#this was longer than it needed to be! it's cold today and i don't want to get up xD
nethhiri · 2 days
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Chapter 59: Eye Eye, Cap'n
Warnings: "medical" "procedures", Heat gets something stuck in his ass
Milling about the infirmary, you made a list of things you needed to restock on. If it were an emergency, you could probably make them, however you preferred to keep your devil fruit reserved for your prisoners at the moment. You were starting to understand Wire's preference in clothing. You had no choice but to commandeer his fit since your pants were ruined. There was no question you could have fixed those too, but once you tried on Wire's fishnets, out of curiosity, you didn't want to. Instead, you decided to add his tiny shorts, which were much less tiny on you, yet stretchy enough not to fall down. His mesh bralette-like top had to be adjusted a bit to fit your body. Once everything was on, you couldn't deny that you felt very sexy. 
There was a touch of a strut to your step as you paraded around your domain. When your eyes touched the place where Kid had upset you, your step faltered. Failing to push it from your mind, your heartbeat sped, thinking about it had been causing you quite a lot of anxiety. You were still angry, but no longer seething. It was reasonable to assume Kid would be safe in your presence, however not guaranteed. You knew you would have to face it soon. All you needed from him was a sincere apology and reassurance that you were something more than easy sex. You wanted to believe it was just something stupid he had said, and it most likely was, but you needed him to say it for you to fully forgive him and put it behind you. You wished it was easier being romantically entwined with him. With Killer it seemed so easy. Why couldn't it be like that with Kid? Or was it normal with Kid, and Killer was the abnormality? Relationships, if you wanted to call whatever you had with them that, were an enigma to you. 
You leaned against the counter and took a short break. You had gotten into your feelings again and needed to clear your head. Tears pricked your eyes at the thought of not being able to forgive Kid. Fuck him for making you soft. You wanted badly to go back to the way things were, but you were not going to compromise your self-worth. When you first stepped on the ship, you were fearless and confident. Lately, you had been feeling like part of that was lost when you were in captivity. You were struggling to regain it. This anxiety of being wanted and accepted was undermining your composure. Maybe that was it. Maybe caring about it was the thing that was undermining your usual confidence. Before, you couldn't have given less of a shit about the Kid Pirates, and now you gave a lot of shits. 
A timid knock at the door interrupted your thoughts, fortunately. 
Heat shuffled in awkwardly. 
"Hey, Heat. What's wrong?" You immediately clocked his discomfort. 
He seemed to look around to make sure no one else was there. 
"It's okay. No one is here." You went to the door to lock it and double checked that the one to Kid's workshop was still locked. "You can tell me." As Heat approached, there was a low humming noise. "What is that noise?" 
Heat faced the floor, fidgeting with his hands. 
The noise emanated from Heat, specifically his abdomen. Your eyebrows furrowed, as it sounded familiar. When you realized what it was, your eyes went wide and darted to his face. "Heat!? Are you serious?"
"It was an accident. Please don't tell Wire." 
"I won't say a word to anyone." You sighed. You didn't have plans to be elbow deep in someone today, but here we were. "There's a few things we can try, but let's start with the easiest."
You had him lean over one of the gurneys and drop his pants while you put gloves on, the long ones. A few other things, like lubricant and a mild analgesic cream, were also grabbed. Hopefully, that was all you needed. If it was further up, you may need to use your fruit. You stood to the side of him.
"Cold hands," you warned as you parted his cheeks enough to put some of the cream on his asshole. Then you lubed up your hand. "I'm gonna need you to relax as much as possible, hun. I'm going to see if I can reach it manually. I may need you to bear down at some points, okay?"
Heat nodded, clearly embarrassed. This is not how he imagined you inside him. 
"Tell me if it hurts. Ready?" After another nod, you gently pressed a finger inside him, using the vibrations to guide you. Luckily, the vibrator he used wasn't very far up and he was lubed enough from whatever he had been doing that your finger easily reached the base. Your clean hand rested on Heat's lower back, gently patting him for comfort. "You're doing great. I think I can feel it." 
Gently, you retracted your hand enough to add a second finger. You paused as he tensed, waiting for him to relax again before going forward. Holding them in a scissor shape, you grasped the base of the sex toy with your fingers. "Push. Not hard, please." When Heat neared down, the base was pushed more firmly into your grasp and you tugged just enough to make it move. "Keep doing that." 
With a soft whimper from Heat and a sloppy, wet noise, the dildo was free. Heat let out a relieved sigh. 
"It's a boy!" You said, presenting the lube-covered thing to him, still vibrating. "Good thing it was a skinny one." You turned it off and tossed the thing in the sink. Heat stayed still while you cleaned him up with a warm washcloth. "All done." 
Heat pulled up his pants. "Thanks, Doc." His face was red with embarrassment. Half from the incident that had happened and half because he was a little turned on by it. Did he just discover a new kink? Did he like playing doctor? Or maybe he liked seeing you in Wire's clothes. 
"What did we learn?"
"Tapered bases are important for a reason." 
"If it happens again, I may have to give you a lesson on how to play safely." You winked at him. "Now take your fake dick and scram."
"Sorry, ma'am. Won't happen again." Heat darted from the infirmary, shoving his vibrator in his pocket so no one could see it.
You went back to what you were doing, grateful to have your thoughts filled with wondering how Heat managed to get that stuck up his ass, instead of thinking about real feelings. Mini snorted in a judgy way from her napping spot against the back wall. 
"Everyone does it once! Don't bully Heat. That's my job." 
She snorted again and let her head rest on the floor.
Your list was fairly long. You had used up a lot of the supplies on yourself, or they had been used on you when you were incapacitated. You weren't even sure when the Victoria would docking at an island. If you were on speaking terms with him, you could ask Kid. You could have asked Wire the previous night but you were otherwise occupied. Killer hadn't been around for a minute and certainly, you were not going to ask Heat while you were knuckles deep in him, not that you had thought about it then. 
You tapped your foot, staring at a bare corner in the small room. Something could fit there. Now that you knew you could restore things, as long as they weren't rotten to the point of no return, maybe you could start saving spare parts. Kid could build you a fridge no doubt. Killer may even have an old one to spare. You could harvest the more important parts from prisoners and replace them when one of your own crew was injured. You didn't even need a refrigerator technically. You could put everything in formalin like your eye had been in, though it would take a lot more effort to get it in working order. The fridge would be better. A deep freezer could work as well. You would have to test that to see if freezing affected the parts too much.
A metallic, rolling sound caught your attention. You rolled your eyes watching silver nuts and bolts stream across the floor. Not this again. Still, you felt your face get hot. It was the little things like this that made Kid so charming when he waned to be. Per routine, you knelt on the floor, watching them form words and shapes. 
You rearranged them: WHY?
More like he missed your pussy. There wasn't enough material to spell that though. AND?
LO- He started to spell something and then the metal bits quickly scattered and rearranged. WANT 2 SEE U.
WHY? You arranged the pieces in reply. 
This time you heard muffled yelling from the other side of the door. "OH FER FUCK SAKE, WOMAN!" It was followed by banging on aforementioned door.
"WHY SHOULD I OPEN IT?" You yelled back.
"RAGHHHH." Kid's loud, exasperated yell was followed by stomping footsteps fading away and then getting closer, but in a different place. Kid flung open the actual door to the infirmary.
Startled by the stomping, the dozing boar in the back of the room suddenly became alert and ready to defend her master. Did she "accidentally" mistake Kid for an enemy? Did she have a grudge against Kid in the first place? Had she always wanted to headbutt Kid full force? Either way, Kid was barely one step in before a flash of brownish-red flew by you. You heard a grunt and a whoosh as the force of Mini's head knocked the air from Kid's chest. You took off running after him, realizing a little too late that Kid was flying over the edge of the ship, and you were following him down. Instinct made you chase him. You were completely focused on seeing if he was okay, and not at all focused on where he was headed. You should have been laughing your ass off at the railing watching that dumbass sink until Killer undoubtedly jumped to save him, but no. You cared too much and now you were destined to sink with him.
You saw the water below explode and froth as Kid's broad body hit it. The water swallowing you whole before you could register what was happening. At least you had taken a full breath before you were enveloped by the icy, cold sea. Kid had nothing. When your hand touched something soft, you grabbed onto it and pulled closer, immediately recognizing it. At the same time, something curled around you in an iron grip. The poor visibility in the water made it impossible to see more than a few feet in front of you, and the salt stung your eyes. Still, your mouth found Kid's and you pushed half the air you had into him. Here you were again, always giving him something of yours, trying to prove yourself. His stupid ass better appreciate you giving him a few more minutes to realize that. 
Any second now Killer would be yanking you both out. Any second now. Except you were both still sinking.
He was coming to get you both right? What if no one saw you go in? You clung more tightly to Kid's feathered cape and you felt Kid's other arm wrap around you in a protective embrace.
It felt like forever because of the adrenaline. In reality, it was only a few seconds. Your muscles started to burn from the lack of oxygen. Kid grabbed your arm, positioning it in front of you and turning it so the bottom side of your forearm was up. You stared at him, confused. With his other hand he made your head look back down at your arm and gestured for you to watch. With a finger, he wrote across your skin. You could barely see what he was writing, but you could feel it. 
A mix of emotions flooded you. The first was relief, followed by longing. An apology was all you wanted. The second was anger. Why did it take a life or death situation to spur him on? Then you were guilty. That probably wasn't true. You had been ignoring him and pushing him away. Maybe he intended to say it earlier and you had been too hard-headed to accept that. Lastly, you were scared. What if he was only saying it because you were near death? Did he know something you didn't? He pulled you back into an embrace, suddenly pushing you away from him after a few long seconds. What was he doing?! You stretched, reaching out for him, and were yanked upward. You tried kicking at whoever was pulling you away, losing some of the air you had left in a flurry of bubbles, but were too weak. You covered your mouth and nose to keep the rest of the air from escaping.
As soon as your head broke the surface of the water, you were coughing and gasping for air. You hadn't even blinked the water from your eyes before you were scanning for anything red in the waves. 
"Where's Kid?!" 
"Worry about yourself, not your boytoy." Dive's sharp teeth glistened in the sun's rays reflecting off the water as she grinned. She patted your back as a fit of coughing overtook you. "Killer's got him. Don't fret." 
With surprising strength, Dive swam with you in tow. Seconds later, there was a disturbance in the water as one blond, albeit under a helmet, and one red head popped up. You held your breath with worry until you heard Kid cough as well. Dive and Killer got you both on deck with the help of the rest of the crew. You and Kid lay flat on your backs trying to catch your breaths. Your hand searched to your side until it found purchase in Kid's. Even though you heard him cough, you were relieved that his hand was warm. At least this time you didn't loss consciousness. You had woken up in this position more times than you cared to remember.
You sat up and Killer helped you to your feet, then thanked Dive before Wire and Heat shooed off the rest of the spectating crew. Heat was still walking funny, but he seemed fine. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Kid glaring in the direction of a very smug-looking pig. You got in the way of his line of sight. You were mad at her, mad wasn't the right word, but would scold her privately. If you did it now, you weren't sure what Kid would do, assuming he was already pissed at the animal. Kid rose from the deck, shaking water from his hair, and walked towards you, meaning to get to Minerva. You backed up, putting yourself between he and Mini. You could forgive the things he did to you, but you would not forgive anything he did to her. Your back touched her as she stood to her full height, fur puffed out, taking a fighting stance against Kid. He similarly made himself look bigger, but you didn't sense malice from him, strangely. 
You put a hand out to keep him back. "It was an accident! All your stomping spooked her!"
"YER LUCKY I DON'T BARBECUE YA AND FEED THE CREW TONIGHT FOR THAT STUNT!" He leaned in as if he were gonna growl something to the boar, instead speaking in a hushed normal voice. "That was yer one free shot at me cuz I deserved it." He narrowed his eyes. "I know ya been wantin to do that fer a while, piggy." 
Gazing into his amber eyes before they flicked away, you knew that was part of his apology to you, choosing to let the boar's actions go because you loved her and he loved you. He turned to go back to his workshop, with you tailing him.
"Hey! You can't stay in wet clothes! You'll get sick!" 
Suddenly your feet weren't touching the ground as Killer plucked you from the deck and followed Kid. "That goes for you, too, little darlin." He grabbed the back of Kid's coat and pulled him below deck with you towards his room.
Killer stripped you both of your wet clothes, though taking a minute to appreciate how good Wire's outfit looked on you. And the two of you were now seated nude at the end of Killer's bed, hands shoved between your legs and heads down with guilt, while he paced back and forth, arms folded over his ample chest. He was deciding which one of you to scold first, not allowing you to put clothes on yet.  
"You." He stood at your feet and you reluctantly met his gaze through the holes of his mask. "Are you stupid? Why would you jump in after this big idiot?"
"HEY!" Kid protested.
You covered yourself up to the best of your ability, feeling vulnerable under Killer's gaze. "I didn't mean to. I just..." 
"Just what? Hm?" Underlying Killer's stern voice, was a thin layer of exasperation. "I have to worry about him enough. I don't need you adding to it."
"I wasn't thinking! I saw that he got hurt and I went after him!"
"And you didn't see the ocean? The giant blue thing on all sides of us." Killer huffed and carried on. "You come get ME. Understand? What if no one saw you go in? Huh? Then both of you would be lost."
"I..." You snapped. "I only saw Kid okay?! I was scared he was hurt! As much as he irritates the fuck out of me and makes me mad, I still care about him and I can't stop." You saw him grinning stupidly beside you and punched him. "Fuck off. I hate you." You folded your arms tighter and turned away from him so he couldn't see your pink-dusted cheeks, slapping his hand away when he tried to pinch one. 
Kid's boisterous laugh filled the room. "HA-HA! YER IN LOVE WITH ME, DUMBASS!" 
Killer snapped at him with his fingers. "Hey, numbnuts, look at me." Kid's laugh faded as it was his turn to be scolded. "Stop riling up the pig, first of all. Second of all, stop saying stupid shit. That's what always gets you into trouble. Think for one extra second before you open that big ass mouth of yours." 
"FINE." Kid huffed. 
"Did you apologize yet?"
You half turned to see what his expression was, seeing him looking at you with a question, and nodded, indicating you accepted his underwater apology. 
"He did." 
"Great." Killer clapped his hands. "Now kiss and make up." Killer turned both of your heads to face each other. "Don't be shy."
You curled your lip and gave Kid a quick peck on the cheek. 
"No! Not good enough!" Killer folded his arms. "What's wrong?" 
You hesitated. If you were going to get it off your chest, now was the time. You huffed and faced Kid. "I want to know that..." you forced yourself to keep his gaze. "...I'm more than sex." 
"Hah?!" Kid had an incredulous expression on his face. "What're ya? Stupid? Course ya are!"
"But you said...as long as I have a pussy-"
Kid put a hand over his face. "Fuck me! That's not what I meant. I was tryin to make ya laugh is all."
"It wasn't funny! I had real fears that...maybe that's all I would be if I couldn't fight."
"Once a Kid Pirate, always a Kid Pirate. We won't abandon ya, even if ya get hurt. Do ya think we would raid a marine base to save ya if ya didn't mean more to us?" Kid continued. "If all I wanted was easy sex, I could grab any random whore from an island."
You hummed in agreement. He had a point. 
"And I did. But we made her our whore." Kid laughed again and you frowned. 
"I really don't like you." You rolled your eyes. 
"Come on now, doll." Kid wrapped his arms around you and smushed his face into your neck. "What would I do without my Rotten? Right, Kil?"
You tried to squirm out of Kid's overly affectionate hug. You could tell he was laying it on thick to annoy you, smug that he knew you could never really stay mad at him.
Killer sat on the opposite side of you and took one of your hands in his. "Kid isn't good with words. That just how he's always been. Sometimes he says the wrong thing or he doesn't realize what he says can be harsh, but trust me when I say he cares about you. If you're on this ship and a part of the crew, he cares about you." 
"Even if ya ever decide ya don't want ta fuck us, yer still a Kid Pirate. I'll still take care of ya." Kid pressed a kiss to your neck. "But I will be sad if ya decide ya don't wanna be my bunny anymore." 
"Good?" Killer got up and folded his arms again. "Now kiss." He made a motion of pushing your heads together. 
You relented, facing Kid and planting your lips on his. He ran his hands lovingly over your cheeks and into your hair. You pulled back and rested your forehead on his. "I'm sorry for being stubborn. And thank you for not being an asshole to Mini."
"I've never been an asshole in my life. Tell her, Killer."
You rolled your eyes again and sighed, feeling a lot better than you had.
"Next time, because there will be a next time, we're going to talk about it together instead of you two being nightmares for the entire ship. Deal? Heat is gonna fucking quit if you keep dragging him in." 
You and Kid nodded, regretfully. 
"Or else you'll get seastone manacled together until you can be nice to each other."
You and Kid glanced at each other, neither exactly opposing that idea.
Killer shook his head and put his hand to his helmet. "Get dry clothes on and get back to work."
You got up and squeezed Killer's midsection. "Sorry for making you worry."
"Aye, sorry." 
You were squished as Kid came from behind you to also hug Killer. Your head was being crushed from all sides by four huge manboobs. A much more preferable way to die than drowning. Shockingly, Kid didn't even get a boner. Wondering what was taking so long, you looked up to see Kid planting red lipstick marks all over Killer's helmet. You had no right to be annoyed, happy to see your boys being affectionate with each other. You could stay here a few minutes longer.
Kid dragged you to his workshop. He was dying to show you something, and that was why he had been pestering you earlier. He wouldn't tell you what it was. Killer was following you quietly. Even he didn't know what it was, though he had a pretty good guess. Kid made you sit while he rummaged around through his things. You weren't sure why he always had to be rummaging. Why wasn't anything organized? This was his space. It wasn't like anyone but him was making a mess.
While you waited, there was a crumpled piece of clothing on the corner of Kid's bench. It was peppered with smeared eyeliner and Kid's red lipstick. A sweat rag? You picked it up, fabric unfolding and revealing black kanji. This is-! You unfolded it in your lap. It was tattered and stained but it was your coat. Your fingers traced over the marks that were clearly left by Kid. 
"Was gonna give it back. Meant ta clean it first." Kid was scratching the back of his head, a reddish hue developing on his cheeks. 
"You saved it?" You had assumed it was lost when you were taken. 
"And this." Kid held your gunblade out in his hands. "Hope ya don't mind, I tweaked it again."
He did more than that. It was shiner that it had ever been, and it was adorned with intricate snake designs that hadn't been there previously. He had taken your criticism from the last time and applied it. Against his professional judgement, he kept it weighted how you liked. You looked from it to your coat. Your stomach clenched with guilt. If you had known he had don't all of this, you wouldn't have questioned his feelings for you. You brought your coat to your face, to cover the emotions that ran through it. Tears threatened to make themselves known. 
"Don't ya start being a crybaby on me. Ya won't be able to see the other thing I made ya." Kid pulled your hands away from your face. 
You looked into the palm he had held out. It was a small marble-like object. You didn't understand. With the wires attached to it, it sort of resembled... "This is-!" You stood up abruptly and took it from Kid's palm. Inspecting it further, there was no doubt that it was a replica of your eye. "Kid!" 
"Wanna try it?" Kid offered, cheeks radiating with blush. "Just... Don't be upset. It may not work initially. I haven't gotten to test it or-"
"Shut up! Of course it will work! You made it!" You looked at it and gave it back to him. "How do we do it?"
Kid pointed to an open book on his desk, one of the medical reference books that had been in the infirmary. You noticed it was gone, but thought Pomp, UK, and Reck had taken it again to look at the naked anatomical pictures. He explained where the wires should connect and that he could get them there, you would just have to use your fruit to make that possible. You did it with on eye. This wasn't that different. This one had been gone much longer though, and your brain had grown accustomed to not having it, so the neural pathways may be altered. You studied the diagrams for a few minutes and talked it over with Kid. Then, you sat back down and tilted your head back to rest on the bench top. 
"Killer, do you mind holding my head still? I don't know what this will be like."
Killer put both hands on either side of your head and you held the eyelids open for Kid to place the mechanical eye into. It sat in the socket well enough, but now the connections had to be made. You and Kid had to work in tandem to put everything in place. With the flesh eye, you could sort of control the things around it. This was metal, therefore Kid needed to direct it. You probably could have, but he had far better control over it. A jolt went through your body as one of the wires strayed from the correct path.
"Fuck!" Kid flinched, trying to stay concentrated. 
"It's okay. Keep going." You held onto his arm to support him. 
Killer watched, mesmerized by the dancing purple electricity melding with the soft yellow-tinged glow, each devil fruit power working as one. He held your head still, periodically feeling twitches and seeing your face wince. 
Kid pulled his hand away as a spark jumped to his metal finger. "Can ya see?"
The eye made a few jerky, mechanical movements, not quite in synch with your body. "No." You tried to hid the disappointment in your voice. 
"Hold on." Kid made some minor adjustments, looking back at the textbook for confirmation. "Try again."
This time the movement was much smoother, though still no vision. "Still no." You sighed. Maybe the problem was on your end. "Let me try." 
The best way to figure out the issue was to compare it to the working side. You couldn't see into your own brain but you could feel what was there, in a weird way. Everything was connected properly, the issue was that the path of the wires had missed a stop. Both eyes were being used by the same half of the brain. Kid didn't realize that the optic nerve was meant to cross to the other side. The right eye went to the left side and the left eye went to the right, give or take a few nerve fibers. Very carefully, you brought the necessary connections through the chiasm, nerves intertwining with the mechanical fibers. The small metal pistons that acted as muscles worked fine, they needed time to attune to your control so they would move more fluidly, but you could deal with that. 
You cracked the smallest opening in your eyelids, afraid that it wouldn't work, and saw a sliver of light through both. BOTH! They opened the rest of the way and you sat bolt upright, taking in everything around you, everything that seemed so much brighter and vibrant. Your eyes darted around the room. How will the ocean look? The ocean! I have to see the ocean! You were caught by strong hands before you could run out the door. 
"Whoa! Can you see? Everything ok?" Killer looked down at you, holding your shoulders tight. 
You pulled him down by the helmet, too fast, almost knocking yourself out, but you had to see. You had to see his blue eyes. How much of the blue had you been missing? You brought your new eye up to one of his eye holes, trying to get a glimpse. Even in the shade of his helmet, you could see glimmering blue. You released him and he did the same. You looked around the room frenetically for Kid, running to him and yanking him by the shirt until his face was at your level. You held his face between your hands looking at every freckle in new detail. And his eyes! They weren't only amber, but orange and golden, too. There was nuance that you had missed before.
"Holy shit." You breathed. You clapped Kid's head between your hands, slapping his cheeks. "I can see, you baby back bastard! You son of a bitch!" You shook his head in your grip and hugged it. "You fucking did it!" Remembering that you wanted to see the ocean, you practically threw him away from you and zipped out the workshop door. 
Killer allowed himself to chuckle. "Baby back bastard? That's new."
Kid's chest was puffed out and he had his signature grin plastered on his face, framed by two small, red handprints from where you slapped him. He was virtually levitating with how much pride was radiating from him. "Of course I fuckin did it. I'm me!" 
They followed you out, seeing you bent over the railing with your eyes as close to the water as possible without falling in again. Killer grabbed your waistband, sighing. He didn't want to spoil your good time by reprimanding you. 
"It's so fucking blue! Have you seen this shit?!" Suddenly, numbers popped into your vision, scaring you so badly that you jumped back. "What the fuck!?" You swatted at the air where they appeared to be. 
"Ya didn't give me time to explain all the features," Kid said, preventing you from falling backwards.
He laughed. "Ya didn't think I was gonna give ya some dumbass plain eyeball, did ya?" Kid handed you your gunblade. "Here. Point this at somethin random." 
You did as he said, pointing it at the deck some distance away from you. The numbers popped back into your vision, changing depending on where your gun was pointed. When you lingered, crosshairs also flickered into view. "No fucking way."
"That's not all. Look here." Kid pointed to the pulse point in his wrist. 
You holstered your weapon and the display vanished from your sight. Staring at his wrist, a new set of numbers came into view, numbers you recognized as heart rate. You flung yourself at Kid, throwing both arms around him. You released one to reach for Killer, who gladly accepted your hand. At the moment, you had no words. Kid gave you something that you hadn't had in years. You took it back, the thing about always being the one to give. Kid gave, too. It was simply a different kind of giving. You pulled your face out of his cleavage, this time not trying to hold back tears. 
"Thank you, Kid! Thank you. Thank you! It's so beautiful. Everything is so beautiful!" 
"Wait until you look in a mirror," Killer added. He didn't mean for it to be cheesy. He only noticed how you were so excited to see everything, you forgot about yourself.
"Now that's an idea!" You ran into the infirmary bathroom where the nearest mirror happened to be. 
Killer gazed at you adoringly as you saw your own face. Finally, you could learn to appreciate what they had noticed a long time ago. 
It had been some time since you had seen yourself this clearly. Part of you thought you would be disgusted by the scarring on your face, but that wasn't so. It reminded you of how much it took to get to this point. You traced the semi-circle of a scar that went through your old right eye, then the outline of where the acid had melted your skin. It held all of your anguish, but your triumphs as well. Where some might see a disfigurement, there was only strength. You stared at one eye and then the next. They were exactly alike. How Kid managed to get it to match that well, you didn't know. Maybe you did. He always seemed to be watching you, though maybe it wasn't watching so much as it was looking. Kid's eyes followed you all the time. Had he had memorized the details? But why would he? 
You ran back to Kid, stopping briefly to plant a kiss on Killer, who was kind enough to bend down for you. You did a running jump at Kid, which he, thankfully, was prepared for, lest you both fall int the ocean again. Kid caught you as flew at him. "Ha-ha! You stupid fuck! You love me back!" 
