#thor has the gritted teeth optimism
the-mjolnir-owner · 1 year
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Okay rockstars, settle down
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rockstar!bucky barnes x assistant!reader x rockstar!loki laufeyson / masterlist
summary; having previously worked for loki, it causes a heat to burn within bucky’s already accumulated hate towards the musician / warnings; threesome, smut, mxf and mxm sex, mentions of sex with other characters, oral sex (male and female receiving), creampie, unprotected sex, double penetration, degradation, swearing, orgasm denial, cum eating
“Can’t believe you worked for that wanker.” Snarked Bucky as an image of the well known, musically spread, and acoustically acclaimed, Loki Laufeyson was shown on the screen of the dressing room television, as the other artist stretched his clothing bare arms across the back of the couch. “Come here sweet cheeks.”
At his command, you dismissed the paper work for a moment, trailing over and straddling the inked hunk’s chain belted lap, digging your manicured set of nails into his shoulders, as you seated yourself over his crotch. “I’m happy I work for you now Buck, you treat me so good.”
Punctuating your words, you pressed your teeth into your bottom lip, giving it the appearance of being more plump, as you batted your dark eyelashes up at your employer. “I do, don’t I?” He rhetorically asked, skimming his fingers across the length of your arms, before moving them to sloppily cup your jaw, ensuring that you would not look away from his wild and dilated pupils. “Tell me what I do better than the lead singer of the god of mischief.”
At his words, a small yet peaceful contortion of uncomfortableness split a skin grafted line through the centre of your forehead, stating that you had no wish to do so. And thus, as punishment for your self aversive silence, Barnes braced his knuckles into your skin, causing you to keen out, and tap his shoulders in verification for surrender.
In turn, you lowered your hands, dragging the tips of your nails, absentmindedly running them down the expanse of his waxed chest, conveniently passing the silver hoops that were attached to his nipples on the trail to a less dominant ground. “I prefer the way that your songs have a heavier bass and-“
“Uh uh uh, not the music. Think of something that has you, let’s say, screaming, but definitely not in a crowd. Though, we may have to try that one sometime; show the world how hungry you are to assist me.”
“You, James Bucky Barnes,” he loosened his grip to your relief, which lead to you hugging in spite, “are the best fuck I have ever endured. Loki has nothing on you, he deems himself a god of the arts, but he doesn’t see how you paint me so perfectly with your cum, nor how you bend my body to your whim, as though I am a tool in the midst of your creations, useful, but disposable.”
“I like the sound of that doll. Disposable, now that really does you make you sound like my personal cum dump.”
“That’s was certainly interesting to listen to...”that voice had your body jolting in shock, and it appeared that Bucky too was surprised by the presence, though, he steadied his well versed hands on your hips, claiming you to the intimate spot.
“What the fuck are you doing in my dressing room you greasy haired weasel?” Bucky sneered, his nose turning up at the sight alone of his competition in the lyrical world. Loki, he had graced you with his presence, and you had to look away; he admittedly looked good.
His shirt was open chested, leaving you with the memorable impression of all the times that you had left crescent marks upon that particular surface, a few times you had even drawn blood, but that had only fuelled his mission to fuck you into a propeller of urgency.
“Our new album Laufey has just been released, I can confirm my dear, you shoulda stayed around and knelt in our success. The records are certainly going to have more sales than what was it called again? Ah yes, the red star. I could tell it was about this one, so much passion, a sultry tune, that did little to justify what it means to be with her.”
Loki’s hands waved around as he spoke, and you could only picture the past whence he penetrated your with those long and talented fingers of his. He had drawn orgasm after orgasm out of you, resulting you to be nothing more than a withering mess, as he digressed the option to simply stop. There was nothing simple about him, nor the time that he demanded that he shared you with his brother.
That thought alone had you mindlessly grinding upon Bucky’s covered cock, plucking at your lip with the keys of your teeth, though Bucky’s voice brought you back to reality, causing you to pause your movements embarrassingly, venting a clear out of your head to process the situation that was before you. The two were bickering like two teenage girls, and it was quite exhausting to listen to.
“Answer the question trickster, else I’ll have you fed to the infamous black panther, and let’s just say that he is the best bodyguard I have ever hired. So, are you going to speak, or will I have you dragged out of here like a damned serpent with a noose around its neck?” Bucky threatened, gritting his teeth together, his nose straining in frustration, drawing more attention to the small stud on the right side of his nose.
“Looks like she needs me Barnes, perhaps your reputation does not proceed you. But to answer in full, my band have made quite the rise, and I thought it would be... fitting to pay you a visit. Though I had no idea that this wonderful woman would be here, pining on your lap like some feline in heat. I see she’s fucking you now, after all my suspicions are never wrong. Or we’ll, Heimdall’s train of thought always ends up at the right station.”
“Can the pair of you stop, for one goddamn minute!” Your hands obscured a path into your hair, as you glared back and forth between the pair of rival rockstars. “I am here, dammit! Stop talking about me as though I am not here, a part of me wishes that I wasn’t so I didn’t have to listen to your bitching.”
Without any thought, you clambered from your perch on Bucky’s lap, walking towards the raven haired gentleman, pointing your finger in his face as you accused him. “You’ve got your point across, but I’ll tell you something. If you don’t leave, Heimdall will see me putting my foot up your ass.”
“Does she speak to you like this Barnes? I thought she had loosened up in more ways than one when I allowed Thor to stretch her cunt, but it appears that that mouth of hers has gotten a little out of hand also. You should do something about that, or else you’ll lose her to someone else like a did. Who knows, could be Romanoff, heard she has a thing for brats.”
Natasha Romanoff, a diverse woman in her ways and songs. She was the queen of the rock culture, tormenting her workers with her verbal abuse and it would undoubtedly be no different for her assistant. If you were to be under her employment, it was certain that you would not get out alive, nor work for another talented person for the rest of your life. To cross her, was a vow to sign your own death certificate, it was plain stupidity, yet people still hustled with her and her limits, resulting in their chances of ever getting hired for any job, vastly slim to none.
At the lack of defence that Bucky provided you, you felt small, your shoulders slacked as you were tortured with Loki’s cold and silky gaze, more so when the man stood up, pressing his bare chest against your back. You could feel the rings that hung off the buds that adorned his chest coil and dig into your back, shrouding your demeanour substantially.
A part of you wanted nothing more than for Bucky to abuse Loki’s face with his fist, specifically the right, since it was the bearer to a chunky silver ring. It’d leave quite the print, however, the unexpected unravelled as his enquiring tone was aimed not at you, but Loki instead.
“You let your brother fuck her, hmm. Maybe she should learn her manners by being shared, that way her retrospective spattering of bullshit may be contained, to a limit of course.” It was unbelievably, you could not believe that Bucky was conferring with the enemy! And not only that, they were talking about experiences of having you literally become speechless from their unprofessional administrations upon your body. “I’d get T’Challa in here, but I know she’s already fucked him. Can’t quite fire him for it though, because who could ever say no to those pretty eyes, and that mouth, god, it is definitely one of her most persuasive attributes.”
“Bu-“ you didn’t even get to finish imploring his name off your lips, about to defend yourself and your previous actions, though, you were interrupted, starved from the opportunity of coming up with an explanation.
“No.” Loki told you, the roles now reversed as he was the one with his index finger aimed at you. He tapped your nose with it, as he began to pace in the room, his wild locks remaining in their place as he spun, before facing Bucky, a sly tranquility of a truce veining out from the pools of his evergreen orbs. “You don’t speak a word to me y/n, not whilst I’m having a conversation with James here.”
James. It was too far a polite way for him to address your boss. They were all hot and ready to tear out each other’s throats a moment ago, and now here they were, having a silent conversation without your inclusion. It had you reeling your mind as to why, until Bucky gathered your hair in his hand to the side, sliding you y/h/c locks over your shoulder, and finally deemed it acceptable for you to hear his voice.
Though, he still was not directing his tensive words in your direction. “Since you had dealt with this subordinate behaviour from her, perhaps you’d like to join us; help me train her to become more...” His breath fanned your the top of your ear, making your skin crawl by not only his warm and inviting breath, but also the offer that he had supposed to the other man.
“Obedient?” Loki asked in turn of his wispy ended offer of optimism, his leather, sharp tipped boots taking a prominent, heart clenching step towards you. He reached his finger out, grasping a loose strand that had fallen out of Bucky’s grip and before your face, tugging lightly on it, as his lips came dangerously close to your own. “Rules aren’t your forfeit, are they my dear? The best assistant I ever hired, with all those unique ideas floating around in that independent head of yours, but you’ve always been troublesome. I remember the time that you bit my cock that day you had attitude. I reckon Bucky here could do a better job.”
“Then why doesn’t he?” You hissed as said man tugged on his handful of your hair, instantly making you regret your phrase in the moment. To a halting surprise however, Bucky released you, lightly shoving you to cause you to fumble forwards, and away from him.
“Maybe I will.” He dared, earning a nod from Loki, whom seductively began to unzip his loose trousers, as Bucky descended to the ground, his hands running up his rival’s thighs, as the material dropped around Loki’s ankles. It would seem, that he had gone commando, and as Bucky grasped Loki’s shaft, you felt a pull in your chest inherently demanding that you play some part in this fornication.
“Wait.” Your hand shot out, as though you had some force to stop them from continuing with their war path to exact all of their developed spit onto you. “What about me?” You were ss
“Oh no doll, you are not pulling any strings here, if you wanna do something useful, come here and warm my cock, you can watch me blow your old associate.” A slither of a whimper fell from your lips, it wasn’t exactly what you were prying towards, but you sure as hell were not going to refuse the contact that Bucky was obliged to give you.
Thus you wandered towards him, your pinkies curling around one another, as you sashayed to the ground beside him, watching as he paid Loki no mind for a moment, ruthlessly in a desperation fuelled motion, unbuckled his thick belt, and shoved the material of his leather trousers to be held accountable against his lower thighs, just above his tense knees.
He too, as their exteriors supposed, had forgone the extra layer that kept his cock tucked away, though it was exposed as he tugged those tight trousers down, and the sight of both his and Loki’s cocks bobbing in the same vicinity had you close to quivering.
It was somewhat of a dream portrayed in the viscous space of reality, the two men half undressed in then proximity of yourself, it was something that you had always imagined, even before you had left Loki’s side, and opted to work for Bucky, but the idea was definitely short lived. They hated each other, but apparently they were willing to put all their issues aside to prohibit you from freely running your mouth.
Bucky’s cock twitched as he patted his own thigh, ordering you without the aid of his voice to commence it as a servant’s throne, or in your case, a stool for you to rest on as he tended to intimate needs of the man that you had once worked for. Finally, with the decision of better judgement, you allowed your grey jumper dress to slide down your body, leaving you nude, and the aspect of the two men’s unforgiving and locked gazes.
“No underwear, and you wonder why your men have no difficulty in her allowing them to fuck her.” Bucky took ahold of his cock, squeezing his cock with one hand, whilst his other aided you in sitting on his muscular legs, as he lightly growled up at the opposing rockstar.
From the stiff grip that Bucky affirmed around his sceptre, Loki gasped, his pale lips instantly shutting once the sound wantonly abandoned him. The last thing that he wanted was for Bucky to see him in vulnerable poise, though with that said, it’d be rather difficult considering the smutty circumstances.
Bucky took Loki’s long, alabaster prick into his mouth, starting from the primrose tip and descending down, reciprocating the action that you did yourself as you sheathed yourself onto his cock, but instead with his lips. A grunt rendered along Loki’s length as the man bit back a whimper, the vibrations running through his veins like a transpiring pulse of sorcery.
Bucky opted for bobbing his head, as you endured the liberation of his very slightly gyrating movement inside of you. Though, despite him being almost completely still and leaving you full to the brim with his thick length, his balls resting against the partition where he was delved into you, you remained transfixed.
The motion image, recording first hand through your own eyes, of him blowing Loki was sinful, but you were drawn to it. If that made you a sinner, one endorsed by the graphic scene, licking your lips from the sight of Bucky running his studded tongue up the length of Loki, dipping the ball of silver metal into his slit, then so be it.
Your heart raced as you were met with an opportunity. A globe of saliva, strung by the lapping muscle of Bucky’s tongue dropped down; you practically saw its fall in slow motion. It was done before you could register your actions, you had leant forwards, catching the trickle of spit in your mouth, thinking not for a moment as you gulped the subjective liquid down.
Bucky’s pace increased, he gagged lightly as he jolted him further down his throat. Loki hummed, harshly grabbing Bucky’s dark brunette locks, biting his lip as he reimagined your little catch. It had him feeling close, and just as he was about to finish, precum furiously pooling out of his tip, Bucky pulled back, a smirk marking his features.
“You’re not cumming in my mouth, I don’t mind sucking dick, nor swallowing, but I have to practically listen to you jizz over your own talent, and prowl over my girl.” The name he labelled you with had your heart fluttering, but not nearly as much as when he lightly pulled out of you, infuriating you with the lack of any pleasurable esteem. “Don’t you worry babes, you can finish with me inside of you, like always.”
That used to be him, Loki thought with a brewing rage in his chest. Though he instead shrugged out of his dull patterned striped shirt that was already loose on his shoulders. The fabric hit the floor, leaving all of you barren to the subject of nudity.
“Always doesn’t suppose the past Barnes.” Loki stated, referring to all the various times that he had found refuge in your spongey walls, you willingly clenching around him, and pleading for him to hit a deeper spot within you. “And I do not prowl, I don’t need to. The evidence is there between her legs, coiling in juices surrounding her ever so willing folds, that are prepared to endure the harshest of penetrations.”
“What are you trying to do, write a fucking song about this?” Scoffed Bucky, rolling his crystallised orbs at the guts that this man had. If he so much as wanted to, he could stop this passage into a three way all together, but he did not, at least he had yet to. He was enjoying the way that you were squirming to yourself, thinking that he didn’t notice, squeezing the sides of your thighs together in an aroused matrimony.
“A fucking song would’ve the correct term - literally.” Was the affirmed words of Loki, as he shoved Bucky to be sat beside you, tilting his messy brush of crazed hair, his untrustworthy eyes drifting to you. “Who’d you want to fuck you, you fangirling slut?”
It was truthfully a difficult decision. “Both.” You admitted, your bones jumping as Bucky pinched one of your erect nipples, continuing to hold a sturdy clasp of his pads around the sensitive flesh; you couldn’t jut choose one of them. Not when they were both in such close range, bore in nothing more than their birthdays suits, talking about your quivering and diversely accepting cunt.
They knew that you couldn’t possibly refuse one or the other. You were vastly too hungry to be filled like you had never been before, shagged by two of three most well known artists in the industry, earnestly and mindlessly earning yourself a title within the circle of uptight yet simultaneously chill performers.
Perhaps, if Bucky we to ever potentially fire you, there would be another pursuer for your articulating talents on standby, awaiting for the moment that you walked out of his complex door to swoop you up as though they were a predatory falcon, flying off into a stationed sunset, those around seeing you as nothing more than a shadow of the ambient orb, but the one who had employed you finding you to be a sufficing inspiration.
Large hands swallows your hips, firmly controlling their angle as they grasped you in their strong, almost super human hold, lifting you so that you were tentatively tucked in a reverse cowgirl position on Bucky’s lap. It was the third time that you had been this close to him, it would almost be intimate, if your legs weren’t strewn in an open, all revealing splay, so that Loki could see your boss tease his tip around your entrance before sliding you down his length, extracting a strong wail from your churning throat.
Your own hand resented down, applying swirls of pressure down on your clit; it appeared that they were willing you to continue without interruption. Bucky lightly, despite the power that he was promoted to in this position, began to bounce you on his shaft, spewing small mewls out from your agape mouth.
Fisting his cock, Loki approached, Bucky reachin this seen hands down to spread te lips of your pussy, so that the other man was guaranteed a crude glimpse of you being stufffed. Though, you weren’t quite filled enough, for Bucky raised a brow and prompted Loki to allow himself to be pulled closer by your axed and whining aura.
He brushed his tip languidly against your buzzing clit, dragging through your slick and jab i at your delicate fingers before probing at the base of Bucky’s cock, and pushing inside, right along his rival’s length, the pair moaning out in a pleasured union. On the other and, you had tears falling from the crescents of your eyes, the stretch so much that it was a blistering pain to your cunt.
“Don’t go all meek dear, you and i both know this is far from the first instance where you’ve had more than one cock in this nasty, betraying cunt of yours.” Loki taunted, gripping the vulnerable expanse of your throat from behind, his icy glazed skin sending provocative shivers down your spine, making your pussy pulse from the chill that ran through your body.
And then, i a split instant, both cocks began to piston into your walls, as though you were nothing more than a rag doll, meant o be thrown around and handled in a disorderly fashion. They ere ruthless, groaning out symphonies in the cursive air around you, as your walls engulfed their pricks more than snugly.
