#this was definitely not brought on by the fact that she’s teething really bad rn
your-local-gothamite · 10 months
@gothamite-shenanigans it’s your turn to co-parent nyx btw
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ethan-bears · 5 years
Home for Christmas (Nolan Patrick x Reader)
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You've resigned yourself to spending this Christmas alone. But Nolan has other plans.
Author's note: I started writing this out as a thought to send to @lindylovegang for her soft thought night tonight but I realized it needed to be a small book whole fic instead, so I decided to do this instead of editing my final paper. This is also not edited. I might edit it later. Who knows.
Warnings: light swearing, holidays, slight angst but it gets fluffy real quick, it's my first fic so it's probably not great, I'm on mobile and I can't figure out "keep reading" and I'm very sorry
Word count: absolutely no idea but good luck fam
gif credit to: bretthowden
This was not how you wanted to spend your first Christmas in Philadelphia. Ideally, you wouldn't even be in Philly at all right now. You should be on a plane back home to your family and friends and the warm, familiar streets of your hometown. You should be waking up tomorrow morning in your grandma's house with the smell of warm bread surrounding you like a hug.
But no. You were trapped.
The blizzard had started to roll in earlier this morning, and you thought to yourself that it wouldn't be that bad, right? It was just some flurries. They wouldn't ground any flights, right?
Oh how wrong you wound up being.
After three hours of waiting for news in the airport terminal, followed by another hour and a half desperately trying to reschedule your flight to a time that would still work and getting nothing out of every airline representative in the building, you somehow managed to get an Uber driver crazy enough to come get you in the ocean of snow. Fighting back tears, you tried to console yourself in the backseat. At least your apartment would be warm. And you had a little tree, so it would still feel like Christmas. You'd make some soup and Skype your family, and while it wouldn't be the same as being with them, it would be better than nothing!
"Reckless optimist," you sighed as you flipped the light switch to your apartment only to be met with continued darkness. Alone in a dark, cold, apartment on Christmas Eve, snowed in with nowhere to go in a city that came nowhere close to feeling like home. Merry Christmas. Slumping against the door, you felt your hot tears break free and cascade down your face. You decided to let all the stress and frustration that had been building all day take over your body, sobbing harder than you could ever remember. Each new wave shook your body, sending you to the floor. You didn't care. It couldn't get worse, so why not act like it?
During a pause in the festivities you decided to check your phone to see if you had any messages from your dad, only to find a text you definitely didn't expect from someone who was definitely not your father.
Sir Nolan the Rosy-Faced: hey, just checking in, i know you're probably mid flight rn but just wanted to make sure you land safely when you do. Crazy storm. Text me?
Sniffing, you paused to process the message. Nolan wanted to make sure you were safe? It shouldn't really have surprised you, but the fact that he was concerned enough to text you while he thought you were still midair was...touching.
You fired a short text back explaining that the flight wasn't happening, thinking he'd respond with a simple "okay" or an "oh, sorry to hear that :(". But the next text you got (mere seconds later) surprised you again.
Sir Nolan: oh my god that sucks! Wait.....does that mean you're home alone tonight?
Me: Yeah, and the power's out, so it's suuuper cold, but idk it's fine, I'll just layer up and go to bed early I guess
Sir Nolan: are you okay?
That one hit you like a truck. No, you thought, I'm really, really not.
Me: Yeah, I'll be fine
Sir Nolan: are you sure? Cause I can come over if you want.
Any other night, you would be losing your mind at an offer like that. Ever since you had met Nolan, you'd had the biggest crush on him. All other crushes seemed like weak sauce compared to how you felt about him. But you'd cried all your energy out. The best response your heart could muster was a meek, "Sure, but don't worry if the snow's just too much."
You were met with a resounding, "Already on my way."
You decided that if you were going to be having company you should at least get up off the floor. You shuffled your way into your bedroom, habitually flicking the light switch before you remembered it was pointless. You fumbled in the dark to your desk drawer, trying to find your flashlight, and once you found it you turned it on and started changing into your warmest pajamas. Now that you weren't just a puddle of self-pity, you started to think about Nolan's sudden inviting-over of himself. You first met him during training camp when your work friend brought you along to meet up with Travis, her boyfriend. She figured that since you were new to the city and also a huge hockey fan that it couldn't hurt to introduce you to some guys on the team and help you make some friends. You weren't sure what to make of Nolan at first. He seemed so quiet and awkward that you thought your own quietness and awkwardness would make conversation impossible with such a knockout of a man. You wound up being horribly wrong, once again, but that time it was in a good way. Neither of you were really the super-outgoing party type, so whenever one or both of you started getting exhausted with the atmosphere you'd usually drift off into your own conversation in a quieter part of the room. As a result, he became a good friend incredibly fast. It seemed there was nothing you couldn't talk about with him, even though you still got nervous about certain things. Like your personal feelings for him. But that had never come up before, so you were safe. For now.
You knew he knew all about how hard the transition to Philly has been for you. How homesick you get, how you can't help but wonder if you made a mistake taking the job offer that brought you here (even though it was your dream job), and how you felt like it was hard to click with so many new people. Which was probably why he seemed so worried about you being alone tonight. He knew you felt alone most of the time anyway.
An hour and a half had gone by and you were starting to get worried about him. He only lived 20 minutes away, and even with the snow, it shouldn't take him that long unless he was stuck and just too proud to call you. It had given you time to call your mom, which you were grateful for and made you feel a lot better, but you couldn't ignore the knot in your stomach anymore. You were just about to hit "call" when you heard a knock at the door. Or more like a thump at the door.
You practically sprinted over to open it for the man-sized popsicle with his arms full of grocery bags standing on your doorstep. You paused for a second with your mouth hanging open, both amazed by the fact that he actually came over and by...him. The cold made his already pink cheeks bright red, and the snowflakes were sticking to his long eyelashes and the free locks of hair that didn't fit under his beanie. You had never seen anything more beautiful in your life.
"Can...can I come in?" Nolan's teeth chattered, snapping you back to reality.
"Oh, yeah, sorry! God, Nol, you're shivering!" you remark, ushering him through the door. Not that inside was that much warmer, but anything was better than being out there.
"It's cold," he laughs.
"Wow, AND he's meteorologist!" you quip back. "What can Nolan Patrick not do?"
Shaking his head, he made a beeline for your kitchen, looking for a place to set his bags down.
"Took me forever to find a place that was still open tonight," he muttered, pulling what looked in the dark like to-go boxes out of one of the bags. You shined your flashlight up to the ceiling to make it light the whole room as Nolan continued to pull items from his three bags. You just stood there, still dumbfounded by him.
"Pat... what's all this?" you manage to squeak out.
"This," he said, pointing to the to-go tubs, "is soup. I'm not completely sure what kind, but I figured soup would be the best thing no matter what. I didn't know if you had any crackers, so I brought some saltines. And some oranges because I knew you'd want something fruity and healthy and oranges are festive. And this," he pulled a thermos out of the second bag, "is hot chocolate. Made it myself." He grinned, sliding it towards you, obviously proud of himself. You could barely contain your own grin, feeling yourself blush. You were proud of him too.
"I saved the best for last," he continued once you took a sip of the cocoa. You frowned.
"What else could you possibly have brought?" you asked, genuinely astonished.
He looked you in the eyes and gave you a smirk. Holy hell. You were glad he probably couldn't see how pink your own cheeks were getting. The things he did to you and he didn't even know.
He carefully pulled a basket out of the last bag, and you could see it was full of a bunch of other things. You couldn't believe it.
"Nolan..." You trailed off, feeling the tears starting to well up again. Inside the basket were a bunch of little gifts with a note that read "For: y/n, From: Us". It had some of your favorite candies, one of those cheesy home-state-scented candles, a scarf with your home team's name and logo on it, and a tin of your favorite tea from a tiny local tea shop in your home town. You tried your best to fight the tears, but you weren't strong enough, rendered useless from your earlier fit.
"Nol-" You couldn't even finish your question before your own sob choked you. You set your thermos and flashlight down to bury your face in your hands.
"Hey, hey," Nolan whispered, pulling you into a hug. You wasted no time in hugging him back, squeezing him as you sobbed into his chest. "Shhhh, it's okay," he muttered to the top of your head. He slowly ran a hand up and down your back, rocking you back and forth. It only made you more emotional. He had never hugged you before, and you hadn't been hugged like this in what felt like years. You just wanted to stay there in his arms forever and ignore the world around you.
"It was a team effort," he continued. "Some of us thought you could use some things that remind you of home."
"Who...who found the tea?" you said into his chest, muffled by his sweater.
"What?" He smiled, pulling out of the hug a bit to let you speak up.
You wiped your face and took a breath. "Who found the tea?"
He pulled the rest of the way out of the hug, much to your disappointment. He leaned his head down, staring at the floor.
"That was me," he mumbled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear. "I remembered you mentioning it, and it was hard to work out, but they agreed to send me some." Somehow, his voice kept getting lower and lower.
