#that just shows how much he loves mobius 😭
bylerisrequited · 11 months
all it took for loki to ride the tandem bicycle was mobius tilting his head and batting his eyelashes yet i'm supposed to believe they aren't boyfriends?!
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1x04: "just kind of an asshole and a bad friend" - this scene, though!!
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I don't see this scene discussed all that much, but for me it's a massive turning point, not just in the Lokius friendship but for Loki's own growth as a person who doesn't want to let down the people he respects and cares about. Mobius completely blows Loki's mind here and cuts him down with a graceful, yet blunt skill. He can almost read Loki's mind; no one has ever understood Loki like this before. But more importantly, why Mobius' reply here means so much:
He's not raising his voice. He's not giving Loki the angry and hurtful response that Loki expects and wants right now. That's because if Mobius hurts Loki back, if he retaliates in kind, it will distract Loki from the fact that he was a dick to the first real friend he ever had. It will make it much easier for Loki to lie to himself and excuse his actions, while avoiding any guilty feelings. Mobius is not going to give him that.
Mobius also refuses to play along with Loki's bratty drama, instead speaking to him in an honest way, showing that yeah, Loki did let him down and hurt his feelings. And that Mobius is angry, sure. But it's not a moment for petty, fake drama such as Loki tries to ignite.
Instead, it's his friend saying "I trusted you and put myself on the line for you and you betrayed me. You don't get to make this about anything else." (more below the break)
Owen Wilson's delivery on these lines could not have been more flawless. We get all of Mobius' feelings; he's just a regular guy at the end of the day, and his genuineness, his integrity is not what Loki is used to dealing with. He's knocked the ground out from under Loki, this simply, this easily.
Emotional stakes instead of shallow, selfish ones. Loki is thrown into real shock by this turn of events. This is not how he's used to being dealt with when he's been "bad." The child in Loki never matured past these tantrums, for reasons we can easily guess.
Instead of being enraged or saying a bunch of mean stuff back at him, Mobius calls it like it is, then moves on, as if Loki no longer deserves his attention. That is going to drive Loki so crazy.
Plus, Mobius gets Loki so completely that he already knows how his statement is going to hit him. That's why, when Loki's surprised expression appears, Mobius is expecting it and says, "Yeah, chew on that for a little bit."
In other words, "How do you like being treated like a person who is expected to be decent and considerate, as opposed to being treated like a threat or problem to be destroyed?"
I think the latter was damaging to Loki at first, but then, over time, so much easier for Loki to cope with. Enemies were playing into his hands by repeating back the same insults he's gotten used to, has toughened up to.
Nobody has believed in him and expected - not just demanded - but expected better from Loki, until Mobius.
Knowing that he almost immediately tarnished such a friendship hits completely different and Loki is thrown by it.
Mobius sees Loki 100% for who he is and knows how to get under his skin when necessary, knows how to get past Loki's bravado in a way no one else has done.
But part of that skill is because Mobius really still can't help loving Loki to bits, and as hurt as he is here, he has not completely given up on Loki. It's Mobius' genuine, heartfelt responses to Loki that allow him the empathy to give as good as he gets, but more than that, to care enough, specifically, to try and help Loki learn to be better.
I just love them so much-- 😭💓💞
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And another thing-
All of the little details about OB just break my fucking heart, like
-him being so excited to see Mobius again even though the only interaction he ever had with him was Mobius accidentally showing up in his workshop once and then immediately leaving
-it being 400 years since his last visitor
-when Loki asked past!Ouroboros if he could call him OB and he says “OB? I like that :)” because he was happy that someone would want to give him a nickname
-him explaining what the TVA guidebook was after realising that no one in the group had ever read it and then quietly saying “I wrote it myself.”
-him saying “it’s great being part of a team :)” after explaining that he takes care of all the engineering stuff for everybody and no one ever interacts with him, and then hopefully asking “how’s the team doing up there?” like he’s sort of desperately trying to reassure himself that he is, in fact, important and a part of the team
-in one of the tube things in his workshop (I think this is in the credits sequence) there’s just a moldy banana and the work slip says it’s from a hunter, which maybe sort of implies that the hunters play mean jokes on him :(
-there’s also a prop poster on his floor that says sending inappropriate notes, live animals, and some other stuff down in the tubes is prohibited, which implies he’s had that happen enough times to make a poster about it. Which also implies the other workers just like to mess with him
-the fact that he seems to be the only TVA worker that didn’t have his memories wiped- which could mean he’s some all powerful being or something- but I’m pretty sure it just means that even Kang didn’t find him significant enough to brainwash, and he probably knew OB stayed alone in the basement all the time anyway so there was no chance of him blowing the ruse
-the way that all the other people at the TVA (even B-15 and Mobius) had to be convinced that pruning people was bad, but when OB mentioned deleting a bunch of timelines and B-15 said “that would kill all those people, we can’t do that.” he immediately just agreed and said he’d find another solution
-Mobius asking how tf he’s supposed to hoof it in that suit and OB saying “You have to!!” Like he has no reason to care about Mobius dying but he does
-there are “Danger!!! Maximum radiation!!!!” signs all over the walls of the loom room or whtvr but OB’s office is just like… feet from it. And he stays in there all the time. And no one seems to care ?
