been there encouraging me ever since I started writing it. I would've met up with them when I finally got the chance to go to England, and I would've been able to give them the painting I made for their birthday in person. I would've read their books when they published them, I would've loved to just have been able to be casual old friends, even though we're not what we used to be because that's just what happens in life.
Ghosting me and blocking me on everything doesn't make things better. It just made it so the end of our friendship was permanent, and that reconnecting again isn't possible anymore.
What a frustrating way to throw out 4 years of friendship
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crown-ov-horns · 6 months
Guess who is really upset her Millory fanfiction does not manifest simply from thinking about it.
Guess who is also really upset she has to *gasp* edit her damn writing.
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Another one, a proper au one this time, I think this is part one of what I'm gonna dumb the Shadow au (I wonder why lmao), the wonderful horrible Syn belongs to @seasidemew
We'll call it a tie
Matt flew weaving between trees of the woods with reckless abandon, on his back he carried a backpack full of stolen human food, he laughed to himself remembering their enraged yelling and hollering, they were furious! And he was very impressed with himself. He'd nabbed it and escaped without being spotted and was far far away from where they were now. He slowed carefully at the end of the woods into a meadow clearing, landing with a stumble he stretched his psychic energy outwards to sense if anyone was around. He only sensed other Pokémon so deeming it safe he ventured into the meadow placing down the backpack carefully before spinning and flopping onto his back into the soft warm flowers scattering petals everywhere as he chuckled.
He stretched in the sunlight purring to himself as he wiggled on his back before sitting up again, psychic energy popping open the backpack as he carefully pulled out the stolen food, mostly tupperwares of things and sandwiches carefully wrapped, it was someone's picnic and now it was his. Well. He'd share it with his sister when she arrived. He sniffed the wrapped sandwiches separating what May would eat to one side, his stomach growled a little at a chicken curry sandwich that smelt deliciously spicy and swallowed as he started to drool. He was DEFINITELY having that one as he put away the food for his sister into the backpack to keep it safe from wild Pokémon. She was probably off collecting berries or something he pondered as he opened a bottled water, also stolen and had a drink satisfied by the coldness of it.
He waited a few moments before unwrapping the curry sandwich, it was in a soft baguette and his tail started to wag at the smell of it and the fact it was a big sandwich, he could tell it was going to be delicious.
"Now that looks tasty." Matt half leapt out of his skin at the sudden voice looking up a bit startled to see a mewtwo he didn't recognise. His eyes roamed over the other gray skin, dark gray tail and a bright crystal coming out of their shoulder, he finally reached the strangers face as they smirked down at him and found himself blinking at the sight of their stunning purple eyes admiring them and the stripes decorating their face.
The stranger chuckled and Matt's face felt hot, going a touch red over his pink hue as he laughed in slight embarrassment and nerves tail still wagging up and down furiously.
"Yes, uh, I could share with you? If you liked." In honesty Matt didn't want to share and wasn't one to willingly share much but he found the stranger rather attractive and did want to get their favor.
"I would like." Matt smiled shyly, focusing his psychic energy to carefully break the sandwich in half to share it with this stranger. He blinked as he felt their hand on his shoulder moving to look at them as they leant in close.
"You'll be quite satisfying." Matt's face went red as he stared bewildered but not at all unhappy about the situation, his smile was a bit timid as he wasn't sure what was happening exactly but having not interacted with another two he wasn't related to he didn't know how they behaved naturally. Unaware of the danger.
The hand grasped his throat in a quick harsh movement slamming him backwards into the grass below as he felt a sudden weakness and his life essence being pulled from his body through the hand that squeezed in his throat, he gasped in shock trying to breathe bringing his feet up to attempt to shove the other away but they didn't budge as his sandwich fell apart on the ground. Panic was setting in as his feet kicked and shoved the other but they were a solid wall of muscle letting out a mewling cry of pain as the stranger stomped a foot down into one of his legs to pin it down, tears prickling and rolling out of his eyes at the pain and confusion.