You could hardly believe your ears. He remembered that? You swore you had only mentioned it once in passing after you got a really disappointing chai from a coffee place down the street. You had no idea he had been paying attention. And he went to all the trouble of getting a store with a locals-only business model to ship a product long-distance. You started to wonder if.... No, you thought, don't get your hopes up again tonight.
You stared at him for another moment, trying to soak in the situation. He seemed surprised when you went back in for another hug.
"Thank you so much!" you whisper, knowing that if you said it any louder you'd start crying again. You could feel him relax into the hug and gave him a little squeeze before you ended it.
"Soup time?"
"Soup time." Nolan nodded, practically beaming.
You sat on the couch, eating as carefully as you could in the dark, though your eyes were getting pretty adjusted. From then on, it was conversation as usual. It came so naturally with him that even when you weren't saying anything, you were still happy. You exchanged stories about your favorite Christmases, what you thought the best cookies are, and weird things your families do during the holidays for hours, barely even noticing the time or the cold.  At some point Nolan had pulled the blankets off the back of the couch and tossed them over both your laps. You didn't notice that you'd been getting closer and closer to him with every story until you laughed so hard you fell on his shoulder.
"Stop laughing!" He pouted, audibly trying to stifle his own laugh. "I almost got hypothermia. I could've died!"
"I can't...I can't!" you breathe between laughs. "You fell through the ice...but just one leg?!"
"Yeah, and I was stuck there on my side almost doing the splits between the ice and the water and my sister just stood there laughing. Just like you!" He nudged you, pretending to be annoyed. "But eventually she pulled me out and carried me back home. Couldn't move my leg for hours, it was just sticking straight out like..." He stuck his leg in the air, demonstrating, and only making you laugh harder. You could hardly breathe. You knew it probably felt funnier because of how exhausted you were, but you didn't care. Nolan had put a smile back on your face and back in your heart.
"Hey, Nolan?"
You swallowed. "I just... I'm not complaining that you're here, obviously, but... weren't you planning on spending tonight with Kevin and his family?"
"I was, but they've got each other, and someone else who's super special to me was sad and alone, which made me really sad to think about. You deserve to be happy and I wanted to help. Easiest decision I've ever made."
You really did not have it in you for another cry, so you settled for teasing him instead.
"That's really cheesy of you, softie."
"Take it while you can," he laughed.
"I know," you smiled.
Your eyes were starting to feel heavy and you let out a jaw-cracking yawn.
"Damn," Nolan remarked. You grunted in response, earning another laugh from him. "Wanna lay down?"
You nodded, leaning into his shoulder.
"You're warm," you sleepily drawl. You wanted to lay down, but you didn't want to get up to go to your bed. You wanted more snuggles, and right now you didn't care if he read into it or not.
He seemed to get the message, moving to lay down and taking you with him. He wrapped his arms around you after making sure the blankets covered you both as much as possible. You smiled contentedly, settling into your position and closing your eyes. You barely had time to contemplate how touchy he was being tonight compared to his normal reservations about hugs and touching before you were completely gone.
Nolan woke up first the next morning. He was careful to move as little as possible to avoid waking you up. You looked so peaceful, curled up with your head on his chest. He felt his heart swell as you shifted to wrap your arms around his torso and fell back asleep within seconds. He smiled down at you, noticing how beautiful you were, even with your messy bedhead and your cheek squished against his chest. He wanted to stay in this moment forever. Just the two of you.
The power had come back on at some point during the night, so it was no longer freezing in the apartment, and the lights on your tiny tree had come on as well. He glanced back over to the kitchen to the basket on the counter. It had been embarrassing enough to admit to being the one who hunted down the tea like a police dog, so he left out the part about the whole gift basket being his idea in the first place. He would've bought you everything himself, but he wanted you to know that you had other friends, too, and that they wanted to show you that they were thinking of you. The scarf was Carter's idea, the candy TK's. Claude had suggested the candle, and being the local expert on how to be good to the woman he loved, Nolan took the advice and bought the candle as well. It did make him strangely jealous of your hometown in a way he couldn't quite explain. He was worried that you would be looking for any excuse to move back home, which he really didn't want. If it made you happy, then of course he'd support you, but he'd never felt for anyone the way he felt about you. The way you laugh, how passionate you get when you talk about something you care about, whether that's a person, a subject, a place, or what the best pizza topping is. He loved everything down to the way you word your sentences. He loved how much you loved.
He was awoken from his thoughts by you stirring and opening your eyes to look at him.
"Merry Christmas," you mumbled.
"Merry Christmas," he mumbled back.
You laid your head back down, enjoying the comforting rise and fall of his chest.
"You hungry? I can try and make you some breakfast. Emphasis on try," Nolan offered.
You laughed at the thought. "That'd be nice. But I don't wanna get up."
"Me neither," he sighed, tracing his thumb along your arm. He was not ready for when you suddenly shot off the couch, eyes manic and wide.
"Oh my god!" you shouted. "I didn't get you anything for Christmas! And you did all that last night!" You waved your hand at the kitchen. Nolan sat up, confused and cold, missing the weight of you on him.
"It's okay, y/n! I wasn't expecting anything."
"No, okay, I'm making you breakfast, and it's gonna be the best damn breakfast I've ever made. Lay back down," you insisted, marching off to the kitchen, wincing at the still-cold floor.
As nice as it sounded to stay under the warm blankets, Nolan didn't want to just sit there doing nothing. Suddenly he had an idea, even though it was a risky one. He decided it was a risk he needed to take eventually.
"Get out!" you playfully threatened, brandishing a spatula at him as he stepped into the kitchen. He put his hands up in mock surrender.
"I won't touch!"
"Good," you smirk, turning back to your pan.
Nolan shuffled around nervously, working up the courage to say what he wanted to. He swallowed and took a deep breath.
"I, uh...I have an idea for what you can give me. If you, uh, still want to give me something. Besides breakfast, I mean." Smooth, Patrick, he thought.
"What's that?" You met his gaze, making his stomach flip. The things you do to him and you have no idea.
"Maybe we can go out sometime? Like, just us. On purpose. To dinner or something?"
You looked like a deer caught in the headlights, making Nolan immediately second-guess himself. He bashfully broke your eye contact, focusing on the floor again. He felt the blush on his cheeks worsening.
"Are you... serious?" you ask, voice full of wonder.
"Of course I am!" he mumbled insistently. "Wouldn't ask if I wasn't."
You almost knocked him over with the force of your hug, a truly impressive feat.
"Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes!!!" you laughed, not even bothering to play it cool. Nolan smiled so much it started to hurt, but he didn't care. He felt like he could take off and fly, he was so relieved. The weight of the world was replaced by the weight of you clinging to his shoulders. And he couldn't imagine a better way to spend his Christmas. Maybe, just maybe, he thought, Christmas would be like this forever from now on.
You relaxed into Nolan's arms as he followed you back to the stove, hugging you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. Suddenly, you felt something more than the giddy high of getting asked out by your crush. You felt a sort of peace you hadn't felt since before you moved.
You were home for Christmas.
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kisstheassassins · 5 years
Hello! Love your blog! Could I have a  scenario request with Edward? Where he saves the reader from drowning in a ship wreckage, and his crew is nervous cause ya know, having a woman aboard was bad luck.? Thank you in advance! 
Pairing: Edward Kenway x Reader
Caution(s): Swearing. 
 If you were expecting some action or something, it’s not really my forte. I was gonna have you show yourself how good you are in battle during a ship raid but me being sick rn I had to leave it out. I have not written or typed anything in a while so I’m sorry in advance if there’s mistakes or if it’s not that well written. I haven’t had a writing mojo for a while now. 
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It was certainly a huge turn of events for the Jackdaw crew, and one they never expected to happen. 
A ship raid, sure. But to pick up a passenger? Much less save one off the enemy’s ship? It sounded preposterous. The men were nervous about having you on board and just by the way they gawked and whispered you knew you weren’t welcome here. Each pair of eyes you see that are staring back at you make your teeth clench out of nervousness. Or maybe anger. You couldn’t really decide. You just wanted off this damn boat and on dry land, especially after the trauma you just went through. 
But the captain insisted you be on this ship and taken to safety, away and off these waters. 
Just where were you going exactly?
You were stuffed down in the captain’s quarters, left with nothing but your surroundings and a table of food that was left at your mercy, should you desire to take anything. At least the captain was courteous enough to let you stay in a place like this, instead of in some wooden and rotted box that was at the very bottom of the boat. He had even given you a fresh set of clothing to change into and out of your wet dress. You had the chance to peek around, and the room was quite well decorated for a pirate ship. Red carpet, blinds on the small windows, plants that hung from the ceiling in pots and on the tables. There was even a model ship on one of the surfaces that caught your interest quickly. Intriguingly designed and painted, you couldn’t help but admire it for so long that you never noticed the figure walking in through the cabin doors. 
“Impressive, isn’t it?”
