#this was a hard one eeeee but fun !!^^
asuyaka · 10 months
Hear me out on this,
HCS for Misa and L from Death Note(separately) with a detective s/o who's like Ranpo from Bougon Stray Dogs✋
★ - eeeee!!! Deathnote req!! (๑>ᴗ<๑)!!
☆ - Misa Amane & L Lawliet x Super Detective! Reader!
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She loves you so much, but goodness (!!!) your smarts are going to be the death of her (literally and figuratively) 
It’s a miracle how you haven’t found out she’s the Second Kira (you have, but you’re conflicted if you should rat out your girlfriend for the sake of justice) but she’s glad!
She is so confused about your addiction to snacks because ???? why do you need that much?
She’s an idol, so she has money to back you up — not all the time, but most of the time she lets you run free. She always reminds you that too many snacks aren’t healthy, but you need snacks to function, so it goes from one ear and out the other.
She tries her best not to let you and Light meet, as much as Kira needs you dead for interefering with his plans, she can’t bring herself to give you —her boyfriend who she loves so much despite your weird snack obsession— to the man who savd her life, no matter how grateful she is for that.
"Misa....!" You groan, lying down on a couch as you watch someone put makeup on her for her next photoshoot. 
You've run out of cases that interest you, you're hungry, and you need something to do other than look at your perfect, amazing, charming, beautiful, pretty, stunning, breathtaking, gorgeous, captivating, alluring, attractive girlfriend.
You watch her in the mirror as the person places lipstick on her. Her light-brown eyes catch yours as she sends you a playful wink.
...Yeah, you lied, you could definitely keep staring at her more. 
Your thoughts wander to the Kira case. You've solved it already, despite the dead ends and plot twists Ligh— Kira kept throwing at you, but you can't find it in yourself to turn it in to the police.
You're smart (obviously). If you turn in Light, Misa will become a prime suspect for the Second Kira, they'll arrest her under suspicion, and she'll eventually break or Light will manipulate her situation in a way so that they'll free him and keep Misa. 
You still don't know how they kill, it's one of the few plot holes that bug you at night, but you're on the track to figure that out— you hope so at least.
Misa's face is above yours, a small smile on her face as she kisses your cheek. "I'll be done soon, then we can go out, okay?" 
Her smile is so warm. Even after dating for so long, it still brings butterflies in your stomach. "Yeah," you breathe out, hands squeezing Misa's slightly. "Have fun, okay? I love you."
Misa giggles—you love her laugh, it's airy and tugs a smile on your face every single damn time you hear it— squeezing your arm as she makes her way out of the room. "I love you too!"
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Snack runs, snack runs, and did I already say snack runs?
The two top detectives are also lovers?? It sounds like the plot of a cheesy rom-com, but it is, in fact, the life of you and your beloved, sleep-deprived boyfriend!
You two work best when you're together. You don't even have to be touching (a lie) being in the same room working on cases is enough for the both of you.
Watari provides food (desserts and snacks, upon snacks, upon snacks) when you two are working on especially time-consuming cases.
Whenever you don't feel like working or the case you are working on doesn't interest you anymore, you cling to L's back, hide your face in the crook of his neck, and either sleep or give small feedback on the cases he works on.
The amount of money you two spend on food is not healthy, you're both very aware of that, but if you think you never gain weight so... who cares?
L has a hard time expressing his feelings, you're very aware of that, so you two have little signals whenever he wants something!
Pulling on your thumb whenever he wants a hug (he quickly discovered he adores physical touch), having Watari hand you cookies 'n creme pocky whenever he needed some form of intimate physical touch (kisses, hand holding [only when you two are alone], or particularly... engaging kisses.)
You were half-asleep, a chocolate wafer in your mouth as you lay on the floor, papers scattered around your body like faux snow.
You were bored, unbelievably so. Most of L's time was spent on the Kira case, in which he wouldn't let you participate for the sake of 'your safety' or something you didn't care enough to remember.
You think that was the first serious fight you and your boyfriend had in the three years you've been together. You didn't understand why he wouldn't let you do this, you two were great and reliable detectives. 
His argument of "keeping you safe" didn't make any sense either, because if he dies because of this god-awful and annoying case, you'll end up joining the investigation anyway— by force if you have to.
The sound of a door creaking open slightly catches your attention. The pattern of bare feet coming closer to your figure as a hand gently pulls your thumb.
"I'm mad at you, you know?" You huff, eating the wafer and turning your body away from the black-haired man.
A small noise of frustration comes from behind you as L pulls on your thumb harder. "Hug." 
"Go hug that Yagami boy since you like spending time with him so much." You're being petty, you know, but you can't help it.
You know L loves you, and you love him too but fuck if the Kira case situation didn't get under your skin, you'd be a liar. 
A very bad one too.
The tugs get harder and there's less pause between each one. L is very persistent, you don't know why you thought he'd leave you alone after denying him the first time.
"[Name]. Hug."
A beat of silence passed as your free hand pushed past the papers of evidence for a case you were working on, trying to find a snack.
You felt a tug in your heart when L's grip slightly faltered. With a sigh, you hastily rolled over. Encasing him in your arms and rolling back the other way, the two of you finally look at one another eye to eye.
"Happy now?" You ask in feigning annoyance as you watch your boyfriend's lips slowly curl into a smile, a small dust of red tinting his pale skin.
Sighing dramatically, you let him stay in the crook of your neck, legs intertwined as the sleep slowly falls over your body.
You can be mad at him another time.
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signanothername · 2 months
What makes an Undertale AU like interesting and fun to get into?? I’ve always wanted to make one but I’m terrified no one will like it
Ok before i answer i’d like to make it clear that my answer is not objective or correct, i’ll only be talking about my own point of view of what makes an AU interesting to get into (it’ll also be a good idea for you to ask this question to different people to see their point of view, so you’d get an idea of what people usually care about)
So with that in mind, for me it’s the uniqueness of the Au
But don’t get me wrong with this point, what I mean by uniqueness of the Au is whether the Au’s concept take interesting twists and turns, the base concept or main idea can be like other Aus or it can have similarities with other Aus it’s fine
To elaborate further, let’s take a look at “Something New” and “Dusttale”, both Aus’ main concepts are Sans killing everyone in the underground, but this is where the similarities end, cause we can all agree that Killer and Murder couldn’t be further from being different, with different motives, different stories, different characteristics, etc
It’s completely fine if the Au has similarities with other Aus, but what does the Au have that’s different/unique about it? Does it explore something that’s been explored before but with its own unique take? Or does it explore a new idea/story?
To give you an example, @byrdblood ‘s TAU is an Au that I was immediately immersed into, and while it focuses on the Nightmare gang (which so many other Aus do btw), Keegan is using their amazing Au to explore concepts in so much depth and detail that nobody usually explores, which are all also explored through the pov of their own unique character called “Abaddon” (my beloved), who Keegan uses to explore their own ideas, what I’m saying, is that while Keegan is using characters that people have used before in so many stories and Aus, Keegan still brought his own unique take on the characters with emphasis on exploring traits and characteristics that people usually don’t really think of, all while bringing his own new and unique character into the mix to explore Abaddon’s unique story as they try to reach their happy ending (correct me if I’m wrong about any info here Keegan i’ve yet to read the carrd in full hchchcch)
Hell, you don’t have to bring in an idea, your Au can simply be unique by exploring a story through the eyes of a character that isn’t usually used in the fandom, for example, i always immediately get hooked to any Au that has Papyrus as the main focus! I really love Papyrus (and believe it or not, but in terms of favorite characters, Papyrus has always been my number one fave character, i prefer him over Sans actually), so when i see Aus exploring Papyrus in a fandom that explores Aus through Sans most of the time? I literally melt with joy, an example of this is the forgettable Au that I’m shaking with excitement to see what its creator has in store for it (the prologue starts tomorrow OML EEEEE)
But i still want to emphasize again that it’s ok for the Au to have similarities with other Aus, we all get inspired by each other and we all have our own fave things to explore even if it was explored a hundred times before, so please don’t get worked up about whether your Au is “unique enough”, or assume that you have to make up a completely new concept that has never ever been explored before for your Au to be interesting, cause believe me, people will recognize your hard work and the love you bore in your own Au, regardless of whether it explores a unique concept or not
With all this in mind, i’d like to emphasize again that this is all from my point of view, my answer isn’t an objective answer that should be taken as a rule for how you should make your own Au
And i have a genuine small advice, when you make the Au, make it so YOU enjoy it, not so it gets popular or that other people love it, i completely understand the desire to have what you worked so hard on and what you love shared with people so people will also love it, i genuinely understand it, but if you only make the Au with whether people would enjoy it or not in mind, it’ll only make you perceive your Au as some sort of burden that you have to perfect or that you have to make into something you yourself don’t even enjoy just so other people love it
And y’know, allow me to get a bit personal here
But I say this as someone who used to base my art and ideas/stories’ worth on numbers and likes and reblogs, etc, by the time i reached 2021? I actually genuinely and legitimately hated my own art, and it reached a point in which i was genuinely contemplating to quit making art altogether, but then i remember taking a 4 months break from social media after, and in that break, i continued making art without posting at all, in which i would literally cry cause i genuinely couldn’t even love what i made anymore, but i still pushed and continued making art, and it took me 3 months before i started liking what i made again, those 4 months reminded me what was genuinely important, why i made art in the first place, I made art cause I love it, i made art cause I enjoy it
And i made the decision after that numbers will never be my priority ever again, i’d be completely lying if i told you that it was easy to let go of the habit to care about numbers (and sometimes even get back to that habit from time to time), but it wasn’t easy at all, it took time, effort, and so much self discipline, but i actually did reach a point where I genuinely just don’t really care, but do you know what helped me not care? I stopped seeing my notes as numbers and start seeing them as people
Cause even if I get 1 single like or 1 single reblog, it is still one person who took time of their day to like/reblog the thing i made
What I’m saying, is there’s no way your Au will never be loved by anyone at all (it’s literally statistically impossible) even if it’s one singular person, someone is absolutely bound to care about your Au, and please cherish the people who care and love your Au even if they’re few, cause even if they’re few, they still love the thing you made y’know? And would definitely love to see what you do with it
And i’ll be the first, if/when you make your Au? Please send it over, i’d love to see your Au and know what it’s about if it’s ok with you (i’ll also reblog the main post you make about it so more people know about it and hopefully love it)
Good luck with it! Don’t let this fear stop you from doing what you love <3333
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
Hi Lexi!
