#this was a fun trip down memory lane!
sun-lit-roses · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tags @curator-on-ao3 and @emonydeborah! I apologize for how long it's taken me to respond 💛
I'm so late to this, I have no idea who's already done it. If you haven't yet, please, please consider yourself tagged - and tag me in your response so that I can read your answers! (Actually if you have done it already, also link me so I can read your answers. These are fun questions with bonus fic recs so I'd like to see them all!)
Anyway, I got a little rambly, so I'll put in a cut to not murder anyone's dash 😁
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 82.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 397,560.
3. What fandoms do you write for? I've been primarily writing Star Trek (Strange New Worlds and Voyager) lately, with a dash of The Librarians and Leverage.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Fringe Benefits (SNW) - My beloved monument to ridiculousness where I approach the totally canon subject of Chris Pike's horse skills via Number One's hair.
October 2373 (Voyager)- My magnum opus! The one time I've managed to achieve completion of an October prompt list - five of them. In one coherent (ish) fic. Granted, it did take me until December... but the point is that I finished it! It follows a very eventful and occasionally random month aboard the Starship Voyager, where they have to deal with imprisonment, alien attacks, diplomatic meetings, and Kathryn's inability to talk about her feelings.
For the Captain Who Has Everything: A Prixin Story (Voyager) - Look. You can't just give me three delightful misfits for ONLY ONE EPISODE and not expect me to adopt them as my own. SO this is what happened next for the little Good Shepherd flock, where 'what happened next' is shenanigans to set up their Captain with her First Officer as a gesture of gratitude.
Growing Pains (SNW) - Aw, one of my early Chris and Una fics! This is one of the set I wrote while the first season was just airing weekly - hard to believe that was almost two years ago 😲 This one was the aftermath of Una 'I'm just fine-ing' her way into emergency surgery and Chris letting her know that there were things up with which he would not put - top of the list being losing his Number One.
Command Advice (SNW) - Another of the early SNW set! This was my 'spicier' take on the resulting conversation between Chris and Una after she learns about her Where Fun Goes to Die nickname. In one version, they have a very serious conversation about Starfleet principles. In *this* version, they're less serious. Also naked.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! Or at least I try. I love and cherish every comment, but I tend to run (very) behind on responding and have to play the game of 'is it weird to reply to a comment this late?'
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My very first fic ever! Actually I think it might be my only fic with an angsty ending. I guess I got it all out of my system early. That one is Wednesday, a Sanctuary fic where Helen has a very sad day.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Literally everything else. I can't even pick out of my collection of sappiness.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, there's very little I would not be willing to at least try writing! Up to now I think I've written at least mildly smutty M/F, F/F, and F/M/M sexcapades and/or BDSM. I'm working my way around to some F/F/M for SNW if I could get the three of them to cooperate.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I think I've only written one crossover and it was for SNW/The Librarians, bringing about a meeting between Eve Baird and Una Chin-Riley, which we would have in a fair and just universe.
Wait, I take that back! I also had a little snippet on Tumblr where Hawkeye, BJ, Jonathan, and Ardeth meet up, because The Mummy/MASH is... certainly a combo. Actually, I think I also had a snippet of Gomez Addams meeting Hawkeye and BJ? What is it about MASH?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Also not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Kind of? The Discord crowdsourced the plot to a ridiculously hilarious fic and I wrote a bit of it for fun, but I'm not sure if that counts? Co-writing does sound like a good time, though!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Voyager! The happiest little ship in the Delta Quadrant 🚀
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a lot of bits and pieces on my hard drive that will never be finished and released into the Ao3 wilds - the plot didn't work out/was barely a plot, I've moved on from the fandom, I was trapped in a fever dream of my nieces playing Frozen on repeat, blacked out, and woke up to 3 chapters dealing with the socio-political ramifications of Elsa decamping and Anna appointing the prince of another land in charge rather than Arendelle's Privy Council. Anyway.
The WIPs I have posted, though, I fully intend to finish at some point! It may take a while and it might not be my original planned ending, but they haunt me. So one day I will have to put them to rest. Possibly with a 2x4, tarp, and shovel.
16. What are your writing strengths? I like to think I'm pretty good at getting into the character's voice. I hope so, at least; I spend a lot of time on it! Also, humor, although that one is objective, of course.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Commas. Clearly.
