#this took so long please forgive me
pinkd3mon · 10 months
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Gardening pals
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abyssalhuntersnerd · 5 months
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zer0pm · 9 months
Imagine having dated Luis Serra in the past only to be reunited with him literally chained to you.
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“Another late night?”
A sigh. “Sí. Wesker wants another update on the new medicine my team is developing.”
“Didn’t you just send him a report about it this morning?”
“My thoughts exactly. But people like him, they’ll push because they can and keeping pushing until they get what they want.”
“Sounds familiar.”
The man stops typing away for a moment to turn and wink at you. “You like it when I push.”
You chuckle lightly in turn and pull up a seat next to Luis. The researcher welcomes you at his side, instinctively placing his hand upon your knee as soon as you settled onto the chair. His fingers dance upon the fabric of your pants, caressing the warm skin beneath while his other hand returns to the keyboard.
There is a tired expression upon his handsome face as he focuses back on the computer screen, but the tugged up smirk on his lips and the relaxed gleam in his beautiful grey eyes that appeared in the wake of your presence of you was unmistakable.
“It’s going to be awhile,” he says, a soft lull in his voice. “You should go home and get some sleep, mi corazon.”
You shake your head, returning him a gentle smile of your own. “I’ll wait, Luis. I don’t mind.”
“Can’t rest unless we’re in bed together?”, he says with a wag of his brows.
You quip back playfully, “We wouldn’t even rest if we’re in bed together.”
The Spaniard hums thoughtfully. “That’s a tempting thought. I better hurry up, then.” He leans his head against yours. “Pero, seriously. I don’t want to make you wait.”
A comforting hand reaches over to affectionately squeeze his muscles arm, “It’s fine. Stop worrying. As long as I’m with you, Luis, I’m happy.”
You feel him nod. The growing hairs along his fine jaw, softly scratching against your head. “Yo tambien. What is the expression, we’re… attached to the hip?”
“Practically chained together you and I.”
“Keep distracting me with ideas like that and we’ll never leave this place.”
A deafening ring scratches against your ear drums, a dim light shines a dull pain in your eyes, and rusted metal scratches against your wrists. All these sensations awoke you gradually, a slow rude awakening. You’ve barely a moment to gather your wits and take in your surroundings before a familiar voice catches your attention.
“¿Estás bien? Are you hurt?”
It’s Luis, he sounded slightly disgruntled, but it did little to hide his evident concern for you.
You instinctively shake your head. “No. No, I think I’m okay. You?”
“Could be worse. Better than being in a musty burlap sack. And this time, I am in the presence of good company.”
Always the charmer. Some people just do not change, and when it came to Luis, that thought puts you at ease.
The last thing you remembered before coming to was finding Luis tied up in some basement. Leon was there, and another man, large and imposing, who approached the three of you unannounced. There were gunshots, and you recall a massive fist connecting with your head. That’s gonna bruise…
You look overhead to see your wrists clapped in irons and a pair of strong arms dangling alongside yours.
“Guess we ended up chained together, afterall.”
You feel Luis’ back slightly shaking against yours, a low chuckle rumbling from his throat. “I admit, this isn’t how I imagined it to be like either.” After a slight pauses, he sighs and calls you by name. “Pleasant talk aside, not that I’m not happy to see you again because… admittedly… I am- But what are you even doing here?”
You shrug. “Oh, you know. The views.”
The Spaniard scoffs. “Falsa. You’re a terrible liar. Always have been.”
Again, you deflect. “And what about you, Luis? This doesn’t exactly look like a cozy spot for a vacation.”
“I live here. Within the village. The house you found me under? Casa de mi infancia. My childhood home. It was, anyways, before…”
He paused. For a moment that felt like an eternity, he said nothing. It unsettled you.
He shifts a little behind you at your voice before a what sounded like a defeated sigh escapes his lips. “Joder. I was conducting research,” the man began. “After leaving Umbrella, I came back here to treat the villagers from a disease that has plagued them for a long time. Back then, it was bad. But now, it is much, much worse than when I left many years ago. I tried to help, but as you can see, I’ve had little success.”
Now it was your turn to fall silent. That was a lot to take in. After separating from Luis all those years ago, you continued to keep tabs on him. You made the excuse that you were simply monitoring his movements in case you were able to gather more information about Umbrella, but really, you just wanted to make sure he was okay. The last time you two spoke… it did not go well. And when he went off the radar, you thought the worst but never gave up searching. To say you were relieved to see him again and learn that he still practiced medicine for the benefit of others was an understatement. You feared that he may have gone off the deep end and we’re glad that you were wrong.
Luis speaks up when you said nothing. “Suppose it’s a good thing that you didn’t come here with me, after all.”