I have a situation for you to think about: how would any of the men you write behave if they were coming home late (after work or a night out) and their partner was already asleep in bed?
Who trips over the couch? Who stealthily sneaks into bed? Who crashes fully clothed? And so on and so forth? I guess it’s a hc of sorts
Hope your wknd was/is great! 💜
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Eeeee, this one's gonna be so fun, M! Thank you for such an interesting query 😍--some of these will involve early on in relationships and then later when babe is most comfortable with their partner--some of them are a twinge smutty/soft!dark.
**Oh snap, some of these surprised me too, dearies! Proceed with caution...**
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James Mace - The Practical Man
Mace arrives home to assess a 'tipping point' in himself and you. He only does everything as he normally would, exactly as he would do it if you were awake. He tosses his keys those last few inches onto the hall table, turns on any lights he needs, pulls a glass from the cupboard for water, and brushes his teeth with the door open. If you're still sleeping when he's ready for bed, then that's fine. You're clearly tired. He could use rest, too. No problem. If you wake up, Mace likes to tell you about his day, even if your comments are mumbled with closed eyes and all he can do is pet his thumb across your cheek before you dose off again.
He likes sweet, slow kisses goodnight. He'll cuddle if you pull him in, but otherwise, he'll give you space. He doesn't want to overheat you. Mace's one, super-particular bedtime thing is saying "see you in the morning." Sounds simple, yeah, but in space, he doesn't get to--to say it or to see you or to really know it's morning. It's that tiny bit of reassurance that helps him relax into bed.
Curtis Everett - The Stealthy Spice
For lack of a better term, Curtis has night-vision. He never trips over anything, he can do everything in the dark just like the lights were on, and he makes next to no noise doing it. For when you are deep in sleep, that's great because him getting into bed won't startle you. If you're sleeping lightly? You practically slap him.
He's ready for that scenario, too, and grabs your wrists before you make contact. Starting with soothing words, he'll talk you down. Curtis is always sorry to alarm you, but his apology doesn't cover regret that you're awake now because he works very hard, very long days and misses you frequently. His shifts are so long he doesn't have much evening time with you during his work week. (He will, in fact, crash on the couch if he knows you have something big going on the next day and need rest, for what it's worth.)
We all joke that Curtis is a dirty boi, but truly, I do believe that once this man is comfortable with stable life, he is about that booty. He's 'calming you down' with that soft cooing at the same time he's sucking that sweet spot on your neck. Once he releases your fighting wrists, he's groping your ass and pinching your nipples. He'll wear you both out so you sleep again. Please let him. He will beg if necessary.
Jimmy Dobyne - The Handsy Drunk
Ok, I love Jimmy, but he is a pretty traditional dude. He requires/expects a certain type of effort from his partner, so if he's the breadwinner, you fulfill his other needs. He drinks out with friends and co-workers frequently as his way of shaking off a day of manual labor. Not a big texter or phone-talker, this one. Jimmy is more of a physical-contact partner. He has difficulty engaging in long, emotional conversations, so he uses touch to work through frustration. I am not talking about being violent, mind, just rougher at times, and this is where I get the idea of Jimmy being the most dominant of the characters I write for from (save for Lloyd obviously).
Jimmy is the classic man. Could be horny enough to wake you. Could be exhausted enough to just pass out. Could be too drunk to find his way to the bedroom entirely without tripping/running into furniture. All those things: that's Jimmy, and if he's been out late without you at all, it was either from being at work the entire time or out drinking after work. Ok, wait, technically he'll play golf with buddies, too, but they also drink then so kinda the same idea.
Johnny Storm - The Man Who Can't Stop
Hyper. Johnny is gd hyper and needs to be doing things--anything--almost every second he's awake. He tries to be quiet but also forgets to be quiet. He gets restless. He moves around a lot while he sleeps. He has weird dreams but not what he'd call 'nightmares.' Johnny sometimes needs to wake you up in order to calm down. He needs company because imagine how lonely flying is? Sure, the solitude is welcome sometimes, but otherwise, there is no one around. All his adrenaline-junkie activities, i.e. snowboarding, motocross, etc, are solo sports; he has fun with them, but they aren't interactive.
Now for the actual fun part of his return home: given permission from his partner, Johnny will at least begin doing whatever he wants whether you're awake or not, and he really, really enjoys seeing how far he can get before you do stir. Mouth, fingers, or full cock (in that order); it's one extra game he likes to play.
Jake Jensen - Must Wind Down
Jake cannot go to bed right after getting home; he needs at least two hours, preferably three to four, to do non-work things and clear his mind. Usually, it's gaming--when you are already asleep or if you're watching a show he isn't into--but could also be bingeing something with you. Before bed is playtime. Jake has that anxious energy he has to burn off, and when you're already out cold, he will not bother you unless you call for him or come out of the bedroom. Just his way.
He's got the path from door to home office down pat, and he doesn't need any light on to get there (barring something randomly moved or left in the way).
Very important point here is that Jake doesn't drink much without you. He'll have a friendly nightcap with the Team, and they do play actual games while having alcohol sometimes. They don't play drinking games though--specifically, Jake won't participate in drinking games without you. He gauges how much he drinks by how much you do, and he ensures you're both safe to get home/stay somewhere. He never comes home drunk. Loopy tired? Yes. Inebriated? No.
Lloyd Hansen - The Selfish Asshole
Moot point. Lloyd doesn't even sleep in the same bed as his partner. Sorry, gang, he does not give a shit about you or your beauty sleep. If he wants to fuck you, he will go right in, roll you onto your stomach, and take what he wants. That's just Lloyd.
Ari Levinson - Can't Hide His Feelings
He is affected by his day, and whether that means Ari is spitting-mad at some stupid shit others pulled at work or he's raving excited about something coming down the pipeline, he shows it. So, what does that mean for you? It means if Ari wants to be alone, he won't disturb you, but if he needs company, he's gonna wake you up.
It's led to arguments because he does not always think that through. He may have the power to keep his brain turned off while you speak to him tired; you don't really get that luxury. However, Ari is also very affecting in his attention. He's not taking his moods out on you like some of the others. Ari is improving his mood by being with you and will make it worth your waking while.
Ransom Drysdale - Silent Signals
Like two others (Curtis and Steve), Ransom evolves from closed-off/reserved to more open the longer he's with someone.
Ran, at first, does not spend the night or stay for long periods. Once he does, he is still very conscious of personal space (mostly for him and then eventually for you, too). Moving in together doesn't change that for another long while... Ran is slow to warm up.
He does absolutely get drunk and come home boldly horny--by that, I mean, the type of horny that needs intimacy as well--and crawl right into bed for sloppy, desperate, snuggly sex. The level of drunkenness required to get to that point diminishes over time, as his trust increases, but otherwise, Ran refuses to crash on a lumpy, small, angular couch, he refuses to sleep in anything with buttons or zippers or thick seams, and he refuses to compromise on resting comfortably. He will complain--and do so very loudly--if he is not comfy. Hotel staff beware.
Steve Rogers - Ever-Thoughtful
You know, you all know, how much I love Steve, but he's also just slow in his way. He needs lots of encouragement and permission, and, of course, Steve never assumes anything. That would make an ass out of him and his partner. Can't have that. Nope. Not a chance.
There's a wonderful part about this trait though.
Steve always considers you. He always listens to you. He doesn't rush either. So not only will Steve know if you need sleep more than company, not only will he have filed away your mood and body language over the last day and week, but he will also slowly complete his nighttime routine, making zero noise, keeping light and movement to a minimum.
Painstakingly slow, he'll get into bed, wait for you to naturally turn into him, and hold you. He's patient, but Steve is also not afraid to admit he enjoys seeing your peaceful face. He enjoys being right there in case it contorts in fear or pain. He simply enjoys being there, awake or asleep, in love or in support, as much as possible.
Bucky Barnes - Ever-Interested
He's complicated, but the fight Bucky goes through eternally is in his own mind now. He doesn't know where he falls on a scale of brash-young-heartthrob-soldier to brainwashed-loner-skiptime-assassin. He hasn't lived the in-between moments for most of his life. He struggles with that.
