#this was longer but i decided against putting in the bits that just.. didnt flow at all
applesap-fics · 1 year
FABril day 6 - Photograph
G, 1385 words, Camilo & Isabela, implied Félix/Agustín/Bruno
Camilo and Isabela find incriminating pictures and have a few thoughts about them.
Camilo is not proud of the meltdown he had when he found out his mami dated other guys before his dad. What he holds in his hands right now somehow feels even worse. 
In the back of his dad’s hobby cabinet that once stood in his parents’ room — now part of the pile of selectively sorted rubble next to what remains of Casita — he’s found a tintype photograph faded at the edges of his father kissing another woman. 
It makes no sense. His dad is plighted to Mom, his eternal devotion to her as clear as the morning sun. Surely this has been the case since the dawn of time; like the moon has the sun, like the night sky has the stars, his father has his mother and vice versa.
His mouth twitches. The pair doesn’t even look that young. The envelope he pulled it out of said ‘1923-1925’. Pa must’ve seen the woman right before Mami.
An intense cocktail of fury and denial swirls inside his chest and dries out his lips. Before he has time to process any of this, his cousin pops up behind him.
“Woah, is that tío Bruno?” Isabela says, peeking over his shoulder. Her words drop like stones from great heights because woah, is it? That’s absurd, and, no fucking way, no way no way no way.
“No,” Camilo croaks dismissively. “No way. I’m the only changeling here.” He squints and presses his nose against the paper to inspect the woman to confirm that she is not, in fact, their tío Bruno. But it’s a little difficult because the photo is in black and white and her face is turned toward…she’s kissing Papi. And Camilo’s hands are shaking.
He can’t color-type the woman in order to determine if she’s wearing Bruno green or Abuela maroon. Her hair is dark and curly like tía Julieta’s, falling to her shoulders, and parted with a bow the way Mami does it. She wears a modest dress that covers her from wrist to neck, a lace shroud draped over her shoulders; Abuela’s signature look. In her ears hang large hoops that look like Mami’s and her nose is kind of big for a lady-
“Guess you got it from him, then,” Isabela says. “Two dads! Wow. Good for you, Milo.”
He twists around. “He’s not my dad. This is probably just one of his telenovela things, right?” That last word comes out a tad too desperate, so he tries to rectify it with a weaker “right?”.
Isabela shrugs her shoulders. “He’s probably just goofing around.” Camilo can only hope so. Their uncle does that a lot. “Are there more?
In fact, there are more photographs. The two cousins huddle behind the cabinet, hidden from view from the others working around the construction site. There’s a bunch more in the envelope Camilo found the first offending tintype in, but a lot of them are simply pictures of their parents from when they were younger: tía Julieta without her worry lines. Mami and Papi — these feel much more correct. Young Abuela with braids, so weird. Tío Bruno in more dresses. Tío Agustín- oh. 
“Well, would you look at this,” Camilo says, waving the picture in his cousin’s face, hoping the anxious beating in his chest will disappear if he taunts her. “Seems like tío Bruno’s been getting around.”
Isabela snatches the tintype out of his hand. Sure enough, it’s tío Bruno and her father. Bruno wears a different top Camilo thinks is one of tía Julieta’s, bare at the shoulders with a shawl draped over them. His face is clean-shaven, softened with make-up, and he’s looking up at Agustín with an arm around his waist. Tío Gus looks down equally smitten. It’s a damn near exact copy of how he and tía Julieta always stand together, at ease like the unit they are. Having each other for support.
“He’s…He’s probably copying my mother,” Isabela says coolly. But she adds an equally fragile “right?” after. “It’s a joke.”
The problem is that it looks genuine, their affection. And not in a way Camilo knows Bruno roleplays. It’s the face he makes when he dreams away with a romantic story.
Barring the contentious truth that Papi used to date other people before Mami, the pictures make him feel weird. Like they’re snapshots into relationships Camilo isn’t supposed to be privy to. Hidden in the back of his father’s cabinet. Not both his parents’. Who has ever heard of three men in love?
“They look pretty into it,” Camilo says, feigning casualness. “But that would mean that our dads are…and…they’re not like that…are they?”
“It’s hard to imagine.” 
“Not that I think anything is wrong with that,” Camilo says, just in case. It would be hypocritical of him, after all. It’s just…it’s a bit of a blow to consider that Papi could be like him. “It’s like you said. Hard to imagine.”
Isabela gives him a queer, scrutinizing look. “No. I wouldn’t mind either.”
For a second, the world stands still against Camilo’s wish that it should get on with it.
Frowning, Isabela studies the picture for a moment longer. Then her face slackens a little as she gets used to the idea of her dad getting it on with their uncle. “If this is what we think it is, and that’s a big if, do you think they’re still…”
Camilo shrugs. 
Having tío Bruno back with the family is weird. Suddenly there’s this new guy messing up the dynamic between everyone. Mirabel has become an emotional support niece, like a crutch that Bruno uses to lean on whenever the family and the neighbors get to be too much. The triplets are a triad again, the unspoken gap filled with someone they have evidently missed between them. The stories that are coming out from the adults now don’t need to accord for one missing member. They no longer trip and fall over the guy they’re supposed to forget, or close the door on him like he’s a boogeyman to banish.
That last one is a very fun but problematic image Camilo helped perpetrate and hasn’t quite reconciled with. Really, Camilo kind of likes the guy. Bruno is shy but creative and outwardly odd. He’s nothing what he thought Bruno was.
No signs of a rekindling romance between Papi and los Tíos Ridículos though. Not that Camilo noticed, anyway. 
“Doesn’t look like it,” he says to Isabela.
“No?” she offers. “You don’t see tío Bruno looking all moony for no reason and wonder what he’s thinking about?”
“Sure I do. Just don’t think it’s about our dads. I mean, I kinda assumed that he did that because he’s Bruno.”
“Yeah,” Isabela agrees. “I’m not about to ask him, by the way.”
“You’re not?” Camilo asks disappointed. It’s been a while since he’s had an adventure — everyone else in the family seems to get one. “Then how are we supposed to find out-”
She places her hand on his shoulder. “Milo, maybe this is one of those things that’ll come out when it’s time.” 
Isabela’s secret weapon is congeniality. Camilo has always thought that poking and bullying that mask of perfection off of her is fun, knowing there’s a loser like him underneath the princess. But being on the receiving end of that generous face makes it hard to deny the resemblance between her and Abuela. Ergo, he crumples like a little boy under her gaze.
“If tío Bruno and our dads need to have a conversation,” she says sternly, “that’s between them. There’s no way I’m asking tío Bruno and freaking him out — if these photographs are what we think they are and he’s not just putting on a play.”
She has a point. There’s a chance he’ll flat out deny or skirt the issue, which Bruno has done before with less thrilling subjects than forbidden romance. It has been two months since the house fell down and their uncle got plastered back into their lives like a gob of spackle. He’s barely getting used to everyone seeing him. Literally.
“Or maybe it’s nothing and he just likes wearing lady’s dresses.” She shrugs with a smile.
The two of them gather all the photographs back into the envelope and place it in the back of Papi’s cabinet where Camilo found it, hiding the memories a little while longer until they’re ready to come out.
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baroquebucky · 3 years
fool for you
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bucky just wants to be with you forever
word count: 1.9k
a/n: hi bffs !! hope u are all well <33 pls enjoy this v fluffy one shot inspired by own post :’ ) let me know what u all think !!
You were tired, your eyelids felt heavy and you struggled to pay attention to the tv. Your head falling to the side as you drifted off, eyes shooting open when you realized you were falling asleep. You got up quickly, splashing your face with water and settling back on the couch, rubbing your eyes and focusing on the tv again.
1:57 a.m.
You checked your phone in hopes of a “five minutes away :)” text from bucky, but there was none. You yawned again and changed the channel, flipping through some channels to try to wake you up before deciding to just switch to netflix instead.
You smiled as your favorite show played, nuzzling into the blanket bucky had given you and focusing on the show. The sound of keys rattling woke you up, you hadn’t even realize you had fallen asleep.
“shit” bucky whispered as the door slammed into the wall. “sorry” bucky spoke, apologizing to the wall before dragging his suitcase as quietly as he could. He kicked off his boots and his eyes landed on you asleep on the couch.
“buck?” you mumbled, willing your eyes open. Your vision was fuzzy and you could hear the tv still playing, you moved a little, forgetting you were on the couch and slipped off the edge. You couldn’t even process that you had fallen by the time bucky caught you in his arms, smiling at you.
“hi doll” bucky smiled at you, kissing your forehead gently and easily lifting you in his arm. He turned the tv off and carried you into your shared room, gently placing you on the bed.
“what time ‘s it?” You mumbled, rubbing your eyes and yawning, finally waking up.
“almost 3” he smiled at you softly, rummaging through his drawer and taking out a change of clothes. You nodded as he pulled out a black t shirt and some boxers, walking towards you and kissing your temple.
“I’m gonna shower doll, you can go to sleep” he assured you and you nodded, knowing full well you’d end up waiting up for him anyway.
“don’t slip” you smiled and he rolled his eyes, waving you off with a small smile on his face.
“it was one time!” He groaned before closing the door to the restroom.
You smiled to yourself as you heard the shower turn on, rolling over to your side and closing your eyes. The sleep that had been taking over you earlier was nowhere to be found. You kicked the covers off you and groaned, frowning as you stared at the ceiling. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and scrolled through Twitter for a while, waiting for bucky to finish showering so you could cuddle up to him and fall asleep.
You could feel yourself growing hungry, glancing at the time on your phone you frowned a bit, it was already 3:07 am. you drank some water and tried to fall back asleep, cuddling into your pillow and letting out a soft sigh when you finally got comfortable. Right as you were finally going to sleep bucky opened the restroom door, the sound making your eyes shoot open and heart race. 
“did I wake you?” bucky whispered, a frown on his face as he heard your heart rate quicker than usual. You shook your head with a small smile. He knew you were lying but he didn't say anything, he just threw his dirty clothes in the laundry basket and settled next to you under the covers. He threw his right arm around you, pulling you closer to him and kissing the top of your head. 
“g’night doll” he mumbled and closed his eyes, already falling asleep from how exhausted he was. 
“goodnight buck” you replied softly, closing your eyes and relishing in the feeling of his arm around you. It was silent, with only the sounds of the city flowing through the Brooklyn apartment. 
Then your stomach growled, causing bucky to looked at you with wide eyes and you stifled a giggle. You mumbled a ‘sorry’ before closing your eyes again, hoping it wouldn't keep growling. 
You were wrong. Your stomach was relentless, and finally you got up, slipping from Bucky grasp and scurrying into the kitchen to find something to eat. Bucky felt your absence almost immediately, he opened his eyes and frowned, getting up and making his way into the kitchen. 
“didnt mean to wake you angel” you apologized as he walked towards you. He shook his head and wrapping his arms around you, letting his chin rest onto of your head. His eyes fluttered closed as you relaxed into him, your arms snaking around his waist and leaning your head against his chest. The sound of the microwave made you pull away from him, grabbing the hot cup of Mac and cheese and setting it on the dining table, Bucky soon following you and sitting next to you. 
“now im hungry” he frowned and you laughed, giving him some of your Mac and cheese which he gratefully ate. Within minutes the small bowl of Mac and cheese was empty, the two of you still hungry.  You stared at bucky, a small smile creeping onto both of your faces. You were both thinking the same thing. 
“no we shouldn't” you shook your head and bucky agreed. 
“yeah no its almost 4 we should get to bed” he replied, you both got up, making eye contact before bursting into a fit of giggles and smiles, heading straight towards the kitchen and definitely not bed. You pulled your phone out and put on some music. 
“you were thinking about French toast right?” you asked and bucky smiled, already opening the fridge for the ingredients, you grinned and you opened the pantry to get the other things you needed. You both sang along to the music softly, swaying to the beat. 
As bucky made the mix you grabbed the bread and two plates, heating up the pan and putting some butter on it, letting it melt. You moved easily in the kitchen with bucky, ever since you had moved in together everything just seemed to work for you guys. 
As you dipped the bread into the batter before putting it in the pan. Turning to bucky and using the spatula as a microphone, singing along to some 40s song you had added for bucky. You smiled as he took the spatula from your hand, setting it down and grabbing your hands, dancing along to the song. 
Bucky had the brightest smile on his face as you followed his lead, letting him twirl you around as the song played. You looked up at him as he danced with you, meeting his light blue eyes. Your eyes met and bucky couldn't stop himself. 
“I can't wait any longer oh my god” he rushed out, letting go of you and rushing back into the bedroom, leaving you along in the kitchen. 
You frowned, did you do something wrong? You focused back on the French toast, flipping the slice so it wouldn't burn before placing it on Buckys plate. You frowned as you looked for the powdered sugar. Realizing you hadn't taken it out you turned around to get it, your back to the bedroom door. As you searched for it your mind raced, was he breaking up with you? Was he just really tired?
Meanwhile Bucky was rummaging through all his drawers, wondering where the hell he put the ring he picked out with Steve seven months ago. His heart was racing as he heard you cooking the french toast, confused as to why he left you. Finally he found the black velvet box in the back of his sock drawer, smiling as he ran back out to meet you in the kitchen. 
Bucky saw you facing the drawer, so he wasted no time sneaking up behind you and getting down on one knee silently, opening the small box to reveal the ring. 
You finally found the powdered sugar, opening it and turning around. You turned quickly, eyes immediately landing on bucky, right in front of you. 
On one knee. With a ring.
You dropped the powdered sugar, causing it to land all over you, bucky and the ring. Your hands flew to your mouth as he smiled at you brightly.
“are you joking? this is a joke right?” you questioned and bucky shook his head, still on one knee despite having powdered sugar all over his shirt. 
“y/n I love you so much, I wanna spend forever with you. Everything feels so right with you I just- its like we’re just meant to be, I can't imagine a life without you. I wanna make you happy, I wanna travel the world with you, I wanna dance in the kitchen at 3 am and make French toast at ungodly hours with you for the rest of my life” he rambled, you felt your ears burning as he continued, your mind still processing that he was actually proposing. 
“-I love how competitive you are and how excited you get over anything and everything, I just love you so much-” he cut himself off when he looked at you for the first time since he started rambling, smiling softly up at you as you looked at him, fondness in your eyes and a tear rolling down your cheek. 
“will you marry me?” he spoke, breathless. 
Never in your life have you nodded so quickly. 
“yes, of course yes” you whispered and bucky smiled, jumping to his feet as you cupped his face, crashing your lips onto his, smiling into the kiss. You pulled away with a sniffle, smiling as he took your hand and slid the ring on, he blushed at the sight of it. 
You looked at each other with a smile, kissing once more before you realizing the french toast was cold by now. You pulled away quickly, grabbing the powdered sugar bag from the floor and sprinkling some lightly on your plates. 
“sorry about all that” you laughed, motioning to the powdered sugar all over the two of you and the floor. Bucky just grinned, waving it off as the two of you ate the French toast, a smile never leaving either of your faces. Both pf you giggling as the sun came up and birds began to sing. 
Not long after you finished Bucky cleaned up your mess, you changed into one of his t shirts and slipped into bed, a smile on your face as he walked into the room, taking his shirt off and slipping out of his sweats before moving into bed next to you. 
You wasted no time as he laid on his back, moving his arm so you could rest your head on his chest. He cradled you gently as you got comfortable, kissing the top of your head once you settled in. 
“love you so much angel, can't wait until we get to spend forever together” you mumbled with a smile on your face, already drifting off to sleep. Bucky smiled at your words, letting his fingers run through your hair. 
“and I love you more than yesterday” he whispered, “but less than tomorrow.”
Bucky meant his words. He meant them with everything he was. He fell in love with you everyday. He always found himself falling deeper and deeper, but he never complained. Now could fall in love with you for the rest of his life.
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bloodycassian · 3 years
A FEAST - Azriel x readder. Prompt - Reader is injured and knocked out for days. Cassian gets him to finally leave your side for one meal and Nyx brings a guest with him...