You pondered over what to say. There was plenty. You wanted to tell him that you missed him. That you thought about him every day. That you ended things between you two for his sake. But they all failed to reach your throat. Instead, you opt for a different truth. One that he deserves.
“I work for the government.”
When he doesn’t speak right away, you mentally prepared yourself for his anger and disappointment. You expected him to fly off in a rage and curse you a thousand times over, reproaching you for failing to come to him with this from the beginning. You expected him to question if your time together, if your feelings shared were genuine, and you were prepared to confirm that you and him were real. Instead, as often as Luis does, he surprises you.
“I know.”
You blink, your words faltering for a second. “Y-You know? What do you mean ‘you know?’ When- How-”
“After you left me. I did a little digging- on my own… and I learned some things.” He shifts to his feet and you followed suit, meeting his eyes. Despite their cold hue, his words came out warmly. You detect a hint of anxiousness from him. “I know why you did what you did, mi amor. Just wished you would have told me.”
Your heart flutters unmistakably from his term of endearment for you. You had to force your eyes down so as not to have your emotions betrayed to him even though it was already pointless at this point.
“I couldn’t…”
“I know.” Those little words again. “Still would have been nice to hear them, anyway. Well, perhaps not “nice”- Pero, it would have been ideal to try to work it out together.”
“Would you have wanted to at that point?” The question left you before you could bite it back.
Luis’ eyes sparkled at the almost hopeful tone in your voice. “With you, I want to do everything.”
This man is too good to be real. You wanted to hug him then and there, to pour out every apology known to man, to beg his forgiveness and declare your love for him. But the chains around your hands and the fear of rejection prevented you from doing so. However, the way Luis looked at you told you everything you needed to know, told you everything he felt and still feels for you, and you only hoped that your eyes said the same. Still, being one that wishes to validate their intentions, you opened your mouth.
Luis stops you. “Shh! You hear that?”
You focus your senses, trying to identify what he’s talking about. And sure enough, the distinct sound of garbled, inhuman groans reaches both of your ears. Your fists clench and your body tenses instinctively. This time, not of fear, but in disciplined alarm, ready to face any threat that dared to come your way. Luis picks up your stance instantly, a flash of amusement and admiration in his grey gaze.
“Now, despite my impressive physique, I’m actually not much of a fighter. So, would you…?”
You switch places with him before he could even finish his sentence, minding the chain that connected you both. The tall man reflexively shivers beneath your touch and as you left a hand lingering upon chest in a protective manner, he didn’t move away.
“Stay behind me and keep your distance.” You ordered sternly before throwing him a side glance, “And by the way, this discussion is far from over.”
“Muy bien. You got this.”
His tone was meant to be casual, but there was no denying the hint of admiration (and daresay lust) that rumbled within his thick throat. This was a side of you he has never seen. And although he can deduce that it comes from years of discipline and training; deep down, he knew your instinct to protect him comes from something much baser and more powerful. He knows, because he’s ready to protect you to despite his suggestion otherwise.
There was so much that needed to be said between you two. But that would have to wait until you were both safe. And without interruption.
“Just another long night, ¿si?”
As long as I’m with you, Luis, I’m happy.
You didn’t say it out loud. But he heard them all the same.
A/N: A continuation of Him.
Gif is also not mine, please support the original poster :3
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mangk0 · 8 months
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this is me convincing you the flat bow/quiver/arrows are an intentional artistic choice and not me being lazy :3
also i tried to make his eyes a lot lighter/desaturated in comparison to how ive previously rendered em bc i like the 'blue eyes staring into your soul' memes and he would stare into your soul for no fucking reason he just would okay
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fromtheseventhhell · 7 months
Zutaras are really the original self-insert, "we understand the story soooooo much better than everybody else" girlies and they just never moved on
#anti zutara#no offense to anyone who ships it and follows me but I'm so over the shipping wars of this show that aired almost 20 years ago 😭#at some point you guys are gonna need to hang it up cause there's a sequel series and these people are married with children like...#we get it if you were Katara you would've chosen Zuko but guess what?! you aren't and need to stop projecting onto her#the pretending to care about Katara is what really gets me cause she's never even implied to have romantic feelings for him#or vice-versa + it ignores her anger towards him and how long it took her to forgive him + rightfully so#criticizing the writing for Kataang is one thing but turning around and shipping Zutara while doing so is crazy work#ship it if you want but please stop pretending it makes more sense when both Zuko and Katara have their own separate romances 😭#love how people have to age Aang down + infantilize him and erase Mai to make it work but sure it's the better option#stop erasing Katara's arc and development just to claim that Aang brings her down when she's been a bad-ass since season 1#reducing her arc to that ONE moment with Zuko and ignoring all of her other development just to prop up a ship is nasty#Katara isn't a reward for Aang and she sure as hell isn't one for Zuko stop belittling her like that#if y'all didn't watch ATLA when you were 12 and think Zuko was cute this ship wouldn't even exist#thinking about that post that said the writers /pandered to dudebros/ like we all weren't children the delusion is crazy sdfssdfsdfsd#also seeing AANG of all characters getting whacked for a ship...please get a life and stay away from him#antizutara
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violet-traitor · 4 months
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caminoka fans where you at
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 1 month
Eiden x top FTM reader ♠️
The foxes toys. 1800 words
Reader keeps shirt on. Magic dildo.