Bucky gives in to moments of quiet humanity, sure, but he still defaults to efficiency, even at the cost of comfort. When I say this is a war within him, I'm not putting it lightly. He can't shake what I'll call 'The Calculation.'
What does his own body need in this moment? Is it food or water or sex or sleep? Will getting what he wants jeopardize the next thing he'll need? If he needs food but nothing is available without making noise that will wake you, and he doesn't want or need to talk before he sleeps, then he has to choose based on that. If he needs release but not the mirror intimacy, he has to find a way to indulge in you without waking you.
Except there's a somewhat secret part of this: Bucky always wants you. There is always a part of him craving either the carnal pleasure or the emotional connection or the validation of sex, all for different reasons at different times. He understands the value of possessing you in some way. It's too difficult for him to describe in a way that doesn't make him sound like a scumbag (or so he believes), therefore, Bucky still slips into those Winter Soldier skills to keep his dirty little secret from tainting how you see him: for every night he does wake you--sweet and innocent with cuddles or love-making--there are two nights where he silently watches, thinking of all that he needs or could take from you as he touches himself.
😵‍💫 wait, What was that one???? 🫣
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[Main Masterlist; 'Who Would...' List; Ko-Fi]
A/N: This was actually a whole lot harder than I thought it would be. Pretty sure some of these aren't going to go over very well either, but eh, that's my lot in life and we can each see the characters however we want, right?
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poppadom0912 · 2 months
Mafia boyfriend
Warnings: Mentions of violence, guns, canon-typical injuries, mob/mafia typical behaviour
Summary: Your boyfriend isn't exactly how you described him to be.
A/N: I’m trying to get a bunch of writing done before the new academic year, so please do enjoy! This idea was so random but the concept is kinda fun so I thought why not. I know no Italian at all, everything is from google translate so I'm sorry for any inaccuracies. This writing and description is very stereotypical and very wattpad of me, I apologise in advance. 🙏
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"So, are we ever going to meet your mysterious man?" Stella asked you while the four of you sat in the back of the ambulance having your weekly talk about anything and everything.
You laughed at her expecting face, along with the knowing glances Violet and Sylvie had. "He's just a really busy guy, taking over his dad's business takes a lot of time and not all of it is in Chicago so he's going back and forth from here to Italy."
"But he treats you good, right?" Violet asked seriously, wanting nothing more than for you to be with someone good.
"Oh he's amazing." You said whimsically, a soft smile settling on your lips at the thought of your boyfriend of one year that your family had yet to meet. "Hopefully he's back by Friday so you'll see him on Saturday for the barbeque."
"Oh I completely forgot about that." Sylvie frowned, confused as to how she forgot the yearly picnic that always took place. "What time does it start?"
"I have no idea." You shrugged. "I'll just show up whenever I'm ready."
"Wow, so organised." Stella complimented you sarcastically, ducking away from your hand when you were going to smack her.
"In my relationship, Enzo does all the planning." You mumbled with a slight pout as though trying to prove a point but it didn't work
"Mystery man does have a name!"
"Enzo sounds hot."
"Eeeee! You're here!" Violet squealed in pure joy as she practically sprinted towards you with her arms open, enveloping you in the biggest hug despite seeing you yesterday on shift. "About time, these lot are getting boring."
At her snide but playful comment, Gallo and Ritter started booing her from where she left them behind at their table with a few others from 51 who were drinking beers. You quickly waved at them and made a mental note to go and say hi to them.
"Oh Violet, I have someone I want you to meet." You eagerly smiled and the younger paramedic took note of your eyes sparkling which could only mean one thing.
Violet gasped, her arms dropping to her side as she did so in disbelief that this was finally happening. "Y/N, don't lie to me girl, my gentle heart can't take it."
You shook your head, smiling at the utter joy one of your friends had for a moment that lots of people don't consider that important. "Violet this is my boyfriend Enzo. Enzo, this is one of my best friends Violet."
With her award winning smile, Violet followed your line of sight and her brows rose in shock when she finally met the man you'd been dating for a little over a year now.
There was no doubt about it, he was an extremely attractive man but he was definitely out of his element. Unbeknownst to all of the CFD, the park was littered in bodyguards who had been held back from personally tailing their boss like they usually would.
Shaking off all her negative thoughts, Violet thought the best and held out her hand towards the attractive but intimidating man. "It's lovely to finally meet you after so long Enzo, I'm Violet."
"I've heard plenty of good things about you. It's a wonder we haven't met earlier." His voice was slightly accented, Violet remembered you saying he was Italian. His grip wasn't as hard as she thought and his tone actually softer than he looked, his words making the paramedic laugh.
"We've been nagging Y/N for so long to meet you but she's very convincing." You choked back a laugh at Violet's comment, lightly elbowing her in the gut. "Alright Vi, that's enough. Where's Stella and Sylvie?"
"Over there with Kelly and Matt."
It was comedic really, the sight of you and your boyfriend together was unbelievable. Despite being a firefighter, you were of very short stature and you were practically the embodiment of pure joy but with your boyfriend standing besides you, he was so much taller and wore all black smart ish attire with rings on two of his fingers.
It was like the typical grumpy and sunshine trope that people read about in books but this was real life. Violet almost couldn't believe you bagged yourself a man like him but in a good way.
"Y/N, hey girl!" Stella smiled, waving you over from besides Kelly as soon as she noticed you. Not only did she notice but so did three others that stood with her that a man was accompanying you, someone who was very out of his element. "Stop- is this the infamous Enzo?"
At your dimpled smile, Stella's smile widened as she fully turned to greet your boyfriend she'd been desperate to meet since you mentioned taking his number ages ago.
There was no denying you were ecstatic to be with him but something wasn't adding up and it seemed that she wasn't the only one suspicious.
Things weren't adding up and your family were dammed if they didn't find out what.
Being shot at was nothing you weren't used to living in Chicago all your life. At this point, you'd become accustomed to it and you no longer feared it how you used to when you were a child.
However, it did scare you when in uniform and out on a call.
Following Casey and Severide's orders, everything was organised in an orderly manner but as soon as you re-entered the house to bring out a victim, all the gunfire suddenly stopped.
Initially, everyone was relieved and began calming down but as soon as you exited the house with a woman in tow, gunshots began raining down once again causing everyone to shout in a flurry of panic.
But once again, as soon as you backed up into the house protecting the smoke inhalation victim, all the gunshots stopped.
It was at this moment, it all slowly started to click.
Whispering to the female victim to stay put, you very carefully set one foot outside the house and what do you know, gunshots started popping off.
Eyes wide and chest heaving, you swallowed harshly at the realisation that you were being targeted. You alone and no one else.
"Y/L/N, stay inside, we're coming to you." Casey relayed over the radio, your captains words making it clear to you that he had also connected all the dots.
All you had to do now was wonder why.
Following the shooting, everyone came out unharmed but you. While you were distracted with the smoke inhalation victim, you were caught slacking and got grazed by a bullet.
You'd been hurt much worse before but it was bad enough for Sylvie to warrant a trip to Med where Enzo met you, worry and concern flooding off of him in waves. Not once since your year of being together had you ever seen him so worried about anything.
He brushed off your questions about work, he told you this morning he had an important meeting with some clients but here he was with you.
Unbeknownst to you, a group of Italian men were dutifully waiting for their boss in the waiting room and beyond the hospital doors lay a few cars all inhabited with similar looking men.
Once you fell asleep, Enzo lightly placed a kiss on your forehead before stepping away, gently closing the doors to your room. Walking away, he was lucky not to bump into anyone from the firehouse, going straight towards his brothers who waited for him to speak eagerly.
"It's them. They're targeting my Y/N."
His younger siblings eyes, identical to his, all darkened at his words. They'd grown attached to you over the one year period and they'd be damned if one of the best things to happen to this family was hurt, let alone dragged into business that she was too pure for.
"Come on, we have some work to do."
That incident was over a month ago. You fully healed since then, the trauma of such an incident long forgotten. And you were too oblivious to notice the change in the people around you, especially your boyfriend and his family. Their protectiveness reaching new heights, not that it bothered you though.
Things drastically changed when one day you never showed up to shift. You were very strict on punctuality and Stella mentioned seeing you yesterday morning for some brunch.
It was only when Violet called Enzo, asking if you'd fallen sick and forgotten to call Boden, did they properly start to get worried.
Your boyfriend picked up on the second ring, voice filled with confusion at your best friend calling him, something she's never done before.
Violet explained the situation, Enzo confirming he hadn't seen you since you left early this morning for work.
The tension in his voice was clear as day. So when he said 'I'll deal with it' before hanging up, Violet was left feeling uneasy.
What the hell did he mean?!
Three hours later, Intelligence were rolling up to the firehouse, well only Jay and Hailey.
"We just got a call about Y/N being kidnapped?" Hailey said, confusion laced in her words as she approached the squad table.
The firefighters all looked at her in shock. They were never told anything about a kidnapping.
"What the hell." Cruz whispered as the two detectives explained everything they knew.
"Who knows where she was seen last?" Jay asked, looking at all of 51, everyone joining them outside in concern for you.
