#this took forever but i love it wow
bearionette · 8 months
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Vanny in Space!
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goginaporter · 11 months
lyrical analysis of love you forever
or, breaking down ricky's love (confession) for gina
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we're a little under three months out from the series finale of high school musical: the musical: the series. I've spent those months freaking out over rina and appreciating the beautiful arc they got in s4 that closed out their story over the course of the series. there are a million special moments that rina has in s4 (I mean, a rain kiss? can I have this dance? a duet together about their commitment to each other despite uncertainty? we really got it all) but one definitely stands out among the rest. love you forever is ricky's declaration of love for gina that he sings to her at her press conference for her new movie that, as far as he knows, is about to send her across the world. this post is gonna be a line by line analysis of the lyrics, as well as talking about everything that brought them to that moment and that made it special. enjoy <33
I've been wishing on a falling star for too long
this line opens the song and is such a beautiful callback to when there was me and you, the song ricky all but serenades gina with in 1.06 (the lines it references: I thought you were my fairy tale / A dream when I'm not sleeping / A wish upon a star / That's coming true). wtwmay is a song that gabriella sings after troy's betrayal in hsm and when ricky sings this line, to me, it represents a callback to his past relationship with nini. he was holding on to nini and that relationship too tight, wishing on a falling star. as gabriella says, wishes on stars just "don't come true" and for ricky, this relationship ultimately ended in failure. however, as much as this line signifies the crash and burn nature of that relationship, it's also a reference to the start of his relationship with gina in that bunker room as he strummed on a guitar, in a similar fashion to love you forever, to these lyrics.
I've been running, I don't know what from
this line references the conversation that ricky had with ej in 4.05 when ej forces ricky to reckon with the fact that he runs away from those he loves when faced with hard realities and that this tendency hurts both those around him, but also hurts him. it's incredibly full circle when you pair this with the fact that ricky is singing the song on the guitar ej gave him after they sang speak out, where ej tells him that "you'll probably get more use outta this than me" (4.05). i think it's really cool that this line also references gina's similar character flaw of running when things get hard, which she also sings about in second chance (Maybe I'm safer when I'm on the run / No time to open up my heart / Maybe I'll hide behind my walls again / Instead of tearing them apart) (also important to note that second chance is non-digetic and ricky has never heard gina sing these lyrics). so fascinating that ricky and gina have the same habit of running, with ricky running back to things that are familiar and gina pushing forward to leave things in the past before they can hurt her.
But you and I've become a sacred kinda home
this is one of my favorite lines of the song, especially because this theme of finding a home is such a critical cornerstone for both ricky and gina's arcs throughout the show. ricky's home life in s1 turns on its head when he discovers that his parents are separating. pairing this with his breakup with nini nearly sends him into a spiral, but he finds a new home of sorts in the theater program, telling gina "it's just nice to have somewhere to go after school every day, y'know" (1.05), which she herself resonates with, affirming his feelings.
of course, at the beginning of s2, we find out that ricky and his dad are moving to an apartment after his mom moves out. this drastic shift, the loss of his childhood home, is again disorienting, and again paired with changes with nini, what with her moving to denver. in 2.02, he tells nini that she is his home, which is really interesting, placing that kind of pressure on her. but what's even more interesting is that he knows he's moving, knows from the beginning of 2.01, and yet nini does not find out about his new home until 2.03 on valentine's day, months later. this is juxtaposed to gina showing up to his apartment that same episode. it's especially special that ricky is placed in the same situation that gina typically faces, the unpacking and getting accustomed to a new space. it is those undertones that serve as the undercurrent for their conversation. the apartment is in disarray when gina arrives, and remains that way for much of the season. gina, however, is endeared by the messy environment of the apartment and jokes along with ricky to put him at ease. by the time we return to it in s4, it's (naturally) much more lived in, with clothes strewn about, pictures of gina, and aptly placed posters lining the wall of ricky's room.