A squeak comes from your throat as you turn to look at the man who had brought you in here from before. He gives you an amused chuckle in response. Slowly, he inches closer to the sculpture and reaches to touch it gently, running his finger along one of the white sails.
“I’m not one for pretty paintings or statues but. . . this one caught my eye. I had to have it.”
As he fumbled with his mini ship, you take the time to check him over since you did not have the focus or enough sleep to actually notice what your savior looked like. 
Tall, slender but masculine. You didn’t have to look beneath his robes to know that he had toned muscles along his arms and abdomen. His face was slender too, high cheekbones and tan golden skin; hair that was so blonde it almost looked white even in this dim lit room. His weapons adorned the rest of his outfit; a sword on one hip, a gun on the other. Knives rested in his belt that he had laced across his hips and chest, along with a few other weapons you couldn’t recognize. Your conclusion; definitely a pirate. 
And a rather kind and gentle one at that. It was odd. He was nothing like the ones on the boat you were on before.
You snap out of your daze and stand tall when he turns to face you.
“What were you doing on that boat?” he asks. His accent is strong, but unfamiliar to you. 
“I was to travel to Havana. Our ship ran into pirates and. . . well.” You chuckle as you sit in one of the wooden chairs near the table. It sits in the middle of the cabin.
“. . .you know what happened. I’m grateful you came along when you did, even though you were raiding the same ship that raided mine. You saved my life.”
The man chuckles again, finding his own set next to yours. He places his arm on the wooden table top and slouches in his chair, legs apart and looking very unformal. It made you chuckle quietly.
“You’re welcome, by the way,” he grins, earning one from you in return as he watches your eyes look down at the floor. He’s already quite charming, you think. 
You sigh and look around again, taking in the sight of the cabin once more before looking at him again.
“And I’m very thankful you haven’t tied me up and thrown me in some dark corner either,” you say. “I wasn’t expecting a very warm welcome from your crew, or you for that matter.”
“Not all pirates are heartless killers, love,” he comments. The man then pours himself a glass of rum. Must have been a bottle nearby, because you hadn’t seen him grab it. “Not a big fan of harming women, or anyone who doesn’t deserve it anyways.”
“I don’t? I could be just as bad a pirate as the other guy.”
He shakes his head in response.
“You haven’t tried to kill me yet. So I know you’re alright.”
His words emit a chuckle from your throat as you stare at the ground, and can’t help but enjoy his witty talk.
Between all this banter you realized that your names hadn’t been shared between the two of you. Or maybe it was for the best. But you wanted to remember the name of the handsome pirate who saved you from assured death and perhaps one day repay him for what he had done for you. 
The man’s head snaps up from his bottle, startled by your sudden words. His eyebrows knot in confusion.
“My name,” you say, giving him a shy smile. “I’m (y/f/n).”
He chuckles, nodding as he kicks himself for not realizing it the first time. The man takes a stand as he offers his hand to you, and you slowly take it. You weren’t expecting a kiss to your knuckles and for a split second it rendered you breathless as it took you by surprise.
“Edward Kenway. Pleasure is mine.” 
With a kind smile given to you, Edward makes his way back to the main door of the cabin and clicks his tongue. He holds out his hands, gesturing to the surroundings you are currently in.
“I hope you know,” he starts, “you’re not a prisoner here. You’re free to do as you please. I told you I was going to bring you to Havana, and I intend to do so.”
His words were kind, and not that they hadn’t been from the start. You laugh softly and stand with him, crossing your hands behind your back.
“That’s kind, Mr. Kenway. Thank you. But let’s just hope your crew doesn’t throw me over board first before I get there.”
It seems he understood your words all too well, as his gaze met the floor and his white smile showed once again in this dark room. You watch as pieces of his golden hair fall in front of his face.
“Old pirate shite. Women aren’t supposed to be on a ship,” he says, “they supposedly bring bad luck. Well . . .” Edward turns to you and gives you a grin. “. . . I assure you (y/n) I won’t let that happen. They follow my orders, and if I say to leave you alone they will. Although. . .  I can’t guarantee they won’t talk.”
A scoff leaves your lips.
“Please,” you begin, “I’m sure I’ve heard worse. I can handle them.”
Your response makes Edward chuckle again. 
“Confident. I like that,”  he grins. 
Finally opening the door, he waits for you to walk through and into the sunlight. You feel the warmth of the sun’s rays hit your legs, the heat and humidity already making your pant legs stick to your skin. 
“Let’s hope you do then; it’s at least two days to Havana. And there’s plenty of time for gossip.”
Edward leads you out the door and onto the dock. You have to reel it all in for a moment as the sun temporarily blinds you for a few seconds before you adjust to it. And then you’re greeted with not only the sun and the breeze on the water, but the many eyes of the rest of the crew that stopped working to stare. Edward seemed to notice and waved them off, sending them back to work before he takes you up to the wheel. He then introduces you to Adewale, his second in command. Even he assures you that the crew is frivolous with their beliefs of child’s tales. Women being bad luck? This could be in fact, good luck. Who knows. 
Despite the many stares you received, many hadn’t said word about your presence. At least in front of you.
The second day you had stayed on the Jackdaw was the day you finally had an earful. Edward stand atop at the helm with the wheel in his hand, taking in the breeze and view of the water and islands that the ship passes by. You were just in earshot, but he the captain didn’t know. And neither did the two men talking to him.
“We don’t even know who she is,” one says. “She could be a bloody spy. That whole ship raid could have been a trap. What women travels alone on a ship full of men?”
“Aye,” chimes the other. “Seems odd. She could kill us all in our sleep tonight.”
Edward can’t help but laugh at them, getting scowls in return from his two crew members. He lets one hand go of the steering wheel and sets it on his hip.
“Do you realize how ridiculous you two sound?” he says. “She’s just a passenger. The ship was on it’s way to Havana when it was attacked by another. We simply found her at the right time. And now we’re bringing her to where she was set to go in the first place. That’s it.”
“What, suddenly we’re escorts?” one spits. “How do you know she won’t turn us in as soon as we land?”
At this point Edward was getting annoyed. He had a tight relationship with his crewmates, but this moment he wanted to shove them aside and send them off and back to work. Kenway had no worries about you, no doubts. This was all stupid superstition. 
Sighing heavily, Edward snaps his head in their direction, catching their attention quickly. Hands now off the wheel, he takes a step towards them.
“Listen to me,” he say sharply, “that woman has been nothing but good company to me, and I highly doubt she’s anything like you say. Get the idea out of your head that she will harm us in any way, because I can tell you she will not. If I hear you talking shit about her in her face or you confront her, you won’t hear the end of it from me.”
They both stand there for a moment, unsure of what to do or say; they dare not move or else Edward’s piercing gaze could have cut them where they stood. 
“Understood?” Kenway finishes. He watches as they sigh and nod their heads, turning heel and heading down the stairs and onto the first second deck. 
Hearing their footsteps scurry down the stairs, you stand there at the railing and pretend to be looking out at the water. You had heard every word, being so close to the helm, and the volume of their voices didn’t help any of keeping any secrecy between them and the captain. 
You didn’t need to look at them to feel their piercing eyes gawking at you as they walked by. You turn your head just the slightest to see them finally walking down below deck, and it wasn’t long before you let out a long sigh. Just a few more hours, you think to yourself, and I’ll be home.
A hand places itself on your back gently, taking you by surprise. You hadn’t even heard Edward come up beside you until he was right beside you, and greeting you with a smile. 
“Sure you heard that,” he says sheepishly. He places his hands on the railing and leans his weight against it looking down into the water. You nod your head slowly and chuckle.
“Yes. But. . .”
Edward looks at you.
“. . . it was nice to hear your words. Thank you for defending me,” you say, bowing your head a bit as a thank you. He gives you a smile in return, shifting his feet in his place.
“Don’t listen to them, (y/n).”
“I never did in the first place,” you chuckle, earning another from him. “But when I heard you talking to them I just had to listen.”
There’s a short silence after Edward gives you a curt nod.
“So. . . I’m good company then?” you say smugly. He turns to you in response, smiling cheekily.
“Aye. You are. It’s refreshing in a way, talking to you. It’s nice to sit and enjoy talking with someone about things other than gold and where our next destination is.”
He earns a bashful grin from you, watching you as you fumble with the fabric of your shirt. 
“I’ll be honest with you Edward, I wasn’t expecting this much decency from pirates,” you say.
“Were you expecting to be thrown over?”
“ . . . among other things.”
He got where you were heading with your thoughts, gaping his mouth open before nodding in understanding and staring back into the water. 
“You have nothing to fear from us,” he says softly. “We’ll get you home. I promise.” He then puts his hand on yours and squeezes it lightly in assurance before smiling and heading off in the other direction, back to the wheel. Leaving you there with your own smile on your face, you look out back to the water ignoring the ongoing stares and gossip around you. Hearing Edward say these things makes you feel confident in him that you will really get home.
