#this was longer than i anticipated
oscillatedself · 2 years
Saw a shitpost about how Homestuck grimdark is an overabundance of the void aspect, while trickster mode is overabundance of life, and it got me thinking: is that true? Like we see Rose go grimdark and yeah sure that makes sense, life's opposite void whatever, but if i recall correctly, eridan goes grimdark as well, when he destroys the matriorb and channels his science wand to kill Feferi (I think this is when at least, it's been a bit since I interacted w/ the source material). As a result of this, I always viewed grimdark as the inverse of your aspect, taken to a negative light. A seer of light becomes a witch of void, effectively filling similar roles (the pursuit of knowledge versus the manipulation of nothingness and obscurity) but due to horrorterror influence the classpect becomes violent (blacking out the session, breaking all the temples, yknow general rampage shenanigans). On the other hand, a prince of hope would invert to a sylph of rage, creating lots of anger in the self and those around (Kanaya's chainsawing is a good example, plus he was PISSED after nobody sided with him and Jack).
Trickster Mode, on the other hand, feels like the aspect is taken to the ultimate extreme, most toxic positive extent. Jane as a maid of life is able to spread the trickster mode, Roxy creates a ton of shitty Santas and other junk, Jake is brimming with artificial hope and confidence). Dirk is a bit harder a case as his walls don't come down the same way, but one could argue there's no real way to go "positive" with Destroyer of Hearts, he just is more in tune with himself and can hold onto his sanity.
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simple-seranade · 2 years
TW: body horror, death (life series, not really descriptive)
Some people love the toy gag, others are tired of it, I just find it a fascinating plot hook whether he is a toy or not. The head canon that Joel calling Jimmy a toy repeatedly actually turns him into one is everywhere and I love the concept. While brainrotting over this, I had an idea.
Imagine with me, for a moment.
Jimmy is a completely normal human, has been for as long as he can remember. He wholeheartedly knows it, and so does everyone around him. It’s just Jimmy, the completely normal human. Sure, he struggles with his self image a bit, but confidence is key! Fake it til you make it!
The life series happen. He dies first once. Twice. He’s not quite sure when or how it started, but people start calling him a canary. The canary in the coal mine, simply an omen of the death to come. A shock of yellow in the dark and grim, extinguished too soon. He thought nothing of it. It was just a phrase, a nickname. Nothing of any real importance, not definitive about him in particular.
Then he met his soulmate.
It only made sense it was through death, an explosion, the first death on the server. Tango being the coal mine to his canary, they said. The parallels grew, the amount of people mentioning it grew, the amount of times he heard the word canary as synonymous for him grew. 
It wasn’t even always bad. Tango called him Songbird as a term of endearment, and it was rarely ever said with truly malicious intent. 
But just because it wasn’t bad didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
It hurt when he bolted upright in the middle of the night, back feeling like it was on fire. It hurt as he barely choked back a scream, the skin on his back ripping open. It hurt when hollow bones and bloody golden feathers tore through the gaps. It hurt when fully grown wings developed in a matter of minutes, while Grian had described the process of his own wings growing as a weekslong process, from the forming to the baby wings bursting out to the wings being large enough to fly. It hurt when he cried, even as Tango held his hands, fretting and confused.
But he pushed through it, because that’s what Jimmy did. When things went wrong, when the universe had determined he was the perfect punching bag, he kept going, to show just how poor of a decision it had been.
So he got used to the wings. Eventually learned to navigate with the new weight on his back, stopped bumping into every door frame and tree and chest. He even started building up his wing strength and resolved to talk to Grian when this mess was over to see about flying lessons.
Then he died, a third and final time, and he was thrown to a new world. When he came to, he was human again, no evidence he had ever been any different besides the dandelion yellow flowers scattered around his spawn point. Not even scars on his back where the wings had pushed through in their golden, scarlet glory.
It was just an effect of the life server, the code had gone wrong, he was back to the way he was supposed to be. All of these explanations he heard when he asked the others, most just waving it off. After all, servers changed how they looked all the time. Nothing was wrong.
Jimmy tried to believe them, he really did. But when nightmares come of blood and hollow splintered bones tearing his back to ribbons, phantom pain still making him wince, it was difficult. None of the other changes had ever been that… painful. Real. 
Still, he kept going. Found a desert, built up a town, established a law. He was a sheriff now, dedicated to his Empire and making sure things were right. So what if a stuck-up god decided to make fun of him? So what if he was called pathetic, a toy? Those things didn’t define him. He was human, through and through, no matter what he had been just a single world ago.
Even if he was shrunk by a potion. Even if the comparisons to a plaything became more and more frequent. Even as all respect for him was lost, nothing but a mockery of a sheriff.
It was after the second time getting splashed with the lore potion that it happened. He was small, they weren’t turning him back, and he was just so, so sick of all of this. The Hermits had been brought in on the joke, and now almost everyone he talked to brought it up in some way. Tango was kind enough, he didn’t, and Scott… well, Scott said other things. 
It was almost like the word was echoing around in his head as he sat in his sheriff’s office, despite the rage it filled Jimmy with. He wasn't a toy! He was a living, breathing human being! He didn’t have plastic skin, or stuffed intestines, or a pullstring, or soulless glass eyes that couldn’t see anything, not really, not truly. 
Every time someone called him a toy seemed to flood his mind, and tears pricked his eyes. Is that really all he was to these people? To his friends?
The air suddenly grew thick and heavy, and a lightning hot pain shot through every nerve in his body. Unprepared, he fell to his knees, barely keeping a pained screech from escaping his lips. He swayed, barely keeping himself from falling over entirely. 
Jimmy didn’t know what it looked like as his insides scrambled and dissolved and hardened and numbed and hurt. All he knew was the feeling of his bones dissipating, of the phantom sensation of something stabbing his arms and legs and torso, of his back aching as something pushed its way through, so similar yet so different to the wings he had once grown to treasure.
He didn’t see the way the tears in his eyes blended in with their growing glassiness, or know how his torso looked as the organs unspooled themselves inside of him to make way for stuffing. He doesn’t realize until later that the thing protruding from his back is a pullstring, one that doesn’t give him the option of silence if used. He had to look in the mirror to notice the stitches that had woven their way into the seams of his toosofttooplushnotrealenough body. 
He avoids reflections after that, because he is not a toy, no matter what his image says. He can’t be.
He doesn’t know why this happens. Why he seems to be forced to bend to the wills of those around him, to their perceptions of him. He knows he’s human. He has a real, beating heart, even if his chest just feels full and still from the stuffing inside of it, a complete and utter lack of organs. He breathes, filling non-existent lungs with air. He thinks, he feels, even though his head is full of cotton and his face seems empty and lifeless. 
He’s- he’s human. He is, always has been, so why does he keep changing?
Maybe one day, someone will see the signs. One day, someone will tell the shapeshifter what he is, about the powers he can’t control, about how he’s not the universe’s punching bag, not on purpose. They’ll teach him to control his powers, so that he was the one who determined his form, not the whims of others.
But today is not that day. 
Today is the day a plush sheriff squares off against a god, hides from his soulmates of past lives, and longs for the ability to cry all the unshed tears in his unbeating paper heart.
look, writing body horror is fun. plus i thought of the concept of jimmy being a shapeshifter without control of his powers was a cool solution because as far as he knows, he is human. and he is, most of the time. his power is just very, very easily influenced by repetition.
also i like the idea of mumbo finding him and being like “your powers are acting weird? mine did that last season, it was the moons fault” and jimmys just “my what now”
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bigbadk9 · 1 year
i want a pretty boy in my lap.
i want him rutting against my thigh, tears falling down his cheeks as he nears his release.
only for me to slow him down, keeping him from cumming in his pants, right there against my thigh.
only after he was sobbing and begging, too tired to continue, would i allow it. it'd be so, so fucking hot to watch his face shift from needy to hopeful. to have his hips stutter and grind against my thigh. i would hold his hips, steadying him and providing a good rhythm for him to get off.
and when he'd finally get off, his body sagging against mine as his breath hiccups in his chest and he seems to deflate? i would make him keep going. whispering praises in his ears, against his neck, about how good he did. that he just needed to give me one more orgasm and i'd let that be it. he'd cry against my shoulder, tears dampening my shirt. i would just continue to rub his hips, his back, his neck softly. encouraging him once more.
of course i would provide more help this time; my hand sliding into his pants and providing more stimulation to him, using his own release as lubricant. it'd be so easy to slip my fingers into him now; with him so needy and all wet with his cum. the overstimulation would provide a very quick and effective orgasm, this one slamming into him like waves. i would kindly make him ride it out as long as possible.
he would thank me after, for being so kind and providing him with not one, but two releases. after all, he had been so good. how could i leave him with only one?
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rain-harmonia · 2 years
I want to talk about one of the little cutscenes in Dragonflight. I want to talk about Alexstrasza and what she said to Wrathion when he was asking for assistance with reclaiming the Obsidian Citadel.
“I would have expected you to care more for the protection of helpless eggs, Wrathion.”
Going to preface this with I don’t think she was in the wrong for choosing to prioritize the eggs. She’s right; she knows Raszageth (Razsageth?? I hate spelling her name) better than Wrathion. I’ll trust her judgement there. And it’s not like she abandoned him completely. She sends the player to help him. (Do I think that was enough? No. But it’s better than nothing I guess)
But pulling THAT line out against Wrathion? That was FOUL.
