#this was so therapeutic wow
wordy-little-witch · 3 months
Ya know what occurs to me?
Karai Bari is in the New World.
Crocodile and Mihawk only showed up after the establishment of the delivery service.
Buggy was in Paradise. Marineford would have been in Paradise, I think, or at least Buggy's crew still was.
He doesn't have conquerors to cross the calm belt.
So... to get to the New World and set up shop, he'd have to have gone through Fishman Island, wouldn't he? So he'd had to have gotten the ship coated.
He'd likely have had to face Rayleigh or at least he'd have anticipated it - maybe Shanks even mentions Rayleigh hanging around there, maybe even mentioning him having NEVER missed Shanks passing through....
So when Buggy goes when Buggy expects to be found and claims to be dreading it and is but is also so hopeful so scared so broken so hesitant he's got a few different courses figured for how this will go down.
Only.... Rayleigh isn't there. Shakky is. She just directs them to another coater. Buggy fights himself, wants to ask, doesn't want to beg, and-
Shakky answers the question he couldn'tdislodge from his throat. "Sorry, baby blue, Ray's just working on something real important. You know how it is."
He does. He does know how it is. Important, huh? That's fine. It's probably a job. It's probably not that big of a deal that dad master Rayleigh is preoccupied. Buggy shouldn't have expected the man to drop everything and come running why did he think that, Rayleigh never did it before, not even Shanks' assurance he'd leave a message for Rayleigh would change much, and fuck he can't afford to cry so-
So Buggy gets the ship coated. It's not as pricy as he'd worried. He navigates them down, can even bring himself to smile at the wide eyed wonder from the rest. It's nice. He's fine here - these are his people. He's okay, really, and he'll be able to let this go or shove it into that nameless box in his head and heart soon enough. He just has to ride the wave, you know-?
Only no. Not really. Because a newspaper lands in his hands. And his brain is racing.
Because Rayleigh wasn't at Sabaody at all. He was with Strawhat. He was training Strawhat. He showed up, after the war, so close to the conflict, to train the kid. Rayleigh is fast, but not that fast. He'd have to have left around a week before Buggy even arrived. Shanks had assured him Rayleigh was there when he dropped by ((two weeks ago)). He knew because his brother had wrapped him in his arm and tears were shed, voices were raised and hearts were broken, wounds torn open to drain the festering rot and the healing hurt, it hurt then, it hurts now, it will hurt and hurt and hurt, because Buggy had pushed the Big Top to her near limits just to reach the archipelago that his former guardian ex-father previous family that Rayleigh called home. Shanks had called him, said he'd dropped the message and Rayleigh had chuckled and nodded and Buggy wanted to see his dad because there were still so many scars that had to be seen and acknowledged and Buggy himself wasn't even fully recovered physically but emotionally he had to do it, had to take the step and try because vulnerability brought the best and worst of him out, because he lost a brother and gained him back and he wanted for his father, at least one of them.
But Strawhat was on that front page. And Rayleigh was behind him, smiling, warm, proud, happy, and - Buggy aches. He's angry. He's livid. A week or so, by his estimate, for Rayleigh to find him and get there to the war ground. A week or so because Rayleigh was old but he was still painfully fast. In a week or so, the older man hunted down a boy he'd possibly met once or twice in passing. A week or so and The Dark King showed up to bring another strawhat wearing monster of epic proportions under his wing, had made impressive time in finding the kid, making the plan, getting to the navy hq, getting out, and that's accounting for the article writing, printing, and distribution.
A week or so to find a bright little sunshine boy he barely knew when one he raised rotted in a cell for months on end.
Busy with something real important, he recalled Shakky saying.
His chest burned for a moment, hot and wild and unyielding - and just as suddenly, the fire was gone. He was tired. He was so fucking tired. His injuries throbbed, his head hurt, his scars itched. He sighed, set the paper aside and curled impossibly small into his chaise lounge with a teary chuckle as he gripped his hair and tried to silence the keen building in his chest. He cursed himself for it, bitter and angry.
After all, he should be used to being outshined, out classed and out loved by energetic boys with bright smiles in little wicker crowns.
Story of his life
He is unaware of the many eyes on him, of the people Plotting and Arranging things on their own time. Their captain is the best - uncommon, unexpected, temperamental though he is, he is everything everyone needs him to be because it's the only thing he knows how to do. They see the seams in his mask and performance, and they ache to pay back the pain left on their captain, their boss, their leader and friend. Buggy pirates stick together, freaks and weirdos united - and nobody is allowed to hurt their captain without some serious followup.