"Her boyfriend Enzo." Violet said, brows furrowed as she bit her lip. "I called and asked him around three hours ago now."
"Really?" Jay hummed. "What's his full name?"
"No clue. That's all we really know about him - his name, he's Italian and he's now a CEO after his dad died." Stella replied when Violet remained silent.
Dropping off a patient at Med, Violet stood besides Sylvie as she filled in some paperwork, bouncing on her feet to pass time when Will appeared in front of them suddenly.
Scaring both paramedics, he apologised with a sheepish smile.
"Hey, you guys never mentioned Y/N being kidnapped?" Before either of them could reply or explain themselves, he carried on. "It doesn't matter now, she's upstairs in a private room."
Both women were too shocked to reply, staring at the doctor mouths agape and eyes wide.
"Y/N's here? At Med?" Sylvie repeated, wanting clarification just in case she was hearing things.
"Yep." Will nodded. "Me and Maggie were treating her, I'm the primary on her case."
"Well then, what are you waiting for?" Violet said impatiently. "Lead the way Halstead."
And lead the way he did, showing them to a floor they barely saw due to their lack of 'rich rich' patients.
In the chairs outside were several men dressed in blacks and greys, all looking very similar to each other, their brown eyes glued to Sylvie and Violet as they neared the room.
Knocking on the door, Will didn't wait for a reply before entering, poking his head inside before opening it fully.
"Sylvie! Violet!" You exclaimed, trying to get up from your laid back position on the bed, wincing from moving too fast.
"Okay, let's not do that." Enzo said at the same time as Will, gently pushing you to lay back down.
"I've put a rush on your test results." Will said, looking at you and your boyfriend. "If I'm not available, I'll send Maggie."
Enzo thanked him while the two paramedics hugged you cautiously.
"Girl, what the hell happened?" Violet asked first, standing by your head with Sylvie standing next to her, opposite to where Enzo was sat.
"I'll be honest, I don't remember much." You admitted, grimacing at the pain in your head when you moved too much. "Pretty sure I was drugged for the most of it."
"I think I was taken like two blocks away from 51." You said confusingly, looking to your right at Enzo in confirmation, turning back when he nodded. "And all I can really remember is being punched and kicked a few times and like, a bunch of men talking about mob revenge stuff."
"Honestly, I don't even know or remember what they were talking about - I was so out of it."
You licked your chapped lips at which Enzo instantly held a cup of water in front of you, directing the straw for you to drink.
Humming appreciatingly, you smiled at him, dimples and squinted eyes and all before turning back to 2 of 3 of your girls.
"I was so out of it that when I first saw Enzo, I struggled to even recognise him, innit baby?"
Enzo just hummed, his one hand encompassing both of yours, his calloused fingers softly rubbing your knuckles.
"Where was she?" Violet asked, mustering up the courage to ask. "How- Where did you find her?"
Enzo finally took his eyes off you, eyes cold as he looked at your best friend. "I have a really good friend - we grew up together - whose a detective."
"I just asked for a favour." Enzo lied masterfully, having a lifetime full of experience.
The two paramedics, while quite suspicious, remained oblivious to what he was covering up.
"Fratello." A voice from the door interrupted them, all yours heads turning to one of Enzo's younger brothers. Brother
"Sono stati affrontati. Ale and Carlo assicurati che facesse male."
they have been dealt with. Ale and Carlo made sure it hurt.
"Bene." Enzo nodded, smiling at his younger brother. "You guys can go home now." good
His brother rolled his eyes, scoffing when he replied, "You're very silly Enzo, why would we go anywhere?" He said rhetorically before looking at you.
"You look much better cognata!" He smiled, brightening up his face and looking much less scarier than he just was. "All you need now is some good food and you'll be as good as new." Sister-in-law
You giggled, stifling a groan from the pain it caused in your ribs. "Thank you Luca. I expect to go home to your cooking."
He laughed, winking before he left, nodding at his brother who shooed him away.
Before anyone could say anything, the radios around their torsos went off, the familiar voice of Matt asking for their whereabouts causing them to frown.
"We should probably get back to work. We're still on shift for another fifteen hours." Sylvie said, the sadness clear in her face at the prospect of leaving you for so long.
"Yes yes. Go back and save the city on my behalf." You removed one hand from Enzo's, holding it out for both of them to take. "Say hi to everyone for me. Tell em I'll be back to working soon-"
"Ah- no you won't." Enzo stopped you before you could continue, chastising you with a smile but firm in his words. "You need to recover first. Only when you're fully healed can you go back to putting out fires, yes?"
"Exactly!" Violet agreed. "We're all on the same page, perfect."
"We'll come back and see you again after shift." Violet said as the two of them got up to leave. "Don't move an inch."
"Promise." You smiled, thanking them profusely for visiting. "Give everyone my love."
Closing the door behind them, the waiting room remained full of the same men, who now that they were looking properly, looked eerily similar to Enzo.
Making their way to the elevators, Sylvie broke the silence. "I don't- I don't think he asked a friend for a favour."
"Did you see the gun his brother had?"
"I did."
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melobin · 1 year
having some thoughts about.... hmmm.. tongue sucking..... while making out with riize 😃 who would be into it? how would each of them react to it when it first happens? who would prefer getting their tongue sucked vs who would be more into sucking their partner's tongue? i need to stop myself im going insane
btw its the same anon who sent the eunseok ask, if its okay with you, can i be 🧚🏻‍♀️anon?
yesss!!! my first anon this is so exciting eeeee
a few members pop into my mind whilst thinking about this ..
he’s a tongue sucker, 100%. always takes full advantage of having your tongue in his mouth by sucking on it, he finds the act to be so lewd in the most intimate of ways and he likes the way you whine when he does it. he thinks it’s a fun way to keep you quiet when he’s rolling his hips against yours, you’re both away of how difficult it can be for you to be quiet with how good he fucks you so he’s always finding new ways to shut you up when needed, this one happens to be one of his favourite ways.
he’s filthy in pretty much every way. he enjoys both sucking on your tongue and having you suck on his. one of his favourite times to suck on your tongue is just after you’ve sucked him off and he’s came in your mouth, it’s a guilty pleasure he has to taste himself on your tongue.
one thing about seunghan is that he fucking loves making out with you, there’s been countless nights where the two of you have been lost for hours by the feeling of each others lips, it’s also not uncommon for his cock to slip inside of you during it making out with seunghan can turn intense very quickly, his hands touching you everywhere with your tongue in his mouth, the feeling of him sucking on your tongue always gives away what he wants, he uses it almost as a hint that he wants to be buried deep inside of you in that moment.
sweet boy, he’s a little shy about it but he loves the feeling of you sucking on his tongue. he hasn’t verbally told you but it’s not hard to tell with the way he moans and whines when you do it. he completely falls apart when you do it whilst riding him, you can always tell when someone it affecting him buy the way he squeezes your hips in his hands. as time goes by he’s less shy about it and may even try sucking yours but he’s content with the feeling of tou sucking his.
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buttered-milky · 3 months
Messmer can actually turns into a snake it's his original form, and he looks soo abused and neglected maybe because of the seal?
Eeeee okay so. The summon he uses a: appears to have more blood and/or burn wounds on it. and b: otherwise has most of its scales and doesn’t have the transparency effect I thought it had like the winged serpents!! Also there’s a bunch of eyeballs all over the place but we’ll get to those later.
Burn wounds are pretty straightforward and also interesting since they imply either the serpent fucked around and found out (Messmer burned it) or the serpent fucked around and found out (burned itself like an idiot, not surprising in the slightest for snakes since they miss prey strikes all the time and are, in my humble snake owner opinion, some of the dumbest creatures you’ll ever meet. Curious yes. But also. Idiots)
The snake Messmer turns into has much deeper wounds and scarring on it than just the summon of the abyssal serpent. This snake also appears to have a blind right eye (note for any reptile keepers who care: not the temporary blindness that comes with shedding). Its body is very misshapen and there are scales trying to protrude along the spine, and in several places where there don’t appear to be any wounds the scales are just…missing. This is as expected not good for snakes! They need those scales! I am honestly not quite sure how to interpret the overlapping layers of scales in some places. Like sometimes it looks like a shedding issue but also it seems like it’s the attempts of two souls trying to occupy one body? Also missing shed transparency effect! Idk what the hell was going on in my brain or if it was just lighting but I was sooooo fucking sure of the shed buildup. I was also really tired though and don’t care. The visual read was still fun. It can be a headcanon to me <3
So on those thoughts of it being two souls trying to occupy one body. What strikes me about this design is that some of the wounds look like bite scarring you’d see from live prey fighting your snake back. Again, this is a thing entirely avoidable with good husbandry (don’t live feed unless absolutely necessary). The scales to me still imply shedding has gone very wrong at some point. You’d expect to see shedding heal and scar over these wounds, but they’re all fresh. Very symbolic. You can’t heal violence by just pretending it doesn’t exist.
Ideally when a snake is wounded, you do routine care to help them with sheds and make sure the wound is clean. The scales will grow back and the wound will scar, but it will take several sheds and consistent work! You cannot, as Marika tried to do, just put a bandaid on it. You also can’t just lock a snake in a cage it will hurt itself trying to get out of (ie messmer himself) and expect that to go even remotely well.
