#thor was the only other person to get loki to do something he didn't want to do
bylerisrequited · 8 months
all it took for loki to ride the tandem bicycle was mobius tilting his head and batting his eyelashes yet i'm supposed to believe they aren't boyfriends?!
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Hello! May I request some headcanons with Loki or Buddha with a deity!s/o who known for their protection over the forests but doesn’t blame humanity entirely for the loss of them? They don’t pin each forest fire on the humans when a drought or another cause is usually the culprit.
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- Honestly, it baffles Loki that you don't hold a grudge against humans because sometimes, they are just horrid little parasites.
- However you remind him the only reason why they do stuff like that is because of the punishment that the gods gave the humans.
- "It's quite simple, Loki. Gods destroy their homes. The humans cut down the wood to rebuild. And then their homes are destroyed again because of the gods. It's just how it is."
- He can tell that it hurts you, though. Many times he's found you sulk at the once grand and tall patches of forest and trees now being replaced with cement jungles and roads. The unspoken rage as you hold a bird whose wing was injured in the deforestation process of greedy humans, listening to its sad tweets and petting it as an attempt to comfort it.
- He may interfere with any God or human's plan that may hurt your forests. For example, if a drought where to occur because the gods believe the humans deserved it, Loki would casually incur Thor's wrath on purpose just so he made it rain. Yes, he'd sadly be helping those horrid humans live longer but at least your beloved nature would be saved.
- And he gets to set up Thor for the entire thing too!
- As for the more pathetic humans, the ones who wipe out dozens of forests to create more unnecessary cities and suburbs, Loki will bend the rules a bit and mess with their machines and mechanics.
- He'll proudly let you know what he's done with a smile on his face and want a little kiss on his cheek as a reward.
- He tries to play it off like he doesn't care about you, that he's just doing this in exchange of romantic favors, but it's kinda easy to see the only one he's convincing of that fact is himself.
- Sometimes natural disasters occur, things that can not be stopped, but that doesn't mean that you aren't any less sad.
- He never gets the hint and will try to tease you and annoy you a bit, thinking he's doing you a favor by trying to get it off your mind but then he just huffs and walks off. Giving up and leaving you alone, since you want to be boring and wallow.
- Just kidding! He just doesn't know how to comfort you, is all, but when he figures out a way; he will return. The chances of him verbally apologizing for pestering you are slim but he will show his remorse in other ways.
- Threatening any minor gods who cause any destruction to your forests because of their temper tantrums towards the mortals to regrow your trees. He doesn't care if their powers don't let them do that, he will literally give them a gardening book and with a creepy smile, say: "Then I'd start learning how to grow them! Or else..."
- Then he'll take all the credit as he shows you the semi-restored forest, yes it may be smaller than it used to be but it still warms your heart that he'd go to such lengths...Even though he technically didn't do it but you don't need to know that.
- Overall, Loki can understand being protective of something since he is a very possessive person, but he will secrely punish SOMEONE behind your back depending on the god and the context of the humans.
- However, if you find that he's wrongfully punished humans and get upset with him, he'll be upset with you and not speak to you until you realize he was just trying to help you protect your precious forests!
- Then he'll come crawling back, a pout on his face as he admits that he made it up to the stupid mortals who were innocent, only for it to be replaced by a smile as you kiss him and thank him for apologizing.
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- OKAY BUT CONSIDERING HE FOUND ENLIGHTENMENT UNDER A BODHI TREE, he totally had a certain respect for you already and your dedication to protecting the forests.
- And that respect honestly went up even more when he learned that you don't simply blame humans each time their is a tragic destruction, after all, even before them: forest fires and other unforseen circumstances of nature would occur unfortunately.
- Likes to go on walks through forests with you, always being careful to make sure whatever wrappings he has on him from his snacks don't fall to the ground and always silently picking them up.
- He honestly loves the forests just as much as you do, not gonna lie. But if there's a specific forest that you like or call home, you can expect to find him there most of the time.
- Like you come back after having to defend and heal some of the surviving trees from another tragedy recover but once you see him softly snoring under a tree you both considered your favorite, you smile lovingly and join him, causing him to stir a little and wrap an arm around your shoulder.
- But yeah, he honestly applauds you for being so understanding and not blaming the humans all willy nilly, it's sad that the rest of the gods couldn't be as understand towards the humans as you are when it comes to these things but he's glad at the very least that you are.
- He also may be chill but like, if there are humans who end up destroying your forests for their own selfish gain then he wouldn't tell anyone if you decided to, like, pay them back just a little bit.
- If another God were responsible for the destruction of your trees, he will make sure that you receive proper apologies and that there will be repercussions.
- And if anyone has a problem with that, they can take that up with him.
- Honestly loves to help you take care of your forests if you'd let him, he'll need a bit of direction but he enjoys being around nature and he enjoys being around you.
- He may need a bit of direction, he may even make a few little mistakes just so you could come over and correct him and have an excuse to be close to you.
- Like, he'll accidentally be all: "Uh, how do you trim their branches?" and you smile and walk over to him as you come from behind him and put your arms around his, helping him navigate the scissors with your hands.
- Yeah, it may sound a bit childish but at the end of the day, he isn't ashamed with it as he's all: "It's gonna take me a while to learn this, (Y/n). You might need to teach me a few more times."
- You simply roll your eyes, recognizing his tone being a playfull one but kissing his cheek and smiling: "Then I will teach you for as long as it takes♡"
- HE WILL COMFORT YOU WHEN YOU GET UPSET, HONESTLY. Like you suffered a devastating lost because of a horrible natural accident that was no one's fault, but yet you blamed yourself. He will hold your face and tell you straight up you've done all you could do.
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percheduphere · 7 months
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It troubles me when fans find Loki in his own tv series "out of character". Since the first Thor movie, Loki has shown a certain sweetness, protectiveness, and level-headedness that was overcome and eventually self-suppressed by rage and tragedy. He didn't have an environment in which he could thrive and, in Frigga's words, succeed at being who he truly is.
Loki desperately needed a support system outside his immediate family. That support system simply couldn't have been built on Asgard because of:
1. Odin's political machinations, including the intentional creation of an environment rife with sibling rivalry and blatant favoritism.
2. The racist if not xenophobic views of Asgardians.
3. The inherent masculine-dominant, warrior society culture of Asgard.
To break Loki out of his self-destructive patterns, it took the empathy of 1 brainwashed and memory-wiped TVA analyst to rightly recognize that Loki as a person has incredible potential and that he could actively do something about it. That Mobius uses this reasoning for the advantage of the TVA (then under HWR's helm) is a plot point I'll discuss later, but the fact still stands: Loki was given a second chance to be who he really is because of the choice Mobius made to intervene. Loki would have been pruned before he would have had the opportunity to meet Sylvie, B-15, Casey, and OB. This is fact.
Mobius literally drops everything--the case he's actively investigating--to intervene. The fact a minuteman immediately reports the variant of Loki he is most interested in has been taken into custody suggests that Mobius has been planning this intervention for some time.
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Some fans hate Mobius for his treatment of Loki in the first episode. It is, indeed, manipulative, condescending, and to a certain extent, emotionally abusive. I'm not denying any of this, but from a narrative perspective, Mobius, to be a fully well-rounded character, necessarily must have his own flaws and personal conflicts to battle. Loki's evolution as a character, and thus his positive impact on others, would be missing an emotional beat of mutual reciprocation otherwise. That emotional beat pays off in every episode of S2, culminating in the final scene of the final episode. This is to say nothing of the likelihood that Loki would not have been receptive to any form of gentleness at that point in time to begin with.
Crucially, Mobius gets Loki to admit that his villainous persona is exactly that: an illusion constructed in a bid for control. Some viewers might interpret this scene as a shortcut for getting Loki to behave "out of character" by S1E2, but Thor 2 proves otherwise:
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This scene with Thor demonstrates that Loki has a high pain tolerance and is adept at hiding pain. His need to mask his vulnerability, and how that vulnerability is intrinsically tied with the misplaced shame of who he is, resonates deeply with queer, people of color, immigrant, colonized, and adopted fans, many of whom have intersectional lived experiences (including myself). I believe it is for this reason that so many of us are desperate for blatant representation in mainstream entertainment, and to shame us for the sin of hoping is disturbing.
But I digress. Frigga, Thor, and now Mobius are among the few who can see through Loki's deception. That deception has the unfortunate effect of hurting not only innocent civillians but his loved ones and himself (closeting, internalized racism).
Once Loki is able to drop that persona through admission, however, he is able to relax and be himself in the TVA. And in being himself, Loki is consequently able to love himself, which manifests through loving Sylvie. S1 shows Loki holding her up on a romantic pedestal: he chases after her, he sings a song for her, he wants her to be okay. He loves her, yes, and though it appears she does not reciprocate (in my opinion, your mileage might vary), Sylvie does love Loki enough back to buy him a drink and counsel him about what he really wants. This scene is critical in Loki's development in the same way Mobius sheds light on his potential to be whoever he wants.
Both Mobius and Sylvie are integral for Loki to arrive at his turning point, his ultimate sacrifice. Loki loves Sylvie. He therefore chooses to not kill her. Killing her, moreover, would not solve the issue of free will. Sylvie is right in believing free will, and thus the multiverse, is right and necessary. Sylvie's moral question and Loki sparing her life, answers Mobius's belief that Loki can be whoever he wants.
On the other side of this coin, watching Mobius in the final scene, hearing Mobius whisper, "Let time pass..." answers Sylvie's question of what Loki wants, and what he want more deeply than not being alone is for his friends, most especially Mobius (whom he also loves and cares for most, to LIVE.
The series ends with only 2 characters heartbroken with the outcome of Loki's heroism, which Mobius knew existed within him from the beginning. He saw those little but important moments: Loki comforting his brother, Loki protecting Jane, Loki giving up his life to buy Thor time, and so much more, he saw and he knew Frigga's words were right.
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lotrefcp · 14 days
Alone Amongst Many - One Shot
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pairing/AU: AU Loki x female!reader
summary: You start working at The Avengers Compound and you meet someone you didn't expect...
warnings: Fluff, fluff and fluff
word count: 4318
Alone Amongst Many
This was your second year at the Avengers Tower, after being recruited when you made news for, by yourself and on your home computer, destroying an illegal vibranium buying and selling network that had been discovered in the wreckage of Sokovia.
Tony Stark had personally come to your house to invite you to join the most famous team of superheroes in the world.
“But I don’t know how to fight. If you give me a push right now I'll do three somersaults backwards.”, you said in surprise, making the billionaire laugh.
"Don’t worry. We already have a lot of people who know how to throw punches. And they can also withstand some. What we want from you is this,” he replied pointing to his head. “Your brain. The way you were able to intercept and terminate online negotiations for vibranium when not even we were aware of such a situation makes you a person of great interest to our organization. Intelligence is always rare to find out there, so when it happens, we cannot waste it.”
And so, after a few days, you had your house empty and an apartment in the Avengers Compound waiting for you. The complex was huge, with a building with only apartments for the avengers, with a communal kitchen and common room, library and gym. Still in the same building were the meeting rooms, archives and offices for “intelligence”. Your apartment, like everyone else's, was in another building a few meters from the main one, yet it had the same commodities as the first place. On your first day of work, Tony made a point of taking you to the common room where everyone was entertained (some watching TV, others playing board games, others just talking to each other) to introduce you to the team.
“Everyone,” Stark began in a loud voice to make himself heard, “I want to introduce you to the newest member of our intel team. Team, this is Y/N, Y/N, this is the team.” And soon everyone started to get up to greet you.
“Welcome lady Y/N.”, Thor began. “I hope you feel welcomed by everyone.” You quickly started laughing. “Did I say something funny?, Thor asked with a worried look.
"No of course not. I'm so sorry.”, you said, confused. “It's the first time someone has called me lady. Is that still used?”
“In Midgard they may have forgotten how to treat a woman, but in Asgard we are all brought up knowing that all women deserve to be treated like ladies.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you or your culture. But you can call me Y/N. We will be, in one way or another, co-workers. I don't need so much courtesy. But thank you for your kindness.”
"Of course. I will do my best to fulfill your request.”, he ended up saying. From behind him a female voice sounded.
“He seems like a real gentleman but when you hear him snoring on the couch you'll realize it's all a facade.”, Natasha said as she approached you to greet you. Then you let out a new laugh. “I'm Natasha.”, she ended up saying.
“I know who you are. You are amazing. A while ago I even dyed my hair red because of you. But then I realized that you keep changing your hair color and it became difficult to keep up.”
“Don’t worry, your natural hair color suits you like a glove.”, Sam Wilson, always a flirt, said as he stretched out his hand to shake you.
“Sam, stop it. She's just arrived and you're already trying to get something.”, Bucky said immediately, making Sam feel embarrassed.
“Hey, I'm just stating a fact. Are you going to say I’m lying.” You didn't know what to say, growing redder and redder at the conversation taking place in front of you.
And one by one everyone introduced themselves. All except one, hidden by the shadows, sitting on the sofa in the farthest corner of the room, with his legs crossed and a book in his hand.
“Well, now that you've met the whole team, I'm going to take you to your office to meet your co-workers.”, Stark said again, placing his hand on your back and walking you out of the room and through the hall.
“Sorry to ask, but you said I had met the whole team. But I saw someone sitting, reading, who I never had the chance to meet.”
“Don’t worry about him. He is always away from us. For the good of all."
"For the good of all? Why? Who is he."
“Loki, Thor´s brother.” Suddenly you stopped, looking at Tony with your eyes wide open, not knowing what to say, making him also stop a few meters in front of you.
“Loki? Thor's brother? The one who destroyed New York just because he wanted a throne? That Loki?”, you asked a little scared.
“That’s right.”, Tony replied.
“But why is he here? And not in Asgard, trapped in some cell?”
“Well, when we managed to catch him he was, in fact, sent and tried in Asgard. But, unfortunately, shortly afterwards they were attacked by an enemy race and Loki helped to defeat them and, most importantly, to save Thor's girlfriend.”
“I remember seeing something on the news. Something happened in London because of that, didn’t it?”
“But I don’t remember hearing anything about Loki’s presence.”
“Apparently, while saving Jane he was seriously injured and had to be treated.”
“But again, why is he here? With you?"
“Thor asked us to give him a chance. He knew that the moment his brother returned to Asgard he would return to his cell and never leave again. He convinced us that he had changed and promised to keep an eye on him. That's why we decided to give him a chance. And although his instinct for deception and chaos caused us some problems at first, he has been very useful in our missions.”
“But then, why did you say it was good that he stayed away from you?”
“He can be useful on missions but no one here has forgotten what he did and most still don’t believe he’s changed.”
After seeing the place where you were going to work and the people you were going to spend the most time with, you went to your apartment to arrange it your way, to make it your home. Despite not spending much time with the Avengers, you quickly became friends with some of them, as was the case with Natasha and Bucky, who from time to time invited you to dinners and small get-togethers that they organized in the complex. At one of those gatherings, and after several days of hard work that left you very tired, you left the room without anyone noticing and walked through the corridors, enjoying its silence and calm. Suddenly you found yourself facing the door to the library, opening it slowly and entering without making a sound. The place was magnificent with shelves filled to the ceiling with books, sofas and armchairs everywhere and a small corner near a window with a chaise longue and a small table next to it. With the dim light in the place, you headed there, curious about the view through the window glass, but as you got closer, you noticed that the piece of furniture was occupied by someone with a book in their hand. Strange, I thought everyone was in the room hanging out. But soon a person's name came to mind; Loki, of course he wasn't socializing with the others. You knew everything he had done, the number of people he had killed, but you couldn't stop a certain fascination with him. And so, trying not to make any noise, you continued to approach the place to observe him more closely. Little by little, however, you noticed something strange. You were sure he was Loki, but he didn't look like him. When the light of the full moon came through the window you were able to see what made him look different from all the other times you had seen him; he was blue, his body was full of marks and his eyes were a deep scarlet red. In surprise, you made a false step and crashed into a shelf, causing Loki to look in your direction.
“Y/N?”, he asked while changing his appearance, but you were already running towards the door. There were several days when you left the house straight to the office and vice versa, afraid of running into Loki on the way. He, in turn, hoped to be able to meet you at one of the ridiculous dinners that his colleagues liked to organize. When, after a week of waiting, he didn't find you, Loki decided to wait for you in the garden you were crossing to go to your apartment. When you saw him, in the distance, you tried to turn back but he was already heading towards you.
“Y/N. Wait.”, he asked.
“I’m sorry, but I just remembered that I left something in the office.”, you replied.
“Are you seriously trying to lie? To me?”
“Well, I forgot about the idea of the god of lies and all that.”, you said, lowering your head.