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whenlifedaydreams · 1 year
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A spy... An assassin... this is so exciting!!
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moeblob · 2 years
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sobbing at every heart event ...
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nutklcker · 7 months
HI (I LOVE THE PARAGRAPHS EACH OFYOU LEAVE IN MY TAGS SO FUCKIMG MUCH) do any of your ocs have ref sheets. or even just full-body drawings . totally not asking for any specific purpose ....
WE'RE SO GLAD YOU LOVE OUR RAMBLING you have such pretty art and reblog some of the best posts and you're so good at writing so we just have to explode in the tags sometimes hehe
Also we saw this ask like four? Five? Hours ago and went Oh Shit No We Don't and have spent the whole time drawing and we were like Oh we should throw our LC alters in there too since this is their blog and their mutuals should know who they're talking to! And then we got distracted and ONLY drew the alters and host's self insert and none of our OC's so :> we'll do that eventually though but we'll also do like another post with more info ANYWAYS here's the art we made of the self insert and the Lethal alters :3
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Info for each of us under the cut (also Rend and Anno are heavily derived from a fever dream March had after we got surgery and had complications, as such they have a story and are pretty attached to it so we'll go into that too)
The "Story"/Fever Dream:
There were two crews who led a revolution against The Company about fifty years before the game takes place, and of them were eight people named Experimentation, Assurance, Vow, Offense, March, Rend, Dine, and Titan, and they weren't named after the planets, the planets were named after them. (Rend, March, Assurance, and Vow were on a team with Rend being the captain, and the other team was led by Titan and had Dine, Offense, and Experimentation.) Eventually, the revolution got pretty popular and widespread so The Company gave in and agreed to meet with the two teams to discuss their requests, and at the end of the discussion they promised the requests would take place within the next few weeks. The eight members of the revolution were satisfied and went back to work, but the next day they were given news that due to their conjoined efforts they would have to all split up and join different teams to ensure that they didn't again backstab the company once their requests were fulfilled. They, unfortunately, did not put up a fight against this and within the next quota cycle each of them were abandoned and killed on different, new moons none of them had ever seen before. The company never enforced the things they agreed upon but because the leaders of the revolution were killed before word of the promises got far, and because they mysteriously went missing and had new moons named after them, nobody said anything and nobody acted out against The Company.
- Pace is Geno's self-insert OC and he uses He/Him pronouns and is transmasc <3
- He was an employee for The Company AFTER the time of the revolution and worked not as a scrap collector but as a biologist. His team was tasked with finding specific monsters and collecting some bio matter from them to then bring back to The Company. Pace had a rivalry with one of his teammates who was tired of Pace always succeeding, so, he pushed for Pace to receive a Bracken as his quarry and succeeded. However upon arriving Pace was easily able to find the Bracken of Vow (who was actually Vow from the revolution) and collect bio matter from it by befriending it, which enraged his competitor and led to both Pace and Vow being shot. Vow tried to protect Pace after realizing the shot that hit him was not meant for him, but both were too wounded to survive. Vow disintegrated atop of Pace, leaving him and his open wounds covered in Bracken spores, and his competitor left to eventually be killed by a coilhead. Their other two teammates made it out.
- The spores found the decomposing body of a human to be the perfect place to reform and create a new Bracken; that being Pace. Pace spent about twenty years hunting loot bugs and hiding from scrap collectors before a woman named Kite and her captain Calamity found him at the fire exit of Vow. The two found that he was friendly and took him upon their ship, but one of their teammates was appalled at having a "friendly" Bracken and, as they were leaving, pushed Calamity out of the ship in anger, landing her between a dog and a baboon hawk. Pace jumped to rescue her and while he was successfully able to lure the dog away enough for Calamity to safely jump back on the ship, he was grabbed by the Dog and torn to shreds. The ship's autopilot took off while he was fighting the dog and the crew (excluding the asshole) started to panic.
- The next day Vow was eclipsed and, much to Calamity and Kite's disdain, the crew decided to wait for the eclipse to pass before landing back down on Vow and looking for Pace. Meanwhile, Pace had managed to crawl his way back to the fire exit, tumbling down the ravine, and set himself up on a pallet just inside the door. There, sleeping through the whole day, he was able to slowly heal.
