#this was kinda a short low(er) effort thing to satisfy the need to Make. but this poem has been saved in my 8104 folder for a hot minute lol
bright-and-burning · 4 months
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lando norris & oscar piastri x letters from medea by salma deera
(x x x x x)
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okay-what-if-rumir · 4 years
What if Amir really did kill Rupert in the Hollow? (Part 2)
If you thought the Heartland Discord server got angsty in that first part... you better hold on tight. (P.S. This is a separate AU than Part 1, no need to read the other part first.)
Okay hear me out… Amir ends up killing Rupert, but that's not what breaks the curse. The bastards still sink into the ground, but the Forest is still there. Amir and the Queens head home and try to rebuild something from the ashes of their kingdoms. It's too late for fighting. They've already lost so much. So the East and West become allies.
Amir runs himself ragged going back and forth between the two kingdoms.
Slowly enough that they barely notice at first, the forest begins to retreat.
Because "one kingdom triumphing" never meant one conquering the other. And their cooperation and trust with one another is what eventually breaks the curse.
Okay but what if then… Upendo comes along and she doesn't know who Rupert is but she ends up reviving him but Rupert has no memory.
And then the two of them go undercover to the kingdom (it doesn't have a name, so I'll just call it The Kingdom) but Amir is also passing by and he thinks he sees Rupert (which he does) and he just zooms around but he doesn't see him again. He's just like "I'm probably still in grief" and brushes it off
Upendo remembers hearing some rumors about how the Prince of the East lost a guy who he may or may not have liked and she puts two and two together and she realizes that Rupert (now named Fitz, as that is the name that he remembers the most) and she keeps it on the down low but lowkey interrogates Rupert about it.
Upendo: Do you remember having a significant other? Rupert: I mean I… slightly remember going to… a pool? With someone? It might not have been a pool, all I remember is water and some guy. It might not have been a significant other though.
Okay but what if the only thing he remembers is Amir's name. Like in Percy Jackson.
Upendo: Do you remember a name? Rupert: Amir Upendo: *lies* I don't know who that is, sorry.
So Upendo keeps making excuses to go to The Kingdom in hopes of having them reunite. And Amir, being the good guy he is, always goes around The Kingdom to check on the citizens and a few times he thinks he sees Rupert and he slowly calls out his name but he doesn't respond so he's just like "It's not him :( I'm seeing things"
But he notices the Rupert-look-alike keeps popping up around The Kingdom so he makes an effort to talk to him to "Check On The Citizens" (but in reality it's to satisfy his curiosity). Amir: Hello there! What's your name? Rupert: I go by Fitz! Amir: !!!!!!! Rupert: I'm not… completely sure that's my name though. Amir: Oh
And then "Fitz" mentions that he has amnesia and asks if he knows anyone named "Amir." At which point Amir short-circuits.
Amir: I… I… uhm Rupert: I guess you don't :( Sorry to bother you *Rupert walks back to Upendo*
So Amir just stands there for a good solid minute trying to process what just happened and when he kinda realizes "Oh, I'm blocking the road" he walks back to the castle and just kinda… sits down and stares at the wall. Still trying to process.
Why do you guys do this? JUST LET THEM BE TOGETHER!
Amir: … Amir: *walks back to the castle* Amir: *enters his room, locks the door* Amir: *sits and stares at the wall for a bit* Amir: *lies down on the bed and buries his face in the pillow* Amir: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA---
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(Artwork by @fluctuating-fangirl​)
Atossa, from downstairs: Amir are you okay? Amir, still screaming: I'M FINE DON'T WORRY
Amir: I'm fine, I just keep seeing my friend who is supposed to be dead and may or may not be a vivid hallucination brought on by grief!
(I like to think that Amir picks up Rupert's sarcasm after spending so much time with him)
Atossa: *breaks in* Okay you don't scream for no reason Amir, reluctantly: I think I've been seeing Rupert in the kingdom marketplace (or something) and I talked to him today and he said his name was Fitz which is what I called him back then and he says he has amnesia and he said he was wondering if I knew anyone named Amir and I didn't say anything and he thought that I didn't know so he said sorry and walked away and I'M AMIR AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON SO YES MOM I'M FINE. Atossa, takes 10 seconds to process this (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree): Do you think he's real? Amir: I DON'T KNOW Atossa: Maybe go to the marketplace again tomorrow and see if he's there and if he is then go talk to him again
Amir nods and she walks back to what she was doing and Amir just lies back on his bed and gets absorbed by his thoughts for the rest of the day.