“You don’t need to be afraid of me. I know you've been avoiding me.”
“I didn't know how to look at you after I sneaked away without your consent. After what I saw.”
“That’s exactly what I wanted to talk about. Can we sit on a bench?”
“Aren’t you upset me?”, you asked fearfully.
"Upset? Only if you leave me here with my arm in the air instead of grabbing it.”
"Oh sorry. I’m not used to someone giving me his arm.”
And so Loki took you along one of the garden paths until you reached a bench in the middle of several fruit trees. For several minutes you remained silent without looking at each other.
“I wanted to apologize once again for appearing so close to you without warning.”, you began by saying. I just wanted to see the landscape and then I saw that someone was there and my curiosity was stronger than me, and then I saw that...”
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, stop. Breathe. You don’t need to be sorry. You don't need to make a formal announcement every time you enter a place. The library is for everyone. Even though it is always empty. No one goes there besides me.”
“And that’s why you’re going there? To be alone?”
“No, I go there because books are my greatest passion. Books and magic. But yes, being alone is also an important factor.”, he replied with a small smile on his lips. You responded with a smile of your own and became silent again for a while.
“Can I ask you a question?” you questioned.
“Of course you can.”, Loki replied, already knowing what the topic would be.
“Why were you blue that night? Do you change color under the moonlight? I mean, forget it, it’s none of my business. You don’t even need to answer.”
“Y/N, you have to learn how to breathe. And to wait for the answer before asking another question.”
"Sorry. I've always been like this. Since I was little, I could hardly be heard in the conversations I participated in, so I had to say everything at once before being interrupted. In a strange way we are even similar. You move away because you don’t want to deal with anyone and I was pushed aside because no one wanted to deal with me.” Loki let out a sad laugh.
“It seems so.”, he continued without looking at Y/N. “But no, I don’t change color with the moon.”, he replied with a sad look.
“Okay?”, you insisted.
“It’s a complicated story. And I’m sorry if I scared you when you saw me in that state.”
“You didn’t scare me. I was surprised, but I wasn’t scared.”
"Of course not. I didn't see much, but from what I could tell you didn't look scary. Quite the opposite.”, you said, your cheekbones taking on a pinker color.
“You don’t need to lie.”
"I'm not lying. Plus, blue is my favorite color.”, Y/N finished laughing. “But if you don’t want to talk about it anymore, I understand. It’s a personal thing, and I don’t want to intrude.” you continued as you got up to leave.
“Wait.”, Loki said suddenly, gently grabbing your wrist. "I want to speak."
“Are you sure?”, you asked as you sat back down in the bench next to him.
"Yes, I am."
And so he told you everything about his childhood, the lies that Odin told him, about discovering his true origin, the monster that parents tell their children about at night, and how it all culminated in his attempt to conquer Midgard. You didn't know what to say, having been silent the entire time.
“And do the others know too?”
“No, only Thor knows my origin.”
“And why didn’t you ever tell anyone else?”
“Y/N, they already see me as a monster. Imagine if they knew I really was one.”
"Don’t say that. Just because you were born in another kingdom doesn't mean you're a monster. You were raised by Asgardians, by a mother who loved you and always supported you. This is what transforms us, not the place where we are born and who gave birth to us. But, if you don’t want anyone to know your true origin, why did you abandon your Asgardian form in the library?”
“The truth is that maintaining this shape demands a lot from me. Therefore, and knowing that no one ever goes to the library, I felt free to rest a little, regaining energy for my magic.”
“And then I showed up to ruin everything.”
"Don’t say that. You have as much right as I do to be there. And if anyone had to find out, I'm glad it was you.” Your stomach dropped when you heard it.
"Seriously? Why?"
“I talk very little but I observe a lot and I know you're the only person who wouldn't judge me.”, he replied with a smile on his face as he looked at you.
And the months went by. You were getting closer and closer to the avengers, especially Bucky, but also Loki, who despite continuing to stay away from everyone else, smiled at you when he noticed you entering the room, waited for you in the library to talk about the events of the week and than, without wanting to, he began to feel something inside him that he didn't know. A pit in my stomach whenever he saw you with Barnes, sitting next to him watching movies, with your head on his lap when sleep began to come. But, when he was alone, he imagined that it was him you were leaning against, that it was in his lap that you rested on, that it was with him that you felt safe. If he only knew you wanted the same. If he only knew that it was for him that your heart beat faster, that it was so that you could see him more often that you accepted all the invitations they gave you to go to the complex. You loved Bucky but he was nothing more than a friend to you. Although for him, being something more was a thought that occasionally occupied his mind.
It was New Year's Eve and it would be the first time you attended the party that Tony organized every year. In your first year there you preferred to spend the year’s eve with your parents because you had to work during Christmas but this year, having managed to go home for the Christmas celebrations, you decided that you wanted to participate in the party with those who were already your friends. After a whole day of preparing for the party with the help of Natasha and Wanda, you looked in the mirror and you had never felt so beautiful before. You couldn't believe that was your reflection.
“Yes, that person in the mirror is you.”, Natasha said from behind you, as if guessing your thoughts.
"It's hard to believe."
"But it's true. Now let’s go to the party to break some hearts.” You smiled but deep down you didn't want to break anyone's heart. Neither anyone else's nor yours. The three of you left your room and headed to the elevator that would take you to the room where the party was already taking place.
When you entered the room, everyone looked at you with little whistles thrown into the air.
“Okay, boys. You can calm down. Nothing to see here. Just three beautiful women in even more beautiful dresses.”, Wanda said with a huge smile on her lips.
“Yes, three beauties that could make you end up in a hospital bed before the end of the night.”, Natasha continued to warn them.
“Two, two that could send you to the hospital. I would be filling out the paperwork.”, you said embarrassed. Everyone laughed and went back to what they were doing. After greeting the people who approached you, your gaze began to move around the room looking for Loki. He wasn't at the kitchen table eating, he wasn't at the bar, he wasn't watching TV. And suddenly you remembered and your gaze followed your thoughts. There he was, on the same couch, in the same corner where you first saw him. But this time, he didn't have any book in his hand. Apparently, his gaze had already been scanning your figure from the moment you entered the room. Your emerald green dress was a great appetizer for more fertile minds, with a neckline that showed the beginnings of your cleavage and a slit on your left leg that ended just above your knee. When you saw him looking you up and down, with his crystal blue gaze covering every inch of your body, you couldn't breathe or think for a moment. Until his smile opened and yours quickly imitated it, starting to go towards him, to greet him. You were so attentive to the space that separated you from him that you didn't even notice Bucky approaching you.
“Y/N.”, he said, scaring you a little.
“Bucky. How are you?"
“I feel like tearing the sleeves off my jacket. But it's rented so I can't. But you look beautiful.”
"Thank you very much. But you are also very elegant.”
“So friendly. Wouldn't you happen to want to dance with me? They just put on one of my favorite songs. And I know it’s old but, hey, I’m over a hundred years old.” You looked at Bucky and then at Loki without knowing what to answer. When you saw Loki looking away from you and picking up the book that was on the table next to him, you looked back at Bucky with a sad smile.
"Of course. I could never say no to such an elegant gentleman.”, you said laughing before he took you by the hand and led you to the center of the room where several people were dancing. When you turned your back on him, Loki put the book down and fixed his gaze on you again. Bucky had his vibranium hand on the small of your back and the other on your hand, glued to his chest. Despite the discomfort of being interrupted on your way to Loki, you smiled and laughed at everything Bucky said to you, his mouth getting closer and closer to your ear. Loki could no longer see you like that and ended up getting up and leaving the room. When the song ended you hugged Bucky and thanked him for dance. The hug took longer than you wanted and when you tried to pull away, Bucky tried to give you a small kiss on your lips. You quickly walked away.
“Bucky, I’m sorry. I like you a lot but not like this. I’m sorry if I did anything to make you think otherwise.”
“No Y/N, I’m the one who apologizes. I really like you, and I'm not going to lie, sometimes I think about what it would be like to be with you as a couple, but you didn't do anything to deceive me. I'm just not used to these things anymore. I apologize once again.”
"Don’t worry. I just hope this doesn’t cause our friendship to change.”
"Of course not. And thanks for the dance. Now go have fun while I try to hide my shame at the bottom of a bottle.”
“You know that a bottle won’t do anything to you. You’d have to drink the entire wine cellar.”, you concluded laughing out loud. You ended up saying goodbye to him and headed back to the place where you had seen Loki but suddenly you stopped; he was no longer there. You looked around the room again, but this time to no avail. With your head down, you decided to leave the room and go to the balcony. It was then that you saw him, his back facing you, forearms resting on its railing. You slowly approached him and leaned against the left side of his body. He didn't even look at you.
“Weren’t you enjoying the party?”
“Do I look like someone who likes mortal parties?”
“So why did you come?”
“Because I was waiting for someone.”, he said, interlacing his fingers.
“And she didn’t come?”
“Yes, she came, but apparently she was already committed to someone else.”, Loki replied, looking at you, the blue of his eyes lost in yours.
“Are you talking about Bucky? He just asked me to dance.”
“And why did you accept?”
"Because we are friends."
"Don’t say that. Everybody in this building knows he likes you. So I ask again; If you’re just his friend, why did you agree to dance with him when everyone knows he wants more from you?” You didn't know how to answer. Who was he to criticize what you did when he himself didn’t make anything clear.”
“I accepted because he’s my friend.”, you repeated.
You hung your head in shame. “And because it’s nice to feel like someone likes you. It's good to feel wanted.”, your face was now almost as red as Loki's eyes in his Jotun form.
“Well, I wouldn't know about that.”, he replied.
“You wouldn't know about that because you're an idiot.”, you replied without thinking about what you were saying.
“I beg your pardon?”, he asked, turning to you, leaning on the balcony railing with just his right arm.
“You heard me. You don't know how it feels to be wanted because you're an idiot.”, you repeated with a slightly louder tone of voice. Loki didn't know what was happening.
“Why do you think I come to the complex so often to have dinner you or watch movies?”
“To be with your friends?”
"No. It's to be able to see you, to be able to talk to you, to be able to look at you while you read, always with an air of enchantment on your face with each page you finish. And I love reading, but I don't need to go to the library every week. I don't read as fast as you. I'm going there to be with you for a while, to talk, to laugh together, to..." Your voice was silenced when Loki's lips met yours. With the initial surprise you didn't know how to react but, after realizing what was happening, you brought your hands to his face, before they started running through his wavy hair. He placed his left hand on the small of your back, pressing your body against his and his right hand on your neck, deepening the kiss when you opened your lips to let his tongue taste the inside of your mouth. When you were already needing air, you moved away from each other, with Loki resting his forehead on yours, while he grabbed each side of your face.
“What was that?”, you asked almost breathlessly.
“It was to show that you are also an idiot. Why do you think I stayed in the room when you were lying on Bucky's lap? Even though it made me suffer, I could see your face under the television light. Why do you think I kept going to the library if I wasn't the only one there anymore? Because I was always waiting for you. You went there a few times a week but I was there every day, always hoping that that would be the day you showed up. Why do you think I told you the truth about my origins? Because I've wanted you since the first time I saw you. Because you didn't judge me when you saw me in the room, away from everyone else.
“Well, the truth is that I didn’t recognize you that day. You were in a very dark corner.”, You replied laughing, before kissing Loki again with even more intensity.
“Do you want to get out of here?” he asked, leaving your lips for a few seconds.
“What’s on your mind?”
And quickly he snapped his fingers and you appeared in another part of the complex while still kissing. At the end of the kiss you smiled wholeheartedly and hugged him without ever wanting to let go. Still hugging him, you opened your eyes and looked around.
“Yes, darling?”
“Are we in your room?”
“I think we’ve waited long enough, don’t we?”
“I didn’t know you were like that.”
"No? Come on. God of mischief.” And taking you in his arms, he placed you gently on his bed.
“Is it true that you also have a silver tongue?”
“Does the color matter?”, he replied laughing before devouring your lips again.
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loki-us · 7 months
Can the same parallel of Thor and Jane be made for Loki and Sylvie the way you are making for Loki and Mobius? I'm genuinely curious. Do you think the show in its writing and direction makes that parallel?
Didn't Sylvie change Loki the way Jane changed Thor? In his own words, made them soft.
(Ask is referencing this post about the parallel between the relationship of Thor/Jane and Loki/Mobius)
I think the way Tom and Owen play Loki and Mobius makes it very clear that the parallel is between them and not Loki and Sylvie. From the very first episode, Mobius is the only one who sees Loki differently, who sees him for who he really is and believes in his capacity for good. Before Loki even meets Sylvie, he spends time with Mobius in episode 2 and learns what it means to have a genuine friend who trusts you and doesn’t expect you to be anything besides yourself. Because everyone in Loki’s life had always based his worth on a throne, on his ability to be a worthy prince and live up to the image of Thor and Odin and then here comes this soft analyst who has seen everything Loki has ever done and says ‘you’re not a villain’ and ‘you could be anything you want to be, even someone good.’
The impact of having that one person believe in him is enough to allow Loki to realize that his worth isn’t tied to a throne and that trusting other people doesn’t have to make him vulnerable. With Sylvie, I think Loki was starting to learn what it meant to love himself, in the sense that he started feeling protectiveness and affection toward her and had no context for that feeling as someone who has always felt only shame and hatred for himself. However, Sylvie never transformed him like Mobius did. Sylvie was so blinded by her trauma and her need for revenge that she was literally incapable of trusting anybody. Loki says this to her in 1x6 and then Sylvie uses his feelings to manipulate him so she can achieve her own goal. Sylvie never truly cared about anyone besides herself, which is shown in season 2 when Loki has to constantly ask her to return to the TVA and only gets her to help once her own timeline is destroyed. Loki never stops trying to save the TVA, and it’s all because he knows Mobius was happy there and he wants his friends to be happy again.
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Sylvie on the other hand is actively trying to stop him and they are constantly opposing each other the entire season. Note that after this line, when Loki says he wants his friends back, he is by definition referring to everyone besides Sylvie because they are the only two who know what really happened at this point and Sylvie made it clear she wants to be left in her timeline alone.
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Finally, Loki explicitly references Mobius’ impact on him later in the episode, just before Mobius asks if Loki is really his friend. Loki makes it clear here that Mobius’ belief in him was something he had never even considered before, that the power of that belief had changed his entire perspective.
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Loki and Sylvie never have anything close to this type of transformative relationship and the way that Mobius changed him directly inpsired his actions throughout the entirety of season 2. Through Mobius, Loki found people he could care about, he realized his self-worth, and he found the strength to sacrifice for others, all things that Sylvie never taught him. If you imagine taking either Mobius or Sylvie out of the equation, it’s clear that Loki’s growth and journey to his own glorious purpose was made possible by his relationship with Mobius and how he was changed by it.
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ravenloop · 1 year
-In Time-
Pairing: Yandere!Heimdall X Female!reader
Request (in summary [requested by @oyasumimosura]): Reader is the daughter of Kratos and sister of Atreus. She goes to Asgard with Atreus and is very protective of him. While she's there, she catches the eyes of Heimdall and finds out his feelings for her are far more deeper and darker than she thought. (So sorry this took so long! Also was worried about making Heimdall too OOC so I changed it a bit, hope you don't mind :))
Warnings: Just normal Yandere stuff, Heimdall being creepy and possessive (more towards the end), bit of swearing, some violence.
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AN: YALL IM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN SO LONG 😭 I was busy and honestly didn't even know how long I didn't post in :') so have this request! Trying to clear out my inbox lol. I hope y'all like it cause I Def stressed trying to make it good sjnsj enjoy <3
There was something so creepy about him.
The way he looked at you. Stared at you. He didn't even think about looking away when your gazes crossed. It was like he wanted things to be awkward between you both.
Not like you wanted any sort of relationship with Heimdall, but it would be nice if he tried to be a little hospitable, would be far better than whatever he was currently doing. Which was—not so shockingly—staring.
You shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, trying to act like you couldn't see him. Though, by now he probably read your mind and knew how you felt. Maybe that's why he kept doing it, he wanted you to feel extremely unwelcomed.
It wasn't like you wanted to come to Asgard in the first place. Your brother, Atreus, did. After a very heated argument back at Sindri's tree home, he ran off and sought out Asgard in spite. Of course he wasn't happy when you tracked him down, your father wouldn't be happy either—considering you went without his permission.
All you wanted was for Atreus to be safe. You'll be damned if you let your little brother get hurt by a bunch of piss-faced gods who think they're above everyone else.
With a sigh, you turned and walked away from the open area where Heimdall and a few other Aesir stood. Still, you could feel those eyes piercing through you like a spear.