Tag list: @bbnbhm @nocturnalrorobin @wgwingguns
44 notes · View notes
seungkwanniee · 12 hours
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pairings : nonidol!seveteen x gn!reader
genere : fluff , angst ( minghao one )
warnings : little made fun of (jun) , panic attack but not at all (wonwoo)
synopsis : seventeen as love trope imo !
an : don't know when this is coming out but, -3 for bald Jeonghan. They are so fucking long that maybe i shouldve writed a whole series and not this but anyway
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age gap , age ain't nothing but a number
He loves having someone on his knees no matter what, and we know younger people are more easy to manipulate but i mean it in a good way. Seungcheol would love have you wrapped around his fingers, have you doing all that just for him make him istantly happy, it fills his chest with love. But he would prefer way more to spoil you with gift, love and money. You need money? he is already putting them in your bra. You wanted that cloth? it's already yours. He likes have you wrapped around his arms that are way bigger than your whole body. Loves the height gap, so he can lay his chin on top of your head and wrap your neck with his arm. He could care less when someone points out the age gap, he loves you no matter what.
unreachable love interest , talking to you means a lot to me
Jeonghan is that one popular guy that everyone is in love with, so it feels like he is unreachable. He looks like an angel and seems also so sweet and caring but at the same time interesting to be around. You was only one of those people that is blinded by his beauty, why he would even notice you and your odd interest? He never showed love interest on anyone and never dated someone, he was a little bit cold, you were being just delulu right? It was so surprining for everyone when one day his steps weren't the same as he does everyday to walk into his class: he was getting closer to you, he was going trowards you. Your heart was beating so fast that you thought everyone could hear that, while your face was already red just by looking closely to his face. This unreachable angel was talking to you?
slow burn , a lot can happen in 6 months but didn't expected this
At frist, when your friend introduced you two, you didn't minded about him too much. Sure, he was looking pretty and his behavior during the whole hangout was so gentle with everyone, but slowly he became part of your daily routine. He got involved in your group of friends more, so you automatically spent more time with him and became good friends. He was always caring, helping you to go down or upstairs, sometimes playing your food, fixing you hair etc... be he was like that with everyone, there was no purpose below. But when your heart starts flutter when he meet your eyes, you know something was changing. You no longer see his action innocently, you everytime internally begged him to make one more move, more closer to you, more intimate. Your skin pratically craving for his touch was everything you needed. Who thought that this could happen in six months?
the quiet ( and smart ) boy , I was quiet but not blind
Jun was the quiet, and maybe weird, guy everyone got in their class. He never talked to anyone, and no one ever spoke to him. Jun was smart enough to know that that class was a herd of kids who followed the crowd and he didn't want to be one of them, his few friends were already enough for him. As I mentioned, Jun was a smart ass boy, he noticed one girl in particular. He didn't liked her in that way, she just was the one he hated the less. His classmates didn't mind when he could hear the non-pleasant things they were saying about him, every single one said something except her. Rather, he had heard her complaining with her friends their behavior, sometimes he could ever hear the sound of a little slap, maybe in the head, after their words. During class, often you eyes land on him, his head almost always lowered to the desk writing something with his relaxed form but today something was different. His legs shaking up and down while his hand was playing with the pen that was supposted to write down the paper. when a "you are too smart to be friend with them" paper landed on you desk at the end of the class, you got everything, as if your vision was no longer blurred thanks to a stupid note.
childhood friends , it's always been you
Soonyoung was laying between your arms, while his eyes were red and puffed because of previous tears. You always warned him about the girl he was dating until few hours ago: she never liked you and you never liked her. You never knew why she didn't liked you, just because you were Soonyoung bestfriend was a stupid reason. Btw, you had a strong reason to not like her, a red flag swinging right in front of you bestfriend face that the decided to completely ignore. You always knew she was going to cheat, she did before nothing was stopping her just because he was Soonyoung. You stayed beside him the whole time, he needed to heal from this harsh breakup, but this made things change with the time. You noticed how he was more caring now, he always been but you felt something was off for sure. At one point it seemed like you was the one that needed to be healed, not him anymore. But he considered you like her sister until few months ago, what happened now?
fake dating , I like you more than I planned
When you told about this to him, all he could do was be shocked, and you kinda understand him. When your friends comes to you and tell you to pretend to be a coupla at a wedding it was pretty weird, no? Plus, Wonwoo is so shy and reserved, but it was the best choice you could come with. You hated all the invadent questions they ask, the last time they almost made you have a panick attack so you wasn't planning to go throught that hell once again. When you were standing beside him, he had his arms wrapped around your waist. Occasionally, he would also wrap you shoulder, adjust your hair or wipe your mouth from the crumbles. You would notice how his ears go bright red when his hands lays on your body, or how his hands were slightly trembling. You wanted to make fun of him, but you were exactly like him if not worst. He almost choke when one of your aunts ask you two a kiss, you would pat his back trying to keep him alive while with trembling voice explained how shy you are to do pda in public.
enemies to lovers , are you flirting or starting a fight?
when you hear that your partner project is Lee Jihoon, you just want to let out hundred curses. This was an important work project, almost depending your future and they paired you with the person for which you have hatred. At the start, you two only warned the eachother how important the project was and reiterated your mutual hatred, for what is still unknown and we'll never know because you two actually started to get along very well. It was the most unexpected thing for your coworkes see you talking like normal human being, working like you never hated eachother, how you two seemed almost like the realest bestfriends. From now on, you two enjoyed the each other comfort company and used the extra hour to stay toghether. Everyone already knew how you two will be lovers one day.
grumpy x sunshine , I loved you so hard that I softned
You don't know if adopt the cat you have now it was the best decision ever. It didn't fall in love with you, but with your neighborhood and you two aren't even friends. Your cat would sneak out in the most weird possibile way even figuring out how to open the balcony window and jump on the near balcony. You were so embarassed to knock at his door and explain that the cat that jumped on his apartment was yours. Maybe it was annoying him, maybe he was that kinda of grumpy neighborhood (spoiler: you were) and will yell at you. But when the door opens, you find the exactly opposite in front of your eyes. He was tall but his face looked so bright, you don't even know how to explain it but it was like that. Your little black cat was laying so comfortable in his way more bigger hands that it almost didn't wanted to come with you again. You regretted how cold you were with him, but you never saw him and it will continue like that, you tought. Never been so wrong: apparently your cat loved soo much Seokmin that now it almost live at his instead of yours. You were grateful that he wasn't annoyed by that, he was a little sunshine, but instead it was bothering you. You never liked having convo with new people, and your cat was pratically forcing you to do that. You even tought to give it to him forever just to avoid his attempt of conversation, or his invites you to come into his apartment and eat something together. But at the end, you will be always grateful to your cat that letted you met your now boyfriend.
soulmates , I meet another me inside of you
It was so shocking when you met him and discovered that you two have almost the same tatoo, it was like you two were made for eachother. It was a silly one, with no meaning behind it at all and this made the thing seem even more on propuse. The thing you two didn't knew it was that you were meant to meet and never leaving eachother side ever. The stage of being friends it never actually exsisted in your relationship, catching feelings was so fast and never been so easly that you almost thought that everything was just a fever dream, it wasn't actually real, so unreal in your head but it was like that. You have you boyfriend by your side everytime you need to, he loves you with all his heart and actually got another matching tatoo.
forbidden love , in another life
when Minghao's family dicovered that his girlfriend wasn't chinese as him, they were disappointed from the start. They were a traditional family, and Mingaho knew that, but his heart choosed her and he can't help it. She doesn't even looked like a foreigner, at some point you spoke chinese better than him. He knew that they wouldn't like her at the start, thats why he went slow with them, but he never thought they would overreact so badly. His own mother didn't even talked to him for the frist weeks, letting him guess how disappointed and upset he was. His face was full of surprise when suddently they asked for a dinner togheter, they wanted to get to know her but all of the sudden looked a little bit of on his eyes. He putted aside his thoughts, he was so happy and excited when he got that his family was starting to soften about his relationship with a foreigner. He never regretted a decision more, they made you come for what? to embarass you, bring you down and made you feel not enough for him. He got so upset for you, he was blaming himself and apologize in his knees, you didn't deserved that and decide that you two should go in separate path.
insicure / unexpected love , & then I met you
Seungkwan always been the insicure guy: he thought no one would ever love him romatically, he was more like the class clown and only seem like a friend to the girls. He wasn't handsome, he wasn't the popular guy becayse of his look, he was only popular for his funny personality, sometimes he would even embarass himself in front of everyone just to make his classroom laugh. He never shows how this topic upset him, gotta always fake a smile and pretend nothing, but deep down himself he is almost sure no one will ever love him but also he will never be capable to love someone. He is scared and unexperienced: he can surely make someone laugh, but he can love? he can give the attention his future lover needs? he can make the person feel loved as he deresved? He was sure he was impeded in love, until you came in his life. You was the unexpected love of his life, and learned how he was really good at loving, giving attention and those things. When you frist you went to him, he thought it was a joke, someone better reveal the cameras and stop it because it wasn't funny, he would be so upset for his whole life for be made fun of. But you was dead serious, you didn't seen him like the weird funny and class clown, you saw deep down in his soul and it was so pretty, unique and majestic.
innocent crush , I wonder how I look from my crush's pov
He may be the cold and dead serious guy, the one that never show interest on nothing, much less for a girl. But when he revealed his crush on you to his friends, even them were shocked. And now, forget everything about the cold guy you always knew, he become so awkward around you from now on. He always tries to get your attention, but in the end he just looks goofy and silly. Seungkwan and Dino not helping him at all too as they just look way goofier than him or just make him in weird situation. Like that one time where they made fall his whole lunch in front of you, but that just got an interaction between you two so a win is a win. But I feel like this would just be a school crush, and you two will never ending up toghter.
second chance love , I will always choose you
When you met those familiar eyes one again, after almost a year you two lost contact, you got it wasn't never with that boy you hardly fell in love. It was so crowded down the streets, when you stopped for few seconds because of the shock, you already lost the sight of your friends. You quickly flutter your eyes when he moves slight trowards you, not because he wanted to, but because one his friend just bumped into him. He looks at him dumbfounded because hell, there wasn't almost space to even breath why he was just staning in the middle of nothing looking straight like an idiot but he quickly relized when he looks straight too. Dino never shutted up about you, not even when you two broke up because of his dumbness, and his friends needed to hear him yap about you for so long. They even tried to pair him someone else, thinking he was just stuck and needed a push to go out of this never ending situation but every single dated ended up by the girl being bored about him yapping about the same thing or better, a person. They always thought he was overreacting but well, they got everything just by looking on his eyes.
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39 notes · View notes
uceyliyahh · 2 days
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Summary; After her difficult breakup, Tiana wanted to start anew with her life. That's when she realized her life would be better when she met him.
This fanfic is 18+! NO MINORS ALLOWED
word count: 5282
Smut warning; it’ll come in the story randomly so PLEASE PLEASE look out for it I’m not really good at writing ✍🏽 smuts but I’m improving at the moment.
Jey Uso X Tiana
comments, likes, repost are appreciated I would love the constructive feedback in what area I need to approve in. 🤍
ALSO! I don’t not want nobody stealing my fanfics or take it as theirs that will be an issue fasho so keep it cute respectfully.
I only own my OC along with the make up scenarios
But I’ll be writing along the way since this story is in my drafts on Wattpad right now so yuh 💁🏽‍♀️
TAGS⬇️ lmk if you wanna be tagged 🏷️
@pinkwithhearts @jstarr86 @empressdede @paigereeder @biancasreign
it was ten in the morning, and the sunlight was beaming down from my curtains. I had woken up from my slumber after a wild night that I had with Josh; I've seen him sleeping on his stomach, snoring loudly.
I played in his mullet, which was a mess, as I saw him shifting in his sleep while I went towards the bathroom to take a shower to soothe my body.
As I was in the shower letting the warm water hit my body a sigh of relief came out of my mouth, I wasn't expecting to get my back blown out by this man last night he was so rough and dominant with it something that Malakai didn't have in that department.
I heard the bathroom open knowing that it was Josh coming in probably looking me, but I didn't really pay attention to it.
I felt the cold breeze as the curtains were open turning around seeing Josh standing there looking at me as I smiled at him.
"I was looking for you." Jey said.
"I figured you were c'mon, boy, you are getting me cold." I said as he came in the shower behind me while closing the shower curtains.
"My fault, mama." He had wrapped his arms around my waist nuzzling his neck onto my shoulder kissing me on the cheek.
I just smiled at him as him and I showered together I shared my body wash and stuff with him since he didn't bring any masculine body wash.
We were in the shower longer than expected due to us having a make out session in the shower since he couldn't control himself around me then end up taking pictures together in the bathroom.
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biancabelairwwe replied to your story: IF YALL DONT GET YALL FREAKY ASSES OUT NEOW! shelovesemma replied to your story: Kai ain't going to like this one. uceyjucey replied to your story: 🤍 shelovekai replied to your story: WTF IS THIS? TEXT ME NOW UNBLOCK ME RN!😠
I chuckled at Bianca's reply to my story, knowing that she was probably downstairs watching it right now, but we both walked inside my room, drying ourselves off.
I've seen Josh with the towel wrapped around his waist, looking all good with his hair all wet, making me want to pounce on him so fast.
But he threw on the clothes he had on yesterday as he watched me put on some clothes since I had a few clients that needed their nails done for today.
"What'chu got plan for today mama?" Jey asked me.
"Well, I got a few clients today that need their nails done for like a special occasion that they're having after that I'm probably going to go to the mall to get me something." I said while fixing my hair in the mirror as I've seen him walking up to me.
"Mhm, you tryna spend the night tonight with me?" I turned around while staring up at him as he was gazing down at me.
'He wants me to spend the night? Ova at his crib? Wait until Bianca here's about this.'
"sure ion mind spending the night in your home." He nodded his head while grabbing my chin to give me a few kisses on the lips.
"Ight then pretty lady I'll see you later then." He was about to head out but I stopped him in his tracks as he looked down at me.
"What's up mama?"
"Don't you wanna take you some breakfast to eat before you leave?" I asked him as he nodded his head yes.
"Hell yeah, girl, I be starving in that bitch man."
I just laughed at him as we both went downstairs together so I could fix breakfast for everyone, including him.
✧.* OMNISCIENT Tiana was doing her friend Emma's nails for today since they needed to catch up with a lot of things that's been happening in their lives including Tiana's of course.
As they were gossiping about their lives Tiana's phone started to buzz as she seen the caller ID but couldn't recognize the number but it had clicked to her that it was Malakai calling her.
"Is that Kai?" Emma asked.
"Yeah it's his ass again girl, ion know what imma do."Tiana said while painting her nails.
"Girl ask ya new man he look like he could fight."She just chuckled at her response, Josh is really dominant and strong so he'll probably be able to punch Malakai's head off.
Her phone rang again, but this time it was a FaceTime call from Josh, so of course, she picked it up.
FACETIME Jey: hey mamas what'chu doing right now? Tiana: I'm doing my friend Emma's nails she's my last client for today why? Jey: I wanted to see if I could come get you early from work today since you staying at my crib for tonight. Tiana: I mean I have my own car but you can just pick me up at my house. Jey: ight then mama.
"Ouuu you spending the night at your mans house girl." She said as a hit her in her arm.
Tiana was cheesing like a mother fucker like this man got her hooked and attached to him; meanwhile, we aren't a couple.
"Shut up Emma, you're making me blush bro."Tiana said as we continued to laugh together.
She saw a car pull up in the parking lot. She thought it was Josh coming to visit, but when I saw the body figure, she already knew it was going to be some shit.
Malakai came in there all furious as her and Emma looked at him.
"Oh, what's good Kai." Emma said.
"What's up Em, I need to speak to you Tiana like now?" Malakai said sternly as Tiana scoffed at him.
"Nigga anything you need to say you can say it in front of Em." She said while multitasking.
she noticed that he had a frustrated expression on his face wondering how is he going to be manipulate her this time around since he don't like the fact that she moved on from him.
"Who the fuck this dude huh? Tiana?" He asked as he showed her a picture of her and Josh together.
She just rolled her eyes at him, "what? Are you jealous or sum' about me moving while being happy with someone that isn't yo' ass Kai?"
"Like why are you still stuck on me when YOU fucked up by fucking ol' girl." Tiana continued as he stood there.
"Mane fuck allat' shi I apologize didn't I? So that means we are still together." He said as she snicker at him this man is delusional.
"An apology comes with accountability and actions dummy and you did none of that, you literally proved my point." She argued back while curing Emma's nails in the curing light.
"Whatever Tink, where's your supposed to be man at or is he imaginary?" 'This goofball right here, bro. He can't be serious, right?'
"He's at work right now I mean I can FaceTime him real quick so you can see what he looks like since you think he ain't real." Tiana said as she pulled out her phone while calling Josh on FaceTime call.
FACETIME Jey: what's up mamas? Tiana: Josh, somebody wanna see you because they don't think you aren't real Jey: who?
She turned her camera around on the FaceTime call showing Josh her ex Malakai she could sense that Josh's eyebrows were furrowed up a bit.
Jey: is that yo' ex mama? Tiana: yeah that's him he said you wasn't real so I had to show him proof that you were. Jey: hm, give me a minute imma pull up real quick so he can see me in person seems like he gotta problem with me.
She placed her phone on the table, running her fingers through her hair, and looked at Malakai, who was staring down at her.
"Omg, tink I love my nails girl you get me right all the time." Emma said.
"Of course girl you know I got'chu." She said as she paid her the money while staying there probably she wanted to see who was her "new man" is.
After waiting for him to pull up we've seen his car pull up in the parking lot as he came out the car looking all good in his daily work clothes.
Jey opened the door seeing everyone staring at him as his eyes darted towards Tiana's way then to Malakai's way too, he ignored him as he came up to Tiana.
Scooping her up by her thighs as she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him on the lips causing Malakai to be pissed at this.
"Is this supposed to be your "new man" T?" Malakai asked.
Before she could say anything, Jey had spoken, "Yeah, I'm the one that's rearranging her guts in real good while yo' ass is up here being delulu."
His voice sounded deep and raspy kinda turned Tiana on as she seen her ex trying to walk up on Jey but he stood his ground while looking at him.
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"Yo' ass might wanna back up." Jey said sternly while getting all close and personal with Malakai.
He could sense the fear that Malakai had, so he chuckled a bit before having a smirk on his face.
"What's with the smirk bum." Malakai taunted.
"Me? A bum? If I were so much of a bum, I would've been dressing like yo' goofy ass dawg." He retorted.
He looked towards Tiana's way as she looked at him with them deep deer eyes she had it just made him want her so badly.
"You can leave now Kai I got things to do and I'm not staying here to hear nun else you got to say." Tiana replied as she was beginning to sanitize her equipment.
"Nah you ain't goin' with this lame Tink." He warned her.
"She is, so get yo' ass off of her shit." Jey threatened while pushing him roughly.
Malakai threw his hands up, "fuck it, whatever but this ain't over Tiana."  Then he left the building all pissed off.
"Woah that was crazy." Emma said.
After spilling the beans to Bianca about what had went down today at work she was livid but also happy that Josh came through before things got worse.
Meanwhile I was packing my bag with some clothes to wear at Josh's house since I am spending the night over there tonight that could give Bianca and Montez some privacy.
"Girl when is you and Joshua going to make it official chileee." She asked.
"I don't know it really all on him to make that decision, I already made up my mind." I said while shrugging my shoulders as I went towards my bathroom to grab my feminine products.
"I hate to say this buuuut, I TOLD YO' ASS." I rolled my eyes at her while throwing up the middle finger.
'She wasn't wrong. I was going to fold for this man. I mean, he takes care of me, loves on me, and he even listens to me, something that Malakai couldn't comprehend since he was too busy with his "rapper" career.'
'So yeah I'm attached to Josh but still keeping my guard up.'
"Yeah, yeah, all I hear is yapping B." I retorted as we saw a car pulling up, knowing that it was Jey.
"Well ya' man is here hurry up!" She said.
'Not her rushing me outta here bro like what?'
I made sure that I grabbed everything before leaving my bedroom to be greeted by Josh standing there waiting on me.
I walked up towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck, standing on my tippy toes, and giving him a peck on the lips.
"Hey, pretty mama you ready?" Jey asked.
"Yeah, I'm ready to leave." I said as he grabbed my bag while opening the door.
"Ight let's go then." He said as him and I walked out.
Until I heard her big ass mouth shouting, "HAVE FUN BESTIEEE BRING ME A NIECE HOME!" I wanted to bob her upside the head for saying that shit out loud while Jey found it amusing.
I got inside his car while putting my purse in front of me on the floor as I buckled my seatbelt waiting on him patiently.
He finally came in the car looking towards my direction as he turned on his ignition to his car while he back out of the driveway driving towards his house.
Him and I were listening to my playlist on the AUX cord as he pulled out a pre-roll blunt from his glove department giving it to me to light up since he was driving.
I lit it up and took some puffs out of it before passing it back towards his way, I loved this, this was something that I always wanted to do when I was with Kai but I'm doing everything that I wanted to do with Jey.
He's so different everything about him is different I just have to get to know him more and learn his past.
He passed me the blunt as I smoked some from it as I blew it out of my nose, feeling that sense of relief.
"I got a pool out back if you want to use it, ma." He said this while getting the blunt from me.
"Ouuu I would love to use it Josh." I said excitedly as he smiled at me.
We finally made it to his crib as I grabbed my purse while unbuckling my seatbelt when I got out of the car my mouth was wide open at the sight I am seeing.
His house was so modern and homey like, we went inside of his house seeing all of this aesthetic stuff in his home especially the color scheme of the house it just looks so good.
I noticed him placing my bag down while walking towards me.
"Welcome to my home, lil' mama." He said.
"It looks so beautiful, Josh. I love the color scheme and everything else that's in here." I complimented as he smiled at me showing his grills.
"Thank you mama."
"Lemme show you around." I nodded my head yes as I followed him around the house.
After he showed me around his house I noticed that he had a mini studio in his house I guess that's where he does his other tattoos at or whatever but I went upstairs towards the guest room to put my things in there and went to go change into my bathing suit.
I bought it recently for something like this because I knew he would have a pool out back so I'm glad I bought it he probably won't be able to take his hands off of me.
I looked a the mirror in the bathroom one last time before heading out towards the pool making sure I grab my phone and towel.
I walked downstairs seeing Jey already swimming in the pool looking all good so I walked towards the sliding door opening it which caught his attention as he trailed his eyes down onto me as I put my things down.
He licked his lips while looking at me deeply. I knew he wouldn't be able to control himself.
"Damn, mama, you look good as fuck." Jey complimented as I came inside the pool with him.
"Thank you Josh, you're handsome too very." I replied as I enjoyed the warmth of the pool.
He came swam towards me as he scooped me up by my thighs as I wrapped my legs around his torso keeping myself in place.
Jey started to place a few kisses onto my lips as we both looked at each other cheesing like little ass teenagers.
"Josh." I called for him.
"What's up mama?" He responded as we continued to look deeply into each other's eyes.
"I wanna know more about you and your past experiences if you don't mind me asking." I could read his expression that he was certain that he wanted to be open with me.
"I got'chu mamas, but I was in a toxic relationship with this girl I was dealing with at the time, and she would be on my ass about everything and was curious about my whereabouts when in reality I was at work trying to start a future for us but she had to ruin it by cheating on me with some lame so I just decided go focus on myself after that." He vented as I sat there listening to him.
Our stories were similar to each other, both of us dealing with a toxic ex that cheated and ruin the relationship so I can understand where he is coming from because it happened to me too.
I feel like with Jey I could find love again he probably feels the same way too I just don't know honestly.
"I understand where you're coming from because I've been through that with him." I reassured him as I was playing in his hair.
"With ol' boy?" He asked while rubbing my thighs with his hands.
"Yeah it was a pretty messy break up, his parents tried to convince me that he'd had changed but I ended up with the same result I stopped being friends with the girl that I was close with after that happened." I said.
He hummed as a response while rubbing his hands on both ends of my body, continuing to look up at me licking his lips.
'This man is making me blush so hard right now. God, why did you bring this fine specimen to me?'
I looked away for a second trying to keep my composure around him as I heard he chuckled softly while grabbing my chin making me look at him.
"Why you keep doing that?, do I make you that nervous?" He asked.
"Yes Josh you make me feel nervous every single time we are around each other." I confessed while looking down at him.
I saw him smirking while rubbing his beard, "hm, didn't know I had that effect on you mamas." I just rolled my eyes at him as me and him continued to swim in the pool together.
I was in the kitchen cooking some dinner for the both of us as I felt him all up behind me with a blunt in his hands as he passed it to me while I grabbed it with my hand that I wasn't using and took a few puffs outta it before passing it back to him.
He gave my ass a little smack before heading back to the living room to play the game with the guys, I was cooking us some steak with mashed potatoes and asparagus I always will be thankful for my mother for teaching me this.
I'm so grateful that she is still around and dad too, hearing Jey screaming his ass off at his brother and his cousins because they were losing had me rolling.
He darted his eyes towards my direction while giving me a glare like 'nigga it's not my fault yo' ass is losing the damn game.'
I just smiled at him while focusing on cooking the food because I know that boy loves food fr.
I was done cooking dinner as I walked over to Jey with his plate as he looked down at it while smiling hard as hell.
"Damn, mamas, you can throw it down in the kitchen, I see." Jey said as he began eating his food I could tell that he loved it so much.
"Thank you Josh got it from my momma." I said as I sat down next to him while eating our dinner together until I heard his brother say something in the mic
"Uce, you gotta new shawty or sum dawg? that I didn't even know about? Or we didn't even know about.'
Jey was stuffing his mouth with food not even paying attention to his brother while I just looked at him and started snickering at him.
"yeah Uce, who's this shawty that's cooking you dinner I hope it ain't Kehlani ass."
'Kehlani? Was that his ex-girlfriend that he was talking to me about?'
Jey stopped eating for a moment and began speaking into the mic, "nah uce, it ain't her ass y'all will meet her soon ight now let me be im tryna eat."
'He wants me to meet his family? I hope they'll like me.'
After we ate dinner I was washing the dishes as I felt Jey wrapping his arms around my waist while kissing my shoulder.
I've seen turned around wrapping my arms around his neck while pulling him into a kiss knowing that he was still on the game with the guys and his mic wasn't muted.
He snake his hands away from my waist towards my ass giving it a good grip as he placed me onto the counter top never leaving my lips.
My hands were in his hair as our tongues were fighting for dominance against each other feeling him rubbing up against me until his brother said something.
"Aye uce, mute yo' mic we don't wanna hear allat'" we stopped having our make out session as we both chuckled a bit as he pecked me on the lips.
"We goin' finish this later mama ight?" He said as I nodded my head.
I went upstairs towards the guest bedroom as I turned on the tv and started watching baddies caribbean while scrolling through my socials.
I posted a pic of me in my bathing suit that I had on earlier and the food a made for dinner not to long ago.
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tianasworld: get you a women that can do both. 🫶🏽 uceyjucey: damn right mama phew look at allat. 😮‍💨 biancabelairwwe: girrrrrl can yall be together now im tired of waiting. 😀😀 tianasworld: @ biancabelairwwe im waiting on him. shelovekai: he can't handle allat like i do and wtf you ain't do this for me? uceyjucey: @ shelovekai most def can handle allat unlike yo ass so move around not goin' to repeat myself bum. shelovekai: @ uceyjucey bum? you the bum here messing what's mine. uceyjucey: @ shelovekai she ain't yours no more she belong to me that's fo' damn sure. biancabelairwwe: ooop the girls are fighting!! 😭😭
Read all 99,800 comments.
I was laughing at the comments especially Jey's comment towards Kai I loved how he claimed me as his even though he hasn't said it yet but I'm waiting patiently for him to speak on that matter.
He probably wanna take things slow first which I can most definitely understand because I wanna do that too ion wanna move to fast with this.
As I was watching Tv I heard footsteps coming up the steps knowing that it was Josh coming up probably done playing the game with the guys but I just continued to watch my show as I heard the door opening seeing him peek his head out.
"What'chu doing in the guest bedroom mama?" Jey asked while shutting the door behind him.
"Oh, I didn't know if you wanted me in your space  so I just put my bags in here." I said as I felt him walking up towards me.
He placed his hands on his hips like a typical mom while looking down at me.
"Tiana, stop playin' with me and go in my room." He said as I listen to him.
