#this was on my discover weekly and is stuck in my head
fungi-maestro · 6 months
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primordialwhale · 11 months
Ten Songs On Repeat
Tagged by @ashhari (Thank you!!! <3) Tagging anyone who wants to do this!! (let me see what you're listening to :3)
Win Win - Set It Off/Scene Queen
Airhead - Honey Revenge
Bad Bitch - Tessa Violet
Melancholia - Doll Skin
Figure 8 - Paramore
The Crocodile - OK Goodnight
Salt Of The Earth - Good Tiger
It's About You - Brye
A Lesson In Dramatics - Save Face/Jhariah
I Met All The Beasts In Your Mind - Call Me Malcolm
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xtreklx · 10 months
Low ~ Raphael x reader
One-shot: bayverse Raphael x reader Word count: 3.7k Warnings: cursing, mature themes, and slight NSFW, so this one is rated 18+ (minors DNI, see my masterlist for disclaimer) A/N: holy Toledo this one's a doozy. I've been working on it for a while, and it's def one of my favorite things I've written so far (at least, for now..). loosely based on the song Low by SZA, and lyrics are included in the text where I see fit. also I added color-coded dialogue for funsies. thank you guys for all the love on my stuff, and I hope you enjoy :)
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As a young, blossoming adult, your life so far has been overall steady. It staggers here and there, of course: moving in waves as life often does. But for the most part, it is everlasting mundanity. Your early twenties are supposed to be where it begins to roar; when you obtain the dizzying adrenaline and overwhelming fear of free will. Empty wallets, fleeting romances, broken hearts, anxiety, love, hurt. These emotions are meant to be felt, and life is not lived without them.
So, as life would have it, your steady mundanity was indeed set ablaze in your early twenties, when you fell in love with someone you had originally thought you hated.
Some might call that cliché. But, in actuality, not quite.
You had been friends with the mutant ninja turtles for years, ever since they saved New York City from the infamous Kraang attack of 2016. Your father was a police officer, and you had all met at the post-battle award ceremony and celebration. You and the turtles were 17 at the time, and you saw them repeatedly after that as they continued to work with the NYPD. Over time, you grew to become the friends you were now.
Well, not all of you. From your first encounter with the brawny brother in red, you discovered that he had quite the knack for pushing your buttons. While Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Donatello became some of your closest friends in the world, Raphael did everything he could to block you out. He was argumentative, temperamental, and unpredictable. You two could fight about anything: what kind of toppings to put on pizza, DC vs. Marvel, song or movie choice, even knitting patterns. The two of you were always bickering, always finding some way to make a snide comment or butt heads about something.  You couldn't stand him, and the feeling was very obviously mutual. 
On the topic of heads: flash forward five years later, when it finally came to one. You had been spending a lot more time with your turtle friends after finishing off your online degree program. While you were happy this was the case, the tension between you and Raphael seemed to be growing the more often you were around.
One day, the guys had gone out on their regularly scheduled patrol, with Raph staying behind because of a particularly nasty fight with Leo. You were waiting in the lair for them to return so that you could have your weekly movie night, but you were growing bored, and Master Splinter was nowhere to be found. Thus, you made the difficult decision to go bother Raph as he worked out in the dojo. 
When he saw you approaching his bench, he groaned through a rep, his eyes rolling back into his head. "What do ya want, shortstack?" He grumbled as he continued to bench press his barbell, the veins in his big, green arms flaring with each movement. 
You crossed your arms over your chest and huffed. "Save it, meat head. The more entertaining members of this family are gone, so I'm stuck here with you and nothing else to do. So..." You paused for a moment, watching as a scowl grew on his face while he continued his reps. "Do you want a spot.. or something?"
Raphael let out a breathy laugh as he set the barbell down back onto the stand. "Easy, tiger," He spoke as he sat up on his bench, side-eyeing you. "Even if you could lift this bar, I sure as shit ain't letting ya spot me. You'd purposefully drop it on my head before I could even bat my eyes at ya."
Your arms uncrossed and your hands went to your hips as you took a step closer to the red-masked brute. "Pssh, like I'd ever let you bat your eyes at me. I'd gouge out my own eyeballs before that could happen."
He scoffed up at you as he began to unwrap the bandages on his hands, which had been protecting his calluses from the aggressive texture of the metal bar. "Gee, yer a real charmer, aren't ya?" he questioned sarcastically, slightly under his breath. "Must be why you gotta line of men falling at your feet. Someone's gotta tame the tiger."
The dig at your love life (or rather, lack of one) made your face heat up, and you clenched your fists at your sides, taking another step closer to the brute. After all these years of bickering and insults, you were finally nearing your limit. "God, I try to be civil with you for one single day and you're a total asshole for no reason. What's your damage, Raph?"
Raphael whipped his head to you, the bandages he had just finished unwrapping long forgotten as he tossed them to the floor. He stood up from his bench as he spoke, taking a step towards you. "Ain't that easy. Yer my damage, sweetheart. Always have been, always will be."
"Oh, yeah?" You two stood not even a foot apart, and you were glaring up at him with the most intimidating look you could muster. "And just what exactly is your problem with me?" You could feel your heart rate increasing from the growing tension in the room. The air surrounding you felt like it had been injected with adrenaline, and you felt your temperature rising by the second. "Another easy one," Raph growled, looming over you. "You annoy the shit outta me, and ya never know when to shut yer goddamn mouth."
Your rage was increasing by the second, and by the fumes you felt radiating off of his mutant green form, you could say the same for the turtle in red. You were practically pressed against each other, him with a scowl on his face and you with a fire in your eyes. Your chest puffed up, and the words were out of your mouth before you could have a second thought.
"I bet you'd like to make me, wouldn't ya?"
It was silent after that. After quickly thinking it over, you almost gasped aloud at the implications of your words. The eye contact changed from a heated stare battle to his hazel eyes dominating, searching yours. You had been feeling very confident up until this moment, but that sentence alone caused the confidence to wither away, confusion at yourself taking its place. What the fuck did I just say?
Raphael's snarl had changed into a look of surprise. Confusion. And then back to anger.
With a frustrated grunt, he grabbed your waist and smashed his lips to yours. 
And that was the kerosene to the match that set your young adult life ablaze. 
The kiss was all burning rage, gory passion. It was tongues brushing and teeth clashing and a harsh grip on your waist and an even harsher grip on the tough, scaled skin of his shoulders. It was embers and flames and then the roar of a forest fire.  
You couldn't help the sounds that the kiss drew from deep within your chest. You didn't know how or why, but your soft lips fit oh so perfectly against his rough, scarred ones. Your mouths moved together in a harmonious rhythm despite the chaos, even as he gripped you by your thighs and carried you to his bedroom, as if you had practiced this a hundred times before. It felt like second nature to kiss Raphael, even though this was your first time doing so.
And you hated that you felt that way. 
What followed could, in no universe, be described as love-making. It was desperate and reckless ecstasy, a steaming release of the fury and tension you had been feeling towards one another for all these years. It could be seen in the way your nails clawed at his tough skin, in the way he pounded himself in and out of you, in the way your needy moans synchronized with his low grunts, in the way you clenched ever so tightly around him as he filled you with himself; it was aggressive, rough, almost mean.
You and Raph stilled for a moment after it was all over, breathing heavily and not saying a word, when you suddenly heard commotion coming from the living room. You made eye contact quickly, eyes widened, before scrambling to get dressed and cleaned up. You scurried out of his room and into the hallway, making it look to the returning brothers like you had been merely using the bathroom. And neither one of you spoke of it.
If you see me out in public, you don't know me, keep it silent In the bedroom, I be screamin', but outside, I keep it quiet Keep it on lowski, I'm the lowest of the lowest Wanna see if you can keep it like nobody know shit
The months that followed held similar tales of hidden passion. You and Raph never outright discussed what was transpiring, but assumed the unspoken rule of not mentioning it to his brothers. You continued to hang out with them when you could; on movie nights, you told them that you liked to wait in the lair for them to return from patrol so that you could eat all the popcorn without them. If Raphael stayed back from patrol, you snuck into his room or the dojo with a sarcastic remark and a smug look to annoy him to the point of 'teaching you a lesson'. If one of you was feeling particularly desperate to let off some steam, he would sneak out to your apartment on their nights off, telling his brothers that he was going to go get some air to 'clear his mind'. No matter what time he called or texted, you answered. It was almost like an addiction; you couldn't get enough of each other, and you couldn't deny how the other was able to satisfy you perfectly. 
You know how to reach me every time and it plays in your mind With a rush that feels like we committin' a crime You know where you belong, I'm gon' save you a spot But we can't be outside 'cause the block is too hot And I'm all on your mind...
At first, as stubborn as you both were, you kept up your gig of hating each other, despite the passion you were displaying. Between kisses and within sexual acts, your bickering continued relentlessly. "Wow, ya didn't even wear panties today. Gettin' desperate, are we?" "By the looks of your crotch right now, I don't think I'm the desperate one, dumbass." "Ya better watch yer fuckin' mouth." "Why, Red? Can't handle the heat?" "Oh, I'm boutta show ya heat, sweetheart." 
It was a balancing act, both of you trying not to break face and show the other how much you were enjoying these rendezvous of yours. Pride is a crazy thing, however, and as the situation went on, it began to manifest itself in other ways. 
Raphael was the one to start it, about a month into the endeavor. He couldn't help himself; after a day of arguing with Leo and feeling like a disappointment, he sought you out to release his frustrations. And the way you looked writhing and whining above him (as he munched like his life depended on it) had him feeling real smug. His hazel eyes watched you as he worked, the liquid gold shining with mischief. When he came up for air, his hands still keeping busy, the pride emerged.
"Anyone else make ya feel like this, doll?" He asked, his low voice scraping your ears like gravel, a dark smirk spreading across his face. "Tell me. Can anyone else make ya feel this good?" You had rolled your eyes and scoffed in the moment, but couldn't help the moans that continued to emerge from your mouth at his actions, clenching the sheets beneath you. He saw your bratty behavior and abruptly halted his movement, holding your hips still so that you were trapped. "Answer the damn question, or I'm stoppin'." You squirmed for a moment, whining, but your need had consumed you like a demon. "No!" You yelped. "No one else makes me feel this good, Raph! No one else makes me feel like you do! Please don't stop, please!" You wouldn't have called it begging after the fact, but he most certainly did. 
After that, something shifted. Sure, your sessions were still utilized for tension release, but there was more of a possession between you two than there had been before. The two of you were hanging out more often than you ever had. The bickering lessened, and in its place was validation, need, and your names on each others' lips. The contact grew more tender, and the conversations afterwards were more joke-y and only held friendly fire.
"So... do ya wanna put on that movie you were tellin' me about the other day?" "Wow, you wanna watch a movie with me? You must reallyyyyyyy enjoy spending time with me, Red~" "To be honest, I'm not here for you, I'm just here for the take out I know yer gonna end up orderin' later." "I love this hot n cold thing we have going on here. It's really turning me on." "Yer such a fuckin' goofball."
Between the two of you grew a mutual respect, an understanding, a cooperation: a love.
You found yourself thinking of things you wanted to tell Raph about when he wasn't around, and craving his input when you sought him out for advice. You yearned for the sound of his gruff voice and his blunt choice of words that always made you laugh or eased your mind. He found himself longing for the random questions you asked him or the jokes you'd regularly crack (whether they were funny or not) and the angelic sound of your laughter. Neither of you told the other about these feelings you were having, but they continued to develop on both sides.