Some of this feels like visual symbolism of self-hatred. Like I said, the base serpent looks like it’s gotten in a fight. With its host. Some of it also feels like visible neglect (ie the wounds not being healed, missing scales)
I’m gonna discuss the eyeballs bc I fuck w them immensely. First of all congrats Messmer on having an Eldritch Horror in ur body. Second of all, all these eyes appear to have lids. Actual snakes don’t. They have hard eye caps instead and cannot blink. Some of the eyes seem like they might not be able to blink, but the scales around them are still more closed than you’d expect? I fuck with it. Fits with Messmer’s blindness motif which maybe I’ll make a post on eventually. But in regards to the base serpent specifically, of course violence can afford to close its eyes and be blind to who it chooses to hurt. Violence is also something that, when committed, always seems to haunt you. Its gaze will always be there.
It’s interesting that Marika replaced Messmer’s eye to seal the serpent off, and so maybe it grew more eyes? That could be why the scales around them aren’t correct—they’re trying to protrude from the body. This occurs in both the summon and the physical snake form Messmer has. Repression of identity = Eldritch horrors? Sure I’ll take that fromsoft.
Final thing on the eyes. They’re red, not green. The winged serpents have green eyes, Elden Ring’s color of endurance. Super fitting! The abyssal serpent’s eyes are all red, the color of rot and death in this game. Red to me also feels primordial given its use in lightning by the dragons, but I digress. It’s pretty obvious why a base serpent would have base powers. This thing is old as fuck.
Okay. I’m sure you all thought the post was done but one last note on snake biology! So, snakes’ tongues retract into their mouth. When a snake opens their mouth you won’t see a forked tongue just curled up, hanging out. It’s in a little pocket for safe keeping :)
Neither of the base serpent’s forms appear to have the anatomy for this, since there are eyeballs replacing this anatomy. This is problematic for Messmer in a snake form specifically since he’s blind, and real snakes compensate for shitty vision by having an incredibly strong sense of smell. Messmer’s snake form also doesn’t have the heat pits that the abyssal serpent has. Heat pits are another part of snake anatomy, usually located below the nostrils, and are what they use to “see” heat and locate prey. In pythons (like the winged serpents) you’ll see multiple heat pits all in a row above the lip as opposed to the single very deep pit behind and below the nostrils in vipers. This single pit is what the base serpent (summon) has. Neither Messmer’s base serpent form nor his winged serpents have heat pits which is…interesting. It could be a modeling error but I don’t think so given base serpent has very clear heat pits.
My point is, Messmer is somehow even more blind than you’d expect from a snake. Maybe this makes sense given Messmer carries an internal fire, which would likely fuck with infrared? Still interesting nonetheless.
In summary: The base serpent alone (summon) seems overall in better shape than its other form (transformation). I think this is pretty straightforward symbolism—as a being on its own the serpent would probably be fine. It’s just that it uses Messmer as a host and this causes issues. Fuck around and find out I guess, base serpent.
And holy shit Messmer Cannot fucking see. Good luck with the seeing eye snakes babe because snakes notoriously have shit vision !
(Also just an aside both of the base serpent forms kind of have narrower faces than you’d see on a real snake? Like they’re more eel like to me. Anyways.)
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wheredafandomat · 1 year
Valentines drabbles! Eeeee❤️❤️❤️
3. “Aw, you're out of breath. Was that too fast, baby?"
Because I can already feel it will be iconic.xx
This has been sittinggggg in my ask box. It must be broken because how did I miss this. I blame you, you should have kicked me when I didn’t answer because HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME TO WRITE THIS SO I COULD EXPERIENCE IT IN MY MIND PALACE 🤣🤣🤣🤣 anyways, it’s here now, that’s all that matters 🙂 regardless how late it is 🙂🙃
Loki was tired of you, sick and tired of you. You had been teasing him all night with your flirtatious glances, the sultry bite of your lip, your lingering touches whenever he was near and worst of all, your ability to completely ignore him whenever he’d return the gesture. At one point, you even warned him against touching you considering you both had guests over but did that stop you, no, only he wasn’t allowed his fun but that was going to change. Soon you’d be at his mercy.
Once he finally had you alone, he started slowly of course, taking his time to touch and caress every inch of your body. He loved watching you crumble from his perch between your legs. He adored the feeling of your thighs quivering, shaking as he delivered that final bolt of pleasure. There was just something so gratifying about feeling your thighs holding him in place as you hit your peak. After that though, it was his turn to play.
Loki didn’t know many things about midgardian women which made him feel like even more of a midgardian man but he did know that as soon as you had recovered from your orgasm, you’d want to be on top of him. This was something he allowed you to do, he allowed himself to submit to you. That’s how it felt, lying beneath you as you took your pleasure. He waited, your thighs clenching, holding him in place as he circled your clit with his tongue. You thrashed against the bed, imploring him to stop as he made you climax again before you were limp, coming down from your high. He licked his lips, making his way back up the bed where he laid down, covering his lower half with a thin sheet, feigning ignorance as you straddled him.
“Loki come on” you giggled, grabbing his chin and turning his head to face you “don’t you want to feel good too?” You cooed, pressing a kiss to his chest “I know he does.” You giggled, moving your pussy against his hard covered length.
Biting his lip, Loki tried to stifle his elation at the feeling of your warm, moist centre rubbing against his desperate cock. Despite a layer separating you both, he could feel you, your arousal soaking through and coating his length. He wanted you.
“What’s the matter?” You asked, still grounding your hips against his. “Lokiii?”
“Nothing.” He shrugged, eyes almost rolling backwards as you added more pressure to your movements. It was his turn to play hard to get.
“Tell me” you insisted “what do you want? Do you want me to get on all fours?”
Loki fought away his smile at your words.
“I mean it’s up to you, I’m not forcing you.” He dismissed.
“It’s no big deal” you laughed off as you got off of him “you should have just said.”
“Are you sure?” Loki questioned, his insides bubbling with excitement.
“Of course.” You grinned, unaware of Loki’s intentions as you got on all fours on the bed.
Coming up behind you, Loki gripped his cock with one hand as he traced down your back with the other. He ran his length through your slick folds, almost hissing as he reached your eager entrance. Inhaling, he pushed inside slowly, savoring the feeling of your walls gripping him. He pulled out before thrusting in again, this time less slower, more purposefully. When he entered you again, you were moaning his name, the i high pitch whenever his balls hit your clit. He continued, grasping one of your shoulders as he fucked you. He flicked his hair out of his face, baring his teeth as he moved in and out of you with haste.
“Fuckk Lokiii.” You hollered, burying your face in the pillow below you. You were already so close, your sensitive walls clenching around him but you wanted to hold on, you suggested this, you wanted to cum with him. “Just like that, harderr.” You encouraged before hiding your face again as Loki obliged, pounding you. You didn’t know what you had set yourself up for as your legs grew weak below you. Loki was merciless as he fucked you with fervour. It felt too good. You were fluttering around him as he continued his movements.
“You’re so good to me, so perfect” Loki praised, slapping your ass. “Do you want my cum? Hmm?” He cooed.
“Yess.” You almost choked.
Slapping your ass again, Loki groaned as he hit his peak, movements still fast as he came, ejaculating into you as you fell against the bed, exhausted.
“Aw, you’re out of breath. Was that too fast, baby?” Loki asked, speaking in your ear as he leant against your worn out frame.
“N—no-it’s fine—honestl—” you began, clearly out of breath as Loki wrapped his arm around your torso, lifting you so that your back was against his chest as he sat up. “Fuckkk!” You yelped as he entered you again.
“Don’t ever” he grunted, thrusting up into you “tease me” he continued, placing a kiss below your ear “like that” he paused, lips moving to the nape of your neck “ever again.”
