#thorts are being thunk
rewritingcanon · 3 months
aside from all of the really frustrating issues with j*gulus, the ship dynamic itself i see is just inherently so ooc for both james and regulus, to the point where the fanon interpretation is not even them anymore, it’s just two random OCs. like, i think regulus is a really interesting character and i think the implication of how much his love for sirius (and kreacher) interfered with his desire for approval and conformity has a lot of potential to explore. but at the end of the day, he still was a spineless bigot (i do really like regulus as a character, but this is a fact) who idolized a bloodthirsty fascist. most of his actions are motivated by self interest. and on the other side. we have james who, despite the fanon interpretation of him, isn’t a golden retriever sunshine boy. i’d like to think that part of him was, but people tend to forget that james was also petty, vindictive, mean, and loyal to a fault. in a hypothetical scenario where james and regulus even had the potential to develop into a romantic relationship, i see a few things that would prevent it from happening: 1. one of james’ main priorities is sirius. i don’t think james would entertain the idea of pursuing something with his best friend’s estranged brother (a relationship that is clearly still very sensitive for him). 2. if sirius were to somehow be okay with it, i think the idea of anyone even on the fence regarding blood purity politics would severely put him off. like i said, he’s loyal to a fault and he’s stubborn too. even if regulus suddenly rejected blood supremacy, and even if they became civil with each other, i think james is just too stubborn to be able to completely forgive regulus’ past obsession with voldemort and would probably be unable to 100% reconcile his perception of regulus.
plus i just think their interactions would each other would be so stale and boring. sorry for the random rant, but i am just scratching my head at this LOL
nah you literally summed my thoughts on this up too. like what are they gonna talk about??? sirius?? 😭 and yes both are multi-faceted characters. i know i shit on regulus a lot on here but its mainly just because i get annoyed at the people who totally re-characterise him— his canon character interests me but only in the context of his family or himself.
we can establish that james wouldn’t get on with regulus (he absolutely wouldn’t), but i don’t even think regulus could get along with james. james is sirius’s blood traitor new brother, the one that stole him over, maybe even the one who “corrupted” him (depending on what your interpretation of regulus is and if you think he would blame james for sirius’s actions to alleviate the responsibility on sirius). how would jegulus work without the shadow of sirius? its not like hinny where harry and ginny had a deep bond and quality time outside of ron being there— they’re building from the ground up.
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