True to his word, the next morning you’re awoken by one of the crewman’s voice hollering over the sails, waking you in an instance. Sun rays shown through the door glass and the small windows that surrounded you, giving to you that it was morning. Edward was gracious to give you his bed while he slept on the velvet couch next to you. You dress yourself and make yourself presentable before going on deck.
Almost immediately a huge smile adorns your face as you see the city; Havana. It was so close and you could see people walking along the docks. You could have swam to it if you could of. 
You were home.
Turning your head in multiple directions, you look for the Jackdaw’s captain, finding him up by the helm with Adewale. Everyone was bustling about on the ship ready the lay anchor and tie the ship off the dock. You find this a perfect time to make your way up to Edward, giving Adewale a good morning before talking to the captain.
“You got me home,” you sigh happily. You give him the biggest smile as he returns one to you. “Thank you so much Edward.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he chuckles. “If you ever need an escort again I’m sure I can help you.” 
“I’m not so certain your crew will enjoy that.”
“Of course not, but they don’t really have a say now do they.” He smirks at you and gives you a playful wink, watching as you laugh it off and stare at the floor board beneath you. Since your time here with him, Edward has caught notice of your bashfulness every time you stare at your feet, and it’s quite amusing. 
And right now, it was charming.
“Am I allowed to visit?” he asks. “I come here quite often, believe it or not.”
You bite your lip to stop the spreading of your already existing smile, hoping it did not get any bigger to show him your excitement.
“Of course. You did save my life after all. An allowed visit is something I can offer to you in payment.”
“I usually ask for gold but, that works too.” 
Grinning, Edward offers his hand to lead you down the ramp and onto the dock. That smell of fish and seaweed fill your nose again, and at this point you’re so used to it you don’t scrunch up your nose as some of the other civilians do every time they come down by the water. 
“Smells like home,” you say jokingly, giving him a smile before letting your hand fall to your side. “Come with me. I’ll show you my place, should you ever stop by when you’re in the city. My door will be welcome to you.”
“That’s kind,” he smiles, beginning to walk after you as you trail off down the street. “Have you always lived here?”
You nod your head as you put your hands behind your back.
“Started working with my mother in her shop when I was 10, and I’ve kept it running ever since. For her in her memory. I’ve never known any other kind of life.”
“Being a pirate doesn’t interest you?” Edward chuckles as he jokes. He smiles upon hearing your own laughter.
“I don’t think I’d fit that position very well,” you say, peering at the path in front of you. “I’d most likely die within the first few hours on your ship.”
A short laugh follows after your response, but it dies down once Edward realizes the two of you have made it to your destination. 
It was a rather cute shop, decorated with flowers and plants at the door as if it were a walkway leading you inside. Large and opened windows served as your light to let you see when you step inside, at least until dark fell, then you would light the candles that sat inside the hanging lamps all over the store and outside. Edward could have sworn this sight before him was out of a fantasy book; it looked surreal to him. Peaceful even. 
“You live here?” he asks, walking behind you as you go through the glass door.
“I work here,” you reply, “but I live here.”
You open a wooden door leading to another part of the building. It’s dimly lit with candles on the fire mantle, on the window sill and on some of the tables around the room. 
“Imelda always takes care of the place while I’m gone,” you say, referring to your assistant. She would come in every other day to help you in your shop, even tend to your home while you were away.
Edward immediately felt comfort when he stepped into your actual home. It felt so different here than it did in the streets, than in the taverns and rooms he rents in the city. It was warm, cozy, heartfelt, relaxing. Smells of spices filled his nose as the two of you pass through the house to the living room. 
Eventually you come to the merge of your living room and kitchen, digging through a nightstand while Edward looks around the place, aweing at everything like a child. It wasn’t until you said something that he turned his attention to you. He sees a bag of gold in your hands. 
“For you,��� you say. 
“I thought you said a visit to your home was payment?” The pirate responds. He puts his hands on his hips while his face is smiling smugly. You chuckle in response.
“A pirate refusing free gold? Well, if you’re certain. . .” you say, beginning to slowly take the bag back.
“Ah-” Edwards retorts, reaching for it. “Perhaps just a little?”
Of course, you think. You let out a warm laugh that echoes in your chest, as well as Edward’s. He watches as you tilt the leather pouch above your hand, eyeing the gold that trickles out of it like water and into your palm. It shines from the candles around you two. 
“Here you are, Mr. Kenway.” 
The gold is placed into his hands, fingers brushing over his briefly as he grips the coins into his palms. Edward’s fingertips tingle at your touch, and his blue eyes look into yours for a brief second, enough to see your smile aimed at him. He nods his head, giving you a small grin himself.
“Thanks lass,” he chimes, putting the coins in his own leather pouch that was strung by his belt. “Pleasure was mine. I hope I see you again.”
“I’m here most days,” you say gesturing to the room surrounding you two. You try to ignore the burning in your cheeks at his words. “You’re welcome any time.”
Without warning Edward takes your hand and places a kiss on your knuckles. The sun rays through the windows were warm on your skin, but at that moment you couldn’t tell if it was that or if it was from the shivers that went up your neck as he kissed you tenderly. Edward’s eyes never lost contact with yours, nor did his grin fade. 
Nodding shyly, you watch as he back away and treads to the place you both once came through before, gently shutting the door behind him. You can’t help but chuckle as you watch Edward give you a quick wink before he disappears behind the door. 
The short company was quite nice while it lasted, but you knew his adventurous ways would need him elsewhere, or lead him into the unknown. It sounded rather exciting, and at the same time frightening.
You go to one of the windows and watch Edward head back for the docks, sighing heavily as he disappears into the crowd like a sparrow perching in a pine tree. He was gone.
And who knows when you would see him again. You wouldn’t lie if a part of you wanted to get back on that ship with him.
Your home would always be open to him, as well as your heart. 
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Poison ( V )
Villain’s are people too, are they not? (Y/N) is taking the “home grown” terror title a little too seriously. You’re really really bad, until you meet a certain super soldier who makes you consider a career change. It’s a lengthy process, but you’re willing if it’s for the right reasons. Maybe you’re not so bad after all?
//basically poison ivy and a little bit of bane but with marvel characters?? I’d be original but I love her and them so much so sorry. also some changes, idk I’m making them my own but completely based of the DC characters SNS. Nickname Ivy, real name, yours duh!//
***this is my first attempt at fanfic so any feedback is welcome! I love all these characters dearly so, here goes nothing! Hope you enjoy***
A/N: Violence, language, crime. Friendly banter, lowest level of smut possible {I’ll update these as the chapters come out}
recap: you were drunk and heading to bed, your reputation with the Avengers seems to be doing better.———————————————————————————————————
Bucky was up before everybody else, nightmares tend to have that effect on a person, so he wandered the compound like he always did. He knew every corner, every step and every curve of the technologically advanced palace. Venturing out and admiring how far society had come in terms of architecture and technology, gazing at the large rustic clock that hung over the marble fireplace beneath it, wondering just how many parts made up such a huge clock. Were there as many parts in the clock as there were in his arm? He'd probably never know, but it was still enticing to think about. Bucky's favorite place though, was the glass walkway that connected the garage to the main part of the compound. He was thrilled by the idea of making a secured walkway out of something so easily broken as glass. The amount of light that always seemed to shine through always brought him a sense of serenity. The ability to be free, yet also confined to a safe and armoured area was just what his never resting mind needed. He looked through the windows, staring into the rising sun as it filled the rest of the earth with golden rays of warmth.
Once the sun has officially taken its place in the sky, he made his way back to the kitchen. The weirdly shaped plastic pod popped into the modern coffee pot as he waited for his mug to be filled with black coffee.
"You know, Sam's gonna kill ya for drinking out of his mug again." A sleepy Steve walked smoothly into the kitchen. His white shirt loose for the first time in history, shifting with his hips as he walked to a seat near the island.
"If he ever wakes up we'll talk about it." Bucky retorted as he tipped the glass to his lips. He looked at the clock about the oven, it was barely seven AM, and after a night of heavy drinking, Bucky was lucky to see anybody, especially Sam, before noon. The abnormal twists and contortions of Steve's body on the bar stool produced a very concerning vibe for Bucky. He could tell there was news to share, but a nagging voice in the back of his head lead him to believe it wasn't good news, at least for himself.
"Speaking of people who won't be up for a while," Steve began. "I might have spent a period of time with the newest team member." Steve wiggled his eyebrow suggestively, looking very pleased with himself. Bucky's hands clenched, subtly cracking the handle of Sam's mug. His body reacting before his mind could, metal parts whirred and tightened at the sound of Steve's words.
"What do you mean?" Bucky asked, trying to mask the anger in his voice with intrigue. He spoke calmly, trying his hardest to be friendly and supportive. It had been a while since Steve was this jazzed about a girl, but it felt wrong. Bucky wasn't interested, but imagining Steve with her wasn't something he wanted to think about, ever.
"Well, after everybody went to bed there was a loud noise from her room. I checked on her and she was just laying on the floor." Bucky heard the noise too. How stupid could he be? HE should have gone and checked on her, and all of this could have been avoided.
