#this took like five minutes
hermitcraft-8 · 1 year
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took a break from a very important commission (my brother is giving me 3 dollars to draw 17 characters in 3 days) for this
[image description: a digital comic of my dustyverse au. in the first panel, lt noir flexes and says "i came expecting a battle of the wits, but you appear to be unarmed!" in the second panel, venus points at him and says "ur mom suck me good and hard through my jorts" while a nervous usagi stands in the background. in the third panel, noir kicks venus in the stomach while usagi clutches his head in distress. above them is the word "fatality" end id]
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wailingmonarch · 2 months
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the banshee comes to a realization.
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at first i didn’t blink an eye at this tweet but then i realised the picture looked familiar because it has the colour palette of her minecraft skin
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fragglez · 24 days
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what a wonderful day!!!
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blueskittlesart · 4 months
someday when you're in college you may be registering for classes and see a 'TBD' next to the professor category on a class you're required to take. and you will hear a little voice in your head saying 'just take the class anyway, it can't be that bad. surely the school i'm putting myself in debt to go to wouldn't hire someone who doesn't know how to teach.' that voice is the devil. do not listen
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This shell may be missed in a way, but the fate it embodies will not.
(based off some spare screenshots of iterator shenanigans)
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yaboiicarusyo · 1 year
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slipperysheep · 25 days
after a gazillion years of not posting art because of silly art block (or pure demotivation), i'm finally here
what if i drew a crossbones comic cover as if it were a real copy?
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well, that's exactly what i did!!!!
textless version below
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you do not want to know how long it took for me to draw his right boot..
but yeah! cool stuff! i referenced a ton of old comic book covers for this
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arahabakix · 1 year
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hey, hey hey! grovel, human!! my name is POWER!
power for @macbcth
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I always thought that handcuffs were kinda stupid. As a little kid I would watch movies where the bad guys were hauled away in cuffs and I'd always think "alright, I guess that's inconvenient for them?" but I never really understood why they didn't just... take them off and escape
This curiosity heightened when I saw that my aunt had real metal handcuffs that locked with a real key and I quickly, before any adult could see what I was doing, shackled both my wrists with the cuffs as tight as they could go.
And when I say tight, I mean tight. I had reaaaaal skinny wrists and I was a child wearing adult handcuffs, so you'd think the cuffs would be loose but nope. Those things weren't circular anymore, they'd folded in so much that they looked more like the shape a cat's pupils turn when they're mad.
And what they don't tell you about real handcuffs? Those suckers are sharp. The inside edges are almost bladed, I guess to discourage exactly what I was trying to do but that certainly didn't stop my curious lil neurodivergent brain, oh no no.
Anyway, after about five minutes of pulling, straining, huffing and puffing, I finally went to find the adult with the key.
I was so disappointed.
And so, so hopelessly confused.
Course, no one questioned why I had locked my aunt's handcuffs and why I needed them unlocked. And, of course, I didn't communicate my confusion in any way.
So it wasn't until way later in life, when I had quickly shimmied out of one of those indestructible water park wristbands and saw the horrified eyes of my friends watching me with morbid glee, that I discovered that, apparently, most people can't dislocate their thumbs at will.
The moral of the story here is that neurodivergent children have no concept of typical versus atypical and that I cannot be contained by your petty mortal means.
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visenyaism · 11 months
help the ghosts of everyone i (M32) have wronged to attain the english throne (M17) (M49) (M28) (M43, M26, M72) (M12, M9) (M53) (F28) (M28) have unionized
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shokupanko · 4 months
First Fukase Friday of 2024! This one took 5hrs lol I wanna to be so extra (─‿─)
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alexjcrowley · 3 months
Btw I can't believe all the Hamilton edits with Hamilton the musical, especially to Wait for it but when they're done with Carlos
Like girl be fr if someone is his Burr that's not Carlos that's Nico fucking Rosberg, he owned that role
Carlos and Lewis have had beef for a month because Vasseur gave Lewis Carlos's job, you want bitter soul crushing rivalry that's been destroying another guy's life step by step, that's been booked by Britney since day one
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eerrratt · 1 year
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I really hate backgrounds, just.. How?
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lethalhoopla · 1 year
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imagine you're getting a rare research-and-liquor-based sleepover with your bestie after you've had to split ways across the continent to further bear the responsibility of entire nations/peoples when your other best friend and the love of his life/literal Champion of a city-state bust in and inform you that yet another Big Bad is in fact Bad At Staying Fucking Dead
or, I finally came up with an excuse to riff on this post:
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pianokantzart · 5 months
Thinking about how the most anxious and inexperienced version of Mario is paired up against the most unhinged and powerful version of Bowser.
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