Being with Eiden has been an absolute rollercoaster. You had met only a few months ago when he just came to this world, lost and almost out of his element. Despite being in a whole new world his charm and charisma was electric.
You were well aware of his growing clan, and how he stabilizes their essence. While physically you have an open relationship there is no doubt that you are the only one who has his heart. The clan members are also fully aware of you. Some are definitely more welcoming than others, but all in all you get along with them fairly well.
“Hey Eiden, I'd like to try something different tonight.” You ask as you sit next to him on the bed. He instantly perked up hearing that chime in your voice that he knows is going to lead to a fun night.
“I'm always down to try something new!” The spark of interest and excitement in his eyes shone like stars. The look only got brighter as you opened a bag filled to the brim with different shaped sex toys. “Where did you get all of these?!” He was surprised but his voice quivered in excitement as he picked up one of the toys and it started vibrating in his palm.
“I may have asked the fox to let me borrow them…” You blush a little when his eyes snap to meet yours, instantly suspicious.
He let out a low hum. “He never does anything without it benefitting him as well. What exactly did borrowing these cost you?” He asked slowly and rightfully cautious. Thankfully one look down at his pants and anyone could see he hadn't lost any of his excitement, maybe he even got a little more turned on.
You shrug. “He just wants to know which one gets the ‘best reactions’ from you.” Eiden gives a slight laugh at the air quotes. Any stress you had melted away at the sweet sound.
“That sounds pretty cheap for him, but I won't complain!” Eiden gives a toothy grin. “I don't want to waste any more time.” He takes your hand and guides it to his thigh. You chuckle softly at his eagerness. Cute and earnest, if a little demanding.
You gently push him back on the bed and take your time unbuttoning his pants. His breath hitched when you pulled his pants and boxers down around his knees. His cock sprung up and slapped himself in the stomach, letting out the sweetest whimper when you pulled away.
“What are you doing?” Eiden shut his mouth when you started to strip off your pants. His heart raced when he saw how erect your little dick was too. No matter how many times he gets to see your body he always thinks it was something glorious. He would easily worship you if you'd let him.
Taking out a blue dildo you turned it over a few times in your hand before looking at Eiden. It had a few straps attached to it and Eiden knew exactly what it was for.
“Kuya said I have to wait to use this, but said I should wear it for a while first.” You gasped softly when you put the base of the dildo to your tip and the soft material seemed to mold around your shape. You secured the straps around your waist and hips. It felt similar to wearing a jockstrap.
Eidens mouth was already watering at the sight of your new big blue dick but he only got more restless as you pulled out a few more toys, two small vibrators and a long tapered plug. He almost looked like a puppy trying to sit still while you dangle treats in front of him. You pushed him back down on the bed and took his pants all the way off discarding them in a heap on the floor, his shirt soon joining the mass of fabric.
There he laid completely bare for you, even spreading his legs to give better access to his cock and ass.
“Trying to make yourself more enticing for me?” You asked in a clearly teasing tone. Eidens smile just grew as he responded.
“Is it working?” You both already knew the answer but you also knew he got off on banter. He wanted to be a brat but was far too eager to commit.
“Yes.” You picked up one of the vibrators and settled yourself between his open legs. After turning it on to a low setting you gently pressed it against his tip. He flinched and moaned softly as you slowly slid it down his shaft and let it rest at the base for a moment before playing with his balls. Once you were satisfied with the sounds he was making you dropped the vibrator lower and pressed it against his tight sphincter. The vibrations slowly loosen the muscle until you could press the toy into his ass.
Eiden started squirming as it slipped in completely and started massaging his insides. It wasn't until after he stopped squirming did you put the plug into his ass. Slowly driving the vibrator deeper into him as well.
“Mmmnhh~” He moaned loudly as the plug popped into place securing itself and the other toy deep inside of him. You kissed up his neck and groped his chest as the toys worked their magic. He was already singing like a canary but you wanted more. Grabbing the last vibrator you turned it on and started pumping his cock with the vibrator snugly pressed between your palm and his twitching member.
His moans became louder as he struggled not to cum. He looked so hot that you couldn't help grinding your crotch into the bed. It felt so good that you wanted to melt but then again Eidens voice always made you feel euphoric.