-how he was just so solemn and frantic and emotional throughout the whole astronaut Mobius scene, when again, none of that should even matter to him. The only thing he needs to do is close the loom door- all this fixing Loki business is extraneous.
I just love him. He has so much heart, he has such a big personality. And we’ve only known him for like 50 minutes so far 😭. I require this show to end with a found family, and I require Ouroboros to be part of it. He deserves friends, damn it!!
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layla4567 · 1 year
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warnings: mention of nightmares, a bit of angst(?
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He is not one to show much affection in public (he will probably grab your hand or hold you by the waist gently) but when no one is looking he will treat you like a queen/king. He will fill you with kisses and hug you warmly, hugging you in his arms and holding you close to his chest for a long time, both of you in silence.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Let's face it, it would be difficult to win Loki's friendship, he is distrustful and a little hard to trust (but if Mobius did it, anyone can!) You probably have to be patient and listen to him without judging him. When they are friends he will be like with Mobius, quite protective. Obviously he will annoy you with his jokes but he will always look out for you and make sure that nothing bad happens to you. Loki also knows that he can trust you to help him with any problem and vice versa.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yes! Loki loves cuddles. He feels protected in your arms and a good cuddle makes him feel better when he is sad or afraid. I think he would prefer to be cuddlered but he is not opposed to the idea of ​​cuddlering you either.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Loki would like to move in with you whenever he sees fit, he will not make a decision without first consulting you. And if the answer is yes, at first I feel like Loki wouldn't clean or cook for the simple fact that he's not used to it (I imagine him like when he was sitting at the TVA reading the rules bored and lazing around). But then he would get used to it and help you in whatever way he can.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Well if you break up with him (gurl why would you do that?) poor Loki would be devastated 😭. He had already made up his mind about a life with you and you go and break up with him for "x" reason. But if he had to break up with you, uff man, he wouldn't even know how to start or what to say. Whatever the reason he broke up with you, he will be crying and explaining why he can't be with you, obviously he will tell you face to face.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I think Loki wouldn't rush things, maybe wait a few years to commit when he already knows that you'll really stay with him. You know, trust for Loki is not his strong suit and you really have to earn it, but he would definitely like to one day marry you and have you be his goddess/god.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
LOKI IS A GENTLEMAN. He's the kind of man who will move the chair so you can sit down. His touches will always be soft and delicate, a gentle hand squeeze, a delicate grip on the arm or shoulder. As for emotions, he may be a little suspicious of showing emotions and opening up to you, I think that if something happened to him he would hide it and not because he doesn't trust you but because he doesn't want to worry you, but it's just a matter of time before he realize that it is healthier to seek your help and tell you what he feels, whether good or bad. He is a great listener so he will also prioritize your feelings.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Loki will not admit that he likes hugs, when you give him one he will pretend to be upset but inside he loves them. Over time the hugs will become more frequent, he no longer cares about hiding how much he loves hugs, Loki will hug you from behind, sitting on the couch, in a bed, wherever!
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Loki said it first, but it took a while. You were going to say it first but you were afraid that he would take it the wrong way or reject you, you knew him and you didn't want to rush things. But Loki confessed his feelings when he was sure that you were in danger and he didn't want to lose you, only then did he realize how in love he was.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Oh ho ho, Loki is definitely one to get jealous. He trusts you of course but he dislikes people who come towards you with clear flirting intentions and although he knows that you can handle yourself, Loki sometimes approaches them and threatens them. Sometimes he goes a little overboard and that's when you'll have to stop him, he could kill for you, literally. So when he is jealous he will be quite touchy.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Loki's kisses are passionate and tender. He will kiss you sweetly but only when you are alone. He likes to kiss your hands, especially your knuckles, on your forehead, on your neck. He can even go further and kiss the inside of your thighs when they are in the mood. Loki likes kisses on his back and his jaw going down to his shoulders.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
It depends, if they are your children, he will be the most loving and protective father of the nine kingdoms. Now if, on the other hand, they are children he don't know, he will probably feel irritated and impatient.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Loki likes to hug you from the back and pull you towards him when you are sleeping, sometimes your head is against his chest but you are always next to his arms so when you get up he draws you towards him again, showering you with kisses on your hair until you insist that you have to get up
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Sometimes he usually has nightmares and wakes up scared in the middle of the night but you are always there to calm him down by resting his head against your chest so he can feel your heartbeat, and then he falls asleep like a baby with you caressing his hair.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
As I said before, Loki will always be distrustful of new people so it is likely that at first he will close himself off and hide secrets from you or whatever, you have to be patient and know how to listen to him and understand him only then he can break that cold shell and show his true colors. colors