"The Dragons Song is the best one, hands down." Nesta argued, hacking through the brush.  "That one is full of the same scenes every time." You judged, pushing a branch out of the way. The jungle was a mess of twists and turns to work through, but thankfully one of the fishermen on the dock had sold you a compass at a descent price. "A little more right for a few more miles and we'll be there." You steered her on course.  "At least it dosent say 'honeydew' every scene." She made a fake gagging noise and you laughed. The sound was muffled in the crowded forest. She hacked her way through the brush, one vine at a time. Until you finally reached the clearing. It was hot in the direct sun, a few degrees different than what the shade of the forest had been. You paced the perimiter, meeting her at the other side. "You mean Cassian dosen't like honeydew?" You wiggled your eyebrows at her.  "Az does?" She challenged, earning a laugh from you. "The ones that you like are predictable beyond measure." You countered, earning a quick smile before your attention snapped across the meadow. To a giant hog serpent with venomous tusks that gleamed with their clear liquid. You swore and you and Nesta both drew swords at the same time.  + Nesta ended the hog, but not before it had the chance for those razor sharp tusks to marr your legs with deep wounds. The venom stung, flowing into your bloodstream and paralyzing you slowly. You gasped at the sheer blinding pain it brought. "Nes-" You choked out between sobs. "Tell Az... Tell Az I love him." You smiled to her, putting a hand on her cheek. "No, no way. You're gonna tell him yourself. Stay awake. We're on the way." She reached deep to that bond to Cassian, and a flare of alertness greeted her. Then, a thrill of fire. "On the way. Rhys will be there in a few. Are you okay?" "Fine, she's delirious. She needs a healer and a detox for the venom." She thought back, sighing when she felt Rhys' presence. "Wheres Az?" You managed out of your chattering teeth. You were losing the fight against the venom quickly. It would have you under in a few minutes if Rhys didn't hurry to a healer. He placed a hand on you and darkness surrounded.  "Cassian will-" He started to Nesta, "I know, get her safe." She rushed, urging him to winnow you already. When Cassian saw the amount of blood spilled, he cursed.  "Most of it was the beast." Nesta cleaned her sword on an overgrown leaf that jutted down into the meadow.  Her hands shook when she sheathed it. "Nes." He stopped her when she turned. "Nes..." He repeated, giving her a long look. She tried to hide her face, the terror there. "Lets go." He pulled her to his side and took off, holding her close to him. He said nothing about the tears that flowed to his shoulder. He just gripped her tighter.   + Azriel had nearly broken the door when he stormed in. And he hadn't left your side since. Nesta stayed when she could, letting Azriel relax enough to sleep now and again. He trusted her to wake him if anything changed in your status.  When he woke, he heard his brother's voice first. Quiet an hurried in tone, him and Nesta argued by the door. "He wont leave. You've already tried, just leave him alone." Nesta was scolding. Cassian gripped her hands, then whipped his head over to his brother when he saw him stretching on the bench.  "Hey Az-" Cassian smiled, bounding over to his brother like a puppy. "You remmeber Madja saying it may take up to a week, right? How about you come to dinner up at the house with us."  "I dont want to miss if she-" "Come on, Nyx will be there. Mor's coming back from the continent tonight too." Cassian tempted, poking at the old flame Azriel carried for the female. She was still incredible, and one of Azriels best friends, but he no longer felt that flame towards her. You had come along and crushed it with a bat of your eyelashes and a few quick witted insults at Cas. Nesta started pulling him away, giving you an apologetic smile. "It would be nice for you to be there is all he means." She began pushing him out the door, despite his protests.  "Think about it! She wouldn't want you to be mourning while she's alive!" Cassian shouted, earning a smack from Nesta. Azriel smiled despite the dark nature of the situation. He pulled a chair up beside your resting body. It had been three days. How would he know if you were awake or not? He tugged on that dark link you shared together, and came up with the same unresponsiveness as before. He sighed, but took your hand anyway, falling asleep again to the sound of your soft breathing. + He decided to stay for just an hour. He would spare his family that much. He kissed you goodbye and tried his best to ignore the guilt he felt for leaving you behind. But Cassian was right. He knew that when you woke up you'd be upset about him not going. So he put on his brave face and flew up to the house of wind, to the joy of everyone. They clapped upon his arrival, making his cheeks burn. Mor gave him a hug and promised to catch up. But she hovered around a fae you hadn't met yet. A female that she watched with wide sparkling eyes. Azriel's chest bloomed with pride at the sight of them being so close, so full of life for each other.  He looked away from the two, and sent his shadows out to Rhys. And found what he was seeking. He darted over to the end of the table where the high lord and lady sat across from each other. The head table was empty, and filthy. "That's a small monster if I've ever seen one." He bent and scooped Nyx up from under the table. He wriggled and laughed.  "No monster Azzy." Nyx babbled, pulling on his uncle's hair.  "No pulling hair!" Rhys scolded, making Nyx laugh even more. Feyre sighed. "You're just having fun. How about we go for a fly down to-" "Don't say it, Az." Rhy's tone went from scolding to pleading. Even though the baby couldn't fly yet, it was one of his favorite things to do. He could see how Rhys' son would be skilled at flying with just the way he angled his head when accompanying. Az poked at Nyx's belly and they fought like that for a few moments, Nyx eventually winnowing away with the joy only a child could have.  Azriel froze, looking to the high lord and lady for comfort. Having a baby disappear in your arms was strange, even for Fae babies. "When'd he start doing that?" "Four days ago." Feyre sighed. She looked utterly exhausted. "We've been having to take turns staying up with him." Rhys held her hand across the table, they shared a sweet look together then they both whipped their heads to Nyx in unison. "Dont-" Feyre warned, giving her son a stern look as he pulled at the tablecloth. Amren gave the boy a look of discouragement as well when he looked around for someone to be laughing with him. He stopped after those silver eyes met his.  Nesta gave Az a smile from across the room where she and Cassian welcomed the toddoling boy. "Let's start training, Nyxie. Come on, show me what you got." Cassian got on his knees to the floor and the two began wrestling together. Azriel took a seat beside Rhys, picking at the crackers and cheese platter before him.  "When were we planning on going back to the Island?" Rhys asked, voice low. Cassian rolled with Nyx on the ground, making Nesta laugh when the boy pulled at Cas' hair. "I'm not going until my mate is healed. Maybe you should send them, see how much trouble they can get in."  Az asked, trying to keep the hinting out of his voice. He wanted to go take care of it on his own. The mission on the Island was not complete and he didn't want to risk anyone again. He'd rather do it and make sure it was a finished job. He couldn't bare to see you be hurt over a fellow Valkyrie getting hurt either. "You know they would kill each other.... or themselves trying to protect the other." Feyre smiled despite herself. She knew it was the truth. Her sister being happy for once was a joy like no other.  "Mom and Dad need to eat, Az you too." Cassian ordered. He bounced the boy on his legs, making him pretend fly. Azriel picked at the plate that appeared before him. The warm meat and stew looked incredible, but he couldn't bring himself to eat. The guilt was the only thing that weighed in his stomach. "I should go check on-" He began to say, folding his napkin back on the table. "How is she?" Cassian interrupted from the floor. Nesta was playing with Nyx now, rattling a toy around for him. Azriel kept his calm mask on, trying to fight the urge to check on you. The black haired boy looked to her with upset eyes. "Auntie?" He said, voice a bit whiny.  "Auntie is napping, she'll be back in a little while." Nes assured. Azriel's heart squeezed at the love Nyx showed. Then, the boy was gone.  The parents were digging into their plates. It was likely the only meal they'd shared together in the four days of taking turns watching Nyx. "Rhys-" Az began, terror sweeping his gut. Nyx was no where in sight. Nesta and Cassian both shot to their feet when they didn't spot him.  Then, the plates in front of Azriel clattered and shot food everywhere. Mor and her date yelped and fled their chairs, mor pushing the other female behind her. Azriel's shadows coiled, siphons glared ready to fight.  And Rhys didnt move as he observed the waking fae before him. The tug on Azriel's bond went taut. "Auntie here!" Nyx celebrated, patting your chest. You groaned and cracked open your eyes to see Azriel's shadows swirling about you. "Are you okay?!" Azriel gripped your shoulders,  his warm hands seeping into your thin shirt. The sweats you wore were now stained with whatever food had been on the table. Rhys put down his fork slowly. "I wasn't expecting to be this kind of snack Az..." You said softly. Rhy's cheeks went red. Mor laughed first, her date looked to her with bewilderment and worry. Cassian rushed over and picked Nyx up from your stomach. "I think there's a fork in my back." You said, voice gruff.  A hysterical laugh bubbled from Azriel, then the rest of them were cracking up. "Nyx... Thanks." Azriel breathed, and the boy began clapping.  + Once you were back on your feet and Madja had given you the go ahead to take it easy, you asked Azriel to go on a walk with you. The stretch of your legs was sore, but the good kind of sore that left you feeling better and better with each step. The cool wind from the Sidra whipped around you. He wrapped a wing around both of you as you reached the apex of a bridge.  "I owe that baby everything." He laughed, squeezing your hand tighter. The city was quiet, only soft music coming from the Rainbow and the calm trickle of the Sidra sounding out. "Nyx the Valkyrie deliverer."  You laughed together, leaning against the railing on the bridge. The streetlights above cast a wonderful color over you, illuminating you both in a silvery shade that matched the moonlight. "I love you." You said, resting your head against his shoulder. It had been a long night, and who knew how long of sleeping... but you were tired.  "Love you." He nudged you away so he could hook his finger under your chin and angle you up to kiss him. You wrapped your arms around him and compiled, letting the bond hum through you like a song.
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•When You Fall Asleep On Them w/ Oikawa, Kenma, Atsumu, Terushima, and Tendou•
warnings: a few curse words
genre: fluff
characters: oikawa, kenma, atsumu, terushima, + tendou
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your exhaustion was clear on your face as you slumped down against the wall of the gym, settiling your tired body on the floor
you loved the seijoh boys to death but they really wore you out sometimes
to be fair, they weren’t so bad most days you guys had practice
but every so often they had you so drained by the end of the day you could barely keep your eyes open, like today for example
you recognized the sweet voice meeting your ears but to acknowledge it would require energy you just didn’t have
oikawa slid down beside you, hair still damp after rinsing off his post practice sweat
he knew how exhausting everyone could be and honestly he was surprise that you hadn’t quit the position, but he was glad you decided to stick around for so long
an arm snaked its way around your shoulder before giving your arm a few gentle rubs,
“I think everyone worked really hard today, don’t you?”
to tired to respond, you opted for a simple nod before leaning your head on oikawa’s shoulder
he was suprised at first, not really used to this side of you, but a smile found it’s way onto his face as he felt your warmth slowly take over him
eventually, your breaths slow to a steady rhythm, signaling to oikawa that you finally stopped trying to fight the exhaustion that had plagued you
he maneuvered your figure so that you were lying in his lap, eyes fluttering ever so slightly as you subconsciously allowed yourself to adjust to the lighting change
affection was the only thing written on the boy’s face as he watched soft breaths flow in and out of your parted lips
a few moments later, the rest of the team started filing out of the gym, confusion quickly filling the air as oikawa smiled down at your sleeping form
iwaizumi seemed the most agitated with this development,
“What the hell did you do to them, shitty-kawa?”
“Hm? Me? I didn’t do anything at all. If you wanna put the blame on someone it should be on all of you, poor y/n-chan has to deal with so much.”
“Cut the crap, they have to deal with your sorry ass the most.”
a light laugh escaped his lips before he peered down at you once more, brushing stray hairs away from your forehead
“I guess you’re right, in that case i’ll lock up and walk them home when they wake up. I wanna let them rest a little while longer.”
iwaizumi sighed and reluctantly threw him the keys to the gym before leaving with the rest of the team
as soon as the door to the gym was shut, oikawa took a quick glance around to make sure there was no one remaining before leaning down to place a soft kiss on your forehead 
he knew that tomorrow he would never hear the end of this, but in that moment he couldn’t care less, he was happy just being there with you
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you loved spending saturdays playing video games with kenma, it was your favorite activity to do after such a long and stressful week
even so, by the end of the week you were drained, and sometimes you got sleepy
especially when kenma began playing a more lowkey game and his sighs of frustration and mumbled strings of curses became absent 
silence tended to fall over the room when that was the case, causing your brain to shut down faster then you wanted it to
you sat next to kenma and peered over at his switch, watching with lidded eyes as his character moved about the screen
the colors began to swirl together as you were dragged deeper into sleep
kenma was too focused on the task at hand to notice your sleepy state, let alone the way your head fell ever so gently on his shoulder
after a while he returned his character home and paused the game, handing the switch to you,
“Here Y/N, it’s your turn.”
still feeling the device heavy in his hands he peered down at your sleeping figure, just now realizing why the atmosphere seemed quieter then usual
he froze and a soft blush crept on his face before he set the switch aside
you had fallen asleep on these days before but never so close to him and now he had no idea what to do
he didnt want you to be uncomfortable but he also didnt want to risk waking you up and ruining your much needed sleep
eventually his body moved for him as he crossed one leg under the other and gently moved you so that you were lying down on his thigh
he scrolled through his phone while you slept, mindlessly running his fingers through your hair as his eyes danced along his screen
he knew when you woke there would be a string of apologize falling out of your mouth but he didn’t mind the soft snores that escaped your lips 
besides, the two of you had the rest of your lives to play video games together
all he cared about in that moment was that you were taken care of
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you and atsumu had ate lunch on the roof every friday since the two of you had become friends in middle school
it was a long standing tradition, one that the two of never missed no matter the circumstances
it was peacful, no one else but your friends ever knew so the two of you were never bothered
and it was always a nice way to relax and enjoy each other’s company without having to worry about the twin’s fighting, kita lecturing you about table manners, or suna just being a plain instigator
the two of you typically spent the period laughing and conversing but that particular friday, you lacked the energy to even keep your eyes open, let alone act so lively
your exhaustion was plain to see and definitely gave atsumu some room to poke fun at you,
“Sleepy, aren’t we Y/N? I mean, I can see your under eye bags from here.”
you angrily mumbled something under your breath at the statement before rubbing your eyes in attempt to wake yourself up more
atsumu ruffled your hair and laughed at your antics, throwing a few more snarky comments at you
he returned to his lunch soon enough, continuing the story he was previously retelling before you could throw a fit from your lack of sleep
as he was reaching the end of his tale, he felt his legs being tugged at, jumping a bit at first before he realized your hand was the one attached to his ankle
“Whatcha doin there Y/N?”
you ignored his question, choosing to pull his legs until they were lying straight and settling yourself down to lie in his lap instead
“Tsumu, wake me up before we have to get to class, please.”
as you began to slip out of consciousnesses, atsumu felt his eyes begin to water
if anyone else saw him, they would’ve made fun of him but he couldn’t help himself, he felt so happy that you trusted him enough to be this vulnerable around him
he knew he could be a pain in the ass sometimes but he never felt like a bother when he was around you, you loved him for who he was
it was a miracle you had remained friends with him for so long but as long as you did, he would do his best to make sure that pretty smile always returned to your face
before he could wake you up with his cries, he cleared his throat and began to softly rub your back and he stared out among the trees,
“No problem Y/N, you can count on me.”
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you had practically got on your hands and knees and begged terushima to help you study for your upcoming exam
he was one of the smartest people you knew and with how awful you were with the subject the test was on, it would’ve be a crime not to ask him for help
luckily for you, when you timidly asked for his help, he agreed to take some time out of his day to tutor you this week
which is why you felt awful once your thoughts beginning to haze and your eyes began to grow heavy
you couldn't even pay attention to the anxiety that had previously been gnawing away at you, let alone whatever the hell terushima was going on about
in your defense, school was absolutely exhausting today and you didn’t expect yourself to be this out of it by the time you arrived at terushima’s house
he noticed your fatigue right away, he way your head swayed back and forth as if you were in a daze was hard to miss
his first instinct was to laugh at how adorable you were but he chose to take a more gentle approach to the situation,
“You alright there, baby? We can take a break if you need one.”
you shook your head and gripped your pencil tighter, trying your best to copy down notes without falling face first into your text book
he smirked and playfully rolled his eyes before sliding more notes in your direction, 
“Suit yourself.”
not even ten minutes after you expressed your determination to the boy, terushima felt a weight fall onto his shoulder
he let out a chuckle at your unconscious state, knowing that this was soon to come 
he wrapping an arm around your shoulder and carefully pulled you down onto the bedroom floor with him, comfortably repositioning you 
in this new position, your head was on his chest, one of his arms wrapped around your torso while the other sat comfortably behind his head
“If you were tired, you could have just told me.”
although he knew you could hear him, the words left his mouth in a whisper before pulling you close and closing his own eyes
in all honesty, he didn’t mind this series of events, just happy to have you here with him
and besides, this gave him an excuse to schedule another study date
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carnivals and fairs came to your town quite often and every time they did, tendou loved to bring you along
the two of you had loved to go ever since you were little kids so the memories it brought back was enough of a reason to blow your money on tickets and food
it was a chance of the two of you to forget about any worry or zees and just let yourself be kids again
and to tendou, it was always worth seeing the smile on your face as you glanced around at the scenery, eyes gleaming under the flashing lights
as much fun as they were, he knew how much they tired you out 
every time the two of you ran off to one, he always ended up taking you inside at the end of the night and helping you through your nightly routine, but he didn’t mind this in the slightest
he was happy to help and besides, you were the clingiest when you were on the brink of sleep, which he found absolutely adorable
“Y/N, did you have fun tonight, hm?”
he took a glimpse of you in the passenger seat before returning his eyes to the rode ahead, one hand on the steering wheel and the other settled comfortably on your leg
mind clouded with sleep, you took the hand that sat on your knee and held it in yours, examining the polish you had painted on them earlier that week through blurry vision,
tendou took another glance at you before grinning at your tired state,
“I’m glad, i had lots of fun too! We’ll have to bring Ushiwaka next time, he’s never been to one of those-“
before he could finish his sentence, he felt his hand being hugged to your chest
turning his head to the side once more, he realized you had curled up on the passenger seat and were now fast asleep, cuddling his arm as if it was a stuffed animal
a laugh escaped his lips at how quick you were to drift off to your dream land
as his eyes focused on the dimly lit pavement, he admired how sweet your display of affection was, feeling your love spread throughout his entire body
he slowed his speed, careful not to hit any bumps or holes on the way home in fear of waking you
once the two of you got to his house, he gently carried picked you up and carried you inside, setting you on his bed as soon as he stepped though the door
before he could grab a blanket and head to the couch, your arms found their way around his torso as you buried your face into his chest before drifting back into your deep sleep
a smile spread across his face before placed a kiss on the top of your head and carefully lying down next to you, allowing himself to close his eyes and enjoy this moment with you
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seulgiology · 4 years
that’s my type | jeon jungkook
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pairings: fwb!jungkook x fwb!female oc
words: 3k
genre: SMUT with an “i love you” at the end , uwu
warnings: cursing, praise, dirty talk, thigh fucking, pet names, choking, a widdle exhibition, a lil pussy spank, ass slapping, piercings, tattoos (are those warnings?? idk), oc loves to mess with kookie lol save him
a/n: GIF IS NOT MINE! sad yer. admin 1 is sadly alive. HERE’S A REQUESTED JUNGKOOK SMUT, I TRIED MY BEST PLZ ACCEPT MY OFFERING TO YOU @itboykook . Also, i just randomly put two names together, so if by any chance that it relates to an actual idol IM SORRY. anygays, being a student is hard and online school is a lot :))), sorry for my inactivity.
disclaimer: This is a work of fiction from our imagination. It is not intended that the plot, theme, original characters, idols, etc. portray any real-life events/people. Plagiarism is NOT tolerated on this blog. If you believe we have copied an existing authors’ work, please message us privately. thank you and enjoy :)
Mid July - 12:03 p.m.
Jungkook fit right in with the rest of you, his quiet, odd, yet lovable personality was enticing and it didn’t fall short from the other 6 guys. 
He was the newest and the youngest out of your friend group, only a junior in college. His adorable teeth whenever he smiled that contrasted with his toned body was so attractive and he knew it too. He nearly rivaled Jimin when it came to visual duality.
You all were on one of the campus’ fields, enjoying a rare afternoon of no classes on your spread blanket. You and Hoseok were trying to play a makeshift game of basketball in the field with a random volley ball lying around and your jacket in a circle as the “hoop.” 
You were both dying of laughter from your failed attempts at playing defense and rolling in the grass like a couple of kids on a sugar rush.
Jungkook was next to Taehyung listening to brief him on everything about you, from your flat feet to your unconventional love for Tom Holland. He was sitting comfortably on the blanket, hands resting behind his back as he watched you and... What was his name? Hobi?  He’ll remember later. 
He couldn’t see you too clearly but he knew you were having fun after hearing your bubbly laughter from the distance. You didn’t seem to be coming over towards the others anytime soon so he thought he’d rest his head on Jimin’s plush lap and rest his eyes for a bit, letting the spring sun beat down on his face.
“Don’t you come over here with all that grass on you, Mae, you don’t know whose child was in there pissing.”
Jungkook’s eyes snapped open, and he hissed out at the suns rays blinding him. He lazily shifted towards the direction of the noise and heard Seokjin— Jin grumble to you two. 
You were in the middle of rubbing the loose grass off your jeans when you could feel someone’s stare on you.
Jungkook shamelessly drank in your figure, loving the way your ripped jeans hugged your thick thighs. He could only dream of burying his face in between them and leaving hickies. You were slightly bent over in front of him trying to wipe the dirt off of you, but he had a great view of your full and round ass trapped inside the denim.
Is this what it feels like to look at an angel? Jungkook didn't know what to believe anymore after being graced with your existence. Did he want to worship your body, make you laugh, hold your hand? Or something more? The blood rushed to his center the longer he kept his gaze on you and letting his thoughts take a sexual turn.
You didn’t catch him practically eye-fucking you, but when you looked up and around, you did see him blushing and hastily putting his bag on his lap.
He must be a shy guy. Yet his whole presence makes you want to shut up and be a good girl for him. He was only laying down with his arm propped up for support, and his short black hair was flowing in the wind, making him look goofy with such a concentrating look on his face.
He pretended to be searching in his bag for something as his heart raced when he saw your shadow coming towards him. He tasted the saliva pooling in his mouth at the sight of you towering over him, your nose and ear piercings glinting in the sunlight. 
“I’m Maerin, the only reasonable one here. You are?” You carefully reached your hand out for him to shake with a charming grin on your face, amazed that your friend group just continues to add more attractive men to your circle.
“Jungkook, the other reasonable one here.” You laughed at his statement and his adorable nose scrunched when he smiled with you. You took the vacant seat next to him, and his sight was glued to your physique on your descent, entranced by the minimalistic ink on your arm.
