#tho seriously will be back at s3 when I can
megamanrecut · 1 year
Alright, I've been busy and it's taking me awhile to get the next part of Diamond in the Rough up, so here's a little drabble/teaser for a short Become the Night interlude/sequel. (Note: I am in in a rush so apologies for the roughness/spelling errors lol also possible some details may change later for better continuity with everything)
Become the Night 2 Teaser (Now on Ao3)
It was a warm summer day outside Dr. Light’s laboratory. Dr. Light was away at a work conference, Rock and Roll had taken Rush into the city to go shopping, while Proto had stayed behind to work on the skycycle and be on call if Dr. Wily and Snake Man were to strike.
But the emergency satellite scanner remained quiet. Proto was bored—Dr. Wily hadn’t attacked in over a month, and his armor was sitting unused in a heap in his room, collecting dust. He was wondering if he should have gone into the city after all with Rock and Roll—shopping and malls weren’t his thing, but playing at the arcade with Rock and teasing Roll over her music tastes could be fun—
The doorbell rang.
Normally, Proto hated answering the door. Though Dr. Light’s laboratory was located in the country and didn’t receive many visitors, Proto preferred to ignore the few that came, who were mostly salesmen anyway. But today, Proto put down his tools, put on a pair of aviators, and answered the door.
Outside stood a man with short auburn hair. Despite the heat, he was dressed in a formal, tight-collared suit of black wool with orange embroidery and gold buttons. Everything about him looked extremely expensive, as though he were royalty—a strange visitor for Dr. Light’s boring, quiet laboratory in the country. He glanced around furtively, checking the lawn, then stared at Proto with familiar piercing pale eyes.
“Are you Proto?” he asked in a low voice, his lips barely moving, as though afraid the welcome doormat might be eavesdropping.
“Uh, yeah,” responded Proto without really thinking as he stared back (he was not dressed as ‘Break Man’, his public-facing hero identity, after all, nor did many know who ‘Proto’ was). 
The man (or android, as Proto had instantly figured out, despite the flawless disguise) nodded curtly. “My name is Mr. Turner. We haven’t met—“
“Oh I know who you are,” Proto interrupted, grinning broadly at Turner. There was no mistaking the resemblance of those pale eyes. “You’re Elec Man’s little brother!”
“I—what?” Turner wrinkled his nose. “I’m not—that’s not—“ He gave a small, annoyed cough, then changed the subject. “…Are you alone?”
“Yes.“ Proto opened the door wider. “Here, come in.”
Turner stepped warily over the threshold into the brightly lit foyer. After glancing around with a still expression, apparently listening to make sure Proto was actually alone, he began to walked around with perfect, straight backed grace, hands clasped behind his back.
“Checking for bugs,” Turner informed Proto in a cold, crisp tone as he inspected the dull knickknacks on the perfectly ordinary accent tables.
“Good idea, always forget to do that,” Proto replied, hiding a smirk. He was reminded a little bit of a peacock or a very self-conceited show dog.
Then he noticed Turner’s eyes were lingering on the framed pictures, and grimaced slightly inside. He wasn’t proud of this collection, especially not around a Syndicate member—most were family photos both dorky and domestic, yet it was a bit difficult to tell what Turner was thinking as he stared at them.
“So uh, what brings ya to this neck of the woods?” Proto prompted.
Turner turned his cold piercing stare on Proto. “I have a mission for you from your former employer. Top secret. I heard you used to do work for us…as some sort of assistant, or something.”
“Special asset, in the end—a mission from the Syndicate? Really?” Proto asked keenly, taking a step toward Turner.
A mission from the Syndicate would be dangerous—Syndicate missions were always dangerous. Proto missed the danger—fighting Dr. Wily and his goofy inventions didn’t have quite the same thrill as risking his life battling murderous scrappers and powerful mobsters. Yet, he had been placed in a forced retirement from vigilantism a year ago…still a bit of sore spot.
Turner’s eyes fell away from Proto to glance out a window. “Yes, but you must know, I can’t pay you for your work.”
“No problem. I will do it pro bono.”
“Then you accept?”
“If you double cross me, I’ll make you regret every day for the rest of your short life.”
At this point, Proto was trying very hard not to laugh. The android was clearly trying to act both as impressively tough and coldly professional like Elec Man—a nigh impossible feat. “Of course. But…listen, junior, me and your older brother go way back. There’s no way I’d do anything to hurt you guys!”
“My name’s not ‘junior…’ Turner replied, bristling.
“Well, until you tell me your real name,” Proto responded with a lazy shrug. “And junior, no offense, while you’re earning extra credit in acting lofty and superior, you’re only a B in intimidation and a D in lying. Honestly I’m afraid if I even touched you you’d break like a china doll. Nice try, but lets can the gangster talk and cut to the chase.”
Turner looked affronted. “What do you mean?”
Lowering his voice, Proto took a step toward Turner, his amusement fading. “Junior…you’re supposed to be on a mission in California. You’re a long way from California. Call me crazy, but I don’t think you’re supposed to have any contact with me at all, least of all giving me orders! What the hell is going on? Where’s Elec Man?”
“I—I—” Turner appeared to be valiantly clinging on to his tough Syndicate facade, but a slight shiver shook his shoulders.  “I don’t know,” he admitted finally.
“…Is he in danger?”
Turner’s head almost made a small jerk, as though he were about to nod, but he quickly controlled it and said, sounding genuinely lost, “I don’t know. We—I—need Cypher’s help.” 
For a brief moment, Turner had looked imploringly at Proto, but then his gaze had darted away again.
Suddenly, the situation seemed much less fun, though Proto gave Turner a reassuring smile. “Well you got 'im. C’mon. We’ll take our air raider.”