as I mentioned earlier, ricky calls nini his home in s2. this line says that he and gina together have become a home of sorts for each other. singing this to gina is important for ricky, but it also speaks to the unpredictable nature of gina's childhood, where she moved from city to city, never staying in one place for more than a few months, which she tells ricky in 1.05. by the end of s1, we think that she has to move again, something that's harder for her now that she's made connections with the wildcats, namely with ricky. as we see in the flashback scene in 2.06, she tells ricky that she wouldn't quit on them if not for her move, that they would essentially remain close if she weren't leaving salt lake. of course, she doesn't leave and instead moves in with ashlyn. it's her first taste of stability that she can really remember, but as she tells carlos in 2.04, she feels out of place living in a house she doesn't own and with a family that isn't hers. these feelings culminate in gina wanting to leave, a subplot we see primarily in 2.05 and 2.06. after revealing to ashlyn what she said to ricky opening night of hsm, ashlyn sings home from beauty and the beast to gina, telling her that she has a home with ashlyn, not just physically, but within their friendship. there is so much symbolism in that one scene that we don't have time to get into but this moment definitely shifts gina's perception of what a home can look like. in s3, we learn that her mom is moving back to salt lake city where she'll be staying long-term to allow gina to complete her time at east high. in fact, it's in this very house that we get our first scene of rina in s4, with ricky sneaking into her window. one's room is a reflection of oneself, and ricky and gina are all over each other's rooms, both literally and figuratively, throughout the season. combining this with the connection between the two that only strengthens over the course of the season, it comes as no surprise that ricky sees his and gina's relationship as a sacred home.
I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love and I know it / No net, no fear, right here in this moment
my twitter account was littered with theories and thoughts and hopes for ricky's love confession to gina, but whether it was public or private, planned or spontaneous, the one thing that I knew I wanted was for ricky to say that he is in love with gina. so on august 9th when ricky got to the chorus of love you forever, tears started pooling in my eyes because the confession, which was already literally perfect, delivered my biggest wish. one of my favorite aspects of the song is how much it reflects their journey because these are all the words that ricky would tell gina in some big speech, evidenced by him practicing all throughout 4.07. but when it comes down to it, after references to moments between them and beautiful metaphors, it builds to him telling gina not only does he love her, but that he's in love with her. there's no doubt in his mind of this fact. the sky is blue, the sun shines, and ricky bowen loves gina porter. so much of ricky's love for nini was tied to fear, especially a fear of change. that his love for gina transcends fear, that he is confident in what he tells her both shows his growth in romantic relationships but also in how much gina has redefined what it means to love someone for him.
I've never been more sure of what I got, yeah / Cause this is so much more than puppy love, so
continuing with the theme of confidence, ricky tells gina that he's never been more sure of what he's got in their relationship. I know I'm bringing rini up a lot but that relationship is a perfect frame of reference for how much ricky has changed when it comes to love. both his singing of I think I kinda you know in 1.01 and his love confession to nini in 1.10, while genuine, are riddled with stuttering and uncertainty ("I think", "I don't know", etc.). when you compare the ricky of 1.01 and the ricky of 4.08 and how he attempts to use song to profess his love, the differences are stark, and that's the point. as he all but said in 3.08, everything he's known about love has been changed by gina and that is reflected in love you forever. I love the puppy love nod and think it's narratively important for so many reasons. for one, it's a reference to their first date, as well as to gina's childhood. in that vein, it seems to mirror what gina tells ricky in 4.02, that mack was a crush of her childhood. calling what they have "more than puppy love" also nods to their growth, not just over the course of the series, but even throughout the season. from dealing with scrutiny in the fallout of the documentary to gina's increasingly busy schedule to their temporary pause to gina nearly moving across the world, they've been faced with many problems, and while they didn't handle all of them perfectly, they handled them together and came out that much stronger.
I'll say it first, no matter what the cost / Here I am full heart, full stop / I love you
in 3.05, ricky talks to jet following the fallout of the real campers of shallow lake drama. he asks jet what he's running from and tells him that sometimes when feelings are hard to articulate, it helps to sing instead. with love you forever, we see ricky taking his own advice. I love that ricky is insistent that he tells gina "I love you" first, both because he wants to rectify mistakes from his last relationship, but also because gina says, in a talking head, that she doesn't want to be the first to say "I love you," (4.06) further cementing the connection that rina has. it also affirms that there is no doubt in either of their minds that they love each other and want to say it to each other. it's also important to note that ricky understands the risk of singing this song at this point in time. for all he knows, gina is about to board a plane that will be taking her to the other side of the world for six months. however, he sings this song, affirms his love for her, no matter the cost, because he just wants her to know. he loves her in salt lake, he loves her in new zealand, and he loves her forever. ricky sings that he is there with a full heart, full stop I love you. in an interview after s3's finale, tim federle, the showrunner, states that while nini will always have a small part of ricky's heart, gina has a way of making hearts race. this line, to me, symbolizes the notion that gina is his heart, that his love for her encompasses it. there's a beautiful analysis of ricky being gina's heart canonically that I think helps tie all of this together, establishing that gina is ricky's heart, just like he is hers.
of course, I would be remiss to not talk about the full stop of it all. as we see in a flashback in 4.06, ricky opens up to gina in their first meeting about how he struggled saying I love you to nini, his ex. after hearing this, gina presents him with a possibility you can tell he's never considered: "maybe you just don't love her, full stop." ricky stutters in response, but doesn't fully negate gina's statement, in fact telling her that he's "kinda" planning on telling nini through song later that night outside her window (ironic that this plan doesn't pan out for him twice in the show, both here and in 2.03). that he brings up this notion of full stop, where there's no room for doubt, in his confession for gina further proves how deep and real and true their love is for each other. super small thing before I move on but I love how "I love you" gets its own special moment of pause in the song to fully communicate the gravity of such a statement.
