#those are like solid 8.5 skills
unhingedselfships · 1 year
So. Ishin!Kimi. Let's talk.
So at first I struggled to figure out how this lil American dumbass ended up in Japan.
She didn't. I'm stupid. 1860s Kimi is European. German father, French mother. Merchants for ease sake. She ended up tagging along on a trade trip. Buuut her dumbass got lost and didn't make it back to the boat for days. Long enough in fact, that they had to give her up for dead and leave. Poor Kimi. XD
So here she is, stranded in a foreign country, speaking 5 languages that are not even close to the right one. She manages to pick up bits but for the most part, is lost, confused, and distressed.
By some accidental hijinks I haven't decided on/thought about, she ends up saving the life of someone v important. (Tokugawa? Probably.)
This leads to her being moved in and kept staying as a pet guest.
She tries to help out and do things but is mostly waved off. She does introduce new sweets/snacks. And uses her one talent (I do not have IRL, let me have this ok XD) to indicate when the foreigners are being shittier than normal. Its quite awhile before she picks up enough Japanese to be specific, but she at least learns ways to express threats/etc.
She has a very blatant unsubtle crush on Okita that he gives her a ton of shit for at every chance. Not that she understands. She's just flustered and embarassed. He has more than once sensually recited dumbass shit like rice ball ingrediants or math equations just to fuck with her.
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lowpolyshadow · 2 years
sonic frontiers review go!!!! (non spoilers then MASSIVE spoilers under the cut) TLDR overall score: i would say it's an objective solid 8/10, but for me personally i just. i just had so much fun. 10/10
gameplay (combat/bosses) 9/10 gameplay (cybers) 6.5/10 gameplay (shmovement) 8/10
i fucking Love. Comboing Shit For Video Game Combat. it's Fun. it's Exciting. I Love That Shit. excellent combat system, i just wish either skills were harder to unlock or there were just more to unlock (preferably the latter i guess, but i can't think of anything i want ... added ... it's just that skill points are so easy to come by and i maxed out the tree pretty fast, so i have a bunch of excess points for nothing. tbf i have a LOT of excess EVERYTHING but)
bosses were fucking excellent. THE highlights imo. mob fights and stuff are fine, everything manages to be its own puzzle which i adore but mini bosses and bosses are the shit. the cyberlevels are fun genuinely but either too short to get into, have some jank physics in a couple of them, or . well some of them aren't that fun GJKLASDF but i didn't hate them! ive only played sa2 so i only recognized those ones + the Super iconic ones (chemical plant and all that) and that probably affects judgement since blind reacting to a sonic stage is the fun part imo
they're ridiculously easy (to... me at least) though. besides 1-2's s rank which i finally got, i was able to get all four missions done for every cyber level within one sitting ... on average like . 3 tries per i'd say (blind first, going back for any red rings or ring reqs, and then speed) with some taking a few more for speed but never more than like. 10-20 min tbh. in general i almost want a very hard mode bc the game overall was a very chill time, which is fine but sometimes i want my shit rocked
parries being Not timing based both threw me off (bc i would try to let go at the exact time when in fact you just hold it) and made them feel a little less ultra cool since sonic will just hold the parry for as long as ... you do, essentially (though there is heavy end lag on it so if you don't parry anything that's at least punished) it's a minor tryhard gripe where i wish there was like a PARRY parry i could toggle or smth
i like being sonic in a big environment it's just fun. the amount of fucked up shit you can do is great, he truly is a prime candidate for bigass open areas (and he controls pretty nicely, just got a couple weird moments and things like he goes into 'trick' mode too easily or some platforming things don't work the way they're supposed to bc you go too fast lol)
story…… 8.5/10 characters 10/10 i like them :)
character writing was absolutely the highlight for me this game, good banter, many quips, overall just characterization i adore and love to see i was well fed this game with my beloved little scrimblos it was a good time
the story itself went pretty hard ngl, a lot more lore than i expected and generally it was sonic taking its ridiculous plot seriously again which is all i wanted !!!! it's like somehow ridiculous but probably the most straightforward story they've done in a while, but that's not a bad thing. good story i pogged a few times
music 11/10 straight bangers they just don't fucking miss
i don't think i have much spoiler stuff i'd wanna say other than i genuinely think they hyped themselves too much at the start. like the gameplay was fun learning how it works, how movement goes, the setup and everything etc. etc. i always 100% the map first thing as soon as i can then go through for anything i need/pick stuff up along the way and then i do the boss fight
and that first boss fight. is so fucking sick. oh my god. i felt like. if i was 12 and played this and got to experience that boss fight the way i did now it would've literally changed the trajectory of my life. it DID change the trajectory of my life right now at 23 it was just pure hype, i was so giddy, i had the biggest fucking grin i was literally ready to physically pop off yelling LETS GOOOOO i just let the little tutorial popup chill while i head banged to the song like dear fucking god dude. INSANE intro they set the bar way too high off the bat
wyvern/second boss was perhaps my favorite mechanically just bc it really goes at you the most, you gotta react a lot and parry a lot to get through the fight which is Fun .... giganto/first boss tho. easily the most memorable experience in gaming that i've had in years. it was just so phenomenally done, probably biased bc it's the first one but shadow of the colossus-ing your way up to his fucking head to get the emerald, turn into super sonic, hear that FUCKING SONG
but this game has sonic be so fucking anime and that means knight/boss 3 easily has the best fucking finisher when sonic picks up a sword the size of the island itself and does the most anime cut in half shot he possibly can god it was so fucking SICK THIS GAME IS SICK SONIC IS THE COOLEST
the story weakness imo is the ending where they had so much build up but not a Ton of payoff, not even talking about sonic like essentially dying in soul/mind and then being revived with friendship (based tbh) but like the last boss fight and last islands just weren't nearly as cool as the others imo .... supreme was a lil similar to giganto and went by a lot faster than expected, probably bc by that point sonic's probably juiced up from upgrades (i went all in on attack no defense too lol sooo) ... i love a good bullet hell but i wanted a super cool super sonic fight, a hyper sonic fight, something that lets me go to town and see a fucking Spectacle
fun bullet hell but that wasn't what i'm HERE for (also finally hearing im here was sick but the fight itself really was so short/not quite as hard or anything innovative that it.... ehhh .... plus it was oddly quiet compared to the other songs i think, like, the sound mixing)
the ending feels a liiiittle rushed? The End is cool as a concept especially with how fucked up we know it is but i dunno, it really does feel like it blew the load a little too early and the ending just didn't live up to earlier hype/expectations
but it was still fun it just. it just didn't make me Feel the way giganto did, the way wyvern did, knight was where the hype started dropping off a liiiittle but knight was still a fucking SHOW where sonic beats a mf with his own shield AND THEN BLOCKS A SWORD BIGGER THAN MOUNTAINS WITH HIS OWN FUCKING HANDS THEN USES IT AGAINST HIM ITS' SIK IT'S SICK the final boss didn't have any truly THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME bits that really let you walk away going YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and that's the part they need to fix
also no boss rush :/ brings the score down tbh i want to relive these things so fucking bad
the character relationships were soooo good though i just. gughugh. i don't want to get emo again but GOD they're such good friends they love and care about each other, i'm obsessed with amy saying how sonic loves the world and he has so much love to show because it's true sonic just LOVES living he loves life he loves getting to just Be and
tails is growing up on him faster than he expected .... uuu ....
god. so good. so fucking good. this is a game about love (sonic and his friends, eggman and sage of all people, the koco and their. selves? their history?, even chaos technically ....) and who am i if not a fucking Sucker for that shit. lets show that creep the real super power of team work
i did not actually hear vandalize in game yet because that is apparently only if you go into the final fight on easy or normal (i played to completion on hard exclusively) but the "true" ending song by nate goddamn wants to battle is INCREDIBLY sonic. one way dream is soooo reach for the stars/endless possibilities. it just makes me Feel happy. it's a little melancholic the way all of frontiers sort of is, but it's still hopeful and all about like. going forward. overcoming anything in your path and getting better for it and seeing the start of another new adventure and that sure is sonic the hedgehog
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Hypnotic (2023)
"Determined to find his missing daughter, Detective Danny Rourke finds himself spiraling down a rabbit hole while investigating a series of reality-bending crimes. Aided by Diana Cruz, a gifted psychic, Rourke simultaneously pursues and is pursued by a lethal specter, the one man he believes holds the key to finding the girl."
For the first time in a very long time I went into a film, almost completely, blind. I hadn't seen any trailers and, until Odeon announced a limitless member viewing, I don't even think I'd heard of it. Before the viewing I checked out Google for the poster and the précis at the top of this, but that was all I knew. I think this was absolutely the best way to go into this movie.
I'm going to have to be very careful with what I say because I always try to avoid spoilers, and that could be difficult. Please bear with me. The film is categorised as a thriller/mystery and to that I say yeah, thats pretty accurate. This was, for me, a real rollercoaster ride. When I saw that it was directed by Robert Rodriguez the style, and stylised action, suddenly made so much more sense. Rodriguez presents us with a world just a little different to our own, and does it in such a way that we still recognise a lot of what we see. It also means that the differences, such as they are, keep us in the story rather than pull us out. He is a skilled director that has made some iconic films. Whether this one will be looked at the same as El Mariachi and Sin City is doubtful, but it's definitely an addition to his catalogue that he should be very happy with.
The three main characters are Danny Rourke, played by Ben Affleck, Diana Cruz (Alice Braga) and Dellrayne (William Fichtner). Now I'll hold my hands up and admit I'm not Affleck's biggest fan. He's never really grabbed me during most of his films though I've never really disliked his films. That may have changed with Hypnotic. Here he plays a weary, psychologically disturbed, cop who is trying to find his daughter and he nails it. Throughout the film he handles the layers of his character with ease. I found myself rooting for him against odds that were stacked heavily against him. Bravo Ben, you may just have won me over.
I have seen Alice Braga in a number of films. I always enjoy her when she's on screen and here, yet again, she was a net positive to the film. I can honestly add her to the list of people that if I see they're in a film I know I'll probably enjoy it. William Fichtner has one of those instantly recognisable faces, and as soon as I saw him on screen I knew he would be the antagonist to Affleck's protagonist. He plays a villain/bad guy like he was moulded to it his entire career and he was suitably creepy and villainous here.
Overall this is a great film. I really enjoyed it. It has solid action scenes, some extreme violence and a few scenes of gory stuff and it all blends together into a pretty damn good Robert Rodriguez movie. Now I don't normally mention other critics scores in my reviews, but when I came out of the screening I looked on Google. I saw scores that ranged from 35% up to 5.7/10. I haven't read any othwr reviews and I'm not going to. Instead I'm going to give it a really solid 8.5/10, with a recommendation to go see it when it's released in the UK on the 26th May.
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stonegearstudios · 1 year
M.S.D Pyrite - A Solar Cargo Ship of a Used Future
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I keep poking at this model, but it's not getting better without a complete rebuild I think. So, I might as well introduce the Pyrite.
The 'small' transport class of the solar system, it fills the role a semi-truck does today. Large enough to make moving cargo worth the time and money, small enough that it can get into all sorts of places that a much larger ship, equivalent in function to a Super-Tanker, wouldn't be able to. It can go the distance, capable of operating between planets, while also easily docking with small stations as much as large habitats.
With the engines and fusion plant in the aft, the command deck and recreation areas in the fore, the bulk of the ships accessible mass is devoted to locking points for cargo containers.
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The Containers docked to the ship directly (with a box representing a 6' tall person and a 40' x 8' x 8.5' Semi Container for scale) are plugged into the power plant, able to generate their own bubbles of minimal heat and even atmosphere if specially pods are swapped out for, to allow the transport of perishable goods across the void.