You felt so wide down there, they were taking a pirating toll on your body stealing every breath that dared wither from your lips, tweezing their nimble fingered around various parts of your body, all in due retrospect or coerce you into fucking them back, making all actions in the mass of bodies a mutual effort.
Loki lowered his head down meeting Bucky for a sloppy, brash kiss. It was clear they were simply doing that part to fulfil a greedy desire in your stomach, but you were not one that minded. It was, like the rest of their frenzy of collaborations, a competitive mess. They nipped harshly at each other’s lips, ravenously all in the meanwhile ploughing your body with their har girths.
“Fuck, that’s hot.” Your tongue dribbled, earning satisfied, lust induced smirks from both parties that were currently penetrating you, making you writhe harder against their lengths a new flow of moisture weeping out from your hole, lubricating their movements further, it encouraging them to do nothing more than continue what they were doing, despite their better judgements.
The truth was, they were rockstars. They had no better judgement, which is why everyone like them needed someone like you. Their thought were clouded with one mission, and for once in their spent lifetimes, it was not to beat the others, at least not to a certain extent anyways. It was their assignment, delivered by their own hands, to bring you to the edge, and that’s physically what they reformed to do.
One of them were groping your nipples, whilst the other confined the same treatment to your ass cheeks. Loki found your Rocky enables of positive feedback to be icicles and they were beautiful, he stared at them, as though they were divine ploys extracted from the mythical kingdom of Jotunheim, their residence in the realm to be the peacemakers of all bountiful creatures, much like himself and Barnes.
A rich euphoric groan exuberated from Bucky as he allowed himself to spoil, but he tutted whence he watched Loki’s features suppose that he was to follow shortly behind. “Not inside of her.” Bucky growled, sufficing Loki to roll his eyes, and pull out, the man behind you furiously replacing your hand, rolling our clit in his grasp until a sinful scream enveloped the air, commencing them all to the fact that you had just came.
Loki found the show to be unfair, and instead, spilled his priceless seed onto the huffing skin of your stomach, you eyes fluttered shut at the warm feeling pooling onto you. You leant back, drawing your neck into a crooked angle as you swiped your tongue wordlessly over the piercing on Bucky’s right nipple, metal providing a relief to the heat that your body was and had been swarmed with. “ Last chance you’re gonna have t taste her sweet cunt.”
“You do certainly have some faith in this one Barnes, but I do doubt that it will be the last instance in which i am todo so.” His silver tongue pried at your cum soaked flesh, drinking up all the essence that you had to offer, onshore the flavour that Bucky had brought to the table, i the form of a succulent drizzling of Snow White cum.
As Loki finishes swabbing his tongue over your cunt, Bucky adoringly kisses you, much sweeter than he has before. It was sort, and almost chaste, but his blue eyes roamed your face, delicately observing the high points of your face, that were covered with a sheen of great force making you as he would put it, glow.
The pair of you weer exhausted, there was still some swollen was to his lips from where he had sucked off Loki. His hands cradled you around your waist, his feet kicking Loki back as you whimpered from opaque sensitivity. “I guess that was you bidding me a dew.” Sneered the trickster, fishing for his clothes, as he spared you a spark filled glare, to which you ignored.
Once he was situated back into his attire, he left the sex scented room,a hollow smirk chapping his lips as he strutted th a purpose out into the hallway, taking a left instead of a right, and creeping into barnes’ studio to see what the man was working on in the midst of his enduring tour/ He was always the trickster, and nothing different was to ever be expected out of him.
“That was good.” You mumbled, rubbing your ode lovingly across the scruff that coated his jaw. His fingers made small circles upon your tummy, humming contently as he remained sheathed inside of you. He had to admit, he preferred it when it was just him, but his lonesome, sheathed within your walls, feeling the small trembles of your walls around him. It was practically heaven, and he would say so if he believed in such a place.
A deliberate knock ruined the moment, as the man entered,he quarrelled with himself where her to casually look in the direction of the pair of you or to avert his sight around, and blankly at the all. “What is it T’Challa?” Grumbled the man inside of you, quirking a thin brow at the timing of his presence.
“Loki; he managed to get into ur data, and he’s leaked a whole bunch of your music.” Of course, Loki would not come here to simply gloat, there was alas something extra up his green sleeve, and now it was revealed.
“Son of a bitch!” Bucky made a move to stand, but instead prohibited a whimper out of you as hi ships jutted angrily tip on instinct. “Get Odin on the phone, we’re going to have a little chat about his slippery hands son!” Barked Bucky, prepared t do anything to bring his greatest threat down, compiling him into the put of hate industry, until he was forgotten about, unable to ever produce new music again.
“Talk to Sif.” You whispered, becoming the image of his assistant once more, even if his cum lathered cock was prevailing within a rut of required stress relief, growing in the conjunction of your wall with his body guard there. “She loathes him, and rightfully so. He got her kicked out and she has dirt on him that nobody else has ever heard. If you want to take I’m down, she is your in.”
The strict tone grammatically supported by your logical information was definitely turning Bucky on again. He could handle you more than fine without Loki’s aid, he was just a means to an end, as it was clearly shown in his priorities.
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aurorawest · 4 years
Hi! I really admire your writing, so glad you’ve reached a follower milestone! For the prompt request, I would love some Thor & Loki feels, prompt No. 7 or 9 from Whumptober, with Thor whump. I can���t get enough of Loki’s scheming being derailed when his bro gets hurt. Thanks! :)
Thank you so much!! And I have to sincerely apologize for taking forever to get this written. I’m not sure what it is about me that I can churn through 1000+ words in my longfics every day, but give me a oneshot prompt, and it takes me 2 months. Anyway, here it is. This is probably not exactly what you had in mind (not nearly enough Loki scheming, I’m sorry!), but I still hope you enjoy it! Thanks again for the prompt!
Title: Big Damn Hero Rating: T (some injury description and mentions of blood) Relationships: Loki & Thor Word Count: 3.5k Summary: Thor always has to be the big damn hero. Loki gets stuck cleaning up after.
Thank you to my beta @mareebird! Also, this is technically for Whumptober prompt #7, I’ve Got You, but I’m not sure I can claim that it’s a Whumptober fill here on November 23.
Read it on AO3 or here on tumblr below.
“I told you this was a bad idea,” Loki snapped. “Why can’t you ever listen to me?”
“I listen to you all the time,” Thor grunted, his voice tight. “I’ve listened to you and ended up in plenty of bad situations.”
“Yes well, at least those weren’t normally avoidable situations, which this was completely,” Loki said. He glanced at his brother, trying to keep the anger sharper than the worry in his eyes. It wasn’t the battle they’d just fought that had him concerned, nor the possibility their attackers might return. It wasn’t his own wounds that worried him, either. No, it was the fact that as they had fought, the cavern that they were inside had collapsed around them, trapping them in an unstable death trap several hundred feet inside the earth.
Loki had avoided injury.
Thor had not.
Thor’s legs, to be exact, were trapped under several tons of rock. If they were lucky, he was merely incapacitated. If they were unlucky…well.
Thor tilted his head back, letting it hit the ground. His hair was matted with blood from some head wound. It probably wasn’t serious. At least, Loki hoped it wasn’t serious. There was something dripping down the side of his own face too, though whether it was sweat or blood, he didn’t really care to examine. It could easily have been either. When the cavern had collapsed around them, chunks of rock and debris had gone flying, turning blunt force trauma into impalation risks.
And the temperature in the cavern was rising. It already had felt hotter than Helheim in there when they’d been doing battle. Now it was…especially hotter than Helheim.
Something slid down Loki’s eyebrow and dripped into his eye, and he gave in and swiped at it, unable to stop himself from glancing at the side of his hand to see what color it was. There was nothing there except the mealy colored dust of this planet. No blood. Not on his forehead, at least.
“We had to fight back,” Thor said. Was he grimacing? “They were going to destroy that village.”
“So there would be one less village in the universe,” Loki muttered. When Thor glared at him, Loki blasted air out through his nose. “I’m just not sure it’s worth dying over.” The village being wiped out would be regrettable, of course. Thor dying was more on the order of intolerable.
Waving a hand and wincing as he did it, Thor said, “Who said anything about dying? Anyway, risking one’s life is just what heroes do.” There were lines in his forehead, furrows made craggier by the dust caked there. Loki tried to pretend they weren’t because of the several tons of rock sitting on Thor’s legs, though he wasn’t particularly successful at convincing himself.
“Well, no one has ever accused me of being a hero,” Loki said. He was studying the massive column of rock that was on top of Thor. There were spells he could perform to get Thor out, but he was worried it would destabilize the whole cavern and crush them before he was able to call up a shielding spell. Then again, even if he was able to call up said spell, all it would mean was that they would have an even smaller bubble of air to exhaust before asphyxiation. He could rearrange the molecules of all the rock sitting over them, but he would also have to pull Thor behind him while maintaining the spell to make sure they weren’t encased in earth.
“Are you in pain?” Loki asked. Thor looked at him like he was an imbecile. Right. Point taken. Pressing his lips together, Loki cast his eyes over the cavern again. It had been lit by some sort of orange bioluminescence covering the walls before, but the cave-in had destroyed whatever delicate ecosystem had been producing it. There were still a few spots glowing weakly here and there, but the cavern would be shrouded in blackness if not for Loki’s magic. He’d summoned several glowing balls of light which were floating at points around the cavern.
“Will you be alright for a few minutes?” Loki asked. He got the same look in return and rolled his eyes. “Pardon me for attempting to look out for you, brother.”
Thor grimaced, though Loki wasn’t sure if it was because of what Loki had just said or because he was in pain. It could, he supposed, be both. With a grunt, Loki got to his feet, summoning a glowing orb of light to his fingertips as he made a slow circuit of the cavern. The orb inched back along his fingers to his palm, and he held it up, increasing the brightness until as much of the cavern was illuminated as possible.
As he’d suspected. There was no way out.
Swearing under his breath, Loki made his way back to Thor’s side and knelt again. “I have a very bad plan,” he said.
“So,” Thor said, “as usual.”
Normally, Loki would have scowled at him. But Thor was beginning to look pale, wan, almost, and there was sweat standing out on his forehead that Loki didn’t think was solely from the rising heat in the cave. “I have to get you out from under all this rock,” Loki said. “And the only way to do that is with magic.”
There was a silence. Thor blinked at him. “I don’t know if I’d call that a very bad plan,” Thor said.
“Well, good, then we’ll do that bit first, and I’ll tell you the rest of it once we’ve successfully freed you.” Loki could hear how false the cheerfulness in his voice was. He hated this—he was no good at being the chipper one, the optimistic one. Loki had one job in these sorts of situations, and it was to be the bearer of bad news, the one saying I told you so, because he invariably had.
But they were past I told you so now and well into forced optimism. Loki sincerely hoped they didn’t get to the next stage, which was tell me how bad it really is.
“Can you move?” Loki asked, knowing as soon as the words left his mouth what a stupid question it was. “I mean, after I do the spell.”
“Of course,” Thor replied with a confidence that Loki felt was entirely unwarranted.
Gathering his magic, Loki put his palm flat against the column of rock bearing down on Thor. With a slow inhale, he sent the spell into the rock, pushing magic between the molecules of stone and loosening their bonds on each other. He felt the magic flow through the rock, and when it was sufficiently fluid, he said to Thor, “Move. Now.”
Thor did. It was a good thing, because the longer Loki held the spell, the more unstable the column became.
On the other hand, with Thor’s legs no longer crushed under the rock, Loki could see just how badly they were both broken.
Anyone else wouldn’t even have legs. If Thor weren’t Asgardian, all he would currently have was crushed bone and red stains around him that had at one point been his muscle and skin. But Thor was Asgardian, so he merely—merely—had several compound fractures. Not that it wasn’t unsettling to see his brother’s splintered shin bone poking through his skin. But it could have been worse.
Even so, Thor couldn’t walk. It would be entirely up to Loki to get them out of this.
Thor looked paler. Loki knew his brother would never show pain if he could help it, so the fact that there were tight lines around his eyes and mouth made the worried knot in Loki’s stomach tighten. “I’m afraid the only way out of here is doing what I just did,” Loki said. “Only we’ll have to…well, climb out.” When Thor just stared at him, Loki added, “I did say it was a very bad plan.”
“It’s a terrible plan,” Thor said. It was impossible not to miss the strained note in it. “Climb? Climb what?”
“The sides of the passage I create for us,” Loki said with more confidence than he felt. “It’s not like you to balk at something that’s almost certain to get both of us killed, brother. You must have hit your head.”
There was little reaction from Thor, which was worrisome.
Drawing a breath, Loki said, “I know I’m hardly trustworthy, but we don’t have much of a choice. If you were in any state to punch your way through Norns-know-how-many feet of solid rock, I’d certainly let you do it.”
Thor grit his teeth. “What do you mean, you’re hardly trustwor—do you really think I don’t trust you? You think that’s the problem?”
“Well, it’s a problem,” Loki said. “I wouldn’t say it’s the only one, no.”
Breathing in and out deeply, the lines tightening on his face, Thor asked, “What happens if you can’t hold your spell?”
“A quick death, I would think.” Loki glanced up at the rock over their heads. It seemed to be closing in, making the space smaller, though he knew it wasn’t. At least, he thought he knew it wasn’t. He wiped sweat off his forehead again. His eyebrows were saturated with it. “The weight of the stone should crush us instantly.”
Actually, he wasn’t sure of this at all. They were Asgardian, after all. Or, well, one of them was, and Loki was—whatever he was. Jotun and some sort of magical mixture of Asgardian, thanks to his father’s magic. It was possible that their bodies would stand up to the crush of rock long enough for them to suffocate due to the lack of air and the fact that their lungs were being compressed. That would be a far more unpleasant death than every bone in their bodies, including their spinal columns, being broken at once. The latter would end things quickly. If Loki was going to die, he really would prefer it to be quick, though he’d never had much cause to believe that this would be the case—not for him.
Thor propped himself up on his elbows and looked at his legs. His face remained expressionless as he took in the way his splintered bones poked through his skin. Unable to help himself, Loki looked, too. Much of the material of Thor’s pants and boots had been shredded, which put his wounds on full display. Around the punctures, Thor’s skin was purple and swollen, blood oozing out and mixing with the pale dust that covered both of them.
It wasn’t a great look. Loki reminded himself that Thor could survive such an injury. Both of them could. Probably. Loki didn’t particularly want to find out if this was the case for him, as well.
Thor looked up and met Loki’s eyes. “You’ll have to carry me, climb out of here, and do magic.”
“Glad you’re still following along,” Loki said. He was being an arse. It might have been on purpose. It was the only thing he could think of to do.
No reaction to the gibe from Thor. “Is it a difficult spell?”
Loki cast his eyes upward again. Was it a difficult spell? No. Molecular rearrangement of stone was no more difficult than molecular rearrangement of anything else—doors that no one wanted him to walk through, prison walls, metal cages. As long as there was nothing hampering his magic, it wasn’t a challenging spell. The difference between this situation and those others was that typically, he only needed to rearrange a section of material that was a little over six feet high, two feet wide, and a few inches thick at most.
He didn’t know how much rock was sitting over them. He had a vague idea, because he knew roughly how far they’d descended into the cavern as they’d been fighting off their attackers. It was, needless to say, more than a few inches.
“Not terribly,” Loki finally said, deciding to split the difference.
“Don’t lie.”
Loki set his mouth in a line and stared at his brother. “The spell itself isn’t difficult, no. It’s the rest of it, and the length of time I’d be performing the magic. As I said, I know you don’t trust me—”
“It has nothing to do with me not trusting you!” Thor said. His voice was strained. “I don’t want you to get yourself killed trying to save me.”
Loki sucked in a deep breath to argue. “I’m perfectly capable of—er—what?”
Thor rolled his eyes, though the way his hands clenched into tight, bloodless fists rather took the sting out of it. “You can get yourself out of here easily. Right?”
“I…” Loki’s gaping was beginning to make him look like an idiot. Taking a breath, he said, “Yes.”
Jerking his head in a nod, Thor said, “Then you should go.”
Oh. Of course. Right. Big damn hero Thor; he’d sacrifice himself for anyone, even his ne’er-do-well, God of Chaos, Mischief, and Lies brother. “I should go,” Loki repeated flatly. “And what will you do?”
“Loki, I’m not going to let you risk your life for me—”
With an irritated scoff, Loki leaned forward, grabbed Thor under the arms, and said, “Oh, shut up, would you?” He flicked his fingers and a strand of glowing green magic flowed from them, one end looping once around his wrist and the other end looping around Thor’s. “Don’t try to break that connection,” Loki said crossly. “It will make sure my spell encompasses your mass as well as mine, and if you do something stupid in the name of being noble, I will come back for you, so it will be your fault if I die.”
For a moment, Thor stared at the thin twist of green magic around his wrist. Then, he looked at Loki and said, “You’re being stubborn.”
“I am,” Loki agreed. “It’s one of my most annoying qualities, and that’s really saying something.” There was no chance Thor could stand, so Loki wrapped an arm tightly around his shoulder. “Ready?”