Continued in Part 2
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✨ episode 1/2 - running commentary✨
- ok so im slightly disappointed that it's the eps i watched in the screening BUT IM DETERMINED TO LOVE IT ANYWAY SO WE REMAIN OPTIMISTIC AND WE MOVE~~
- angel crowley is so young and innocent my poor boy he's been through so much
- like now im watching it, it feels like putting it in a cinema was a Bad Choice and maybe that's why I didn't like it??? it feels way more authentic and cosy on tv
- im sorry but crowley sounds like such an old man in the park scene, "frozen peas... it's good for them too🙂"
- seriously this is so much more palatable on tv format i can't get over it
- aziraphale god bless ur little cotton socks
- god crowley's legs got me SWEATIN
- ugh crowleys hand in the cafe is so FRUITY
- lmao "purely selfish action" aziraphale is so self aware and I love it
- no im sorry but goob is the fucking star of the show you cannot change my mind but dialogue and delivery wise he is currently CARRYING
- Dartmoor mention had me creasing, that's literally on my doorstep
- aziraphale's bitchy ass face then he sits down in the backroom honestly watered my crops and healed nature
- okay im sorry but the dialogue is still a little off for me I won't lie💀
- beelzebub's accent is just 😘👌 perfect, but equally feel like they'd be perfect in a production of oliver
- god believe me i feel for nina but... I... do not like her, and they are NOT suited for each other at all
- that dance is so low effort I'm sorry it should have been the macarena or cha cha slide
- crowley's bow tho is so hot he's so graceful he looks like a swan
- and yeah the refs to the other years that aziraphale did the dance is GIVING ME HEART PALPITATIONS ugh
- he and goob are like cats on a hot tin roof like IMMEDIATE hissing vibes
- lmao ok so that episode does end there then... such a weird ending im sorry but yeah let's fully retract the alternate episode theory (but @prime you need to hire me for s3 just a thought bc 👀)
- anyway ep2 I'm sorry but the angelic herald speech thing is cute and funny but also so cringe hmmm
- gabriel is lord farquaad ugh
- I HAVE TO REMEMBER THIS IS A COMEDY UGH but i miss the slightly serious undertones in s1 sob god I hope they come back later on
- shax is mommy I don't make the rules
- I noted it in the screening but angel wings for earrings, Maggie????
- nice job on the lie aziraphale well done once again making excellent choices you're so smart and valid (utter moron)
- oh goob you really are going through it my bby I love u
- crowley's face after may god forgive you KILLS ME this scene is honestly the stand out one in both ep1 and ep2 if you ask me
- TY TY TY god bless u but you also make me so uncomfortable
- jobs youngest kid truly gives me life
- lmao the fact that aziraphale does actually recognise when crowley tempts him is hilarious tho bc he just conveniently disregards it by the bench scene in s1 hmmm character development or character regression WHO KNOWS
- ok no I'm sorry but the mukbang scene is so unnecessary and uncomfortable
- "whack the kids" honestly the best line of this scene imo, but upon reflection and rewatching it, crowley's demeanour is rather heartbreaking whilst he's reclined getting ratted
- 'but just to be able to ask the question' UGH CROWLEY STOP
- lmao shoemaking and obstetrics what a combo god bless
- THEY CAN ARRIVE AT ANY SIZE lmao and Michael is too sharp for their own good... but I do hate that gabriel is utterly inept, he came across as cruel and calculating if a little ignorant in s1 but not this comedically stupid
- "yes I bloody am" TY MY LOVE
- Michael sheen and David Tennant deserve nominations for the children swap scene alone, imo the strongest bit of acting in the ep im sorry 'you have my word as an angel' KILL ME
- why is nina obsessed with crowley, like I get it babes but also why
- ok the rock scene is so much more emotional on tv, so much better
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t0ast-ghost · 5 months
S3 EP10 (Plato’s Stepchildren) Imagine having that guy as your stepdad.
Let’s get it started:
- Yeah! The boyfriends are beaming down! I love when episodes start like this
- Spock’s eyeshadow looks marvellous today
- The title gets explained :) helpful
- The costumes are amazing
- Damn poor Alexander, don’t make him do that! Also who tf are these guys?
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- “We haven’t had any pressing need for the medical arts.” Interesting she says arts
- “How old would you say I am? Oh, don’t be afraid I’m not vain.” Spock with no amount of hesitation, “Thirty five.”
- Stuff being thrown
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- I love Alexander
- “Alexander, where I come from, size, shape, or colour makes no difference.”
- “Doctor McCoy you may yet cure the common cold.” Spock loves him so much
- Alexander is like, ‘do not fucking anger him, that is a Bad idea. Capital B.’
- These guys are like the worst version of rich kids
- Why’re you hitting yourself (if you have siblings… you get it)
- “Kirk to enterprise, acknowledge. Acknowledge. Enterprise, come in. Enterpr- I can’t raise them.” He tries so hard
- I really like McCoy’s stumble, it’s well done, as in it looks the most realistic
- They want to keep McCoy.. I’d say I couldn’t blame them, but I can (let him leave with his boyfriends)
- “My dear Mr Spock” Back the fuck up Parmen. Your name sounds like cheese.
- “Captain, leave while you still can.” He ain’t going to do that without McCoy
- I like how we’ve just been getting these live Alexander reactions
- What the fuck is happening
- the little dance around each other !?!
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- Some episodes are full of love and meaning and resistance. And some also have this.
- Parmen made Kirk frown and Spock smile and frown like the 🎭
- McCoy watching them in pain :(
- Kirk is so desperate for McCoy to not be left with them
- Spock has reached his breaking point. Why is he laughing (Leonard Nimoy has a beautiful smile tho)
- Oh my god is this the whole episode? McCoy watching his boyfriends get humiliated/tortured?
- hi guys. This is my moment to breathe. I am writing this with one hand over my mouth and trying not to laugh.. I laughed anyway. Kirk’s neighing was a little too much for my brain to handle
- He neighed again omg
- Live McCoy reaction
- McCoy don’t give in. Just don’t give in. You can’t stay there.
- EVERY TIME. Every time Spock talks about emotions it’s to relate to them or to dislike them. “The humiliation must have been most difficult for you to bear. I can understand.” “The release of emotions, Mr. Spock, is what keeps us healthy, emotionally healthy, that is.” “That may be, Doctor. However, I have noted that the healthy release of emotion is frequently very unhealthy for those closest to you.” Anyone care to dissect this?
- “Then you must release it [hatred & anger], gentleman, as I must master mine. I might have seriously injured you, captain… even killed you. They have evoked such great… Hatred in me. I cannot allow it to go further. I must… master it. I must… control.” *breaks vase* amazing speech. Very vulnerable on Spock’s side. He’s unable to control his emotions here and it could endanger Kirk (possibly McCoy)
- Bones.. nooo babygirl don’t sacrifice yourself
- “It’s not me. It’s not my size. It’s them!” GOOD FOR YOU ALEXANDER!
- “I’m gonna cut them.” Oh okay uhm no I don’t think that’ll go down well for you
- That’s the first time I’ve ever seen the screen of one of these things
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- That good for Alexander, he knows he needs to get away from them, I support his decision
- nope nevermind. Immediately controlled.
- Damn why don’t the others get new outfits :/ OMG THEY DO!
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- SPOCKS SINGING (I have so many thoughts in my head. This is probably the first time they’ve heard him sing. I think this makes McCoy and Kirk even angrier)
- Um. WHAT is happening?
- “I haven’t the power.” Reverse he-man
- I have been watching with my fingers partially covering my eyes, I did not think Star Trek could put me this on edge.
- YEAH CUT THEM ALEXANDER! Oh he’s immediately stopped
- NONO NO NO NO. Not Alexander!
- Okay so now they’re both using Alexander.