I grabbed my bag and everything that I had a moved it over towards Jey's bedroom, his room look way more better than the guest bedroom as I sat my bag down and putting my feminine products in his bathroom while sitting on his bed turning on the Tv continuing to watch my show.
I gotten a text message from Bianca and from Kai once again I just sighed thinking to myself 'is he ever going to quit?'
Breezy: heyyy girl how's the sleep over going? Tiana: it's going good I'm having a good time here like Josh is so generous and caring. Breezy: I see that him and Kai were beefing under your comments girl Tiana: yeah speaking of him, he texted me again from a new number. Breezy: what? That nigga is so weird bro. Tiana: ik right like he seems bitter honestly.
Breezy: sounds like it fasho but I'll let you be girl I'll text you tmr. Tiana: kk bye bestie.
I sighed, thinking if I should leave his ass on read so I can get back to my show because I find it ironic how he believes we are still together.
Weirdo: Tiana idk wtf you and ol' boy got going on but it needs to end. Tiana: nigga fuck you, you heard him i don't belong to you anymore. Weirdo: stop playin' with me Tiana. Tiana: blocked.
I blocked his ass again not wanting to deal with his bullshit for tonight as I continue to watch my show on Jey's Tv, Malakai is just weird and obviously obsessed with me.
I was laughing while watching baddies caribbean seeing them fight was amusing to me, I heard the door opening seeing Jey coming in I didn't really pay attention to him as he closed the door behind him.
He placed his phone down on the dresser while coming towards me, and my eyes darted in his direction.
He hovered over me while holding my waist pinning me down on the bed as we both looked at each other.
"You done playing with the guys?" I asked as he started placing kisses on my neck.
"Mhm, you have all of my attention now ma, why don't you take these panties off so I can beat that pussy in." Jey purred as he was tugging on my shorts.
I was on top of Josh holding his legs for support as I was riding him up and down on his dick as he watched while giving my ass a few slaps.
"Yeah, keep ridin' that shit mama." He praised.
"F-fuck J-Josh." I moaned while continuing to ride him.
As I kept riding him while my skin was slapping up against his legs I felt Josh pushed his dick further inside of me as I moaned loudly.
As my pussy was gripping onto him firmly as he threw his head back at the feeling.
"Fuck mama, keep gripping onto me like that." He moaned as he held onto my hips, guiding me to go faster. I was bouncing on his dick faster, causing me to feel pressure underneath me, "ouuuu fuck, this dick feels so good, Daddy." He smacked my ass while he pulled out, causing me to whine.
He bent me over as I was laying flat on my stomach while he put his dick back inside of my wetness while starting to pound into me.
I felt him gripping my ass as he was giving me good strokes from the back, making me look behind him seeing him move his hips into me.
He was biting the bottom of his lip while gazing down at me as he watched his dick go in and out of me.
"Mhmm, keep looking back at me, mama, with that pretty ass face." I was gripping the sheets right as he kept fucking me to the oblivion as my mind was seeing stars.
I had drool coming from my mouth that was running across my cheek as I rolled my eyes in the back of my head at the pleasure I was feeling now.
I felt the bed getting heavy as I saw him put his foot onto the bed while grabbing a whole load of my hair as he fucked me vigorously as I cried out.
"Ohhhh my goddddd Joshhhhh!" I cried out as I tried to place my hands onto his abs to slow him down.
But he pushed my hands away, thrusting into me harder as I mewled weakly, "Josh fuck..." every deep stroke he had, he gave it to you, making you feel every inch of him.
"Mhmm, don't run mama take this dick." He grunted as he trapped his lip between his teeth, gazing down at me.
As he was hitting my g-spot so good causing me to bite the bottom of my lip as he let go of my hair while my body collapsed onto the sheets as he kept going.
He slapped my ass while grunted, "arch that damn back and take this shit." He was fucking your shit up, making you feel lopsided as you were gasping for air.
I couldn't keep up with him as I felt defeated letting him do whatever he wanted do me as my mind went foggy, I felt a pit going down my stomach knowing that was I was finna cream on this man.
My walls were clenching onto him as he groaned in pleasure doing his worst to me he could sense that I was finna cum on him.
He didn't stop his pace as he was thrusting his hips deep inside of me knowing that he was hitting my spot good.
"Talk to me mama, I'm hitting that shit?"
"Yess daddy yess..." I moaned weakly as he slapped my ass seeing him all sweaty.
"This my pussy mama? Hm?" I couldn't comprehend what he was saying while he grabbed me by the throat pulling me up closer to his body as he kept thrusting deep inside of me.
"I'm not going to repeat myself mama, tell me that this is my pussy." He choke me firmly.
"Fuck yes, Daddy, this your pussy!" I felt his lips pressed onto my cheek.
He loved the sound of that and the way I looked right now all fucked up and miserable under him I  felt my legs tighten as I cried out loudly "fuckkkkk Josh I'm cumminggg!" Feeling my legs shaken as his thrusts were becoming sloppy.
I felt so weak and tired out from all of this as I held onto his neck for support as his movements were getting sloppier and sloppier every single thrust he was giving me.
"fuck mama, I'm finna bust." I heard him moan softly.
He kept his pace going pounding my shit, causing me to see stars as I rolled my eyes in the back of my head, trying to catch my breath with this man; he was making me feel over-simulated.
He gave it his all as he cursed under his breath while pulling out of me, "fuckkkkk mamass." he groaned as he came onto my back as I fell onto the sheets, feeling defeated.
OMNISCIENT Jey and Tiana were breathing heavily as Jey went to go get a warm wet rag to clean Tiana's back as she lie there face in the sheets.
He threw their clothes into the dirty bin that was next to the dresser as he picked up Tiana placing her on the other side of the bed.
He pulled the sheets over her as he came crawled onto the bed while getting in the bedsheets with her pulling her closer to him.
Nuzzling his neck onto her shoulders as he kissed her on the cheek while drifting to sleep.
Under your Touch.
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jonathanfatu, trinity_fatu, zillafatu, and 200,567 liked your post.
uceyjucey: I think I found the one fasho. 🫶🏽 jonathanfatu: damn uce, we gotta meet her uceyjucey: @ jonathanfatu I have something planned. trinity_fatu: ouuuu I smell a new friend coming? 😌 zillafatu: I see you cuz is she better than Kehlani hoe ass? uceyjucey: @ zillafatu yeah most def. theyhatelani: who tf is this bitch? And she ain't even close to being better than me you know you love me still Josh. uceyjucey: @ theyhatelani girl yo' ass is so delusional move around. tianasworld: you know I do baby. 🥰 uceyjucey:  @ tianasworld 😚😚
Read all 100,456 comments.
A/N: lawd this is starting to unpack pretty soon Jey love him some Tiana would do anything for her but I hope yall enjoy this chapter! Lmk in the comments.
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loumauve · 10 days
the goddamn toast water post just made me utter "history is fucking real" in the most solemn and serious tone of voice, out loud, to myself, in the goddamn bathtub
#life is ridiculous and I'm its biggest clown#in my defense it's not even 9 am and I woke up at 6 for some reason (the reason prob being that I start work at 6 atm)#so I chose (violence) reading Stray Gods fic in bed for a few hours followed by the need to just vibe in the bathtub#I've only just had my coffee and a slice of cold pizza leftover from yesterday and it's such a uni-days thing to do#I've kinda missed it. tho I wasn't drinking coffee back then (how the fuck did I survive mornings without it??)#anyway. feeling very soft and tender abt my past self today. I miss her even if she was just as much of a mess. in different ways#the kind of mess who would openly flirt with some strange dude she didn't really know over the phone#the kind of mess who moved across the country just for a chance at trying with sb she liked who really never wanted to date her#the kind of mess who's always fallen for her best friends and who'll likely never stop#the kind of mess who feel so damn hard for a woman 15 yrs older than her just bc she was kind and sweet and a mess herself#the kind of mess who moved in with a friend she was solidly in love with for a bit who had her boyfriend over most nights#just.. it's not all about those feelings but they're decidedly a big part of why I've ever done anything#and I will prob always miss the friend who'd lie on the train platform with me just giggling into the night as ppl walked past#her head on my stomach and me just feeling so high it felt like I'd never stop floating (just for a while though)#I guess what I'm trying to get at here is that Mi miss just letting my feelings take me places even at the risk of losing it all#I'm so much more hesitant and guarded now. and sure part of it is being medicated for my bipolar. it's good that I don't call strangers#and almost invited them over. or that I no longer walk barefoot through the city at night by myself (usually)#but I do miss just idk. intimacy I guess. and how easily it used to come to me to just try and be open abt wanting it I guess#oh well. best be getting out of the bathtub. it's not a good place to be with these thoughts. and it's too early for this anyway#a day in the life of..
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chuluoyi · 4 months
࿐ ࿔ 🕰️ 「 07:02 A.M 」
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based on an ask but i can't find the post :') and i'm working on remarried empress au i promise :'D so please make do with this first. anyways, more domestic dad!gojo and reader ahead~
a part of gojo's love entries
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“mph, so cold...”
satoru was awoken by the chill biting at his whole body as he realized he was naked from the waist up, and saw that you, vast asleep, were hogging the whole blanket to cocoon yourself.
this is why i’m freezing! but eh...
and then he really saw you. curling up with messy hair, lips adorably pursed even in your sleep, and overall, you looked so soft and vulnerable in his eyes.
mine, all mine... satoru didn’t need to blink to see you better but he did anyway, and the sight brought a fond smile to his face. you were rightly exhausted after last night and he quietly snickered to himself, thinking of your mewls. out of cuteness aggression, he hugged you along with your blanket and planted kisses on your face.
“mm, ahh...” you groaned, and he dived in to suck your neck.
your smooth skin and soft pants... gods, he just wanted to gobble you all over again—
“go... awaay...” but then you flipped your body away from him, mumbling and hiding your head under the blanket altogether.
satoru was left reeling at the refusal, heartbrokenly pouting, but then he heard the pitter patter of tiny steps and immediately looked at the door to find his cute son curiously opening the door and peeking his head inside.
ah, another one of his great blessings.
“hey you.” satoru grinned immediately as his toddler’s round blue eyes widened in slight surprise. “why are you awake so early? come here.”
“yaaay!” the munchkin cheered at the invitation and was really about to jump into the bed when he sat up to stop him. “shh, don't be too loud!”
“—?” his boy looked at him with a sad frown as he picked him up and placed him on the bed next to him.
“oh no, don’t be sad. just let mama sleep longer, yeah? she’s tired.”
“mm, why?”
“why? well, she didn’t get enough sleep, that’s why.”
“but you sleep together...?”
“hmm~ we played a game a bit before sleeping and it ate all her energy.”
satoru mentally did a victory pose as his minion no longer questioned him, but then his clear eyes were transfixed on his bare body. “papa, you nakey...?”
your curious son was adorable in every way. he inherited your natural cuteness and satoru wanted nothing more than indulging him but...
he suddenly engulfed him in a bear hug and squeezed him tightly, making him almost squeal.
“yes! and now i’m cold so you’re my new heater!”
“waaaaa nooo!”
it was a morning just like any other day, with his baby and his wife, and yet satoru knew that surely today was going to be a good day.
“minion, you do know i love you and your mama veeeery much, don’t you?~”
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it happened during breakfast. you were sitting your son in his high chair and about to prepare simple omelet for the three of you to share when you heard it—
“mamaaa, what game did you and papa play? wanna play too!” your innocent boy asked with gummy smile, and you cocked your head in confusion.
“papa said you played a game together... at night!”
you honestly couldn’t connect the dots together, so you turned to your husband for help... but satoru merely awkwardly chuckled to himself.
“papa said... the game makes you tired and ate your energy!”
tired? ate energy? the gears in your head were turning and you came to a conclusion so quick as you shot a glare at satoru.
“well, it is a game your papa really enjoys,” you scathingly replied, not looking away from him as he inwardly gulped. but oho, you were in no forgiving mood this morning and so you wickedly smirked.
“let’s try to ask him about it. so, papa, what did we play again, hmm?”
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smutoperator · 1 month
Schoolgirl Fantasies
Jang Kyujin x Male Reader
Tags: age gap, anal fingering, ass-to-pussy, (lots of) blowjob, BWC, creampie, daddy kink, deepthroating, facefucking, first anal, full nelson, lube, maknae, rimjob, schoolgirl, upskirt, teen, tight holes
Word Count: 4518
For more than a decade, you've been JYP's idols main outlet to satisfy the dirtiest fantasies. From Sunmi to Suzy, Sana to Sullyoon, Nayeon to Yeji, Momo to Yuna, every one of JYP's current and former top female idols has got a chance to enjoy some naughty times with you. 
However, there is one idol still missing from your collection, but you're about to correct this mistake.
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"Hi, daddy," Kyujin appears in your room, wearing a schoolgirl outfit. It's fairly simple but rather effective. One of those easiest fantasies that always work no matter which moment.
The age gap between you and Kyujin is quite astonishing. You're now 48 years old, no longer that vigorous stud that once took the virginity away from legends like Suzy. 30 years separate you from Kyujin. You could literally be her father, so her calling you Daddy actually makes some sense.
Kyujin is very cute but also exudes a nice sexiness. After all, she comes from a stacked lineage of JYP maknaes. Sohye, Suzy, Tzuyu, and Yuna all went through your hands before her, so you're already very curious to see how she looks. She teases you, lifting her skirt and rubbing her hands over her teen pussy, biting her lips as she's anxious for the experience her unnies already had.
"I heard rave reviews about you, Daddy, especially from Haewon, Sullyoon, and Bae unnies," Kyujin says. "You've been working for JYP since when I was just a kid, and now I finally got a chance to spend a day with you; what an honor," she continues.
"It's an honor meeting you too," you say to Kyujin. You let her tease you at first, as she takes her pink top off and shows you her perfect tits while touching her pussy. She makes some moves on the floor of your room, showing her dancing abilities, including a little bouncing to tease you about what she wants to do later. She stays on her knees on the floor, smiling at you and making moves with her tongue, before finally sitting on the legendary couch where some of the biggest JYP idols have enjoyed lots of sex and orgasms.
"How are you doing?" you ask Kyujin. "I'm doing great," she replies. Your moves are the same as to every first-timer; you just want to make them relaxed. "You're so beautiful; what's your name?" you ask her. "Kyujin," she says. You already knew the answer, but the first thing you need to do is make her comfortable.
"Are you gonna be my naughty schoolgirl today?" you ask another question. "I'll try," a shy Kyujin answers. You laugh. "Look at those nice boobs," you tell her. "You like them, Daddy?" she asks. "Of course," you say. "But they aren't as big as Jihyo unnie," she says. "They don't need to be," you tell her.
"Wanna play with them?" Kyujin asks. Of course you do, but you want to rather take it slow. "Stand up for me for a second," you say to her. "Let me look under your skirt," you tell her, staring at Kyujin's very short panties and sexy thighs.
"What's your main schoolgirl fantasy?" you ask Kyujin. "I want to fuck my professor or one of my classmates, but I'm scared of getting caught," she answers, laughing. "Then I'll make your wish come true; today I'm your sex professor, and you won't get caught," you tell her.
"Let me see those perky tits," you tell Kyujin, who pulls her bra to the side. "Now, I'm gonna make them a little shiny," you say, pouring a cold dose of lube on them. "Rub them for me," you ask her, who obliges.
Kyujin takes her bra completely off. "You know, most guys really have a bias between asses or tits. But I like them both equally. So turn around and show me that ass," you ask her, who shakes her sexy teen butt. "You know, usually I don't fuck a girl in the ass in the first time I meet her, but I think I'll make an exception for you," you say. "Oh, yes, please, I want you to fuck my virgin ass, just like you did to Yoona and Bae unnies before," she says.
Indeed, as Kyujin mentioned, she would be just one of many idols who got their first anal try with you. But unlike them, she wanted to have it in the first attempt. Damn, and you thought those JYP idols couldn't get sluttier, but they keep proving you wrong.
You also lube Kyujin's ass and let her spread it around her sexy young butt. "Take your panties off; let me see that young pussy and butthole," you order. "Are you ready for that, Daddy?" Kyujin asks. "I'm more than ready," you say, getting wowed at her young holes. "Look at my tight pink pussy, Daddy," she says to you.
Kyujin puts a pair of fingers up her tight asshole. She knows it won't be easy getting that cock in there. "I need to help myself and stretch my tiny virgin ass so you can pound it, Daddy," she laughs. "Keep stretching it; you're going to need it," you tell her, pouring some extra lube in her butt and letting Kyujin fist deep in that butthole.
"Oh, that ass is so fucking tight, daddy," Kyujin teases you. She's driving you insane, letting your perversions take over. You take your pants off and rub your cock against her pussy, making her moan. "Daddy is gonna fuck that teen pussy raw?" she asks. 
You'd usually have some foreplay before shoving your cock inside an idol's fuckhole. But Kyujin's teen cunt is so enticing you are ready to throw that rule out of the window. "Oh yeah," she moans as you insert the tip of your massive shaft inside her pussy.
"Fuck," she says. "That pussy is so tight," you whisper to her, barely able to insert a third of your nine inches inside her. If your past experiences taught you something, it is that you have to go quite slow with maknaes. Their pussies are always tight and strong and won't cave out to a cock so easily.
"Oh, I love to feel both my holes getting filled," Kyujin says. You love hearing her say it. It tells you it won't be much of a steep climb when she decides to attempt a DP with a real cock, now just her fingers. "Oh yeah, oh fuck," she moans as you start moving, going very nice slow at first in her teen pussy.
"So you're no longer a virgin," you tell her, noticing you didn't need to break her hymen. "No, I lost it as soon as I turned 18," she says. That's a pity. Just like her groupmate Sullyoon, Kyujin had her first meeting with you only a couple months after turning 18, but she is such a slut she couldn't keep her virgin pussy for you to deflower.
Finding that out makes you increase the pace. After all, Kyujin already has some experience taking cocks in her pussy. Maybe not as big as yours, but you know she can learn. "So good," you groan, noticing the tightness of her hole. "OH MY GOD," she lets out the first scream, but truth be told, that massage she's giving her asshole is helping her quite a bit in enduring that huge cock fucking her pussy.
You start panting and groaning louder. Even for an experienced guy like you, her tight young pussy is quite a challenge not to bust a nut. "Is Daddy enjoying my pussy?" she asks you, but you don't answer, trying to stay concentrated and just keep fucking it.
"Fuck that pussy, daddy," Kyujin says in a very cute voice, almost catching you off guard. Her moans sound so good, and you can tell how much she's enjoying it as her walls clench even further around your cock. You duck your head down and wrap your hands around her waist, kissing her and breathing around her neck as she gives you a naughty smile.
"Daddy, you're making me so wet," Kyujin says, as you can feel her young juices coating all over your cock. It's getting harder and harder to resist, but you manage to find just the right rhythm to pound her tight hole. "That pussy is so nice," you tell her.
Kyujin bites her lips as you increase your pace. Oddly, even though you are the experienced guy in the relationship, you're the one already out of breath. Meanwhile, Kyujin, who's only in the 3rd cock of her life, is doing quite well. I think you should have known by now that dancers truly have walls of steel. You should have learned the lesson from the countless sessions where you pounded the likes of Momo, Yeji, and Chaeryeong to oblivion, yet they kept asking for more. Maybe you were just getting old after all.
You slowed the pace, but Kyujin showed no mercy, moving her hips against your crotch. Her unnies really taught her well, because she was already pulling off some veteran moves in her first session with you. For being such a naughty girl, you decide to punish her, pounding Kyujin's pink pussy harder than ever and trying to dig deeper and deeper, searching for her cervix.
But your plan backfires, as you're forced to pull out. "I'll be back soon, baby," you tell her. "I'll be waiting, Daddy," she says. You rush to the shower and relieve the pressure on your cock by painting the walls of it with your cum. This time you avoided the embarrassment you had the last time you fucked a maknae, where Yuna squeezed you so hard you nutted after 3 minutes fucking her pussy. You were this close to repeating it, but this time you saved yourself at the last second.
After watching some festival performances of Kyujin, your cock is back up at full strength. "Come suck that cock," you tell her. "Oh my God, that cock is so wet," she smiles at you, pleased at the work her pussy had done to it, licking your shaft perfectly. For such an inexperienced girl, Kyujin was quite skilled.
You just sat on the chair and let Kyujin showcase her blowjob skills. She gripped your cock firmly, squeezing it with her soft young hands, then licked it a few times from the balls to the tip, giving special attention to your sperm sack, before going up and getting sloppy with the shaft.
"Oh my God," you groaned as Kyujin deepthroated your nine inches with ease. "You're so good," you say to her as she kisses your shaft. "No, you're so good; you've got such a nice cock; I'm in love with it," she tells you.
"I love licking that cock up and down," Kyujin smiles as she plays with your shaft; your tip grows even bigger as your cock is throbbing harder than ever as she kisses that very sensitive spot. After just surving her tight pussy, you have to endure another one of her tight teen holes trying to milk you dry as she bobs her head all over your shaft. That young slut is truly pushing you to the limit.
Kyujin doesn't spare an inch of your cock. Matter of fact, she wants more, diving down to eat your asshole. What are they putting in those 18-year-olds food? How are they already getting so slutty they are licking your old ass in the first encounter? You're really starting to embrace the suspicion that JYP idols are made in a lab and the new iterations of their software are sluttier than the previous ones. 
But you can't complain. Her young tongue massaging your asshole truly feels like heaven, especially when she moves up to lick your balls as well. "You like that, Daddy?" she asks. But you can't answer, trying to cope with Kyujin's tongue in your anus and her hands caressing your shaft, pushing your foreskin up and down and making your tip pop up while rubbing against it, giving you a tingling feeling at each time. How did she learn how to edge a cock this fast? 
Kyujin's magical tongue works all over your asshole, spitting on it and licking it. "I love putting that tongue in your ass, daddy," she tells you, diving deeper and deeper almost as if she were thursting inside it. Kyujin gets very sloppy, making the bottom of your crotch very wet. "So nasty and sloppy, Daddy," she tells you, slurping all over your balls and playing with your foreskin, pushing it as hard as she can using just her mouth.
Kyujin gives another crazy head-bobbing blowjob to your cock, finishing with a deepthroat and letting out a big smile. "I love your fat cock, daddy," she says, caressing your shaft and jerking it off, before more head-bobbing follows.
"You like how I stroke it with both my hands like this?" Kyujin asks you, and you just let your groans do the talking as she spits on your cock and keeps playing with your foreskin. Sucking, twisting, licking—everything that is possible she does with your shaft. She really wants that cock wet and ready for her tight fuckholes.
You finally interrupt Kyujin's fun, getting on your knees as you pin her body against the couch and kiss her, your cock rubbing against her navel as she keeps jerking it off. You reach under her skirt to play with her pussy, while diving your head to suck her perky young tits. "AHHHHHH, AHHHHHH," her moans grow louder. You kiss her neck and whisper dirty words to your ear. "I'm gonna fill your slutty body full of cum," you tell her.
Kyujin keeps moaning as her juices coat the carpet in your living room. "Oh fuck," she says as she lies her head on the couch and you keep sucking her tits, searching for her tight entrance. You finally put her on top of the couch and spread her legs, diving into her teen cunt.
"Oh yeah, taste that pussy, daddy," Kyujin demands as she closes her eyes and more moans come out of her mouth. "OH MY GOD," she screams as her legs close and you lick her folds like crazy, the hot air blowing from your nostrills and sniffing her core adding to the pleasure she's feeling in her clit. Her nipples get erect and her veins pop out as she slowly starts losing her breath, trying to resist your tongue doing to her pussy what hers just did to your cock.
"AH YEAHHHHHH, AHHHHHHHH," Kyujin's moans groan louder as she grabs your head and presses it further against her clit. "OH FUCK, OH YEAH," Kyujin keeps moaning as her thighs crush your head and press it further against her young pussy.
You can't resist anymore, surprising Kyujin by shoving your cock back in her tight pussy just as you kiss her. More moans come out of her mouth. "OH YEAH, OHHHHHHHHH," she says as you fuck her at a steady pace, kissing her beautiful face and wrapping your hands around her neck.
"Yesss, dadddy, that feels so good," Kyujin moans as she lifts her skirt further up and gives you a sexy smile. You fuck her even harder, massaging her bouncy tits as your thrusts go deeper and deeper. Kyujin's vocabulary now is reduced to just moaning and screaming and telling you how good you fuck her as your cock rests buried deep in her pussy.
"Pump that little tight teen pussy, daddy," Kyujin begs, spreading her legs completely in the couch now, giving you very easy access to her pink hole. You seize the opportunity and take repeated, hard thrusts deep inside it that hit her cervix. "OHHHHHH YESSSSSSS, OHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKK," she screams as your balls smack her clit and you make her cum.
To avoid cumming now, you pull out of Kyujin's tight pussy, eating it out and enjoying the juices that are all over her folds, kissing and worshipping it before you surprise her by shoving your middle finger up her asshole, leading to a huge smile from her. "Am I a good girl, Daddy?" she asks you.
"You're such a naughty girl," you finally answer her, sticking your finger up her asshole. "OH FUCK, OH MY GOD," Kyujin screams as you finally show who the real experienced guy is, making her orgasm just with your hands.
You pull your finger out of Kyujin's butthole. "Dirty teen slut," you call her. "Yes, daddy, that's exactly what I am," she says as you pour more lube at her body. "My ass is so tight, Daddy," Kyujin then says.
"Then let's test how tight it is," you reply, lining up your tip against her virgin butthole. You make a hard effort to put it in but can barely push the tip inside, given how tight it is. Kyujin smiles, as she's about to get an unforgettable first anal experience.
"Oh my God, it's so fucking tight," Kyujin says. "My first time couldn't have been better," she continues. Your anaconda slowly disappears inside her anus; make her contort as she isn't adjusted to it. Even her finger-fisting couldn't help her. Your cock is just too large for her virgin orifice.
After reaching the maximum depth of her asshole, you go slow with Kyujin, giving her nice thrusts that only take half of your cock inside it. "Oh yeah," she moans. You play with her pussy, knowing that the first time can be really difficult, trying to ease her up and loosen up her tight teen hole.
Kyujin tries to moan, but you don't let her. "Shhhhhh," you say as you shove three of your fingers in her pussy. But she can't hold that for long. "AHHHHHHH," she explodes in more screams as you also use her pussy as a way to cope with the tightness of her asshole, trying as hard as possible not to fill it with cum.
You thurst your cock at Kyujin's asshole at the same pace you thursts your fingers in her cunt. "OH MY GODDDDDDD," she screams, grabbing her tits. You go faster, Kyujin just attempting to resist your stimulation. She obviously can't. "AHHHHHHHH," she screams again, dropping her head into one of the pillows on the couch.
"Do you like to fuck that tight ass, Daddy?" Kyujin asks as you commit all of your efforts to pound it, taking your fingers off her pussy. You groan and pant as her anal walls smash your big cock. "Finger that pussy for me," you demand of her. "Yes, daddy, OH FUCK," she screams just as she finishes the sentence and places her fingers in her clit.