To start with, the black flight has so little left at this point. Wrathion still believes that he and Ebyssian are all that remains. He is clawing for scraps here, trying to make something out of his broken flight. As he said, the Obsidian Citadel is the black flight’s legacy. Legacies are all that the black flight has at this point — this cutscene is before Sabellian arrives with other black dragons and with eggs. Alexstrasza tried to appeal to a future that Wrathion did not think his flight had. He must have felt that he was being asked to let go of an important piece of his flight in favor of further securing the other flights despite them already appearing to be secured. In his eyes, Alexstrasza was simply brushing him off.
And let’s not forget about the circumstances of Wrathion’s creation. Alexstrasza’s line must have felt like a double insult because where was that concern for helpless eggs when Rheastrasza was forcing Nyxondra to lay eggs that were subsequently being experimented on? Alexstrasza is trying to appeal to him with eggs when it was a member of her very own flight that was frankensteining together dead whelps and unhatched eggs (while we have confirmation that whelps are AWARE and CONSCIOUS of the outside world while still in their eggs) to create the amalgamation that is Wrathion.
Of course he was upset. Of course he decided to attempt to reclaim the Obsidian Citadel on his own. He thought he might be finding his place among other dragonkind only for Alexstrasza to (unintentionally, I should hope) remind him how outcast he is.
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lazy-toad · 2 years
I'm gonna talk about episode 18 once again because holy fuck that episode sure does make me want to eat glass/pos
Ok so the argument in episode 18. It's Bad. It is a genuinely horrific argument that ended in physical violence, which sure is an accomplishment when you literally share a body with the person you are fighting with.
Now, most arguments that John and Arthur have, are eventually just swept under the rug, after all there's no point bickering when there is a creature trying to kill you to death right? But this one is not.
John broke Arthur's trust and Arthur does not let go of that. It takes him a while before he even gets on civil terms with John. He says that he'll only agree to work with John if John agrees to never mention Faroe's name ever again, which John agrees to.
A lot of their arguing and petty squabbling in episode 19 comes from Arthur still being upset from what John said in episode 18.
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Episode 20 rolls around, and John and Arthur are back to being on good terms for the majority of the episode. The King however, brings up this argument to Arthur, and Arthur states that whilst he hates Join for betraying his trust, he doesn't hate John for calling him an unfit father.
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Whilst that may be true, it doesn't mean it didn't hurt for his best friend to tell him that he sees Arthur as the absolute worst part of himself.
Anyway, we come to episodes 24 and 25 which is where things really get interesting in my opinion. Throughout episodes 21-23, Arthur has told Yellow about how he reminds him of the worst parts of John, the parts that betrayed his trust.
But now John is back. John is back and Arthur is overjoyed to have his friend back but things have happened whilst John has been gone, and now Arthur is dead set on killing a man that John knows nothing about. A man that Arthur simply describes as a bad person, meaning he deserves to die.
John is naturally shocked at this. Arthur is a man who has generally shown sympathy and kindness to all sorts of people and creatures when he's sure they're not a direct threat to his life.
What John doesn't know is that Larson cheerfully bragged to Arthur about willingly sacrificing his own daughter as she begged for him to save her. John does not know this because Arthur does not tell him this.
Of course he doesn't. Arthur has never been one to talk willingly about his own trauma, this on top of the way John betrayed his trust in episode 18? Of course he's not going to tell him.
The last thing Arthur wants at a time when he is already incredibly emotionally vulnerable is for John to turn around and say something along the lines of "is he really that much worse than you?"
John is changing and doing his best, but Arthur is human and emotional and John hurt him, and that's something that he does not simply forget.
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f3lix00 · 2 years
143 pt. 2
Hwang Hyunjin x afab!reader
Pt1 here.
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Genre: smut, angst, collage au! Friends to lovers
Other pairings: Han Jisung x Lee Minho
Warnings: smut, nail kink, un- and protected sex, fingering, oral, mention of alcohol, mentioned masturbation (m), slight edging, cock warming, semi-public sex,
Word count: 6.8k
Character count: 36.5k
A/n: this is even longer🫠 anyways! This is pt. 2 of the 143 Hwang Hyunjin x afab!reader. Please keep in mind that English isn’t my first language so I apologise for my mistakes beforehand. This does not represent any real people this is all fiction.
You were drunk. Really drunk. What happened between you and Hyunjin, didn’t help at all, you are walking down the hall with the dorm-doors on both sides of you. Hyunjin had given up on his jacket and had thrown it over his shoulder after your bathroom experience. He also couldn’t bother fixing his messy hair, which made him look even more drunk. You’re carrying your heels in your hands but still can’t walk straight. The both of you are laughing about some old memory you accidentally mentioned on the way home from Minho’s party. You reach Hyunjin’s dorm and you stop. “Oh you wanted to sleep over?” He asks and tilt his head to the side. “No- I mean sure, but that wasn’t why I stopped. Your dorm is here, there’s no need to walk me home. It’s only 7 numbers down.” You answer, giggling. “That’s nothing to worry about. As you said yourself: it’s only 7 numbers down. You think I’m that out of shape?” He laughs as your face changed as the last words left his lips. “God I hate you sometimes.” You answer, “but I’d love sleeping over, if that’s okay with you and Jisung of course?” You say with a teasing tone while running your hands over his jaw and neck to put your arms around his neck. He grabs your waist and pull you in for a passionate kiss. He gives out a smirk followed by; “yeah. I bet Jisung isn’t home anyway. He’s probably hooking up with someone at Minho’s party” he laughs as he softly pull away from you. “I just gotta go home and tell Jeongin I’m back alright?” You say as Hyunjin make a fake jealous face. “Don’t look at me like that! Jeongin is not quite my type, and I’m not his either.”
You knew that. Every time someone asked if you had slept together (as you were one of the “unlucky” girls that had to share a dorm with someone of the opposite sex (they were seriously acting like this was middle school)) he always looked so annoyed. And you fully understood that. You knew he loved you, and you loved him. Just not like that. That one time he brought someone over, you were really surprised, cause’ she seemed to be very different from you. Before that happened you thought Jeongin had some feelings for you, but you were convinced it was just his was of being respectful.
“Do you have a problem with me following you home?” He chuckle. You sigh. “No. Let’s go then” continued by a smile. Before you barely moved Hyunjin picks you up and was carried you on his back. You let out a small squeak by his actions; “Jin!” You say flustered, “oh shut up. You know you like it,” he says with a laugh, able to read you like a book. It’s not the first time he carried you like this. Just the first time after the feelings appeared. The feeling of being wrapped around someone you loved and adored made you feel so secure. And tired. Your energy definitely drained at your intimate moment. The alcohol in your blood was what keeping you going.
Hyunjin reach into your purse to fetch up a key before carefully lifting you down. “Ladies first,” he says with a fake British accent. Waving his hands toward the entry. “Y/n!” You hear a familiar voice from the living room. “Hey- Jisung?” You say confused as you thought it was Jeongin’s voice. The two men are sitting in the living room playing cards. “Jeongin is ordering pizzas, you want anything?” Jisung asks. Jeongin notice the two of you, smiling as it was obvious the date didn’t go terrible. You look at Hyunjin, who had put a hand around your thigh. “Sure, anything would be great!” You answer.
You enter your room to throw your bag on the bed and change into something more comfortable. “Can I watch?” Hyunjin say with a smirk and giggles as you removes your shirt. You sarcastically roll your eyes at him as your bra are revealed. You pick out a white, oversized T-shirt from your drawer and put that on. You roll down your skirt, as your panties were revealed. You could feel Hyunjin’s eyes hovering over your body but he is respectful and doesn’t do anything. He lets out a slight smile by your beauty. You take your sweatpants from your closet and put them on before crawling on top of Hyunjin. Hyunjin was leaning on the headboard of the bed and you place yourself on his lap, giving him a peck on the lips. He smells like alcohol and lust. “Do you wanna change as well?” You ask, pointing to the set of his clothes you always have at your place. He nods and get changed quickly.
You play a few different card games as the doorbell rings. “Pizzaaaaa” Jisung vocalises as he runs towards the door. When he opens the door, no pizza is to be seen, but a girl. “Hey Jisung, I know this isn’t your dorm but is Hyunjin here?” Jisung looks awkwardly toward you sitting on the sofa, “uhm- Hyunjin! Chae-won is here.” Jisung yells. Chae-won looks relieved and gave out a smile. Before Hyunjin stand up he gives you a reassuring hand squeeze.
You can’t hear what they’re saying, but there’s silence in the living room. You can feel the two boys’ gaze going between the door, you and each other. You see two arms wrap around the tall man standing in the door frame, but he pushes them away. He says something with a louder voice, you still can’t quite hear what they say. Hyunjin close the door and make his way towards the living room. You turn your head towards the others sitting across you. They quickly look away, and pretend to fiddle with their cards.
Hyunjin walks in with 5 pizzas in his hand. “Wait-“ Jisung tries to say but is interrupted by Hyunjin’s answer: “she met the pizza deliverer on the way, and he asked for help to find the dorm. She placed them beside the door.” “Beer? Soda?” Hyunjin looks at you.