Structurally, it varies per fic, but I have a habit of running thin on plot. I start strong at A, want to get to B, but the middle gets kind of wander-y. This also leads to me sometimes stalling mid-project if I get distracted or pulled away - hence my current three WIPs. Though it doesn't help that the past six months have sucked on letting me have much free time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? If it was short, easy dialogue in Spanish or French I might be able to swing it. Otherwise, I would need to phone a friend.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Sanctuary!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? This is a hard one. I love them all for different reasons, some of which have more to do with the time I was writing them than with the actual contents. Reluctance was my first multi-chapter fic ever back in the FFN days, so that seems like a pretty good candidate. I learned so much while writing that fic!
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pascow · 2 months
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tag rules: select 13 horror films that at one point in time terrified the hell out of you (gifs optional)
tagged by: @animusrox
tagging: @losthavenmine @90scully @saw-x @stephendorff @dushku
@classichorrorblog @kizzyedgelll @rogerdeakinsdp @deadringers2023 @madeline-kahn
@j0el-miller @ethan-hawke @ricky-olson @ncutisgatwas @jodifosters and anyone who'd like to do this!
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garlicboyart · 23 days
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happy very belated 10 year birthday mr lodger !!!
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vinelark · 4 months
fic writer meme
thank you [checks notes] @megafaunatic, @cairoscene, @englishsub, @yuebings, and @cafecliche for the tags ilu
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 15! which is solidly 14 more than i ever expected to have on there when i made the account
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 277,844
3. What fandoms do you write for? on ao3: mdzs/cql, tgcf, shl, and dc. in groupchats/dms/my own head i’m running wild all over the place
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 🐉 this river runs to you 💍 i’ll have you and you’ll have me 🪐 i will be chasing a starlight ⚔️ you’re the trouble that i always find 🌊 a wave crashes to shore
5. Do you respond to comments? not often; i have made multiple attempts to start replying regularly but all have eventually failed in the face of me desperately wanting to show my earnest and genuine appreciation for each comment vs. wanting to hide my blushing face under a pillow every time. also, because of who i am as a person, each time i sat down to do it i ended up spending hours making little progress and eventually decided that i will make an effort to spend those hours writing or commenting on other fics instead. i am honored by each and every one though!!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? while i tend to write angst it is always firmly of the “with a happy ending” sort. the one exception is my shortest fic (originally posted on twitter) never been away so long, which is more of an ambiguous/open ending with implied angst. i dooooo outline the eventual happy ending in the endnotes, though. also as it CURRENTLY stands buy back the secrets ends on one hell of an angsty note, but there are two more chapters in the works to fix that.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? despite the wangxian star trek au having like 20k of deliriously happy post-misunderstanding sex, i think trrty has to have the happiest ending because not only does the fic end happily, but there are also multiple very happy codas in which wwx gets a good night’s sleep, finally gets to bang his dragon boyfriend, and, my personal fav, one by aubreyli where wangxian go flying in a thunderstorm.
8. Do you get hate on fics? not so far, for which i am grateful but mostly lucky.
9. Do you write smut? occasionally; on ao3 there’s the aforementioned trrty coda, plus the aforementioned cowritten wangxian pon farr sequence 💪
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written? hmm, i’m not opposed to crossovers—i’ve read some really fun ones (recent fav crossover read here)—but i’d have to be really compelled by both source materials and have a very clear vision for how they interact to want to write one myself. i’ve written a few fandom fusions (aforementioned wangxian star trek au; i also started a wangxian dragon age au but again, no dragon age characters were going to show up, just the world/setting) but no full-on crossovers. i did have one partially drafted wangxian fic that was going to have a hua cheng deus ex machina, alas.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i’m aware of! it’s not something i really go looking for/concern myself with, but so far, like with fandom hate, i’m grateful to not have encountered it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? yes! my wangxian wedding fic was translated to russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i co-wrote seventy thousand words of published fic with @feyburner! and probably two hundred thousand words of unpublished fic and outlines and story ideas just for fun. even when we aren’t co-writing we tend to talk through our individual fics with each other so we’re pretty in sync when it comes to writing. i also spent like a year in @cairoscene’s DMs concocting whole outlines/zerodrafts for batfam fics together that i still cherish and reread (notable favs: tim drake ella enchanted au, concept where the waynes are cursed to suddenly feel nothing but apathy about tim and he has to deal with that, story where robin!tim gets de-aged and oops red hood is the first one to show up…). i’d say the OCBFEU is fic-adjacent and cowritten by a group of us. also shoutout to the mdzs threadfic @cafecliche and i brainstormed/zerodrafted where lan qiren gets cursed into an owl and post-cql wei wuxian is the one who unknowingly saves him.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? oh yeah it’s [loud truck goes by]
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? cyborg!wwx…i still think of you fondly. the only ao3 fic i’ve ever posted knowing i probably wouldn’t finish it but wanted to share just for fun.