Could you get anymore perfect? Perfect face. Perfect ass. Perfect thighs. Perfect body. Perfect personality most likely. HIs mind raced with thoughts of only you as soon as he took your much smaller hand in his in a firm shake.
He was going to have you one way or another. And that’s a promise he kept. Sort of.
Early December - 11:46 a.m.
Those god-awful finals had just ended for you guys and it was time for winter break. It was decided that you all would put in money to go to a ski resort for the break, needing the stress reliever and rest.
And get rid of stress was exactly what you did.
“Fuck, you really don’t know what you do to me,” His hand tightened around your neck in the most pleasurable way, and you were hazy from the dream-like steam the shower was bringing.
He had you pinned against him, his arms held you tightly in place as he thrusted in between your thighs, only sliding his cock against your slick womanhood. You hated not being able to feel him inside you, but he was in heaven when he had you like this. 
Jungkook’s reasonably unreasonable obsession with your ass and thighs played a great part in your friends with benefit arrangement. 
“This is all mine, sweetness,” He grunted in your ear, and all you could do was gasp in response. His wet and wavy locks draped over your shoulder as he sped up his pace, leaving you devoid of any type of release as your thighs tightened around his cock sliding in between them. 
“Jungkook-” You whined to him, upset that he was using you to get himself off. He payed you no mind however, his thrusts speeding up as the unrhythmic slide of his cock in between your folds meant he was going to cum soon. 
"You wanna cum pretty girl? Wanna feel me stuff you so full you won’t remember anything but me?” He moaned in your ear at the thought, torturing himself as much as he was torturing you.
You let out a pathetic but audible yes that you knew had his dimple popping from the grin that adorned his face. You yelped when he manhandled you against the wall and pushed your back down so your ass was to his front. You turned around to see him desperately pumping himself in his hand and his lips slightly parted. The sight had your arousal trailing down your legs along with the water and you licked you lips at his hard cock in his hand.
He pumped his load on your cheeks that were spread for him and he watched it get rinsed away as quickly as it came with the water.
Your body was still on edge when you felt Jungkook rise you up and back hugged you so tenderly, you were ready to fall asleep in his arms at the safety they welcomed. He chuckled in your ear at your languid body and held you tighter. “If you fall asleep you won’t get your reward for being good for me,” his voice was so sweet and you. Why isn’t he your boyfriend again?
“Mmm, really?” You questioned him in a sultry tone, wanting to get him riled up again. You grinded your ass on his hardening manhood and you loved the way he grabbed a handful of it and rolled his hips on you.
“Jungkook, you in there?” You both froze in panic upon hearing Namjoon over the white noise. Jungkook’s finger tips stopped their descent down your stomach and lightly dug in. Shit, fuck, fuck fuck, shit- 
“Yea hyung, I’m in the shower, what’s up?” His voice was unusually shaky to the older man, but he brushed his overanalyzing to the side. “Have you seen Maerin? She said she was looking for you but she disappeared.”
Your heart pounded to the speed the water was hitting you. Namjoon wasn’t stupid, he’d probably figure you guys out, if he didnt already.
Jungkook frowned at you in confusion and you shrugged back at him, your face heating up at the excuse you told the others men to just come see your fuck buddy. 
“She told me to meet the rest of you in the lobby but I wanted to take a shower before leaving. Um... I think she went to get more food before they closed the breakfast buffet.” He lied smoothly, and you sighed in relief and let your grip on hi arm drop.
Namjoon jumped after hearing the load thump and an extremely familiar feminine squeak from the bathroom.
Was that Maer—
“Sorry hyung, the soap fell on my foot when I tried reaching for it! I’ll be out soon, don’t wait for me.” He replied in a haste after turning the shower off and giving you a hard look. After hearing the room door close, your body chilled beyond return and your nipples hardened in anticipation.
“You think this is a game, huh?” He tilted your chin up with his cold finger tips and glared at your smirking face.
This was most definitely a game you wanted to play.
Late December - 1:30 p.m.
“Who brought the liquor, im trying to get wasted tonight.”
“Jimin, we’re watching Stranger Things.”
“Ok— so where’s the liquor...?”
You smile to yourself at hearing your friends’ conversation, they never fail to amuse you. You were in the kitchen, trying to get popcorn ready for all 8 of you to watch the supernatural show in Jungkook’s apartment.
You leaned on the counter in front of the microwave and listened to its humming as the bag of popcorn started to slowly inflate.
“The guys are here and you have your ass all out like this?” A silent groan left your lips and arousal pooled in between your legs when Jungkook grinded his hips into your ass and grabbed a handful of it.
Your friend group had no idea that you were fucking each other for about 2 months now. It felt wrong to be sexually attracted to each other, especially because you were friends. So you both didn’t want a bad reaction if you told the others.
“Jungkook, someone’s going to walk in—” But you ignored your own words and instead rubbed against him more. You were breathing softly but heavily when you let him cup your cunt through your leggings. He loved it when you wore leggings, it always left little to his imagination when he wanted to guffaw at your legs.
The microwave beeped loudly and it startled the young man behind you into jumping back in fright. Jungkook swallowed hard at hearing your snickering and in a haste, left the kitchen and into the noisy living room instead. He was hard under his sweats, and hated how uncomfortable he was because did it.
They were all seated and prepared to binge watch the latest season of the popular American show when you crept out with two large bowls of kettle corn popcorn.
After they graciously thanked you, you took the obvious seat next to Jungkook on the loveseat. The others expected this, they knew you two were closer than ever. He threw the fuzzy blanket over you both as you cuddled close to the arm chair and put your feet on the other side of his thighs.
Your knees were bent up because you couldn’t fully extend your legs, and it was the perfect position for him to touch you in. He turned to gaze at you under his dark and curly fringe and his earring dangle from the movement.
He discreetly leaned in and whispered, “I dare you to try something while they’re here. Watch what’s going to happen.” The eerie theme song of the show began and you knew for a fact you weren’t going to pay attention. 
You’ve seen the legendary show already. So instead you’d mess with the man directly in front of you.
So for eight long hours you you teased him under the blankets; Rubbing his length with your feet, edging him and never letting succumb to the unusual pleasure. It was exciting to see him sweat while all of your close friends were so close to you yet too engrossed in the T.V. set to notice.
Just as your group was piling out and saying their goodbyes, you suggested that you stay to help the maknae clean. it was late and everybody would be busy the next day but you. 
And Jungkook wasn’t going to let you go that easy.
9:54 p.m. [same night]
Your damp forehead was pressed into soft cushion and your hands clutching the closest pillow on the couch as you were hopelessly whimpering for more. 
Jungkook wasted no time in having you ass up, head down with his wet tongue abusing your cunt and giving you a taste of your own medicine.
“You really must think this shit is funny, baby” He said, basking in the taste of your arousal. You whined when he lightly slapped your clit, your hips involuntarily pushing back for more and he arrogantly chuckled at your neediness.
“I asked you a question and I expect you to answer it.” His voice was gruff when his hard and angry cock slapped against your swollen lips, the slickness of it making it an obscene noise.
“Only if you fuck me first.” You breathlessly said to him and wiggled your ass to draw him in even more. His hooded eyes caught the sight and he moistened his thin lips, loving they way your bottom moved.
You both sighed in relief when he finally pushed in, the initial sting always catching you by surprise, no matter how many times he’s done it. 
“Shit, you always take me so well Mae,” He pumps faster, his hips snapping into yours and you cry out from the intensity of it. Your clit throbbed from your fingers circling around it, and your moans were purely sinful. Jungkook loved seeing you like this.
Back arched and your pussy clenching around his length. The way your ass bounced against his hips whenever he thrusted into you. Fuck. His hand came down hard on your already stinging before grabbing them and drilling into you impossibly quicker than before. 
“Please don’t stop!” You cried out, living for the way his dick filled you so fucking full until you you were seeing white. “Look at you pretty girl. You’re such a brat and all I do is fuck you and give you what you want.” He grunted in your ear and kissed right below it, hearing the dangling sounds of your own earrings.
“Ohhh, Jungkook I’m so close,” He huffed before carefully flipped you over and fucked you with vigor, your toes curling and an amazing sensation rushing through you. “Come on sweetness, you’re almost there.” He placed your legs over his shoulder and gripped your delicious thighs so tight, this wouldn’t be the first time you’d see hand prints there tomorrow.
His forehead was pressed against yours as he watched his dick push in and out of your sopping cunt, your cries egging him on to spill inside of you without hesitation.
The feeling in your lower stomach was becoming uncomfortably persistent and with one final rare moan of your name his hips stuttered sloppily and he filled you with his seed to the brim. Your body spasmed around him and your mantra of his name didn’t even let up after you came. 
When you finally came down from your high, your eyes cleared to see the sweaty boy slumped against you, body spent from putting his all into this session.
He peppered kisses along your collarbones and softly massaged your chest as your eyes closed from his blessed hands working on your soft tissue.
He peeked up at you through those unruly locks of his and that boyish charm never failed you whenever he literally did anything. Don’t even get you started on his boxing practices, whew-
“So round two?” He quirked a playful eyebrow at you as his fingers lightly danced over your torso. You giggled when he reached around your waist and applied pressure, the soft skin felt like silk to him. 
“What do you expect an answer?” You giggled up at him, stars in your eyes. You sneakily reached and tickled under his arms, and he let out the most adorable laugh your ears could ever hear. You shushed your laughs with unsuccessful kisses that were even more laughs because of your failed attempts of keeping a straight face.
When he pulled away, his doe-eyes were stuck on your gorgeous face. The way he was looking at you wasn’t unfamiliar, you we’re just too stupid to play it off as the “post-fuck love stare.” But here you were now. Laughing in between his strong arms and pecking each others lips. 
We’ve been friends fucking like this for months and I’m just realizing this now?
“What if I told you that I loved you? How’d you answer to that..?” He trailed off towards the end, his spontaneous confidence wearing off by the millisecond from his impulsive words. 
You could combust with the overwhelming feeling of happiness and your chest felt lighter even with his body of muscle on you. You smiled so wide up at him, you could barely see his own face morph into the dimpled look you’ve grown to love since you first met him. But you still wanted to mess with him for 10 more seconds.
“I would say I love you with all my heart...” 
You think his just dropped to his stomach with the way his face turned ghastly pale and his eyebrows raised in worry. He was not expecting that after your reaction to him confessing his feeling towards you. Was this a joke? But you were smiling... mayb-
“But my ass is bigger.” Your laugh was contagious and he couldn’t even be mad at you cause he couldn’t agree more.
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ndoandou · 3 years
🎹A Lonely Steamy Night🎹
Pairing: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart x F!MC
Warning: rated 18, GARBAGE ENGLISH
Contents: masturbation, vaginal sex, creampie, love making
@kbiscuits here you go dear!
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It was night time. MC was in her bedroom, laying down under her cozy sheets. Her lover, mozart was busy composing. He had been busy for a few days and MC was getting real lonely.
She wanted to give mozart some space so he could concentrate better on his composition, in fact it was MCs idea to stay away from him. Now shes regretting that decision because she missed him a lot emotionally and.. sexually.
Just thinking about those steamy nights made her body heat up, her nether regions especially.
"Hngh.." MC moaned silently as her thoughts became wild. She couldnt ignore her thoughts anymore.
She trailed her hands into her underwear, touching her slit, feeling her wetness againsts her fingers...
Meanwhile in mozart's room...
Mozart slammed his quill furiously as he crumpled up the music sheet he was composing on.
He exhaled sharply as he gazed down towards his tight pants. His member had been buldging furiously against his pants for a while and it had distracted him awfully. Instead of music flowing throught his mind, it was his desire and longing for MC. He understood that MC wanted to give him his own space for his own sake, but he couldnt carry on like this.
As much as he wanted to see MC, he figured that she would be asleep at this time
Mozart glanced once more onto his raging member, constricted in his pants. Frustration was painted on his face.
"Damn it, guess i have no choice" mozart muttered under his breath, annoyed.
He unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants, allowing his throbbing member to spring out. He was clearly energetic down there as precum was already leaking. He snaked his hand towards tip masaging it gently as he thought of his sweetheart MC.
"Mmh.." mozart groaned lowly, feeling the pleassure build up in his nether regions
He started pumping his member gently, imagining that he was making endless love to MC.
Once he had enough of the gentle strokes, he fasten his pace, feeling his release coming closer than expected. His fantasies grew wilder and wilder every second.
"Ngh..!" Mozart groaned out as he released violently onto the palm of his left hand.
He was panting a bit as he released fairly hard, due to not doing it with MC for a few days. He stared at his now soiled hand and exhaled shamefully. He felt wrong touching himself to the thought of her for some reason.
Mozart quickly cleaned off his hand with a hankerchief and tossed it into his washing.
"Maybe a cup of coffee will fix things.." mozart mumbled, fixing himself up and walked out of his room.
Mozart had fixed himself a cup of coffee and proceeded on going back to her room when he heard strange noises coming from MC's room
"Ngh..haaa.. mozart.."
Mozart froze in his tracks almost dropping his cup of coffee
"Is she.." mozart thought to himself as his cheeks slowly grew red, which soon was replaced by a shy smirk.
He placed his coffee down on the vase table, knocking onto MC's door
"*knock* MC..?" Mozart knocked and called her name, pretending to not know what she was doing
This of course, scared the living hell out of mc causing her to almost jolt out of bed
"Y-yes?!" MC yelped, trying to tidy herself up quickly, hiding the fact that she was doing.. things
"May i come in meine liebe?" He asked sweetly, trying to hide his playfull tone
"O-okay.." MC said as she clutched her blankets
Mozart opened the door and closed it behind him. He slowly approached MC who clearly looked as if she was hiding something. He sat on her bed. His gentle smile twisted into a playfull smirk
"I heard what you were doing schatzi.." mozart said playfully causing mc to gasp in embarrasment
"Why didnt you tell me that you needed me that much..?" Mozart asked as he got closer to her, slowly traling his hand onto MC's face, cupping it.
"B-but i felt bad for bothering you.." MC admitted shyly
"Dont worry about it, even i was left alone with my thoughts and well.. i acted on those thoughts" mozart said still with a playful tone but with a pink tint on his cheeks
MC understood what he meant causing her face to burst red.
"Heh.." mozart chuckled softly as he leaned towards MC's lips giving it a deep kiss, tongues dancing against each other.
His once soft member had started throbbing violently againsts his pants again just from teasing his lover.
"Ngh..!" Mc moaned into his mouth. Mozart slowly pushed her down onto the bed, straddling her without breaking the kiss.
If MC was moist earlier, at this point she was dripping wet, especially feeling his lover's buldge against her thigh.
Eventually they broke the kiss with a trail of saliva connected to their lips. Mozart gave MC a quick peck on her neck earning a tiny moan from her.
His hands trailed from her delicate face towards her breast. He gave her breasts a gentle massage, occasionally squeezing her erected nipples through her thin night gown
"A-ah..!" MC moaned out slightly feeling her breasts being stimulated. She could also feel her lover's member start to throb violently againsts her thigh.
MC didnt want to be the only one stimulated, so she decided to do something daring. She reached her hands towards his throbbing bulge, stroking it through his pants.
"Mmh..!" Mozart moaned out which he quickly put a hand to cover his mouth.
MC smiled shyly when she saw his reaction
"Let me make you feel good too.." MC said with a blush on her face
His heart skipped a beat, hearing his partner say such thing with a cute voice.
"Do you realize how cute you are being right now..?" Mozart whispered into her ear and gave it a nibble, causing MC to jolt. he unbuttoned his collar, "i dont think i can wait any longer meine liebe.." he continued with a husky voice
"Me neither.." MC admitted softly as she unbuttoned mozart's pants letting his member spring out. She gave the head a light massage feeling him twitch against her fingers
"Hah.. eager aren't we?" Mozart panted out with a playful smirk
Mozart brought his left hand down towards her lower parts. He pushed her panties to the side giving him a clear view of her drenched heat.
"Heh.. were u this.. mm.. wet when you were touching yourself earlier" mozart asked MC teasingly as he glider his thumb up and down her drenched slit causing her to buck her hips against his thumb.
"Ngh..! I..mm dont think so.." MC said as she choked back a moan, still touching his member which was now leaking with precum.
Mozart wanted to tease MC more
"So tell me.. what were you imagining..?" Mozart asked, teasing her
MC blushed and looked away, biting her lips in embarrasment
"W-well.. i imagined y-you kissing me and...." MC struggled to speak as she was too embarrased. She covered her face with her free hand
"Hehe.. dont worry MC, i was just mmh.. teasing you" mozart said as he chuckled, giving his embarrased lover a gentle peck on her cheek.
He gestured MC to pull her hand away from his member and scooted closer. He slowly peeled of MC's panties off and nudged his member againsts her entrance
"Do you want to know what i imagined meine liebe?" Mozart whispered into her ear, gliding his member up and down MC's slit, making sure to brush against her clitoris, earning soft moans from her. "I imagined burrying myself deep inside you, making endless love to you.." he continued with a seductive tone, slowly pushing himself inside of MC's wet heat. The way his member stretched her and the way MC's core tightened around him caused them both to moan out loudly. He used to restrict his own noises in the past. It took him a while to finally be able to make more noises in bed.
"Haah.. MC..." he moaned out into her ear "would you hah.. want me to go gentle or rough..?" He asked softly into her ear
"Hngh..please go rough mmm.. on me wolfie" MC said lewdly, causing mozart to tense up
"I would have find it hard to go gentle on you meine liebe.. especially after calling me by my first name" he said as he exhaled, feeling his desire building up
He started off with a slow yet fierce thrust, gradually picking up pace. He made sure to hit her sweet spot. Every thrust earned a loud moan from MC as she could feel him deep inside of her.
The pleasure they both felt was unreal. It always had felt unreal whenever they did it, but this time was beyond unreal, after not doing it together for a few days.
The way their sexes joined together with a slap, caused them both to make more noises when ever they were joined together. Moans and grunts filled up the room with the wet noises their sexes made. They didn't want this blissfull moment to end which is why mozart slowed his pace down.
"Wolfie..?" MC asked curiously as his lover thrusted into her slower than before
"Sorry MC.. i dont think i would have last long enough if i kept thrusting like that..i also want to make this moment more intimate for the two of us.." mozart admitted shyly
She found this side of him really adorable, which then she threw her arms around Mozart's neck. This sudden gesture surprised Mozart.
"I love you wolfie.." MC whispered
"I love you too meine engel.." mozart said as his face bursted red, from MC's cuteness
They took a moment to stare into eachothers eyes, sexes still connected to each other. The way mozart's amethyst orbs glimmered with love and passion made MC's heart flutter.
Their lips slowly connected unconciouslly, drowned in love and pleassure. Their soft lips gently pecking each other, feeling each others warm breath.
Their gentle kisses became heated and passionate, their toungues once again interwining. Unconciously, Mozart had pick up the pace, hammering himself roughly into MC , along side with the passionate kissing. Their moans were muffled into each others kiss.
"Im sorry liebe... i *grunt* wont last any longer.. may i finish inside of you?" Mozart asked sweetly, panting as he pulled away from the kiss.
"Ah..! Please do.. i love you wolfie..." MC said as she felt the knot in her nether regions start to snap.
Just the phrase " i love you wolfie" drove him feral. At this rate he was drilling into her heat with no mercy, causing loud moans and cries to erupt for MC's swolen lips. Mozart on the other hand was growling into her neck feeling himself lose control.