Eiden reached up and grabbed your shirt by the collar pulling you towards him. He looked so needy, so desperate for you. It was exhilarating. You gave him exactly what he wanted in the form of a sloppy kiss that would make an incubus blush. When you pulled away Eiden had coated himself in a thin layer of his own cum.
“Awww, couldn't wait for me first~” He blushed as you teased him. He could barely think right now but still knew what he wanted, what he needed.
“I can't help that you know all my weak spots. Now hurry up and fuck me before I cum again.” He whined, shaking his hips up and down waiting for you to pull out the still humming vibrator and plug. The plug slipped out easily and the vibrator followed with a satisfying pop. Before he had a chance to complain about the emptiness you lined up your new cock to his ass.
Your knees almost gave out as you pushed the tip of the strap through his clenching ring of muscle. It felt like pleasure was injected straight into your nervous system making your whole body light up at once. The dildo was clearly enhanced because as you pressed the tip against Eidens hole you could feel the heat as if it was against your own skin.
“F-fuck, is this what your dick feels like? Gods I'm jealous.” You bit your lip to hold back your moans and you slid all the way in. Eidens face contorted into a starstruck pleasure. You had to stop though as small tears pricked at the corners of his eyes.
“Eiden? I'm sorry, did I hurt you?” You gently cupped his face as you started to pull out. Immediately his legs wrapped around your waist holding you in place. He shook his head softly as he nuzzled into your touch.
“I'm just happy that I get to be fucked by my boyfriend. I'm so happy-” You cut him off with another deep kiss. Your heart felt light as your tongues danced in each other's mouths. His mouth was sweet but his moans and whimpers were even sweeter.
When you started moving again his sounds only tasted better on your lips. As Eidens legs locked tighter around your hips it became troublesome to do long strokes, so instead your thrusts became harder and shallower. Eiden was loving every moment of it. One of his hands tangled itself into your hair while his other hand clenched around your shirt. Your arms caging Eiden beneath you as you pounded harder into his ass.
It felt amazing, feeling all his sweet spots from the inside. Every time you hit a spot he liked you could feel him clench around you. You could feel how hot his insides were and how smooth it felt on your cock. Your cock, YOUR cock. Yes, your cock finally piercing your wonderful boyfriend, truly it was a dream come true.
You kept going even after you could feel yourself coming to the edge. Your head felt fuzzy and your skin sweaty, but that just added to your pleasure. Eiden was getting close too, his hard cock bouncing against his stomach every time you thrust deep inside him.
You could feel your own orgasm beginning to overflow. You wanted to cum, you wanted nothing more than to cum and fill Eidens ass with your cum. You are so close, just a little more and-
“Nnnnh~” You let out a low moan as you cum hard, like something snapped inside your gut. A lewd warmth spread between your legs as you enjoyed the feeling. For a moment you felt Eiden clench around your dick as he came as well.
Eidens eyes went wide as he stared at you in shock and amazement. “What?”
“Did you just cum inside me?”
“.... WHAT?!” You both looked down and sure enough a thick liquid was dripping from Eidens spent hole. A thick blue liquid. When you came you didn't realize that the dildo also reacted and melted inside of Eiden, acting as artificial cum. “Well that explains why Kuya gave me like seven of these.” You started to finger Eidens ass and more of the blue goo leaked onto the bed. Eiden let out a tired moan as you fingered him and you let out a small laugh.
Pulling him close you kissed him on his temple and whispered in his ear. “Let's get you cleaned up. Knowing the fox I have a feeling this ooze has some extra properties, so unless you want to find out what he has planned…”
“I'll take a bath.” Eiden smiled tiredly. “I think I've cum enough for today.”
“I'll get it ready for you.” With another chase kiss you left to go draw him a warm bath. This turned out much better than you could have ever hoped. Unfortunately now you feel like you owe that old fox. That was probably why he didn't ask for much in the first place now that you think about it.
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raz-writes-the-thing · 5 months
So I was thinking about something the 11th doctor says in cannon “Good men don’t need rules, now is not the time to find out why I have so many”
The doctor knows the depth of darkness he is capable of. Because even the ‘good’ version of himself isn’t really inherently good. He has to actively choose to create and follow rules for himself. (Tbh I’m pretty sure that’s how being a good person works regardless but bear with me for a moment)
The idea of a universe in which the doctor simply chose not to create a rule set for himself is flipping terrifying but also incredibly intriguing. You can see the stuff he pulls when he loses control of himself. But imagine the scale of damage those times would have created if he had never bothered to try to reign himself in, if he actually went out of his way to cause more harm simply because someone pissed him off.
Imagine him methodically destroying every weeping angel one at a time because of what they did to Amy.
him stepping back and not involving himself in events that will lead to mass destruction without his influence because he finds the destruction and fear beautiful.
Oh yeah- the Doctor is well aware of what he can do. What he chooses not to do. He has dark thoughts like the rest of us but 2000+ years is a LONG time to do things. He's definitely done things he's not proud of, and things he'd probably do again if he got pushed too far.