16. What are your writing strengths? pangs… mining little character details for humor (or, more often, for more pangs)… i also think i’ve really improved my action writing/pacing over the last few years.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i write actual drafts/prose fairly slowly, which can be frustrating for me. also like @yuebings i often get very caught up in trying to perfect one small part of a draft before moving on. ummmm describing outfits/settings for reasons other than immediate plot-relevant details, i’m terrible at that + remembering to do it—i literally make myself do a What Are We Looking At Here Pass while revising sometimes.
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics? i’m not totally sure what this question is asking tbh, but it’s something i think can be done incredibly well—and, like with many things in storytelling, it’s the sort of thing where if you don’t actually speak the second language you need to be willing to put in work beyond a cursory google to try to achieve what you’re doing, and be willing to admit if it’s beyond your capabilities. i really like how the portuguese dialogue in bbts ended up and that’s 100% because @tigerjpg translated it for me and also already understood the scene/concept/characters; without them i would have found a different way to approach that scene. also, stylistically, i personally like when dialogue in other languages isn’t italicized unless there’s a real reason for it to be.
19. First fandom you wrote for? oh it was [a second loud truck whooshes by]
20. Favorite fic you have written? right now it’s bbts, because i think it’s also the fic i’ve had the most fun writing. trrty, though, will always hold a special place in my heart.
and i tag! @tlumeti, @burins, @smilebackwards, @bonesbuckleup, @hearteyeshayley, @sonosvegliato
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age-of-moonknight · 8 months
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“An Unquiet Grave,” Moon Knight: City of the Dead (Vol. 1/2023), #4.
Writer: David Pepose; Penciler: Marcelo Ferreira; Inker: Jay Leisten; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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gloombeaches · 11 months
This is part two of a list of archived and currently playable dress up games from StarSue. You can find part 1 HERE.
Glowsome Ghoulfish Toralei
Haunted Spectra Vondergeist Dress Up
How Do You Boo? Cleo
13 Wishes Howleen Dress Up
Freak du Chic Jinafire Dress Up
Madison Fear Dress Up
Ari Hauntington Dress Up
Batsy Claro Dress Up
Isi Dawndancer Dress Up
Electrified Ari Hauntington Dress Up
Art Class Robecca Steam Dress Up
Black Carpet Clawdeen Dress Up
Black Carpet Draculaura Dress Up
Chibi C.A. Cupid Dress Up
Chibi Jinafire Dress Up
Clawdeen Wolf Scaris Style
Ghouls Night Out Ghoulia Dress Up
Maul Session Lagoona Dress Up
Astranova Dress Up
Luna Mothews Dress Up
Kjersti Trollson Dress Up
Clawdia Wolf Dress Up
Kiyomi Haunterly Dress Up
Moanica D'Kay Dress Up
Lorna McNessie Dress Up
Vandala Doubloons Dress Up
Music Festival Venus Dress Up
New Scaremester Clawdeen Dress Up
Scarily Ever After Draculaura Dress Up
I Love Fashion Venus Dress Up
Power Ghouls Frankie Dress Up
Gloom and Bloom Cleo Dress Up
Electrified Venus Dress Up
Elissabat Dress Up
Glowsome Ghoulfish Draculaura Dress Up
I Love Fashion Wydowna Spider Dress Up
Mouscedes King Dress Up
River Stixx Dress Up
Twyla Dress Up
Music Festival Draculaura Dress Up
Picture Day Lagoona Dress Up
Skelita Calaveras Dress Up
Skultimate Roller Maze Abbey Dress Up
Swim Class Frankie Stein Dress Up
Freak du Chic Toralei Dress Up
Skull Shores Cleo Dress Up
Dot Dead Gorgeous Operetta Dress Up
Abbey Scaris Style
Aery Evenfall Dress Up
Day at the Maul Frankie Dress Up
New Scaremester Gigi Grant Dress Up
New Scaremester Jinafire Dress Up
Power Ghouls Wydowna Dress Up
Chibi Purrsephone & Meowlody Dress Up
Frets Quartzmane Dress Up
Electrified Cleo Dress Up
Ghoulia Yelps Scaris Style
Honey Swamp Dress Up
Chibi Rochelle Dress Up
Ghostbusters Frankie Dress Up
Music Festival Clawdeen Dress Up
Viperine Gorgon Dress Up
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rose-tinted-vision · 26 days
The Untamed (陈情令) - Wei Wuxian | Elefants
Even if it wasn't Wen Qing and Wen Ning, if it was anyone else- I, Wei Wuxian, would still make the same choice. -Episode 28
This is made for the @cdrama-action event, requested by @deathbyoctopi. Thank you for your donation!
