#this was very fun thank you muchly
Headcanons for Callie and her sister?
Fuck what a good question. Look out, this might get sad.
They were close, for a while, for a good long while when they were kids. We’ve only ever heard mention of Callie’s mom, not her dad at all, so I imagine they bonded over the fact that they almost only had each other. They would band together, hide things from their mom. Care for each other when their mom was busy with the business and they were on their own. Cyra was fiery, a summer eladrin, someone who could always protect her emotional sister from people who hurt her.
Cyra was always someone Callie could count on. Cyra was allowed into the crime family first. She let Callie shadow her when Callie was finally allowed to start. In any meeting Cyra was in that Callie wasn’t, she would defend her younger sister, say she was doing her damn best, and maybe whomever was talking was just jealous of how good at conning people Callie was.
But god, did they react differently to the execution of their mother. I don’t remember if it was said, but I’m pretty sure it was established that they witnessed Joviere making the choice and taking the blow. Callie was, for all the ways her emotions hurt her, more in touch with her emotions than Cyra ever would be. Callie allowed herself to feel the deep hurt that came from their mother dying. Processed it a bit. She hasn’t moved on, in any way, but she’s done more work with it than Cyra. Cyra shut down when it happened. And wanted to protect Callie, the only family she had left. So she shut Callie out of the business more and more, because she wanted to protect her sister. But Callie didn’t, wouldn’t, see it that way. She thought her sister wanted her gone. So when the opportunity arose, Callie made a move.
I don’t, by any means, think that Cyra is a good person. She’s at best morally grey. But some part of her, however small, put that original bounty out on Callie in hopes she’d get some, any, information back saying that Callie was doing well. Because she does miss her sister, in some ways.
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lukas-dark-miracles · 9 months
Lukas Inspiration || Poetry weaving
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"Lukas didn’t want to be a monster - although now he supposed that was his role in the stories now. If he was to be a part of a bigger plan, he shouldn’t have cared so much for a human who he didn’t know the name of. He should have let her die. He was supposed to further a new gospel of darkness, and show that there was harmony there. He was supposed to play a role and maybe out of kindness change her - but a part of him couldn’t. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t make her give up the choice and he couldn’t let her just die without trying. " From Jaws
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" 'We need to show them the dark, then? People can be saved if we show them the dark?' Lukas said unsurely - like a small child trying to understand mortality. It almost made Lizzie smile - the fact that he was so simple to think that anyone would be saved.
'Exactly that, little mouse,'She said, watching him flinch slightly at the nickname. He must have remembered her whispering that when she was stabbing him. Pity she liked that endearment. 'Because we cannot show them through the light, we will show them through the dark. We will have people’s worse and not try to fix them but accept them. We will let them do their worst to test the light, and when it becomes a standstill, we will know that we were right.' " From A New Gospel
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"He was used to that question by now, and carefully he had an answer that had happened quite organically after probing people on what they wanted in a group. It was actually pretty easy to cultivate a sense of belonging when you’re thinking of why others might feel alone." From Come with me Now
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"Lukas wasn’t sure why he kept doing this, sitting outside in the courtyard of the Church he once ran. Perhaps part of him did it instinctually, he had on many occasions sat out here after all. It was a perfect place to contemplate everything, the good and the bad. Maybe it also reminded him of those twilights with his Sire, where she wasn’t so scary. The gardens of a church had been a place of peace - the last time he had peace. So he sat there quietly thinking, his hands clutching each other in a pretend version of a prayer, his head bowed for prayers he no longer thought God could hear. 
Maybe this just proved  he actually wanted to pray and turn to the light, but he was already a monster. He was chosen for this after all. Salvation for Lukas could only be through the darkness, so he should stop trying to hear the choirs from inside the church. He should stop trying to hold a rosary closely. He should move from his spot, even if just being near the old church gave him comfort. He didn’t need it anymore, and more importantly he didn’t deserve it. Surely though he could stay in the garden outside. After all, Eden was the place where good and evil were hand and hand until it tipped. Surely the snake had the same amount of rights to wander the place as did the rest of creations." From In the Garden of Good and Evil
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" Lukas wasn’t exactly sure what was going on with the vampire in front of him but he knew well enough that people were willing to die for a lot of things. He stilled his face, in a similar way he had the day he died not wanting to set off whatever that was in the other. She reminded him a lot of his sire and he wasn’t quite sure if that was a survivable thing." From a Comforting Face
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"'I don’t think most of the people here are going to live if someone doesn’t kill me. If I don’t kill them She will and I can’t stand to see the blood again. I keep asking God to kill me and he hasn’t, so everyone’s going to die and the only thing I can do is kill them before she tortures them in front of me again. No one is going to agree to go through this hell or be a puppet. I hate Her and her games,' Lukas said horrified, his eyes wide as the words seemed to pull from him before he could stop them. He hadn’t meant to say that and as soon as he did his mouth clenched. 'What exactly did you just do to me? What was that?” His voice was harsh, arms crossed as he felt the burns on his hands itch. He didn’t like thinking about this, and he didn’t know why it was pulled from him. " From Confessions in the Dark.