- The third and last day of the quota cycle, Calamity's crew got into another argument with Asshole over going to save Pace, and landed at Vow without realizing another team (March's team, as he had already been rescued by a crew by this time) had already landed there. Calamity and Kite rushed in to find Pace while Sail, the crew's navigator and Kite's twin brother, argued with the asshole. The captain of the other crew, who's ship was nearby, overheard an argument about saving a "friendly bracken" and connected the dots that another crew must have found someone like March, their friendly coil-head, and walked out to confront the two. Sail left to help Calamity and Kite find Pace, and the captain (name yet unknown) spoke with the asshole, found out he wanted to kill Pace and attempted to kill his own captain, and promptly hit him over the head with a shovel in order to protect not just his crew, but March as well. The asshole was left there as the captain rushed in to inform his crew of another friendly monster and tell the other crew bus was happy to help, and the asshole was left there to be picked up and carried away by a Giant.
- Pace was eventually found , missing most of his arm, leg, and leaves on his left side, and the two crews met up and became friends. Pace was placed in a large pot covered up to his shoulders in dirt and for the next few quota cycles his crew would place him outside to soak up the sun and look around. Because his arm and leg were fully submerged in the soil and water, they regrew, but his eye never did. He doesn't mind too much though, he can tell when things are looking at him and, in his opinion, that's all he really needs his eyes for. He helps scavenge for scrap and is able to carry two heavy items at a time, however, he can only carry one light item when doing so as it's uncomfortable to hold in his big hands
- March was our first LC alter and has been around since about late October? He's not too conncected to his source and is actually the version of March from our fever dream BEFORE the revolution ended. So though the March in our dream was a coil head by the end of it, our March still thinks of himself as human. Being compared to a coil doesn't bother him though, they're his favorite enemy in the game :) also he's mute and considers himself cis and demiro-ace.
- Rend is also one of our alters but is a lot more attached to both the game and the "story" so he has some funky false memories and is a little delulu about it, but he's happy and healthy and aware of reality and not hurting anyone or our system or himself so we don't mind hehe also, Rend is transmasc just like host and his pronouns are he/him but he's trying out they/it
- Rend is of course based on Captain Rend from the "story" but, unlike March, is from AFTER he died and he much prefers being seen as a nutcracker than a human. Our assumption over why is because Rend had actually been a fragment for most of our life who managed family interactions, and since that was all our brain found him fit for he never really gained a personality or sense of self and as such thinks he looks exactly like our host and would probably share the same name and everything. We think subconsciously our brain makes him like being a nutcracker more than a human in order to make it easier to distinguish him and host
- Rend, being much more intrigued by the fever dream likes daydreaming about it a lot, like he's roleplaying in his head in his own, and as such he likes talking about it and thinking about it a lot more than March does. So, here's some things he daydreams about a lot and thinks would be "canon" continuations of the "story"/fever dream:
- Before March's team found Pace and his team, they got to a pretty high quota and started visiting Rend and Dine. One of their first times visiting Rend, Melody, an employee on March's team, found a seemingly deactivated nutcracker deep in the facility. The team had split up so Melody knew she would have to be careful, but she wanted the shotgun so she crept close and clumsily grabbed it, setting it off. This startled here and she backed off, watching in silent horror as the Nutcracker slowly started to move and stand and, eventually, open up and look around. In panic, Melody ran despite being looked at and, for a moment, Rene stood there confuse before he realized he had finally found someone. Forgetting his voice, he chased after her for a bit but she would frequently stop and hold still so he had trouble. Eventually he shouted to her to wait and she paused, turning to look at the apparently able to speak nutcracker just as March had sped up beside her to block the path between her and Rend. Staring down at an employee with his shotgun and a coilhead that was looking at him and not said employee, Rend ran. In instinct, as she had gotten used to March by now, Melody turned and March gave chase. He was scared and angry that the nutcracker had presumably tried to shoot his friend and, upon trying to push the nutcracker to get it to stop running, he sent a surge through its body and caused it to bleed (like how we headcannon them to work, building up pressure in the body's blood). Melody followed a few rooms behind, having trouble keeping up with the two big monsters but, when Rend was hurt he screamed, and Melody knew that wasn't any of her teammates so she picked up the pace. Rend had been cornered but Melody caught sight of March which forced him to stop moving, and tried to rush to the nutcracker when she saw him