#those bronte sisters tho
So Jane Eyre is actually really very good huh
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100% done w kotlc book one, here are my summarized thoughts (you can read my thoughts as i progressed through the book, heres my thoughts from when i hit the 25% mark, the 50% mark, and the 75% mark)
okay, woooowwwww. that ending was so chaotic, i barely understood a thing. prolly the only thing i dont like abt this book. i might need to reread to like properly soak in everything that happened
onto notes, my guess abt biana was right ??? woah okay. i wonder about alvar tho, it wasnt confirmed here that hes w the black swam but it wasnt denied either. we still dont know who snuck the notes into her locker, n ill believe that its alvar until proven otherwise
i think its fairly obvious in retrospect that mr forkle was some kinda elf, the way he reacted to the jogger was wayy too protective. rlly smooth foreshadowing there, miss messenger
i had also guessed that sophies powers stretch a lot further than she thinks, which is basically very heavily hinted at by aldin. since i made that guess we discovered shes a polyglot and an inflictor, which is mind boggling considering those were both in the span of like fifty pages max. i wonder what else we're gonna get in terms of sophies powers
also, is it weird that i laughed at the idea of bronte teaching sophie? shes been complaining abt her alchemy mentor but now its gonna be bronte. hes gonna make her life living hell, n i promise i feel for her but dear god is it gonna be funny. either that or ill daydream abt boiling him alive
its also fairly obvious by now that the series is gonna have a romantic subplot with a love triangle between keefe n sophie n fitz. i mean, fitz n keefe are best friends n she found both of them cute on sight, it was obvious from the beginning, but the "i like you more as a friend than a sister" thing that fitz said at the end (or smth to that effect) basically guaranteed it. since i obv have moots who post abt kotlc, i already know who its gonna be, but lets pretend i dont for the time being
also, perhaps i judged fitz too harshly upon first meeting him 👉🏼👈🏼
im still fairly suspicious abt the allergy n (as i mentioned) alvar, but also i wonder abt keefes dad. theres more to him, i just know it. maybe in book two ill find out more
also can i just say, im terrified for the next one. its literally called 'exile'. WHAT HAPPENS TO SOPHIE PLEA-
thats all i can think of rn, time to go read the next one !! also yall lmk if you want me to post my thoughts abt book two as i progress, like i did w this one (imma start it as soon as i post this), n also lmk if you wanna be tagged in said posts about my thoughts
@aylin-hijabi @that-multi-fandom-hijabi @tastetherainbow290
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I am OBS3SSED with your Prussia content! It's awesome that there's a writer out there who doesn't focus on "look at me im zee awesome Prussia!!" but really writes him as complex!! which of your fics are your faves tho? Do you have any? Sorry if this was a weird ask but I was just so curious! Love your blog!! 😘
Oh my goodness, Anon. Thank you for this ask, but I must admit Lovely that choosing a favorite fic is like having a mother choose her favorite child. ^_^;
But! I shall prevail.
Fair warning that I'm also pulling some fics from my DeviantArt account which haven't been posted here before, as they still hold a very special place in my heart.
Also, these are no in particular order~
First up is one of my personal favourites: a date at McDonald's. That probably sounds like grounds for some level of chaos, but it's actually one of the softer, quieter Prussia stories I've published so far. A long day turns into a quiet night together, and Gil brings up a topic he's been wondering about for quite a while. I have a weakness for liminal spaces, and this remains one of my all time faves.
For more tenderness, there's always zärtlich, which still fills my heart with all the good kinds of warm. A quiet house, a semi-ridiculous husband, and all the nuances that come with it. Plus, there's an added sense of domesticity that seems so rare for me to be able to properly pin down.
I'm also kind of in love with the Gil who appears in a Bronte based request. No audience, no distractions. Just an old swing, a forest, a book, and a conversation. And maybe a little bit of cuddling. It's... essentially all I want out of a partner for our quiet moments, truthfully.
From my DA days, I have Knight in Alabaster, with a lot of pondering, a bit of silliness, and overall just a feeling of warmth and comfort, an atmosphere of relaxation and familiarity. Also features a mention of Nyo!Prussia, so that remains a firm win in my mind.