Perishable goods are often smaller than raw goods like minerals so a fair amount can be fit in the 16 pods, but that is not all this class of vessel is capable of hauling.
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On the underside is what is often colloquially known as the 'Docking Bump'. While meant to allow docking arms to grab hard onto a solid bit of the ship, a bit like jack points on a car, they also allow additional cargo to be clamped onto the ship, riding on the belly like a young marsupial on it's mother. While capable of attaching far greater amounts of cargo, it's also a lot more limited in what it can move.
Nothing that would be overly bothered by high amounts of radiation, horrific swings between hot and cold, a airless environment. Standalone self powering containers do exist, but they are both expensive and not that common.
Finally, carrying "Belly Cargo" also changes the logistics of being on the move. More mass means a longer travel time, slower acceleration and deceleration. It can mean more time waiting at the other end as, to big now to fit in a berth, you have to wait for more manual unloading. More does not always equal more profit and it takes a canny Quartermaster to find that line. So, the Pyrite is a cargo ship, nothing glamorous, the invisible workhorse of the solar system. But there's more to it than that. While this basic un-textured model doesn't show it, the Pyrite is old, and worn. The M.S.D (Mercury Service Designation) reveals how far this ship came to end up rotting in a berth on Io. The scuffs, stains, oil, and patches show just how long it's been in service.
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More than that is the name, Pyrite, who would name a trading ship that they were staking their livelihood that. Pyrite, Fools Gold, what does that say about your prospects?
I will likely never get to make Io, but I'd like to. I'd like to make a game in a cool setting where the stakes are still very personal. Where both the player and the character they inhabit take a small boon revived out of the blue and take a chance on not a momentary distraction but a better tomorrow, on fulfilling a lifelong dream.
The Pyrite is old, it's under-serviced, and it's clearly had a history of bad luck. Everyone who isn't similarly at the bottom will look at all the effort gone to to scrape together enough cash for the ship, a cargo, and crew, and deride it as utterly foolish.
But Pyrite has another meaning, beyond Fools Gold. That of fire, for the sparks it produces when struck, a fact largely forgotten nowadays. Yes, working your way from bottom of the barrel refinery work to ship owner is not likely, it is not a safe use of a unexpected windfall. But within the confines of fiction, it's totally possible Hey, if you read this far for some reason, thanks! Io is one of those projects I'd love to make but, unfortunately, my skills deficient in so many ways. I'm best at worldbuilding, writing and I've been learning how do basic models, but I have no ability to code, getting my head around even basic engine stuff makes it spin, and such things as music and textures are beyond me.
But I keep plugging away at little things.
Speaking of that actually, wish I knew how much it would cost to get a texture made for this ship?
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pinerspiritual · 2 years
Geometry sketchpad activities
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#Geometry sketchpad activities series#
Some children may need more concentration on the topic at hand, and Bob Jones Math will appeal to this group. The approach you prefer depends on your child. However, topics are not covered, then left forever they reappear in more complexity throughout the course, allowing the student continuing practice. Lesson exercises consist mainly of practice for that lesson, not a review of previous lessons or chapters. This is not the same as the "incremental" approach used by Saxon Math (see description). Lessons are "spiraled", meaning topics are reviewed throughout each level, delving a little deeper each time. Each level is themed, providing a motivation learning context. Also, Christian principles and character traits are assumed and integrated throughout the program. One of the strengths of the Bob Jones program is the teaching of concepts, rather than the rote how-to-solve-it approach. If you are looking for an alternative, I suggest the Bob Jones texts. Many homeschoolers have opted to use Saxon Math at the upper levels, but, like any program, it doesn't satisfy everyone. Starting in grade 5, texts are hardbound. This is particularly welcome for those of us with students who are not ready for a hardbound, copy-and-work system this early. Bob Jones supplies student worktexts though the 4th grade. If you are planning to use a different program at upper levels, we have found the transition seamless.
#Geometry sketchpad activities series#
We have long used the Miquon Math series and find it very effective to use the Bob Jones workbooks alongside (plus some drill products for mastery of basic math facts). If you are not using Bob Jones as the core of your math program, consider using the student workbooks as such. If you are using Bob Jones as your basal math program, you will want to invest in them, as they provide the one-on-one instruction, manipulative instruction, and offer many suggestions for presenting and enriching the concepts covered in each lesson. Teacher editions have complete lesson plans and answers to text problems. For those that want to use a more traditional, yet appealing, worktext series at the elementary level, this is perhaps the best. Elementary program texts are particularly well done - colorful, good variety of skills, and on-grade-level. Concepts are taught at the concrete level, with heavy use of manipulatives in the early grades. Geometer’s Sketchpad activities are still included in the 4 th edition, and are included on the Toolkit CD.Ī solid thorough curriculum at all levels. The Teacher Edition includes the Toolkit CD-ROM that includes visuals, projection-ready answers, activities (student activities are organized by chapter and contain extra practice, Bible integration, math history, enrichment, cumulative reviews), resources (Sketchpad files, teaching demonstrations, Technology Corner explorations, and more), and Mathardy Review Game. Is 7.5 x 9, softcover), and there is no separate Student Activities Manual. The student text is now a full-size 8.5 x 11 softcover text (3 rd ed. Added features of this new edition are increased focus on real world applications, proofs are presented incrementally, explore specific types of quadrilaterals, additional examples, expanded exercise sets, and much more. There are twelve chapters, 180 lessons – Foundations of Geometry, Reasoning and Proof, Parallel and Perpendicular Lines, Congruent Triangles, Relationships in Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Area, Circles, Surface Area and Volume, Transformations and Symmetry, Similarity, and Trigonometry. Bob Jones 4 th edition Geometry, revised in 2016, is a Biblical presentation of math concepts and math in the real world.
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thebadgerclan · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet: George Weasley
Requested by Anonymous
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Cuddles are a must after sex with George. He can get quite rough, so he needs to make sure you’re alright
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
George likes his hands, they can make you feel immense pleasure and yet be so gentle.  He likes your lips; how they look when you smile, when you’re moaning for him, how they look and feel wrapped around his cock
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s a sucker for coming in your mouth.  There’s just something about it that gets him so horny, that he’s ready for another round
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
George wants to fuck you in his twin bed at the Burrow
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s been around, he’s had a lot of sex, so George knows what he’s doing
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy, cowgirl, standing, those are his top 3
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It’s George Weasley we’re talking about here.  Sex can get goofy at times, but it’s usually more sensual and about pleasure
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Deep ginger hair, a slightly untamed bush, just above the base of his cock
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Sex is about showing you how much he loves you, so George can get pretty romantic.  Kissing you deeply, praising your beauty, telling you how much he loves you
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
George masturbates pretty often, even when he’s with you.  But when you catch him (and you will catch him), he just smirks.  “Care to help me out, princess?”
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Domination, edging, teasing, praise, toys, sensory deprivation
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The bedroom, living room, bathroom, the office above Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you flustered.  Whether it’s because you did well on a test, someone complimented your outfit, or you’re embarrased, there’s something about seeing your cheeks blush that makes him hard
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
George doesn’t share.  He’s had to share everything his entire life, and it’s always been Fred and George.  You’re just his, George’s girl, his baby
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He’s very skilled at eating you out, but he does prefer receiving than giving, but only by a fraction
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Sex with George is rougher and fast most of the time, but he appreciates and loves slow, sensual, tender sex with you
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
George is a massive fan of quickies.  When he wants you, he’s gonna have you, and if that means taking you over a table, then so be it
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
There isn’t much George isn’t willing to try at lease once.  Risks are different though, he’s not gonna cross the lines you’ve drawn of potentially put you in danger
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
George can go for 3ish rounds, and he lasts for a solid hour and a half
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
WWW has an adult line (fight me on this), so yes, George has toys.  Magical and muggle, and while he prefers to use them on you, he’s not opposed to trying one for him
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
George will tease you for hours, edging you until you’re crying, but the payoff is ALWAYS worth it
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s relatively quiet, but he gets pretty loud when he comes/gets close, grunting in your ear and moaning your name
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Fred once walked in on the two of you.  He didn’t say anything, but he wolf whistled as he walked away
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
8.5 inches, very thick
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Heh, high, very high.  Sex is a daily thing, every other day at the least
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
George likes to stay awake and watch you sleep, taking in your beauty, before nodding off
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ziracona · 3 years
On a scale of one to ten (one is your screwed and ten is your gonna destroy them) how would you do in a fight against the dead by daylight killers. First rules though. 1. No prep for either side (suck it Danny) 2. No guns! Only weapons found around your house. 3. It's to the death one being leaves an that's it. 4. No help from friends or pets. 5. Whether legion is four teens or just one combined is up to you.
Uhh, this depends drastically on if you mean I one v one every one of them, or if I’m trying to fight a mob. Because if it’s me vs all of them, I’d just die. Like I’m sure I’d have decent odds of killing at least one, maybe two, and taking them with me. But I’m not John Wick—I cant 1v23 a bunch of armed people with some degree of experience with their weapons given no prep time, allies, or special weapons to save me. I like basically anyone else die sadly to the mob.
If this is one v one though, bc it’d be hard to get them all to work together anyway, and that’s the only way like anyone stands a chance?
Evan: I give me 50-50 odds. He’s way bigger than me and his weapon has a longer reach than any known, even the swords. I’m pretty good at thinking on my feet though. I feel like I have about a 50% chance of living or dying (I’m getting gravely injured regardless), but if I die, I am taking him with me, 80% chance. I was not always proficient at winning fights, but I was very good at not losing them. I’ve been known for taking a sword to get a kill hit at cons a lot. I give me a 6 at simultaneous KO or victory.
Philip I refuse to kill. Even if he was trying to kill me. I would defend myself though. Much bigger threat than Evan to me because I /don’t/ want to hurt him at all, which puts me at disadvantage and liable to freeze up or make mistakes even trying to deal nonlethal damage, he’s bigger and taller than me so height and weight advantage, and I don’t have long enough weapons to help me overcome that, plus on top of that, he’s a tactical fighter, which is what I am. And I think it’s harder to beat someone at your and their own game than just to beat another style most of the time. I mean skill is skill in any area, but I’d take a really strong tank in a fight rather than a planner any day of the week. I think he’s smart, probably smarter than me under pressure, definitely more experienced, and would kick my ass tactically if his heart was in it. If it wasn’t though, I’d have a chance to catch him off guard. I think Vs Philip I get one chance to use a tricky move, and if I mess that up, I die. If I do it right, maybe I can knock him out. It’s a one shot long shot at disadvantage. I give me a 4 if his heart isn’t in it, 3 if it is.
Hillbilly has a chainsaw and hammer, but those are both unwieldy and slow weapons. I’m faster than him, and I’m willing to get hurt. Also he’s killed a lot, but he’s not a /fighter/, which gives me an edge. Being tactical works really well vs someone whose edge is brute force. And he doesn’t have as massive a height or strength advantage. I also have tricks and home court advantage. So long as I don’t fuck up, I give myself an 8.5.
Sally isn’t that scary. I would try to incapacitate her. I feel I could easily take her as a ghost or a person. I have good ghost fighting supplies, salt, chalk, talismans, knowledge. I’m prepared for this. I think I’m coming in for this one at a solid 10.
Michael Myers would kill me. I mean, he’s got like X-Man semi invincibility, good skills, and I don’t really want to kill him. I’d try to talk him down while defending myself. I’d probably fail, but I’d try. Best case scenario I get him to hesitate, but also I’m being generous and giving me a 12% chance of that. Realistically, best case is I pull out a rug, trip him, and temporarily escape. A fight in an enclosed space, most likely outcome is I try and fail to talk him down, and I die. I feel very sure I cannot take him in a fight unless Ishtar herself blesses me with god like abilities. I’m probably dead. At least it would be quick. I give me a 1.6.
