#this this this this this .
holytragedycat · 28 days
Can we talk about how a lot of the props in the Harry Potter movies were ugly? Many important elements were done poorly. Like the Hufflepuff cup looking like plastic or the locket (being silver and half transparent when it was supposed to be gold with an S in emeralds, I mean, it doesn't have to have the emeralds but couldn't you just make it gold?) And not to mention the wands, Harry and Tom apart from being the hero and the villain had a wand bond (and they made both horrible XD)
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magpod-confessions · 6 months
Favoritism of male over female characters in this fandom is genuinely insane. Fangirling over Elias/Jonah when he tortures, manipulates, and literally *ends the world* while hating on Georgie because she outed Jon as ace.
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ashleyasha · 7 months
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enjomo-arch · 2 years
𝐐 : 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐃𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 ? A : moon curse of the werewolf
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you  have  found  yourself  hungered  or  sickened  or  ambitious  to  the  point  of  emotional  carnage.  you  are  fine,  until  you're  not,  and  then  you  could  rip  someone  in  your  way  apart  with  your  bared  teeth  by  complete  accident,  and  later  claw  at  yourself  in  fits  of  pain  trying  to  apologize.  
do  you  look  at  the  moon  that  blessed  you  in  her  name,  at  her  marred  beauty  and  baneful  eyes,  and  wish  she  could  just  crush  that  loving-hateful  heart  of  yours  before  it  crushes  itself ?  every  bite  you  take  out  of  flesh  is  a  response  to  the  threads  of  silver  bullets  in  you  that  haven't  healed.  the  duality  is  that  the  human  inside  is  howling  too,  gnashing,  and  without  the  wolf  pelt,  everyone  can  ignore  it  and  turn  away.  
at  some  point,  you  got  tired  of  the  moon  being  your  only  witness.  now  the  wolf  is  there  to  make  sure  others  know  that  you  are  hurt,  and  deserving  of  humanity,  of  attention  to  wounds.  because  that  wolf  loves  you;  all  of  you;  and  knows  when  you  are  hurt  better  than  yourself.
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holytragedycat · 3 months
Since we fans of the Tom Riddle era have little material, I thought I would help. Whenever I read a fanfic about this era, it's pretty messy because we don't have many canon characters and we put in all the blacks there are, so this is a list of students in Tom's years (based on canon).
Tom's year (students born in 1926 and 1927) ↓
- Tom Riddle (1926)
- Rosier (1926)
- Lestrange (1927)
- Avery (1926)
- Abraxas Malfoy (1927)
- Alphard Black ( possibly 1926/1927. As far as we know, Alphard was not in Tom's gang, but he could have been in his year, since he is younger than Walburga and Walburga is older than Tom.)
- Nott (1926/27 Or 1925? I edited this again, it is not known when Nott was born so he could be older than Tom by a year just like Walburga or be in his year)
- Mulciber (The same as Nott, they are the only ones whose date of birth is not mentioned, but they were from that time and were part of the Knights of Walpurgis.)
- Walden Macnair (I put him here because it is revealed that he was one of Voldemort's first Death Eaters and he does not have a date of birth in the search, so there are possibilities that they studied at the same time.)
- Dolohov (I put him here because in THBP Dumbledore mentions him among the Death Eaters who accompanied Tom when he went to ask for the position of defense professor.)
- Druella Rosier (???? His date of birth does not appear, if she had been in Tom's year, it means that she is at least 11 years older than Cygnus)
- Araminta Meliflua (She was a cousin of Walburga and her siblings, her date of birth is not stated but perhaps they were from the same year or a younger year.)
(students born in 1929 / 1928 / 1930) ↓
- Orion Black (1929)
- Myrtle Warren (1929)
- Rubius Hagrid (1928)
- Olive Hornby (1929, I guess it doesn't say her date of birth.)
- Alastor Moody (1930?? It does not say his date of birth, but he graduated in 1948.)
- Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank (It says she was born in 1930 or before.)
- Septimus Weasley (1930 or before)
- Eileen Prince (1929/30)
(students born in 1925) ↓
- Walburga Black
- Ignatius Prewett (possibly 1925; he was Lucrecia's husband, but the search does not say his date of birth, it could have been older or younger.)
- Lucretia Black
I update this every time I discover something new.
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bakedbananners · 2 years
hc that alex used to watch those dramatic as hell mexican telenovelas with his abuelo
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I'll fill you up to the brim princess. I'll pound that sweet sweet pussy until the sun comes comes up and my cum is dribbling down your lips
Oh fuck God yes please 🥴🤤🥴🤤🥴🤤🥴😍🥴
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mjfass · 3 years
I'm just imagining this but bear with me here.
Rampage. Promo segment with The Superkliq and Bobby Fish. Adam Cole tells the Bucks "Listen. Me and Bobby have been talking. I think it's time we stopped playing grab-ass with these dweeb tag teams like Jurassic Express and Best Friends. I think it's time we made our next move. I wanna call my next shot."
Now obviously, the Bucks support Adam's ambition to return to form, so they say sure.
Adam Cole goes "Leave it all to me. I'll let you guys handle Jurassic Express," which leads to the Bucks vs Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus at Winter is Coming. Winner is arbitrary, I'd say Bucks.