bleeding, but, turning her back to March Rend panicked and stepped between the two, telling Melody that he wanted to talk to her but couldn't protect her with the state he was in, so she needed to look at the coil head. He was seemingly trying to protect her. For his comfort she did look at March, but tried to assure him to calm down, sit for a little so she could try and tend to whatever part of him was bleeding, and that she would be more than willing to talk. They spoke for a while, Rend having trouble believing that the coil was friendly given how it seemingly tried to explode him, but he let bygones be bygones. Melody and March both started to wonder if this was one of his old friends but they had decided beforehand not to bring it up to any possible teammates without getting a gauge for their mental state, and Rend was very frazzled so they decided to wait to ask his name or story until he calmed down. They gave him back his shotgun, he turned the safety on, and Melody convinced him to open up so she could tend to his bleeding eye, and eventually the three started to make their way back to main in order to meet up with the rest of the team and get Rend out to their ship
- On the way there they met up with the teammate March had been with before he came running after he heard the gunshot, but this teammate was actively running from a thumper. Rend tried to shoot it but missed due to his eye injury and urged the rest of them to run as he'd hold it back as long as possible. The three left and Rend dragged the Thumper around for a bit before it got loose and rocketed down the hallway after the three. Rend, knowing the layout like the back of his hand, took an alternate route to get to main in order to hopefully outpace the thumper. He made it in time to tackle the thumper and send it and him over the balcony railing where they landed near Melody, March, and their other teammate who were actively trying to scare off a Bracken. Rend urged them to head outside and leave for their safety and they did. It took them a while to get back enough money to go back for Rend, and in this time they met Pace and his team. Rend is still actively daydreaming about this all the time so I'm sure he'll infodump about it more another time.
- Anno has been around for the least amount of time, we had a major allergic reaction while Rend was fronting and so he spent time curled in a ball daydreaming as he always loves to. For comfort he daydreamed about cuddling a friendly masked, but eventually got so fed up he told our partner, aloud "I really hate this body" and our little asshole of a brain (/lh) essentially went "oh really? New alter be upon ye" and turned that cute little Masked Rend was daydreaming about into a new fragment. Anno has since become more concrete, he's transmasc and uses it/its pronouns, and it's not very interested in Lethal Company but LOVES Rend a lot. It's just kinda gay and likes Minecraft, like those are its things so far. Rend has decided that if Anno was in the "story" it would've been from far before the revolution and was left behind by mistake. That's about it for Anno, it's just kinda a thingy that's very gay
Wow so that's the end of that, I'm incapable of making long stories short apparently tee hee. I've been talking for way too long and I doubt anyone got this far, but this was mostly for us since we're soupy right now and it made us feel grounded. If you got this far Anno gives you a cookie.
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alsosprachvelociraptor · 11 months
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I'm still not feeling very well, but here's a Jimmy drawing I managed to finish
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romaritimeharbor · 4 months
im eating it nom nom nom
i just woke up btw and it was the first thing i saw
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ternterntern0 · 1 year
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it's a revenge for hiwiko on artfight
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burninglilys · 1 year
the psychiatrist in the eighth sense is annoying me quite a bit 😐
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zhongrin · 2 years
HELP RIN THAT ISN'T A BRAINROT THAT'S A WHOLE FIC !!!! /pos (putting the tag just in case jsjhdjhaj) Not gonna lie, I just wrote that off of some very dark thoughts-, that's the main reason as to why I got to write angst properly that time BUT THIS TIME, it's very normal ! :DD (also forgive my rusty writing, it's been a few days since I fully wrote anything TT) =====
"Ah," As Zhongli snaps out of his trance, he finds himself forgetting something. "Hmm, perhaps a cup of tea would bring it back." He muses, preparing himself another drink. The warm, bittersweet taste of the liquid soothes his worries - yet, he finds himself doubting his 'perfect memory' when blurry images of a face play in his mind. The man sighs, leaving the uneasiness to simmer and slowly sink in. He dearly wishes he hadn't. *** Immortality is a curse, Zhongli knows all too well. A curse that binds him to the harrowing clock of time, a millennia of it he's experienced - bloodied with the sacrifices and loss and painted with the compassion left behind by those whom he did lose. With forever comes the monotonous tick and ring when the hands reach midnight, a familiar and unnerving experience each time it bellows in his eardrums. Oh how he wishes he never knew it better than you. It spread like a tasteless poison on his tongue, grasping