Kyujin spreads her cheeks as she lets her asshole take the full shape of your cock. "Keep fucking me, just like that," she says, sticking her tongue out. Her ass is so tight you're forced to pull out after so many thursts, allowing yourself some time to breathe before you put it back in and teasing her little gapes of her formely virgin anus.
You take Kyujin by surprise, switching back to her pussy. "Oh yeah, oh yeah, fuck both of my holes," she begs as you pound her already stretched out cunt like crazy before moving back in her ass and doing the same with it. "I love the way you switch back and forth, Daddy; you can't get enough of my tiny teen holes, can you?" she says.
"No, I can't," you say, going back in Kyujin's pink pussy and pounding it hard. "OH MY GOD, OH FUCK, YES, YES, YES," she screams, grabbing her tits to not let them bounce even further. Back in her ass you go, bringing her legs closer and stretching her hole out as Kyujin feels the heat of her guts being rearranged. "FUCK THAT ASS DADDY," she screams hard.
You finally pull out of Kyujin's holes and kiss her forehead. "Good girl," you compliment her. "Are you gonna let me taste my own ass, Daddy?" she asks. "Fuck yeah," you say. "Then please, fuck my face, Daddy," she replies.
You grab Kyujin's head, using her long hair as handlebars while you pound her pretty face. She rolls her eyes and gags all over your thorbbing shaft, as it proves to be too large for her throat when it fucks it at full speed. You enjoy Kyujin choking on your dick like a good whore, getting your cock perfectly wet for your next move.
"Stand up," you tell her, lying on the carpet. You fully push her skirt up and spank Kyujin's shiny ass, making her moan as she shakes it. You pour more lube on it. "Such nice fuckholes," you say, poking your thumb back inside her pussy to warm her up for more action.
"Do you like Daddy's cock back in your ass?" you ask her. "Oh yes," Kyujin says with a soft moan. "Then show me what you learned from your unnies and squat on that cock," you say.
Kyuhin adjusts your shaft as it slides back in her ass. She moves very slowly, trying to adjust to getting impaled by that massive pole. "Oh my God," she moans, still impressed with how big it is. "Keep going, baby, ride this cock like your life depends on it," you give her the incentive.
"There you go," you say as Kyujin increases her speed, her ass hitting your thighs as you start groaning. If the likes of Momo and Chaeryeong usually kill you by how fast they can bounce their big asses on your cock, Kyujin is slightly different, using the tightness of her butthole to her advantage to achieve similar results under a slower ride.
"Oh fuck, does daddy want to cum deep in that ass?" Kyujin slows down as she senses you're losing it. "That's amazing," you whisper. Kyujin just enjoys your cock going in and out of her, resuming her bounce by going faster than ever, trying to go for the kill.
"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah," you're now the one moaning as Kyujin quickly learns how to ride a big cock. "You like watching that tight ass going up and down that cock, daddy?" Kyujin asks as she pushes you to the edge. "So good, so good," you whisper, holding your breath not to cum.
"Bend over, you teen slut," you tell Kyujin, regaining control of the situation and shoving your cock back in her ass. This time you didn't hold back. Now you knew Kyujin could take it like a champion in the ass; it didn't matter if it was just her first time.
Kyujin struggled as your cock hit her fast and deep, fingering her pussy and resting her head on the couch to resist your increasingly harder thrusts in her asshole. "Keep fucking my ass, daddy, AHHHHHH," she moaned. These words only made you go faster, grabbing her waist and getting your cock deeper and deeper in her ass.
"YES, YES, YES, YES," Kyujin rapdly screamed. You groped her tits and pounded her like an animal. "Face down ass up," you ordered to her, stretching her butthole to the fullest and pumping it nonstop. "You stretch my ass so fucking good, Daddy," she says.
"Turn around and suck my cock again," you tell Kyujin as you pop out of her asshole and lie on the floor. She eagerly takes your cock in her mouth, tasting her ass to the fullest and enjoying spitting on your tip. You kiss her, ready to test her in one final challenge as she keeps her hands jerking your cock off.
"Sit on my cock, slut," you tell her, wrapping your arms around her waist as you lie on the couch, pulling Kyujin's body on top of yours. If there is one sex position every dancer needs to master, it's the one you're about to teach her: the full nelson.
Kyujin mounts on your cock, but she doesn't even have time to react; you just spread her legs as hard as you can up in the air and take control of thrusting in her asshole from the start, turning her into an anal fleshlight. Kyujin is now just a passenger of your ride to pleasure as you destroy her once virgin ass to the fullest.
"OH MY GODDDDDDDD," Kyujin screams as your balls pound hard against her cheeks. She fingers herself, trying to deal with such a barage of thursts. You're only a couple years from turning 50, but this is your best form yet. "OH YEAH, AHHHHH," she keeps screaming as you show no signs of slowing down.
"I love that big fat white cock in my tiny little Asian asshole; you fuck me so deep and hard, Daddy," Kyujin says. "Fuck me like a whore; keep fucking me; make me a dirty little teen whore," she continues. 
Her words drive you mad. At first, you wanted to leave your mark in her formerly virgin asshole, but seeing her say those dirty words changed your plans as you switched your cock back into her cunt. "Oh, put it back in my pussy; I want you to fill me up real good, Daddy," Kyujin says as she watches you move your shaft inside her babyhole.
"Fill that tight little Asian pussy with your big white cock cum, fucking give to me, empty your balls for, YES, PLEASE, CUM INSIDE ME, DADDY," Kyujin begs. You pump her pussy hard until your cock can't resist anymore, pulsating multiple times inside her teen pussy. "You filled up that tight little pussy so good, Daddy," Kyujin says with a big smile in her face as your cum oozes out of her vagina, Kyujin quickly scooping it up to taste it.
"Now I'm a real, real, naughty girl, full of daddy's cum," Kyujin says. "It's so sticky," she says, putting her tongue out and showing off your semen in her mouth.
Kyujin kisses your big white cock for one last time, licking the remnants of cum that stood in there and putting her schoolgirl outfit back on. "That was so good, Daddy; I can't wait for the next time. I'll tell my unnies to come join me, and we're gonna compete to see who can milk this big fat white cock the hardest," she says, going back to her dorms to share the experience with her groupmates.
Haewon is the first to ask her about it once she is back at the dorm. 
"So how was it?" she says.
"You weren't lying, unnie; he's amazing, no wonder all the girls at the company are so whipped for his cock," Kyujin says.
"We want to be there next time; he fucked our asses so good," Sullyoon and Bae come off and say it to her.
"You're all welcome; I promised him next time it's going to be all of us," Kyujin says.
"Game on, let's see who's gonna make his cock cum the hardest," Lily and Jiwoo say. "Absolutely," Kyujin finishes, already thinking about the next round.
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afterthatidontknow · 6 months
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—𝐰𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐫, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐞—
pairing. ex! Natasha Romanoff x fem! reader
summary. in a day you simply wanted peace, two unexpected visitors showed up. for one of them, you were glad.
warnings. smut! I am NOT responsible for your content consumption! — making out, thigh riding, strap on usage, cursing, angst (w happy ending), soft dom Nat.
notes. my first language is portuguese, so I apologize for any grammar errors. feel free to give me advice, though!
divider credits: @cafekitsune ★
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Natasha Romanoff was known as a cold, ruthless woman, who never cared for anyone besides herself. Most of the people didn't know this was due her past — the Red Room was always in complete secrecy, so they feared her. She was already used to it. Whenever she started something with someone, in the next day, she had an empty bed as a gift. To be completely honest, she always felt used. Men and women touched her, to leave her in the morning.
That changed when she met you.
You could say you'd changed her completely, for the best, of course. She became more open with you, learned to express herself better and was not known as the most selfish Avenger in the team anymore.
But just like people say, not everything is a bed of roses.
Instead of using that achievement to improve your relationship, she began to care a little too much about her team of superheroes. At some point, she was no longer paying attention to you.
Reports this, reports that. Missions and more missions. "I have to go somewhere with Cap." "I have to train with Tony to a mission." "I can't, I'll have to go with Clint."
When you confronted her about this, begging for her to understand and willing to help her change, she decided that it was a better option to part ways. You were devasted, and she saw it. That made her heart ache — someone actually lov— liked her enough to want to stay.
This was the one and only reason Natasha didn't forget about you. The only reason she thought about you everyday. The only reason she teared up whenever entering her car and seeing the polaroid with the heart pendant you gave her hanging on her rearview mirror, that she didn't dare to take down.
Today, you were leaving work, heavy tired steps echoing on the pavement's wooden floor as the moonlight illuminated the room. The building was already empty, the streets, darker than your thoughts.
As you started walking to the nearest bus stop, you heard quick footsteps behind you — it was already late and usually there was no people on the streets like this. You turned your head, "you gotta be kidding me".
"Hey, Y/n!" Peter exclaimed, running to catch up with you. "I didn't know you were going to be here at 11:30pm."
You rolled your eyes and took a sharp inhale, but like always, tried to be polite. This so called coworker of yours was always looking at you, following you everywhere, and asking you things, not always work-related. You always made it clear that you weren't interested in men, and he insisted on saying he could 'change your mind'.
"Hey, Peter." you replied, faking a smile and nodding. "You need me to review your documents again?"
"Oh, no. I was just wondering if you wanna go on a date with me. Did you see the restaurant that just opened over there? I could treat you to—"
"No, I don't." you cut him off, more harshly than you intended to. "Look, Peter, I'm sorry. But I don't want anything to do with you, alright? So if you want, go ahead and find somebody else."
You shook your head, not even waiting for his reply and picking up the pace again, quickly rushing to the bus stop. That's when the guy showed you a side that you just suspected, but preferred to believe he didn't have
"C'mon, Y/n." he grabbed your arm, nails digging into your skin. "You won't broke my heart, will you? You're such a gentle, beautiful, kind woman. You will give me a chance."
You cleared your throat, feeling him get closer, and thinking about a certain Red Head — how she would gently, delicately graze your skin with her fingers, so softly whispering into your ear and bringing you to her embrace—
"Back off."
"Oh, no." he laughed. Such a creep. "I won't back off. And if you don't cooperate, I'll make you give me a chance."
Your hands trembled now, silently praying to whoever was seeing this just call the cops or do something. You didn't know the guy anyway. He didn't talk to anyone at work beside you, and you never got to know him, you would never. That's when it would be a good use to have a spy girlfriend. Just the last thing you expected to happen was to hear the sound of a gun cocking behind you, and a very familiar female voice.
"She said back off."
Relief unconsciously washed upon you as your arm was released, only because of the gun, though. You knew that if if wasn't for her, who knows what could've happened there. Peter left, annoyed, but the Russian swore to herself that she'd make his life a living hell.
"... Natasha?" you whisper, turning around with a confused and even scared frown.
"Yes," she worriedly rubbed your arm, shooting you, slowly making the feeling of the disgusting hand fade away. "Are you okay?"
"I am..." you nodded subtly, leaning into her touch. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, I saw a woman being harassed. What was I supposed to do? Mind my business?" she said, obviously avoiding your question.
"You know this is not what I mean." you frowned, carefully letting go of her caress and wrapping your arms around yourself.
Natasha sighed, trying to think of a way to explain herself. 'Oh, I'm here because I miss you so much I can't even sleep anymore.'? No, it wouldn't do.
"I... followed you."
"Oh, great, so I'm being stalked twice today." you hissed, making Natasha look down with your harshness.
"No, Y/n.. I'm here for.. personal reasons. I saw you leaving work, and I noticed that guy following you. I decided to follow too, until he grabbed you and I knew I had to intervine." she explained quietly.
The fact she had said 'personal reasons' deeply hurt you, but you couldn't do anything, you had broken up after all. You nodded, and prepared yourself to walk tp the bus stop again.
"Wait," Natasha quickly stopped you, her eyebrows furrowed. "I won't let you go home like this."
This was something about the old Natasha you knew, the protective one. It was okay, you were tired, and a ride would be no harm. "Where's your getaway car?"
She smiled softly at your joke, and tilted her head. "Around the corner."
You two walked silently towards the vehicle, as she unlocked the doors with the keys and you entered the passenger seat. You threw your bag on the backseat before you could focus on the environment around you, and see the polaroid of you and Nat with the heart pendant you gave her hanging on the rearview mirror.
Natasha noticed your gaze as soon as she entered the driver seat, clearing her throat and starting the car's engine. "Couldn't bring myself to take those down."
You stayed silent, but your eyes could tell everything. I'm glad. Oh, I'm so glad.
Natasha remembered your address as if you hadn't broken up nine months ago, and when you reached your place, you too much disappointed for your own good.
"Thank you for the lift," you whispered, turning your body to be able to grab your bag from the backseat — in the exact same moment Natasha turned to unbuckle her seatbelt — your fronts touching, which made you two a little startled.
The problem was that you didn't pull away, neither of you. You slowly turned your head to meet Natasha's gaze, your face so close to hers you could feel her breath. Familiar. It was pure instinct, almost muscle memory, of the times she always kissed you goodbye when dropping you somewhere.
You didn't even notice your hand going up to hold the back of her neck, much less when she placed her hand on your thigh, and leaned in so your noses brushed. Natasha closed her eyes for a brief moment, almost savouring your closeness, your aura enveloping her once more. Then your lips barely, barely grazed, breath hitching, as she couldn't take it anymore.
The redhead pressed her lips against yours, giving them a long peck. It was surprising how much time you lasted without air. You didn't break the kiss, just darted the tip of your tongue out to lick her bottom lip, begging for entrance. She gave in, trying to pull you closer but being stopped by the goddamn control panel. As soon as you felt her tongue touching yours you realized that this was going too far. You pulled back harshly, leaving you two panting for air and a disappointed Nat.
"Do you..." you shakily breathed. "... wanna come in?"
"Mhm." Natasha hummed, turning off the engine. "Can I?"
You didn't answer, just opened the door and slipped out the car. As you entered, you could practically feel Natasha's eyes burning the place. How you didn't take down any picture of yours. How her stuff was spreading across the pavement. It gave her a sense of... hope? Of course, since she was in the same situation.
"So.. are you seeing anyone?" you asked her while kicking off your heels and leaving them by the door.
"I think you know the answer for that." the redhead practically hissed, making your head snap towards her.
"But I want you to say it." you retreated. "I want you to look at me in the eyes and tell me you didn't forget me. I want you to look at me in the eyes and tell me the reason of why you came to my town again and followed me when I left work. I want you to tell me the reason of why you kissed me just like we always did before."
"I didn't! I didn't forget you, Y/n!" Natasha snapped, looking away and tucking the loosen strands of hair of her braids behind her ears. "I didn't forget you and I never did. Alright? Happy now?"
"Is that so?" you laughed humorlessly, crossing your arms. "I thought you cared more about your superheroes buddies. Where are they now!?"
"I left them." Natasha replied, looking at you again with a mixture of anger and pain. "I left them and came back, to you, Y/n."
You froze at her words, swallowing your saliva. "... okay?"
"I came back here, because I wanted to at least a chance to explain myself. I wouldn't be able to live knowing that I hurt you, and that you think that I did it on purpose. So please, just give me a chance."
"...go on."
Natasha sighed in relief, exhaling the air she was holding. "I'm sure you know my story. You were the first one to know everything about it, about me. And I'm also sure you know you're the first one to ever love me. No one else ever loved me like you did."
You leaned against the kitchen counter, listening carefully to her words, ready to give her time and patience, like you usually did.
"... I didn't know what I was doing, Y/n. Every other relationship I had, ended in less than a week. Love is a weapon and it's letal for me, for people like me. I was, I am startled by all of this, by this fuzzy warm feeling that you always gave me, that you still do, in my thoughts.. the Avengers were my first family, and when I panicked, I tried to hang on to them. In order not to hurt you, and myself." she didn't even realize the tear rolling down her cheek, and shook her head. "That's it. I'm sorry for everything, but Y/n, you will always have a piece— you'll always have my whole heart in your hands. I'll get off your hair n—"
You couldn't. Not anymore. You rushed towards her and grabbed her face, cutting her off with a deep kiss. She was taking aback, but her hands traveled to your waist, pulling you flush against her, your fronts pressing. Nothing changed. Natasha pushed you backwards against your room's door, her tongue entering your mouth and dancing with yours. You could feel yourself getting lost in her, damn it, once more. It was like she had this spell on you — you were trapped, and didn't complain.
"Y/n," the russian uttered, hands slipping inside your shirt and giving your waist a squeeze. "I've got to have you again, at least for one last time. Please, just this once—"
Tired of her rambling, you smirked and grabbed her by the jacket, pulling her into a kiss again and dragging her into the room, slamming the door shut. Natasha took this as a 'yes', and her hands, under you shirt, went to unclasp your bra, making it fall to the ground and a groan of relief escape your throat. Before she could remove the rest of the fabric of your body, you stopped her, pushing her down to the bed.
"I always wanted to do that," you started to slowly, so slow that it almost tortured her take off your clothes, stripteasing for her.
"Shit, Y/n." she quickly started to get rid off her jacket, snd everything else she was wearing. You were careful not to trip on the pile of clothes on the floor, and walked over to her again, straddling her leg on the edge of the bed.
Natasha's hand grabbed your hips roughly, keeping you in place and it didn't take two seconds before you started to grind on her. "Nat," you breathed, arms going to circle her neck.
"Who else touched you like this while I was away?" she growled in your ear, pressing your body against hers. "Answer me,"
"No one," you whined, giving her a subtle shake of your head. "No one, Natty. J-just myself,"
"My poor girl," Nat began to roam her hands up your sides, her lips pressing kisses on your jawline, "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help,"
"You're here now..!" you gasped, your movements faster, as she began to move her thigh to stimulate you more.
"And I don't plan on going away," Natasha murmured, tilting your head to look at her in the eyes. Even in your high, you could make sense of her words, and the weight they beared.
"Nat!" you moaned, closing your eyes shut. "I need... please.. I—I need you, inside me."
Natasha almost lost her mind with that, grabbing your hips and pinning you down to the bed. She reached her arm out for the drawer that she hoped your strap still was, and luckily, she was right. "I'm gonna fuck you like never before, Y/n." she attached the silicone cock to her hips with urgency, holding your hips in place as she ran the tip of it across your folds, making you whine in need.
"Don't tease me," you gently gripped her arms on your hips and looked at her with dreamy eyes. She couldn't resist — but your walls were so tight she had to put a little effort to enter you.
"Holy fuck, baby." she moved her hand to brush your hair behind your ear, giving you a little time to get used to the length. "So fucking tight for me,"
"I—" you breathed, interrupted when Nat started to slowly move in and out you, her red hair falling into your face. You moaned, putting her hair up in a makeshift ponytail and with your free hand, holding her neck. "God, I missed you,"
Natasha pounded faster in you with those words, your moans only getting louder by the second. She grabbed one of your legs and placed it over her shoulder, allowing her to hit your g-spot repeatedly. You thumb went to your mouth, wetting it and starting to rub her clit — she couldn't say she expected that, her soft moans saying everything.
"Cum with me," you breathlessly requested, eyes fluttering close. Natasha didn't have to be asked twice. Her hips slammed into yours, the wet sounds of her thrusting echoing the room. "Natty!"
You back arched, head thrown backwards as your orgasm hit you. Natasha's legs shook, her weight falling onto you and your arms immediately wrapping around her, keeping her close.
"Don't make me go away,"
"I could never."
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 3 months
The Fight
Older Eddie x Reader. reader is mid to late twenties, and Eddie is thirty-nine.
You and Eddie get into your first big fight and aren't speaking, work is terrible, and you're running a fever and coming down with a cold.
"I'm not fucking speaking to you when you're being a brat. I don't know what is up with you today but I'm sick of it"
It wasn't really like you and Eddie to argue much but earlier you had gotten into an argument and the two of you were still not speaking.
You were being a brat, you felt off all day and had wrongly snapped at Eddie when he asked if you were feeling alright, the argument escalated from there and the both of you said stupid things.
Now it was radio silence between the two of you.
Anxiously you head to bed only to find him turned away from you, avoiding talking and big space between you, usually you fall asleep wrapped up in Eddie's arms but that wasn't going to happen tonight.
"Eddie?" You murmur softly but there's no response, he isn't asleep but he's not talking either.
Blinking back tears you get into the bed and burrow into the covers, it takes you longer to fall asleep than normal and when you do you're still tossing and turning, shivery one minute then hot then next.
Now you have woken up with a bad headache, and Eddie isn't there. He has left medicine and a glass of water on the bedside table but you wish he was here and holding you close, you feel terrible and just want him with you.
When you try to call into work your boss is a dick and won't let you have time off. He's ranting on the phone so you take the medicine and water and bundle up in warm clothes.
Work is a nightmare. It's a double shift that Austin can't get cover for and you're struggling to get through it. Austin is his usual "cheery" self and even though he can see you're sick he's still a dick.
On top of that, you haven't heard from Eddie and that is making you anxious. Do you text him first? He's super busy at work today so you don't know if he will reply or even if he will if he's still mad at you.
Nearing the end of your shift, you're tired and aching all over, you're pretty sure you have a fever. It's making you irritable and you have to bite your tongue when Austin is moaning about yet another thing.
Thankfully all is calm in the store and Austin leaves you in peace for the last half hour as you tidy up and get things ready to lock up.
It's so quiet that you rest just for a minute but that minute ends up being ten and you're jerked away by Austin.
There are cups to clean in the staff room which he's too busy to do and once again you bite your tongue and get on with the job.
You're tired, dizzy and really need to sleep so your reflexes aren't the best and one of the cups drops out of your shaking hands, it nicks your skin and stings harshly. Fuck.
"For fuck sake, you better clean that shit up, can't you do anything without fucking up?" Austin snaps and you freeze at this, heart pounding. You open your mouth to retort but nothing comes out.
"It was an accident" you manage to say but he's not listening and muttering expletives, well muttering them so loud that you can hear but quiet to anyone else.
It's a relief when the shift ends and you head back to Eddie's. Your hand is throbbing and everything that's happened during the last day has you close to tears.
Eddie is home when you get it and waiting on the couch, his expression anxious but it clears when he sees you.
You really don't want to argue again, you're so tired and sore at this point. "Where were you?" he asks softly and you slip your jacket off, desperate to change out of your clothes and get in a relaxing bath or shower.
"Austin sprung a double shift on me...what is it Eds?" He's gazing at you in panic.
"You're bleeding" he's up at once and taking your hand in his, eyeing the cut worriedly and then rushing to get the first aid kit. Shit you didn't think it was that bad.
"I dropped a cup" you explain and Eddie's eyebrows knit in anger. "Oh yeah, what did that dickhead of a boss of yours say about that?" he tenderly cleans your wound and bandages it up.
"Oh, the usual, insults and yelling" You sigh and vow that you really need to look for a better job. Eddie growls low in his throat and presses a kiss to your head then pauses, presses his palm to your forehead and swears.
"Fuck, you're burning up. He seriously let you work like this!" He's fuming and you soothe him.
"It's okay, I just need to sleep" You close your eyes barely being able to keep them open and resting your head on Eddie's chest. He's still tense but softens when you nuzzle into his chest.
"Hurts" you sigh and he swallows as he holds you close to him, you're dozing in and out in his arms as he carries you to bed and helps you out of your clothes.
"You're shivering, do you want to go for a shower baby?" That sounds like heaven and you agree, then begin sneezing.
The warm water is heaven on your aching bones and Eddie joins you, wraps his arms around you and holds you close to him.
"Why didn't you say you were feeling so shitty? Is this why you were so grumpy yesterday?" he caresses your cheek and then leaves soft kisses on your neck as you nod.
"Yeah, I was bratty though" you mumble and desperately just want your bed and maybe a few more cuddles from Eddie.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart. I've felt like shit all day about arguing with you. I wanted to talk to you and apologise when I got home from work, shit I thought you were mad when you didn't come straight here after your shift but it was that dickhead boss of yours keeping you"
"I'm sorry too Ed's" he kisses you, holding the kiss for a few seconds but his smile fades when your lip wobbles. Being sick always makes you feel emotional and out of sorts.
"I could kick Austin's ass for having you work like this. He's probably made you even worse and I swear if catch that prick anytime soon, he's going to get his balls ripped off for yelling at you" he mutters under his breath a few choice words and it makes you giggle.
Eddie's arms wrap around you and he presses soft kisses over your forehead. "I'd do anything for you, I love you so much, you know that princess. I'm sorry for being a jerk" he kisses you until you're laughing again and beaming at his goofy antics.
Unfortunately, the giggling erupts into a coughing fit and Eddie patiently helps you out of the shower and as you dry off, he finds your comfiest pjs which you change into and feel yourself relax for the first time today, even if you do feel like shit.
Your nose is all stuffy and you must look a mess but Eddie stares at you like you're the most beautiful thing in the world to him.
"Beautiful, I love these PJs" he toys with them and you snort. These are your favourite PJs and a little ratty, not sexy at all.
"Liar" you tease and he holds you close to him, "You're going to get sick too if you keep this up" you warn him and he shrugs unbothered.
"Don't give a fuck, need to make sure my princess is okay. I'm gonna get you some water and more flu meds, maybe some soup because you need to eat something"
Eddie makes the soup that his uncle made for him when he was sick, chicken soup and little stars. It's very sweet and delicious, he seems less anxious once you've eaten and had some meds and fluids.
"I'll call Austin tomorrow for you and you are going to rest, Brian can cover my shift, he owes me anyway and we'll just relax and do nothing, make sure you're all better" That sounds good, to be honest, you do feel a lot better but it would be nice to just rest and catch up on sleep.
The rest of the night is spent in Eddie's arms with his own brand of special medicine, kisses and cuddles to chase the cold away.
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backinmyphase · 11 days
Not fulfilling meals
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Summary: As the days go on, the Gojo estate remains cold, as you and Satoru didn't really talk to each other. Would your arranged marriage ever be bearable? Well, Gojo wants to try.
Or: Satoru Gojo doesn't even know how attached he will grow to his wife yet.
Pairing: Gojo x reader, 2980 words
Part 1 Masterlist
Author's note:
Well I guess this is my 100 followers special?? Like you guys are so sweet, how did I deserve your kind comments?? I hope you like this part too <3 (This will be a slow burn, I'm sorryyy :'), if you want to be added to the taglist, just say so it's no problem <3 your comments make my day :))
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The jujutsu world was Gojo Satoru's world.
He knew, he was the strongest. He knew, he destroyed the balance of the jujutsu world just by being born. He knew, it was expected of him to keep this power in the hands of the Gojo clan.
He knew, he should marry and get an heir. An heir, who would be even stronger than him.
But he was selfish. Wanted to live his life, without a timer that says when he should have a kid.
He wanted to have control of his life. And if that was so selfish, well then he would gladly be it.
That's what he always thought. But right now, as he didn't see you for the third day in a row, he felt guilty.
Guilty, because he didn't really dislike you. Hell, he didn't even know you. He disliked that you two had to marry. Hated, that it wasn't his choice.
The last days were colder than usual. He felt your presence in this house and that you avoided him like the plague. Everytime he sat down at the table in the living room to eat, he would hear the words you threw at him.