For more chaos though, I absolutely love the ask where Germany decides to tease Prussia about his crush. I adore their relationship, and I still laugh once in a while thinking of how Lud and Gil bicker with each other throughout the whole affair. Plus, I love that I get to mention some of the many other characters in the series. They all have different relationships with each other, and I really wanted to hint at some of the different bonds here and there. (Turkey and Ireland arm wrestling? Yes; that is a thing I want to see.)
I loved exploring a bit of Austria and Prussia's relationship in the sequel? prequel? sister? fic to my vampire au. It's not a lot of interaction, but I love highlighting the subtle rivalry there, but even more I love getting the chance to sink my teeth more into some of Gil's history in that one. He also is kind of deliciously possessive in that one, which makes it all the more a fave for me. ^_^;
Another fic which hits on both that delightful darkness and the historical allure is überwältigen. That's one of those fics that kind of haunted me for several days before I finally surrendered and wrote it down, and it still lingers with me. I read once that Prussia was actually going to be the villain in Hetalia, and I think that played a huge role in this one.
And really, I love exploring his dark side, just a bit. If Scarred Torment, a tortuous little thing, proves anything, it's that I have been kind of interested in that darkness for... a while. I may explore some more of it later; it's always super intriguing (and admittedly alluring) to see what makes a good man snap.
And finally on this list, I think I'll end with heimweh, a story I wrote about coming home. This one is set quite some time after a huge fight, and while I don't go into details, I try to focus on the mutual longing, the hurt, the forgiveness. Arguments are natural in any relationship, but what makes or breaks them is the ability to talk it out, to compromise and, hopefully, find forgiveness.
I'm sure there are others I'm not even thinking of offhand, Lovely, but I hope this kind of answered your question? ^_^;
Thank you so much for the ask!
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
i know this is a very serious chapter but at the moment um-
1- tam has glowing eyes, like a cat. tam is cat. catboy tam.
2- isn't this the plot of one of those gnome movies? where all the gnomes go missing? /j lh
3- THEY ALL GOT THE WINGS! (redbull needs to get on quil's level, smh)
serious chapters can still be funny and laughable!! I like looking at them with different moods in mind!!
1. catboy. catboy tam. now i'm just thinking of catboy bronte and fintan again--okay but also. i think tam is a lot like a cat so i love this comparison. he may not be like my cat, who is a heinous bastard and is somehow always in the most inconvenient place possible, but i think he's cat-like nonetheless. oo!! idea!! my little sister has this headband with two little black pom poms on either side that kinda look like panda ears that she's never gone a day without since she first got them several years ago, so maybe tam could have something similar but with cat ears!!
2. I think I have a faint idea of what gnome movies you're talking about (like the gnomeo and juliet?) but I don't think I've ever actually watched them fully. I've seen snippets as my sister watched them a few years ago, but aside from that I couldn't say!! that is a hilarious idea tho--
3. yes!! wings!! fight me, redbull!! (/j). took them long enough to get there!! but legit tho I remember writing the first few chapters and realizing I was over 10,000 words into the story and they still weren't close to having their wings and i think that's when I first realized how big of a project this was going to be. and now!! we're at almost 76,000 words with another 8,000 set to be released tomorrow. it just keeps growing!
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laemony · 4 years
What I’ve read in 2020!
Welcome back to this thing I started in 2017 and still don’t know WHY it should matter!
2017  2018  2019
This year has been a shit show but I must admit I’ve read quite a lot (who knew that staying at home with nothing else to do, except watching the world burn, could lead to this?!) Anyway! This is it, enjoy!