tight to the walls of his throat, leaving him unable to utter even a cry for help. Why would he even? An archon - albeit he be a retired one - he was once glorified and revered to by thousands, millions of people. How could he let the hysterical screams for your name be heard? It would be improper and unbefitting of the man he is and once was. "Darling, (Name), forgive me, I apologize for being too late..." Oh, how he knelt before your body as if to beg for forgiveness, the years of suffering before you long forgotten when faced with your last breathe and tear. "Please, dearest, please.." Cradled like a vase on the verge of shattering, Zhongli wiped away the hideous red soaked on your clothes, wiped away the tears you've left behind bit by bit. It hurt him to do so, it did. He had yet to retell the tales of old almost no one knew of, yet to ingrain the moments your fingers ran through his hair and treated it like the finest of silk. In your arms, he found peace, tranquil, and solicitude. Now however - all he is left with are the memories that would soon be lost without you. Zhongli lays alone on the cold mattress, clutching the sheets tightly to his chest. The clock strikes midnight - and along with it, he momentarily remembers you. 'Forgive me for forgetting you, my love.' =====
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Hope I delivered as you expected Rin ! ♡
"it's very normal"
"it's very normal"
*head in hands* *massages temples* *breaks down crying anyway* must you hurt me continuously like this- /j /nm
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slxthserenade · 2 months
It’s easy. It’s easier than anything to fall back into those old, tired, memorized steps. A stolen ‘my dear’, too quick to respond, stolen hours, back and forth bantering, stolen heartbeats, with each ring of laughter. We know that rhythm. We know what the song spells. We’ll dance, tip-toe and sway around the verses but we know we can’t avoid it. The same coming, recurring chorus of distance replays, and we know those steps better than anything. We know the words better than anything. “I don’t know you enough” as I sway your arm. “I don’t know you enough” as you spin me right around. Stealing breaths, stealing steps, stealing dances. Stolen right beneath the golden haze of those streaks in your eyes.
Old, tired melody. But easier than sincerity.
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lost-love-ligeia · 2 years
Something fundamental changed when I saw the 1975 live last Tuesday
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andhumanslovedstories · 10 months
I’m genuinely surprised how much I love nursing. Every shift, I get to meet and help so many people. I’m float pool so I go to the whole hospital, but I’ve also been floating for a while so everywhere is familiar. Sometimes it’s hard for me to walk through the hospital because I know so many people I pass, and we keep stopping to chat. I float to seventeen different units. That’s crazy! I know so much about the hospital! Every night I’m somewhere else, working with a different team and a different group of patients. The constant novelty and familiarity of floating is delicious.
And I love my patients! I know this all sounds so goody two shoes, but I love that I get to help so many people in so many ways. I only get them for one night, so I try to give them my best. I love tucking people in with warm blankets, I love explaining what I’m assessing to a patient with a new diagnosis, I love having heart to hearts with patients at three am when they can’t sleep, I love making people hurt less and stop throwing up. And you can be a real scamp about it. I love stealing snacks from other floors. I love when a patient is like “god I’d love some chocolate” and I get to be like “sir I know the location of every candy drawer in the hospital, I can get you some chocolate.” Or like figuring out like a cheat code for alleviating symptoms. When someone’s like “wow this heating pack rules” and then falls asleep instantly? It feels good and it’s fun. I have a lot of fun figuring out how to cheer up my patients in minor little stupid ways.
I never have to wonder if my job contributes value to the world. When I go home at the end of my shift, I can always think of something I did that makes me feel proud. That rules! It’s so fun to be proud of yourself! It’s so fun to know that what you do matters and that you are doing it well. And if I don’t feel proud, I have a drive home to think about why and I get a chance to do better next shift. And that’s good too. There are nights where I can feel the way I let someone down, and I have to sit with that, and I have to learn from it.
(And I don’t want to sound like I’m crushing it always super-nurse style, like I’m completely immune to ableism and the other -isms, or that I’m never lazy or callous or checked out. I’m new and I’m learning and I’m human and I’m tired and I’m not always living up to the person I hope to be. But I do get a lot of opportunities to make up for it and try again. That feels good.)
And I love teaching new nurses! I love having to constantly keep studying so I can be in a position to teach anyone anything. I love watching people get better at stuff. And I love that as I’ve gotten more confident as a nurse and a person who trains new nurses that I’ve started coaching more and more on the soft skills of nurses. Those are really hard! We should get as much practice with therapeutic communication as we do with Foley catheters!