"He's a weirdo, right?" You jolted, not expecting someone to talk to you. Turning towards the voice, you noticed Thor's daughter, "Um..."
She snorted at your awkward demeanor, "Relax. Everyone here thinks Heimdall is a jerk." You chuckled slightly at that, at least you knew you weren't alone.
"Im... glad to hear. Thrúd, is it?" She nodded. You've seen her talking to Atreus before leaving back at the lodge. Maybe she didn't have enough time to talk to you then, so she's doing it now. That or her parents didn't want her to.
"And you're Loki's sister, Huh?" She put her hand out, "Nice to meet ya!" Slowly you reached out and grabbed her hand, she shook it roughly. Seems like she's excited.
"He's told me a lot about you. Must be fun having a big sister. I've only had brothers." Oh, right. You remember her brothers, Magni and Modi—the ones father killed.
"Right." Suddenly the situation turned awkward.
"Always have to make newcomers feel threatened or uncomfortable, do you?" A hand landed on your shoulder, making you flinch and turn.
It was Heimdall again.
Good gods, how long was he standing there—was he watching you the entire time?!
This time he wasn't looking at you though, he was staring at Thrúd. She stared back, a frown on her face, "I don't always make people uncomfortable. Right?" She looked at you, making Heimdall do the same.
Both pair of eyes pinned you to your spot. Licking your teeth, you responded, "No, I don't think you do." This was literally your first time talking to her so you didn't know if what you said was even true. Hopefully it was.
Heimdall rolled his eyes, "Lies. Lies. But I will leave you to be her personal toy if that's what you'd like. Nine realms know she hasn't made a single friend since being pushed out." Stepping back, he bowed mockingly before walking off with a laugh. But you didn't miss the way his eyes lingered on you a little longer.
Thrúd scowl, "Don't worry about him. He's just being an ass as always. It's nothing new." You nodded. That was strangely relieving. Maybe he'd soon realise you weren't worth it and would leave you alone. Maybe.
He didn't stop.
Those purple eyes never left your form. They tracked your everywhere. It felt like not even walls could stop him, like he'd just burn holes through them.
Even now, as people talked and murmured amongst themselves in the dining hall, he didn't focus on them. He only focused on one person. You.
The only reason you were even there was because Atreus was. It was late, the moon was high, and he had only just gotten back from a mission Odin sent him on a few minutes ago. It frustrated you how much Odin kept you and your brother separate, and Atreus was too oblivious to notice it.
I need to speak to him privately. We can't stay here any longer, You thought, staring at Atreus as he munched on a piece of bread. It was probably cold.
Opening your mouth, you were about to call his name, but he cut you off by yawning. "I think that mission tired me..." He laughed sheepishly, rubbing his neck, "I'm gonna go sleep."
Atreus stood quickly, moving to leave the hall. "Wait-" You grabbed his shoulder, making him turn, "Atreus, I need to speak to you... In private."
He stared at you. His eyes swiftly glanced over your shoulder before returning to you, "Could... It wait until morning? I'm really tired..." Your brows furrowed. Why was he acting like this? "I- alright..." You let go of him, watching as he smiled at you, saying goodnight before disappearing down the stairs.
It bothered you that he clearly knew it was important, yet decided it could wait, but the look in his eyes told you something was off. And the way he looked past you—at what? At who?
Turning around, your eyes scanned the hall. And you noticed one person—one god—who wasn't there. Heimdall.
That bastard.
The large doors of the lodge swayed the tiniest bit, indicating someone just left, forgetting to close them properly maybe.
You weaved past a few servants in your way, not caring about what they whispered to their fellow acquaintances. You shouldered open the door more aggressively than intended, but you didn't care. Right now you had your mind set on confronting a certain Aesir.
It didn't even cross your mind that whoever left the lodge could have just been a random Aesir that likely didn't even know your name. But to your eyes only one person was missing from that room, and you would have noticed if he went down the stairs in the lodge, right?
Just in case, you kept one hand on the dagger attached to your hip. The one your mother gave you, since your father was far more detached from you when you were a child than he was with Atreus.
You shook the thought from your head. Now wasn't the time to reflect on your childhood. Things have changed. For better and for worse.
Slowly, you stalked through a smaller, narrower path connected to a larger one. It made you less likely to be seen by others, and right now you didn't need people being suspicious of you—far more than they already are—you'd add.
"Looking for me? I feel honoured." You turned around, finding Heimdall emerging from a gap between houses. It was just big enough for a person to make themselves comfortable between.
Not wasting any time, you asked, "What did you tell my brother?" You saw his lips turn upwards ever so slightly, but it was hard to make out his expressions when he was standing so far, in the shadows of the houses, caused by the moon's light.
"You caught onto that quick. Though," His arms raised, extending outwards, "I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. You're one of the smarter... Half-giants I've met. I mean it, really!" Could he answer your question any slower?
"I didn't ask if you think I'm smart. I asked you what the hel you told my brother." You saw his eyes roll. They were the only things that the darkness couldn't hide from you. Every second they glowed brightly.
"I only instructed him one thing..." Heimdall moved closer to you, stepping out of the dark and into the moonlight. Instinctively you pulled out your dagger, aiming it at him. He stopped moving, but by the look on his face, you doubted he was intimidated. "...that he stay away from you, or I'd hurt you in ways that he'd never imagine possible."
That didn't scare you, it may have you feeling a bit uneasy, but not scared. "Is that what you're here to do now? Hurt me?" "No. Something quite the opposite, actually. That is... If you comply." The hand holding your weapon to him didn't falter, not even as he took a step closer.
"You don't scare me, Heimdall." He took another step closer, you stood your ground, "That's exactly what draws me to you."
You scoffed, "My lack of fear for you?"
"That and the lack of consideration you put behind your actions. I mean, how many other people would put a weapon  between themselves and I?" The tone of his voice grew more playful, as if the current situation didn't stress him, "When they know damn well it cannot stop me." It was clear it did not.
And to you It became increasingly more clear that you were in a secluded area. Hidden from any and all eyes expect Heimdall's. No one was around. No one could help you. No one would hear you.
He led you here. So you were with him and him only.
You gripped your dagger harder, the muscles in your arm straining, your breathing growing heavier when he stepped even closer, "Try anything and I'll kill you." He stared at you, a frown on his face. And you silently regretted saying that when he didn't speak.
It was tense. Quiet. All Heimdall did was stare into your eyes. You didn't dare tear your gaze away from his.
After a moment, he scoffed, before breaking out into laughter. Moonlight bounced off his golden teeth as he continued laughing, making them shine. "Do you..." He calmed himself down, still smiling widely, "Really think... That you can kill me?" He tutted, eyebrows furrowing in a way that made him look like he was staring at you with pity. "Oh, sunshine... That will never, never happen."
You dashed toward him.
As soon as the last syllable rolled off his tongue, you moved forward. The muscles in your arm burned at the movement, but it was a relief. They were finally able to move after being suspended in the air for so long.
You aimed for his throat. Your mission was to kill him. He gripped your wrist, yanking you towards him before throwing you into a nearby building. Your head banged against the wall and you hissed in pain. Weapon long forgotten, lost somewhere on the ground when Heimdall threw you. Everything became blurry and you closed your eyes for a moment.
When you opened them, Heimdall was kneeling in front of you. "Have we learnt our lesson yet?" His head tilted to the side, eyes staring into your half-opened ones.
Clear your mind. The words of your father echoed through your head. Do not let your enemy know your thoughts.
"No." Your left hand reached up to grip his braids, your right hand punching his face.
He stumbled back, groaning, his hand reaching up to his now bleeding face. You took your chance and ran, heading for the lodge. You needed to find Atreus.
The path seemed a lot more confusing on the way back, or maybe it was your racing mind making it seem like that.
You could hear Heimdall's rushing footsteps growing louder and closer. They were far more quiet than yours, but you could still pick up on them.
Finally, you saw the lodge come into view, the lights on it glowing brightly—but there was one thing that worried you.
Heimdall's footsteps stopped.
But yours didn't. Your legs kept moving. They went even faster now. Just as you were in a meter or two of the lodge, a hand gripped your arm, pulling you behind a house and back into the darkness as a hand covered your mouth.
You squirmed in Heimdall's grip, biting, kicking and doing whatever to try and escape.
Your teeth bit deep into his palm and he gritted his own teeth. The hand around your midsection, holding your back to Heimdall's chest, squeezed tight until there was little air in your lungs.
This caused you to stop moving, your head spinning once more. You heard Heimdall 'tsk', "Now now... Is this any way to treat your lover?" He finally released his hand from your mouth, trusting and knowing you wouldn't scream.
"You're a deranged fuck if you think anyone could ever love you," Venom dripped from your words, "Especially... when you do... stupid shit like this..." The little air in your body slowly disappeared with each word.
Heimdall noticed your struggles, and despite your words, he loosened the grip on your waist. You took in large gasps of air while Heimdall began speaking.
"True. Though being loved is a hard thing to do or come across now." His hand on your torso moved further up until it reached your throat. It didn't do anything, it just lingered there. "So sometimes, you just need to do things like this."
"I wonder why it's so hard for you..." He didn't like your tone. "Don't worry, you'll have plenty time to find out. It's not like you're ever leaving."
Your eyes narrowed, staring at the wooden wall in front of you. Before you could speak, Heimdall did, "And you will be staying here, sunshine. Unless you wanted your brother to have a... Painful death."
"Touch him and I'll-" you choked on your words when he squeezed your throat, stopping your breathing again.
"I won't touch him if you agree to what I'm proposing." His hand let go so you could breath, "And we both know you can't defeat me. So your best option would be complying." Not even the slightest bit did you agree to what he wanted you to. You hated him. This only expanded that feeling.
But your brother...
You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if he died.
"I'll make your life a living nightmare." It wasn't a yes or a no, as much as you wanted to say the latter.
There was a warm feeling on your neck and you recognized it as Heimdall's breath, "Even better. I love a good challenge. Hard to find one when you're a god of my capabilities."
Everything he said made you want to roll your eyes or curl you lips in anger. The hate you had for him was unmatched. The anger that filled your body when near him made you feel like exploding.
"I hate you."
He chuckled and it sounded like what a snowstorm felt like. Cold.
"I know. But don't worry... in time, you'll learn to love me."
No. No, you definitely would not.
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 12 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 13
Summary : An indecent phone conversation with Loki makes you late for your meeting with Strange.
Warning: 18+, slight dirty talk, mention of sex, mention of psychological torture, angst, insecurities, self deprecating behaviour,
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"God I'd never get enough of you" she whispered as her lips lingered over his mouth for a moment before she kissed him passionately.
"I'd never want that either sweetheart " he looked down at her, he can try all the positions in the world with her but this right here was his favorite of all, her body underneath him and her eyes staring back at him with such love and adoration.
"Loo" she mumbled softly so he snapped out of his thoughts and leaned down to kiss her before he hummed "I'm scared"
"I know princess, so am I, but I have to do this, I can not lose you, I can't take such a risk" she nodded but he could still see the saddened look on her face.
"What if something happens and we aren't at the right place at the right time? What would happen to us then?" Her eyes welled up so he cupped her cheeks and kissed her before he smiled.
"My love, no matter where in the world we are, eventually we will cross each other's path in one way or another and we will do so when our timing is aligned perfectly, a moment so absolute where we would be eager and desperate to fall so deeply in love with each other..just like this, you were made for me darling and I'll find you anywhere, anytime..i promise "
He woke up with head pounding and heart beating so fast, after the training session with the Captain he had fallen asleep, more than the training itself it was the conversation they both had that had tired him out. He couldn't stop asking him about some man named Bucky and how he knew that this Bucky was alive because apparently that's what his doppleganger has said to him to distract him in the fight after the battle of New York.
He was still under the false assumption that Loki was the one to morph into him even though he had clarified it a million times, he probably shouldn't have done the same to make fun of him when he was handcuffed after they had defeated him, that's probably why Rogers was adamant on this theory.
And Now this strange dream he just had was worrying him. He have had plenty of dreams about you in the past but this one felt different, he knew he saw you but you seemed a little different, just a bit aged than you do now, not much though. It didn't even feel like he was in this dream, he felt as if he was watching two people he didn't even know. However he did recognise the shared love between them, their emotions mirrored how you two felt about each other.
Perhaps he was overthinking, he knew Thanos was looking to assemble all the infinity stones and since the day when he had escaped with the tesseract things have been different. He wondered what would have happened if Stark hadn't dropped the briefcase holding the tesseract that fine day, Thor was taking him back to Asgard, the course of his life would have been entirely different if it wasn't for him picking up the cube. He felt overwhelmed and only one person could have made him feel better so he sat up and picked up the telephone to ring you.
He dialed your number and it didn't even ring twice before you picked it up
"Hey handsome" you giggled and the sound of your voice made him smile,
"Princess, i want to apologise if I am being a nuisance while you are on the job"
"No no ..not at all, I got off early, have to see the guy remember?" Oh yes. The healer.
"How could I ever forget?"
"I'm almost ready lo, will leave in a few"
"Oh apologies darling, I wouldn't want you to be late for the meeting "
You sat down on the bed as he said that.
"Maybe I want to be late, I'm not going to see you for hours, let me just talk to you baby" he smiled at the comment.
"Okay we can talk my sweetheart, what are you wearing?" you gasped as he said that and it took him a second to realize how his words were being interpreted.
"God you're a naughty boy..it's barely two in the afternoon" you mumbled and he was grateful you weren't there to see the effect you had on him. He was a god, where was the will power and self resistance? How come you were able to break him so easily?
"No no I just mean in general, I just wanted to have an image of you in my head, that is all" he mumbled nervously
"Mmmm I'll tell you if you tell me what you are wearing"
"Well I …uhhh .." he just had a satin sheet to cover his modesty, when alone he enjoyed sleeping naked. Clothes always made him feel hot and not in a good way.
"Oh my god you're naked aren't you? " he squeezed his eyes as you said that "Oh that's a lovely image.. I can picture it you know, your tall athletic naked body on the bed, aren't you the perfect sight for my sore eyes?" Why were you doing this to him?
"Now who's the naughty one here?"
"You look so pretty lo, kinda want to be there and see you like that" his eyes filled with lust as you said that. Now he was wishing you were there to watch him while he gets himself off for you.
"Shhhhh before this escalates further"
"You don't want this to escalate, pretty baby?" He took a deep breath as you said that.
"Darling please"
"Please continue or please stop?"
"Norns..both ..I want both"
"Mmmhm I wonder what you'd do to me if you were here" your voice turned sultry as you spoke.
"You really wish for me to tell you?" He asked you so you smiled.
"Mmmhmmm please loki.. please tell me" he chuckled at the response. If you wanted to play he'd play with you.
"You sound so sweet right now princess, are you always like this when you're being dominated?" Your face flushed to the max as he said that, you could feel your ears getting hot at the sudden change in his tone. He really was a god.
"Ummm dominated?" You gulped
"Uhuhh have you never been controlled? Never been told what to do in bed? Never been subjugated or ruled over by a man much more powerful than you?" He asked you, you could sense the mischief reeking but at the same time his voice remained deep and husky, it melted in your ears and it made you feel as if he was hypnotizing you. Maybe he was hypnotizing you.
"Lokiiiii stahhhhp" you whispered buy your voice came out all whiny.
"You want me to stop now, little one?"
"Noooo..not really" you said meekly
"Figured, how do you feel knowing that i often touch myself thinking about you"
Your breath hitched and you needed a moment to answer,
"Uhhh I feel desired and sexy" you mumbled nervously.
"Such a good girl, that's how you deserve to feel all the time" you squeezed your thighs together at the soft praise, his voice had gotten so firm like a school teacher but in the sexiest way possible.
"I am a good girl..but maybe I'll disappoint you in bed" there you go ruining the sexy moments with your insecurities. His brows furrowed as he noticed the sadness in your voice so he propped himself on his elbow to flip the phone to the other ear.
"Why would you say that my sweet princess?" the soft voice made your eyes tear up. Why were you like this?
"Because my ex told me"
"He did?" His jaw clenched as he heard that,
"But it was my fault, i wasn't as invested in having sex with him as he was"
"Because of the heat?"
"What did he say to you?"
"Ummm let's not discuss that lo"
"What did he say?"
"Just that..I was awful in bed and that I needed to show more enthusiasm and partake in the act of pleasing him rather than him doing everything..you know" He got absolutely quiet so you spoke again, maybe you should have kept your mouth shut. Your mouth was one of the reasons why you had trouble keeping the guys interested in you for long.
"I'm sorry..I don't know why I told you that.. please ignore it and can we go back to being naughty?" you chuckled nervously even though your eyes were welled up now because of the embarassement.