WAR AND PEACE, L. TOLSTOY – biggest book I’ve ever read in my life, I don’t know how but it’s never boring, I loved the characters and I adored the historical knowledge; the two subjects mix, when people are at war they miss peace, and when they are at peace they miss and look for war; it’s full of time skips in a very Russian fashion… only thing it bothered me, in my edition at least, all the paragraphs written in French didn’t have a translation, I hope I didn’t lose too many infos lol 8,5/10
PERSUASION, J. AUSTEN – this book! A surprise, a revelation, a discovery! Brilliant! Funny! Lovely! Anne’s expressions of her family are hilarious; one of my favourites so far, even if “lost love who is not as forgotten as you thought they would be” sounds way too much like the story of my life 10/10
THE YEARS, V. WOOLF – it felt lonely, yet lively; a bit hopeless, but not too sad; the chatter, the teasing, is all very familiar, as if she wrote about my own family; simple in its day-to-day life; felt like autumn (if it makes sense????) 8/10
THE DEAD SOULS, N. GOGOL – ridiculous characters, ridiculous conversations, I loved the ironic way it depicts Russian society and its people; the last chapter is a mess, I couldn’t imagine how it could end and to be honest I still have no idea 7,5/10
THE PROCESS, F. KAFKA – no time-line; not a single emotion, not from the characters neither from the author; a cold, indifferent depiction of a series of facts, which are everything but clear; not an inch of silence, just words; it tired me out, I just needed a bit more silence 5/10
THE WHITE GUARD, M. BULGAKOV – I simply love how he writes (wrote??) and his characters are always so unique and interesting; I adore the references to Tolstoy and Dostoevskij; this book has more of a painting than a book; it’s an impressive recount of a fundamental historical moment; the end is not clear but beautiful 9,5/10
THE HANDMAID’S TALE, M. ATWOOD – I thought I wouldn’t have been able to stomach it, and then I found out that there’s a right way to tell a story about violence and she mastered it; cruel people are just that, no craziness, no dark past, just thirst for power and the confidence of knowing what’s best for everyone; it gave me chills, it made me angry; I love how she writes, it’s the first time a first person pov doesn’t make me want to tear my eyes off my face… people who watched the series: do you know what’s the real name of Offred? I need it 10/10
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, J. AUSTEN – as usual, her books must be read in one breath; Jane and Charles’ story is my favourite; I love Mr Bennet as much as I can’t suffer everyone’s sisters (except Miss Darcy of course); it has an amazing mix of characters, I absolutely love the drama that follows Mr Darcy; I honestly expected a more dramatic confession at the end but it was great 9/10
NOTES FROM A DEATH HOUSE, F. DOSTOEVSKY – a bit too auto-biographic for my tastes, but I adored his depiction of a humanity which is often forgotten; it’s very disturbing in its actuality if you stop to think about it; he never tires himself saying that those “criminals” are also and foremost human beings 7,5/10
ASYLUM, P. MCGRATH – the first part is fast-paced, it leaves you breathless and with an anxious need to keep on reading; then it started to be a little more psychological and it kinda bored me; I liked the narrator very much, it was really disturbing 7,5/10
DOCTOR ZIVAGO, B. PASTERNAK – every Russian book I’ve read gave me a glimpse of Russian history and culture, yet they’re all different and I think that’s often underappreciated. Now, this book. This book is, simply put, breath-taking. The landscapes are immense and colourful, the talent of this man is unparalleled; it has a devastating end, it’s a book I’ll probably read over and over again just ‘cause reading it is “such a sweet sorrow” 10/10 (this rec is shorter than what it should have been in my mind, but I’d probably end up talking about this book and only this book so that’s it, it’s called self-control)
EMMA, J. AUSTEN – at first I was annoyed by Emma’s character, but then she proved herself so oblivious it started to become pretty funny; I can’t get over how much people talk in this book, the irony is SO on point, I love it; I probably like it more than Persuasion, because there are so many twists that the ending left me really surprised for once. And let me tell you, Jane Austen is THE BEST at depicting insufferable people 10/10
UNO, NESSUNO, E CENTOMILA, L. PIRANDELLO – look at me, reading Italian literature, world must be ending… to be honest? I don’t remember much of it? And I didn’t take notes as I usually do? I must’ve been bored out of my mind… I’ll give it a 6/10 on trust alone because I know Pirandello is great lol
HIS DARK MATERIALS, P. PULLMAN – finally got to this and it left me pretty confused; the first book is great, I loved the characters and the scenery, but in the other two I felt like too many things were left unexplained and Lyra’s character too lost some of its greatness; the end brought very little clarity, if at all, and of course I hated it with a passion; I don’t think he expressed the maximum potential of the world he built, but I liked it alright 7,5/10
1984, G. ORWELL – saying I was disappointed might be an understatement; I like how it’s written but the story in itself is frustrating, frankly boring, and disappointing, especially the end; you don’t build so much tension just to end it like that! Tho, maybe that’s exactly what he wanted to convey; everything is pretty much hopeless, made me angry 7/10
CARRIE, S. KING – first of his book I’ve ever read, AND I LOVED IT; it’s not a style I like very much, letting us know how it will end since the beginning, but it was great, magnificent, empowering; I don’t know if I’ll ever have the patience to read the others (they’re all so big) but this certainly got me curious 9/10
JACOB’S ROOM, V. WOOLF – confusing, very confusing, more confusing than anything of hers; of course it’s very beautifully written, but I have no idea what happened there 6,5 maybe 7/10?