Raphael found himself pondering these feelings one day while hitting the bag in the dojo, growing frustrated with himself. You had been in the lair hanging out with his brothers, and he continued his workout routine in the interest of being discreet, but he longed for nothing more than to hang out with you. To just be with you like his brothers were right now.
Of course, a particular brother in blue was bothering him more than normal. Leo was closer to you today than he normally was: giving you long hugs, sitting close to you on the couch, making you laugh with his idiotic jokes. Raph scoffed as he heard your laugh from the living room now, throwing an extra aggressive jab. What did Leo know, anyway? He'd bet that he could make you laugh twice as hard. He stopped, annoyed with himself for being so worked up, and stepped away to grab a towel and some water. 
As he made his way over to the mini fridge to grab a bottle, he was surprised to see you making your way over to him. Normally, on nights like these, he didn't expect anything from you besides your staged bickering until his brothers went to sleep or you went back to your apartment. You had a playful smile on your face as you approached the mini fridge, a message in your eyes that he couldn't quite make out, but goddamn he knew they were trying to say something to him.
"Hey, big guy. Leo sent me to grab some water," you looked up at him as you spoke, the smirk still on your face. And all the hope that Raph had felt in that moment dissipated, like popping a balloon. He scoffed at you, rolling his eyes before grabbing a water bottle and walking away. 
"Wait, woah. What's the matter?" He heard you ask from behind him, confused. He shook his head as he walked. "Nothin's the matter," He spoke slightly under his breath, but you could still hear him. "Why don't ya just go back to Leo? You're all over him, anyway."
He heard your footsteps as you followed him over to his bench. "Hold up, do you have a problem with me hanging out with your brother?" Raph couldn't make eye contact as he turned around to face you, so he looked down at the ground and huffed, eye ridges furrowed.  "Well, ya know me, and I don't like ta share. So if you're gonna hang out with him like that, then go ahead." 
"And just what would you be sharing?" You stood your ground a couple of feet in front of him, arms crossing at your chest and a determined glint in your eye. "Be straight with me, Raph, 'cause it's time we talked about this. What's going on between us?" He let out a grunt, shocked at your sudden confrontation, but still refusing to make eye contact. "Obviously nothin', if yer gonna go hang with Leo like that."
You inhaled, trying to maintain your patience. From the proximity you now held with the turtle in red, you knew you wouldn't get anywhere by fighting back. "Let me rephrase that. What do you want to be going on between us?" Raph moved to turn away from you, huffing again. "I don't know! Geez!" He exclaimed, before you grabbed his large bicep. He faced you, his massive form towering over your frame as you stepped close to him. He finally looked into your eyes, and saw nothing but a genuine question. No teasing, no tormenting, just a silent plead.
"Hey, talk to me, Red. It's just me." You smiled softly, begging eyes searching his liquid gold ones for something, anything, to grab onto and run with. He let you for a moment, before looking down at the ground again, growing more and more frustrated with himself. He took a deep breath, and kept his gaze on the floor as he spoke. 
"...I'm not very good with words, ya know that." He paused for a moment, making quick eye contact with you before looking back to the floor. "But I just... I like how this is goin'. How we're goin'... I like us together. I like bein' with ya, Y/N, and I just wanna do that without any of the other shit. I..." He stopped again, taking another deep breath. "I want to be with ya for real. And I'm sorry if I messed this up and that's not what ya want--" 
"I want that, too, Raph," You cut him off with a rising smile on your face, not being able to wait any longer. "That's all I've been wanting to be honest. I should have mentioned it earlier." Raph returned his eyes up to your face, shock gracing his expression. "Wait, so yer not into Leo?" He questioned, slightly caught off guard. You rolled your eyes and gave him a playful shove. "No dumbass, I'm into you." He watched your smile grow into a beam, silent, before a smile began to grow on his face as well. 
"God, finally," a voice exclaimed before Leo came out from behind the entrance of the dojo, walking up to the two of you. "It took you guys long enough. Even I was getting impatient." "Thanks buddy," you said to him, smiling as you guys bumped fists. Raphael watched the exchange, confused. "Wait... what?" He asked gruffly, eyes flicking between you and his brother. "You knew... about.. us?"
"Dude, we've all known for a while." Mikey shouted from the living room. Donnie walked past the entrance of the dojo and paused, a newly filled cup of coffee in his hand. "Yeah, you guys aren't exactly the most discrete," he said, before continuing his stroll back to his lab. Leo chuckled before turning back to his brother. 
"I was tired of watching you guys sneak around, so I finally confronted Y/N about it last week, and she spilled the beans on how she felt about you. Something told me you felt the same way, call it a brotherly instinct. Or maybe it was all the times you not-so-secretly snuck off to her apartment." He gave his muscly brother a playful punch to the bicep. "So pardon me for playing matchmaker a little bit."
You took a step closer to Raph, hugging yourself around one of his arms and looking up at him through your lashes. "Yeah, I mayyyyyyy have gotten impatient and recruited Leo to help me move things along. That's why we were all cuddly today. But you don't mind, right?" You jokingly pressed him, batting your eyelashes. 
He rolled his eyes at you and scoffed, removing you from his arm, but wrapped his arms around your waist instead of pushing you away. He pulled you from his side to his front, turning you to completely face him and ignoring his older brother present in the room. "Yeah, I guess it's fine or whateva," he fake-sighed, bringing you close to his plastron and leaning in toward you. You, too, leaned in, your arms reaching up to wrap around his neck. 
"Okay, at least wait until I'm out of the room to start sucking face," Leo commented, turning around and booking it out of the dojo. The two of you turned your heads to watch him leave before facing each other again, glowing smiles on your faces. 
"So... I guess I tamed the tiger, huh?" He teased gruffly, nudging his snout into your cheek. You giggled, a mischievous glint reaching your eyes. "Who said anything about tame?" You teased back, playing with the ends of his blood red mask.
"That's my girl," he murmured, before smashing his lips into yours.
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dovkss · 1 year
bakugou using your mouth in the library during a weekly study date with your friends…
word count: 2.2k
warning: 18+; manhandling; blowjob (m receiving); degradation; slapping; public sex; possessive & controlling katsuki; choking & gagging; cum eating; yandere themes; poor eijiro once again :((
all characters are aged up !!
a/n: quick first drabble from my first story “dumb bitch” since a lot of you asked for a part two but I don’t want to do one, I’ll continue more drabbles from the story if asked ! enjoy ! (^_^)
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You and the girls gathered at your usual study spot in the library on a quiet Saturday afternoon. You all were preparing for an exam and knew that studying together would help big time.
Kirishima was also there, like he always was. But he barely spoke. Ever since he discovered you and Bakugou on his bed, sprawled out like heathens, things were awkward to say the least.
You, the girl he’d cared deeply for, had chosen Bakugou over him, and it felt like a dagger was plunged into his soul.
He would think back to before everything went to shit. When classes for the day ended, he would see you leaning on his car when he'd go to the parking lot. You would greet him and lock your arm with his and you both made your way to the other side so he would open the passenger door for you.
You'd beg to go get ice cream or ask if he could take you home so you wouldn't have to take the bus. He would never say no to you, only nod like a dummy. It was like you knew the scent of your perfume made you irresistible to him.
When he would go to open the driver door, the handle would be warm from your ass. The day after the next, you would be back again to do the same thing.
You wanted to apologize to him, but was shut down by Bakugou. His nostrils flared and he rolled his eyes. "He'll get over it, stay away from him. Why? Because I told you to! Don't question me, you're fucking mine."
You respected his wishes, but you felt it was wrong.
You guys settled down at the spacious table, surrounded by shelves stacked with books, each section thoughtfully curated. They housed literary classics, contemporary bestsellers, niche genres, and even rare manuscripts. The atmosphere in the studying section was calm and serene. Soft whispers and the sound of turning pages filled the air.
You opened your rented textbook, and laptop, setting down your regular coffee next to them, ready to dive in.
"God, my head is killing me," Mina whined. Dramatically, she slumped over in her chair and rubbed her temple with two fingers.
"Still? It's been like a week," Momo asked.
"I don't know what's happening to me! Maybe... I'm dying..."
"Don't say that, death isn't funny."
"I never said it was, I'm being serious!"
"You're not gonna die from a headache, Mina. Stop being a baby. Maybe learn how to swallow a pill, it'll help."
Mina groaned and shook her head. "You know I can't do that!"
"Then stop complaining!" Momo snapped back.
You shook your head in disbelief. It seemed that the girls would always find something mundane to argue about. But that was just their dynamic. If there were a day they weren't bickering, you'd be worried.
You glanced up at Kirishima who sat across from you. His head was in his notebook; he was taking notes. You watched him, observing how he studied. His handwriting was a little sloppy, as he seemed to be writing fast. His tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth a little.
He was adorable when he was focused.
He looked up, meeting your gaze. You didn't look away. His red eyes glistened in the sunlight that came through the windows. You smiled at him, being sure to show off your pearly whites.
He sighed and went back to jotting down whatever he was writing. You frowned and opened your mouth to speak up, but you were suddenly yanked up by your arm.
You gasped and dropped the pen that was in your hand. You knew that tight grip of his, it never failed to make you shutter.
"Been tryna reach you for hours, y'know?"
You giggled. "Well I can't be available all the time."
Bakugou wasn't amused. His ears flushed in anger and his jaw clenched.
He dragged you out of the library, you winced when he tightened his grip on you. He was tall, his long strides made it almost impossible for your legs to keep up at a normal pace. Looking back, you were surprised.
Momo sat silently, taking a deep breath. Mina watched in confusion as to where he was taking you and wondered if you’d be back. Kirishima just stared. He seemed calm, like he wasn't worried.
He wasn't.
“Be right back you guys- ow!” You flinched. Bakugou had yanked you by your ear, forcing you in front of him so you couldn’t look anywhere else but ahead.
Leaving the study area, Bakugou took you to an empty part of the library, all the way on the other side. Furthest away from your friends.
He shoved you into one of the shelves and stood in front of you. He towered over you, his wide chest almost caging you in that one spot.
“You wanna embarrass me?” He asked, how voice low and intimidating.
You shook your head. “No… of course not, Katsuki! What did I do?”
His infuriated state didn’t subside. Your innocent question only intensified it.
“You should know better than to ignore me,” he said.
You shook your head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about but I’m sorry, okay?”
“You always have your phone on you, I’m not stupid.”
You looked up at him and wrapped your arms around his neck. “My phone is in my bag, we needed to focus for this exam and I didn’t want to get distracted. I didn’t mean to worry you… forgive me?”
He scoffed at your sudden change in demeanor. You looked at him with those eyes. The very same eyes you gave him whenever you wanted him to take care of you in more ways than one.
“What a fucking whore you are.” He spat at you, his hands running down the sides of your waist.
“You know me so well—after I study, you can come over. I’ll make it up to you!” You smile softly, biting your lip.
Bakugou didn’t react, he just looked at you. It was hard to read him. You were never able to tell what he was thinking. That’s what made him stand out to you in the first place.