"I picked her up, slowly though because of her tendency to jump to her defenses. She laughed a lot, but I got her sitting up and she slurred a thanks to me. You know, I never noticed how normal she was until right then, the whole teams been trying to kill her before she kills them and there she was, drunk and sleepy just like everybody else." Bucky's ear were red hot, listening to Steve describe Ivy as if he just realized she was a human being, it made him nauseous. He knew Steve was coming from a good place but, how do you listen to your best friend gush over a murderer?
"Then she kissed me. It was shocking, but welcome. Buck, she's amazing. I don't think she'll remember because the kiss was short, but she did say lucky her, well, I think at least, she definitely said something that sounded like lucky. Isn't that great Buck?" NO. No. Nope. NO. DAMMIT BUCKY NO. How was he supposed to react to that? Shake his hand and congratulate him. She was evil, and, well, quite frankly a flirt and just not right for Steve.
"I don't know Steve, I think the two of you would cause a lot of trouble." Steve's giddy mood hitched suddenly and hard. Trouble? He's America's golden boy, what trouble could he possibly cause? Steve mind flashed back before the war, before the serum, to how all of Bucky and his night's used to go, resentment creeping into his mind.
"And why is that?" Steve crossed his arms and shifted his weight to his right leg, face twisted tightly as he awaited Bucky's response.
"You guys are both lawless, breaking rules you think are unjust. The two of you would be great, uh, but you need a nice girl Steve, and she's a little.." He didn't know how to end that sentence; seeing the look in Steve's eye, the anger, caused his brain to malfunction.
"She's a little what, Buck? More your type?" That hit Bucky a little harder than it was probably supposed to. Your type? As if murderous, lawless, rebels were his type all of a sudden.
"Wha- No, Steve that's not what I'm saying, she's just-" Steve's emotions took over the conversation as all rational thought had been thrown out the window. He fought with Bucky. As his best friend he should be happy for him, not lecturing him about finding a good girl. Old Bucky would have celebrated that a girl even talked to him, but no, new Bucky couldn't accept the fact that he was fair game now.
"No. Stop talking. You just can't handle that a woman might actually be interested in me instead of you, huh? It's just like old times, if she doesn't want you then something's wrong with her?" Steve's anger bubbled over to fury. Bucky had always had all the female attention, and now that Steve wasn't doing so bad himself Bucky was just going to gut him? That's not the Bucky he remembered.
"Steve, no. I'm not interested I just mean-" Flustered, Bucky tried to explain, he really did just want what's best for Steve.
"You know what, I'm done with this conversation. I wanted to talk to my best friend about a girl. Which is to much to ask for nowadays." He stormed out of the room, pissed off that Bucky wasn't happy for him. Sure, he might not know if he actually likes Ivy, or if it's just the allure of the potential threat that she is, but still, he kissed a girl, a girl kissed him. Bucky should've been happy for Steve, they're best friends, he couldn't have kept his bad opinions to himself this one time? Steve pouted all the way back to his room, so caught up in his emotional turmoil that he completely missed you walking out of your room and towards the kitchen.
You meant to smile at Steve, but he seemed down, and was hardly paying attention to his surroundings, so you avoided any contact. You were severely hungover, but all your time as an RN had really taken a toll on your body, so sleeping in was never an option. You solemnly walked your way towards the coffee pot, noticing Bucky at the last minute. He too seemed off, trouble in paradise probably. You left it alone, he normally avoided you anyways so you weren't going to go out of your way to say anything to the metal-armed hunk. You pulled your coffee cup away from the machine, adding just enough creamer and sugar to make it taste good, but not enough so that it wouldn't actually taste like coffee. The silence that filled the room was comfortable, then again you were used to most people being quiet around you, especially Bucky. As you traced the ring of your mug with your fingertip, something, a small tug in your brain was trying to remind you of something urgent. Looking up at Bucky for a split second, you heard the alarm inside your head, but couldn't figure out why you're inner fight or flight mode was being activated. Something happened, something including Bucky. Bucky. Bucky.. Nothing. Nothing came to mind as you racked your brain trying to remember this thing that's sounding alarm bells inside your head. You knew you'd been drunk, very drunk, but you'd remember sleeping with somebody. You definitely hadn't fought him, mostly because he was still alive(All the physical fighting's just for show, if you were attacked one touch and they'd be in a body bag). You hadn't walked in on anybody. What on earth did you do that was so terrible your cheeks were burning bright red? You contemplated every reason for you to possibly be embarrassed by and nothing. It wasn't until you saw him wipe excess coffee away from his sweet lips that you remembered everything.
You had tripped walking to the bathroom, you didn't have to pee or anything you just wanted to take your makeup off and brush your teeth. You were exhausted, and after falling so many times that night you just gave up, laying still to gain the courage to try to walk again when he came in. Broad, strong shoulders, and large biceps picking you up from the floor and setting you on your bed. A muffled, "Are you okay?" was heard through your drunk and sleepy haze. You knew who it was, who else would hear a small bump in the night and check it out?  The room was dark so you couldn't make out his features, but you knew, drunk you was sure of who it was. He asked a few more questions and helped you sit up straight, the two of you were already close, thighs touching as the two of you sat on your bed. You'd been crushing on him for so long, even before you became an Avenger-In-Training. He was everything you thought a man should be, a little broken, but with a huge heart and a dedication to do what was right, not what was legal. You couldn't help yourself, you just had to do it. You leaned in and kissed him right on the lips, hoping to God he would reciprocate the gesture, and to your surprise he did. He cupped his hand around your face, his rough calluses caressing your smooth cheek. "Bucky." You sighed, he was so incredible, you'd kept up with him since before the Avengers knew about him and had been fascinated ever since. He was strong, mentally and physically, but understands his trauma and how it affects his day to day life, and works through it. You'd never been so in love with a person you'd never met before, so when you finally did meet him, it was hard to stay a cold hearted bitch. He was so wonderful, you didn't want the kiss to stop, but refused to be the drunken lay of the Avengers compound and pulled away. A soft, "Goodnight." Was all that escaped your lips as he left your room.
Looking at him in the present light, sober, and completely off guard kicked you in the stomach. You tried to hide the embarrassment, attempting to keep the squirming to a minimum. You could feel him staring at you, he definitely remembered. Oh god how could you have been so irresponsible? Kissing a coworker after a couple bottles of alcohol? How stereotypical. You had to say something right? It's not like you could just sweep it under the rug? This was kind of a big deal.
"Hey, uh. Bucky." You started, could this be any more awkward? You were about to find out. "About last night, I-uh, I wanted to apologize for being so forward. I was really really drunk and I just kinda went for it without any notice on your behalf and if I made things between us worse then I'm really sorry and uh, we can forget about it all you want." Smooth Ivy, real smooth.
Bucky stood and stared at you for a while, trying to figure out what exactly you were talking about. He hadn't talked to you at all that night, he kept his distance and watched you from far away, and you definitely hadn't come and said anything to him after all that drinking. Bucky thought about what you could mean, knowing he wasn't drunk and had no clue as to what you were referencing, he figured he'd ask.
"I would love to accept your apology," Good, good okay so now you can just forget it right? "But I don't have any idea what you're talking about."
"You, you don't?" You were taken aback, was he drunk too? Maybe he didn't remember either? God were you going to have to say it out loud? How much more horrifying could this get?
"We, well I guess I, no we, well after I fell last night you came and helped me up from the floor, made sure I was good or whatever and then I... well.. you remember right?" Every muscle, blood vessel, and neuron in Bucky's body froze in their tracks. Was she about to say-
"Well I kissed you, and I was super drunk and I just wanted to apologize because you've made it clear you want nothing to do with me but yeah. I'm sorry we made out, uh, I was very drunk, and it won't happen again." You looked at a now stoic Bucky, was he angry? Oh god, you've really done it now.
"Uh, so yeah we don't ever have to speak about our kiss ever again, and I'm gonna go hide in shame, so thanks? I don't know, yeah, uh, bye, thanks." You grabbed your mug and headed straight for your room. What happened to cool and calm Ivy? What happened to kill a bitch Ivy? What the fuck IVY?! YOU DUMB BITCH IVY HOW WAS THAT SO AWKWARD FUCK. You grasped your coffee with both hands, silenting scream at yourself. You tried to stay positive, thinking, well. It can't get any worse than that. (Oh how wrong you were.)
Bucky stood frozen in the exact spot where you'd left him. Trying his hardest to process all the information that was just thrown at him. YOU thought it was HIM who kissed you last night? YOU thought YOU kissed HIM. YOU had, drunkenly, wanted to kiss HIM? But it was Steve, you kissed Steve? But you thought it was him? And now Steve was mad because he wasn't happy for him, but Ivy didn't think it was Steve at all, she thought it was HIM. SHE WHISPERED BUCKY! NOT LUCKY HER. Good god what was going on. How the fuck was he supposed to figure this one out on his own.
"Looks like you've got yourself a bit of a problem, huh?" Why? Why did God forsake him like this?