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tofumaple · 4 months
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Loser Girl Redraw
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karnakian · 23 days
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i know i've posted these screenshots before, but god sometimes the symmetry of the language between the first picture (leon's perspective, describing the creation of his and maria's promise) and the second picture (maria's perspective, as she calls their promise off) really hits me hard
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lunicho · 2 months
600 YIPPEEE!!!! Bunny 600 party I’ll bring cookies !!! You deserve all the love 🥺❤️❤️
Thank you for lowkey keeping Lunétumblr alive🫡 I know you don’t write big stuff a lot but all of the drabbles and even agreeing with anon thoughts means a lot to me and I’m sure it means a lot to other Lunés too 🥺
Wishing the best for u as a person and for the blog too 🙏🙏 if things ever get slow don’t worry there’s no rush we’ll always be here 🫡❤️
Would you be ok sharing the story behind how/why u started stanning all the groups you do? Like how you got into BND,RIIZE, etc? Some Bunny lore would be cute 😋
600 PARTY LETS GO!!! tysm pookie, you've been here supporting the blog soso much and it means the world to me. i look forward to seeing u around on my blog all the time. i love u so so much!! also what kind of cookies are you bringing!! :o ALSO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I TALK SO FUCKING MUCH 😭
i'm so glad im able to contribute to lunéblr, i genuinely have had so so much fun with all of the teamies anons on here like u guys are hilarious 😭 u guys are also so so consistent here and it means soo much to me seriously <3
i'm wishing the best for you as well, i hope that whatever you decide to do in this world goes well and i hope life treats u well always!
BUNNY LORE!! i love talking so yes, i stan like 89 million groups so i'll do the ones i write for and then u can ask abt other groups i didn't mention if you're curious! also prewarning that literally every group i stan started with me trying not to stan them LMAODGSJ
bnd - i didn't stan them when they first debuted cuz for some reason i always try to stop stanning groups knowing im an addict smh. i also like to give groups a bit to Marinate before i stan so i held off! then in like august last year i started getting funnextdoor tik toks abt leehan and his fishtank and i decided i wanted to watch it for funsies cuz leehan was sooo pretty and so cute so i was curious and uh... yeah that was my first mistake 😭 i full on thought leehan was gonna be my bias but then taesan walked in and snatched me up and bnd is just so addictive i just had to stan. i stuck with bnd because they genuinely make me so happy, they're so fun and they remind me of all the best things about kpop, like i just love them so bad 😖😖 but i officially started stanning them the week after but sometimes came out cuz that song had me hooked 😭 omg i just remembered that their videos kept coming up on my youtube too like the universe was trying to get me to stan since like july 😭
riize - i didn't even attempt to not stan them actually 😭 sungtaro were my nct biases when they debuted so i really really wanted to support them on their new endeavors so i already had plans to at least become acquainted with riize but siren had me MOVINGGGGG 😭😭😭 like i haddd to get in on that like i was Hooked. i couldn't even give them the time to marinate cuz of sungtaro so i just hopped right in 😞 and then my sister started biasing wonbin QUICK and i started biasing anton for like a week and then seunghan collected me 😖 and riize gives me heavy nostalgia so like idk i just love them a lot
&team - i've been supporting them since debut bc enha are one of my ults and ive been familiar with kei since then (i didn't watch iland i just knew abt kei and was familiar with some of the other boys names) and i was so obsessed with under the skin but i didn't end up fully stanning them for a while. i started to learn their names just so i'd know who they were when i see them around and things like that. i didn't start to stan them more until like july last year when i watched more of their content and then i fell off again until like october i think and they quickly became one of my top groups cuz they're so fun idk
zb1 - um i fully wasn't supposed to stan cuz wanna one and jbj disbanding hurted bad enough but while bp was going on i kept seeing clips and THEY HAD ME ROLLINGGG 😭😭 but i was having self restraint ☝🏾🤨 but then sol (adoresol go follow her and send her asks) she told me to watch zb1 content on july 12th 2023 ☝🏾😌 im able to see it in our ig messages LMAODGSJ but i started watching them and learning their names that day, i even told her i liked jiwoong 😖 but yeah then they stuck after that day cuz they make me laugh and they're so fun idk