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Loki is quite angry and impatient, but it also depends on who. He rarely gets too angry or yells at you. He is afraid of saying something hurtful to you and that you will not appear in his life again, so when faced with an argument he will try to calm down and simply clench his teeth or frown.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Loki is a great listener and really pays attention to you because he cares so it's easy for him to remember things you like (or don't like). Sometimes he will surprise you by giving you something that you really wanted and that you had mentioned inadvertently, but he remembered it (or wrote it down somewhere). Above all, he remembers the deep conversations where they talk about their feelings.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When Loki confessed to you that he was the son of a frost giant and opened up to you. He will never forget your attentive eyes on his face and your hands holding his, nodding with a worried gesture. The way you paid attention to him, listened to him, and cared about his well-being touched him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Loki protects you with his life itself. It's like a lioness protecting her baby with claws and teeth. He would rather die than see you hurt. He always has his daggers ready and will always put himself in front of you to avoid any danger. The phrase: "if you touch a single hair on her head, yours will be on the ground next" is from Loki. As for being protected, the truth is that he can defend himself, he doesn't like the idea of ​​you protecting him so much and not because he thinks you are weak but because he doesn't want to put you in danger, but every time you offer to fight at his side is proud of you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
I think Loki is quite prone to buying you expensive things, he has been raised surrounded by opulence and highliness. Although it is likely that he forgets some special dates and not because he does not pay attention to you but because all those Midgardian things seem banal to him, why do you need a special day to show love if he can show it to you every day? (and it does). But Loki will make every effort to remember your anniversary and believe me, he will organize something elegant and romantic.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
HAHAH LOKI IS SUCH A DIVA, no but he seriously cares about his appearance. He is always well groomed with his hair back falling over his shoulders. The only time he doesn't pay as much attention to how he looks is when he's fighting or when a fight ends and his uniform is destroyed.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
YES, Loki couldn't live without you, you are the best thing that has happened to him, the only friend he has, the only one who loves him unconditionally for who he is and listens to him without judging. Without you his life feels empty as if something was missing, you are his anchor, his lighthouse that guides him, he does not want to lose that light that you are for him.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Since he loves to make mischief, sometimes he asks for your help, especially if it is to prank his brother Thor. He usually makes pranks on you too but they are not bad or hurtful.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He hates prejudiced people who only see him as a monster and don't bother trying to get to know him better.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Loki has a hard time falling asleep because of his nightmares, but he feels better if you are by his side holding his hand or hugging him. If not, he will probably fall asleep very late.
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cherriiramen · 11 months
There was literally no queerbaiting in Loki. As a bisexual man I am literally begging people to stop calling "male characters had close and intimate scenes but did end up together" queerbaiting. Queerbaiting is when they dangle a potential queer character in front of the audience and then go "oops no they're straight" Loki isn't even straight! He's canonically bi! So is Sylvie! Neither of them ended up with anyone! Men are allowed to be close without being romantically or sexually interested in each other and modern audiences are so spoiled for representation that those friendships are attacked by fans angry they didn't fuck.
Here! Have the link to what I spoke of this. I think you’d like this. 😭
This is exactly what I’m trying to say.
Loki was confirmed canonically bisexual, how much more could we ask for??
No romantic relationship was confirmed between him and Mobius. Neither was it confirmed between him and Thor, nor him and Tony, nor him and Fandrall, and ohhh the list is long..
I’m a multishipper in general because I love analysing different character dynamics and how they might work, but… hello guys?? 😀
Like it’s nice to fantasise sometimes when it comes to shipping, but can we stop mixing our delusions with ‘canon’?? It’s happening far too often where you have a bunch of extremists ruin a show/movie for you by hyping it up just for two ‘queer’ characters then completely shit on it when they don’t get the representation they highly expected by the end of it.
++ I find it really fucking petty and ungrateful how so many of them turned on Tom for not making out with Mobius or some shit. He deserves so much better than this. Are you forgetting how much of this fandom’s bs he handled?? He laughed with us at our crazy fanart, ship art it be or just Loki on a damn stripping pole. He was asked so many uncomfortable questions. He was more than generous with us.
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delyth88 · 11 months
Loki - season 2, episode 6 series finale -immediate reaction
Okay, so this time I’m gonna have to split this into two posts.  This one is my reaction after just watching the finale, but this time it’s going to be mostly my emotional response, and the more considered post with images will have to wait till later.  I don’t have the heart for it right now.
So yeah, spoilers ahead.
Well that tore out my heart and stamped on it!
I mean it was an utterly perfect story for a character like Loki, but I’m still devastated. I love it. And I hate it.
I love it on a story level.  The whole season was beautifully done! Loki developed so much over the six episodes, and really won my heart back. I fell in love with the gang from the TVA, particularly OB and Mobius, and I warmed to Sylvie and just wanted her to be able to live the quiet life she’s wanted for so long.
I loved that they really went into the depth I had assumed I’d only get in a fic about the different attempts Loki made to fix things by going back in time. They didn’t just gloss over things, they really showed him trying.  I was shocked when after he asked OB how long it would take him to learn everything, he went and spent CENTURIES doing it!  My stomach dropped.  Because can you imagine what that means for someone?  Even someone as long lived as Loki?  What that has to do to your mind? And that should have been the first clue things weren’t going to turn up roses.