Lisa is tiny and not that strong. I could easily break her little glass bones. I’m taller and stronger than her, and she had worse weapons than me. I would try not to kill her though—just incapacitate. I feel I could do this while sustaining only minor wounds. Not to give you a look beyond weird ghost shit into my personal arsenal, but I definitely have supplies for that. I give me a 10.
Herman is tall and strong but he’s not a fighter. He’s a scientist. I’ve been shocked before, and I know what to expect from him. He’s getting blasted by a power washer at range until his weird face apparatus comes off and he’s down and out. I have more precise weapons than him and can easily neutralize his abilities and turn them against him. Also have rubber to wear. He’s big though, so for that alone I give me a 9.6 in case I mess up.
Anna would destroy me. She’s good at ranged weapons, I am not. I would try to look as young as possible and convince her in my very bad but slowly improving baby Russian to please have mercy on me. We’re back to the Michael scenario where I know I have no chance of normal survival and would have to try and talk my way out. My odds are higher here though. I’m pretty cute and I know a little Russian. I give me a 4. But the 4 is not me winning it’s my odds of surviving through begging for my life. She’d kick my ass in a fight.
Bubba isn’t that good at fighting and has a big and cumbersome, if scary, weapon. I feel I could easily use terrain, weapons, and strategy to my advantage and kill him, unless I’m in a place with no terrain or furniture. In which case it’d be a lot worse for me. If I was not, though, I give me a solid 9.6 at owning that fight. I have a good throwing arm and plenty of stuff that can blind a foe, and a lot of weapons. A lot of weapons.
Freddy. Okay this is hard. I know how to kill him about as well as anyone does? So comparatively my odds are good? But. Also he’s a demon and a bit of a heavyweight in this arena. Sadly. If we’re in-realm rules, I have a /very/ good chance of kicking his ass. Give me a 10 to win, although I might not survive either. Probably would. If he’s like /film/ loadout? I give me more like a 6. It would be a battle, but I have a lot of knowledge and determination. Also I’m taller than him and bigger and could break his arms.
Amanda. Easy fam, that’s a 10. No, 11. Injured recently drugged Eric Matthews almost kicked her ass while toting a smashed foot. She’s like, 5 foot 1 and 30 pounds underweight. It’s not gonna be hard at all.
Kenneth I give me a 10 too. Easy fam. Even if he gets realm rules where he’s not tripping balls on his own drugs, I know what he’s got. I’ve got better weapons, I’m young, fast, strong, and smarter. I hold my breath, and run him through. Quick jabs from a dagger, take him down. Use my agility. He was never a fighter anyway—he used drugs to prey on people who couldn’t fight back. You know what? Give me another 11.
Rin? Uhhhh, I know as much as about anyone how to deal with her, but my odds of succeeding /before/ she killed me are...not great. And if we fought, there’s no way I have the ability to kill an Onryo. I put using my supernatural beings knowledge to hold her back long enough to stop her in the realm of improbably, but potentially doable, and give myself a 2.7. This is not to kill her though. Just to make her stop killing me. I have no way near the power or spiritual knowledge needed to kill something like that.
Legion I’d not really want to kill. They’re all teenagers or baby 20 year olds. I don’t want to wail fatally on kids, even ones who suck. That said, I think I could take them in a fight. If it was four and I got to fight them one at a time, easiest, four in one body back to back is medium, four at once is hard. First two options I could potentially fight to not kill. Third option only choice would be do everything I can to even /maybe/ have a shot. I have less experience stabbing people, but I’m more ready to take pain, and more motivated, so I give myself a 6, 5, and 3.5 to those scenarios respectively. I would be badly wounded regardless.
Adiris I don’t have healthy enough fear of dying of bubonic plague, and that would give me an edge. I think I have a good sword and shield combo to deal with the mace. She’s tall, but I have her beat in strength and stamina as well as agility bc she’s emaciated and dying. I would not want to kill her though. Might try to talk to her in my fucked Akkadian. Try to incapacitate if that failed. I give me a solid 8 if she’s treating this like a 9 to 5 or distracted by me, give me a 4 if she wants me /dead/. Either way, I probably have to run to the CDC and pray I survive scarred after.
Danny is just some sneaky dick with a knife. He doesn’t even know how to get stabbed. Slightly harder than a few other knife fighters bc he wears so much damn leather, but the eyes and mouth of that mask are vulnerable, and I feel sure I can drive a knife into them before sustaining any kind of fatal wound. He doesn’t have much edge on me in any area, I have him well beat in conviction, and I’m smarter than him by quite a bit. I give me a 9.
Uhhh, Demo isn’t that hard, and I love fire. Probably gonna get a little hurt, but I’m not worried about this one. Easy 10.
Kazan is interesting. He has me beat in size and strength, but his weapon is unwieldy and slow. I have quick weapons and am more agile, and I’m ready to fight dirty to save myself. 7 probably. It’s a luck thing. I have the edge, but if he really lands a hit on me even once, it’s all over. So. Not the /best/ of odds. Maybe a 6.8, actually.
You said no guns but I assume Caleb still gets his. He only gets one shot before being vulnerable though, and he’s much older than me. I’m faster and more agile, and stronger. He’s got really good endurance too though so I don’t have the edge there. It’s gonna be kind of a game of chicken to see who blinks. If he misses his one shot, I win. If he gets the shot, he wins. However, I think my odds of baiting the shot and getting my opening are decent. I give me a solid 7 here.
I still don’t even know which Pyramid Head he /is/. Why does any version exist here and want to kill me, can he smell, can I use that, can electricity hurt him, can he use my guilt against me? There are so many unknowns for both of us, I give us both a 5.
Talbot is an easy 10 unless he gets the jump on you. But you said no planning, so no surprise attacks, so I give me a 10. His body is literally falling apart, and all the blight serum in the world can’t save him from me forever. I have a bunch of tools at my disposal, and he’s fast, but he’s not accurate. Edge, me.
Victor and Charlotte. Interesting one here. Don’t want to kill them either, but I would to save myself I guess if I couldn’t stop them. Not scared of Victor. I bite too, and I go for the throat. Charlotte is more of a problem. Finally it’s a tall killer with a short range weapon though, so edge: me, in weapons. I think I have decent odds of beating them, but I would not get out unscathed. Give me a 7.5.
Jo-Woon. Depends wildly. He throws tiny knives that do too little damage. If he takes me seriously as a threat and tries to go for the throat before I can get close, edge: him, and I’m in for a really rough fight even with a shield. If he wants to fuck around with me though, I’ll win. Because I am prepared to suffer immensely to get a kill shot. If he was smart, I’d give the fight a 6, but I feel extremely confident he’d be cocky, so I give me a 9 to survive, a 10 to at worst get a simultaneous K.O.
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ohshesthriving · 3 years
Men need to lower their standards.
I may be late to the conversation but I just caught wind of Rebecca Lynn Pope and her viewpoints as a prior matchmaker.  I love Black women who have opinions but where I disagree with her the most is her reasoning for leaving the profession.  In a clip she seemed to explain that she left because women didn’t lower their standards and often came with a laundry list of expectations.  Most of her stories do seem outrageous (height, weight, degrees), and I would be frustrated with those women as well, but income is the part where I highly disagree.
Society has set the tone that thinner is more beautiful.  Size 6, maybe 8, and lower is considered acceptable to most men and is considered above average in weight aka beauty.  
If the average man makes an annual income of about $50-60K (20-45 yrs old) then those men should look for women with average beauty.  If the average woman is a size 10, then the average woman should be looking to be w a man with an average salary.  Salary and beauty is my scale.  The more beautiful/thin you are, the better quality men you should have.  Settling for the avg man is completely out of the question.  
Imagine working at an office as an above avg employee with other avg employees.  Firstly, you already know your salary should be above the avg’s person salary.  Perhaps, your benefits and perks should reflect that as well.  You’re in a field for 7 years (above avg) and she’s only been about 2 (avg).  Imagine finding out that she’s getting the exact perks, benefits, AND salary as you.  How in the hell does that make sense?  If the employer doesn't cough up more money, more than likely the above avg employee will leave and find something more comparable to their liking.  After all, they worked hard and disciplined themselves for a better outcome.  No one works that hard to reap the benefits on the same level of someone who didn’t work that hard.  Same goes for thinner women.  More than likely, she is dieting, sacrificing fried chicken and mac & cheese, drinking tons of water, doing sea moss facials/masks, and doing Pilates in her living room, to be able to keep herself in shape, because to her you reap a certain level of success with dedication.  Telling men (w avg salaries) that they deserve above average rewards (a size 6 beautiful woman), is absolutely asinine.  She (above avg) will leave and go somewhere else (maybe outside of her race) where her rewards is comparable to her sacrifice and dedication.  
Society set these terms, not us!  So here’s the scale that makes sense to me.  I live in NYC. 
Avg salary ($50K - $90/100K). Avg beautiful woman is a size 10/12.  If you are a 6/8 you are automatically a 7/6, respectively. Also toning, also hygiene (touch and scent), also sensuality, also flirtation skills, also how do you make him feel, also appealing attributes (hair, nails, color coordinate dresses to your skin tone, your style, jewelry, luxury items that you own), all then enhances your scale.  If you lack some/most, then there are men in the $90/100K -$250K range.  Solid, I am a 8.5/9.  I feel this way because of men’s reactions and first date treatment (also, I am a Leo, lol).  I usually get a bottle of wine/champagne to accompany our meal - without me asking/inferring.  I am a size 6, sometimes 4 ( i was once size 10).  1 out of 5 first dates, I do not get a bottle of wine or champagne ordered by the gentleman.  I get invited to trips by the end of the 1st date, nice gifts, etc.  Now with that, I feel like I deserve an above avg salary man ($250/300K+).  But here’s the BS; sometimes those men want the vixen or fitness models (size 2 and below OR Alexis Sky ass, slim waist).  Those women usually want men $500/$600K+.  Lol!  Those men have to lower their standards because those women are considered top tier.  Alexis Sky already showed us she can get a millionaire and have his baby, why would she or anyone on that level settle for you $300K salary guy??  
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myowndesertplaces · 3 years
How to make a paper angel/lantern
So a few people have asked me how I made my paper angel. As a disclaimer, I'm not a paper artist. This was my first attempt at something like this. Someone else with more experience might have a better way to do it.
Exacto knife, scissors, ruler, cutting board, craft glue, pen/pencil, transfer paper*, and paper.
I used watercolor paper because it's more firm, but if you want to use computer paper just know it might be a little frail and the glue may show. However, you'll have less of an issue getting it to roll. Cardstock will be too heavy for this.
*I also recommend transfer paper to copy your pattern. It's not necessary, but makes life easier. If you have a steady hand, using computer paper, or you have a printer that can print on thick paper, you dont need it.
Make a front and back pattern:
The body of the lantern is made of two pieces: the Yasha front, and the "stained glass" back. I used standard 8.5 x 11 in paper.
If you've ever carved a pumpkin before, the same rules apply: anything you want to remain solid (white) needs to connect to something else solid. In other words, you can't put a circle in another circle unless you just want to cry for hours.
Unlit, anything cut out will look dark. Lit, the opposite will occur. I recommend keeping the front simple. The back, which is really the lantern part, can be more complex.
You'll need to create a base for both the front and back pattern. Mine was about 2 inches tall and 8.5 inches wide. (Sorry, I'm American). Feel free to make it as tall or short as you want, but this will be what keeps it upright.
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After creating the base, create your angel and background. From the top of the base to the top of Yasha, it was about 5.5 Inches. I recommend making the back piece taller than the front so it shows (6 inches or higher).
You can make this as large or small as you want.