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masteraqua · 1 year
ok so that post made me want to pull out recoded, and for nostalgia's sake i went into the avatar menu to read all the avatar sector levels i collected back in the day because i remembered them being really funny (spoiler alert they're still hilarious)
but then i started wondering if...those are even common knowledge? the game is more than a decade old now and it was never very popular to begin with so it wouldn't exactly surprise me if people weren't aware of this one obscure mechanic hidden in the optional game mode
so i guess if you're not aware, recoded had a (hugely fun vastly underrated) mode called the avatar menu, whose intended purpose was to let you collect parts for your avatar by connecting with other players via tag mode (essentially streetpass). when you made a connection, you'd receive an avatar sector floor (combat level) that would be added to a library of levels you could play for fun. every level would have the avatar of the person you tagged displayed alongside it, as well as their DS profile
but what if you live literally anywhere that's not japan and finding another human being who owns the game had similar odds to winning the lottery?? what then squeenix???
well not to worry, o friendless teenager, they've got you covered! the wonderful devs in charge of the avatar menu created a whole host of predesigned avatars that could be used collect levels, complete with their own profiles full of delightful flavor text. most of these preset avatars were based on kh and ff characters (even ones that didn't appear in the series like the ff13 cast!) and they're absolutely adorable
the catch is that, in order to collect these guys, you had to use tag mode in conjunction with another Nintendo system. in my case, i connected through one of the channels on the wii, but according to the wiki, you apparently could also use picto chat on a second DS, which i did not know!
the devs probably did not intend for players to abuse this feature and spend hours downloading dozens of avatar sector levels with which to expand their avatar's closet, but by golly that's what 15 year old me did. what can i say, i like dressup games 🤷‍♀️
anyway, that's a brief overview of the secret preset avatars. i'm not sure how many of them there are total but i have about 60 of them in my collection. but i only learned about them from reading forums circa 2011 so, as previously stated, it's probably not super well known info in this day and age lol
anyway here are some of my favorite avatar profiles in my library:
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"forced laugher" still kills me
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you might want to talk to someone about that my dude
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the tina shoutout LOL
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NOOOOOOO 😭😭😭 but also nice touch with the 14 trophies
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and last but not least, we stan a gnc fashion disaster!!!!
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squid-nerds · 1 year
Did/Do you have any other sonas other than aoki? Im trying to develop a sons and im struggling 😞
I only use Aoki now and forever, but I did have other sonas (mostly just a sonic one lol). Don’t worry, I struggled hard with them too!
If you’re like me where you don’t really like yourself/seeing yourself, it helped me to design a sona that showed who I wanted to be. Like in the attainable sort of way! The character is still me in many aspects, but different in others. I.e more masc, happier, and expressive, etc.
It’s hard to describe, but I’m not trying to encourage self deprecation! More like… a positive goal in mind that your sona helps you achieve. Aoki just popped out naturally after that lol
Honestly, I thought it would be fun to draw out my old sonas if it helps haha! You can see my clear struggle and change of heart over the years (and my love of sonic lol). The “read more” function looks to be gone so hopefully this will cut on your dash:
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Also a bonus ponysona I hardly used. I liked drawing my friends as ponies more than myself but I tried lol
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redrumrose · 9 months
OC question for you! What inspired you to create your main guys? Did they have any previous incarnations before they became the characters you have today?