Then he finally succeeds! But they don’t show it to us like we’re experiencing that moment, but more as though we’re an observer, rushing through it because it’s yet another repeat. And for one brief moment Loki is happy because he thinks they’ve done it. But no, it turns out to have been an impossible task!
And then he finds out that HWR basically gave him his newfound powers, and that he still had a lot to learn, and then we see THAT HE ALREADY HAD LEARNED! The way they kept dropping the sense of time on us, that sense of dread and urgency. And inevitability. *shivers*
How he tries, and tries, and tries to convince Sylvie, but can’t get through to her, and how he has to contemplate whether he’s the sort of man who could kill her. I loved how he visited Mobius to ask for his advice. My god. What a horrible conversation to have to have.  But what trust he places in Mobius! 
And I loved how he kept refusing to take the easy path. How he decided he couldn’t kill Sylvie, and how he realised there was another way. But OMG at what price!? I can’t….
But I hated how much this hurt Loki, what this took from him.  When the gold from the rock trickles upwards to create a mockery of a throne, which is more a prison… just…. 😭 The look on his face once he knows what he has to do. He had to make the impossible choice, and he chose the impossible.
I love that it kept the tone of tragedy that has haunted Loki all through the MCU.  I love how they were true to his character in that way, but AT THE SAME TIME allowed him to retain his new sense of self, all that growth we’ve shared through this series but also the change that he’s experienced while he’s been isolated during centuries trying to find a way to defeat HWR and keep the people on the branched timelines safe. His desperate act to do the right thing.  And finally it is the right thing in the eyes of the universe and the audience, and yet he still loses. My heart just can’t bear it!
It’s perfect and it hurts.
Tagging @woodelf68 @pinkpondofasgard @projectprotectloki @scintillatingshortgirl19 @juliabohemian @galaxythreads @makerofrunevests @ladyofthestayingpower @thelightofthingshopedfor @sparklegemstone @iamanartichoke
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trutrustories · 11 months
Just some thoughts I have, immediately after viewing ep 6.
spoilers! oh my god, oh my god! I´m honestly relieved! Can you believe it??? I´m SO GLAD endindg didn´t ruin the show! Quite the opposite, actually! I think that with the context of this ending, they actually made season 1 much BETTER. which is like... complete surprise for me! What the hell???? I seriously didn´t expect that! AT ALL! 🤯 It was funny, It was clever, it was epic, and absolutely heartbreaking 🥺😭 Ouroboros, Casey, Timely, and Sylvie... they all survived, and can live they lives however they choose! O. B. making the sequel of his bestseller is the best thing ever! And he has friends now!!! My precious boy!!! Good for him! He deserves it! And Loki and Mobius both survived as well THANK GOD!!!! And they still remember each other! (I was prepared for much worse scenarios, to be honest.)
Anyway, I´m sucker, for bitter sweet endings. So I´m FINE. ....except I´m not.
Because It´s so fucking tragic at the same time!!! God, what a love story! (what isn´t denied is allowed, so... ) they ended it with two of them, alone. Mobius isn´t actually getting back to his boys, because they already have Don. But he didn´t want to stay at TVA because Loki is not there anymore.
Last few shots are Mobius, just standing there, watching life he can´t have and for the first time he is free to wonder around the world on his own. he´s able to WASTE HIS TIME now. And then we see right after Loki, stuck on his throne, alone. And it is implied that he was able to hear Mobius (or see him, even!) And he looks lonely, but also happy for his man!!! GOSH. I was crying like a baby. whole sequence from that scene in a theatre room right until the end! And that freaking music!!! I only have one complaint, and that being: we should see Mobius actually enjoy some JETSKI! Or even better: last shots should have been Mobius happily steering a jet ski on the open sea (wind in the hair and all) AND then Loki on his throne with a smile on his face (because he´s watching him). Last thing: there is actually so much potential, after this finale. If not for actual Marvel project, then for fanfiction writers and for imagination. They left so much room for the good stuff! 😍 For example:
Mobius struggling to addapt to normal life on a timeline. And then he somehow finds out, Loki can see him/ hear him. And he will starts talking to him. And because Loki is so alone and unable to go anywhere, this starts to be his source of fun. Something that makes him happy. And he finds way, to talk to Mobius back somehow... or
Loki will find out that he can travel to his past selfs without having to leave his throne. He stays there, but his mind can travel to his body at any point before.
I am actually mad, I have no time to write fanfics right know (but hey, my english is totally tragic and terrible, so it´s probably a good thing 😅)
Anyway. I feel sad, and also happy. And inspired and satisfied. And I´m still sobbing. All at once! It was beautiful, and I enjoyed every second of it! Can´t remember last time marvel actually managed to do that to me.
*standing ovation* I applaud to creators, actors and everyone involved. You guys did a fenomenal job! (at least that is how I see it)
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sserpente · 1 year
Loki Season 2 – Episode 1 RECAP
Also from now on, as usual, in addition to the keep reading tags, I will tag posts that contain spoilers with the hashtag "#loki season 2 spoilers" and "#loki spoilers" so you can filter them from your dashboard until you're ready!