- “Don’t stop me! Let me finish him off.” “Do you want to be like him?” Such a good and simple question
- “Parmen listen to me. I could have had your power but I didn’t want it. I could have had your place right now, but the sight of you and your Academicians sickens me! Despite your brains, you’re the most contemptible things that ever lived in this universe.” Pop off Alexander
- Annnd Kirk just leaves them.. okay well at least they’re all off the planet now
That was… certainly an episode.
Episode written by Meyer Dolinsky
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beevean · 22 days
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The way Lenore was written between the two season mystifies me, because I genuinely cannot tell if it was meant to be character development but written awfully, if she was conveniently warped to please her stans, or if she was actually re-railed from her original concept.
The other sisters keep insisting on Lenore being a stupid little girl, a romantic with her head in the clouds, with Carmilla here even recognizing that it's a façade of hers. That Lenore is secretly a selfish cunning being is true, of course, but I'm not sure where the impression of her pretending to be childish comes from.
In S3, there is literally one frame where she acts childish:
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Carmilla mocks her for caring about animals, and Lenore just pouts at her like a kid who got offended by her older sis but doesn't know how to respond.
And then she spends the rest of her screentime with Hector, where she acts nothing like this. With him, she's nothing but a suave mommy dommy barely different from Carmilla, always smooth and in control and highly sexual. Can you tell this is the same character?
I think it would have been much more impactful if we could see more of her around the sisters, where she keeps acting like a little kid, her voice unheard because haha silly Lenore, our little girl who thinks she can solve problems with peace and love, and then go back to her gaslighting Hector where she enjoys having utter power. It could make the viewer wonder: which one is her real personality? Is she pretending to be more mature with Hector so that he, at least, can take her seriously, or is she pretending to be a little girl with the sisters to make them comfortable around her, because as I said she is all about comfort and never rocking the boat? Or maybe neither? I like the idea of Lenore being a consummate liar, impossible to trust because she always wears a different mask.
Or even better, she could keep the act with Hector too, to make herself look more trustworthy and totally not like mean #girlboss Carmilla! Laughing and playing around and pouting at Hector's provocations (assuming he still has a personality), looking innocent and almost out of place. So that it would have been much creepier to see that this "sweet little girl" is capable of planning rape and betrayal in advance. This would explain how Carmilla pegs Lenore's façade for what it is: it's how she tricks people, and she has seen it a million times, and maybe she finds it demeaning but hey it gets the job done. Griffith from Berserk was roughly described in the same way, someone who could swing from looking like a goofy kid to a hawk targeting his next prey, someone who could play naked waterfights with someone after dislocating his arm in a fight.
But that's not what we got. Lenore in S3 keeps being a dommy mommy even when she humiliates Hector in front of her sisters, dictating her terms and being very pleased with her work, like someone who is happy to gloat that she is not stupid and she's very much not a kid since she used sex to accomplish her plan and is not afraid of telling everyone, thank you very much. That small introduction ends up being irrelevant.
And then in S4 she swerves into being, effectively, a whiny brat, spending her entire screentime complaining and moping, pestering her pet with dick jokes because "she's bored" and wants to be entertained, complaining some more, crying that Carmilla lied to her which is a very childish conclusion to reach, making a show of how smol and sad she is by hugging her knees and 🥺ing, clinging onto Hector for emotional support, you get the drill. Now she really is a little girl, although I'm not sure I'd call her sweet.
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^ this inspired this whole rant lol. can't say i don't understand her tho
(even if you think this is a lie and she was genuinely curious about Hector's work but didn't want to be honest about it: it would still be immature behavior, and another sign of her pride. Much like her snapping at being reminded of the time she resorted to rape and enslavement!)
Of course, by this point, the idea is that this is not Lenore putting a façade of innocence to hide her cunning. She is being fully sincere in her immaturity, because something something she has come to trust the man she raped into slavery and she's no longer playing with his heart although she still pouts when reminded of what she did isn't this the purest love ever <3
So, as I said, it's possible that Lenore in S4 was "re-railed" to what her concept was meant to be. A diplomat who genuinely wants nothing but peace and rejects war and violence, a lonely misunderstood young woman (she was called "princess in mourning" in her concept art), a vampire who combines childishness and intelligence: on paper, she is fascinating. But with how everything was laid out previously, this feels less like re-railing, and more of that convenient woobiefication I keep pointing out. Now Lenore has lost all of her bite, she is literally wasting time doing nothing which aids the perception that she's the "kindest", least evil vampire, she goes to whine to Hector instead of taking advantage of him, and aww isn't she the cutest thing. How can you hate her! She's just a widdle girl who wants to be loved 🥺 isn't she cute when she makes dick jokes and bothers Hector because she misses him 🥺 even though, when you bother to read her lines, it becomes blatant that she did not grow in the slightest, she only became more ineffectual.
Not only Carmilla's comment comes off as one of the infinite instances of "tell don't show", because it's easy to just tell us that Lenore pretends to be innocent and then write her as fetish material for the horny audiences, but it's also one of the infinite instances of S4's cowardice. An abuser acting like a young girl taking advantage of her cutesy looks and demeanor would be a great character, but of course, we have a ship to promote, so Lenore becoming an immature brat out of nowhere is what passes as a heel-face turn here.
I also can't help but think of how Hector too has been similarly miswritten as a "manchild". Hector has childish tendencies too: he sees nothing wrong in resurrecting dead animals to keep as company (which implies all sorts of things about how he sees death and love), and his need for approval and safety overrides his logic. In S2, he is competent, even intelligent to some degree, but naive. But the story eventually flattens him into a genuine spineless idiot who can't see the blatant lies in front of his face, with his intelligence being brought back in one episode only and once again to make the disgruntled fans happy. The story also makes clear that what makes him "a child in a man's body" is, overall, his gentle traits like his love for animals, which is... cynical, at best.
I know there is supposed to be a parallel between Hector and Lenore, as the two black sheeps of their group being looked down on for their "kindness" while they're much more dangerous than assumed. But with how spitefully Hector was written and how sanitized Lenore eventually became, the story is so wildly inconsistent I have to assume the writers don't even know what being childish (or kind for that matter) even means. funnily enough manga hector is a better example of a grown man with childish naiveté :P
anyway they deserved a better writer who doesn't think sexual abuse is the hottest thing actually
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brokestrapmountain · 2 years
dinluke hcs because im holding out for them in s3
-neither of them are big spoons/little spoons. they both like to hold and be held
-going back to that, luke is a literal ice cube and din is a human furnace. they’re both pissed about it sometimes when cuddling because “din get off of me im already sweating”
-they have a lot of little silly arguments and make borderline offensive jokes about the others culture that is literally only allowed for one another
-that is to say tho… they don’t seriously argue a lot, but when they do it’s a fucking disaster
-either one of them goes off planet for a few days just to brood while the other considers burning their clothes
-it’s always about cultural differences within raising grogu. it happens mostly in the early stages of their relationship because they’re Bad at communicating at first
-while they work through their differences, the arguments lessen and they aren’t as intense
-luke has never learned how to fistfight. why should he? he can crush someone’s windpipe with his mind. din changes that
-“i don’t see why this is necessary training. im never going to be in a situation where i resort to using my fists”
-“sounds like you’re afraid im gonna kick your ass”
-“do you WANT me to throw you at the wall?”