On Rupert's end, Upendo is still relentlessly trying to get his memories back and she's desperately looking through her magic spellbooks or something and Rupert's sitting there playing with the wolves and then she finally sees a spell and then she realizes that it needs something from an important thing from the person's old life and so she calls Rupert over and asks "hey do you remember anything from your past life?"
Rupert: All I remember is "Amir"
And so she decides to go to the marketplace with him tomorrow saying they're bound to get something if they walk around. Plus she needs to restock up on food.
So Upendo and Rupert just walk around the marketplace the next day to get some things. Upendo: Okay we'll split up and that way we'll cover more ground.
So they do and lo and behold guess who's also at the marketplace that day it's Amir.
So they all kinda walk around the place until Amir sees Rupert again. Amir: Hello again Rupert: *smiles* Hello!
And they talk for a bit, and Amir's asking about how he got his amnesia and Rupert says he doesn't really know. The person who's taking care of him right now just kinda found him lying on the ground with a stab wound so… loss of blood?
And then Amir asks if he remembers much from his other life. Rupert: Well I told you yesterday, I remember being called Fitz, and I remember a name: Amir. I don't know who they are or were but they must've been important to me. I kinda was sent here to find some things that could be important to my past life so if you meet a guy named Amir please let me know. Amir: Well actually… uhhh Rupert: YOU MET A GUY NAMED AMIR??? Amir: ...my name's Amir.
They both are silent and then Rupert takes a piece of Amir's hair and runs back to Upendo.
He's running back to Upendo at full speed clutching the strand of hair like it's his lifeline and once he sees Upendo in the middle of a transaction he screams "HELLO YES I HAVE SOMETHING LET'S GO" and he runs back to wherever she lives and she's just ??? so she finishes paying the person and goes back to wherever she lives.
Meanwhile, Amir still isn't convinced that this "Rupert" isn't a hallucination but the slight prick of pain he gets from his hair getting pulled out may convince him that this Rupert is real and honestly at this point he's not sure which is better, him being real or not
So, once again he slowly walks back to the castle and just stares at the ceiling trying not to scream.
Atossa once again walks by and sees her son staring at the ceiling and so that has to mean something and so she decides to check in with him. She asks if it went well he's like "if the definition of well means the guy takes some of your hair and runs away then yes it went well" and honestly I don't know if anyone knows how to react to that so she just kinda… pats his knee and sits with him for a while until she has to go do something.
And I’ll leave you, dear Tumblr-er, to imagine the rest of the story because after this point the conversation turned or everyone went to bed or something.
@cat-copnt​ @fluctuating-fangirl​
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The thrilling adventures of a PA - Chapter Five : One man’s loss is another one’s gain. (Adam Sackler x Reader)
The nights have been short after what happened. You couldn’t find sleep, your mind kept rehashing that night, what you have said or done that might have laid to this, what you’ve could have done or said differently after he didn’t say anything all night long. It was tiring to say the least, combined with your work and the day to day life. It was starting to show, dark circles under your eyes, your shortened attention span and increased coffee consumption were obvious signs but working with actors rubbed off on you since you managed to fool the others until now, pretending everything was ok. But of course, you were not, and it was driving you crazy. Why were you stuck like this, knowing this must have been just a game for him, hoping for something that’ll never happen and hurting yourself for nothing ? It was ludicrous, completely laughable and once again you remember Stew’s words. So as you’re sat at your table, (barely) eating your lunch, you decide to move on, to stop been that wreck you’ve become and this time, you’ll stick to your plan. No more distractions, no more foolish hopes. You’ll do your job, perfectly, be nice and all but it’ll be it.