The strangers mouth became a cruel grin as he looked down on Matt as he absorbed his life, feeling the energy flowing into him in a way that was most satisfying, planning to take the rest of the actual food as well once he was finished. Despite missing both his arms, Syn felt that this odd twos life energy was quite abundant.
In the woods Matt's cry stretched out fading as it traveled but it reached the ear of another, his sister, who dropped the berries she was collecting as she broke into a sprint through the trees towards the meadow in a panic.
"It's nothing personal pinky, you were just nearby while I was feeling hungry." Syn casually mocked as Matt weakened further. "At least you'll be part of sometAH-"
He yelled as something collided hard with his side knocking him away from his meal, he caught himself in a float glaring furiously at the second mewtwo that interfered, their body coated in a shiny metallic layer that glistened and faded as they stood scowling at him bitterly. He looked them up and down as they moved standing protectively in front of the pink one on the floor who was breathing hard before he laughed. The orange hued mewtwo that stood before him was even shorter than the pink one and had a short fat tail and needed glasses, it was almost comical that he'd been caught by surprise.
"Well, looks like this just became a two for one deal." He flew at the other throwing erratic dark energy balls at that flew through the air and struck at them repeatedly creating a cloud of smoke before turning his body using his momentum to slam his tail into their body with force flinging them back, he watched their body hit the ground as it bounced a few times until it stayed grounded sliding along the grass into dirt below till they stopped, it looked as though it had been quite painful as they didn't get back up just lying there. He smirked and chuckled. That was easy. But it had got the blood flowing.
He turned back to pinky and growled at the empty space of flattened flowers.
"Now…where did you go…" He mused looking around and spotting a shade of pink disappearing into the treeline, his psychic energy grabbed hold of Matt who whimpered pulling him back into the meadow "I'm not done with you yet-"
Pain ripped through his back as smoke burst out from the impact point as he took a staggered step forward before turning with a growl to see the orange one annoyingly back on their feet as the pink one ran away.
"Funny. I was gonna say the same thing to you." Stars appeared behind the orange one swirling quickly before shooting out at him which he blocked efficiently with a protect glaring at the smoke created, he leapt back to dodge as they broke through the smoke slashing their dark clawed covered fingers through the air where he just stood, they kept with their momentum slashing at him repeatedly as they attempted to get in range. He grinned widely, kicking his leg to strike across their face sending them flying to the side but they caught themselves this time sliding back and stopping quickly as they snarled at him baring their teeth, though their glasses were cracked.
He blocked with his arm as stars struck him from the side as he was distracted looking directly at his opponent soon to be meal. He oo'ed softly at the trick of striking from the side, clearly this one must've been in fights before. Their body shimmered with a coat of metal again as he lunged for them, elemental energy swarmed around his fist as he swung and punched into their arms that they held up to block knocking them backwards before flames burst up their arms electricity shocked their body and ice crystals rapidly spawned and broke along their body in elemental damage as they stumbled with the pain chunks of ice sticking to their body.
"Mmm, iced," He hummed licking at his lips at the thought of enjoying the energy of this other two as he shook the elemental energy off his hands, they were full of fight and while the other seemed abundant of life energy this one must have a stockpiled. "I suppose for now I'll enjoy having you and I'll have pinky another day."
The blade just missed his eye.
He dodged and stepped as blades of psychic and shadow infused energy shot out at him from thin air, he had only seconds to register the materialization of them as they spun at him slashing through the air cutting with whistles at the sharpness and speed. He hissed at the hot pain as one of them managed to cut his tail and quickly leaning his back far backwards with his knees bending as the orange two swung at him shadow psychic energy creating sharp blade protrusions on the back of her hands between her two fingers like a Toxicroak claw. In that moment everything slowed as he saw an yellow ring around the outside of her brown eyes that had narrowed into hateful glares before time returned and he spun swiping under their legs to knock them over forming his own blade to quickly strike down into them only to stab the dirt as they rolled out the way.