-luke trains din with his darksaber. duh.
-they spar a lot. sometimes it’s to release pent up stress and emotions, other times it’s for fun, a lot of the times they end up having sex on the training mats
-luke wins almost every time except for when they go hand to hand, though din puts up a good fight and luke is always impressed
-SLOWWWW BURN before their relationship is established. they’re a little wary of each other at first, borderline slight dislike. but slowly din starts cooking for luke.. luke is offering to train him with his saber.. they’re opening up about their shared experiences with their messy religions.. they have a couple of drinks together.: the force starts to sing around them..
-back to the cooking thing. luke is used to sandy flavorless meals back on tatooine from his childhood and shitty protein bars from the rebellion. din has grown up around spices and intricate dishes from his covert. so when din starts cooking, luke is OBSESSED with his food, even if his spice tolerance is really bad. he holds back his tears at the start. then he gets used to it
-he asks din if he could replicate a recipe his aunt beru would make. of course, he agrees, despite feeling slightly under pressure to make it. it doesn’t taste exactly the same, he doesn’t remember how his aunt perfected it— but it still gave him that same familiar feeling of unconditional love and adoration
-din loves cooking for luke. anything he could do to show his appreciation and love for him, he’ll do it. he’s an act of service kinda guy
-later in their friendship din tells luke the fragmented stories about his childhood living in the village. about how his mother used to craft dolls and his father was a carpenter.
-“they would be so proud of you, din” and he starts to breakdown
if u wanna hear more drop some ideas <3
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echobx · 1 month
Rudy is responsible for his own behavior tho. Him wanting to be killed off the show because jiara happened is incredibly immature and unprofessional. Maybe he should become a writer if he wants to dictate the story, otherwise he should show up to work and do his job 🙄
Rudy is responsible for his own behavior tho.
he is, but you can't view his actions in a vacuum either. he acts certain ways because he is affiliated with certain people, bc he was raised a certain way by other people and so on. and that's all I'm begging people to understand. especially when we think we're in love, we sometimes make decisions that aren't actually to our best because our love blinds us.
Him wanting to be killed off the show because jiara happened is incredibly immature and unprofessional.
I wouldn't say it's immature to care about a character and understand that this ship literally makes no sense for the character at that point in time. the issue isn't inherently jiara it was the pacing. they could've written it differently, given them a better slowburn and gotten them together in s4. but they didn't do that. the writing for s3 was shit not just when it comes to jiara. And wanting your character, who is only actually like that bc you made him that, to be respected and get a good character arc isn't unprofessional, it's actually extremely professional bc he took the time to understand the character and give his best performance, that's literally his job.
all I can say is that I have seen actors before who had to go from complete devotion to a character, to feeling nothing at all for them bc the execs and writers didn't care to give the character a good arc, bc they didn't understand the character at all. it's not uncommon for the actors to speak up for their characters.
Maybe he should become a writer if he wants to dictate the story,
he has voiced that wish in a few interviews before because he doesn't like how the industry treats stories. but it's his life, his choice to do this or not.
and asking for your character to be treated with respect and get a better script than the shit on s3 isn't "dictating the story"
otherwise he should show up to work and do his job 🙄
he does do this. if he didn't do it he would've not been on set for s4. but that doesn't mean that the way he probably sees obx now isn't a polar opposite to how he saw it in s1 or s2. and I don't think that it's wrong to feel sad about that. yes, acting is his job, but as soon as actors feel like it's "just a job" the acting turns shit. just look at the stark difference of Daniel Craig as Bond and then in Knives Out. the man had no soul as Bond bc he didn't want to do it anymore, but his contract bound him to it. and I seriously believe that shouldn't be the case. so if obx isn't turning around, or if other things don't change and it gets better altogether, I don't know if I even want him to come back. I rather have him not be there than give a worse performance than what he did in s3.
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milks-thoughts · 1 year
SOMETHING I NOTICED ON REWATCH OF LMK S3 (this is a semi-long ass rant and I’m very sleep deprived you can stop reading after Redson lmao):
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BABY REDSON HAS A CIRCLET. ON HIS FUCKING NECK. The circlet is a torture device created by Tang Sanzang, it tightens when a spell is chanted out (Tang Sanzang freed Monkey King from Five Phases Mountain and put a circlet on his head. When Monkey King was disobedient, the circlet would tighten around his head. - The LMK Wiki) so.. Tang Sanzang put the circlet on this INFANTS neck (assuming he can control where it appears, I know next to nothing about The Journey To The West and I’m strictly speaking about LMK) While I understand why Tang Sanzang put a circlet on Redson in the first place, it’s still horrifying to think about the placement. And it leaves me wondering if DBK and Princess Iron Fan ever used the spell. (Probably not tho- DBK and Princess Iron Fan are good parents I dont really care what anyone else says)
What I do find strange though, on MKs Lego figure his headband has a circlet design on it. WHAT are they implying??? Is he gonna get circleted-? is that the right way to tense that?? IS MY MONKEY MAN GOING TO GET TORTURED or is it just another comparison to Wukong?
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AND EVEN WEIRDER. The ONLY figure that doesn’t have the circlet on his headband is when he’s working!
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WHAT ARE THEY IMPLYING?? WAS THIS ACCIDENTAL and am I looking WAY too deep into this because I’m running on 2 hours of sleep and festering with autistic hyperfixation on this show? We may never know. ALSO ALSO Y’know how young Sun Wukong has the circlet on his head?
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Do the different locations of the circlet do different things? It’s very strange why Wukong would have it on his head while an ACTUAL BABY has it on his neck BUT AT THE SAME TIME NE ZHA ALSO HAS IT ON HIS NECK
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In the S1 Pilot “ A Hero Is Born “ he gets one when he first unlocks his powers and attacks DBK. So is the circlet connected to Monkey Kings powers? since that’d be the ONLY way MK could even get a circlet at the time (and still now, I seriously doubt Tang would stick a circlet on MK)
CIRCLING BACK TO NE ZHA REALY QUICK: why does he have a circlet? WHAT did he do to deserve it? (I think I remember reading somewhere that he fought/killed Ao Bing, Ao Gaungs son) From what we know he was always doing what he was told, he fought against the Brotherhood when they first invaded, along side Princess Iron Fan and Erlang. So..like..why? Why does he have a circlet? And we can see that its not a necessity for all celestial beings. So does he obey out of fear and not loyalty? And is that why he was so hell bent on not letting Monkey King get the map and the rings in S3? Was he absolutely terrified to fail because of the circlet? But that doesn’t make sense, maybe he was only terrified of the Samadhi Fire. Even when he was young he had the circlet, what did this man do.