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"He really was beautiful, and Lukas couldn’t help how his eyes widened and he paused. He only seemed to remember to breathe when Cassius stepped back slightly arm still wrapped around him as Lukas’s brain tried to catch up with what was being said and implied. The smile seemed too lovely to be for him, and part of him wanted to step back afraid of the last beautiful person that had turned him into a monster. While he had only wanted to be Lizzie’s friend, this close he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be Cassius’s. Not when he was this close to him. Hell -  he didn’t want to be, and he really didn’t know what to do with that information. So, he just looked for a moment, and then realizing that he did need to speak if only for the other’s sake he tried to form words. Clunky and not at all possessing the confidence of a former preacher he whispered, 'I don’t want you to let me go. I really don’t. That’s dangerous, Cassius.'" From a Totally Normal Date
Credits (in order) @mortemoppetere @realmackross @nightmaretist @muertarte @disinfernus @singdreamchild
Quotes (x)
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
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just hanging out
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anonymouspuzzler · 7 months
Also, I grow more intrigued and attached to that trio every post you make with them, adore your art style too!! I know you want to make the actual comic but you're still making soooo much progress with them and making so much art! I hope Welcome Home work has been going good, that big of a project has to be a lot to help manage! But all of you have done so fantastic so far and I hope you and your lovely wife Holly are doing well ^w^ <3
WELL SHUCKS !! thank ya so muchly... it is very fun getting to play with the villain coded trio til I am at a point where I can reasonably focus more seriously on making An Actual Long Term Comic. and I am Very excited for y'all to see all the hard work the Welcome Home team has been doing... just a bit longer now...!
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spotsandsocks · 2 years
Fuck it Friday
Tagged by the adorable @alyxmastershipper and @buddierights thanking you very muchly 🥰
Sharing an older fic now with wonderful cover art by @putijeansdiaz-ronordmann
The Truth Reflected
The Truth Reflected 4K fluff pining and fun (Teen)
Eddie sees the truth of his feelings in the reflections all around him. He just can’t seem to stop looking at Buck although he does try. When he looks more carefully everything changes. Sometimes you can’t stop the truth from showing.
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“What do you think?” Buck bounces up to him and strikes a pose.
He’s standing there in what are probably ridiculously overpriced aviator sunglasses.
He looks, well good, obviously, when doesn’t he but Eddie’s not going to tell him that. Buck doesn’t need to know how good Eddie thinks he looks so he rolls his eyes and shakes his head instead.
“Do you really want to spend that much money on something you’re probably going to lose three times a day until you lose them forever?”
“Pah! You’re boring” Buck looks away to check himself out in the mirror again, tilting his head from side to side experimentally “they make me look cool.”
He turns back again hands out to his sides, giant grin on his face. “Huh?” It’s a clear invitation for Eddie to change his mind.
Eddie looks again but he doesn’t see Buck, this time he sees himself reflected in the surface of Buck’s soon to be latest bad decision. Oh God he thought he’d stopped doing that, he looks down quickly, away from the look in his own eyes that is far too telling, that reveals far too much. He can only hope the sunglasses are dulling Buck’s view of his face. He sighs, “You know they make you look good, let’s just buy them and go get Chris.”
Buck’s smile gets even wider and Eddie bites his lip hard tells himself ‘no’ very firmly, meanwhile his mouth says “Just don’t blame me when you lose them.”
Eddie’s almost impressed when it takes Buck three weeks to finally lose them for good.