“Why are you studying with Kirishima?”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “Well, that’s how it’s always been. I can’t really control if he’s there or not either…”
“Fucking figure it out. I don’t want you around him, if that means you have to kick those sluts to the curb as well, then so be it.”
He was serious. Of course he was, there was never a moment where he wasn’t. But he didn’t actually expect you to let go of Momo and Mina did he? Your best friends since… forever!
You frowned at his words and your arms dropped from his neck. You fiddled with the hem of your sweater and looked away from him.
When you didn’t give an answer, he brought his hand up to your chin, forcing you to look at him. “So what’s it gonna be?”
You were unsure of how to answer. Obviously, you weren’t gonna stop being friends with them. They were there first, it would be unfair.
“Why do you hate him so much?”
The grin on his face became more prominent. Slowly, teasingly, his hand smoothed down your hair before he pressed against the back of your neck. “Because he wants what’s mine.”
He pressed down hard, pushing you down to your knees. Your heart sped up when you realize what’s happening.
You blinked up at him, unsure of what he wanted you to do. You were also too scared. Your hands shook a little at the thought of getting caught. That would be a nightmare.
He tilted his head at you. “You don’t expect me to do everything, do you?”
You looked to both sides of you worryingly. “What if someone comes, and we get in trouble, or worse- suspended. Or even worse! Expelled! Oh my god, I’d be in so much trouble, my parents would kill me and I would be a disgrace and they’d disown me and they’d take away everything I have, everything I love, oh my god I’m gonna have a heart attack,”
Bakugou rolled his eyes at your nervous rambling, unzipping his pants and pulling out his hard cock. He slammed your head back on the shelf which shut you up immediately, his cock in his hand, he tapped your lips with it.
“Are you done? Needa’ use your mouth for something more productive right now.”
You closed your eyes, letting out jagged breaths, and nod submissively. He chuckled then forced his cock between your lips, putting his entire length down your throat.
Your squeals are muffled when he thrusts into your mouth. He explores your tongue and feels the inside of your cheeks. It made him crave you even more.
“Looks at me baby- aah, shit. Look at me when your mouth is full.” He exhaled.
You did as he said without question. One thing about Bakugou, his moans were gorgeous. They never failed to make you feel special.
It always sent shivers down your spine whenever his breaths let you know how much of a good girl you were being. Your nipples became hard, almost being visible through your thick sweater. The pain at the back of your head became a distant feeling.
The only thing you focused on was him. How good he was making you feel, and how you were doing the same to him.
His breath hitched as his thrusts into your throat became more powerful. His balls slapped against your chin and saliva spilled from the corners of your lips.
“Wider,” he panted. “Open wider… deeper…”
You tried your best to widen your lips more to his liking. But you were as wide as you could go, his cock was already forcing your mouth wide open. It was hard to breathe through your mouth and your jaw started to cramp.
He leaned over you, his arms and forehead resting on the bookshelf. You could tell he was focused, his expression was serious.
You felt yourself growing more wet when you began to gag on his cock. The lewd noises were a little loud, the thought of being caught scared you but you didn’t care about that now.
He moaned more, cursing at you under his breath. It was so faint, you couldn’t hear what he was saying. But you were willing to bet it was so hot.
Hs shoved his hand to the back of your head and began forcing you down on his cock. Your eyes shot close when you started choking on him even more.
His grip on your hair tightened and you could tell he was close. You tried to be good for him and just take it. But the roughness was too much to handle.
You whined and whimpered, but he ignored you. The only thing on his mind was chasing his high. You felt his cock twitch in your mouth and you moaned.
That set him off. His body jerked ever so slightly as he released down your throat. His gasps were soft and mixed with shits and fucks.
When he pulled out of you, a long string of his thick cum mixed in with your saliva connected between his cock and your mouth. He lifted it off his end and placed it in your mouth.
You prepared your throat to swallow before he caught it and flung his hand across your cheek, your head snapping to the side. You whimper and bring your hand to your slapped cheek.
“Don’t swallow until I tell you to.” He hissed.
You nodded and stood slowly, resting your head on his chest. He cleaned himself up a bit, putting his cock back into his boxers and zipping up his jeans.
He led you back to your friends and left without a word. You sat down quietly, grabbing your phone from your bag and rested your head on the table.
13 missed calls and 22 unanswered texts.
“What happened back there? Are you alright?” Mina asked. You looked up at her. She was worried, like usual. You only smile and nod.
“Are you sure? You look exhausted,” Kirishima added. You nod again, your tongue playing with the cum still in your mouth.
You felt your eyes ready to close so you can get some rest until you felt your phone buzz. You lifted it from your lap and unlocked it.
It was from Bakugou.
“Send me a pic of my seed in you. Then I’ll allow you to swallow.”
You cringed. What if your friends saw? What would they think of you if they knew what just happened?
But you couldn’t ignore him. You’d end up in bigger trouble later if you did.
You opened the camera app and turned the camera around. Kirishima was right, you did look exhausted. Your eyes were barely able to stay open, it looked like you had been crying.
You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out. You snapped a photo of your expression and examined it before sending.
It was clear as day, the cum in your mouth. It was awfully abundant and salty. Having it in your mouth for longer than three minutes would surely make your breath stink like crazy.
You sent the picture to him and awaited a response. It wasn’t long before you got a reply.
“Disgusting whore.”
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wayfayrr · 25 days
The Menace is back with a Self-Aware ask and your weekly words. So here we go with the Self-Aware!
So I think about a Self-Aware Wind and Spirit would be a good idea. You ask who Spirits is? Well the Link from Spirit Tracks because I'm sure he is a reincarnation of Wind as there were things that wouldn't make sense if he was the same. Niko is old but Spirit isn't, Zelda and Spirit don't recognise each other, Spirit doesn't have a sister or a grandma only old man Niko and Niko tells him the story of Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass.
I believe that Wind tries to be sneaky like when Reader looks away he turns his head towards them. Reader also catched him a few times but just thought their eyes were playing tricks on them same with Spirit. But I think it would be interesting when both of them break out at the same time.
Like the scenario is like that. Reader plays Phantom Hourglass on their DS and their little/older sibling comes to them as they are stuck somewhere in Spirit Tracks and it was Reader's game after all, they don't know that Spirit planned it. So Reader just say leave it with them and put their DS down to look at the problem. Only to notice that it seems as there isn't one, Link just runs around the overworld. So Reader thinks it's a glitch and runs around with Spirit to find a next town, they are really far away if you don't use the train. So Wind gets jealous and looks for methods to get their attention. How? He runs out of the safety zone from Bellum's temple and has a monster running after his life. So if Reader plays with sound on they immediately switch DSs to save Wind. And these two do that the whole time. Oh, there is the train geek? Sorry Spirit, but Wind just fell down somewhere and Reader has to go the whole way back so they don't lose progress and heal him. Oh, Wind has a puzzle that Reader tries to solve? Sorry Wind, but Spirit just rolled against a tree with a bees/horns nest, Reader has to save him. Oh, Spirit sees and Overworld Boss and it does nothing and Reader wants to take pictures of it T posing?! Sorry Spirit, But Wind needs their help as he lost all of the ore for smith Zauz and now has to collect them again!! Oh, Wind just got a heart container after he defeated a boss?! Well Sorry Wind But Spirits RUNS ON WATER! OH LOOK WIND FELL DOWN FROM THE BOAT AND NEEDS TO BE SAVED!! SORRY SPIRIT, BUT YOUR JESUS JOURNEY HAS TO BE CUT SHORT!! OH READER FINALLY FOUNDS THE TRAIN?! WELL EXCUUUSEE ME SPIRIT BUT WIND RAN INTO FREAKING BELLUM IN THE OVERWORLD!!! OH...
And so on. These two will go into extreme lengths to get Readers attention on one of them. So they will probably break out as Reader didn't fold any of the two DS to help their parents who called them. But at first the two will fight. Obviously they love Wind more they played his games a dozens of time! Nooo, they love Spirit more they could've given him back to their sibling but they didn't he was still there. When Reader returns they just demand to know who Reader's favourite is. Reader completely stunned as both games start talk to them think they go nuts as they pulled an all-nighter before. The two won't stop and slammed against the glass until it breaks and... why are they so small? Why is Reader so tall?! WHY ARE THESE TWO HERO CHIBIS!? AND WHY HAS ONE OF THEM A JOB!?!
And your words are.
Ice blue
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Hello menace! you've discovered one of my utter weaknesses that I've never mentioned on here - spirit is my son/lh/j. I love that silly little train kiddo, he's just! So silly goofy!!!
also firm believer that if they both get out - or actually speak to one another then they'll get along really really well. they're twins and I can't be convinced otherwise.
I think the idea of them both spiting the other until reader leaves them both to go and destress would be an eye opener to the both of them, being bitter and not working together is worse for BOTH of them. Of course they'll both bicker about who is the favourite but when push comes to shove, two is always more effective than one.
ALSO LITTLE MENACE SPIRIT???? LOVE HIM oh he deserves to be an absolute little shit for attention, he's just a baby that can do no wrong after all!!!! just a tiny little guy!!!! Baby boy!!!!! he's got his train so now he just needs his older sib's attention!!! so what if he has to mess with someone else's game to do that - it worked so how can you hate him for it?
also the jesus journey bit is actually sending me- he's so desperate for attention he'll break all the rules in order to keep your eyes on him ;-; hopefully you won't reset his game seeing as he's breaking it so much now
heheheheheh tiny baby spirit who can sit in your hand or a baby wind who can fit in your pockets they're just little tiny babies!!!!! little itty bitty guys!!!!! (reminds me of some imgs peep's sent in asks lmao) so what if they shouldn't be there! now they are and that's your problem to deal with!!! they won't cause issues - pinky promise <3
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(both of these guys are by @artsy-moonwalker, I adore these two little guys beyond belief and spirit looking so scruffy is just so!!!!!! literally baby and I love him so!!!)
as for the words hmmmmm, I think I'll go with ice blue for this one (sorry for the late response too, I know these were last week's after all)
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pewpewkachuuboo · 4 months
People reacted really well to radioapple, so here’s another few short short drabbles of those two with some huskerdust sprinkled in because they’re so good it hurts my heart- I really appreciate the likes and reblogs 😭 I wanted to just have some slice of life style interactions because I love the idea of them being besties at least end game (every spicy scorpio needs their charismatic libra bestie - idc what their signs actually are this is my headcannon and I will not be swayed).
Working on a few long form works with actual plot lmao - I want to get a few chapters in before I post because I don’t like the idea of not posting weekly updates to long form. I’m having so much fun, ya’ll. I really needed a creative outlet 😭 I missed writing so much.
-Alastor discovers romance novels-
Angel Dust was draped across one of the sofas in the hotel lobby with a book open in his top set of hands while petting a sleeping Fat Nuggets with his bottom set, the pink pig curled up at his abdomen.
The lanky man’s fingers were quick to turn the pages as his eyes scanned the pages, his tongue sticking out slightly from concentration.
(Husk was watching thoughtlessly, a wistful smile on his face as he rested his cheek in one paw while the other wiped in lazy circles around the bar counter, but he would never admit the lopsided smile was for the spider if he even realized he was doing it at any point.)
“Why, Angel, I had no idea you were literate.”