Did I stay up until 3 a.m. to watch the first episode again? Yes. Yes, I did.
We are starting off so damn STRONG. Damn it, I just wanted to hug Loki so bad. He’s been through so much shit and he was so heartbroken and desperate! Imagine you get to cup his face and just tell him to take a deep breath with you! What made it even more painful was the moment he fully realised that Mobius didn’t recognise him—his one friend, the one person who likes him for who he is… and he doesn’t remember him… and then the relief on his face when was in the right place again!
Loki was so panicked about the impending war. For good reason, obviously but it truly shows that Thor: Ragnarok lied. Loki wouldn’t be a bad king, now hear me out—in The Avengers, Thanos had the upper hand. You all remember that one scene where he sort of backtracks and says “It’s too late… it’s too late to stop it…” but can’t join forces with Thor because The Other was watching him? Loki understands the sacrifice for sure and in the first Thor film, when he tried to wipe out Jötunheim, what I believe is that he wanted to prevent the war that Thor himself had started by attacking those Jötuns. Loki’s not about violence and causing pain and destruction, he just got caught in the middle of it several times, and circumstances forced him into choices that were not heroic. We knew that already, of course… but it’s nice to see that reflected in the series. Besides, we don’t need him to be a hero. We just need him to be Loki. 🥰
The jokes were spot-on, not too silly, not out of place, in my opinion, but sprinkled in just right so far. Skin? Also, can we please talk about the warning on the floor that said Spaghettification? Come on! 😂😂😂
Now in that sense, O.B. is indeed brilliant. A lovely and light addition to the serious bureaucracy of the TVA for sure!
I really wasn’t worried about Loki making it back safely, somehow. Let’s face it, they wouldn’t have killed him in the first episode of Season 2. With that being said… I hope for their sake he stays safe at the end too, otherwise, I will hurt a lot of people! 🙂
X5… X5, what are we gonna do with him? I hate him. Of course, I do. He’s got something about him that just makes you want to slap him in the face. 😒
Now there are two questions we immediately ask ourselves, right? Where, or rather, when did Sylvie come from? And who pruned Loki? Was it another Sylvie, or another Loki? Another Mobius? B15? An antagonistic character who realised their wrongs? A new character? A Kang Variant? They’ve definitely left us some loose ends! 🤔
And lastly… it’s absolutely heartbreaking to see how much Loki cares for Sylvie despite what happened at the end of Season 1. She basically betrayed him! For reasons Loki understands, of course, but still… it broke his heart… and hence it broke mine. He was so ready to stop the others from going after her even though he was facing the very gruesome time slipping problem. 😭
If you’ve seen the video I posted earlier, you’ll know that I have already seen Episode 2 as well today. I won’t lose a word about that one until next week though! 😉 All I’m gonna say is that we’re in for a treat. 😏
PS: I want that TVA handbook as a notebook for my writing.
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shivieroy · 10 months
that's going the be the first and last time I'm talking about this ship here but how tf can a fandom be so delusional? i mean idc about your ship preferences if you want to ship lokius go with it but why are they acting like this is a canon thing... istg it would be so much easier if they just accepted this ship was never meant to be canon in the first place 😭 and now they're twisting the words of ppl who worked on the show (they've been doing it for +2 years now anyway) to fit their narrative and then get mad when it's later revealed they're wrong
loki and sylvie kissed, he showed and even ""said"" he's in love with her and mobius was the one to acknowledge that and support him.
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shiningshenanigans · 11 months
Thoughts on Loki S2E3!
Henceforth and forevermore, Loki and Mobius shall be known as “The Wizard Gentleman and His Butler”
This whole episode had such an interesting vibe. I loved the way they utilized the film/storytelling styles of the time period, with all the melodramatic acting and ragtime score. But, it was also just so different, it took me out of the story at times. I really like it when the show feels grand and ethereal and sci-fi-ish. Still feel like we’re missing some of that this season, but the tonal shifts were a cool storytelling tool nonetheless.
We don’t talk about Mobius and Ravonna enough. Their relationship fascinates me. I love how patient he is with her, how much he genuinely wants her back on his side. The parallels between them and Loki/Sylvie seem very intentional this season. (Ps. I may or may not have a theory that they were married on the timeline, and one or both of their nexus events involved Ravonna leaving him for a Kang Variant. Has anyone theorized about this before and I’m just completely late to the game, or…? Guess we’ll find out soon enough?)
I don’t know how much more of Loki and Sylvie fighting I can take. 😭They’re struggling! They need each other! They both think the other doesn’t care about them anymore and they can’t get a moment to talk about it because the universe is melting! Please, Marvel, just LET THEM REST!!! 😭😭😭
All that said, I am SO👏PROUD👏of my girl Sylvie for starting to recognize that her bloodlust is killing her from the inside out. This is exactly the kind of growth I want for her. Her heartbroken expression when she realizes that killing Timely would make her just like He Who Remains, choosing who lives and who dies for the sake of the greater good… *chefs kiss* Sophia Di Martino knocked that WHOLE PERFORMANCE out of the park. 