He should be glad. You said, you wouldn't bother him and you kept your word. You didn't even come out of your room when he was around.
So why did he hate it?
He sat at the table in the living room with his breakfast. And he waited. Waited, even though he had to do missions. Waited, even though his brain was telling him to leave.
He waited.
His phone rang and a message from Suguru popped up.
"Where are you, Satoru?"
Satoru should stand up an leave. Should eat and leave. But his consciousness didn't want him to leave. His phone rang again. Should he leave or stay?
He waited.
His empty plate looked at him. His own reflection raising an eyebrow at his behavior.
He stood up. Slowly he moved to your door. Looked at the closed door and wondererd if he should knock. Just ask you to eat with him.
He turned around and went to his missions, like he was supposed to. Like his senses told him.
Your room was so cold. Even when you hid under your supposedly warm covers, you started to shiver at the thought that you will always sleep here.
You were scared.
Gojo was longer and longer in the living room, every morning he made himself ready to leave. And today morning he was in front of your room.
You were so scared of the conflict with him.
Not that you felt guilty, you didn't feel sorry for what you said or anything like that. But the overwhelming fear that he would tell his clan members about the issues in your marriage would mean your doom.
Today was a meeting with your mother and the higher ups.
Your mother made clear that the meetings will be on a regularly basis in the letter. And she hoped that 'you could deliver good news'.
She meant deliver a kid.
No, your blanket didn't keep you warm. And it didn't protect you from all evil like your child self foolishly thought.
"You are late." As Satoru's best friend looked at him, he almost looked concerned.
"Sorry, slept in a bit." Satoru didn't look him in the eyes. "Where is the mission?"
Suguru inspected him a bit and then waved his hand. "Don't bother, I will do it today. You can rest today."
Satoru laughed a bit, but was confused when Suguru didn't laugh with him. "Wait, you mean that?"
"Yeah, Satoru." Suguru sighed. "You look like you need a break. And maybe," Suguru's voice grew a bit softer.
"You could talk to her about it, instead of working yourself dead."
Satoru scoffed as he looked to the side. "She doesn't want to see me. Like ever."
The following silence spoke loudly. And Satoru knew that it was his own fault.
But what was he supposed to do now? What did you want from him? How should he know, when you two didn't talk? How?
"Just go home Satoru."
"Don't raise your head to high. Just because you are married to Gojo, doesn't mean you will get the same treatment." Your mother pressed her lips together disapprovingly.
"Yes, mother."
She nodded and sighed as you waited for the other Clan members and higher ups to show up.
Your hands were shaking so you kept them hidden in your lap trying to gain the control other them again. But your anxiety grew by every second.
You weren't made for this pressure, this life. You weren't made for being the wife of the strongest.
You felt weak.
"They are here." A servant announced and your heart felt like it exploded.
"Good. Let them in." Your mother spoke calm and collected, like the power of the jujutsu society wasn't in her house. How did she become so untouchable?
As the door opened, you could feel the atmosphere becoming more sharp.
The higher ups were old. But that just made them more menacing for you. Those people were always just some force that would control your purpose, to you.
Now that force stood before you.
You looked down at your hands and you could feel their stares. Your hands were sweating madly as you began holding your breath.
You felt so small.
Gojo would keep his head up. He wouldn't fall into himself, he wouldn't care about their stares. Why couldn't you be like that?
Because you weren't born like him.
"Mrs. Gojo." The voice of an eldery woman. "How did you sleep tonight?"
What did they want from you? Why were you his wife, for God's sake? Why did you have to be a girl? Why, why, why?
"I slept well, thank you." You tried everything to keep your voice steady in front of them. Just try to not look so weak, okay?
"So can we asume an heir is on the way?"
"What?" Too surprised, you raised your head forgetting your mother's words.
And that made the stares just worse. The eyes were piercing you.
"You didn't sleep with him?" An old man looked disapprovingly at you. A man you didn't know.
He looked at your mother. "I thought we made it clear, that the heir was top priority!"
Your mother's eyes were boring into your head. "You did, and she knows that. I hope she knows her duties as his wife."
She didn't even talk to you. "I know." you looked down again. "We just didn't have the time to get to know each other-"
"What does that matter?" The eldery woman from the beginning sounded annoyed. "Knowing each other wasn't really your duty."
Your vision started to get blurry. Why?
"Well you at least talked about the honeymoon, right? Then you have time for your duties." You didn't know if your mother was trying to help you, or was trying to help the higher ups.
"No, we didn't really-"
It was difficult to breathe. Your mouth was hard to open and dry. Your neck was feeling sore, because of the looking down. Your eyes were...
Why did you even show up to the meeting?
Gojo wouldn't have bowed to their will. He would stand up. But you can't.
You just can look down.
"This will be more work than we hoped." You didn't try to differentiate their voices anymore.
"You have a lot to learn about how things work here." You felt like being pushed down onto the ground.
"Mrs. Gojo."
Satoru was feeling sick. You were nowhere to be found and he knew nothing about anything. The Servants couldn't tell him anything either.
First he thought you just needed a bit time for yourself and went for a walk or something.
That's what he thought ten hours ago.
Before he spend the whole day with megumi and tsumiki. Before he came home at 8 pm and you were still not home.
Was this it? Did you hate him this much, you would just leave?
Maybe he really fucked up that bad.
And as he was pacing up and down in the living room, dinner still untouched on the table, he felt terrible.
He didn't feel bad, when he skipped the meetings. No, he felt bad after he saw who he was hurting.
He was an asshole.
Why did you have to remind him of that? Suguru was doing that enough already. But when you did it, it stung much more and he didn't know why.
"Mr. Gojo?"
He flinched as he heard the voice of the little girl. Another reminder of you. The servant girl who was named Hina. Which he didn't know.
"The food is cold. Should we make it hot again?"
Oh. The food.
As he looked at the planned dinner he felt sorry for making her work again. And you also had to eat today.
"Wait. My wife isn't home yet, we will wait for her."
The girl blinked two times before slowly nodding. "If you wish so." With that she took the food with her to the kitchen.
Satoru didn't know what to do. You were such a mystery to him, would you really go as far as just leaving and never coming back?
He didn't know. Satoru stood there in the living room clueless. Didn't know if his wife would just run away or not. Ironic, isn't it?
Where were you? What should he do?
He sat down. And he waited.
You were tired. So, so tired.
The meeting was long. Countless yelling and accusations at you. Tips for in bed and advice how to convince him to sleep with you.
You felt sick.
Sick, because they want to hear from you weekly, how your 'sex life' with Gojo is going. All these old people obsessed with making a new prodigy for their schemes.
"You are replaceable." They told you. "We can find a new wife to get an heir."
"So stop, resisting."
"Do it for your Clan."
These people weren't right in the head. They were truly sick.
And as all these faces left, normal breathing was allowed. Your heart was working overtime all these hours and you felt dizzy.
"Why are you still here? Go home and start fufilling your duties."
Your mother still sat next to you, angry and stone cold.
"I don't know him." your voice was shaking. "I can't-"
"I didn't know your father too." Her voice was sharp. "Still I had priorities. And those should be your Clan."
Her body seemed like a statue. Unshakable.
"Mother, I don't think he wants-"
Her sudden yelling made you flinch. She took a breath and then spoke in her unshakable voice again.
"He is a man. They always want. And one day he will just take."
She stood up. She didn't seem unshakable anymore. No, she was more unreachable, it wouldn't matter what you said.
"Your car is ready to leave." That were her last words before she left.
You were always left alone.
As you took the final steps to the Gojo estate, you felt tired like never before. Only now you realized that you haven't eaten since breakfast.
You hoped Hina didn't worry to much and they had something ready. You just wanted to eat and sleep.
'Maybe I won't sleep so badly tonight,' you thought as you rang the door bell. 'Since I can't even stand properly, from all the sitting. And I should get my own key, since'
The door in front of you swung open with force and blue eyes were locked in yours.
He stopped himself as he looked at you. There was something in his look that you couldn't put your finger on.
"Are you okay?"
His look was becoming unbearable for you, so you looked down.
He just nodded and let you in. You hesitated before going in, not knowing what to do in his presence.
As you looked around, you noticed the empty dinner table. But what really caught your eye was that his plate was clean and not even touched.
"Hina," He remembered her name? You thought he would never... "We can eat now."
"Or have you eaten already?"
You didn't dare look at him. What was all this about? Why was he even talking to you?
"No." you cleared your dry throat. "I haven't eaten already."
He hummed and ordered Hina and the other chefs to warm up dinner.
Hesitant, you sat down at the other side of the big table. Awkwardly you looked around, feeling out of place, because of the sudden attention.
"Why are you already home? You worked longer the last days. You weren't here before 11 pm." Finally you found your voice.
Gojo looked at you and firstly didn't say anything. Then he looked away and cleared his throat. "I... Just had no missions today. So I came home early."
Hina showed up like a savoir for this conversation and brought dinner.
But she brought for two persons.
"You haven't eaten already?" you looked down at your plate, trying to eat normally but your position was so stiff it wasn't easy.
"No, i-" he stopped in his sentence and looked down at his plate. "I wasn't really hungry till now."
You just nodded, while trying to eat as quiet as possible. The silence between you was palpable. The only sond was the slicing of the knives.
You tried to keep yourself steady. You really shouldn't eat too fast or he would think you were running. Which you technically were, but he didn't have to know it.
"Where," Gojo tried to sound casual. "Where were you?"
You stopped eating and thought about what you should say. He shouldn't know about the meetings. Shouldn't know that you were 'trained' to be his duties fulfilling wife.
"I visited my mother." Technically not a lie. "She wants to meet me regularly."
He nodded and continued eating. Looked like he was satisfied. He shouldn't think you were unfaithful or anything like that.
"Do you have a good relationship with her?"
Your eyes widened and you looked up to really look him in the eyes. Those beautiful eyes.
"Good enough." your voice was barely a whisper. But he nodded like he was listening carefully to everything you said.
"Should I come with you some time?" he leaned a bit back in his seat. "Or do you think she doesn't want to see me?"
As you thought about all the times your mother ranted about Gojo because of his irresponsibility, you couldn't help but chuckle. "I don't think so."
His position stiffed a bit. "Why do you think so?"
"She thinks you are careless." Your voice was growing cold. "Because the meetings you missed, Gojo."
"Oh. Yeah right." He looked down again and mumbled something incoherently.
You didn't ask what he said.
The silence between you came back as you finished your meal. And as you were finished, you stood up taking your now empty plate with you.
"I will bring that in the kitchen." You could finally turn away from him and his eyes. "Good night."
You didn't really expect an answer. But Gojo seemed to like to surprise you.
"Good night, sleep well. You look exhausted, try to rest now."
Your traitor of a heart started to pound louder, like you were in a bad romance novel. Your mind told it to shut up, while you walked out of the reach of his eyes and presence into the kitchen.
You walked to Hina and handed her your plate with a smile, while telling yourself to breathe normally.
"Thank you, dear, it tasted fantastic."
The girl smiled back at you. "Happy to hear that, Mrs. Gojo. We were also happy to see you two eating together."
"Oh well," you waved her statement away. "It won't happen again I think. Was just a coincidence."
The girl in front of you looked confused and shook her head. "No, Mr. Gojo specifically ordered to wait for you to eat dinner. His food was ready 2 hours ago."
You couldn't help but blink at her. He waited for you?
A tiny little hopeful thought slid into your head, speaking quietly but still steady.
It was already later than usual as Satoru sat in the living room. His breakfast still untouched he fought with himself.
Your door was still closed.
No, one evening couldn't open a locked door so easily. And as he stared at your empty seat he wondered. Why was this table even that big?
He should change that.
Did you always wait for him to leave before you ate?
Weren't you hungry?
His phone rang as a new message popped up. It was from Suguru.
'Are you still home, Satoru?'
He stood up. This was dumb. He was acting dumb.
He knocked at your door. "Are you coming for breakfast?"
Maybe Satoru wasn't all bad.
@zoeyflower @bubera974 @ssetsuka @lady-of-blossoms @peqch-pie
@karlaolea @slut-for-fictional-men @tnt-kokoo @gojoscumslut @sillyfreakfanparty
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mapis-putellas · 12 days
Bad day
Pairing: Alexia Putellas x Reader
Words: 1698
Warnings: Swearing, crying
Summary: You’ve had a bad day and go to Alexia for comfort. Based on this request- here
Notes: Do you guys have chapters that write really well? Like, I barely had to change anything in the proof read and I’m kinda proud of myself. Enjoy <3
[prompt list]
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Today hadn't been a very good day. In fact, it had been absolutely terrible.
Firstly, you'd slept through the alarm you'd sworn you'd set, unintentionally snapping at Alexia for not waking you when getting up herself. Then you'd dropped your coffee -your very hot coffee to be precise- simultaneously ruining your blouse, burning your skin and souring your mood further because you didn't have time to get another one or go back home to change.
So not only were you un-caffeinated and smelling of stale coffee for the entire day, the AC in your office had finally decided to call all it quits. You'd spent the whole day sweating, and if all that was bad enough, you didn't have time for a lunch break, meaning you'd gone the whole day without eating because of course you'd slept through breakfast too.
So yeah. Today had not been a very good day. Right now, at this specific moment, all you wanted was a shower and for Alexia to hold you. Maybe some pizza too. But mainly Alexia.
But apparently the universe was determined to make your day even shittier because when you got home, you see Alexia busy on her laptop on a Skype call to someone. Your mood dwindles further as you glare at the back of her unsuspecting head. Of course. Of course she was busy. Alexia was always busy.
You pause in the midst of angrily kicking off your shoes. No. It wasn't her fault. None of this was. You were just frustrated. And angry. And sweaty. And hangry. And apparently Alexia deprived too.
"Stupid alarm. Stupid coffee. Stupid AC. Stupid everything." You grumble to yourself as you make your way down the hall to the bathroom, hastily stripping off and stepping beneath the scolding hot water.
You stay in the shower for probably longer than you should have, only stepping out when your fingers are wrinkly and you start to feel faint. The shirt Alexia had worn to bed last night was still strewn across her side of the bed, and without hesitation, you find yourself slipping it on along with a pair of underwear.
Your bare feet pad across the wooden floor as you make your way back through to the kitchen. Even if Alexia wasn't done, you needed to eat. You were way past hangry and slipping dangerously into murderous, and that was not how you wanted to end your already shit day.
Surprisingly, Alexia wasn't on Skype anymore. But she still looks busy prompting you to keep quiet as to slip past her and over to the refrigerator. You were part way through pouring yourself a bowl of cereal when her voice fills the room.
"Mi amor, I did not hear you come home."
You can't help but startle at the sound, turning around with the cereal box clutched to your chest. "Uhh, yeah. Hi. I saw you were busy and didn't want to bother you."
Alexia raises an eyebrow as she pulls her headphones out of her ears, leaning back in her chair and running a hand through her hair. It was unfair how attractive she looked doing that.
"I am never to busy for you bebé. How was your day?" She asks genuinely.
You simply purse your lips, the cereal box becoming crushed against your chest.
Alexia frowns. "That bad?"
You nod tersely.
"You want to talk about it? I can listen." She offers, but you shake your head.
"If you don't let me eat right now, I'm gonna bite your head off." You admit seriously, and Alexia huffs a laugh of amusement as she nods her head.
"Dinner is in the oven, amor." Alexia gestures to the appliance just next to you. "I did not want it to go cold."
Your hands drop to your sides. “You made dinner?" You feel your eyes start to burn with the familiar sensation of tears.
"Sí. I had some free time," she looks up you, "amor, are you crying?"
"I can't help it," you choke out before letting out a sob, and Alexia's heart breaks as she stands up and makes her way over to you, cupping the back of your head and pulling you into her arms. You fall limp against her, arms looping around her waist and squeezing tight as you bury your face into her chest. "I-I had such...such a bad day, and you...m-made dinner."
"I did, baby," Alexia so very rarely uses English terms of endearment with you, only doing so when you were so upset she fears you wouldn't understand her Spanish. "You are shaking, love. What happened?"
"I had a bad..bad day." Alexia almost finds herself tearing up at just how dejected and sad you sound.
"You did?" She muses softly, the hand on the back of your head combing gently through your hair. You nod against her chest, breath stuttering as you try and get yourself together.
"It is okay, baby. You can cry." She assures, and you let out another choked sob she tightens her arms around you. After a while, without prompting, you start to speak.
"I slept..slept through my alarm. Then I...I spilled my coffee and didn't have t-time to change or get another one. Then the st-stupid AC broke, and I missed lunch. And...and..." you trail off into another sob as you clutch desperately to the sides of her shirt, and Alexia frowns as she bends and loops her arms beneath your behind, standing up straight with you in her arms before easing you down onto the counter.
She steps in between your parted legs, feeling the way they hook tightly around her waist as your crossed feet rest against her ass.  Your stomach and chest were flush against her own as she holds you, one arm across your back whilst her hand cups the back of your head, fingertips grazing lightly over your scalp.
Your arms were around her shoulders, hands clinging to the back of her shirt as you sob softly into her shoulder. Alexia simply stands there and holds you, knowing you often got overwhelmed when someone tried to talk and make sense of things when all you needed was a good cry.
Eventually, your sobs fade into sniffles, and Alexia holds you for just a few moments longer before tentatively easing your upper body away from her, hand's delicately cupping your cheeks.
"It's sounds like you did have a pretty bad day, mi amor." She murmurs, leaning in to press a tender kiss to your forehead.
You nod, sniffling softly as your eyes fill with a fresh set of tears.
"No no, do not cry, bebé," Alexia soothes, using her thumbs to wipe away your tears, "it is okay now. You are home, with me." She pulls you back to her chest, feeling the way her heart breaks when you cling to her desperately like you were scared she was going to push you away. "I will fix you a plate of food, yes? Would you like some juice too?"
You nod with a quiet sniffle, feeling Alexia's hands slide beneath your bare thighs before easily hoisting you off of the counter and carrying you over to the dining table. She lingers with you in her arms for a few moments longer before easing you down onto the chair next to hers, kissing your forehead before moving to prepare you some food, and you stare longingly at the back of her body as she flips between the refrigerator and oven getting everything she needed.
Soon, she was back, and you can't help but smile as she sets a plate of pasta down in front of you along with a fork and some some juice.
"Gracias." You whisper hoarsely, feeling Alexia hum as she kisses your again forehead again before retreating back to her own seat.
After not eating all day, it was safe to say you were famished and end up eating your meal in about ten minutes flat. As you set down your fork, you look cluelessly around the room not quiet knowing that to do with yourself. Quite frankly, all you wanted to do now was sleep, but you didn’t want to do that without Alexia and you suspected she had to finish whatever work she was doing before finally retiring to bed. But you didn’t want to just sit here by yourself either.
Alexia soon solves this for you, grabbing the seat of your chair and pulling you closer. You look up at her, head tilted to the side.
"Come here, you can sit on my lap until I am done working." She uses her feet to push her chair back slightly before invitingly pats her thighs, but you hesitate, your earlier worries returning about not wanting to disturb her.
"Come here, bebè. Let me hold you." She reaches to grab your hand and lightly tugs, your resolve immediately breaking. You stand up and allow her to coax you into her lap, one leg either side of her own with your ass planted firmly against her thighs. You melt against her almost immediately, cheek resting against her shoulder as one of your arms settles around her waist. The other stays flush against her chest, fingers hooking tightly to her shirt.
Alexia relaxes at the feeling of your weight on top of her, using the hand that wasn't controlling her laptop to graze gentle circles across the length of your back. She hooks her chin into your shoulder, turning her face slightly to the left so she could breath in your smell for a few moments before focusing back on her work. The sooner she was done, the sooner she could focus one hundred perfect of her attention on you. But for now, she figure this was a good compromise.
"I love you, ale." She hears you murmur as she feels your warm hand creep up her shirt to rest between the back the chair and her bare skin, tracing absently over her tattoos.
"Te amo, mi amor."
@simp4panos @goldenempyrean @codiemarin @girlgenius1111 @liloandstitchstan
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velvetydream · 26 days
꒰ : ♠️ [ Got a fur coat, so I make it purr ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : Watching Seonghwa film the Matz MV with that tattoo on his neck, that fur coat and his slicked back hair did something to you.
Pairing : Dom! Seonghwa x Fem! Sub! Reader
Word count : 4K Words
Genre : Pure filthy detailed smut with little plot
Smut content ➵ DomSub Dynamic, Dirty Talk, Degrading, Praising, Blowjob, Insults (Slut, bitch, cockslut, cumslut), Mommy Kink (Reader to Seonghwa), Petnames (Princess, darling, baby, good girl, kitten, love, doll, dear), Nipple play (F receiving), Teasing, Slight chocking, Cunnilingus, Overstimulation (F receiving), Comming mutiple times (F), Fucking raw (Wrap it up people), Comming inside
a/n : The man he is.. Istg.. That MV did something to me, Seonghwa and Hongjoong were phenomenal 😩
Disclaimer : This is purely fiction and in no way supposed to dispict how Seonghwa is in real life. Please skip and block if you don't like it.
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It bothered you.
It bothered you how hot he looked in that stupid coat, with his stupid hair and that stupid fake 'MATZ' tattoo on his throat. How you wished to adorne that exact throat with hickeys and bitemarks, making sure everyone knew he was yours.
"So.. Hwa is doing pretty amazing isn't he?" Hongjoong stood beside you now, watching Seonghwa film one of his parts of the music video. Why did he have to mention it? Of course, he was doing amazing, more than amazing, and that stupid smirk of his he was showing to the camera. And after seeing them blindfolded in that car and being tied to those chairs, it was over for you, pressing your thighs together tightly. "Yeah, he's doing a really good job, the theme suits him." He nods as you two continue watching Seonghwa before he gets called over, and they switch, Seonghwa coming over to you and snaking his arms around your waist, smiling down brightly at you now.
"How was I? Was it okay?" It was obvious he was a bit nervous about his performance, smiling up at him softly pushing a strand out of his face. "You were more than okay Hwa, you were so amazing! The MV will be awesome!" Beaming up at your boyfriend now, his smile becomes even brighter, hiding his face in your neck, making you giggle till you hear a soft yawn. "Awe is my baby tired already?" Carding your fingers softly through the part of his non-braided hair, his breathing soft as he hugs you to his body, the fur coat he was wearing warming you up slightly in the cold November breeze.
"How long do you think the recording will take today?" Shrugging his shoulders softly, his head raised to look over to Hongjoong, who was now filming his own solo takes; it was afternoon already, and everyone had been up and filming for many hours already. "Probably not much longer. Hongjoong is almost finished, and then we'll continue tomorrow." Nuzzling his face back into your neck now, his arms hold tightly onto you, while your fingers move to play with the hair of his nape. A little bit sad on the inside that he seemed so tired already, you had hoped for some little fun at home but he'll probably just want to cuddle and sleep. "You staying over today?" Mumbling into your neck now, it tickled a little bit, before nodding and assuring him you'd stay over. "I missed you, we've been so busy lately.." A sigh leaves Seonghwas lips now, pressing a soft kiss to your neck, making the need in you grow even more and send heat to your core, that man was doing the most without even knowing he was.
"And cut! Good work everyone! You all did amazing! See you tomorrow to finish!" The director shouts as Hongjoong comes over to the two of you. "Let's go home and get a good night's sleep!" Hongjoong shouts, making everyone cheer, even Seonghwa raising his head now and cheering. Of course, you'd probably have to wait for Seonghwa to sleep before retreating to the bathroom quickly to take care of that growing need in your core. Moving into the van, Seonghwa leans his head onto your shoulder, that thick fur coat now laying over your legs to keep you two warm, Hongjoong in the front talking to their manager. "You wanna watch a movie before we sleep or something?" Seonghwa looks up to you now, making you ponder for a second before nodding. "Sure let's watch something." Pressing a kiss to his temple now before the van finally came to a stop after half an hour, arriving at the apartment complex Ateez was living at. "Goodnight you two, see you tomorrow!" Hongjoong waves you two goodbye as he exits the elevator while you two go one more up.
"Hwa! You guys are back early!" San shouts from the living room, looking up from the video game he and Mingi were playing. "Yeah, we started rather early, I'm tired though, and we have another day of filming tomorrow." The coat was in your arms now as you watched Seonghwa stretch his arms over his head, his back muscles flexing through the thin satin shirt; he was truly trying to kill you at this point. "Awee we hoped you'd be up for some dinner!" Mingi pouted now while Seonghwa declined, apologizing to them, telling them how he'd just want to relax a bit with you before sleeping. "Alright, we'll probably be gone in half an hour then, Woo and Yunho come along too," San tells you two, before turning back to the game.
Following Seonghwa to his room now, placing the coat over his chair, eyes set on the animal crossing lego set mid-build on his desk, before you feel his arms around your waist, his chin on your shoulder now. "We need to build a set again together; I miss spending time with you like that or playing animal crossing together.." Pouting now as he thinks of the time he wasn't able to spend with you recently, making you chuckle. "You big baby, you don't see me for a week and become all pouty and sad; how does Hongjoong keep up with you, hm?" Giggling at his expression now as you turn around in his arm, cupping his face softly in your palms, watching Seonghwa close his eyes in contentment. "Who can blame me? I didn't see the love of my life for a whole week, didn't get to kiss her, didn't get to hold her while I sleep.." Pressing many little kisses on your face now, you can't help but giggle, trying to push him away jokingly but his grip on you was too strong, his lips finally meeting yours.
"Get changed, I'll quickly grab something to drink and snack for us." Leaving the room now, you let out a sigh, squeezing your legs together softly. "Why does he always have to be such an angel.. I can't even be mad.." Starting to strip out of your clothes now, your bra soon joins the floor at last, leaving you in only your panties while rummaging through the Seonghwas closet in search of a good sleeping shirt before something pops into your brain. Eyes slowly traveled over to the fur coat Seonghwa had worn the whole day. Taking slow steps over to his desk, your fingertips graze the soft material as you run them over the brown coat. Another glance over your shoulder before grabbing the coat. Quickly, the coat was over your shoulders as you watched yourself in the mirror, giggling to yourself; it was already huge on Seonghwa and even bigger on yourself.
"Princess, we only had normal coke, no zero, or do you want somethin'-" Seonghwa entered the room again, looking down at the coke can in his hands, before looking up and meeting your eyes through the mirror. He was quiet. You quickly pull the coat closer around you to hide yourself before turning around to Seonghwa, his eyes following your every movement like a predator. "C-Coke is fine!" Squeaking out the answer now, your cheeks a deep red. It's not like Seonghwa never saw you naked before, he had many times on many different occasions, some innocent and some.. not so much. "Forget the coke, I found something else I want to snack on." With a smirk, he locked the door; Mingi and San were probably gone by now to eat dinner, but Seonghwa always acted cautious, just in case. Stalking over to you now leaving the can by the door, his whole body hovers over you; he was so freaking tall, staring down at you with a grin now. The grillz were gone now, but that damn tattoo was still on his throat, and his smokey eye makeup made his eyes appear even darker. "H-Huh?" Looking up at him confused now, he said he was tired? What changed his mind so quickly? But you got the answer for that with his next sentence.