Alastor’s static voice broke Angel Dust out of his trance - he jumped higher than intended, scaring Fat Nuggets who ran to the bar for shelter (Husk panicked at the voice, but his demeanor went back to his usual disinterested face after Fat Nuggets dove for his feet). Angel Dust’s face had a soft pink tint, “Are ya kiddin? I can read. I’m dumb but I ain’t stupid.”
Alastor tutted, “That makes no sense, dear.” Angel opened his mouth to retort but Alastor cocked his head to the side at an unsettling angle as he interrupted the attempt making Angel bite his tongue instead, “What are we indulging in? Hemingway, perhaps? Maybe some James Joyce?”
“Who?” Angel Dust didn’t miss a beat, smiling slightly when he saw Alastor’s eye twitch, “I don’t read that old timey shit - this is…” he paused before telling him the author, a grin spreading devilishly across his face, “This is one of ta best novels to come out in years according to the reviews.” He motioned to the pile spread out beside him, “If you like ta read you’re more than welcome ta borrow one.”
Alastor made a noise in consideration before picking up one of the books with two of his fingers like he was afraid to get bitten, “I would hate to discourage you picking up good habits, and I do miss a harrowing tale.”
Angel Dust crossed his long legs, “Oh, they’re harrowing alright.”
Alastor raised an eye brow in suspicion, but moved to hold the book regularly, “Well, then, don’t mind if I do indulge in some entertainment. Thank you, Angel Dust.”
Alastor disappeared into his shadows and Angel Dust grinned at Husk, “Wanna bet on reactions when he gets to the steamy parts?”
Husk’s mouth quirked in another half smile as he sighed out a laugh, “I do love to gamble.”
A few hours later, Angel Dusk had moved to the bar and was laughing at one of Husk’s stories from when he was alive before he received a sharp thump to the back of his head as Alastor appeared and had slapped the spider demon with the borrowed book. Angel growled, rubbing the place of impact, “What the fuck-“
“You just tricked me into reading some very inappropriate content.” Alastor mused, laying the book on the bar top, “Never do that again if you know what’s good for you.”
Angel huffed, handing Husker a crisp twenty as Alastor turned on his foot to leave, “Whateva, you probably liked it.”
“Ha Ha Ha - no.”
Angel Dust stuck his tongue out at Husk who was grinning from his win, but they both turned just in time to see Alastor pick up another book from the pile before disappearing again.
The spider looked back at Husk, eyebrows raised, “Wait, gimme the $20 back - I told you aces usually love smut if it’s a book, watching and reading are different than doin and I FUCKIN WON.”
Husk growled lowly, handing him the bill back before fishing another twenty from his tip jar and handing it over, “Fuck, I hate when you’re right.”
Angel Dust laughed evilly and made an effort to just leave his novels around the hotel to see if any would get picked up - and they usually did.
-Lucifer tries to lead one of Charlie’s lessons-
Lucifer looked over the hotel patrons one by one before taking in a deep breath and letting it out, “Today we are going to talk about and learn about unconscious bias and random acts of kindness.”
He tried not to linger on Alastor’s form for longer than needed because that fucking smile made his blood boil and he had promised Charlie that he would take this seriously and her sparkling, expectant glare was putting more pressure on him than he had thought it would and he HAD to get this right or Charlie would never ask him to help again (probably).
“Unconscious bias is when you make assumptions about someone you don’t know without realizing based on things that you learned as you’ve been a conscious being. For example, most men here in hell probably assume that women are only capable in traditional wife roles and will treat women as less powerful or threatening as a result.” He pointed the apple at the tip of his cane in the direction of the women in the room, “All of our lovely ladies are obviously very powerful and would not adhere to that stereotype, but when someone assumes they are weak because they are women, we call that an unconscious bias because it happens without that person realizing.” He cleared his throat, “Does anyone have another example?”
Angel Dust raised his hand and then tapped his chin thoughtfully when Lucifer motioned for him to share, “Well, people think I’m a woman cus I have tits. Is that right?”
Lucifer’s eye twitched, “Well… kind of, not quite.” He hummed thoughtfully, “When people think of you, they think of your career in adult films, right?”
“Okay, Husk, what is something that you assumed about Angel Dust because of that career that he’s proved you wrong in getting to know him?”
Husk’s jaw went slack and his cheeks turned a soft pink, “M-me?”
“Yes- the two of you seem to be good friends, so I assume you have an example.”
Angel Dust smirked, “C’mon, Kitty Cat - tell me what you’ve learned about me.”
Husk sighed and stayed quiet for a moment before clearing his throat, “I had assumed that because he’s an actor that he was fake, but what I perceived as fake was a shield and he’s actually one of the most genuinely kind people I’ve ever met.”
Alastor cocked his head at this and Angel Dust was silent -face unreadable. Both were making him increasingly uncomfortable so he stuttered out a, “H-he’s still annoying as hell, though.”
Lucifer clapped his hands together, “Amazing! That’s a great example!” He looked to Charlie and Vaggie as Charlie excitedly waved her hands in the air chanting me next several times before Lucifer motioned for his daughter to share.
“I made assumptions about Vaggie when we met! I assumed she was a demon because we met in an alley and then I assumed that Adam would help us because angels are supposed to be good but he was an asshole!” She ranted and chirped excitedly for a few more moments, and once she had finished she grinned up at him, “Do you have unconscious bias?”
Lucifer nodded his head thoughtfully, “Everyone has unconscious bias.”
Charlie made an ‘O’ with her mouth before she scanned the room and pointed at Alastor, “What unconscious bias did you have against Alastor?”
Lucifer’s eye twitched in irritation, looking to the radio demon whose eyes narrowed in curiosity. After a few minutes Lucifer sighed, “I assumed he was a psychopath with ill intentions. I still think he’s insane, but… he has protected you all and I think that means he doesn’t have the illest of intentions.”
Alastor’s grin widened, “Why, thank you sir! I’m tickled to know you care to notice.”
Charlie’s eyes sparkled as she clasped her hands together, “Wow! This is so great!”
Lucifer moved his neck to pop it from the uncomfortable feelings he just had to experience. Complimenting Alastor was exhausting. “Now, random acts of kindness. This is when you want to thank someone or see someone that needs help, you go out of your way to assist them. It doesn’t have to be life saving - for example, to thank you all for coming today I have brought you all a….” He reached into his coat and threw yellow objects at the group with a grin, “rubber duck!!”
He let them pick up the ducks before he continued, “These are important to me, and all of you are also important to me and so I am giving you a gift to reflect that. Another example would be giving a beggar some change, buying food for someone who can’t afford it themselves, or even just listening when you see someone get emotional that seems like they need company.” He popped his knuckles, “Your assignment is to go and perform a random act of kindness and report back with what you did, why, and how it made you feel.” He lifted his arms and created a wind to blow the material of his coat behind him as well as open the front doors to the hotel dramatically, “Go! Randomly be kind! I’ll be waiting!”
The first to return after being released was Alastor. He held out a bag to Lucifer, who looked at the offering with high suspicion, “I have brought you a gift to show your importance in the hotel.”
“Is it poisoned?”
Alastor chuckled, “No, sir, this is a genuine gift.”
Still suspicious of the radio demon, Lucifer carefully held the bag at a distance. Once free of the bag, Alastor bowed at his waist, hand on his chest, “I have some other matters to attend to, so a bid you adieu for now. Have a swell afternoon, your highness.”
Once the shadow disappeared, Lucifer carefully opened the bag with the tips of his fingers. He was surprised, however, that the item in the bag was a weirdly large rubber duck that had been colored to look like an imp. Lucifer narrowed his eyes and took the duck out, not sure if he should be thankful or wonder if it being an imp implied that he was less than Alastor. But it was cute….
He studied the red duck for a moment before smiling, moving to take it to his tower to place with the rest of the collection.
-radioapple does coffee-
The cafe the two sat in was quaint and silent, aside from the bustle of the barista as the small imp moved to clean the counters spotlessly while there was a lull in customers. The walls were a soft purple, and large white daisies decorated the walls randomly while the floor was occupied by black tables and chairs for patrons to sit in.
Lucifer had his legs crossed and eyes closed as he lifted his cup of coffee to his lips with a grace that only someone of royal lineage could hold.
Alastor was sitting opposite the king of hell, humming as he tipped his own cup to his lips.
The silence that hung between them was comfortable for once, not angry or awkward like it was normally at the hotel.
Lucifer opened his eyes slowly to look up at Alastor’s permanently perfect smile, flashing one of his own, “If I had known you were a tea and coffee connoisseur we may have gotten along sooner.”
Alastor chuckled, “Sir, if that’s all it would have taken I would have brought it up as soon as you had stepped into our lowly hotel.”
The shorter male made an amused sound at the thought, “What ifs aside, we probably would have gotten over it eventually. I will say, I’m still not sure of your true intentions with my daughter and her friends, but I do approve of you keeping them safe and also of us doing this weekly - I’ve never had a coffee friend before.”
Alastor raised an eyebrow, “Friend, sir?”
Lucifer shrugged and took another sip of his coffee, letting the silence settle over them again.
Alastor’s voice box crackled before he made a new suggestion, “A dear friend of mine is the leader of Cannibal Town - they have a rather tasty and aesthetic cafe out there, we should make that the destination for next week.”
Lucifer’s eyes brightened, “Ah, Rosie? I haven’t seen her since the extermination before last - and it’s been centuries since I’ve been to Cannibal Town. It would be nice to say hello again! Let’s make that the plan, then.”
The two sat in comfortable silence as they enjoyed decent company and good coffee.
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burning-omen · 1 year
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Jason Todd x male!reader
Request by anonymous : Can you do a smutt with dom male reader x bratty sub jason todd. Where jason is the typical confident, brat/jock. But jason has a feet kink? Like licking, getting footjobs and stepped on his cock?
Whenever MR had his feet up or something Jason would stare and then excuse himself to jo; or put reader's feet on his lap and massage them pretending he is distracted; and reader knows, so is a little shit about it, miving them Jason's lap/ streaching when they are on the sofa, etc.
Untill reader sees jason jerking to one of his used socks and confronts him.
I know this is really long but it really got into my head and i would love you for it.
Warning⚠️: foot fetish, footjob (Jason receiving), y/n teases Jason, discovering kinks, not beta read (I love my beta reader too much to send them this at this ungodly hour)
(A/n: multiple things, first I would like to wish a happy black history month for my fellow seasoned folk, reparations over forgiveness. Second, I have no shame in writing this and those who hate can suck my massive signaling, also i was reading gay poems so now y'all got Wilde as a title)
It was the first movie night of the month. You and Jason tried to make it a weekly thing but with the way both of your schedules are set up it was a bit difficult. After missing the last two movie nights from last month (the first time he canclled, the second time you did) you decided to finally spend some quality alone time with your boyfriend. You had everything set up perfectly, your internet has been out all week so you had to pull your DVD player and a few CD’s out of your storage closet, but other than that it was an easy set up.
Absentmindedly, you cracked your knuckles, waiting for Jason who said he was just around the corner about- you lifted your phone, checking how long ago he sent the text- 20 minutes ago. He still wasn’t here, or maybe he was and he was just fucking with you, who fucking knows. Clearly not you because he said he’d be here and he wasn’t. You considered starting without him, or calling him. But what if he’d gotten caught up in some vigilante business or was stuck in traffic or something, then you’d feel like shit for starting and you’d have to start the movie over.