Aw heck yeah! The main crew is inspired by a bunch of different things and kind of fell into place gradually. Mainly, I've always been super interested in "The Atomic Age" and I love mad scientist characters ^^ Alot of them are inspired by things happening in the era as well! (the rise of a new science, hippies, glamour, cowboys, dangerous kids toys, etc. xDD)
Dmitri definitely had a few versions of himself at first xD Originally his story actually took place in the 80s (cause I was really inspired by Stranger Things and Alexei's character xDD). He was also a lot crueler and worked by himself (Sunny wasn't his assistant yet). In his original design he also wore a gas mask with his suit (I wanted it to be that you never saw his face until the very end of the story).
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BUT all that changed for many different reasons. One was I had another mad scientist whose story took place in the 80s (Anton and Aubrey), and I didn't want 2 stories to take place in the same era, so I changed Dima's to the 60s (I was more interested in that time period anyway haha). Also at the time I first designed Dmitri, a few months later a popular cartoon pilot came out, and by complete coincidence, a character in there looked similar to him (gas mask with suit and everything). I had to redesign him, I was so pissed too haha xDD But with his design change, I also wanted his story and character to be more fun as well (and less serious), which I think suits him alot better. So thankfully it was all change for the better! ^o^
Sunny also changed a bit from his first version. When I first created him (years and years ago pffft) he was just an artsy beatnik.
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He was still very kind and sweet, he also still had his strange hippie parents, but he wasn't a scientist. I'd found an old sketchbook full of old little one off comics I made of him and remembered I still loved his design, so I revamped him a bit and made him an entomologist.
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Then somewhere along the line, I wanted Dmitri to have an assistant and figured why not him, and the rest is history haha.
Lastly Chayne was another character that had a big glow up xD
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I don't think I've mentioned it before, but Chayne and Sunny were originally created together.
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His name was Jaime at first and he was also a beatnik type character xDD But he was always Sunny's friend, a 'bad kid' pffft, a wise ass, and he always had a missing eye xD (I think I was inspired by the emo hairstyle, covering one eye, and thought it would be funny to have a twist to that with a character xDD) As I was developing Dmitri and Sunny's story I wanted ONE more mad scientist and figured bringing Sunny's best friend back. When changing him, I knew I wanted his science to compliment Sunny's a bit, and what better thing to go with bugs then plants. I didn't want a 'Seymour' or even 'Poison Ivy' type plant character though, so I went with a theme in plants we rarely ever see, cacti and desert plants. And with that came his western theme x3 I changed his name too to try and reference "Sonny and Cher" (so Sunny and Chayne) xD Jaime is his middle name now xDD
Oh my gosh I wrote an essay haha (sorry for that ^^;) I could go on all day about character creation and development.
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riosnecktattoo · 3 months
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @entwinedloop thanks lovely! 😘💜
What Spring Does with the Cherry Trees
One of the things that frustrates Beth about him the most—and she has a long list—is how he always knows where to find her.
2. Venus Observa
“This is a bad idea,” Beth huffs on a laugh, breathless as Rio moves above her.
3. Jawbreaker
It’s his damn wrist again.
4. Whiplash
She’s in those silky PJ’s.
5. Campanula
There’s a terrifying moment when she’s pulling the poofy prom dress down over her shoulders where it gets stuck so good that Annie thinks this is how it ends – suffocating on purple ruffles, arms pinned straight above her head as she thrashes around her bedroom.
6. On The Ropes
Zeke’s got a tell. He thinks he’s slick cause he’s a southpaw—moves different, tries to surprise him with left hooks that have his full weight behind ‘em—but every time he gears up to swing, his elbow pops out.
7. Better Than Cake
There’s a long, blurry moment where she’s not sure she heard him right, where she does nothing but scan the younger man’s face, searching for a likeness to Rio – the face she knows every tiny aspect of.
8. As Good As This
It fits in his palm.
9. Invitation to a Beheading
Let go.
It’s his father’s voice he hears.
10. Touch Me, Remind Me Who I Am
The bed dips. A familiar, purposefully ungraceful shifting of weight that Beth doesn’t need to open her eyes to picture clearly.
Patterns? Um I either start super bluntly or I know in.....4 of these i start the fic with words or a phrase that I also end the chapter with or thread through the whole fic. I love a callback what can i say. Like Cherry Trees every chapter had some mention of you found me/he knows where to find her kinda thing.