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fandomcentralsposts · 2 years
An actual explanation as to why I think Jonah Beck from Andi Mack is autistic (by an autistic person)
Disclaimer every autistic person is different. This has become a popular hc in the fandom, and I am explaining why, based on my own traits and common signs and symptoms I've noticed in the character.
Lots of autistic people have hobbies or special interests that they take really seriously they like to talk about it with other people even if they don't seem as interested or if its annoying them. Jonah's special interests were ultimate frisbee and guitar he would get so defensive if anyone said ultimate wasn't a sport, and he carried his frisbees with him a lot apparently even after he had stopped playing as much and when he took up guitar, he literally started wearing shirts with guitars on them bro found a new special interest and never looked back (its especially important bc it helps him cope with anxiety).
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Social queues (lack of awareness)
Ik Jonah is sometimes comic relief and portrayed as oblivious, but he fr doesn't understand things like flirting like that scene from unloading zone when those girls were flirting with him and he just "Yeah uh... its free 🧍‍♂️😁". He also sometimes doesn't understand when something is really important to someone else, especially if he's concentrated on a special interest (when andi protested her school dress code in s1, for example). Also, just amber saying at some point, "If you want Jonah to not say anything, you have to be very explicit," and the fact that he accidentally got himself and the ghc in trouble in unloading zone.
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Anxiety/meltdowns/sensory aversions
ofc anyone can experience anxiety, and it's not a part of the diagnostic criteria, but lots of autistic people experience high levels of anxiety in later life. Jonah canonically has panic attacks and struggles with anxiety, which (in my opinion, anywho) can be taken for a meltdown, but like I said, everyone's different not all meltdowns are out of sadness sometimes they can be angry like when Jonah flipped that board game and said "now its over". I noticed he gets them in uncomfortable social situations that are overwhelming he also said on a few occasions that he doesn't like confrontations, which could be seen as too much sensory input, which causes meltdowns
And he has food aversions from again too much sensory input when at Cyrus' grandmothers shiva he says he couldn't recognise anything on the food table even tho there was literally a bagel in front of him and he ate the fish Cyrus told him not too eat. He also says he's embarrassed of his panic attacks. I'm embarrassed of meltdowns he's so me. Also, this whole discourse of people saying Jonah doesn't have feelings he does he just struggles expressing or processing them.
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Face blindness/masking
Many autistic teens and children have face blindness or facial-agnosia, meaning they don't always recognise faces they've already seen or just identify people in different ways Jonah's little line in s1 "some people never forget a face, I never forget a foot" was enough proof for me. Also, masking is when an autistic person basically hides that they're autistic by suppressing certain behaviours around certain people, and I think Jonah does this a lot in s1 to keep up this mr. popular image when Buffy said he only had 2 facial expressions could be taken as a sign of masking. I noticed it seemed like he didn't have any other friends after s1 accept from the ghc this could be because he felt he didn't have to mask in front of them (as an autistic person masking is exhausting I don't blame him) he definitely feels least judged around Cyrus and Buffy.
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Once again, it was likely for comedic purposes, but Jonah sometimes repeats things that have already been said, which is how some autistic people like to communicate whether it be repeating their words or echoing others (echolalia) I noticed Jonah do this in s3 when Buffy's talking about why she rejected Walker and he just says "I feel bad for the guy" like twice and I've noticed subtle stims when he's both nervous and happy Jonah is very expressive with his hands when he talks plus that trampoline park date must of been one fun sensory experience.
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In conclusion:
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erwinsvow · 7 months
Hi!! Was mia all weekend cause last week absolutely killed me. Literally slept twelve hours each night lol wanted to pop in and say how much I loved the recent drabbles especially the touchy Rafe one omg has to be one of my favourites!! Also love the pope love s3 pope does something to me😵‍💫 hope you’ve been well!
Much love xox
Ps spent the weekend just thinking about Rafe doting on me🙁 he’d be all pissy and act annoyed and huff cause I was barely functioning but he loves stepping in to take care of loved ones it comes naturally to him
oh my god literally missed you so much!! hope you are feeling better and well rested now! its so tough ugh on one hand you want to use the weekend to be productive and then you also want to rest. rest always win tho <33
you are still the sweetest ever thank you!! literally been wondering your thoughts ur my og rafe fan! the touchy one had me acting silly goofy. i also felt like it was the most accurate to show rafe. i think my most favorite recently was the one with the shoes (sarah's friend) and the one from yesterday with sneaking into his room!!! and stoppp pope has me feeling stupid n crazy. why is he so hot. him n jj both dating reader makes me feel afijdoshajf<3
and stopppp ugh rafe is the worst when ur out of commission. seriously. takes out his anger on innocent bystanders and his family bc he's worried about you and also just misses you but knows ur so burnt out and need to recover before he goes and bothers you. but when you wake up and are like come over n bring snacks he races!!! runs to the gas station to pick up chocolate and drinks and then curls up in bed with you watching ur silly romance movies <3 he's just happy to be back with you.
i can picture it so vividly, he's the type to bring his laptop and try to do whatever random work he's doing on there sitting up next to you on the bed. leaves every hour to stretch his legs and makes you drink some water while youre all sleepy and slurry. he's a doter he just gets so embarassed if anyone finds out, like if ur friends call to make sure ur still alive and you tell him like yeah, rafe's here taking care of me and he's like shut up. i'm not. just making sure u don't die of dehydration. ur like sure... whatever u say...
trust it's a fuckfest when ur back to normal mode. lol. <3 love you!!!
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starofhisheart · 11 months
MAJOR SPOILERS FOR OFMD S2 EP6-7 under the cut
Ok, that was A LOT. I have so many feelings but no coherence so i'm gonna do this bullet point form but def not in order, just in order of me remembering wtf happened lol
-IZZY AND WEE JOHN IN DRAG!!!!! Wee John looked STUNNING with that Divine-esque appearance and Izzy had that transmasc drag king kind of thing going on (iykyk) that made me love him even more
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-Izzy singing LA VI EN ROSE took me tf out!!! i'm glad he got to finish it after the *ahem* distractions bc Con's voice is so beautiful I could listen to it forever. We better get it in the album!!! Also someone posted the lyrics translated and i cannot get over the lyrics:
"It's him for me,/And me for him, for life/He told me, he swore to me, for life"
-But not only was he singing the second half had fucking gentlebeard doing the dirty in the next room asdfghjkl which.....was hot, ngl. The passion was electrifying. I'm sorta glad we didnt rlly see it with everything that happened after bc it all kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.