It’s not slower, it’s less fast 🤣🤣 I hope you enjoyed it despite its lateness and now rushed it now is 🤣 (it’s my fault but I’m not taking the blame)
@lokisgoodgirl @thenotoriouserg @chantsdemarins @donaweasley @xorpsbane @mcufan72 @loz-3 @evelyn-kingsley @sailorholly @lovingchoices14 @lokiedokiee @noideakitten @mochie85 @mischief2sarawr @lokiprompts @lulubelle814 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @gigglingtiggerv2 @tmilover1993 @lyds247 @dustychinchilla74 @lokis-dark-queen @november-rayne @12-pm-510 @vickie5546 @newtomofgods @eyesbluelikethetitanic @lokiestorch @somewhereinthegalaxi @beautyb1ade @angelilacsworld @lokidokieokie @mushypork
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brights-place · 7 months
Could you do a trolls cooper x male reader husband reader meets cooper family and they have a kid
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Cooper and Husband! S/O meeting his family
Pairings: Cooper X Reader
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: Cooper from trolls with his husband meeting Cooper is family! EEEEE I LOVE THE TWINSSS SO MUCHHH! Cooper and Prince D are so fucking rad dude ( ≧ᗜ≦) - You stood beside Cooper with an pale face "Sugarplum I can't do this" You said sweating nervously as Cooper giggles nuzzling into your cheek. - You laughed at your husband who you know goofs off and is less-than-serious than other Trolls. He often appears quite dimwitted which you love as you cup his face - You smiled inhaling his scent of tulips as you kissed his cheek adoring his laugh - You love how his ears perked up when he saw this bubble which you entered with him to meet his family - You stood beside cooper the whole time who heard his whole past and how they were looking for him the whole time while your jaw dropped eyes wide when glancing at cooper before your hands went towards your ring fiddling with it to calm your anxiety - "So... from what Im getting is that cooper is a whole diff genre. Okay cool cool my bestfriend is a funk troll! I need to breathe before I pass out" you muttered to yourself as cooper walked over to you and spoke "You good?" "Cooper I'm glad you found your family but im shocked how fine they are" you muttered sweat dropping as cooper laughed - His parents and brother found it hilarious before Prince D walked over to you "Thanks dude... you ain't to bad yourself" he said playfully nudging you making you laugh - As you two conversed and enjoyed hearing the story more about funk troll you mainly focused on cooper is smile and happy face as you smiled at him lovingly King Quincy knowing that look far to well the same look he gives Queen Essence - You asked to hear some samples of funk and hiphop which they gladly showed you which you enjoyed and every now and then doing small dancing knowing since you were in a new environment it would be hard to not be judged for... your music and dancing
- You loved Funk and enjoyed the cultural learning about it glad that Coopers parents would teach you about it As Prince D was whispering to Cooper who was blushing and was talking to his brother with a laugh - But when you watch funk trolls dancing it was adapted to fit with their body type which involved a lot of footwork! with quadrupedal ones taking advantage of having four feet over most Trolls' two. They also move their neck and head a lot in conjunction with this, and bend or swing it to the beat, which is another physical trait other Troll Tribes don't have. - You loved how amazing funk was but you enjoyed your genre more but you knew the history of what pop trolls had done so you didn't bother at all - But when Queen essence and King Quincy asked for you and cooper to show some Pop music. You noticed how cooper cheered but how prince D nodded his head smiling as you glanced towards cooper who turned to you quickly as you spoke "I know that look- No! No Cooper don't you dare- YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVEEEE!" You screamed trying to runaway as Cooper chased you around shouting "YOU CANNOT RUNNN!" - Soon you started having a smile stretch on your face as you satretd to sing with Cooper you both dancing and tewirling as you started to have fun while singing as you cheered when you finished singing as you threw glitter in the air out of nowhere before pausing when realizing you threw it and panicked apologizing to them - The three laughed enjoying your behaviour as cooper kissed your cheek "I told you babe! my parent's love you!" you laughed lightly "Cooper please your family is Royalty- wait... Oh shit your royalty! im marrying a prince!" You said remembering cooper was a prince as Prince D snorted making you blush in embarrassment - Cooper was showing his brother and father his new song he learned on the hermonica as Queen Essence stood beside you smiling softly "You know your a good husband... He talks alot about you and how you know stuff about him that he sometimes forgets" Queen Essence giggled as you blushed panicking slightly "really? I don't think so! I mean I love Cooper! he is amazing partner! I enjoy how he smells like tulips how his favorite flavor is wacky watermelon and he loves cheering me up with his jokes and playing his harmonica and coddles me with affection that I crave but I don't know if I am doing well-" "Darling please thats what Quincy was when we got married! don't worry your doing good" Queen Essence said smiling softly as you nodded letting out a sigh of relief - You and Queen Essence soon formed a bond and would gossip together when either of you visited - Cooper's style of comedy is non-sequitur, meaning that he's silly often for the sake of being silly which you love about your husband - When you get tired though he lets you rest on him as he continues talking and laughing like always
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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someone1348 · 1 year
Headcanons on Pav 💗✨?
EEEEE! THANK YOU EMERYY! I HOPE YOU ENJOY!! 💖💞💖💞 (Pfft can you tell who my new favorite Spider-Man is!-)
ANYWAYS! I figured I'd split these up! I'm going to start with Lee and Ler Headcannons and then go to regular ones, for everyone requested so if you don't want to read about tickles I will make a sepreate one for regular headcannons another time! :]
I hope you all enjoy!
-K :]
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Man's is a solid 50/50 split for Lee and Ler!
-His sides are his worst spot, but they have to be squeezed for any reaction
-Light tickles do nothing there
-Light tickles in general don't give you much of a reaction form Pav, you'll get some giggles but nothing too much
-His laugh is super high pitched and childlike
-He squeals too, especially if you catch him off gaurd, which is hard to do with the spidey sense but it's possible!
-He doesn't do much to stop it, he'll just lay there and let himself laugh because he likes being happy and laughing and having fun
-He is unbothered by the word 'Tickle' he can say it and hear it and there's no reaction from him
-He's not used to compliments so if you say things like "I love your laugh" or "Your giggles and reactions are so cute Pavi" he's now lost himself to laughter he can't function anymore it's the best!
-He regrets making his costume without shoes, especially after Hobie gets to him, but he just hasn't changed it and doesn't plan on it ever
-He can handle it for a good while but when he calls for mercy you should stop immediately, he can't go too far past his limits especially if there's compliments involved but thankfully all of his friends and family understand and listen to him no matter what
-Doesn't care too much about being tickled in public but will probably get embarrassed regardless and try to stop whoever is doing it (thankfully that doesn't happen much, just a few pokes here and there which he can handle and enjoys)
-Doesn't really get into Lee or Ler moods often because he's always ready for it but the first time he had a major lee mood he could barely get out of bed without giggling and had to call Hobie for help, he was so red in the face, Hobie never let's him forget that day
-if he's ever causing too much trouble at HQ or something, Hobie will silently remind him of that day and his mood and energy changes immediately to wanting tickles again and he's no longer causing anyone playful trouble
-Everyone's so confused of what Hobie said to him that made him change so quickly but he won't reveal anything it's 'their little secret' as Hobie likes to call it!
-Pav switches between just straight up asking for it to provoking it depends on the day and how big the wanting is for tickles
-I feel like he has ticklish knees, like the tops of his knees, his kneecaps, yeah
-He can't handle the 'itsy bitsy spider' nursery rhyme, that's the one thing he can't handle, everything else is light work but that! He's a giggle storm
-He's just the sweetest little man you've ever seeenn!! 🥹☺️
-Oh boy 🫣
-Do not let his smile, charm, or sweet personality fool you this man doesn't know the meaning of the word mercy
-He's a hypocrite in that sense /lh, he'll beg for mercy from other's and they will respect it but when he's got a lee in his hands it's like that word doesn't even exist /pos /lh
-You either gotta be really strong and pry him off or get someone else to get him away
-He can't help it, he loves making people laugh and smile and it warms his heart from all of the reactions given from any person he tickles he gets carried away and never wants it to end! (My babyyyyy!)
-He is the tease master (next to Miles)
-He will use anything and everything to get his lee blushing and having fun
-Baby talk, compliments, the word itself, tickly type noises, all of it and more! if there's a tease out there he's going to use it
-He likes to test them all out the first time he tickles someone to see what gets them the most, once he figures that out, that's all he's doing from here on out and he remembers too, he's great at adapting
-He's very good at reading people so if you're in a lee mood he'll know, from a mile away, no matter how good you are at hiding it, he knows, he'll always know
-He has the teasy voice 😤👏 he's so good at it too! The closest example I can give to the people who don't know what the teasy voice is is when he said "New guy must be in love with youuu"
-I can not express enough how good he is at teasing, if his lee wasn't laughing from his tickles I promise you they'd be speechless
-He's just so good at tickling someone until their nothing but giggles, all of their thoughts out the window and stuff, He's just so good at tickles in general
-He's not one for using his yoyo or webs during tickle sessions, mainly because he is stronger anyway, but regardless he will if someone asks, it's just not his favorite thing, he likes them to be free but again he adapts no matter what, he's like liquid, he'll adjust to the container he's in (a science thing, I hope someone understood what I meant lmaoo!)
-If you are dating, it is going to be even worse, you're his favorite person, he is going to want to tickle you and have tickle fights so much because he knows that it makes you happy and it makes him happy too!
-but oh my god Pavi! He will just tell you how beautiful/handsome/stunning you look with such seriousness while tickling you so you know how incredible you are even while you're at his ticklish mercy he loves you so much!
-I love him so much oh my God!
-He's just the best!
-If I missed anything I will come back to these and add it! But AHHH!
I hope you all enjoyedd! More on the way soon!! :]
-K <3
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sunshine-on-marz · 2 years
hii! I saw ur post about poly dream team x reader asks so I thought id send one:D maybe poly!dreamteam x shy reader head canons? U dont have to do this ask if it makes u uncomfortable!!
AHHH YESSS!!! This is more of a collection of blurbs then headcanons but I hope you still like it! I’m also not super shy so I’m sorry if this is shit
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Malls are hard
They are loud and crowded and confusing, which almost always leads to social interaction that you don’t want
But somehow the boys convinced you to go
“Bubba do I have to go, yall can always leave me home and have a guys day” “nope, as far as I’m concerned you’re apart of ‘the guys’ so you’re coming” “but I don’t wanna” “c’mon, I’m sure George will hold your hand the whole time” “well good to know you’ll be supportive of my social anxiety” you joke and he lightly shoves your shoulder. “Now you know I would just end up dragging you around the whole mall” “true, at least George doesn’t want to go into every. single. tech store.” “That’s not fair! The stuff is cool and you like them to!” “Yes I like them the first 3 times we go into one, but by the 6th one per trip?” The two of you burst out laughing and sit on the couch while you wait for the other two to be ready
You were forcefully dragged to the car and sat in the back next to George
“I wanna stay home” “c’mon babe” “it’ll be fun” “bull shit” George wrapped his pinky around yours and rested his head on your shoulder “you’re gonna like it, plus I’m here now so it’ll be better then whatever these dorks did before” sap turned around for a second to stick his tongue out at George. You giggled and Dream reached back from the passenger seat to put his hand on your thigh.