I never knew that I could feel so sure and so strong /How can three old words feel so brand new?
Again, this idea of being sure comes up again in this second verse/buildup to the chorus. ricky has done the love confession before. he's been in love before. but again, with gina, it's different. it's deeper, more strong, more secure. and so when he says these words, in a situation that mirrors his audition for hsm, of course it feels different. in that auditon, he was singing nini's words back to her. love you forever, in contrast, is all ricky. those three words do feel new because now he's singing them to gina and for gina, where previously he sang them for himself. also a really cool note about the parallels between ricky's audition and love you forever is that tim federle released the initial script for love you forever, and one of the descriptions writes that ricky "launches into the audition of a lifetime." this song, this confession, is the start of his forever with gina. of course these words feel new.
Mm, so rare, so real right here in this moment / And I'm starin' at the only thing I want, so
I tear up hearing ricky say that the love that he has for gina is both rare and real. both ricky and gina, at different points throughout the show, cast doubt on love. ricky says in a talking head in 1.01 that love is dead (fun fact: ricky is wearing the same denim jacket from that talking head during love you forever teehee). gina, in the 4.06 flashback, calls love lame. their faith in love ebbs and flows throughout the show, but once they are together, there's no question. it's why ricky encourages the seblos reconciliation in 4.06 or why gina tells jet to confess his feelings for kourtney in 4.08. if they've found this beautiful love in each other, where they got a second chance on love in every sense of the words, why wouldn't they want that for everyone else, for the people that they love?
the second half of this lyric, of ricky "staring at the only thing he wants," is my absolute favorite line of love you forever. ricky's eyes are naturally drawn to gina in nearly every episode of the show, whether she's looking at him or not, whether they're speaking or not. even before he recognized those feelings in himself, we could see it because she was always the apple of his eye. this rings especially true during love you forever, where ricky does not take his eyes off of gina the entire song, except when miss jenn turns the lights on. gina is the center of his universe and who he has been drawn to since she entered his life. there was a tweet after s4 aired that stated that ricky looks at gina as though he's falling deeper in love with her every time and this line captures that.
I wanna finish what we started in the stairwell where we met
the bridge opens with this line and it's so fitting. to suggest that committing to loving each other forever is finishing what they started when they had that first conversation in the stairwell is so insane and will always make me spiral when I think about it. this line all but confirms that ricky and gina began to fall for each other in that moment. that their conversation in the stairwell is what catalyzed their respective character arcs also all but confirms that they're soulmates, that there was an invisible string that connected them, inexplicably tying their fates together forever.
I wanna live like I have never even heard the word regret
both ricky and gina have instances that they look back on and wish they had done things differently. gina says so explicitly in 2.05 when speaking to kourtney. she alludes to her goodbye to ricky after hsm's opening night, stating that it was something she wishes she could take back. in 3.06, ricky tells jet that he wishes that he didn't let color war gina slip through his fingers, suggesting that he would've done things differently if he were more cognizant of his feelings for her. ricky never wants to feel like that again, that he's missed his chance with gina due to fear. he wholeheartedly embraces his love for her because he knows what it was like to live without it and doesn't want to live in a world where gina isn't his reality.
I wanna scream what's in my heart and I won't ever take it back
ricky and ej's duet in 4.05 is about speaking your truth and speaking even when it's hard. the song even has a line about "screaming out." where in speak out, screaming out solicits no sound, ricky singing this line in love you forever is him being able to vocalize the feelings in his heart. he also commits to never taking these words back. his feelings for gina are eternal and everlasting. this is important for gina to hear because words have always been unreliable to her. people that she cares about, whether her mom or jamie or even e.j., have made verbal commitments to her at one point or another, and each one of them has later reneged on that commitment, whether intentionally or not. ricky can say these words, can say "I love you" to gina, because he's been saying it through his actions the entire show. gina doesn't always trust words, but she trusts actions. ricky has more than proven his love for her, and it's this continued declaration through his works that allows these words to ring true for her.