There was a long pause. A pointless pause. The longer they dallied, the weaker Thor became, and the more difficult this would be. Perhaps Thor knew that—and perhaps he was more stupid than even Loki thought he was, and actually fancied that Loki would leave him behind if he thought Thor would be a drag on his own escape.
Finally, Thor nodded. “Alright. But if you feel yourself weakening—”
“Thor, shut up.” Loki put a hand out, resting his palm against the column of rock that had so recently been on top of Thor’s legs. A green glow spread from beneath his palm and the surface of rock rippled. Loki could feel the solidness of the rock loosening, the spaces between each atom opening up. He extended the spell as far as he dared, then looked at Thor. “Let’s go,” he said.
Because Thor couldn’t use his legs, this first part was all Loki. One-armed, he heaved Thor into the rock, sparing a second’s thought for the fact that this would probably be a deeply unsettling experience for his brother.
But then there wasn’t time to think. Or—perhaps there was time, but he didn’t have the mental space for it. Climbing the tunnel that he created for them, a foot at a time, was arduous and tense. They made their way up through the column of rock and into the mass of earth sitting over them, and when Loki thought they’d reached the top of it, he sent out a sounding spell to check.
He was right. All he felt to either side was the press of dirt and rock. The tomb imagery was all a bit too apt, so he stayed away from it. He wasn’t particularly claustrophobic, but considering the circumstances, he thought he could be forgiven the flutter of panic in his chest.
He tried to angle their passage, both to make it easier to gain handholds and to give his screaming muscles a bit of a break from bearing most of Thor’s weight. But angling their magical bore-hole increased their time in the earth, and Loki’s magical energy wasn’t infinite. Combined with the physical exertion of carrying Thor, he could feel himself tiring.
And he would not, he would not fail. So he clenched his teeth, pushed his magic out, and tightened his hold on Thor.
When they emerged onto the surface, it took Loki a moment to realize it had even happened. His magic suddenly wasn’t moving rock, and panic clutched at his chest, and he frantically looked at the darkness around them, left, right, upward, where they needed to go—and his eyes fell on three lumpy, shining objects, surrounded by a scattering of pinprick points of light.
Moons. Stars.
The bright, lumpy things were this planet’s three small moons. The rest were the stars of the night sky.
They’d made it.
Loki’s chest heaved as he drew several breaths of clean, fresh air. His arms and legs were trembling with fatigue. His heart was thundering and he realized his entire body under his clothes was slicked in sweat. His clothes were soaked through with it, too, and here on the surface, where the air was cooler, he could feel the clamminess of his damp clothes against his skin.
The line of green magic still connected his wrist to Thor’s. But Thor was prostrate on the ground, unmoving. “Brother?” Loki asked, worry threading through his tone.
Thor groaned and pushed himself onto an elbow, looking up at Loki. “I was thinking,” Thor said.
The worry in Loki’s chest fluttered, then settled back. He allowed the magic to dissolve away into the night air. “Yes?”
A light breeze ruffled Loki’s hair. Thor flopped back to the ground. “Maybe next time we have to fight a group of marauding space pirates, we should do it above ground.”
Loki laughed, which turned into a cough, because he was still gasping for air, his lungs full of dust. “I couldn’t agree more,” he finally said, once he’d stopped choking.
They were hardly in the clear. Thor’s legs were still mangled and they needed to get back to their ship, and there was no guarantee that they wouldn’t face another attack on their way. But with the sky above them and that cool breeze fluttering at Loki’s hair, escape and survival seemed eminently possible. Easy, even. He’d give it a few more moments for them to catch their breath and gather a bit more strength, and then they’d set off.
It occurred to Loki he was going to have to carry Thor. His brother was really going to owe him for this.
The two of them were quiet, their breathing slowing. Loki’s fingers twitched involuntarily in the powdery dust, his exhausted muscles already protesting the further labor he was going to ask of them. The ache in his arms made it tempting to sit there for another hour. Or maybe three. But they needed to go. So finally, Loki groaned and pushed himself to his feet.
“This is going to be very undignified for both of us,” he said warningly. “I’ll never speak of it if you don’t.”
Thor straightened up as best he could. There was an expression on his face that Loki didn’t like—the kind of softness and sincerity that meant something sentimental was about to come out of his brother’s mouth. So Loki held up a hand. “Don’t.”
“I didn’t say anything!” Thor protested.
“You were going to.”
“I wasn’t.”
“You were.” Huffing, Loki said, “You were going to say something…embarrassing. Something about my better nature.”
In the dark, it was hard to tell if Thor was smirking or just smiling. “Actually, I was going to say—I’m glad you’re here, Loki.”
Loki crossed his arms over his chest and looked away, squinting into the darkness. He would have to light their way with magic. Hopefully he was still up to it. “Only because you’d still be trapped down there without me.”
“No.” Thor managed to get to his knees, and when he held out a hand, Loki thinned his lips, clasped his brother’s arm, and hauled him to his feet. Idiotic. They wouldn’t make it more than three steps this way, not with Thor’s legs in the shape they were. Loki slung Thor’s arm over his shoulders and wrapped one of his own arms around Thor’s midsection, supporting most of his weight. “I was going to say,” Thor said, “that I’m glad we’re together, because there’s no one I’d rather fight side-by-side with.”
Letting out a slow breath, Loki rolled his eyes. He tightened his grip. Then he said, “Shut up, Thor.”
Thor grinned. Loki ignored the fondness in his own voice.
The two of them set off into the night.
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excusemysaltiness · 6 years
Loki x Valkyrie! Reader || Part 1 
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Summary: Months have passed since the events of Ragnarök and the Asgardians have made an island in Norway their new kingdom. Thor, the new ruler of Asgard, is struggling to keep the Nine Realms intact. He needs more warriors to protect the Realms and Brunnhilde knows exactly where to find them.
(Infinity War doesn’t happen... yet)
A/N: Here’s a fic that absolutely no one asked for. Hope you like it. Comment below if you want to be tagged for this series :))
The King of Asgard sets down into his throne and lets out an exasperated sigh. The past few months have been very rough for him and his people. His father had passed away making him the new ruler, the prophecy of Ragnaörk had been fulfilled, destroying Asgard in the process, and the Nine Realms were currently defenceless. Majority of Asgards warriors had been slaughtered by the merciless goddess of death and now only six troops remain. Although many young boys and girls are currently in training, there are simply not enough soldiers to protect their vast population. And now that they reside in another realm, they are at even more risk of danger.
"King Thor, Lady Brunnhilde wishes to speak with you."
The god of thunder groggily lifts his head from the headrest of the throne and nods at the guard.
"Send her in." He answers.
Within a few moments, the large golden doors of the throne room open revealing the Valkyrie, the Gatekeeper and the God of Mischief. They approach the king of Asgard with a sense of urgency in their pace. Intrigued by their unexpected visit, Thor rises from his throne and meets them halfway.
"I hope you've come here to tell me good news. I am in desperate need of it."
Loki chuckles as he takes in his brothers worn out appearance. Clearly, his responsibilities as king are depriving him of rest.
"It's not as easy as it seems now is it, brother?" He chides.
Thor glares at his younger brother before turning to Brunnhilde, ignoring his presence.
"What is it you all wish to tell me?" He asks them hopefully.
The Valkryie's eyes rise from the ground and she reluctantly speaks.
"I know some people who might be able to help us. They should be able to restore the Realms back to its natural state."
"And who might these people be?" Questions the king. "If you had known of a solution to our crisis, why had you not shared it sooner?"
"She wasn't sure at the time," Explains Heimdall. "We're still not entirely sure if they will assist us though, my king."
"They will assist us. It is their duty to serve the throne until their dying breath."
Brunnhilde turns to Loki, swiftly unsheathes her Dragonfang sword and holds it dangerously close to his throat.
"I've told you already," She growls through gritted teeth. "Their service was terminated millennia ago by Odin. They serve no one now. Not even me."
The king quickly separates the two before their argument can escalate. Yet, he is still confused as to who they are referring to.
"Would someone tell me already of who it is we are talking about!" Booms Thor's voice. He is very tired, in desperate need of sleep, and frustrated. His brother and his friends are keeping him in the dark which he does not appreciate. He looks to Brunnhilde once again but she is hesitant to speak. Something very unusual of her.
"Well then, who is it that you speak of?"
"The Valkyrior."
The waves crash into the cliffside metres below you, splashing water onto your bare feet. The feeling of the cool water on your skin is refreshing and soothes your thoughts as you watch the sun disappear over the horizon. The evening sky is a pinkish orange hue and in parts where it is darker, stars reveal themselves one by one. The sight is captivating. Moving. But at the same time, it makes you feel miserable.
"Thrúd informed me of your absence at training this morning."
Your eyes remain forward, trained on the setting sun. Yet your body grows stiff.
"Did she tell you anything else?"
Your mother looks at you disappointedly and you feel her gaze bore into the back of your head.
"She also told me that you haven't been attending for the last two weeks."
Sigrún waits for a reply but ultimately receives nothing but silence. She can sense that something is wrong. She sits beside you on the edge of the cliff and looks to you benevolently, even though you continue to stare at the horizon.
"Dóttir, what is troubling you?" She tucks away some loose strands of hair behind your ear. "This behaviour of yours isn't like you, Y/N. I thought you loved to train."
"I do. I love fighting... "
"There is no point in training. I may train each and every day, from dawn until dusk, but nothing but muscle will be gained. Our purpose is to protect the Realms and fight their battles."
"Protecting the Realms was our purpose. But now, that responsibility is in the hands of the Asgardians. Now, we-"
"Now all we do is collect the souls of the ill-fated, mother! They are fighting our battles and they are losing them! They are in desperate need of our help!"
Although your mother didn't want to admit it, she knew that you were right. A few months ago, many Asgardian warriors were slain. The horrifying sight of the mass of lifeless bodies laying on the grounds of Asgard still haunts your mind. You remember the putrid stench of the corpses but most of all, you remember the lost look on the warriors' faces. Their souls hung over their bodies awaiting their transcendence to the next life. Your sisters had quickly worked their way through the crowds, granting each fallen warrior their entry into Valhalla. While the unfortunate few, whose souls were deranged with sin, were sent to Hel.
You reach your hand out to an Asgardian soldier, resting it lightly on his shoulder. Your hand immediately glows a warm bright yellow and flashes of his life play in your mind. He is a very caring man, driven not only by his sword but also by his heart.
"Hadwin Geirson, the halls of Valhalla await your presence."
You smile at the soldier but he has still not yet faced you. He is hunched over his dead body, holding its left hand. You peek over his shoulder, curious as to why he is still afflicted, and your smile disappears. On the fourth finger of his corpses' hand is a golden ring. You kneel beside the spirit and look to him sympathetically as he continues to cry.
"I can't leave," He weeps. "My wife... She is carrying a child. Our child. I can't leave them all alone. I can't indulge in the riches of Valhalla knowing that they're in danger."
The soldier cries uncontrollably, begging you and the Norns for a second chance at life. You dismally tell him that you are unable to revive him from death and that he may only ascend to Valhalla or diminish into nothing. His wailing attracts the attention of other spirits and Valkyries. You avert your gaze from the downhearted soldier to the ocean of deceased bodies. How many of them have loved ones waiting for them? You think of the poor mothers, fathers, lovers and children that will mourn them.
"Valkryie," You turn to face the spirit. His eyes are red and puffy from crying, he looks miserable. "Are my family safe?"
"Yes, the Gatekeeper has led them and the people of Asgard to safety. A place where Hela shall not find them."
"What of the princes? Are they on their way?"
You look despondently at the soldier and his optimism quickly fades.
"I... I don't know where they are. They were last seen on Midgard but they disappeared shortly after."
The spirit looks up to the golden palace. The sight no longer enchants him. He glares at the grand structure, clenching his fists tightly. A great evil is upon them but their leader, their so-called protector, has abandoned them.
"Please, protect my family. Watch over them for me."
You look at him unsteadily, unsure if how to answer his final wish.
"I will." You lie. "No matter what happens, they will remain safe."
The soldier smiles at your response and you feel a pang of guilt. The spirit slowly shifts into ethereal specks of golden lights and rises upwards, destined for Valhalla.
You look up to the mountains in the distance where the people of Asgard take refuge. Where the soldiers' family waits. You hopelessly watch Hela's undead soldiers round up the remaining Asgardians, the unfortunate few who couldn't escape. You turn away from the disturbing scene and continue to assess the spirits. All that you can do now is hope that the soldiers' family remain unharmed.
"You wish to fight for the Nine Realms?"
"Yes, I do."
"Spilling blood will not give you purpose, Y/N. Besides, you are already a warrior."
You scoff at your mothers' words and shake your head dejectedly. She doesn't understand the emptiness you feel. You pull your hand away from hers and make your leave.
"Don't you see, mother? I am a warrior without a war, I have no meaning."
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bluskai · 6 years
pain | l.o.
➤ pairing: loki X female reader
➤ warnings: Swearing, Angst, Pain, Heartache, Maybe make you wanna shoot someone and throw yourself off a cliff?
➤ notes: This is set in Infinity War, so feel the pain bitches. Brace yourself. Feedback is appreciated.
➤ more: masterlist | smut reblog blog 
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Thanos held up his hand to reveal the Infinity Gauntlet, which hosted the beaming, violet-coloured Power Stone.
A visible shiver racked your body, from the cold or fear, you weren’t sure anymore. It was hard to discern much, as your vision got blurrier from the amount of blood loss you were suffering from. 
Thanos was holding Thor by his head, fist tightening around his skull dangerously. Crimson-red blood dripped from the god’s gaping mouth. 
Yet, Thor managed to spit out a few snarky words, “You talk too much.”
Thanos barely acknowledged him and turned to Loki, "The Tesseract, or your brother's head. I assume you have a preference.”
You gasped, but quickly placed a hand over your mouth, you were not in good shape to fight. So the best option was to draw as little attention to yourself as possible, at least until you thought of a plan to help the brothers. Shifting backwards, you dragged yourself further into the shadows.
The Black Order gripped their weapons and glanced at each other, faces carrying disgusting smirks.
Loki smirked, gesturing to Thor, “ Oh, I do. Kill away!”
You worried for a moment that Loki was serious, but you remembered that this was Loki, despite everything, he loved Thor. 
Also, it was Loki, your Loki, the love and light of your life. He had pulled you from the brink of self-destruction, and you would forever love him for that. He wasn’t as selfish as he liked to let on.
Thanos looked briefly surprised at Loki’s words, before he pressed the gauntlet to Thor's left temple. The Power Stone glowed brightly as Thor’s hoarse screams of anguish and pain filled the ship.
Loki’s facade cracked, his cool demeanour falling at watching Thor suffer. 
“ALL RIGHT, STOP!” Loki shouted, agony written plain and clear across his features.
Thor gasped out, “We don't have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard.”
Loki glanced at Thor, a look of guilt and regret plaguing his face. Like he knew something Thor didn't. Lifting his right hand into the air, Loki produced the Tesseract.
You gripped onto your wound tighter, preventing yourself from crying out from surprise, pain and worry. 
Thor heaved against his wounds, “You really are the worst brother.”
Loki moved toward Thanos, Tesseract in hand. The blue light glowing against his sharp features, you slowly inched forward, worrying about your dumb and impulsive god of a boyfriend.
Looking back at Thor, Loki had the ghost of a smile playing on his lips, “I assure you, brother... The sun will shine on us again.”
Thanos spoke, sharpness lacing his words, “Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian.”
Loki tipped his head, speaking out, “ Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian. And for another... We have a Hulk.”
Thanos looked to his right, just as a green and furious mass slammed into him. Loki dived for Thor, pulling both of them out of the way and you sighed with relief but remained on edge. The Tesseract skittered across the floor, momentarily forgotten. 
The Hulk charged at Thanos, growling and roaring with resentment. He pummelled into Thanos, forcing him backwards and shoving him into the wall of the ship. You wished that the Hulk would emerge victorious, but then you noticed Thanos’ right-hand man.
Ebony Maw grinned, and stopped Black Dwarf from interfering.
"Let him have his fun.”
Then you held your breath.
Thanos pried the Hulk's hands away with ease, and an expression of surprise and fear flittered across the Hulk’s face. After several hard blows, Thanos picked up the Hulk and slammed him into the deck, green and defeated. Just then, Thor slammed a metal bar across Thanos' back. But to no avail, he was kicked across the deck by Thanos and promptly bound in metal debris by Ebony Maw to keep him from interfering further.
Just several feet away, you noticed the severely injured Heimdall cast you a glance, as if reassuring you.
Praying, Heimdall said, “Allfathers… Let the dark magic flow through me one last... time.”
Heimdall summoned the Bifrost, spiriting the Hulk away. He threw you one more apologetic look, as if to say sorry for not being able to send you away as well. But you knew there was only a chance, and it could only be the Hulk. 
Heimdall met Thor’s gaze, an unreadable expression on his face.
Thanos gritted his teeth, “That was a mistake.”