Initially, I hand drew a pattern on computer paper to see if it would work. Later I used photoshop to create perfectly symmetrical lines. You don't need this (I'm embarrassed by my awful pen tool use now that I'm posting this). A ruler will work just as well. If you want to use a computer program or illustrator to help, please do.
So how did I make the arms/face/sword?
Anything that you want to create "depth" you will cut out 3/4th of the way. So the oval face is still attached at the top, but cut along the bottom and sides. The sword hilt and blade were also cut, accept where it met the hands. You can then choose to push those pieces "in" to gather light when lit, or stay out and gather shadow while lit (vice versa when unlit). Have fun with it.
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Keep in mind: if you trace your pattern and do not want your pen or pencil marks visible, your pattern will need to be reversed at the end. This is what I did. If you're printing your pattern directly on the paper you want to use, and you have amazing knife skills, you dont have to flip it. I recommend making a symmetrical pattern (especially the back piece!), or to flip it, but you do you.
I've made my pattern, now WTF?
Cut it out using scissors and an exacto knife. Leave the pieces that you want to create depth with only cut part of the way. If you're not sure how it will look, cut less and then do a test. I created a rough draft with basic paper and tape just to see if my idea would work before hand.
To be fair: you will screw up. Mistakes will happen. Keep going or start over. You’ll be okay kiddo, Trust me.
After cutting it out, if you used a heavy paper, I recommend wrapping it around something cylindrical one side at a time to prevent the paper creating hard edges. I learned this the hard way. A bottle, hair spray can, whatever, will work. Start at one end, then wrap it around. Use rubber bands or hair ties, etc., to hold it in place. Allow it to sit for 30 minutes or so to hold it's shape. The back piece will be reversed wrapped around the bottle.
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*You can skip this step if you use a light weight paper.
Now it's time to glue. Roll the base of the front pattern into a circle. Overlap one edge, and glue together with craft glue. If you dont have quick dry glue, you can use paper clips or clothes pins to hold it together.
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After the front piece dries, roll the back piece to fit inside the front. Glue the two pieces together.
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(Image above shows a rough draft version I did with light weight paper and tape, not the final version). 
Side note: if you add cut out pieces to the base of the front pattern like I did (the flowers), you'll want to cut the back pattern base shorter before gluing.
Wait! What about the wings??
You have options here: you can include the base wings into your orginal front pattern or create them separately like I did. To create levels, make multiple patterns of your wings starting from the largest (the back) to the front. My wings used 4 levels. For ideas, Google image is a good tool for this. Again. Have fun.
Once you have created your Wings, glue each layer, largest to smallest/back to front, as you go. If you created the wing separately like I did, create the full wing first before gluing it to the front pattern. Otherwise, glue each layer at a time.
Congrats! You have made a cheap, easy paper thing.
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How do you light it?
I used an cheap LED tea light for the stand alone lantern. The closer you move it to the wall, the more the back pattern will show. Oooooohhhh
For the tree, I bought some very cheap small battery powered mini-lights from Ashland at Micheal's.
Please dont use candles. I would hate myself if you burned down your home with a paper lantern you found on tumblr. (Seriously my sister and her family had a house fire literally 1 year ago, dont fucking do it).
I know some people asked for the pattern, but the angel pattern is super easy. The Kord/Storm Lord is more complex, but even that isnt too complicated. I just want you all to come up with something better and cooler than me. ENJOY.
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lcgacyofages · 3 years
Ok who has the best to worst ass, rank them now hurry
An Ask because I reblogged a post | ALWAYS PESTER ME
I did not hurry bc no one tells me what to do. I went to bed instead. But it’s kind of hard to rank that, especially since I’m ace. I mean, people have different ass preferences the best I can do is just explain what kind of ass the muses probably have and then attempt to rate them on societal standards. It’s really up to you if you agree with my ratings or not after these brief descriptions but if you wanna throw in your two cents based on my descriptions, go for it! DISCLAIMER: I have never touched anyone else’s ass in my life so this is all speculative guessing from what other people have told me.
Eliana Mahariel
Eliana has a small frame and athletic build. What that means for her ass is it isn’t necessarily a wide ass because her hips are slender but it’s a very firm and slightly perky ass. 
My interpreted Rating: 6.5/10 (if it was 2005, it would probably be closer to an 8/10)
Atena Hawke
Atena is tall with a solid build, a lot of muscle from her warrior training. She does have slightly wider hips, a good center of gravity and base for her stance with her two-handed sword. The main issue is the lack of fatty tissue for her.
My interpreted Rating: 7.5/10
Rajmahel Lavellan
Rajmahel’s ass is that of someone who uses the muscles in it, not just for appearance’s sake. It’s very toned and his hips are set every so slightly wider than his frame, helping to give it a balanced width to go with the perk from the constant walking/climbing/going into old ruins.
My interpreted Rating: 9/10
Alric Hawke
A far more academic personality, but also having done work on the family farm and lots of walking in general, he’s got a slightly toned but soft ass, very good for grabbing because it has a little give to it. Has very straight hips, though, so doesn’t give any extra width to it.
My interpreted Rating: 7.5/10
Antoinette de Ghislain
She’s had two children, so her hips, which were decently set before, are a bit wider now, adding to her ass’s width. Being a married noblewoman keeps her from a lot of physical exertion, as well as her profession as a writer, but she does try to keep her skills from her bard years at some kind of proficiency, so there is some toning underneath the fatty tissue. A very fine lady’s ass, if I would say so.
My interpreted Rating: 8/10
Arik Tabris
An elf on the taller side, he still has a more slender build than a human, but a bit more than a typical elf. A high amount of muscle, which creates a lack of fatty tissue. He’s got a perky ass for sure but without much cushion from fat.
My interpreted Rating: 8/10
Aurora Amell
An honest-to-goodness little academic and having spent much of her time in the Circle, she hasn’t had much in the way of physical training of any sort. The best she’s got is the stairs in the circle. She’s got some decently set wider hips to her slender frame, though, which helps accentuate her soft ass.
My interpreted Rating: 7.5/10
The high priestess for the Evanuris if the Hunt, Andruil. Definitely athletic build but with high femininity to it. So she definitely got those hips. Still slender because elf, but still a good ratio to her waist. Her ass is pretty damn perky with a good balance of fat and muscle with it. She’s based off of a siren, though, so, there’s no surprise here.
My interpreted Rating: 9.5/10
Dazbo Amell
Another who’s spent a lot of his years in the Circle, but he has a certain point of vanity that would make him be concerned with his ass. There’s definitely some fatty padding to it, but it’s toned as well and definitely of decent volume. His hips are actually a little narrower than his shoulders, though, so points off.
My interpreted Rating: 7.5/10
Dimetrea Brosca
Very thick, definitely leans more towards muscular than fatty but does have some fatty cushion to it. A bit of a perk to it, but not anything that’s too much in relation to her small, broad build.
My interpreted Rating: 6.5/10
Emrys Moysten
A nerd, what kind of ass do you expect? He’s got a soft ass, with only some muscle tone from walking, to it. Despite being soft, it’s decently defined and his hips are set parallel to his shoulders. If you like soft asses with a little bit of perk, he’s got the ass for you.
My interpreted Rating: 6.5/10
Etienne de Rousseau
Another academic, but an academic with connections that enabled him to learn some martial skill and thus have physical exercise to tone that ass. His hips are decently set in ratio to his frame, helping to give some perk to the ass that has a layer of fatty tissue over toned muscle.
My interpreted Rating: 8.5/10
A deadass. 0/10 A vain Evanuris with a lot  of magical and martial skill is definitely a threat in the ass games. Despite spending his time sitting on a throne, Falon’Din actually was a highly active individual, helping to tone that slender ass. Got some perk to it from muscles and weight from affluent feasts.
My interpreted Rating: 9/10
A tall, slender boy for sure. But also has been trained in magical and martial prowess from a young age, enabling him to have a good tone to his ass. It’s a little narrow for sure, but it’s got the right tone to give it some good perk to it.
My interpreted Rating: 9/10
Hildegard Cadash
Heavy muscle woman, who’s got to show her stuff to keep the cartel in line. She’s affluent in the cartel, giving her some fat to offset the muscle she builds with rigorous training. Her ass is wide set, as is the frame for dwarves, but it’s got some perk and volume to it.
My interpreted Rating: 8.5/10
Idrilla Lavellan
Idrilla has an athletic build from being a hunter for Lavellan clan. Her martial training gives her grace, though, and tonality to her ass. A wide set hip and with clan Lavellan having decent ties to human settlements, a bit more wealth than other clans, giving her some fatty volume to match with the muscle perk.
My interpreted Rating: 9/10
Inatar Adaar
Narrow hips and high muscle tone doesn’t make for a lot of volume but a decent amount of perk. Her ass doesn’t have a single point that sags and it is a tight ass indeed. If this was a decade or so ago, she’d get a higher rating.
My interpreted Rating: 6.5/10
Katarina Anhalt
This lady has some decent hips on her. With that, plus her vigorous exercise and training as a templar, adds to the perk of her ass. There isn’t too much fat, just a small layer of cushion there to give a little more volume to it.
My interpreted Rating: 8/10
Lir Cousland
Lir’s got some cushion to his ass due to being a noble and having a stable food source that may have higher fat in it. That being said, he is a fighter like any Fereldan so has intensive training regiments he keeps to, which helps with physical prowess. His hips are slightly narrower than his shoulders, removing some volume to his ass, but not in a bad way.
My interpreted Rating: 8.5/10
Mathras Myriani
A soft build, not a fighter at all. His physical skillset is that of someone who walks a lot and knows some self defense martial skills. He’s got a very slender frame, but his hips are a little bit wider than his waist but narrower than his shoulders. He’s got a little bit of perk, and a little volume. But it’s a nice little ass to grab.
My interpreted Rating: 7/10
Sasha Fitz
He’s got a standard human male frame, with the wider shoulders coming down to a point at his waist and then going out slightly at his hips. He’s not wealthy, so not too much fatty tissue. He’s very athletic, though, and does a not of acrobatic type stunts on the buildings of Kirkwall, giving his ass a nice perk to it.
My interpreted Rating: 8.5/10
Seigfried Trevelyan
Seigfried is a stocky man with broad shoulders and a rounded belly from too many times in the local tavern. He’s still got muscle, though, having a fair amount of training from his many years. His ass, though, is a little on the flat but toned side. A little perk, but it’s not the best aspect of his frame.
My interpreted Rating: 6/10
Selena Porter
Selena has a narrow hip structure but her athletic tendencies from her job as well as the wealth she gains from her work affords her muscle and fatty tissue to build up perk and volume to her ass.
My interpreted Rating: 7/10
Sergio di Vasco
This guy has a gymnast’s ass. Very well defined muscles and a good perk to it. His diet, though, lacks the fatty foods to add additional volume to his ass, but overall, a good ass to look at.
My interpreted Rating: 8/10
Shalelan Amalasis
A very athletic individual with hips about as wide as his shoulders. Poor diet, though, robs him of the volume to go with the perk and width. Please don’t talk to him about his ass, though, you’ll make him stutter.
My interpreted Rating: 7.5/10
Shamut Adaar
A big nerd. His hips are about the same width as his waist and narrower than his shoulders. He’s not as athletic as other qunari, but he still has muscle mass that qunari have, along with fatty tissue to give some perk and volume to his narrow ass.
My interpreted Rating: 7.5/10
Vincentius Titus
Relies heavily on his strong magical gifts and he does the necessarily physical exercise to keep himself in some shape to offset his rich Tevinter diet. He has the average muscle mass and his hips are just a little narrower than his shoulders. This gives his ass only slight perk but okayish volume.
My interpreted Rating: 6.5/10
Zoria Amell
Widely set hips give width for her ass. The stairs of the Circle helped give her muscle to tone the perk for her ass, but she’s got fat that sticks around her body, giving a nice soft, rounded volume to her ass. A very fucking nice ass.