“I’ll take water. We have school tomorrow,”
“Crap that’s right. Why did Minho throw a party on a Sunday anyway?”
“Minho..? Oh how is he?” Jisung asks quiet.
“Wait you didn’t go the party?” You tilt your head to the side.
“No I uh- I wasn’t invited.” Jisung says silently. That was weird. Jisung is always invited to party’s, he is usually the life of the party.
There had been some hard (both figuratively and literally) feelings between the two boys. You weren’t quite sure, but didn’t ask. They used to be really close though.
Jisung was on his way back to his dorm and he gives Hyunjin a quick look. “Oh did you wanna sleep over y/n? Jisung is leaving now, and I’m the only one who has a key.” Hyunjin asks. Jisung had apparently lost his key at some girls house once. “Yeah! Bye In!” You yell and close the front door behind you.
On your way back to Jisung and Hyunjin’s dorm, Jisung eyes how you and Hyunjin’s hands are locked together. “You two finally a thing? Crap!” You look confused at Jisung.
“What do you mean?” You ask, confused.
“Now I gotta listen to you fucking every day AND I lost a bet with Jeongin!”
Hyunjin bursts out laughing, clapping his hands
“No, you know what? Maybe that’s not a bad thing” Jisung adds with a smirk. Normally you would’ve been embarrassed, but the alcohols seemed to have an effect on you (funny enough).
“Looks like we’ll move to my dorm then,” you say teasingly and stops walking.
“No! Please I haven’t had an orgasm in like 5 days!”
“5 days? That doesn’t sound like Jisung,” Hyunjin chuckle.
“Oh really? How long has it been since you had one?” Jisung ask mockingly and you try to hold back your laugh. Hyunjin looks at his watch and squeeze your hand. “About 4-5 hours ago,” he say with a smirk and Jisung quickly looks at you before looking back at Hyunjin. A wave of disappointment hits his face and a groan left his lips.
The time was currently way past midnight. You join Hyunjin in bed after removing your bra and brushing your teeth. “You know, I thought a lot about earlier and- was the stretch too much for you? I’m sorry if it was, I was just- or probably still am too drunk,” Hyunjin mention as you tug yourself under the blanket and resting your head against his bare chest. “I know all this just started today, but I wanna make it up to you. And I also think that Jisung could use something other than his normal go-to porn.” Hyunjin chuckle. You can hear faint groans coming from the other side of the wall. Not groans of pleasure but groans of struggles. “I mean only if you can manage tha-“ you interrupt him with a kiss that is starting to turn into a make-out session. “The stretch was a lot, but totally worth it,” you say in between tongue wrappings.
Your lips parted again, you can feel his breath as he lets out a chuckle. His lips are tracing down your jawline, your neck and going to your collarbone. “Lift up?” He says as he tries to get your shirt off. You do as commanded and your bare breasts are revealed. “Goddamn. I could never get enough of these” Hyunjin say muffled, “Jin-“ you moan. “Be rough please,” you beg and place your hands on the top of his head to press it further down to your breasts. His cold fingers making you whimper.
“Just tell me if we’re going too fast alright?” He makes sure before a sudden change in his eyes that almost scare you. Hyunjin slides his hand down your underwear. A groan escapes his lips as he feels how wet you already are. The vibrations from his groan making you moan as well. His fingers sliding through your folds and making circles on your clit before one of his fingers enter your core. “Fuck-” You moan a bit too loudly as the struggling groans stop from the man on the other side of the wall. Hyunjin pumps his finger a few more times before adding two more. Your moans fill the the room and Hyunjin pulls his fingers out, not far from your high.
“Crap!” You moan as you try to trap his hand to put them back into you. He clearly had some experience in this. He shoves his two fingers in your mouth and cups your face with his free hand. “You’re so perfect,” he compliments as he watch you taste yourself.
You aren’t sure if it was the strong feelings or the alcohol or maybe a mix between both that makes the both of you move so fast. But you have known each other for 13 years. You knew him, knew every bit of him (now physically and personally). He leans down to kiss your bellybutton, and grabs your waist. He leaves kisses and hickies on every inch of your body, claiming it as his.
You can spot his erection poke through his sweats. You reach a hand down to rub on it to please him as well. A groan leaves his lips; “eager are we?” He say, pinning your hands above your head. “Down on your knees.” Hyunjin commands, throwing a pillow on the floor to protect your knees. You do as said looking at him, rolling your hips from the tension between your legs. Hyunjin pulls out his length and you wrap your hands around it. He hiss as your cold hands touch the tip to spread the pre cum that had formed from all the fingering earlier. You give him a quick kiss on the tip before taking him all the way in, making you gag.
“Shit. You’re so good at this y/n,” Hyunjin moan as your lips wrap all over his cock. “You think so?” You laugh, giving him a few strokes before continuing the head. “Fuck. I bet Jisung is having the time of his life right now.” He chuckle, throwing his head back. You stroke the part that you can’t fit in your mouth and hollow your cheeks more and more. “Fuck- so good.. so good for me-“ he moans.
You pull off with a slight pop to catch your breath, your hands still stroking him. Your long nails clicking together once in a while,
“fuck. Those nails,” Hyunjin say
“Shit. Did I scratch you?”
“No they’re - fuck - they’re so hot”
“You have a thing for nails huh?”
“I uh-“
“Don’t be embarrassed, everyone has something that turns them on. You know, it’s good to know.” You give him a smirk as you stand up to give him a kiss. Your nails dig into his shoulder as he gives you a slight slap on the ass. “God. You think you can handle me now? Please tell me if the stretch is too much alright love? I don’t want to hurt you again.” Hyunjin wants to confirm with you before doing anything that could hurt you. You nod. “Go ahead then. Lay down,” he says, gesturing a hand towards the bed. You lay down spreading your legs.
Hyunjin are going at an incredible speed. At the first thrust he stopped so you could adjust for a minute before giving a quick smile and he slowly continued. His pace was now at an impossible speed. The room are filled with your moans and sounds of skin slapping together. Hyunjin throws your legs over his shoulders and hits all the right spots. “GOD YES” you moan as he growl into your neck. Sweat are dripping from Hyunjin’s forehead, the only cold thing between you two are the chain around his neck.
“C-coming,” he pants as he releases into the condom. Your second orgasm arrives as well.
“Are you okay?” Hyunjin asks as he softly gives you a kiss on the lips. You’re drained from energy, and as soon as pulls out, you put his shirt on and tug under the blankets again. “Okay!? More than okay! How do you do that?” You ask with a chuckle, still struggling to catch your breath. “What time is it? 02.30!? We’ve been going for almost 3 hours? There’s something special with you y/n” he say with a smile, before joining you in bed. You quickly fall asleep with Hyunjin’s arms around you.
You wake up with the light from the pretty sunrise shining on your face. Hyunjin are sitting and painting, or at least trying to. “Good morning,” he says as he puts the paintbrush on the table beside him. “How are you? School starts in two hours” the feelings from all those months came rushing back. He looks so beautiful with his blonde, messy hair. So- angelic “I uh- I’m hangover” you say as a headache come rushing to your skull. “Yeah, me too. Stupid of Minho to throw a party on a Sunday anyway.” He stand up and sit beside you.
“Was it too much? Are we moving too fast? I’m sorry if we are, but my feelings for you haven’t changed. I’m in love with you y/n and I’ve been for the past five years. I wasn’t sure before but after summer- I wasn’t unsure anymore.”
“Five years? Oh. I’m sorry Hyunjin. And with everything that happened between me and-“
“No no. It’s fine, I’m just happy I got to be so close with you for all those years,” he smile.
“Me too. That vacation really changed you huh? Everyone seem to be so into you. More than they used to.”
“They just can’t handle how handsome I am,” he jokes.
“Handsome? Hah.” You joke back,
Hyunjin throws a pillow at you and rolls his eyes
“Breakfast?” He ask
“Shower.” You answer.
“Alright, let’s go.”
Your heart skip a beat. Hyunjin might’ve seen you naked while you had sex, but that was different, now he had to see you naked in front of him in the shower. All your insecurities suddenly come rushing back.
“If you want to of course?” The look in his eyes changes from playful to more questioning. “No! I mean yeah, of course I want to. It’s just-“ you hesitate. You aren’t sure how to tell him that you’re insecure of your body. “I won’t look. I can just hold you if that’ll help? I promise you, you’re beautiful.” He state. “Alright. You go first then.” Just as the words leave your lips he gives you a kiss on the forehead and leaves the room.
Five minutes later you can hear the water start running, and that’s your call to leave the room. You pass through the living room and the kitchen and just as you were about to open the door, you spot Jisung at the corner of your eye. “Good morning y/n,” he was quiet. Not like in a sad or awkward way more- respectful. “Good morning? D-“ “you bet.” That was the last you heard, as he closes the door to his room behind him. That was your signal to enter the bathroom.