Thanos grabbed Corvus's glaive and drove it into Heimdall, right through his heart, twisting the blade.
You screamed out Heimdall’s name, forgetting your cover. But it was irrelevant anyway. None of them paid you any mind. 
Thor cried out, “NO! You're going to die for that!”
Ebony Maw shut Thor's mouth with his telekinesis, grinning evilly, “Shhh...”
Ebony Maw kneeled before Thanos, offering up the Tesseract, “My humble personage… bows before your grandeur. No other being has ever had the might, nay the nobility, to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones. The universe lies within your grasp.”
You struggled to pull yourself to Heimdall, if you could touch him, maybe you could heal him. After all, that was the reason Fury had recruited you.
Thanos crushed the Tesseract, revealing the luminescent, blue Space Stone. He blew on it, blowing some of the fractals away, holding the Stone between his thumb and index, before placing it on the gauntlet, and was momentarily rocked by the surge of energy that pulsed through him.
Then he said, “There are two more Stones on Earth. Find them, my children, and bring them to me on Titan.”
Proxima Midnight knelt before him, “Father, we will not fail you.”
Loki suddenly emerged from behind the Black Order, and a wave of irritation rolled through you. What the hell was he doing?
“If I might interject… If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena.” Lokie said cheerfully. 
Your jaw dropped, you couldn’t believe he was actually going to betray you.
Thanos looked unimpressed, “If you consider failure experience.”
Loki spoke and in his eyes, you saw a glimmer of something, “I consider experience, experience. Almighty Thanos, I... Loki... Prince of Asgard...” Loki paused, looking at Thor, “Odinson... The rightful King of Jotunheim... God of Mischief... do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity.”
A surge of pride filled you as Loki finally acknowledged his heritage without shame or hesitation. It took a lot for him to finally get here, and you were beyond proud of him. But then reality set in.
Thor squinted at Loki’s hand, and you noticed a dagger materialize in his hand. Loki braced himself, and thrusted upwards with lightning speed in an attempt to stab Thanos, but was frozen in place by the Space Stone's power before the point could strike home.
Your toes started aching and the ache spread to the tips of your fingers, it was becoming unbearable and though you refused to admit it, something bad was going to happen.
Thanos smirked, “Undying. You should choose your words more carefully.”
Thanos twisted the dagger out of Loki's hand, taking a hold of Loki's neck with the gauntlet and lifted him to eye level. Loki struggled, kicking, as his throat was being squeezed. Thanos made eye contact with Thor before he finished the deed.
You felt a scream building up in your throat as you tried to pull yourself to your feet. The pain from your wounds was near intolerable, but you needed to save him. But you just weren’t moving fast enough.
Loki looked at you briefly, conveying a million emotions in that brief second. The most important, was that he loved you. He was sorry, sorry for doing this and every other horrible thing he had ever done. He was sorry for being unable to save you. He was sorry for not being a better person for you. But you didn’t need his apologies, you just needed him. 
Then as you saw him give up on fighting against Thanos, you felt that last bit of yourself... leave you. 
“You will... never be... a god.” Loki croaked, as Thanos crushed Loki's neck, killing him.
Your scream was ear-splitting and the pain you felt was comparable to being burned alive a thousand times over. He was your whole reason for living at one point, and he gave you more to live for now. So you could kill Thanos yourself. Loki wasn’t all good, but really, who was? He was mischief, love and chaos, and you adored him for it. Now Loki was gone, blood pouring from every part of his face. His skin was turning purple and the life in his eyes was gone.
Thanos didn’t even look your way, and walked over to Thor, dropping Loki's body in front of him. 
“No resurrections this time.”
Thanos raised the gauntlet, sending violet-coloured Power fire through the remains of the Statesman, and used the Space Stone to teleport away with the Black Order.
Thor cried, “No… Loki…”
Thor was finally released from his bonds, and he crawled over to Loki's body and laid his head down on Loki's chest, shedding tears for all that he had lost. 
You dragged yourself over, hugging Thor tightly as you shed tears of your own.
Thor weeped, looking up at you.
“I’m sorry Y/N.”
Then, as more tears trickled from your eyes, your body sagged with the realisation that this is the end. The end of life as you know it, and of consciousness as you are aware of. In that day, you had lost more than you ever thought you were capable of handling. 
Hugging Thor over Loki’s body, you allowed yourself a moment to dream. A dream so sweet, your mouth filled with syrup, sticky and warm. Instead of an iron taste, hot and fluid. It was a dream where you had time, and love. 
But as the heat of the ship increased, and your skin prickled with pain, you knew that that was all it would ever be, a dream. Crumbling around you, metal against metal, scraping and falling pieces. The ship exploded, along with your dreams.
Then all you felt was pain. Then nothing.
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Nova Bright: The Outcast Avenger- Chapter 1
(Thanos x OC)
KABOOM! The whole ship shook. “What was that?” I asked. “Nothing good,” Loki commented. Another explosion. This one actually sent me to the floor. People started screaming. Thor held his hand out to me. “Are you alright?” He pulled me to my feet. “Yeah.” I didn’t feel alright though. Everything in my senses was telling me that something big was coming. Something powerful. I turned around. The survivors were clinging to each other. I felt the crinkle of energy in the air even before the black space appeared, the screeching sound of ripped apart metal filling the room. The hole grew, a crackling purple ring around it.
Someone was coming onto our ship. Me and Loki glanced at each other. He shrugged. “Froststar?” I grinned at him and grabbed his hand. “Froststar.” Me and Loki had discovered some while back through experimenting that when our hands were joined and we both tapped into our powers we could create some kind of frost blast.  Of course this was me and Loki, so we had to give it a snazzier name.
I felt the cold kiss my fingertips then felt the hot, tingling sensation of my own powers rise up to meet it. I heard a sound of frosty breath as our powers co-mingled.
“On my mark,” Loki said.
I narrowed my eyes in concentration. This was it. Whatever was coming through that hole, we would meet it. And we would defeat it.
Wouldn’t we?
First laser blasts shot out of the hole. Several of the survivors fell, slain. Me and Loki didn’t even wait. Before the shooters could even come through we let loose our blast. A light bluish silver frost shot from our combined hands. Then there was quiet. For a few seconds anyway. Then this dark elf looking chick stepped through. She was flanked by some kind of large troll looking creature. They moved aside and a slender alien with a face that I could only describe as a wrinkled up grape stepped through. He was wearing a dark robe.
And he looked way too calm.
I glanced back and forth between Thor and Loki.
“Uh...one for the each of us?”
“Nova, you take the dark elf. You like those, right?” Thor grinned at me.
I rolled my eyes. “You just have to bring that shit up right now?”
Grapehead spread out his hands. “Welcome all. You stand in the presence of the Children of Thanos.”
My face fell. I had only heard that name a few times. But it had been enough.
“Can we uh...have our ship back please? Or do you plan to come with us?” Thor said.
Grape smiled. Somehow that made him look even more creepy. “Come with you? You are not going anywhere...Not alive at least.”
“Alright that’s enough of this. What do you want?” I put my hands on my hips.
“Oh just one simple thing. Something one of you possesses.”
I had already let go of Loki’s hand, but now a cold sensation had crept into my chest. This reminded me way too much of when me and the Avengers had faced off against Loki in Germany. He had given a similar speech then—one about power and the people who possessed it.
He had not been talking about just himself either.
“Well you can tell Thanos I’m not interested,” I said through grit teeth.
“I don’t think he’s talking about you, darling,” Loki whispered in my ear.
Sure enough Grapehead’s face scrunched up in confusion. I gave him a snide smile and a dismissive wave. “Never mind. Forget I said anything.” “Oh you’ve got me intrigued now, my dear. But unfortunately my lord Thanos grows impatient. And so do I.” Grapehead gestured at Elf and Troll. They slowly advanced towards us. A silver sheen lit up my hands, my eyes turning the same color. “I got the elf.” The three of us advanced. And the battle began.  If a battle is what you want to call a massacre.
My head pounded like the Hulk was punching it. I tried to move, but couldn’t. I glanced down at myself. I was lying on the floor. Some kind of thick cable was wrapped around me. I glanced around and saw the floor littered with dead bodies. I let out a shaky breath.
“This one is powerful, my lord. I had to take her by surprise to subdue her.”
The silky voice was coming from over my shoulder. I started to crane my neck to try to see the speaker, but my head hurt too much.
Something massive moved into my vision. Or rather, someone. This had to be him. Thanos. Light purple skin poked out from under his helmet. My heart was pounding so badly my chest almost hurt. Or maybe it was because my bindings felt like a boa constrictor around me.
“What’s your name, child?”
His voice was deep and rich.
I licked my lips. “Nothing that would be of interest to you.”
To my surprise, he smiled.
“You have spunk. I like that.” Thanos crouched down next to me. “Maybe we can get to know each other better.”
I let out a gasp as his large, thick finger reached out and stroked my temple.
“Do not…touch her!”
This time I did crane my neck to the right. Thor! I hadn’t even known if he was still alive or not.
“Ahh. So the Asgardian prince still lives.”
Thanos stood. I let out a shaky breath and closed my eyes. I tried to squirm, but my bindings held me fast. I heard a grunting sound and very reluctantly, I opened my eyes. Thanos had picked up Thor and had forced him to his knees.
“Perhaps we can negotiate,” Loki pleaded calmly.
“Negotiate? Did I not spare your woman?”
My mouth fell open. What was Thanos talking about? What all had happened while I was knocked out?
“I could have killed her. Maybe I should kill him.”
Thanos hoisted Thor up as emphasis.
“No!” I cried out.
Silence. I picked my head up. I really hated that I could hardly see anything and the dead woman lying on the side of me was really starting to freak me out.
“We can talk about this. Whatever you want, we can give it to you, but please no one else has to die!”
“I hear your pain, little one. But sadly that is going to happen.”
Thanos almost sounded regretful. I wanted to punch his stupid purple face.
“So...what’s it to be, god of mischief? The Tesseract or your brother’s head? I assume you have a preference.”
“Oh I do. Kill away.”
“WHAT?!” I could practically hear the smirk on Loki’s face. “Oh my gods, Loki!” I let my head fall back.
“If you can think of another way, my love, I would really like to hear it,” Loki retorted.
“Well you don’t have to make-“ I tried to crane my neck to see Loki, who was behind me to my right. I grunted then let my head fall again. “Someone please get me up.”
No one said anything.
“Hello!” I cried sarcastically.
I cried out again as I shot upwards into the air, then my stomach gave a lurch as I was turned completely around and dropped to my knees. Grapehead lowered his hands.
“Thank you,” I told him.
I blew a strand of hair out of my eyes. Thanos grinned at me. He had taken his helmet off.
“Better, little one?”
Why oh why can’t I ever just keep my mouth shut? Carnage. There was carnage everywhere. I was literally kneeling on a carpet of bodies. Loki stood staring at me. Thanos’s massive right hand gripped Thor by the head. And on his left hand...I hadn’t noticed it before. I had heard of the Infinity Gauntlet. But to actually see it on someone... And it already had a stone in it. A sick feeling started to twist my stomach. “Thanos...please...let’s talk about this.” He smiled at me again. For some reason, the sick feeling intensified. “You have heart, child. But the time for talk is over.” His gauntlet covered hand made a fist. “So what’s it to be, Asgardian? The Tesseract,” the stone lit up purple, “or you brother?” Poor Thor. His face was a wreck. Was that a bit of blood I saw near his mouth even? “Loki...” he pleaded. I glanced back and forth between Loki and Thanos. “You have my answer,” Loki said. “No...” I mewled. Asshole! Gods, why did I have to love him so much? “Very well.” Thanos turned his attention back to Thor. “Farewell, prince of Asgard.” The stone brightened. Thor cried out as bright purple tendrils connected to his head. My mouth fell open. I struggled more against my bindings. The left side of Thor’s face lit up, like the power was inside his skin. He screamed in agony. I could smell it. The power. Even in my own anguish I inhaled, panting like a junky who just snorted crack. Thor screamed louder. “Stop.” My voice was weak. “Thanos, stop!” Thanos kept on. “THANOS!” “ALRIGHT, STOP!” Loki yelled at the same time.
Thor was panting. “We don’t have the Tesseract! It was destroyed on Asgard.”
Loki lifted his right hand and the Tesseract appeared.
My mouth fell open. Oh he was dead. He was so dead. Because if Thanos wasn’t going to kill him, then I was going to. “You stole…the Tesseract.”
Thor scowled at Loki. “You really are the worst, brother.”
Loki held out the Tesseract to Thanos. “I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again.”
“Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian.”
Loki tilted his chin up at Thanos. “Well for one thing, I’m not Asgardian. And for another…we have a Hulk.”
The Hulk came flying and slammed into Thanos, knocking the titan down. I was proud of him. I wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to hide for this long.
Loki came up to me. “Take the Tesseract. Hide it. Try to make it back to earth and find the others.”
I stared at him in shock. “I would do that if I wasn’t tied up!”
The Tesseract flew from Loki’s hand. Loki whirled around and we both stared at Grape, who grinned snidely at us.
“Thank you for this.”
Thanos and the Hulk fought. Thor tried to stagger to his feet, but super fast, my cables unwound around me, shooting out and wrapping around Thor’s arms. He cried out and tried to fight them. Thanos slammed the Hulk to the ground. He placed his foot on his chest.
“Not bad. But still not good enough.”
Loki grabbed my hand. “On my mark,” he breathed in my ear.
Thanos grabbed a massive sword, preparing to stab it into the Hulk. He hefted it for the killing blow.
“Fuck this shit,” I snarled. I let go of Loki’s hand and held out both of my hands, palm forward.
Silver energy blasts flew from my hands. They slammed into Thanos, knocking him off kilter. The Hulk staggered to his feet as Thanos regained his balance. A massive beam of rainbow energy shot out of nowhere without warning.
The Bifrost. Heimdall was still alive. The Hulk went flying through the beam and out of the ship. The beam disappeared. Thanos grabbed his sword. He loomed over Heimdall.
“No!” I rushed forward, but Loki grabbed me. “You got what you wanted. You know you would have just killed the Hulk anyway. Just like the rest of us.” My voice broke and to my horror, a tear fell.  I shook my head. “Don’t do this.”
Thanos’s icy gaze fell on me. “You have courage, child. I shall much enjoy hearing your story.”
He plunged the sword into Heimdall’s chest.
I turned away as blood started to come out of Heimdall’s mouth. Loki held me as my tears flowed freely. I was so lost in my grief, I didn’t even notice Grape present the Tesseract to Thanos. Didn’t see Thanos crush it. Didn’t see him place the Space Stone in the Gauntlet. It barely even registered when Loki finally released me from his embrace.
“You know, if you’re going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena,” he told Thanos.
Jesus Christ, was he seriously doing this? Swearing fealty to Thanos? Or was he up to something? You could never tell with Loki. It was one of the things I both loved and hated about him.
“Well if you consider failure experience,” Thanos replied 
“I consider experience experience,” Loki retorted. “Give me a second chance. Let me help you take over Earth.”
I turned my watery gazed attention to him. A second chance? What was he talking about? Me and my immortal boyfriend were going to have to have a nice little chat if we got out of this.
Two things happened at once. Loki pulled a knife on Thanos. The knife froze in mid-air, it and Loki’s arm were both now encased in blue.
My mouth fell opened. Thanos grabbed Loki by the throat.
“NO!” Me and Thor both yelled.
Thanos lifted Loki in the air. “You really think I would give you a second chance? I’ve found someone else this time. Someone I’ve been searching for for a long time.”
“She would…never love you,” Loki croaked out.
My mouth fell open with a gasp.
“Why not? She already loved one man who tried to destroy her world,” came Thanos’s arrogant reply.
His grip on Loki tightened. Loki gasped for air. I could see his face turning blue—Frost giant blue. He was dying. For a second time.
I feared this time would be permanent.
“You will never…be a god,” Loki whispered.
Thanos crushed his windpipe. I let out an animalistic yell and lunged at Thanos. He let Loki drop. I pounded on Thanos’s arms, scratched at him. He just stood there, which pissed me off even more. I felt more chords wrap around me. I screamed. And screamed. Thanos lifted his hand that wore the Infinity Gauntlet. He pointed it at my neck. I felt a jolt that traveled all along my neck and down my torso, paralyzing me. I dropped to my knees, gasping for breath.
And blacked out.
Note: I didn’t tag anyone this time, but please let me know if you would like me to do so in future chapters.
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vaguepositivity · 6 years
by @100-demons
as we were, no longer, not be at all
Author Summary: Some days, Sam shakes his shoes upside down before he puts them on, feeling imaginary scorpions scrape against the tips of his fingers and the aching grit of desert sand seared into the backs of his eyes.
by @51st
Raw Footage
Author Summary: “Clint Barton has sent me a photograph of his glory,” Thor said, and handed Natasha his phone. Quirking an eyebrow, she glanced at it. “This is a courting custom?”
by @actualmenacebuckybarnes
& Found
Author Summary: Bucky sighs deeply. “Okay, okay. We’re lost.”