George keeps his word
Is no more then 5 feet from you at literally all times
If you get scared to talk at the checkout he’ll talk for you, then pay because “I talked to the cashier so I buy the stuff”
You guys get recognized and you’re more scared then the fan
Dream holds your hand through the whole fan interaction
The boys make sure you don’t have to do any talking you don’t want to
Hell, they’ll go ask a worker for your clothes in a different size if they need to.
Sap starts kissing on you in line and Dream has to physically pull him off because of how embarrassed you looked
You do give Sap a kiss on the cheek after because you hate saying no to his kisses
When you get home George gives you a massage because of how tense you where
Then there’s a movie night to recharge your social battery
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todayimfour · 8 months
Hey hey if you still want moodboard requests do you think you could do a Regressor Moon with Caregiver Sun board? Moon's "Merry go round broke down 🥺" Voice line in HW2 really got me. He babie.
Have some free Head Cannons too, as a treat :3
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~Can we just pretend that there's an au that this is all possible and we don't question logistics~
- he absolutely has a Snorlax plush that has a very loving home in his arms or by his side at all times
- he's a cranky boy!! Very hard to please unless you know the few things he'll always enjoy
- which is hard because not even he knows what he wants/needs half the time
- I'm placing him at 18-32 months (1 1/2 - 3)
- generally can and will sleep ANYWHERE
- one time Sun found him hanging from his wire completely limp and Sun freaked out bc he couldn't reach him, he had maintenance get him down and Moon was just snoozing away
- Suns an anxious caregiver, especially with Moon. After everything that Moon went through with the virus Sun is scared he's going to start being harmful again.
- it really upsets Sun when Moon has one of his mini tantrums and his eyes flash red for a second. Moon can usually see that Suns getting riled up and puts his fussing on pause. (side note take away the regression/tantrums and this happens a lot in our system, Sun needs a break 😭)
- not a paci kiddo but he definitely takes those teething keys by the ring in his mouth and just shakes his face as fast as possible to get The Good Shakey Noise™
In this au that I'm creating just now as I'm dotting these down, they're both flips. So says me. Let me know if you want CG Moon and Lil Sun HCs!!
I just want to say, I got permission from both Sun and Moon to post these. I've felt really weird about posting any writing from my head mates sources so I like to get permission first, I will say that Moon doesn't actually regress.. he wanted that known lol
Agere Board was made using Pixart- free on apps store
Original art of Sun and Moon belongs to @/shandzii but it was found on the app
If you want to request an Agere Board please read the green portion of my pinned post!
Thank you for reading! Stay safe bubbas!! <3
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honey-crypt · 1 month
Hello! This is not a writing ask actually Its a question. Can you feed us with info about your Oc Benny?
I made the same ask to @fuerrziah and I wanted to ask you as well (I am coming for the Elliott squad >:) )
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Here are the questions ^^ You don’t have to answer all of them you can just pick and answer ^^
eeeee i love this ask!!! tysm for asking this, i def need it to help develop benny more :3 i’m gonna try to answer as many questions as possible
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5) exactly thirty three minutes. benny did so as a fun challenge for themselves and ended up having to get up because his legs and pelvis started to ache
6) benny laughs pretty easily! he uses humor as a coping mechanism and you can’t be sad if you’re laughing! at least, that’s what they think
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8) it’s very hard to earn benny’s trust. they grew up getting harassed and bullied for being half-solennian (see here for context) so they learned to be on guard with new people. benny doesn’t actually trust many people; sure, he can buddy buddy with many people but trusting them is a whole other story. it’s very easy for benny to lose trust in people, especially if they find out he’s half-solennian and react negatively to it
9) the laws are flexible. benny has a degree in sociology and knows that laws are social constructs set up by the ruling class (leftist benny moment). he believes that you can’t apply a “one size fits all” mentality to the law, there has to be flexibility and there is flexibility, such as leniency for homicide in cases of self defense. he’s also not afraid to steal some shit from joja mart as a means to “stick it to the man” (morris has yet to catch them)
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11) benny was told to stop being so reckless as a child. they weren’t diagnosed with bertolotti’s syndrome at the time but the doctors did confirm that they had early onset complications from an unknown spinal disorder, such as scoliosis and instability in their discs. this meant that they had to be mindful of how they moved their body or else they could risk a spasm or a flare up of pain. nonetheless, benny was still a rambunctious child who often winded up in the emergency room because of their adrenaline seeking behaviors. his parents were very exasperated by their actions and struggled to find ways to keep them safe while letting them engage in typical kid things
12) benny swears like a sailor and to the point where he can make willy (a former sailor) blush with his language. the first time benny ever swore was in middle school where he was confronted by a bully and he was so done with the abuse that he told them to “suck my fucking dick, you asshole!”
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15) benny's defining strengths are their ability to adapt to most situations, their passion, and their kindness
16) benny's defining flaws are their recklessness, their stubbornness, and their tendency to isolate from others
17) benny loves odd numbers, specifically odd multiples of 3 (9, 15, 21, and so on); they usually do tasks like brushing their teeth in odd multiples of 3 (brush teeth -> mouthwash -> floss)
18) benny's a major stoner, he primarily uses it for pain relief but has been known to do it socially and provides his homies with weed; they're not much of a drinker, they think alcohol tastes like fire
19) HAHAHAHA THE LOVE QUESTION!!! benny's very turned off by the prospect of romantic love, given that they're cursed with the knowledge that they will die from broken heart syndrome. nonetheless, they 10000% believe in queerplatonic and platonic love
once again thanks for sending me this ask!!!
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baka-kaga · 2 days
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A/N: Eeeee the first fic on this blog yayayayay
Warnings: SEX (but its loving and tender), Kagami being a sweet lovable dork
Surrounding you were the sounds of lively chatter and clinking utensils, people enjoying a nice hot meal with company or enjoying a moment to themselves.
Rain patters on the windows, what started off as a gentle sprinkle is now a steady drizzle, customers rushing in to get away from being completely drenched.
You’re sitting with your boyfriend, Kagami, the redhead across from you and happily stuffing his face full with different foods. He barely takes the time to sip his water, saying that it’ll fill him up and give him less room to eat.
“You have chives on your face, Taiga.” You laugh, pointing at him with your chopstick.
Kagami blinks at you before hurriedly wiping at his cheek with the back of his hand, swallowing the mouthful of food and then grinning wide at you.
You stifle your laugh and nod, not having the full heart of telling him that now there’s a smudge of sauce on his chin.
“All gone.”
He eventually does clean it off with his napkin, the fourth one crumpled up into a ball and laying in a small pile off to the side of your table. You finish your meal and thank the servers, walking to the front of the entrance to find it still raining. You pout slightly, Kagami giving your hand a reassuring squeeze and then looking down at you.
“Wanna head back to my place and have a little fun? It’s closer than yours.” He suggests, that sweet pleasant smile gracing his lips.
You nod, a grin breaking out. “Yeah, sounds great.”
By the time you get back to his apartment, you’re both soaked to the bone but you find that neither of you care too much. You place your wet shoes and clothes on floor as soon as you step inside, grimacing and shivering when the cold air hits your skin.
“Go ahead and dry off, I’ll put these in the washer.”
Carefully you make your way through his apartment, wincing at the droplets that fall from you and create a wet trail. Once you make it to the bathroom, you grab a towel and dab at yourself, absorbing up the rain and making you feel just a smidge better.
When you return to the living room, you find Kagami just returning from the laundry room and clad in his boxers. You can’t help but eye his muscular body, a smirk tugging at the corner of your lips but never coming through. The silence is peaceful but grows thicker with every second that passes.
You extend the towel out to him and it takes him a moment to grab it. He wipes at himself but never takes his eyes off you, the slow movements of his hands going from the sides of his neck to down his chest.
“I uh,” He swallows, “Was gonna suggest maybe video games or a movie but…”
Thunder and lightning crack from outside his window, the flash Illuminating your bodies brilliantly. It also ignites something within you and your hands come to fiddle with one another in front of yourself as you wait for him to continue.
“But?” You ask softly, heart thumping hard against your ribs.
Another swallow from him as tosses the towel onto the kitchen table, closing the already small gap between you two. That smile finally breaks out, as does one of his own, when he swoops down and cups your cheeks to give you a deep kiss. Your hands fly to cover his, lips moving gently and tenderly while his thumbs stroke across your cold cheeks.
“Can we…?” He rasps, tugging at your bottom lip faintly.
His question makes your heart swell and your body warm. You nod, a giggle bubbling from your throat from how utterly sweet your boyfriend is being.