You stand there all naked. If you wanted to run it should be now. Should you? No of course not! The boy you had those strong feelings for are standing right behind that curtain- “you coming?” A voice say, from the shower. “Yes I uh- just close your eyes.” You say a bit ashamed of the fact that he knew all along you were standing there. “Of course.” You take a deep breath in and step into the shower. He stands there. Closed eyes with his head tilted upwards, the water running down his face. His Adam’s apple on full display. His plump lips being hit by the water running down his tall body. You take the last step and you are now resting your head on his chest. “Are you okay with this? I can leave if there’s a problem.” Hyunjin say as he lowers his head onto yours. He gives you a kiss on the head and opened his eyes. All he can see is the top of your head, and the shower curtain in front of him. “I’m more than okay. Please don’t leave.” You say as you look up into his eyes only giving him a sight of your chest pressed onto his. A smile appears on his lips and you tuck you head back into his chest.
You’re sitting waiting for the bell to eat so you can finally get something to eat. The last 10 minutes of history seems to be the longest you’ve ever waited. The girl sitting beside you was sick today but she would normally have been able to help you with taking notes and understanding what is being said. You stare into the back of Hyunjin’s head. Admiring how beautifully half of his hair is put up in a ponytail. Chae-won seems to be looking at Hyunjin once in a while but he ignores her. Hyunjin looks back at you, smiling. Ice cream? He mouths. You give out a little smile and just as you are about to nod, a harsh pull in your hair from behind, makes your head being thrown backwards. You turn your head to look behind you. The stinging feeling from your scalp are making your anger rise.
Jeong-hun. “What the hell Jeong!?” You whisper. “Move your big head I can’t see anything!” He whispers back. The bell rings and the both of you stand up. He is taller than you but that doesn’t stop you from giving him a harsh slap across the face. You can see his friends laughing in the corner. He grabs your collar and pull you close to him. “Those pretty little lips of yours, maybe they’re not worth ruining. At least not with this kind of violence. I might just take them aaaalll to myself.” He says with a smirk. You manage to pull yourself free of his grip and land on the floor. Just as he’s about to walk closer to you he is met by a punch. “Arh- what the hell- Hyunjin?” He says surprised; “what the hell man!” Jerk. You thought. Even if the two of you weren’t dating he would still have stood up for you. “Fuck off.” Hyunjin says. Jeong-hun narrows his eyes considering if it is worth it to take up the fight. Hyunjin’s face expression is calm. But you can feel the rage coming from him and clearly Jeong-hun can as well. He rolls his eyes and say; “you’re no fun anyway. Come on, let’s get some food guys.” Hyunjin turns to look at you and squats in front of you. “Are you alright?” He ask. “Yeah. Thank you.” You say with a smile. You stretch your neck to see if anyone was still in the classroom. You lean in for a kiss and Hyunjin follow.
Jisung walks into the classroom. “Can I watch?” He ask with a smirk. Hyunjin’s lips leaves yours and he stand up, offering you a hand. You take it and are quickly standing up again. Hyunjin walks over to Jisung and are greeted by; “three hours? That’s a new record dude! Aren’t you tired?” Jisung asks, “I’m hangover. Did it help?”
“You bet! God. Please stay at our place every time you decide to fuck!” Hyunjin rolls his eyes and looks over at you and that is your signal to come over. Jisung eyes you when you walked their way. “She is quite a catch,”
“This is not some kind of game Ji. I love her.”
“You do? Damn, never thought it would actually happen between you, well one times gotta be the first.”
You take Hyunjin’s hand. “Hey Jisung, what’re you doing here?”
“Watching you two make out on the floor” he jokes
“No, I just heard there was a fight, wanted to make sure you were okay,”
“Yeah thank you, I’m okay. It wasn’t that serious but Jin came to the rescue. Not that I wouldn’t have been able to do it myself,” you joke and do a fake punch in Hyunjin’s stomach. He join the game and pretends to fall over in slow motion.
“Yup. I’m leaving now, this is too lovey dovey for me” Jisung laugh and leave the classroom. “So? Ice cream and a movie after school?” Hyunjin asks, “okay!”
“Oh c’mon! You seemed to like my nails so much last night.” You chuckle teasingly.
“Your smile is pretty-“
“No! No talking around this!”
“… fine. Only if I get the pretty hairband.”
“You don’t need a hairband for a manicure-“
“Now you do.”
“Then you have to put a face mask on as well.”
“… no”
“Looks like I’m cutting my nails then!”
“Okay fine! Put the stupid mask on me then,” Hyunjin say, followed by a sarcastic eye roll.
“Yay! Thank you Jin!”
“Don’t tease-“ he says looking to the side as he blush.
You file and paint Hyunjin’s nails and notice how his chest start to rise quicker as he watches the smooth precise movements you do with your hands. “Fuck. Your hands are so pretty,” Hyunjin say. “I can’t believe you have a kink for nails,” you laugh and place yourself on his lap. “Shut up. I can’t help it,” Hyunjin groan and place a kiss on your lips.
You feel it. His hard on. “Fuck- I’m sorry, I just can’t control myself when you’re like that-“ He apologise. You start slowly rolling your hips and locking your lips onto his. “Oh but I’m on my period, we can’t,” you say with a teasing tone and continue to grind against him. “I-It’s probably good we take it slow anyway. Crap.” it is only the thin layers of clothes between the two of you. “Fuuck baby” he groan. Your make out session continue for a while but he suddenly grabs your hips to stop them from moving, “if you continue I won’t be able to stop,” your foreheads are locked together and you can feel his hot breath on your swollen lips. “Let’s continue the movie then,” you smile and crawl off his lap, “me practically riding you probably wasn’t the best idea either.” “Yeah, let me just- go finish up. gosh you’ve made a mess already.” He chuckle.
The movie ended and you are hungry. But not only for food. You’re extremely turned on after your make out session, “Hungry?” You look at Hyunjin with wide eyes as a if he could read you like a book. “Yeah but can I hop in the shower first?” You want to relax, wash all the thoughts off of you. Hyunjin said it; ‘it’s probably better if we take it slow’. “I’ll make you some food then, princess.”
‘Princess..’ you need that shower. NOW.
“Mhhmmm” your eyes rolls in the back of your head, “this is so good! Did you make this?”
“No Felix made it. He left some when he was here.”
Hyunjin had met Felix at a dancing competition and they got really close. If you weren’t his best friend, Felix would definitely be.
“Oh he visited? I thought he was still in Australia.”
“He got back last weekend and he came over with this.”
“Well it was delicious, can we go to bed now?”
“Yes, let’s go” Hyunjin gives you a peck on lips and the two of you go to bed.
It has been two weeks since you and Hyunjin had had sex. ‘Taking it slow’ gosh, this was too slow. Everything was suddenly a turn on. How his black hair was slowly growing back, the way he scratches his neck, the way his hair was tied in a half ponytail, the rings on his fingers and how he would change his position in the boring chair once in a while. You need something. No. Someone. Him. You need Hyunjin in some way. You stare at the back of his head, chewing on your pencil as a thought cross your mind.
You raise your hand, squeezing your thighs together as you wait for the teacher to notice. “Yes y/l/n?” “Can I go to the bathroom please?” You asks. “Yes.” You stand up and brushes your fingers along Hyunjin’s arm as you pass by him. You can feel his eyes following you as you leave the classroom. Hopefully he got the hint, or you’ll have to do this yourself.
You enter the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Hyunjin loved you. You still couldn’t get that out of your head. Love. You check every stall to make sure nobody is here.
The door opens and in step the tall, handsome boyfriend of yours. He walks over to you and grabs your waist and you throw your arms around his neck. “Please Jinnie- I need you so bad. We haven’t slept together in two weeks!”
“You wanted to take it slow-“
“No you wanted to take it slow. Plus, not sleeping together for two weeks isn’t taking it slow.”
“I said it cause I didn’t want to scare you off. I love you. If you want to, we can move faster”
“Whatever. Please just fuck me Jinnie!” You say throwing your head into his chest. Hyunjin places his hand on the back of your head and locks his lips onto yours. You move into a stall and Hyunjin makes his way to your breasts but you push him away and guided his hands towards your crotch and you can feel the heat coming from your core. “Can I pull that pretty skirt off of you?” You hear the lust in his voice. “Please.” And so he does, revealing your black laced panties. “May I take that shirt off of you mister?” You jokingly say. “Oh please madam,” he joke back, his tongue resting on your bottom lip, asking for permission to enter.
“Fuck-“ Hyunjin kisses your clit and inner thighs through your panties. This was just what you needed, then it didn’t matter that it was in the school toilet. He runs his fingers along the rem of your underwear and pulls them off.
Hyunjin’s tongue is making circles around your clit while two of his fingers are curling up inside you. You are sitting on the toilet with Hyunjin eating you out. The wonders he can do. “Shit. Hyunjin I’m-“ just like that he pulls away, “wh-“ you’re interrupted by a hand covering your mouth. “Someone entered” he whispers in your ear. He is fast, his movements precise. He picks you up and places himself on the toilet and slowly lifts you down on his length. “Fuck you’re tight-“ he whispers with a low groan. Neither of you dares to move. You bury your face in his neck as you are adjusting to his length. “Are you alright?” He whispers, “y-yes” you manage to say. You do not want to get caught even if it might’ve been a turn on for someone, it isn’t for you. Those were some of the most popular girls talking, if they caught you everyone would suddenly know that you were fucking Hyunjin on a toilet.
“Omg did you hear what Minho said?”
“No what?”
“Hyunjin is sleeping with y/n!”