Also, as much as I want her and Loki to just hug and make up, I do kind of love the fact that he’s giving her the space she needs to come to these conclusions on her own. He’s been where she is (felt what she feels, etc.). He knows that no amount of persuasion on his part is going to get through to her right now, so he’s letting her figure it out while he works behind the scenes to protect her new life. He’ll be there when she’s ready to take those next steps towards reconciliation (and he better have 10,000 snuggly tablecloths ready because sweet girl needs to be cuddled. A LOT).       
Watching Miss Minutes shift from one dated style of animation to another filled my little animator heart with so much glee. And yes, that whole scene of her coming on to Timely was delightfully terrifying. 
Poor Victor Timely did not ask for any of this when he woke up this morning. Give that man a break.
Ravonna is… awful. I’ve always disliked her. But honestly, hearing her monologue about how often she put the TVA before her own happiness, how it stole her humanity from her… I’m kind of invested in her growth now. Like, I’m starting to want redemption for her, too. Huh.    
Literally everyone in this show is on the same side. They’re all just disagreeing about what the proper course of action is. My guy Mobius’s words are really impacting me right now: “We’ve all lost our way… but someone’s got to keep track of the big picture here.” If that doesn’t ring true of our world, then I don’t know what does.
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gyarucoded · 11 months
gimme a sec i need to talk about this !!
so i saw a long ass reblog under an anti-sylki blog that started off as something like "actually loki & sylvie has good romance chemistry meanwhile loki & mobius doesn't have any romance chemistry at all"🤓– and in this moment i went "alright best frien i'm not reading all that" then went to block instead of arguing.
didn't try reading that bullshit of a post further either just to anger myself, i know better.
i especially didn't wanna argue cuz i think that was a child..??? (assuming from the miracoulus ladybug theme cuz no adult in their right mind enjoys that trash) but if i'm wrong that just makes it worse tbh, like grown ass ppl who srsly think toxic relationships should be the example of peak romance needs their brain to be studied fr.
i usually try to be respectful for others' opinion but i genuinely can't see where this opinion comes from.
makes no goddam sense to me.
maybe it's cuz i can't view things through a heterosexual lens, maybe not.
who knows?
but...(i won't make this abt lokius but focusing more on the "loki & sylvie" part) this made me wonder like...
what do sylkie shippers even post about?
no i won't check it out myself to spare myself from the headache but do they go "omg today episode's syIkie crumbs was so lovely dovely 🥺" and the crumbs in question is them disagreeing on almost everything and sylvie wanting to avoid loki as much as she can & constantly seeming to be angry at him.
sure, in s1 they did have a couple of cutesy romantic moments like being under blankets despite of them being supposedly immune to cold or the literal kiss but, it truly doesn't take a huge analyzation to realize that this "relationship" became one sided, even in that one little moment when they had to hold hands, sylvie immidiately goes "don't overthink it" like omgggsfg💀😭 and it's also clear that loki eventually got the hint, in ep3 he doesn't try to be with her anymore or gets emotional with her, he silently gave up.
not to mention loki avoiding to mention the kiss, when appearantly the two has nothing to hide? 😕
i don't know where this is gonna be heading off but if they randomly switch up after all this character & dynamic development then i have no hope for marvel's writing team cuz that would basically create a plot hole.
like aside from the psuedo-incest, that used to bother me in season 1 era but now i am concerned more about how this "ship" overall has no appeal, yet some of these ppl genuinely thinks it can work healthily between them and that ppl who are against it are just "petty that their gay ship isn't canon" when there's MORE to this.
in season 2 there's absolutely *nothing* happening with them that would make us, the audience, root for them to be together as a couple like i'm sry.
so yeah you can say i'm doing too much and too crazy over a fictional tv show (yes i know that babes i have full self awareness) but i literally cannot stress enough about how unhealthy it is to think that this is how a good romantic chemistry works.
based on a syIkie shipper's views: we could technically say that me + that one co-worker of mine who we always have disagreements on political stuff with & dislikes me for no reason is my "lover"... since we wanna pretend this is how love works 😀😀 no?
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marvelights625 · 1 year
I loved the Loki show- it was such a good set up for the marvel multiverse. But god did I hate Sylki. It was so forced and annoying like wtf?! You just had do make Loki, the central male character, fall in love with the central female character! AND THEY WERE THE SAME PERSON. Falling in love with a variation yourself is narcissism? Loki is a narcissist? That’s not how I remember it😭. They literally pushed down Loki’s character to make Sylvie seem more authoritative and powerful. The god damn show is about Loki. She was so pissy and angry, she didn’t trust her teammates or care about them. Everything she does is okay because she had a rough past. Loki wasn’t so eased. First feeling outcasted but his family, living in Thor’s greatness, getting tortured by Thanos and being blamed for it. But they didn’t acknowledge that then, they didn’t now. Also, do writers have to romanticise everything? Even if they did, wouldn’t Loki and Mobius be a better pairing. They had so much chemistry and there was MUTUAL trust. Just because of homophobic fans, marvel imposed Sylvie and Loki on us. And I’m starting to think the writer’s put quality into the plot, but not where they were taking Loki’s character.