The Truth Reflected
Tags for all but in particular @shortsighted-owl @ajunerose @lostinabuddiehaze @elvensorceress @heartbeatdiaz @jobairdxx @the-likesofus @bekkachaos @sibylsleaves @spaceprincessem @hippolotamus @rogerzsteven @fiona-fififi and welcome back @megsvstheworld
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ant1quarian · 7 months
Hey, so I was think how would your Avian Boys react to Fem Redaer playing a prank on them? (she knows them, they know her and they're cool like that leaning towards them wanting to be mates and her thinking it's cute when they gift her because she's that dense) anyways, this is the 'It's that time of month where I had to shed my skin' basically she's going to put a face mask that sticks to her face and she peels it off saying it's her old skin coming off she her face could be smooth and soft (bonus I'd she had chubby face cheeks)
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Oh boy... thanks for the ask!
Classic is so fucking confused, and kind of very muchly concerned. He wants to know how that works so much and will probably grab you and sorta gently scrabble at your face with his talons to see if there's anything in excess. He usually has a natural intrigue with your face- especially your cheeks- so just seeing you "pull of your skin" like that perplexes him. But then again, he wants to know more.
Once he finds out it's a prank, he'll probably squeeze your cheeks gently and snort- all with a conspiring grin that tells you he's definitely going to do something to get you back.
Red is. He's so confused. You get the whole head-tilt, wing drop, brow furrow that you'd probably find kind of cute as he stares at you for a long while before slowly, very intelligently, you hear him (probably for the first time) speak and all you hear is: "th' fuck?" He'll probably scoop you up and prod at your cheeks before you finally explain it was a prank- which immediately earns you a glare, a huff, a nuzzle, and the promise of him getting you back somehow.
Axe would be super intrigued! Not exactly confused, just big "WOAH". He'll get real close to you with his head tilted and eyelight enlarged before he asks whether that's an actual thing or not- likely narrowing his sockets at you when you tell him it's a prank. He'll then proceed to bap you over the head- albeit gently- with one of his wings before beginning to plan his own shenanigans.
(He hopes you're not afraid of heights.)
Dust immediately saw right through your lies. As one of the most powerful raptors out there, the difference in consistency between skin and the facemask is obvious to him- but it's very likely he still goes along with it. Even going so far as to peel some of it off himself with partially-faux intrigued body language. If this is something you find fun and silly then he's going to follow along to make you smile- it's worth more than all of the prey and shinies in the world to him. Hell, maybe he'll even do a few pranks himself.
Error is questioning everything. You've probably made him crash because people- specifically human-watching, is one of his hobbies. He's equally as interested and disgusted by humanity, so he does a lot of observing. He's probably equally as confused as he is concerned- did it hurt? Are you okay? Do you need help? I mean, he wouldn't touch you (haphephobia) but he's there to help if you need. Eventually once you tell him it was a prank he's going to playfully sulk, then probably make a (harmless) trap for you to fall into in order to get back.
Milord was likely suspicious, but also interested. He raises a brow and asks whether that's an actual thing, all the while studying the sides of your face- perhaps looking for clues that you were japing him, or perhaps if there was any more for him to help peel off? He's curious. Once he tells you it's a prank he squeezes your cheek with one of his hands with a vaguely amused expression. He now holds you in higher respect, being able to sneak around someone as intelligent as him.
Killer fucking flips. His hands go to the sides of his skull and his sockets widen comically before he proceeds to completely trap you in his embrace and check out your face. He probably notices a few pieces that aren't peeled off and don't seem the same consistency- or smell the same- as you skin- and then proceeds to place it on his skull for goofs. Your price for pranking him (even after you've told him) is him carrying you around, occasionally nuzzling your cheek.
Blue already knows what's up. He knows you're goofing but he's more than happy to play along- maybe he'll even tell you about some weird Avian things (and believe me, there are a lot of Weird Avian Things) that are actually true! He admires your willingness to be silly and not worry for your life (considering he knows his species' reputation), and fully expects you to prank him again! (He does ask whether the mask hurt, and what the mask was made out of)
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Weekly Blog July 27, 2023
I've been very busy reading and writing since my last post! The good news is that I've posted the re-edited original (2007) seven chapters of my WIP! It felt so good put them back up. @m0srael and @epitomereally thank you muchly for the tags to do a WIP snip. I was going to do it but did this instead. :) I plan on posting Chapter 8, which will be the first brand-new chapter of the fic this weekend. After that, I'll wait a bit until I'm further along in my writing.