"I apologise for going quite on you. I'd love to show you how wrong that scoundrel was about you. It takes two to battle my darling, perhaps he wasn't capable of pleasing a woman as sensual as you are"
You bit on your lips at his words, the slight anger in his voice made you smile though, he was protective about you and it gave you all the butterflies in the stomach, you have never had a feeling like this before "Well I do hope he is wrong though"
"He is, you want to know how I know that?" He smiled
"Last night, the way your body responded to me, just thinking about it makes my cock ache for your warmth" he mumbled
"Goshhhhh lokiiiii" you sucked a deep breath in, voice barely a whisper
"And that voice of yours, norns my little love.. I'd do anything for you as long as you're moaning so sweetly for me, as long as you're making those pretty little noises in my ears" he whispered softly and your fingers settled between your legs involuntarily.
"Mmmmmhmmm I'll do anything for you lo.. whatever you ask"
"I know you will.. I know you'd do anything for me"
You sat up as your breathing got heavier. The meeting. Oh god.
And you also had to change your underwear now.
"God I have to gooo" he chuckled as you said that.
"That's a shame"
"I know I'm sorry..that was thrilling..oh wow i need a moment" he chuckled again. He rubbed his cock slowly in order to suppress those sensations you had evoked in him but it was only making it worse so he stopped touching himself.
"Princess?" He wanted to share the dream he had about you two but now wasn't the time, you were already late.
"Nothing..I uhh ..you'll miss me?"
"Lokiii I am missing you right now and we are talking, you don't even know how much I'm going to miss you"
His heart fluttered as you said that.
"So will I, and perhaps i will see you tonight"
"Please do and maybe we can umm play with each other again just like last night"
You smiled widely before you hung up, leaving him to stay hard the rest of the day, he sighed as he put the phone down on his chest and then his mouth curved into a smile thinking about the last few minutes.
You really wanted to tell him that you loved him but was it too soon to do that? You had no idea.
“I’m sorry I’m late” you apologized as you spotted him at the restaurant, your mom had mailed a picture of him to you so it was easier to recognise.
“It’s fine I guess, I’m used to such tardiness” he was smiling but you could tell he was annoyed, you didn’t miss the sarcasm in his tone.
“Ummm okay actually I don’t think I got your name yet, my mom told me everything except your name, I’m y/n by the way” you raised your hand forward so he looked at it for a few seconds before he shook it.
“Hello y/n, my name is Doctor Stephen Strange”
You didn't know how to talk to him, when you tried to order something to eat he told you that he had already done it for you so now you had nothing else to do or say.
You sipped on the drink in order to avoid the awkward silence between you two. So this was going soooooo well right? You missed loki, even the pin drop silence was never awkward with him, back when you two were purely friends and he was hiding in your apartment, the conversation between you two never felt forced. Sure you blabbed unnecessarily at times but he always smiled and he never seemed annoyed. You both would often sit on the sofa with your backs resting on the individual armrest and your legs almost touching each other, you'd watch something on your phone and he would read his books, it felt cozy and comfortable.
How the hell did you even stumble upon someone like him?
"Why aren't you eating?" Stephen asked you so you smiled but before you could answer he interrupted you
"Let me guess, you're one of those women aren't you, those who pretend to not eat on dates even though the reality couldn't be farther from it..no offense " Well you took it.
"First of all I love eating but beef steak isn't the idea of a hearty lunch for me" he snickered as he cut himself a piece, the precision he used with his knife was enough to tell you that he indeed was a surgeon.
"You were extremely late, I had to order for us"
"Yeah thank you for not waiting for me to get my opinion, I bet you're one of those men who think they are superior and can decide everything for their women"
"Last time I checked you weren't mine" he winked at you so you rolled your eyes.
"Look I'm only here because my mother forced me to–"
"That's also why I –"
"Stop interrupting me" you cut him off and that felt really nice.
You pointed a finger at him so he went quiet but now you forgot what you were even saying and he used the opportunity to speak again.
"That is exactly why I'm here as well so let's just eat and never see each other again alright?" He said rudely so you nodded.
"Yeah I'd like that"
"So New York City, what's it like?" You questioned him and he glared at you,
"I can't just stay quiet, and you're eating awfully slow" he sighed at the statement.
"It's definitely been much worse since the attack"
"The Chitauris?" You asked sheepishly.
"Yeah, isn't it funny how they glorified the man responsible for the whole mess and turned him into an Avenger, best way to redeem a criminal right?" Your jaw clenched as he said that, he didn't even know Loki.
"Do you not watch news, Loki wasn't an accomplice, he was a victim"
"Fantastic story isn't it, heart wrenching, it's so easy to befool the humankind"
You wanted to say so many things but you couldn't even defend him in public, people would think you were just a crazy fan or worse one of those simps who just wanted to fuck the Asgardian god. You did want to do that though.
"So where were you when it happened?" You asked him to change the conversation, hoping he'd keep his resentment to himself.
"In the nearest building performing an extensive and very critical surgery, have to say it was not at all hard to focus with the sounds of grenades going off every few seconds"
"Ohhh..well that's admirable that you didn't feel scared or ran away" he snickered as you said that.
"Yeah, an innocent woman would have died on my table if I had lost my concentration that day and the man responsible for it got away with no remorse or repercussions, he's being celebrated instead"
Okay that was enough.
"Well you don't know that, you don't know what he's going through, how much guilt he carries or how bad it is for him to sleep at night when he's all alone..you don't know him or why he did what he did..what would you do if a powerful entity had influenced you and tortured you for a year like that?" He looked at you, slightly taken aback by the sudden outburst before he snickered condescendingly.
"I see you're one of those"
"Whattt?" You looked at him confused.
"The ones who wants to fuck him"
"You are so judgemental, I bet you judge other people's brains when they're splayed open in front of you"
"Uh-huh by the way Didn't he want to commit mass genocide even before the whole ordeal?"
"Yeah so did Thor, but he's a hero isn't he?" Why you were you fighting with him? You should just leave right?
"Well to be fair I don't think too highly of him either" Leave now.
"You know what this was fun..byye bye..see you never "
You stood up and walked out, he didn't stop you either, you had to cross the road to get to the other side but you heard him calling your name so you stopped like a moron in the middle of the street to turn and look at him, that's when a man with a motorbike came out of nowhere and hit you. You didn't remember much after that, you remembered the sharp pain in your right leg and you remembered seeing Stephen's stupid face before you lost consciousness.
A few hours later you woke up and your head was pounding, when you looked to the side, Stephen was there reading a newspaper,
"Did you perform a brain surgery on me?" You asked him so he raised his eyebrows.
"Do you have one in there because the way you stood there in the middle of the road was foolish"
"That guy came out of nowhere "
"Very well, now that you're awake, I'm gonna leave" he said as he got up so you sat up hurriedly.
"Wait wait how would I get home, oh my god is my leg broken?" You looked at the bandage on your right ankle and your eyes widened. No it can't be, it can't be. Thirty years, you had gone thirty years without a broken bone and you were planning to keep it that way all your life, it can't be broken right?
"I broke my bone, didn't i? " Your eyes welled up so he sighed.
"It's just a sprain, you'll be fine in a week or two"
"A week? I can't not work for a week, they'll fire me" you groaned
"Well you should have thought about that before you–"
"You know what..just shut up okay?"
He rolled his eyes and luckily he agreed to drive you home. He had to assist you to walk though and you didn't really like the idea of being so close to a man you barely knew.
"So whose car is it?" You asked him as he sat you down on the passenger seat.
"Why did you ask if you figured?"
You crossed your arms and didn't respond to him, to avoid the awkwardness you turned the radio on.
Hey I just met you and this is crazy but here's my number so call me maybe
You immediately changed the channel to not give him any sort of wrong signal. He seemed the type to take wrong signals.
My universe will never be the same. I'm glad you came, I'm glad you came.
You bobbed your head back and forth to the beat of the song and he shook his head in disbelief.
It was around 11 at night, how long were you out for? You were surprised he stayed by your side and didn't just flee, maybe it was the doctor in him. Well atleast he wasn't the worst man you have ever met in your life.
God you wanted to talk to Loki, you grabbed your purse and took out your phone but it was discharged completely.
Luckily your building had the lift but he still accompanied you to your apartment, as soon as you opened the door and even though you couldn't see him, you just knew he was there. Loki was there, you could smell his cologne
"Umm would you like a cup of coffee or something?" Please say no..
He looked around the apartment and his face contorted in disgust. Was this your mother disguised as a man? Well you had no idea you would be bringing him back here, this wasn't a date and you were too distracted before the meeting to even think of cleaning the space.
"No thanks. Here's your medicine" he passed you the small prescription bag so you took it from him.
"Well ummm thank you and I'm sorry i won't be able to show you around" you said to him so he rolled his eyes.
"Good, I'm relieved"
An awkward silence and even the worst goodbye handshake later he finally left, you were still on the couch and before you could say anything Loki appeared and locked the main door from inside. His face seemed blotchy, eyes red, cheeks dampened, you could tell he had cried.
He walked towards you and got down on his knees in front of you, then he lifted the right leg up to inspect the injury.
"Who did this to you ?" He asked you
"Some guy on a bike..It was just an accident"
"That man isn't responsible for this state of yours is he?" He asked you so you shook your head, you cupped his face to make him look at you and his eyes were filled with fear.
"I'm sorry, i would have called but my phone died and ummm I was unconscious "
"Norns y/n" he flinched away from you and stood up, only to pace back and forth in front of you. You were worried that he was angry but then the look on his face was enough to tell you that he was scared, he wasn't able to get in touch with you at all and that must have been terrifying.
"Looo baby" you called out to him and put your hand forward so he took it and sat down next to you on the sofa.
"I'm okay, it's just a sprain"
Well unfortunately you couldn't climb on his lap so you somehow scooted closer to him and hugged him.
"I am sorry darling, I was losing my mind here" his arms wrapped around your tightly and he placed his head down on your shoulder.
"I know I know it's okay i would have been the same"
After a minute or so, he got on his feet again and picked you up in his arms only to lay you down on the sofa again.
"How bad does it hurt?" He asked you and your face scrunched in response, it wasn't bothering you when you came back to consciousness but now you were starting to feel it.
"I think the meds will help"
He sat down on the corner of the sofa and placed your legs on his leg carefully before he grabbed the right one and trailed his fingers all over your ankle, the longer he did it the better you felt.
"Did you just fix me?"
"I wish I could darling but I'm not that kind of God, i can barely lessen the pain and discomfort that comes with it" you smiled as he said that. He was talking as if this wasn't an otherworldly magic in itself.
"How do you do that? I mean how is it possible... like in a scientific way?" He chuckled as you questioned him "I'm sorry I'm on drugs i think"
"No you can ask questions..it's just you're adorable when you do" you giggled at the compliment, he carefully hovered on top of you, avoiding your leg to not hurt you any further and kissed you softly.
"It's just a form of energy being used differently darling"
"Energy?" You looked at him confused so he tucked your hair behind your ears before he kissed your forehead. Everytime he kissed your forehead you couldn't help but giggle.
"Mhhmm In simpler words whenever you see me doing this–" he said as he conjured a flower out of nowhere and gave it to you "I am merely harnessing the cumulative energies from multiple dimensions in order to fetch me whatever I need from my vault" you nodded even though it made no sense to you.
"You're so cute but I don't understand anything" he chuckled and kissed you before he got off the sofa, picked you up again and then laid you down on the bed so you could rest.
"Fancy a cup of tea madame?" You nodded as he asked you.
He made tea for you, he fed you dinner that had to be a takeout because he wasn't even going to attempt to cook and burn down your apartment. You smelled like the hospital and wanted to shower so he helped you get to the bathroom, luckily you had put on a dress for the meeting instead of a jeans so it was easier to take off, you noticed how he had kept his eyes closed like the gentleman that he was when you asked him to take you back to the room while you just had a towel wrapped around your body.
By the time you were in bed again you felt extremely exhausted, the meds were making you feel drowsy already.
"I'm going to abhor leaving you all alone here in the morning" he cooed in your ears so you pecked on his lips.
"Mmmm don't leave me then..stayyy"
"I wish I could princess, I truly wish I could be here for you all the time"
"I know baby it's okay i understand, besides I'll be fine, it's just a sprain"
"How long will it take to heal completely?"
"Two weeks at the most, but I heal fast so one week" you laughed and it warmed his heart.
"Ummm okay I have a proposition for you"
"What?" You smiled because you thought he was going to say something silly to make you laugh again but what he said made you sit up and contemplate, how was this even going to work? Especially with Melissa and those Avengers around.
"Come stay with me at the tower while you're healing"
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
Loki Headcanon Question of the Day for you: what is his #1 go-to, no-denying-it-will-always-make-his-pants-disappear-everytime-it's-brought-up kink? It can be as broad or specific as you'd think, but show your math (aka why?).
Bonus points if you answer for every version of Loki in the MCU.
I mean, I know MY theory...
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But I want to hear yours!
Right, friend - bet when you asked this weeks ago you didn't think this would come from it. LCM and I have...I'm not exaggerating been talking about this for like a day and a half. Without further ado - Loki's evolving, revolving door of sexual perversions and kinks throughout the MCU.
Thor 1 – King Kink - by @lokischambermaid
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Loki is driven absolutely wild by one kink – when you bow to him and call him “Your Royal Highness” and, specifically… King. You treat him with the respect and reverence of a King while being in complete servitude to him – consensually lowering yourself and elevating him. The types of phrases that drive him absolutely feral with desire: • “Would my King wish for his feet to be cleaned?” • “Is there anything I can do for Your Majesty, undeserving though I am?” • “My King looks especially regal this evening. I am surely unworthy to be in the presence of the Sovereign.” Reasoning: Loki is the second in line to the throne and the thought of holding immense power arouses him like nothing else. Growing up in his brother’s shadow, he wants nothing more than to be admired, desired, revered and feared. (note: This is prior to him discovering his true lineage
Avengers Loki - Symphorophiliais and Piquerism by @lokisgoodgirl
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Fresh from the void, Loki is all kinds of fucked-up. His old faithful regal praise kink is diminished, replaced by something far darker. He finds a strength and thrill from creating disasters and the sexual gratification from it; a consequence both of Thanos' influence and his mental state. Beneath the leather and gold, his cock is thick at the smell of destruction and the choking smoke of war that he brings in his wake. There is a concerning emergence of piquerism - penetrating the skin of others with sharp objects in a form of sexually sadistic control. When he turns his followers with the mind stone, it’s all he can do not to push that little bit further. And yes, he’s hard as fuck while he does it. Most likely to say:
“How quaint. Only a thin line of delicate flesh to yield beneath the press of my blade. How far, I wonder, can I bend you...before you break?"
“This I swear; that I will fuck you as the world burns beneath our feet. As the sky cracks open and rains fire and death to your mewling cries. Your world is mine. You are mine. And I will destroy you both.”
Thor The Dark World – Public Humiliation - by @lokischambermaid
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Loki has an interesting relationship with his crimes on Midgard – he’s equally smug and ashamed. Smug because he wielded enough power to deeply concern and frighten the entire realm from civilians to governments, causing Midgard to mobilise a unit of six exceptional beings to take him down. And he’s also ashamed on a deep, visceral level for the person he has become and the hatred he feels for himself and his actions, and of course his true lineage. Because of this, Loki gets off on receiving public humiliation for his misdeeds. This kink doesn’t necessary require a partner – but rest assured he was hard beneath his leathers whilst he was cuffed by the wrists, ankles and neck, as ten guards led him into a the Great Hall like an animal. His heart pounded in his chest and he smirked as he was verbally ridiculed for the atrocities. A fantasy scenario he would repeat with partners in the future, once he claimed the throne after faking his death on Svartalfheim.
Ragnarok Loki - Stag & Vixen Kink - by @lokisgoodgirl
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By Ragnarok, Loki has integrated his facets of sexuality into one persona. More confident in his ability to straddle both the vulnerable and dominant sides of his personality, he's discovered the thrill of being a ‘Stag’ – (not be confused with a cuckold) and finds sexual gratification in encouraging his female partner to have sex with other men/women. Loki has re-asserted his dominance by Ragnarok, and his confidence in the balance of his personality. He wants to share his partners. He knows they will always return to him, and him alone. Most likely to say:
“I think my vixen is getting a little complacent with her access to this cock of mine. Tonight, let’s get you fucked by a lesser man to the best of his meagre ability, shall we?”
“The only thing better than touching myself, knowing that you are thinking of me while I watch you get pounded by him, darling...is the knowledge that I do it so much better. And the look in your eyes that tells me you know it, too.”
