#this time it’s a movie a called the dancing detective
queerbuckleys · 1 year
Watching reruns on hallmark is not helping my wip disease
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ethan getting aggravated at reader for tiny things because of the stress from being ghostface
honestly was a bit hard doing this one. i did the best i could do (please don’t be mad) a little back story for their relationship and just small moments in the month leading to the stabbings. (i’ll be honest not super happy with this. i did the best i could, tried to make ethan seem manipulative in his words and actions.)
pairing: ghostface!ethan landry x fem!reader wc:3k
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you’ve know ethan landry since the first week of school when you bumped into each other in the dorm hallway. it was around one am, you were walking with your laundry basket sitting on your right hip while looking down at your phone in your left hand. your headphones blocked any sound as you were playing music and you didn’t think anyone would be up and about on a tuesday night, so it comes as a surprise when you ran into something solid and drop your freshly folded clothes and phone.
your mystery blockade held you right around the upper arm and kept you close to their body. your dazed wide eyes stared into a pair of bambi browns. his mouth was moving but you couldn’t hear, so you nudge your right side off your ear and asked, “what?” and he replied, “are you okay? didn’t see you coming.”
“uh…” eyes drifting to his harsh touch. mystery boy followed your eyeline and quickly released his palm from your skin. “sorry,” which he followed up with, “and sorry about your clothes. and phone.”
and you looked down to see your once organized stack now mixed together. you squatted to pickup your phone and luckily, no cracks.
“want some help?” and mystery boy was on the floor with you, hands reaching for your tops and bottoms before you held a firm palm out, “no!” yelling into the quiet hall. his bambi eyes widened as you cleared your throat, “sorry. no i’m fine. don’t want random boys touching my clothes.” an awkward smile at the end.
he stepped away with a brightness growing to his cheeks. “right. well i could make it up to you. buy you an icey? was heading to the seven-eleven anyway.”
now it was your turn to feel the heat in your cheeks. you kept your head down as you asked, “asking me on a date after this terrible meet-cute, mystery boy?”
and your hands stopped in their actions when he managed to stutter out, “ye- yeah. i’m- im asking you on a… on a date, laundry girl.”
two iceys at two am led to study dates, picnics in central park, or movie nights in each others dorms. it gave you kisses pressed to cheeks in waiting lines, clasped hands swaying behind moving bodies, lips dancing with liquor at a frat party, or bodies tangled in messy sheets.
and those moments all lead to now, the first week of october. a few days from hitting your three month anniversary. the two of you were laying in ethan’s bed since his roommate chad was out for the night while yours had her own sleepover with her partner.
ethan fell asleep with his head on your stomach and arms wrapped around your lower waist. your left hand carded through his messy curls while you scrolled on your phone with your right.
a low dinging filled the quiet square room. you thought nothing if it until it dinguned multiple times in a row before one long constant ring, a phone call. so you set your phone on your chest before grabbing ethan’s, thinking it was his dad you were thrown for a loop when the caller id read bailey (det).
“ethan. baby, wake up.” shaking his shoulder roughly. he groaned while nuzzling further into your sweater. “ethan, why is quinn’s dad calling you?” not understanding why he’d need a cops number.
“what?” ethan lifted his head while furrowing his brows.
“why did detective bailey call and text you multiple times?” keeping his phone from reach so he couldn’t escape the questioning.
ethan sat up, licking his lips and avoiding your eyes. “uh, he’s- he’s helping. with- with a report i filed.” innocent eyes peering into your surprised irises. “what? what happened?” sitting up yourself and reaching for his hands.
“it was an assault case. got jumped by a few guys couple days ago.” keeping his head down. your heart broke, “oh baby. why didn’t you mention anything? i would’ve gone with you to the station.”
ethan shrugged, still avoiding your eyes. “didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.” he sounded so small.
reaching a hand up you touched his chin to force his eyes to look into yours. “well i’m glad your safe now and unharmed. did they ever find who it was?”
ethan’s eyes darted to his phone, “probably what bailey was calling about.” “oh!” and you quickly handed over his phone. he smiled then leaned over to kiss your cheek, “i’ll be right back.” and he hopped out of bed and left the room to talk in the hallway.
that should’ve been your first clue that something was off with ethan. you don’t remember seeing him with any bruising or missing belongings in the past week, but the thought of him being assaulted drove your thoughts.
digging through ethan’s drawers
you were looking for a specific sweater of ethan’s for tonight. nothing special planned, but it was just one that felt right for the occasion, friday the 13th planning in central park.
you checked the different spots ethan keeps his clothes in, not finding your treasure. then moving to check his bins sitting under his twin bed. one held books and comics, a few collectibles from different franchises. the second held a few belongs from home, photos from childhood, something that belonged to his mom before she passed, birthday cards from family and friends.
you pushed it back to its spot then pulled the final blue bin out.
cracking the top off you squealed in delight. “yes!” finding the golden sweater, pulling it out of the hiding spot you held it to your chest and smiled down at the cotton fabric.
the door cracked open and you turned just to see ethan walking in from class, one strap on his shoulder before pocketing his keys. “ethan!”
he looked up with a smile on his lips before it dropped and he rushed over. “why are you looking here?” throwing the top back on before roughly shoving it away. your smile faltered, “i was looking for this sweater-“
“y/n i love you, but i’ve told you not to touch the stuff under my bed when i’m not here. i’m very… particular about this stuff.”
the sweater dropped to your lap, “sorry. i just really wanted to wear this tonight.” a hand touched your upper arm, “and i’m okay with that. just- just text me next time. so i don’t freak out, okay?”
a nod of your head.
scrolling through his phone
ethan always lets you scroll through his phone, he doesn’t care and doesn’t have anything to hide. until this month he started to get more defensive if you were to ask for the device.
“sorry i- i gotta make a call real quick.” “oh uh, i’m running low on data.” “don’t- don’t randomly text anyone.”
little excuses that you didn’t care too much about, but then your mind started to race and it led to one conclusion. ethan was cheating on you.
so when the two of you were at the library one day working on homework, ethan excused himself to go to the bathroom and he left his phone behind. and you were already regretting what you were gonna do, but you couldn’t stop yourself.
so you leaned over the table and swiped his phone open. you checked all the different ways that will tell you if he had any dating apps, which were none. so you went to his socials, checked all the dms he had with any girl, which were only you and some other girl. you didn’t recognize the username and couldn’t see much from the profile. so you clicked on the chat and before you could properly read through the messages it was snatched from your hands.
“what the hell, y/n!” ethan yelled. multiple shushes came and he shrunk into his shoulders before squatting to the floor to look up at you. “i’ve told you. i don’t want you looking through my phone.”
“why? got a second girlfriend i don’t know about?” not beating around the bush. his eyes widened, “what?” high pitched like a mouse.
“you were talking to some girl on instagram. does she go here?” standing your ground with this topic. arms crossed over your chest while glaring down at your ‘boyfriend’.
ethan sighed and rolled his eye, you noted, “no. it’s a very very old chat. from high school.” “then why are you getting defensive with me.” “defensive?” “sassy, whatever you want to call it. you rolled your eyes.”
he rolled his lips, “i didn’t mean it towards you. it was involuntary cause i didn’t believe you would think i’d cheat on you.”
your hands smacked to your thighs, “well cause you're doing this. keeping walls when there weren’t any before, not letting me into certain parts of yourself anymore.” you looked away from his puppy eyes, focusing on the shelves of books.
“hey,” his hands holding your kneecaps, giving a small shake. “i swear you are everything to me. there’s just… stuff… for a surprise. anniversary stuff.”
that peeked your interest. “really?” “yeah. and i don’t want you ruining the surprise.”
your hard demeanor softened, “well you could have just told me that… instead of yelling.” uncrossing your arms.
ethan linked your hands together, pressing kisses to the back of each hand, “i’m sorry. was just frazzled.”
ethan getting jealous
a week before the halloween frat party they decided to throw a pre-halloween party. you didn’t want to waste your actual costume so you just pulled clothes from your closet and dressed scandalous, fishnets with a short skirt and tight tiny top. when ethan greeted you outside your door his eyes immediately fell to your boobs and a blush colored his ears to his neck. you chuckled at your adorable boyfriend.
“you like?” giving him a twirl and smile widened at the low groan from ethan’s chest. his hands reached out to hold your hips just above where the waistband sat, “do we have to go? i don’t want anyone else to see you like this. could have a fun night staying in.” trying to pursue you with sex and as tempting as it sounds-
“nope, we’re going out. besides, if you really want a piece of this, we could just sneak into a room.”
by the time you and ethan got to the party where all your friends had been an hour before, the house was in full swing. music was blasting through the different speakers, people were whooping and hollering, and laying on the lawn while taking a nap. it was packed as the two of you squeezed your way to the kitchen, ethan kept one hand interwoven with the other resting on your lower back to keep you forward.
finally landing in the kitchen you get to work making drinks for both of you. there was a bowl of punch that was heavily spiked and you greedily poured two full scoops into the red solo cups. “woah, hey, hey. easy tiger, not trying to poison our livers tonight.” ethan moved the cups before you could think about adding a few more drops of vodka.
“i need to catch up. everyone is already getting buzzed, moving to drunk.” reaching for a cup and starting to chug it in one go. ethan’s laugh was crystal clear over the voices and music. with your last sip you lifted the cup into the air and hollered before refilling.
ethan took slow sips of his drinks as he watched you enjoyed yourself dancing with some friends. hair and boobs bouncing with the beat of the music, smile pulled tight as you shouted lyrics. ethan pushed himself from the wall, a little buzzed and ready to steal you away somewhere more private, but he stops short at this new sight.
a guy comes up behind you, palm resting on your exposed stomach and face leaning into your neck. you swayed your hips in a dangerous spot and the dude's hands traveled further south. ethan saw red. he abandoned his cup and pushed through the crowd, not bothering to keep his innocent good guy imagine right now.
ethan gripped the back of the guy's shirt and tugged him hard, his biceps straining against his shirt seams. you stumbled on your feet from the harsh force ripping ethan away from you. you swayed on your heel as you turned to the culprit and was puzzled when you saw ethan shoving at a guy you didn’t know. a crowd was watching the two of them yell.
you pushed yourself closer, able to hear some of ethan’s voice. “keep your hands off my girl.” the guy wore a smug smile and chuckled, “didn’t seem like your girl. was grinding on my dick, enjoyed my lips on her ne-“ and you gasped when you heard the hard smack of bone to bone when ethan threw a punch to his nose.
“ethan!” calling his name from behind. his eye were dark and hooded, nostrils flared with a snarl growing on his lips. ethan wrapped a hand around your wrist and started tugging the both of you out of the stuffy house.
“ethan, what the hell was that?” calling him out as you yanked your arm free of his gripping touch. he scuffed, “that? oh you mean punching the guy my girlfriend was grinding on? that’s what the hell it was.” and he turned away before walking down the street.
“ethan!” trying your best to keep up with his pace in your inebriated state. “ethan! i wasn’t dancing on him, i was dancing on you.” words getting sloppy. head feeling fuzzy, world tilting like a seesaw.
ethan stopped walking and turned. “what?! no you weren’t! that perv was your dance partner and if i didn’t get to you sooner it might’ve ended up worse!” he yelled as he stomped closer.
you shook your head, fog covering your thoughts. “no, no. i- i wouldn’t dance with anyone else. only- only you. i- i swear i thought it was you.”
“you said you know my touch, y/n! you should’ve know that wasn’t me!”
“well i’m a bit drunk right now, ethan! everything is being processed slowly. and i was enjoying myself, i- i didn’t think too hard.” stepping closer to ethan so you could touch his chest and peer up with wet eyes and cakey makeup, “let’s just- let’s just go back to your place. we could- could still have that- that night in you wanted.” slipping your hands down his chest to curl your fingers into his belt loops and tug him closer.
ethan’s cheeks were puffed and his pupils were blown turning brown into black. his fingers touched your wrist and you thought he was gonna take up your offer, but he pulls you away as he walked backward and looked at the concrete. “i think i need space for the night. don’t wanna have you thinking of him while fucking me.”
“but i won’t! i only think of you!” black tracks of mascara staining your cheeks, the only evidence of a horrible night and not waking up in ethan’s bed the next morning.
the next morning
you honestly weren’t sure how you made it back to your dorm, but you slept in your party clothes with makeup smudged into your pillowcase and phone dead on the floor. your roommate wasn’t around so you couldn’t ask her, and you were still pissed at ethan so you didn’t bother going over to his place.
with a groan you flopped to your back and stared at your ceiling for answers. answers on why ethan is suddenly being a dick over these tiny little things and a misunderstanding. he’s usually very caring and considerate when it comes to you. he wouldn’t have left you last night if this was a few months ago, he knows that you love him deeply.
as if the universe was giving you a sign there was three gentle knocks to your door before someone called out your name. “it’s- it’s ethan.”
you inhaled deeply as you closed your eyes, you had to hold the tears back. “go away, ethan.” a stickiness to your words.
you heard his sigh, “can- can we just talk? i’m- i’m really sorry about last night. i was pissed, but i shouldn’t have left you alone.” there was a full thump to your door.
you pushed yourself off your bed and made, what felt like a long trek, to your door and swung it open. ethan stumbled forward into your space, hands holding your biceps as you pushed at his chest. “yeah fucking asshole! i’ve told you multiple times how i feel unsafe at night, while sober!”
you shoved at his chest again before turning your back on him. you heard your door close and ethan’s steps followed, “y/n i'm really really sorry. i- i was being insecure and an idiot-“ “yes you were.”
he sighed, “i know you would never cheat on me. it’s just… i’ve never had a girlfriend and especially someone as beautiful as you. so i’m constantly worried someone is gonna take you away from me.”
hands rubbed at your tired face while looking back to ethan. his hair was a mess, still wearing the clothes from last night just like you. his skin looked oily and dark circles looked more purple. it hurt your heart.
“ethan, you should know i have eyes only for you.” “i do know that.” “then can you stop doing this douchebag image? i didn’t start dating you cause you're this big tough guy. i love the sweet, nervous, nerdy you.”
ethan made the first move to cup your cheeks, two sets of tired eyes. he leaned in to kiss your forehead first, then the tip of your nose. before he went for your lips he waited for a sign from you, all you need was to part your lips and ethan dove in. it wasn’t anything rough, it was gentle. pouring in a love you share for each other, an apology for the past few weeks for how he’s been acting. trying to make you forgive him for past actions and future ones to come.
a/n: …let’s not think to hard about this one
ethan landry taglist: @astrxq / @websterss / @teenagedramaqueenlisa
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cacoetheswriting · 2 years
what happens at the drive-in...
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader word count: 3.5k warnings: friends to lovers, mutual pining, kinda angsty, very fluffy, emotional hurt / comfort, jealousy, adult language and somewhat mature themes, use of pet names (sweetheart), mentions of food and alcohol consumption, mentions of violence (in the movies they watch) - unedited - pls let me know if i missed anything! summary: an unspecified amount of time in the lives of eddie munson and his best friend, as you watch various movies together and your platonic relationship blossoms into something more.
a/n: technically a part two to this little fic, but can definitely be read as a standalone.
There is a small part of your brain that constantly wonders what if, when it comes to Eddie Munson.
What if you told him how much you enjoy it when he unintentionally reaches for your hand whenever the two of you are alone?
What if you didn’t ignore the way he looked at you sometimes, and vice versa?
What if you had let Eddie kiss you last year after the homecoming dance when he called you beautiful for the very first time?
Or more recently during Halloween when the two of you crashed a random house party and everyone complimented his Frank N. Furter costume? The stupid happy grin was plastered across his face the whole night and he kept thanking you for “turning the freaky into something desirable.”, to which you drunkenly replied: “I always find you desirable, Eddie Munson.”.
What if you never put Eddie in the strictly platonic box in the first place? Would it be easier now to cross that invisible line you both drew during the course of your friendship?  
What if… 
“Then she laughed at my joke,” Eddie states with excitement, breaking you away from your thoughts, “Can you believe it? Betsy Bolton found something I said funny.”