Also at Winter is Coming (Part 1, I'd assume since Winter Is Coming was a 2 episode special last year), in the main event, The Lucha Bros retain against FTR. FTR are walking up the ramp in defeat, when who should come out of the Heel Tunnel, but Adam Cole and Bobby Fish. There's a quick staredown between the two teams (referencing their BANGER match in NXT in the rare occurrence that The Revival worked face. Hopefully this builds hype for a rematch down the line) as Cole and Fish approach and stand on the apron.
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Penta and Fenix square up to the two holding up their titles when a hooded and masked figure rushes into the ring from the crowd and attacks Fenix (in a parallel to Adam Cole's NXT debut)
The figure takes off his hood to reveal, of course... a debuting Kyle O'Reilly. The three continue to beat down Fenix and Penta before the newly reunited reDRagon pick up the Tag Belts as Adam Cole claps the two on the back as the show closes.
Next rampage, Adam Cole addresses the crowd with Fish and O'Reilly.
"Who's ready for Story Time with Adam Cole, Bay Bay? Now you guys may be asking "Adam, I thought you and Kyle hated each other!" and you'd be right! For a good couple months this year I hated Kyle's guts. But Kyle and I? We're brothers. And brothers fight. And after everything that happened, I gave my brother a call. It took a while and a lotta kicking and screaming from both parties but Kyle and I ended up burying the hatchet. And after we had reconciled, Kyle asked me. "What's next?" and I told him. "Kyle, my brother, AEW is ripe for the taking. We can run roughshod over the AEW like with every other promotion we've ever run through. Whaddya say?" and pray tell, what was your response, Kyle?"
"When do we start?"
"HA HA! YES. So listen here, boys and girls... we are OFFICIALLY putting the Tag Scene on notice. Penta? Fenix? Keep those belts warm for us, because we'll be ripping them from your broken fingers soon enough. And as for the rest of the Tag Division? You can consider this... a Hostile Takeover."
Boom. Mic drop.
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lizzieehearts · 3 years
oh yes. OH YES. I am now imagining Lizzie just as she's getting beheaded, begging Bunny not to do this, don't do this, *please*, and Bunny peers down (ha, at last, they aren't the one in *that* position anymore), a slow, malicious smile spreads across their face, one rivaling the Cheshire Cat's, and they swing the blood-stained blade of their scythe. As the blade collides with Lizzie's neck, in a low, distorted voice, they deliver the words: "...Of with her head."- Wasted Potential™ Anon
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desi-culture-is · 3 years
desi culture is always reading 'bc' as 'bhenchod' or 'bakchod' instead of 'because' and doing a double take everytime
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army-of-mai-lovers · 4 years
feel like a lot of people simply cant wrap their head around the concept of relations between africa and asia without white people as an intermediary when historically there have been extensive trade networks between east africa and asia all the way to china, all completely independent of europeans. it's not at all unrealistic to have a world that consists of chracters from multiple races except white because it's already been happening for centuries lol
anon will you marry me
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darkatsumu · 4 years
submitted by @animeowixard 
Tsumu baby
Atsumu fucking you against a window. Cars are driving around, people exercising, while your hot pants smudge the window and your tits are pressed against it. He whispers in your ear how you are his dumb little whore and presses his hand against your stomach bulge to feel himself going in and out of your sloppy cunt. “You like it when people see you? Huh, stupid baby?” and you shake your head, denying, tears running down your face from how humiliated you feel. But your cunt clenches oh so tight around his cock as he makes you look down right where the people are. Then he just spills inside your pussy and spanks your ass as it drips down your thighs. ❤️🥺
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maraczeks · 4 years
chuck s3 thread pt 16
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wormworker · 4 years
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Thread: tweet by user @tee_spoonie "collagen machine broke", posted at 11:15AM on 18 Oct 20
"Seeing people quote my tweet saying they'd rather not know disabled people have sex is so funny to me.
Get over yallselves. We be fucking. Boo hoo bitch."
Second tweet / reply:
"these crutches and wheelchair don't stop this back from being blown out"
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sirencreed · 4 years
This place of the unrepresentable, the unknowable, and, in the language of Toni Morrison, the “unspeakable,” is where the slave lives. It is where a  slave  woman  named  Doll  Shoeboots  lived  until  her  old  age.  Unlike Harriet Jacobs, though, who told her unknowable story in her own words, Doll did not write. A record of Doll’s interior life, her ruminations and fleeting  thoughts,  might  reveal  something  of  her  world  to  us.  But  like millions of other slave women, Doll left nothing behind that attests to her character, her strategies and ideologies, the quality of her days and years. The available sources on Doll’s life are a reflection of that life itself—limited, ambiguous, and fragmented. To write about Doll, then, is to pay tribute to her life, a life that would otherwise be lost to history. But do not be lulled. To write about Doll is also a wholly inadequate exercise. For every scrap about her past that I have scavenged and reconstructed here might just as well have been captured by a chapter of blank, white pages. “O virtuous reader! You never knew what it was to be a slave.”
Tiya Miles, Ties That Bind
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