"K-Kiss me!" MC moaned out as she wrapped her legs onto his waist, which Mozart immideatly started kissing her roughly.
They both released, a scream of pleassure escaping from MC's mouth, feeling herself tremble at the sensation of her orgasm. Mozart had pushed himself deeply. He released deep inside of her, painting her insides white as he moaned loudly into her mouth.
They pulled away from the kiss with a wet sound, both panting as they recovered from their mind blowing ecstacy.
"Sorry if i was too rough on you mc" mozart said appolegetically as he pulled out from her core.
"Dont worry about it wolfie.." MC said as he pulled him into a sudden tight hug
Arthur walked down the halls with a cup of coffee in his hand, when he spotted a cup full of cold coffee resting on the vase table.
"By jove, who left their untouched coffee here?" He asked himself.
Thats when he heard questionable noises come from MC's room.
"My, my, seems like wolf abandoned his coffee for his dear MC" arthur said walking away as he chuckled.
AAAAA this one isn't my best work but i tried ;-; sorrtcif some parts here sounded awkward 😭
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exosallure · 4 years
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Baby baby
With his eyes still closed shut, you waited. Giving his neck tiny little butterfly kisses, hands softly massaging his sides, waiting for him to arise from his impossibly deep slumber. His eyelids flutter slighty when you kiss his chest, nosing along his tummy and cheeks pressing against his lower abdomen.
He breathes out harshly when your lips ghost along his upper thighs, moving closer to the inside of his soft, sinfully smooth skin. You give an experimental lick on the baby soft skin on the inside of his right thigh and you receive a slight whimper in response. Motivated by his reaction you suck on the tender skin for a second. You are rewarded with a light moan.
He wakes up, tired eyes blinking against the lights of your living room. You giggle slightly at his annoyed little groans.
“Why’d you wake me up....’ he asks with an irritated pout on his face.
“Are you mad at me Baby?”
He couldn’t stay mad when you called him that, it made his heart beat like a drum and his limbs go soft. His fingers would tingle and his whole body would go numb, ready to submit and please under you. He didnt know what it was or why it would happen. He didnt want to feel this way. He was your boyfriend, not some kind of submissive loser.
You saw his eyes shift from annoyed to confused, but you had no idea of the inner battle happening inside of him. You simply saw his cock grow harder inside of his boxers and his cheeks go red, as well as the tips of his ears. His hands began to shake and feel clammy. He wanted to listen, to obey to you so badly, but his pride stopped him from doing anything.
You got a glimpse of his inner turmoil when he whimpered slightly, sounding so broken, so utterly submissive. You could try, you had to try. You had been wanting this for so long, always too afraid to bring it up. But it seems as if Baekhyun had opened a door for you both without meaning to. You decided to try your luck and if it didn’t work out you’d see what happens next.
“Baby, can i try something?”
Baekhyun’s breath hitched, his eyes almost immediately glazing over the moment you called him that word. He seriously started to question what was wrong with him. Why did his body react to this. But mostly, why did he secretly not mind?
He tried to calm down by breathing through his nose but it didnt work. So he just decided to fuck it, and let go for once. He hoped you’d be okay with this side of him. He also hoped he would be okay with this side of him.
“Y-yes” he almost whispered.
You looked quite happy with his answer, so he prepared himself for what was about to come. What you did next was not something he could’ve ever expected though. Normally when you’d kiss his thighs like that, a blowjob would be following quite shortly after. But you seemed to be having different plans this time.
Your fingers had glided across his inner thighs, all the way to be underside of his bottom. His eyes went wide, tears threatening to fall. He didn’t know if it was embarrassment, or neediness, or perhaps a mix of both. He was confused, really really confused. His heartbeat was going crazy, almost pounding out of his chest. He was nervous, but excitement also strangely found its place in the whirlwind of his emotions at the moment.
You kept kissing his thighs to assure him it was okay, but he kept trembling. You were starting to think that this was a bad idea. You were about to move away to stop what you were doing until you heard his quiet protest, his thighs keeping your fingers locked in place. His eyes holding a pleading look, voice trembling when he almost whimpered his words.
“Stay, please s-stay”
And so you did. You stayed in place, waiting for his shaking hands to let go of the sheets, body visibly relaxing against the mattress. With a deep breath your fingers explored his bottom more. Kneading softly, earning you slightly embarrassed but nonetheless beautiful whines. You bite the inner side of his left thigh, leaving a few marks.
His shaky breaths continued throughout the entire thing, but the whimpers that mixed with them told an entirely different story. Once you’ve completely settled between his legs, he almost curled in on himself. You’ve seen him like this countless times, this should be a normal thing by now. But for some reason neither of you could understand, this felt a thousand times more thrilling. It was almost exhilirating. Nerves and lust blending together so well, making a pleasing, almost sickengly sweet feeling flow through your veins.
You squeeze the fat of his voluptuous thighs, making his legs fall open for you, showing you a full view of his gorgeous body. He trembles a little more when your fingertips graze his hard on. He wants you so bad, needs you so, so incredibly bad. He’s willing to risk it all just to get you to touch him more. To hell with his pride, he just needs more. He slides his body forward, closer towards your hands, your fingers, your touch. You smile a little bit, finally noticing his desperate action.
“Don’t be scared okay baby? I’m gonna take care of you so well, make you feel so, so good”
He nods, adam’s apple bopping up and down in anticipation. You kiss his left ass cheek, lips staying put just a little bit longer than usual, but Baekhyun really doesn’t mind. Your fingers trail further down the underside of his balls, to his perineum, stroking tenderly up and down. One hand stays pressed against his perineum, making Baekhyun whine under you.
After a long time of debating, you take the first step. You experimentally kiss the place your fingers just were, his pink entrance slightly twitching from the attention. He gasps quite loudly, the unexpected action literally taking his breath. His reaction definitely satisfied you, so you do it again. This time, using your tongue. You lick a small stripe up his puffy hole, wetting it with your warm tongue. He sighs, relieve finally filling him after waiting for something for so long. You continue, alternately pressing a little bit harder against the muscle, and giving him tiny kisses and even smaller bites and nibbles.
His entire body has a soft red glow and a thin, very warm layer of sweat. He looks breathtaking. You’ve never seen him look like this, so undeniably fucked out, he looks exhausted, but in a beautiful way. He keeps pleading for you, “don’t stop, please please don’t stop”. So you don’t.
His moans continue to get louder and louder, putting any pornstar to absolute shame. You squeeze his thighs as a silent warning before suddenly plunging your tongue into him. He almost screams, sensations he’s never felt before flooding his senses. He’s incredibly sensitive, nipples hard and red from you playing with them. You continue, tongue moving in and out of him in an almost animalistic tempo. He starts rocking back onto your tongue, hips moving faster and faster each time.
You slap his thigh, handprint slightly visible on his pale, now red, skin. He keens, eyes rolling back, pleasure becoming too much. He tries to warn you, tries to tell you how close he is but words don’t seem to exist right now. He can’t even come close to forming a mumble, let alone a coherent sentence. He starts shaking again, but this time it’s different. He’s not nervous, it’s almost painful pleasure taking over. His thighs close in on each other, trapping your head in between. You grin and grab his thighs even tighter, most definitely leaving marks.
His breath starts to get uneven, muscles straining and jaw clenching. His loudest moan yet sounding through your room as he finally comes, hole spasming and twitching, swollen and almost purple cock releasing spurt after spurt of warm, thick cum. You guide him through it, lips never leaving his overstimulated entrance.
Your right hand goes to stroke his tummy, calming him down, new and unfamiliar sensations too much all at once. Your left hand scoops up most of his sticky come.
Your sticky fingers rest on his cheek before pressing against his cherry red lips. He looks at you, about to ask what you were doing, when you spoke up.
He gasps slightly, his eyes starting to get wetter again. His mouth falls open at your command, tongue sliding out, lying on his lower lip. He never told you about his fondness of having things in his mouth, his oral fixation never a topic of conversation. You suddenly shove three digits down his throat, almost making him choke, but making his entire upper body convulse when he closes his lips tightly around your fingers. He immediately starts sucking like his life depends on it, the first throaty groans of the evening hanging in the air. You stay quiet, jaw straining from having to wait, wait and just watch while this pretty, absolutely angelic boy is sucking his own seed off of your fingers.
You start kissing his neck again, biting and leaving marks, licking down his sensitive veins. When you deem your fingers clean enough you squeeze his hand, asking him to let go and open his mouth. His eyes begin to water, head shaking left to right, his need to keep sucking and licking more than obvious. He is desperate to keep you where you are.
“Babyboy, I need you to let go. I promise it will be okay. I’m still here and I’m not going anywhere. Now let go okay Baekhyunnie?”
He whines loudly, a sob wrecking through him. He looks absolutely wrecked. His need and desire to keep your fingers tightly clamped inside his mouth stopping you from proceeding. You realise he needs something else to keep him satisfied, to make him feel safe again.
You remember something you’ve had in your closet for a long time. Never used, bought for a hot and steamy night, to be used on you. But the thought of it never really excited you, Baekhyun neither. But it’s worth a try. You just need to get him to release your fingers for a bit.
You coo at his form, his shaking, trembling and needy form. You try to coax him into letting you go, the other hand that was rubbing at his perineum now squeezing his baby soft cheek. You pry his lips apart, rubbing the roof of his mouth with the tips of your fingers. His jaw unlocks and you use the opportunity to release your fingers from his warm and wet cavern.
He cries out, upset and desperate for you.
“Shh, it’s okay baby. I’m gonna get something to satisfy your need to suck okay? You can keep it in your mouth for as long as you want, that’s right baby”
He nods again, head falling back, resting on his pillow.
After a long minute of searching, trying to ignore Baekhyun’s whines, you find the item you were looking for. You walked back over to your bed, the small white ball gag between your fingers.
When he spots the object, his eyes blow wide. His mouth instantly fills itself with water, he can’t wait to have that in his mouth. He pants, tongue falling out of his mouth.
“Are you excited baby? You’d like this in your mouth?” You ask him with a big, fond smile on your face. He is so cute.
He nods, eyes sparkling.
You calm him down for a bit by threading your fingers through his hair, scratching against his scalp. He keens, soft and satisfied gasps escaping from him. He seems perfectly content like this, still floaty and warm from his first orgasm of the night. You were almost going to stop doing what you were doing and just let him go to sleep, until he whined again, asking for the gag.
You, of course, weren’t going to deny him. A single tear fell down his face, making you coo at him again, he was so desperate, so, so frightened you weren’t going to give him what he craved. You tilted his head and instructed him to open his mouth and unlock his jaw. He did so eagerly. You laid the sillicone ball on his tongue, letting him feel the weight of it on his tongue for a while. Teeth playing with the ball, he giggled. A happy glint in his eyes. Yes, yes yes this was what he wanted. This was heaven. A soft bed, post-orgasm glow still prominent. You caring for him, treating him like a porcelain doll, and his mouth filled.
You clasped the gag shut and asked if it felt good like this. Was it too tight? Was it not tight enough? Did it hurt his jaw? Was he able to breathe? But again, he nodded happily, feeling better than ever. You sighed, feeling so relieved. He was as into this as you were, who would’ve thought.
His grabby hands were also starting to become a problem, and you decided to take care of it. You got one of his black ties, which he never uses, and grabbed his hands. Still feeling floaty and giggly, teeth playing with the ball gag in his mouth, he barely noticed you moving around until he felt his hands being restrained. His eyes went wide, breath halting for a second. He moaned out very loudly when he saw what you had done. His arms were raised above him, wrists tied with one of his neckties. He suddenly felt hot all over again. His half hard cock rising completely at the occasion.
“Hmm~ i see you like that, huh?” You chuckled, eyebrows raised.
He shrugs, shoulders rising and dropping slightly. His cheeks turn a lovely shade of red. How adorable.
“How about.. you watch me get myself ready for you and then i fuck you. Hard”
His moan, though muffled by the ball gag, still loud enough for you to hear. He thrashed around, needing you close again. But you were so far away. The walls were almost closing in on eachother, he felt so alone even though he knew he wasn’t. But you weren’t right there next to him, you weren’t touching him, you weren’t-
“Shh shh baby it’s okay. I told you before, I’m not leaving you, I’m staying right here. I promise. I’m not going anywhere alright?”
He felt like he could breathe again, and all it took was your touch, your voice and your presence. He relaxed again.
The moment you knew he was fine again, you started touching yourself. You both slept naked, so clothes were already off anyways, and you had to admit that you were getting quite desperate yourself. His eyes were almost entirely pupil when the first finger slipped inside you. His and your breathing were getting rougher, both so turned on and needy.
You were three fingers in when you couldn’t take it anymore, core already shaking, you whined when you pulled your fingers out, feeling empty and needing something to fill you again. Your wet fingers glistened in the bedroom lights, and you could see Baekhyun eyeing them greedily. He mumbled something incoherent through the gag in his mouth. Your clean hand unclasped the strap of the white gag. Baekhyun’s jaw unlocked immediately, saliva spilling from his mouth onto his face and chest. The sight of him making you moan.
“I wanna suck your fingers please, please please let me” he cried.
Your fingers glided into his mouth, he immediately clamped his jaw shut, effectively trapping your fingers inside. You laughed, forever amused by his eagerness. He swiped his tongue around your fingers, moaning, loving the taste. When he’s done, you press against his cheek as a signal to release you. This time he listens.
“Good boy”
His eyes twinkle, he’s so happy for making you proud. He blushes again, and you squeeze his apple cheeks.
“You know Baekhyunnie, I think I’m leaving this gag out tonight. I want to hear you scream for me” you whisper in his ear.
He shivers, chills running down his spine. Yes, he would love that. An appreciative moan comes out of his mouth.
“Can you please f-fuck me now?”
You oblige happily. You grab his hard member, giving it a few harsh tugs before slowly sinking down on it. Your walls try to accommodate his size and girth, and it takes you a moment to get used to it. You use that to slap his thighs a few times and bite on his nipples, which gets you loud whines from underneath you.
When you deem yourself ready, you pull yourself up entirely before slamming down hard. Both of you moan loudly.
“Yes yes yes, oh my god yes, ah ahh hnng”
He’s never been this loud during sex, but Baekhyun can’t even make himself care. He’s never felt this good, this wonderful. You’ve had sex like this thousands of times, never getting enough of one another. But this is so, so much better. You love the fact that you can control the pace, slamming down hard or teasing him by swirling your hips around or slowly grinding against him.
He loves this helpless feeling, this feeling of completely letting go, of surrendering to you and being literally tied up. He’s higher than he’s ever been. And he knows now that you both have much more to tell each other, and that there’s no going back to vanilla, ever, and he couldn’t be happier.
Your thighs begin to shake, core clenching and unclenching. You also feel Baekhyun inside you tensing up, cock twitching. He spills inside you, screaming your name. Moments later, feeling his warm release deep inside you, you also come, a throaty and high pitched moan coming from you. You fall forward, thighs trembling. You snuggle into his neck, kissing alongside the thick veins.
You take a few deep breaths and get yourself moving again, untying his wrists and rubbing the blood back into them. You both cuddle up to eachother, both incredibly satisfed. You share a wet, sloppy kiss and whisper some sweet nothings into eachothers ears before falling asleep, soft puppy whimpers escaping Baekhyun and filling the air.
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tomdiddlyumptious · 3 years
Tom Holland x black reader getting caught fucking in his childhood bed and his parents making reader and Tom talk about it in a family meeting 💀💀
Summary: que?
Warnings: smut and an awkward situation. Cringy smut of course, yelling ar new borns- LaNgUaGe
T.H| I’m Sorry You Said What?
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You and tom rode in the car, bumping to something random on the radio as you both made your way back to his old home. Youve been there before but it was nice to come back after a while.
“Y/n?” “What?” You asked looking at him. “I love you” “ewwwww” you stuck out your tongue, he rolled his eyes and smacked his lips while you giggled.
“Im sorryyyyyy” “no your rude” tom shook his head unbuckling himself. “It was a simple joke! Its not my fault you couldnt take it!” He glared at you “you suck” “you swallow” “you choke” “i- i do” you admit making him laugh “ i wont lie” you shrugged and hopped out the car, closing the door behind you.
You both walked to the door and he held on your waist pressing a kiss to your forehead. He knocked and was met immediately with his father with a bib on. “Whats the bib for?” “Im trying to online teach kids how to eat neatly” “they must be newborns for that-“ you bud in.
“Exactly- its to mad in there” “they dont even know theyre moving how do you expect them to know how to raise a fork” nikki asked making you all laugh as dom shrugged but opened the door more inviting you both in. Tom stepped in after you both and you shared hugs before he pulled you into his room. “Thomas is this your room?” “Yes” “why is there a one direction poster?” “I love Niall Horan” he shrugged and shut the door.
Your eyebrows furrowed at him in confusion “I would take you as more of a zayn fan” “well there goes something new, and I know about your obsession with Harry styles already, do NOT rub it in” he demanded making you giggle, you took off your shoes and laid in his bed, which was comfy, not firm like yours used to be, but as long as you had a roof over your head everything was goddamn fine🙄.
Thomas decided to lay down next to you and you still looked around “I’m supprised you don’t have twilight in here” you giggled “shut up” he chuckled and laid his head in your breast, you played with his hair and tugged it a bit making him let out a small groan “Thomas don’t-“ “you tugged my hair!” “This is your childhood room for heaven sakes” “let’s make more memories then!” He suggested. “You get on my nerves’ you smacked your lips as he reached up to kiss your neck and slowly make his way to your sweet spot. “I want youuuu” he sung.
“But I dontttt” “yes you doooo” “okay maybeeee” “I’m gonna take off your clothessss” “go aheadddd”you moaned a little bit from his nibble on your sweet spot as he trailed his hands down your stomach giving you goosebumps. Your turned your head to meet his lips, “did I ever tell you how amazing you look today?” “No”
“Well-“ he cut himself off, you just love to ruin the mood all the time. “Ay don’t blame me if anything you did because were in your childhood bed right now” “I’m gonna fuck you and that’ll make you be quiet, won’t it?” You just sighed at his words, but letting the blood flow south.
“Actually it won’t, I’d make you scream and let everyone hear- (this is your family for heaven sakes😭)” he mumbled, playing with the hem of your underwear and you let out a low moan. “Yeah i know youd like that, naughty girl (😭😭 i cant)”
He gently rubbed your pearl over your paintes while you unbuckled his pants, palming him through his jeans feeling his hard. He let out a groan and pressed harder on your clit making you whine and buck your hips onto his hands.
Tom groaned by the buzzkill of his father, but let out laughs in your neck. “Just make it quick tom” you whispered against his forehead kissing it, he nodded and got up, walking to the door and you stood to, taking off your pants while he made sure it was locked, when he looked back he saw you struggling and tripping over your shoes making him chucke before walking over and making yiu stand straight, right before pinning you to the wall.
He took your hands and yanked them over your head making you clench your legs together. “Open up” he demaned softly, putting his knee in between your legs and opening them before looking at you. “Your so beautiful baby girl” he kissed you, biting your lip. “Dont move your hands? Hear me?”
“But it will start to hurt” you pleaded but he only tsked at you and told you to follow his orders before pulling down his pants and boxers a bit to pull himself out, you both still had clothes on, well you didnt have your jeans on (which is so fuckin unfair) and your shoes but he kept his on.