THE WITCH, S. JACKSON – my personal Halloween challenge begins with this; short, CREEPY, VERY CREEPY, to the point (what point?); absolutely loved it 8/10
THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE, S. JACKSON – listen, creepy houses are my jam, they’re the best; my first impression of the characters went like this: they’re all batshit crazy, I love them; it honestly gave me nightmares; I wish I would’ve read it in English tho 8/10
THE ABC MURDERS, A. CHRISTIE – the queen of plot-twists herself, she never disappoints; not my favourite, mind you, but it was great how she built the story of the murderer just to… well, you’ll have to read it 7,5/10
THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER, E. A. POE – I love when short stories such as this leave so much space around them to build whatever plot your imagination can come up with; it’s great, even left like it is 8/10
THE PENELOPIAD, M. ATWOOD – whatever guys, this woman has the ability to write the worst things in such a delicate way simply out of this world; I ADORE HER 9/10
THE UNCOMMON READER, A. BENNETT – hilarious from start to finish, kinda frustrating in the way only royal etiquette can be; I love how the Queen relates to others and I adored her inner monologue; the end is brilliant and the whole book (more or less 100 pages) feels like a breath of fresh air 8/10
THE COMEDY OF ERRORS, W. SHAKESPEARE – funny, brilliant, it became one of my favourite comedies (and there aren’t many of them) 8/10
CYMBELINE, W. SHAKESPEARE – nice little thing, with all the ingredients of a tragedy but with a happy ending; for a moment I thought it would end in a King Lear’s way, glad it didn’t 7,5/10
THE TAMING OF THE SHREW, W. SHAKESPEARE – the first of Shakespeare’s plays that I didn’t like at all, and I think the reasons are pretty clear to whoever has read it; it kinda felt “out of character” for him, but maybe I’m just an ignorant 4/10
ARIEL, S. PLATH – raw, powerful, sad, everything I expected of it, I also have the best edition ever, she’s great 8/10
POEMS FROM THE MOOR, E. BRONTE – the talent, the power of this woman; I’ll cry the loss of the Gondal’s saga for the rest of my life 8/10
LETTERS TO A YOUNG POET, R. M. RILKE – amazing, the thins this man could write even in such a trivial thing as a letter, I love him 10/10
MARINA CVETAEVA – I must admit, I like her prose better than her poetry; her letters are heart breaking yet so full of enthusiasm you can’t help but feel for her; also, she loves Boris as much as I do, her letters to him are my favourite thing in the world 9/10
BORIS PASTERNAK – this man was the best present this year could give me, do yourself a favour and go read him 10/10
SPECIAL MENTION: THE SECRET HISTORY, D. TARTT – I may have a problem with her books, but I’ve started this in January and never got the patience to finish it; chapters WAY too long, characters that are so insufferable they can’t be real; pretentious, boring… I can’t give it a rating because I didn’t finish it and I’m not a monster, but the bar is very low
This is it I guess! I hope I gave you a little bit of entertainment, this is something I usually do for myself but I’m glad to share with you every year. I wish you a better end of 2020 than the whole, stay strong and stay safe!  A virtual hug to everyone 💚💚💚 
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metvmorqhoses · 6 years
i just came across your blog from your amazing art taste. how did you come to get into such classical striking styles? from your love of donna tartt i assume it carried through to other art forms. what are some of your favourite artists or themes (could be visual, musical, literary etc)?
first of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart because this ask really made my day, you’re a sweetheart.
actually, i think if i have to track down a literary origin point for my art taste (even if it’s not entirely true it all originated in that specific way, it’s truer to state i was born with it, i would roam around the louvre or versailles at six and already feel so in awe and in my element, or i would arrive in rome at nine and feel home), but the real turning point of my artistic taste was the art for art’s sake movement, walter pater and oscar wilde. only ten years later i discovered donna tartt, and i had already graduated from my classics high school and in general studied the classics for ten years - yes, donna tartt added a great deal of beauty in my life, but i was already completely part of that world, so to speak.