“What!? No way! Why her? He’s like too handsome for her.”
“Aren’t they like best friends?”
“Yeah but apparently Hyunjin had always liked her.”
One of the three girls that had entered the bathroom groan; “oh come on! I was totally gonna ask him on a date today, he looked at me at lunch!”
“No you weren’t. We all know you don’t have the confindence to ask Hwang Hyunjin out.”
“But if you suddenly get it, you can always ask him- like they’re only sleeping together right?”
“I think so. Minho saw them at his party a few weeks ago.”
“Oh yeah that’s right! They’re friends aren’t they?”
“Yeah, Jeongin, Hyunjin, Felix, Chan Hyung and… Jisung”
“Jisung? Does Jisung and Minho know each other?”
“Yeah apparently something happened between them. Didn’t Minho Hyung tell you anything, Min-ji? He is your boyfriend.”
“No he doesn’t really like talking about it. And me and Minho didn’t start dating before his party.”
“And besides I-“
The girls leave the bathroom. “You know I’m not only with you to sleep with you right?” Hyunjin say. Wow that thought hadn’t crossed your mind before. “Yeah- I wasn’t doubting that, I think the two weeks proved that,” you chuckle.
“Can I move?” You nod.
“Fuck, how are you always so tight y/n?” You only manage to whimper in response. “You’re so - fuck - cute like this” Hyunjin says with a heavy breath “all fucked out by me, your messy hair is so beautiful.” You pick up your pace, “Hyunjinah-“ “fuck y/n-“ he lifts you off and stroke his cock a few times before long ropes of cum runs down his toned body. You grab some paper to clean him up. “Do people know we’re together? You told Minho?” You ask confused.
“No I-“ he sighs “when I whispered in his ear, I asked if there was somewhere more private I could take you. Not that I was planning to sleep with you but-“
“Nono, I totally get it. I was only curious.”
“Great. I just really don’t wanna lose you over some stupid argument.” He says while putting on his belt “by the way. Felix, Chan Hyung, Jisung, Jeongin and maybe Minho Hyung is meeting up later. You’re welcome to join if you want to?”
Felix was one of sweetest people you had ever met but Chan Hyung? You had only met him a few times. The older boy seemed caring and extroverted but you didn’t know him that well. He probably didn’t remember your name anyway. You had only met him when Hyunjin and Felix performed and he went to give Felix a birthday gift. You also met him at a party a year ago. But you were just talking with Ryujin a we-are-friends-when-the-popular-people-hates-us friend. But she was cool. The point is that you weren’t really talking with him you only introduced yourself once.
“Yeah, I’d love to.” You say, slipping on your panties and fixing your skirt. You turn the lock and walk out of the stall heading towards the mirror to check if there was any signs of your little hook-up. A little messy hair but that was gone in a second. You tighten your tie and head towards the door. “See you in class lover boy.”
The boys chose a club that was just down the street. Minho is no where to be seen, but the tension between him and Jisung hasn’t changed. You and Hyunjin sits at the bar and laugh about something nobody would normally remember. The two of you arrived early for once. A few minutes after your arrival, Felix arrived. “Oh hey Felix! Long time no see, how was Australia?” You ask and hug him. “It was great seeing my family again and visiting Sydney.” Felix is an exchange student from Australia. He has Australian background and visited his family for the first time in a year.
Later Chan arrives, followed by Jeongin and a doubting Jisung. “You’re y/n right?” Wow. Chan Hyung actually remembered your name, you are surprised. “The one and only.”
“Christopher Bang,”
“Oh I thought-“
“Yeah you can call me Chan, that’s my Korean name.”
“Wait- are you Australian as well?”
“Yeah, born and mostly raised in Sydney. We moved back to Korea when I got older.”
“Oh well-“ a tap on your shoulder interrupts you; “y/n look.” And so you do. In walks Minho. Jisung freezes before downing his drink and ordering a few more. Minho greets Jeongin and his eyes only quickly goes over Jisung before moving to Felix to greet him.
Jisung is quiet. He hadn’t seen Minho for a while. Or so you assume. Your curiosity is killing you so you finally decide to take action:
“Excuse us for a second,” you say with a smile and pull Hyunjin to the side. “You gotta tell me what happened between them! You always tell me everything,” you say with a serious tone but your puppy eyes is the trick. “I promised Jisung I wouldn’t tell anyone but- alright. Jisung had developed feelings for Minho and they had slept together but weren’t anything official. Jisung apparently walked in on Minho making out with a girl. I don’t know who she was, but I think he knew her.” Hyunjin say, looking around to make sure no one is listening; “they got into a huge fight. I don’t know if it got physical but it was bad. Minho Hyung didn’t leave to visit family, he left because he couldn’t even look at Jisung. He’s back now and with a girlfriend.” Hyunjin sighs.
“Wow- I didn’t know it was that bad-“ you give Hyunjin a quick peck on the lips before heading towards Jisung. You sit beside him; “if this is too much- we can always drive you home. I didn’t drink too much yet and I can stay sober if you need that.” You say to Jisung. “Thank you y/n, but- I think I’m okay. Plus I have all these to finish before leaving anyways.” He points to the three drinks he ordered. “There’s no need to drink your emotions away. They’re all gonna flood back tomorrow then.” Hyunjin says and place a hand on Jisung’s shoulder.
Jisung promised he didn’t need a lift home and he could handle it. But you could always call an Uber if it all ended up in too much anyway. You and Hyunjin is dancing in the crowd. Bodies dragging up against each other, the loud music, the bright lights and the smell of alcohol and sex always ended in you being turned on. As well is Hyunjin. He’s grabbing your hips as you rock your body to the music. Hyunjin holds your jaw, lips dancing not even inches apart but something stops you. Hyunjin turns around, a girl had tapped him on the shoulder. “Hyunjinnie! It’s so good seeing you again!” She almost yell.
The three of you manage to pull yourself out of the crowd and was now back at the bar. “Jessica? What’re you doing here?”
“Well my Christmas holiday started early, and I thought of you. And I’ve never been to Korea, so here I am!” The European girl says
“Oh well that’s- very nice of you,”
“Who’s your little friend?” ‘Little friend’ you think to yourself
“This is y/n, my girlfriend.”
“Oh so you’re taken now? What a shame. Well I’ll order a drink, I’ll be back in a few”
Hyunjin can feel your eyes drilling holes into the back of his head. “Look- she-“
Hyunjin sighs. “She helped me around in Italy when I was totally lost and well- we-“
“You slept together?”
“Yeah. We did. But I promise you, it’s only you now!”
“I got the break I needed and she helped me find myself like I needed. She really helped me and- we didn’t just sleep together,”
“You were dating?”
“Yes but we knew it wouldn’t last! I needed to get back to Korea, and she needed to continue her studies.”
“And I didn’t know she would show up-“
“HYUNJIN. It’s fine. You’re a grown man, and we weren’t anything back then. I’m glad you found what you were looking for. I don’t care who you slept or dated with back then. The most important thing is your health alright?”
Hyunjin swallows. “Just- okay”
“I’m gonna go check on Jisung, I can’t seem to spot him anywhere.”
You can’t seem to find him anywhere though. “Felix? Did you see where Minho went?” Hopefully they weren’t toring each other apart somewhere.
“Yeah I think he went that way,” he points towards a door apparently leading to some smoking rooms and more quiet places.
“Thank you,” you say and leave the bar.
You pass through the hallway, the smell of smoke seeking into your nose. You hear chatter. No. Laughter? You walk closer to the room where the sound comes from. Crap. You thought. Shouting.
“You just left Minho!”
“Do you know how confusing everything was!?”
“I could’ve-“
“No Jisung. You couldn’t.”
“Please Minho-“
“Look. It was great the short time it lasted, but I’m not like that anymore.”
“Was it just a hookup? You didn’t feel anything?” You can hear Jisung starting to tear up.
“Please Jisung-“
“And that girl? Did you feel anything for her!?”
“Jisung I left everything because of the feelings I was feeling! I don’t understand anything that’s happening to me alright!?” The frustration in his voice make you realise you probably shouldn’t be listening to this.
Just as you turn to walk away, Minho say: “Jisung? Crap!” You turn around to see what was happening. “What happened?”
“I’m not sure he just collapsed- we were- discussing things and he got upset and just-“
“I’ll get my phone and call someone.”
“Do you know how much he drank?”
“He drank a lot. I think he needed some kind of- distraction.”
“Alright. Grab me his back, yeah?” He request and you follow.
“He’s sensitive to that much alcohol. I had to learn the hard way.”
Minho is sitting on the floor with his arm wrapped around Jisung while the other one looks through his bag. “Here we go.” He pulls out a glass of pills, “do you have any water?”
“No, I can go get some.” And that you do.
“Is everything alright y/n?” Felix ask
“Yeah, no worries”
You walk back with a glass of water in your hand but just as you enter the room you see Jisung awake, being held by Minho, with their lips locked together.
Jisung notice you. “Oh sorry y/n-“
“No it’s fine,” you place the glass of water on the floor “you two do you. I’ll give you some privacy.”
You walk back into the bar, trying to spot Hyunjin. You spot him at the dance floor and you start heading over to him but he isn’t alone. Jessica has her hand at the back of his head and her other hand is slowly making its way to his crotch. “Get off Jessica,” he says, pushing her away.