"Please tell me you didn't hear any of that." Bucky silently prayed that Sam hadn't heard a word, knowing that Steve had already shared the news with Sam, so Sam knew exactly what she was talking about.
"Oh, no. I heard all of it. You thought Steve was mad before, he's gonna kill you now." It was everything in Bucky not to slap the stupid smug grin off of Sam's face.  
"Don't. Say. A. Word. Deal?"
"Deal? I'm not getting anything out of that agreement, Bucko." Sam wasn't going to tell sweet old Steve any of it regardless, but he never missed a chance to piss Bucky off.
"I'll replace your mug?" Bucky wasn't the best at bargaining, he usually just punched the person, got what he needed, and went on his way.
"You were already going to do that." He was right, Bucky had accidentally broken a few of Sam's mugs and replaced them all, sometimes without him noticing.
"I'll leave you and Steve alone for 'bro-time' or whatever you call it?" Negotiations were easier when you could kill the person afterwards. Now he actually had to do what he said.
"Again, you already kinda do that." True, Bucky was never much of a 'large group' kind of guy, and sometimes more than Steve counted as a large group.
"Fine. $50?"
"My man, we are in business." A large slap landed on the back of Bucky's back as Sam chuckled at his big business deal. He was screwed. Steve was somehow already in love with you, and the moment that made Steve think you liked him too, you thought it was Bucky. The whole situation was giving Bucky a headache. There wasn't any way for him to casually bring it up to you or Steve, he'd just have to sit there and wait for the brutal reality to fall on them.
You were a wreck, he had just sat there the entire time and said nothing. You'd always thought he was different, sweet, just a little damaged by society just like you. The talks the two of you have had ((when he was slightly drugged but still)) were so deep and meaningful, and it's like he doesn't remember any of it now. Was it because you were within reach? Was he just falling back on old ways and your conversations didn't meant anything? Was he disgusted by you? With the devil and Angels on your shoulders yelling distracting you, you ran smack dab into the center of Steve very hard chest, collapsing at the impact.  
"Oh shoot, sorry Ivy I- I, uh, wasn't paying attention."  He was jumpier than normal, you noted subconsciously.
"No, no you're fine Steve I, wasn't paying attention either.  A lot going on, yanno?"
"Yeah, yeah I do." Steve had such a fondness in his heart for you. How sweet you ended up being once he you got past all that ice. He felt compelled to do something, he had to, right? After a night like that he had to do something to solidify the actions? Your smile was enough for him to gather the courage. He grabbed you by your waist and pulled you into a deep, passionate kiss. You were shocked at first, not wanting to react or kiss back, but the care radiating from his lips, and the general amazing feeling it gave you changed your mind. Not long after his surprising gesture, you had your arms wrapped around his neck , deepening the kiss as your tongues tangled in each others mouths. You felt hot, and wanted more, much more. You pulled down softly on his neck, his hands finding their way to your hips as he gently pushed you against the wall. His hand rests on your thigh, raising it to his own as the two of you exchanged silent, sloppy words. You broke the kiss, only to rest your lips along his neck, kissing softly as you felt his body tense, you were both hot, body's craving more as the loneliness hit you harder. You knew it was wrong, but for a moment his hands were cold enough to be mistaken for Bucky's. It felt so right, and then he grabbed you by your chin, twisting your head and returning the loving neck kisses. You couldn't deny how starved you were of attention, how much you needed somebody to touch and love you, how Steve was an opportunity to have a loving embrace. Your hands trailed their way from his chiseled chest to his cold belt buckle, lust devouring any rational thought that popped into your head. You were ready to give Captain America everything you were, and he was ready to receive it. Steve went to open the door to whatever room the two of you were in front of, when the whirring of metal made the two of you jump apart and run away very quickly. You walked into your room, cursing yourself for falling so easily into Steve. It was great, wonderful actually his lips on yours, his lips on your skin, but you wanted Bucky, you had to have Bucky, and now it just became even more complicated because you decided to think with what's between your legs instead of your head. Maybe he didn't think anything of it, he had been known to be very iffy with women so maybe you just weren't for him and he'd let you know next time he saw you. You weren't really his type anyways, he was a good guy, loved a blonde bombshell who volunteered and read to children and blah blah blah. He wasn't into you, you were a bad guy, past tense, but still he would never,  right?
Steve felt like he could fly, the embrace the two of you just shared solidified the fact that he wanted you, and vice versa. He was going to continue his plan to somehow get you to commit to him. He knew your history with men was deadly, but he wasn't about to let that stop him. You were stunning and beautiful, and funny. You lit his skin on fire, just a touch and he was ready tear whatever clothes you were wearing off immediately. He wanted you, mind, body and soul, and he wanted you bad.
Bucky had wanted to talk to you, to tell you that it wasn't him but he wished it had been. He wanted to say that he would love to talk to you more, he wanted to tell you how he felt weirdly connected to you. And then he walked upon you and Steve basically fucking in the hallway.
His heart dropped. Seeing you with him, he knew it happened the night before, but you had thought it was him. You definitely knew it was Steve this time. Did he drive you to this? Or did you only want Bucky to get to Steve? Had you apologized because you and Steve were already dating? Who came onto who? Bucky didn't know what to think, but seeing Steve's hands rummage so sloppily over your full hips and waist ignited a fury inside him he hadn't felt in a long time. Was this jealousy? He couldn't remember what it felt like to be jealous but this was definitely what he thought it felt like. He was pissed, not only at Steve but also himself for not saying anything when you came to him. He could've said so many things that would have prevented that explicit scene in the hallway, but instead he remained speechless, silenced like always. It wouldn't happen again, he couldn't, WOULD NOT, let Steve have you. He could have any girl he wanted, you were his. And after 70 years of being deprived of needs, he would have you to himself. Someway, somehow, he knew he would, even if he had to dip back into his HYDRA roots he would find a way for you to love him, you were a villain after all.
// sorry for the wait, a girls been kept busy. Hope the chapter turned out well, and thank the lord for the wonderful @lunathepettuna for being the cure to writer's block! Check out her amazing writing if you get a chance! If anybody has anything they’d like to see lemme know! Thanks again! P.S. if you guys want to throw random vocab words at me I’ll try and find a way to incorporate them and tag you! Thanks for reading! May Odin bless you! //
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deluxedolans · 6 years
Numbers 93,53, and 149 pleaseeeeee
hi, baby! thank you so much for wanting to see my takes on these prompts💙 I love you and hope you’re having a good weekend!! also sorry this ended up being really long!
A/N: I know absolutely nothing about Fortnite other than Victory Royales, so sorry for any inaccuracies hehe.
I am not currently taking requests for any of the drabble prompts. 💙
Prompts: #93. “You didn’t just wake me up at 2am because you were ‘in the mood’”, #53. “That wasn’t very subtle.” & #149. “I just need ten minutes.”
The sun beamed down on your bikini clad body, as you reclined back in your lounge chair, the cool ocean breeze running through your hair. One hand dangled over the side of the chair, your fingers grazing the sand, while the other held a refreshing piña colada. You threw your head back in bliss, your cheeks facing upwards to soak in the heat of the sun. Suddenly, your hand that hung over the side of the chair was embraced by a larger one. You looked down to see Ethan’s hand enveloping your own, rubbing it back and forth as his lips were saying words that you couldn’t understand.
“What?” You asked him, asking him to clarify his words, or speak up so you could hear him. 
In response to  your expression,  he then began to tap your hand in urgency. “Babe, what are you saying?”
“Y/N, wake up! Wake up!” Wake up? You thought you were already awake. Then you felt two pairs of fingers begin to poke into your side …
“Babe, wake up! I have to show you something!” Ethan’s voice rang out throughout the bedroom, his excitement evident.
“Hmmm? I just need ten minutes.” You still weren’t fully awake yet, and to be honest, you didn’t really want to be. From behind your eyelids you could tell it was still dark out and definitely way too early to be woken up.
“Babe, babe, can I just show you something for one second, open your eyes, please!” Ethan shook you gently, and grabbed at your hands, encouraging you to sit up in bed.
“I swear to God if it’s your dick, Ethan, I’m gonna deck you,” you warned, your voice thick with sleep.
“I’m not naked, but if I were, would that be so bad?” Ethan inquired. “I can take you any place, anywhere, anytime–.”
“The time is not now, Ethan!” Since you had yet to make any movements, Ethan scooped you up in his arms. Your eyes popped open at his actions, annoyed at his persistence.
“Look, baby, I got a victory royale again! I played in advanced mode too, so all the guys I placed against were amazing. It was touch and go for awhile but–.”
“So you didn’t just wake me up at 2am because you were ‘in the mood?” you interrupted, pushing your hair back from your face.
The big grin on Ethan’s face brought warmth to your heart at his happiness, but also disappointment  at the realization that his desperation to wake you up wasn’t because he wanted to fuck you.
“No! See! I won, babe, I won–.” You smiled softly at him, settling back into the pillows. “I’m very happy for you, babe,” you said as you rubbed your eyes, glancing at the TV screen at the front of the room decorated in bright colors indicating Ethan’s victory.