They got back up struggling for the weight of the ice still clinging to them holding themselves ready to strike with their formed blades as he pulled his blade from the dirt, swinging it casually and holding it ready for combat.
"So you were in battle rings?" They began slowly circling each other, he could see them struggling limping for the ice on their body, it was almost a shame they were a good fighter just not good enough to survive him.
He swung at them and they blocked their blades colliding with force which reacted explosively throwing them both backwards away from each other, his front bruised from the explosion and energy outlet while bruises quickly formed on the back of her hands going up her arms from where it collided with her body in turn, blood dripping from the wounds on the back of her hands left behind from her protrusions while blood ran down the inside of his fingers where both his hands had been cut up from his own blade.
His breathing was a bit heavier as he watched them breathing heavily in turn, he could see their hands shaking from her injuries. He collected himself for a moment taking a moment to eye them, watching as they took a chunk of ice off of their body holding it in their palms.
Dark type energy started to collect around his hands as he prepared himself to continue the battle. They snapped their palms together and broke the ice chunk in their hands which created a thick foggy cold white shot out around the meadow.
Syn snarled at the sheer fridgedness of the air as he brought his arm up to protect his eyes from the ice shards in the gusts created from that trick. Bits of frost and snow clung to and cold burned his skin before he created a psychic burst that dispelled the icy mist.
He moved his hand to brush off the frost and bits of snow as he stood alone in the meadow and despite his annoyance he did chuckle slightly at the fact they'd actually managed to escape.
Of course they wouldn't have escaped him forever, he'd find them again he's sure. The pink one had been satisfying but he craved more, and he desperately now wanted a taste of the orange hued one especially after such an exhilarating fight. He wanted to know how she could use those moves… He exhaled before carefully picking up the backpack that had been abandoned in the rush to escape, stolen food would do until he found something more living or ran into them again.
#My writing#@seasidemew oc#@seasidemew syn#Mattwo the mewtwo#May the mewtwo#Tw blood mention#Tw fighting#Syn really shows up tries to drain Matt's life ruins his sandwich then steals their fucking lunch#Also Matt is dumb and gay sees handsome mewtwo and blushes going stupid#But in his defence he never met Darkness or another shadow Pokémon so doesn't realise like crystal in body = evil bad#Also I don't think May has any synergy shards in her in this au retconned that but she CAN still tap into shadow typing#Because she did still have that inside her both dormant and active for a long time so she can tap into the blades they have as a TREAT#I think if the fight continued it only would've escalated and since Matt had already safely escaped she was just looking for an opportunity#To flee lmao get heck outta dodge so I'm calling it a tie since at the end they're both kind of in the same situation bleeding hands#And bruises. She's got chunks of ice on her and he's probably got a burning in pain back from before#Also the punch was like tri attack but with his fist. Sometimes character in story can use move that is so against canonXD#Also Syn really sees another mewtwo who's a good fighter and has synergy moves and goes oh underground battle ring?#Syn gets a fun fight as a treat this obviously being the start of some intrigue now he wants to eat her energy#I feel they'll have a rematch then he want to corrupt her and keep one of the two undecided eat or keep life is full of such hard choices#Meanwhile May is just wow I fucking hate that guy XD#Hurt her fucking brother he's in the bad books she mad at him#Also I thought him calling Matt pinky was funny cause he doesn't know his name lmao just the pink one pinky#Honestly I'm just glad he didn't mega evolve but again I think if it continues it probably would've escaped to that#Also I kept frantically googling shadow Pokémon weakness for accuracy and no Google I don't need gengar weakness
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
YES I know I said I’m taking a little hiatus from writing on here to focus on finishing my original works, but I’m close to 3k and I kinda wanna do an event!!!!! Im not sure of what though so suggestions are welcomed!!!!!
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