One of the fun things for me in this round of posting a fic, is using Work Skins on AO3. I know, I'm very late in the game. I'm now tempted to go back to my older stories and add some fun things to it. Especially for letters and newspaper articles!
Here's the link to my WIP. Hey, it's my blog, and I can do a little self-promotion. LOL I do miss the harrydraco com on LJ. It was the best for posting new fics and chapters to a wider audience. There is no equivalent in fandom now.
The Azkaban Letters (chapters 1-7) on AO3
Okay, now that's done, let's move onto the amazing fics I've read. Wow, just wow!
What I've Been Reading:
There's three fics I've read that were complete standouts. One older Dramione and Two new Drarry. I'm going to start with the Dramione and apologize to @lol-zeitgeistic (zeitgeistic on AO3) for stalking their works. Ha ha ha. Most folks obviously know their masterpiece story Azoth, REVOLVELOVER with Hit Wizard Harry, and Shibboleths (amazing sci-fi story). Yes, I know there's more...I'm working my way through. :) But as I was making my way through their catalogue of yumminess, I spotted their Dramione fic, Straightaway Dangerous (125K). I immediately felt a kindred spirit in that this was an older WIP that they were determined to finish. 8 years to the day. Here's the Summary:
During the final battle, an unexpected insult sends Fenrir Greyback on a rampage, changing 39 people into werewolves. He should've known better than to make Hermione one of that number. Includes werewolf living and culture, Draco’s questionable morals, Hermione’s questionable life choices, and unrequited bromance (well, it’s requited a bit, but don’t tell Potter that).
This fic hit so many of my personal buttons in what I love about HP fanfic. Exploration of places and character types mentioned in canon but where we have little more info. In this case, the place is Knockturn, where Hermione lives in a rundown flat. She's secretly trying to add charm to the place. The character types are hags, werewolves, vampires, veela (all magical but considered other), politics, and BAMF witches. LOL Okay, and the side of Harry/Luna was adorable. You will fall in love with this Harry.
The premise of the fic is that Hermione and Draco were both bitten together, and 37 or 38 others were too, during the Battle. They have some rights but not enough to make a life. Hermione and Draco are both Unspeakables and best friends for seven years...until things change with the political environment.
The current head of the Wizengamot is making things harder and harder for the 'others' and it becomes too much. Even the Werewolf Aurors (including Ron), are affected. But there is someone on their side and the reveal of that person was such a fabulous surprise.
The relationship between Draco and Hermione goes from enemies to friends to lovers (with lots of arguments because both are stubborn). The relationship progresses so naturally but every step well fought for. The initial sex scene is unexpected and it's fire. They both fall but Draco harder. It's a thing of beauty watching how he works for what he wants.
One last note: The lore in this fic is amazing. My favourite, as it's rarely explored, is for the hags. Truly deserves an award for creativity.
Straightaway Dangerous on AO3
LA, Who Am I To Love You? (42.5K) by Anon was posted yesterday for the @hd-wireless fest. I'm not going to go into too much of the story because it was written for @sitp-recs prompt, and Liv's comments on the fic will tell you how truly spectacular this fic is. I can't touch her way of expressing love for a fic. Here's the Summary:
Harry’s summer in LA is not going as expected. Pansy Parkinson keeps inviting him to parties in the Hollywood Hills and harassing him to finally go to the physical therapist, Blaise Zabini keeps slipping new strains of his company’s magical weed into Harry’s pockets in hopes of an endorsement, and Draco Malfoy keeps having sex with everyone but Harry.
See everything in that summary. It looks so light and so fun. It is, but there is so much depth hidden in each of those sentences. What I want to discuss is LA. If you've lived in the LA area or even just visited, this fic will make you weep with homesickness. Everything rang true, from the Bougainvillea flowers being like florescent crepe paper to driving at night with windows down, experiencing the warm air whether in the city or blessedly in the desert while listening to music. The magical touches added to the movie industry and to Quidditch were mind-blowing.
I was born in San Francisco and grew up in the East Bay Area, but went to undergraduate college in San Diego. 1/3 of my school was from LA. My dormmates, my best friend in college (RIP Kristy), my first serious college boyfriend. They all helped me fall in love with SoCal. It was a long time ago. I can't tell you how many memories came back last night reading this story. Now my ex-husband lives down there, and my son also. He's at an Art Institute. Thanks, MA for taking us on this ride!