I mean, he has to know at that point just how far he'd take things.
Oh yeah- the Daleks? Wouldn't stand a chance. He'd chase them and the Angels down one by one until there were none left. Hell, he'd probably do it for fun.
The Doctor in a universe where he understands what he's capable of and doesn't fucking care what he does or what the consequences are- he's not someone you wanna mess with. He'd be capable of literally anything. LITERALLY anything at all. And given his access to time and space to do whatever he wants- that makes it that much worse, too.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
Im foaming at the mouth over the part 1 and 2 of the alien love story it is sooo good
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Praying people still like him after part three like:
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maxthesillyy · 7 months
Begging for a list of songs that you associate with your blorbos.
oh thank GOD somebody asked. I lied. im not normal about them. they make me insane.
i do have spotify playlists for them that im gonna share, but fair warning they do widely range from “Songs i liked so then in turn associated to them” to “Just Vibes™️” to “Songs that are literally them” so i am gonna list out my faves :3
okay so for some reason chloe’s playlist just refuses to cooperate. apparently this is the thanks i get for sacrificing a whole town for her. but no fr, just search up “chloe.p vibes” in spotify and it’ll be the one with chloe staring at the camera with a photogenic sadness 🙏
i think my faves for this one would have to be: smokey eyes, wrath, call me what you like, im yer dad, alien blues, and (literally the most chloe post-hell week song ever) i’m not angry anymore 
my faves are probably: smokey eyes, guilty, body, cold weather, come over again, brutal, teen idle, dinner is not over, prom dress, and stressed out
for this girlie a good chunk of her songs are based off pure vibes… especially the fnaf song.
faves: femme fatale, my ordinary life, are you satisfied, oh no!, obsession, dumb dumb, home where, and sweet dreams (skylike dreams)
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 years
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ko-fi commission!
Another round of the fates kids for @authordgaster this time featuring Beruka!Forrest (who, like his mother, prefers a subtle color palette and enjoys peoplewatching) taking a good look at Oboro!Nina's newest yukata, which is absolutely all the rage in Hoshido right now (but this one's special - Mama Oboro tailored it herself!)
Thank you for commissioning me!
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velidewrites · 2 years
Jassa + lick
Warning: SMUT ahead
Jurian's tongue lit up her skin, hotter than the fire that consumed her with every sunrise.
Her mouth opened to cry out his name again, hips rocking into his face, rolling in excruciating pleasure. His touch was bliss, but it wasn't nearly enough as the need for friction took over her senses. She was getting tighter, release creeping closer with every sweep of his tongue, every brush of his stubble against her trembling thighs.
"Damn you," Vassa swore, her head falling back onto the arm of the couch.
She felt him smile against her slickness. "Is my Queen getting impatient?"
"Yes," she breathed, curling her fingers into his brown hair.
Jurian placed a soft kiss to her clit, sucking the air out of her lungs before he said, "I want to be gentle with you." Another kiss. "Don't you want me to be gentle, Vassa?"
Dripping with anticipation, Vassa shivered. "No."
Before she knew it, his scruff scratched her neck as he settled his body over hers, the thick head of his cock teasing at her entrance. She gasped softly, desire twisting in her stomach, her fingers pulling him closer, still tangled between his hair.
"No?" Jurian hummed, dragging his length up and down the wet folds of her sex. A strong hand cupped her jaw lightly, forcing her blurry gaze to meet his own. "Good. I was hoping you'd say that."
His lips collided with hers the moment he thrusted deep into her cunt, cursing into her mouth at how perfectly she gripped him, and she clenched harder around him, so wound tight from the attention of his tongue. Vassa moaned as he drove into the welcoming heat of her cunt, throbbing and stretching her in an unforgiving pace.
A broken sob escaped her as he slammed into the hilt, her breaths growing short at the impact of his cock, falling in rhythm with every pulse of her inner muscles around him. He filled her so deliciously that her hips arched off the velvet, inviting him impossibly deep as their tongues rejoined in a fiery dance.
Her vision flashed white as he hit that perfect spot at the roof of her core, stroking against something that turned her blood into liquid flame. Vassa shuddered, her cunt fluttering almost violently around them, and Jurian's mouth broke free from hers with a harsh groan, his thrusts turning wild, frantic at the feel of her coming apart around him. Her hands slipped to his arms, nails digging into the muscles, hard enough to leave marks on his skin.
"Look at you," Jurian panted, his hold now tighter on her hips. "You're taking my cock so well, Your Majesty."
A blazing inferno rushed through her body, and she wailed out his name, release rushing through her hard enough to push him towards his own. She shook beneath him, her heat flooding his length as she rode out her orgasm, long and overwhelming.