You don’t quite remember getting to his bed, too zeroed in on how Kagami’s kisses never strayed away from being delicate yet cautious, how he took the time to caress and brush against your skin. His hands, somehow still clumsy when it comes to you, fumbling with the clasp of your bra before finally undoing it and breaking apart to take it off and toss it aside. You both laugh from the heavy plop that sounds, giggling again when he gets rid of your panties and his boxers when they land in the same heap.
He groans hotly into your mouth when he sinks inside, his fingers curling into the bedsheets on either side of your head while yours leave imprints on his muscled back, your nails leaving crescent marks and faint lines as you hold onto him.
There’s no rush as he makes love to you, taking his time in leaving kisses over your warm cheeks all the way down to your throat and across your breasts. His hips move in a steady rhythm, grinding his pelvis over yours and stimulating your clit in the most delicious way. You need more, need him deeper in you so you take your hand and trail it down his back and clutch his backside. Your heel on the other side of him digs as well, pushing into his ass and causing Kagami to moan so beautifully that it makes your muscles pulse around him.
“I love you.” He whispers your name, nose nudging against yours and fingers seeking your own so they can intertwine together.
“Love you too, Taiga. God, so much.”
He adjusts himself so that his free hand can hold onto your hip, pulling you up to fit even more against you. He continues to repeat his mantra of love over and over again, even when you both reach your climax and he spills inside. His hips stutter but he keeps going, milking out your orgasms and overstimulating the both of you until he whimpers and moves away.
The rain still pours, albeit a little lighter but it’s still a storm. Kagami pulls out but remains on top of you, peppering sweet kisses over your forehead, cheeks, nose and lips.
“Video games in a few?���
You snort softly and reach to brush some of his damp hair away from his face.
“Sounds perfect.”
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eirianerisdar · 8 months
Hi there! I spent the last week breathlessly reading Icarus and really enjoyed it. Terrifically heartwrenching, would suffer again. One of my favorite parts is the way you weave character details in that pop up again later. Daniel takes Cyril’s words to heart to the point of self-destruction before he ever sets foot in McLaren; Lando’s propensity for eavesdropping shows up a few times before the air vent; Charles smiling through the exploitation of his wings as marketing gold starts super early on. Every time I notice a detail I go “GASP! Is that FORESHADOWING?!” and it’s extremely fun. So often, character actions are following previously established patterns, and it’s especially impressive with how many characters you’re balancing. Really great stuff, really delightful reading experience!
Eeeee thank you so much!
I'm so happy the little details were picked up! I try to sow seeds before every character development, no matter where in the story it comes, so when each character reaches the shatterpoint that changes them it all suddenly makes sense.
I'm currently 6315 words into the next chapter with 1.5 scenes to go - I would be further along but December was a hard month for me and I've had work and work-related projects recently. I should be free to finish it up in a couple of days, though.
Honestly speaking the chapter after is one I'm looking forward to even more - the Christian-Daniel quasi father-son relationship gets directly contrasted and compared to the Toto-George one and I'm so excited :D
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iguessit-sgrace · 29 days
The Pantheon Headcanons: Evan Edition
i bet you didn't expect him next!! ev is a cutie patootie though (he's a maniac serial killer) so obviously he had to go next
his full name is evan apollo rosier
he has a french accent that (unlike regulus) he tries very hard to get rid of
he has brown skin and it's gorgeous
he's 6'2
his hair was originally brown but he dyed it blonde and he wears it in locs
his eyes are a deep honey brown and they're SO GORGEOUS are you KIDDING ME
he and pandora are twins duh (he's older)
his parents, gareth and adele, got into some shady business with the borgin family and were killed :/ so he and pandora live with their literally ancient grandparents that pay zero attention to them ever
he has a slightly concerning obsession with knives. and cutting things open. he's suuuuuper jealous of reg's awesome fancy knife collection and definitely tried to steal one at some point (it didn't work and he never spoke of reg's collection again).
he wears so many rings omg (it drives barty insane) (in a good way).
he literally only wears baggy clothes and puts zero effort into his outfits.
for his entire first year he was a loner and didn't talk to anyone but pandora lmao
but then barty happened
and then regulus happened
and then dorcas happened
and then suddenly he had friends and legit couldn't get rid of them
even worse, he actually liked them
his hobby is taxidermy (specifically bugs) and no i do not take criticism
he's dating barty obviously (although i will admit i am partial to rosestarkiller and even a dash of sunrose)
his patronus is a two-headed python
he actually enjoys history of magic, the weirdo
he and pandora usually go stay at an abandoned manor during the summer and explore it with the rest of the pantheon (it belongs to the rosier family technically but since it's so decrepit and practically falling apart nobody wants it)
his familiar is a corn snake named skittles (named by pandora). he'll walk around the dorms with skittles wrapped around his shoulders and neck and scare the living heck out of the first years for fun
oh yeah he and barty push the underclassmen down the stairs a lot. they have a running tally as to who pushed the most, who caused a domino effect, who lost points because they got caught, etc. it's gotten to the point where pandora has to keep a notebook updated with different sections, rules and regulations, everything. (she and dorcas also join in occasionally)
evan is not a physically affectionate person whatsoever. he prefers just to be in the presence of the people he loves. unfortunately, barty's the clingiest person to ever walk (terrorize) this earth. so usually if you find evan, you find barty either sitting on his lap, fiddling with his hair, or doing some other barty thing. they're so attached at the hip that for so long, people didn't know who was barty and who was evan because it was always "bartyandevan"
but then evan dies lol so nobody gets them confused anymore
evan joins the death eaters because his previously distant grandparents suddenly force his hand. it's either him or pandora, and evan is not about to make his newly wedded sister, one of the few happy things in his life, commit to something like this. barty joins because he's having a blast rebelling against his dad, and where evan goes, barty goes
evan's favorite candy is the grandma hard candies (you know the ones)
he likes designing tattoos! then barty does stick and poke versions of them either on himself or evan. they used to be really bad, but then as barty tattooed himself more he got wayy better at it
there's an old forest by the broken down manor that he and pandora used to play in all the time. evan got his love of climbing trees there (yes this is a cr reference no i will not take it back)
all in all evan is maniac and i love him <3
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astranite · 5 months
Ramblings about Ring Of Fire (p1&2)
Here are my rambling episode notes as I started to rewatch Thunderbirds Are Go as I finally got them on dvd and a dvd player!!! So I thought I'd put them here if anyone was interested.
I'd forgotton how pretty and shiny dvds are. Also the little lens for the laser in the dvd reader looks like a tiny EOS.
Honestly the thing i am most excited about is that it has ✨Actual Subtitles✨(as opposed to the janky or missing ones on the youtube recordings i'd been watching). Like no exaggeration this what Im excited about cause it definitely makes a difference to me. Its way more fun not to be missing out on the jokes and witty one liners and other random i swear plot important bits (thank you audio processing disorder: i can hear the sounds but they are often a jumbled mess of There are Noises. For me its bad enough that it isnt worth it to go to stuff like cinemas or watch things without captions, but I digress)
--- the Notes.
I’m literally excitedly bouncing at the intro music!!!!!
Two coming out of the clouds is so incredibly epic!!
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Awesome gif is by @flyboytracy who also has heaps more fab gifs of the episode/s to reblog!!! https://www.tumblr.com/flyboytracy/744061489851383808
Ouch Virgil hits the decks hard in his pulling off the rescue. Also where is his helmet? Virge. Seriously. Ow. 
John and Five are fabulous. Amazing. The bestest.
I love that Kayo and Alan are bickering (fondly) like siblings from the outset. 
Scott!! Surely hanging around at the top of one above the concrete hangar floor, only holding the grapple in his hand with no other safety equipment is not WH&S compatible. His frustration and impatience with not being able to launch One right now are so obvious. 
Penny and Parker and Fab1!!!! Penny’s lines!!!— driving on the wrong side of the road, this is rather distressing.  
Grandma is ready to battle it out with the kitchen appliances. 
Gordon and Virgil hiding under dad’s desk to escape cracks me up every time. Right from the first episode you see the bonds between the Tracy bros. 
Then as they launch, Virgil’s ‘we can handle one mission without you there smotherhen’ its part exasperated and part reassurance for Scott that yes they will be alright. 
Virgil and Two’s launch sequence let’s goooooo!!!
Scott looks so content to be on his thunderbird and wow no fear of heights on that gantry. 
Uhh isnt gordon concussed. Like he was knocked out the first time when the earthquake making and buries four and then he looks like he hits his head as the lab is going under. 
Kayos 'its totally a trap but lets spring it anyway'!!!
The hood's dramatic reveal!! The way john startles and flinches back as its a huge projection. 
Scott voice. How devastated and angry he is. Aaaahhhh!!!
Virgil doesnt want to believe that they live in a world where people like the hood deliberately want to hurt people. This says so much about him in how he wants to believe in the good in people first and foremost.
The Tracies are so supportive and encouraging of each other, especially to the younger ones: Virgil's 'good job bro' to gordon, Johns 'im proud of you' to alan
Kayo's dichotomy of wanting to keep the secret from the brothers, but also not overconfident enough to think she can take on the hood completely alone without the back up of casey and the gdf. 
Eeeee!!! Kayo in that moment where she’s looking up at her thunderbird, thunderbirds shadow, she is so happy!!!
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