it’s so difficult to list all the artists, and styles, and in general all the beauty that daily inspires my life, the right answer would be, “everything that strikes me within and that i find beautiful”, and that can be literally anything, but i can try, for art’s sake :)
art genres and movements:
mythology, classicism, neoclassicism, medioeval art, romanticism, gothic, surrealism, baroque, high renaissance art, impressionism, pop-art, street art, urban art, and photorealism.
dark magic, classicism, dark and soft mythology, dark academia, pretentiousness and dandyism
sophocles, euripides, sappho, homer, ovid, oprheus, plato, saint john, catullus, seneca, lucanus, héloïse, petrarch, dante, boccaccio, machiavelli, kyd, marlowe, shakespeare, keats, hölderlin, goethe, byron, mary shelley, shelley, the bronte sisters, walter pater, oscar wilde, baudelaire, de saint-exupéry, hugo, dumas, woolf, joyce, d’annunzio, ungaretti, montale, quasimodo, lewis, talkien, fizgerald, pessoa, saramago, kundera, nietzsche, tartt, pullman, rowling, carey, weis, hickman, bulgakov, nabokov, rushdie, salinger, colli, baricco, pirandello, calasso, kerenyi, proust, my dead poets and, obviously, myself.
the greek myths, the poetic edda, the orphic hymns, the bacchae, iphigenia in aulis, the iliad, the metamorphosis, the letters of abelard and héloïse, the divine comedy, the prince, the spanish tragedy, tamerlaine the great, marlowe’s doctror fausts and goethe’s doctor faustus, macbeth, romeo and juliet, the tempest, a midsummer night’s dream, julius caesar, the modern prometeous, jane eyre, wuthering heights, walter pater’s the reinassaince, the picture of dorian gray, the profundis, the importance of being earnest, the flowers of evil, the little prince, la esmeralda, the count of montecristo, the three musketeers, mr dallaway, the waves, orlando, paradise lost, the dubliners, the pleasure, the chronicles of narnia, the lord of the rings, the silmarillion, the great gatsby, the book of disquiet, blindness, the unbearable lightness of being, the greek tragedy, thus spoke zarathustra, his dark materials, harry potter, the kushiel’s legacy, the dragonlance saga, the secret history, the goldfinch, the little friend, the name of the rose, lolita, the master and margarita, the satanic verses, the greek sapience, oceansea, silk, remembrance of things past, the wedding of cadmus and armonia, the catcher in the rye, the elegance of the hedgehog, dracula, the phantom of the opera, elective affinities, the sorrows of young werther, venus in furs.
painters, sculptors and artists:
caravaggio, botticelli, da vinci, michelangelo, canova, dalì, klimt (who is my absolute favorite), fontana, de chirico, marina abramovich, waterhouse, dicksee.
lars von trier, baz luhrmann, wes anderson, michael gondry, the wachowski sisters, sorrentino.
only lovers left alive, her, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, mood indigo, nymphomaniac, dogville, manderlay, melancholia, antichrist, breaking the waves, moulin rouge!, the great gatsby, birdman, beginners, as good as it gets, trainspotting, fight club, amelie, breakfast at tyffany’s, submarine, seeking a friend for the end of the world, frank, american beauty, dead poets society, kill your darlings, the book thief, the importance of being earnest, joan of arc, elizabeth: the golden age, the name of the rose, the best offer, the great beauty, the trials of oscar wilde, the hours, the phantom of the opera, the mask of zorro, thelma, gone with the wind, troy, la haine, orlando, lord of the rings, dragonheart, ladyhawke, interview with the vampire, bram stocker’s dracula, last tango in paris, dangerous liasons, this beautiful fantastic, the dreamers, band a part.
tv series:
sherlock, the young pope, penny dreadful, sense8, kidding, westworld, peaky blinders, the man in the high castle, genius, the tudors, versailles, vikings, the 100, the handmaid’s tale, poldark, outlander, game of thrones, da vinci’s demons, dracula, the originals, the count of montecristo.
the phantom of the opera, love never dies, notredame de paris, the lion king, les miserables, anastasia, le moulin rouge,
leonard cohen, medieval organ music, tom waits, lana del rey, helsey, lou reed, bright eyes, all disney honestly, chopin, laura marling, natalie merchant, bjork, roberto vecchioni, the phantom of the opera: 25th anniversary soundtrack, love never dies: london soundtrack, fabrizio de andrè, nick cave, placebo, kamelot, adele, 30 seconds to mars, elton john, ramazzotti, bocelli, evanescence, zucchero, sinatra, garbage, hans zimmer, jeff buckley, david bowie, mina, pink floyd, mumford & sons, oasis, nostalghia, queen, notre-dame the paris italian soundtrack, sia, the cure, the phantom of the opera italian sound track, lucifer’s sound track, U2, wagner.
those are just a few off the top of my head, but i’m sure i forgot thousands. hope you’ll enjoy them tho, and being inspired by them as i am!