Sliding down from her jaw, his heavy hand caressed her neck, a calloused thumb brushing against the column of her throat. A molten mess beneath him, Vassa smiled, and brought her lips to his once more.
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oldestenemy · 11 months
every me, every you, every moment passing through - finale
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
There is a very long moment where nobody moves.
Penny catches Malorn’s gaze with a look caught between horror and sudden realization that he’s sure is mirrored on his own face. A shared moment of ah, so that’s what that was.
Had they always been able to do that? At least recently?
Had it been on purpose?
Had it been because of the extra circle?
How had they drawn an additional battle circle and had it work?
“Ashthorn, c’mon, help me carry them out.” Duncan is halfway to the wizard’s body before Malorn manages to break Penny’s gaze and move.
They each thread one of the wizard’s arms around their shoulders. Like the claws of the shadow creature, their fingers and hands are stained blue with spider blood. Their eyes and mouth are running that dark sparkling purple, but it seems to be drying out. Malorn isn’t entirely sure if that’s good or bad…
“There’s a new teleporter in here—” Marla calls from where she’s looking through the hole that had been blown through the dungeon wall. “—one of the big round exit ones.”
“Oh thank the gods.” Malorn mumbles, “Let’s get out of here.”
He and Duncan clamber somewhat akwardly after Marla through the hole, trying not to bump the wizard around too much. Penny follows behind them, arms wrapped around herself.
The exit teleport leaves them all standing outside the moon door inside Nidavellir. Nobody questions why.
The bear standing at the outer doors takes one look at the wizard’s limp form and says he’s escorting them to the King’s Hall. None of them have the energy to protest, but Duncan and Malorn refuse the offer to let him carry the wizard up.
Words are exchanged between their escort and the guard at the door—the Thane, Bjorn Ironclaws—but the doors are swung open and they are led to a side room set up with a small bed. None of the words Malorn hears are really registering. His head is buzzing. Too much happened, and all of it so fast.
Is this what it’s like for them?
All of the time?
“I am told you four rescued our hero from an unexplored depth within Nidavellir.” A rumbling voice greets them in the doorway, and they are met with the King of Bears, Valgard Goldenblade. “Grizzleheim thanks you for that service, we owe much to the wizard for stoping the Coven and the Everwinter.”
“Right.” Malorn just blinks, he’s out of his depth by miles. “Thank you, I’m sure once they’re awake we’ll be on our way.”
Mercifully, the king seems to understand that none of them are used to dealing with this. “Stay as long as you need. The doors of this world are open to you.” He says, and returns to the main hall.
Penny is working on cleaning the blood and starlight from the wizard’s hands, she’s been silent since the fight had ended and is still somewhat glassy eyed. Duncan is in the corner, inspecting some of the strange starlight liquid from the wizard’s face, drawing little symbols in the air and looking increasingly irate when nothing happens.
“So are we just not going to talk about them turning into some kind of monster?” It’s Marla who breaks the quiet. “Or how they broke through a wall into a dungeon already at capacity and then joined the duel by finger painting?”
“I don’t know,” Malorn admits, sitting down on the foot of the bed. “I’ve never seen magic like that—it wasn’t Myth, it didn’t even seem like the Astral stuff we’ve seen them use before.”
“Do you think the spider mage—Lorcan—do you think he was trying to draw it out of them?” Marla asks.
“No,” Penny says softly, “no I don’t think he knew what he was getting into. The same way we didn’t.”
She’s probably right.
Malorn thinks about the flash of fear in all those eyes. “Hey, Penny?”
“They’ve usually got a ring on them, full of spiral keys.” It’s a shot in the dark, but a fairly straight one. If anyone could tell them what was going on, it was probably someone the wizard had met more recently than not.
Penny digs a hand into the wizard’s backpack, which is on the floor next to the bed, surfacing with a ring full of mismatched keys. She holds it out to him in silence, the look she’s giving him is enough to know that she understands.
Duncan frowns deeper in the corner, “Ashthorn we just got ourselves beat to dirt by a bunch of spiders—you’re not suggesting—”
“—Do you want to find out what that was or not?” Malorn snaps “We don’t know how long they’ll be out for, we know they weren’t… weren’t like that before Azteca, we can’t go to Azteca, we can go to Khrysalis.”
“No. No way, we could have been seriously hurt in there—and for what?”
“What if it’s killing them?”
“Who cares—they did it—they won, the fight is over! Bring them to the headmaster, tell him they turned into a weird winged beast, and let him deal with it!”
“What! Not everything has to revolve around what happens to them! Honestly they’d probably prefer if we just ignored it and moved on! That seems to be their default, pretend things just didn’t happen.”
“Well we can’t!” Penny isn’t usually one for anger, she’s too bright, too worried about what everyone else is doing. “They’ve been throwing themselves into danger and wars and titans know what else since they enrolled—you might not think you owe them anything, you might not think any of us are friends but I do! Malorn does!”