Also Stede Bonnet canonically gets turned on by violence confirmed
Or trauma. Whatever.
-What else happened in ep 6 cause all i can think of is drag and singing and sex-
-oh yeah there was that shortlived sexually-charged torturer who i distinctly recall him being in another scene in the promo so unless that got the cut perhaps he's not dead...?
-Lupete missing all the action cause they were doing the nasty all night lmao so real
-Jim best wingman (gender neutral)
-Stede...Stedey boy, can I call u that? Now i'm gonna say this nicely, but WHAT THE FUCK DUDE? Stede in his white guy w undue confidence era fr. Zheng Yi Sao was so right for what she did truly
-But in all seriousness i feel like this whole thing in ep 7 was such a parallel to s1 but also a very necessary bit of conflict in their journey together that was bound to happen. THey want different things and neither is wrong or right for that. Stede did react poorly tho but like he just had sex w the love of his life, his first man, and Ed the very next day is like "aight i'm out". I'd be pissed too. After killing someone which we know is a big trigger for him historically.
But Ed also had a valid reaction. He's wanted to retire for a while and stede knows this but it hasn't seemed to have sunk in quite yet. He fears that Stede only sees Blackbeard and...its fair of him to have that impression tbh. These are two messy, traumatized dudes who have never had a real relationship and there's gonna be bumps. I hope we get s3 so we can better explore that like Djenks wants.
-Ok back to the fun stuff:
-Izzy barging in on GB and the docking joke. love his cringefail ass.
-the edizzy apology which was so typical of them. i expected it but bc i'd been building it up in my head all week w twitter pals it felt a bit anticlimactic but thats not the shows fault. it was very much in character and if they're satisfied so am i. i always have fic for more
-stizzy commiserating over losing ed pls thats all i've ever wanted!!!!!
izzy: "when i told him i loved him he-"
stede, like he's heard this story before: "shot u yes"
and the look they gave each other after!!!!! stizzy nation how we feelin?!
-izzy being like "stede no" when he was on his macho bullshit w zheng yi sao (also motivated by trauma bc he just lost ed, he cant lose MORE family!!!). i just like how protective iz seems of stede now.
-izzy''s "you're good for him" CRYING THROWING UP ETCETERA
-ed catching 1 fish and deciding thats his life now. adhd realness fr
-the swede whew is it hot in here or is that just jackie's effect on her husbands?
-jackie and ed actin like old friends. swede highkey shading ed adfghjkl
-anyway im sure there's more but i need to rewatch. there r things i wont go into bc its possible spoilers for the finale (tho its mostly just speculation some is based on bts not everyone may have seen). i am looking forward to and terrified for the show to end next week thats all i'll say
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ghostcatssecretblog · 7 months
I'm gonna say this and I know people aren't going to agree and that's okay
But I really don't like Mikasa's character. I think she had the potential to be really cool af, but the execution fell flat. I know she's written a little bit better in the Manga (still need to finish it) but here's why I don't like her and how I think it could have been changed.
I understand why she's so attached to Eren, but it's almost obsessive, and the way she treats him feels patronizing. She wants to look out for him because she loves him, but it's in a selfish way.
Examples: as a kid injuring him and then asking him if he still wants to join the Scouts, FORCING him to eat, carrying him away from fights, telling him to stop talking (tho indirectly) when talking about his more negative feelings (shown in s1 and s3).
My biggest pet peeve is the scene where he figures out the ODM gear and Mikasa is like "he's happy he doesn't have to leave me" which is NOT AT All what he was thinking but sure girl project your bs onto him
^ seriously none of that was okay. And yeah Eren had moments where he's rude to her or has hit her bc he didn't reciprocate her feelings. He was treating her like he'd treat anyone else.
Worse of all we never see get any real development. (Least not in the anime. Maybe the Manga does it better) she's still over protective to the point it's almost patronizing and outside of protecting him, she has zero ambitions for herself. You can't even say she let him go when she killed him bc even then she didn't move on!
Now what I would have liked to have seen- and I've seen some fan-work creators take this direction- is for them to have more of a sibling relationship.
Imagine this. Everything still happens mostly the same but her motivations are different. It's a found family/sibling sort of love. She wants to protect him bc he's like a little brother to her.
Because Carla begged her to look after him (which is canon)
And so her motivation for protecting him had been to bc of this. Bc Carla begged her, too. Because Eren is the only family she has left.
(And maybe dialing back some of her obsessive tendencies)
And had both gotten growth? Her learning she doesn't have to always look out for him. That he can take care of himself, and him understanding that she was only doing it bc they're the only family they have left and him accepting her as such?
There's also my personal issue that I don't see any build up or reciprocation on Eren's some until the very end so as you can guess I don't ship Eremika. Any defense you could have like him being protective of her or holding her hand he also does for Armin and Historia.
But people act like him not loving her back makes him a bad person or that he treated her bad for not feeling the same? Just because someone loves you doesn't mean you have to feel the same, no matter what they do for you. And I'm saying that as someone who's been on the other end of that! Also personally if someone treated me the way Mikasa treated Eren I'd personally consider her a bad friend. If I can't talk to you about my morbid and depressed thoughts why are we even friends?
Also, I'm not expecting anyone to agree. If you wanna have a calm conversation about it, I'm absolutely down, but don't come in my chats yelling.
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hournites · 2 years
I'm SO SAD about stargirl ending and I've only ever been a casual fan (big fanatic of hournite tho!) I love the show as a whole and want it to continue. do u think if all of us continue streaming it in the background, we could get the show picked up elsewhere? lol just wishful thinking, the denial is real!!
I know it all feels futile. The thing is, it’s not. The best bet of saving Stargirl is to have HBO Max reconsider declining the s4 pitch. When Johns/the other execs pitched Stargirl s4 to HBO Max way back in the Spring, likely April or May, nobody was watching Stargirl on the streaming platforms and there was virtually no promo that would incite new viewers. Naturally, they looked at our hiatus numbers and said no. But there are opportunities for that to change if we mobilize the fandom to get HBO Max’s attention. Yes, watch live and stream the show (especially on HBO Max but also Amazon Prime etc internationally wherever you get it) while we still have the last 3 episodes to air, but these next few things are the most important:
1. Watch the finale. Ask your family and friends to turn on their tv to tune in to the Stargirl s3 finale—Seriously. If we can hit a million viewers for the finale, it shows them that a lot of people were and are interested in the story. Ending with the highest ratings we can will look good
2. Watch Titan’s “Where is my Gar” — The Titans/Stargirl crossover is an important week to tune in to, it’ll show HBO Max that people care about Courtney — And use that week to stream Stargirl seasons 1-3. It will be expected that new fans who are interested in Courtney and will only be introduced to her in this crossover will check out Stargirl, thus bumping the # of viewers for the show and we should help add to those numbers by doing the same.