He looks at you and your heart sinks because you haven’t seen him this amped up about a girl since his unrequited secret crush on Chrissy Cunningham while you were dating your then boyfriend Andy.
But you plaster the best heartwarming smile you can muster and reply honestly, “Because you are, Eddie, a funny guy, so I’m just glad someone else finally made you realise.”
There is a hint of hurt detectable in the sound of your voice, betraying the facial expression you put on for his benefit. Eddie notices immediately although doesn’t react to it — for your benefit.
“No offence but as my best friend, I’m not going to believe you when you tell me I’m funny,” he says instead and lifts a tape from the counter, “I took the liberty of renting out ‘Salem’s Lot’, if that’s okay?”
You nod in response and he gets to work in setting up this evening’s movie.
“Full offence because, as your best friend, I am the only one that can tell you the brutal honest truth which includes when you’re not being funny.”
“You’ve never once uttered those words to me, sweetheart.” Eddie sits next to you on the sofa, casually throwing one arm behind you. His fingers graze your shoulder in the process and your stomach flips. 
“Yet you still choose to believe Betsy Bolton over me,” you sigh dramatically, ignoring how you were feeling to retain some normality, and place the back of your hand to your forehead in a fainting motion. You tip towards him, gently landing into his chest as you let out a giggle.
Eddie laughs too. He looks down at you, a goofy grin highlighting his features. Then, as the two of you lock eyes, there is a brief moment of silence. Normality is fucked.
What if you just reached for his collar and pulled him in…
The curly haired teen clears his throat and you bite the inside of your cheek, forcing the intrusive thoughts to dissipate from your mind, before sitting back up to focus your attention on the television screen.
Everything is tense again.
You blame yourself. Eddie blames ‘The Neverending Story’. 
He also thinks he should have told you then and there how he really feels because what if you felt the same way?
Every time that ugly creature makes an appearance, you can’t help but gag, and Eddie can’t help but chuckle next to you.
“I can’t believe this is one of your favourite films,” you exclaim about three-quarters through, not hiding your disgust.
He shrugs and without taking his eyes off the screen, he skews closer to you and simply states: “Sigourney Weaver is hot.”.
You roll your eyes. “I think I’m arguably better looking than Sigourney Weaver,” you bait, remembering his comments about Al Pacino a couple of weeks back.
He shifts in his spot and proceeds to place a hasty kiss to the top of your head.
“I never said you weren’t,” Eddie mutters against you and you’re wondering whether he’s mocking what you had said to him that night during your rewatch of ‘Cruising’ or whether he’s actually being sincere.
(Hopefully the latter).
“If I ever get married, one day in the distant future, this is the song I’ll use for my first dance,” you admit quietly as ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ plays through the lousy speakers, Elvis Presley’s character singing on screen.
Eddie glances at you, his mouth twitching upwards. “What if your future husband-to-be doesn’t like this song?”
“That’s too bad for him,” you reply and tilt your head to meet his doe-eyed gaze, “It’s Elvis or bust.”
He chuckles while running a hand through his brown locks before shrugging. “Well, I’m not a big fan of Elvis.”
You raise a brow. “Is this your way of asking me to marry you, Eddie Munson?”
Wait, what? 
The question rings in his ears and the way you’re looking at him right now definitely doesn’t help in getting his thoughts in order.
So he’s not thinking clearly when he takes off one of his rings. He’s not thinking clearly when he reaches for your left hand. And he’s definitely not thinking clearly when he slides the silver item down your finger with ease.
Your heart is in your throat during the whole interaction. “Is this your way of asking me to marry you, Eddie Munson?”, stupid, why would you even say that?
The film has faded into the background. Your focus is on Eddie and Eddie alone, and you want to scream because this is not platonic behaviour.
The curly haired teen leans in ever so slightly and whispers nonchalantly, “Elvis or bust.” Then, still holding onto your hand, he shifts his attention back to the television.
You want to comment, say literally anything, but you bite your tongue because you started this whole thing and whatever comes out of your mouth next, could make it even harder from crossing a line that cannot be uncrossed.
Eddie can count the amount of times he’s been truly annoyed with you on one hand.
Truthfully, he lets you get away with a lot of shit because he knows fighting with you over silly little digs or unwarranted comments is not worth the time. And you act exactly the same with him. Nothing said is ever too serious to lead to an argument.
Until this moment. When one hand turns into two and a fight is imminent.
‘The killer's still loose, you know.’
“Eddie, I’m just repeating what I heard!”, your voice is rigid as you stand on your feet and take a step in his direction.
He’s not listening, he chooses not to.
‘You saying somebody else killed Tina? Who?’
“And I think you heard wrong, alright?! There’s just no way—”
“So you’re gonna believe some girl who laughed at one joke over me,” you interrupt, your blood starting to boil at his fucking stuborness, “You’re gonna believe stupid Betsy Bolton over your best friend?!”
How this whole thing even started, you couldn’t really remember anymore. One second you’re buried in his embrace, under the guise of averting your eyes from the screen, and the next thing you know, tensions are high and you’re both yelling.
“Betsy is not stupid!” Eddie counters. His statement causes you to roll your eyes which is a reaction he definitely doesn’t appreciate, “Why are you acting like this, y/n?”
‘I don't know who he is. But he's burned, he wears a weird hat, a red and yellow sweater, real dirty, and he uses some sort of knife he's got made into a sort of... glove. Like giant finger-nails.’
Your feelings are hurt because he’s defending her and you can’t figure out why. “I can’t fucking believe you…”
‘I think you should keep Nancy at home a few days. 'Til she's really over the shock.’
Eddie observes as you grab your cardigan and your bag before making a beeline for the front door of the trailer. He groans. “Where are you going? We’re not finished talking about this.”
‘I got something better…’
“The last thing I want is to be angry with you, Eddie, so I’m just gonna go home,” you state sternly, “Call me when you’ve come to your senses.”
The door shuts with a bang and he lets out a deep sigh.
‘I'm gonna get you help, baby. So no one will threaten you any more.’
The whole world is spinning when you open your eyes. The scratch in your throat seems to have gotten worse and your fever too, causing your whole body to shiver the second you try to move. 
A groan escapes your lips as you try to reach for the tissue box on the bedside table. Although to no avail because the second your fingertips touch its side, the carton falls to the floor.
God, you hate being sick.
You hate being helpless and weak. You hate how heavy your whole body felt, how hard it was to do basic menial tasks. You hate how you had no appetite. On top of it all, you hate how you were missing valuable time with Eddie. 
It’s been four whole days since you last saw him. If your memory serves you correctly, this is the longest period of time the two of you had gone without hanging out since you first became friends.
Sadly, the stupid flu you caught wasn’t the only thing to blame here. There’s also the matter of the recent fight your friendship hasn’t really recovered from.
Thinking about Eddie, you slip back into unconsciousness.
You’re not sure how long you’d been asleep for when you wake up later. The bedroom is darker than before and it’s considerably cooler.
You can hear talking and footsteps. The noises seem far away yet close by at the same time. You blame the fever and are about to close your eyes again when there’s a knock on your bedroom door.
“Are you awake?”
A familiar voice asks quietly. You hum something in response and the next thing you know, the mattress dips under the weight of your visitor. You peep from underneath your covers and your heart skips a beat.
“How are you feeling?” Eddie asks, gently cupping your cheek.
“W-what are you doing here?,” you croak in response, “G-get out. I-I could get  you sick a-and then I-I would hate myself foreverrr...”
“Relax, sweetheart. Your mom says you’re not contagious anymore,” his voice is reassuring, “She also said they were going out so, and only if you’re up for moving, we can sit downstairs and watch something.”
And that’s how the two of you end up downstairs, on your sofa for a change, tangled up in each other's limbs. 
One of his arms is wrapped tightly around you, pulling you into his chest, while the other is propping your thigh against his hip. Your head is resting against him, just below his neck, while your hand is holding onto his side, fingers rubbing gentle circles into his t-shirt.
‘I’m The Greatest Star’ plays in the background.
You can feel his heartbeat. He can feel yours too. 
Neither of you say a word for the entire duration of the film.
It was your idea to switch it up again.
For totally selfish reasons — because it was getting really hard to be completely alone with him — rather than renting out a movie and watching it as usual in Eddie’s trailer, you suggested going to a drive-in.
Convincing your best friend was easy, after all they were playing ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’.
The two of you ended up taking your parent’s car which meant you were behind the wheel and he was in the passenger seat. 
You sat with your legs up on the chair and pressed against your chest, to allow you to bury your face in your knees whenever a gory scene was shown on screen.
Eddie on the other hand was completely relaxed in his spot, munching on the bag of trail mix he bought earlier that evening.
He sneaks glances in your direction, just to make sure you are doing okay. This is the first time the two of you are watching a slasher and he’s not close enough to let you hide in his embrace.
“Wanna cut this short?” Eddie asks, “Go get a milkshake or something?”
“No, no,” you answer and turn your head, resting it on your knees. “I gotta get through this film at least once since you’re gonna want to see the second one when it releases in theatres in a couple of months.”
Eddie smirks then raises a brow. “Wait, how do you know there’s going to be a second?”
“Steve told me.”
“You’ve been talking to Steve?”, he sounds jealous. He is jealous. 
You nod. “Yeah, I mean I can’t act weird whenever I go rent a movie just because we went on one rather unsuccessful date,” you explain, “Plus we live in the same area so I bump into him every now and again, he gives me a ride to work at the odd time.”
Eddie doesn’t know what to say. Well, actually he does, but it would be an irrational response that would most likely hurt your feelings and he couldn’t risk that. Not right now. Not after the two of you barely got over your last argument.
It’s not his place to tell you not to hang out with Harrington. Just as it wasn’t his place to tell you not to go on a date with the guy in the first place.
You’re quick to notice his doleful grimace. Extending a hand in his direction, you poke his tricep.
“I have to befriend someone else in case you abandon me for Betsy Bolton,” you tease, your best attempt to keep things normal.
Eddie glances down at his lap, his attention focusing on the empty spot on one of his fingers where the ring you now wore around your neck used to be. A warm sensation settles in the pit of his stomach and he knows in that moment, he can’t continue doing this charade with you.
It’s now or never.
“I’ve been ignoring Betsy,” he utters eventually. 
“Oh…” you murmur, “Why?”
And now he’s peeping back at you. Natural and ordinary go out the window. They’re replaced by shit, fuck, and what even is being platonic anymore?
He leans across the centre channel and as if on instinct, you let your legs fall from the seat and also incline in his direction. By the time he presses his forehead to yours, you’re shaking slightly because you know there are certain things that cannot be undone. 
(Was this a good idea? Or will you both regret this later?)
However, there’s really no time to think about the repercussions because his nose slides down the side of yours and his lips are inches away as they part, his hot breath sending a shiver down your spine.
“She’s not you,” Eddie whispers against your mouth and you’re done for.
One soft inhale later, and his lips brush yours lightly, then again with a little more intent, and again, only deeper. His hands are cupping your face while yours are gripping onto the collar of his denim vest as if your life depended on it.
All of the emotions that had been churning rose to the surface and exploded all at once.
With every passing second you’re melting into him further. The kisses get rougher. You’re biting his bottom lip. His tongue grazes yours. The two of you break apart and come together over and over again like magnets.
A few blissful moments later, Eddie draws back, quite unwillingly, to meet your amiable gaze.
“Shit, sweetheart,” he whispers and licks his lips, “You’ve no idea how long I’ve wanted to fucking do that.”
“Ditto,” you reply breathlessly and lean in to kiss him again, annoyed at yourself now for deciding on the drive-in instead of his comfortable couch.
Lately, everything is exhilarating.
Getting up in the morning is easier. The grim Hawkins weather doesn’t seem to bother you as much. Your family is far less insufferable. The people that come to the diner where you work aren’t as annoying. Life is good. 
It’s great actually. 
And all thanks to the curly haired boy currently reheating leftover lasagna you brought from home.
Ever since your first kiss at the drive-in, the two of you have been pretty much on top of one another. Constantly holding hands, hugging, making out, finally doing all of the things you both dreamt of for months on end. 
Eddie in particular found it hard to keep his hands to himself. Who could blame him? You were smoking hot and finally his.
At least unofficially.
Even though he’s thought about asking you to be his girlfriend on numerous occasions since the night at the drive-in, he hasn’t found the opportune moment. He also didn’t want to pressure you, because what if you didn’t want to be anything more than whatever it was the two of you were right now?
He couldn’t handle that kind of rejection so in the interim, this arrangement suited him just fine. That’s what he told himself at least.
“Just be careful, sweetheart,” he warns as he hands you a plate, “That microwave may be old but it’s got some kick to it. The food is piping.”
The corners of your mouth twitch upwards and you reach for the dish, thanking him. Eddie returns the smile and plops down on the sofa, in his spot next to you, before proceeding to resume the film.
‘Are all these your girlfriends?’
‘Some of them…’
‘What about the others?’
“I have to say,” you begin in between bites of food, “you kinda remind me of Bender.”
Eddie cocks his head in your direction and raises a brow at your admission. “Is it because I too have a wallet full of pictures of random chicks?”, he teases and you nudge his side using your elbow.
“Hilarious,” your tone is sarcastic, “I bet the photos you cherish most are of Chrissy and Betsy.”
‘Well, some I consider my girlfriends and some...I just consider…’
‘Consider what?’
‘Whether or not, I wanna hang out with them…’
He chuckles at your comment. “You’re an idiot,” he jokes and places the plate of food in his lap to free up his hands. He reaches over to hold your face, brushing his fingers gently along your jawline. 
“Actually, the only picture I have in my wallet is yours.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks, the revelation settling in the air. You almost want to ask him if he’s bluffing but judging by the glimmer in his eyes, you know he’s being honest.
You swallow your breath and lean in to peck his lips.
“So let me get this straight,” you murmur against his mouth and his grip on your face tightens ever so slightly, “A photo of me is in your wallet, I have one of your cherished rings around my neck, yet you still won’t ask me to be your girlfriend?”
‘You don't believe in just one guy, one girl?’
‘Do you?’
‘Yeah...that's the way it should be.’
Eddie smirks, his heart skipping a beat. He analyses every inch of your face, capturing this moment forever. God, he was the luckiest fucking guy in the world.
“And if I asked, would you say yes?”
“I would.”
He’s grinning now, as are you.
“Then I guess it’s settled, sweetheart. You’re my girlfriend now.”
His mouth slants over yours with ease, not giving you a chance to respond. His body pushes into yours and you have to be extra careful not to drop the dish you were still holding onto, (because pasta sauce is not the easiest to clean out of cushions).
Eddie��s mouth is possessive and it doesn’t take long for his tongue to breach your lips, the kiss now deeper than ever. 
Your heart is on a rampage as both your heads rotate back and forth to vary pressure. Tongues are dancing together, each trying to assert dominance. 
Eddie bites down on your bottom lip vigorously, causing a velvety moan to escape. The smooth sound of pleasure is music to his ears and breathless, he pulls away. This position isn’t working anymore, he wants to be able to touch you all over.
“I think you should put that plate to the side so we can move this to the bedroom,” he suggests, his hand slowly travelling down to your neck.
“But I wanna know how the movie ends,” you whine, teasing a little.
The doe-eyed boy smirks and releases you from his grip. Rather impatiently, he reaches for the half-eaten lasagna dish in your grasp to set it aside. He stands, extending you his hand which you take instantly.
He spins you around once and you land gracefully into his chest.
“I can tell you how it ends,” Eddie offers in a whisper, his arms sneaking around your waist, holding you in place.
“Oh yeah?”
He nods. “The guy gets the girl.” — and in the space of a heartbeat, Eddie lowers his mouth back down to yours with immense desire.
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gregorovitch-adler · 7 months
My thoughts about The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes:
Let's start by summarising the movie -
No crime-solving happens in the first 34 minutes. The first act is all about Holmes and Watson's dynamic, exploration of the nature of their relationship with each other, etc. If you're the type of person who only watches/reads Sherlock Holmes for the cases, you'd believe this portion is skippable. Only the blink-and-miss detail about the "Midgets' case" is important as far as Holmes' detective work is concerned.