“Oh come on Jin, your little girlfriend isn’t here.”
“Don’t call me tha-“
“She is.” You say
“It was very generous of you to come here to visit Hyunjin, but there’s no need to be all over your ex like that.”
“Like you know anything. He was all over me, loved me.”
“So what if he did? He loves me now. He has for the last five years.” You lean even closer to her with a smirk on your lips.
“He was so lost. All I did was help him. He would be gone without me.”
“I was the one to tell him to take that vacation, I even helped pay. His mental health had nothing to do with you. You might’ve distracted him for the moment and thank you for that, but it’s over now.”
“You’re pretty you know that right?”
“Yeah. I know.”
A/n: Merry Christmas everyone! This series is gonna be longer than intended cuz’ I have so many ideas😭. I hope you’re up for that🫶🎄🎅🏻🎁
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arvensnumberone · 2 years
Together forever – Arven x Reader
Together forever – Arven x Galarian!Reader
First post okkk, I genuinely didn’t know what to make the title, and I hate this so much cause I started writing in Y/n’s POV instead of Narrators POV and I can’t write for Y/n’s POV like ever it’s so bad. I’m not happy with this at all I’m probably gonna re-write this like one day. Also I didn’t really know how to write the second part (after the line) so that part was rushed and not as well-written as the first part was. Also reader is gn, if I used she/her or he/him anywhere where I should have used they/them pls lmk,
Warnings(?): Kissing(really light), cringe(extremely), sensitive reader(reader cries like 5 times I think) I don’t think there’s anything else and none of these are really ‘warnings’ so yea!
Words: 1 820(including stuff above the line), 1 690(excluding stuff above the line)
             This week was graduation week. All my seniors were overjoyed at the fact they were finally graduating. Several graduation parties were being held right before the last day of school since final exams had just ended. I was of course happy too, I could finally be a senior myself and I was soon going to be a year closer to graduating. But a part of me just really wasn’t happy as well. The thought of all my friends leaving me behind didn’t sit right with me. I was the youngest in my friend group. Nemona, Penny, and Arven. They were all a year above me. The reason we became friends was well, I don’t really actually even remember. That’s not the point here though. The point is that all my close friends would be leaving me, I could deal with it during class since there were a few people in my class who I had taken a liking too and was able to be their partners during projects. But outside of class I relied on them. It made me anxious to even think about being all alone again. I didn’t know what to do. I stared at the clock it was almost time for class. Had I really been awake from 11pm all the way till 6am? I usually fell asleep easily thinking about all sorts of things. It was easy for me to fall asleep; in fact I enjoyed it, being able to close your eyes and not have to worry about anything.
             I dragged my feet into class, the day was spent mainly fooling around, playing bored games, etc. Nothing really interesting. I dozed of majority of the time, or just listened to my classmates talking about what they were going to do during summer break and how we all should meet up. If you ask me the idea wasn’t bad, but I’d rather sleep in.
              I opened my eyes as I heard the bell ring for break. I hurriedly got up from my seat and rushed over to the area me and my friends usually sat at. I waited for a bit. And waited some more. . . .It didn’t seem like they were coming, they were probably on that field trip they were talking about. Apparently they were going today morning I think and are coming back on the last day of school. Must be nice. I got up from the place I was sitting at and walked around while eating my lunch. I settled for sitting in a corner and just watch the younger students run around and play tag until the bell rang.
             The rest of the day was pretty boring just going around from class to class and listening to student’s gossip. Eventually though I had arts. The teacher had requested us to draw something that came from our hearts. Whatever that meant. I stared at the blank sheet of paper I had gotten and thought of what I could even draw. Before I even knew it I started drawing, a boy I think. I couldn’t really tell yet. I was simply just drawing what I felt like I should. All of a sudden I stared back down at the paper and saw a boy, or maybe it was a girl? The hair seemed familiar almost too familiar. My cheeks felt hot as I realized who I started drawing, I crumpled up the drawing and threw it away. Screw my brain. I only had 10 more minutes to draw something. I eventually grabbed another paper and quickly sketched out an Umbreon and Espeon and handed it.
             I walked out of class and walked to my dorm, oh my Arecus was I lonely. I should probably try and make some friends in my grade next year. I fiddled with the keys to my dorm and walked inside closing the door behind me. I took off my shoes and crawled onto my bed. I stared at the wall and my stomach was making funny knots. It didn’t hurt but it sure didn’t feel good either. I thought I was having a stomach ache or something of that sort but it didn’t feel the same. This either happened from the thought of being lonely or whatever I was doing in art class. I turned around I threw my head into my pillow before I felt my phone vibrating. I groaned as I opened it. It was from the gc with me and my friends. They had apparently been messaging in there for like what 10 minutes now? I don’t know how I just realized. I opened the gc and scanned over the messages.
Arven Hey buddy! How ya doing?
-10 minutes ago
-5 minutes ago
Penny Calm down it’s been 5 minutes plus its 4pm, they’re probably heading back to their dorm.
-5 minutes ago
Arven But what if something happened? They usually respond really quickly even if they’re in class
-4 minutes ago
Nemona Exactly
-4 minutes ago
Penny What’s your point you imbeciles
-4 minutes ago
Arven Ouch words hurt penny
-3 minutes ago
Penny And idc
-1 minute ago
               Weren’t they all in the same place? Why were they communicating in a group chat.. I stared at the messages. I didn’t really know what to say and you were too tired to even reply back. But it was obvious I had read it by now so I quickly typed a quick good night to the group chat and set my phone aside, not bothering to see what they had said afterwards.
             I changed out of my uniform and into something else and jumped onto my bed as I closed my eyes. But same thing as last night, I couldn’t sleep. I found myself wanting to cry at the thought of being lonely again. I didn’t want to be alone, or for them to go, I really loved them. I loved how energetic Nemona could be, I admired her for that. I also really loved Penny and how sweet she could be underneath all that ice. I especially loved Arven, I couldn’t really pinpoint why but I knew I did. Just thinking of him made my heart flutter. At some point I started crying into my pillow, it was just too much for me to handle at the time.
             The whole week had passed with the same schedule. Today they were finally graduating and you’d be a senior. The morning half of your classes was some-what fun, I wish I could enjoy it as much as my classmates had been. I hated the thought of being alone, but I had to accept it. The bell rang and I got up, your vision was blurry, though there weren’t any tears in it and my chest started hurting. Everything felt un-real. Maybe I was being dramatic. I got up from my seat as the bell rang. I was walking to the table me and my friends usually sat at. My walking came to a halt and I turned around. I can’t really explain what came over me but I really didn’t wanna see them right now. I was sort of starting to regret walking away but I couldn’t help it, I just needed some space at the moment.
             The rest of the day passed by fairly quickly, I was just lying down on my bed while watching tv till all of a sudden my phone started vibrating. I hurriedly reached for it and checked it. It was a message from Arven.
“Hey buddy where you at?”
“At my dorm, why?”
“Aren’t you gonna come orr”
“Oh Yea ok I’ll be down there give me a minute”
“cya” liked by y/n
             You changed into one of your outfits and put on your shoes and ran out of your dorm closing the door behind you. You went outside and started searching for your friends. You found them eventually standing near a fountain, talking.
“Hey Y/n!”
“Hey buddy”
             We all stared at each other awkwardly in silence till Nemona spoke up.
“I’m just gonna get some food be right back”
“I’ll go with you wait” Nemona ran off with Penny trailing behind.
“So…where were you all day?”
“I was just walking around, kinda forgot you all came back from your trip today sorry”
“Oh, I wanted to give you something”
             Arven grabbed something from his backpack and handed it to me. It was a…a pokeball? A cherish one to be exact. I grabbed the pokeball and examined it carefully.
“Go ahead, open it”
“Oh, there’s something inside?”
“Y/n…it’s a pokeball…why would I give you an empty one…”
             I threw the pokeball out excited to see what pokemon was inside. It was a… an applin? I looked back at him, his face was a light read color and I looked back at the applin. I examined a bit more till it finally hit me. My face was burning and I was sure he could feel the heat radiating off of me by now.
“You love me?” Why am I so stupid? Of course that’s why he gave me an applin, there’s no other explanation! I’m from Galar, and he just came back from a trip to Galar!
“Yea, I totally get if you don’t feel the same wa-“
             I cut him off by placing a kiss on his cheek. “I love you too! I never would have thought you liked me back..I guess that’s why I ignored you guys when you all came back, I couldn’t stand seeing you all at the time…I especially couldn’t see you, my chest felt tight whenever I even thought of you leaving so I just avoided you all, I’m so-“I was cut off by him placing a kiss on my face and pulling away.
“You talk too much sometimes, you know? I already knew that you idiot! And, I’ll never leave you, so come on let’s go find those two.” He said grabbing my hand to go search for Penny and Nemona together.