3. Get loud about the show on social media. A lot of people watch this show but our online presence is sleepy. While the fandom can try as much as we can to get James Gunn’s/HBO Max’s attention to save Stargirl, there is really only so much we can do. We’re not execs who can make these pitches. But if we really buckle down on our discontent about Stargirl being cancelled by talking about what we WOULD want for a season 4, we could hopefully rally enough attention to get some cast on board a save campaign again. It’s just not going to happen without efforts on both sides.
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fandoomrants · 2 months
Ok, tua s4, ep3, let's goooo.
This time it's not exactly while watching cause I realised I can't focus too well on the ep while also writing down stuff. Might not be following the ep completely accurately and also might miss some things.
Spoilers, obv.
-Thought the name of the ep referred to Ben and Jennifer. I guess it does. Tho, there's an actual squid there. What?
-Oh, and Jennifer is the girl, after all. So, is she one of the special kids? Is she special in another way??
-Since when is Luther so good at distinguishing goats and sheep and llamas?!
-Ouch. That argument between Klaus and Allison. He's right for himself. But I totally agree with her, we can't have him die.
-Him telling them all what their problem is, lol.
-And kinda thinking Lila is normal. Tbh, fair.
-But anyway, we get to see some very different and kinda dark Klaus here. Not sure if I like it. But I love how he's always saying the right things, usually others don't take him seriously.
-Well, you kinda are the villain of this family, Allison.
-Also, oh, so Ray did walk away?
-Them always having to turn to their father in the end. *sigh* Well, it is largely his fault.
-Ok, so I was maybe wrong, they do have some newish powers (I believe all of them, although we saw only some) but not necessarily some powers the other kids did.
-And again, I was kinda wrong. Their powers aren't exactly failing them. Only Five's.
-Now I'm actually thinking and hey! Wasn't Ben on a sub train in the end of s3? Could it be the same one Five ends up in?!
-Oooh, apocalypse timeline!
-Other Five trying to shoot this Five and Lila 💀💀💀
-Five's different versions trying to kill each other altogether....
-Oh. It was actually an alpaca 🦙🦙 They do smell.
-Kinda almost immediately knew that date would be the day Ben died. But it's not the right year?
-Okay, so they don't actually remember Jennifer and what happened to Ben.
-That thing with Klaus and Claire made me sad. 😞😞😞
-Also, Klaus is really getting into some troubles again.
-Wait. That's supposedly 6 years into the future? But Allison hasn't spoken to their father in five??
-I kinda like Reginald's wife?
-Could be just a mask, though.
-Oh, ok, now I can see why Victor wouldn't play the violin. Thoo, I was hoping for him to.
-Ok, Klaus is really in big troubles....
-Wow. Ben walking on these tentacles....
-Ehh. I expected some dance sequence but not from Gene and Jean. Kinda mad.
-I hope Lila didn't really mean the break thing.
-How much are we betting Reginald is up to something again?
+A side note:
I kinda feel like lots is happening yet it's the middle of the season (which is so short!) and almost nothing has happened??
I know they'll put everything important in the end but I hope we do get to see some characters again!
I hoped we'd have a peak at Pogo and OG Grace.
I also hope Sloane shows up. And Dave.
And Sissy!!!!!! I WANT SISSY BACK!
All in all, there are some plot holes that need filling. How Ben died isn't the only mystery!
I also hope the last episode is longer!
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dxcinhx · 1 year
dropping some thoughts about vida here
i started watching this show for melissa barrera and i absolutely enjoyed it and have rewatched some episodes bc it's very entertaining
s3 felt kind of different, it was almost like the sisters switched roles at some points
i might be reading too much into it, but in the first few eps as emma and nico's relationship was going well i would look at emma's face and be like she's happy but she's still waiting for the other shoe to drop, and of course it did. and i was so sad to see her clam up again and fall back into her whole "vulnerability = weakness" thing. for a few episodes she just looked so dead inside like she was seriously depressed and triggered with everything going on, like nico's secret wife and her awful dad making himself known
i love lyn so much but i need her to be single. i'm so glad she finally realized where her true priorities lie and that she needs to work on turning into a chameleon with the men in her life but i just hate that it happened in the last like 20 minutes of the series finale
side note but i was not expecting lyn to get so into religion for a hot minute. i mean i understand that it was her yet again molding herself to the people in her life, so i think she snapped out of it once her father showed his true colors but still like it was so jarring. god the man gave me such awful vibes and the last scene of him and emma after she confronted him was legitimately hard to watch
the sisters spent so much time apart and on different pages this season it made me sad :( i completely understand why but i do miss the moments in the first episode or in earlier seasons when they were sisterly and messing with each other
i love that mari had some more time this season to build herself up a little more and yes this is cruel to say but her dad dying is a blessing ! now she can finally look after herself and find people who appreciate what she does. honestly that man pretty much killed himself after he kicked out the only child who actually took care of him. ladies ask not what u can do for machismo but what machismo can do for u
speaking of this family i can't STAND johnny oh my GOD get off my screen and get away from the women in ur life all u do is hurt them
god i wish this new generation of shows had longer seasons. a 6 episode season is nowhere near enough to develop the characters and storylines better (even tho this season the episodes weren't all 30 min like s1 and s2). i was like holy shit things are happening so fast it's one terrible thing after the other but of course they are, they only have like 5 hours to tell the story!!
i'm really fond of this show and how witty it is, its integration of mexican and american and mexican-american cultures, the spanglish, the butch rep!! everything
actually one of my favorite moments this season was when lyn was talking to that european dude at her bf's mom's bday party (fuck her bf and his mom by the way holy shit he was such a weirdo) and she was talking about how difficult it is to be perceived as mexican by gringos while still not being mexican enough for mexicans. when she said she couldn't even hold a conversation in english or spanish i was like u read my mind. i'm literally incoherent. anyway it really resonated with me as an immigrant and i think it's such an important conversation to have!!