However, if you think exploring Holmes and Watson's interpersonal relationship and their casework are both equally important, like I do, the first act is GOLD. Most of the Tumblr gifs about this movie are from the first 30-35 mins lol.
1.) Holmes enters and they bicker like an old, married couple.
H: Oh, come now, Watson, you must admit that you have a tendency to overromanticize. You have taken my simple exercises in logic and embellished them, embroidered them, exaggerated them ---
W: I deny the accusation.
H: You have described me as six-footfour, whereas I am barely six-footone.
W: A bit of poetic license.
Not only is this whole scene just delightful in general but the theory about Watson being an unreliable narrator in ACD canon is actually being supported throughout the movie, starting right here.
W:It's those little touches that make you colorful...
H: Lurid is more like it. You have painted me as a hopeless dope addict - just because I occasionally take a five per cent solution of cocaine.
W: A seven per cent solution.
H: Five per cent. Don't you think I'm aware you've been diluting it behind my back?
This exchange was lovely. Way to slip in their closeness through a few words.
2.) Watson doesn't think it's odd to barge right in when Holmes is completely naked and taking a bath?
Also, why the hell does Holmes bathe with his bedroom door wide open?
And what's that thing he's taking a bath in called? Does anyone know about this stuff? Was this thing common in that timeline? It doesn't seem to fit a grown man like Holmes.
I have so many questions and I'm speechless at the same time. I'll just drop this here:
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3.) Then Watson persuades Holmes to go to The Swan Lake ballet.
Watson enjoys that ballet, a little too much at that, mostly because he's staring at all the women on stage. (We'll get back to this later.)
Holmes on the other hand has dozed off. All he can admire about the most beautiful dancer, Petrova, is her strong arches. Which is... 🏳‍🌈
Then that whole scene about Nicholai and Petrova and Holmes in the dressing room. XD
Petrova offers a Stradivarius violin to Holmes in exchange for sleeping with her for a week, so that her child would be beautiful like her and brilliant like Holmes.
Holmes gets out of the situation by lying to both of them; saying he's in a relationship with Watson.
Honestly, that whole bit. Just look at the lines:
N: She has been dancing since she was three years old, and after all, she is now thirty-eight.
H: (gallantly) I must say she doesn't look thirty-eight.
N: That is because she is forty-six.
Nicholai: (about Tolstoy) Too old --- Then we considered the philosopher, Nietzsche --
H: Absolutely first-rate mind ---
N: Too German --
Etc. They're all so funny. This whole scene is something else.
In fairness to Holmes, he did try to get himself out of the situation by lying about having hemophilia in his family, or saying that he's unromantic because he's English, etc but Petrova was having none of it.
Watson coming into the room all of a sudden gives so much clarity and calmness to Holmes. He just knows what to say to help himself because of Watson.
This unforgettable exchange:
N: You mean, you and Dr. Watson - He is your glass of tea?
H: If you want to be picturesque about it.
On a side note, I absolutely loved Nicholai's face journey throughout both scenes - in the dressing room, stuck in the middle of Holmes and Petrova's awkwardness, and later on when he asks about the alleged Holmes-Watson romance to Watson after having spread the rumour in the whole room.
I just loved his reactions a lot.
According to this movie-
Caprice of Mother Nature = Gay.
Half-and-half = Bisexual.
Watson comes to know about the rumour, after having had the time of his life with both men and women in the ballroom. Watson is pissed off, he goes home and confronts about the whole thing to Holmes.
They have a row at Baker Street, in which Watson is being extremely heteronormative again. Thinking too much about his reputation without stopping to question his own feelings and his weird fixation on Holmes' love life.
There's that famous line again:
W: Holmes, let me ask you a question. I hope I'm not being presumptuous -but there have been women in your life?
H: The answer is yes -- you're being presumptuous. Good night.
This marks the end of Act I.
The existence of these 33 minutes of the movie is proof that the writing team in this adaptation knows that exploring Holmes and Watson's characters and what they mean to each other is as important as Holmes' casework. Billy Wilder takes this seriously, even though there are some jokes here and there about it.
The whole of Act I is filled with raising questions about Holmes and Watson's preferences, etc. Does Holmes feel love or is he just a machine? Does Holmes feel love for Watson? Does Watson know about Holmes' feelings for him? Does Watson feel the same way about Holmes?
In my opinion, all the answers to the personal questions about Holmes are as clear as a day. What's really questionable is whether Watson knows and/or feels the same way about Holmes or not. Different viewers might draw different conclusions/inferences after watching this movie.
After this, the movie takes a turn because "Gabrielle" enters the picture, and the actual crime-solving begins from here. The tone becomes a bit more serious in this act.
A young woman, completely wet and in shock enters 221 B. Watson has to pay for her fare to the cabbie before he and Holmes take her upstairs to take care of her.
She can't remember anything at first, then from her wedding ring, Holmes gets to know her name: Gabrielle Valladon. Her husband's name is Emile Valladon.
She appears to have temporary amnesia because of getting hit on the forehead and almost drowning in the Thames.
She reveals info about herself that she's from Belgium, her husband was here in London for a job, they used to write to each other, and after some time, the letters from her husband stopped coming. She'd gone to the London police first after coming to this city. She says the police had advised her to consult Sherlock Holmes.
Now, this should make the viewer skeptical of her. Scotland Yard does consult Sherlock Holmes when they need him, but they aren't going to let him have the whole case if there's a situation like this.
Besides, that woman ending up at Baker Street specifically seems to be planned, anyway. Also, there's always this man who keeps waiting for her or someone else's signals on the outside.
I know what we see on screen comes from Watson's drafts on loose pages, but this movie's narration seems to be Third Person Omniscient POV to me. Where the viewer is privy to more information as compared to the characters.
The three of them keep looking for her husband's whereabouts, and she pretends to be helpless, needy, and fragile (to stroke the ego of the men around her, I believe. I mean that could be one of the reasons...) with temporary amnesia throughout most of the movie. Holmes and Watson don't suspect a thing about her as they keep working for her and she keeps sending cryptic messages to the "Trappists" (German government) with her parasol.
The thing I love about this act:
Ilse von Hofmannsthal aka Gabrielle Valladon is actually a competent character who happens to be a woman. We can see something shady is going on with her even though we don't know her real name, but one of the most brilliant people on the planet doesn't suspect anything. He thinks she's just a woman looking for her husband's whereabouts. He thinks her back story is real.
He keeps on thinking that until Mycroft basically tells him in the third act which is why we're able to see for ourselves that Ilse was genuinely able to outsmart Holmes. We don't have to be told by the narrative voice about Ilse's strengths (*cough* unlike BBC Sherlock and a lot of female characters written by Steven Moffat *cough*).
I, for one, felt respectful of Ilse or "Gabrielle" for real. It was quite refreshing to me after having watched some modern Holmes adaptations.
Holmes, Watson, and "Gabrielle" go looking for the cause of Emile Valladon's death after they've found his coffin in the graveyard, in the guise of having a picnic. Holmes and "Gabrielle" pretend to be a married couple - Mrs and Mr Ashdown, and Watson is their valet. The scenes after this point are delightful mainly because of Watson's reactions (which could be read as his jealousy over Holmes, too).
Also, me when Holmes calls Watson 'John' in an archaic Holmes adaptation:
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Because of his sort of stupidity, Holmes takes Ilse, a German spy, right in front of the submersible (which he thinks is a mechanical 'monster' that lives underwater) in a boat, along with Watson.
Ilse was trying to grab as much information as she could about that secret project because she was working for her country. Who knew someone would show her the live version of that model so readily (albeit unknowingly)? :P
The three of them are obviously unable to find anything about Emile Valladon, so they go back to the inn room they're staying in.
That's when one of Mycroft's men comes to pick Holmes up and take him to his elder brother. Here's when the third act begins, I think.
Mycroft had warned Sherlock not to pursue "Gabrielle's" case any further during the second act. But Sherlock didn't listen, because a.) he's an empathetic man, and b.) Mycroft can't just order him to do or drop something just because. Sherlock is not a child anymore.
I know Mycroft was only trying to protect Sherlock, and that he couldn't have told him the real reason to stop him at that time, but still.
Either way, months of planning and testing the submersible have gone to waste because Holmes did not suspect at any point that his client, "Gabrielle Valladon" might have just been lying to him since the start. Can't blame Holmes for that. Ilse was meticulous.
Mycroft shows the model to the queen and she strongly disapproves of the model and curses it a lot. Personally, this seemed to be a shitty decision on her part, and I felt so frustrated and annoyed at her in that scene. She didn't even care to hear about its features. She just rejected it on the spot! :(
Mycroft decides to 'give the submarine' to the German government. It's implied that the Trappists were drowned along with the submarine itself in the deep waters. (That's what I gathered from that scene - correct me if my interpretation was wrong).
In conclusion, while Ilse is genuinely able to outsmart Holmes (unlike some writers forcing us to believe it in their adaptation because they told us so), the German government isn't able to go anywhere with the info they've gathered through Ilse because of Mycroft's last move. Moreover, the English government would have sent her to jail, if Sherlock hadn't suggested Mycroft send her back to her own country.
So, in the end, it's a lose-lose situation for all of them.
1.) Sherlock Holmes didn't know that Ilse was faking her name and her whole identity for a long time, so he unknowingly helped a German spy, thinking he was just helping an ordinary client. Ilse almost had him and the viewers could see for themselves that she'd outsmarted him.
2.) Even after Ilse von Hofmannsthal has got what she wanted for her government, as a spy, they aren't able to make use of that info because of Mycroft. And she has to get out of England anyway.
3.) Mycroft Holmes also fails, to some extent, because ages of effort to plan the submersible, hide the plans, and test the model in secret - all of it has gone to waste. The queen doesn't even want to hear him out in the end.
But even if it was a lose-lose situation, the battle was damn intriguing because of the high intellect on both sides - Holmes brothers and Ilse.
Months later, Holmes receives a letter from Mycroft about Ilse's arrest and execution by the Japanese government. Reading that, he's so moved that he can't even finish his breakfast. He gets up and asks Watson for his cocaine supply. Watson tells him, and then Holmes grabs the bag and goes to his room. Holmes shuts himself in, Watson gets up from the breakfast table too, sits beside the fireplace, and begins to write something on a piece of paper. Probably about the case, but for nobody to see.
End of Act III and the movie.
I loved the background score of this movie. It's quite touching and refreshing to listen to.
A lot of dialogue exchanges in the movie are so deep if you stop to think about them. It's unbelievable how much writers can convey through a few words. Some of them are quite funny too - particularly from Act I. There's a thin line between being funny and mocking, and TPLOSH didn't cross that. It was nice.
I love this portrayal of Sherlock Holmes. It's clear how deeply they've understood him from the original canon. Pretends to be dismissive and closed off but actually cares about everyone way too much.
I also liked Mycroft in this movie, even if he didn't have much screen time.
About Ilse von Hofmannsthal - I loved her. Seriously, this is how you write female characters, modern writers! People say ASIB is a direct adaptation of TPLOSH, which is true, but I'd prefer TPLOSH over that episode any day, and one of the reasons is the way the female lead has been written in the former. Not exactly a fan of how Moffat wrote her in his adaptation. He did her dirty, I'd say.
Characters like Ilse make me think that the writing team of this movie knew what feminism is. I can't say the same for the modern Holmes adaptation that has been heavily inspired by TPLOSH.
I loved the plot of this movie too. The case in itself was also pretty interesting and kept me hooked throughout. Even if it wasn't exactly resolved finally, and the ending was melancholic.
I wasn't expecting the movie to be this good. Which is why it took me so long to sit down and watch it.
I only have one complaint about this movie - Watson's characterisation.
I mean, Watson wasn't half as bad as I'd expected (I thought he was going to be horrible, based on the snippets of the movie I'd seen before), but still. I like how he doesn't fall into the bumbling idiot stereotype. As far as the casework is concerned, Watson is also quite competent and observant in his own right. He can handle the medical work too.
I've got problems with his heteronormativity, and the fact that when it comes to deducing what lies in Holmes' heart, he's dumb as bricks. It's annoying. Like, it's one thing if he doesn't feel the same way about Holmes, but he doesn't have to be so weird and homophobic about it. Also, I think Holmes should've told him about the truth related to Ilse and the 'mechanical monster'. I've had enough of 'keeping Watson in the dark for his own good', damn it! He should be more in the knowledge.
Watson's character was the only element in the movie that didn't receive justice from the writer. As a Watson-centric fan, I need this to stop happening in future Holmes adaptations. People should see more from his POV too, and stop to actually see where he's coming from, and properly understand his character in the next show/movie/whatever they make.
What I gathered from the movie about the characters and their interpersonal relationships-
Holmes is in love with Watson but doesn't admit it... for valid reasons this time. (side eyes at Watson's homophobia).
Watson is deeply attached to Holmes but sees him as a close friend. I wish he felt the same way about Holmes in this movie, but alas! Though if he doesn't feel that way about Holmes, why the hell does he seem so jealous of Ilse in Acts II and III? This is beyond me.
I think what they've tried to show is that Watson is too close-minded to confront his possibly repressed feelings for Holmes, deep within his heart? Maybe. It could very well be my wishful thinking lol.
But as far as Holmes' feelings for Watson are concerned, it's not even wishful thinking. It's just... right there. I wish the subtext about Holmes' pining were spelled out. I know why it couldn't (the Doyle estate was being a pain in the ass at that time), but still. It's quite clear what they wanted to write as far as Holmes' emotional side was concerned, but they dropped it from the scripts after Act I and decided to focus on the case instead.
Holmes is dismissive of 'Gabrielle' at first, but he becomes sympathetic for her after some time. He reaches out to help her with her situation, and as the plot moves forward, he grows affectionate for Gabrielle/Ilse, which is why he doesn't hold a grudge against her when he realises he's been outsmarted by this woman (even though his ego was mildly hurt for a while).
The way they maintained a balance between the plot and the characters is commendable. I love seeing well-written women in fiction and this movie showed me that.
I was surprised to see how good this movie turned out to be, as compared to my preconceived opinions. The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes has officially become my comfort movie now. Miles ahead of BBC Sherlock, in my opinion.
Thanks to my discussions with @jamielovesjam in a previous post about this movie lol. I wouldn't have wanted to watch the movie if not for the long talk I had with them. Also tagging @gaypiningshit and @helloliriels for further discussion.
End of my unnecessarily long rambling.
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pinazee · 1 month
Rob-a-bye Baby
Finally some focus on Chief Vick! Kirsten nelson did a great job on the first real ep where she gets to play a more substantial role. (“Head detective my ass” always makes me chuckle) i only wish it had been more. She was more of an obstacle than part of the plot, though i guess technically her character kind of grew at the end. She does admit she was overreacting with Shawn but this realization was done off screen. I’d have loved to see her try to run over her husband, and having a little breakdown. Something that gave her more depth. I want to know who she is as a person. Was she a runner who wanted to get back into it so she can finally have some time for herself? Does she struggle with who she wants to be as a mother? Was the baby even planned? Was she concerned it would affect her job, or her ability to do her job? Idk, just something that added a bit more color to her character tapestry. I think theres a lot to explore here is all.
Perhaps im biased, but i feel like Shawns reaction is a bit out of character. Like yeah, he’d find it a boring assignment but i also think he’d understand how important it is to the Chief and take it seriously. Plus, Gus is right, she gives them cases, it’s pretty important for their business that they remain on her good side. And in the end he didn’t help her at all. The nephew just came back and that was the resolution. i think i would’ve preferred if Shawn had been struggling to find them too. Like every nanny he came across he could find something wrong with them because Chief Vick deserves the best. Or he had a nanny picked out all along, she just couldn’t start right away but he somehow needed the excuse to look into the nanny burglary ring? Idk. I guess its not really that big a deal. Perhaps it was to introduce a flaw in Shawns character. Like they were saying he needs the thrills to make the job worthwhile. Which is fine, i think that aligns with his overall character. In fact, i wouldn’t be surprised if he fucked somethings up later just to bump up the challenge for shits and giggles (which is such a weird phrase btw). I just think in this one specific case, he would have handled it with a bit more care.