So....what do you think? Agree? Disagree? Further thoughts? 😂 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @gigglingtigger @mochie85 @superficialdomina @simplyholl @alexakeyloveloki @lunarnights95 @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @joyful-enchantress @lovelysizzlingbluebird @muddyorbsblr @holdmytesseract @fictive-sl0th @lunarnights95 @coldnique @kikster606 @michelleleewise @vbecker10 +++ :)
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Hello Beautiful Navy ❤ I miss the tattoo boys. Always. Seeing as though Halloween is coming up, what do you think their plans would be with their girl? Would they stock up on candy because they secretly love the trick or treaters? Scary movies snuggled up on the couch? I can see the reader carving pumpkins to put outside their shop 😭 Would love to hear your thoughts 😘
Lau! AHH! I love this so much. ❤️ And all of the above!
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader, Steve Rogers x Female Reader, Bucky Barnes x Female Reader x Steve Rogers Summary: Bucky and Steve spend Halloween with their best girl. Word Count: Over 860 Warnings: Implied explicit sexual content, fluff, innuendos, very slight feels (it’s me, c’mon), tattooed Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers (they’re warnings, okay?) A/N: I had to do something for our tattoo boys. Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Thank you, lovely! Banner created by yours truly, but Bucky and Steve photos were provided by the talented @nix-akimbo ! This AU wouldn’t exist without them. Divider by the wonderful @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Please reblog or comment as it means the world!
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Your boys go all out for Halloween. It's one of their favorite holidays.
Bucky and Steve take a day to decorate the place, inside and out, and make sure to include items you used to set out at your old place. It's your home, too, so you get a final say in everything.
While the boys work on the house, Mandy and Natasha sit out back and help you decorate pumpkins for the shop. The boys were nice enough to take you to a farm not too far away to pick them out. 
You do a mix of carving and painting, making sure everyone has one. You don't want anyone to feel left out. 
You're thrilled with how well they turn out and Mandy shrieks with delight when you make her one, too.
Loki pretends he's unimpressed when you drop everything off at the shop, but he softly thanks you when he thinks no one is looking and puts it on display with the others.
Bucky tells you to close your eyes once you get home, going through the back like they ask, so they can surprise you with their hard work. Steve has a blindfold ready if you need it.
"Thought that was only for the bedroom," you tease.
"Don't tempt us," Bucky winks before you close your eyes, allowing them to each take an arm to lead you inside.
You're in awe as they take you through the place, which is completely transformed.
Each room has a different focal point that somehow comes together as a whole: pumpkins, bats, skulls, witches, vampires. The porch combined everything, along with cobwebs and lights. 
Nothing too scary as they don't want to frighten the kids. Not after a rude neighbor made a sweet, little girl cry a couple of years ago.
Bucky managed to calm her down while Steve went to have a word with the jerk about etiquette.
You take photos and make sure to say how proud you are of how great the place looks. You swear they blush when they say it's nothing.
The last decoration the boys put out are the personalized pumpkins with their names on them, intricately designed like tattoos. They surprise you by getting you one of your own, setting it in the middle.
"You didn't think we'd forget about you, did you, Blossom?"
You thank each of them with a kiss, appreciating how thoughtful they are. It's a gift you can't wait to put out every year.
They practically buy half of the candy aisle for the trick or treaters and have comfortable chairs, blankets, and warm drinks set up for the three of you on the porch. 
You somehow convince them to dress like Mario and Luigi while you dress like Princess Peach. And almost regret it when they say they're keeping the mustaches on later.
Bucky smirks and reminds you that the costumes for Thor's "Day After Halloween" party the next night are a lot more risqué and would scar the kids if you change. Steve laughs and says you're stuck with the staches for the time being. 
"Don't you want a mustache ride?" Bucky asks innocently, dodging you when you try to smack his arm.
"For the love of your tattoos, stop," you beg.
"C'mon, Buck. We know she prefers beard bounces," Steve says just as casually.
"Fucking tattooed bastards."
The two hours of passing out candy fly by and your heart warms as you watch how the boys interact with everyone. They're perfectly at ease as they let the kids tell jokes and are patient when some take their time selecting their treats. 
They even give out a few temporary tattoos, after asking the parents if it's okay. 
If Mandy saw them, she'd make comments again about one of them knocking you up. 
You're almost sad for it to end, but you know you still have a night of cuddles and movies to look forward to. They always end Halloween with at least one film.
Bucky bets you'll only make it through one before you're begging for them. Steve gives you a little more credit and says you'll almost make it to the end of the second.
You don't make it through the opening credits before you're split open and you feel no shame in that as they take turns ruining you. 
Without the fake mustaches, thankfully.
The orgasms relax you as they snuggle on each side of you after. Bucky is sweet enough to feed you a piece of your favorite candy. 
Steve kisses your temple as Bucky nuzzles your neck, thanking you for giving them such a great Halloween.
"The celebration isn't over yet," you say once you can speak again.
"Oh, yeah? You ready for round two, Blossom?" Bucky asks, kissing over your pulse.
"I was thinking about Thor's party tomorrow. I'm sure we can find a spot there to have some fun," you smirk.
Steve laughs as he kisses your temple again. "And you call us menaces."
"Sex all over Thor's place could be a new tradition," Bucky chuckles, the sound warming your insides like they did minutes ago. 
"I learn from the best, boys. Happy Halloween."
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I love them so much. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Stucky Masterlist ⚓ KoFi
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cleabellanov · 8 months
LS2 episode 5 thoughts✨
The conversation Loki had with O.B. first concluded in Loki finding his "why" in order to control the time slipping. And, once he knew that and realized he needs everyone's temporal aura, where does he timeslip to? Back to Mobius. That's a sweet detail, and, similar to episode 1, reveals Loki's trust for this character. Even when Mobius doesn't remember him, Loki still believes in him. And in everything he was told back at the TVA, including the way he describe a jet-ski: "a beautiful union of form and function". Another detail that melted my fool heart was the way Loki laughed after Mobius's (or Don's, but I'm not calling him that) words: "Or did you follow me home?". They are precious.
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"You saw something in me that I hadn't seen in myself". That says so much. It reminisces all those times in season 1 when Mobius was by Loki's side:
"A villain" "That's not how I see it".
"You can be whatever, whoever you wanna be. Even someone good. I mean just in case anyone ever told you different".
And we can see Loki learning how to trust, how to care. For his character, this is great development. He's not the same Loki that invaded New York blinded by pain and revenge. He's returning to himself and by doing so, he's returning to what truly matters to him. His friends, his found family. All those timelines he feels burdened to protect.
"It's not about when, where, or why. It's about who." EXACTLY. The other variables are unimportant if they're not in the hands of the right person. And, after the heartbreaking moments in which Loki is the only one left standing after everything falls apart in front of him, I think he understands that. To quote Tom Hiddleston himself: "He learns what heroicism really looks like." And this "who" goes both ways: who rewrites the story, and FOR WHO this is done.
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"I can rewrite the story."
That line is epic! It shows the power he always had and can finally access. It puts the concept of free will in another light: it's THE story, not MY story. Also, how far back can this go? At the end of the episode, we see Loki back with O.B back when the Loom was stable. That's the point he chose, for everyone else, not only for himself. At this point, he could have gone back to Asgard, back to New York. Win it all, be king. But that's not his glorious purpose anymore. He's finally seeing what Mobius saw in him, even Thor, some time ago ("Loki, I thought the world of you."). And there was a lot of talk about stories, writing and rewriting them. That's sooo similar to the comic where Loki becomes the God of Stories!! Like, this is actually happening!
"They didn't get a choice in this".
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I think this is an extremely interesting conversation he had with Sylvie, in which you can see both of their points, none entirely right. For Sylvie, free will is something left untouched. No intervention, ever, just moments and paths in a disarray only the one who takes them can know them truly. For Loki, it's more of a choice. Yes, we take our own path, but sometimes we're given a choice. There is no bad or right in this game, only choices. By giving everyone a glance at the TVA, Loki realises that. What if they want that life instead of the one they already have? They wouldn't know, if not given the choice.
"I want my friends back. I don't wanna be alone"
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Okay, that hurt. In the time cell in episode 1, we remember Sif repeating the same thing over and over again to Loki "I hope you know that you are meant to be alone and you always will be." This says a lot about Loki's fears, and being alone is one of his biggest. But that's the thing, he found these people, he's not alone anymore! So of course it is extremely hard for him to just...give this up? It's not the first time he faces Casey and Mobius (Don?) not knowing him. His reaction "Not again" shows how scary this is, and we can obviously deduce that from the first episode. Not only everything is at risk of just disappearing into a void after the Loom explosion, when they are still there, still living, they don't remember him. Yet Loki finds a way to steady himself, and find everyone in all this mess.
But also, I don't think that wanting your friends back is something selfish, as Sylvie said. After going through different views over the same thing: "I want to stop He Who Remains" to "I want the TVA back" to finally Loki admiting that he wants his friends back, this is a matter that concerns many people, not just one. Besides, he did say that after all of it is done, they can return to their timelines as they never left. That doesn't sound really selfish to me. In fact, it reminds me of something Vision said to Wanda a whole ago: "What is grief, if not love persevering?". Then not wanting to be alone is a lack, a void persevering and waiting to be filled. And if that implies saving the Multiverse as well, then so be it (but that is definitely NOT the only reason Loki does all of this. He wants, and now can, rewrite the story for the better. For everyone, not only for himself.)
As of episode 5: Science/Fiction Loki is one of the most powerful beings in the entire MCU. Being able to travel back at any given point in time and space just by willing it into existence isn't a small thing. This, I believe, is something we deserve to see Loki in control of. Maybe it sounds a little too much to say that the whole fate of Marvel is in his hands now, but...it kinda is, isn't it? If not for Loki, we'd face the same disappearance as in Infinity War, only 100% now, not only 50.
I have been waiting and theorising for a long time that Loki will become the God of Stories. The fact that we might see it in less than a week is...something.
Also judging by the posters (which show different outfits from different times) there's a new suit we'll see him in on screen, and I can't wait!
Thanks for reading <3
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I wanna talk about this today.
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Mostly I want to talk about objective truth versus subjective truth. But let me start with what's happening in this scene. (Spoilers for Original Sin and Loki: Agent of Asgard)
So in this moment from Original Sin: Thor and Loki in the Tenth Realm, Loki is talking to the queen of the Angels about what happened in the previous issue of Agent of Asgard. Loki has been working for the All-Mothers in an attempt to erase his past crimes and start anew, but discovered that they were taking cues from Old Loki in order to ensure the future he said would come about, a future in which there was (mostly) peace in Asgard, Thor was king and All-Father, but Loki was still the villain. It was a price they were willing to pay for peace. So Loki's grappling with this in this issue, along with having to deal with Thor's reckless attempts at recovering their long-lost sister (not Hela).
So then the queen says, "[The Asgardians will] never understand you, god of what works. Go ahead, use your truth-sword. Tell me you don't know I'm right."
The sword she is referring to is Gram, the sword that Loki stole from Asgard's most famous hero, Sigurd, which was forged at Old Loki's bidding when he went further back in time to ensure it would exist for the current Loki to claim (the timeline gets confusing in AoA). The sword forces those it wounds to face the truth of themselves and their actions.
But truth comes in different forms, objective truth and subjective truth. Objective truth is indisputable fact, and if you say something otherwise it would simply not be true. "Earth orbits the sun" is an objective truth. We can and have proven it. Subjective truth is something that may be true for you but is not necessarily objectively true. This is why the testimony of innocent bystanders is sometimes not permitted in court. For whatever reason, you may be completely convinced that the person you saw stealing a tv from Best Buy at 2:16PM three weeks ago was wearing a blue shirt, so convinced you'd be willing to say so under oath. They could attach you to a lie detector, and the results would say you were telling the truth. However, when they get the CCTV footage, the person was wearing a red shirt. You weren't lying; your memory had you convinced it was a blue shirt. You believed it was the truth, so you believed you were telling the truth. This is how lie detectors work (theoretically; there's also the part that it only detects physical changes that only sometimes mean someone's lying anyway), and how truth serums (in various media or CIA conspiracy theories your subjective truth may or may not have you believe) are supposed to function.
Now, it could be argued that Gram functions as a detector of objective truth. Previously in AoA, it forced Thor to come to terms with the influence an infection of evil had on him (I don't remember exactly what happened, but essentially Old Loki more or less invaded Thor like a virus and forced him to act rather nastily). He didn't seem to realize what was happening until Loki stabbed him with Gram. This is a valid argument, and honestly I don't understand this scene enough (I think a lot of background for it came from other comics if I remember correctly) to make an authentic counterargument.
However Gram acts with Thor, though, I do believe in the above panel, Gram functions like a lie detector or truth serum. The "truth" Loki speaks is subjective truth. He believes it's true, so Gram is essentially like, "Sure, yep, sounds about right."
But because Gram doesn't do whatever it does when someone lies (or maybe because it functions like Wonder Woman's lasso, and you simply can't lie when you're wounded by it), it just further convinces Loki that his beliefs about his inability to be loved are true. Or he's aware that this may merely be a subjective truth, but because he knows how the sword works and he's banking on the queen not understanding the difference between types of truth, he's using it to gain her trust. He still can't lie while holding Gram, so either what he says is 100% indisputably true in an absolute sense, or he wholeheartedly believes it to be true with such certainty that it doesn't matter that it isn't objective. He may be saying it to gain her trust, but he also still believes it.
And I'm in pain.
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3mcwriting · 10 months
Any Fan’s Dream, Part 23
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I don’t know how many of you have noticed but recently my accounts been buggy but it recently got fixed (I think) and here’s a new extra long chapter for u all!!
Taglist: @secretly-sirens, @zeeader, @imdoingathingmom, @x-theolivia, @ainsley-official, @huntress-artemiss, @hoohoohope, @ourgoddessathena, @wiintaersoldier, @vine-enthusiast, @afraidofshrimp, @myfturn, @im-better-than-your-newborn, , @mjaudrey, @igotthisasajokeyetimstillhere, @starr60, @coldmermaidhologram, @daenerysluvrr, @viperchick47, @marvelwomen-arehot, @mynightandstars
Everyone in the room froze.
Thor was frozen out of shock and disbelief at the revelation that not only was his sibling alive, but that Loki was on Asgard. It wasn't the first time Loki had faked his death so maybe he shouldn't have been as surprised as he was, but he couldn't help it. 
Loki was frozen because his big secret had been revealed to his brother--and most definitely not in the most convenient way.
You were frozen for a much different reason. No offense to Loki, but there were bigger things than just his overdramatic death being exposed. In the movies, Loki isn't shown to be alive until Thor: Ragnarok--not only did that happen before then, but it happened a whole year early. Civil War takes place a year after AoU and Ragnarok is two years after AoU, so this had sped it up quite a bit. 
Was Odin already on Earth? He had to be if Loki was on Asgard ruling. And that meant that Odin would die in a year and Hela would be released. Out of all the events you wanted to prevent, Hela being freed was the one you felt was the hardest. She was insanely powerful and it's not like you could just keep Odin alive, the bitch was old. 
You gnawed on your lip like a rat on cheese, thoughts running wild as you thought of the consequences of Loki being revealed; so drawn into your head, you hardly even noticed the people standing in the doorway.
That is until one of them approached you.
"(n/n)?" A soft voice breathed out. "(n/n), you're here--you're really here. Can I hug you?"
You caught the eyes of the other person standing in the doorway, Natasha looking at you with relief while she ushered Thor and Loki out of the room to give you and Peter privacy.
You looked up, heart jumping at the familiar voice. You met his warm brown eyes, his concern reflected in the depths of the. But it wasn't just concern that filled his eyes, there was something else.
"Of course you can," you answered, pulling Peter into your embrace as he sat beside you on the cot.
His arms wrapped around you, leaving you surrounded with a sense of peace. "Are you okay, (n/n)?"
You rubbed his back as his voice shook. "I'm okay, Peter. Promise."
"Next time, I'm gonna be there and- and I'm gonna make sure you don't get hurt." Peter promised, letting the tears fall from his eyes. He didn't want to worry you but..."It was so scary. I thought I'd lost you. You're one of the most important people in my like, you know?"
And that's when you started crying.
You couldn't help it. You had been stressed, sad, and then stabbed, all within the last week. You had missed the days before the Accords when you had trained with Nat and Steve and built all kinds of things with Tony and when you would go back to Peter's apartment and hangout with him.
You were trying to be strong. To be someone who could go up against any opposition and defeat them in the name of the people you cared about. But at the end of the day, you were no Avenger. No superhero. You were just a scared teenager.