“Then you two can drag yourselves across the spiral without me, see how long you manage.” Duncan shoots back. “I’m not dealing with this anymore—I’m going back to nightside and I’m finding a way through that portal.”
He storms out, Malorn hears the creak of the great doors swinging open, and then slamming shut.
“I’ll go after him.” Marla says, “Either just try and convince him the portal is a dud without them—or else get him to come back. No offense, but please don’t go throwing yourselves at anything until we’re back—You’re both miserable fighters.” She looks reluctant to go, but swings her staff over one shoulder and vanishes into a small explosion of bats.
“You know the levitate cantrip right?” Penny asks once they’re alone, picking up the wizard’s backpack and shouldering it.
“This is stupid and you know it.” Marla finds him where she expected to. “Exactly how are you expecting to win if you make it through?” Duncan, to his credit, is trying to mimic the wizard’s voice. Failing miserably, but trying. So on some level he’s aware it’s hopeless.
“Once the portal is open I can get help.”
“Yeah, sure, I bet you’re just dying to go running to Susie and Nolan for help.” Marla snorts, “Duncan come on, the best way to do this is going to—”
“—to what? Wait for the wizard to rescue us again?”
“To do this as a group, to do it together, to give all of us closure. Not just the wizard, and not just you.” Marla doesn’t stop the irritation from coloring her words. Duncan acts enough like he’s the only one who cared when they all thought Malistaire had died, like he was the only one betrayed when they were told what he was trying to achieve. “You don’t get to take that away from the rest of us.”
They’re floating.
Sleep feels like that sometimes.
It’s gentle.
It’s quiet.
Until it’s not.
They’re floating, and it’s not because they’re asleep.
They’re floating and their limbs are all aching and their head feels like it has split down the middle and there is still the faint echo of blood and starlight in their mouth, sour and metallic. There is a faint twinkling noise from below them. The wizard groans, tries to sit up, and falls straight down. Landing with a musical thud on the rainbow bridge that separates Grizzleheim from its spiral door.
“You’re okay!”
Penny’s voice hits their ears like a siren, and the wizard groans again.
“Why am—wait—” Jumping to their feet makes the world spin, but they look down towards the doors of Nidavellir, barely visible beyond the bridge. “—Lorcan, and the—wait—”
“—It’s alright.” Malorn takes them by the arm and they’re not going to admit it but without the added stability they might be at risk of tumbling right off the rainbow. “You’re safe. It’s over.”
“No.” The wizard shakes their head, squeezing their eyes shut when it makes the pain spike higher. “No, how did you know where to find me?”
“Malorn heard a voice.”
Their eyes snap open.
Brown. Gold. Brown again.
“What voice?”
Malorn leans back just a little, like he isn’t sure why that’s important, like their intensity is concerning. “A—a woman’s voice—she said you were—”
Raven. This had been Raven.
“Have you heard her since then?” Malorn shakes his head and the wizard lets their shoulders drop, lets the tension ebb slightly. “Good. If you do—tell me. I’m not—” they try to take a step and the world spins violently again.
“—Woah, hang on, you’re still really out of it.”
The shadow circles must have really done a number on them.
“How did we…get out?”
Malorn and Penny share a look that they do not like at all. “What do you remember?” Penny asks.
“I—the last round, and then the circle went out, and—I don’t know, I passed out didn’t I? You all carried me out.” That makes the looks get even worse. “What? What happened? Duncan and Marla are fine right—Lorcan didn’t—”
“—No, no they’re both fine!” Malorn says hurriedly, “Duncan stormed off while you were unconscious and Marla went to find him—we—you—” he lets out a nervous little laugh. “—you kind of—turned into…something.”
“I turned into something.” The wizard repeats blankly, looking between the pair for some kind of context. Any kind of context. When none is offered, the wizard sits slowly back down on the bridge, holding out a hand to both of the others and pulling them down too. “Do either of you know how to use conjuration sigils? I know that’s mainly a myth discipline, but it lets you turn memories—at least, short ones—into something other people can view.”
When neither of them do, the wizard reaches back for their bag, stomach dropping momentarily when they find it missing until Penny slings it off her back. It takes a moment, but they dig out some parchment and charcoal. “Okay, this is the sigil—it’s easy, and it doesn’t take a lot of effort, just—whichever one of you wants to try, just draw it, think of the memory you want, and activate it the same way you would if you were doing a cantrip.”
Penny is the one who does it. She and Malorn exchange one more look like they’re worried about what’s going to happen afterwards. Like they don’t quite want to know.
The dark grey glow of death magic forming a flickering image.