'Cause I love you feels a lot like high school and forever after that
I made this observation a couple weeks ago but this line is so fascinating. when the season first dropped and I heard the line, I was a tad confused. what does it mean for love to feel like high school? I was listening to the hsm3 soundtrack when it all clicked for me. in high school musical, the final song they sing in hsm3, the last line is "I want the rest of my life to feel just like a / High school musical" with this line, ricky is basically saying that he will love gina for the rest of his life. throwing in a hsm reference is also incredibly fitting given that they've just completed the first night of their run as troyella, further cementing their legacy as the troyella of the show. i love that, even when the bridge is repeated, ricky and gina are the only ones to sing these lines. when the bridge is sung for the third and final time, ricky and gina are now together on stage singing the words "I"m in love, I'm in love, I'm in love" to each other in between the lines of the bridge. the song closes with ricky singing "I love you feels a lot like high school" with gina singing "and forever after that." I love this ending for two reasons: ending the song with rina singing together re-emphasizes that they're in love, and in love together (for the first time), as tim mentions in an interview. I also love it because even as the wildcats join to sing the bridge near the end of the song, ricky and gina are the only people to sing the lines "I'm in love x3" and "I love you feels a lot like high school." even though their friends step in to sing some lines, ultimately, the song is a love song for gina, about gina, and that's why it ends with her. as tim (love how much I'm referencing him) mentioned in an interview, rina is the beating heart of the romance of the show, and their friends coming in to sing along to ricky's love song for gina fully solidifies this.
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backpackingspace · 6 months
Okay but xie lian really do just being lying the whole series
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stuck-in-ardentia · 1 year
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!update about my final project!
my professor gave us the option to do an essay or a creative project for our final in my lit course, and of course i chose the creative option. my topic was depictions of mental health in Oathbringer utilizing my own personal connection with the book, quotes from disability studies theory, and quotes from the book itself. i chose dalinar, venli, kaladin, and shallan for my focuses, and i made a collage representing their struggles and challenges in finding community/reckoning with their mental illnesses. it is constructed from the prints of the art in the book, cardboard, translucent cellophane, 0.4 wire, lots of glue, reflective paper, and vinyl paper! it took around 10 hours to plan out and pick out all my quotes and then 6 more hours to actually craft it!
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moonfromearth · 1 year
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200 Followers Celebratory CC Free Sim Dump!!
It's honestly so amazing to me that somehow I made it to 200 followers! You're all so sweet and I appreciate everyone that's taken the time to interact with my posts and I promise I have new stuff in the works that'll be released soon 😉
So, I did this poll to see what everyone would want and it was so fun to hear from so many people thank you everyone who voted! Sim dump was the clear winner!!
Anyway, included are eight cc free young adult sims! They all have set skills and careers because I think it's fun but you can do whatever you want with them as long as you don't change skintones (bonus information about each below the cut as a "guide" because I like coming up with their characters)! I also had too much fun picking out likes and dislikes so... There are a lot 😬
P.S. If in the library it shows up as having cc I swear there isn't any I don't know why my game likes to mark it as having cc even when there isn't I'm sorry for any confusion.
Feel free to tag me if you ever use them and I hope you enjoy!! 😁😁
Download Link [Google Drive]
[Sim info below cut!!]
Parker Daley - Friend of the World, Erratic, Creative, Vegetarian - Bubbly and eccentric Parker is the life of any party! A fashion designer who loves anything "stylish" (which is just anything she likes, pretty much). Parker is completely unpredictable which makes her an interesting companion. A city girl all the way.
Lilah Dumas - Computer Whiz, Cheerful, Geek, Lazy Lilah is a very "you only live once" kind of person. She doesn't spend too much time dwelling on just about anything, and will drop whatever doesn't bring her joy in a heartbeat. As such she was determined to make one of her hobbies into a career, and amassed a decent following for herself as a streamer.
Raj Pandey - Fabulously Wealthy, Perfectionist, Mean, Self-Assured Raj grew up always knowing he'd join the family business, and the atmosphere of wealth and status, as well as the most expensive education obtainable, has turned him into a stuck up character. He appreciates a well crafted insult. In fact, he's not averse to the occasional argument debate (as long as he wins). Despite these traits he's managed to get himself adopted into a group of friends who, though often annoy him, have become an important part of his life.
Sonny Oswald - Friend of the Animals, Socially Awkward, Animal Enthusiast, Neat Sonny is a sweetheart and I love him. Awkward and shy, he's more comfortable around farm animals and plants than he is around people. Only is closest friends get to see how kind and fun he can be. One day he'll move out to the countryside and start is own farm, but for now he's working his way through the gardening career (baby steps, right?).