"You're one of the strongest people I know," Peter said softly, finally releasing you from the hug. Even as his own face was streaked with tears, he managed to smile at you. "But please don't do these things alone. I'm here for you."
You wiped the tears from your face. "You're an amazing person. I cannot believe how lucky I am to have met you."
Peter pulled you back into a hug, allowing himself to finally relax because you were okay. 
Surrounded by his warm embrace and tired from finally breaking down and crying, you allowed yourself to give into your body's desire for rest.
When Natasha came into the room half an hour later, she found the two of you still leaning against each other, Peter's head resting on your shoulder as the two of you slept.
You rolled over, accidentally hitting something. Rubbing your eyes, you managed to clear your gaze before looking at the person sleeping beside you.
Aww...he looks so peaceful...
You moved away from the cot, trying not to wake up Peter as you did so. You felt guilty as you looked at his tranquil expression, wondering if he had really lost sleep because of your decisions. You had done the things you did because you wanted to protect everyone, you didn't want to make them worry more.
You sat up, finally looking away from your best friend.
Wow, he really was your best friend...you'd never had one of those.
It wasn't that you were horrible at making friends or anything, but your life before had been crammed full of studying and making yourself as appealing to colleges as possible. Your parents had only ever pushed you harder and while you knew it was good to want your child to succeed, to them it was more about ensuring that you made them look good.
You'd had the occasional friendly acquaintance and study buddies, but none of them were really close. You'd never spoken about your dreams to them, or given them hugs, or even been that affected if one of them stopped talking to you.
But now you had someone you never wanted to lose.
"You okay, babe?" 
You wiped your eyes, realizing that they had misted up while you were lamenting.
You looked at the woman in front of you, allowing a smile onto your face. "I'm good." You stood up and approached her, giving her a hug. "I missed you, Nat."
Natasha hugged you back. "You're crazy. You can't be doing these things. What if you had gotten hurt? Scratch that, you did get hurt. You almost died." 
She didn't want to lose you, not when she'd finally allowed herself to care about the people around her. 
"I know, I'm sorry." You stepped back. "I just couldn't let the team fall apart--"
"I understand that, (y/n). But please talk to me next time. Or leave a note. You know how bad it was to have you just up and disappear then get a call from Steve that you had gotten injured and might die?"
You looked down, your smile long gone. "I'm sorry."
Her eyes softened and she reached out to tilt your chin up. "I know. I missed you too, (y/n)."
She stepped back. "They said you should be completely recovered in a couple hours."
"Really?" Your eyes went wide. "How? I mean--it wasn't exactly a small scratch. Jeez, Asgard's technology must really be phenomenal. That's amazing." You started thinking about the possibilities, wondering what kind of treatment would heal you so quickly and efficiently that you'd be completely recovered in less than 12 hours after having multiple deep stab wounds.
"Yes, but we're still staying the night." Natasha informed you. "Thor offered and I'd rather you rested for the night before going back."
You weren't about to refuse the chance to have a sleepover on Asgard. "Okay."
"His highness has extended a dinner invitation to all of you." A young man said, standing in the doorway. 
Your stomach rumbled at the mention of food. "Awesome. I'm starving."
 "Follow me, then."
You and Natasha followed the man, but not before you tucked the blanket around Peter. You briefly wondered if you should wake him up so he could eat, but he deserved to rest and you were sure that you could get food later when he woke up. 
You gazed around the palace halls in awe, still in disbelief that you were actually on Asgard. The golden walls, incredibly high ceilings, and the different deities roaming around. You wondered briefly if you would be able to meet Heimdall, but your train of thought was interrupted when you stepped into the cavernous dining hall. 
Your eyes practically bulged out of your head as you looked around. The place was big enough to fill several marching bands and all their instruments. How many people ate in this room normally? Anything less than 200 hundred and the space would look empty. 
You looked to the only table laden with food, feeling slightly uncomfortable that only one table in the room was being used. With a space this big, shouldn't there be a bunch of people eating? 
You and Natasha approached the table, your eyes glancing at the raven-haired one before looking to the head of the table where Thor sat. 
"Thanks for saving my life, Thor. Also, how come the room is so empty?"
"Anytime, Lady (y/n)." Thor smiled. "And the room is empty because the majority of people ate about an hour ago. We didn't want to wake you, though."
"Oh." Well now you felt bad. "You guys didn't have to wait. But thanks anyways."
"It is 'no problem' as the Midgardians say," Thor's cheery voice lifting your spirit. "Are you hungry?"
You sat to Thor's right, Loki sitting across from you looking disgruntled. Natasha sat down beside you.
"I am, actually." Your eyes looked over the abundant food, each one making your mouth water. 
Thor took a bite out of what appeared to be a chicken leg but about 12 times bigger. "Have anything you'd like! There is plenty to go around."
And he was right. 
You dug into the food, picking yourself a variety of the different things set out before you. Each one made you fall in love with Asgard even more. There were gorgeous palaces, amazing people, and some of the best food you'd ever had? It was practically paradise, all you were missing was the rest of the Avengers. 
Speaking of...
"Where's everyone else?" you asked Nat.
"They're back on Earth dealing with the exposure of the Accords," Natasha answered. She raised an eyebrow. "You know anything about that?"
"Eh--definitely not." You smiled at her. "I'm glad you came, though."
She smiled back. "Well, someone has to talk some common sense into you and I'm pretty sure everyone else doesn't have any."
While you wanted to protest for the sake of your friends, you couldn't help but agree. When it came to common sense, Natasha was definitely the most capable. Of course, Rhodey was pretty good but you hadn't yet met him so you didn't see why he would come anyways. But at least since Rhodey was back on Earth, he could help deal with the whole Accords mess. You did feel a little guilty about the mess that you left behind when exposing the Accords but it was better than the Avengers being split apart and half of them becoming fugitives.
You took a bite of your food, allowing the robust flavors to invade your thoughts so you could stop yourself before you started stressing again. For most of the meal you were busy stuffing your mouth, surprising yourself at your own hunger. 
Thor's voice shook you out of your food-focused haze. "Ah, Lady (y/n) the healing from earlier typically causes the patient to be extremely hungry afterwards. I'm glad to see you eating and healthy." He smiled at you, grin bright and cheery.
You took a moment to swallow your food before smiling back. "About the healing, it's amazing! I don't know what kind of treatments the healers did but they're incredible!"
"Of course they are," Loki scoffed. "We're not some Midgardian hospital."
"Don't diss the hospitals," you said with a frown. "There's a lot of people who work really hard there to save lives." 
Loki was silent for the rest of the meal, but his gaze never once left you. He still couldn't quite understand you. Typically humans were easy enough to figure out, but you were puzzling. You seemed to be careless and cheery like some brainless nincompoop but you were much more clever than he initially had given you credit for. You had the eyes of someone who knew more than they should and he couldn't figure out why. 
You had told Loki that Thor looked up to him but you said it happened on Sakaar, a garbage planet far too irrelevant to be worthy of Loki's presence. And he hadn't forgotten when you'd told him that Asgard would be destroyed and he should flee to Earth. You talked as if you knew the future. 
That wasn't possible, though. 
It wasn't that telling the future was impossible, he knew of Asgardians who could do it; but it was a very rare ability and you shouldn't be capable of it. You were a human. Not one of those super-powered mortals like that insufferable Captain but just the same as any other human.
But you weren't.
He couldn't say how, but you weren't normal.
With your craving for food finally satiated, a new craving emerged. You desperately needed sleep. You were full, your mind was sleepy, and your body was sore. 
You stood up from your chair at the dining table. "Thank you for the food, Thor-" you yawned, "-sorry, but where are our rooms?"
"Don't worry about it, Thor," Natasha said, standing up. "I'll show her to the rooms."
"Alright." Thor's smile turned fond. "I hope you rest well, Lady (y/n)."
"Thanks, Thor." You sent him a sleepy smile. "G'night Thor and Loki." You waved to them as you left, following Natasha back through the cavernous halls. 
You were too tired to take note of the ridiculously large bedroom and instead just threw yourself onto the fluffy comforter on the ginormous bed and sighed as you seemed to be enveloped by it. It was quite possibly the comfiest bed you'd ever laid on and you felt your body relax subconsciously. 
Natasha smiled at your drowsy movements, unable to deny her soft spot for you. "Good night, babe. Sleep good."
"Thank you, Nat," you murmured. "You sleep good too..."
And just like that, you were already asleep. 
Natasha sighed at the way you were laying on the bed, half your legs hanging off because you hadn't thrown yourself far enough onto the bed. Not to mention the way your face was smushed into the pillows; she was almost worried you'd suffocate. 
A loud snore ripped her out of her worrying, making her let out a soft laugh. She approached your sleeping form, pushing your legs all the way onto the bed and adjusting the blankets around you. She smiled at your content expression, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. 
It'd been a while since she'd seen you this relaxed, far too long in fact.
With that, she left the room, closing the door behind her.
You took a deep breath in, the fragrant flowers around you making the crisp air smell like spring. You reached out and touched the crimson petal of a large flower, marveling at the unfamiliar plant.
Over half the plants you had encountered while strolling through the garden were new to you, leaving you convinced that they didn't exist back on Earth. Just like normal flowers, there was a large variety of colors and shapes, but unlike normal flowers, none of them seemed the least bit wilted. Not to mention the vibrancy of each and every flower, the colors striking and entrancing. 
You continued your walk through the large garden, taking a moment every now and then to stop and look at a particular flower. At some point, you reached a bench that was beneath the shade of a large tree. You sat down, gaze going back to the scenic landscape that surrounded you. At one edge of the garden was the palace, although it was hard to look at with the afternoon sun bouncing bright rays off the golden palace.
You looked down, eyes landing on the two scars in your upper arm. 
They weren't very large but the raised skin was definitely noticeable. Although, considering what had happened, it was a miracle that all you'd ended up with was two nickel sized scars in your arm and one on your side. The fourth claw that had hit you had cut you but when it was healed no scar remained. 
Looking up, you almost shit yourself, noticing the deity who had just appeared beside you. 
"What the fuck, Loki. Who do you think you are, Batman?" You said flatly, your momentary shock fading. "You could've said something; after all, you never seem to have a problem with talking."
"Perhaps I just wanted to see your reaction," Loki sniffed haughtily, his pretentious expression fading when he saw you were grinning. "What? Why are you smiling like an oaf?"
"So what you're saying is that you came out here just because you wanted to see me-" you put a hand over your heart, "-that's so nice of you, Loki!" You were teasing him, but you were happy that he had come out to see you. He seemed to have some sort of fondness for you and you were a Loki simp so of course you were grinning that he'd come just to see you.
He spluttered. "What are you, deluded? Why would I concern myself with an insignificant mortal?"
Even to your ears it sounded like he was trying to convince himself.
You pat him on the back. "Don't worry, hotstuff. I won't tell anyone.
"What does that even mean?" Loki huffed. "You humans and your absurd slang."
"Hotstuff? Oh." You had just assumed he knew what it meant but that was probably stupid on your part because he wasn't from earth. "It just means like, attractive person, I guess? That's the best description I can think of."
Now he looked smug again. "So, you think I am attractive?"
"Duh," you deadpanned.
Loki's face flushed, seeming shocked toward your easy admittance.
"That doesn't mean you aren't a smug asshole sometimes," you added. "But it's cool, at least you're funny."
He was indignant. "Take that back! I am a king and you should give me the respect that comes with that title!"
"As far as I'm concerned, being a king doesn't automatically make you deserving of anybody's respect. You still have to work for it, just like everyone else." You dragged a finger on the stone armrest before meeting his eyes. "All jokes aside, I hope you remember my warning."
Loki stiffened, face going to neutral. "Your preposterous claims that Asgard will be destroyed?
"I know how it sounds but I'm telling the truth." You could see the skepticism in his eyes and you sighed, knowing that if you didn't manage to convince him soon, you'd have to tell him something. "You know how you called me a 'fortune-teller'? You weren't completely off. I know some things I shouldn't and I'm trying to change them. Please, you don't have to trust me, but can you just keep my words in mind?"
Loki had known there was something off about you, even if you had tried to deny it up until now. From your answers when he'd first encountered you, to the warnings you'd given him, and the way you always were so relaxed in his presence. You'd proved time and time again that you knew a lot about the things he'd done and yet you still acted like he was an old friend.
And now you were admitting that you weren't normal, that you knew more than you should. 
He knew he shouldn't, but he believed you. "I will keep your warning in mind but be forewarned, I will figure out how you know the things you do."
You gulped, the first time you'd seemed to take his words seriously. You had admitted to knowing things that weren't possible for you to know. If he ever figured out the truth...well, you didn't think you could handle going back. 
"How was the garden?" Natasha asked as Thor led you, Peter, and her across the rainbow bridge. 
"It was...interesting," you managed, unsure of how to answer her given your conversation with Loki.
"I bet it was," Peter's eyes gleamed. "We're on an alien planet! Think of all the different plants and animals and--gosh I wish I had woken up."
You ruffled his hair. "C'mon, Pete, you needed the rest."
The four of you entered the dome, a person awaiting you there. You almost gasped, recognizing who it was immediately. 
"This is where we part ways," Thor said. "I am glad you are better now, Lady (y/n)."
"Thanks, Thor. But why aren't you coming with us?"
He smiled. "I have some matters to resolve with my brother."
You, Natasha, and Peter all said your goodbyes to him, Peter almost as starstruck by Thor as you had been the first time you'd met him.
Then Heimdall opened the Bifrost and took you all home.
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cas-backwards-tie · 2 months
Chapter One: In the Dead of Night
Vladimir Makarov x Reader
The Long Road Masterlist
Summary: Soon after your fiance's murder you find yourself diving face first into enacting a plan to avenge his death. Regardless of your friend's approval, your wellbeing, livelihood, or future, you find yourself in it for the long-con.
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: Violence, Guns, Death, Major MW3 Spoiler, Main Character Death, Grief, Loss, Angst, Anger, Hatred, Revenge, Dark Themes,
A/N: This is... sooooo self-indulgent and utterly crack, tbh. I'd thought it up a while ago and keep thinking about it. I kept trying to think of a way to make it realistic, but... I just feel like there is no way of doing that, so I'm just gonna write it. However it goes, it goes. Also fyi I am using google translate so I really hope it's coming out okay. I do speak Russian, but only Duolingo tiny bit. divider by @saradika
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You were prepared for this, you knew it was bound to happen one day, you just didn't know when that day would be. It only looks like, now, it's finally come. As you sit at the counter, stirring the bowl of oatmeal you'd just made and are trying your best to get to cool down, you can't help but think about the man currently in the other room.
You'd expected an entrance something akin to that of a Mission Impossible movie: a loud boom, doors knocked down, guns blazing, venomous words shouted in a language you've hardly begun to understand despite the tedious month of learning to the best of your abilities. Thunder cracks in the distance, rattling the windowpane in the next room; you don't know when the heavy downpour started, but it hasn't given any sign of yield since his arrival only a half hour ago now. Part of you can't help but think back to the myths and legends your husband... husband--your fiance--you remind yourself, mentally scolding as this isn't the first, and you doubt it's the last time you're going to mentally interchange the two words. Part of you can't help but think back to the myths and legends your fiance used to tell you.
The rain reminds you of the the way the Vikings would personify the Norse Gods to Earthly elements. Sure, you know some of the comics, like Thor, and Loki... but nevertheless, with your upbringing, the heavy pounding of the rain against the tin roof and the approaching thunder only makes your thoughts drift back to him. Johnny.
What would he think? What would he do? If he knew you were here... Maybe it's the spiritual part of you that never quite left, possibly having been ingrained from your grandparents when you were younger, or an aunt, an uncle of some sort, perhaps... but you think he'd do something silly like this. Come back as a thunderstorm, manifesting himself as something so threatening and dangerous, symbolizing his distress, unhappiness, and worry for you with torrents of rain, yet trying to protect you from the beyond even with lightning. Yet, you know that's impossible, and certainly not the case. Your heart begins to ache once more as you think of him, not wanting to get caught up, again, in the overwhelming grief you hadn't fully let yourself fall into. This is for him, you remind yourself once again.
"What are you giving her?" The voice comes from the doorway, and you're not entirely surprised by the venom in his tone, albeit taken aback. While he's not loud due to the (presumably) resting woman in the next room, you know that the lack of volume doesn't mean he wouldn't yell if the situation were anywhere else.
"What do you mean? This?" You quirk an eyebrow as you continue to stir in the little additives you'd put into the oatmeal: honey, sugar, and a pinch of salt. "It's oatmeal?" You explain, the confusion obvious in your tone as you hold the bowl up a bit, angling it for him to better see. As if the man has never seen oatmeal in his life; the thought would elicit a whirlwind of laughter from you any other time, or, more accurately, if it were any other person... but this was him. Makarov.