My interpreted Rating: 9.5/10
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xx-sikki-nixx-xx · 5 years
NSFW A-Z  Duff Mckagan
Requested by many MANY horny anons 
Aftercare(what they’re like after sex)
Duff is a fucking kiss machine after sex, like I mean after you two have come down from your highs and caught your breath he will pull you into his chest, put his face in your neck and kiss all over your neck, ears, jawline and face while you run your hands through his fluffy blonde hair in pure ecstasy.
Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and their partners)
Duff’s favourite body part on you and him is the same… legs. He loves his legs because he takes pride in his height (fucking giraffe man) and he loves your legs because he thinks they’re super sexy, no matter how long or short they are he thinks they are absolutely perfect and loves to run his hands and lips up and down them. 
 Cum (anything to do with cum…basically I’m a disgusting person)
I’m gonna be blunt here… Duff likes to cum on your tits (just sayin) and he’ll usually finish there as long as you let him, and because he’s a gentleman he will always get you a cloth or something to clean you up afterwards because he’s considerate like that.
Dirty secret  (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Duff loves it when you pull his hair, when you two are going at it and you run your fingers through his locks and tug lightly on the blonde strands he lets out the most animalistic groan you’ve ever heard and his eyes roll back in his head in pure bliss at the feeling, he can’t explain why he likes it so much but he just can’t help himself. 
Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) 
Do I even need to answer this? It’s Duff fucking Mckagan we’re talking about here he’s almost as experienced as Axl (of course the singer gets the most action) he knows all the tricks and techniques to make you moan his name and will employ them whenever he feels it necessary. 
Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Duff likes to fuck you on your back with your legs over his shoulders so he can get the best angles while still having full access to your legs because he loves them so much. 
 Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Duff’s middle name is goofball so yea he’s not serious during sex… I mean how could he be? He’s never been serious in his entire life, he’s always flashing his signature smile at you and mimicking your moans on occasion, you always slap his arm when he does that and he just fake moans louder (he’s a prick but you love him). 
 Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc)
Duff’s hair is pretty wild like the hair on his head, but it’s not a mess or anything because his body hair is pretty light, there’s like a thin layer of blonde hair covering areas of his body like his legs and arms (and down there) but his chest is pretty much bare. 
Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Duff shows his romantic side by kissing you all over, like his lips are permanently attached to your body because he loves the feeling of your skin on his mouth and how you react when he places kisses all over your body teasing you during foreplay. 
 Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Duff has an unnaturally high sex drive tbh, you wouldn’t think it when you look at him but he’s incredibly horny 99% of the time so when you aren’t around to help he’ll masturbate but it’s an absolute last resort when there’s no chance of any other relief and he always feels guilty afterwards and tells you what he did as if he cheated and you always giggle at him and kiss his cheek telling him that you don’t care and that it’s ok that he sometimes has needs he needs to resolve. 
Kink (One or more of their kinks)
As previously mentioned Duff has a kink for your legs, kissing you and hair pulling but Duff also loves giving you hickeys… and I mean EVERYWHERE, he’ll mark you all over with bruises made with his mouth because he’s a very protective and possessive lover and wants everyone (especially his band mates) to know that you are his and they better not try shit because he’ll break their nose. 
Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Literally anywhere, if he gets horny and needs you he doesn’t care where you are, he’ll rip your clothes off in a damn interview if he needs to because nothing and no one gets in the was of Duff Mckagan getting what he wants. 
 Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
When you wear shorts because he gets a perfect view of your legs, even if you rarely ever do it be sure that the shorts won’t be staying on for very long because he’ll rip them off of you in an instant, he also goes wild when you lean over and kiss his neck while playing with his hair, he loves the sensation of your soft lips on his cool skin in combination with your delicate fingers playing with his messy locks makes him crazy.
 NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Duff will absolutely never be submissive, it’s not his thing because he’s the big dominant bass player and he likes to keep that image in the bedroom so when you two are going at it expect to be the sub because he is after all Duff “dom” Mckagan (I bet $100 someone has called him that at least once).
Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
 This man will lick you like a lollipop without hesitation, he fucking loves it when you sit on his face, he’ll place his hands on your hips while you ride his mouth and feel your hips shake uncontrollably as you finish, he also loves eating you out while you lay down because he can kiss up your legs and thighs and make eye contact with you as you come undone on his face. As for when it comes to him receiving this man fucking loves it, his pre show ritual is getting a blowjob from you before he goes on stage because he is convinced it focuses his mind and blocks out all of the other shit going on in his head so he can focus on playing bass. 
Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends on the mood, if he has got an inconvenient boner and needs to get rid of it quickly you two will have a quick fuck and get on with whatever you were doing beforehand but when you two are having proper sex together he’s slow and sensual like in all of those romantic movies.
Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Duff prefers proper sex because he wants you to enjoy the experience as much as he does but he accepts that sometimes quickies are the only option so you two will have quick fucks on occasion but if given the opportunity he will always choose proper sex. 
Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
This man is like the god of risk, I’m not kidding he gives people like Axl Rose and Nikki Sixx a run for their money when it comes to risk, he’ll try anything once if you wanna try it and he also has a list of things that he wants to try but of course because he’s a gentleman he won’t try the things on his list unless you want to.
 Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
This boy can go all night if he really wants to, round after round non stop like a fucking sex machine (oh my god is that what Freddie meant in don’t stop me now?) he gets past his finish so quickly that by the time your breathing has returned to normal he’s already hard again and ready to go for another round. 
 Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
This kinky fucker has handcuffs (and like the strong reinforced kind so that they don’t break) and a special silk tie he only wears on special occasions to cover your eyes with and a gag because he’s a slut like that and he loves to use them on you when vanilla sex gets a bit played out (I mean you two do it so often you gotta spice it up sometimes).
Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Biggest tease known to earth, but it’s not like you don’t deserve it with how much you tease him, it’s like a mutual teasing, seeing who caves first, like a competition… he usually caves first and ends up fucking you up against a wall to get all of his frustrations out. 
Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Duff Mckagan has the sexiest deep throaty moans you will ever hear in your entire life, it’s like music, or poetry, he throws his head back, his eyes close and a deep moan will erupt from his chest making you moan in response like a wolf calling to its mate.
Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
When you and Duff I can guarantee that 90% of the time KISS songs will be playing in the background, I can’t explain why but Duff has a thing about sex and KISS (maybe he wants to fuck Paul Stanley I dunno but like who can blame him) his favourite ones to play are “Heavens on fire” “Lets put the X in sex” and “You make me rock hard”.
 X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Solid 8.5 inches on the tall blonde bass player, and he’s proud of it ;).
Yearning (How high is their sex drive?
We’ve already established he’s like a dog in heat, constantly at least a little horny and to be honest you love that about him because whenever you’re horny he’s ready to go.
ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He drifts off slowly after sex, he doesn’t pass out straight away but he will cuddle you close to him inhaling your scent and close his eyes falling into a beautiful deep sleep.
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sugarqvills · 4 years
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links: pinterest, bio
FULL NAME: Emmeline Asteria Vance PRONUNCIATION: Emmeline  Asteria  Vance MEANING: Emmeline ( Germanic - Work; French - Industrious, Hardworking; Latin - Little Rival ), Asteria ( Latin - Star ), Vance ( English - Fen, Marsh ) REASONING: Emmeline’s given name comes from her her paternal grandmother. Her middle name sprung from her mother’s once-great love for Greek mythology. NICKNAME(S): Emme, Vance. BIRTH DATE: 24 December - 12:32 PM AGE: Nineteen ZODIAC: Capricorn Sun, Libra Moon, Aries Rising
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac and governs the bones, joints, and knees. Positive traits include pragmatism, maturity, patience, determination, awareness, a strong work ethic, realism, discipline, money management, the willingness to overcome hard luck, leadership, initiative, opportunism, prudence, and cunning. Negative traits include pessimism, melancholy, emotional coldness, manipulation, obsession with work and ambitions to the detriment of personal development, remoteness, and materialistic snobbery.
The traits emphasized here will be ambition, determination, discipline, and pragmatism. You can’t make that castle in the sky if you don’t build a solid foundation under it, and Capricorns excel at building foundations. (Actually, they excel at planning the foundations and directing others to do the grunt labour. It’s not that they’re afraid to get their hands dirty, but large work usually requires delegation and a staff, and Capricorns are managers more often than not.) While not flamboyant or showy about it, Capricorns still tend to be obsessive overachievers, a common trait in House Slytherin. Too, wizards born under the sign of Capricorn are good at being discreet, secretive, and diplomatic; whereas the Libra’s diplomacy is based on charm and a desire for harmony, the Capricorn’s diplomacy is based on the knowledge that being on good terms with people is extremely useful in getting one’s way or finding out sensitive information. These also are traits commonly associated with House Slytherin. They might not be sexy traits, but they’re very handy.
BIRTH PLACE: Athenry, Ireland HOMETOWN: Athenry, Ireland SOCIAL CLASS: Upper Class EDUCATION LEVEL: Hogwarts, sixth year HOUSE: Slytherin FATHER: Oliver Vance, 56, Former Head of the Improper Use of Magic Office ( DECEASED ) MOTHER: Rosalyn Vance neé Rowle, 54, Former Member of the Wizengamot ( DECEASED ) SIBLING(S): None. EXTENDED FAMILY: Constance Vance, 86 ( paternal grandmother ) BIRTH ORDER: Only child. PET(S): Pawcrates - six year old black cat.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: 6/10 OFFENSE: 8.5/10 DEFENSE: 9/10 SPEED: 8/10 INTELLIGENCE: 9/10 ACCURACY: 9/10 AGILITY: 8/10 STAMINA: 8/10 TEAMWORK: While Emmeline is capable of doing well with a group, she prefers to work on her own. She’ll help where she can, but would far prefer if she were left to her own devices. TALENTS: Dueling. Critical thinking. Planning. Drinking at least one entire bottle of wine by herself in a single sitting. SHORTCOMINGS: Unhealthy coping mechanisms. Emotionally repressive. Doesn’t let others in easily. Negative thinking. LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, Irish Gaelic, Latin. DRIVE?: No. JUMP-STAR A CAR?: No. CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: No. RIDE A BICYCLE?: Yes. SWIM?: Yes. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: The piano, thanks to Gran. PLAY CHESS?: Yes, though she would prefer to spend her free time doing other things. TIE A TIE?: Yes. PICK A LOCK?: No.
FACE CLAIM: Alycia Debnam-Carey. EYE COLOR: Green. HAIR COLOR: Brown. HAIR TYPE/STYLE: Normally, Emmeline leaves her hair down, allowing it to fall however it likes. Frequently, she’s been known to throw her hair into a ponytail or loose, messy bun while working, cleaning, or even knitting. GLASSES/CONTACTS?: No. DOMINANT HAND: Right. Emmeline is ambidextrous, but tends to favour her right hand more often than her left. HEIGHT: 165 cm ( 5′5″ ) WEIGHT: 55 kg ( 121 pounds ) BUILD: Slender. EXERCISE HABITS: Despite knowing that she should do more, Emmeline more often than not spends time at home knitting and drinking, rather than running or doing other exercises. SKIN TONE: Fair. TATTOOS: At present, Emmeline has none. PIERCINGS: Just a single hole in each ear. MARKS/SCARS: Emmeline has a few small scars from her childhood, most notable is the one on her right hand, near the thumb. Most don’t even notice it, unless they know precisely what they’re looking for. USUAL EXPRESSION: Emmeline’s typical expression is one without a smile. To many, she could come across as cold or uncaring; it’s not that she actively tries to dissuade people talking to her, it’s just what happens, especially when she’s focused. Once put around friends, however, the demeanour changes and there are more smile than one might otherwise find. CLOTHING STYLE: Emmeline is a big fan of loose, simple tops or button-ups with more fitted trousers. On very rare or special occasions, she may wear a dress, though it is never anything more than a sold colour with simple accents. In addition to her comfortable tops, Emmeline is also a fan of flannel shirts and heavier, knitted jumpers when it starts to get cold. JEWELRY: Simple silver studs for earrings in her daily life, a small silver music note pendant on a thin silver chain that she got from Gran for her thirteenth birthday. Otherwise, Emmeline isn’t one for jewelry. ALLERGIES: None, as far as she knows.