So you waited another 10 minutes, then 15, then 20. By the time 30 minutes had passed you were on the verge of falling asleep on the couch. Just as your eyes drifted shut you heard the familiar click of the window lock. Groaning, you sat up, turning around to see Jason, still fully dressed in his Red Hood gear, climbing through your window.
“You’re late.” you said tiredly.
You heard another short click as he pulled his helmet of holding it under his arm.
“B put me on a stake out with Nightwing last minute, I tried to tell him that you’d be on my ass for it but he never listens,”
You sighed, “You two have that in common.”
He chuckled, then muttered, “Sure, Y/n.”
Walking around the couch he tossed his helmet on the table. Just as he sat down you stood up, grabbing one of the cases off the table and popping the CD out of it. He watched as you had a mild struggle with the old DVD player, but eventually got it set up. You sat back down on the couch, your back leaning against the arm of the couch and your knees pulled up to your chest.
Jasons hand rose for a moment, then he let it fall again. Looking up at your face he thought, ‘He won’t notice..’.
Even his thoughts sounded nervous, after a moment of hesitation he lifted his hand again, grabbing your ankle and pulling. You yelpped as you were suddenly yanked, your left foot now firmly placed in Jasons lap. You were about to question him when you felt a gentle pressure against the underside of your foot. Looking down you saw that Jason, surprisingly nimble fingered, was giving you a foot message. What you didn’t see was the nevrvousness that wracked his entire body. His hands shook ever so slightly shaking.
With a small smile you asked, “Is this your way of apologizing?”
He didn’t say anything, seemingly focused on the movie, so you moved on, turning your focus back to the movie as well.
There was about an hour left in the movie, Jason’s hands had stopped moving a while ago, now just resting against your foot. But that didn’t stop something else from moving against your foot. So slow and gentle that you almost didn’t notice it.
Once you did you had to resist the urge to jump out of your skin. Slowly and gently his hips rolled against your foot, at such a steady pace. You glanced down, you doubt he was even focused on the movie. His grip on the bottom hem of your pants tightened and his breath shuttered ever so slightly.
It was kinda hot.
The movie -that you’d honestly almost forgotten about- went silent for a moment. And all you could hear were the quiet, needy pants coming from your boyfriend, you hadn’t even noticed before. But now, even as the movies volume picked back up, it’s all you could focus on.
You almost wanted to confront him. Just to hear him be a little louder. But honestly it would probably just embarrass him. So you didn’t.
A few more minutes passed, you tried to ignore him. It wasn’t working. At all.
You couldn’t even remember the plot of the damn movie you’d been focusing so hard on him.You shifted your body, trying not to move the foot in his lap for both of your sake. You were unsuccsesful. You knew that because of how hard he’d suddenly bucked up and the gasping, stuttered moan that left his lips. It was beyond noticeable. But he played it off, staying focused on the movie despite how flustered he felt. You played it off too, acting like that wasn’t one of the hottest things you personally experienced in your life.
Another short glance down to Jason then back to the TV. The main character was doing…something to save the…planet?? Country??? Something, the main character was doing something to save the something.
Jason was far too distracting, but you were far too entertained to pull yourself away.
After a short moment of contemplation, you shifted again, ‘accidentally’ pressing against Jason cock. His hands gripped your leg harder than you thought he would, a sharp gasp coming from him.
He glanced over at you, letting go of your ankle.
“Sorry..” he muttered.
“‘S fine..” you muttered back, pretending to pay attention to the movie.
Then the moment he recovered, you did it again.
You did stop eventually, when his breathing became heavy and uncontrollable and his grip became painful, you let up. Despite the fact that you stopped moving, he didn’t. His still clothed cock ground against the bottom of your foot.
You felt him stop, but his grip on you pant leg tightened. You looked over at him, he was breathing hard, his eyes squeezed shut and his mouth fell open. His hips were bucking softly against you and you felt his cock twitch hard under your foot. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what happened. You're surprised he lasted so long, almost an hour of humping against the bottom of your foot and he’s just now cumming. He bit down on his lip to stop himself from making any noise, he wasn't successful but it was cute nonetheless.
You had to stop yourself from laughing when he excused himself.
You waited until you heard the bathroom door shut before you sat up.
You were hard, because after that why the fuck wouldn’t you be. Every desprate little moan, the way he tried to stop his hips from bucking against you too hard, his grip on your pants, every move he made. It all built up to a very, very hot experience.
The rest of the night went on relatively normal, you watched another movie, you cuddled, you made out. It was a good date. And you’d discovered something new about your boyfriend.
He has a foot fetish.
You thought about, all damn day. While you got dressed, while you drove to work, while you worked, on the drive home and as you fumbled with your keys at the door you thought about it.
Finally, in what feels like the first time in the past 15 hours, you focused. Unlocking the door and turning the handle.
“Jason, I'm home!” you shouted into the quiet apartment.
You heard some movement upstairs, but that's all.
Locking the door and hanging up your keys you quickly made your way upstairs. Walking through the dark hallway before coming up to your bedroom door and pushing it open. Only to see a very flustered, panting Jason, gripping the cover that had been hastily thrown over his lap staring at you.
Instead of mentioning the fact that he’d very clearly been jerking off before you walked in, you moved past him, pretending not to notice as a devious little idea came into your mind.
You let out an exasperated sigh, tossing your work bag to the floor and kicking your shoes off then putting them away in your shared closet. Then, leaning up against the wall directly across from the bed, pulling your leg up to arms length and almost painfully slowly, pulling your sock off.
A quick glance up revealed that Jason was damn near drooling at the sight.
You switched to your other sock, then stood up straight with both socks in hand before tossing them to Jason, who despite his best efforts, could not hide the desperation in his face as he caught them.
“I’m gonna go take a shower, can you put those in the laundry basket for me?”
He nodded wordlessly.
With a small smile you went into the bathroom, turned the shower on, and waited.
A few minutes later you cracked the bathroom door open, fighting feelings of ridiculousness as you peaked at your own boyfriend through the crack.
Sure enough, he was jerking off. Hips bucking up into his own hand, his chest rising and falling rapidly, whining and whimpering as he pumped his cock into your sock. And while the part of your mind screamed about how disgusting it was to be sexually attracted to feet, the other, much louder part of you mind screamed that this was so fucking hot and that you’d do anything to see him like this again.
His legs twitched and his hips sputtered as he came, moaning openly, cum drenching the sock wrapped around his cock, oozing through the fabric and down his fingers.
And after a moment of sweaty, pleasured bliss. He panicked. You knew why, cum was kinda hard to get out of clothes, they usually have to be hand washed to get out the stain completely, which usually wasn’t a problem. Having to explain why your sock, and only your sock was suddenly drenched with cum was going to be a problem.
Luckily for him, you’d seen the entire thing and you weren’t too concerned about a dirty sock.
You watched him panic for a moment before pushing the bathroom door fully open. A deep pink blush set on his cheeks as he tried to explain himself through his flustered state. You could see that his brain seemingly just couldn’t handle this and was beginning to shut down on Jason. So as he stumbled his way through an excuse, you sat on the bed next to him, a small smile on your face. Grabbing his jaw in your hand you turned his face so he was looking at you.
“Jason..” you said, your voice commanding his attention.
“Yes?” He answered after a moment.
“I know,” you said, it came off more monotonous than you meant it to, but you got your point across with two simple words.
His panic lessened but only by a fraction.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about..” he lied.
You had to fight the grin that tried to stench across your face.
“Jason, you know as well as I do-“ you placed your hand over his cock, pulling off the sock that you just watched him soak in cum, “-that you know exactly what I’m talking about.”
He paused, seemingly gathering his thoughts.
A minute later, he spoke.
“It’s really your fault if you think about it.”
And you laughed, because of course he tried to pin his link on you.
“Okay, how?“
“I didn't feel anything about them for years- then here you come with them looking all nice, and always sitting them in my lap, and teasing me with them, and I just-” he shrugged, “again, completely your fault.”
“So it's my fault that you have a foot fetish?”
“Don’t..say it like that, and yes it is-”
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fic-over-cannon · 5 months
1000% projecting here but I can’t stop thinking about Jason with a troubled relationship to religion.
Jason doubted God when he watched his mom’s health decline. Jason was dragged to a church to attend Bruce’s cousin’s wedding and hated every second of the ceremony, not because of the suit, but because of the priest’s words. Jason prayed for the first time in years only seconds before his death. Jason’s first thought coming out of the Lazarus pit was Scripture, maybe thinking about the story of Lazarus and hoping against hope that Bruce would be right there to welcome him back to life. Jason barely contains his anger when someone tries to hand him a church pamphlet that talks about life after death and salvation. Because Jason knows what death is like and these people don’t.
Also, the internal struggle he would have between the dogma stuck in his brain and the blood on his hands. And maybe he never says it out loud, but his motivation is to cleanse Gotham of her sinners.
Anyway, I‘m really sorry if this just sounds like trauma dumping or is incoherent!!! This headcanon was proudly sponsored by my evangelical family. I don’t hate Christians/Christianity, I just like to rub salt into my own wounds.
oh i agree nonny! i think that with all of his life (and death) experiences, jason has such a complicated relationship with religion. i don’t know why, but i always head canon that Catherine was a catholic, and so for the first few years of his life, Jason was too. Every Sunday she’d take him to mass, and if there was the money for it Jason would get a sweet or a hot drink after as a reward for sitting through the service. It’s the image of his mother in her church dress, smiling down at him over a cup of coffee that haunts him the most when addiction changes her. He watches his father never come back no matter how many times his mother prays for it, her fingers worrying the beads of her rosary. The weekly visits to church slow, then stop. Meals don’t start with grace anymore, they hardly share meals at all towards the end. Jason steals Catherine’s rosary from where it’s abandoned at the back of her dresser, starts praying for his mother to get better, that he’ll do anything if God will help her. It’s the first thing he ever steals. Catherine dies, and so do Jason’s prayers.
On the streets, the rosary is the one thing of her’s that he’s able to cling to. He tried to go back once, the the church that he used to go to with his mom. Father O’Shaughnessy tells him that his loss of faith is a test, that it’s all part of God’s plan. Jason’s faith in religion and humanity continue to fracture. On newsstands and through apartment windows, he sees the rich and corrupt warm, well-fed, and sheltered to an excess that makes him sick. His whole neighbourhood forgotten, the risk of being out on the streets growing along with the crime rate.
The only time time Bruce makes Jason attend church, it’s for a wedding. The Wayne cousin isn’t catholic, but the ritual of it, the kneeling and the prayers and the songs, they make something itch uncomfortably in his head. It’s a recognition and a rejection. Bruce never makes him go back.
Jason discovers Sheila, and for a second he thinks that God must be laughing at him. There’s his mom, alive and well, only it’s the wrong mother. His last thought before death is Hail Mary full of grace. He comes to, gasping for air in a new body and a year later. The dead man came out and the grave clothes were removed, but the one who called him back was not his father.
Jason returns to Gotham, to Crime Alley, and visits his old haunts. He stands outside the church his mother used to take him to, and can’t force himself to go inside. There’s two women standing outside, handing out pamphlets for the next mass. One of them approaches him with words of God’s love on her tongue and it is all he can do not to rip it out of her. There is no eternal life except this one that won’t leave him. If there’s an afterlife then it’s one he can’t remember and if there’s life after death then he must be in hell because the monster that killed him is still breathing. Jason knows death and life and resurrection more intimately than anyone else will ever know. He does not need to be told.