I want season 2 to go in depth with LOKI’S character. He deserved that. Make him powerful and angsty. Make him mischievous, but serious, like he’s the main character. And it’s a long shot, but please at least making Lokius partly canon. It’s a reasonable and beautiful ship.
thank you for listening to my ted talk.
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lovelyinspiration1463 · 11 months
Loki S2 E3 Spoilers Ahead!
My thoughts while watching the episode for the first time:
Is that him as a kid?
I considered for a hot second that Loki might be that horse.
There is never a moment too dire for Mobius to grab a snack, and I relate to that on a deep and personal level.
Boy, Marvel will do anything to plaster their name on screen as much as possible.
*science mumbo jumbo*
I think this variant has gotten himself electrocuted one too many times. 
I wouldn’t be standing right in front of that, my dude.
Well, yeah, now he’s giving off more ‘take over the world’ vibes. Proper Frankenstein over here.
Prototype? Yeah, no kidding. That thing let off a few bright sparks and then just died.
Mustache guy looked so scandalized, I can’t  😭😭😭
“Hornswoggler”? That is my new favorite word.
Is that an offer or a threat? Sounds more like a threat.
Where can I get myself a guy who will pass out money at the snap of my fingers???
I know it’s loud in there, but is no one else hearing the talking purse?
Nice cover, Mobius.
Oop. Old hornswoggler is back and wants a refund. I’m shocked. The machine looked so impressive just… fizzling the way that it did.
This has very quickly become a Charlie Chaplin sketch.
Okay, first of all, Mullet Hair, can you chill??? Killing the same dude over and over and over again is not gonna secure free will for people! Can we discuss? For even just a millisecond?! Are we able to think through our actions?
He ruined your life? Listen here, Sylvie; while you’ve been living it up at McDonalds, the universe has been falling apart! Think outside yourself for two seconds!
His face! 💀💀💀
Are these two seriously having a moment? Cease and desist immediately.
“A long time ago-“ in a galaxy far, far away. No, wait; wrong franchise.
That’s your biggest takeaway? Seriously?
“Rat bags”? Mustache Man is just full of zingers!
Did Loki literally just run in a circle??
Ooh, Miss Minutes is a bit snappy. She really wants everyone to know how clever she is.
Oh my gosh, they are not cramming another slapdash love story into the show 😫 I do not care about this! I came here to see Loki! Every second he’s not on screen, a little part of me dies…
Miss Minutes in the background: 😞
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
I have a feeling Renslayer is suddenly gonna be much more amenable to joining Loki and Mobius now.
All those mannequins are so creepy. 
A Rolodex? That’s his life’s work?
Okay… this just got weird on so many levels. 
🎶 People always told me, be careful of what you do, don't go around breaking young girls' hearts. And mother always told me, be careful of who you love.  And be careful of what you do, ‘cause the lie becomes the truth - hey hey!🎶
Dude, how did she even get here?
*dramatic entrance at the perfect time*
Mobius, look at her! I don’t think Ravonna is in the best headspace rn.
How many people are gonna barge in here??? Does he have any security at all? Even a single lock?
Also, are we really doing this again? This episode is bloated with will they/won’t they moments. It’s a “won’t” from me. I’ve decided.
The hair! 😍💯
So is Loki just gonna lie there and watch, or…?
So everyone gets free will but him? How do you know he won’t make better choices? He can’t be the one singular person in all of existence that is fated to be something specific!
Okay now I’m starting to feel a little bad for him.
“I can make my own choices.” That’s what I’m saying!
Who put Sylvie in charge? I’m sorry, but last time I checked, Loki doesn’t answer to you!
Seriously? You’re just abandoning her there??? Murder was a bad thing two seconds ago and now you’re both chill about it?
Aww, poor Sylvie. She really is the greatest victim in all this. How dare she be forced to decide to obsess over something 🙄
Yeah, I’m not sure sticking the two of them together is a good idea. I mean technically he’s dead, but what has that ever meant in the MCU?
Oooh, never mind - he’s dead dead. …Well, even so. Loki’s come back from worse.
Can any of these characters just pick a side?! Stop betraying each other so often; I can’t keep up! Who’s working with who???
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multifandom-nerds-blog · 11 months
Loki S2 ep6 (and some mention about SI and the Marvels inbetween which you can skip)
Can't believe how Loki, a show whichs first season was very.... something I guess, ended in such an amazing way.
And I'm not talking about how I freaking loved the music (I freaking loved it). I'm talking about how Loki spent centuries trying to solve the timeline problem. Over and over, trying to save his friends and failing, until he succeeds. But the only way to do so is to claim a throne, which he didn't want, and sit on it alone forever. The character development just👌.