He took his hands and pressed his chest against your to keep you in place before he lifted your legs around his hips and used a single hand to pull your panties to the side. He spit in the tip of his fingers before runnjng them through your folds “oh- your already soaked” he said before coning cocky “i didnt even do anything yet” “please fuck me already” you begged and he smiled, watching as he slipped himself in, a moan leaving both of your lips.
He started to fill himself in you while you struggled to keep your hands in place. He groaned pumping in you, fucking you against the wall, he hooked his hands under your knees and pushed them closer to the walls to open you up. “Fuck tommy” you gasped, your head leaning back against the wall and he took the chance to lick and suck on your sweet spot, to hot in the moment to remember where he is.
“Fuck y/n your so tight- shit-“ he felt you clench, he started to harder but slow, the sound bouncing off the wall as you swallowed your moans. “Shit- tommy” your back arched off the wall, your arms to tired and heavy so they went around his shoulders and your head in his neck. “You tired baby?“
“UMMMMM” nikki said, both of your heads whipping around. “MOM-“ she slammed the door closed before anything else could happen.
“Dinner is in 15 minutes- uhhhh dont be late. Make sure to clean up” she said leaning up against the door “and please dont ya know-“ she nervously chuckled “finish” “IT WASNT LIKE THAT I SWEAR”
“Thomas it’s obvious” you glared at him, when he pulled out of you a sigh left your lips. “I swear i locked the door” he said putting himself back, watching you as you got yourself together. “Does it really matter now?” He only shrugged in response.
Toms cheeks were scarlet while you tried to get yourself to stop shaking so much. “It cant be that bad, right?” You held onto his arm for strength. “I mean it should all be fine cuz like- they did it to have me!” “Yeahyeahyeah” you nodded, kinda getting confident. “Lets just go” you pulled his arm to the dinning room, meeting a pair of 2 eyes starring at you both.
You all just sat there in silence, all of your movements halt as you made eye contact with nikki and tom made eye contact with his dad. “Dont be shy now, its only dinner” nikki said, placing the plates infront of the seat.
You looked at tom and he did a small nod walking right behind you to sit in the seats right next to each other.
“If you couldnt already tell we are having- erm spaghetti” she smiled trying to ease the tension but it was to thick.
After everyone took a couple bites you sipped the water. “Would you care to explain what happened-“ you choked on the water at doms words, the water shooting out of your nose while everyone looked at you. “I drank it to fast- haha” you faked a laugh, cleaning yourself up with the napkin.
“I didnt know you could do that....” tom said before looking at his dad. “We uhhh had ya know” tom looked away, feeling his ears start to burn up. “Ya know???” Nikki comments.
“You knowwwww like uhmmm” “clearly child” dom said glarring at him. “Who had the idea?” “I think we both know who”
You lifted your arms up in defense “it wasnt me” tom smaced his lips at you and you looked at him shrugging “it wasnt!” “You told me to make it quick!-“
“THOMAS” “whaaaat?! Its true!” “You still started it!”
Nikki and don watched the fued between as you to continued to complain and fight. “You were clearly being to loud thats why we got caught!-“
“Actually i heard thuds against the wall soooo” nikki spaced off as you glarred at him. “Who was making to much noise?” You lifted an eyebrow before he rolled his eyes and turned his chair a bit to not look at you.
“Did you use protection?” Dom asked. “Uhhh no” tom said. “Why not?” Nikki butted in. He only shrugged. “You need to use protection” “no we dont”
Nikki tapped behind her ear “what did you say?” “We will use protection” tom changed his mind. “Aha and how did you get that mark on your neck” nikki turned to you.
“I-uh burned my neck with the curling iron!” “Your hair isnt in curls” you bit your lip at her words “yeah welp i gave up after and dumped my hair in water” dom tried to read toms face and body language “it looks like a bruise, how high was the temperature?” Nikki asked, slightly concerned. “I have no idea”
“Just- why here?” Tom starred at nikki “i dont know i was just caught in the moment~” “dont you only say that when your a virgin doing it-“ “y/n we are supposed to be a team!” “Im just saying!”
“Before you both argue again.....” nikki said stopping the pot from boiling. “I just want to say that i hope your both happy and no longer sexually aroused”
“Nikki!” “What?! I have to say that Dominic!” “No you didnt, but if you dont mind i have to be leaving now, i have to teach the babies how to read” dom stood and took his plate to the kitchen, soon everyone done with their meal as you sat in silence washing dishes with nikki.
“Are you planning on making me a grandma?” She whispered, handing you the wet dish. “No not really” you sighef, drying the dish. “That sucks” “yep”
“But like why not!” “Toms busy with work and all do i dont want him to feel to responsible” “i have to agree on that one, barely wants to wipe his ass” “nikki!” You whisper yelled as she giggled, passing you anothet plate as you put the old one back.
“I know how it feels- dom cant keep his hands off of me” she winked as your eyes widened at her. “What! Im old not dead y/n” “you are not old nikki and plus i dont wanna know that!” “Hey im just letting you know” she shrugged.
“Dad she isnt pregnant and wont be anytime soon” “just bring me the babies! I will teach them how to cook, clean, eat-“ “thats our job dad”
“Well its better then these babies- WHO WONT STOP CHEWING ON THE BOOK-“
“OH GOD PLEASE STOP CRYINGGG BLOODY HELL” dom said, snatching the ipad. “But please dont have sex in my house, thomas” dom glared at him while tom aggressively nodded his head.
“THATS A NO NO WORD- STOP SAYING THAT” dom yelled again, stressing himself out. “WHY ARE YOU EVEN DOING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?” Nikki yelled from the kitchen, walking infront of you into the livingroom.
“Dont you even” he pointed at the new born through the ipad.
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ughitsnic · 4 years
Remember when: Chris Evans
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Over 2k words... which a hell of a lot for me. i dont really know what i was doing with this one but i had fun writing it. angst? yeah kinda
It was never Chris' fault, he was so caring and full of love but that was just who he was. It was that you were in a relationship that felt forced and that was moving way too fast and way too public for both of your liking. It was tough on you where as before you would happily go places together, baseball games, go out for food get a drink, walk the dogs. But now? Everyone was watching over analyzing the headlines were ridiculous people conspiring about an inevitable break up because you both looked stressed.
"Hey" you sigh, putting the groceries down on kitchen island and kicking off your shoes. "Im home!" No answer. You take your time unpacking and putting everything away neatly in the fridge. You shut the door and look at the polaroid picture stuck on by a mickey mouse fridge magnet. A picture of you and Chris from when you were younger at disney in front of the epcot ball, vanilla ice cream allover your faces. You smile, you couldn't remember much from the trip because you were both only 8 but you did remember telling each other you were going to be best friends forever.
"Did you get stuff for waffles?" Chris questions, walking in only in his gray sweatpants.
"Yep, I got whipped cream, strawberries, blueberries and chocolate syrup" you tell him, putting the picture back up.
"God I love you" he mumbles, kissing your cheek and getting a bottle of water out the fridge.
"Do you remember this?" You question.
"I remember you crying on the tower of terror"
"No i didn't” you say defensively”
“Yes you did, you didn't stop crying for like half an hour!” he laughs
“At least i didn't piss my pants!" You fire back, laughing.
"Hey! I didn't piss my pants" he groans.
"Yes you did!"
"No it was a tiny bit" he stresses.
"So you pissed"
"Y/N stop" he laughs. "I'm still embarrassed" his cheeks pink.
"Shut up pissypants" you giggle
"Y/n!" he drags out, pouting.
"What are you gonna do tell your mum?" You question.
"I might" he shrugs, finishing his water.
"Oh please do" you laugh.
"Stop i was like 5"
"We were 8!"
"So! You know what" he points trying to hold back his laughter. "I didn't forget when we had that sleepover and you had that sex dream about Jackson and you woke me up sleep talking" your cheeks burn.
"Oh my god shut up" you cover your face.
"Oooo Jackson" he says in a high pitch voice.
"It wasn't a sex dream" you stress. "Fine. Remember when..." you trail off, you lock eyes, both widening knowing you're thinking of the same thing.
"When you had sex with Jessica and you only lasted 20 seconds!"
"We both know that isn't the case anymore" he winks trying to play it cool but you can read him like a book and the pained expression on his face let you know that he was dying on the inside, thinking back.
"How old were you again?" You tease
"Baby, stop it" he begs.
"Okay, i'll stop" you stomach hurt from laughing so much. "I wonder if Jessica remembers?" You ponder walking over to give him a hug and to tease him even more.
"You're the worst" he mumbles against your hair letting out a little laugh.
"I heard she has kids now, so does Jackson," he says quietly. You press your lips together pulling away.
"I think i'm going to go take a shower before you make those waffles" you say quietly, the entire mood shifting. He just nods. That was the thing it was great, brilliant even, when you joked around and just hung out until actual relationship stuff came up, like the subject of kids. The plan was always for yours and Chris's kids to be best friends just like you two were because both of your moms were. The plan never was to have kids together, the plan was never to start dating in the first place.
"Can I join you?" Chris questions snapping you back to reality. You really had no clue if Chris felt the same about this whole thing.
"Another time?"
"I promise I'll last longer than 30 seconds" he smiles.
"Who said anything about that?" You question biting back a smile. You could never say no. He was just mind blowing in bed, on the couch, on and against the counter top, in the back seat of the car, the shower was no exception. In fact this entire thing started because you both decided, wine drunk, that you should sleep together. You were both fresh out of relationships, both sad and horny. And when people saw you leaving the guest room they assumed you were secretly together, so you both decided to give it a try. You were just 'testing the waters' and to start with it was perfect for everything you could want but now? You just wanted your best friend but if you did break up would there be a friendship?
“Are you being serious right now Chris?” you were so angry.
“What?” he questions confused. Is he being for real?
“In that interview you said you were hoping to have kids in the near future!”
“Whats the issue, we’ve been together for over a year y/n, we aren’t getting any younger!” he stresses. “I do want kids, and you want kids but what is your problem? Is it me?” he questions, he looked heart broken. “Why don’t you want a family with me?”
“I’m just not ready yet Chris, i don’t want to rush things” you lie… well was it a lie? You wanted to wait and see if this was even going to work out.
"I’ve known you all your life i know when you're lying! Do you know how embarrassing it is when there's pictures of your girlfriend ducking out the way so i don’t kiss you? Its fucking embarrassing y/n you need to figure out what you want from me because i’m starting to think we both have very different priorities!" Chris shouts, you reach for his arm as he tries to leave. "Just give me some space"
At night you lay on opposite ends of the bed despite both of you being cuddlers.
"Whats on your mind?" You question, watching him chew at his lip.
"Nothing just tired" he lies.
"I know when you're lying" you sit up.
"And i know when you’re lying" he snaps. "I’m sorry" he quickly apologizes before wiping his eyes. "I’m sorry that i don’t make you happy" his voice was unsteady.
"You do make me happy" you crawl across the bed and pull him into a tight embrace, his head resting on your shoulder.
"You can be honest with me" he mumbles, running his fingers through your hair. "I see you pull your hand away when i go to hold it, i see how you cringe when i call you baby" he sounded heart broken.
"Chris" you whisper, your own heart breaking because you knew exactly where this was going.
"No don’t lie, i know you hate that we cant go anywhere with out people taking pictures and over analyzing everything we do. I see how you dodge the subject of babies and i know you want one" he sighs. "But not with me and that’s okay... I’m sorry but i don’t think i can do this anymore. I love you y/n i really do but i’m not in love with you" he lifts his head up to look at you, his eyes already red and puffy
"I-I don’t want to lose you" Your eyes sting and he just sighs, you felt as though you couldn’t breath. Even though you knew this would be the outcome it didnt hurt any less.
"You wont" he assures.
"What? Are we just going to look back in 10 years and be like wow remember the time you ate my coochie for like an hour and we pretended to love each other" you try to lighten the mood despite the heavy flow of tears from the both of you.
"You really do have a way with words y/n, but exactly" he forces a smile, despite his cheeks being stained with fresh tears. "Or remember the time when i lasted way long than 30 seconds" you let out a shaky laugh.
"I cant believe you’re breaking up with me" you mumble.
"If you want, you can break up with me?" He questions 
"Remember the time i dumped your ass?" 
"I do i cried like a baby just like you did when we watched marley and me for the first time" he reminisces
"Hey" you nudge his shoulder playfully. "You cried at that movie too"
"I did" he frowns. "Its a sad movie"
"I know bub. But what do we do now?"
"I don’t know. Do you want to spend some time apart?" He asks and you shrug. Usually after a break up you would find your self at Chris's house for a week or to or vice versa.
"I- I just broke up with a really amazing guy and i really need my best friend right now" you start to cry all over again. "Because i don’t want to lose him"
"You’ll never lose me" Chris whispers, now holding you in his arms rubbing circles on your back. "I love you"
"Ouch too soon" you joke wiping your tears again.
"I love you, platonically" he corrects. "Now? Do you want to watch back to the future or lion king?" Both of them were yours and Chris’s go to films when growing up. "I’m going to go get us some snacks"
"Its 2 am" you remind him.
"So? It will be like old times" he smiles. "Only this time my dad wont come in and shout at us for talking too loud"
"Remember when we were playing on the playstation at like 4am and your dad came in and split us up so we would actually sleep"
"Yeah" he smiles, his eyes bright. "I had to sleep on the couch and you got my bed but you come and got on the other couch so you weren’t alone because you were scared of the dark"
"It wasn’t me who was scared of the dark it was you"
"Maybe was both of us... maybe it was me" he laughs.
"I cant wait to tell everyone i dumped captain america" you laugh.
Whilst it wasn’t what you wanted you both took a step back from each other you moved out and got an apartment the other end of town and hardly ever saw Chris because he was always filming but you still got to see dodger all of the time, watching him when his family couldn’t. Sometimes you’re relationship gets brought up in interviews and he just smiles and shrugs.
"People say marrying or even just dating your best friend is the best thing you could do, but when you've been best friends since you were born it doesn’t really work. Its like we dated because we owed it to our self and our families to see if we would work out. We didn’t. That’s okay and thankfully we are still friends. Maybe its not actually mutual and that i’m just harassing her and y/n is too nice to tell me to tell me to leave her alone. please hang out with me y/n lets go get food, come watch a movie" he jokes. "No" he shrugs. "We are still best friends"
You were sat in the passenger seat of Chris’s car as he speeds down the road, the radio blaring.
"If you don’t stop with this crazy driving you’re going to send me into labor a month early" you tell him.
"That’s the plan i cant wait to meet my niece" he smiles stopping at a red light, he reaches over and rests his hand on your large bump. You groan as she starts to kick, it was something about Chris's voice she loved.
"She better not replace me" you joke.
"I guess you can come to our movie nights" he smiles. You were currently on your way to a restaurant out of town, you were craving the food and your fiance Matthew was at work so Chris offered to take you. Your laughter dies down and you just listen to the radio. Moral of the story playing, you could help but laugh to you self quietly looking over at Chris who was in deep thought. Was he thinking the same thing as you? Or did this some almost perfectly describe those 18 months you were together?
(btw my requests are open so feel free to send anything in)
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feeling-uncomfy · 4 years
This is for u @trademarked-but-not-really do with it what you will :D
There is a blood warning, just a heads up!
Also, Hawks platonically calling Tokoyami baby bird gives me serotonin —
"Goodbye, sir." Tokoyami waved from the front door of Hawks's agency. The sun was setting slowly, the sky was a warm orange colour. Hawks grinned and shot a feather to bump his interns shoulder, hands occupied. "Dont forget to text when you get back to the dorms, okay?" Tokoyami let's out a huff but nods and walks out of the building. Hawks sighs, another day done.
The other sidekicks left in an orderly fashion, each getting the paperwork finished relatively easily, so Hawks was left alone after a half hour. He sighed and looked down at the paperwork left unfinished.
It was his, so Hawks had no excuse to not have it done. Plus, the commission had been on his ass recently regarding his lack of monthly check-ins, which annoyed the winged hero. Why should he still have to answer to them? Hawks huffed and sat down, prepared to sit there and get it done.
Until there was a loud bang at the door.
Hawks sprang up. He had just closed up, why was someone there? He left his office and walked down the hall. He was about to tell whoever was there to piss off, but what he was met with made him freeze.
"Tokoyami?! What—?" Hawks walked up to the door, where Tokoyami was hunched heavily over it, clearly trembling. He didnt look up when Hawks approached, which worried him. "Kid? What's going on?"
Hawks opened the glass door, and Tokoyami fell through. Hawks let out a shout of alarm and picked his intern up, and set him on his feet. "Kid...?" Tokoyami still hadn't responded, his hands were clamped down on his beak, shielding it. Hawks couldn't help the confused expression rise on his face.
"What happened? Answer me, kiddo." He went to touch Tokoyami's beak, but the teen jerked out of his grip, and swayed dangerously on his feet. Hawks stared. It was like he couldn't stand straight.
"What happened? Answer me, kiddo." He went to touch Tokoyami's beak, but the teen jerked out of his grip, and swayed dangerously on his feet. Hawks stared. It was like he couldn't stand straight.
"Kid, I need to see your face, can you do that?" Hawks asked softly, moving closer. Tokoyami let out a pained noise in the back of his throat, but moved one hand. Hawks inhaled sharply. There was blood coating his hand, and it looked like the flow hadn't stopped.
Hawks was immediately put on edge. "Tokoyami, who did this." His voice had lost all hospitality, and Tokoyami scrunched up, clearly taken aback by the dramatic change. Hawks asked again, more urgently this time. Tokoyami couldn't get the words out.
"Did— didnt know what to—" Tokoyami shut his eyes tight again, his whole body tensed as another load of pain shot through his head. It was enough to make him stumble again. Hawks caught him easily, and moved him to the couch. Hawks didnt like how slurred and messed up his interns speech had become.
"Right, stay here, I'll go get you a first aid kit, okay? We'll fix this." Tokoyami didnt react. Hawks got worried. "Kid? Open your eyes, kid" Tokoyami's eyes opened slowly. They were glazed over and lidded. Hawks cussed. "Okay, okay. I'll be right back. Try stay awake for me." Tokoyami's eyes shut.
Shit. Did Hawks need to go to the hospital? Maybe? He should ask Eraserhead? No, the last time he asked about bird related things, Eraser said 'Hawks you're supposed to be the bird expert here.' and hung up on him. So no homeroom teacher. Maybe Dark Shadow would come out and give him answers.
Speak of the devil, Dark Shadow came round the corner. He didnt say anything, but turned and went back the way he came. Confused, Hawks followed. Tokoyami had moved from the couch to the ground. Hard, judging by the fact that the tremors had gotten worse.
"Fuck! Okay, I'm back, come on, up you come." Hakws gently moved Tokoyami to the couch again and opened the first aid kit. Tokoyami sank boneless into the plush couch, and his eyes shut again. Hawks slowly moved to peel his interns hands away from his face.
They didnt budge at first. "Come on kiddo, this'll make it hurt less, promise." Hawks coaxed gently. Tokoyami shuddered as both hands were placed on his lap. Hawks stared at the mess. It was hard to see where the blood was coming from, but there seemed to be a nasty gash across somewhere.
Hawks decided to ease his kid into it by starting at his hands. "Do you know what happened?" Hawks asked gently, pulling out a cleaning kit and wiping the red off Tokoyami's hands. His intern tried once again to get the words out, but it came out garbled and wrong. Dark Shadow came out, resting on Tokoyami's shoulder. "He cant talk properly." The shadow explained quietly, and Hawks nodded, shoving his anger down.