"So beautiful in my coat hm~?" His hand was softly caressing your cheek right now, but the look in his eyes told you this would be anything but a soft night. Seonghwa was a duality in person; once he was soft in bed worshipping you through the whole night; in others, he was rough, degraded you, and made you cry tears of pleasure. "Yeah.." Your voice was shaking slightly making Seonghwa chuckle, leaning down now for a kiss. His lips were soft but desperate, his tongue soon licking softly over your lower lip; opening your mouth slightly, his tongue barely grazes yours. He hated messes, and the same goes for his kisses; they were passionate and breathtaking but never messy; he hated seeing people literally shove their tongue in their partner's mouth, so he rather opted for teasing you and leaving you breathless afterward. "On your knees, darling~" He whispers, and immediately you fall to your knees, looking up at him with doe eyes. "So obedient, despite being a little slut and rubbing those thighs the whole day at the set to ease that heat from your crotch hm~? Didn't think I would notice? So desperate for me, little slut~" He smirks down at you, his hand softly caressing your cheek, before shoving two of his fingers into your mouth, immediately sucking on them, trying to be the good girl he wants you to be.
Seonghwa always knew what got you going, he was such an attentive lover, always knowing what you needed. And right now, you needed him to ruin you, and he definitely would.
"Show me how bad you want me to ruin you, baby, you know how~" His smirk only grew as your slightly trembling hands reached over to his pants, sitting up on your knees now so your face is one level with his hips, you slowly start to open the belt and continuing on to his jeans. Slowly lower them to his knees, already seeing the bulge in his boxers and the little wet stain of precum, looking up at Seonghwa for permission now. "Good girl, go ahead, be nice and you'll be rewarded~" Looping your fingers on the waistband of his boxers now, you slowly lower them down his dick springing free, precum glistening on the pinkish head. Your hands leave his clothes as they slowly inch up now, wrapping around him and giving his length a few pumps, watching his face contort in pleasure as he throws his head back slightly and lets out a low groan, his mouth agape. Seonghwa always looked so pretty when you pleasured him. Lowering your head now, you give the tip slow kitten licks, before sucking the head slightly into your mouth, tongue pressing against the underside. "O-Oh fuck darling..!" His hand was grabbing your hair softly now as moans spilled from his pretty plump lips, encouraging you to take more of him into your mouth.
Bobbing your head up and down his length now, while softly holding onto his thighs, Seonghwas hand still gripping your hair while pants and low moans leave his mouth alongside vulgar words. "So good for me.. So fucking good..!" His dick was throbbing in your mouth, indicating that he was close, but before he could come, he pulled you off of his length, cheeks red as he looks down at you. Watches your swollen lips shine with spit and precum, tugging your chin up as he leans down to give you another kiss. "Get on the bed baby~" Taking off his pants now, he watches you stand up and about to take the coat off, making him groan in disapproval. "Keep that fur coat on baby, I want you to wear nothing but that when I'm done with you." He groans, slowly unbuttoning his shirt now and letting it slip to the floor; the only thing left on him are the gold chains.
"Are you sure? It might get dirty, and you'll have to wear it again tomorrow!" You look at him, worried now, making him smirk at you, chuckling lowly when your eyes meet his bare face, and your cheeks blush a deep red. "It's fine, baby, I'll wash it after I'm finished with you because it will definitely get dirty~" With a slight shove to your shoulder, you land on the bed now, staring up at your lover. It was so hot when he acted so dominant, he was always dominant, but more often than not, a soft dom, so you savored him being this mean and manhandeling. "Look at my little slut, won't you be nice for Mommy and let me ruin you hm~?" Seonghwa was hovering over you now, his hand caressing your cheek yet again, rubbing away some spit from your chin from before. "Please, Mommy, ruin me.." You moan out to him; you were desperate for him; it was insane what an effect he had on you.
"If you beg so nicely, how can I say now?" Lips were wandering down your throat and to your collarbone now, leaving hickeys and bitemarks on his way down till he reached your soft mounds. His right hand slowly sneaks up the side of your body, his fingertips softly grazing your skin, making goosebumps erupt before his hand finally reaches your chest. Feeling his hand on your chest now, a quiet moan left your lips, watching him kneed the soft flesh, watching it slightly spill between his fingers. Lowering his head down now while keeping his eyes on you, teasingly licking over your left nipple, watching your face scrunch up in pleasure, before sucking the sensitive bud into his mouth, enjoying the pleasured sounds and heavy breaths you were making. Soon he switched the sides, his teeth slightly grazing the right bud now, making your back arch, before sucking it into his mouth again. Your body felt like it was on fire already, the heat that was collecting in your core throughout the whole day unbearable by now. "Mommy, please.. Please make me feel good!" Looking up at your face now, watching the crystal tears rim your eyes made Seonghwa chuckle. "Begging so nicely for me my little kitten, let me make you feel good~"
Kisses were now being placed on his way down, pressing an extra few kisses on your stomach before slowly reaching where you needed your lover the most, before he moved away and kissed up and down your thigh. Crying out now as your body thrashes from the need to be pleased. "Mommy~ Please stop teasing I need you!" Moaning out to him, a few tears run down your cheeks from pure sexual frustration. It has been over a whole week since you last saw and got touched by Seonghwa and now he was teasing the shit out of you. "Be patient slut; you know exactly impatient bitches don't get what they want." He growls out, his hand coming to rest around your throat as a warning, putting slight pressure on it, making you gasp. "I-I'm sorry Mommy! I-I won't be impatient, I'm a good girl!" You cry out, wanting so badly to be good for him. "Oh I know you are baby, that's why you'll get rewarded, you've been so obedient tonight~"
A loud moan leaves your lips as you feel Seonghwas finger teasingly glide over your ruined panties. They've probably been soaked since you saw Hwa today for the first time in the exact coat you're wearing right now. "So wet already? What a little slut, I bet you were soaked even while talking to Hongjoong today~" Smirking as your body trembles at his words, desperate moans leaving your lips. Feeling him slowly pull the panties down your legs now, before he lets them fall to the ground, watching your glistening folds in awe. "So gorgeous, so wet and pretty and all for me~" He moans, as his finger softly slides through your folds to gather some wetness, before lightly circling your clit. Your back arches off the bed now as load moans spill from your red lips, eyes shut. The pleasure was overwhelming, you were probably not going to last for very long. "Your body is so responsive today, is it because I wasn't there to please you for a week? I bet those tiny fingers of yours can't reach that spot you love." With that he shoves two of his fingers knuckle deep into your core, hitting the mentioned spot immediately. "Y-Yes, Mommy! O-Only yo- Fuck..! You can reach that spot..!" The fingers moving in and out of your core now were making nasty wet noises but it only turned you on even more, opening your eyes to watch his fingers get coated by your slick. Legs were slowly trembling now as your walls started to tighten around his fingers; Seonghwa knew what that meant; you were close. Reaching his other hand down now and with just a few tight circles to your clit you came. Comming on his fingers as your body arches off the bed, high pitched moans rolling from your tongue.
"So gorgeous, just look at you coming all over my fingers~" Watching his shining fingers now, he closes his eyes as he takes them into his mouth, moaning around his in your slick-covered digits. "I think I need more of this, you taste to divine my love~" Moaning out, he looks down at your cunt as he lowers his body to lay on the bed as you slightly shake your head, it would be too much, you knew it, you always got so sensitive after your first orgasmn. "Love what's the safe word?" Looking down at Seonghwa, he was back to his soft and caring self for a second, making sure you had a way to tell him if it got too much. "Bunny.." You mumble softly, making him smile, leaning up again to plant a soft kiss on your lips, tasting yourself on him. "Use it when it gets too much, but I know you can take it~" He murmurs against your lips, nodding as he settles down between your legs again, his eyes darkening after making sure you were alright.
Eyes cast down at your cunt now, he gives it a long lick from down up to your clit, before sucking the sensitive bud into his mouth. Arms circling around your thighs now, holding them open and making your butt stay on the bed as moans of overstimulation stumble from your lips. Seonghwa truly knew how to use his tongue; it was always heaven when he ate you out. His tongue was lapping at your clit softly, circling it and rubbing from side to side, soon pushing two of his fingers inside of you again. At this point, you were sure your voice would be hoarse by tomorrow with how loud you were moaning. "You're doing so well for mommy, letting me feast on you~" Nodding at his words, you were barely able to comprehend his words right now. Noticing how your orgasmn was creeping up on you quicker than before. "I-I'm comi-" Before you could even finish your sentence, you came around Seonghwas's fingers a second time, feeling him pull them out very quick and lapping up your cum, moaning against your cunt which shot vibrations through your whole body.
Panting heavily, your eyes were closed as Seonghwa slowly moved above you, smirking down at you, pushing some strands of sticky hair out of your face. "My pretty doll, so good for me, now let me fuck you well, and we can finally rest, hm~" Tears were pricking your eyes from overstimulation, but Seonghwa knew that if it got much, you would use the safeword and you knew he would immediately stop and take care of you. "Please, Mommy. Fuck me, fuck me like a good little toy!" You cry out for him, arms reaching out making him chuckle. He loved how obedient you were, the perfect little darling, always trying your best to please him. "If you ask so nicely, of course, I will, Mommy will use you like the little cockslut you are~" Aligning his dick with your entrance now, due to your multiple orgasms it was so easy for him to slip in, both of you moaning out from him slowly pushing into you before he finally bottoms you out, giving you some time to adjust.
"Such a good girl, taking me so well, will you let Mommy come in you? Claim you? Paint your walls with my cum?" The words made your eyes roll back, along with the first thrust of his hips, seeing white dots from the pure pleasure your body was feeling. "Please, Mommy, come in me! Use me as your cumslut! Please!" Your brain was by now on standby, with only one thought in your mind and that was having Seonghwa fill you up. His thrusts were sharp, making your body bounce with every thrust of his hips; watching him sit up slightly now as you felt him push your knees to your chest before sinking back inside even deeper. Like this, you were not going to last very long.
"Fuck princess, you're so tight, like you were made for me and only me!" Seonghwa groans as his hips hit yours at a rapid pace, soon growing sloppier and sloppier, knowing he was close. "Come for me darling~" He whispers in your ear as he thrust a deep thrust and circles your clit lightly, back arching as you come around him, with the contracting of your walls Seonghwa came with a few more thrusts, spilling his seed deep in your core, letting your legs down as his body rests on yours, both of you panting heavily.
"Are you fine my love? Was too much?" Back to his lovely self, Seonghwas eyes hold nothing but pure love for you. Shaking your head, you assure him you are fine and that he was amazing. Nodding, he slowly pulls out, watching his cum ooze out of your hole, making the man moan out loud. "How I wish I could clean you up right now or, even better, push my cum back inside and fill you up again, but that's for another time; let's clean you up; I'll be back in a second." Standing up, he grabs a pair of sweatpants as he leaves for the bathroom, cleaning himself up quickly before coming back with a wet and dry towel in hand, sitting down beside you again, and carefully cleaning your body. Making sure to be extra careful with your core to not make you uncomfortable, helping you stand up as he cleans you more, before pulling the messed up coat away from the bed; luckily, it helped the bed stay clean. Turning to his closet quickly, he grabs one of your clean panties and one of his shirts, helping you slip both on, before telling you to lay down. "I'll quickly put this into the washer, and then I'm back, my love." A soft kiss was pressed to your lips as you lay down while he left the room with the cost in his hands.
Soon arms were hugging you close to a warm chest from behind. "You were amazing dear, thank you." Turning around you look up at your lover with a smile, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I have to thank you, you took such great care of me." He lets out a sigh. "Not too rough?" Shaking your head now, you cuddle up to him, telling him how this was perfect and you couldn't have wished for anything else. "Let's sleep for now, my love; we're probably both exhausted now and still got some filming tomorrow." He murmurs against your hair, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head before you fall asleep in the arms of your lover. You had to say that Seonghwa was the best lover you could ever ask for; he took such amazing care of you and pleased you in just all the right ways; sometimes you wonder how you ever deserved this wonderful person.
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rhaenyra-storms · 3 months
Cregan Stark x reader where he teaches reader how to use a sword for safety reasons.
i think cregan would love to teach you some moves with a sword
pairing: cregan stark x f!reader warnings: training with blunt swords, a little teasing, reader is shorter than cregan words: 927
It wasn't a secret to anyone that the Lord of Winterfell was madly in love with you. He wanted to keep you safe – at all times. It wasn't uncommon for him to order a few more guards to follow you whenever he deemed a situation a little more dangerous. Especially if you were travelling without him.
Cregan would trust most of his men with his life. But he couldn't really accept the off chance that you would have to defend yourself one day. However, he had always seen you, his wife, as a strong woman – capable of defending yourself when needed and with the right amount of willpower to get through anything.
But you hadn't been taught formally how to swing a sword or what points to hit with a dagger if an opponent came too close.
He wanted to change that.
When you both found a quiet day in the castle, where your time wasn't filled with the duties of a Lord and Lady, he invited you to join him in the godswood. It was a secluded enough area so you could both train on your own.
"I really don't know if I will be good at this, Cregan," you sighed as you followed the tall man towards the weirwood tree. Winter was still far away, but the air was cold today. Your husband seemed to welcome it as he had already told you this morning that this was 'the perfect temperature to train'.
"You won't be good at it at first, my love. It's going to take some time, but-" His hand cupped your cheek gingerly as he looked down at you, his gaze briefly moving to your lips. Sometimes it was hard for him to resist pulling you in and just kissing you instead of talking.
"It's going to keep you safe. And I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you while I wasn't there," Cregan's tone had turned more serious, his eyebrows pushed together in concern. You gently placed your hand on his chest, nodding slowly. You understood that your husband was worried for you and if it made him feel better to know you'd taken some lessons in defending yourself... you wouldn't be the one to argue against it.
"I know, darling." You gave him a little smile which was already enough to make his heart melt. Cregan was a strong man, a wolf some might say, but he always seemed to melt around you.
"Good. Let's get started then." Your husband smiled back at you, an excited glimmer in his eyes. Before he let go of you, he stole a small kiss from your lips before he headed to the weirwood tree and picked up two blunt swords he had placed there earlier.
You had switched your dresses for some light pants and a white tunic today. It would be easier to move around that way and you had to admit that it felt a little freeing somehow – at least if you had to watch your step a lot more.
Cregan handed you one of the swords, making sure you closed your fingers around it properly. His fingers lingered on yours for a moment longer as he searched for your eyes. His expression was stern and serious, his hold on your hand strong, but still gentle.
"You have to keep a firm grip on the sword, alright? That's almost half the work already. The swinging will come naturally." He didn't have to teach you how to parry right away or how to distract your opponent – this would be enough for now. You would have to get a feel for the sword first.
"Alright," you nodded along and watched as Cregan stood opposite of you.
Your husband was always an imposing sight. His black armour and the Stark sigil on his chest, his dark hair tied back...
But his eyes always looked at you kindly.
"Try to attack me, my love."
You tried to hit a blow at your husband with the training sword which he easily blocked. You had wrapped both of your hands around the hilt of the sword while Cregan was defending himself easily with one hand swinging his own weapon.
You went back and forth like this for a while until you started to feel more and more confident in your movements. It even started to be a little fun as you two laughed when you stumbled or Cregan got distracted by how good you looked swinging a sword.
He'd be lying if he said that it didn't even turn him on a little to see you all sweaty, swinging a sword at him and dancing back and forth in the godswood as he blocked your blows.
"You're doing great," he kept encouraging you, watching your movements as you attacked him once more. This time though, you managed to catch him a little off guard and he was the one stumbling over some roots in the ground, falling backwards into the grass.
His sword tumbled out of his hand and you stumbled as well as you lost your balance.
Your weapon flew a few feet away. You landed on top of your husband, letting out a surprised gasp when you found yourself on top of his chest.
"I'm sorry, Cregan," you laughed, looking down at him as he moved his hand to rest on the small of your back.
"It's alright. I think I rather enjoy the sight," he grinned, a mischievous glint sneaking into his eyes.
To be fair, you enjoyed the sight as well.
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xeeljii · 1 month
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I am here to be yours I don't want you to hurt
WARNING! Explicit RPF! 
Summary: Joost hasn’t been in a real relationship in a long while and when his first anniversary with you rolls around he fucks up royally. 
Word count: 7,4k
CW: 18+, f! reader, no pronouns used for reader, angst but happy ending, established relationship, make up sex, premature ejaculation is romantic lol, multiple orgasms, shower sex.
IMPORTANT A/N! I usually write with an older/current age Joost in mind but this one feels more early 20s type so just keep that in mind. 
Joost was finishing up his album, it was chaos and you had almost not seen each other in the week, texting sparingly and only ever feeling his presence when you got back from work and saw more of his clothes had disappeared and new ones appeared in the hamper, it was a storm brewing with both of you blissfully unaware. He hadn’t been sleeping much or at all, totally engrossed in his work, he gives you shit about your dedication to yours but he is the real workaholic, once he gets an idea can't stop until it is finished, even forgetting to eat or what day it is. Speaking of days, today was Saturday, also your anniversary. He had a reservation for a table at your favorite restaurant, had already planned every step of the day and the evening months ahead, like it was the world cup final and yet today of all days he didn’t text you at all. You assume that he must be in the studio finishing up something, and you would just meet up at the restaurant at six like you had planned. 
However his brain was completely fried, overworked to exhaustion, the blinds of the studio pulled down to concentrate and phone thrown around somewhere in silence because he just NEEDED to get this las song done. He doesn’t know when the last time he had a proper meal was or what time of the day it was but when he finishes the song that had been driving him crazy for three days straight he feels he can final breath in relief. The tension in the studio had been palpable for a few days now but when he yells “Done!” triumphantly everyone feels at ease again.
“I think I need a drink or a few.” Someone suggests and everyone follows with jovial moods. 
Joost is so tired but just wants to let loose for what feels like the first time in forever. The group ends up at someone’s house, alcohol starts being poured and the music is loud enough to deafen, someone’s neighbors will complain surely but right now as Joost sits on the couch finally able to not think about the album anymore he couldn’t care less. He just relaxes, drinks and smokes like it is his last night on earth and laughs with his friends until his stomach hurts.  
You on the other side are sitting alone in a fancy restaurant table. You stay there far longer than you should, you text him and try to call him insistently but no luck. Did he get in accident? After an hour you start getting scared and desperate but don’t want to move in case he actually comes. You are a beautiful statue of nerves and anxiety glued to the table dumbly waiting for someone who isn’t coming. By the second hour you check your phone again, no reply but then you open instagram and see someone had posted a picture with his recognizable figure on the background, on closer inspection you can see cans of beer thrown around and bottles of liquor decorating every corner of the place. You feel as if a cold bucket of water has been dropped on your head. Your palms start sweating, you are holding onto the phone painfully thigh, you feel like everyone is watching you, like every couple in the restaurant is judging you and feeling pity for how stupid you are. You can’t stand it anymore and you stand from the table as gracefully as you can, feeling cold anger burn inside you, you pay for your drinks and get a taxi home. You are silently fuming and can’t stop the angry tears from falling from your eyes that you are wiping away furiously with your trembling hands.
Right after you enter your shared apartment and kick off your shoes you hear the door open again, there are heavy steps almost stumbling up to the living room before he sees you.
“Hi liefde.” He is smiling so widely, oblivious to your inner turmoil and just happy to see you in what has been way too long, he tries walking up to you but you move out of his way quickly.
You notice the stumble on his step and the smell reaches you, he is completely wasted. He tries to get his balance again resting his elbow on the kitchen counter and looking up at you. He wolf whistles or does his best attempt at it in the state he is in.
“You look so are pretty schat, did you have dinner with your friends?” His eyes are unfocused and half lidded it all makes to enrage you even more.
“I don’t know Joost, did you have drinks with yours?” You say venom dripping from every word and if he wasn't so intoxicated maybe he would notice, but instead he replies happily. 
“Yeah! We finished the album!” He tries to grab hold of you and pull you into a hug but again you avoid him, shaking the grab of his hand from your wrist.
“You reek.” You say walking away from him to get a glass of water.
He is a little confused now but he has missed you so much he just wants a little kiss. “Yeah sorry.” he smiles sheepishly rubbing a hand through his messy hair but you don’t even look up, your back facing him. 
“Liefde~” he purrs, his arms reach at your hips from behind, he pulls himself closer, wraps his strong arms around your middle and rest his head against the top of yours. “I missed you baby.” You don’t reply, don’t move at all, it is like you are barely breathing.
His brain is trying to catch up with what is happening, you would usually do something to hold him back, rest your hands against his or at least hum in acknowledgment if you are busy, but now in his arms it feels like he is holding at a cold marble statue. He is starting to panic a little, trying to remember something he did wrong and coming on empty handed. He waits a long moment before opening his mouth again.
“Wait did I forget to empty the dishwasher?” He asks timidly.
Unbelievable, he doesn’t even know it, doesn’t even remember, you had spent hours getting ready for a guy who stood you up to go drinking and doesn’t even know. You feel so stupid, in a second start second guessing every moment of your relationship, every tender word, every decision that got you to this place.
“I don’t know Joost, if it is so unimportant then maybe it isn’t worth your worry.” You reply almost in a whisper, your voice cracks in the last part.
You are angry but even more you are sad, you feel dumb and out of place in his life, all the little insecurities you had been carrying around come back with a vengeance to kick you when you are down. You doubt of the place you even have in his heart, the embrace of his arms feels fake rather than welcoming and you just push him away to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling.
You feel tears start to form at your waterline again, your heart feels heavy and you can barely breath in. You start to walk away. 
When he fells you step away from his arms a cold fear goes straight up his spine. “Baby…” He calls out, panic clear in his tone.
You turn on your feet, defeated faced covered in tears. “It was our anniversary” You say, looking at him.
He looks paralyzed for a second and then you see the exact moment the words make sense in his head. “I didn’t-I forgot- we were gonna go to that place - oh fuck liefde.” He is stumbling all over his words, he makes a move to reach you but you lash out again, he has no right to be acting like this when he was the on that left you all alone.
“I was alone in that restaurant for hours! I kept texting and calling you like an idiot thinking you would show up thinking oh he wouldn’t forget me here, right? Everyone was looking at me like I am dumb and maybe I fucking am because why am I even with someone who can’t be bother to show up and instead goes get fucking wasted on OUR ANNIVERSARY!” Your throat feels raw with every word, you are screaming on his face, the anger and sadness boil into something vicious you want to hurt him, want to make him feel the same way you felt, it is an awful thing that you can’t stop.
“I am sorry liefde, please.”
You can’t stand to see his face right now, turn around and start walking to the bedroom. You want to get undressed quickly, get out of the stupid clothes he bought you and the stupid lingerie you had bought to match them, you wanted to surprise him but he ended up being the one to surprise you in the worst way possible. You feel so pathetic and small it is making you start to itch.
“Baby please look at me.” He keeps walking quickly behind you, doesn’t know what to say or what to do that will make you feel better “I will make it up to you, I promise.” He grabs at your wrist but you quickly pull away again almost painfully. 
“Oh you promise? Well we have both have seen how much you care about your promises.” Your sarcastic tone cuts right through his heart. He looks hurt by that. 
He is not used to anniversaries or birthdays or really keeping track of the year on events, he goes with the flow of things and that is exactly what you like about him but now it feels like he just doesn’t care about you and that thought is scary, it makes you feel completely unimportant like the old kettle on his kitchen or the forgotten old clothes at the back of the closet, it makes you mean.
“Schat, please, let's talk.” Every pet name feels like another slap.
It is your first anniversary together, he had been so excited, he wanted to make you happy and yet here you were angry and hurt all because of him, he didn’t want you to remember your first like this and all of a sudden he worries this would be the only anniversary he would get with you.
“Shut the fuck up! I don’t want to hear you, I don’t want to see you right now. Go sleep on the couch or get out and go drinking I don’t give a fuck, just leave me alone!”  You walk quickly into your shared room that right now feels like prison and close the door with a loud bang after you. 
The shared apartment that is usually filled with music and laughter is now in complete silence, it feels cold and empty, the air is thick with tension and the only sounds are of the clock on the wall that you had bought and the dripping from the faucet on the kitchen that he had forgotten to fix. He stands in the middle of the living room unable to move, he wants to cry, wants to scream, wants to beat himself up for being so useless, wants to crawl on hands and knees and plead with you, but above all else he feels so guilty. He can’t get the image of your sad face from out of his head and this time it is all his fault. He never wants to hurt you, only wants to be the cause of your happiness. Maybe he really is not made to be in a relationship like some people had warned him, maybe even worse he doesn’t deserve it.
Inside the room you undress quickly and throw everything into the hamper. You change into your pajamas, usually you like to wear his clothes to sleep, his familiar smell makes you more relaxed but now you can’t deal with it. You throw yourself on the shared bed and cry silently against the pillows, they smell just like him it only adds fuel to the fire. You can’t stop yourself you feel the world crumbling around you and there is no exit, no one that will come save you and the only person who would you don’t even know if you matter to him at all.
After what feels like hours you must have become exhausted from your own crying and fallen into deep slumber. 
You wake up in the early hours of the morning, your throat feels painfully dry, your head hurts, your eyes feel heavy but now you are too tired to cry anymore. You feel something at the end of the bed, you raise on your elbow and look down, there he is, the bastard, at the foot of your bed like a kicked puppy. He must have wormed his way in the room at some point during the night while you slept and fallen sleep still on his clothes. He looks so pale, you realize there are deep dark circles under his eyes and it pains your heart even in the middle of all this fighting. He has one cold hand holding lightly at your calf under the covers, so pathetic. You want to kick him, watch him tumble from the bed, but still he is your bastard, no? 
You are still angry and you have no intentions of playing nice after what he just pulled on you, you hit him lightly with your foot and then harder when he doesn’t wake up. Finally groggily and confused he raises his head and immediately looks for your face in the dark of the early morning.
“I told you I wanted to sleep alone.” You say with a cold tone.
“Sorry, I missed you.” He says sniffling softly and rubbing at his eyes, you can tell from how red they are that he had been crying too.  “Can we talk please?” He says now sitting on the edge of the bed. 
“I don’t know. Are you still drunk?” You throw back harsh words at him, he regrets it, really does, he truly forgot, not that it makes it okay but the thought of you sitting waiting for him all alone in a restaurant for hours breaks his heart.
“I am really very sorry.” You don't reply and just cross your arms over your chest. “I totally forgot and I know it is not an excuse, we just finished the new song and we wanted to celebrate, it slipped my mind then I lost track of time, I had no idea it was already Saturday.” He looks up at you expectantly. 
“Well I’m happy you had fun!” It comes with more bite than perhaps you want it but still there is tension bubbling inside you. 
“Liefde…” He sounds pleading. 
You bite at your lip before speaking to keep in a pathetic little sound, you don’t want to start crying again so you swallow down harshly. “You really hurt me Joost.”
You hate saying those words, you hate the way his face breaks at them, but it is the truth and that hurts the most.