Tagging: @bethsuglywigs @foxmagpie @querenaxx @daydreamstew if it please you m'dears
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yellowhollyhock · 26 days
tell me about your favorite OC?
so. funny story. I'm bad reading comprehension. When I reblogged the 'draw my ocs' post I somehow thought it was saying... well I'm not sure what but in my head I was 'oh! I love to see art of people's ocs! and read about them! yayay art!' and when I saw your ask and realized is when I looked back and actually read the post correctly 😅
I was gonna say I don't have any OCs but actually that's not true, I just haven't made an recently.
He's not connected to anything yet, but Mike is a guy I made up when I was seven who has been quietly evolving for over a decade. He's 6'9, dark skinned, biker, probably like 36. Very soft spoken. He's from Michigan but travels all over. He likes being outside and usually keeps to himself, but when he's ready to socialize it's adventure time to him; he's gonna find out everything and solve all the problems he can. Usually he ends up in some or other type of fantasy setting. It's a fun situation to put him in because he's got all kinds of random knowledge about cars, where to get the best tamales in New Mexico come December, plant life of Oregon, best routes (shortest and most scenic) from Florida to Oklahoma, etc., all of which is immediately useless when Magic and Different Geography.
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shutterbug-12 · 3 months
First and Last Lines
rules: post the first and last lines of the last 10 fics you posted.
Tagged by @homerjacksons. Thanks! Doing this because I'm hoping it gives me some motivation to do some writing. I have been tired lately and entirely unproductive. So, fingers crossed. Note: fics below are finished unless otherwise noted.
Take the Long Way Home (Ashes to Ashes/Ripper Street crossover; Alex Drake/Edmund Reid) WIP, so these are the first/last lines of the first chapter.
First line: “Am I under arrest?”
Last line: “Another drink?”
2. Sweetheart From Another Life (Ripper Street; Edmund Reid/Emily Reid) WIP, one more chapter left to write. I should really get on that.
Edmund sat in a hard, straight-backed chair, still but for the erratic tap tap-tap of his foot.
And a man who would come to be known as Jack hit the pale face of a young whore until it was red-raw. 
3. Magic Bus (House MD; Gen)
"You're dead," House said, voice flat, matter-of-fact.
Then, with a shake of his head, House stepped off the bus.
4. Eden Sank to Grief (House MD; House/Stacy)
“How did you beat me home?”
She felt her heart lurch as Greg peered over his shoulder to meet her eyes before the nurse steered him around a corner and took him away from her.
5. And They Lived (Ripper Street; Edmund Reid/Jane Cobden) Part I complete; Part II WIP.
Edmund had written difficult letters in his life, but none harder than this. 
Toward their future and their home. 
6. For the Lads and Lasses (Ted Lasso; Keeley Jones/Roy Kent, Jaime Tartt)
The sign made him say it. 
Oh, fuck yes. 
7. Off the Record (Ted Lasso; Trent Crimm, Ted Lasso)
Trent Crimm (formerly of The Independent) sat on the bright, yellow-green lawn of the Tom Quad, Christ Church, Oxford, late in the afternoon.
With a little smile, Ted said, “I’ll take that as a yes,” and nudged him toward the podium.
8. A New One (Ted Lasso; Keeley Jones/Roy Kent)
Apart from the usual idiocy that came with every standard six-year-old, Phoebe hadn’t been painted with the half-wit brush as much as Roy liked to claim.
Only when he went back to his place did he ring Keeley, with a cup of tea in his hand and his new blankie draped across his lap.
9. Taste Test (Ted Lasso; Gen)
When Ted waltzed his way into Rebecca’s office—and actually waltzed because, first of all, his backpack made a mighty fine dance partner, and, second, he’d felt like dancing ever since they’d eked out a win the other day against Chelsea late in the second half. 
Smiling, he shouted over his shoulder, “Y’all are the best! Get ready for a real hootenanny!” 
10. Flowers in the Dirt (Ripper Street; Edmund Reid/Jane Cobden)
Before the Yard had exiled Jackson to America--his home, Ed reminded himself; not a punishment, but his home--Jackson had pulled him aside and said, “Look, Reid. Before I leave, I should teach you a thing or two.”
And I smile with her.
Tagging: @casadegatos, @nautilicious, @punkascas, @puffologic, @hondagirll and anyone else who'd enjoy doing this. It was pretty fun.
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