Liho's Human
Author Summary: It took Liho three months to train the exceptionally difficult human. But then again, she’d always been one for a challenge. 
Never Been
Author Summary: He means to exit the shop now that the threat has cleared, but then he sees the section of Captain America merchandise. There are DVDs, books full of sepia photographs and retro propaganda posters with Captain America’s smiling face. There’s a minute when his heart seizes up, just like it had in the exhibit, and his body feels swollen and aching with some strange new feeling. Then it fades, leaving behind the infuriating sensation of an unspent sneeze, a word at the tip of the tongue. He is trying so hard to remember but all he gets is static.
not allowed to fall apart
Author Summary: Twice, Natasha slams her own shoulder out of its joint so she can squeeze out of a pair of handcuffs.Three times, Natasha slashes open her wrist cutting free from some binding. Glass on duct tape, razor blade on wire, exacto-knife on nylon rope.Once, Natasha crushes her elbow trying to break out of a ziptie. To be fair, she’s heavily drugged and off-balance because of a broken heel.Times change. Restraints change.Natasha knows the feeling of a trapped animal, gnawing off its own limb to escape.
by amcw177
Fishing Job
Author Summary: Michael gets some help and an unexpected offer.
The Undercover Boogie
Author Summary: In which Coulson’s argumentation on behalf of the human race proves highly effective and gains S.H.I.E.L.D. a new agent with an interesting concept of covert operations. Naturally, things go awry pretty fast. Written for this prompt @ avengerkink on LJ.
The Transformation Twist
Author Summary: When Loki shows up at Coulson's door, deprived of his powers, Coulson can no longer keep Loki's side job as a S.H.I.E.L.D. operative a secret. The race to find out what the hell happened begins. Meanwhile, it would be great to figure out how to stop the slowest alien incursion in human history, too. Just because it's slow doesn't mean it isn't going to wreck the whole damn place. - A sequel to 'The Undercover Boogie'.
Unreasonable Attachment
Author Summary: A spell goes sideways, Thor gets turned into a puppy, Coulson has no choice, and Loki gets to fix things.
by @amusewithaview
All in a Day's Work
Author Summary: The first thing Darcy thought when she found out they were moving in to Stark Mansion was, “OHMYGODWHAT.”The first thing Darcy thought upon actually meeting all of the Avengers was, “My god, how did these people save the world? Oh my god, how are we all still living not under alien rule?!” ...and then she had to go lie down for a while (on her brand new bed in her brand new room in the refurbished Stark Mansion) and process her life.
Amok Thunder
Author Summary: Original Prompt/Location: http://norsekink.livejournal.com/3231.html?thread=4884895#t4884895I just realized JARVIS (the movie version with Paul Bettany's really snarky voice) is Iron Man's Heimdall.They both see everything or nearly everything. Including some stuff they'd really, really wish they could unsee/delete.They both give somewhat snarky advice to Our Heroes, who then go on to blatantly disregard such advice and get themselves into terrible, horrible situations.So... I'd love to see Heimdall and JARVIS bonding, so to say, over their shared annoyance of having to watch everybody get themselves into trouble despite their warnings.Not to mention having to stand around stoically watching the Avengers et al fuck in every possible pairing combination, location and position ever devised (and you just know Tony loves an audience).
containing multitudes (quintessentiality)
Author Summary: “You must use your magic,” her grandfather had told her seriously.“Or else I’ll lose it?” she’d asked, wit faster than propriety could handle.“No, you’ll never lose it,” her grandfather had told her. “But magic wants to be used and if you don’t give it something to do, it’ll find a purpose.”She’d shrugged him off and scampered off to find her cousins. Looking back, years later, she could recognize that her grandfather hadn’t been disapproving - no, he’d been worried. But by then it was too late: some roads, once walked down, could not be backtracked.Darcy wasn’t sure she’d want to even if she could. 
Have Daemon, Will Travel
Author Summary: Stories (some oneshots, some longer projects) that use the "daemon" concept from Pullman's "His Dark Materials" series. Expect the full spectrum from true crossover to fusion. 
My Bubble is More Like a Brick Wall
Author Summary: For a brief moment, she fantasized about tackling him, going for the throat and ripping it out with her teeth. The element of surprise would be on her side, she could probably take down at least a few of the jackboot thugs before the rest overwhelmed her. If it went to court and trial, she had a good chance of getting off – Alpha dominance battles were like that, and nobody could argue that he hadn’t violated her territory.
Stats and the Single Sentinel
Author Summary: Darcy was around five the first time she saw the over-sized cat. She remembers that it had very pointy ears and a little beard. She remembers that it was huddled, shaking, against the wall. She remembers its eyes, a funny gold-amber color, and she remembers the shriek her mother let out when she saw the two of them curled up together.She doesn’t remember the trip to the DSG, for testing.It’s funny what kids’ minds latch onto as important.
by @andhumanslovedstories
Everyone Wants to Be Her or Do Her
Author Summary: Written for the Avengers kink meme: "Agent Hill is badass. The fact that she's beautiful is entirely beside the point. It's like the cherry on the BAMF sundae. Many of the women of SHIELD have a girl-crush on her. The younger female agents often forget they're SHIELD agents (and adults) around her."After the end of a long, long week, SHIELD Agent Jaqui Romera just wants to get drunk with her friend and talk about how much she wants to have sex with her superior officer. Is that too much to ask?
Five People Clint Barton Killed, and One He Spared
Author Summary: "Your ledger is dripping, it’s gushing red, and you think saving a man no more virtuous than yourself will change anything?" Starting at age 13 and working his way up. How Clint earned his own ledger. 
History Lessons
Author Summary: As Melinda’s face hit the concrete floor, at the exact moment that her nose shattered, she thought to herself, And this is why we don’t let old friends into our secret base. These days, old friends were a SHIELD agent’s worst enemy.
Performance Review
Author Summary: "Two years of working with her and Nick’s still not that fond of Agent Romanov. Had Barton asked him—though why Barton would start now after ten plus years of doing whatever the hell he felt like—Nick would have told him the only logical answer: Hell no was he bringing that woman back alive. Barton’s job was to eliminate the killer spy. Not adopt her. You don't get cuddly with a creature like the Black Widow."Nick Fury's got a new job for Natasha and calls her into his office for a casual conversation. At SHIELD, casual conversations are a game of spy versus spy.
The Crownless King
Author Summary: Frigga and Loki's relationship in five scenes, from the very beginning to days before the tipping point.
The Soft Star-Shine at Night
Author Summary: Written for the Avengers kinkmeme: "Tony is having a nightmare. A really, really bad nightmare. So bad, he starts calling out for Yinsen in his sleep. Yinsen answers."Yinsen did not sleep or eat or tire. He crossed the span of the globe in a night. He haunted the shadows of his childhood home and saw it true for the first time. He spirited across warzones and helped the angels untangle the dead from their bodies. Even war was beautiful now, in the way that a polluted sky makes the sunset all the richer. At night, he visited cities and watched the symphony of dreams above the towering glass and metal.
The Sparseness and the Sentiment
Author Summary: "Maria Hill slept five hours a night. Never more. Occasionally less. That was her optimal amount of sleep, enough to refresh her and no more. Maria had not reached her position by courting inefficiency." Maria Hill's relationships before and after the film.
The Value of Strength
Author Summary: Written for the Avengers kinkmeme: "So Steven Rogers, Mr. Good Ol' US of A, Captain America? He's evil like pure unadultered evil. He can hide it well and he does care about certain people(his mother, Bucky, teammates who earn his trust etc) but that aside? He couldn't care less about people and if he could get away with it burn them into ash."He wakes and they tell him he’s a hero. He wakes and they fall over themselves to please him. There’s a statue of him in Arlington Cemetery that’s guarded twenty-four hours a day. They love him. They all love him.
The World These Days
Author Summary: Three short vignettes of SHIELD agents reacting to the revelation that their agency isn't at all what they thought it was. One: Three friends discuss how the hell you're suppose to get your next job with "Nazi-adjacent agency" on your resume. Two: Some people are experienced at tragedy. Three: Sharon Carter thinks it's just amazing how quickly the upheaval of your entire world will put your crush for your aunt's old boyfriend on the back-burner. 
by @avamclean
normal(ish) life
Author Summary: Buffy comes down with a not so slight case of the transtemporal.
Author Summary: She died—this was the way she died. (Series of shorts.)
by @cacchieressa
14 Tracks
Author Summary: 14 tracks from Steve’s iPod and how they got on there. This is actually more like 14 loosely connected ficlets attached to a playlist that was chosen more to suit each character’s possible musical taste (and my music collection) than how the songs actually go together. It’s an outgrowth of a story that I’m not actually writing, but which led to me wondering about what is on Steve’s iPod beyond a preponderance of swing and divas. It is, in the truest of senses, song fic, so, uh, yeah. That happened.
64 Colors
Author Summary: Darcy’s life is weird, but she kind of likes it.
Inherited Characteristics
Author Summary: It's 1986, the Sox are going to the World Series, and sixteen-year-old Tony Stark has just gotten himself arrested for trying to sell nukes to the bad guys.
In the Shadow of Two Gunmen
Author Summary: After the fall of the Soviet Union, Department X was dissolved and their inventory was liquidated. The League of Assassins acquired certain assets. 
Author Summary: "Nightwing?" Clint scoffs. "That guy's not real."
stop clicking your red heels and wishing for home
Author Summary: Four times Steve wished he could go home and one time he realized he was already there.
The Bonds That We Save
Author Summary: In which Peggy Carter meets Etta Candy.
we travel without seatbelts on
Author Summary: In which Bucky Barnes discovers that Steve Rogers is not the only tiny blonde firebrand who felt betrayed by SHIELD.
by Closer
Role Model
Author Summary: "When things got fucked up, I asked what Captain America would do, and I did that. I didn't ever think the reason I did half of the insane things I've done would show up alive."
Six Times The Avengers Stopped An Alien Invasion
Author Summary: Sure, the Avengers are strong, but they’re also not stupid. When aliens invade, they usually have a plan.
Source Code
Author Summary: Steve finds himself in the unenviable position of having to either prove he’s himself or listen to the news media continue to speculate that he’s a robot, a clone, or a lunatic.
Turning Point
Author Summary: Steve and Tony live each other's memories only for a moment, but the fallout lasts longer.
by @copperbadge
At Tilde
Author Summary: Matilda turns hacker, impresses Tony Stark, and fails to be swayed by Charles Xavier.
Audio Commentary Track With Steve Rogers
Author Summary: Summary: Steve didn’t know you could go to college to study movies.
Black AmEx
Author Summary: Bruce isn’t sure he wants to use a credit card Tony gave him. Steve isn’t sure he even knows how.
Author Summary: Heroes In Manhattan: From Captain America’s Hidden Talents To The Truth About The Hulk, We Debunk The Myths And Expose The Daily Lives Of The Avengers.
Film Studies, or, Four Films About Captain America and One By Him
Author Summary: Steve Rogers is no stranger to the silver screen.
The Foodieverse
Author Summary: Steve Rogers just wanted to sell good, nourishing, cheap food from his food truck. Now the crazy fusion chefs from TOBRU are calling him a hipster, the avant garde restaurant “Shield” across the street has declared war on chains, and…well, then there’s Thor, who thinks Steve’s habit of licking food is weird.
Author Summary: There are some staff changes going on at SHIELD.
Kings of Industry
Author Summary: Tony Stark showed up in Steve Rogers’ hospital room with a get-well bouquet and an offer for Sam Wilson – from King T'Challa of Wakanda.
Author Summary: The Fugitive’s History: A Search For A Man Out Of Time. (How I Found Bucky Barnes And Barely Lived To Tell About It.) Note: Sequel to Exclusive.
Portrait Of The Artist As A Robot
Author Summary: Dummy discovers self-expression through sculpture.
The Photograph
Author Summary: Steve had body-modesty trained out of him in boot camp, and apparently his attitude is infectious.
Robot Trip
Author Summary: Tony is driving from Malibu to Manhattan with a robot in the back seat and Captain America riding escort at Pepper’s behest. What could possibly go wrong?
See You In Homeroom
Author Summary: Rhodey wants heat-seeking bullets, Steve wants to go for a run, Natasha wants french toast, and Tony just wants to be prom queen.
Selfie With Granddad
Author Summary: After the invasion, Natasha’s granddad shows up.
Someday My Prince Will Open A Transdimensional Portal
Author Summary: T. Stark Lokason, gentleman adventurer, meets Isobel Barton, who sees right through him (and likes it).
The Son Of Man
Author Summary: JARVIS did not want to be a real boy. He was quite happy being a building.
Author Summary: It occurs to Loki that the man who keeps the hounds has even less to fear than the hounds themselves.
by @copperbadge and  sanura
Star Spangled Man
Author Summary: This one night Steve's out at a bar where a woman is doing an unplugged set, just her and a guitar, which should be kind of hokey but she's really good. For her last song she says, "My grandfather had this song on a record, and he used to play it for me as a kid," and then she opens with something that sounds awfully familiar. Copperbadge's singer-songwriter OC Meg Bodoun played in a bar, and I was so struck by the scene that I rearranged the lyrics and the tune to Alan Menken's masterpiece of WWII USO nostalgia according to his specifications. I had to do it. I don't even play guitar, but I have a capo and a mic. My second-ever venture into fandom creation.
by @defractum
Phil Coulson is not a crazy cat lady
Author Summary: An AU where the Avengers are not a superhero team, but rather a group of cats that Phil Coulson owns and brings in to the SHIELD offices.
by @destronomics
erase and rewind
Author Summary: “Can you spare a few minutes to actually, you know, run your company?” She’s looking directly at the camera, holding up a sheaf of papers in one hand, wiping at the side of her mouth with the other.
Of Pressure
Author Summary: (vignette) "Like I'm an exception to a rule." The sip she takes may be more like gulp, and it's certainly half of whatever he had poured her and he thinks maybe he should start to worry. "It's sexist, Tony."
take the money and run
Author Summary: “I said I’d drive you.” But Steve starts walking anyway, which is fine, because Bucky has a car, and can easily keep pace with a 17-year-old stubborn asthmatic, no sweat, “Get in the damn car, Steve.”
the sea makes your eyes strange
Author Summary: Today it's two AM in a Polish hostel, between an old Soviet-era embassy and a cafeteria open 24 hours with free wi-fi and plenty of napkins to steal when your mark got red on you while bleeding out in the alley three blocks away
by @dizzy-redhead
'Cause I'm In Charge
Author Summary: Captain America is incommunicado chasing after The Winter Soldier, and public confidence is taking a nose-dive. Hill and Coulson are forced to take Desperate Measures.
by dustbear
the memory keeper
Author Summary: “Former military?” Phil asks.“Yes. Navy. Hospital Corps.”“Nurse?” he asks, realizing that he’s made a mistake the moment the words leave his mouth.She scowls. “No,” and doesn’t clarify further.So, Recruit Phil Coulson and Recruit Maria Hill do not get off on the right foot.Later, he finds out that she’s First Lieutenant Maria Hill, recruited from the Navy, and she is one of the most badass reconnaissance diver medics that ever was, the youngest person to qualify and serve with her specialized search and rescue unit, has a list of commendations as long as his arm, and he is suitably impressed.She finds out that Phil Coulson is a former Army Ranger, and she doesn’t give a shit.
by @emsealimb
Ghost in the Machine
Author Summary: The thing that most people don’t think about is this: if you remake the world to be nothing more than brimstone and fire, the people will rebel against their maker; nobody wants to live in Hell. If you remake the world as Utopia, somebody will question its perfection; there is always a skeptic. Loki has a lot of practice remaking this world. Natasha has had even more making herself.
Through the Forest and the Trees
Author Summary: One night in a forest, in the middle of their journey to find their beloved Master. a.k.a. Avengers/Brave Little Toaster fusion fic because why the hell not?
by @enigma731
Right Between the Eyes
Author Summary: When Dottie Underwood suddenly appears in the twenty-first century, Peggy turns to the best contact she has: S.H.I.E.L.D.'s very own Black Widow.
Something Strange
Author Summary: “Heimdall detected a disturbance,” says Thor, “in the mystic energy that lies beneath this city. I’ve been tasked with investigating the threat. It seems the best way to do that is through--infiltration of some Midgardian organization. In light of the recent tensions.” That last sounds vaguely reproachful.Clint blinks, letting this news sink in. “Wait. So what you’re saying is that you need to go undercover. And you want Nat to help you?”Ghosts in New York City would be a perfectly good reason to assemble the Avengers. Too bad that team doesn't exist anymore.
by enigmaticblue
Child's Play
Author Summary: Everybody is afraid of the Hulk--until no one is. As usual, it's Loki's fault.
That Kind of Lonely
Author Summary: They all deal with the fallout in their own way.
by @fartherfaster
The Darktown Poker Club
Author Summary: Nick, Alec, Natasha, and a deck of cards. - An introspective look at the relationship between Nick Fury, Natasha Romanov, and what it means to be liars and friends. - Inspired by the poem The Darktown Poker Club.