Gus’s blimp dance! He’s so excited! After the last ep, i just want him to be happy
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I just wanted to point out the lady who plays ada was in a movie called Wolfcop. Theres an actual movie called Wolfcop.
Chief Vick’s power pose is so strong, it possesses her when she sleeps haha
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Did she just spit her pastry out on the ground??
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This always makes me chuckle because, like, why? Why would they have them go down those hill lol
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I think this is another case of Juliet getting way too into undercover work. I don’t think thats any of her actual wedding or birth plans even if the show made it look like such.
Im so confused why they were at a pet store instead of a pawn shop. What did that guy sell to him? How did the pet shop guy know it was stolen? Unrelated, but it was a nice touch that Shawn immediately spoke in a way the pet shop guy understood, even if it was just for the haha’s.
Gus’s nickname Schmuel Cohen is a real dude! Why does Shawn have the name of the composer of the Israeli national anthem locked and loaded?? The guy died in 1940. When/ how would he know that???
Awww poor Tim!
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Juliet agreeing pivots and divots is fun to say lol
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I wish they could have expanded on Nanny Henry! Like he was going to refuse to keep helping out but Chief Vick broke out her mommy voice and also kind of pleaded with him for help. Then we could have gotten some scenes of them, maybe talking about the past, or Henry asking her to look out for Shawn since he doesn’t have the police as part of his squad and therefore no backup, which Chief Vick explains that he’s practically a member anyways and would be treated as such, not only because of who his dad is but because he’s practically one of her own anyways, so of course she has his back.
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safeaswrites · 15 days
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look at the cunty banner i made! i’m a real author.
this is from the lawyer!tk x murder suspect!carlos fic i’m working on. it’s probably going to be my longest fic yet but i’m having so much fun with it. this fic is my baby.
thanks for the tags @paperstorm @reyesstrand @carlos-in-glasses @alrightbuckaroo @tellmegoodbye
also @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad and @heartstringsduet ! thanks everyone!!
Captain Kendrick shakes his head. “Officially, I can’t comment on an ongoing investigation. But there is mounting concern about the optics. Your picture’s been on the news all week.”
He’s seen. Someone gave all the news outlets a picture of him and Iris at prom— her with her deer-in-headlights eyes and brown hair cast over one shoulder in movie star waves, Carlos with his chin tucked over her shoulder, his smile forced and awkward. It’s not a very good photo, but it tells the most exciting story. Playground love, gone sour. They always run it right before the tip-line number comes up on the screen, and the anchor asks the audience to call if they have any information on Iris Blake’s whereabouts.
And after the break, bracelets made from dried goods found in your own kitchen. Fade to black; cut to commercial. They run it three times a day, sometimes more.
“There’s also some concern about your mental state,” Captain Kendrick adds.
“My mental state?”
“Given everything that’s going on.”
“I didn’t hurt her,” Carlos says emphatically. Hurt is the detectives’ word. They tend to dance around the stronger one, and Carlos finds himself following their lead. He doesn’t have the balls to say what he means, and he doubts it would earn him any favor in the investigation if he did.
that’s all you get for now! but (as you can probably tell from the fact that i made a whole banner to go with it) i’m going to try to post a snippet from this fic every week!
tagging @carlos-tk @mooshkat @strandnreyes and anyone else who wants to jump in! <3
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cho-aaacho · 11 months
There are only two souls in this room.
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Masterlist I Archive of Our Own
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Summary : You're a young professor at the university where Albert studied. He almost annoyed you for most of the time, drawing you deeper and deeper into his playful game. He loved seeing you blush in humiliation and seeing the scarlet flush on your cheeks.
But at that time, when the sun dimmed, you and Albert agreed to take shelter from the rain in the classroom. While waiting for the storm to pass. Sharing a room with him...
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Rain falling to the ground creates a calming atmosphere around the world. Some people run through the streets, dancing with the raindrops as if they were fairies, and the aroma of moist soil fills their noses. It always leaves a pleasant, romantic impression.
You leaned against the classroom window and sighed. A peculiar feeling began to invade your mind, pleading for assistance in escaping these situations. It was dark and cold, like a horror movie night scenario; all you could hear were raindrops, the air conditioner in the room, and the ticking of the clock, creating a blue atmosphere.
As you turned around at the door, you noticed someone standing there with a familiar smile. He grinned pleasantly as he stood there magnificently with his charismatic aura as if something special was teasing his thoughts with its warmth.
You couldn't see him properly from this distance, but the smile that curled on his tiny, delicate lips was always something you recognized about him.
"Professor?!" He called you.
It's Albert Wesker, a bright student of yours. A golden man in his generation, one of billions of people who could make a difference in the future. He was almost like an angel that descended from heaven and made everyone kneel before him.
Albert chimed in and entered the classroom where you were teaching. The colorful aroma of lahana leaf begins to dance between your nostrils, slowly and magically dropping, the scent becoming stronger as Albert approaches.
There is no one in the classroom. No one. There are only two souls in this room. Albert and you.
You laid the glasses down and attempted to hide your fatigue from your students.
As he approached, a gleam in his eye flashed; his eyes were like watercolors, with blues and greens blending like paint on a canvas. You couldn't help but be taken in by their attractiveness. His eyes were something beyond description.
He stepped in confidently as his pride shone through. When he got closer, you could detect a faint scent of masculinity wafting towards your nose. A small smile appeared on his face, and he slicked his blond hair with a mischievous grin.
"You aren't home yet? Are you struggling with correcting an essay?”
Strands of his blond hair were still falling across his forehead, and his blue eyes were pulled to the page with a smile that curled on his gorgeous lips, making him appear more mature than he was. He scoffed and chuckled as he examined the heaps of documents on your desk and read out the titles.
"Mind if I help you, Professor?" He replied with a cheeky grin remaining on his face.
He stifled the term professor to mock you. Making you fall deeper and deeper into his playful game. He loved seeing you blush in humiliation and seeing the scarlet flush on your cheeks.
He had a mocking sneer on his face and was going to say the next line to tease his classmate. "Whoa, they'd get an F with a red pen on their essay."
You stroked your nose as you sighed. "Why would you say that, Albert?"
"Because... well, you know, Professor. No one can answer these questions; only William Birkin and I can." He remarked triumphantly, winking. "...do you know what I mean?"
You almost laughed at his joke, chuckling in his presence, but as a good professor, you aren't permitted to laugh in the presence of a failed student. It's illegal and not cool at all. You are not one of those awful professors who merely lecture for money.
Albert, along with William Birkin and Alexia Ashford, was undeniably one of the brightest students at the university. When you first taught him in class, he demonstrated to everyone how good he was at answering every question and quiz and receiving a decent mark. If there was a higher score than S++, he’d get it.
You had no idea why he was so intelligent and yet so mischievous. Beneath his lovely face belied his mischievous character. It’s extremely unfair for someone like him.
Most of the time, he offers to take you for lunch at the cafeteria, asking you to go out to karaoke with him and Morpheus. Of course, this leaves a little death glare from Morpheus and, as a bonus, a protesting voice from William in the background.
When he has your email address, he starts spamming your inbox with a hilarious message filled with this ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠) emoticon. You didn't even know what that meant. Maybe it's something popular among the younger generation. He does that tentatively at first but becomes more active when you reply to his messages with a simple "Thank you."
Well, you are five years older than him. But he treated you like you were younger than him. He always did it, like it was a daily routine, and he would willingly write them in his diary, repeatedly doing that the next day.
He's cute. Too cute for someone like you to bear. Every time his eyes were drawn to your presence, he would treat you in a childish manner.
It's weird, to be honest.
Because, from what you know, he always gave another person a stern and uninterested look. Like something bad disgusted him and made him vomit in pain.
His smile… the way he looks at you is different; it’s like a sunny winter day. It’s warming the coldest part of your heart.
“I can't go home because of the rain…” You turned at the window, and Albert followed your gesture.
“Yeah, the rain is so annoying. But, who are we? We can’t control the weather.”
He sat on the table and tapped a vacant place beside him. Ordinarily, you would act uninterestedly and give him an excuse to reject that offer. But this time, you simply followed your heart and leaped to the table, sitting near him until your knees touched his.
"It's going to be a long rainy day, Professor." He said it with a sly grin. "I don't think standing under an umbrella will keep us safe, at the very least..."
He paused and leaned into your ear. "You seem to enjoy a romantic situation, hmm?”
“What?!” You mockingly chuckle. "We're not teenagers; things like that only appear in romance comic books. It's not romantic at all to stand together under an umbrella."
He draws at your eyes, and you look at his.
“How about this, Professor…”
He turned around, revealing a white earphone in his palm. You gaze at him, confused. "What do you mean, Albert?"
"I'll share some of my favorite songs, and you'll do the same! We'll wait and listen to our favorite songs until the rain stops!"
You chuckle and gently slap his shoulders. When he saw that wonderful moment of yours, he blinked twice and laughed softly.
“Why?” He inquired.
“No. I had no idea you were a fan of something like that, Albert. That's very kind of you."
He was embarrassed and moved his face away from you. “Ah… yeah.”
As he began scanning through his smartphone, he handed you the other pair of earphones. He couldn't stop smiling, his eyes beaming, and he looked more attractive under the classroom light. The way he looked at the smartphone is something you've never seen before.
He paused his scrolling, and with each click, a quiet and exquisite instrument flowed into your ear. He hummed and softly shook his head, following the instrument from the song.
Oh, this is a love song.
You scoffed and looked at his side profile while he was still listening to the song and thoroughly hypnotized by the lyrics. You're not sure if he chose that song on purpose or not, but his music taste is too sweet for someone like him.
The second track is played, and it simply has a piano and a violin instrument on it. His shoulder weakened as he leaned in softly to your shoulders, and his golden-glow hair nestled between your shoulders.
You giggled. While your fingers and his are interlaced...
"You're correct, Albert. It'll be a long, rainy day..."
He scoffed and responded sleepily. "Are you mad, Professor?"
“Why would I do something like that?" You stroked his golden hair. "You're..., yeah, I don't have time to be mad at you. However, if another professor sees us in this state, they will fire me."
“Aaaa… It’s illegal to date their students, right? So, how about if I marry you then? I’m 21 and you’re 26; there's nothing wrong with that.”
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daegall · 2 years
"Things I do for you."
pairing: spiderman!mark x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship!AU, spiderman!AU
warnings: none (i think?)
word count: 852 words
a/n: happy late birthday to the bestest boy everr!!!!!!!!! this was a bit overdue LOL but i really wanted to post something for mark ^^ been in my major mark feels recently i couldnt help myself hehe
i know i havent been posting a lot, and that's because my new school semester had just started and i still trying to adapt and get used ot everything :) (got too comfortable for summer beak HAHA) been a stressful couple of weeks for me recently, and i haven't really gotten better, but i hope it do <3 i hope you all do to!!!!
networks/taglist: @neoturtles @knet-bakery @ficscafe @kflixnet @k-radio @nct-writers + @soobin-chois @addictedtothesummernights @markhyuckselca @jaehunnyy &lt;3
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Wednesday's are for staying up late and doing whatever you want, playing whatever games you want, watching as many movies as you want, anything, because you have nothing to do on Thursdays, no classes or extra tutoring like every other day.
And due to this, you wake up at 10 or 11 on Thursday. But today, when you wake up, and reach out for your phone to check the time, you are pleasantly surprised at the time being 09:27 AM.
You proceed to shift to a more comfortable spot on your bed, bringing your phone closer to your face to clearly see all the new uploads to your friends' stories. In the midst of watching one of Lee Jeno's dance covers, you get a text.
Thinking nothing of it, you swipe up on the notification, opting to read it later, after you're done watching, gushing, and bombarding Jeno with words of admiration.
Finally, you tap on the notification, and grow confused at the text.
Y/n where are you 😭
you're gonna get late to the discussion!!
Did you forget bc its a thursday T^T
Mina knew you too well.
"Shit!" Instantly, your sheets fly away, thrown across the room, as you scramble up to get to the bathroom.
It's when you're finished with washing your face, when you hurriedly pick up your phone. Your wet flingers slip across the screen, your phone unable to detect any of the movement, before you desperately wipe both your screen, and fingers on the sleeve of the sweatshirt you quickly threw on earlier.
Instantly, a number is being dialed, and instantly, the person picks up.
"Hey honey!" The tender voice of your boyfriend gives you a sense of reassurance and comfort in a mini panic session.
"Good morning, Mark," you breath out. You remember him mentioning something about enjoying it when you greet him a good morning. "look, uh, I have a group discussion at the library today, you think you can drop me off?"
"Sure, what time should I pick you up?" In a moment, you hear shifting from the other line, before light footsteps. A light jingle, supposedly from his car keys, makes you feel a little exasperated.
"About that,"
You hear Mark halt, before a confused noise slips from his lips.
"It's in—well, was—a minute ago. Think this calls for desperate measures.
"Fuck," Mark curses quietly, before tossing his keys back onto his desk. "The things I do for you, I swear. Better pay me back later!"
"Yeah, yeah," you dismiss. "thank you Mark, love you!"
Not even 5 minutes later, when you barely just finished getting ready, there' a soft knock at your window, and you whip around to find the familiar red and blue suit you love to see.
Your heart beats faster in your chest when Mark slips in your room, throwing his mask off. "You ready? Here, give me your bag."
He scurries around your room, grabbing your backpack, your phone, and chargers. He knows you tend to lose the latter.
Mark secures his mask around his face, climbing onto the window sill, before reaching his arms out to you. "Alright, let's go,"
Once you're secure in his arms, a flick of Mark's wrist and you're off, maneuvering his way to the alleyways, where you two would usually take, as nobody would be lurking there. Unless they were drunk.
You hang on to your dear life, shutting your eyes tight to try to suppress the feeling of thrill and butterflies you get whenever you're soaring in the skies.
You peek an eye open, which is instantly settled on Mark, as he expertly swings through the path. You find it very endearing how he would go to extreme measures go have you less late too some group discussion you could be a little late to.
Now that you realize it, this whole thing is probably bad. Mark risking his identity just for you to make it on time?
On the other hand, you feel so incredibly grateful that you're able to know this secret about Mark, heck, even knowing Mark sounds like a blessing.
The alleyway just 3 blocks from the library is where you land, where you jump from his arms, straightening out your outfit, before accepting all your belongings that Mark had held onto and kept safe.
"Quickly, quickly!" He mumbles, patting you.
Before he can fully push you away, you rush up to him, pulling his mask upwards just a little bit, before connecting your lips together sweetly.
The kiss lasts only for a few seconds, before Mark chuckles against your lips and pushes you away gently. One of his hands reaches up, cupping the side of your face, before he pats your cheek once, twice.
"Good luck, baby. Call me when you're finished, yeah?"
You nod instantly, wrapping your fingers around his clothed wrist, rubbing your fingers against his skin reassuringly, before you let go and start making your way to the library.
"Thank you again, spiderman! I'll get us some food to make up!"
Oh, the things Mark Lee would do for you.
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prismuffin · 3 months
Could we get some Ethan hunt x old teammates m!Reader, where they have a kinda love/hate relationship yk? Were teammates because maybe the reader did something Ethan and the whole corporation didn't see fit so they went into hiding. But now (speaking of the latest movie) Ethan needs help and since he knows that he can trust the reader he tries to find him. Obviously they meet at some point maybe venice? but only because the reader caught wind of whats going on and also only helping Ethan because he has a grudge against Gabriel. I would like the reader to be more focused on stealth, like the best, no one can detect him, and maybe that also reflects in his fighting style.