He starts crawling up the bed softly, slowly like a scared animal, as if you were going to push him away again. “I know, and I cannot apologize enough.” He still has his hand on your calf rubbing slow circles on your skin more to calm himself down than anything, you liked his little habit of fidgeting with his hands when he was nervous but now it is a painful reminder of everything that has happened. “I know I can’t make up for it right now but I really do love you, I love you so much and I am so sorry for hurting you I never wanted-“ his voice cracks, tears had started falling from his deep blue eyes at some point his voice sounds wet and strained, he sniffles trying to compose himself. “I really love you, I don't want to lose you”.
Your eyebrows knit in worry, you hate that he even thought that he would. “You won’t.”
You grab at his hand in your leg, and stroke lightly over it, you are gonna be okay, maybe not right now, maybe it will take some time to rebuild but it is okay, you are gonna give yourself and him the chance, it is going to be okay in the end or it is not the end. 
He allows himself to cry at that, unhurriedly like he can finally breath again. He goes to place a kiss on your knee, looks up through wet eyelashes, you pull at him to sit up, he follows easily and when you pull your hand away he wants to chase it but doesn’t want to try his luck too much. You lay softly against the pillows before you open you arms motioning for him to come over, he does so quick that he almost crushes into you, whispering little I’m sorries against the crook of your neck, kissing softly at the warm skin so his love can reach you. You let him, you feel his soft sniffles against your skin, his cheeks, his whole face, is wet with tears, you run your fingers through soft strands of golden hair, you have cried enough for today and it feels the first time you can truly breath easy. With him in your arms you feel at peace again. You let him cry as he wishes and just caress his back through it until he calms down. 
After a long while you think he might have fallen asleep on you but then he speaks up almost in a whisper. “I really do love you so much.”
You pull at his shirt gently so he will meet your eyes “I love you too Joost, always” You kiss him softly it taste salty but comforting, it taste like him, like home. 
You continue to kiss softly like you are kissing for the first time again, it feels good and soothing to your heart, he kisses you like he wants to melt into you, you know he loves you as you do. You still want to tease him a bit though, so you pull back and whisper an inch against his lips. 
“You know I bought a new lingerie set.” He perks up immediately, you shake your head, “Already took it off, since my boyfriend stood me up and all that.” You scrunch your nose for emphasis, he immediately pouts he can’t belive on what he is missing for his own mistakes. 
“Liefde-” He starts to whine, you pinch at his cheeks.
“I was really looking forward to tonight.” You pout at him, he gets the hint immediately so in tune with you sometimes words are not needed.
“Can I at least make this up to you now?” He says big blue yes staring at you pleading while his hand goes to play with the band of your pajama shorts. 
“Make it worth my while” You smile at him. 
He crawls slowly over your body gently to not put any weight on you. You look up at him, eyes still a little heavy with sleep, a little red from crying, it makes his heart hurt uncomfortably in his chest. He goes to kiss at the high of your cheeks gently placing soft little pecks on your eyes on the tip of your nose until he finally reaches your lips. His first kiss is chaste a little nervous but you open your mouth for him so he starts moving more insistently, kissing you back, he pushes his tongue past your teeth caressing softly at the inside of your mouth. Your hands find the back of his neck and grab instinctively pulling him closer, his hands roam slowly down your body until he reaches the hem of your camisole, you nod against his kiss so he pulls it off you in quick motion before returning to your lips. He kisses along your jaw, leaves an open mouthed trail of kisses down to your neck, feels the lingering scent of your perfume, the one he got you while traveling, he licks at the column of your throat it sends your heart into overdrive. He kisses slowly on your collar bones, bites gently at the skin there while his hands rub sotting shapes at your waist where he is holding you.
He starts pressing big open mouthed kisses at the skin of your chest, reaches one hand to play with one of your soft mounds, slightly stimulating the sensitive skin of you nipple, you press against his touch so delicious and warm in the middle of the cold room. He is licking and sucking all over your tits but avoiding your most sensitive spot where you want him, your legs are rubbing together trying to get any friction going on your core. You grow tired of the teasing as much as he wants to take this slow you are impatient as ever. 
“Joost-“ you whine pushing your chest against his face, he is breathing right against the skin of your nipple but won’t move. 
“Yes baby?” He asks playing coy, how dare he tease you.
You press your breasts together pushing them towards his warm lips. “Please~” You say in a breathy whiny moan that has him twitching in his boxers.
He always sets out to take his time with you and loses that battle halfway through when you sound so needy, he can’t say no and much less now. He goes to lick over your nipple, the skin hardens at the contact he sucks gently first then harder moving his tongue on the tip while his hand plays with the other scratching softly with his nail at the pebbled skin. Kneads softly at the fat with his big hand then switches and repeats the process. He sucks at the perked bud, his eyebrows are furrowed in concentration trying to bring you as much pleasure as he can to show you all the love he feels.
He keeps his beautiful ministrations down your tender body until he reaches you navel, kisses at your belly softly then moves even further south, reaches with sweet hands to the hem of your pajama shorts, you nod at him with a lip trapped between your teeth. He pulls the last of your clothing off in a swift motion, you feel how wet you are, naked, fully to his mercy. He kisses softly down the mound between your legs leaving a sweet peck at your clit that has you mewling but you know when it comes to this, it is as much about you as it is about him, so you let him take his time to do as he pleases. He kisses the inside of your thighs, because you are his, because he can. Takes his sweet time feeling the soft skin there, then licks a stripe up your core, it makes you twitch against his mouth. He adds to the wetness with his spit, with two fingers he spreads you open to kiss deeper into you, you feel his tongue exploratory at your hole softly pushing against the wet muscle. 
“Yes like that” You keep giving little praises to keep him going, your hands go to his hair to keep him in place, as if that was even needed when between your thighs is his favorite place on earth. He could live like this eternally and be grateful. 
He sucks gently at your clit, feels how hard it is on his tongue, licks up and down toying with it, you push your hips up towards his face, he moves his hands to hold at your hips, you are trembling slightly, he moves his hands and grabs behind your thighs and pushes one up placing it behind his shoulders to give himself more room. 
“I’m so close Joost please don’t stop”. You say, he moans against your heat in response, it vibrates on every nerve, he is kissing and licking wildly into you like he is making out with your pussy rather than eating you out, it is too much you have too look away and yet the lascivious sounds he pulls from you fill the room.
He licks deeply into your cunt, into the deep sweetness, he fucks you with his tongue until you have tears rolling down your cheeks while his other hand presses soft but firm circles on your clit to bring you to an orgasm. You feel yourself unraveling quickly your hips pushing wildly against him while he continues to lick you through it, he feels your pussy twitch and clench on his tongue, he is so painfully hard at some point he started humping against the mattress to relieve tension, your sweet screams of pleasure are all the reward he wants. You pull on his hair so hard it hurts but he doesn’t separate even an inch from you while you ride your high trying to prolongate it as much as he can with soft licks to your core and deft fingers on your clit. 
When the stimulation gets too much you start running from the touch, he places soft kisses on your wet folds as you push away his head gently but he holds you by the hips, hugging around your lower half to keep you close. He rest his head against one of your thighs and looks up so blissful, all pussy drunk and sweet, chin and mouth still wet with your release. 
“Get naked, I want to feel you.” You say more as an order than a plea and he is up from the bed in a second. 
He is still wearing the clothes he wore when he came home, not like he could have changed into anything since you locked yourself in the bedroom. He has sobered up but he is still a little slow and uncoordinated. Your hands moves slowly down you chest pulling lightly at your nipples still wet from his spit, he starts tracking your movements with his eyes, swallows deeply. He pulls his shirt over his head and catches how your hand goes between your legs and start softly toying with your bundle of nerves looking up to him through heavy eyelids. He can’t pull his eyes away, can’t move and feels his throat close, this is the hottest thing he has seen in his life and he is short circuiting. You start rubbing harder building back up to the edge of your orgasm. 
“Quickly~” You moan incessantly rubbing at your clit, legs spread for his viewing pleasure and grabbing at your nipples with the other hand to give him a show and torture him a little more.
“Please have mercy on me, I’m gonna die.” He whines as he struggles dumbly to unbuckle his belt and fails.
“If I come before you are done I’m just going back to sleep.” You say with no real intention behind it, just to see him get more flustered, you like him like this all red and dumb, all for you. 
You moan loudly pushing two fingers inside your heat. At the threat he pulls his pants and boxers down in a quick motion almost falling when his ankles get tangled in the fabric and he falls back at the edge of the bed. You laugh at that, how desperate he is still for you, even a year in the wonder isn’t lost at all. He loves the sound of your carefree laughter is so grateful he gets to hear it even when it is at his expenses. 
“Good boy~” You almost purr. You spread your legs for him, letting him come near you slowly feeling the mattress dips at his weight but you put a hand in his stomach to stop him before he enters you. “You have to earn it.”
He is probably gonna cum without even putting it in, he has given up at this point, but he nods his head dutifully after the day he made you have and presses just his tip against your folds how you like it. You feel so hot under him and he is all but dripping over your core. He puts his hands at the back of your thighs pushing softly so you will give him more space, with your legs almost against your chest he sees the way you pussy flutters under his gaze almost like a flower, so wet and glistening for him. He starts rubbing softly against you lips making sure his tip presses generously against your clit every time he comes near it. You cunt is so pretty and shiny with your release, all for him, he can’t take his eyes away. He keeps moving rubbing against you as your hips try to match him to feel more of that delicious friction. 
Soon you are moaning again under him. “I’m close Joost, I want to feel you inside” You whisper sultry. 
He lets go of your thighs softly and pulls himself slowly up to kiss you, you kiss back without hesitation, tasting yourself in his tongue is so erotic. He lines up his erection with your entrance and starts pushing slowly into you. You are so pretty under him, your eyes shiny so brightly, your lips are red and there are tears falling from your eyes but this time they are from pleasure, he feels so fulfilled and lucky to be the one to have you like this it fills his heart so much he feels he will explode with love any second. He barely manages to push halfway into you before he feels a shot of electricity up his spine, his body collapses on top of yours, hips thrusting deeply into you as he comes without warning. 
“Sorry, sorry. Oh fuck! Sorry.” He says between little whimpers, his hips stutter softly into your heat and he can’t do anything to stop it.
You smile to yourself while you hold him in your arms caressing softly at the expanses of his back, your hands move down below reaching to grab at his ass and pull him closer, wrap your legs around his hips, so he is deeper as he rides the last of his high. You keep pressing little kisses to the side of his face that he is now hiding in the crook of your neck while he comes down. 
“I'm sorry liefde.” He says against the pillows, hugs you tighter still hiding his face, you press a kiss to the skin of his shoulder you can reach.
“It is okay, it is okay.” You say soothing him, you run your nails softly over the skin of his back. 
You cup his face with your hands and pull softly so you can see him, his skin is a deep shade of red, it is adorable, you kiss him softly, he deepens the kiss and you suck at his tongue and feel more of your taste than whatever he had been drinking or smoking, it feels like he really belongs to you. You feel his cock kick weakly inside your walls, his cum dripping down your thighs slowly. You pull away barely and then push at his shoulder softly. He is now laying on his back and you are on top of him, his cock still inside you now softening.
“Liefde I can’t-” He says almost worried but you bend down to kiss his forehead. 
“Just stay still a little longer I’m almost there.” You barely move on his lap, don’t want to torture him anymore. You just want to feel him inside when you reach your peak. You are rubbing at your clit firmly chasing after your own climax, you feel your walls spasm against him, he whimpers beneath you, his hands go to grab at you hips in delicious agony.
“You are so beautiful.” He is hypnotized by the way your chest moves when you breath, your beautiful features breaking into ecstasy, he catches the exact moment you come undone, he feels you clench around his soft dick almost tortuously tight.
“Joost!” You scream on top of him, he moans back feels you twitching all over him. 
“Schat I love you so much.” He speaks into the darkness.
This time it is you who collapses on the bed, he holds you close to his chest, caresses at your back until you can breath normally again, presses kisses to your hair whispering sweet nothing in your ear. 
You feel his release and yours wet your thighs, it feels too sticky to sleep in so you raise softly. 
“I wanna shower.” You say pressing a kiss to his jaw. 
He nods, pulls you off him with a wince, you feel so empty, your cunt clenching on nothing. He sits up on bed with you still sitting on his lap too tired to even attempt to move. He grabs at your thighs below your ass and pulls you up on his embrace like you are weightless, you wrap your legs around his middle and hold tightly at his neck as he carries you to the bathroom. He puts you down slowly making sure your shaky legs don’t betray you while he starts the shower then he lets you in before him and joins you right after. The water is warm you start cleaning yourself up slowly, the sadness of the day washes away down the drain you don’t want to think anymore about it. He rubs body wash on your back and washes it away with soft deft hands massaging at the clenched muscles of your neck, it feels so good to be taken care of. 
You start cleaning between your legs, softly with your fingers between your folds before you feel his arms wrap around your middle and pull you to his chest under the water stream.
“Let me.” he says, his hand much bigger than yours hovers between your legs until you nod. 
He pushes his fingers in you softly moving in and out, his other arm tightly wrapped around your stomach to keep you standing. You feel his release spill out of you, you have to hold your breath your arm reaches to hold at his forearm as he works his fingers deep into your heat, he starts pulling little moans out of your mouth, sometimes you feel he knows your body better than you do and in moments like this it feels true.
“Joost I thought you were just helping me clean up.” You whine, throwing your head back resting it agains his shoulder, he kisses at your hairline softly. 
“Should I stop?” He asks genuinely, you know he never pushes you further than you want to go but you shake your head negatively so he continues.
It feels so good, your cunt is so tired and overstimulated but he is being so soft, so patient, fingering deep inside, touching at the spongey spot that makes you melt over and over again, you don’t know if it is from how pent up you have been with his absence, when usually you go at it every day, or the rollercoaster of emotions of the night has made you so sensitive but you feel another orgasm building softly in your core. You feel he has become hard again, hot member pressing at the back of you body, it is like he can never get enough of you. You reach a hand back and start stroking him gently.
“It is okay” He says ever so tender with you, never wanting to hurt you or make it uncomfortable for you, he knows you are tired and spent but you look up at him, wet hair sticking to your pretty face. 
“I want you to feel good too.” You rub your ass against him to emphasize your words and make his will break. “Just be gentle.” you whisper, he bends down his neck so you can kiss him and you do so.
Your skin is so soapy and slimy, he thrust against you a couple of times, at the cleft between your asscheeks, his fingers are still deep in your cunt until he pulls away softly, you see your shiny release on his digits and it makes you blush. He grabs hold of your hips gently, holds himself in his hand then pushes into you slowly inch by inch but you are still so wet and warm there is no resistance just the fluttering feeling of your walls on his cock. 
There is nothing more delicious than the feeling of being so connected, so close you can melt into one, he stays there without moving for a long moment just feeling you around him listening to your soft breath and the running of the water.
“You can move.” You tell him softly reaching your arm above you to hold at the back of his neck. 
“Give me a second.” He says in a deep voice, he is trying to breath through his nose to calm down. 
You laugh to yourself slightly and then push back on his hard dick. His hands grip tighter on your hips trying to keep you still. 
“Scath, you are killing me.” He says smiling in disbelief. 
“Good.” You reply looking up at him. He shakes his head you before he moves. 
He starts fucking into you, deep slow thrust into your heat, then pulling out of you at excruciatingly slow pace, then pushing in again deep until he feels he can’t go further. You are moaning  into the hot air of the bathroom, he watches hypnotized as the little droplets of water slide all over your body, your pretty nipples hardened with lust standing against your chest begging for attention, he moves one of his hands up your chest and pulls slightly at the pebbled skin, you moan loudly and he feels you cunt clenching all over him. He starts moving faster, harder you hear the wet sound of skin against skin, feel him groaning against your ear, holding at the flesh of your hips so tight it is bound to leave a mark. He feels you softly tightening on him again and again, your breath becomes more labored but he wants to see your pretty face when you come, he is addicted to it, can’t get the same satisfaction if he misses it, so on a swift move he pulls out fully leaving you empty and confused before spinning you around, grabbing at your arms and placing them behind his neck. 
“Hold tight.” The only words he says before he grabs at the back of your thighs to lift you up, he presses you against the tile wall and with one hand pushes his cock inside you again. You gasp against his mouth.
With the new angle you feel him impossibly deeper in your core, you can barely breath, eyes wildly open with surprise. He starts bouncing you on his length his hands grabbing handfuls of your ass, moving you like you are impossibly light on his embrace.
“Ah too deep Joost!” You whine against his mouth as he kisses at the corner of your lips.
He smiles proudly at that. “Sorry schat, I only have one dick size” He says delighted.
“Idio-” Your insult melts into a high pitched moan when his dick hits right at your g-spot.“There, right there Joost more~” You mewl against his mouth.
The “be gentle” promise seems so lost when you can feel him so deep in you it should scare you. You are both worked up and eager to reach your peak again, he is kissing at your mouth more like shoving his tongue inside it, you can barely move your lips back, everything feels electric every nerve standing waiting for the drop. You hold with one hand at his neck and reach the other between your legs to rub fast circles on your poor clit. He is watching intently at the place where you connect, seeing himself disappear inside your heat and your hand wildly rubbing on yourself, he hears you whimper and whine his name, it is all so overstimulating and yet he feels he cannot get enough.
“Yes baby make yourself cum all over me.” He says in a deep groan, his voice sounds so labored and dripping with lust it send you over the edge, you clench around his length, walls pulsing all over him. 
You throw your head back in ecstasy, an orgasm that feel endless while he keeps fucking into you, continuing to chase his high with a few uncoordinated thrusts that have you whining from over stimulation. He cums deep inside you again, this time it knocks the wind out of your lungs his efforts to clean you up all but wasted now. You feel your heart and his beating wildly and the sound of strained breaths creating an unlikely symphony with the sound of the shower. 
After a long languid minute he still has you pressed against the wall held tightly on his arms, he is usually so clumsy when he has to get up early, all but tumbles into the shower. You swear one of this days he is gonna fall and hit his head on the sink, but with you on his arms he is so careful balancing you properly so you won’t slip from him. He finally raises his head from your chest but before places open mouthed kisses right where your heart should be, you meet him with a wet kiss on the lips, he slowly puts you down, his eyes seem so heavy like he will fall asleep any minute now.
“Lets finish off quickly.” You tell him he nods. 
You finish massaging body wash onto him, you feel how tense the muscles on his back are, more than you have ever felt, you feel a little bad for your earlier outburst, he had been working so hard what he did wasn’t right but you can tell he is truly sorry. You wash him off quickly and do the same for yourself.
You both come out of the shower, wrap in soft towels before he reaches for the hair dryer and turns it on. 
“Turn around.” He says his voice sounds so heavy you really fear he might just fall asleep right here and then you will have to somehow drag him to bed. 
But he doesn’t fall asleep, instead he starts gently blow drying your hair you feel so peaceful, finally, you let him work his fingers on your scalp, you look into the mirror ahead and see he is already looking at you, it makes you blush like when you wake up late and he is already up just staring at your face, no matter if you were drooling through the night he thinks you are so beautiful.
He places a soft kiss at the top of your crown before he speaks again “So…. About the lingerie?”
You knew this one was coming, you roll your eyes at him in the mirror “You don’t deserve to see it.” You say quickly avoiding his eyes where he will see you are not serious at all.
He pouts, it is so cute, you will let him see of course, but not now, he has to earn it again or he won’t learn, you need to stop treating him like a dog too, probably, maybe… 
“Can I ask again another time?” He turns off the blow dryer and rests it in the counter.
You walk out the bathroom and he follows right behind. “Perhaps…if you are well behaved.” You look behind your shoulder and wink at him he smiles brightly back at you, if the torture you will put him through to let him see you on the lingerie set is even half as delicious as what he just went through then he is already looking forward to it. 
You throw the towel on a chair he does the same then you climb on bed lifting the comforter so he will just slip in. He does and then pulls you against his chest resting your head right below his chin. You will fall asleep in his arms, wake up in the late afternoon maybe order take out and talk it out, and you will talk anything out as many times as it takes because he is worth it, because both of you are, no matter how hard things get being together is worth it. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
MASTERLIST *ੈ✩‧₊˚ A/N: this ended up being really long oops anyways thank u for reading to the end if u did let me know if you liked it <3  ps. this was based on a suggestion ty for that :>
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meidiary · 1 year
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synopsis: they can't apologize like normal human beings, so they do their quirky acts to make you forgive them
characters: sanji (shocker), zoro & luffy!
warnings: swearing, (unintentional) angst for luffy..
a/n: my new hobby is making cute character banners oops �� banner inspired by @sixosix <3! happy ending for luffy here !!
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☆ whenever you and SANJI have had a fight or disagreement of any sort, he folds first. he is always the first one to give the 'cold-shoulder' act up.
☆ usually, he wouldn't ever stop talking about how much he loves you and how absolutely drop-dead gorgeous you are, but the moment he should talk about all that, he doesn't.
☆ he knows he fucked up.. but he can't bring himself to charm you up like usual.. so- he decides to bake his way out of this problem!
☆ your favorite cake, fruits, drinks, chocolate, and anything you ever mentioned to enjoy will be made and presented to you by your truly apologetic sanji <3
☆ he'd be standing in the kitchen for hours on end. not taking a break because he feels like it's 'his responsibility' to make you forgive him the hard way.
☆ eventually, after being presented more than a month's worth of desserts.. you got worried about the state your charming blonde lover was in.
"not that i forgot our fight.. but you should take a break, sanji.. you've been overworking yourself since this morning!" you tell him, trying your hardest not to sound worried. he gives you an exhausted smile, dropping the cutlery he had in his one hand and the spatula he had in the other one. "you talked to me," he spoke, barely louder than a whisper, before he let out a sigh of relief.
you felt your heart ache, seeing him in his current condition; sweat dripping from his forehead, hands cramped up from all the work he had done, and his apron splattered with a mixture of flower and melted chocolate.
your eyes met his almost immediately, which resulted in him instinctively noticing your sorrowful eyes. "what's wrong, darling? you alright?" he dusts his hands off with the kitchen towel before making his way to you swiftly. "my love why are you giving me your sad puppy eyes right now?" he chuckles as he cups your face in his cold hands, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs.
"because you overworked yourself because of me.. your hands are all cramped up because i was too stubborn to forgive you right away! i don't deserve you sanji.." he gasps, almost offended. "now that is the bullest crap i've ever heard. darling, i've gone way longer with way more pressure on me to complete dishes for a full-house back at baratie." he chuckles yet again, this time more relaxed. "what i did today was a mere exercise to make sure i was still able to perform under some pressure," a big smile growing on his face.
"sweetheart, if anything i don't deserve you.. i'm sorry for upsetting you earlier.. i was deep in the wrong, yet i'm only apologizing now. forgive me, my love." sanji gives kisses your forehead while grabbing your hands, interlocking them with his. "then let's say we're even now.." you two make up and after forcing sanji to let you help clean up the kitchen, you do just that.
☆ sanji tells you he won't 'bake his way out of a fight' anymore, but knowing him, you didn't believe that statement one bit. you told him to "just make sure you don't overwork yourself anymore.. wouldn't want your pretty hands to hurt.." ~ which ended with him teasing you the whole afternoon.. "you think i have pretty hands~? how very endearing, my love."
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☆ now anytime you and ZORO fight, with him being in the wrong, his pride always gets in the way of him owning up to his shit and apologizing. that's all you need from him, an apology. you don't expect him to bake you desserts or write you a poem declaring his live for you, no you just want an apology that isn't forced out of zoro by sanji or nami, or even usopp!
☆ you ignore him because he messed up big time and won't even acknowledge it? ha, child's play, he ignores you. you don't even know how this petty fight escalated so far that both of you haven't talked for a good couple days.
☆ usopp is basically begging you two to make up. considering he had been forced given the role to communicate things between the two of you. zoro needed to clean his sword but didn't know which cleaning agent to use, because you always gave him the right cleaning agent? ⟶ usopp is sent to you asking you which cleaning agent is best to clean zoro's swords with. receiving the dirtiest glance from you, you tell him to tell zoro "he should pay attention more to what others say, instead of staring at his reflection off of his sword 24/7!" ⟶ usopp goes to zoro and delivers the message. zoro scoffs and chuckles lightly before angrily giving usopp yet another message to deliver to you. ⟶ after a while usopp started hiding from the both of you, not wanting to get sent to other anymore.
☆ nami is on your side, of course, sending dirty glances to zoro any chance she gets. she doesn't give him the silent treatment, but instead aggressively tries to let him acknowledge his faults so he could own up to his shit and just apologize!
"y'know zoro, i'm not even in this relationship, yet your ego still somehow found a way to suffocate me! fucking realize you've been acting like a child and just own up to the fact that you messed up, damn it." nami blurts out, all in one breath, before she walks off annoyed.
zoro let's out yet another scuff before sanji makes his way to the moss head. "don't you even start-" zoro sends him an angry glance which has sanji raising his hands in defense, chuckling slightly. "i just can't stand seeing my beloved y/n in distress like this. i don't know the details, i don't want to know the details. all i know is that if you don't want to lose her, i'd act fast if i were you.." he just as quickly turned away and resumed his kitchen activities.
out of all the things the crew told him, hoping to convince the stubborn moss head to apologize to you, this stuck with him for the rest of the day.
after having a rather silent diner with the crew, the same as the past few days, you finished first, leaving the table immediately. "thank you, sanji, the soup was delicious, as expected," you tried to smile at him which resulted in your lips becoming a wobbly line.
"anytime, darling, i'm glad you enjoyed.." sanji noticed your sorrowful expression, as did the rest of the crew. you sent him a forced smile again before leaving the kitchen, heading for your and nami's room.
zoro sighed before standing up from his spot, leaving the kitchen to follow you. reaching your room's door, he notices you locked it. "hey! open the door," zoro leans against the handle, his forehead against the door. "come on now, just open the door for me baby.." his voice softens, realizing how fucking stupid he's been acting, neglecting you in so many ways. "listen.. i'm sorry for being such an ass- you didn't deserve my shitty attitude, i shouldn't have acted so stubborn, i'm sorry. i- i just can't lose you okay? please open the door and talk to me, yell at me, scream your lungs out, just please let me see you baby.. " with that he balled his hand that was leaning on the door into a fist, remorse dripping out of his mouth as he finally realizes how wrong he has been acting, how bad he's been treating you, how much more you deserved.
what surprised him was that the moment you opened the door, you weren't carrying an annoyed expression. no, your eyes were teary, your upper lip was trembling, cheeks a red shade, and your eyebrows furrowed. "h-hey, don't cry now.." zoro wrapped his arms around you, whispering endearments into your ear whilst caressing your back.
you two ended up cuddling on you small framed bed, that barely kept the two of you on it. not a word communicated between the two of you. just you laying on his chest, playing with his fingers while his chin rests on top of your head, still caressing your back.
"i'll do better for you.." zoro breaks the silent, planting a kiss on your head. "i can't lose you, i won't lose you.." you look up at his last statement, putting your hand on his cheek. "you won't lose me.. you'll never lose me."