How does your character behave around people they like? Emmeline is more relaxed around those she likes. Though she isn’t the most easy-going person in the world, she is more inclined to make jokes, laugh, and not stress as much as she normally does. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person? As a rule, Emmeline is very hesitant to trust others. However, once you have her trust, there are very few things you could do to lose it and have her suspect you of something terrible. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation? Words are typically Emmeline’s go-to in a confrontational situation. There have been many instances where she’s eventually just walked away from someone rather than allow things to progress. In extreme instances, hexes and jinxes have been thrown, but as far as she can remember, there has never been anything more than a slap. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like? It was a very strained relationship, if it could be called a relationship at all. She knew very little about the man he was in his later years, and what she knew of his formative years had only been the result of stories her Gran told her over the years. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others? Though it generally tends to vary from person to person, she would probably tell you that she admires ambition more often than not. What does your character like in other people? There are a host of things she likes in others, but the first few that come to mind are: the ability to learn from their mistakes, forgiveness, a desire to learn in general, whether or not they are capable of growing as a person, honesty. Compassion for other people. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method? A bit of both. Just because her first attempt didn’t work the way she wanted it to, doesn’t mean she’ll abandon it in its entirety. With each failed attempt, an adjustment is made. It’s only once she has exhausted every possible method that she can think of that she will move on to a different one. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it? Saying “I love you” is one of, if not the most, difficult things for Emmeline to do. She has a problem letting herself love other people; there is a constant fear of abandonment, of not being enough, of disappointing them. She struggles to let those she truly cares for know just how much they mean to her. If she can say it to you, then there’s no chance it’s meaningless. She doesn’t have it in her to force something of that magnitude and not mean it. The only person Emmeline has never struggled with those words over is her Gran. The woman who spent so much of her life trying to instill certain values into her granddaughter. The person who raised Emmeline, who wanted nothing but the best for her. The one person Emmeline always thought would be her only constant, the only person she would be willing to die to protect. When she wasn’t in school or working, Emmeline tried to make it a priority to tell the older woman how much she loved her and appreciated all that she had done over the years
CHARACTER INSPIRATIONS: prudence halliwell ( charmed ), sally owens ( practical magic ), jessica jones ( jessica jones ), amy santiago ( brooklyn nine nine ), laurel castillo ( how to get away with murder ), wynona earp ( wynona earp ), cristina yang ( grey’s anatomy ), rosa diaz ( brooklyn nine nine ), caitlin snow ( the flash ), rosita espinosa ( the walking dead ), laurel lance ( arrow ), raymond holt ( brooklyn nine nine ), rory gilmore ( gilmore girls ), lucy preston ( timeless ), peyton sawyer ( one tree hill )
AESTHETIC: piano notes softly filling an empty room, storms raging outside while you sit in the comfort of your home, books towering so high you can’t see over them, hot tea in a chipped mug, freshly baked red velvet cake cooling on the counter, four cups of coffee in the morning just to feel like you’re somewhat there, the faintest whiff of whisky lingering in the air after an especially trying night, the deafening silence that slowly envelops you when the numbness sets in, unfinished knitting projects lying lazily over chair arms by the fireplace
SONGS: made of stone - daughter / cherry wine - hozier / that i would be good - alanis morissette / please don't say you love me - gabrielle aplin / breathe me - sia / you say - lauren daigle / hard times ( ballad ) - halocene / dear happy - gabrielle aplin / lovely - lauren babic and seraphim POSITIVE TRAITS: assiduous, strong-willed, intelligent, dedicated, tidy NEGATIVE TRAITS: melancholic, self-blaming, stubborn, inflexible NEUTRAL TRAITS: ambitious, sarcastic, quiet, restrained
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the coolest Quirk names
It does not matter if the Quirk is actually good/useful, I’m literally only judging it by the name
Hellflame: would not fuck with this name 10/10
Explosion: visceral, powerful, suits Bakugo well 9.5/10
Decay: I’m biased bc Shig is my favorite, but this is by far the most unsettling name for a Quirk like his (they could have gone with something more boring like ‘desintigration’), so 9.5/10
Black Hole: space name!!! And insanely foreboding at that! 10/10 not even light can escape
Chronostasis: idk it’s just sounds good I have no reasoning 7.5/10
Manifest: fun and mysterious name for a Quirk that could have been called ‘you are what you eat’ 8.5/10
Surge: my cross-country coaches would always tell us to surge at the top of hills and at the mile markers. SURGE!!! It makes me feel like I should go on a run or something 6/10
One For All: a tiny bit cheesy but it just rolls right off the tongue (and it has ~symbolism~ and stuff) 9/10
All For One: somehow, taking the same three words as last time and saying them in the opposite order really hits different. Plus more symbolism! 9.5/10
Blackwhip: 10/10 literally perfect. There’s something about those Quirks that are a compound of two monosyllabic words
Jet: short and to the point. Does remind me of Jet from ATLA though, so I’m dropping it to a 7/10
Acid: cool, but also makes me think about LSD. Imagine if Mina’s Quirk was just sending people on crazy acid trips :/ 7.5/10
Larceny: oooh a fancy word for stealing! Excellent thesaurus skills! I bet you were an English major before Overhaul found you lmao 9/10
Bloodcurdle: a little disgusting, but it makes the Quirk seem much more dangerous than it is 8/10
Poltergeist: 12/10 no explanation needed
Dark Shadow: slightly redundant (Tokoyami has to maintain his goth image, after all) but still has a nice ring to it 8.5/10
Sandstorm: a level below Blackwhip and Hellflame, but still solid 9/10
Tongue Tank: don’t @ me the alliteration is amazing and there’s nothing like watching a dopey six-year-old yell “TONGUE TANK” before launching a fucking cannonball out of his mouth 8.5/10
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xexilia · 4 years
I notice when you do your comics, it applies a certain level of toner. I ended up deciding on the route of using paint brush india ink, and charcoal for toner instead. Does this aesthetic difference change the marketability of graphic novel, compared to just using toner? In the context of the prologue in this web comic, it is used to denote a fog atmosphere. In the upcoming chapter, I might use it for graveyard fog.
I think first I need to establish that what you mean by “toner” is “shading”?
I do use tones, but tonER is the stuff used in and by physical printers. Print tones refer to the dots, lines, etc. that are present in the majority of my work and that Roy Lichtenstein emulated in his paintings. Tones are dots because that’s how printers print; Thousands of dots. The closer together, the more solid the shade or color is. I’m not trying to correct you on terms, but knowing this difference will help you later because I promise, if you buy toner online and expect to get tones, you’ll be disappointed by what arrives in the mail!
So, I think you’re falling into a common trap webcomic artists make in the beginning, which is focusing on the wrong parts of the project. You asked me if this changes marketability; But you didn’t tell me:
What medium do you want to publish in? Do you want to ONLY have your comics online, or do you want to print them?
Who is your target audience and age group?
Do you want to sell or profit off your webcomic?
The first question is important because far too often, webcomic artists design for the web/screens first, foremost, and only; Later, they decide to print a book, and this is when all hell breaks loose. Lots of media (Charcole, watercolors, etc.—media is the art term for materials) can look both better OR WORSE on a screen—this is where technology comes into play, like the scanner you have, the DPI (dots per inch) its able to scan things in at, and the size of scannable area. A lot of my favorite media and mediums (I like pencil on paper), are really delicate drawings—and like a lot of artists who favor these materials, scanners just never seem to do them justice. Lots of fine artists I talk to admit that they feel their work looks best in person, and no matter how high the quality scanner, small, delicate details get lost. Part of it can be a cheap scanner, the wrong DPI setting, but the other part can be the wrong medium (That’s the term for things like canvas or paper), or the wrong SIZE medium.
Size matters; Both in terms of the scanner surface area AND the size of your medium. A lot of people (And I did this myself for a lot of the first book), work on standard size paper—8.5 by 11 inches; But professional artists, print or not, are always better off to work at a LARGER size than the end result will be. When I printed my book, I didn’t come out too terribly for the size I worked in, because manga book page sizes are smaller than their American counter parts. I also knew I planned to print from the first page onward, so everything was designed for print first and web second—this is much easier and less time consuming to do than the reverse, because a lot of print errors can occur that don’t appear on screens—and literally can’t—and can take hours, days, weeks or more to fix, depending on how bad and common the issue is and how many of your pages have this problem. A big one is called moire, which DOES NOT show up on screens; This happens when an artist applies on tone directly over another. Because most of us work digitally these days, it’s even easier for artists to start doing this and not realize the consequence until you print a book. . .and discover all places where tones overlap create this weird square pattern within them—which is called moire. This is why it’s critical to use separate tones for different shades and such, because unlike solid color printing, you cannot overlay tones like you would layers in Photoshop or other such programs. Ignore this at your peril!
My first suggestion before you go to far is; Of you want to ever, EVER print this, print out a copy of a page at home. Even if you’re happy with it, consider how you may be printing or mass producing these things; If you’re going to make them via a copier at Kinko’s, take a page down to a copier at Kinko’s and see what quality you get. If you don’t like it at full size to the ratio you worked in (In other words, printing on the same size paper you created it on), you can get some improvement by using smaller pages—but going UP in page size will cause quality to drop. I now work on paper—digital or not—that’s always 11 by 17 inches AT LEAST. For anything I make, I try to work in a size 3 to 4 times larger than the end result will be.
When I first began, I made my comics with a copier at Kinko’s, and discovered while my ink wash method looked good, it looked better with color printing; Color printing is ALWAYS more expensive, hence why when digital comic creation tools (Like Clip Studio) got invented, I was an instant convert! It saved a lot of time and money (Tones and such are all expensive), the environment (No trees died for my drawings), effort (Tones are REALLY tricky to work with by hand), and it’s no wonder that manga artists now are nearly ALL working digitally.
Also, for the disabled (Like me), digital allows us to work from beds, at home, etc. instead of in front of a desk, all hunched over. I don’t accidentally smudge ink, my cat doesn’t drink my ink (Yes, it’s a thing cats do!), and if I mess up, the power of Undo/Redo/Copy/Paste/Transform CANNOT be understated. I’ve mentioned it before, but I believe in working smarter, NOT harder. This is why I draw out a lot of backgrounds (Which you can’t see on the free copies online, but you can if you buy a physical copy or the Amazon eBook), separately, and I can just drag and drop them around as I need. That way, I can focus on drawing the characters and not on drawing a giant cathedral for every damn appearance it makes or scene change I do.
As for marketability; A lot of this depends on your target audience and age group. Even so, people tend to grow to like something even if it may be atypical of the general stuff they like. I’m generally not a fan of shoujo-ai—but many of my favorite anime and manga ARE in this genre! Turns out, if the story is good, I don’t care about the sexuality of the characters!
A lot of people expect or want color comics these days though, which is odd to me, since the manga produced in Japan is in black and white (Color printing is expensive—even for a major publishing company!) People still read it, and those who expect an artist to make a free webcomic with color pages and update several times a week or month aren’t aware of the time, effort, or consequences. Generally; No, they will NOT buy a book they’ve read for free online (As much as people love to say to support us creators, they rarely actually do), and they damn sure won’t pay for the extra cost of color printing. If you want to see the difference, check out Ka-Blam comic printers and do a price comparison between printing pages in color versus black and white.