Thou shalt not kill says his Heavenly and earthly fathers. Jason does, kills regularly to uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed. There’s always going to be blood on his hands, but it is done to rescue the weak and the needy. Jason may never be able to set foot in a place of worship again, but there’s some parts of scripture that still ring true in his bones. He’ll never be a good man but he can be a righteous one.
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nonny may i suggest this excellent artwork of tortured catholic Jason?
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ms-moonlight-inn · 1 month
Thank you, my darlings @jrooc @mybrainismelted @energievie
Name: That Bitch
What is the most listened to artist in your music app of choice this month? The Rolling Stones? (how the fuck did that happen?)
What song do you know all the lyrics to? Any song? Or a Stones song? Any song, off the top of my head, The Cure's "10:15 Saturday Night" & "Doing the Unstuck." By the Stones, ugh, I don't think I know any of their songs all the way through. Eep! 😬
What song do you pretend to know all the lyrics to and sing along to even though you don’t? Oof, so many. One that comes to mind right now is "Echame La Culpa" by Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato.
If you were to be crowned Queen/King/Royalty of listening to a band or artist, who would that be? Rancid.
What band/artist surprises you the most on your frequently listened to artists? I have no idea why the fuck Alanis Morissette continues to pop up on my random, also Maroon 5. At least I can say Taylor Swift pops up on my frequents 'cause I share my profile & people listen to her music. But the other two? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Why? 🤦🏻‍♀️
Favourite line from a song (or one you have been thinking about lately? One of my all time favorite songwriters is Jarvis Cocker. He has a way of turning a phrase that I find absolutely captivating.
In the song, "Seductive Barry," he wrote: "I will light your cigarette with a star that has fallen from the sky." Which is not a new phrase, but the way he uses it within the context of the song makes it ✨ special. ✨
Guilty pleasure band or song? Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam's "Can You Feel the Beat," & "We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off," by Jermaine Stewart.
Okay let’s talk fandom music:
Fave band or song you’ve discovered from a Fan Fic? I think the one that's stuck with my the most has been "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" the Daniel Duke version of the song originally done by The Proclaimers. It was used in AllThatMatters' fic The Ghost of You and Me.
Fave Fanfic Playlist? I like clicking on to playlist to see what's on them, but I can't think of any memorable ones right now. I think for me I have clearer memories of songs that are attached to a specific moment in a storyline or that are suggested as a play-along during a chapter.
Fave Gallavich song? "Pink+ White," by Frank Ocean.
Do you listen to music recommended by the writer or an included playlist? If there is a song that is recommended in the beginning notes, I will listen to it while I'm reading or before I am reading if I am using the screen reader while I'm driving. I don't always get a chance to listen to everything, but I do like to hear a song or two in order to get into the atmosphere the writer's trying to create.
What song do you think is Gallavich coded? Oof, so many. Gimme a sec...
Well, on the angst side, I've had Beck's "Lost Cause" stuck in my head.
What’s a bop you want to share with your mutuals today?
Tagging @ian-galagher @sleepyfacetoughguy @creepkinginc @iandarling @transmurderbug @deathclassic @jademickian @blue-disco-lights with no pressure to play. Also, if you haven't been tagged, feel free to join. 🤗
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theanonwriter · 1 year
friends close, enemies closer: part 2
A/N: expect weekly updates!
Summary: When your parents unexpectedly become wealthy from good investments, you're forced to leave your old life in the Cut and move to Figure Eight.  Right when you finally start to move on (thanks to the help of your best friend, Sarah Cameron), your old friends are suddenly forced into your life again. Getting comfortable with them means discovering their new lives and making amends for the past. And just when things couldn't possibly get any more complicated, you have to deal with your lingering feelings with a certain hot-headed blond. 
word count: 2.6k
warnings: swearing, that's basically it
“Doesn’t look like you have chicken pox to me,” Sarah stated, searching your body for any red pox marks. “Or a shark bite either.” She looked around suspiciously. “Wait- were you lying to me?” She feigned shock and held her forehead in one hand while she leaned her body onto her white jeep.
“Oh, the horror.” You deadpanned, dragging your feet across the front gravel to get to your driveway. “Plus, you knew I was lying. You wouldn’t have come if you thought I was actually sick.”
She lifted her body back upright and scrunched her nose in thought. She nodded. “Yeah. Probably not.” She chuckled at the look of you, face miserable while you hauled a much-too-big beach bag over your shoulder. “You pack for the apocalypse?” 
“Haha.” You looked at her with frustration and walked past her to put your shit in her trunk. 
It was much too hot for the first Saturday of June. The air felt sticky, which wasn’t a new sensation on your skin, but definitely one that you didn't enjoy. Your hair would frizz up, sweat would bead and drop down off your forehead, and the odor of low tide was worse than ever. 
“I packed all my bathing suits. I’m tan, but not summer tan, so I don't know which one will look the best. Plus, I don't know if they’ll still fit like I want them to.”
Sarah helped you shove the shit in the back before she looked over her shoulder. “Is this concern over making a good second impression? Or looking good for a certain blond?” She replies as she sees you almost tumble out of the passenger seat. 
“It’s not! Can a girl not want to look good for the new tourists?” 
Sarah giggled again, making sure you had your seatbelt on, and then started the minute drive to her house. You promised last week that you would hang out with them soon, and so you were here. 
“I’m nervous!” Sarah groaned, gripping the steering wheel tighter and turning her head to look at you. “What if they think I’m stuck-up? Or a bitch because of what I did to Kie? Or, oh my god, what if they think I’m ugly?” 
She looked petrified. The idea of anyone thinking of Sarah as ugly was unfathomable. She was undoubtedly stunning. She had the perfect face and ideal frame, not to mention that she had matured into the kindest woman you had ever met. 
“Sarah.” You looked at her with gentle eyes. “You are the furthest thing in the world from ugly. I’m being serious. They may think you're stuck-up and a bitch, but that's why you hang out with them. You can show them the reason why John B likes you. Not as a rich Kook who wears a uniform to school every day.” 
She smiled back, but she didn't seem convinced. 
“Plus, if it makes you feel any better, if they gonna make fun of someone, it’ll probably be me.”
When you hit a red light, she finally turned back to see you. “Maybe. But at least we have each other.” You flicked her shoulder jokingly as the light turned green again. 
“Ugh, that's even worse.”
When you finally finished your makeup and picked your outfit, you felt like you were going to be sick. The nerves had kicked in, if they were excited or anxious butterflies you couldn't tell. This could be the start of something new for you. A reconnection with people who you treated like home at one point. 
You had a basic tee shirt and blue jean shorts on, rather than the cover-up dress that Sarah told you to wear. Although it had been a couple of years, you knew that they would mock you if you came to chill with a dress on. 
Plus, you wanted to look familiar to them. Maybe, if you dressed the way you used to, it would be like a white flag. You nonverbally telling them that you were willing to just go back to the way things were, rather than pretend like nothing ever happened at all. 
“They’re here!” Sarah yelled, racing out of her bathroom while sinking an earring through her ear. You followed her into the sunroom and watched her lace up her new black converse, embroidered with purple butterflies. 
You ran over to the lace curtains and slowly peeked out from behind them. You saw the Twinkie, the gangs busted minivan, waiting in front of Sarah’s horseshoe driveway. You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing out loud. The minivan looked so….out of place. Is this how your family looked the first year you moved?
“Ready?” Sarah asked, hand on the doorknob as you strode away from the window.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” 
Sarah opened the door and ran out to meet John B. She found her way into his arms, and you watched from afar as they laughed about something. She gestured to her Jeep, and they both started to walk toward the connected garage. You went to follow them, but John B saw you.
“Oh, we don’t need help, do we Sarah? It’s too hot. You can just go and find a seat in the Twinkie. Hope you don’t mind being a little squished.”
You smiled politely and turned away, heading in the direction of the car. You could already hear the music coming from the speakers, and you swear to god that the car shook from the intensity of the bass. You walked up to the handle, and opened it slowly, trying to focus on anything other than the fact that you were going to vomit.
As soon as you opened the door, the talking ceased. Three pairs of eyes all focused on you, all displaying different emotions. Kie looked giddy, excited about whatever they were talking about before you came into the car. Pope had the same look of confusion that you remembered from your childhood. He made you feel like you were the stupidest person ever with just one look. You would call it a superpower if it hadn't offended you so much.
And of course, sitting in the chair by himself, was JJ. He looked irritated, cheeks puffed out and arms crossed over his chest. When his eyes met yours, they hardened before he quickly looked away. You could tell he was mad at you. You just hoped it wouldn't be too awkward. 
“Hey girl!” Kie chirped, giving you an awkward hug as you tried to maneuver through the car and to your seat. 
“Hi, babe. Uh, hey Pope. Hey JJ.” You mumbled, putting on your seatbelt as you looked up to see them. 
“What? Don’t trust John B to drive you now? Too used to your personal driver?” JJ mused, moving his legs farther from yours as he pulled out a joint from his pocket. You looked at him with unhappy eyes, but you knew this was just part of the process. Of course, they would be hurt. You were too.
“That's not it-” You tried to interject, but Pope cut you off. 
“Ignore that, Y/N. JJ’s on his period today.” He lifted himself further off the seat and turned towards you. “JJ, watch this,” he reached his hand towards you. “Hey, Y/N. Long time no see! How’ve you been?” You shook his hand firmly, keeping eye contact as a smile spread across your face. 
“I’ve been good! Just doing my thing. How have you been?”
“As good as one can expect from a dirty Pogue.” He looked at you with his eyebrows raised. You gaped back in shock, mouth starting to drop open before he spoke again. “I’m just kidding. I’ve been good!” He laughed, and you let go of the breath that you were holding. 
“Good to know that you’re still cracking jokes.” You breathed out, listening to your heartbeat in your ears. You knew that you were gonna be the butt of the joke for a little while, but you genuinely thought you were gonna have a heart attack by the end of the trip. 
Pope and JJ started to fight over who was going to get more leg space, and Kie looked over at you, bothered. “Sorry about them. They’re idiots.” 
You bit back a laugh as you spotted John B strolling back to the car with Sarah, him struggling to hold both you and Sarah's bags. “So what your telling me is nothing has changed?”
She giggled again, throwing her head back and sighing as she grinned at you. “Yes and no.”
You heard Sarah pop open the trunk, and shifted yourself in your seat to make eye contact with her. You tried to signal something with your eyes, but she just looked at you smiling. You wanted to leave. The Twinkie was too full of not only people, but memories. 
You watch silently as John B and Sarah slipped into the front, sending flirty glances to each other over the center console. You rolled your eyes to yourself, knowing that watching them flirt was going to be your own personal hell. 
As you started to drive, you noticed that it was much too quiet. You looked over at JJ, who was mouthing something to Pope. He grinned while he talked, his tongue-in-cheek and eyebrows raised. When he caught your eye, he instantly stopped and made the 'kill sign' to Pope. You glanced over at Pope, but you couldn't tell what they were talking about. 
“Secret secrets are no fun, unless shared with everyone.” You sing-songed, tutting as you shook your head at them. Pope shyly smiled at your comment, but JJ just scoffed. 