Vladimir Makarov: Thirty-six years old; born in Moscow Russia. Commander of Konni; the ultranationalistic private 'military contractor' group.
You'd done what research you could, found what information you had access to, some you didn't. Utilized what connections, resources, and favors were owed to you. Maybe some of them did it out of pity, out of guilt, or some other sense of failure on behalf of the SAS. Regardless, you'd set your plans into action, intent on making your promise to your late fiance come true. You will kill the man before you. It won't be today. No. After all, that'd be too soon, you have to earn his trust first. Only then, after he's comfortable, and settled, will you pursue your slow and agonizing torture.
"Христос," he curses, "she said you're poisoning her," he speaks slowly, a menacing quality to his tone as he unravels the crossed arms from his chest. Anger is evident in his irises as he stalks toward you with each step, eyebrows in a thick and harsh line. "I ask again-"
"The medication? Is that what you're talking about?" You ask. Feeling your own anger continuing to effervesce in your gut, you turn to face him on the stool, sliding from the counter. While he's still a couple feet away, you have to be more than a handful of feet shorter than him. Of that, you're sure. "Because from what I've deduced so far from being here, she bribed the last caretaker to not give her the medication on the agreement that she'd get more time off!"
He shifts his weight onto his left foot, eyes widening ever so imperceptibly, yet he remains quiet, so you continue. "They gave me her medication, told me to give it to her twice a day, so I'm doing that because she's been prescribed that medication. She clearly needs it, as per her doctor's orders. So unless you think the doctor isn't right, then, that's not my problem! I, however, am not surprised if she's telling you that since she obviously didn't even want me here in the first place."
Rounding the counter, you continue about your--at this point it could be considered daily--routine. Hand grasping your cool blue glass of water, you take a few sips while silently studying him. Despite having infiltrated his life and unknowingly (to him, ethically) disposed of his mother's last caretaker, you haven't officially met your late fiance's murderer till tonight.
Slaughterer...! You destroyed him... You took him away from me. You're the reason he's gone. All the thoughts continue to run through your head rampantly, and you can't help but turn to face the wall opposite of him. Pretending to be busy with some of the drying dishes, you try to calm yourself. Acting on impulse and emotion will get you nowhere, you know this.
A heavy sigh permeates the silence that'd fallen between you, and there are the following taps of approaching dress shoes against hardwood floors. Quickly turning to make sure he neither invades your personal space nor dares to touch you, you're met with the visage of Makarov slumped at the counter, head in his hands.
You don't speak, you don't know what to say. Silence fills the space between you. Seeing him like this is weird considering all the stories you'd heard about him. Though you suppose even the most evil of men are still that... human. "How long have you worked as a caretaker?" He suddenly questions.
"A few years," you answer, swallowing the anxiety that starts to bubble up in your throat. "I started as a nurse and thought maybe I'd become a doctor, but it was... too much for me, and... not what I wanted to do. I discovered I liked helping people better as a nurse." It's not all lies, in fact, most of it is true. The only thing that meets your admission is silence, and that fact only raises the tension building within the cottage. Wincing at the rumbling outside, the sound does nothing to help the obvious discomfort you're experiencing finally facing him in person.
"And would you say you're good at your job?" He asks, eyes slightly narrowed in questioning as he slowly raises his head from his hands. The intensity of his dark brown eyes scream hostility and a hurt you can't immediately place your fingers on. Yet despite it all you refuse to waiver underneath his gaze.
"Yes. They wouldn't send me all the way out here otherwise. Not with a case like hers, Sir," you reply.
"Then what-" he tests, pronouncing each word clearly, "would you suggest I do?" He asks. There's a slight breathiness to his voice; with the thin windows, you can't help but feel as though the torrents of northern lake air through the meadow with its water.
Eyebrow raising in response, you're honestly shocked he'd ask such a thing. You're a complete stranger! A whirlwind of emotions go through you; excitement, bewilderment, shock, curiosity... you can't get ahead of yourself. With a sigh out, you shake your head. It may come across like disappointment to him, but really, it's to clear your head and collect yourself.
"Look... it's not something anyone wants to hear, bu-"
"Tell me!" He interrupts, demanding.
"But..." you emphasize, considering you were only putting up polite pretenses for show anyhow. "Really, family members do better when they're living with the family, even with caretakers to help. Whether you can't do it because you're busy or have other priorities, I understand."
"But at the end of the day, family members usually pass more quickly estranged like this on their own in a separate house because they feel lonely and like no one comes to visit. Maybe they have no one, or maybe they feel like they have nothing to live for anymore? She said you only visit her once or twice a year, if that... and while you write letters, that sometimes isn't enough for people, unfortunately. If you really want the truth."
Finished while your spiel, you shift your weight to the other foot as you place the finished oatmeal on the tray you reserve for his Mother. While, yes, you may despise him to the end's of the Earth... his Mother didn't do anything besides give birth to him. You accepted that the night you met her. Afraid to take another sip of your water, you stand in waiting, observant as Makarov seems to silently process everything you've said, his eyes shifting back and forth for a moment.
"I'll be back," he declares before sliding from the stool and rounding the corner into the small living space his Mother used to use more frequently. Shoulders sagging, a breath leaves you that you hadn't realized you'd been holding in. Onto your nightly routine with dinner, you attempt to distract yourself from the continuous torment of thunderstorm outside, meanwhile inside you can hear urgent demands in Russian faintly from the next room. It's clear he's on the phone... but with who? His goons, of course... right? Who else? But to kill you? To background check you? Do you need to prepare to flee?
As you stir the pot of soup you've just put on the stove, you can feel yourself start to sweat and panic. In an attempt to switch gears, you finish her dinner. Oatmeal ready, medication on the tray, you grab the lemonade you two had made the day prior and pour a glass for her before getting a steady grip on the tray and taking it down the hall. With a gentle rap of your foot as best you can against the doorframe, you announce your presence.
"Привет, Как вы себя чувствуете?" You ask, knowing the word for 'hi' and having figured out early on with the help of technology to ask how she's feeling.
"лучше теперь, когда он здесь." She responds with a soft but tired smile. It's a good sign that she's sitting up and alert at this time of night too. You don't understand the first part of what she says as she's talking too fast and you also don't have your phone out to capture what she says into your real time translation app, however you can grasp the last part. 'He's here.'
Placing the tray down on her lap, you shake your head and signal behind you with a frown. A second attempt, pointing to her, you give her a thumbs up and a smiling face for a moment, and then do the opposite. With a thumbs down and a sad face, you try again. "к��к дела?"
With a wave of her hand, she shakes her head now with a chuckle. "хорошо," she responds, lifting the spoon. "мой Володя!"
Whipping your head around, you find him standing there leaning against the doorframe most likely having been observing the two of you. Hopefully not for long... or maybe not at all since she would've said something. "она так просто с тобой разговаривает?" He says to his Mother, walking up to the bed and into her outstretched arms for the hug she craves.
"она не очень хорошо говорит по-русски," she quietly answers, holding him tightly for a moment, rubbing his back before letting go. With a pat on the bed next to her, she looks between the two of you. "My baby," she struggles to pronounce the word, "Vladimir." A proud smile sits upon her lips for a moment as she gestures to him. He smiles at her, too, and you nod.
"Yes, да. I have met your son just briefly. But it is good to officially meet," you tell her, even if you know she doesn't understand all of it. Shifting your gaze, he meets it with animosity. "Vladimir," you repeat.
"My mother tells me you are," he repeats your name, to which you nod, "it's a pleasure to officially meet you. Now that you're both here, I have news."
"News?" The question pops out of your mouth before you can stop it.
"Yes, news. Since you're taking care of my mother, you technically work for me. What you said stuck with me. You're right-" he shifts his speaking from you to his mother. "I've been a bad son to you, Mama. ты собираешься жить со мной." Again, he shifts his focus back to you. "We have to pack. You will both live on my compound from now."
Христос = christ
Привет = hi
Как вы себя чувствуете = how are you feeling
лучше теперь, когда он здесь = better now that he's here.
как дела = how are you
хорошо = good / fine / ok
мой Володя = my voldoya (nickname for vladimir)
она так просто с тобой разговаривает = she speaks to you so simply
она не очень хорошо говорит по-русски = she does not speak very much Russian
да = yes
ты собираешься жить со мной = you're coming to live with me
forever taglist: @ohdamnadam , @safarigirlsp , @jynzandtonic , @moonlightsolo
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buffyfan145 · 7 months
Haven't seen this shared over here yet but very interesting seeing Marvel & "Loki" producer Kevin Wright say not only that Loki and Sylvie's romance was canon but that season 2 was driven by their "deep emotions for each other". He also said they wanted their relationship to be more messy and realistic and that they didn't have the time this season to have them have more one-on-one scenes. Also Kevin's last comment here was very interesting too. 😀
"I think it felt natural, and more realistic, and messy, and I think that was our thing is like real relationships are messy. And we wanted to do that and not force something that felt inauthentic just to like service fan dreams of seeing these two happy together. They both need a lot of personal work to get to a place where they could have a good relationship."
So again sounds like it's not over even if the "Loki" series does end. This Kevin is also the same one that said Loki "needs to get to a place so he can reunite with Thor" a few weeks ago, so something for sure is in the works. I have a feeling it's back in the movies as we already have rumors about Mobius and the TVA (and maybe Loki) in "Deadpool 3", then that "Thor 5" is searching for a new director but still in the works, and of course Loki now being in charge of the whole MCU and multiverse and both "Kang Dynasty" and "Secret Wars" dealing with that. I already expected more but this gave me even more hope.
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samieree · 1 year
Hi! I just finished one-shot requested by @babyssi890
Hope you gonna like it 💕
Heimdall x reader (female)(childhood friends)
You and Heimdall have known each other for a very long time since childhood. Over the years, you have become one of the few people who is able to talk to him normally, even though he mainly talks because you are rather shy. Besides, there's something very special about you. As you are the goddess of secrets, you're the only person in the nine realm whose thoughts Heimdall can't read. He had to accept it, but he doesn't like it because it means… that you might also be the only person who could hit him.
It would have been almost the same day in Asgard as any other, if not for some unexpected visitor. You were standing in the mead hall with Heimdall and listening to him complain about this new guest.
You had to admit it was pretty cool having Heimdall as a friend, a person who could read anyone's mind except yours. You were always up to date with all the gossip and you knew which ones were true. Besides, let's face it, it was fun to gossip about everyone with him. He might still be rude to you, but you could see that he treated you better than anyone else.
Not as good as the All-father, but always something, right?
“Well, since I couldn’t drop him off the wall, I figured maybe the Einherjers would take him down, and I'd take a look at it. But of course they can't do anything right, and weary I had to do it myself.” he sighed and took a sip of his mead. “I was about to get rid of that annoying brat and then - imagine - Thor came out of nowhere and threatened what he'd do to me if I got another step to 'Allfather's guest', pff…”
“What exactly did he threaten you with?” you asked out of curiosity what was stopping your cocky friend from doing what he wanted so badly.
“Well…” he looked away, searching for the right words for what he saw in Thor's mind. He was still terribly disgusted by it and would like to forget about the sight. “You do not want to know.”
“I already know from your expression.” you didn't really have any special idea, but since you were the only person Heimdall couldn't read….
Let's say you enjoyed using it. If you didn't want to talk about something, you could keep quiet or just lie. And even if he had some suspicions, he couldn’t confirm them in any way. Of course, you could see that he didn't like it at all, but at least one thing was comforting: As the goddess of secrets, you could easily find out about every person's secret, even his if you only wanted.
But surprisingly, the two of you got along very well. He couldn't read you, but you could possibly read him. And so from childhood, alternating altercations with gossip.
“I think you're exaggerating again. This guy…” you didn't get to finish as Heimdall suddenly interrupted you.
“Please do not involve us in your pathetic attempts to impress one another.” you turned around and saw Thrúd with someone, possibly Loki. As you can see, Sif's daughter was showing him around, and as Heimdall had spotted them… He couldn't help but comment, as always.
Not that it particularly annoyed you, because you usually ignored his reproaches, even when you had a good retort in mind, because somehow… you didn't want to say anything. Were you afraid of offending him? That's possible. Were you too shy for that? Even more likely.
“You're Loki, right? Guest of the All-father?” you asked, stepping a little closer to the teenagers. Even though you heard Heimdall's heavy sigh behind you and his soft mocking of you.
He seemed to dislike it very much whenever your attention shifted to someone else, he had been like that since he was a child. Only then he just pulled your hair when he didn't like something, and now... Well, you see.
In private, he could even be nice from time to time. You remember once he even braided you a lot of braids while you were keeping him company on the wall. You still remember that moment with a smile on your face. Oh, what you wouldn't give to feel his hands in your hair again, gently separating strands and braiding them into individual braids… He had really skilled hands.
He was almost like a different person then. Or was it the real him? It was hard for you to tell.
“Um… yeah, it's me. And you are...?”
“It's y/n, she can know anyone's secret if she wants to.” Thrúd explained, and then lowered her voice and leaned close to the boy's ear. “She's a bit like Heimdall, but she's not annoying.”
“I heard it. I'm sorry the truth upsets you all so much. Maybe if you were honest more often, you'd get used to it.” you sighed softly as you heard your friend interject again.
It was almost always like that when you wanted to meet someone new or even talk to an old friend. Somehow, Heimdall was suddenly beside you and effectively shooing your mate away.
Unless someone was really stubborn, then it could even come to fight and well... It's not hard to guess who always won.
“What are you doing for the All-father?” you asked Loki. You wanted to approach him and go somewhere to talk calmly, without Heimdall behind your back, but suddenly you felt him hold you by the end of your long braid.
Sometimes that's why you didn't tie your hair up at all, but today it was this damn braid...
“We'll talk later?” asked Thrud, seeing your situation. You just nodded your head, grabbing your braid and throwing it forward surprisingly easily. It seems that if you want to talk to Loki normally, you will have to wait until Heimdall goes to the wall and then you will have a moment of peace...
Yeah, about Heimdall… You turned to him, crossing your arms over your chest. He seemed unfazed by your gaze and drank the rest of his mead as if nothing had happened.
“Something's wrong? Are you still staring at me because you like me or what?” he asked, setting his mug on the table.
You felt your cheeks flush slightly at the second question. Right now, you were silently thanking for that he can’t read your mind with his skills, because you'd probably have sunk to the ground if he'd found out years ago that you have a crush on him...
“Why do you always do this to me? Can't I talk to anyone normally?” the Asgardians, seeing what was happening, quickly got up from the long table and left the room, leaving the two of you alone.
“What do you mean? Talk to whoever you want. You never listen to good advice anyway and do what you want.” you furrowed your brows. What is he up to?
“Good advice? When was the last time you gave me any advice?” he sighed and started pacing around you, explaining what he meant.
“We both know that my judgments are the most accurate because I know what other people really think, but after all these years, you can't even trust me a bit. Since you're really so obtuse about relationships, I'm trying to gently educate you on who's good company for you and who-”
“You don't think anyone is good company for me!” you shouted suddenly, interrupting him. He stopped in front of you and looked at you with obvious surprise on his face.
He knew he had annoyed you with his behavior many times, but you had never raised your voice at him before. But now… You were getting really tired of enduring his weird whims and shooing everyone away from you. You're not a child to be protected from everyone, and the world isn't so bad that every person you meet has bad intentions towards you.
“Doesn't that braid press your head?”
“And yours not? Why-?!” you weren’t allowed to finish the question, because the blond interrupted you.
“You know what, go to your room and cool down a bit, because you're getting dramatic-” unable to take it anymore, you raised your hand and unexpectedly slapped him on the cheek with your open hand.
In a rush of emotions, you also decided to use your skills for the first time in a long time. You didn't like to know the secrets of others, but at that moment you were pushed to the limit of your endurance. That's why you did it, you decided to find out what secret Heimdall is hiding, maybe it has to do with...
Shock also crossed your face as it all hit you and began to piece together. He loved you. That's why he wanted you all to himself and always chased everyone away from you. He wanted you to spend as much time together as possible. He was jealous when you paid more attention to someone than to him. That's what it was all about.
You were just beginning to understand what you actually did. You hit that untouchable god who always dodged every blow. And now you watched him as he pulled away from you in shock too, holding hand on cheek.
“You…” he must have noticed the unmistakable blue flash that passed through your eyes when you used your powers. And he didn't like it...
He quickly walked away, leaving you alone. No biting remark, no hateful glare, nothing… It was even worse than having him yell at you for doing it.