Also where I work pays good, and I’ve got great job security, dude, I can buy so many stupid little trinkets. I was so nervous when I decided to go to nursing school that I was fucking up my life and other people’s plans for a job I wouldn’t even end up liking. I’d literally never worked something remotely close to healthcare when I decided to go to nursing school. I’d been in a hospital like once. I feel like this big life change shouldn’t have worked out nearly as well as it has, but hey it’s really fuckin cool it did
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chunkierboi · 2 months
Just to begin… wow…
Now down to business. Are you serious about the 400lbs thing? If yes (first of all… mmmmm), what will happen when you get there? I know what I’d recommend for you 😉🐷! Would you worry about struggling with stuff as you get fatter, eg hygiene, having *fun*, clothes etc, or is it a turn-on to struggle/need help? Lastly, I want you to know that by letting us watch you make such a gloriously fat, greedy pig of yourself, you are doing a great service… please. Don’t. Stop…
I am very serious about the 400 lbs weight goal, I’ve thought about this and have wanted this for a very long time.
Now when I get there, I’ve strongly considered the idea that I might want more weight😅 but we will see! Might need to take sometime to let my body get used to this new amount of weight, before I start packing on even more.
I am very aware of the amount of work I’ll have to put in being a very very big guy. I have definitely already started running into the “fat guy struggles”, but I mean I expected it, and have definitely found ways to resolve them. It’s definitely a turn on knowing that I’m getting “that big”, but also I know what I am signing up for. Just to clarify, i have very good hygiene, haha it is very therapeutic to take the time to clean myself up and care for my skin, body, hair. I also really enjoy smelling good haha.
Finding clothes now with my wide but short stature has definitely been a struggle!!
lastly, thank you so much, I am very happy and proud to be sharing my gains with you guys! I have never felt bigger & sexier, it is so amazing to have your love and support!
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windvexer · 1 month
In your "practice sorcery in a not soul-sucking way" post, you mention a beginner artist doodling a landscape then saying their art "doesn't work".
I was wondering if you have a spell for warding a space against unwanted attention/negative energies, which was the magical equivalent of "paint or scribble until the whole page is black"?
No particular skill necessary, just something blunt and brute-force which may take a lot of energy (SCRIBBLING AS GARD AS YOU CAN AAAA) but which would be cathartic? It's my first spell since.... Playing around initiating a wand with my friend when we were kids. Wow.
The thought of trying to learn correspondences or something is.... Exhausting-sounding. I just need a space that's mine. Maybe with a "keep this space calm and quiet" element thrown in.... And something with knot-tying that leaves me with a charm I can hang, maybe?
If this is too much/too specific, feel free to disregard (though I'd appreciate knowing you got the ask). Thank you so much for your time, and I hope things are going well for you. Also, your chicken-frying spirit-trappjng pot is gorgeous.
Good morning, or it will be in 20 minutes when midnight rolls over.
We are in reference to this post about practicing sorcery, and also this post about my pot of many uses.
Yes I imagine there is probably a short answer but you've given me the chance to talk about theory, so :)
Knot-tying magic is nice and easy, and I really think it doesn't require special skills beyond tying knots. I have this old post about making a simple hanging charm with macrame.
One thing that helps me with the idea of knot magic is that you're always going to be binding something.
You can go with the idea that you are binding up statements of intent which then become like the rungs on a ladder, allowing other energies and intents to climb up into reality.
But I imagine more commonly, you bind things up to trap them (and perhaps releasing them for use later).
This provides a decent idea for part B of your spell, "keep this space calm and quiet." A nice knot tied up by the door to capture disruptions and bind them up and make them inert might suffice.
As for your part A, warding against unwanted attentions and negative energies - you've got options.
And a good place to start is that you want a space that's yours.
I am a huge believer in the efficacy of spiritual authority. Crudely put, there is actual magical power in saying, "this is my space. I own it. Only things I invite inside are allowed."
I don't mean that it's personally powerful, or therapeutic, although it may be those things. I mean that I believe it literally changes something in the record books of the Otherworlds.
Of course it immediately gets more complicated, especially in cases of territory disputes, but by and large a powerful first step for making a space feel safe, comfortable, and barred from unwanted attention and negative energies,
is to magically announce that the space is yours, you are its keeper, and from that point on you call the shots.
Perhaps best of all, doing so requires no correspondences. Just go around and start telling the world how it's going to be. Start with the doorway, and pay due respects to windows and vents. Not because they're vectors of negative energy contamination, but because thresholds are their own species of Creature and know a little bit more than some of the baser household construction.