LA, Who Am I To Love You? on AO3
The second Darry is also from @hd-wireless. This fic, Weapons of Massive Consumption, like the other one has a funness (yes, I know that's not a real word) to it but there's more darkness to this one. Watch the tags on this. Here's the Summary:
Eight years after the war, Harry Potter lives a life of hedonism: raging parties, huge impulse purchases, and seemingly no worries. But it's Draco Malfoy—former Death Eater, lover of blueberry muffins, and bane of coffee shop workers—who starts to wonder if it's all a front, if something's actually terribly wrong with him. Why else would Potter ask Draco, of all fucking people, to write his biography?
What's not mentioned in the summary is that Draco has been away for much of those eight years. He returns from the US changed and is now a writer. What he discovers is that those that stayed are still stuck, traumatized by the war. And now there's Harry, who wants Draco to write his autobiography but then doesn't want him to include any of his bad behaviours. Draco goes along for the ride but finds himself trying to save the hero.
I've read quite a few fanfics dealing with addiction, but this one...this one so rightfully calls out what a disease is and what trauma is. Theo will fricken break your heart. Anyone who's experienced a group of friends who are playing around with alcohol and/or substances will recognize Theo. The one who is damaged more than the others. The one you're not sure can be saved, but you love them anyway. And then sometimes you have to step away.
The fic is not all doom and gloom. LOL When dealing with sex and drugs, there's a lot of fun...until it isn't. As I mentioned at the start, it has so many hilarious bits and scenes to it. One literally had me laughing so hard I had to step away from my computer. Harry is royally pissed off at Draco and takes it out on Draco with a comment to Narcissa in public. You will know it when you read it.
The fic handles the serious subject matter with clarity and love. You will likely recognize yourself or at least some of your friends while reading it. And, yes, Harry and Draco can both be idiots but still come through what life has dealt them.
Weapons of Massive Consumption on AO3
As with all fics I recommend or discuss here, if you read them, please leave a comment. These authors definitely deserve some love.
Okay, way way too long today,
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rootedincuteness · 3 days
"Ask Mudpie" Poll Results ~ Questions Chosen By You!
Question 6: Do you have any hobbies?"
Mudpie: "Of course Mudpie has hobbies! The best. Because they're Mudpie's." Resident Human: "I can see you don't make a hobby of being modest." Mudpie: "Mudpie does not know meaning of word."
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Resident Human: *chuckles* "Clearly. Alright, well I know you like to meet celebrities, that's one of your hobbies." Mudpie: "Mudpie would argue that one of their hobbies is meeting Mudpie." Resident Human: *facepalms* "Regardless... Here you are meeting Gizmo from Gremlins with Halfred back around Christmas in 2022." Mudpie: "Very cool dude."
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Resident Human: "And here you are meeting Grogu." Mudpie: "He was okay. Kept stealing Mudpie's cookies, though. Little bit rude."
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Resident Human: "And of course you love eating candy and confections, like this great season-appropriate snack..." Mudpie: "Tasty. 14/10 would recommend."
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Resident Human: "And of course you've dabbled in baking." Mudpie: "If snacks aren't available, Mudpie has to make them himself. Tough job, but very rewarding."
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Resident Human: "But I know you're biggest hobby is party planning. You plan all the parties the Roots & 'Shrooms Gang have, right?" Mudpie: "That's right! Mudpie has skills." Resident Human: "Here's you at a Halloween party..." Mudpie: "Mudpie's favorite."
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Resident Human: "And a tree lighting holiday party..." Mudpie: "Was a lot of fun. Maybe should do again this year."
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Resident Human: "And you've even done 4th of July parties some years." Mudpie: "Depends on how hot it is outside. Mudpie is delicate flower." Resident Human: "Oh, brother."
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Resident Human: "And I know you also love bartending. That's definitely a hobby of yours too, isn't it?" Mudpie: "Yep! Mudpie loves planning parties and getting boozy. Bartending combines both!" Resident Human: "I remember last St. Patrick's Day. That was a great party." Mudpie: "Thank you muchly."
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Resident Human: "And who could forget the big bash you planned for everyone earlier this Summer?" Mudpie: "No one can forget. It was just that good. Technically... Marshmallow and Halfred planned it. But... Mudpie was integral in pulling it off."