"Can you tell me what happened then? I really need answers here." Hawks was only partially frustrated at the lack of answers he was getting. Dark Shadow grew considerably in size. "Some asshole who doesn't like people with animal type quirks jumped us." Tokoyami's hands started shaking violently as Hawks shot up, wings flaring out.
"Are you fucking kidding me—?!" Hawks yelled. The first aid fell to the ground with a clang, and Dark Shadow flared up more. Hawks took a breath, calming himself. He picked the kit back up and silently cleaned the rest of Tokoyami's blood off of his hands. Tokoyami's hands still shook on Hawks's grip, he realised.
They came to the beak. "How much does it hurt? On a scale of one to ten." Hawks tried to gauge the reaction of the teen, reaching out. Tokoyami shifted back, shrugging. Dark Shadow answered before Tokoyami had a chance to. "He wants to tell you it's not that bad, but it hurts a lot. A solid nine point five." Hawks bit his tongue to stop himself from yelling again.
Tokoyami looked betrayed, but nodded in confirmation. Hawks exhaled slowly. "Okay, we'll I'm gonna give you something for the pain, and then I'll treat you. That sound good?" Tokoyami looked uncertainly over at the meds. More specifically, the needle. It took Hawks a second to realise why.
"...You dont like needles?"
A teen shook his head. That's all Hawks needs. He sits quietly, thinking. How was Hawks supposed to do this? Tokoyami starts opening his beak, but immediately makes a noise of pain and closes it. Dark Shadow doesnt translate.
Tokoyami tried again, slower and much more muffled than usual. "You... dont have to worry... I can—" He cuts himself off with a wince of pain, hand flying up to his beak again. Hawks takes his hand away, gripping tight. "Its okay, dont push yourself."
Hawks looks around for a distraction. If he can manage to get Tokoyami's mind off of the needle situation, Hawks might be able to inject him without a problem. He's used those drugs on his sidekicks and himself before, and they work fast, and are completely safe, a bonus. Plus, considering how small his intern is, Tokoyami should be put straight out, the stuff is strong.
Hawks's eyes land on the T.V. and he grins. He turns it on and flicks through the channels. Someone catches his attention. "Hey, isnt that Eraserhead?" He stops on a talk show. There, in all his glory, is the class 1A homeroom teacher. "He doesn't look very happy." Hawks laughs. Tokoyami is staring, seemingly occupied.
Hawks let's him watch for a little longer, setting up the needle. Dark Shadow noticed, but said nothing and continued to watch. Eventually, Hawks finally deemed Tokoyami distracted enough and quickly injected the needle into his interns arm. Tokoyami visible jolted, but the drugs worked fast and Tokoyami fell quiet, and slumped against the couch after a minute.
Hawks sighed. "Sorry kid..." Hawks turned him over, and got to work quietly. Tokoyami's beak was fragile, so Hawks had to work gently. He wiped a considerable amount of blood away and saw it. He wasnt surprised that it hurt. There was a large gash sliced over the right side of his kids beak. It was a messy cut, so obviously Tokoyami had either been moving or the person had shaky hands. Or both.
Either way, Hawks wasnt letting them away with this. He was gonna hunt the fucker down himself if that's what it took. He cleaned it up and was going to bandage it when Tokoyami's hand shot out and gripped Hawks's arm tight. Tokoyami's eyes were barely open and it looked like he was completely out of it.
Hawks chucked. "Alright bud, go back to sleep—" Tokoyami cut him off. "Hawkszzzz. There'sss dis guy. Dis guy and he keepssssss..." he trailed off, mumbling nonsense. Hawks stopped. A guy? He must really be out of it. Tokoyami continued. "He keepsss followin' me! Amd I dont know why... hess freaky dough. I domf like it."
Well, now Hawks was concerned. Before he could ask any questions, Tokoyami had gone slack again, his breathing evened out. Hawks didnt think much of it, and just bandaged him up. Hawks sat back with a sigh, looking at his work. Tokoyami was oddly calm, Dark Shadow no where in sight.
Hawks turned off the T.V and got up. He'd have to call Eraserhead once he was finished up with his interview, and judging by the yelling he heard, it wasnt going very well. Hawks looked down at the sleeping teen. He couldn't leave him on the couch, but he didnt want to risk injuring him further by moving him and fucking dropping him, which, knowing Hawks's luck, was a very real possibility.
Hawks decided it would be safer to just grab a blanket and wrap his intern in it. At least he'd be comfy, right? Hawks grabbed the fluffy one he'd seen the kid eye after a rough patrol. Hawks manoeuvred the kid and wrapped him into a mini burrito. Hawks smiled and decided fuck it, the kid was up, might as well move him. He carefully walked down the hall towards the elevator.
He asked himself where he would put the kid. The simple answer was to put him in Hawks's room, but his office was all the way down at the bottom floor. Would Tokoyami be able to handle the elevator if the drugs are still in his system when he woke up? Hawks sighed and brought the paperwork with him, playing the safe game.
Hawks sets his kid in his bed, and does the rest of his work quietly, feathers keeping a close watch on his kid as he sleeps without a problem. Hawks finishes his work and sits back, eyes closing. He drifts off, his feathers still active.
The next morning, his feathers woke him. Tokoyami is moving. Hawks groans and stands up, stretching and walking to his room. Tokoyami is sitting up, hands touching his beak with obvious confusion.
Hawks laughs and pushes his intern back down on the bed. "Go back to sleep, baby bird. It's still early." Tokoyami nods and curls up, still feeling exhausted. Hawks sits himself on the edge of the bed, watching his intern as his chest rises and falls. Hawks gets bored after a while, leaving as his phone buzzes.
Erasurehead? This should be fun. Hawks leaves and puts it on speaker. The angered shout that greets him tells Hawks everything.
"Hawks! You are aware of what a curfew is, correct?" Aziawa yells. He's in class as they speak. The rest of the class is confused. Bakugo rolls his eyes and Mina pokes at Asui and whispers something.
Aziawa continues without a pause. "Because I know damn well that Tokoyami wouldn't break curfew, so where is he? I swear if you tell me he's in hospital again." At this Hawks winced as the class perks up on the other end of the line. "Again?" Midoryia turns to Todoroki, who shrugs.
Hawks laughs. "Well, you'll be glad to know we didnt have to bring him this time, but—" Aziawa cuts him off. "Then why isn't he in class?!" Hawks sighs. "Some guy jumped him on his way to the train station, okay? They hit him hard, too."
The class grows nervous as Aziawa stays silent. Whatever Hawks had said must have either shocked him or caught him off guard. "Are you serious? Why—?" Hawks answers with a shrug. "Dark Shadow said something about animal-based quirks."
"Really? Just because of his appearance—" the class falls quiet again. Kirishima shakes Denki's shoulder. "They cant attack someone like that, right? Just because of his face?" Kirishima whispers, and Denki shrugs. Shouji's fists clench. He's delt with more than enough of those types of people in his life. Iida was chopping angrily, and Bakugo looked pissed.
Aziawa is still ranting. He's gotten so angry he couldn't hold his phone, in fear of breaking it. So it went on speaker as he went on a tangent. Hawks finds a good place to cut in. His voice rings loudly in the class.
"Hey, I'm just as angry at you. But the kid is trying to sleep. Maybe keep it down?" Hawks chuckles darkly. "Not like he'll be able to voice his complaints, though."
Aziawa immediately regrets it, but he asks why. "The motherfucker slashed his beak. It'll probably scar, it was deep." Hawks peeked into the room. Tokoyami was still asleep, turned away from the door. Hawks closed the door softly and tuned back into the conversation. Aziawa was yelling. There were other voices yelling, as well.
Aziawa's voice rang clear. "Sorry, Hawks. Gonna have to cut this short. Bring him back around when he wakes up, Recovery Girl will help him. Bakugo! Dont you dare—! Fuck!" The line went dead.
Hawks laughed. Looks like the class knew. He turned to go down the hallway, but stopped when something pulled at his jacket. He turned to see Tokoyami standing, albeit wobbly. The blanket Hawks had wrapped around him hung on his shoulders, and Tokoyami's body disappeared under it.
Hawks smiled softly. "Hey there, baby bird. What's going on?" Hawks moved to support him as the teen almost went down. Slowly, they moved to the kitchen. With Dark Shadow's help, Tokoyami sat on the counter, still wrapped in the blanket. Dark Shadow faced Hawks. "He's wondering how to eat. We're hungry."
Hawks blinked. "I hadn't thought about that...." He trailed off. "We'll ask Recovery Girl when we see her. You wanna go now or do you wanna wait?" Tokoyami shrugged. Hawks shook his head. "Well, let's re-bandage your beak first, then we'll go, sound good?"
Tokoyami nodded and moved to stand. It took a minute, but they got there. Hawks took off the bandages. The wound looked as ugly as ever. "Hey, what did the guy look like?" Tokoyami thought about it. He turned towards the T.V and his face dropped. He pointed at the screen.
Hawks looked. Someone had been murdered late last night. Ouch, it looked brutal. There was something familiar about the wounds though...
"That looks like..." Hawks stared at the wound he was cleaning. "Oh. Holy shit." Hawks snapped his head up, looking for confirmation. Tokoyami nodded, a little too hard, and hissed in pain. Hawks steadied him. "Wait. If the wound is so similar, then..." He turned the volume up.
"The only suspects we have at the moment are the league of villains, and that's because of the dust left behind. Also scorch marks left on the victim's back..."
Hawks's phone lit up as a message came through. He checked it. It was from an unknown number, which meant it was from Dabi.
"You're welcome." Was all it said.
Hawks typed out his reply. He asked why the fuck he would do something like that. Dabi responded with: 'Dude was on our hit list anyways. He should learn to think twice before slicing a league member so close to Shigaraki.'
This left Hawks confused. Dark Shadow said that the guy didnt like people with animal-based quirks, so it would have to be their driver, but the last part....
Oh well. He's dead now. That's all that matters.
He took Tokoyami to Recovery Girl, and she did all she could. Within a week it had scarred, much to Tokoyami's annoyance. He could talk properly, which was okay. Before he got used to it though, he had a lisp. Hawks thought it was adorable. A lisp plus head tilts?? Hawks's intern was the cutest, no doubt.
Hawks grinned as Tokoyami waved goodbye two weeks later. "Make sure you get home this time, okay?" Tokoyami sighed and flipped Hawks off, being the last person to leave.
Hawks laughed. Hopefully this time there would be no unexpected attacks on his intern. Hawks walked to his office and stared at the pile of paperwork left unfinished.
"Son of a bitch—"
This ended on a funny note, though I wanted to make a point on quirk discrimination. With everything that's happening in America right now, its important to say
Black lives matter. They have mattered all along, and they will always matter.
But I do hope you enjoyed! If you wanna see anything else, just ask! I'm always open to suggestions :D
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flobro · 4 years
Omovember 2020
Day One - In a Vehicle
Kageyama x Reader
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Kageyama’s PoV 
Could i get any stupider?
In the rush of Hinata, Y/n and I finishing our tests, scrambling into Tanaks sisters car and setting off immediately for Tokyo I hadnt had time to pee.
Hinata was sat in the front passenger seat as Y/n and I were in the back of the car.
To make matters even worse, i had a huge crush on Y/n and the nerves of sitting next to her were bugging my bladder even more.
I tried to keep my breathing steady because i knew that if i panicked things would only get even worse for my nerves.
I wasnt too desperate yet but the need was still there. We had only been driving for about ten minuets so i definitely couldnt ask how much longer we had to drive yet otherwise everyone would definitely know something was wrong with me.
I crossed my legs which seemed to ease the pressure a little bit and made everything a bit more bearable and i tried to focus my mind on anything but my need to pee.
I jumped slightly as Y/n tapped my shoulder five minuets later and i felt my bladder twinge slightly, making me squeeze my thighs together as descretely as i could.
‘Whats up?’ I asked Y/n, who sent me a stunning smile.
‘You look bored, you wanna listen to some music with me?’ She asked, holding out one of her earbuds to me.
I nodded and shakily grabbed the headphone, ‘Yeah, thanks.’
She just nodded, ‘No problem!’
We had to shuffle slightly closer to eachother so that the earphones could reach to both of our ears and i couldnt help but notice how my seatbelt uncomfortablely pressed down onto my bladder, making my desperation go from a 4/10 to a 7/10.
Hinata and Saeko (Tanakas sister) were chatting happily about volleyball and the tiny giant in the front seats and i was glad that they werent focused on me because then i would feel even more pressured.
Another fifteen minuets had passed and I had tried my best to get lost in Y/n’s music but now my bladder was almost at its maximum capacity and i was beginning to shuffle around a bit, squeezing my thighs together as tight as possible.
Y/n looked at me and yanked the headphone wire, making them fall out of both of our ears.
Y/n went closer to my ear and whispered, ‘Hey, are you okay? You seem uncomfortable?’
My body shivered at the feeling of her breath on my skin and it relaxed my body for a second, making a bit of urine leak out of me.
I gasped and crammed my hands onto my crotch, tensing my body up again, stopping the flow as fast as i possibly could.
Y/n’s eyes widened in realisation and i blushed a deep red, hiding my face away from her, waiting for her to tell me how disgusting and gross i am.
But she didnt...
Instead, she placed a hand comfortingly on my shoulder, her touch making my heart rate speed up even more.
‘Is there anything i can do to help you?’ She whispered to me once again, continuing to keep her voice low so Saeko and Hinata wouldnt ask questions.
I shook my head and tried to calm myself down. There was no way in hell that i was gonna show myself up in front of the girl i like by acting like a four year old.
‘N-no,’ I said, trying to act as calm as possible, ‘Im f-fine dont worry.’
She didnt look like she believed me so i slowly removed my hands from between my legs to try and prove that i wasnt as desperate as it seemed.
Bad idea.
As soon as i took my hands away, another bit of urine left me and i gasped once again, putting my hands back onto my crotch.
This time the flow was harder to control and i knew that there was a 99% chance that there would be a wet patch on my shorts.
Saeko and Hinata must have heard me gasp because their conversation stopped abruptly.
‘You okay back there?’ Sakeo asked and i felt my throat dry up.
Hinata began to turn around to look at us and Y/n and I both panicked, knowing he would see my obvious state of desperation.
Y/n suddenly unclipped her seatbelt and laid accross my lap gently, covering up my crossed legs and hiding my odd hand placement.
Her arm momentarily dug into my stomach, pressing on my overfilled bladder, forcing a two second stream of urine out of me which i painfully cut off, knowing that my boxers were almost fully soaked now.
‘How come your laid down, Y/n?’ Hinata asked her and she sighed.
‘I just feel a bit car sick,’ She said, ‘Do you know how long it will be until we get to Tokyo?’
*Slick* I thought to myself. She had somehow managed to cover up the fact i was about to pee myself AND had a good reason to ask how long it would take until we would arrive.
Hinata frowned, ‘Oh thats not good, i hope you feel better soon!’ and turned back around to look out of the front window.
‘We will arrive in half an hour but were gonna be on this stretch of road for another twenty minuets and wont see another place to stop for a while.’ Saeko said, sounding worried about Y/n.
Y/n frowned at me and sat up again, ‘Okay dont worry, im feeling a bit better after lying down but when we come across a place to stop it would be nice to be stationary for a while.’
Saeko chuckled slightly, ‘Okie dokie! Ill keep that in mind for you!’
Y/n mustve seen the tears in my eyes and my expression showing that i had completely lost hope as she placed an arm around my shoulders, hugging my side for a second before whispering, ‘Sorry i couldnt help you much. Dont stress out, we’ll find a stop for you. You’ll be okay.’
I got butterflies in my stomach from her touch but i ignored them, not wanting to focus on anything else other than holding myself in.
Y/n clipped herself back into her seat and I decided that i would have to speak up. Y/n already knew and Saeko wouldnt make fun of me. Surely i could just scare Hinata into keeping his mouth shut too.
‘C-can you drive a-any faster?’ I shakily asked, panic evident in my voice, ‘I r-really need t-the bathroom.’
Saeko immediately sped the car up, ‘Ill drive as fast as i can. We’ll reach a stop in about fifteen minuets. Can you last?’
I felt a single tear roll down my cheek, feeling pathetic and stupid, ‘I... I d-dont know!’
‘Its usually me who need to pee.’ Hinata said from his seat, making me bubble with anger.
‘S-shut up idiot! This i-isnt funny!’ I growled at him, unable to make my voice any louder.
I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, putting all my energy into keeping my muscles tensed as much as i possibly could.
My eyes widened as my body began to relax itsself against my will.
‘No... NO.. NO!’ I panicked, ‘YOU N-NEED TO PULL THE C-CAR OVER!’
Saeko quickly turned the wheel and brought the car to the side of the road and i unclipped my seatbelt, threw the door open, and scrambled out of the car.
As soon as i got out i immediately crumbled onto the floor, my legs giving out underneath me as my lap began to feel warm.
Wow. I had really gone and done it hadnt i? I pissed myself in front of my senpais sister, annoying volleyball partner AND my crush. Could it have been any worse?
My shorts were completely soaked and a puddle had began to grow around me. I couldnt even bring myself to try and stop it because my body felt so weak.
No amount of embarassment would ever compare to what i was feeling in that moment. I didnt even want to begin to imagine what Saeko, Hinata and Y/n were thinking of me.
Tears rolled down my cheeks and i kept my head down so no one would be able to see my face.
It took at least a minute for my bladder to fully empty. I felt so pathetic and dumb but there was nothing i could do other than just sit there and wait for myself to be finished.
A pair of shoes came into my line of vision and i looked up slowly to see Y/n with her hand stretched out to me, offering to help me up.
I looked away from her quickly, my voice barely above a whisper, ‘You s-shouldnt touch m-me. Im a-all gross. Even m-my hands.’
She crouched down and placed a hand on my cheek, wiping away one of my tears and making me look up at her, my face even redder.
‘I dont care. Dont stress about it okay? Its a human need. There wasnt anything you could do to avoid it.’ She said in a calm and genuine voice.
I nodded and she grabbed my slightly damp hand. I glanced at her face and she want even slightly disgusted.
I stood up and Y/n kept her hand laced with mine.
We got back into the car, I was sat on a towel. Saeko said that she didnt mind and strangely Hinata hadnt even mentioned it which i was thankful for. Although everyone was being very calm and unaffected by it, i still felt mortified. 
Y/n suddenly lent over to me to whisper in my ear one last time, ‘Dont worry about it so much. Ill always have a crush on you.’
My face reddened as i looked at her, ‘I h-have a c-crush on you too.’ 
Y/n giggled, ‘I guess that makes me your girlfriend then.’
hey guys !!
this was my first time writing an omofic so i hope you liked it !!!
~ flobro 
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hisbutlerisahunter · 3 years
A/N: I have to put a warning on this one for depressing themes and a little bit of a saviour needing complex but thats all.
Day 9- “I know Autumn is cool but it seems to make you sad so I brought you some things and i can stay as long as you need me to”.
Pairing: Chrollo x reader.
The days were getting shorter, the rain and clouds lasting longer in the morning and rolling in early at night. It was wonderful for some, the rain was beautiful and always smelt so good but Autumn just brought waves of sadness for you sometimes. Some days were good, others were bad but the worst were the numb days.
The knock at your door drags you from your inner monologue and makes you groan, literally no one visits you this time of year so its a little annoying that someone had decided to show up.
“hi my dear!” your boyfriend greets you. He sounds way too chipper for someone who usually choses to be broody, he was faking, your brain supplied to you an answer for his behaviour.