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aroacegod · 2 years
I need to rant so I’m doing it here (kinda long, She-ra spoilers)
She-ra could do so much with a season 6. There were so many things that needed to be worked out in the characters. Catra still had a lot of leftover trauma she never got to properly deal with, like her abandonment issues and the nightmares and flashes she gets because of Horde Prime’s mind control. She also never got to really apologize to Scorpia for everything that happened. It would have been nice to see them work through everything and become genuine friends. I just feel like her redemption arc was too short. Then there’s Adora’s “I have to fix this” mindset. She constantly felt like she had to sacrifice herself for the good of everyone else, and I feel like it was never properly worked through. Throughout the show, she felt like people always needed She-ra, but not Adora. And now that Etheria has been saved, she doesn’t have to be She-ra anymore. She might feel like she’s useless now that nobody “needs” her anymore. A 6th season could show us her trying to overcome her need to be useful to everyone else and realizing that she is deserving of love too.
Season 6 could also show us the Best Friend Squad bringing magic back to all the other planets, since that was mentioned in the very last episode. We could also get some lesbian fluff between Catra and Adora, which is always nice. It’d be great to see their relationship develop and help each other overcome their struggles. Maybe we could see them become friends with Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio again. Maybe some Glimmer and Bow stuff too. I’d also love to see Glimmer and her dad’s relationship grow. After thinking he was dead for so long, it would’ve be awesome to see them get to know each other and form a bond. I also think it’d be funny to watch him get used to living normally again—sleeping in a bed, not eating bugs—and just learning to be a dad. And then there’s Hordak. He defied Horde Prime and returned to Etheria with Entrapta. I’d like to see how he and Catra adjust to life in a world without a constant war against the princesses. It would take a long time for him to fully be accepted by everyone, especially the Princess Alliance. And he also wouldn’t be able to get over his prejudices against the princesses immediately. Sure, Entrapta was his friend, but he was trying for so long to crush the princesses that he might still have some kind of urge to do so. Maybe Entrapta could help him live among them and even find some hobbies to keep him busy. I also want to see more of Double Trouble and Wrong Hordak. They’re both such funny characters. And I just love DT; they’re just here to cause problems and I live for it. We could even see more of the Star siblings. They were interesting characters, and it would be cool to learn more about them.
Something that I’ve been wondering about was what the First Ones were really doing with the Heart of Etheria. Sure, they were using it as a weapon of mass destruction to destroy their enemies, but who were their enemies really? Horde Prime? Were there other enemies? And were there underlying motives for mining the planet’s magic? Who did they want to destroy? I just feel like there’s so much more to the story that we didn’t see. And according to Madame Razz, She-ra was on Etheria long before the First Ones got there. What was She-ra like before the sword was made to control her? Were there settlers of Etheria before the First Ones? If so, who were they? We also didn’t learn much (or anything) about Adora’s background. Since Adora is a First One, there must be some kind of First Ones colony on whatever planet she was from. What planet did she come from? Did Adora have a family before she was brought to Etheria? Are they still alive? Are they looking for her? And what about Queen Angella? She technically isn’t dead; she’s just trapped between dimensions, which means she’s alive and alone. I’m not saying we should bring her back; I’m just curious as to what she’s up to. Can she do anything, or is she just stuck floating between time and space? Regardless, there are so many things that could be covered in another season that would be so great to see. Unfortunately, I don’t think we’re ever getting one 😔
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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cinewhore · 2 years
i splurged a little on skincare so now i have all new products for a new routine and I’m loving it. I’m trying out the good molecules brand - i had a ten dollar off coupon from Ulta (double check your emails girlies if you’re a member or receive emails from them!) so while my total would’ve been over $30, i got everything for $20 :) - that’s four products!
I wasn’t going to visit TjMaxx but my mom insisted which I’m happy she did because while we were there I found a set which contained a frozen face roller (not sure if I’m sold on that but tbh it’s kind of fun and soothing) and one of those fuzzy headbands for $2!!! I grabbed that and I grabbed some retinoid cream. I’m still on the look out for actual retinol because i hear it can help blur the textures on my face, which is the only issue i tend to have skincare wise.
I’m so excited now to listen to music during my routine and care for my skin. It feels so soft and is looking less dull. Can’t wait for some weeks to go by to get a better sense of the products at work.
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pb-loves-owls · 1 year
thinking abt how to get gil and harvey in the old hexsquad shenanigans without uprooting them or putting them conveniently into a dangerous situation but im afraid they’re just gonna have to be put into a dangerous situation
was trying to find info about st epiderm and saw a crew-story about sword magic
maybe it could be one of the many adventures outside of bonesborough?
they all go up the knee for Odalia’s birthday party and naturally, she and alador are fighting. They’ve been fighting the whole way there and it’s making everyone miserable and awkward. most of them didn’t even wanna come but got dragged up by Darius who didnt wanna be alone with them and the other populars (he got a taste of non-toxic friendships and now he’s having a tough time).
Odalia’s is being a jerk so she practically forces everyone who weren’t specifically her friends to sleep in the same room. which… tbh would be kinda fair if it’s something she needed to book in advance. buut she didn’t and it’s her family’s vacation home with a bajillion rooms. enough for everyone and their guardians to have their own room.
so Lily, Eda, and Raine are basically roomies. which is still fine for them since the room itself is huge anyway, and the bed is so big it could fit five.
Eda wants to go have an adventure. since Raine used to live up there, they offer to give the squad a rundown of all the local lore. They didn’t really think anyone would wanna act on it since the magic up on the knee is so much more potent and the beasts are more dangerous. so they tell them about the secret stacks of St. Ep’s library and how it’s said that in there holds secrets of magic that are so ancient and so dangerous that not even the bravest of wild witches dare try.
so obviously, Eda wants to learn it.
Lilith tries to talk her out of it but is p much ignored after Raine says they have a man in the inside who would sneak his bf in all the time.
Man of course is Gilbert, who coincidentally is accompanied with Harvey who claims they’re just friends who sometimes hold hands and cuddle.
This’ll be before Eda and Raine start dating too.
Raine is all “really dude”
and Eda replies with “hey, we do that all the time and we’re best friends too!”
Darius does a check in with Raine to check if they’re good. Eda has no idea why they’re taking so long to follow, so she checks back, and sees them laughing with each other. basically she thinks she’s about to lose her best friend.
some time after finding the secret stacks entrance and entering it, the squad accidentally unleash an eldritch horror onto the school and have to slay it before anybody catches them.
cue barging into Gil’s room for that classic “walking in on an almost kiss” scene
Eda goes “woah what’re you doing?” “dude obviously they were about to ki—”
and then Harvey yells “KICKBOX”. pause for effect. then he gets kicked by Gilbert, who is done with the games, and asks what they’re doing in his room. Cue the low guttural growl of the monster.
After running a lot, the squad makes it outside, but Raine gets cornered by the monster. This triggers the owl beast, which turns out is now bigger than the monster. by a lot.
It eats the monster.
but now Raine is confronted with the Owl Beast. Lilith is trying to stop everyone from hurting Eda, but all anyone sees is the beast. Lilith is crying and apologizing to Eda.
but Raine isn’t all that scared. They know Eda and they know she wouldn’t hurt them if she knew what was going on. She was just afraid. using bard magic, they place a calming effect on her and talk her back down. Eda is exhausted to say the least.
In the end, Harvey apologizes to Gil and says that he was just afraid of them not being friends anymore if they start dating. Gil disuades those fears by saying that the reason he likes him so much is because they’re such good friends. and that as long as they communicate, they’ll always be friends first. they agree to go slow. Gilbert tells Raine that they’re welcome anytime but to maybe keep it chill next time.
while everyone is walking back, Eda stops Raine to talk to them. she thanks them for not attacking her or letting people attack her, to which they reply that she should thank Lily for the latter. as for the former, they could never be scared of her. because they’ve seen what a huge dork she is.
Eda still looks down in the dumps though, prompting Raine to ask what’s up. like. Is it the part where she almost attacked them because they can hold her off on their own too. then Eda tells them that she saw how close they and Darius have been getting. and they and Lilith, and Alador, and that she’s just afraid that they’re seeing she’s not all that cool of a person to hang out with.
Raine throws a snowball at her and tells her to stop talking about their best friend like that. They didn’t have many friends at St. Eps. Even Gilbert was a lot more social and didn’t actually hang out with them all that much. Not that they minded. but Eda was the first person ever that they felt really connected with. “you’re special to me, okay? nobody else comes close.”
they give her a kiss on the cheek and tell her to hurry up because everyone else is probably back at Odalia’s family manor already.
When they turn around to catch up to everyone, they don’t see Eda blushing all “oh no I have a crush”.
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andallthatmishigas · 2 years
Morning after.  They have some fun and have some important conversations.
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wulflynn · 2 years
Behold, the “Apostate Potate”… 🥔
Almost 12 years ago I brought home the tiniest little kitten and I just had to name her after a certain sarcastic apostate who adores cats.
I picked her out of a stray litter my friend’s neighbor found under their house. I sent a picture of her to my dad, saying “This is Anders and she’s coming home with me tomorrow.” (He was less than thrilled but thankfully, didn’t tell me no. Just that it was my responsibility to make sure our dogs didn’t eat her).. I put a small blanket from my car in the box with the kittens and stopped at the pet store on my way home. I set up her cat tree, litter box, dining area, and made a cozy little spot in a nook of my closet for her bed. Once I was satisfied with her setup, I went to sleep, eagerly awaiting the morning.