His lips set into a thin line. “Wouldn’t have been a secret if you actually talked to us.”
You walked into that one. You instantly shut your mouth and turned back around. Kie rubbed your shoulder gently, and you could feel JJ’s eyes burning a hole through your face. The fact that he was, at one point, your best friend shocked you. He seems like he couldn't be more of a stranger. 
“Kie, why are you consoling her?” JJ sputtered, shaking his head in disbelief. His attitude had never changed. When he started mumbling at the window, the whole car groaned in protest. 
“Oh, of course, I’m the bad guy.” JJ muttered, eyes looking far out of the car. 
“C’mon, man. Remember what I said.” John B urged, tapping the steering wheel in rhythm with the radio. 
You feel your phone buzz in your pocket, and you use it as a way to ignore everyone else. 
why is he being like that
it’s JJ so idek 
when i got in the car i was like 
hot damn 
maybe i picked the wrong one 
but then he opened his mouth…
such an ick.
You laugh out loud at her text, quickly putting your hand over your mouth to muffle the noise. Sarah's head whipped back instantly, eyes wide open as she stared you down. 
“Did you just fucking SNORT?” Sarah yells, disbelief wrapping her features. You try to deny it, but everyone in the car erupts. 
“You most certainly did!”
“Don’t lie!”
“Is there a baby dinosaur in the car with us?”
“You still do that?”
You look over at JJ, his features softer than you’ve seen them all day. He looks like a kid, like he just learned something new for the first time. 
“Yeah. I guess some things never change.” You look away quickly, eyes darting anywhere but his face as you feel a blush start to light your cheeks. 
You wish you could say that JJ wasn’t attractive to you anymore, but he was. His skin was still tan, and a light sunburn brushed across his cheeks. His face was more chiseled than you remember, and he looked much more built than he did only 3 years before. 
The car ride passed with quiet conversation, all friendly and polite. You mainly talked to Kie, catching up with each other about family issues and Kook events. It was nice to be back and just hanging out with them again.
When you finally got to the beach, you all spilled out of the side door and stretched your limbs. As many memories you had in the Twinkie, you couldn't lie and say that you were glad you were back in it. The air conditioning was broken, the seats were worn, and the general smell made you glad for your “new car” air freshener. 
You didn’t bring your board, which you regretted when you saw all of the Pogues with theirs. You knew Sarah didn't have one, but John B would probably let her use his board. You picked your bag from the trunk and turned back to Sarah and Kie. 
The girls were chatting quietly, and there didn't appear to be much tension. It wasn't a beautiful reunion, but no one was bleeding, which you took as a win. 
“You didn’t bring your board?” JJ asked, tousing his hair with the hand not holding his belongings. 
“No, I thought we were gonna go on JB’s boat. No biggie though, I’ll just tan or something.” You responded, looking into his eyes and shielding the sun with your hand. 
“Oh. Well, if you get bored or something, you can, just like-” he glanced over his shoulder at Pope, who was observing your interaction intently. “swim around us, I guess.” He shrugged his shoulders slightly, cheeks reddening faintly. You knew he was just getting hot, but you secretly wished it was more. 
“Oh. Thanks, Jay. I’ll think about it.” You smiled shyly. You watched him leave with a quick nod, and you went to go catch up with Sarah. 
You spent the first part of the day on the sand, watching as the group fucked around in the sea. Because it was broiling today, you were sure that your towel was probably wet from the sweat pouring off you. When you got tired of pitying yourself, you got up and started to wade into the water. 
Talking and hanging out with everyone felt normal. With Sarah in the group, there was an even amount of crazy and kooky. There was never a dull moment, and everyone seemed more at ease than you had remembered. 
When you finally were dropped off at your house, your back was a faint pink and your hair was filled with salt. Taking a shower hurt like a bitch, but your mother always said showering with hot water after getting a burn helped the day after. 
When you got into your bed, your phone suddenly beeped.  You saw a notification from a new group chat that had everyone from today's rendezvous, including JJ. You couldn't help but smile at your phone, seeing what John B was typing. 
Hey Y/N
Welcome back to Pougelandia
Prettiest Pogue EVER!!!
*SAR-BEAR liked a message.*
whats going on
John B: 
NEW GC!!!!
That was Sarah
we need one if we're all going to hang out again!
Welcome back. 
TAGLIST: @totallynotkaibiased @jsbaby @midnightrqin @siriuslysmoking
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outofgreysmind · 1 month
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I discovered Promare via a fan cover of "Inferno" showing up in my Discover Weekly on Spotify last year and then promptly getting VEEEEERY stuck in my head. I put off watching it until a couple of months ago because I just knew in my gut I was going to hyperfixate on it hard, and sure enough, after the first time I watched it, I ended up watching it another two times within about 72 hours. What can I say? I definitely have a soft spot for blonde pretty boys.
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pearlypairings · 11 months
Hey you...
I did something, mmm, kinda out of the ordinary for my usual writing routine. AKA started a fic that's not hellcheer for once😅 forgive me Father Eddie, for I have sinned—
jonathan x chrissy | wip : 6k wc | slowburn, angst, eventual fluff | ch 2/?
summary: a photography commission from the unofficial Queen of Hawkins for her boyfriend sends introverted Jonathan Byers on a reluctant journey, discovering not all cheerleaders are the same. Some are very observant, thoughtful, and even full of self-doubt and responsibility like him...
read below the line for a preview :)
Jonathan carefully plucked the latest batch of photos from the first wash bin. The darkroom was bathed in red with the faint hum of the safelights burrowing into the background, Jonathan’s focus undeterred by the constant buzzing. Whenever he pulled those heavy darkroom curtains closed, he drifted into another world, a state of perfect flow for his work.
Last weekend he’d spent over 6 hours stalking through the woods, hoping to find the perfect overcast shadows over Skull Rock or a fawn grazing on the new growth at the edge of the pines. Instead, Jonathan had stumbled upon the ruins of a Hawkins High party, practically apocalyptic in nature with the way cans, bottles, and clothes were left strewn about the brush and the earth floor.
He had nearly rushed through the littered party ruins until a glint of the noon sun caught his eye. Under the cover of a weedy fern, a dainty gold necklace glimmered in the light, half-covered in patches of dirt and surrounded by a heavy shoe print, a thick-soled sneaker by the looks of the imprint. It was almost too poetic; the year of his graduation stuck out from under the dirt, bathed in a golden light, while the chain buckled under the dirt and grime of the life around it, like dismal foreshadowing.
Minutes ticked on as he adjusted his camera’s lens for a close-up, leaning back on his left foot to get the angle just right for the flare above the "86" pendant. He snapped two just in case—keeping his fingers crossed that he captured the foreboding atmosphere. There was something magnetic about it.
The rest of the afternoon he shot about a dozen more photos, including a rabbit poking its head out from its burrow which the older Hawkins folk would adore, a family of mossy stones congregating by a snaking vine, and a majestic hawk, brownish in color, opening its wide wingspan from its perch on the pine tree.
Not his best nature photography by his own scale, but there had to be something usable for the Hawkins Post, who always seemed in need of decent local photography to accompany their articles. He’d already been featured twice this past summer from his photos of the town fair and the downtown block party.
Jonathan had to wait until today to process the film; Tuesdays were when Mrs. Franklin unlocked the school’s darkroom for the school newspaper, The Weekly Streak, and the yearbook club. Jonathan had joined both groups in order to utilize the room for free and made sure to at least do the bare minimum for each club meeting. Mrs. Franklin turned a blind eye whenever he brought in his own film to develop, casually complimenting his artsy photos of sad, empty parking lots, once even slipping him a Lincoln to tuck a portrait of a distant stranger at Lover’s Lake into her spiral agenda.
Being a senior meant he only had one more year to take advantage of free film developing, a perk he never took for granted, since his part-time job at the Hawk barely covered the extra groceries at home—let alone stuff for Jonathan’s expensive hobby. Film added up pretty quickly, so whatever change was left over from his paycheck, he scrimped and saved until he could buy another 33mm cartridge from Melvald’s. The supplies for developing were way more than that and harder to conserve. With that somber idea in mind, he took care in transferring the first three photos from the prep solution to the next chemical mixture, not wasting a single scrap of this opportunity.
Some days he wondered if the acrid fumes helped or hindered him, the chemicals seeping into the air with a heavy, almost-metallic smell. As a freshman, it used to burn his nose, his eyes, any of the sensitive sources for sensation. Three years of experience later, he barely noticed any odor, having drifted with the humming of the safelights into the background of his awareness.
With the last slosh of the bath, Jonathan nearly jumped with the classroom light suddenly poking through the slit of the door creaking opening. If these photos were ruined, he’d have to start the painstakingly lengthy process all over again from the negatives. Fred Benson, another senior in the journalism club, had a habit of ignoring the “in use: keep out” sign and incidentally destroying all of Jonathan’s hardwork with his objectionable entrances.
Jonathan sighed, almost a groan by its volume, in exasperation. He didn’t have the energy to deal with Fred’s incessant questions right now; he always seemed to have special requests for his articles at the last minute. And while he claimed to prefer Jonathan’s work to the other student photographers, it never stopped him from making Jonathan retake photos of the same art class gallery or demanding another professional headshot for his college portfolio.
He covered the bins and snuck past the curtain protecting the developing photos, narrowing his eyes at the unwelcome thorn in his side. “Fr–”
“I’m sorry,” The voice that interrupted was sweet, meek even. Definitely not Fred’s weasley intonation and that caught Jonathan off guard. “Fred said it was okay to come in, but I should have waited—you look busy.”
Chrissy Cunningham shrunk her frame, her arms crossed over her cheer sweater, with the dip of her head showing off the blonde bangs perfectly coiffed over her brows......
More in the link:)
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warrioreowynofrohan · 5 months
Wildfell Weekly - Chapter 22, “Traits of Friendship”
This is the chapter that, the first time I read the book, made me go “this should be high school English class reading material”. On top of the entire book’s dealing with red flags and abusive relationships, this ones gives textbook examples of how peer pressure and addiction displacement work.
Poor Lord Lowborough, after getting addicted to gambling to the point of losing all his fortune and ending up heavily in debt (the fact that he is a lord is important - nobles couldn’t have their property taken away for debt or be put in jail for it as other people could), stops gambling but turns from it to alcohol, and from alcohol to opium; and when he tries to quit, and wants to quit, and knows he should quit, his “friends,” with Huntingdon in a leading role, do everything they can to stop him from quitting.
“He kept his oath about gambling (not a little to the surprise of us all), though Grimsby did his utmost to tempt him to break it, but now he had got hold of another habit that bothered him nearly as much, for he soon discovered that the demon of drink was as black as the demon of play, and nearly as hard to get rid of—especially as his kind friends did all they could to second the promptings of his own insatiable cravings.”
And later:
“‘This is hell broth!’ he exclaimed. ‘I renounce it for ever!’ And he threw it out into the middle of the table.
“‘Fill again!’ said I, handing him the bottle—‘and let us drink to your renunciation.’
“‘It’s rank poison,’ said he, grasping the bottle by the neck, ‘and I forswear it! I’ve given up gambling, and I’ll give up this too.’ He was on the point of deliberately pouring the whole contents of the bottle on to the table, but Hargrave wrested it from him. ‘On you be the curse, then!’ said he. And, backing from the room, he shouted, ‘Farewell, ye tempters!’ and vanished amid shouts of laughter and applause.