It’s obvious his pride just took a hard hit, and he'll be quick to put something cold on his cheek so nobody will see the red mark of it. Although you had the impression that he was much more affected by the fact that you learned his deepest secret. Something he was... ashamed of. He was ashamed that for someone he would be able to do even he doesn't know how much.
You felt terrible about what you did. After all, you shouldn't have hit him, despite what an asshole he is...
You bowed your head in disappointment and went to your room. You have to put it all together in your head...
* * *
You couldn't help not being able to go to sleep. You thought about Heimdall all the time, about what happened between you two and how he feels about you, especially since you reciprocated those feelings.
You steeled yourself and left the room, determined to talk to him. You went to his door and knocked, but either he wasn't there or he chose to be silent as the grave.
You sighed quietly and said to yourself that you can't leave it like this, but you can't break down this door, you don't even have enough strength for it...
Slowly taking steps, you left Odin's house and headed to the only place you could think of.
It was actually your and Heimdall's place, where you usually came to talk and gossip in peace, and you used to play there when you were children. He once nearly knocked his tooth out tripping over a tree root.
Exactly, that tree was what gave this place an unusual appearance. Long branches with tiny leaves hanging down to the ground hid a small clearing from the world. In fact, it's hard to even call it a clearing, but let's say.
That's where you directed your steps, and when you got close, you heard something like... Hitting something sharp against the trunk?
You parted the leaves with your hands to enter the shaded area under the tree's canopy and saw Heimdall standing in front of the trunk, striking it again and again with his sword. He didn't say anything, his expression was impenetrable, but it was obvious that he had come here to calm down. You cleared your throat to get attention, but it failed.
“I…” you started, hoping he wouldn't ignore you to the end of the world. Because he can't, right? Whom you're trying to fool, he's capable of that “I want to apologize. I shouldn't have hit you, but I could handle not being able to talk to anyone normally.”
“Excuses” he grunted in response, not even looking at you and continuing his activity.
“I know you were jealous, but-”
“I'm not jealous.” he cut you off quickly, suddenly hitting the trunk even harder. Is he still just calming down or is he trying to chop down that tree?
Silently, you approached him slowly, placing your arm on his hand, which was holding the sword just after he swung again. You were afraid he was going to knock it off, but surprisingly he didn't. After a moment, he let go of his sword, which fell to the ground at your feet.
“What do you want from me?” since the words weren't getting through to him in any way, you started thinking about doing something else to quickly and accurately explain how you felt to him. “You came to stare at me?”
Smiling slightly, you shook your head and slowly raised your free hand to place it on his still slightly reddened cheek. You didn't have enough time to do it because he grabbed your hand, but it didn't matter because you had a different purpose in all this.
Taking advantage of how close you were, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips. You were afraid he was about to push you away, so it was just a quick kiss after which you pulled away. You wanted to take another step back to calm your pounding heart, but you couldn't. Not because you didn't want to, but because, still holding your hand, Heimdall pulled you back to him, watching you closely.
“What was that?”
“It doesn't matter…” you looked away, flustered. Gods, what were you thinking… You must have misread everything and put the final nail in the coffin for your friendship…
“It does.” he replied immediately without taking his eyes off you. “It was quite… pleasant.” you saw his eyes slowly move to your lips. He finally let your hand rest on his cheek, intertwining your fingers a bit.
You shivered as he leaned in towards you, only brushing his lips lightly against yours at first. You didn't quite know how to react to this sudden tenderness from him, which you definitely weren't prepared for, even though you knew how he felt about you.
One of his hands slid from your hand to your hip and slowly traveled up, stopping at your chest. Oh no, you think you know what's coming...
You almost jumped when he suddenly tickled you. Your lips parted for a moment and he took advantage of that to slide his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. You smiled and felt him do this too, just before he pulled away a bit.
“No, Heimdall…” you said, seeing what he was about to do. “Do not even try…!” too late, as soon as he started tickling you, you couldn't help but laugh.
You felt your knees begin to buckle under you, so since you're about to fall to the ground anyway... At least not alone. You wrapped your free arm around his neck just before you started to fall over. He couldn't have predicted it, so you both landed on the ground, only you in a slightly worse position...
“Ouch!” you exclaimed laughing. Your back just landed on the hilt of a sword you both had completely forgotten about in your rapture of love.
Heimdall wanted to kiss you again, but disturbed by your sudden cry, he rose up on his forearms, noticing the sword lying beneath you.
“Oops...” he replied in his characteristic tone and pulled his sword out from under you.
“Now you should massage it for me...” you groaned, reaching a hand to the sore spot on your back. You'll have a bruise there any minute.
“Turn onto your belly.” he answered. Well, you said about this massaging more in the form of a joke, that's why you looked at him surprised as he got up from you, sitting astride you at the height of your step. “You won't get a special invitation.”
Giving him one last look, you rolled onto your stomach, crossing your arms in front of you to rest your head on them. It wasn't long before you felt his hands, first massaging your shoulders, then slowly descending to the hurt area.
“You can do this to me all night.. ” you muttered dreamily, enjoying what he was doing to you.
“Sunshine, I know better ways to spend the night...” you didn't even notice as he leaned down, almost laying on top of you, to say it in your ear and send a shiver through your entire body. “The question is, do you want to know them?”
That's the question... Do you want to know them?
-> part 2 -> general masterlist -> God of War: Ragnarök masterlist
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braveclementine · 2 days
Chapter 8
Tumblr media
Warnings: None. (Will however be a 18+ reader book)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
"Beach wedding?" T'Challa questioned. "That sounds pleasant, although for you to become part of the Wakandan royalty through marriage, we'll have to do a separate special ceremony. It won't disrupt or affect the marriage bond though, so there's nothing to worry about with that."
The idea of being a Queen was still rather frightening to you.
"Beach wedding, beach wedding." Fury was singing underneath his breath with a slight wiggle of his hips. Well, he was extremely excited about the idea. Apparently he loved the beach so much, the ship that he was visiting with had a simulation so he could pretend he was at the beach.
Your sister bounded into the room, "You're on the news again Y/N!"
You shrunk into the couch you were sitting on. It had been six months since the incident. You had gotten comfortable with every person that you were soulmated to, along with their friends. Your own friends were absolutely enthralled with the idea. All three of them were invited to the wedding as well.
Once the news had gotten ahold that one, the Avengers were finally getting married, and two, it was to the girl in the record book who had eleven bonds, well the news had been covering it for almost three weeks now.
You had quit your job at this point. There was no reason to keep it. Tony kept everything you could possibly needed in the room and if you really, really needed something, he had a special card that you were supposed to use.
You very rarely spent the card. Even if Tony was a billionaire, you weren't entirely okay with spending his money if you really didn't need something.
Tony's voice brought you back to the conversation, "I was thinking that we could move into a large mansion instead of trying to continue to live in the Tower. Especially once we have kids. It would be easier to live in a house instead."
"I agree." Steve said with a nod.
"If it's far from civilization." Fury pointed out.
"Can we move back to the topic of those kids?" You asked.
Everyone looked at you.
"It's just. . . with the kids, are you guys going to care if like. . . you don't have one that isn't biologically yours? Or do you all want one that is yours or. . ." You asked.
"I don't care whose they are." Steve said with a shrug. "I'll raise all of them as my own."
Everyone agreed with that sentiment except for T'Challa. "I agree with that," He started, "However, the King of Wakanda still has to produce an heir. I hope you understand."
You nod. "Yes, of course."
T'Challa seemed relieved that you agreed so readily.
Preparations then moved forward for the wedding. Wanda invited her brother Pietro, since he would be consider family with the rest of us. Thor was inviting someone named 'Rocket' and his 'clan' who were called the Guardians of the Galaxy.
You met Agent Coulson, who was a very nice man. He, Fury, and Hill all did really seemed to get along well.
Loki and Thor were inviting a few people from New Asgard. (pretending they never died) Sif, Volstagg, Fandral, Hogun, Heimdall, and Valkyrie. Also someone people named Korg and Miek.
Clint was inviting his sister Laura and her soulmate and their kids. Sam invited his sister.
You were sure that there would be more than family there, but the biggest question for you was whether or not you invited your father to the ceremony.
You didn't think he'd cause any trouble, but at the same time, it had been a few years since you had last seen him.
"Let's go for a walk." Clint said enthusiastically.
You quickly leaped from the couch to take his hand, leaving the others behind, Sam and T'Challa being the only ones that went with you two.
It was a sunny day out and the three of you strolled across the well tended lawn of Avenger Tower.
"How overboard do you think Tony will go with the house?" You questioned.
Clint snickered, "You should see the house he got for him and Stephen. And that one is just for the two of them."
"I just don't like the idea of him spending to much money, you know?" You said.
"That's how Tony shows he cares. He does it in gifts." Clint explained. "He built Pepper an Iron Woman suit when her and Happy got married. He gave Nat and Bruce a house, smaller by Stephen's standards, but it's nice sized when they got married. Wanda and Vision got a flat in Paris."
You nodded, a little overwhelmed.
Sam lifted you up on his shoulders. "Anyways, I was thinking about kids."
"Me too." You said. "I'm hoping that everyone looks at them as their own."
"I'm sure we will." Clint said, sounding nonchalant about it. "After all, we're all your soulmate. After the bonding ceremony, we'll all be connected. We should expect that to be in our children too. Besides, it's not like you're going to have eleven children, even if we all wanted our own kid."
You laughed, "Yeah, eleven kids is ridiculous."
"Although, it does sound fun." T'Challa admitted. "A huge house, lots of kids running around cheerfully."
"I think at least. . . what, four or five?" Clint asked. "Maybe six. I guess it would depend on how many attempts it takes for you to get your heir."
"I do feel bad about that." T'Challa said quietly. "Unfortunately, Wakandan customs can't be avoided."
"It's alright." You said, resting your chin on the top of Sam's head. "I don't really mind. I'm actually kind've excited to start our family life together. Although the marriage bonding ceremony will probably be exhausting."
Clint chuckled, "Probably."
The marriage bonding was, well, sex. Except you had to bond with all of your soulmates in one night. Which meant eleven orgasms in one night. One from each of them, eleven from you. And you were a Virgin (as most were) so it would certainly be a no walking day the day after.
"Have you decided on whether or not you want to ask your dad to the wedding?" Sam asked up to me.
You shook your head, your chin scratching on the top of his head. "No. I mean, my sister is going to be there and that's really all the family I need. But at the same time, I don't know. Maybe he should be there. I just don't know how Y/S/N would feel about him being there either."
Once you guys had made it down to the pond, you climbed off Sam's shoulders to take off your shoes and socks to dip your feet in. Clint had already done so and Sam was getting ready.
"Scared of water kitty kat?" Sam teased as T'Challa simply stood behind you, your back against his legs.
T'Challa chuckled dangerously. "Cats eat birds little Falcon."
You giggled at their friendly bantering.
"What colour suits are you guys thinking about?" Clint asked sincerely.
"Matching our soulmate bonds." T'Challa said.
You giggled again, "Does that mean Sammy is wearing pink?"
"Oi, brown is a part of that. Pink and brown." Sam pointed out.
"Hey, you're the one that pink is your favorite colour." Clint pointed out as Sam got defensive.
"I can see it." You said, reaching over to touch Sam's shoulder. "One of those crisp pink dress shirts with a brown suit jacket and brown dress pants. Maybe even coffee brown dress shoes. You'll look rather dashing."
"Ooh, you hear that boys. I'm gonna be dashing." Sam grinned.
Clint grinned before wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side. "This is going to be fun."
"Y/N, this is Pietro, Pietro, this is Y/N." Tony did the very quick introduction to Wanda's brother.
He looked nothing like Wanda. His eyes were blue, his hair dark before it turned blond. It was wavy and short. He had faint stubble and a facial do like Stephen's, which showed that brown was his natural hair colour. He was a bit taller than Wanda, on the lean and muscular side.
He held his hand out, "Nice to meet you."
His voice was quiet, heavily accented with the Sokovian lilt like Wanda's.
"Likewise." You said.
"Do you have a superpower?" He questioned as the two of you dropped hands.
"She's hits peoples with umbrellas." Tony answered for you, receiving an elbow to the kidneys.
"No." You said, rolling your eyes. "Ignore him."
Pietro grinned. I spent most of the day with him, Wanda, and Clint talking. He told us about how he had met someone named Makkari and they'd had several races, though they weren't sure who was faster.
"Don't suppose you know someone with an Aqua and gold soulmate mark, would you? Or a blue and silver one? Or, this one is strange but it's yellow, red, green, blue, and black." Pietro asked.
You shook your head, "Sorry."
He shrugged, "Oh well, they're out there."
"Maybe you just need to run into the King of Wakanda and go apologize to him." Clint smirked.
You rolled your eyes. "How was I to know he was the King of Wakanda? What was the King of Wakanda even doing in a low part of New York? Not my fault I didn't do a proper apology right then and there."
"Well I'm glad you didn't." T'Challa's voice sounded behind me. He had me sit up so that he could behind me, pulling me flush against his chest. "Cause now we're here."
"Very true." You said, tilting your head back and he pecked your lips sweetly.
"Ew." Clint said like a child before winking at you. You flipped him off.
"I'm sure it's equally ew when she kisses you." T'Challa said, resting his chin on your head.
Clint smirked, "I'm excellent kisser, thank you very much."
Wanda rolled her eyes, "They are constantly comparing themselves."
Pietro shrugged, "Typical male species."
You giggled.
Later that night, dinner was a rather chaotic affair. Tony had doordashed a bunch of food from Panda Express, Larosas, Auntie Annes, Greaters, Papa Johns, and Applebees. This resulted in a large buffet of food while everyone settled in the living room with the first season of Bones on.
Loki and Coulson sat as far apart as the room allowed. Valkyrie sat with him. Fury and Maria sat with Coulson. Tony, Stephen, Rhodey, and a man named Wong were sitting around the coffee table. Steve, Bucky, Sam, Clint, Bruce, and Natasha were sitting on or against the couch. T'Challa, Shur, Okoye, and a few of the other Wakandans he had invited were sitting at the dining room table instead in the adjoining room. Thor was standing around with Volstagg, Hogun, Sif, and Fandral.
Peter was there was well, with his Aunt May, Pepper, and Happy, though only Ned could make it as MJ had some sort of job thing.
Y/S/N was there with Y/S/BF/N, though they were more out of place than the others. Vision, Wanda, and Pietro were talking to them.
And then there were Guardians. There was Peter Quil, also known as Starlord, with his soulmate Gamora and their daughter Nikki. Nebula, who scared you just a little. Drax and Mantis, who were soulmates. Rocket turned out to be a raccoon (maybe?) along with a tree named Groot. There was also a man named Kraglin who had an arrow tucked into his belt.
It was funny. Kraglin seemed almost terrified of Nebula, yet they were soulmates.
Also, it turned out that Gamora and Nebula were both the adopted daughters of Thanos so that just made them a little scarier.
Thor very happily greeted the raccoon and the tree. You could sense some sort of male prideship fight between him and Peter.
Peter Parker greeted Peter Quil. You assumed they were friends.
All in all, it was a very crowded room. And they would all be here for another two months until the wedding preparations were put into plans.
Of course, there were still some people missing according to Fury. Someone named Captain Marvel. You knew she was the one that had snapped the glove to kill Thanos.
Scott and Hope were over in California, visiting Scott's daughter Cassie.
You took your own plate, looking for a place to sit. Stephen motioned to you and you moved to sit between the space that Tony made for you between the two of them. Tony's hand immediately found it's way to your thigh while Stephen held your hand under the table.
You were so busy observing the new comers in the room, you didn't even realize that Tony had asked you a question.
"Sweetheart?" He said and you snapped your head towards him.
"Sorry, what was the question?" You asked quickly.
"Some of your favorite things to do."
"I love camping." You said immediately. "I had a friend when I was young who was in boy scouts and I went on all the camping trips with them and his family. My favorite spot was either at Mammoth Caves, Wright Patterson Airforce base, or Hueston Woods."
Tony seemed surprised, "Camping? Really?"
"Oh yeah. Now that I think about it, Mammoth caves was really my favorite. We stayed on the campground and then we got to explore the caves in tours. It was a lot of fun." You smiled as you thought about all of the memories you had.
"Caves huh?" Tony said, seeming a little pale.
"Yeah." You nodded, "There's a specific tour that we always did whenever we did. I don't remember the name off the top of my head but it took you through something called Fat Man's Misery, which was this tight spot in the cave. But it's not a good tour if you're afraid of the dark or tight spaces."
"Duly noted." Tony said.
The night passed in soft touches between the two of them, funny conversations provided by the Guardians about space, and quick bantering between Loki, Thor, T'Challa, and Sam.
Everything was really starting to feel like home.
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