Lucas Esparza - Nerd Brain, Noncommittal, Bookworm, Adventurous Lucas's two goals in life are to gain infinite amounts of knowledge for himself and leave a trail of broken hearts as he travels the world to get said knowledge. That makes it sound like he's a horrible person which is because... Well he is, but who doesn't need a villain in their game? I'm sure he has his good qualities, however, I honestly love him for being the absolute handful he is.
Keira McDaniel - Painter Extraordinaire, Gloomy, Maker, Music Lover A bit of a "tortured artist" character who enjoys spending hours painting/crafting in her studio with music playing constantly, blocking out the rest of the world. Keira is very sensitive, and feels the emotional weight of everything around her very intensely, channeling it into her art.
Joslyn Lancaster - Country Caretaker, Loves the Outdoors, Athletic, Glutton Joslyn is a very meat and potatoes kind of gal. She lives for the simple things in life, working the ranch, riding horses, and a good meal. It's never occurred to her that there might be more to life, and the world, outside of the ranch, because what more could she need?
Gabrielle "Gabby" Moran - Leader of the Pack, Insider, Snob, Cat Lover Gabby is a fine and polished young woman, growing up in a life of luxury, and the champion English rider in town. She's very aware that she is the best at something, and it's boosted her confidence (*cough* ego) to astronomic levels. Quite the gossip, she loves to be out with friends, gossiping about the latest scandal, but when not there she's tending to her horse and preparing for her next competition. Despite the facade of the popular mean girl she puts up, Gabby cares very deeply about horses and her career, and takes it very seriously. She also loves spending time with the barn cats when they're around.
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plinktastic · 1 year
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he will never escape 🙏💔
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Hey so Snap this is going to be so fucking weird, but honestly don’t care. So I was watching a clip of Drag Race Philippines and it was the make over episode and I think they were making over family members and this father was all about getting into drag. So, I just wanted to tell you never forget how much of a lovely loving kind and caring father you have, who loves you and protects you and makes you feel heard. That’s all.
i'd have to die before i forget how great my dad is thank you for the opportunity to brag about him again anon
#snap chats#no smarmy one-sentence response i fear i never play about my dad's character and its been. A Month so i gotta be earnest#Comically And Topically tho i still wonder wtf my dad meant when he said 'i always thought of being a girl' when i opened up to him#part of me thinks he was just joking and thats probably it but also ....... //audible confusion + vine boom + eyebrow quirking//#its so funny you brought up my dad though i was thinking of visiting him this weekend#last week my Bitch Ass Mom wanted to watch a movie with me and since speak no evil was coming out i proposed we see that#since starting therapy shes been 'trying' to be closer with us but she still doesnt like me on a fundamental level so get bent ig#but she hates horror movies and made a whole show of not wanting to go and how american movies are so brutal and blah blah#this was right after she took me ice skating with her .. cause shes obsessed with ice skating now ... like maam please#i like skating so thank you but ... idk ... she never wants to do things i wanna do#then again we're pretty different i think so. LOL sorry i like horror movies and nothing you like apparently#im glad she didnt come cause i just went with my bro and since the theater was Virtually Empty we just cracked jokes the whole time vjlaekv#plus i just know my mom wouldve been annoying and i wanted to enjoy the movie !!!! which i did ty !!!!!!!#but yk who LOVES horror movies and who i used to watch horror movies with all the time growin up !!!!!!!!!!#i havent seen a movie with my dad in forever.... the last one we saw was so long ago but it was some weird owen wilson movie i think#wait now that ive dragged my mom into this she started therapy Did I Share That. Im Reminding You Anyway#but the most vile thing i ever heard her say was that she admitted to me she never loved my dad 'emotionally'#like wow ..... a thousand life times in hell for you i think i cant even begin to describe the rage chat i could write a novel#but i only have 30 tags so i wont. i should call my dad tho.. this is inspiring me to call my dad thank you anon#if youre still reading Double Thank You. i havent complained about my mom in a while and this was just funny timing overall vjRLKJAEVK#ok im gonna go talk with my dad now. my college friend's coming oevr in like three hours and we're gonna watch glass#cause that came up in convo yesterday Long Story so that should be funny vjlekjlakj
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 2 months
Obby my dear, since you liked Hadestown so much you should REALLY check out the brand new musical: The Great Gatsby
It's got Eva Noblezada (the actress who plays Eurydice in Hadestown) as Daisy and Jeremy Jordan (Jack in Newsies and also he voices Varian) as Gatsby.