“you dont have to fake that voice or be happy Chrollo” you sigh and his face sets back to its usual blankness. He didnt often pretend with you so you knew he knew something was wrong.
“fine, are you going to invite me in or am i going to have to pick the lock when you slam the door” he says bluntly and it actually draws a laugh from you.
“come in i dont need the neighbours calling the police on my boyfriend, the fire is on as per usual” Chrollo loves the stupid chair by your fire and he always complains when you dont have the fire on like he doesnt spend half his life in the coldest places ever.
When he walks past you, you hear rustling and you’re granted a look at the small convenience store bag when he plops it down next to his chair. Usually you’d be very happy to see him, not that you arent. Its always nice to be around Chrollo but everything felt off, your chest felt heavy and your mind felt fuzzy, you werent perfect company right not.
“oh by the way, I know Autumn is cool but it seems to make you sad so I brought you some things” he gestures to the bag and then continues “and i can stay as long as you need me to, Troupe business went bad, were hiding out”.
Taking in his words takes you a second, your mind tosses them around and then comes to the conclusion they’re genuine and then you feel your very first emotion of the week, heavily. The tears flow easily and youre smiling and laughing through it because damn it feels good to feel something.
“darling why are you crying” Chrollo doesn’t sound shocked, he does sound a little uncomfortable though. You smile and sniffle and make your way over to him, this wasn’t going to fix it but it was nice to know you had an escape in the man you love.
“because everythings felt so hollow and fake the past few weeks and you walk in with a bag of probably stolen chocolate and blunt ass self and it helps” Chrollo looks at you for a second, takes in your red cheeks and the tears unspilled and stands. He walks towards you to close the space between you, very strongly might you add, only to smile and open the bag hed brought for you.
“thats what im here for, now take these and come read with me, its getting boring without you talking in my ear constantly” he sighs like hes bored as he sets himself gracefully back in his chair.
“aw you do like me” you tease and though he doesn’t take the bate he does roll his eyes lovingly as he pats his lap for you to sit in. Chrollo always does this, pretends hes not here to make everything better and that hes annoyed by you but still accepting and even initiating certain affection. It gets confusing at times but right now its just a very welcome reminder that you’re not in this alone.
“so what are we reading” you start, “something boring i suspect” you giggle and Chrollo chuckles but continues to read whilst moving you so your head is against his chest and his arm is loose around your waist.
“well you might think so but i find it very interesting” he hums, you feel it rumble through his chest and it tingles in your ear.
His body is warm and his voice is so deep and smooth as he reads aloud, as you listen you suddenly realise you cant remember the last time you had a decent amount of sleep. Your eyelids feel heavy as the warmth and safety of Chrollo seeps into you and before you can resist he whispers a simple “sleep” before placing a chaste kiss to your head.
Chrollos presence might not fix everything that hurts but it gave you a safe haven to run to when you needed an escape from the dullness of the changing weather and the depression it brings.
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songsorter28 · 4 years
Blackpink: The Album Review
Okay, this is the first time i’ve done this and the truth is i don’t know how, so i’ll just try my best.
First of all: I am a Jennie biased blink. That means I have no trustworthy sense of criticism when it comes to them and if you do, this is probably not the place for you. I will try to talk about this album with a sense of criticism, but sometimes, i’m just gonna like a song because it’s blackpink and y’all just gotta deal with it.
BUT, I am not afraid of saying i don’t like things that the pinks have said it to like, which is actually how i’m starting this review. So, if you guys are all about loving the girls and emotion and “think about how they must feel” this is a decision made by the girls, this place is also not for you either. I am a blink and i share a lot of love for those four women, but i am also a consumer of their work as artists. I will complain if I didn’t get something I thought was necessary as a viewer and listener for my money and attention to be spent. I will not, of course, hate on them in any way.
Ok, before anything:
1) English isn’t my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes. 2) Here, we’re gonna talk about the cover, pre-release single choices, writing credits, tracklist and my honest opinion about the album as a whole.
a) The Cover:
There’s not a lot to talk about but the fact that it’s gorgeous, but simple. I didn’t understand why a crown if the name was The Album (something unoriginal to be honest, but i’m not 100% against it) and there’s no reference to royalty throughtout the album besides maybe Jennie’s rap “didn’t want to be a princess”. I did find the cover visually pleasing tho, could be much more embarrasing.
b) Writing credits and Track List:
This one is quick. I’m extremely glad Jennie and Jisoo were credited as songwriters (Jennie as well as a composer) but Teddy gotta give Danny Chung to god. He hates rapper Jennie and he’s the reason Lisa doesn’t write. He’s always in charge of the raps so teddy gets confortable and Lisa doesn’t get a chance to write her own verses, which is something the sure thing cover showed us she can do. Also, he hates rapper Jennie to the point where she had to write her rap on the title track (wich is good, but, you know what i mean) and wasnt even given a chance to write more than 8 seconds. Melanie I hope this is the last time you were here. Loren you can stay. Tommy and Ryan yall were cute we had fun but it’s over let’s move one (seriously, these producers really made me appreciate Teddy more lmao pls sir never leave us). Okay that’s it. Now, to the track list.
I will be talking about the fact this shouldn’t even be called a full album on the My Honest Opinion About The Album As A Whole topic.
1. How You Like That
I say my opinion more detailed on the next topic but at at essence. Cute. A good opener to the album and what is to come, but too much of a bside to even be a pre release single.
2. Ice Cream
Again, my opinion it’s on the next topic. Cute song. Loved Chaennie’s high notes and wish i didn’t know english so the rap didnt sound that silly. Not as bad as blinks and non blinks make it out to be. 
3. Pretty Savage
I kinda also talked about that in the next topic lmao. It has everything a blackpink song should have. There’s been some controversy about Lisa “born skinny bitch” but Lisa was talking about herself since she has been body shamed through her whole career. She was right and she should say it. You’re entitled to feel uncomfortable but that’s just the thing she wasn’t talking about me or you. She was taking her pain and wearing like an armor. This was a diss track for the haters. Taking that away from her because of our own issues it’s kinda mistreating hers.
4. Bet You Wanna
Yes you guessed it right I talk more about it next topic. It’s a bop. Loved Jennie here. She has such a versatile voice I was very proud to hear her. And Cardi was also good. Just hope Lisa will get her rap part live cause she didn’t have much lines here. But I loved Jenlisa’s brigde. Rosé’s adlibs peak perfection and Jisoo’s chorus and english that’s what i’m talking about. The chorus can be a little repetitive and it kinda ends a bit suddenly but it doesnt bother me much.
5. Lovesick Girls
WHAT TO SAY ABOUT THIS MASTERPIECE OTHER THAN BEST BLACKPINK TITLE TRACK? Love that for me. It was so different than anything they’ve done so far, the lyrics were AMAZING, the message behind it also, the visuals in the MV, storylinne, RAPPER JENNIE OMG, she got the most memorable line “didn’t want to be a princess, i’m priceless” i love her tf the shade to the yg princess title and her scene in the car and in the mental hospital(will not touch on the controversies cause that was annoying) also Lisa’s rap/singing with a flow in the begining her voice OMG I WAS SHOOKEDT. Jisoo’s high note in the brigde? Rosé?? perfect.
6. Crazy Over You
Rapper Jennie for the last time with a 8 second rap again but LET’S BE POSITIVE. A bop. I loved the i. went. crazy. over. you. I love the lyrics. It bother a bit this much english but it’s bp’s idendity so i’m fine with it.
7. Love To Hate Me
This was a predictable song in the best possible way. Easily one of their best songs. There’s honestly nothing left to say. Also. Lisa’s rap. Maybe Danny Chung deserves some points. It even felt like she was a feat in the song like her flow yall just perfection.
8. You Never Know.
Great song I left with depression.
I like how this album talks with haters and blinks, it really shows a different side from the pinks. Only a few know the emotion Jennie starting off “but you never know unless you walk in my shoes [...] cause everybody sees what they wanna see, it’s easier to jugde it than to believe”. It was written by Loren, a close friend from the girls and the boy who’s Jenlichaeng  boyfriend in the LSG’s MV and Bekuh Boom, a producer who’s been with them for really long, but if anyone got a conspirancy theory that they were involved in the songwriting process of the song, sign me up. You don’t need proves. I believe you. ALSO JISOO GOT MOST LINE ON THIS ONE and we got singer Lisa. After a while, it become my favorite song from the album. Now, it’s my favorite song from their discography. Debate your mother.
c) Pre-Release single Choices: 
I can’t stress about this enough. Whoever was in charge for the single choices needs to go to jail. Not that HYLT is bad (at all) but comparing to the rest of the songs, it look MUCH more like a powerful bside than Love To Hate Me and Pretty Savage ever will. I will lecture later how Pretty Savage was the perfect choice to first release single, just wait. Now, to the controversial Ice Cream. To be honest, i found the song super cute and i think the MV was one of their best. It was different and refreshing, love that for me. But the whole sequence of events that turned out to that disasterous twitter timeline, with constant attacks to the girls especially Lisa over things they cannot control such as line distribuition and a sabotage from antis on yt comment section, was something I kinda already saw it coming. Ice Cream is Blackpink’s most successful single to date, but it was a bad choice from the start (I will talk about that in a second). For starters, YG decided not to promote the song well. While announcing the single, they gave us a poster with pictures from a summer package released months before. And each week they kept doing that, only using actual teaser photos in the release week. The hype was pretty much out. I can’t say my timeline is 100% blink because i have way too many fandoms that i’ve been following for longer than i’ve known kpop, but compared to the HYLT hype, they were pretty down and that’s on YGE. Also, ever since coachella, it’s been antecipated by fans and artists the possibility of a Blackpink x Ariana Grande (one of the most popular singes these last couple of years). The idea of an Aripink collab got blinks (who were already with an eye wide open after Blackpink was seen with Tommy Brown, Ari’s basically oficial producer, who has been producing for her ever since her second album and was reponsible for many hits of her latest project, Thank U, Next, such as 7 rings and Thank U, Next) even more hyped when YG announced (one of those old photoshoot posters. I’m sorry I will never let that go that company is so trash) that Blackpink’s second release was going to be a collaboration with a western artist, and Ariana herself like Jennie’s instagram post about the next single. I cannot put in words the reaction of my twitter timeline when YG confirmed that the collab was actually with Selena Gomez. 
Now, on a more personal note. 
You see, I actually like Selena. I like her songs, besides the critics. Perfect is pop perfection. Waverly Place is the best disney show ever since That’s So Raven. But, to a collab made to the US market, and besides the success of Rare, Selena isn’t a sales force like Adele or Taylor Swift, nor a streaming force like Ariana Grande. Nothing takes my theory that this was supposed to be an aripink collab but, for some reason, she dipped and then interscope (blackpink us label and selena’s label) picked her. Selena showed us a good time and promoted the girls more than YGE did but, it wasn’t a surprise when the song didn’t get a top 10 (a top 13 is really good tho, don’t get me wrong). 
Now back to the story telling
Selena was more than a feat, she sang the whole damn song, getting more vocal lines the the entire vocal line. She’s only a few seconds behind Lisa, who got the most lines in general. I understand that it is a collab, but this is the girls’ single. Why would they want to listen to them for only 16 seconds, the amount of time Rosé got? That set a bunch of solo stans (something that exists more in this fandom than everywhere else) to boycoitt the release, a huge fansite even taking out their funds for the full album (that was low, even for a solo account. JisooBar, you aint seeing heaven). Did i think it was a little of overeacting? As someone who’s an army that had to handle Not Today’s line distribuition, and especially since we’re talking about the main vocalist, someone who will for sure have more lines in the future (as she did), kinda. But, like i said, it was a bomb getting ready to explode at any minute. If it wasn’t that it’d be something else. That being said, NOTHING will ever justify the nastyness y’all did with Lisa and even Jennie’s comment section. Nothing. That was ridiculous even for solo stans. BUT for people who got worried about Lisa’s lack of posts after the release, don’t worry. She didn’t post a lot because Thailand is going through some stuff and I don’t think she has YGe’s permission to talk about it (when I catch the ones in power on that company istg). 
Wow, that was long. At essence, it  was a bad choice for several reasons, but i enjoyed the song a lot. Can’t wait for the live performances with chaesoo’s lines.
Now, back to HYLT. It was greatly promoted, it stopped Zico’s (huge in korea) releases and a bunch of other big artists in South Korea. Got 7 Perfect All-Kills and would’ve gotten more than 12 if the charts weren’t reforming at the time. It also broke a lot of records, and repeated Sour Candy’s position on the bb100 on #33. It’s another very Blackpink song that  I enjoyed but kinda aged. Many non blinks didn’t like it but it’s not like they were ever going to admit they liked a bp song. They’re annoying. The song’s biggest problem is probably the 2015 edm in the chorus. Like. Teddy. You gotta let that go. It’s time. He kinda heard us in the album. But, these kinds of songs are very liked by the general public, especially the korean one. An interview was made asking the general public if blackpink should change concepts and they said a bit fat no. So that tells what you need to know. And that it why i think Pretty Savage should have been the first pre release single. 
Okay, let me tell you another series of event. Back on november 2019, when we were starving because YGe does not like money, BlackpinkBar, a big fansite, payed trucks to be sent to YG building during a whole day demanding for better treatment to Blackpink. You can find all the demands online, but at essence, when it came to music related, blinks always mention: Jisoo’s lines, screen time and blackpink in your area, Main Rapper Jennie, Lisa dance break, Rosé’s high note. On HYLT, we got nothing. And everyone had to shrug it off saying it was just a pre release single, BUT it would be better hyped by blink and the hype to the second pre release would’ve lasted longe if PRETTY SAVAGE, who has basically all of that, was the pre release single. It would’ve assured us of so much. Jisoo said bp in your area twice, she RAPPED, she was singing, she could’ve had more screetime and center time especially bc she’s on all chorus. Jennie Main Rapper would go back and we wouldn’t have to be blue balled (which caused the ice cream meltdown)every single release and only having to wait till the title track and only to have a 8 SECOND RAP. I won’t talk about that now. Moving on. Rosé wouldn’t get a high note, but she would’ve gotten the brigde all to herself and the next pre release single, bet you wanna (wait for it), she would get those incredible adlibs. And Lisa’s dance break. Not only this is bp’s most danceable song and has a bunch of lisa’s raps, it also has jennie’s outro, where for a least 20 seconds lisa could’ve thrived. Yall we were robbed.
Now, real quick, back to Ice Cream. In a perfect world (or just a world where YG’s current ceo) had brains, if they wanted a collaboration to show the pink side of blackpink, with a poppy song and sassy lyrics, the artist not to be in the whole song, and to have an artist who would driven attention from the locals and is a big streaming force, THEY WOULD’VE CHOSEN BET YOU WANNA. My biggest problem with bet you wanna is Lisa’s lack of lines, which could cause stuff and well we just miss her they could have added a rap even for 8 seconds, BUT, seeing her all around pretty savage and knowing she’s gonna have Cardi’s rap during live performances would cool things down. Since we were in the middle of a pandemic, instead of a mv like ice cream where they had to do it separately, they could’ve done something like IU’s eight. A huge part in animation and a few with people. Literally YG why are you so dumb. Bye.
d)  My Honest Opinion About The Album As A Whole:
I did some math (lol) and my rank for The Album is 8.4. It’s easily one of the best releases from this year and I loved it so much, but something were left to be desired and i think i could pass everything and just turn a blind eye at things, except one: the fact we waited for 4 years, watched all ggs and yg groups getting comebacks last semester and only got 8 songs. Loona is releasing a mini album with that amount of songs. Stray Kids and BTS’s mini albums are longer than that. It was bad enough KTL had 4 songs and a remix (a joke) with 2 songs lacking raps and no rapper jennie only for them to carry YG’s dirty name after what their protected boys did. I legit hate it here they didn’t even had 30 minutes, their longest song wasn’t even 4 minutes. Also, before anyone says anything about the girl’s interview about quality over quantity. I’d like to say that i understand them having that when it comes to have one comeback a year and i’m honestly okay with that. But their first full album? 8 songs? Are you kidding me? Like I said, I’m a consumer. I refuse to receive this half assed excuse about quality over quantity when they had more than enough time to produce and write more than 8 quality songs? what, is impossible to write more than one song per moth? these songs have formulas, they can be made more than 8 times. A blackpink album its more than a thousand reals here. That 90% of a sallary. And please don’t come with the “if you don’t want it just don’t buy it” “you can just unstan them” bc that’s not the case. I love their songs. I love the girls. But I’m a consumer of their art and if they want to be takend seriously as artists, they gotta do more than 8 songs on a full album. It’s unfair to anyone that isn’t a diehard fan willing to sell out an overpriced photobook in hours. That’s not the only kind of fan blackpink needs. they need the store locals, the people who are not on twitter or tumblr or instagram. Cause those locals are gonna stay like they stayed with adele and taylor swift. stan twitter is much more likely to leave them with time.
Side note: I’m tired of commenting on rapper Jennie so I’ll just say Jennie deserves better than 8 second raps as the main rapper of the group. That doesnt mean I want Lisa to not rap or to Jisoo not to sing, as many will say bc apparently that’s what people hear when we say main rapper who trained for 6 years to be a main rapper should rap on at least most title tracks even if not on all songs.
But yeah, that’s it. Besides the unfortunate final note, I loved The Album and now Blackpink it’s my second most listened artist of all time. They were top 13 before the album.
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pastel-bullet-101 · 4 years
Part 2
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Once I got a better look at our new teacher I recognized him. He the pro hero Eraser head. I was always a secret fan of him. Liking heros weren't very welcomed in my 'house', but he was one of the few heros that followed Tomuras ideology. Hes known for not being very... adamant about being a top hero. "Right let's get to it. Put these on and head outside." He pulled out a type of track suit from the sleeping bag.
Wait. What?
He then passed out assigned uniforms I was gonna go meet up with Tsu, but i was stopped by the very same teacher Aizawa. "Are you Y/n L/n?" I began to slightly panic "y-yes sir."
"We need to talk." Oh god.
He knew. No dont think like that. Your a student attending UA to become a hero you have nothing to worry about. If I believe it then it's true. "Um yes sir."
He took me back into the 1-A classroom, now abandoned. He then went behind the desk. "So does your quirk rely on touch?" I tense at his question. "Um no-no sir. Depending on the weight I can use a certain amount of force and shatter it. But-but if let's say I was punching something that was around 200 pounds but I release the amount of force equivalent to 100 pounds it would only shatter the area of contact and half of the object." I let out afoced laugh the situation was extremely awkward. "Alright." He then pulled out a pen and placed it on the desk in front of me. "It weighs about 1.5 ounces." I look at him confused. "I want you to shatter it." I take a gulp and I reach for the pen.
"Of course you'll have to reverse the affect." This caused me to stop in a moment of hesitation. He then let out a small huff. "Look if I'm being honest I honestly think a quirk like yours shouldn't be in a hero course." I try to keep my composure but on the inside I'm confused why does the quirk make the decision of whether your a hero or not? "So have you even tried to reverse the effects of your quirk? Or did you assume you would only go up against robots or villians that deserve death?" I didnt know what to say. What do you even say? I've practiced reversing my quirk but if I'm being honest it was always a gamble and I've never even tried reversing the effect on a animal let alone another human being. Aizawa obviously noticed the conflict in my eyes but he then caught my attention with one sentence. "If you cant reverse the effects of your quirk then I see no point in you continuing studying at this academy."