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Resident Human: "Wow, you have a lot of hobbies, Mudpie? You're a very busy Mandrake. How do you find the time?" Mudpie: "Mudpie has motto. If you love it, do it." Resident Human: "I... I guess that's pretty solid advice." Mudpie: "Party on, everyone."
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crownedinmarigolds · 28 days
Khloe, 24
Oughhh an interesting question I have considered muchly...! Thank you for asking!
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#24 - What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions? Khloe was hit by a car driven by a delirious and wounded Ventrue Anarch one night coming home from visiting her mother who lives out of state. The Ventrue Lena Broussard felt extreme guilt for killing an innocent and tried her hand at siring - then promptly called the local unaffiliated-with-the-Camarilla clean up crew (ran by the Thinblood revolutionaries) to basically Moses the fresh Embrace into the arms of the Duskborn. A move she no doubt thought would be very cool and smart of her to do. BUT WHAT IF SOMEONE ELSE GOT HER FIRST? Ignoring avoiding the vampire lifestyle all together - Khloe may have been taken to the Anarch rebellion early had Lena cared enough to do so. She may have been taught properly the ways of the Ventrue clan and vampirism, know more about the local politics and Lena's ACTUAL plans for her. She could've been an agent for the Anarch's to infiltrate either the Camarilla or Thinbloods and play a long and dangerous game where she would eventually make the Rebellion a reality and become the Duskborn Baron! This is still a possibility, though Khloe has made herself clear on where she stands many times throughout the story: I'm Duskborn - and I don't like the way any of these Fullbloods I've met have treated me. Khloe also could have been picked up by the Camarilla, freshly made after a Sabbat Schism where a Bishop declared praxis. If Lena had indeed been tailed by the Cam and whatever mess she left behind was still there for them to find, Khloe could've easily been brought in front of the Prince or Sheriff and brought into the fold. While this Cam was originally Sabbat and they actually have a more neutral - even positive - view of Duskborn, she would still be branded and essentially enslaved to them. Her relationships with the people she loves now would be twisted and different, and the trust that the Stakebait Coterie shares now certainly could not happen - or would take FOREVER to happen - in the Camarilla or Anarch alternate paths.
In terms of the love she has now and the friendships she's made - Khloe is in the best universe possible. As for power and general knowledge of the world around her... she's probably in the worst one. She's ignorant - but she has community! Ah thank you for asking this was fun!
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godza · 2 months
ELISE JUSTIN BIRTHDAY TODAY?! wowwow happy birthday!! and happy birthday to nico y as well of course 🎂🎂 i will read some more of sui hunter today for the first time in forever just to celebrate. i know i've been saying this for forever but i really do want to bring you another sui hunter update soon i enjoy talking to you about things.... maybe i could give you fantasy high updates in the meantime instead LOL i've been teetering on the edge of actually paying for dropout to listen to junior and senior year. but anyways i hope you've had a good day today and this next year is very niceys to you also!
YAYYY ITS MY DAY!!!! i love sui hunter ive been lacking on it too tbh, ive been slacking on all my webnovels bc im lead from one hyperfix to another like a horse with a carrot. and yay fantasy high is so fun i hope you enjoy it! there is no senior year yet dw only junior year is locked on dropout. its so good and silly! thank you very muchly nico!!! 💕💕💕💕✨
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antisocialgaycat · 7 months
Hey buddy :)
So, you think you might have chicken pox? Well, it's a good thing your buddy here is a certified (for legal reasons I am absolutely not even on the path of certification) epidemiologist (Google definition for the folks who don't know: epidemiologists study epidemiology, which is the branch of medicine which deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health. Aka the trends amongst infectious diseases) so here are some stats
If you have the chicken pox vaccine, you have only a 15-20% chance of catching chicken pox if you get exposed
If you are exposed and catch the virus, the symptoms will be incredibly mild with few blisters or in some cases, no blisters at all (just unraised red spots)
Also, if you have a bad fever right now and you have the chicken pox vaccine, you probably don't have chicken pox as people with the vaccine experience a much more mild fever (or no fever at all) if they catch it
And even if you do have chicken pox and you have the vaccine it will only last a short period of time