Idk i hope you understand, not really good at describing what's going on in my brain
A/n: I totally understand and thanks for answering my call for M:I requests! I hope I did this one justice- also writing fights is hard as shit
Someone He Could Trust
Ethan Hunt x male!reader
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( summary: After an old friend reaches out to you for help, you decide to go to a party in Venice )
Warnings?: spoilers for Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning!! , mentions of guns, violence, fighting, knives, killing, light swearing, mentions of alcohol
!-!more under the cut!-! After all these years, the last thing you expected was a message from him. Ethan Hunt. An old...co-worker...of yours from before 96'. You both used to work together back then, not ever fully trusting one another, though you admit that that's mostly your fault. There were a few times where you may have left him in the dark but only when you knew he could get out of it easily. The last time you had though didn't go so well, a lot of people died and it ended with him being caught. You'd thought he was dead or in jail but time told a different story as you found out he was recruited by the IMF, a government organization that uses the skills of people like you and him to do dirty work behind the scenes.
"I need your help, I need someone I can trust." The message he left you included a file with a picture of a certain key. You'd heard of these things recently, everyone was racing to be the first to get both parts of the key. What exactly it unlocked you're unsure of and judging by the extent of Ethan's research he doesn't either. Though the key wasn't the only thing that caught your attention, a single name had as well. Gabriel. If you remember correctly he should be dead, if he's wrapped up in all of this then it can't be good. Either way, the last thing that lay within the file is a single invitation to a club in Venice Italy. Smirking, you stood, a party doesn't sound like a bad idea.
After a quick flight, you landed in Venice around 11pm, heading to one of the many canals in Italy you entered a boat that rowed you down to a hole in the wall building, the neon lights and loud music shaking the walls around you as you stepped out the boat, letting yourself get frisked before going inside. Entering the party, you straightened your tux as you scanned your surroundings, people danced on display like art as guests around them talked and drank. It was casual and not at the same time. Moving around the crowd of people you walked closer to the bar only to stop as you recognized a certain bearded man. Gabriel. He was older now, obviously, and he stood close to a woman you didn't recognize. You went just close enough to hear them, turning to not draw attention to yourself as you listened in on their conversation. "I don't have it on me," the woman spoke, ah so she was wrapped up in all of this. "I wouldn't expect you to," Gabriel spoke after her, "In any case, I'm not here for the key." 'He's not? Well, that's a contradiction,' you thought to yourself as you watched him turn his back to the bar, you moved to not be in his direct line of sight. "What do you want?" the woman asked though Gabriel seemed to dodge the question. "Suppose while we're waiting I tell you a little story," "You're obviously not the person I came here to meet." The woman said before deciding to walk away but stopped as Gabriel spoke again. "it's your story, Grace," So Grace was her name, "I know how it ends, let me buy you a drink and perhaps we can change it." Though you felt the urge to help this woman she's not who you came here for. Speaking of who you came for, looking near the entrance you saw him with a woman you'd seen before, though only briefly. British intelligence? You're pretty sure, or at least she used to be. Too bad you can't exactly remember her name. You moved again as they fully entered the party before getting stopped by someone who they then followed. Directing your attention back onto Gabriel and the woman you heard Gabriel telling her more about Ethan, though the way he was putting it made Ethan seem like this master manipulator to every woman he ever came across. You clenched your jaw as his story continued, he made it seem like it was Ethan's fault for the death of Marie when it was really he who'd killed her. "Grace," You were shocked to see Ethan just casually walk up to them both, he glanced over, noticing you and you winked before you quickly moved, preferring to offer him backup in the shadows if and when he needed it. You watched as they all talked before the white widow, or Alana as you know her, came over and decided to bring them all upstairs to talk. You'd crossed paths with her before but even then you doubt you'd be able to randomly convince her to let you follow them all the way upstairs. Still, you tailed them until you couldn't, deciding to linger until a fight broke out.
"Let's fan out, Hunt's here somewhere," You perked up at those words as you turned to notice two men, they nodded at each other before attempting to blend in. But to you, they stood out like a sore thumb. You were conflicted about staying near Hunt but knew he could at least handle himself against people he knew were threats. To you, these two were unknown threats that he'd unknowingly have to counter eventually. Taking them out now would be ideal you thought and so you followed them. If they moved far enough from Hunt then they wouldn't be a problem at all and you could return to him.
Tailing them didn't last too long, the venue was rather large and it didn't take them long to get far from Ethan. You walked back inconspicuously before stopping as you noticed a few guards run past you towards Ethans location. They ran up the stairs and you watched as Ethan jumped from the railing, spooking the patrons as he ran through the crowd. Following after him as quickly as you could without drawing as much attention to yourself you found him saving that girl from earlier, Grace, from two men. Fighting them off as best he could as she ran. He called out to her but she didn't come back to help, scoffing you pulled out two sai's from your person. Wasting no time you jumped on the back of one guy, putting a quick end to his life before you turned, narrowly missing Ethan's head as you plunged one of your sai's into the eye of the second guard. Ethan stood, watching as you removed your weapon, flicking the blood off. "Long time no see huh?" You said, watching the slightly out of breath Ethan tilt his head briefly as he nodded. "Yeah well," he shrugged before looking past you, seeing Grace's retreating form he moved to follow her only to stop and do a double take near the grounds. You peeked, noticing the two guys from earlier, they noticed Ethan before running to stop him, was everyone really after this guy? "I'll deal with them, you go after her," You said and he nodded. "There's a safe-house, third floor, south of Minich Bridge, my teams waiting there!" He yelled to you as he began running and you nodded, preparing yourself for the company of the two men.
Hiding beside the entrance to the corridor you were just in you waited for them to run in. The older white guy ran in first followed by his younger partner, who you went for first, hitting him hard with the back of your sai. He fell quick and quiet, though not quiet enough as the older guy seemed to notice immediately. He turned quickly, pointing his gun at you and firing off a few shots though you threw down a smoke bomb of sorts, blinding the man. You waited, moving slowly behind his person to strike again though he had anticipated your attack, blocking you last second though not before you were able to knock the gun out of his hand. He was strong and well-trained but you've taken down men bigger than him. He threw a few punches that you'd dodged before countering, causing him to stagger as the smoke started to dissipate. Kicking him, he flew off to the side, hitting the railing of the balcony. Grabbing your sai's again you were ready to finish the job, pulling your arm back to ready yourself for your attack you were suddenly pushed from behind. You hit the railing, your Sai's falling out your hand. "Shit," you were quick to turn, kicking the younger guy down, how he got back up that fast you were unsure.
Moving quickly you fought the younger guy off, not forgetting about your older opponent who had recovered from his initial fall. You threw a punch at the younger guy who'd blocked it but you'd countered quicker than he thought. Punching him in his throat he fell to the floor struggling to breathe, giving you enough time to turn and kick the older guy in his knee, knocking him down as you used your leg and wrapped it around his throat, effectively knocking you both to the ground as you choked him out with the strength of your thighs. He punched your side but you held out long enough for him to stop struggling. As soon as he was unconscious you moved to knock out the young guy again who had weakly put his fists up to fight back. Smirking you hummed, "What a shame, you're kinda cute." He charged at you and you sidestepped him. He turned quickly just in time to get kicked in the chest making him fall on his back. Some might say you should never kick someone when they're already down but you say that's the perfect time to strike. Delivering one final kick to his head, you knocked the consciousness out of his body.
Sighing you looked at the two unconscious bodies before stretching, "Finally." You moved to grab the guns that had since been forgotten in the hand-to-hand combat that just ensued before leaving the way Ethan did. You doubt you'd catch up to him now so it was better to just try and find that safe-house he'd told you about.
Finding the bridge Ethan told you about wasn't hard though you were more than shocked to find Ethan there, above a woman who was now dead. Grace stood behind him, unsure of what to do. "Ethan?" you walked up the bridge, but his eyes never left the woman. "She's.." he muttered, not finishing his sentence. Looking at the woman you recognized her from earlier she was that former British Intelligence agent whose name you didn't even remember. Now though it's clear that she meant a lot to Ethan. Kneeling down to his level you hesitantly placed a hand on his back. "I'm sorry Ethan," Hearing a boat come down the canal you were quick to remove your suit jacket, delicately placing it over her as the boat neared.
Ethan stood, still looking down at the body before ripping his eyes away from the scene. You placed your hand on his back again, shocked when he leaned into your touch. "I'm sorry," Grace spoke up but Ethan quickly shut her down. "No, it's not your fault. It's Gabriel's." He stated matter-of-factly, anger dripping from his tone. The boat finally neared and stopped making both you and Ethan look up. "Benji," Ethan said, referring to the man driving the boat. "He's on our side?" You asked and Ethan nodded. The man now known as Benji seemed relieved that Ethan was ok but confused at your presence. "I'll explain who he is later, right now...let's just get back to the safe-house...I need to think," Ethan spoke to Benji who nodded before he urged Grace onto the boat. Hopping over the railing yourself you landed with a huff onto the speedboat, sitting in the tight space before Ethan sat next to you. He held a somber expression on his face as Benji turned the boat around. Bumping him with your shoulder, you offered him a smile, "We'll make him pay for this Ethan. I promise." You whispered and Ethan looked at you. You both gave each other a determined nod at the mutual agreement and he offered you a brief smile, but it quickly fell again One way or another you were going to find Gabriel and kill him.
( I despise writing fights )
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
My requests are CLOSED !!
See my DIRECTORY for upcoming fics!
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al-meow · 2 years
— drink the night away;
alhaitham x gn!reader; modern au, night clubs, mentions of alcohol and smoking, strangers(?) to lovers, kissing, universities; 2.3k words
a/n: i'm a sucker for clubs and bars... extremely self indulgent! i hope you'll like it :>
cross posted on ao3
after a few drinks and a dozen of upbeat songs you finally feel your body relaxing. the stress from upcoming exams has been affecting you a lot, so you thought that a night out would be a perfect solution; you were absolutely right. in the crowd, among all the other people trying to drink their feelings and worries away, you felt almost like home, letting the music flow through your body and make it move like you are the main character of a dance movie. the alcohol from the earlier drinks hit you in just the right way to let the happiness get to your brain easier, but to keep you in your right mind.
at some point you sense someone behind you, almost copying your moves, and his hands float above your shoulders and waist softly, as if asking for permission. you haven’t even detected the stranger at first: that’s how barely noticeable his touch was, though noticeable enough for curiosity to spark inside of you. you catch his hands in the air and put them on your waist confidently, keeping them there and holding with yours above his. you feel rings on his fingers, and for some reason they seem familiar, but you can’t understand where you remember them from. you press your back to his front slightly and can feel his broad chest moving simultaneously with your own body.
curiosity gets the best of you, and you finally turn around when the song ends and flows into the next one smoothly. at first, you can’t believe your eyes; but you can’t be that drunk to start seeing hallucinations? you wrap your hands around his neck and start playing with his hair every so slightly (you can always blame your behaviour on alcohol later). you feel his hands tighten on your waist in response.
“i wonder, what a diligent student like you might be doing in a place like this?” you ask, looking straight into his green-ish eyes that seem almost black in the dim light of the night club.
“that’s what i should be asking you.”
when alhaitham speaks, you feel a hint of alcohol in his breath too; that makes two of you, so you are on even terms right now.
“but i was the first to do that, so be good and answer my question. or are you so studious only when it comes to studying in the library all day?”
he clicks his tongue, and his smirk doesn’t escape your eyes.
“i came here to just have a few drinks, that’s all. didn’t expect to see you though.”
his hands on your waist haven’t moved an inch. you raise your eyebrows.
“i’ve also come here to have a few drinks and dance. didn’t know you danced.”
you turn around and press your body back to alhaitham’s torso, to which he replies by sliding his hands a little bit down from your waist. you wrap your arms around his neck again and place your head on his chest; he’s perfectly taller than you for you to dance with him like that, swaying your hips from side to side.
“you’ve got some nice moves though”, you notice, turning your head slightly in the direction of his face.
he has to lean closer for you to be able to hear what he says, and you feel his lips touch your ear.
“i’m just a fast visual learner.”
“with some hands on experience.”
he chuckles, his breath rolls over your skin and you can swear to god you would’ve never thought that you’d be dancing like that with a nerdy lunatic guy from your university who everyone is always a little bit intimidated of. but you wouldn’t call him intimidating in any sense, it’s always just seemed like he was out of this world a little bit and always on his mind. actually, you have been slightly intrigued by him, especially after you had to study in the library together one time. well, technically, not together, but all the seats were taken except for the one at the table where he was sitting. so you came up to him, asked if you could sit at the same table, and a barely noticeable nod was all he gave you in response. it was comfortable sitting in silence with him like that, with quiet clicking of his laptop keyboard and your whispering of the notes you had to memorize; he didn’t mind that at all.
alhaitham has always been somewhat appealing and mysterious to you, during lectures he has always been the one to take the seat in the front and have discussions with teachers. you are pretty sure people have been calling him an upstart even, but you would always mentally disagree with that. it's not his fault that almost no one in the course except for him treats the education seriously. and meeting him in the night club doesn’t help to get rid of the thoughts of him that have preoccupied your mind at all. with his tight slightly unbuttoned black shirt and rolled up sleeves. on the contrary, you feel like you’re melting into him and his touch, as if becoming one whole with him while flowing through the crowd on the dance floor.
you feel your head almost start spinning, and before it gets too bad you stop dancing, turning to alhaitham again. you pull him closer by his neck, and he seems a bit surprised as to why you’ve suddenly changed your position.
“i need to go for a breather”, you almost scream into his ear, holding onto his shirt to keep balance. he notices a slightly lost look on your face and his arms around you tighten, he carefully leads you out of the crowd closer to the tables near the bar, where some people have been peacefully sitting and chatting.
“are you feeling okay?” alhaitham asks, cupping your face and tilting it up a little so he has a better look on it. his hands seem awfully cold against your hot skin, and it helps you get back to your senses a bit. the grip of his palms is tight, but he doesn’t seem to care about it, examining your face.
“i’m fine, it just got too hot here”, you reply, taking his hands and putting them down from your face; you are sure your skin is red as hell, but you’re not sure why exactly.
“you can go get your jacket and go outside, i’ll join you in a bit. i think i have left my phone on one of the tables.” alhaitham starts looking around and scanning the surroundings.
“alright, but don’t leave me all alone for too long.”
you are not sure what makes you say this, and you are not sure why you are willing to spend all your time tonight beside him. might be alcohol, might be something else.
alhaitham chuckles for the second time this night.
“don’t worry, i won’t”.
cold night air makes you feel refreshed the second you breathe it in, and the lights from everywhere around you fall onto your skin, blending into each other softly. you stand right beside the club entrance, looking at the door and waiting for alhaitham to finally join you. the door indeed opens in a few minutes, and alhaitham leaves the club wearing a black coat.
of course. of course he can’t be wearing anything else than an elegant black coat that fits him perfectly.
his eyes find you quickly, and he takes a few step to stand closer to you. he looks even more beautiful with street lights dancing on his skin.
he takes a pack of cigarettes out of his left pocket and lights up one of them almost instantly, takes a deep puff and breathes out a thick cloud of smoke; a sigh of relief leaves his lips.
“you smoke?” you arch your brow. he looks at you bringing the cigarette to his lips, then takes another puff.
“only when i drink”, alhaitham replies after breathing the smoke out in the opposite from you direction.
“and i assume you don’t drink too often?”
“what, are you worried about my health?”
you want to wipe his stupid smirk off of his face, but hold back your violent urges. instead, you laugh.
“you wish.”
alhaitham replies with a grin and takes another puff. you think that all he does seems elegant and magnificent, even the damn smoking, but that might just be his coat though. who wouldn’t look good in a neat black coat?
stupid coat.
the wind blows your hair into your face, and you sense a mild familiar scent. it takes you a few seconds to realize that your hair smells like alhaitham’s perfume.
stupid alhaitham.
while you're lost in thoughts about him, he studies your face with the most genuine curiosity. if you saw him like that, you would think that he is hypnotized or something.
when you glance at him again, he looks at the cloud of smoke in front of him. his half burned cigarette is about to touch his lips when you suddenly take a step closer to him and pull him into a kiss by the collar of his coat. he lets out a hum, obviously not having expected something like this from you, but a second after he wraps his free hand around your waist and pulls you closer. he's got the breath of his menthol cigarette on his teeth, and in any other situation with any other person you wouldn't kiss them right after they'd smoke. but for some reason alhaitham feels different, and you don't mind deepening the kiss, tasting more of this weird alcohol and menthol mix on his tongue. you hold onto his coat desperately, like you might fall any second, but his hold on you never weakens while you're savouring each other.
when you pull away at last, you fix his coat and take a tiny step back, putting your hands into the pockets of your jacket. he's stunned.