I especially love Roaring On (is that the name of the first song?)
I don't think anything could top Hadestown but this was amazing to listen to
I had trouble following the story but THE MUSIC IS JUST👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 that's what Google is for and I think I got the gist of it
And I've got one for you; Valhalla: a Nordic rock opera by the Gashlers :]
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kamil-a · 3 months
i forgot how much i love job with customer i go ohhh sorry give me a second to look that up im new etc and this guy says AH...... CONFUSION REIGNS SUPREME........
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simptasia · 10 months
of the veronaville sims left in that poll, i hope tybalt wins the whole thing because of the characters left, he's the one with the most personality and flavour
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kdramacrybaby · 2 years
No but I really don’t know what I want for this drama rn and it’s driving me crazy 😫
#alchemy of souls: light and shadow#alchemy of souls#drama rant#alchemy rant#spoilers!!!#episode 7#i already talked about this before but i need to rant about it again#it took a while before i actually liked mudeok and uk together tbh but they were cute and in the end i was sad it ended like it did#though i also really actually liked the drama dared to ‘kill off’ a main character like that#and now that mudeok is not here anymore i find myself really liking bu-yeon a lot#i know people are hating on her (and the actress) a lot but i happen to actually like her a lot#and i think this story with her and uk learning to love and trust each other is so good#uk slowly overcoming his old trauma to love someone new#and now that they say that the real bu-yeon spirit might make naksu go away forever….#idk but i wouldn’t hate that?#naksu was…. somewhat disappointing in the drama because they chose to nerf her powers right away and make her weak#so all mudeok was about was remaining her powers by training uk otherwise he was of no use#and oh wow i literally just now realized that they have reversed the roles with uk now being more cold and cynic with bu-yeon being the#optimistic one - whereas that was uk’s role in the former season#how did i not realize that until now? okay either way#maybe having bu-yeon’s spirit absorb naksu’s energy the way they say it can happen at least we get to see some amazing powers from bu-yeon#(a character who by the way absolutely deserved better than to be pushed aside and squashed down by naksu only to have her body killed then#resurected again only with a new face because naksu’s energy is stronger)#i just want bu-yeon to be happy is all I’m saying#and i sort of feel like… maybe this bu-yeon and this uk are a better match than mudeok and last-season uk?#idk#I’m losing my mind over this#I’ll just have to wait and see what the drama does#but my guess is that mudeok will definitely regain her Memories and they’ll be reunited as fated lovers#i just hope bu-yeon wont have to be sacrificed for that to happen
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ahaura · 2 years
drop dead fred (1991) no. 1 movie in my heart idc i do not FUCKING care you can put that on my fucking grave
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nicawlette · 2 years
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@nobully asked: the good kind of spam ⭐️☎🎼👋📱
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Send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanons about our muses.
Perhaps the only reason Nicolette still insists on putting up a front and telling unnecessary lies in Wang Yi's presence despite knowing how similar they are is not because she's afraid he'll reject her if he knows too much, but that he won't. She's spent her whole life believing there'd always be a space between her and ❛ regular people ❜ she couldn't cross because of the things she's done, that she's long given up actively trying. But here's this person who's similar to her in many ways and can clearly see past her bullshit, yet doesn't seem to give a shit one way or another. Nicolette has no idea how to handle the idea of being SEEN ( being KNOWN ), that it both terrifies her, and makes her a little desperate not to be left behind. No wonder she tries so hard to get under his skin still.
Jumping off your HC, Nicolette has a sneaking suspicion already that Wang Yi follows her accounts. She can't prove it because there's too many followers to go through and he doesn't use his name, but she just knows in her BONES. She's made it a point to include more pictures and posts involving the trio that sometimes they nearly overtake her usual content ( fashion, sexy selfies, makeup, cute animals, ya know ). Some of her followers are a little bitter wondering who these 2 guys she's hanging out with all the time are, but who cares! She's clearly having fun.
Send ☎ for your muse’s info in my muses phone (name, ringtone, picture, last text received/sent).
photo: At one point, it was a photo she took quite suddenly after intentionally goading him until he looked pissed off and flustered. But it has since been changed to a picture she took in secret on a complete whim while he and @archaictold were being nerds and discussing their research at the library as she hung out in thee background ( until they were ready to pay attention to her ). He's got this earnest, almost excited expression on his face— a more sincere look of happiness than she's sure he'd ever direct her way. She just couldn't resist capturing for herself. name: 🌊Yi-Yi🌸 ringtone: pink venom ( she rarely uses default ringtones. prefers music or memes as ringtones/texttones )
last texts received: [txt] what's with the missed call?? [txt] that voicemail was creepy too... [txt] nicolette what did you do? [txt] you know what. nevermind. i don't want to be involved.
last texts sent: [txt] are you in the right headspace to receive information that could possibly hurt you? [txt] lanlan said i should try speaking to you in a language ur familiar with [txt] so i found the perfect video to intellectually express my predicament [txt] (video link) [txt] translation: i found out. pls help
Send 🎼 for a song that reminds me of our muses.