“We expected him back among us the next day; but, to our surprise, the place remained vacant: we saw nothing of him for a whole week; and we really began to think he was going to keep his word. At last, one evening, when we were most of us assembled together again, he entered, silent and grim as a ghost, and would have quietly slipped into his usual seat at my elbow, but we all rose to welcome him, and several voices were raised to ask what he would have, and several hands were busy with bottle and glass to serve him; but I knew a smoking tumbler of brandy-and-water would comfort him best, and had nearly prepared it, when he peevishly pushed it away, saying,—
“‘Do let me alone, Huntingdon! Do be quiet, all of you! I’m not come to join you: I’m only come to be with you awhile, because I can’t bear my own thoughts.’ And he folded his arms, and leant back in his chair; so we let him be. But I left the glass by him; and, after awhile, Grimsby directed my attention towards it, by a significant wink; and, on turning my head, I saw it was drained to the bottom. He made me a sign to replenish, and quietly pushed up the bottle. I willingly complied; but Lowborough detected the pantomime, and, nettled at the intelligent grins that were passing between us, snatched the glass from my hand, dashed the contents of it in Grimsby’s face, threw the empty tumbler at me, and then bolted from the room.”
And beyond Huntingdon’s atrocious conduct towards his “friend,” the way he tells Helen about it is very telling. He knows enough about her to know she wouldn’t approve, but he treats it all like a big joke, and he only tells her after they’re engaged and after she’s stuck to the decision in the face of her aunt’s opposition, so it would cost her more - in terms of self-respect and respect for her own judgement, in terms of giving up her idea of him, in addition to losing face before others - to back out now. He relishes giving her a taste of what he’s actually like, now that she’s more locked in.
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chubbybunyu · 11 months
Kazuscara OTP tickle questions
So I saw the OTP tk ask game going around again, and I know this technically isn't how you're supposed to do it but I am. Brainrotting. About these two sO BADLY I HAD TO GET THIS OUT before I disappear back into the void lmao
✨️So here I go ehe✨️
1. Who has the cutest tickle laugh? Kazuha! His laugh and giggles are so airy and just the right amount of raspy uGH I wanna hear him laugh all day...
Wanderer's laugh is really cute too but man's screaming half of the time. Tho one thing that makes him almost cuter than Zuzu is that he starts hiccupping if you tickle him long enough~
2. Who is ticklish in unusual places and where would that be? I'm not saying that neck is an unusual spot, but I think Wanderer's made_in_Inazuma mark is ridiculously sensitive-- if Wanderer is acting bratty in public, Zuzu just uses his vision to make a gentle breeze brush against the spot and Wanderer stops whatever he's doing as if he slammed into a wall and turns to pout at the other sdfghfh But also when they're alone Kazuha LOVES peppering it with tiny kisses and Wanderer is in stitchessss hehe
3. Who gets cheer-up tickles? Wanderer 100% and it's so effective and he's sO GRUMPY ABOUT IT like my god he wants to be mad about it bc it doesn't fit his ✨️mean aesthetics✨️ but he can't help but just giggle and feel like his head is getting all fuzzy n happy when Zuzu scoops him up and gently tickles him all over until he's feeling better again
4. Who takes advantage of the other one getting their arms stuck while taking off their shirt? B o t h, but Wanderer definitely learned from Kazuha ahah. And they both wear so many layers that it's a weekly occurrence and at this point they're so used to both of them taking advantage of it that they just automatically start to panic a little when they realize they're stuck, so if the other hadn't noticed it on their own they sure would now sdfghj
5. How did they discover each other’s ticklishness? Wanderer was probably breaking records being annoying and buzzing around Kazu's head, provoking him in one way or another and he just got fed up and grabbed his ankle to pull him down, but to both of their surprise Wanderer fell out of the air on his very own accord (accompanied with an adorably uncharacteristic squeak, I might add) bc the feeling startled him so much lmao and Zuzu did NOT leave him be until he admitted he was ticklish (I think y'all can imagine how Kazuha coaxed that out of him~)
And afterwards Wanderer tried to tease it out of Kazuha too but he just straight up admitted with a chuckle that "ofc I'm ticklish" and Wanderer could Not wrap his head around how he wasn't even slightly embarrassed about it lmao
6. Who can’t take tickle bites? Kazuha oh my gosh, he melts in seconds. I also think that Wanderer's teeth are a bit sharper than normal so his nibbles are DEADLY. And he knows that.
7. Who has to be tickle-forced out of bed in the morning? Hmm, neither has trouble in the morning, but I think Wanderer has to be tickled INTO bed sometimes. Sure, he technically doesn't need sleep but Zuzu wants to cuddle at night and if Wanderer's being difficult about it (which he usually isn't bc Kazuha's cuddles are god tier) he just gets dragged to bed, locked into a hug and tickled until he gets tired enough to actually fall asleep himself too hehe
8. Who gives up in a tickle fight? Wanderer, the feeling still catches him off guard quite a bit, especially when it goes on for a while since tickling has been introduced to him quite recently, so if you manage to pin him down he's done~
But once he gets a bit more used to it he'll be a dangerous opponent for sure///
9. Who is in danger of getting hurt when attacking the other? Kazu, Wanderer f l a i l s. Not a single limb is left unused in his attempts of breaking free if you tickle him hard enough He'll still pout if you stop too soon tho
10. Who always provokes the other into tickling them and how? Wanderer~ His brattiness goes up a notch and he seems to find something to playfully bicker about over everything, and it all is accompanied with a faint blush (that he will deny to the end of time) and an occasional glance at Zuzu's hands. So subtle~
But Kazuha also somehow manages to provoke him into GETTING tickled from time to time. Don't ask him how, Wanderer has no goddamn idea but it just. Keeps. Happening.
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Webcomics I think you should read in 2023
The Silver Eye by Laura Hollingsworth (@ thesilvereye on tumblr)
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“The Silver Eye began in 2009. It is an action-adventure webcomic of the Fantasy persuasion, written from a Christian worldview. Two rival royal families are always at odds. The conflict reaches a point where one child king, Apen, sacrifices himself and his country to prevent another war. This leads to some disastrous consequences. The story follows his journey to try to set things right, and if he’s going to do so, he has to work alongside members of his rival family.” (Description from the website)
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TSE is my personal favorite, as anyone who’s stuck around my blog has probably already figured out lol. It updates on Fridays. (PG to occasional PG-13)
The Legend of Ruach by Paige Coffer (@ paigecofferillustration on tumblr)
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It’s a fantasy/adventure story that’s been running since 2020, updates weekly. I think it’s PG so far, may be soft PG-13 in the future.
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Stand Still, Stay Silent by Minna Sundberg (Completed, 2013-2022) (tumblr @ hummingfluff)
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"Stand Still. Stay Silent" is a post apocalyptic webcomic with elements from Nordic mythology, set 90 years in the future. It's a story about friendship and exploring a forgotten world, with some horror, monsters and magic on the side. 
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It’s a really neat comic to read as an American because of all the Nordic languages and cultural elements present throughout. Warnings for horror elements/violence, maybe some language (I can’t remember for sure, it’s been awhile since I read it, could be blurred out or something) The author also has talked about her return to her faith/and her next comic is going to be overtly Christian (Journey Upstream) It started recently (Jan 2023)
(More comics under the cut)
Lost in the Vale by Crystal Curtis (tumblr @ lostinthevale)
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The Outrunners are traveling peacekeepers tasked with assisting the citizens of the Vale. Their top priority: find the missing Prince of Andalusia. For Delica, it's not just her mission - it's her obsession. As she and her teammates travel the kingdom, they will discover more dangers (and mysteries) than they ever imagined.
I started reading this one really recently and quite like it so far, the art style is excellent. Updates Tuesdays, PG-13
Jade Torch by Anne Marie Wells
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It’s a book turned webcomic turned soon to be released illustrated novel (if I have that right lol)
“Lunerata “Lune” Bridth, heir to the Havanellan throne, is sent to the court of a rival kingdom, the homeland of her deceased mother, to help negotiate a long-awaited peace treaty. But once there, she finds that things are not as simple as she’d been lead to believe. In this foreign land, there are enemies, allies, traitors, secrets, and a plot that could destroy Lune’s world as she knows it and plunge both kingdoms into war. Join Lune and her friends as they set out on an adventure filled with dragons, assassins, mysteries, magic, and the strange ties of family.“ The Dreamer by Lora Innes
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Beatrice “Bea” Whaley seems to have it all; the seventeen year old high school senior is beautiful, wealthy and the star performer of the drama club. And with her uncle’s connections to Broadway theater, the future looks bright ahead of her. Little does she know that her future might actually be brighter behind her.
Bea begins having vivid dreams about a brave and handsome soldier named Alan Warren–a member of an elite group known as Knowlton’s Rangers that served during the Revolutionary War. Prone to keeping her head in the clouds, Bea welcomes her nightly adventures in 1776; filled with danger and romance they give her much to muse about the next day. But it is not long before Beatrice questions whether her dreams are simply dreams or something more. Each night they pick up exactly where the last one ended. And the senses–the smell of musket shots and cannons, the screams of soldiers in agony, and that kiss–are all far more real than any dream she can remember.
Completed, PG-13
Haven’t had a chance to finish this one yet, but it was great as far as I read.
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goddesspharo · 6 months
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[ask me about my fic writing year in review]
@trixalicious-blog with the hard hitting asks!
16. What were you go-to writing songs?
Mostly embarrassing! When I go through my Spotify wrapped, I can basically chart out what I was writing based on them. I usually have one or two songs that go on repeat for any writing project (with other things sprinkled in when I need a change of pace), but there were a few tunes that remained consistent in the background this year and are very much things that I would only really listen to while writing. I listened to a lot of Petit Biscuit's "Wake Up" (that beat!) and "Free" by Florence + The Machine (because it makes me so happy) while writing this year.
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
Every time I crack another section of a WIP, I am satisfied, but writing smoother than the LA weather was kind of a trip. All I had was a line about The Real Housewives stuck in my head, my Spotify Discover Weekly hitting me with the nostalgia bomb of "Charm Attack" (which I probably hadn't listened to in at least fifteen years at that point), and a fondness for that Bloomingdale's photoshoot and I walked away with a specific Top Gun: Maverick hyperfixation that has produced thirteen fics this year alone? Unhinged! Deeply satisfying! Highly embarrassing! (But "the cataract of his charm attack" encapsulates Hangman's whole vibe perfectly so we can blame Leona Naess for all of this.)
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
The Bear Mob AU. Maybe some time loop stuff I've been thinking about. I also really want to take a crack at writing that post-rescue Yellowjackets fic spanning decades told from the reporter's POV that has been pinging around my brain all year. As a side note, now is the perfect time for all of you to get unhinged over Yellowjackets if you are not already. Paramount+ is probably the most useless streaming service I have, but I'm a slave to Yellowjackets and the NWSL (and the random desire to watch Days of Thunder that hits every three months like clockwork) so I must unfortunately persist in having it, but if ever there was a reason to hit up a free trial just to mainline two seasons, Yellowjackets would be it. (They also have a tendency to give you extra months when you try to cancel the free trial so there's that. This has been a PSA.)
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