Put on some music or whatever to get yourself in the state of mind to take it all seriously, and then go to the main entrance and say, "hello; let me introduce myself formally." (And then introduce yourself). "I'd like to let you know I'm going to be responsible for this space from now on. I'm the keeper of this room, and it's on me to decide what comes and goes - not other people in the household."
And then go about to all the various things in the room (for some reason I guess I decided this is for your bedroom) and let them all know that this is your space and you're taking the reins. "Rug by the door, I love the pattern you've got going on. Just to let you know-"
Draw a finger over the wall. That's your wall; the space within it is your space. Touch the window frame and the door frame; they frame only what you allow to pass through, and nothing else. Touch your old things and dig deep through layers of the past: speak the new truth to stacks of things that have been peacefully slumbering for years.
Just go around and have a nice time with it, and in general claim your space. That will set you up pretty well for whatever kind of work you'd like to do next.
The reason I recommend all these big paragraphs of things is because I think it fits the bill of what you're looking for, re. not requiring extra skills.
But then once you've got the room on board and you're set up as the new captain, you might well like to ask the door to keep out intruders. And you should; let the door know your vision of the room moving forward is that nobody but you tries to come into it.
And while you're at it, you might as well give your door a garotte to strangle anyone who tries to come in.
Or.... strangle the energy of intrusiveness in general, you know.
With the knot spell that we were talking about earlier!
If you prepare something nice and simple, like a macrame crystal net, or even a simple overhand knot in some cord, position this by the entryway so that the charm works in tandem with the door (who, remember, is now on your side but could possibly do with reinforcements).
(By the way, a decent way to 'cast' a knot spell is to take some cord and prepare a loose knot and wait for the irritating thing to happen; at the moment it happens, quickly yank the knot closed, and tell the cord, "see? That's exactly the thing I'm talking about, I've just given you an example to work from. You go ahead and bind up the rest now, just like that." Give the cord another knot that's not completely tightened, to let it do the rest itself.)
Besides getting the doors and windows on your side, and tying up intruders, I think you may especially enjoy a nice dish of salt. That link is to @aesethewitch who made a lovely writeup on the idea of ambient spells, and I think this may be just your thing.
I think technically it could be a nice dish of anything, but I think salt probably fits the bill. It's very cheap if you need to buy any, but more importantly, it's got an excellent "filtration" effect that helps to keep a space free of bad vibes.
As far as the political landscape of the room, such a dish of salt could hypothetically be placed anywhere, unlike the sneaky cord of binding, which probably ought to be right next to the door so it can pounce at first sight of an interloper.
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aardvaark · 8 months
me: wow, tiktok, a platform that has millions of creators and has prided itself on its #EduTok educational video campaign. i wonder what i can find about psychology on here!
video 1: i did one unit of psychology in college, 8 years ago, so let me give you an expert’s opinion on this therapeutic technique. follow for more!
video 2: this is why having a personality disorder makes someone a terrible irredeemable person :) (PS armchair diagnosing is VALID)
video 3: omgg guys, TIL that liking vanilla milkshakes?!…. means you have adhd, autism, bpd, depression, anxiety & maladaptive daydreaming?? woww!!
video 4: adhd is for himbo boys, autism is for quiet girls <3
video 5: how to spot (and exorcise) evil psychotic people with schizophrenia and those other psychotic spectrum disorders idk the name of
video 6: [hypnotic spiral in background] your mom is a narcissist your mom is a narcissist your mom is a narcissist your m
video 7: hi everyone, today i’m dividing all the mental illnesses into the categories of "uwu quirky child" disorder, "evil scary abusive" disorder, and "idk what that is" disorder. these categories should be added to the DSM btw
video 8: i’m an actual psychologist and i just openly hate people with cluster b PDs
video 9: i’m an actual psychologist and im fucking begging you, leave this place while you can, yes i’m talking to you aardvaark, RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN R-
video 10: i made a new youtube tutorial on how to purposely develop this complex, chronic, debhilitating disorder :3 check out my acc!!
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melanieph321 · 5 months
I have a request for dominik : doing laundry day with him and everything starts normal but then things get smutty because you only wear sexy panties and his hoodie and dominik gets turn on by it. Maybe at some point he fucks you on top of the washing machine?? Can you make it smut and fluff?? Thanks and love all your work ❤
I've been excited to do this one! 🤭
Hope you'll enjoy!