Palm Reader » DREAMERS, Big Boi ft. UPSAHL
This Hell » Rina Sawayama
BlindLife » YDE
Send 👋 for three things that describe our muses relationship.
Sitting so close to a burning fire that the heat is nearly painful on your skin, but being unwilling to step back because the air around you is far too cold.
The fear of being alone and afraid of monsters that lurk in the dark paired with the unexplainable sense of safety and protection you feel once you're completely covered under the blanket. Like it's dangerous, but nothing can get you under there...
A funhouse mirror
Send📱for a voicemail my muse left yours.
1 Voicemail — Saturday, 3:25AM
There's a long pause after the beep followed by some aggressive shuffling and then an out of breath, ❝ Hello? Wangy? Can you— ❞ The voice suddenly cuts off with more shuffling and some muffled shouting in the background. The wind is loud, nearly blowing the speaker out as if the caller is running outside. ❝ Oh for the love of— ❞ The sound of a scuffle can be heard and a string of expletives before a loud crashing noise. Silence. And finally, ❝ Hey Wangy... can you come pick me up? ❞
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multeasers · 6 months
okay i totally realized only now that some headcanons are in order for thatz so please look below here for some if ur interested
first off here's a full map of the ENTIRE world ( as of the original DK story ) of DK ; also these are in no particular order, sprinkles in some canon / the other Dragon Knights for context, and the format is likely gonna fuck up randomly so ignore that BUT
⚫ the bit on his info page about his being raised in an orphanage found in Draqueen's slums is a headcanon ; the group he was raised with is based on no canon characters in particular, but one member of this group is a canonical character named Kitchel ( link goes to a tag of what she looks like, as DK has no wiki page, though there is a wikipedia one that sums everyone up ) >> kitchel, canonically, is at one-time thatz's rival in thievery, but the two team up at the dragon lord's request to find 3 sacred treasures later in the story >> since my hc runs that they were raised in the same orphanage, though, kitchel is typically a sister-figure alongside being thatz's rival in my interpretation of him ⚫ the reason thatz is the only one of the Knights ( as of most of the manga's storyline ) who can communicate with his Duel Dragon is because he is canonically the only one who is a true Dragon Knight . rath and rune, the respective Fire and Water Dragon Knights for most of the story, were actually fill-in Knights >> canonically rath knew of his being a fill-in for the entirety of the story, but thatz and rune only find out about him and ( in rune's case ) himself later >> there are also technically meant to be 5 Dragon Knights total ; Light, Wind, Fire, Earth, and Water . rath became the Light Dragon Knight at his second creation ( long story ), but the Light Dragon died trying to protect him when he was young . the Demon King Nadil was the Wind Dragon Knight, but he killed Wind long before the story began ; it's in the Gaiden, though it only makes up like half of the third chapter iirc >> the way thatz and Earth can communicate is mainly telepathically, though this is mostly done on Earth's end ; if she ever has a dialogue part in one of the threads, it'll be conveyed as bolded green ; the reason the two of them can do this while the other two Knights can't is because their Duel Dragons aren't able to truly mesh their powers together . the manga isn't too in-depth w it from what i remember, but my explanation is that the bond extends to both the Life Forces of the Duel Dragons and their Knights ( will explain later ) . it's also an issue of Magical influence, since rath and rune are borrowing the Magic of these Duel Dragons whereas thatz is being given and supplied Earth Magic / Magical power as a whole by Earth herself through their bond >> also technically all the Dragons are male in the manga, but i refute that notion >> when Earth broke free of her seal and thatz became her Knight, some abilities he gained were being able to sense vibrations through the ground ( something he'd already been teaching himself to do since he was a kid, but now he isn't limited to being inside / needing to take his shoes off ) and the ability to sense what is within the earth ( actual space he can sense to be decided later, but immediate areas around him are a for-sure thing ) . Some more abilities could be added but for rn these are the ones I'm set for sure on ( if you saw the ability 2 control creatures thing you didn't thank you ) ⚫ thatz once had to cut his right arm off to save the Dragon Lord ( thatz got possessed by a demon and was choking him ) . the arm was re-attached, but the ordeal left him with some minor numbness and a gnarly scar running down from his shoulder cuff to his elbow . at the end of the first series, he loses his left one, but it's again re-attached . same deal as before, though, so he has another scar at his left shoulder . rune's the one to heal his arm this time, though, not just a Dragon Tribe healer, so he doesn't experience any loss of feeling or numbness