If you don't have a vaccine than idfk man sucks for you
That being said if you have had a different type of pox virus (I SERIOUSLY doubt you did because most other pox viruses are pretty rare/deadly and a lot dont even naturally exist or transmit to humans anymore but ya never know) like cowpox, monkeypox, smallpox, etc etc. and you somehow survived, you're less likely to catch a severe case if chicken pox (again this is highly highly unlikely to matter and I lowkey only included it to be a nerd)
If you do have chicken pox, here are some ways to help
Ointment, creams, moisturizers, etc like calamine lotion to help with itching
I've also heard putting oatmeal on the blisters helps with itching
Standard ibuprofen type over the counter medication to help reduce the fever
If you're up for it, try to drink some Gatorade, Powerade, Vitamin Water type stuff to help bring up electrolytes
Get rest, sleep, don't try to work through it
To avoid the rest of your family getting it, everyone needs to take the cleaning stuff up a notch. Wash your hands more than normal, Lysol, Germ-X, Clorox, become the ultimate germaphobes, all of you
Godspeed my friend
(Again I am not a doctor or a specialist of any kind this is all based off of research I did for fun)
thank you very muchly frog anon <3
this is actually so much information like thats a lot of effort thank you so much
i didnt end up having chickenpox which is very girlboss of me (i got a different virus instead yay) but this would be very helpful if i did
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blorbocedes · 1 year
hi hello I’ve only just got a tumblr account a few months ago despite being a chronically online dickhead, so I’m yet to follow, post or interact w nearly anything bc there is so much here and I’m terrified! 🥰 I dun know what to do or about the unspoken rules and courtesy and I’m too afraid of people coming for my blood bc holy shit my faves are a very funky blend 👁️👁️
HOWEVER I felt the need to send u this ask bc I am actually obsessed with your blog and insanity (/gen/pos, etc), you truly speak to my ooga booga f1 fan brain and I love u for it. your chaos speaks to my mental illness in a way that I enjoy muchly 😌 your posts are hilarious
Also I just rlly wanted you to know that the whole time yesterday and today watching Nico fuck about in those what my mother called “Jesus sandals” and interviewing lewis and interrogating both sides of HornyWolff I was going “haha damn borbocedes must be having a breakdown rn I hope they’re having fun” ✨✨✨(these thoughts gave me happiness while going insane during the race today I stg)
ty for your service your iconic 🩷
And genuine apologies for this weird ask 😭 (hoping I’ve done this right if not I’ll eat bricks)
haha this is a very nice ask, thank you for thinking of me 🥺
I'm also assuming you're a young person, just cause the way you type reminds me of me a few years back 🥹 so I just wanna say, please don't self deprecate so much or call yourself a dickhead, overapologize etc. because one really does internalize this language and believe they're taking up space just for Being. (and trust me, as someone who grew up on 2014 tumblr where saying "I'm trash xD" 42 times a day, I've been there)
if you wanna be more a part of tumblr just join in, talk to people/interact! most people don't care who your evil combination of faves (I mean just look at me 💀), and the best way to learn any culture and "unspoken etiquette" is to participate!!
thank you for sending this ask! as cousin Greg would say, muchly appreciated
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seefasters · 1 year
Hey its been a while. Spektor-anon. Life got kinda crazy which is why i havent reached out to talk about how much i love mash (i love it very muchly) i watched thru the rest of it! Loved it!! Youre right tho, the show punishes hawkeye too much. Like i agree he was a self important self righteous dude who sometimes needed to be taken down a peg, but also hes self righteous and CORRECT. war bad. War bad!!! It rlly took me out when they had an episode where hawk has to like???? Apologize to a general or something for being too disrespectful like NO!!! Mash is supposed to be totally skeptical of the respect ppl thoughtlessly pay the military. Even when margaret started getting character development id always felt that while the show respected her careerism, for the most part the show took her military zeal to be sort of to her detriment. Like her competence and comittment to excellence in a male centered world is commendable but her jingoism and thoughtless obedience to order is a flaw- a flaw they personalize to her bad relationship with her dad. The show comes to the conclusion she needs to learn how to be less starry eyed and to get her self worth somewhere other than her father and i feel like it comes to that conclusion visavis her relationship to the military as well. Love that. So why punish hawkeye is my thing? Feels like a fumble in the antiwar show to shit on the antiwar guy for being too antiwar >:>[.