"what was that for?" alhaitham taps the cigarette with his thumb to shake off some ashes.
"sorry. did you mind?"
"...no. of course not."
"just felt like doing so. maybe i will not even remember it tomorrow." you hide your face from his curious gaze and look to your left, where cars sometimes slash through the empty driveway.
you know you will remember.
he hopes you will remember.
"so, do you want to go for a walk around the city? i think it looks the most wonderful at this hour." alhaitham takes the last puff of the cigarette and throws it into the bin. he looks at you expectantly, having tilted his had to the side slightly.
"do you remember that we have a lecture tomorrow first thing in the morning?" you cross your arms on your chest.
"yes. don't tell me you have some homework not done for tomorrow, i will not believe you."
"i have everything done! i wouldn't have gone to the club otherwise. but what do you mean?"
"you are literally the next person after me who is always prepared for classes and stuff."
"ah, so you have been watching me, haven't you?" you grin at alhaitham, and he rolls his eyes.
"so do you want to continue the night?"
"i haven't paid for my drinks yet..."
"neither have i. should we just run away then?"
you only have time to open your mouth, and when the door to the club suddenly opens, alhaitham grabs your hand and runs for his dear life never looking back, turning at the nearest crossroad. you are running for a few more minutes until your lungs give up and you let go of his hand; he stops immediately and looks observantly at you. you stare at each other for a few more seconds before bursting into laughter and laughing so hard your stomach starts aching afterwards. this time, you take his hand first and pull him towards some small and very pretty decorated street to continue your little spontaneous adventure. he intertwines his fingers with yours and follows you immediately.
next morning, when you enter the lecture hall, alhaitham is already sitting there, his nose in his notes as always. you hesitate in the doorway a little. what if he doesn't remember a thing? what if that was just alcohol speaking in him? what if that was just a one-night thing? you suddenly realize that for you it definitely wasn't just alcohol speaking yesterday. after taking a deep breath, you eventually approach him and drop yourself on the seat close to him.
when he breaks away from his notebook and looks at you, you see one of the most genuine smiles you have ever seen in your life.
"hi", you break the slightly awkward silence, and alhaitham closes his notebook.
"good morning", he replies and rests his head on his fist, putting his elbow on the desk. he definitely looks tired; the dark circles under his eyes look much more defined than usual and give away the fact the he hasn't slept much this night. "you're not scared of what others might think of you seeing you hanging out with me?"
"gosh." his smirk is so stupid. you absolutely love it. "you were too much of a good kisser yesterday for me to just ghost you today."
he pouts at your words. "just a good kisser? i'm offended." you roll you eyes.
"give me a kiss already", you sigh and make 'duck' lips, drawing a chuckle out of alhaitham.
he gives you a quick peck on the lips, and the widest smile appears on your face. he shakes his head and opens his note book again, which reminds you to prepare what you need for the lecture as well. you start revising previous topics as well, sometimes stealing fast glances on alhaitham and catching him looking at you too.
he will never tell you that he did pay for both of your drinks before leaving the club.
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overwatchfics · 2 years
Domestic HCs with Kiriko/Sojourn/Junker Queen (seperate) and their fem s/o? I love all the new characters, thanks in advance!
Domestic HC's (Junker Queen, Sojourn, and Kiriko)
Junker Queen
Living in Junker Town with the queen herself isn't per say "relaxing" however it sure is exciting
Odessa loves a good fight, if you two met as fighters you can bet a fun little spar occurs often (as long as no one gets seriously hurt)
Loves when you sit on her lap while on her throne (or in her lap at any time at all really)
Despite being queen and having a number of people she could call upon to serve her, Odessa prefers to cook for you and her.
She's surprisingly good at it!
She totally has a Kiss the Queen apron and if you disagree come fight me
When the night rolls around, Odessa is a blanket thief
She also refuses to go to bed without a goodnight kiss
If you wake her up to try to wrestle back the blanket, she'll just pull you into her arms and keep you wrapped there with the blanket, like a cuddle burrito
Her body heat is crazy good to have on cold nights that's for sure.
Honestly If you'd complain about being held securely by Odessa, I don't think you're human
Talks in her sleep a little, but other than that she's a sound sleeper.
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Honestly, yaaas commander slay
Vivian is an active woman so expect some couple's exercises (quite frankly all these women are just super active)
Camping in the Canadian wilderness? You can bet your sojourn simp hide this will happen.
She'll pack some camp meals, some camp supplies, and you're off for a couple days
Two cool gals sitting on camp chairs next to a fire
S'mores were definitely made that night.
Vivian, just loves to be outdoors in general
So that includes nights under the stars on the front lawn with a couple glasses of wine.
When there are free nights indoors she loves to binge shows like Bones, NCIS, Grey's Anatomy, and other crime mystery shows.
This is not because I saw her cyber detective skin on the shop last night, nope.
Vivian has you right next to her and a bucket of popcorn to munch on
When it's time for bed, Vivian winds down with some yoga and would love if you joined her.
As far as sleeping goes, she moves around in her sleep a lot (still holds your hand in her sleep no matter the position that's a superpower. She snores, don't @ me.
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Kiriko is unabashedly, a city girl. The flat you two live in is pretty tidy surprising considering her chaotic nature.
This means going out to various arcades, live music and comedy, movies, and enjoying the overall city life.
As a city girl I can relate
As far as being active goes, she loves to ride her bike around the city, and she'll be more than ecstatic if you join her
Maybe biking to a park on a sunny afternoon and setting up a picnic and watching the clouds go by
Back at home, she's a gamer and she love to play games like just dance (if you're feeling down, EMERGENCY DANCE PARTIES), Smash bros, and breath of the wild (though we all know she'd play more than that.)
Would cuddle you from behind with the controller in front and play her games like that.
Can't cook for the life of her, however she can bake, and man can that girl BAKE
Cookie and donut decorating YES.
Kiriko ALWAYS licks the batter off the spoon, if you try to stop her, she'll tackle you to the ground and force you to eat some.
Your face is stained with sugary residue with how many little kisses she gives you in the process (definitely licked some stuff off your face which earned her a playful smack on the shoulder.)
When night rolls around, she'll calm down and maybe put on a superhero movie (I get the total vibe she loves Marvel and DC)
Never fails to give you goodnight kisses
I think I've mentioned this in another prompt, but Kiriko is a big spoon, she loves the feeling of being wrapped around her and having you securely in her arms
A dead silent sleeper, you almost think she's dead at times.
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A/N: This was so fun to write! Thank you Anon! I love all the new ladies Especially Junker queen and Kiriko (though I think I know everyone here who reads my stuff knows exactly who I'm biased for)
Have a request? Put it in the Request box and don't forget to check the rules!
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espresseo-cafe · 5 months
life is still beautiful | johnny | ch.9
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genre: cappucino, romance, angst, university!au, dad!au, drama, slice of life
pairing: collegestudent!johnny x fem!reader
bean count: 5k+
warnings: confrontation, emotional breakdown
a/n: another friday coffee!🤎note: this is only a work of fiction, it doesn’t reflect the artists’ personalities in any way.
the moment you set your life in place when you left home was the time where you felt free. the you could do whatever you wanted, made good friends to keep, and perhaps fall in love..?
since the day you and johnny had the dance in the rain that you thought only happened in movies, you noticed how cautious he was towards you. in a way that he was much more mindful on surroundings than you were.
one of those were crowded areas, he made sure to keep you close to him. another was eating at restaurants, he made you sit first before he did and paid for the food instead. and the final thing he did was to keep eye contact whenever you’d talk.
you could hold eye contact before.. but how come suddenly it felt awkward? even if you did look away, you could feel him following your gaze. it made you conscious, though it made your stomach churn into butterflies.
knowing him for almost five months, you knew he was a happy go lucky person. not only he took the role of being a father, he made sure that he still had time for his studies and gatherings. and you were so glad to be part of his circle of friends.
there were days when you felt that nights were so short because you were up ‘til like three to four in the morning with him, just chatting about a lot of things. you found out that johnny was such a great person to keep the conversations going.
if yoohyeon was your best friend, johnny was for sure a close second to being one. something about him just had you feeling secured around his presence. it just felt right.
yeri’s been at her family home for a few days, so the room was quiet. quiet to the point where your thoughts was filled with johnny. sitting up from your bed, you lightly slapped your cheeks to shake out of it. you were in your final year of university, so was johnny, and you’d hate to be distracted.
your eyes just trailed along the floor until your tote bag was in sight. then you suddenly remembered that paper slip one again, finally taking it out to see what it was.
your thigh felt vibrations from your phone, so you checked it to see who was calling. it was the detective in charge of your accident three years ago.
“good afternoon, miss y/fl/n. it’s detective park. i hope i’m calling you at a right time.” he said through the other line. “are you free to talk?”
you sat up straight and curled your fist in to a ball, picking your fingers together. it had been a while since, and you knew the case was a dead end, never reopened for further investigation. “yes, i’m available at the moment.”
detective park shuffled in his seat before answering you. “great, however i’d love to talk in person instead. it’s not a good sight for me to use mobile phone at work premises. hope you understand.”
“y-yeah! sure, um.” you thought for a bit, “can we meet at coffee shop at the newly opened mall? next saturday morning will be preferable, i got a free slot in the afternoon is that okay?”
he smiled, “that’ll be great, miss y/n. i’ll contact you then if there are any changes in the schedule. we’ve got a bit to discuss.”
“okay. i’ll wait for your call then, detective park. thank you.”
“thank you, miss y/n. have a good day.”
johnny changed youngmin’s diaper when taeyong leaned on the doorframe of his room. he wasn’t sure how many times he’d seen his older friend did this for and he was a pro by now. “johnny.”
he just hummed, but didn’t look at him. he just continued to clean youngmin’s bottom that was painted with watery stool.
taeyong saw how he sighed, given that he was so stressed about his son’s health lately. however it had been three weeks since the confrontation between him and minji, words needed to be addressed.
so he waited until he finished cleaning youngmin before having that ‘dad talk’ with him. going out to the small living room, taeyong locked his hands together, finding the right time to bring that topic out. “john-”
“if you want to talk about minji and i, there’s nothing to talk about.” he heard him say, and taeyong sighed, knowing he gave a variety of similar responses. he was obviously avoiding it again.
“nothing to talk about?” he tilted his head, “it’s been eating you out for quite sometime now and all you could say ‘there’s nothing to talk about’? you’re clearly affected by what she told you that night.”
johnny combed his hair back, not wanting to discuss it any further. but taeyong was right, he hadn’t been himself lately. he stared blankly at the floor, “she wanted to get back together, tae.”
taeyong stared at him, not believing what he was hearing. kun came out of the bedroom after pulling an all-nighter. “what’s the noise?” he walked to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. his peripheral vision saw how johnny was just doing the task of cleaning diapers. not talking to youngmin like he used to.
“it’s something else. is it, johnny?” kun read him with ease. he guy didn’t say anything, only putting back youngmin’s shorts.
jungwoo came in after his shift at the dvd store, bringing a bag of groceries as well. mark behind him tagged along because he wanted to see youngmin. “alright my dudes, movie night comes early at 4pm! i got popcorn, chips, and ice-” he looked at the room, all dead silence. his brows met, “what’s with the atmosphere?” then gasped, “did someone eat my last box of ice-cream?”
“jungwoo.” taeyong warned him, gesturing for him to sit.
“oh damn, it’s that serious, huh?” he placed the bags on the coffee table. “did i miss anything?”
the guys shook their heads. telling him that he actually arrived on time, then looked at johnny.
“minji’s pregnant.” johnny started.
his friends stared at him in shock, mouths agape. they looked at each other then back at him. taeyong sat forward, his forearm on his thighs. kun nearly spat water, but drooled it back to his glass disgustingly. mark sat back on the sofa with his hands behind his head.
jungwoo nearly dropped his new ice-cream box, “johnny hyung, this will be the second time you-”
“are you really the father?” taeyong asked sternly, though he was just worried. “what if it’s takuya’s? you know they’ve been seeing each other back then.”
“as if she could get pregnant by a lap dance.” kun tried to joke, mumbling a ‘sorry’ afterwards when he felt johnny giving him a slight glare.
mark looked at the older ones, putting his glasses back in place. “it’s a possibility if they have been seeing each other before johnny hyung’s birthday. but sorry to ask, when was the last time you both went out?”
johnny actually had to think about it, taking a few seconds to a minute, with youngmin climbing up to his chest and rested his cheeks on his dad’s shoulder. “february 9th, my birthday.”
“and how far along is she?” mark crossed his arms.
johnny curled his tongue. “she’s probably going on to six months, not sure.”
doing the math, that simple answer proved that something happened on johnny’s birthday. the boys looked at him, just staring into the unknown. they couldn’t figure out what to say. they felt like they already hit a dead end.
with the events that had happened in the past few months, they knew you and him had a connection. if minji really was carrying johnny’s baby, you were going to be put in the rough in their relationship, that is, if you harvested any feelings for johnny at all.
taeyong knew otherwise, he knew johnny the longest and he wouldn’t do something reckless if he and minji weren’t working out. if anything, he was the witness to this relationship since day one.
“youngmin will have a younger sibling.. damn.” johnny clicked his tongue in frustration. “she couldn’t even look after youngmin and now she’s adding another problem to the equation that i’ve been trying to solve for the past year and a half.”
“if we’re talking about probabilities here,” mark butted in, “y/n noona is another solution to all this. i mean, she’s been helping you with youngmin since the carnival date yeah?”
“and giving her more problems she wasn’t even meant to solve?” johnny slowly sat up, rubbing youngmin’s back. “she already has a lot on her plate and i feel bad to be giving her my responsibilities. and she’s physically isn’t strong enough.”
jungwoo scrunched his brows, “whatever you mean, hyung? she was a beast at the dean’s camp, all guys had their eyes on how she dominated the games.”
johnny just realised after blabbering out his thoughts. “i can’t say. it’s between me and her. sorry.”
kun poured himself another glass of water, dumping the one he previously spat in. “she had a trauma in the past, like an accident?”
johnny whipped his head at kun. as expected of the top one student in psychology. “if that’s what you concluded, i’m still not saying anything.”
kun smirked, “okay, but you had her telling you, did she? that ‘secret’ story? all it took for me was just five words and some analysis and your reaction.”
“well i just gave you a prior heads up, so you practically got all the pieces and summed it all. in short, you just got lucky.” johnny stood up, swaying side to side to put youngmin to sleep.
“or i’m just so smart.” kun raised his glass and gave a toast smugly. “i’m also very smart that to figure you’re in love with y/n, for a while now.”
the guys held in their laughs, he got johnny good. if anyone could read minds, it was definitely their very qian kun. and johnny was so chill to the point he didn’t mind to be a little humiliated by his friends.
johnny chuckled, “playing cupid now huh, kun? if i told you that i am, will that prove your hypothesis right in whatever you’re trying to put out?”
“yes and that’s no surprise at all. do you take me as an idiot?” kun shook his head playfully, making the other boys laugh. “but johnny hyung, just to be sure though, we can ask my girlfriend about all this. she’s in nursing.”
jungwoo stood up, going to the bathroom, “and i thought you were going to say that she’s pregnant too.” earning a hearty laugh from mark and an eye roll from kun.
walking up at seven in the morning, you stretched your arms and prepared yourself to for class. the campus was breezy and sunny and your hair felt the cool air run through your scalp that you closed your eyes.
you loved it, but hated how it dried your hair. stupid dandruff.