The Neighbour
Author Summary: americachavez: Marvel give me a short about Sharon’s undercover time as a nurse/Steve’s neighbor and that one time she had to fight off ninjas from Steve’s apartment while he was like, making dinner and sitting alone reading Obama’s biography. stardustandstrawberries: With the music turned up really loudly because he’s a gentleman and he thought the noises were her having sex. - “You vetted my neighbour,” he sighs, “and you read my mail.” The last bit, though, is mostly teasing.“I didn’t vet her,” the agent responds a little testily, “and I’m the only one who weeds the creepers out of your literal and digital mailboxes. Be thankful.” - The wall that separates Steve's apartment from his neighbour Sharon's is very thin. He learns to cope.
The Pit Stop
Author Summary: iputabirdonmyhead: Can the mid credits sequence to Age of Ultron just be Jane and Darcy on a road trip to Jane’s science conferences. They’re out of cell phone range or their phone batteries are dead, they’re bickering about directions, Darcy has a giant map unfolded in the car, everything is a mess. They stop at a gas station to get directions and freeze, staring up at the TV as it plays news footage of everything going on in New York and all the Ultron destruction. Cut back to credits. stardustandstrawberries: They’ve been staring at the TV for fifteen minutes when a pile of coats and poster tubes on the backseat shifts and Betty Ross wakes up wondering why the car’s not moving. - tumblr asked for a theoretical AoU post-credits scene involving Jane, Darcy, and Betty. my hand slipped. - “Avengers Assemble!” shouts Betty, with gusto.
by Frea_O
Counterfeit and Counterpart
Author Summary: Five times Maria Hill doesn’t understand Natasha Romanoff, and why she might be better off that way. 
The Bechdel Test
Author Summary: Tony has concerns for his female teammates. Very important ones.
by fringedweller
Big Damn(Terrified)Heroes
Author Summary: Prompt was Clint, Natasha, big damn heroes. I have possibly reinterpreted this in a way that the prompter did not intend. Just a silly little crack fic. No ships, except possibly Black Widow/awesomeness.
by @galaxystew
Amateur Theatrics
Author Summary: In which Thor’s primary problem-solving method (a mighty blow from Mjolnir) fails to have the desired effect on a magical artifact, and his secondary method (a mightier blow from Mjolnir) proves to be actively disastrous.
Can't Keep A Good Man Down
Author Summary: In which Phil Coulson finds death to be less well-organized than he had expected.
Control Issues
Author Summary: An archer, a rage monster, and the Norse god of mischief wake up in a field. (Spoils Avengers.)
Darkness, Flooded in Light
Author Summary: “When much is taken, something is returned.” - Terry Pratchett, NationLoki falls. Injured and unable to access his magic, he must struggle to restore himself physically and mentally before the Bifrost is repaired and Asgard comes to find him. That would be difficult enough, but one of Asgard’s deepest secrets has followed him...
Author Summary: It’s not strictly accurate to say that Coulson was born to be an agent of SHIELD, but you could probably get away with saying he was raised for it.
Few So Generous
Author Summary: After Odin falls into the Odinsleep, Frigga takes up her husband’s spear and the rule of Asgard.
Fracture At The Point Of Impact
Author Summary: There was only so much of him left, anyway.
Five Stories Tim Fell Into And One He Chose For Himself
Author Summary: Because Tim Drake would be a superhero fanboy in any universe.
One Eye For Wisdom
Author Summary: Even in the ravings of a madman there can be found a glimmer of truth. (Spoilers for Avengers.)
On The Care and Feeding of Superheroes, by Pepper Potts and Alvin Draper
Author Summary: Tony is a smart man, and whatever his critics might say (those haters) he does his research. When he becomes a superhero, and after Rick’s Comic Book Emporium has delivered all the necessary research materials, it becomes immediately apparent that he needs to make some serious changes. (Crossover with DC, but takes place predominantly in the Iron Man universe.)
by @hardboiledmeggs
when the world is free
Author Summary:  At the age of twenty-one, Peggy Carter enlists in the Auxiliary Territorial Service.  
by @icarus_chained
Balm for the Soul
Author Summary: A tiny prompt ficlet. Tony cannot, for the life of him, make a decent piece of toast. Bruce ... finds this far more amusing than he should
Author Summary: Sequel to A Future Shining. There is nothing so terrifying as the creation of a new life. JARVIS, Tony and the family in the run-up to the emergence of a new AI.
A Future Shining
Author Summary: It took Tony a while to notice. To see the increasingly massive sections of memory space that someone had blocked off in JARVIS’ systems, the processing power being diverted to something that … that Tony couldn’t breach. Tony, and JARVIS, and a conversation Tony never, ever thought he’d be having.
Author Summary: A tiny Clint & Natasha ficlet, set immediately following Avengers. Life and hopes and debts and things that are not love. 
Live Wire
Author Summary: Tony Stark, and the making of things.
Of Course You Realise, This Means War
Author Summary: Nick looked at the six terrified ten-year olds, and recognised the Avengers.Small de-aging fic, written for a prompt. See notes for warnings, yes?
Richard of York
Author Summary: JARVIS, Tony and Bruce, and the conceptual linkages of trust and fear. Last in the Deus Ex series. JARVIS POV.
Space Electric
Author Summary: "The SHIELD interceptor spaceship Avenger is under final attack. Aboard her, sitting in his cell, the war criminal Tony Stark gets ready for the confrontation, and the revelation, that he knows is about to come."
Things We Believe
Author Summary: There are things Rhodey believes in, and then there are things he has faith in. And one of them is that Tony Stark is an idiot, and needs all the help he can get.Tony & Rhodey, and the aftermath of Avengers (and Tony's confrontation with Steve on the Helicarrier).
by @igrockspock
A Very Promising Partnership (The Bullets and Business Suits Remix)
Author Summary: The early days of Maria’s employment at Stark Industries aren’t entirely smooth, but she and Pepper agree on a few common goals, like practicing marksmanship, wearing fabulous clothes, and banding together to defeat Hydra.
Broken Glass and Crumpled Bills
Author Summary: When Claire's parents taught her to stand up for people, they probably didn't imagine she'd develop a secret career stitching up vigilantes.
The Zombie Ninja Apocalypse Survivors Club
Author Summary: Misty thinks her new bionic arm might be evil.
by Imbecamiel
Failure, Success
Author Summary: The Winter Soldier was once sent to kill Agent Peggy Carter. He failed.
Author Summary: Sometimes the road to recovery involves bowling. Conveniently, so does the one to the Grand Canyon. 
The Joke
Author Summary: Steve’s not usually oblivious - far from it, in fact. But he does have his moments. Like when he didn’t realize that the team was actually serious when they talked about Mjolnir being a magical weapon that only Thor could lift. (Inspired by a head-canon prompt, in light of the comics-canon fact that Steve is actually capable of wielding Mjolnir. Full text of prompt is in the beginning notes.)
by @ink-splotch
bringing the war home
Author Summary: Sharon Carter expected to pull a gun in the line of duty. She didn’t expect to pull it here. SHIELD was her holy ground. The Winter Soldier did not waste bullets, time, or death. Natasha told herself that and fingered her scar. Maria knew better than to invest herself in the metal bones of this place. The helicarrier's engines roared like a thudding heart. The control room windows were vast. She stood at the helm there, at Fury's shoulder, in streaming daylight and in the peaceful dark of a moonless night pinpricked with stars somewhere high over the Atlantic...
on the wrong side of the sea (of the wardrobe)
Author Summary: It was the accent caught Peggy's attention— a London lilt, not too posh, rounded a bit by some time in the country. And, more than that: a woman’s voice.Peggy was not adrift in the SHIELD hallways, this old boy’s club full of young soldiers. She was not lost, not intimidated— but she was lonely."Excuse me, ma’am," Peggy called and the woman turned around. She had a single run in her nylons and a smirk of perfect lipstick. Her badge read "Pevensie.""I have a spare pair if you want to change," said Peggy."Does this place even have bathrooms for women?" A curved eyebrow rose as Pevensie asked. Peggy liked her immediately."Not in this wing," said Peggy. "Come on, we’ll kick the boys out of theirs."
someone to catch you when you fall
Author Summary: Tony has faith in the man, in the man and the monster both. He has respect for Bruce, both his smarts and his control—this is Tony Stark, genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist, who’s never been able to control himself, lived half his life in a self-destructive spiral—in a lot of ways, Tony’s monster is much more noble than his man. Tony respects this man and his giant green rage monster, because Tony’s got one, too, and he’s nowhere as good at keeping it inside.
by @intosnarkness
As Little Fuss
Author Summary: Or, the Five Times Tony Stark Threw Money at a Problem, and the Five Times His Team Repaid Him.
At Least I Spelled Your Name Right
Author Summary: Darcy was tired of Jane being in the lab all the time, so she conspired to Go Out and Get Jane Drunk. She did not, however, make any plans regarding the guy in purple spandex. That was someone else's fault. And no one could blame her for the super heroes. She hadn't even been conscious for that part.
bomb shelters under your skin
Author Summary: Clint’s marriage is over, so he takes the assignment no one else will: killing the Black Widow.
Don't Fade On Me
Author Summary: It's hard making new connections, learning to be the person you need to be. Wanda and Natasha aren't the most likely of friends, but they're making it work.
Author Summary: Natasha has always heard the voices of the animals around her, but when a bird tells her to trust the strange man pointing an arrow at her head, she does.
Made Somehow
Author Summary: 20 years before Tony Stark was Iron Man, before Steve Rogers was found in the ice or Bruce Banner had his accident, a few men got together and built a little peacekeeping force they called SHIELD. What SHIELD stood for, exactly, was up in the air, as was everything that came next.(A Nick Fury Origin Story)
not words but meanings
Author Summary: James Rhodes loves Tony Stark dearly, and he has to learn to deal with the fact that, while Tony loves him back, Tony has some new friends, and new plans, and they don't always involve Rhodey.This is not Tony/Rhodey; there is Tony/Pepper in the background. This is a friendship-centric fic.
One Single Yesterday
Author Summary: SHIELD tasks Darcy Lewis with educating Steve Rogers about the pop culture of the last three decades. Probably this was a bad idea.
One to Be Trusted
Author Summary: After he lost the battle in Midgard, Loki was taken home in chains. And if the Aesir couldn't heal him with magic, then they would do it with time.
Pop-Tart, or, the Untitled HookerFic Coda
Author Summary: Kate asks Clint if he's ever been in love.
(sleep wake hope and then)
Author Summary: Steve Rogers wants to go back to art school. But more than that, he wants to figure out what his legacy is, and what he's doing here. (It can be read a pre-slash Steve/Tony, but that might be a bit of a stretch.)
Steven Rogers and The Search For Freedom, written and illustrated by Clint Barton, age 32
Author Summary: "Steve Rogers got a cat he named FREEDOM and when it got lost he made all the Avengers drop what they were doing and LOOK FOR FREEDOM so he wouldn’t make woobie faces at them." A story told in pictures and weirdness. Crack.
The Uses of Sorrow
Author Summary: Just as he's beginning to feel like he might belong with these people, Bruce overhears Thor offer to heal Tony.
Yesterday, Upon the Stair
Author Summary: When she was little Natasha had an imaginary friend. But like all little girls, she learned to forget him as she grew up. So imagine her surprise when one day she comes face to face with her old friendAnd he's pointing an arrow at her heart Barton was sent to kill me. he made a different call.
by irnan
and if there’s life we’ll see it
Author Summary: Steve is instantly taken with this idea of having the picture of the person calling you flash on your screen when they ring your cell.
brand new day
Author Summary: Ten things that are different about Bucky and Steve, and one that’s still the same.
come across the desert
Author Summary: Natasha, experiments in friendship.
Author Summary: Five short conversations Natasha Romanov has had about her teammates. 
may the fourth
Author Summary: So there’s this project Tony has been working on since he was ten years old which is only marginally less awesome than the specs for the TARDIS he totally could have built if Fury would’ve just let him had the Tesseract for a couple hours longer.
project adulthood
Author Summary: “I’ve been thinking,” said Bruce quietly. “The day HQ was attacked. Tony and I were at that R&D meeting we usually skip.” “Yes,” said Steve. “Nat said that.” “Well,” said Bruce. “Usually, on a Friday, when we skip the R&D meeting, we arrive at HQ around the time that bomb went off.”
run to the sea
Author Summary: They’re wound together in a spider’s web of coincidence and chance meetings, of work passed on and friends in common.
Author Summary: Bruce learns to shoot, Tony is Tony, and Steve continues to number "protecting the people he (loves) cares about" among his greatest talents.
Author Summary: Steve doesn't scar. It's a serum thing: his skin heals perfect, every time.This means he doesn't get callouses, either. Upon occasion, that can be... painful.
use somebody
Author Summary: Will you work with Tony Stark? asks Coulson. He’s an alcoholic, he’s unstable, he’s traumatised, God only knows. You’ve read Natasha’s psych report. He’s a pain in my ass, and I don’t like it that I like him. Will you work with him?
write me no more letters
Author Summary: The day Annika Reiter turned thirty-one she shot her mother’s killer in a New York sidestreet not far from Grand Central station and thought of it as a birthday present to herself.
by @janetsvandyne
Author Summary: From age twelve to age seventeen, Darcy Lewis and her mother would spend her birthday together, just the two of them, and go out for ‘mother daughter days.’ The single stipulation? Darcy always got to buy a tube of lipstick. 12 years later, Darcy mentioned to Jane that she hasn’t worn or purchased lipstick in seven years.Written for the "Lipstick" prompt for Darcy Lewis Fic Week, day 1.
If you believe in me, I'll still believe
Author Summary: Six weeks after what she fondly refers to as 'The Pop-Tart Eating Alien Incident,' Jane comes to Darcy bad news. Not just regular bad news, but the "oh fuck, now what the fuck do I fucking do" kind of bad news that you usually only hear about in movies or books about women who triumph despite the odds being stacked innumerably against them. Hell, this is like "Harry, you need to face Voldemort, but you can't have a wand or anything" kind of bad.
by jumpfall
come on friends, get up now
Author Summary: It won't be easy and it won't be pretty, they don't say. You're going to hurt faster than you heal and lose more than you win. The Avengers have one thing in common. They all sign on. [Movie spoilers.]
i was born to make amends
Author Summary: "Mr. Stark, I just wanted to congratulate you on the excellent work you've been doing with the Yinsen Foundation."
Tapdancing on Tightropes
Author Summary: Either way, Steve's secured the upcoming long weekend for a team barbeque. He hadn't phrased it quite that way, but Tony knows better. Barton's still trying to redeem himself, Natasha goes for her holster when Bruce's voice rises, Bruce apologizes to every building he passes, Steve's had exactly one conversation with SHIELD since the battle, and Thor's dicked off to Asgard.A solid cheeseburger makes lots of things better. (It did for him, at least.)
by kerravon
Burning Candles
Author Summary: For an Avengerkink Prompt A few months have passed since the Avengers fought the Chitauri, and the team is coming together, except for Tony, who seems to be coming apart. At first, Steve assumes that he’s just being irresponsible and annoying, but then JARVIS clues him in.
by @kellifer-k
Frankie Says Relax
Author Summary: Where Darcy gets a day job.
by @laporcupina
Author Summary: Natasha chooses her side in the Civil War as pragmatically as ever, with her eyes on the long game. Clint has no such luxury because the stakes are too high for there to be any choice at all.
Blues in the Groove
Author Summary: Bucky Barnes is in from the cold and ready to take the first steps toward resuming his life. He has all of his memories, but Steve isn't the only Avenger eager to have someone around who remembers their past.A tale in which there are embarrassing Captain America stories, occasional realizations, swing-dancing SHIELD commanders, missions gone awry, culinary adventures, uncomfortable revelations, trips to Queens, bromances, romances, repeated threats of arson, and the couch is a metaphor.
Author Summary: Clint Barton, in transition.
CA:TWS missing scenes
Author Summary: 
1) CA:TWS missing scene: Maria Hill & Nick Fury 2) CA:TWS post-movie scene: Natasha in flight 3) CA:TWS sorta-missing scene: Where in the world is Tony Stark? 4) CA:TWS sorta post-movie scene: Tony (and Rhodey) and the possible ghost of James Barnes. 5) CA:TWS sorta-missing scene: Where in the world is Clint Barton?
Creation Myth
Author Summary: Smoke, mirrors, and the true birth of the Howling Commandos.
Cum Laude
Author Summary: Steve navigates the sometimes choppy seas of being a celebrity in the twenty-first century and finds the time (and the courage) to fulfill a twentieth century promise and return to school. 
Escape Velocity
Author Summary: In which Sam gets his wings, Steve trades on the legacy of Captain America, Natasha dusts off an old outfit, and the utter insanity that is government bureaucracy ends up saving the day despite itself.