Because let's be honest. Marvel is at a point where everything could crash now or then. Gotg 3 was amazing but Secret Invasion? Not so much. It was very weak. Alone from the stupid AI intro, I never skip openings, but I skipped this one every single time. But also how messy the writing was to the limit of one 6 episode season. I could not properly process what the f was going on with who in that show. (No not She-Hulk, cause she Hulk was exactly what it was promised to be, which is a comedy show about lawyers, so it didn't dissapoint me at all. The show worked for me, cause I actually watched it as a comedy which it is.) Also didn't watch The Marvels yet, but although I usually don't listen to the mob of a general opinion in the Marvel fandom without actually watching something (form your own opinions people) I'm not overly excited for it either. Mainly cause of Captain Marvel, who I don't like in any marvel universe really. But in the mcu just ughhh.
Back to Loki however. My eyes were absolutely glued to the screen for the whole episode. The way in which Loki walked the up to the throne with the timelines in his hands and as his cloak. How he accepted that oh so lonely throne. How that was the only acceptable way for him. How Mobius left to actually see what it was that they, what Loki, is protecting with all that. How it ended with Loki alone on his throne, but smiling from what Mobius said, who is standing all alone there watching his own life essentially.
Goddamn. This is not a good year of season finales for us queers. Why are we being mentally destroyed over and over again. This is horrible 😭
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neurotypical-sonic · 2 years
One character I'm really curious about what the SCU would do with is Amy, because unlike Tails, Knuckles and Shadow, who all have pre-established backstories, she doesn't really have anything specific. They can do pretty much anything with Amy as long as they keep her core personality traits, though knowing the reoccurring theme of loneliness, she's likely to be as traumatized as the rest. This also applies to Rouge as well, but I feel like she'd be a bit more easier to provide an origin story for, especially given her connections to Shadow and Knuckles.
I had a whole answer typed out and then my phone crashed and deleted it 😭
BASICALLY I think about movie amy and what they might do with her every damn day. as much as I love shadow and am excited for for his story, I really think amy's movie should've come first!! yes she might show up in the next movie, but I doubt it and hope she doesn't, because there's already going to be so much happening in it, I'm not sure how'd they'd balance it all out. if she did she'd have to replace theme dark which makes me :/ for multiple reasons
IN MY IDEAL WORLD sonic movie 3 would be about her and metal sonic!! It would've worked out so great. maybe she's sonic's penpal like she was in cd, WAIT she could've been sonics childhood penpal, from when he was still on mobius but then one day he just stopped replying. I already headcanon her with abandonment issues and that would make it 100% worse. isolation theme again baby!!! and that way you could build on the world building, like the connection between mobius and earth WHICH would've been a great set up for shadow's movie!! like how was shadow created on earth when sonic was supposedly the first mobian hedgehog to live there
AND METAL SONIC..... like im not sure how they'd introduce him after shadow, like after the whole "faker" thing him and sonic have going on, immediately have a metal copy of sonic might feel a little repetitive. I think it'd worked better if metal came first!!
You could take story elements for sonic cd and sonic ova (love metal sonic in ova) and do something GREAT with it. I don't have it in my rn to come up with an entire plot but IM THINKING ABOUT IT.
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in-my-loki-feels · 11 months
I don't know if I'm ready to face the pain again but I have the chance to watch the Loki finale on a big TV in an empty house (previously watched on my computer) so I have to take it. Got my tissues and emotional support cats ready.
ETA: Kind of turned into a liveblog so my thoughts as I watched are under the cut.
The little firework sounds as both the model and actual throughput multiplier fire are great.
Mobius' little fight or flight crouch as the loom explodes. Why is he so adorable?
Tom is such an incredible actor in this scene with Sylvie. The emotion he packs into his words hits you right in the guy. "I know it." His weariness.
Kang using a TemPad to stop Sylvie vs Loki using his powers. I think we know who the superior one is here.
"It destroyed the TVA" followed by KangL "no biggie, easy to rebuild" hearkens back to Loki's "easy to burn it down" lines.
When Loki says "I understand" after Kang says "every moment of peach is because I was hear alone." 😭 I think he knows then what he'll have to do but he's not ready to accept it.
It still gets me that Loki says "I need your help" and Mobius is immediately ready to hear him out.
How do you think Loki feels, knowing Mobius' has kids on the Sacred Timeline, hearing Mobius explain he couldn't prune a kid. It's killing me.
Oh God, he's starting to accept what he knows needs to be done.
(my cat is snoring next to me, which is bringing some lightness to my despair)
Here we go.
I won't be able to see anything through these tears. Good thing I've seen this once already.
One last look back. HEART-BREAKING.
You know what, I didn't like this outfit originally but it's a simple outfit, not glittery or grand, and I think that's the point.
Honestly if they'd stopped here, with the throne, I'd have been okay. It's the fucking "After". As much as I love seeing B-15 and the crew.
Ooo, just noticed the rock/Kang's citadel continuing to break up under Loki's throne.
God, Mobius' sounds choked up when he says "Funny you should mention that."
Hunter D-90 lives!
Can't decide if this last shot of Ravonna is to show she's fierce in the face of her death, or that she's still around and could appear in the future.
"See you around." So Sylvie thinks they'll meet again!! (let me cling to hope)😭
No words for these final shots. They fuck me up so bad.
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