“You gonna come to bed now?” You asked, raising a brow, and patting the space beside you.
Ethan shook his head, reaching back for the controller that was left on his gaming chair, “Nah, I’m probably gonna play for a bit more. I’m sorry for waking you, babe, I just got excited.” Ethan’s smile displayed all of his teeth, his enthusiasm for his PlayStation clear in his facial expression.
“After all that, you’re not coming to bed?” You were incredulous; Ethan literally woke you up in the middle of the night to tell you about him winning a round of Fortnite, (which was not surprising in the slightest), but the fact that he woke you up and wouldn’t come cuddle was a little annoying.
“Nope, I’m gonna play a few more rounds. You can go back to bed, though, baby.” You ran a hand over your face at Ethan’s words; you were wide awake now. You always had a hard time sleeping when Ethan wasn’t right there next to you; when you had laid in bed hours earlier, your head was settled on Ethan’s bare chest, and his arm was wrapped around you tightly, but now the space next to you felt cold and lonely, the need for your boyfriend growing stronger with each passing moment.
You sighed softly, trying to cuddle down under the covers. You slid open your phone, and noticed you’d received a few texts while you were asleep. One was from your mom saying good night and that she missed you, the other was from your best friend, Annie, responding to a meme you had sent, and the other was from an unknown number. Curious, you clicked the contents of the text to see what this mystery person had said:
Unknown (11:32 PM):
Hey Y/N, it’s Mike. I’m drybk rn, and just wanted to say I miss u
You internally rolled your eyes. Mike was a guy from your Intro to World History class that you had to do a year long project with last semester. Mike was very nice at the beginning of the year; always offering for you two to work on the project at his place, and buying supplies for the assignment. However, whenever you and Mike would go to the house you shared with the twins to work on your project, you could feel Ethan attempting to contain his possessiveness from a mile away; constantly interrupting the conversations you two would have regarding any class notes, his eyes narrowing whenever you’d laugh at a joke Mike would make, and continuously walking by you two in the living room, making sure that nothing suspicious was occurring.
In spite of the fact that Ethan trusted you, he always had gotten bad vibes off of Mike; Ethan claimed that he could just tell that Mike had a crush on you. However, you were fully, and completely in love with Ethan and you were deeply convinced that Mike didn’t see you that way; all things that you reiterated to Ethan time and time again, but still, his concerns surrounding your history project partner persisted.
You scrolled on to the next message,
Unknown (11:35PM):
I miss when we’d order pizza and hang out
Hang out? You guys were working on your history project …  you weren’t “hanging out”.
Unknown (11:36PM):
Are u ignoring mw????
Unknown (11:40PM):
Answer me
Your eyes widened at his urgency; maybe Ethan was right about Mike having a crush on you.
“Babe?” You called out, attempting to drag his attention away from the flashing television screen. Ethan ignored you; too engrossed in his game to hear what you were saying.
“Babe, I have to show you something.” You cringed internally, your current words sounding so familiar to what he said only thirty minutes ago.
“Hang on a sec, babe, I’ll be there in a minute,” Ethan murmured, his fingers punching into the controller furiously as he attempted to shoot down the enemy.
Unknown (12:00AM):
I jsut wanna see ur beautiful fsce and then I’ll be good
The messages went on and on all the way up until one ‘o clock when they stopped.
“Babe, I really need to show you something,” you urged, your eyes practically bugging out of your head as you saw the texts escalate.
“Just let me finish this round, and I promise then I’ll snuggle with you, baby.”
You sighed. Then, your phone began to ring, of course, the number popping up unknown. At first, you thought of ignoring it; clearly you had zero interest in Mike. However, maybe this phone call would finally snap Ethan out of his gaming trance.  
“Y/N? I’m so glad you answered! I misssss you so much. I need to talk to you,” Mike slurred, his voice loud as he attempted to make his voice heard among the wild background noise.
“Listen, you’re drunk, please stop texting me–..”
Upon hearing your command, Mike’s voice immediately dropped several octaves, “No, you listen to me. Eddie is no good for you, I can be so much better for you.”
“His name is Ethan, you jackass, and I don’t like you that way, please stop contacting me,” you pleaded, your voice raising as you yourself became frustrated. He knew you were in a relationship, and still he was being an asshole.
Ethan’s head turned back quickly when he heard his name, and he paused the game as soon as he saw you were on the phone. He took his headset off, now giving you his full attention.
“Who are you talking to?” Ethan mouthed, his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.
You put your phone to your shoulder, blocking the speaker from your mouth, “Just guess.” You responded, hitting a button so the call was on speakerphone.
“He treats you like shit, I bet he can’t even fuck you right with his chode dick. You deserve so much better than him, Y/N, and I can give you that. Come over here and I’ll make you scream just by looking at me–.”
Ethan’s eyes turned dark as soon as he heard Mike’s drunken voice come through the speakers. “You have got to be kidding me right now. I fuckin’ knew it!”
Ethan took the phone out of your hands, his hands shaking with rage, “The only way she’s gonna be screamin’ is when she’s running away from your ugly ass. Don’t you dare call her again. In fact, don’t call my girl, don’t look at my girl, don’t even breathe near my girl. There’s a reason she’s with me and not with you, asshole. I knew you were a fucking prick from the moment I met you–.”
“Y/N, call me when you’re ready for a real man.”
“You motherfucker, you call me when you’re ready to handle this like a real man. Fuck you, you motherfucker, take a hint, she doesn’t want you. We have more fun together in one second than you’ll ever have in your miserable life. If I ever see you even inhale in her direction, I’ll wreck you. Leave her the fuck alone.” And with that, Ethan hung up the phone, his chest heaving, and his free hand balled in a fist.
Ethan’s mouth open and shut several times in both anger and shock.
“I told you so.” Ethan whispered, his eyes narrowed in anger. “Have I mentioned I hate that guy?” EThan growled, pacing around them room.
“Well, no shit. That wasn’t very subtle,” you said flatly, walking after Ethan.
You sighed, “baby, I’m sorry I–.”
Ethan whipped around suddenly, grabbing your hips and pulling you in so your foreheads were touching. “No, you tried to tell me; don’t you dare apologize to me. I’ll be spending the rest of this night making it up to you, and I don’t care if it’s three AM.” Ethan smirked, picking you up by the back of your thighs and walking you back to bed.
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Episode 16 and 17- “I'm trying to go from the girl who lived to the girl who won okay”-Autumn
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On... the wrong side of the vote again, which sucks but as I have said before, Lily was definitely one of my biggest competitions in the game!  I am SO SHOOK that I am sitting in the final four right now.  Not to sound all cocky but I feel like I have a little bit of a chance!   I feel like if I do make it I will get dragged by all of the jurors for playing a bit of a snake-y game but I think at the same time it has been a GOOD game.  I've withheld information and told information all at the right times to make it this far anyway.   If I want to make it to the final three I HAVE to win this immunity.  Seriously, everything is riding on this because obviously Autumn and Chips are going to continue working together and Juls would be a FOOL to make it go to a firemaking challenge to give me a chance to stay in.   I'm feeling VERY lonely right now without Lily to talk to but I'm going to push through and try to look on the bright side.  THIS is what I wanted, like I needed her to go so I could push my way to the end but I just wasn't ready for it to happen yet! So, when I play Survivor I get fourth place very often... maybe I can break that trend by winning this immunity.  FINGERS CROSSED!!  
2 hours later
I just wrote my ROP and I am so emotional right now.  I'm glad that I'm done and can just sleep and cry and not have to worry about any game related stuff until the challenge tomorrow.  I feel like it will be some kind of endurance-y thing so time to get in some sleep, a nap tomorrow and work my ass off to get myself into the final three!   I didn't realize how sad I was about Lily leaving until writing ROP, who knew this was going to hit me as bad as Dan and Owen going home did.   If I do make it to the end I am AWFUL at answering questions on the spot so I'm not looking forward to that.  I also can't handle getting dragged by the jury without like awkwardly laughing or crying so... if I do make it this will be fun.  
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Wow. So the vote was definitely A LOT. Lily lied all day and had a plan with Ruthie (trying to bring in Juls) to vote Autumn. I wanted to vote for Lily pretty much all day and then she pitches to me that voting Autumn makes sense because it would improve my odds of winning if I go to the end since Autumn and I share a lot of credit in the game. Of course I know that that is a lot of bull since there is nothing but immunity to stop Ruthie and Lily from voting me the following round. Then I'm kind of... stuck!!! Whatever move I make for the vote does not benefit ME. I either give power to the Hufflepuffs by keeping the two intact to plan to eliminate me or I give power to Autumn to turn around at final tribal and say that I've been her goat this whole time. I told Autumn before the vote that she has nothing to fear from me flipping on her and let her know exactly what Lily told me. I know that probably makes me seem cringe but I am an ally! I have played all of merge WITH Autumn and I honestly feel that if either she or I make FTC and win that WE have won. I don't really care if I'm given the title or she is because we have worked the votes and the players to get results that we needed and have taken pretty much every curveball thrown at us in stride. We have made it to final four without any advantages to play and I guarantee that if Autumn does not win immunity that I am going to let her go to fire making.