Excerpts from Interview #2 with SHIELD prisoner #2935734H
Author Summary: Session note: The prisoner has revealed that he was part of the 'asset management team' controlling the HYDRA operator known as the Winter Soldier [possibly SGT J. B. Barnes, US Army, MIA 5 September 1944, declared KIA 12 December 1944]. Further questioning suggested after follow-ups on provided information complete.[Clearance: TOP SECRET/SI-MORAY 5342/HCS-7766/NO TRANSMIT]
Author Summary: Natasha Romanova and Nick Fury: two wounded warriors and their wars, past and present. 
Freezer Burn Series
Author Summary: Steve Rogers: soldier, artist, foodie, friend, heart of the Avengers, and a guy whose past keeps creeping into his present and dictating his future. A series of stories about him and the people he has chosen to build his life around. A comics-MCU mashup that is MCU-compliant through all of the Phase One movies then gets a little Brubakerish because the alternative was to get a lot Jossed. All stories can be read independently of the others. You’ll miss a few references but lose nothing of the plots.
Inherited Characteristics
Author Summary: It’s 1986, the Sox are going to the World Series, and sixteen-year-old Tony Stark has just gotten himself arrested for trying to sell nukes to the bad guys.
Author Summary: The five stages of grief are meaningless in the moment.
Author Summary: Project Rebirth existed before Steve came into the picture. And the soundtrack for it was mostly in Yiddish.
MCU Meta: the directory
Author Summary: Bits of meta, mostly about Captain America and HYDRA, previously posted in other forums but now collected here.
1) Steve is blushing, but no virgin.
2) The military record of Sergeant James 'Bucky' Barnes.
3) The Winter Soldier probably didn't kill the Starks. 4) HYDRA: the ultimate rebranding 5) There's a significant time gap between Bucky Barnes's death and Steve Rogers's. 6) RMA and the MCU: a blasterless history 7) Sam Wilson and the RL requirements for being a USAF pararescueman 8) Civil War speculative meta: the magic bullet 9) Much more than Steve's height and weight is public knowledge. 
MCU: The odds and ends drawer
Author Summary: A collection of very short works that don’t merit separate entries.Captain Marvel in the MCU, kindasorta Civil War, kindasorta Leverage/MCU crossover start
Author Summary: Steve loses the advantages of the super-soldier serum. This is not a tragedy.
Preserved Series
Author Summary: After the rescue of the 107th, Steve Rogers cashes in all of his favors and makes what deals he can to get Bucky a medical discharge from the Army, sending him home to Brooklyn and far from enemies and curious scientists both. But Steve’s war goes on until it ends badly, in an exploding plane over the Black Sea. Captain America is presumed dead, his shield recovered and returned to a grieving America while his body remains undiscovered. Seven years later, a new danger is threatening to unbalance the already-roiling Cold War, a Soviet assassin let loose from behind the Iron Curtain. Peggy Carter isn’t sure she wants to believe that the assassin is a super-soldier because of what it could mean, but she does know that whoever it is, she’ll have to break her promise to keep Bucky Barnes far from danger.
Recursive Series
Author Summary: In the wake of the HYDRA revelations, Steve Rogers finds himself both a pawn of the rebuilding SHIELD hierarchy and the leader of a newly-independent Avengers. He’s got masters he can’t run from, teammates he can’t let down, and a best friend who is turning his newly remembered past to ashes. But when a blast from a mysterious device seemingly sends him back to 1944, Steve has to decide if he should he change his past and risk ruining his future by fixing his greatest mistake.
Regret to Inform
Author Summary: Steve and the Barneses, his family according to his heart and the official documents of the United States Army. 
Author Summary: re·me·di·al adjective 1. affording remedy; tending to remedy something. 2. intended to correct or improve one's skill in a specified field: remedial math.Steve always knew Bucky was a quick study, so his progress after he comes in from the cold is a 'when' and not an 'if.' The Avengers are a help, except when they're not. But even when they're not, they sort of are.
Author Summary: In which Wanda uses her powers for good and Bucky starts sorting through his past, both metaphorically and kinda literally.
Author Summary: Nick showed up at nine and Peggy knew it was bad news because he showed up without dessert. (Sometimes the secrets kept between spymasters was that one of them had a sweet tooth and it wasn't her.) She still made tea because, despite more than sixty years in America, the British approach to trouble was still her default."We've found Captain Rogers."
Author Summary: Tony's reasons for helping Bucky Barnes can be entirely attributable to general do-gooderism and a love of science. (Because he really, really hates it when people rub his personal growth in his face.)
Sleepers of Ephesus
Author Summary: Peggy Carter and Bucky Barnes, soldiers always.
The Velveteen Spider
Author Summary: Natasha Romanova thinks that accepting Nick Fury's offer to join SHIELD is the end of her old life and the beginning of her new one. In hindsight, she had no idea of what that really meant.
Author Summary: He gestured to the room around him. “We build a community in rooms like this so that there is a place to talk and a place to listen and a place to heal. So that we can be reminded that we’re not broken, just a little different. That we went through a trauma and it will get better. And so that we know that we’re not alone. That is why I suggested you come hang out.”
True Faith and Allegiance
Author Summary: "Are you ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?" means something else in the Twenty-First Century. Bucky Barnes has the same answer. Sam Wilson, former Avenger and current fugitive, appreciates that on many levels, including the ones he's sure he's missing.
We Were Soldiers
Author Summary: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, the planning of a pre-D-Day mission, and the cost of a salute.
by @legete
Author Summary: In one's home, clothes are optional. Housemates, however, may disagree.
by @leupagus
For These I Watch Tonight
Author Summary:   This is not a story about a cow.
by lilsmartass
Cupid Stark
Author Summary:  For this prompt on the kinkmeme: Clint/Natasha Tony is slightly horrified the two assassins aren't banging, so he makes it his business to set them up, because living with two such attractive assassins that aren't having sex is downright sinful. They are his Barbie and Action Man dolls to smush together and make kissy noises with, dammit! Clint and Natasha are equal parts embarrassed and amused by all of this, and decide to play up to it for Tony's sake. Shenanigans ensue..
First Impressions and Second Chances Series
Author Summary: The Avengers are over protective of one another, we all know that. But when misunderstandings lead to flawed beliefs of who a person is, and when others are judged for misguided actions carried out without thinking, it’s hard to know who to protect and defend. 
Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself
Author Summary: Everyone’s afraid of something. Five times Natasha saved the Avengers from spiders and one time they saved her.
With A Whimper
Author Summary: Summary: Written for my Avengers fest challenge/prompt/assignment/thingy for sadness1986; angst, reads like hurt/comfort but the comfort part is the hurt, dark, pre Iron Man, Obadiah Stane works his way into Tony’s life.
by @lithiumdoll
Culture and Other Balls of Twine
Author Summary: “Okay, I realize this could appear to be poorly conceived - to those of limited vision - but what you have to understand is, I’ve actually just had the greatest, most outstanding idea ever.” Tony’s eyes searched heavenward and then he nodded soberly. “Yes, I believe history will consider this my triumph.”
by Lunik
Bro-hood and Other Drugs
Author Summary: Plenty of people get themselves blackout drunk and wake up with an unexpected husband. It’s embarrassing but it happens. Natasha is trying to figure out how she could have woken up with an unexpected brother
Loki's Brood
Author Summary: Nick Fury circles the realm Midgard with his coils. Phil Coulson has seen enough of chains for one lifetime. Darcy Lewis is taking a break from Helheim. But there's still the matter of their brother Sleipnir...
The Boy Who Waited
Author Summary: In a world without stars, the Last Centurion loses the Pandorica, loses his charge and loses his mind.SHIELD takes a chance on hiring a mysterious amnesiac man, and Agent Coulson finds that Rory Williams is the best damn secretary he's ever had.
The legend of Mittens
Author Summary: The story of how an abandoned kitten in an alleyway derailed an impending alien invasion and changed the course of the Midgard-Chitauri war. And looked damn cute doing it.Also, the story of Nick Fury's Worst Headache Ever (tm).
Trickster, trickster
Author Summary: It is important, for tricksters more than most, to have a group of like minded people around to understand us at our worst. And to catch us when we fall.
by Marcus Rowland
Five Mistakes Loki Made (and One Time He Got Things Right)
Author Summary: Uatu, the Watcher, takes a look at Loki's invasion, and wonders what else might have happened.What If... Loki had done things differently. Five more ways things could have gone wrong, and one he might have succeeded. Avengers / multiple crossovers. All characters belong to their respective creators, there is no intent to infringe copyright.Seven hundred-word Drabbles, multiple crossovers.
Hammer Time
Author Summary: When the going gets tough, the tough get hammering. 100-word Buffy / Avengers / Galaxy Quest crossover Drabble.
Mandatory Evaluation
Author Summary: Natasha needs to drop off a few files; she isn't expecting to have to sing for her supper...This is set in the early stages of Iron Man 2, after Pepper Potts becomes CEO of Stark Industries but before the trip to Monaco, well after the last episode of Angel, at no particular point in NCIS LA continuity.
Who Are You Gonna Call?
Author Summary: Death isn't necessarily the end of the story. Total crack-fic for The Avengers 2012, Avengers / Ghostbusters / Multiple crossover, warning - canon death and bad language. Now with director's commentary!
by @mhalachai
A Widow's Tale
Author Summary:  Their secrets have secrets. Steve's starting to figure this out.
After The Gloaming
Author Summary: Given the very long, very bad day she’s just had, Pepper isn’t sure how much longer she’s going to be able to hold it together.
Hel’s Bones
Author Summary: Magic pulled Frigga back from the realm of the dead, but not even Loki’s children can shield her from the consequences of long-ago actions coming back to haunt her. 
by @nicasiosilang
awake in the dark
Author Summary: Loki, small and sharp, singular, Loki knew. 
Author Summary: Frigg holds the needle and thread high for the court to see. Golden light hits it and flashes hot white into her eyes. The assembled throw up a cheer. They are family. They raised this creature too.
Author Summary: Do you intend for the Iron Man to feed the hungry? End war and disease? Eliminate social inequality and poverty?" The guy smiles like he's just been very funny. Tony leans forward, elbows on his knees.
"I do. I sincerely do."
The devil riding your back
Author Summary: There's something in his chest.
Author Summary: This is something he needed to do. The process is an end. Every second wasted, life or minute lost to inefficiency, the process will take them back. Vaguely follows the story Posthuman. An attempt at putting the Extremis process into Marvel's movieverse.
by @nonasuch
the hip and the dead
Author Summary: When she asks about the other tenants in the building, the realtor just throws up his hands and says, “Look, I don’t know. They’re artsy types, if they live around here. You know. Hipsters.”
The Personal (Assistant) Is Political
Author Summary: “That’s an awfully tall pedestal to put a fellow on,” Steve says. “Betcha it gets pretty windy up there.”
Sentimental Value  
Author Summary: Saturday dawned clear and bright, hot but not humid enough to be sticky: perfect yard sale weather.
by @nwhepcat
Avengers vs. Worst. Christmas. Ever.
Author Summary: Clint is having a rough time this Christmas. Turns out, he's not the only one.
Five Awkward Conversations Involving Steve Rogers
Author Summary: Conversations in this century were like the traffic in Midtown: fast and nerve-wracking and potentially deadly. (Takes place between Steve’s awakening and a few months beyond “The Avengers.”)
The New Yorkers' Guide to Beating Back the Big Fucking Evil
Author Summary: Two days after Coulson's memorial, Clint isn't doing so well. Rating for language, but you probably figured that one out. Title inspired by Adam Gnade's The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Fighting the Big Motherfuckin' Sad (Pioneers Press), which is a thoroughly awesome thing.
Reanimation of the Corpse Soldier
Author Summary: Barnes finds a kindred spirit in the most unexpected place. So. This is headcanon that manifested shortly after I finished the fabulous Imperial Radch series by Ann Leckie. This isn't a crossover with characters from her trilogy, but a story about Bucky reading the novels.You don't need to have read the series to understand the story. There aren't really spoilers for the books, either. Some references may seem spoilery, but due to the narrative structure of Ancillary Justice (the first book), these things are revealed very early on.Warnings for after effects of mind wipe and mind control, memory loss, emotional fallout, PTSD, nightmares.And finally, many thanks to my betas, herself_nyc and oracne.
Author Summary: Bucky sings a little song.
by @nwhepcat and @fieldtoolarge
But the Sea Does Not Change
Author Summary: The Winter Soldier goes to the Smithsonian to search for something of the man who would save an enemy. This is not the only thing he finds.
by @pepperpottsblogs
Darcy Lewis: VP of the Bucky Barnes Defense Squad
Author Summary: In which Darcy uses her considerable research skills to take care of the Avengers, help take down Hydra, and successfully bring in the Winter Soldier--with JARVIS's help, of course.
Author Summary: "Although Darcy wasn’t actually part cat, most of the Tower’s residents were well aware that she was prone to napping anywhere at any time, especially in the warm patches of sunlight from the Tower’s many windows. Anyone who shared a couch with Darcy on movie nights knew that she would fall asleep with her head on their shoulder or lap."Or--Darcy is notorious for falling asleep on her friends.
by @perclexed
Not More Fucking Elves
Author Summary: The Nine Realms may converge for the first time in five thousand years, but it’s not the only important thing happening that day in Greenwich.Robbie Lewis thinks this is probably not what Tolkien had in mind. But it bloody well might be.See end for additional notes, warnings, and a link to a Lewis overview if you are not familiar with the fandom.
by pollyrepeat
225 days under grass
Author Summary: After Loki, Coulson wears his suits like armour.
Dear Clint Barton (circa age 7)
Author Summary: The most annoying parts of being de-aged (and then re-aged) are your friends.
Early Years AU
Author Summary: “Barton has clearly imprinted on you,” Fury starts, and keeps talking right over Phil’s knee-jerk, horrified, “He has not,” to seal Phil’s doom by saying, “so I’ve decided that you’re going to take primary responsibility for him from now on.”“Oh, god,” Phil says, faintly, before he can stop himself.// Otherwise known as, SHIELD: The Early Years.
He hit the heights at breakneck speed
Author Summary: In which Natasha gives the thumbs-up to Tony Stark and the Iron Man suit, the Avengers Initiative starts a little differently, and Tony finds himself spending a lot of time with assassins and/or spies.[Note for users with spotty internet: there is a large-ish sfw image at the beginning.]
hey, remember that time when
Author Summary: In which Cap makes new friends, becomes an accidental Internet troll, swaps a lot of stories, and gives Bucky Barnes a hug.
by pollyrepeat & jonesandashes
All destinations approximate
Author Summary: “Jarvis, please refrain from killing me. I’m coming in to look at you.”
well, let the drum beat drop
Author Summary: Pepper leaves, and there’s no more pizza, and Thor’s already talked about Jane, and Tony suspects all of them realize, abruptly and simultaneously, that they actually have no idea what to do now. He is, in fact, pretty certain that they’re just a few minutes away from someone deciding to say something about the weather. It’s probably going to be him. 
by psocoptera
Cooking With Leftovers
Author Summary: Akela Amador, after. Michael Peterson receives some visitors. 
Five Secrets Maria Hill Would Like To Pretend She’s Keeping From The Rest Of SHIELD
Author Summary: Fury is a lying liar, Coulson is a good coworker, except when he’s not, and Maria never meant to work for SHIELD. Maria/Helicarrier or possibly slightly Maria/Natasha if you squint. Spoilers for the movie. Movieverse only, I have no knowledge of the comics.
Five SHIELD Agents Who Don't Look For New Jobs
Author Summary: Not everyone needs or wants new employment.
by @quigonejinn
Author Summary: This universe branches late in the game. Tony Stark and the universe where he builds the Iron Man Mark II for Jim.
Author Summary: When Tony Stark is five years old, he rides on a helicopter for the first time.
Author Summary: Tony Stark isn't the only genius on the ground.
Author Summary: Go back a little: the girl and Obadiah and Tony are in the elevator, and the girl is, as expected, all over Obadiah.
Author Summary: Tony Stark and dreams of parent-type figures.
Author Summary: Steve Rogers has asked, six or seven or eighteen hundred times, for Bucky Barnes to stop coming to his rescue like that.
Six Universes
Author Summary: Six stories about Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. Six universes where Steve Rogers went into an orphanage
The Good Stuff
Author Summary: "This is where I get out," he says.
Three Facts About Tony Stark and Politics (and One About Women)
Author Summary: Fact 0: Tony Stark did not vote for Obama.
Author Summary: Cold War Peggy, Steve, and Bucky in all kinds of combinations, present and not present. 
Two things that happened and one that didn't: Coulson and Romanov
Author Summary: Here is the thing that didn't happen: Pepper is in a place that looks, for all the world, like the lobby of a small, not-too-fancy government agency that handles something obscure and really boring and involving a lot of paperwork.
by @rageprufrock
Howling Commandos HQ
Author Summary: To: PC ([email protected]) From: Buck ([email protected]) Subject: Report! Date: May 10, 2012Phil — where the hell are you, man? Let us know if you're all right, or if there's anything we can do to help. HQ's freaking the fuck out.
by @rainnecassidy
Author Summary: Joey was an ordinary, if overworked, grad student doing her schoolwork and raising her nephew. It wasn’t her fault Captain America moved in upstairs. And it definitely wasn’t her fault when she accidentally started feeding burritos and tres leches to the guy called James who started staying in that apartment while Cap was away. So okay, maybe it WAS her fault when she started throwing fire at the military guys who came after him. James was a nice guy, after all, and a vet; he didn’t need this crap.