'You can't expect to reverse it by just staring at it.' I yelped at the sudden voice. I turned around to see Kurogiri staring at me. 'Yeah I know that its just...I-I dont know what else to do.' I then grabbed my knees putting them up to my shin while staring daggers at the shattered pen. Kurogiri then sat next to my small form. 'You know who would be a great person to ask for help?' I looked up at him expectantly. Shaking my head he responds. 'Believe it or not Shigaraki would be a good help.' My head drops at his statement which doesnt go unnoticed by the man made of smoke. 'I just dont want to bother him...' Kurogiri let's out a light chuckle making me look at him confused. 'I think you are one of the only people who he wouldn't mind being bothered by.' I let out a chuckle of my own. Pulling my knees tighter to my chest I stare at the pen. The time limit probably already gone. 'Alright come on I think you need a break.' He got up expecting me to follow but i couldn't find myself to move. 'Well if you wont come I guess all that F/F I prepared will have to go to waste.' I immediately perked up and started running to catch up to Kurogiri.
I was eating with him laughing about anything and everything when Tomura came in the door. I was about to run up to him and give him his 'welcome back' hug but one look at him and I could tell he was exhausted just from his body language. So I decided to just give him a smile. Tomura then looked confused stopping in his tracks for a moment. 'Hey Kurogiri do you mind.' Kurogiri gave his equivalent to a nod and dissapeared. I was staring down at my plate and felt a stool being pulled out next to me. 'Pretty late what were you doing?'
'Oh um you know just-'
'Your not very good at lying.' Yeah
I wasn't 'I- I was practicing control of my quirk.'
'Why? Did something happen?'
I laughed a bit noting the concern in his voice. 'No nothing happened I'm just trying to learn- learn how to reverse it.' I didnt know how he'd react I was expecting anger but instead I got a sense of sadness. 'How long have you been trying to learn?'
A-about a month or so...' my hand slowly reached to my head scratching at the side of my scalp. Tomura grabbed my hand gently leaving his pinky up. 'I could've helped. Why didnt you ever come to me?'
'I didnt want to be a bother to you. You always have things to do and I don't want to add to your list of things-'
Do you know how sad it is to hear that your own sister wont come to you for help? I feel like I'm losing you... I dont even get hugs from you when I get back from missions...did I- did I do something that made you mad?' I look up to him and notice hes no longer wearing father letting me see the distraught in his eyes. I quickly wrap my arms around his slim body holding him. 'I'm sorry. I just didn't want to get in the way but...I should've thought about how you would feel.' I felt him wrap his arms back around me, letting his head rest in my hair. He then pulls back only saying. 'So let's try to learn how to reverse your quirk.'
Looking over to Aizawa the thoughts in my head go wild. I can't get kicked out that ruins everything not only for me but for Tomura the league as a whole. I cant leave now I-
"Come on we haven't got all day your wasting time and i still have another test to start with the rest of the students. If you wanna save face then just say now that you cant do it."
Alright I have a limited amount of time after shattering to reverse it and I dont have the luxury to take my time. I take a deep breath and reach for the pen. All it'll take is a light squeeze and it's done for. I have to do something anything but staying still. I lightly squeeze the pen and it shatters in my hand and I keep all the shards in my hand. All right focus. Focus. Focus. I take a deep inhale and enclose the shards in my hands. 'Remeber to keep your head clear and make sure your focusing on the shards.' Clearing my head I let the room around me fade my focus on the shards. 'Good now imagine what it was before picture every detail, every crevice and focus your energy into retuning that obeject.' I follow the instructions closely letting energy flow down to my hands encompassing the shards. 'Remember to breathe.'
I open my eyes and open my palm.
It's a pen... I did it. It's back to normal. I cant contain the wide smile that covers my face. I look over to Aizawa , I cant read his facial expression making me worry. "It's obvious that you've been practicing meaning you understand the repercussions of your quirk good work. Now make your way to the rest of the class on the feild."
"Oh y-yes Mr. Aizawa." With that I quickly fled the room.
Aizawa slowly walks up to the pen and examines it. "Well isn't this interesting."
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lilfellasblog · 5 years
Can I Still Be Part of the FamILY? - Virgil’s 2019 Name Reveal Fic!
Summary: YouTube viewers are getting a little too good at theorizing. Virgil’s certain that once his famILY learns of his past, they’ll force him to go back.
A/N: If you liked this, please reblog. It is the only way to help this fic reach a wider audience. Tumblr ate most of my fics that I know I posted here, which makes me very sad for a lot of reasons, one of the biggest being that the love and comments and tags that folks showed this fic is gone into the ether. I’ll be making a masterlist to help prevent this from happening again.
TW: Deceit mention, description of panic attacks up to passing out, some negative self-talk. Let me know if I missed any!
Word Count: 1767
AO3 here!
Fic Masterlist here!
Virgil observed as Thomas scrolled through the YouTube comments.
“I can’t wait to see the newest Dark Side! Theorists, assemble!”
“Okay okay, so y’all remember Virgil’s time on the stand? I think the secret he’s hiding is that he was a Dark Side! Think about it. He got new clothes when he was accepted in the Hogwarts video, Deceit and Virgil obviously have a history that the other Light Sides don’t know, and if the Light Sides don’t know it then how could he have kept it a secret? The Light Sides know Deceit, but didn’t know the relationship between him and Virgil? SUSPICIOUS.”
“i totally agree…… virgil didnt start out in the sanders sides series……. hes hiding something…… that he doesnt want thomas or the light sides to know……..”
“I’m going to add on to this. I think Virgil is STILL a Dark Side and never truly became a Light Side. He only got accepted once the other sides saw how important he was to Thomas. He’s just a flight risk. Virgil’s working with Deceit and/ or the other Dark Sides and doesn’t like Deceit, but he needs Deceit so he can keep the secret from the real Light Sides and Thomas.”
“Wait, Thomas is GAY?”
The rest of the comments were similar. Virgil felt his chest constrict as he pulled back from the front of Thomas’ mind. He huddled in his room, attempting to keep the anxiety he was sending the YouTuber to a minimum.
They can’t know, he can’t know, he can’t know!!! Oh god, they’re gonna reject me, they’re gonna send me back, I can’t go back!!! I can’t, I won’t survive it!! I love them so much!!!
Virgil barely registered his breathing picking up, his diaphragm crushed by the tense position he was tightly curled into. He started to sob, but soon ran out of air. His lungs were burning as they were starved of oxygen, and he could smell and taste copper.
I’m going to miss them. It’s going to hurt so much when they kick me out. I love them. I love them all. Thomas, I’m so sorry…
Virgil’s final thoughts were images of the Light Side’s faces that he’d never get to see again.
Patton jolted out of his nostalgic reverie when he sensed Thomas in distress. Looking out, he saw Thomas in front of his computer trying not to have a panic attack. Patton quickly rose up a few feet away from Thomas and gently called his name. Thomas jumped so hard he hit his knees on the bottom of the desk.
“Ow. S-sorry Patton.”
“It’s okay kiddo. Think you can breathe with me?” Thomas nodded. “Great! In for one, two, three, four. There you go Thomas you’re doing so well. Hold for one, two, three…” Patton stayed with Thomas and helped him with his breathing exercises until he was feeling better, worrying the entire time about Virgil. I need to go check on my little shadowling!
“Do you know what triggered it?”
Thomas shook his head. “No, I was just reading comments about theories and stuff, and I felt a little panicked for a half hour, and it just got a lot worse. Are you okay Patton?”
“I’m fine kiddo.”
“Oh my god, Virgil!!”
“I’m just about to go check on him. Will you be okay by yourself?”
“Yeah, I think I’ll be fine. I’m gonna take a break.”
“Good idea! Summon me if you need anything son!”
“You’re not my-” The rest was cut off as Patton sunk out. He rose up in the hallway that had each of their bedrooms. Logan and Roman were just coming out of theirs to see what the commotion was about.
“Thomas had a panic attack. I’m going to go check on my dark strange son!! Will you come with me?” Patton asked, flashing his puppy dog eyes.
“Of course!! If my dark knight is in peril, I will save him!” Roman declared, moving into his dramatic pose and holding the position.
Logan just stared at Roman in awe of the extra for a moment before shaking himself and turning to Patton. “I, too, would like to assist Virgil if he is in distress.”
“Awwww yay!!! All of my kiddos working together.”
“Actually, we are all close in age and you have not-”
Patton giggled. “That’s the spirit Roman!”
Once they got to Virgil’s room, Patton knocked on the door. “Kiddo? Are you okay in there?”
Not hearing a response, Logan had to put a hand on Roman’s shoulder to keep him from kicking the door in.
Patton knocked again, a little louder this time. “Virgil? Can you hear us honey?”
Still not receiving a response, Logan had to tighten his hand against Roman’s pulls.
“Virgil might be in danger!”
“His door may also be unlocked. Patton, if you will?”
Patton opened the door with ease. Logan let go of Roman’s shoulder, who gripped the handle of his sword. Patton looked around the dark room, not seeing Virgil right away. Roman scoured the room, looking for threats. Logan spotted Virgil first, a small shiver and quiet whimper drawing his attention to a mass of fabric on the ground.
“Oh Virgil,” Logan breathed as he strode over to kneel in front of Virgil. Virgil didn’t respond, so Logan hesitantly reached out and pulled the hood down. He heard Patton and Roman gasp behind him; Virgil’s face was streaked with tears and makeup, and his face was red. Patton knelt down next to Logan and started brushing his fingers through Virgil’s hair.
“Kiddo? Can you hear me? Come on, it’s time to wake up sweetie. It’s okay honey,” Patton cooed gently, trying to wake his shadowy songbird. After a few minutes and much to the relief of the Light Sides, Virgil began to stir. He blearily opened his eyes and flinched when he saw the other Sides so close to him.
“Shhhh, it’s okay kiddo. You’re safe.”
Virgil’s eyes widened. “Thomas!!”
“He’s okay kiddo.”
Virgil’s breathing began picking up and his tears started flowing again as he remembered how this was likely the last time he’d ever get to see the Light Sides and they’d hate him and-
“Virgil, may I touch you?” Logan asked.
Virgil jumped but nodded. Logan took Virgil’s hand and pressed it to his own chest.
“We’re going to do some breathing exercises now Virgil. First, please exhale so you have room for new air.”
Virgil thought it was a little strange, but cooperated.
“Excellent. Now breathe in for one, two, three, four…” Logan led Virgil through ten minutes of breathing exercises until the only thing cluing them into his distress were his tears.
“My dark prince, what troubles you?”
Virgil bit his lip. “Nothing,” he mumbled.
“Kiddo, you know that lying is wrong,” Patton gently reminded. They noticed the full-body flinch, which immediately made Patton feel terrible. He decided to switch tactics.
“It’s okay sweetie, you know you can tell us anything. You’re famILY!!!”
This only brought more tears from Virgil. Patton frowned, confused and a little hurt. Does he not consider us famILY? Did I do something wrong?
“Virgil, Patton is correct. You are a part of our family, and I sincerely doubt that anything you say can change that.”
“Indeed! We shall never forsake you!”
“Never say never,” Virgil muttered under his breath. Logan tilted his head.
“You believe that whatever is troubling you will cause us to no longer consider you a part of this family?” Logan asked.
Virgil responded by curling in. Patton gasped in horror.
“Nothing you say can make us stop loving you!” he cried.
“I USED TO BE A DARK SIDE!!!” Virgil shouted in his tempest tongue.
A silence fell over the room for several moments. Virgil curled in and started crying in earnest.
This is it, they don’t love me anymore, they hate me, they-
“We know Virgil. What about that did you want to tell us?” Logan asked.
Virgil froze. They knew? They knew? How did they know? How long? Virgil let out a particularly anguished sob at his next thought. Has this all been fake?
“Oh sweetie… can I hold you?” Patton asked. Virgil couldn’t help but nod. Patton tenderly pulled Virgil into his lap, kissed the top of his head, and rubbed his back.
“Shhhhhh, it’s okay baby, you can tell us in your own time.”
Virgil sniffled. “Th-that was w-what I wanted t-to tell you.”
Patton made a confused noise in his throat while Roman joined the other three Sides on the ground and gently placed a hand on Virgil’s shoulder.
“Virgil, we know you used to be a Dark Side.”
Virgil froze, then barked out a humorless laugh. “So why haven’t you chased me back to the Dark Side?”
Roman gaped. “Why would you think I would do that?!”
“You hate the Dark Sides!!”
Roman sucked in a breath. “Virgil, I… I’m so sorry.” Virgil braced himself. Here it comes. Can a Side die if it gets stabbed by a sword? “I should not have treated you so cruelly when I was first getting to know you. You are so valuable to me now, as a co-worker, and as a friend. I… I am so terribly sorry that my biases caused you so much harm, but I do consider you one of us.”
“Roman’s right!! You’re my kiddo now!!”
Logan flipped through a few flashcards. “As the hip say, “We been knew”.”
Despite his fears, Virgil snorted at Logan’s attempt to be cool. “You… you guys really don’t mind?”
“Not at all!!” Roman assured.
Virgil hid his face. “So I got worked up over nothing, huh? Is it Monday already?”
“It is in fact Monday.”
Virgil had to bite his lip at Logan’s factual response.
“Honey, you got scared you were going to lose your famILY. Of course you’re going to be upset! And you should always feel comfortable coming to one of us if you start feeling scared or unloved!! We’ll convince you in whatever way we have to! I’ll probably cuddle you!”
Virgil chuckled. “Thanks Pat.”
Roman squeezed Virgil’s shoulder in a silent sign of support. They stayed there for a few minutes until Patton spoke up.
“I think we need a movie night!! Who’s with me?”
“Sounds great Pat.”
“That would be adequate.”
Patton giggled in excitement as everyone stood. Virgil still felt a little shaky, but it was nothing new with his panic attacks. The Light Sides ushered Virgil out of his room as he smiled.
Virgil looked forward to watching movies with his famILY.
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galactic-vixen · 5 years
"Tired Memories" Mermaid!Purple Yam x Reader Oneshot
A gentle breeze flowed throughout the air, coming from the north, heading to the south. The leaves rustled as the wind gently brushed against them, their vibrant emerald shades appearing to glisten in the setting suns gaze. The blades of grass swaying with the wind, almost seemingly like they're copying how the breeze blows. The soft crunches that follow suit as you take a step forward, seem to fit in with the enviroment.
You head onwards, with a single destination in mind, the docks. It's a place that was near and dear to your late fathers heart for this is where he first found his love for marine life. He would tell stories of many aquatic lifeforms, fishes with scales that when shifted into the sun's rays, would reveal their hidden rainbow, crayfish who's claws seemed to have fascinating and intricate markings. Hell, even the rocks on the riverbed seemed to explode with colour in the water, but when taken out they're as dull as little pebbles you find on the beach.
All these stories that he would tell you whenever you asked him, had sparked your interest with the river. But whenever you went to the exact dock, it was just your average river. The fishes were as boring as the ones in the pet store, the crayfish's claws just pinched you when you got near and the rocks certainly didnt "explode with colour" as your father said they did. It seemed as though your father had lied about how interesting the river was.
That is, until you met him.
You had went to the river when it was an autumn morning, the leaves looking like fire with their warm colours, the sun shining with all its might right into your eyes. Due to the sun blinding you, you hadnt noticed that you went off the dock until it was too late. You tried to swim back to the surface but something kept pulling you back down, intending for you to stay with it. You tried to get the reeds off your leg but you couldnt, its grip intensifying with each passing second. Your vision started to gain black spots and you couldnt hold onto your breath any longer.
Just as you were to accept you might not live, a pair of hands had wrapped around your waist and started to pull you up. The reeds seeming to give up on keeping you there. Your head broke through the surface and you gasped for air, relishing in the fact you were to live another day. Whatever had saved you then started to drag you towards land. You were placed onto the ground and you quickly spun your head to thank your saviour. Your eyes had widened at what you saw.
The one who had saved you was a male, his expression was one of annoyance. His violet eyes squinted at you, his mouth shaped into a scowl and his brows furrowed. His lilac hair sticking to his head, shining from the water that soaked it. He was well built, his shoulders broad and well defined and his chest chiseled with muscles. He then started to go back into the water after a few seconds. You had gotten your breath back and shouted for him to wait. He seemed to listen but it was clear he wanted to leave. You were in the middle of thanking him when he just scoffed and left.
You just sat there with wonder and confusion in your eyes. Whatever the man was, you knew you had to see him again. Sure you didnt see what your father talked about, but you did find something a bit more interesting. From that day forward, you had decided to come here as often as possible, to see this mysterious man.
Your mind was brought back from reminiscing on the memory by a loud cough. You had glanced to where you heard it from, and saw him. The mysterious man, who you had become friends with after needlessly bugging him. You had smiled and ran over to dock, where he was laying his arms and head, sliding on your knees which hurt afterwards. You winced and he laughed.
"What did you think was going to happen?" "Oh shut it Yam."
Yes, Yam had been his name. It suited him nicely, and so did his laugh, which was deep and slightly rough but you enjoyed listening to it. He chuckled after your poor attempt of a retort and pulled himself onto the dock. You watched him pull himself up and turn around to sit down. His tail dangling over the docks edge. You had nearly forgotten the fact that Yam was a mermaid.
His muave coloured tail that had scars from when he fought others, had scales that shined brightly from the sun. His fins were purple that faded into a much darker and deeper violet, almost indigo in colour. You looked back up to him to see him with a cocky expression.
"Like what you see?" "I said 'Shut it Yam'." "You actually said 'Oh shut it Yam'-" "YAM."
He started to laughed after that and you couldnt help but blush. You turned your face to the side as you pouted. That caused him to laugh even louder which you then joined him. The two of you were laughing until you couldnt anymore. You both smiled at eachother and talked about what yous did today. Yam had apparently seen an odd creature with four legs. It was white with long ears and a small tail. You explained how that was a rabbit and tell some basic facts about them.
You then both continue on talking about the day you both had until you notice that it's much darker than before. You look up to see stars in the night sky and point at them. Yam looks up and you both spend time just gazing at the sky with him occasionally splashing water on himself as to not dry out. After a while you hear a yawn. You glance over to see Yam rubbing one of his eyes.
"Are you tired?" "Yeah, not that tired anyways.." "I can leav-" "No.. I-I want you to stay."
That was surprising.. He... Wants you to stay..? You decide to listen to him and just stay there. You hear another yawn then feel weight suddenly being put onto your shoulder. You glance over to see Yam slowly drifting off. You pull him in closer which he slurs abit, then falls back asleep. You just sit there with Yam laying at your side. You slowly start drifting off to sleep yourself until you realize that Yam needs to be in water.
You slowly get up and pick Yam up into your arms. You trudge off the dock and into the river, quietly as to not wake him up. You place half of his body into the river and sit down, gently placing him onto your lap afterwards. Yam opens one of his eyes to look up at you and is about to say something until you shush him and quietly tell him to go back to sleep. He pulls himself onto your stomach and flops onto it, making you blush and fall backwards onto the grass. You sigh and start petting his head, listening to the soft purrs he makes at your touch. You smile at how calm and relaxed his whole body is and start falling asleep. You softly whisper one last thing before you close your eyes.
"Love you Yam."
Wow that is long as shit. @seven-inches-of-sav heres your oneshot. Sorry it took a bit of time to work on! Hope you like it. This is the first time I made a oneshot, so sorry if it's bad or theres any mistakes!
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