“isn’t she pretty?” you heard some freshmen say and you smiled at them, realising they have been staring at you. they giggled and skipped away in embarrassment.
you bit your lips from smiling and your eyes caught of a person you haven’t seen in days.. and made your heart skip a beat. “john-“
you stopped calling his name after seeing him talking with a professor. he must be very busy with his studies, you thought you should be focusing as well. turning around, a dash of air swept pass by you, almost running into someone.
“sorry!” you exclaimed, “i wasn’t paying attention.. oh choi seungcheol?”
he looked at you in surprise, “y/n!” he smiled, taking balance of the books in his hands. “didn’t get to see you in our minors. it’s been long.”
you hugged your books. this guy was handsome that he could be mistaken as a foreigner. “y-yeah, i guess you’re busy with your games? heard our university’s in the semi-finals.”
he hitched a breath, you were breathtaking up close and he thought you were meeting for the first time. “you bet we are. wanna come watch? it’s after our first semester exams.”
“i’ve got to check, there’s been a lot going on recently but i’ll let you know.” you smiled and continued to talk with him.
after countless of questions and topics, johnny finished his conversation with his professor. he didn’t mind the company but he really needed a breather. his tired eyes were getting droopier by time until he saw you just a few feet away.
he raised his arm to wave, attempting to call out to you. “y/n-“ his smiled faded when seungcheol came into sight as well. he observed how you and him talked to each other. smiley, friendly, natural.. and somehow looked good together. much to his indenial.
not wanting to have an advance overthought, he didn’t like it already. though in his mind, when he put the pieces together, it somehow made sense.
he asked himself how different would it be if you and him hadn’t crossed paths? how much happier would you be with choi seungcheol instead of him? the guy had a good background for all he knew. and would the current situation and burden he was carrying right now be okay for you to hear?
to be honest, he was so torn. just when he realised he was in love with you, he was told about the news that his ex was pregnant. though it wasn’t confirmed yet, his heart still broke. it broke his heart that the possibility of a new chance was taken away from him even before it started.
he never felt so down about something like this before. it filled his mind so much that he didn’t even pay any attention that it had been three weeks since he found out.
staring at you happily conversing with the guy you might take an interest in, he sighed and found his feet leaving the place you both were standing together at.
“y/n?” seungcheol’s voice slowly became clearer. “let’s go to class.”
you hummed in realisation, “hm?” looking back at where you swore you saw johnny stood prior before agreeing with seungcheol. “yeah, let’s go.”
saturday. never had you ever felt this much nervous just meeting someone. the last time you did was with johnny at the carnival date. you felt jittery at the time but this was different kind of nervous. it was the kind were you wanted to vomit.
you didn’t care how long it took for the police to catch the suspect. you didn’t care how the weather mirrored your mixed emotions then. you only cared about the person behind the wheels.
people closeby said it was intentional, others said it was accidental. either way, you were the one who got hurt, and that could’ve ended badly.
detective park entered the café, he was glad you actually showed up. not that he thought you wouldn’t. but given the result of the incident, it was something that traumatised you up until now. he had some leads, and he hoped you were ready to hear it.
“ms. y/fl/n?” he called out, “detective park, i’m glad we’re able to see each other.” he brought out his hand for a handshake, sitting afterwards.
“good afternoon detective park.” you returned the gesture, “i ordered cappuccino for you if you don’t mind.”
he smiled at you, “oh thank you. i was going to buy actually.”
you shook your head, “it’s on me today. you’ve been working hard on my case few years back. so what made it reopen for investigation?”
the man in front of you took some files from his backpack. showing you the basic documents from the incident. you looked at the photos laid out to you shakily.
a photo of a car leaving and a person laying on the ground- you. your eyebrows met and looked closely at the photo, not understanding what you were seeing. “i don’t.. understand?”
“it’s a photo we got from the cctv, clearer even.” he said, using a pencil to guide you through the photo. “there’s two cars recorded here, one to your left and another to your right...”
detective park explained the situation that they received new information for the next hour. it didn’t answer or solve the incident, it was a vague lead yet it was something to put hope in.
you had actually started to put it behind you as you wanted to move on. but you couldn’t move on from something if there wasn’t any proper closure, could you?
parting ways with the detective, you needed to get to class in the afternoon. so you made your way to the cafeteria to have catch some lunch with yeri and the boys. sana joined in to work on a project with taeyong, and she waved at you once you were by entrance.
you briefly skimmed through the friend circle, johnny wasn’t anywhere to be seen. he probably had to stay back at the library or class to focus on his studies.
and you recalled one time this side of johnny was not someone to be messed with. the way he gave you a death glare for asking him about a problem from a mandatory math class gave you a cold chill.
“looking for johnny?” yeri teased you, hooking her arm to yours as you both queued for food. “he’s studying at the moment, saying he wanted to beat kun during the first semester exams. he wanted to reclaim his posititon.”
“position in what? isn’t he already one of the top students or something?” you took the tray yeri gave you, scanning the options in front for lunch. and yum, they had such good ones today.
sana just scootered in between you both, “didn’t you know? he scored number one at the entrance exams, projects, and finals until kun beat him at the finals by 0.2 difference last year.”
you snorted, “what was the difference? mispelling and punctuation?” making the girls laugh, and you laughed at your own remark.
“actually it was, much to my disappointment.” johnny’s voice caused you and the girls to freeze on the spot, turning around to see him smiling beside you, grabbing a tray as well.
“johnny.” you softly spoke and your face was visible with embarrassment, “i- uh, sorry i was just trying to lighten the mood, you know stressed with the final year and all..”
johnny mocked your facial expression before smiling again, “and i just happened to be your subject of interest. why? were you looking for me?”
yeri and sana playfully pushed you and giggled at the right assumption johnny made. his eyes never leaving you, and once you faced him you bit your lip. “maybe, just this once because-”
“-because i’m usually around? is that what you’re trying to say?” you blinked at how he finished your sentence so easily and johnny ruffled your hair. “i leave the pretty flower vase on the table for one second and you’re starting to fall already.”
“..’falling for you’..” sana mumbled to you and you gasped in surprise.
“i haven’t broke yet!” you put out your tongue so childishly before marching away from them, your food tray all complete with the food you chose. your friends just giggled at how flustered you were.
the cafeteria became livelier by the time you sat down with the others. students chattering the next hour away while having their lunch. you sat at the table with people you became closer in the past few months. how you wished time would stop, this being one of your favourite things to do.
you took a glimpse at johnny, picking on the food he had with his fork, without eating.
he looked tired than usual, his underbags getting darker by time. you wondered if he was sleeping well lately, because his body language wasn’t as physically active as he used to be. you didn’t know how v long you were staring until you shifted your gaze quickly to the ceiling when he suddenly looked away from his food.
an announcement went over the PA speaker that classes were halted for the day due to the renovation happening at the east wing of the campus, making everyone, including yourself sigh in relief.
lunch was finished after a few minutes and jungwoo suggested to have a stroll at the nearby town, even adding a trip to the cinema to watch the latest film. everyone at the table agreed to it, it would lessen the stress of the seniors: johnny, taeyong, kun, sana, and yourself.
walking towards the exit, some students huddled in a small crowd just by the doors. whispering to themselves that a group of professors walking towards the cafeteria.
your eyes made contact with the two people who ghosted you at the restaurant back then- your parents. stopping in your tracks, your friends turned to look at you, “y/n? let’s go.”
johnny knew that expression you were having, same as the day when you both ran into your parents at the carnival. he quickly flicked his head to your approaching parents and stood in front of you.
the others followed johnny’s blank expression, looking at where he had his gaze at. it didn’t take long for them to know it was your parents and the other board members behind them.
you wanted to run away again. however, you weren’t the same y/n of the past. you weren’t different either, just evolved, matured.
your very serious father lifted his hand up to signal you to come closer, and your mother.. still nailing her usual stone cold aura. as you approach them, you noticed that like you, they too, have matured in age.
“took some time for us to have an appointment with you, y/n.” your dad started, his hands coming out of his pockets. “johnny suh really held his ground.” nodding at the boy next to you.
“he did, which i’m thankful for.” you gripped your hands together.
“we haven’t heard from you for three years.” he casually said as if nothing happened in the past, “so how are you?”
“i’m doing fine. you can see clearly.” you simply answered, yet feeling quite uneasy to be front of them, and in front of your friends.
“and your studies? are they still going well?” your mom finally spoke up, your dad soon nodding in agreement.
not this topic again, it was always the same old conversation when it came to you, nothing else. having researchers and professors as parents meant you needed to maintain the reputation. never had they thought of just treating you like a normal person, you only felt like a robot to them.
“my parents are board directors of education, i thought you have all the records.” you softly sputtered, fiddling your fingers behind you. you whispered to johnny, “please leave with the others, i’ll follow to the cinema later.”
johnny held your hand gently, “you sure? i’ll inform others to go on ahead. i’ll be outside, okay?” gesturing his friends to follow him.
by the time they exited the cafeteria, kun stood in front of johnny, “dude, this isn’t looking good based on their exchange just now.” he glanced around the hallways, “we’ll stay here as well. we all have to be here for y/n.”
taeyong nodded, later whispering to him, “yeah man, you’re not in the right state of mind as well.”
johnny sighed, his friends were on point, and they were right. you weren’t the only one going through crap at the moment. “okay, thanks guys. i owe you one.”
“we saw your records actually, you failed your first year majors and second year minors. and you suddenly made it into the dean’s list this year?” your mom showed you a copy of your academic records.
“you got it wrong, i passed all the subjects i took. i don’t know how you got that false information.”
“good.” your dad sternly said, “at least you know you did well.” he then took his bag and took out a photo, a photo you didn’t seem to recognise. “then what’s this?”
it was a photo of you at a club, all drunk and dancing with people your age, clearly taken by someone else.
“can you explain that?” your mom crossed her arms, you frowned trying to remember whatever that night was. “explain yourself.”
but nope, nothing came to mind. “i don’t owe you any explanation for it because i didn’t do that. if i did, it was a normal party people my age go to.”
“then think harder.” your mom’s voice gradually rose and hit the table next to her, making the utensils jump a little and you flinched at the tone you hated to hear. this was what you feared on happening.
“no.” you firmly reiterated.
your parents furrowed their brows, “excuse me, young lady. mind your tone.”
“oh i mind. in fairness, i’ve been minding everything my whole life.” you pointed out. “i was doing well all my own and now you’re somehow interested in my life?”
“y/n, watch your tongue. we didn’t raise you like this!” your dad noted, approaching closer to you.
you had enough, this was similar to the argument the night you had the accident three years ago. and you were thinking of patching up? it was impossible. you adjusted your shoulder bag, placing your books inside. “raised me? when? i was taught that expressing my feelings was talking back. if you think that i was doing such.. well this is me knocking on your doors so that i could be heard, for once.”
your dad slammed the table, “show some respect, y/n!”
“how dare you! mind your manners!” your mom pointed at you angrily, mirroring your dad.
ah. this was history repeating itself, scolding you for just speaking up your thoughts.
this was overwhelming. you had expected that the outcome of meeting them would be same but this time hurt so evidently that you felt tears prickling in your eyes. your mouth quivered at the result of the nagging and loud voices.
you hoped this meeting would be different, you hoped that after three years you parents would at least show any care. however it was nothing close to that.
“fine. you want explanation? i’ll say it honestly.” you raised your voice, it was something your parents were shocked to see.
“it’s so damn hard to be your daughter!” you bit the insides of your mouth, tears finally falling down. “you both never cared on what i did at all besides my acads but every single time i made a mistake, be it from the past or from that photo that i clearly don’t remember, you always felt the need to point it out.”
as you said that, the atmosphere changed in an instant. your dad’s eyes darkened while your mom didn’t feel like hearing anything you had to say.
“but when i point out yours, it’s rude? don’t you know every night you’d argue, throwing items around and yelling in the dead of night, i had to pick up the mess you made? i dreaded sleep because i’d hear your voices haunting my ears. you never tend to my needs, but i had to tend to yours by leaving your own food on the table? i was scared to do it because if i didn’t, you’d make a big fuss right after. you never came to any of my school activities and i felt like dirt to be the only one without my parents at my graduations! i had to do everything myself!”
your parents stared at you in surprise, “y/n,” your dad tried to calm you down but you went a full on blast.
“you-”oughing your stuffy throat, “-you weren’t even there the night i nearly died!” you cried. at this point you were heaving, your chest hurt and you were at your limit. “you didn’t even bother to look for me because i heard you were filing for a divorce? or have you already done that since you only cared about the money you’d get from each other?”
you failed to notice, but your parents stayed silent on hearing that.
“shoot.” johnny mumbled, and his friends looked worriedly at him, shocked at what they’re hearing. this was meant to be a secret but he knew you’d have to let it out at one time.
“even if you did know what had happened to me, at least show up and be for me for legalities’ sake! but who the hell has parents like that?! oh wait it’s me!” you hiccuped, “m-maybe that’s why grandma and grandpa limited your access to me because they knew how lacking you both were!” wiping your tears with your forearm, “y-you’re both so overbearing, maybe, that’s why i left..”
few students from outside the caferteria saw the scene as if a soap opera was being filmed in front of them. your mom glanced and felt ashamed to be displaying this as board directors.
“is that- the truth?” your mom stuttered, it was the first time you’d seen her so quiet.
“the truth? it’s so hard to tell you the damn truth! after everything you did; even at that dinner you ghosted me at, i wanted to tell you how i felt, but no, you shut me out so i just let it be. you two raised me to be silent!” you turned to your dad, who tried to speak up.
“and you demand respect, dad? people like you both don’t deserve it when you didn’t even respect the fact that you had a daughter under your roof tolerating your negativity.” you wiped your tears, your face going numb. “i didn’t choose my parents, but you chose to have me, at least take some responsibility!” you cried harder, and the other staff didn’t know when to intervene because you were so broken.
you adjusted your bag once again as you made your way to the door that you decided to say something that was bothering you the longest of time. you turn around to your parents,
“even if you didn’t love each other, i wanted you to see me. i wanted you to love me..” you sniffed and felt your body going weak.
“.. i wish i didn’t have to fight for that..”
taglist: @titanmaknae29 @joepomonerof @lovesuhng @studyingthemind @cheyehc @kyeomooniee @geysuuuuh @mrkleelvr
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casinotrio1965 · 3 months
Disney Descendants : Tiger Lily x Lampwick story ideas Part 5
She hates when he listens to loud music. He can't hear her and it's big pain to get ahold of him. But he has so much fun dancing and headbanging that she can't help but join in. Sometimes they like to try to gross each other out. They'll say they don't want to hear it but they laugh the whole time. It's fun for them to tell silly, gross stories. Tiger Lily has plenty, especially from hanging out with the Lost Boys. They like to investigate old mysteries. They can't help it they have to know if its true! They just want to help. They'll investigate weird noises and go places they shouldn't. They're partner detectives!
They prefer warm days but cold days are lots of fun! They like building snowmen, having snowball fights and doing things like going sledding or snowshoeing. They just like having fun! And then they get to make cocoa or hot chocolate. It's even better once the kids are born.
They like to pose in new clothes for each other. They have a little fashion show. It's really fun to see the other one react and enjoy how they look. Especially if they've bought something really good looking. They only keep it secret for something important like the wedding or a dance
They like having lazy pyjama days together. They can just hang out and watch tv. They can get stuff done around the house. They can just be snuggly and warm! It's great!
They don't really wonder what it'd be like to be with anyone else. They've been together for years and they spend a lot of time together not really wondering if anything would be different. They grew up together and it's all they need to know.
Tiger Lily imagines Lampwick as the male romantic leads in the books she reads. What can she say? She loves him and she likes to imagine him saying the romantic stuff they do to her. Only with certain leads though. She doesn't like to imagine him as the jerky ones who come around later.
They weren't used to phones. Now they message each other and call all the time. It's so nice being able to hear from each other and tell them about their day or send them cute photos.
They are very cuddly during the middle of the week. It's hard being stuck working but with the kids in school they can find stuff to do. Like go for a walk, go to a movie, have a date night. It's a nice night.