Yes, there are people who do a Kickstarter and such and get these funds up front; They are exceptions, not the rules. Consider them—and most artists who make comics or art they make of their own choosing (Not commissions, but only originals), the same as you might someone who plays a sport and decides that they are GOING to play professionally for some orginazation or team—which is, they are counting on being in this LESS THAN 1% of their field. Yes, some people pull it off; The vast majority don’t—and skill isn’t the biggest factor in the end. Just like an athlete with all the promise in the world can have their career ended before it’s begun by an injury that never heals right, art itself is a career path with MANY hidden pitfalls and problems—and health is a major one. Too many of us don’t eat right, don’t exercise our bodies and minds, and so on; It adds up. I personally really recommend a diet with a caloric/carb intake ratio that works within your activity levels; In other words, if you’re determined not to work out (Which—don’t make this mistake), you can’t eat as much as you’d like—not only will you gain weight, but it impacts your health health, your blood sugar—it can be a recipe for an early, but preventable, grave or a LOT of suffering that could be avoided. I try to jog at least two miles a day, meditate daily, and really put my health as the main focus in my life—even before my art. I can’t draw anything or write more stories if I’m dead, after all, and I can’t produce my best work if I’m not in the best condition I can manage. With an autoimmune disease, there’s only so much I can do or control and I’m often still very sick and in a lot of pain; But I still do all I can to run or walk two miles—at least, and even if it takes me an hour or more—and to keep my heart rate at 120 beats per min. when I do. There’s a lot of days where this is about the ONLY thing I can manage and where my pain is so bad I cry and cry—because right now I don’t have a lot of means of relief; This doesn’t happen to everyone, but it means that health—no matter what you do in life—can make or break you at times. Audiences aren’t always understanding of these circumstances and yes, ones career can dry up as a result. Just because someone manages to play for the sports team of their dreams doesn’t mean their health can’t or won’t turn on them, or a serious injury will end their career; We do not live in a world where people will continue to support you because of a series of or singular unfortunate event.
This brings me to the last point, which is if you plan to sell or profit off your work; We all want to, but often making sales can come at the cost of producing something that we, as the creators, really love or are passionate about. I decided from the jump that, while profiting was nice, I’d much rather make the title I wanted to make rather than the one that sells the most copies; If I were concerned with it, trust me, Eternity Concepts would be a wildly different story, with different art, etc. I’d have written a formulaic story that was entirely predictable and changed so many aspects, you’d never recognize it; Manga fans tend to be teens, so I’d have made the cast all teenagers! It’d be set in school! Someone might magically transform to fight evil or some such thing.
I didn’t want that; If you do, there’s no shame in that, but audiences will keep buying and reading what we keep producing, and if we’re too afraid to take a risk on a chance that our story won’t make a dime—because making a dime is the most important part for you—then we can’t be surprised when it’s what people keep buying—because we aren’t even attempting to sell anything else.
Publishing houses (With novels and such) can be really guilty of pushing for changes based on market research; The thing is, the research is often based off past sales of what’s already in the market. Plenty of novels that became classics and best sellers got rejected for years and years until a publishing company was willing to take a chance and discovered that people can, will, and do enjoy new and different things. They might also do market focus group testing—but these are small sample sizes of average people—and your audience may NOT be average people.
All creative pursuits involve risks, at the end of the day; You just have to decide what rewards you want or are willing to sacrifice if you take them.
As for aesthetics, there’s no accounting for taste and I’ve seen plenty of paintings I hated sell for insane amounts of money, plenty of art styles I hated become popular titles, etc.
I will say this; When I, PERSONALLY, see a comic with tones or color, usually that’s digitally produced (It cuts out the need for a scanner!), it looks to me like it’s professionally made—by someone who is on their way or already at such a level.
While a lot of newer artists try to make do with other materials, again, the world is not a kind place and making do is just that—making do. Yes, there are a million and one reasons why one can’t get their hands on better or more professional materials—but sadly, people don’t want to hear excuses, and many successful artists got their tools by working jobs they hated, saving up, living in their cars—making major sacrifices to get to where they are now. There’s no easy road or shortcuts to the end; Yes, I do, sadly, think the mixed media approach you’re trying won’t be favorable towards your marketability—but I could always be wrong (Look at how many MS Paint comics made it big!) There’s a first time for everything.
Comics, though, is also about production speed, and traditional materials can come at the cost of working quicker. I’m a big fan of suggesting people save and wait and invest (And it IS an investment) in serious materials and tools if they wish to be seen and taken as seriously; This means making sacrifices and at the end of the day, plenty of people still won’t like what you make, no matter what tools you have or plot you employ. The person who NEEDS to like it most? . . .Is only you.
You cannot please all of the people all of the time, and the faster you accept that, the happier you’ll be with what you make.
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cjostrander · 5 years
Dir En Grey: The Insulated World
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Hello guys! Today i decided to do another promo review and tackle the latest album by Dir en grey. I had a little extra time today so i wanted to make use of it and scratch off a longer album that i usually would of backed off on. This album features a continuation of their sound on Arche (reviewed) but with a very rough combination of their chaotic rawness found on Marrow of a Bone. Hopefully this album goes by pretty smooth but time will tell.
Keibetsu to Hajimari: We begin very abruptly with aggressive drum bashing and rhythmic guitar riffs before Kyo arrives to deliver a chaotic growl segment. It is a pretty muffled under the mix but builds a decent level of aggression that would showcase decent live. The bass needs a stronger presence to fill in things since it feels a little empty underneath everything. Kyo continues to demonstrate that he can deliver his chaotic vocal style without any issue. This song so far compares more heavily to their Dum Spiro Spero (reviewed) style of chaotic yet complex metal. It is definitely a more direct yet still heavily complex jammer that would be best appreciated in a live setting verses album style. It feels like it could use some sort of melodic solo in it to bring out some more flavor and a stronger bass line as well. Other than that it won’t match expectations set on Arche but will please fans of Dum Spiro Spero and Marron of a Bone. 7.5/10
Devote My Life: The next track starts off a fast marching style drum beat and brings forth a stronger bass line to combine with Kyo’s aggressive grow vocals. The bass is highly appreciated but the high pitch guitar riffs get highly annoying to the ears till they go away. Then we go into a very nice bass breakdown that would showcase perfectly live and showcase exactly what the last song could of used. This one would definitely be much higher appreciated if that guitar screeching riff wasnt incorporated because its probably the most fucking annoying riff i’ve heard on an album; and its doesn’t let up until the end. Other than that the vocals are decent but don’t capture direct focus like they usually do and the the bass/drum combo proves to be the highlight on here. This is one that i recommend skipping and wish wasn’t on this album. 4/10
Ningen wo Kaburu (Single): This is the first single on the album and it starts off with a nicely melodic opening combined with a strong drum entrance. It has a nicely complex strutcure that joins with the guitars to create a stronger and more coherent presence than the last song. Kyo is still utilizing his muffled growl style which works but isnt a focal point as typical till the chorus arrives. When the chorus arrives it demonstrates his skill and really provides a little life to the album. Its also the first show of real melody in the album thus far. The jams are solid and will showcase well live and do stand out as the stronger track so far in the album. I would recommend listening to this one if you are browsing because it will compare a bit to their sound on Arche but with a little polish left off purposely. 8/10
Celebrate Empty Howls: The drums and guitars start off with a complex yet familiar opening before Kyo arrives to inject an interesting dose of chaotic verses into the mix. It goes into a standard jam segment that will allow the listener to decompress a hair while still being presented with an interesting drum performance to soak in. The drums are probably the most consistently strong element on this album and are worth a focus. The atmospherically tense melodies in the song allow for some appreciated spacing in order for the listener to avoid being too overwhelmed by whats going on. Despite being a rougher album from them so far; i can see some strong live potential from it and it does move along a bit faster than expected; however the songs are appreciating shorter in response. Most tracks are under 4 minutes and it makes a big difference in ability to take in as opposed to their more ambiotious 5 to 7+ minutes songs. 7.5/10
Utafumi (Single): This is the second and final single of the album which came out a few years before the actual album release. It’s different from the original release but is probably my personal favorite on the album. It begins with a powerful drum bash and chaotic yet purposeful growls before giving the listener a brief moment of emptiness to soak in. The instrumentals then go into full speed with a chaotic level of bashing and backing growls; that give it a decent gang texture. The chorus is melodic and powerful thus thriving on Kyo’s ballad qualities. The guitars are more subdued in a supportive role which works out decent for the mix; though some brief solo flares are thrown in to give it some more flavor. Zero complaints on the drum work because the bass flows with them solidly and they pretty much command the speed on the song while showcasing most of the technicality in it as well. The guitars are still complex but where as they dominate past work; they stay in a supportive jam role. Because of this; you will come to appreciate this one as a drum showcased album. 8.5/10
Rubbish Heap: We begin here with electronic loops which are interesting and provide a little diversity before the instrumentals arrive. The drums are chaotically bashing their way around in this song while the guitars roar and Kyo matches them with his chaotic show of force. This one actually stands out nicely when focused on for its technicality and live appeal; because it would be perfect for getting an audience crazy. It benefits from listening in album sequence since you really have to be in the right mindset to enjoy this style of music; otherwise it’s going to overwhelm you fast. 8.5/10
Aka: The second half of the album begins with a pleasingly echoed guitar melody that creates a very ideal atmosphere to decompress and soak in some complex emotion. The bass showcases very nicely with the bass and Kyo enters with his spoken verse style that is much appreciated at this point in the album. The subtle guitar melodies fill in gaps nicely while the the rhythm segments remain the signature component of the song. It all combines nicely to really get a powerful sense of emotion from Kyo. This track highlights the brightest moments of their last album Arche and hopefully will make first time listeners venture off to that album when they are done with this one. This one is a very nice surprise that is easily my personal favorite on the album thus far. 9.5/10
Value of Madness: Electronic rhythm components begin this one and the drum arrive with a nice sense of muscle. The guitars arrives to give it a bit more of a rock vibe. Kyo showcases a near rap like style at moments that actually works very nicely with the instrumental style. It will showcase very highly live and Kyo’s aggressive yet highly melodic chorus will be a nice bonding glue to push this song along nicely. This second half of the album so far is shaping up to be the easier listen for their more melodic focused fan base. It still has a very strong combination of their sound from Marrow of a Bone, Dum Spiro Spero, and Arche in it; so if you like this album those are your three companion albums as well. Maybe throw Uroboros in there as well since it’s more aggressive moments are comparable; though its focuses more melodic moments heavier. 8.5/10
Downfall: This one begins with a quick push into chaos riffs that are less substance centered and focus solely on being as intensely furious as possible. It gives ample spacing between those moments to keep it feeling as coherent as best as possible. It is a decently quick track at just under three minutes so while it doesn’t really do anything for me it’s not terrible to sit through. It seems mainly like a garage jam kind of track. 6.5/10
Followers: Some eerie sound effects start and combine with some interesting electronic elements that bring a nicely atmospheric texture to the track. It has a nice show of guitar presence that will establish a strong foundation for Kyo to deliver his ballad style of vocals. The drums and bass continue to showcase neatly in the mix and keep this track from feeling empty. Kyo gets a hair overpitched at times but it still presents itself as the right track to have at the right time on this album. The guitar solo is a very strong highlight that will be worth the focus and allows for guitar fans to be able to find some riffs to savor over. 8.5/10
Keigaku no Yoku:  Keys begin and continue the melodic nature of the last track but with a stronger darkness and complexity to it. The vocals arrive over it with an eerie sense of tension that would be fit for a horror scene. The drums and bass provide some nice blast style rhythm that brings some elements of Slipknot to the mix. It then all goes into a chaotic jam that would get the audience roaring. It focuses primarily on its eerie rhythm that to me probably means the bassist wrote this one; since naturally his tracks feature the bass as the primary component and bare stronger jazz elements in it as well. This is another highlight track that is making this album shape up to be a much stronger one than i originally thought. 9/10
Zetsuentai: This seven and a half minute long track begins with more eerie sound effects and melodic guitar riffs. The bass and drums space themselves out to give the song a very airy opening. Kyo uses a soft spoken and melodic vocal style to develop a decent level of class. The bass and drums dominate the instrumental support for Kyo while the guitars focus on tossing in melodic tinged riffs to fill in the background. It places heavier focus on Kyo’s voice though instrumentals will space it out enough so that there is a lot of substance for the listener to soak in. Vocally i am still waiting on Kyo to bring a stronger sense of power into his voice so this lengthy track will feel as such...lengthy lol. They bring forth a show of aggressive jamming and growl vocals to liven things up effectively though it still feels like it needs something to really set a spark off.The guitars do begin to showcase with some decent solos; so you will have to look forward to. 7/10
Ranunculus: This finale track starts off with an eerie sound effect that is a ambient in nature and gradually grows more melodically dark and complex and Kyo arrives. It has a decent bass rhythm to ground things and the instrumentals gradually grow in life. Kyo delivers a pretty strong chorus that is a bit muffled by the guitars but still showcases strong melodies and a suitable range for the listener to appreciate. The guitars over time grow to give his chorus a nice show of power that should be a pleasantly beautiful way to close out this album. 8.5/10
Overall album rating: 7.8/10
Definitely a decent drop in score from Arche, but it’s surprisingly a better album than i thought it would be. Listening to it when it first came out reminded me of my impression of Dum Spiro Spero and Marrow of a Bone where i hated it at first and didnt understand it; but gradually came to appreciate it over time. I think Dum Spiro Spero is the strongest of the three albums i mentioned with this one arguably in the middle of them. It’s a decent jam album that will take time for you to decide an opinion but it’s still worth checking out if you are a strong fan of the group. If you are new and are curious about their other work then check out Arche, Kisou, and Vulgar. Those three are my personal favorites from the band. Withering to death is another favorite that is worth a listen as well. I gotta head out now so thanks for taking the time read my review and i’ll see you next time!