After you’re done, you go to the trailer park, walking mechanically towards Adam’s and you knock at the door. You hear footsteps inside, and you take a step back, knowing it’ll open in a few seconds, revealing the actor and you ready yourself for what’s to come. You take a deep breath and smile when he gets out, greeting you with a small ‘hello’. - ‘’We’re expected in 25 minutes on stage 8, are you ready to go ?’’, you ask him quietly, feeling he’s grumpy by the way he’s standing there, hand clenched on the doorknob. - ‘’Just give me a second, I’ve got something to finish first’’, he answers, getting back in the trailer and you nod, waiting as you cannot really do anything else for the moment. You cannot really hear what he’s saying but he seems pretty tensed. You jump a little when a loud thud resonates from the inside, the sound of a phone getting crashed on the floor it seems. You wonder what’s going on but just after you remind yourself that you’re not supposed to care about him anymore. - ‘’Adam?’’, you simply ask, as suddenly he rushes out, closing the door behind him in a loud clash. - ‘’I’ll need a new cellphone, can you get one for me ?’’, he simply throws at you as an answer, storming towards the stage without looking back. - ‘’Of course, you’ll have it tonight’’, you reply, brows furrowed for a second before you start walking behind him, letting him deal with whatever this is on his own. It’s not your problem and it never was after all. The rest of the day goes by in almost total silence but it’s not a bad thing in the end, it allows you to detach yourself, Once you’re home after getting some food from the little grocery store near your beuilding block, you check your mail and start preparing diner as tonight you’re hosting a small party at your place with some coworkers. Of course Shirley & Stew are going to be there along with Oona and the others but also some other technicians you’ve made friends with over the weeks. Nothing too fancy, just some snacks and drinks, a little chill evening to unwind after a hard day at work. Last time it was Oona’s turn to host and it was a nice setting as she had access to her building’s rooftop, so you try to make it up for it with a large variety of snacks. You’re not a good cook but you’re creative so you’ve come up with many different dips for the crips & vegetable sticks you’ve prepared for the occasion. You just hope you’ll be able to make the evening enjoyable for your guests, you all deserve a break and it would bother you to fail to provide that tonight. Once you’re all set, you take a quick look around and you’re pretty satisfied, the place looks cosy, invinting and the food is spread equally, if they don’t want to move too much they’ll be able to taste everything in one spot. Being a PA as also rubbed off on your organizing skiils, you tend to anticipate more, think ahead and it shows. A few months ago, such a party would result in utter choas because you’d have second guess yourself about everything, trying to please everyone to be accepted, leading to disaster because time would have fly by, leaving you with only one option, to order everythin & empty your meager savings just to save face. That xas progress, in the right way even & it made you smile. Who would’ve thought it possible only a few months ago ? Not yourself, for sure.
Before the first guests arrive, you go change your attire for something a bit more fitting but still quite comfy. You’re not going out after all, might as well just do the bare minimum, it’s not like you’re trying to get someone’s attention these days... A last look at yourself in the mirror and you go back to your living room, waiting for your friends who should be there in only a few minutes now. The first to knock is, not a surprise for you, Oona, who got her arms full of boxes, each containing her famous cupcakes. - “I think I’ve overdone myself this time”, she says laughing a bit as she comes in but knowing the others, there would be none left by the end of the evening. - “If you ever consider a career change, I suggest you open a bakery, I’ll be your most loyal customer, your cupcakes are to die for”, you tell her as she puts the boxes down on the table before she turns over to hug you. - “I’ll keep that idea in mind, maybe i’ll do it on the down low, like some people do it on Etsy or something”, she answers smiling before making herself at home. “Need a hand for something?” - “Nope, I’m all set as you can see but you’re sweet to ask.” Before you can say anything else, the others start arriving and so the party begins. You try your best to be a good host, it’s not easy for you as usually you’d rather stay home, by yourself and watch tv shows & stuff like that but for once, you’ll make an effort. Your little group made you feel accepted & competent so you kinda owe them that, and you could survive being a social animal for one small night, right ? It’s 2 hours into the party when you see Shirley coming your way with a big smile on er face and you’re not sure what it bodes for you so you try to match her attitude but still weary deep inside. She wants to congratulate you for the party, saying it’s one the chilliest