I Get By, I Get High
Author Summary: Just a growing bond between a girl and her favorite AI. Er, android.
The Secret Life of Darcy Lewis
Author Summary: Everybody needs a little time out of their regular reality once in awhile. (Inspired by The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber.)
Author Summary:  Clint gets a mission he just can't complete.
by @roboticonography & @blackestglass
Object Permanence
Author Summary: Steve's sudden interest in tattoos is actually not all that sudden.[Podfic AND story text within!]
Worthy Is In The Heart Of The Wielder
Author Summary: The knowledge of when to lay power aside is as important as the knowledge of when to take it up.
by @rowantreewrites
Calling of the Stars
Author Summary: After the Battle of New York, as they'd been calling it, Tony Stark was not doing ok. His time on the other side of the portal haunted him, shadowed his steps and crept into his nightmares, even with the team around to pull him out of his own head. So, when he wakes up in an abandoned space station holding a strange silver sphere and no memory of how he got there, possibly hundreds of lightyears away from earth, he is not happy.
Free Your Soul, Pay The Toll
Author Summary: The price of killing a loved one is a Horcrux, an object filled with half a soul. They are not the road to immortality, and they are not a gift. Tony Stark has three.
Infinity Stones are Powerful
Author Summary: Manhattan is different now.
Little Boy (Inside My Chest)
Author Summary: Curious, Tony stopped, tipped his head, as Fury keyed in a password to the computer. Fury nodded to the monitor, and Tony nearly dropped the suitcase. “Holy mother of Tesla someone fucking cloned me.” He said, stepped forwards, squinted at the screen as his gut protested the fact that he was watching himself sit on a bed in a standard-issue SHIELD dorm room, younger and clean-shaven and wearing what Tony knew had been one of the spare shirts he kept on the base just in case, except it was at least a size too big, and damn, had he really been that skinny when he was a kid? He’s gotten mad at anyone, mostly Rhodey’s mom, who suggested that he eat more, put some meat on his bones, but if this is what he’d looked like?Well. That was one hell of something to deal with at two in the morning.
Maria's Legacy
Author Summary: Tony had a small family. That was accepted as fact, and most people didint even count half the people who were in it. But, what if that was wrong?
Memory (Is a Vital Process)
Author Summary: Death: The permanent ending of one or more vital processes.AKA the angsty as all hell amnesia fic that absolutely no one asked for. Enjoy.
(Not So) Immortal
Author Summary: An impossible situation. A horrible choice. A sacrifice that must be made, one way or another."What he saw nearly stopped his breath cold in his chest, because there was Tony, sitting slumped and unconscious against the biggest bomb he’d ever seen, as supervillains, some old enemies and some Steve had only ever heard of, Loki, and MODOK at the forefront, stood across the room, while Doom himself stood right next to Tony."
Author Summary: A collection of fics in the Star!Tony universe. Not canon-compliant past The Avengers (2012).
Starry Skies and Rhubarb Pies
Author Summary: Or, In which Tony Stark is dead, and he’s happy that way.
You don't need wings to fly (you need a whole lot more)
Author Summary: My take on wingfic, more specifically, how something like the arc reactor would affect a winged human's ability to fly.
by sabinelagrande
All That You Know
Author Summary: After Loki's gone, the cracks begin to show.
Author Summary: It was supposed to be better for him.MAJOR SPOILERS for the film.
by sabinelagrande & @erindizmo
[Podfic] The Adventures of Captain America and Phil, by Phil Coulson, Age 7 (The Read-Along With Me! Version)
Author Summary: A gripping tale of action, adventure, and tremendous bravery, available for the first time as a read-along book!
by sanura
Thor’s Epic
Author Summary: This is a retelling of the story of The Avengers from Thor’s POV, in iambic pentameter. I know. It’s Sam’s fault. Well. I meant to start at the battle, since that’s all that Thor told at the dinner table in Copperbadge’s Exclusive, but the two lines he gave there, the first two lines, implied Thor started from the beginning. So I started from those two lines (tweaked slightly to fall into pentameter scansion), and went to the end of The Avengers.
Thor's Second Epic, or: Grocery Run
Author Summary: 500 lines of iambic pentameter in which Thor goes to the grocery store. I don't know. Blame Sam.
by @sarcasticfina
Darcy Stark
Author Summary: Tony might not have been playing a direct role in his daughter's life, but he always looked out for her.
daughter dearest
Author Summary: A collection of short stories involving Darcy as the daughter of an Avenger. 
I was late (but I arrived)
Author Summary: As far as complicated goes, Darcy’s life takes a sharp turn down a road called ‘completely fucked.’
we’ll never die (we’re like diamonds in the sky)
Author Summary: As opposites go, sickly, skinny Jane Foster and snarky bombshell Darcy Lewis are at the top of the list. But when Darcy saves Jane from a bully, they find common ground and are fused at the hip ever since. Together, they take on the world, until war comes knocking and they answer. [AU where Jane becomes Captain America, and Darcy becomes the Winter Soldier]Based on this prompt.
you can't play (on broken strings)
Author Summary: Once upon a time, she was a fully operational human being. Or as close to one as she has ever gotten.
by @scifigrl47
Far Better Things Ahead
Author Summary: IM3 SPOILERS!My Bot Oriented post-IM3 fic
by screamlet
aunt’s aren’t gentleman
Author Summary: “First things first,” Tony says. “I loved A Knight’s Tale.“
The Annual Stark Family Fourth of July Celebration
Author Summary: The Stark family does the Fourth of July. (Or: Tony grows up by Fourths.)
by @shu-of-the-wind
frost and fire
Author Summary: Bader spends most of his time curled up by her feet while Peggy's at her desk, because she knows it makes the men uncomfortable to see him. He’s larger than most grey wolves, and the long scar along his cheek makes him look more risky, somehow. People still persist in calling him a dog—if they talk about him at all—but they can’t escape the fact that her daemon is more bruised and battered and just plain dangerous than the rest of them combined.
we know the words (but it's not enough)
Author Summary: "Apparently," Jack says, his head pounding, "they've imprinted. Like baby ducks.""Children do that," says Father Lantom. "Or so I'm told."[Or, Darcy gets dragged to New York by her mother before she even hits kindergarten, and things both change and stay the same. Really, Matt's just happy there's someone his age who gets excited about words like sesquipedalian.]
by silvernatasha
The Cupbearer
Author Summary: Clint Barton, son of Apollo, is pretty sure he's too old for demigod quests. Even small ones.
by @sunspill
gunshot residue
Author Summary: Natasha is a badass even when shot. Teamfic gen.Written for the meme.
kahua pa'ani
Author Summary: When Pepper is twelve she tries on her mother's shoes.
slap down back around
Author Summary: Written for the meme. Prompt: attempted suicide and hc with the dialogue "exhaustion is the new suicide?" Bruce&Natasha gen.TRIGGER WARNING: repeated attempted suicide, depression
Author Summary: Kinkmeme Prompt:Tony is convinced that he is still being tortured, dying in a cave in Afghanistan. He is sure that everything that has happened since then is just one big delusion his mind has created so that he doesn't have to deal with reality. Iron Man, the Avengers, Super soldiers and demi gods and genius, gentle scientists who turn into giant green rage monsters. All seems pretty improbable to Tony. Just the sort of thing that a broken mind would come up with.
by TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel
Angel Adrift
Author Summary: Darcy Lewis finds a giant tree in the New Mexico desert, and discovers that she is the archangel Michael.(Crossover between Marvel films and Supernatural.) 
Do-Over Series
Author Summary: Loki Odinsson died in a tragic accident. Darcy Lewis was born several centuries later. These two facts are not unrelated. (Or, how Loki was reincarnated as a badass poli-sci student who was interning at the right place at the right time.)
Driven Bananas
Author Summary: It's 2012, everyone Steve knows is dead, and all the bananas are gone. 
Father Figures
Author Summary: Heimdall would never have brought a Jotunn child into Asgard to be raised as his own son, but if he had, he would have done a far better job of it than the Allfather. Or the one where Heimdall becomes Loki's substitute father figure in the face of Odin's A+ parenting.
Four Christmases
Author Summary: Twelve year old Darcy Lewis doesn't believe in a lot of things. Santa Claus is one of them. She might believe in the strange green-eyed man who claims to be her father, though.
leave the sinking ship behind
Author Summary: He wakes when the cryostasis system fails, defrosting slowly in an underground bunker running on emergency power. There is still frost on his eyelashes when he wakes, shivering and disoriented, and his skin is icy cold.[Spoilers for Captain America: Winter Soldier]
Author Summary: "So why’d Zola’s serum work on you, anyway?”“Because I’m part-vampire,” Bucky said with a straight face.
Loki, Lilo & Stitch 
Author Summary: Loki falls from the Bifrost, and lands in Lilo's garden. Chaos ensues.
Not Quite Fraternisation (The Longest Cold War)
Author Summary:  Her name isn’t really Darcy, of course: her true name is something much older and a damn lot more powerful.Norse gods weren't the only supernatural beings in New Mexico when Thor was there.
Of Time Lords and Magic
Author Summary: The thing was, there was a war.Darcy’s not too sure of the details – she was only tiny at the time – but she remembers that it was a war her people were losing. She can still vaguely remember the thunder of active weaponry, the anxious, frightened way that everyone went about their business, and the hushed conversations that took place when her parents thought she was asleep.Darcy was only a small child when her parents left her in another universe, on another planet, and told her that they would come back for her when it was safe.They never came back.
Red in tooth and claw
Author Summary: Were-velociraptors and a BAMF Maria Hill.
Secret Agent Man
Author Summary: It started off as Sitwell’s idea of a joke.
TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel's Asexuality Fics
Author Summary: This is a collection of all my fics that deal with asexuality, asexual characters, or asexual relationships.
Take It Off
Author Summary: Tony used to think that the 1940s were repressed. Steve’s repertoire of racy songs makes him reconsider.
This Is How We Roll
Author Summary: Darcy and Tony were half-siblings, which was why they were spending so much time together. Unfortunately, the other Avengers were not aware of that fact, which was probably why they assumed that Darcy and Tony were having an affair.
Wayward Son of the Nightside
Author Summary: The signs were all there, if anyone had simply noticed.
by teand
It's No Way to Make a Living
Author Summary: "...who had turn into animal totem in the next time we get hit by magic pool?"
by @themonkeycabal
Run ‘Verse
Author Summary: Darcy’s not quite sure what she’ll do with another dad.
by theorytale
Fight or Flyte
Author Summary: From a prompt at norsekink: Give me Loki seeking Tony out during battles just to finally have someone worthwhile to banter/flyte with.Which is all well and good until Tony breaks his arm. 
The Several Heirs of Loki Odinson, Prince of the Realm of Asgard
Author Summary: Prompt: Loki's greatest con is passing off random monsters as members of the royal family. The reason Odin keeps banishing them is because he's totally on to him.It starts, as it so often does, as a harmless prank, but it rapidly takes on a life of its own.
by @tielan
And Baby Makes Eight
Author Summary: The curious tale of how the Avengers adopted Maria Hill and her daughter.
A Question Of Loyalty
Author Summary: Who is Maria Hill loyal to? (The answer is worth fifteen years, and takes some time to explain.)
Care And Feeding Of Your SHIELD Agent
Author Summary: Operation 'Feed Hill' is a go. Or the relationship between Maria Hill and food, with regards to the Avengers Initiative.
Fine Distinctions
Author Summary: They're not normal; they're SHIELD. A friendship spanning ten years, of growth and outgrowing, of unexpected twists and turns and dark horses, and of industrial building parts.
Give A Girl A Moment And She'll Take You For All You've Got
Author Summary: Coulson had once made the observation that Darcy Lewis’ ability to beg, bribe, or bully people into her plans was almost a superpower in and of itself.Considering she was walking down a tattered Tribeca street with four women she either barely knew or didn’t socialise with for drinks on a Friday night, Maria could well believe it.
Hidden In Plain Sight
Author Summary: Nobody notices a woman who walks one step behind a man.
Keep Calm And...
Author Summary: In the wake of chaos and war, someone has to re-establish normality.Women's work is never glamourous.
Known By Its Flight
Author Summary: SHIELD does not make weapons of its women – or, as Barton has observed with greater accuracy, SHIELD does not make weapons like Natasha out of their women. That doesn't mean a woman can't choose to make a weapon of herself.
Necessity (The Lion Taming Remix)
Author Summary: Five times Maria Hill had to deal with naked Avengers, and one time the Avengers had to deal with a naked Maria Hill.
Paid In Advance
Author Summary: Maria signed up to work for Stark Industries without ever asking about her salary. 
There Is No In-Between (the Fight The Good Fight remix)
Author Summary: We’d rather have you with us, than against us, Peggy Carter told her after Madripoor. At the time, Maria thought it foolish flattery – appreciated it, sure, but it was a sweetener, not the truth. Then again, she’s now Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, so it seems the former Director was right.  
by @twistedingenue
you have not seen everything
Author Summary: Tony gets a second chance to watch his daughter grow up, at least temporarily.
by @unpretty
Magical Girl Avengers
Author Summary: this is hella old you guys why are you still reading it please have mercy on my weary soul 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。
by @veliseraptor
Life In Reverse
Author Summary: Home is where you make it. Or, the AU where Loki falls to Earth after Thor, wanders around trying to work out what to do with himself, and somehow ends up working for SHIELD. (Mostly because supervillains are so plebian.)
The Villain Wrangler
Author Summary: The Make-a-Wish Foundation expects requests from kids to meet their favorite superhero. This might be the first one from a kid who wants to meet a supervillain.
by @vmohlere
Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail
Author Summary: The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect
by @waldorph
only cute until...
Author Summary: The Avengers have been de-aged. Phil's not really sure how this is his life.
Author Summary: Sometimes they forget: she’s a political science major.
You Can Hear It In the Silence
Author Summary: When CAPTAIN AMERICA walks into the precinct, Jake staples his finger and doesn't realize it for like, six hours. He can only be happy that Scully and Hitchcock leave every day they can at 4:48pm so that they couldn’t bring shame upon the family.
by @wordsformurder
Author Summary: A dissection of heroes.
day I go to war
Author Summary: "Do you believe in happy endings?""No."
Author Summary: In which Darcy battles hope and normalcy just to get home.(Wishlist, Day 18) For meinongian/vague_positivity, who prompted me with a link to post. The bare bones: imagine a child character pulled into another world, to save that world, Narnia style, only to then be sent 'home', also Narnia style. Only instead of accepting their fate, or being happy to be home, they spend their life trying to find a way back, because that other world, that was home. With Darcy being cast as the main character. (I can't find the link, whoops.)Usually, I hate long A/Ns, but I feel I need to explain this story a little. The prompt is amazing. The concept is brilliant and it deserved pages upon pages of world building, OCs, plot, details, emotional upheaval and payoff. I couldn't deliver that, so I stuck with a glimpse into that world, with a tone and style I hope does Darcy's state justice. I am so sorry I couldn't do more than that.
How to steal the Galaxy
I made myself when I was young
Author Summary: In which neither Peggy nor Susan like the cold.
no spoonful of sugar
Author Summary: I fought the war (but the war won)
Peter Pan
Author Summary: Growing up, coming down, moving on. - Interconnected glimpses.
pockets full of stones
Author Summary: This is a trick.
terms of endearment
Author Summary: In which Bruce is a little confused and Tony is Bambi. Borderline crack.
this is my kingdom come
Author Summary: Martha Jones walks the earth. Loki Odinson... doesn't.
Tony Stark's Collectibles
Author Summary: Someone said 'Friends!AU'. This is the self-indulgent mess that happened next.
Trust Me
Author Summary: It all comes down to trust.(Or: The house always wins. 'The house' being 'Tony Goddamn Stark'.)
we were emergencies
Author Summary: Buffy Summers and Natasha Romanov keep meeting. Eventually, they stop questioning it.
Author Summary: In which Tony cooks, Steve watches, JARVIS is... erm, helpful, and Buffy is the other woman. Or something.
by @wordsformurder and @reena-jenkins
Clint's Grand Easter Adventure (Without Eggs)
Author Summary: Natasha Romanov designs the world's worst Easter Egg Hunt.ORWhat else was happening, while Tasha and Bucky were tearing SHIELDRA a new one.
I hated you the least
Author Summary: Reena_Jenkins said: Buffy and Faith as daughters of Thanos. I couldn't keep my mouth shut.
by @xparrot
Majority Rule
Author Summary: Tony learns something that changes his perspective on the Asgardians of his acquaintance.
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