I brought her home the next day—along with the blanket that both introduced her to my scent and retained the scent of her brothers and sisters overnight—and showed her her new room. She slept in her bed with that little blanket for the first week until she started sleeping on my pillow. I kept her upstairs for the first few weeks and slowly introduced her to our two dogs. Once they all got along well enough and she got a little bigger, she had full-range of the house. She was a mischievous little thing, always getting into stuff and clinging to my pants as I walked around my room. We’d taken in stray cats before when I was little but my mom always found them new homes without telling me beforehand, usually when I was at school. I promised Anders that she and I are in it for the long haul, nobody would take her away. She was mine and the only cat I’ve chosen and raised.
She’s been with me from my awkward teenage years to nearly the end of my (still awkward) twenties and everything that’s happened in that time—loss of family, other pets, graduating, getting engaged, moving four times, everything. I always dote more loudly over my dogs, but I look at her and get overwhelmed with love, she deserves some recognition too💛. She’s my girl. My apostate potate. She’s a friggin’ weirdo and I wouldn’t have her any other way!
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I've never bothered to think about Andrew Tate before in my life until his arrest, making me curious about so many supporting him even with allegation of "Human trafficking" so I watched few of his videos and stumbled on one where he said,
"Women claim to hate me but when asked why? Or how it's misogynist, they are speechless" (not in exact words but you got the point)
It's interesting because even I'll agree, I couldn't string my words together on spot but the thing is his comments like "men can cheat with multiple partners but a women can't or it's immoral" or " if i have responsibility over her, then i must have a degree of authority" or even better " you can't be responsible for something that doesn't listen to you. You can't be responsible for a dog that doesn't obey you, or a child if it doesn't obey you, or a women that doesn't obey you"
Being a women, it's mad hilarious rather than enraging.
A living proof that a guy can also fall under "Toxic feminist" label as easily based on his general way he addresses women, though it makes me feel a sort of melancholic fondness for him on the other side,
He sounds lonely and disappointed with women, and feels like the obligation of a relationship with a women is purely a responsibility which he's humouring only for his "needs" in return of taking responsibility of her "needs"
So he wants authority over them, because how else would you feel a child arguing with you all the time when it's your responsibility to take care of them and you clearly don't have emotional attachment good enough.
You'd want them to obey if they want your care (physical, materialistic etc), Like I'm not saying everyone would feel that way but you can't deny, some would and will agree and it's alright. Just imagine having to take care of your nephew who always mess your room when they visit every month.
He's a guy who have no idea what in the world it is to love, all his relationship advice and stuff is for "Friends with benefit" or very casual dating, and may i add 'only for his needs and his partners benefit' because he's a hot shot, he's got money and influence and safety so what else could a girl want!?!
His fault is to categorise all women in this category, to spread his experience as if everyone who want to treat women as responsible adult in the world is a fool, people who are deprived of good relationship or have been heartbroken and haven't moved on are most prone and he's feeding off that, "see, this is what happens. You are like this because you're to blame to think she'd want anything from you except money or your face and if you provide it then it's your reward to have authority over her"
Like, a pretty good time a failed relationship comes from personal flaw that's not endearing after the high of relationship fades for either of the partner which is mostly rectifiable but it's okay, we are young and make mistakes and sometimes you truly don't deserve it because your partner was the one who used you as a rebound or played with your feelings and that's on them and their consciousness,
Let's just forget about Andrew Tate, let's talk about you and how you are dealing with it.
Are you really gonna give up on goodness just because of one of many bad experience in your life, if that's the case then you'd better not say or comment "not all men" when someone is sharing their experience because then you are being a hypocrite.
I'm not saying all women are angels or not make mistakes or always accept their mistakes, or only want book fairytale from relationship but not all women just like not every man is an entitled asshole or assaults with an emotional built-in of 3 months old.
If you're doing relationship for money and looks and in return treating or getting treated as easily replaceable or not worth understanding and communicating and are fine with it then understandable and you do you if it works for you,
But if you come around claiming that this is how world works and there's nothing like deep respectful relationship then kindly pull your ass out of your rectum and consider a cozy therapy with all the money you don't know where to spend or talk to your friends and open yourself to understanding,
We are humans with instinct and critical thinking, use them wisely depending on situation and don't flinch away from taking responsibility.
I'll conclude with saying that in my opinion, the reason why so many couldn't answer why he's wrong in saying that is because, we know this is true to some extent but generalizing it like only your experience matters is where the problem starts, you are free to not believe in love but you don't have to call it fake.
Hence, ladies and gentlemen,
"Not all men"
"Not all women"
PS: if you disagree with me it's alright, you may let me know and we can have a healthy conversation that may give me more insight and correct my ignorance (that's why I'm sharing my thoughts) but don't come with b.s whining, you may scroll past.
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caramelapplesauce · 2 years
Astrologically Compatible
peter x sybill
warning: mention of dead parent!
they held hands as they made the journey to the new crystal shop. peter had never felt so safe with another person since his mum died. sybill felt comfortable and reliable and everything he ever needed in life.
they met at an asexual meet up a few months back. he was surprised to find someone that not only felt the same as him, but clicked so well. they sat next to each other and instantly connected. they talked about astrology and different types of crystals, and compared their tarot card decks. they also found out that they were astrologically compatible. a leo man and a libra woman! what are the chances?! after the meeting, they had went for tea and continued talking into the night. they both really loved park walks at night so that’s where they went after tea. they were a romance written in the stars.
it has been six months since then and they have been on many dates. they have been to various crystal shops, psychic readings, and antique shops that took all of their money. and now they were on their way to a crystal shop that was on the outskirts of town, basking in each others company. as they entered the shop, they turned to each other and knew, without even having to say anything, that this was their new favorite shop. it had rows and rows of crystals and all of them had labels. there were shelves of books that explained the different crystals and what they did. there were various necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and all sorts of jewelry, laced with all kinds of crystals. sybill and peter looked at each other, gave a curt nod, and separated. peter went straight for the pink crystals labeled rose quartz and sybill, he noticed, went straight for the onyx. he focused back on the rose quartz in front of him and sifted through the multitudes of jewelry that was there, trying to find the perfect present for sybill’s birthday. after about ten minutes of looking, peter was about to give up. there was nothing that was special enough to give to his love. he started to walk away from the table when something caught his eye. he turned to it and instantly realized this is what he was looking for. he quickly picked it up, walked to the cashier, and bought it before sybill found him and saw it.
a few weeks later, sybill and peter were siting across from each other at a little diner for her birthday. peter twiddled his thumbs as a nervous habit and sybill seemed to take notice.
“peter, dear, what’s wrong? you seem so nervous and you can’t be nervous on my birthday, it is simply not allowed” she smiled that soft smile and booped him on the nose before picking up his hands and holding them in her own. he instantly relaxed. he let out a sigh and said
“i… i have a gift for you a-and something to say b-but i… i’m just… you are…” he breathed out and tried to calm his racing heart.
“it’s okay, love, take your time.” she traced circles around the back of his hand, waiting patiently. this was the moment peter realized he just had to tell her. he couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“okay, well first, i wanted to say happy birthday, my dear, and that you are the most amazing person that has ever come into my life.” he began. she was already smiling and peter gave her a slight smile back. “you have been everything i have ever dreamt of and more and so here is a rose quartz crown. it is sort of like a flower crown but it is made of a gold chain and laced through rose quartz be-because,” he started stuttering because when he chanced a glance at her, she was all teary, “oh no don’t cry.” he went to wipe a tear from her eye.
“oh, sorry, i’m just being silly. it’s just… it honestly is the best present ever. and i-i-i,” she started really crying at this and peter was starting to panic. this was not what he expected. he quickly pulled out the gift and handed it to her so that maybe she would stop crying. he was wrong. she started crying even more and was staring at it with tears streaming down her face.
“oh, oh my it is beautiful! goodness!” she was struggling to breath as she spoke and she looked right at peter and stated
“i love you so much, you complete me in ways i never thought i needed and you are the most beautiful thing to ever happen to me” peter gaped at her. that was his line, wasn’t it? she took in his expression and her eyes widened a little.
“oh! oh my sorry i just- i don’t- i don’t know why i said that. it just… it’s true but - and you don’t have to say it back but i j-i just needed you to hear it an-“ she was quickly cut off by peter standing up, walking around the table, and kissing her so deeply that she almost fell off her chair. he pulled back, and whispered
“i love you so so much. you are the one thing that i know is right in the world”
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enha-doodles · 2 years
Btw guys , after this ot7 zombie apocalypse drabble , my 200 event will be over and I'm actually close to 400 😃 I planned to extend the 200 event more since I have nothing in mind but guess I'll have to just write something else , I do have a series idea in mind . Would you like a teaser after the drabble ? Or should I just continue with Yandere requests ?? Or do you wanna see the teaser first and then decide if you want the series or the normal oneshots. Please let me know
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dizzysinner · 1 year
is it a thing for your brain to make up arbitrary rules that you Have to follow. a couple weeks ago i was packing for a weekend camping trip and i had everything ready to go, but at the last minute i switched which blanket i had packed. when my mom asked why i wasn't bringing the one i originally packed, the only answer i could come up with was "i don't know." because i didn't. my brain said "no i have to bring the purple one instead" so i packed the purple one instead. i don't know why. why does my brain do that. do other people do that
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