☆ yeah, fights with this man sure are extreme.. but you two make it work
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☆ every once in a while, on a full moon, you and LUFFY experience a disagreement lead to a big fight. of course your relationship isn't always all rainbows and butterflies. but considering luffy's nature of not taking most things serious, lots of fights were prevented. you thought luffy was flirting with a waitress when you left? he laughed so hard, getting cramps in his stomach, because he thought it was the most stupid thing ever that you believed he would flirt with someone other than you. he made you feel ridiculous, thinking of such a thing! ⟶ fight prevented!
☆but sometimes, this very nature of his was what lead to some of the most dreadful moments of your life.
☆ anytime such an event would take place, luffy would be the furthest away from it, the furthest away from you.. it's not that he's angry at you, per se. he just needs his time alone to review all his actions leading up to the fight that may have caused for it to get this big. most of the time he'll be dozing off, too tired to look back on his actions. he doesn't even know himself why he always ends up avoiding you for a couple hours after a fight. all he knows is that he, somehow, always ends up understanding what went wrong between the two of you.
☆ but this routine action of his doesn't always receive a positive reaction from you..
there he went, yet again, neglecting his responsibility in this fight. it was petty, you knew it was, still you wanted him to own up to it! it wasn't fair that he'd leave you shaking, crying, screaming at the top of your lungs, out of nowhere. you were talking, well actually arguing, about how luffy had been avoiding you lately, how he'd turn around once he'd see you, sit at the other side of the table, leave the room the second he saw you enter it, but what hurt the most was that he'd shake off your touches..
you finally confronted him about this, not wanting to bottle up your emotions any longer. luffy reacted as usual, disregarding the issue jokingly, he assured, "it's not a big deal~ you're just seeing things." and then you snapped, everything you bottled up 'till this moment, unleashed. you were a sobbing mess. he had never seen you in this state, shit even you have never seen yourself like this.
you asked him what happened, what you did wrongfully. why was he ignoring you? why did he act like he was allergic to your touches, your voice, your conversations, to you? why all of a sudden? what changed between you? you wanted, no, needed him to answer; you hoped he would realize how stupid he was acting, how neglecting he had been. you needed him to take you in his arms and assure you he still loved you, that he still cared, that he always will..
as if all your sobs were disregarded. instead of talking to you, he stood up wordlessly and walked out of your room, gently closing the door behind him. which resulted in your cries escalating as you tried muffling your sounds with a pillow.
where did he go? why did he leave all of a sudden? does he not care about you? all of these thoughts were racing in your mind, overwhelming you to the point you were gasping for air. at this point, nami came sprinting to your shared room, worried about your condition. "what did that boy do?!" she questions with a mix of distress and anger.
all the while, luffy was sat on the figurehead of the going merry, the sheep. he was enjoying the cold breeze as he kept breathing in and out, trying to understand what had just happened. he soon realized he walked out on you the moment you needed him most. and oh how it should've hurt him, how his heart should be aching right now. instead, he feels nothing except the subtle chilly breeze flowing against his skin, through his hair, moving his flip-flops. he knows he should care, he knows he should run back to you, embrace you in his arms, and tell you he loves you. but he doesn't because as much as he wants you to feel loved and cared for, he can't be the one to make you feel that way. it's not fair to you, you deserve someone that means it when he tells you he loves you and always will be there for you.
he can't put on this facade anymore. he stopped caring a while back, but he believed it to be a decent thing to have you believe he was still the guy that would comfort you when you had a nightmare, the guy that would give you his last piece of meat to show you he cares, the guy that would cuddle you to sleep whenever it was too cold..
he thought it'd be easier for you. oh, how it turned out to be quite the opposite. because he faked your relationship this long, and it had come to an end like this; you didn't only lose your lover tonight, you lost your friend.
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MEI'S NOTE: uhm.. yeah idk what happened at luffy's part- but I hope you enjoyed ☺️💓
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serasheart · 16 days
Dreams ✭ Choso Kamo
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Synopsis ღ on a windy night in Shibuya, you decide to stay over at a friends house. However, when you go to sleep, you’re met with a weird dream.
Warnings ღ smut, oral sex, male receiving female giving, vaginal sex, cream pie, porn with plot, somnophilia (kind of)
"Thank you for letting me stay with you, Cho." You sigh as you fall back onto his couch, your eyes closing as your body relaxes into the soft leather.
"No worries, weather seems pretty bad, wouldn't want you to catch a cold." He states, tired figure slowly pouring the coffee into his signature mug before taking a sip.
"Yeah, that would suck." You laughed as your eyes open from their previous nothing, now staring at the man leaning on the kitchen counter.
He stares back at you in silence, your eyes meeting for what feels like an awkward amount of time before he tears his gaze from your own and clears his throat.
"I probably have a spare blanket somewhere in a storage closet." He mutters, straightening his posture as he begins to walk down his hallway, opening what seems to look like said storage closet before speaking up.
"Bingo." Reaching into the closet, he pulls out a fuzzy white blanket, a faint smile plastered across his face as he shows you proudly.
You chuckle a little at his childish demeanour before sitting up from the couch, he walks over towards his living room before passing you the blanket.
"Thanks." You speak, sitting the fuzzy fabric on your lap before looking over to the clock which read 11:32pm.
"Don't wanna keep you up, feel free to make yourself at home, I still have a few things I need to do before im off to bed anyways." He says, walking past you into a door that lead to the laundry room.
"Ill take you up on that offer." You replied, yawning a little and stretching as you did before laying down on the leather couch. it was comfortable and warm but your back would probably kill you in the morning with the way you were sleeping.
You spread the fuzzy blanket on you, kicking it over your figure to rest below your feet and ensure you're (for the most part) engulfed in the comfy warmth.
Choso gives you a hum in reply, nothing more, nothing less. You think nothing of it as your eyes begin to close and the stress of today sinks in, Immersing you into a deep, deep sleep.
You find yourself in what seems to be a dream, you rub your eyes and sit up a little before looking around. To your surprise, you’re in Choso’s apartment in the dream.
‘That’s weird.’
You thought to yourself before shaking your head, you try to get up before the sinking weight beside you catches your attention.
It’s only then that you realise you’re in a bed, Choso’s bed, to be exact. You’re quite surprised by this, your eyes widen as you stare down at the man who wore only a baggy white t shirt and boxers.
You tried not to think too much of it, because after-all, it was a dream. Nothing more than a dream, but curiosity took the best of you when you were lost in thought.
It’s almost as if for a second, you forget it’s a dream. Because you stare at him.
For a really long time, your eyes trail across his face and his features, his messy jett black hair clinging to his sweaty face as his plump, pale lips part ever so slightly.
‘Was he always this attractive?’
Something about his appearance to you was just… so enticing. As if it was welcoming you in, and your eyes ate up every last drop of it like it was candy.
The idea made you chew your lip a little, gaze narrowing as you continue to stare shamelessly before he rolled over, now facing you as his eyes remained closed.
You found a million thoughts running in your mind, the loudest voice telling you his lips looked so sof-
‘What the fuck?’ You violently shake your head, trying to rid yourself of such thoughts about a close friend, but still, you find your gaze lingering on his lips just a little longer.
Everything in you was telling you not to, that it would be weird, that you shouldn’t even have such thoughts about someone who had been so sweet to you, even in a dream!
But… you were curious. Very curious about what would happen if you were to try, afterall
It wouldn’t hurt, right?
That’s the only thing you managed to bring into thought before you pressed your soft lips onto his own, placing a heavy peck on the flesh before pulling back. Your face instantly reddens at the realisation.
‘Ohmygod, Ohmygod, Ohmygod!’
You stare at him intently, the anxiety raising high in your chest as the guilt sinks into your stomach. You watch for any motion, any sign he’s awake. To your relief, nothing.
Your index comes up to graze your bottom lip ever so slightly, caressing the place in which once touched his own.
You don’t even know what came over you in the moment, one second you were staring at him and the next your lips were on his. Is something wrong with you? Why were you feeling this way?
Your ears perk up and bring you back into reality when you hear Choso groan, accompanied by a shuffle not too long after as he turns to lay flat on his back.
Freezing up, all you can do is stare down at him. Your heart beat is uncontrollably erratic, everything in your mind telling you you’ve just been caught, all for him to keep snoring away.
After a few moments pass by, your figure unfreezes. You don’t know what to do as you awkwardly and anxiously sit there, trying your hardest not to fumble around.
That’s before a wave of confidence rushes over you again.
All you can think about is how good his lips felt on yours; how you wanted to taste more of him.
It was stupid, and it was perverted. You leaned back in, anyways.
You embrace him in a kiss, lips pressing against eachother for just a few more seconds than they had before. It was a dream, afterall. Who cares if you got caught?
Bringing yourself back as your eyes hazily stared at his sleeping face, painted with something a little more than romance.
Faces just inches away from eachother before you went back in for more, the exchange more rough this time before an idea managed to pry itself into your head.
You lightly caress his face, just under his chin as you softly slip your tongue into his mouth. You pause for a moment, eyes opening as you stare down at him for a reaction just to be met with nothing.
You continue to slip past his lips and teeth, meeting his own tongue as your hand gently parts his jaw in order for you to gain more control.
A couple seconds go by as you continue your perverted act on the poor, sleeping man. Unbeknownst to him, you pull away a little, the only evidence of your departure being the string of saliva that connects you two.
Brought back from your daze, you sit up, trying to process what the fuck could’ve made you act that way to someone you thought of so closely. There was a little shame in your expression before you went to lay back down.
His bed was comfortable, a lot more comfortable than the couch, at-least. But I guess that’s a given. It was made for sleeping on.
Everything in this dream felt so unbelievably real, if you didn’t know any better, you’d think it would’ve been reality.
For the past few years, you always had a slight crush on Choso, but you never acted on it because you know he wouldn’t consider the possibility of a relationship. He found it hard to understand the concept of friendship alone.
Overtime, it was washed away with your messy love life and all the douchebags you dated. Choso never liked any of them, anyways.
You guess your feelings for him never truly ceased since in the moment you were unable to stop yourself from having your flesh on his. You can’t help but feel bad for doing that to the unconscious man, even if you know it was a dream, it was wrong.
You glance over at him, his eyes still shut softly as you sighed. You could only make the most of such a dream before you woke up.
You sit up a little, leaning in softly this time and pressing another kiss onto his lips. By this point, any anxiety you had felt about him waking up and seeing you do that was long past.
Staring down at his face, you search for his expression. He looked so peaceful sleeping, even if this, too, was only a dream.
You didn’t think much before you leaned in again, cupping the man’s face as you kiss him, more deeply this time.
The passionate kiss quickly turned to you craving his taste once more, the idea shamefully plastered in your head and getting more tempting by the second even though the guilt you felt had been overwhelming.
You ultimately decided fuck it, leaning in and slipping your tongue back into his mouth as you messily entangle it with his own, the gesture deep.
Saliva drips down from your mouth but you’re too far to care by this point, hands still caressing his face, just a little roughly this time.
Choso groans into your mouth, his eyes opening a little in the moment and your heart stops.
Your world dissipates, the breath catching in your lungs as his eyes manage to open fully before they widened, you could feel his heartbeat speed up at the situation before you pull away.
‘Just a Dream, just a Dream, just a Dream, just a Dream.’ You chanted to yourself, yet the feeling of being caught scared you half to death.
You quickly pulled away, wiping your mouth, but of course that’s not gonna save you the humiliation. You sit there, not saying anything as he just stares at you, quickly sitting up.
After a few seconds of silence goes by, you begin to speak, attempting to apologise.
“I’m sorry cho- Choso. I don’t know what I was doi-“ He swallows, hard. His eyes were elsewhere, the obvious tent in his boxers so painfully hard.
You pause for a second, everything was just so shocking to you as you try to process what’s going on. It was supposed to be innocent, and he wasn’t supposed to wake up. Even if this was a dream, you were scared as shit.
He clears his throat, his croaky, tired voice speaks up,
“I-… It’s fine, Y/N. You don’t have to explain yourself.” He says, almost breathlessly. He too, is still trying to process what just happened.
You seemed to have notice the tent in his boxers aswell, because your eyes were gazing the exact same way his were. He lifts his head a little, staring at you before his face reddens. He doesn’t know why; but he feels exposed like this.
“I-i’m really sorry, Choso. It wasn’t supposed to-“ He grunts, the sound of his name slipping past your lips after he caught you doing such a dirty thing whilst he was sleeping made him shake a little.
He coughs. “Listen, it’s not a big deal. I’ll go deal with this and we can pretend like it didn’t happen.” He states firmly, he goes to sit up before you grab his wrist.
“I can help you..?”
He stares down at you, a shocked expression on his face before the flush from before quickly spreads itself upon his pale complexion.
Unfortunately, the suggestion only went straight to his dick. It throbs against the thin fabric in response, his heart was racing so fast.
He shakes his head a little, eyes squeezed tightly shut. He tries to speak up, his voice cracking a little:
“N-no. Wouldn’t that be… weird?”
You shake your head, eyes coming to meet his own as he stares down at you with such a lust stricken gaze. He was scared of being informal, scared of being more.
He hesitantly agrees, sitting back down on the bed before he stares at you in anticipation. You guys sit there for a minute before you clear your throat
“I could… use my mouth?” You suggest, innocently to the poor man whose heart was beating so fast he thought he might have a heart attack.
“I- uhm. Okay.” Is all he manages to get out, his deep voice echoes in your ears as you manage to finally get a reply out of him.
“Okay.” You smile, a little bit more eased into the situation as you stared up at him, his eyes meeting yours.
Even though this supposedly wasn’t reality and was just a dream, his reactions seemed very like Choso.
“Just relax, it’s gonna feel good more than it’s gonna hurt.” You say to the innocent man, your fingers lacing with the hem of his boxers before pulling them down slowly.
Choso grunts a little as the cold air brushed along his now exposed length. You took a moment to soak the details in, biting your lip a little.
He was uncircumcised, trimmed pretty cleanly but unkempt in a way, very girthy and had a lot of prominent veins, also while maintaining a good length.
It was pale, just as his skin, but the tip was a light pink.
You don’t know why, but the only thing you thought of in the moment was if this was how Choso actually looked.
He stared down at you, looking for any type of reaction. He was starting to feel insecure under your gaze before you giggled.
“You’re so pretty, Cho.” The nickname rolled off your tongue effortlessly, not helping his case as you watched his member throb at the words. He groans a little in reply.
You stare up at him, glassy eyes stared back at you, such vulnerability entrusted in your hands. How could you not help a friend?
A hand comes to wrap around him softly, but firm. He flinches in reply, letting out a harsh breath. You divert your attention from his face to his member, slowly beginning to move your hand rhythmically as you keep a steady pace.
This action rewards you with little whimpers, Choso’s eyes on your hands touching him so sweetly. He bit his lip so hard it began to bleed. Choso’s chest was heaving, trying to steady his breathing as his heart beat so fast.
You continued to stroke his girth, rubbing the veins attentively with your thumb occasionally which caused him to slip a sound. The sensation felt way better than his own hands, and he couldn’t help but whine.
His eyes squeezed shut, the pleasure of your soft, small hands being wrapped around his dick made him almost burst at the thought alone.
That was until he felt something warm wrap around him, his closed eyes abruptly shot open as a loud gasp erupted from him, followed by a moan as you lightly swirled your tongue around his dick.
It was likely Choso hadn’t had sex, let alone a blowjob. He only had recently started living as a human, so this was probably how you thought he would react.
You sink your mouth down on him further, your palm wrapped firmly at his base as you pull back, kissing his tip before going back down and taking as much of him you could possibly fit in your mouth.
You swirled your tongue, bobbing your head as you stroked the parts you couldn’t fit in your mouth. Your tongue lightly rubbing against a vein on his girth, causing him to moan loudly.
Choso’s eyes were back to being shut, but his left hand went to quickly grab hold of your hair, entangling his fingers in the strands as his right hand gripped the sheet.
The sensation of your tongue gliding along his cock is enough to send him into a spiral, he tries hard not to squirm under your touch but it’s hard with what you’re doing to him.
All he can do is feel the hot, wet saliva of your mouth drip down his dick, while your tongue is consistently prodding and touching all the right spots. It doesn’t help the fact your small hand is rubbing up against the parts you can’t fit.
It doesn’t take long before Choso feels himself drawing closer to the edge, the knot in his stomach threatening to snap into your mouth as his lip has been chewed raw by this point.
Tears well up in the poor man’s eyes, the pleasure being too much for him to handle. He never knew that it could feel this good, in fact, until a while ago he didn’t even know he could ejaculate.
His grip on your hair tightens, his vision begins to get blurry as all he can do is babble moans, the whimpers flowing out of his mouth as if he had been doing this for years.
Without warning, the tall man is coming undone in your mouth. White stringy semen spurts down your throat as he pushes your head down further, almost fully engulfing himself in the warmth of your mouth.
White paints his vision, his head is nauseous and his legs are shaking as his balls tighten, the addicting feeling of orgasm washing over him as he shoots load after load in big waves, not stopping for a second until he was done.
The sounds of his pleasure didn’t do anything but go straight to your core, shamelessly.
When he realises what he did, guilt and regret contorts his face. He instantly pulls you off of his length as you’re coughing, choking on the thick liquid he just released.
He slaps your back hard before you finally come down from your coughing fit, swallowing what you could.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to, it just felt really goo-“
When he looks down at you, breath heavy from his orgasm and fit of apologies, he pauses and he evidently stiffens.
You’re confused for a second before you go to wipe your mouth, noticing a little bit of cum had leaked down from your mouth when you were probably coughing.
You look back at him, staring at eachother in silence before he swallows. He could feel the blood rush straight to his dick as his face flushes once more.
Both your hearts are beating fast, the silence is so thick it could be cut with a knife. The air smelled like sex, the tension was bad.
“Um… im sorry. I didn’t mean to…” his voice cracks and croaks, he tried to keep a steady tone but he couldn’t help it. He was so embarrassed at how fast he came, and he was embarrassed he was hard again.
“Don’t be, it’s… not a big deal.” You smile at him awkwardly, as you both sit there.
Your gaze lowers again, still a little taken aback at the fact he was hard once more. Before meeting his eyes
“I can help you again; but you have to promise to be good, okay? Don’t do anything, just relax.” You were speaking on the moment, it’s not like this wasn’t a dream or something.
Choso almost instantly nodded, his mind stopped listening at ‘help you again’
You began to undress, pulling your shirt over your head and kicking your pants off, quickly disposing of them. You’re in just your bra and panties now.
Choso just stared, shamelessly at this point, At your boobs. He ogled them, his face was as red as a cherry.
He took a second to take in your figure, the way your body curved and the way your skin looked so nice, the big plump balls of fat that rest on your chest especially catching his eye.
You never decided it was anything deeper than thought, but you always thought that Choso would be a boob guy.
Your fingertips grab at the hem of your panties, pulling them down to fully expose your cunt in which is seeping slick.
Choso just stares, you notice his breath speeding up as he gets more giddy, probably out of nervousness.
Before he can say anything, you hook a leg over his side while your other one rest the opposite, straddling him.
You lean in, pulling him into a kiss that quickly turns hungry. You’re pushing your tongue past his lips greedily as your tongues fight for dominance, ultimately exploring his mouth.
One of your arms that were previously wrapped around his neck goes down to grab at his cock before lightly teasing it, rubbing against your folds.
Choso whines into your mouth in reply, his hips involuntarily bucking up causing you to gasp. His hands come down to grab at your ass, gripping tightly as he forces you down onto his dick.
You moan into the kiss, the sudden intrusion of your walls causing you to clench harshly around him.
Choso whimpers in response, instinctively thrusting up into you, his tip kissing your cervix so easily with how his length fits inside, you grind down against him.
You pull away from the kiss, your tongue leaving his as a thick strand of saliva connects you two, you stare at him intently before you bite your lip, Choso watches you as you bring yourself up then slam down.
He moans as you begin to ride him, the position you’re in making it easy for him to control when you go down. His strong arms easily lift you up and slam you onto his dick, each time you can feel his girth slam against your poor cervix.
Your vision is hazy, you moan along with him as he continues to control the pace and rhythm, using you as you leak so shamelessly onto him.
“F-fuck, Y/N!” He moans, his eyes are shut. You’re taken aback a bit, definitely not enough to override the pleasure but you’re shocked at the sudden swear considering you’ve never heard him swear.
Your legs are weak and shaking. you shuffle a little, only for him to thrust up into you as he slams you down onto him once more.
He comes up to cup your breasts through your bra as you continue to grind down on his dick, he looks up at you, his eyes almost pleading before you nod, moaning.
He almost tears it off of you, his palms hungrily fondling your tits as your eyes roll back, the feeling of him thrusting up into you as he fondles with your boobs going straight down to your core. Your legs are getting so tired.
You’re out of breath by this point, the moans slipping past your lips so effortlessly as you ride his thick cock, the delicious stretch of your walls squelching with each thrust.
The room smells of thick sex, the only thing besides moans and slapping of skin that can be heard is the rumbling winds outside.
Choso drops his hands from your boobs, resting them firmly on your hips before positioning you into an easier accessible position.
Without warning, he thrusts up into you. It’s at that moment a pleasurable sensation washes over you, your stomach tightening hard. You moan loudly, Choso continues his motion as he realises what he found. He begins abusing your g-spot, your cunt instantly tightening around him as he rams into it.
Harsh thrusts cloud your mind, the pleasure washes over you like nothing has before, the fact that this was a dream being long forgotten by now; if this was a dream, you didn’t want it to end.
Everything felt good in the moment, the knot in your stomach only built up and up, threatening to snap at any second in given time. It begins to tighten, and tighten.
Choso leans in, wrapping his mouth against your sensitive tit, swirling his tongue around as his left hand goes down to rub at your clit in a circular motion, urging you to cum.
You moan loudly, hot pleasure painting your vision as your mind clouds up. Before you know it, you’re cumming hard on his thick cock, not long after he trails you, cumming inside you as the thick white liquid spurts in loads into you.
“I’m sorry!” He moans
The pleasure of your orgasm is enough to wear you down, you take a while to come down from it as your legs shake violently, you can feel Choso under you, moaning loudly as he releases inside.
Your body is so tense as you come back to reality, when you finally manage to shake it, you get off of him, laying down next to him as your chest heaves, feeling his seed trickle down your legs from your pussy.
After everything that happened, the only thing you wonder is why you haven’t woken up from your dream yet. It’s been so long.
You shake your head, trying everything to wake up. But you can’t.
That’s until he says something that makes it register.
“Also… uhm, Im sorry I moved you into my bed, you looked uncomfortable on the couch.”
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polarisjisung · 11 months
synopsis: your boyfriend broke some guy's nose for you, but what he doesn't realise is he also broke his promise to you
wc: 0.9k
pairings: bf!jeno x fem!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: mention of blood like once (feel the need to mention I don't want to romanticise violence 💀)
notes: jeno lee is driving me insane.
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Jeno doesn't like it, the silence. He liked to hear you ramble about nonsensical things, the sound of your awkward chatter filling the room, not the incessant pattering of rain against the roof above.
That's the first sign, he figures
On most days, you'd warn him before pressing an alcohol soaked cotton swab against his wounds, delicately pressing down on his jaw with a worried stare. Today you grip his chin firmly, tilting his head upwards and swiping over the cut less gently than before.
That's the second.
The air is cold coming in through the open bathroom window, the dim lighting not sufficient for him to make out your features, when you step a little further away, but still just enough for him to notice the way your nostrils flare and you bite at your lip when reaching for the antiseptic gel kept in the cupboard to your right.
Three of three, he thinks, and jeno comes to the only valid conclusion there is.
Your usually talkative, enthusiastic, and bubbly self now so cold and stand offish, it only meant one thing, something you could argue the lee found entertaining judging by the innocent smile on his lips.
"Are you angry at me?"
A glare is the only response jeno gets.
Not angry enough to leave him to tend to his own wounds, he figures, so really just how angry could you be?
"ow, it hurts" he whines cautiously, taking ahold of your hand as it passes over the deep red, bloody incision in his bicep— which by the way, was doing nothing to help you maintain your rage.
your eyes, however, don't widen, and your lips don't move forward into a pout, you don't react.
nothing except pulling your hand back.
maybe you were a little angrier than he thought.
"silent treatment huh?" he seems amused, a short chuckles escaping his busted lip as you  disinfect the wound, the laugh echoing through the room.
You couldn't stay mad at him, not for long at least, jeno knew that much, so despite watching you walk away to replace the first aid kit just where you found it, ready to use the next time jeno got himself like this, he knows he hasn't got a thing to worry about
Equally, you know jeno just as well, and you know that walking anywhere in his reach would end in you wrapped up in his arms, being showered with soft sweet apologetic kisses like always
Only you both realise your phone is left forgotten on the counter beside him, and if bothering your boyfriend after a long day wasnt on your list of things to do, scrolling for unnecessarily long hours through twitter certianly was.
In hopes to outsmart him you try and lunge to grab the device, only to find yourself in the very position you imagined, lee jeno's strong arms wrapped around your waist, sweet brown eyes staring back.
"can't run now can you baby?"
You scoff, only managing to turn your face away from his— getting uncaged from his arms was far beyond you.
Jeno let's his head fall into the crook of your neck, your floral perfume overtaking the medicinal smell in the air as he pecks the corner of your lips, slowly tracing your jawline with soft kisses until you finally turn to face him again.
"I'm sorry" he whispers, calloused, bruised hands holding your chin with utmost tenderness. The rough skin of his thumb traces over your lower lip, a soft kiss placed there once again.
"you said you wouldn't"
jeno pauses, confused.
"you promised you would stop"
the desperate tone in your voice is clear as day, and it doesn't take jeno much longer to realise, this wasn't about what he'd done, it was about what he'd said he wouldn't do
the cracks in your shaky voice are enough for the bitter taste of guilt to bubble in his stomach and rise to the tip of his tongue, your glossy eyes staring back, disappointed
"I'm sorry" he sighs, eyebrows furrowing as he stares down at you, "I'm so so sorry my sweet girl."
The hair messily sprawled across your forehead is pushed to the side by his index finger, an apologetic kiss pressed to your temple. Jeno's hand is placed at the crown of your head, soothingly passing his fingers through your hair when you're pulled forwards into his chest, resting your arms at his side as you let your weight fall onto him.
"Please, don't get hurt because of me" your hands reach for his, and jeno realises you're asking him once again, to promise he wouldn't do it—this time he doesn't know if he can.
"I can't stand it." his tone differs from the sweet one he uses with you, or the mocking one he'd taken on earlier, now he spits harsh words at the floor, eyes rolling instinctively. "those scumbags talking about my pretty girl like that."
you notice the way his fist tightens, the plasters you'd just placed over his knuckles slipping off his skin in seconds.
"if you can fight them for me" with a cold hand against his cheek, you reach up to guide his eyes back to meet yours, "can't you, not, fight them for me too?"
he smiles— you giggle, the very man who'd just taken on another 2 guys almost twice his size just a few minutes ago now looked at you with a wide grin and two crescent moons in place of his eyes.
"I'll try" and suddenly you wear a smile just as wide as his "I'd do anything for you"
You don't doubt it.
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