she’s ever been to but you can’t help but think she’s only saying that to make you feel better (that’s so Shirley after all). Without missing a beat though, she changes topics and mentions that there is someone here that seems very interest in you and she points (not so) discreetly towards him, making him wave back at the both of you. - “So unconspicuous, thanks now I’m blushing for no reason”, you joke with her but your cheeks feel warm still. It’s Dominic. He’s working as a gaffer for the studio and you’ve talked with him a couple of times already. He seems to be a nice guy, geeky like you. last time you two chatted together, you’ve spent a good 20 minutes debating which composer was the best when it came to original movie soundtracks, something any other guy would probably consider boring and trivial. - “Maybe not for no reason... I mean dearie, he’s kinda cute. Plus he’s clearly into you. You should go talk to him, like right now”, she says still smiling but you can sens it’s not really a recommandation, more like an order. - “You’re never going to leave it alone, are you?”, you reply  you know the answer already. - “You deserver some love too darling, so go on, he doesn’t bite... maybe if you ask nicely though...” - “Shirley!”, you utter disapprovingly as she waddles away from you chuckling. But the deed is done, you notice that Dominic is coming towards you & you smile politely as he stops in front of you. - “Quite à party you’ve thrown here, congratulations”, he says jokingly as he points out to all your coworkers around, busy chatting while emptying the plates & drinks you’ve set out in the appartement. - “Thanks, you’re sweet to say that but I know it’s pretty basic. I didn’t have the time to come up with something as elaborate as the others”, you defend yourself. - “Yeah but at least you did your best, that has to count for something, right?”, he remarks and you nod slightly. - “Oh, now that’ I’m thinking about it, did you have time to watch the movie I talked you about the other day?”, you ask, more than relieved to change subject. - “Not yet, no, but I’ll give it a try soon, it’s on my watch list”, he answers chuckling a bit. - “So you’ve got one too, I’m not the only one who keeps tracks like this”, you admit chuckling too. And off you both go into a conversation about your most anticipated tv shows and without noticing it, the party is over and you’re left on your own to clean up the place but your friends are nice people, they collected the glasses and plates so you just have to pick everything up & put it in your sink. After the last bit is set to dry for the night, you crawl to your bedroom and fall on your bed, drowsing off into sleep with ease. The following days when you cross path with them, you got some compliments for your little spree and you must say, it uplifts your spirit after all that happened. Plus, as days go by, you’re starting to get closer to Dominic. Often you’re spending your lunch break together, chatting about your hobbies and stuff like that, discovering that you have a lot in common. As you thought, he’s nuce, not to narrow-minded but not too opiniated either. He loves animals (he showed you loads of pictures of his dog already and he’s as cute as his owner you must admit) and he loves the same old tv shows such as Xena or McGyver. It’s almost as if you made him in a computer (to continue the references to vintage tv shows you both like of course). So obviously, you’re on your guard. You’ve learned that if it’s too good to be true, it’s probably a trap and you’d rather avoid falling in another one right now. Plus the fact that you like the same things doesn’t mean anything, just that you had similar tastes and backgrounds as you’re roughly the same age too. But you’re not going to lie, you wouldn’t mind going out with him if the possibility should present itself some day. As for how things are going with Adam, you’re not exactly sure where you’re standing. Still not a single word regarding the kiss and he’s been pissed ever since that phone call the other day. So you do your job, daily and as good as ever even if the mood has clearly changed between you two. It’s a bit hard for you to force yourself not to care since it’s part of the job in a way but well, not that way and you know it. You’re not far from him as you both walk to the set and you yawn a bit, you watched the last season of How To Get Away With Murder yesterday’s evening but you sacrified your resting hours to know how it ended & it shows. - “Another party ?”, you suddenly hear coming from him, making you furrow your brows. Was that a jab at you ? It certainly feels so... - “No, not that it’s any of your business even if it was”, you remark maybe a bit too hastily but you don’t wanna hear any more innuendos regarding what you do or might be doing at night coming from him. He has no right to comment on that. “I’ve left the new pages of the script on your table, there’s only 3 lines that changed. I’ve marked them to save you the pain to go through it to found out which”, you add then to change the topics and open the door to the set, letting him enter first. He just nods to thank you and that’s it for