(DAY 3)
Dominik Szoboszlai x Reader - Laundry Day
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Laundry day. You didn't mind doing your laundry on a day like this. It was a slow Sunday. Dominik was off from training, sleeping in for once. You, however,  got up to do the laundry since putting off the task only resulted in chaos in a household shared with a professional football player.
Nevertheless, folding clothes could be quiet therapeutic, at least with a nice playlist running in the background while you did it. You found a good rhythm between ironing clothes and folding them into neat piles. One for Dominik and one for you.
"Where did you go?"
You turned around to see him standing in the door to the laundry room. He looked to just have rolled out of bed, rubbing his tired eyes, his tousled up hair sprouting in every direction.
"I woke up, and you weren't there. Where did you go?" He repeated, his voice still drozy from sleep.
"What do you mean?" You said.
Dominik's eyes looked you up and down, followed by a furrowed expression. "Are those my Batman socks?"
"Huh?" Your eyes fell onto your feet. "Oh, right."
You wouldn't call your laundry attire chic, but it was in fashion. At least if most of your clothes were still swirling around in the washing machine. You had to settle for what was left, in this case, an oversized hoodie, a pair of granny panties, and Dominik's favorite pair of stockings.
"I'm doing laundry." You smiled.
"All of it?"
Dominik stepped into the room, approaching the dresser and the pile of his neatly folded training clothes.
"Baby, I never asked you to do my laundry."
"I know." You chirped. "I wanted to."
"Because...I saw that your basket was full and was going to do my own laundry anyway." You shrugged.
"Wow, Y/N, thank you so much for doing my laundry," he said, still half asleep. "I've been meaning to do it for weeks now, but I've been too exhausted."
You smiled and gave him a hug. "I know how busy you are with your games and practices, so I thought I'd take some of the load off your shoulders. Besides..." You winked. "I know how much you hate doing laundry."
Dominik chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. "You're right, I do hate doing laundry. But I love how thoughtful you are. You always know how to make me feel special."
You blushed. "Okay, let's just kiss the chef and take it easy now."
Dominik hooked his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. "Kiss the chef, huh?"
"It's an expression." You giggled.
Dominik nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, his rough stubble tickling your skin. He kissed you gentle, tracing them downwards along where your collarbone would be if you weren't wearing a damn hoodie.
Dominik pulled back and regarded it with furrowed brows. "Yeah, this needs to come off."
You bit down on your lip. "I'm not wearing anything underneath.
"I known" He grinned and did not waste any more time. Your hoodie was tugged over your head, with Dominik's eyes widening at the sight of your breasts.
"Like what you see?"
He looked to you and smiled. His hands then rested on each side of your hips, lifting you up only to plot you back down on top of the washing machine.
The sensation it gave. Like a giant vibrator stuck to your ass.
Dominik chuckled. "It feels good, no?"
You reached for his shirt and pulled him to stand in between your legs. There, Dominik bent down and kissed you. He kissed you with his tongue swirling around in your mouth. You were both out of it, just minutes into making out.
"Take these off." You said, tugging at the hemn of his sweatpants.
"Okay, just let me get a condom first."
"No." You whimpered. "I want to feel you."
Dominik's eyes lit up in suprise. "Are you sure?"
It didn't matter, with the washing machine going off on your clit you were on the verge of coming just by sitting on top of it.
"Yes, I'm sure. "I need you inside of me, now."
Dominik rushed to pull his sweatpants down, seeing how eager you were. His hard cock pulsating in his hand as he guided it towards your entrance, pushing you panties to the side in order to reveal how wet you were for him.
"Oh, God."
The sensation was really of no other. Both you and Dominik felt it. Fucking on top of the laundry machine brought new excitements to your sex life. Dominik squinted his eyes with the pleasure it gave him to be inside of you. You threw your head back as the thrust of his hips, along with the vibration from the washing machine, had you on the verge of passing out.
"Babe, I'm coming." Dominik said, a struck of panic in his voice. It was a bit short-lived from his side, but there was no need to be embarrassed. Your grip around his shoulders tightened as your orgasm bubbled up inside of you too, causing your walls to tighten around his length, making a mess as you came all over him and him all over you.
"Fuck, that was..."
"The best...."
The two of you struggled to catch your breaths.
"Agreed." Dominik nodded. "That was the best sex we've ever had."
You smiled cheaply at him. "I guess doing laundry isn't so bad after all?"
"No, I love it. Let's do laundry every day."
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