Within it, they can see Lorcan kneeling on his frontmost legs, and something throwing itself at him. Claws digging into the segments of his body and ripping it apart. Something that looks almost like one of the shadow creatures. An amalgamation of them all, winged and clawed and—
—and then it dissolves.
And the wizard sees their own body.
Sees backlash, sees payment for creating the extra dueling rings, slam them into the wall of the dungeon.
Penny waves her hands through the image to banish it just as that happens.
“I—” they trail off, feeling a tremor work its way up their spine and force through their whole form. “—I don’t—I didn’t—” It’s not supposed to come out like that. Uncalled. Unsummoned. It’s supposed to be under control now. They’re supposed to be able to handle it now. If they can’t— gods and starlight if they can’t—
“—Don’t run away again.” Penny says quietly, reaching out for one of their hands and not letting go when they try to flinch back. “We can’t keep doing this.”
Shadow is a dangerous chaos unleashed upon the spiral. Oftentimes too destructive to allow. Its dangers must be understood. Its creator must be dealt with.
Raven’s voice is as soft as usual.
It sends a jolt of white hot anger through the wizard. She had told them to enter the lunar dungeon. She had guided Malorn to Nidavellir in search of them.
…Had she known Lorcan was waiting? Had she sent him here too? Lorcan had wanted them to deal with the wayward spider and his kin. Old Cob, his children, things they don’t have answers for.
What do they fear more?
Facing Malistaire again?
Or the idea that they are not as in control of their magic as they should be.
That they are walking the same razorwire of those before them.
Running away again.
Prodigal Problem Child.
They want to get out of here.
They are in no mood to humor Raven.
So perhaps spiting her is the better option.
What better way than to continue bending the laws of this reality.
“Come with me,” the wizard says quietly, pushing to their feet and taking one of Malorn’s hands with the one they have free. Pulling both him and Penny towards Baldur’s ship. “I should talk to Professor Drake before we go back to Nightside.”
Once more.
For good this time.
read the rest here <3
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decaffedthoughts · 1 year
how ab skz x moots as romance tropes?
OOOOH of course, a good one from the resident big brain
chan x @snow-pegasus roommates and drunken confession it is what it is. chan rarely drinks, preferring to watch over his friends and make sure they don't die in a bush. but tonight he did because snow has just been too much recently. taking care of him, physically affectionate, and their hangouts have felt like dates for some reason. he gets drunk as shit, comes home and confesses to snow, thinking it's someone else or whatever. happily ever after yippee
minho x @simpracha fighting turned confession. listen i gotta. it would be some simple thing, honestly more banter than a fight. but it turns into "your smile is annoyingly pretty" and "i like when you sing along to your stupid music in the shower". if anyone else is around they're like is this concerning or wholesome, do i need to intervene, help
changbin x @bunnypig18 doing this one last, can i say idiots to lovers a third time? i think hanahaki would destroy them fr. like quentin would get hanahaki and immediately changbin is concerned like ??? omg who is it, tell me so i can make them confess to you rn. and dear quentin is like :((( i can't. eventually it progresses enough and changbin crying gets it out of them. wee woo happy ending ofc ofc
hyunjin x @ferrethyun . idiots to lovers. it would be so painful to watch, i can see it now. and it would extra bad cause these long limbed clumsy lil ones would be causing all sorts of injuries and damage if they were ever in the same place
jisung x @my-favorite-bangchan someone tell me why i wanna say idiots to lovers again FBGJFK
felix x @brownieracha come on i HAVE to put these two together. too cute!! best friends to lovers, all the way. just adorably pining over each other and always doing things for each other. everyone looking in wants to be annoyed but it's really too cute for them to be mad for long
seungmin x @hobi-is-golden secretly dating. but not on purpose. they just don't end up doing a lot of pda cause they both see all their friends being little bastards about it and decide not to deal with it!
jeongin x @wonkiewolfie grumpy x sunshine. ik i paired everyone else with their biases, sorry honey. but i think this would be cute regardless! both a little more lowkey, but where jeongin is lowkey in the way that he insults his friends, wren is lowkey in the way that he just. vibes. happy to be here vibes
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silkydaspider · 10 months
this fucking drawing took way longer than it should’ve
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seohwang · 1 year
Okay, can I please request sub!mingi or wooyoung and Dollification?
It's just the idea of wrapping a feather boa around their neck, putting sparkles on their face.
And then ruining them so their makeup smears is just, omg it's so hot!
Okay, so this was SO overdue, I don't even think I can excuse this in any way at this point, lol. Just know that I'm really really sorry for taking so long with this, but please believe me when I say that I did genuinely have fun writing it, and I hope you have fun reading it as well!!
Also, I posted this on my other, more nsfw blog, since it turned out smuttier than I originally thought it would, hope that's okay! You can find the link to it right under the cut ♥
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Dollification with sub!Wooyoung x dom!reader
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Read here on my other blog! <3
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