conversation. You go join the others on the side and gladly chat with them after that new spat with Adam. Stew gives you a compassionate pat on your arm and you smile back at him, content that none of them ask what put you in that mood. The usual chatter sets your mind aside and the rest of the day arrives sooner than you thought, allowing you to get home early, giving you the opportunity to treat yourself with a feel good movie & some comfort food. But even that doesn’t really help because you can’t stop asking yourself what game he’s playing with you, ignoring you one moment and asking personal questions the other, like he’s some kind of Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. But luckily, you’re tired so you doze off, your mind finally giving you a break & cherry on the to of it all, you’re not coming back to work before noon the next day. As you join Shirley & Oona at their table for lunch, you catch Dominic in the distance. He’s waving at you so you wave back & see Shirley smile a bit as you sit down. - “What? He was saying hello, I just waved back”, you defend yourself, knowing what that smile means coming from her. - “I didn’t say a word darling”, she says a little bit too cheerfully to your taste. - “No need for that, you’ve got your ‘I’m judging you pout’ going on”, quips Oona, visibly amused too by your conversation. - “Ah! See, you’ve got that face, I’m not the only one saying it”, you remark as you sip on your drink with your straw. - “But she’s got a point though, you’re flirting with him”, Oona points out sipping hers too, making you almost sneeze yours out. - “I’m not, I’m being polite, you two should try it some time”, you retort, knowing they’re saying the truth but for now you ant to avoid confronting it, you’re not in the right mindset to start a relationship. They both chuckle and you end up chuckling too, making you think the topic was over but as usual, Shirley doesn’t give up that easily. - “Just be careful if you go out with him, don’t give him any false hope”, she adds, all wisely. - “Why would I do that?”, you ask, brows furrowed, not really knowing where this is coming from. - “You know why”, she says giving you the ‘you know who I’m talking about’ look. “The guy’s into you but don’t let him get close if your heart & mind are still hooked somewhere else”.
She just hit the spot. You always felt like she was some sort of a mind reader and this just confirms it for you because it’s like she knew what was going on inside your brain and strangely, you both knew it, given the look you two share at this point. Feeling the silence is getting awkward, Oona throws another subject out of nowhere and lunch goes by with you thinking about way too many things to really enjoy your food. You’re still processing that whole exchange during the afternoon, warranting yourself some side glances from Adam from time to time, which you deliberately chosoe to ignore. And it kinda pisses you off that he cares now but still not enough to talk to you about wha happened. Another reason you really should start to forget about him & you know it but it’s not that easy since you’re by his side all day long. Deep down you know what you have to do, it’s obvous but that’ll ask a lot for you & you’re not sure you’ll be able to hold the distance. Despite your slight shyness, you’re someone who cares about people (some may even say you care too much) so for you to cast your feelings aside even though you know that’s what needs to be done, it’s gonna be problematic. On your ride home, you nearly miss your stop because you’re deep in your thoughts and as the evening goes on, you feel a headache forming up, making you officially brand the day a crappy one. The next morning you arrive on set, completely on auto-pilot, the two coffee you already took didn’t have any effect on you until now but you pull through, the last thing you xant is hearing another remark coming from Adam about how you look tired, assuming you went out even though he’s part of the reason you’re in that state. But nothing comes and you’re relieved, avoiding yet another spat with him makes your day easier. In order to keep your cool for the day, you decide to eat your lunch next to the costume department building, knowing almost nobody goes there during the break. After a good thirthy minutes, you return to the real world and you cross path with Dominic, who’s leaving for the day, lucky him. You chat a little and when he leaves, you feel lighter. It’s stupid, you curse yourself to be that way, so unstable in your emotions, such a mess when clearly you should know better with what to expect from someone like him, playing with people just because he can. That’s where you’d like to have a dog, to keep you company in times like this, to cheer you up with its cute face. And at least, he wouldn’t play with your feelings like someone else did. But it would be unfair to him, as you wouldn’t be able to xlak him when needed, plus your building rules don’t allow pets in the appartments so... You just hold your pillow close & wait for sleep to come and get you so you can finally call it a day.
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