⚫ his hoarding tendencies did grow when he became a Knight, and he's arguably the worst of the three due to being the Earth Dragon Knight ; Earth has notoriously been known to be a hoarder of her own keepsakes herself ⚫ the fact that he's the only human Dragon Knight, even when the true Fire and Water Knights are found, doesn't give him any sort of insecurity or complex ( though he occasionally wishes he had some sort of mythical blood in him to fall back on, too ) ; this is because the Dragon Tribe is made up of mostly humans, for starters, and two, the King and Queen Consort, Lykouleon and Raseleane, are technically considered Dragons too, despite being humans as well ( the explanation for this is kinda wonky in the story, so we won't get into it too much ) ⚫ because thatz is the only true Knight, he gets no kind of push-back from Earth if he lets her stay out of her Dragon Sword . rath and rune get push-back from their Dragons should they do the same, but the push-back manifests as exhaustion ( extending the powers they're borrowing too much ), so rath typically can handle this just fine because of who he is as a whole being ; rune is the one who gets the real short end of the stick here >> this is canonically a no-no by the Dragon Tribe itself, though, unless they're training with the Dragons or letting them fly, so thatz will only ever let Earth chill outside of the sword for long periods of time if he's alone
okay other stuff :v these are ALL pure headcanons from here on . you can ask me about any of them :D
⚫ thatz being gay and genderfluid is all headcanon babey >> see fedelta here, see ruwalk here ; because rn they're the only two i ship thatz with >> not to spoil the endings here but canonically fedelta ends up w no one ( not gonna say why ) and ruwalk ends up with a character name cernozura ( who i adore i really do ) but i like to refute that thank you >> the reason i include this info at all ( i mention this on his page ofc ) is because thatz himself may mention his crush on one or the other or both of them, if he feels so inclined ; he might also not, though, so don't hold out
and now for au headcanons ( for the moment )
⚫ in his Fairy Tail verse, thatz isn't the only one capable of communicating with Earth because there's no "fake" Dragon Slayers ( that would match the reasons as to why rath and rune are "fake" Knights, at least ), and Telepathy Magic can be learned by anyone >> his childhood and origins are still the same, but there's a rumour started eventually that his parents actually were from Edolas . some versions of the rumour have him being born there, as well, or his parents finding some way out of the alternate universe and ending up in Earth Land to have him there some time around when Mystogan's father, Faust, began outlawing Magic usage . this rumour was started for reasons unknown to thatz >> he isn't in a Guild because he still is a Knight under the Dragon King and Queen Consort ⚫ in his Raised by Demons verse, there are actually a lot of ways this could go about, but i'll list some basic facts here >> in some way shape or form, thatz comes to be in the dimension of Kainaldia ( which is technically on the same continent as Dragoon, which is where the Dragon Clan is, but it's in another dimension ; link to a full map can be found way up the post ), which is home to a great number of demons ( and, as of the main story, was the only country home to demons ; there are fewer, i believe, in the sequel than there were in the main one ) . one such demon is the Demon Lord of Dusis, Nadil >> there is a version of this verse where thatz is actually nadil's son, but i highly doubt i'll use it here at all >> for one reason or another, nadil raises thatz ; either like a son, as his actual son, or purely as a soldier in his army . this latter version is typically raised by a different demon named Shyrendora >> in many versions of the verse, thatz is released into Dragoon / to Draqueen in his early life, unable to remember being raised by / around demons until he's much older >> if he's being used as if he's a soldier in nadil's army, though, thatz is only sent to Draqueen in his early twenties because, somehow, nadil discovered thatz was the Dragon Knight of Earth, and he wants him to go retrieve her and ( later, as canonically happens in the story ) wait until he can be revived before thatz can come home to kainaldia again . basically, he's just a spy on the inside ; because of the Dragon Clan's kindness, though, thatz finds himself a bit confused in this verse once nadil is returned to life
and, for now, that's it :v
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ednaeflowers · 7 months
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wowifinallywatched · 9 months
Wow I finally watched Cocaine Bear
This movie changed my life.
Not for any philosophical or environmental reasons just because WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS MOVIE
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