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grelleswife · 5 years
Oh man those are good questions! Ugh I don't wanna spam you tho 🙈 uhh 3, 5 7 and 20!! If you can haha ❤
3. Least favorite part of writing.
Having to come up with “connective tissue” to link the parts of a story that excite me most. It’s hard to resist the temptation to skip past the necessary exposition and transition material and head straight for the good stuff! Another annoyance for me personally is the amount of time I need to invest to write well. Most of my works take at least three hours to write, if not more (and I’m only counting the actual writing process, not the hours I spend daydreaming in the shower, while commuting, etc.).
5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most.
Hmm...I think Dickens, Austen, and the Bronte sisters all had an influence, since I was first introduced to their works as an impressionable little middle schooler. And Yana Toboso’s art is an inspiration to me, as well. In a sense, I often try to emulate the beauty of her work in my own prose for Kuro fics, though I fall woefully short most of the time.
7. Favorite author.
Probably Tolstoy. I adore his worldbuilding-- the sprawling cast of characters and the little details that bring their universe to life. He makes you feel like you’re standing right in the midst of the action. Dickens is a close second for the same reason. In both cases, their works are like tapestries, with many intricate plots and subplots woven together into this gorgeous, cohesive whole.
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
This is an excerpt from Chapter 2 of Rosethorn, my Grellefellows fantasy AU; a bit of background info from Hannah’s perspective (Hannah’s a knight in this AU, while Grelle is a princess).
“It was much more sensible for Hannah to keep her distance, avoiding any interaction with the princess beyond superficial courtesies. Why subject herself to pointless heartache? The knight spent her few idle hours ensconced in her room with her beloved books. Among their pages, fragrant with that exquisite scent of knowledge and aged paper, she could slip away into other worlds and shake off the melancholy that wound about her heart like ivy. She sought solace in music, voicing her unrequited feelings on the harp, fingers summoning forth tunes so pure they might have been spun out of silver or starlight. Only the moon heard these secret lamentations.
But then had come the night of the ball.”
Thanks so much for the ask!
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santeria · 7 years
ok this is totally random but im waiting for s3 of voltron and its like 1am already and i just remembered, the books I ordered finally came in and they're books I read back when I was still like. 9 or 10 in Cuba and they were in Spanish and printed out on actual sheets of paper bc the library didn't have access to the hard copies bc they were foreign books. so they would just get a word doc with the translation instead and just print that. and honestly those books are so dear to me and tbqh one of the few good memories I have of my childhood? like, just getting lost in them helped a lot and kept me from going nuts. im pretty sure there's a correlation between me quitting smoking and the amount of books I started reading. I jumped from one (very bad) addiction to a better one, one that actually taught me the things that no one bothered to teach me. Sorry I know im rambling but it's just, having read books with such strong themes (like Jeffrey archers kane and Abel, holy shit that stuff was dark) as a kid who was going through the worst time of their lives it just. kinda gave me a much needed escape and it helped me learn what was right and what was wrong with the way i accepted the things that were done to me. Idk where the hell I was going with this but I guess the main take away is, I freaking love books man if you're curious the books I have so far are The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Eleven Minutes by him as well, and one of my favorite Barbara Wood works, hounds and jackals, (ALTHOUGH GREEN CITY UNDER THE SUN TAKES THE NUMBER ONE!!) The rest I still have to get. I liked some by Mary Higgins Clark but I think my fave is still Barbara wood. The Bronte sisters are pretty good too, tho their writing is not too much to my liking
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nootvanlis · 7 years
me: *sees Laura wearing old looking clothes, maybe Victorian style* OH SHIT ARE THEY GONNA GO BACK IN TIME???
MOVIE THEORY: TIME TRAVEL???? at least for part of the movie... it explains the bronte sisters and the ruffled outfit etc
Time travelling stuff gets really messy tho 😩  I am enjoying Elise in those dresses 😍
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