Also also gfa? Gfa! My beloved gfa!!! Hawkeye has a mental breakdown and no one is equipped to deal with it least of all bj? Exquisite. Ruining music for charles by indelibly associating it with war!! Amazing! (It really figures that he would only be capable of respecting an asian man if that asian man has command over western culture aka mozart, but i still think it deals a blow to his western elitism all the same which i count as a win) also amazing- margaret and charles's send off!!! Klinger and Soon Lee was heart healing. Finally in the very last episode mash gives us a little depth to korean characters. Thank god. I love klinger in love. I love their romance its so compelling. Also also also the mulcahy stuff was so so heart breaking and brilliant and i love it. I love that bj is the only one who knows! No one else knows!!! I love all these missed moments of connection. Mash rlly knows how to make the moments of connection (the mozart. The poetry book. The goodbye note) hit and it does it in part by also giving you moments of missed opportunity in spades (bj cant rlly support hawk the way he needs and he cant be honest. Mulcahy never heards hawks parting words and in turn hawkeye never knows that. And he never knows why. And everyone is parting ways mostly forever. And you as an audience get to know some of the side characters who never got any play before for a brief shining second and then theyre gone and you know they had a full life and perspective that you never got to see and never will aka that one nurse "i think ive had it" line)
Thank you for giving me my favorite show. And thank you for humoring me in your askbox as i talk about it. Very kind and silly and thoughtful of you. Very caring even to a stranger. Very mash xoxoxox
SPEKTOR ANON I MISSED YOU SO MUCH i hope you're doing alright rn
if i'm being fully honest i don't really remember the episode you're talking about - i recall a couple where hawkeye went head to head with a general and was forced to stand down or something like that but i don't think the show ever punished him for his antiwar position? the most its ever done was show him as someone who's swinging at windmills i think
margarets arc in that regard is so good though. far from perfect but still very very good
you're so right about the missed moments and i'm glad you liked gfa vvgfgfhfgh!! mash is so good at creating a sense of bittersweetness, its genuinely one of its best qualities. they're having fun watching a movie but the casualties are inevitably coming etc etc. and charles is just..... i know the music is the literal thing he loses in gfa but i like to interpret it as him losing his sense of self and his place in the world (charles class consciousness era)
also shoutout to bigelow (the "i've had it" nurse) woman of all time
thank you for coming to my askbox for all these months anon! i'm like..... actually emotional, it means so much to me that something i made out of love for mash helped you find it and love it too. i'm so happy it touched you as well.
i hope you come around again! i'm always here to talk about mash and im always happy to see you in my askbox
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earnmysong · 1 year
I and K for the fic meme!
thank you muchly for these, friend!
I: guilty pleasure in fic
i wouldn't say i have 'guilty' pleasures because i'm very secure in my choices where mood-improvers are concerned. what i will say is: most well-crafted hurt/comfort scenarios will hook me with lightning speed! physical injury and emotional distress necessitate proximity and affinity! also? i've come to enjoy my fictional favorites interacting with and, more often than not, raising their own tiny humans! [fun fact: my domesticity-adoring heart does not love fragmented, written-out toddler-speak, though. AT ALL. NOPE.]
both of the above are details/set-ups i tend to write routinely as well...
K: my most angst-filled idea
angst isn't my typical mode in the slightest! HOWEVER. i did write:
just another recovering heart (so don't let me down) | wanda in her raft-era! i was so angry about the straight-jacket, i had to fix it!
set my midnight sorrow free | sloan ruminating, with don, on how her 'dance on your grave' comment to charlie hits devastatingly different in light of his heart attack.
'what if one day I wake up and you don’t?' | mickey, lucy and tim's tiny human who will debut a few years down the line - if my heart had any say in the matter - talking to an approaching-ancient kojo. fur babies do me in too!
my pipeline is sparse, but. the few ideas i am currently entertaining aren't angst-flavored.
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loudlyunladylike · 2 years
Ah okay
Alrighty then continue to go insane in your eternal prison
Hope you're having fun <3
(This is a joke I am joking I hope you are doing okay mentally, emotionally, and physically)
I will I will!!!! Thank you very muchly :D 👍 I will not be having fun but I will think of you next time much shackles tighten and I shall smile!!!!! :")
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moonlight-yuyu · 6 months
could i please request a idol game?
scorpio sun/venus/mercury, pisces moon, cap rising, leo mars
they are so fun im so glad you do these! if possible id like to mainly know which group i would suit best and i tend to prefer bgs, thank u very muchly!
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🦋Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you'll have a lovely day and feel free to request again🦋
Groups you'd fit in:
The Boyz
NCT 127
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