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I still can't believe it honestly. Like I can because Gryffindor is THAT house but whew chile the emotions. Saving me is the key to my heart so if Juls and Chips ever need anything, they know who to call
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Can we talk about how bad my memory is? LOL.  Okay- I'm sure I can win the endurance and I have a cute idea that BETTER win the creativity one.  I'm just going to work on the puzzle as much as I can and HOPE that even with that bad memory score I can knock the rest of these things out of the park! I NEED THIS TO STAY IN!
10 hours later
I am so nervous about this challenge!  I NEED to win this.  I know I bombed the memory comp but I think I did pretty good on the creative part, I'm ROCKING this endurance challenge and I think I'm doing pretty good on the puzzle too.  I!  Have!  A!  Chance! If I end up not winning I'll be happy with myself for trying my hardest though.   I'm so tired, I set a bunch of alarms on my phone so I could sleep and wake up to post for the challenge and while I did get sleep the waking up and going back to sleep thing took a toll on me, haha!  
12 hours later
I am a GONER!!  I am happy for Autumn though- she won it fair and square.  I really don't have anything up my sleeve to try and stay except for maybe using the note power thing?  I don't know what good it would do.  I am both sad and happy at the same time.  Maybe one of them will have a revelation and decide they want to get Juls or Chips out before FTC but I think my time here is gone.  It has been fun and I can't wait to get a good nights sleep tonight, hehe. 
30 minutes later
Juls saying she has to think about things is key word for what I thought... I'm gone!  It is okay though and I really don't blame her.  She said some very sweet things to me though which means SO much but if I were in her position I'm not sure that I would take me either.   I'm not sure that I would win but I did vote wrong many times and I formed close relationships with a lot of the jury members.  It will be AMAZING if I stay but I've already kind of got it in my head that I'm going.   I have NO IDEA who I will vote for.  Autumn really brought it for that last challenge and I could really see her winning this whole thing- which is why I wanted her gone for a few rounds now!  Chips has also played a great game and the fact that he's gotten out of being voted out says a lot about him too.  As for Juls I also think that she played a great game.  Kind of a low key game and I'm sure she is going to get some questions like... "WHAT DID YOU DO???" but I think she played a great game, won the chess immunity and could also take this whole thing home.  
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The immunity challenge was four parts! Woohoo? It was a lot! And if I"m being honest I don't know that I will ever again do a 24 hour challenge. I will probably just do it ONE TIME in the future. If I wanted to feel like I had a newborn again I would have another child. Autumn won immunity by the skin of her teeth (which is awesome because I was on the bottom end of third place) and so now I believe Ruthie is the final vote of the season. This will make it all Gryffindors going into the final tribal council. I don't know that Juls would vote me instead of Ruthie at this point, but if she does then I'm pretty sure we are going to enter into firemaking me versus Ruthie - since I'm pretty confident Ruthie will be voting me one last time before the season's voting rounds come to an end. It's exciting to probably be going into final tribal council and I'm going to do my best to talk myself up to the jury. I played the best game that I could play in the situation I was in at merge and I don't think it was necessarily a goat game - I just think that I am going in with a frontrunner in my duo partner as well as having done very little to differentiate myself from her to make myself shine. Going to have to dig in to past events and rounds to come up with something twistos twisty to stand out.
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I don't have time to film a video rn now cause Akhmim boys are getting on my nerves lmao BUT yes I will give yall one more this weekend since I'm IMMUNE and I got time. I'm trying to go from the girl who lived to the girl who won okay
next day
Ok so this is pre-FTC lmao and I'm unsure whether to film anything else but THANK YOU to everyone who watched and or played. It has been both a pleasure and an honor to get to know you and entertain you. And special thanks to the hosts cause they really snapped and I hope they continue this series/ they really have my blessing  
 Now drop the draft lmao I wanna know the tea
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its-kiripima-to-you · 8 years
All of the vaguely nsfw asks 💗
1. Are looks important in a relationship? Not really, I mean if they’re good looking that’s cool but it’s not the end all be all.
2. Are relationships ever worth it? I think so, yeah.
3. Are you a virgin? YEET
4. Are you in a relationship? YEAH BOIIII
6. Are you single this year? Nah son
7. Can you commit to one person? Of course.
8. Describe your crush Perfection and all mine. My Kinzie.
9. Describe your perfect mate Someone who’s my lover and best friend who I can be open with. Someone who genuinely cares for me and is loyal.
10. Do you believe in love at first sight? I do with food. Sometimes with people
11. Do you ever want to get married? Eventually
12. Do you forgive betrayal? Never
13. Do you get jealous easily?Sometimes yeah
14. Do you have a crush on anyone? My girl
15. Do you have any piercings? two in each lobe
16. Do you have any tattoos? Thinking about getting them
17. Do you like kissing in public? If it’s in good taste.
20. Do you shower every day? Most times, sometimes every other day.
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you? Yes
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Maybe?
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? I know I can.
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? I have no clue but I’m no seer
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year? I’m in one, hot shot.
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? I don’t think so, I know I’ve said it.
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you? I don’t think so? This one boy named his Build-A-Bear Jackie Legs when we were 8 and I was uncomfortable as hell.
28. Have you ever been cheated on? Yes, and I fucking hate them.
29. Have you ever cheated on someone? Hell fucking no
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body? lol no
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? yeh
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? Yeah
33. Have you ever had sex with a man? No
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman? No
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yeah
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends? Yes
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? Yep
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yup
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? Yeeep
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone? I wrote a fan fiction exposing them as the horrible person they were and it got popular and I don’t talk about it.
41. Have you had sex so far this year? What’s sex? Is that a plant?
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? Tbh it really depends on the person, your comfort zones, and your connection and whatnot
43. How long was your longest relationship? 7 months
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 8 boyfriends 1 girlfriend (who I’m currently with)
45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013? My boyfriend at the time
46. How many times did you have sex last year? WHAT IS THIS SEX
47. How old are you? 19
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? K cool bye 
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? WHY YOU MAKING ME PICK WHERE’S THE ALADDIN SWOONING GIF??? LIKE??? Her eyes, her dimples, her giggle, how her nose crinkles a little when she laughs, her eyebrows are fuckin bomb, i love her lips…
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? lol no, fuck off
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? My squad and my girl
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why? Yeah, they were toxic
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? Nah
54. Is there someone you will never forget? There are lots of peoples
55. Share a relationship story. Hot Topic, last week. Oh boy.
56. State 8 facts about your body I’m left handed, I have a baby gap between my two front teeth, I have a scar on my calf from a broken bike pedal, I have a scar on my forehead from a lifeguard’s teeth, I have size 13 (in women’s) feet, my eyebrows look like mad scientist brows if I don’t do them, my neck is super sensitive, I’m ticklish af
57. Things you want to say to an ex I don’t wanna talk to them tbh
58. What are five ways to win your heart? Bring me you and food, call me cute nicknames and give me attention, actually listen and remember what I say, gimme cuddles, make me laugh
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!) or nahh
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners? uhhhh…. 6 years?
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone? lips, smile, eyes
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? Well right now if they brought me some dinner xD Well honesty is pretty sexy and validating me and just loving me
63. What is your definition of “having sex”? WHAT IS A SEX… but for real it just varies from person to person
64. What is your definition of cheating? Y’all fuckin know what it is. Dating someone else/ Having the sexuals with someone else
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine? YO THAT’S BETWEEN ME AND MY PARTNER
66. What is your favourite roleplay?Not tellin ya
67. What is your idea of the perfect date? Swing dancing, Diner Dinner, and a Drive-in movie
68. What is your sexual orientation? Bisexual with a preference for women
69. What turns you off? Lying, manipulation, being an asshole in the bad way, racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, fuckboys…
70. What turns you on? Praise from my partner, N E C K K I S S E S B O I, WHISPERED SWEET NOTHINGS, loyalty
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream? the wettest dream I had was when I shoved Sebastian Stan into a water fountain in Central Park, Y’ALL AIN’T GONNA KNOW MAH SEX DREMS
72. What words do you like to hear during sex? Y’all ain’t gonna know
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? TAKE ME DANCING PLEASE ALSO LOVE ME UNCONDITIONALLY 
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?  Gewd lewks
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? My best friend took me in when I got kicked out
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?I don’t know tbh
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? IF IT’S LEGAL THEN OKAY
78. What’s your dirtiest secret? Idk?
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why? wot
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? My baby brother a few days ago
81. Who are five people you find attractive? Kinzieeee, Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, Tom Holland, Paul Rudd
82. Who is the last person you hugged? My grandmother
83. Who was your first kiss with? This dude who kissed me at homecoming
84. Why did your last relationship fail? HE WAS A HOE WHO TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? yeet.
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