anyway emma and lyn repaired their relationship and their bigoted father is rotting in hell and they keep the bar and eddy's back too and everything is going better than ever, they told me so themselves <3
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
Some of my favorite things he said about/during the podcast: - he came inside and went ‘HE HAS A FUN PERSONALITY! I didn’t expect that for some reason. Why was that? I think we’d be friends. Be honest, do you think he would like me?’ - ‘he is in school to be a therapist?! So no more acting? Wait does he not do tv? What the fuck? *long silence* from 1 to 10 how fucked up would it be to go to him and pretend that my wife and i are having issues..*long silence again* yeah, pretty fucked up. But imagine you go to therapy and the guy who fucked guys on tv is there to help you. Amazing’ - *randy says he never had confidence to do stuff like lil nas x* ‘wait what? He was getting rimmed on live tv at that age and he’s saying he wasnt bold and confident? HOW’ (This is where i did ask him what he meant about that and his reply was ‘i was sure that he and Brian (lol he still doesnt know Gales name), were walking around like the hottest bitches in the city since I’m sure everyone wanted them. So i guess Brian actor was walking around like the hottest bitch by himself..unless if this insecurity cane later then they probably fucked around town together *does fingers guns*’ i cant wait for him to see how gale is irl -(jordan mentions that he had to sneak around to watch the pilot as a kid) ‘and here we are watching it on the big tv and talking to our parents about it. And they say the world hasn’t changed *makes a fist* RAINBOW’ - ‘he has a cat named Latrice! And you made fun of me for Brian *turns to the cat* thats called hypocrisy, Brian’ -randy/jordan says something about blackface episode ‘WHAT? That was a joke, right?…yeah, it was…can they talk more about the show tho, i have many questions. So many. Too many.’ -*Jordan mentions Brian* ‘AHHHHHHH HE SAID HIS NAME’ - ‘real talk. Do you think a person like Brian exists? With the fucking and all that? Is the actor like any of that? But like more normal about some stuff? Cause I was sure Justin dude was like Justin for some reason but apparently i was wrong’ - ‘wait Justin actor dude didn’t like to be recognized by his role of Justin? Well thats..I thought he would be all HELL YEAH!! I fake fuck Brian Kinney! But he had shame? I was sure everyone would be hyped up about them’ - ‘hold the fuck up. He had issues with the sex scenes? *he looks at me all worried* i thought they liked filming it? Maybe cause early 00s sex scene filming was bad? I was sure he was all confident while filming them since…ya know’ -when they talked about religion, he called mom to ask what the priest at our church (we’re not religious, our mom just woke us up one sunday and said we should check it out to see what the big fuss was) said to him bc he only remembered it was funny and the answer was ‘after you asked if you can come to a confessional (he asked as a joke btw) he said that even he doesn’t have enough time for you and would probably stop believing in God by the end of it. Why do you ask? That was not a proud moment as a mom for me, no matter how funny it was’ - *randy mentions he’s shy vs how he used to be outgoing* ‘he’s shy? cause of the show? Huh? I need 20 more podcasts where he talks about it because i just found myself with even more questions’ - ‘HE WAS IN A PLAY CALLED COCK?! HE DOES PLAYS? About cocks? *sits back and crosses his legs* good for him *silence and then* imagine it’s about roosters’ - *randy mentions that he feels like he’s not taken seriously in certain places bc of his education/career* ‘he gets it! Ive had arguments about this! I like this shit! I agree with this shit! I need more of this shit. Give me all of it. Does Brian have a podcast? I wanna hear him talk. Especially about the aftermath of the show. Actually I just wanna hear him talk’ (the Gale crush is for sure alive) The main take away from the podcast was that he wants to listen to it all and he is obsessed with Randy’s personality cause he thought Randy was more reserved and maybe like how he was in S3 with Ethan. He didn’t know how to explain it better but oh well.
I sent my cousin all this while he was listening because, shocker!! The discovery of Randy’s podcast a few months ago made it through some of my family. Now I’m really starting to feel like Regina in the hallway scene in Mean Girls.
YES! Randy has a fun personality!
So your brother is imagining going to Randy for therapy and I’m imagining running into Randy at a continuing education course. Somehow him becoming a therapist makes him much more accessible!
But yeah this is where your brother begins to lose the belief that all the actors loved being on QAF and are endlessly proud of their roles and want to be recognized for them. Not that I think Randy *isn’t* proud at all but he was the youngest and certainly not protected from pushy fans and invasive questions.
I love that your mom just woke up one Sunday and thought “wonder what’s happening with that church thing, let’s go check it out” Also your brother wanting to check out confessional is equivalent to me wanting to take communion when I went to mass with my grandparents (my mom is Jewish so I’m Jewish).
You are sowing the seeds of madness in your family and I can only encourage it…
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How do you feel about Cronenberg Jerry?
there are two sides to my feeling about him :
it's a shame that he died but at least we got to see many new aspects of him :)
but seriously, I was so disappointed about his short-lived cameo in S3 but S6 happened and is now one of my favorites in the series, (besides my general liking for jerry's) I find it funny that the show keeps surprising us with his re-appearance when we thought he dies and forgot about him lol (and i hope they still do that 🥺 pwease)
I think he's a very interesting character to see, he just has gone through so many changes! from S1E6 that he goes apeshit because he was so jealous to actually kind of badass at the end of the episode? (but I always like that you can see that he has always been a bit more aggressive than other jerrys in the show) S3E1 we saw that not only his and the family’s appearance have changed so much, but they also lost a bit of their mind too. (the way they talk, act aggressively, and tried to kill summer because she ‘stinks of rick’) make you wonder how long it takes until they lost it. we didn't get much of his personality during that time (but he seems more serious and confident.)
and S6E1 changes everything!! there are so many details to point at. his clothing looks less wild? he looks more blended into his surrounding now ( now that he didn't has anyone else to stand out to anymore- ) /love his way of using the Cronenberg (human) skins tho, like damn a cape and a backpack? lol his hair and beard are all grown out and grayed a bit (🤔hmmmmm)
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^^^^ The 'badass-ness' is gone. all left is just a sad lonely and broken man(!!!!!) ^^^^
and he has the looks of someone who hasn't slept well in a long LONG time. I feel like Beth and Summer's death knocked a lot of senses into him because he no longer acted so feral like S3 now. like he is more calm and jaded now, kind of an asshole tho. and can you imagine how many survivor guilt he has to go through? I'm actually surprised he didn't go completely insane at that point. It is rather sad how much it cost him to develop to this point, I wonder if deep inside he regrets this life and would rather go back to being a simple lame dad instead?
/I've seen someone mention the contrast between Cronenburg Jer and our Rick. (since they suffered the same tragedy) how Cronenburg Jer takes on rick's mindset of letting go of everything and isolating himself from everyone while rick himself couldn't do that but instead never let go in the first place. and both are not good for them!!! (and tbh Cronenburg Jer mindset ended up being more parallel to Rick Prime instead!!!!)
//also, it kinda sucks that he always has developments off-screen. and we’re left with the aftermath and the end. but at the same time, i don’t think it’d be very fitting to insert the Cronenberg world episodes somewhere between the season? lol
so yeah..... that is kinda how I feel about him....... thank you for asking <3!!
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