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terramythos · 5 years
Review: Vicious by V. E. Schwab (Villains #1) (REREAD)
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Length: 364 pages. 
Genre/Tags: Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction, Superheroes, Revenge Narrative, Dark, Time Jumps, Perspective Shifts, Third-Person, Great Characters, Duology
Warning(s): Graphic violence and torture. One of the main characters is just straight up genocidal. There is a very dubious consent scene later in the novel (non-explicit). Child death (sort of?). This is like, a gray versus black morality kind of story, so don’t read it if that isn’t your thing?
My Rating: 8.5 / 10
My Summary:
Victor and Eli, two genius college roommates at the top of their game, come up with a hypothesis for their senior project— that near-death experiences sometimes result in superpowers. However, when they test their theory, things go terribly awry, and both are left forever changed. Victor finds himself with the ability to manipulate pain. Eli becomes functionally immortal. And with a body count behind both young men, they transform from best friends into bitter enemies. 
Ten years later, Victor escapes from prison. Cunning and manipulative, Victor has had a decade to contemplate revenge against the man who put him there— Eli. When he finds an injured 12-year-old girl on the side of the road, he discovers Eli has spent the last decade systematically murdering EOs— people with supernatural abilities. Sydney, who can raise the dead, is the one of the few to escape. 
With the help of Sydney and his former cellmate Mitch, Victor begins to enact his revenge. But it’s only a matter of time before Victor and Eli finish what they started ten years ago…
But these words people threw around— humans, monsters, heroes, villains— to Victor it was all just a matter of semantics. Someone could call themselves a hero and still walk around killing dozens. Someone else could be labeled a villain for trying to stop them. Plenty of humans were monstrous, and plenty of monsters knew how to play at being human. The difference between Victor and Eli, he suspected, wasn’t their opinion on EOs. It was their reaction to them. Eli seemed intent to slaughter them, but Victor didn’t see why a useful skill should be destroyed just because of its origin. EOs were weapons, yes, but weapons with minds and wills and bodies, things that could be bent and twisted and broken and used.
Vicious is an interesting book to reread because, while the book itself hasn’t changed, the context behind it has. When I read this back in 2016 it was a standalone novel, originally published in 2013. Now I’m rereading it specifically because there is an unexpected sequel (Vengeful, 2018), and I wanted a refresher before jumping into it. Second, maybe a more minor detail— this book is homoerotic as hell, and I remember wondering if it was intentional on a first read. Now that Schwab recently came out as gay, I’m thinking it probably was, which makes it all the more entertaining.  
It’s also interesting to see how much Schwab’s writing has changed over time. Originally, I read Vicious, enjoyed it, then decided to read her big fantasy series Shades of Magic, and… Well, let’s just say *that* ended up being one of my favorite trilogies ever. Whoops? But in many ways I feel my enjoyment of Shades of Magic overshadowed Vicious. I enjoyed this book, but honestly I kind of forgot about it even though it was the first one I read. That was another reason to revisit it; while I might not like it as much as Shades of Magic, it’s still plenty good.
Before I do a deep dive into the book, I think it’s important to discuss the structure. Vicious basically has two stories— one in the past, and one in the present. The first half mostly focuses on the past, while the second half mostly focuses on the present. “Mostly” is important here— the story is very anachronistic. This serves to heighten the drama; we learn about Victor and Eli’s past relationship, then get a glimpse of just how corrupted and different it is in the present day, and of course wonder what got them to this point. While I feel it’s easy to do time and perspective jumps poorly, the chapters themselves are pretty short, so I never felt disconnected from any particular plot thread. The pacing was always solid. If anything I found this novel pretty easy to read, because I could tackle just a few chapters at a time yet make significant progress in the story.
Vicious is, without a doubt, character-driven. People with superpowers exist— called ExtraOrdinary people (EOs)— and said powers develop in a unique way. Other than that there’s nothing super special about the setting. And aside from the interesting structure, the story is pretty standard. But the characters themselves are fascinating and by far the strongest point of the novel. The main focus is obviously on Victor and Eli, and how they serve as foils to one another. Both are arrogant and straight-up terrible people, but the way they see the world differs greatly, and that’s ultimately what separates the “hero” of the story (Victor) from the villain (Eli). Gray versus black morality, hooray!
Seeing the initial relationship between the two leads and how it sours and twists over time is quite interesting. At first Eli seems to be the most level-headed of the two, but as the story develops you learn how fanatical and unhinged he really is. Dude just straight up embraces genocide after a point. Meanwhile, Victor is clearly a vindictive and selfish dick from the get-go, yet as Eli’s true nature shows, seems much less terrible by comparison. The story is sometimes a bit on-the-nose with the whole hero vs villain thing and how the two defy usual expectations, but it is still interesting to realize you’re genuinely rooting for Victor. Despite everything he’s a pretty likable character.
Aside from Victor and Eli, there are three supporting characters who substantially affect the story. Preteen Sydney gets the most screentime, and with Mitch (Victor’s bodyguard/hacker/cellmate) serves as the humanizing part of the story. Victor even seems to sort of care for the two! Though how much of that is genuine attachment versus just finding them useful is debatable. There’s a super twisted found family vibe with the trio which starts to form near the end (they adopt an undead dog and everything!). On the antagonistic side of things, we have Serena, Sydney’s older sister, who has the power to compel others. She’s pretty terrifying, and has her own twisted motivations for helping Eli. At times she’s honestly more unsettling than he is.
One of my main complaints about Vicious when I first read it was *just* as I started to really dig the side characters, their relationships, and their developments… the novel ended. Yes, Sydney gets significant development through the story. But Mitch and Serena get shafted. We only really get to know them toward the end of the novel with backstory dumps or a handful of perspective chapters. A lot of the novel’s real estate centers on Victor and Eli’s past, and while I think that’s an integral part of the novel, it feels like something is missing. At the time I thought this novel either needed to be longer or it needed a sequel. Well, now it has one of those things, so it will be interesting to see what Vengeful does with the characters.  
Thematically and philosophically there’s some interesting stuff going on. The hero vs villain thing is the most obvious, and as I mentioned gets pretty direct at times. But one idea I found interesting to consider is what happens to the souls of ExtraOrdinary people. It’s initially stated as fact that EOs lose a part of themselves when they die and return. They’re different, changed in a way they can’t quite describe. And for most of the novel this seems to be true. Victor and Eli both become twisted, detached people, obsessed with their own perceptions of reality. The two realize they should feel or think certain things and simply… don’t. Both attribute it to the fact they died and came back “wrong”. But the more we learn about both characters, the more we realize they were pretty much like that all along. The idea that people lose something doesn’t really hold up when you examine Sydney, who turns into a stronger and more vibrant person after coming back. It’s an interesting realization, because it highlights just how wrong Eli’s actions are.
There’s also a whole deal regarding God and spirituality vs science. Eli justifies nearly everything he does in the name of God, whereas Victor is an atheist— but the extent to which this affects things is a definite gray area. There are some uncanny coincidences in the story (like Victor discovering Sydney) that would be bad writing… except the characters notice it happening. On multiple occasions Victor notes that if God or Fate exists, it seems to be siding with him, not Eli. Even the formation of ExtraOrdinary abilities is bizarre. One gets superpowers based on their final thoughts and feelings? That’s so decidedly unscientific, especially from something that starts as a science experiment, that it really sticks out to me. Is there more to this dichotomy? I guess we’ll see if the sequel explores it more.
There are some small details I really like, but I think my favorite is the blackout poetry thing. There’s just something interesting and really funny about Victor defacing his famous parents’ self-help books. He mentions it’s one of the best gifts he got in prison, and it’s also one of the first things he does when he gets out. Probably the funniest part in the whole story is an intense chase scene where Victor is trying to escape someone through an unfamiliar house. He spots a Vale book on a shelf, and pauses EVERYTHING to just grab it and throw it out the window, then returns to the scene as if nothing happened. It’s just such an unnecessary detail that might have ended up on the cutting room floor but I honestly lost my shit laughing.
The ending is also viscerally satisfying. So much stuff ties together well. While the novel is about Victor and Eli and (ultimately) Victor’s revenge, you don’t actually learn much about his plan until it happens. A lot of lines and actions read differently in context of the ending, which is always something I like in a story.
(And here’s a totally skippable aside— *is* there some connection between this series and Monsters of Verity? The latter is a young adult duology by Schwab, which I read and reviewed here and here. But the first book has an opening quote from Victor. Hell, it’s part of the quote I picked for this review. They don’t seem to be in the same universe but… maybe they are? It’s just such a goddamn weird choice to quote a “V. Vale” at the beginning of an unrelated series. Maybe Vengeful has an explanation? Maybe Schwab just really liked that whole monsters vs humans line? I have no idea.)
Anyway, yeah, that’s Vicious! It’s certainly a fun one to read. The writing is punchy and easy to get through. The conflict between Victor and Eli is very well written and compelling. And, as I mentioned, the characters are the strong point (in my opinion, anyway), so if you enjoy character-driven media I definitely recommend it. Just note my caveat about some of the character development. Skip it if you’re one of those people bothered by Bad People Doing Bad Things In Fiction or think portraying Bad People Doing Bad Things is somehow Endorsing Bad Things. If dark stories aren’t your thing you definitely won’t enjoy this one. There are some aspects of the story that I feel could have been smoother or done differently, most of which I touch on in the review. I think Schwab has improved a lot since writing it, which is one reason I’m excited that my next read is the 2018 sequel.
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