They always tag each other on their social media pictures and they like them all too. They want to support each other even if it looks dumb. It's ridiculous once they get more famous and people get ruder to them but they always have each other's backs. Even if Lampwick spends too much time fighting with people over her online. XD
Tiger Lily is always amused by his fans who just read magazines. Sometimes she can't resist popping the bubble by telling them he spends all day hanging out chasing babies around and changing diapers. It stops working when the kids are older but for a while it was funny. He's just like 'and proud!'
Thanks @askauradonprep For these HC !
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
Hi ! For your event can i request yeonjun with best friend to lovers true with eventual smut??
Yes you can my friend 😼
Best Friends to Lovers with Choi Yeonjun:
cw - fluff, smut, Jjunie’s a tease, clearly I see him as a prince charming, clothed sex
Nothing says bsf Yeonjun more than the scenario where you and Yeonjun are besties signed under Hybe
The official unofficial couple of the company
Because you’re never apart
Even if you are, you talk about each other so much that nobody feels the other person’s absence
Present in spirit❤️
Living on through either of you gushing about your extra talented best friend slaying
(Yeonjun’s words not mine)
If someone hears loud noises coming from the hallways they just know you and Yeonjun bumped into each other
He’s the type of friend that talks to you the way people talk to babies
Until you have enough and start wrestling him
Imagine the shock in their dance instructors face when they come in and see the boys nonchalantly using their phones while you and Yeonjun do backslams and shit in the middle of the practice room
Safe to say everyone is jealous of how close and comfortable you two are with each other
The boys always take advantage of Yeonjun’s weak spot for you
Like when you come around they’re always blackmailing him into paying for all y’alls coffee because you asked for it first
(you didn’t but why would Soobin lie?)
Or prank calling you and telling you Yeonjun asked you to bring donuts to the dorm asap for a movie night
(Kai was the one craving donuts. Yeonjun wasn’t even invited to he movie night)
You and Beomgyu steal Yeonjun’s phone and take a million cryptic selfies that could be used as evidence as alien sightings
One particular image your Jjunie cherishes the most is a photo of yours where Beomgyu said something so unnaturally funny that your laugh emerged from your stomach
And you look truly happy in the image
You look absolutely radiant
Yeonjun has that as the only image in his favourites album for easy access
Every time he has a bad day he looks at that to lift him up
And one day you find him alone in the practice room staring intently at his phone
He hides it before you can catch it
It was something about a new choreo that was kicking his ass
You caress his head and Yeonjun looks up at your face, noses inches away
The intimate moment electrifies your bones.
The spark makes you run up and out of the room
Ofc Yeonjun runs after you
He finds you on the roof of the building with your head in your hands
You’re shocked to find him there because you thought he’d probably go down and out the building after you
You thought you were a genius coming up with this detour to get him off your back
“I know you like the back of my hand, remember?”
Now you do
“Why did you run away?”
No explanation has to be given for you both to know you’re on the same track regarding what you felt in that practice room five minutes ago
He steadily walks to you
“We can’t,”
“Why not?”
You’re shaking your head no when he cups your face and makes you look up at him
“Why not?”
His soft voice cradles your anxious body into a hug
“We’ve been best friends since we were fourteen–“
“We’re not fourteen anymore,”
You bite your lip and stare into his eyes to confirm if what you’re interpreting is really what he’s trying to say
“I love you. More than anything.”
The kiss you share is all infinite shades of passionate and desperate
So desperate that you can’t even make your way down to the practice room or find any empty room
Yeonjun turns you both around to a nearby wall, lips not leaving yours for the entirety of the trip
He runs his hand behind you to detect whether the wall is smooth or not
Once he’s satisfied that it actually is smooth, he picks you up and pushes you against his
Your entire body is squished between the wall and Yeonjun
You’re too busy trying to kiss his mouth and lick into his hot mouth to taste him however you can at the moment
The next thing you know, the tip of his cock is dragging against your entrance
“Tell me you really want this, that you want me like this,”
You’re frantically nodding your head yes
“I’ve always wanted you,”
“Oh? So all this time you said i was gross you were only thinking about fucking me?”
He nudges your nose with his when you groan
“Don’t do this to me man c’mon,”
“So casual for someone about to get dicked down under the stars,”
Its the whine that you use against him every time you want a favourite
A kiss on the cheek isn’t enough to distract you from the unbelievable stretch your body spreads to just to accommodate him
His hands grip your thighs and spread them farther apart
He fixes his stance and then he’s using his dancer hips to make you scream
You try your best really, not to be so loud
But it’s not your fault that even biting his shirt to stop your inevitable yelping is useless
His thrusts are hard and deep and purposeful
He’s trying to reach your throat from down there
Trying to make it a night you’ll never forget
“I’ve waited for so long,” his own groan interrupts his sentence, “Wanted to melt with you into one,”
“So romantic,” your thighs lock up on his sides as you ride out your very rushed but very needed orgasm, “While your cock is actually bruising my insides, you freak,”
That makes your best friend laugh
And his cock vibrates inside your sensitive walls
You try to manoeuvre your hips so you can help his cock inside you
Clenching when his cock retracts from your hole
He hisses so deliciously on the side of your mouth, missing your lips by a centimetre
He’s a gentleman really because instead of coming inside you in the head of the moment, he shoves his tip into your underwear
And empties his load there
And then he has you travel in the elevators all the way down to the parking lot so you can go get icecream
Yes with the dirtied underwear still on
He says it’s punishment for running away from him instead of facing confrontation
(Its really not thats much of a punishment when it makes you both spend the rest of the night fucking in the dorms while the boys hurdle outside the main door because they can “digest you two being in love but the thought of you two moaning each other’s names is less appealing than drinking drain water” – Taehyun)
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auteurdefeu · 9 months
Please I want to know more about your Dan/Hunch and Hunch/Fix/Pasha headcanons I’m begging
Oh yes. I have so many.
Hunch makes sure to devote time to each of his partners, he's practically (unofficially) moved out of his apartment considering how much time he spends the night at either of their places (and then of course, late nights at his office working). Whenever he's at the orphanage, though, he's the go-to for kids who can't sleep and want some company. He makes little cloud puppets for all the stories he tells them <3
Pasha and Dan are platonic girlfriends, thank you. Daniel Fucks is genderfluid, and in this essay I will—
Ahem. Anyway. I just think their dynamic could be pretty fun as pleasure and passion but I don't see them having any romantic chemistry. They do "fun nights out" and dance together, and Pasha is definitely the one to tease Dan the most about how he pretends to dislike the Wayward Interests all while playing with them and making them laugh every time he's over.
If we're using humanoid heights... Fix is 8', Hunch is 6', Dan is 5'6" (short king) and Pasha is 5'4". The height differences make me feral.
Hunch and Pasha would have the most modern-trope-y dates with getting coffee together and going on walks through the park. Fix and Pasha rarely have time to go out on dates together given the fact Pasha has a job and they have to take care of the kids, but when they do, it's mostly domestic stay-at-home stuff, like movie nights or baking together (Fix is too big and awkward for using most kitchen utensils so he is there for moral support and taste testing). Fix and Hunch have the "Good Old-Fashion Lover Boy" kind of dates, and yes I mean the Queen song. Hunch and Dan don't go on proper dates, usually drinking together at Sugah's. They are the type to go out and dance and probably make out in the rain, though, because TROPES!
Hunch has a cane because of how perpetually injured he is (and the old-timey detective aesthetic!), but he always forgets to take it out of his office with him, claiming it's inconvenient to carry around. Fix ends up getting him a more fancy refined one as a gift better tailored to his height, leading him to using it more when he actually needs it.
Pasha and Hunch curled up together on Fix's chest for cuddles :( he's so Big !! It's so easy for him to hold/carry them both.
You'd have to ask @turtlelover59 for their headcanons on the petnames Fix & Pasha give but since I have hyperfixated on Hunch (more specifically HunchFucks but shhh..) I can offer what he'd call his partners <3
Him calling Dan Danny will always live in my head rent free. He started calling them "Princess" as a joke based on how demanding they can be and it just became less of a joke over time. In turn, Dan calls him "Angel" (in reference to waking up and thinking they were in heaven with him) and "My Phoenix" (in reference to his fast healing and supposed immortality). "My dear" and "sweetheart" are classics for Pasha, sweet and simple. I feel like they have such an innocent kind of love, like the Hallmark movies :( as for The Fix... I want Fix to have a more personal name, rather than just 'the fix' because it feels more like a title, his job occupation. That is something I will get into in another post if people are interested but Hunch calls him by the name he chooses for himself to distance himself from his Previous Work™️.
I do not have the time or energy to write more fanfiction but I am hoping that spreading the brainrot might inspire people... :,)
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thepanicsquid · 11 months
How Unmanaged ADHD Almost Killed Half the Universe: A Peter Quill Character Analysis
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First, a disclaimer: I'm not a professional anything. I genuinely don’t even know how to use Tumblr but I needed somewhere to get weird about my hyperfixations where the normies can’t see. 😅 I can't diagnose anyone with anything, and I'm not saying that Peter Quill was written as an intentional representation of ADHD. I am just a person who was diagnosed in adulthood with ADHD who loves and relates to Peter Quill. This is just my interpretation of him through the lens of my own experiences. Also, this is (hyper)focused on the MCU version of the character.
Impulsivity, Risk Taking, and Emotional Dysregulation
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Ok, so this is the big one. We know that Peter has massive impulsivity issues. This is how to works in an ADHD brain (from additudemag.com): "The thalamus area of the brain controls response inhibition. It works like a gate — sending signals to allow or stop behaviors. When the brain detects a red flag, its limbic-hippocampal connections relay a warning from the thalamus to the frontal cortex. That’s the control center of the brain that handles emotional expression and problem solving. In ADHD brains, the thalamus gate is broken." So let's look at some examples by movie.
Vol. 1
He goes back for his walkman when it's been stolen from him at the Kyln, even though they're currently breaking out of a high security prison because of an impulsive, emotional reaction. He also gives Gamora his mask when she's floating out in space, with the hope that calling Yondu will also save him (impulsivity involves a lack of foresight). His bragging about how selfless it was afterwards to Gamora came across as arrogant, but it was probably also him realizing himself that things could have gone very differently because people with ADHD don't tend to think ahead. Finally, he banks on his 12% of a plan being enough to defeat Ronin. Peter thinks ahead *just* enough but struggles to see things through to completion. And then at the end he just does the first things he can think to do - a dance off and then grabbing the same stone that he had just watched tear a woman apart.
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Vol. 2
When he learns that Ego killed his mother, his anger completely overtakes him and he shoots his father immediately, once again reacting emotionally and impulsively.
Infinity War
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This is the one that hurts, because it shows how devastating unmanaged ADHD symptoms can be. When he learns that Thanos killed Gamora, he literally can't control his emotions because his brain doesn't work that way and he's never had the tools to manage it, and he impulsively beats Thanos without any thought for the consequences. It always broke my heart to see him villainized for this because I knew it would be my exact reaction in his shoes. Peter always acts from his heart, for better or worse, and in that moment, his pain overwhelmed any logical thought. As an aside, I've found that this is one of the hardest parts of being late-diagnosed. You look back on all the times where you can't quite explain rationally why you did the thing you did and start to understand why and there’s a whole lot of shame involved in it (more on shame later!)
Vol. 3
"Kill them all" Peter spends an entire scene telling Drax they're not going to kill anyone, because that's who Peter Quill is. He's compassionate and empathetic, but once he gets angry, once he's hurt, all that goes out the window. Literally! He grabs Theel and jumps out of the window towards a dying planet! People with ADHD tend to have low frustration tolerance, impatience, a hot temper, and excitability. So, in addition to jumping into an exploding planet...
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Forgetfulness, Music, and Dopamine Hunting
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Because the reward center doesn't produce enough dopamine in the ADHD brain, boring tasks like cleaning are painful. Our brains don't give us any sort of satisfaction for doing it, so there's very little motivation to do it. The Milano is a mess, of course it is! Cleaning isn't interesting or rewarding and even if we want to live in a clean environment, we're constantly at war with our own brain over having to make it that way. When he gets back from Morag, he's forgotten Bereet's even THERE. People with ADHD struggle with their working memory, meaning that if a thing isn't right in front of them, they tend to forget about it. We also know that Quill's a bit of a womanizer, and that impulsive, pleasure seeking behavior is one of the ways that people with ADHD try to up their dopamine levels. People with ADHD tend to have issues with alcohol and drug abuse as well, since they stimulate the pleasure center of the brain, and we know that Peter uses alcohol heavily to cope after losing Gamora.
Speaking of the pleasure center of the brain, music triggers it, and we know my guy cannot do anything without music on. And for most of his life it was the SAME 12 SONGS (hyperfixation?). Not only that, but familiar music (or tv shows, or movies) can provide a sort of white noise that let's people with ADHD focus better. Peter loves music because it reminds him of his mom, sure, but also because it helps him get shit done because otherwise his thoughts would be all over the place in silence. Plus dancing is a great way to stim and get that extra energy out.
Masking, Rejection and Identity
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People with ADHD also often deal with Rejection Sensitivity Disorder, where they are extra sensitive to real or imagined rejection. We don't see *too* much of this, but there are hints of it. Like his interpretation of the night his mother died. His grandfather carried him out of the room to protect him, but he interpreted it as getting thrown out. He took Yondu's joking about wanting to eat him literally. He panics at the idea that Gamora might be rejecting him for Thor (who is, as everyone points out to him, the real version of the person he pretends to be). He also can't accept the Other Gamora's rejection of him. Part of the way he protects himself is by creating a persona that can handle rejection.
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Masking is more commonly associated with ASD than ADHD, but people with ADHD can still mask to try to hide their ADHD symptoms. And truthfully, if you're a human kid trying to survive around a bunch of aliens, the only hope you've got is to try to fit in anyway. Peter's entire persona is what he *thinks* a cool space pirate should be like. He creates this Star-lord persona based on his heros growing up. But where Han Solo is genuine in his confidence and swagger, with Quill, it's an act. He's a sensitive, emotional kid that had to develop this mask to survive being raised by the Ravagers. It crumbles when he meets Thor and sees himself next to the sort of person he's trying to be and just how insecure Peter is. And we see over and over again that he's most successful when he lets the mask drop and leads with empathy and compassion. Every single Guardian started as his enemy, but Peter, unlike Han, doesn't shoot first. At his core, he is still that little boy who got into a fight with the other kids for killing an innocent frog. A lot of people with ADHD feel stuck in arrested development and Peter Quill is still a kid playing pretend in a lot of ways.
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I think Quill is a much more layered and interesting character than people tend to give him credit for because he masks TOO well. People look at him and see a boring white dude. Handsome and confident just like all of the other MCU leading men...but it's because that's what he wants you to see. Because if you saw what a mess he was underneath all of that you'd understand why his family are these other neurodivergent weirdos. He might be pretending to be "Star-lord", but there's a reason his best friends are Rocket and Drax.

I think the heartbreak of Vol. 3 is that he had started to figure out who he was with Gamora because she grounded him but he wound up tying too much of that progress to her. He can't go back to the person he was (Legendary Outlaw Star-lord) because that was never truly him, and facing the world without that safety net is too hard. So he chases the dopamine. He drinks, he tries to convince the other Gamora to be with him, he even briefly turns to Nebula, because he's never really had to face himself. Mantis says that Drax is the only one of the Guardians who doesn't hate himself, and in spite of his outward confidence, I think that includes Peter. Peter loves the Outlaw Star-lord persona, he loves the Guardian Star-lord he became with Gamora, but deep down, he's sensitive and driven by emotions he can't control and he's ashamed of that. Remember, he was raised by Yondu who constantly derided him for his sentimentality and he was blamed for the Blip because of an emotional reaction he didn't have the tools to control. The qualities that helped him create a family out of a group of criminals are the same ones that cause him to screw up and cause him shame. Which is pretty much what having ADHD can feel like.
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So there is is! I'm sure I've missed stuff and some of this is just character analysis regardless of ADHD, but there it is. Also, definitely check out @peter-quill-is-so-fine ‘s breakdown of Quill's report card that inspired all this for further evidence.
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