#though need to do some research abt how this would work out practically in the time period
ilaosi · 5 months
weird question, but since ur a zombie I need some help!
okay, so I'm writing about zombies and such and the actual physical symptoms of zombism are like vague. super vague.
I was wondering what your experience was?
idk wikipedia and all them are uselessssss, and I thought asking a zombie would just be easier than going and looking for 16th century whatevers.
so, if you don't mind what was it like? what sorts of symptoms did you have?
anyway thank you for reading your awesome!!!
omg hi im a bit late but this ask makes me so happy i love talking abt this stuff !!! :D i'd like to preface by saying i experience my kintypes in a way that sounds a lot like a past life but i don't consider that to be the case, i believe my memories are from some version of me in other universes/realities.
soo my response might not be the most helpful because i don't think i experience zombism in the way most ppl think of it? i wasn't infected or anything, i died a (somewhat) natural death & the next thing i knew i was kind of unknowingly digging myself out of my grave. i don't know how or why i was resurrected, if someone else did it, if i did it myself, if it was some kind of divine intervention, no clue. in the world i remember, zombies were a known phenomenon that hadn't yet been explained by science.
living people reacted to us in a lot of different ways, some kind of worshiped us and treated us like we were chosen by the gods or otherwise special, but most just thought it was weird/gross and tried to avoid us. a few ppl wanted to get rid of us because it was "unnatural and contagious" (it couldn't actually be transmitted like a disease, in my world at least), there was even a group of ppl who denied our existence entirely. it was also pretty common for medical students to (consensually, most of the time) practice their skills on zombies, kind of like they do in this world with corpses, but we were more convenient because it was really hard to kill us and we didn't really experience much pain, plus we could heal (to an extent), and we were pretty much immune to infection & other complications/side effects. i think it was also a way of gathering information for research since there wasn't much known about us or how/why we existed.
as for the symptoms & what it felt like - i remember when i first crawled out of the dirt the main thing i noticed was that my body was completely still. my heart didn't beat, the blood didn't flow in my veins, i didn't particularly feel the need to breathe or blink. i was just as disabled in that world as i am in this one, but after i died some of my disabilities didn't really affect me anymore. i wasn't in horrible pain in the way i usually am, i just felt like all of my skin was slightly bruised and there was a dull ache all over my body but it was easy to ignore, and my bones felt,, empty? my brainfog/dissociation got a lot worse though. all of my senses felt much more dull but i definitely still had them. it took more pressure for me to feel things touching my skin, my vision was cloudy and less colorful, i couldn't really smell or taste most things other than meat, blood, decay, dirt, mildew, etc. other smells/tastes would have to be really strong/intense for me to pick up on it at all. i was dead for about 3? days before i emerged, and i was buried in winter, so decomposition hadn't totally taken over yet. i did continue to decompose after that, but eventually i figured out that keeping myself fed (primarily with non-human brain matter & insects) would stop that process and sometimes even reverse the effects of it to an extent. if i went too long without feeding or if i fed on the wrong things too often i would feel really sick and my skin would get even more flaky. sometimes huge chunks of skin or even small body parts would fall off, but they could be successfully reattached by any doctor who was willing to work with zombies.
visually/appearance wise - i was more pale and my skin had a kind of light-grey-green-ish tint to it. the parts of me that fell off and had to be reattached ended up looking more purple-pink-ish for a while, but usually they'd go back to the grey-green color eventually. the whites of my eyes were more blue & my irises were dark grey. my veins were more visible through my skin and they were a lot darker, almost black. my natural hair color is brown and before i died i had my hair dyed black, afterwards the color just never faded and my hair didn't grow anymore so it didn't change much, but the areas where my roots were showing turned grey.
i can't rly think of any other specific things to talk about but if u have more questions or if u want more clarification on something i said here feel free to send another ask!!!
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quill-of-thoth · 2 years
Re: medical school in your post abt Watson and Holmes' ages: "medical school" isn't a thing in the UK. You study medicine as an undergraduate (i.e. straight out of school at 18) and the course takes 5-6 years depending on the university. So Watson's age is perhaps 18 + 5/6 + some years (?) in the army, i.e. 26 at least.
Hi Nonny, thank you so much for the information! Based on my research into the late 1800's, a five to six year medical school stint is less likely (though possible): most men going to medical school (read: attending university with the intent to get a medical degree, though there were some institutions that were only for studying medicine) and graduating in the 1870's and 1880's were emerging with MD degrees at the ages of 22 or 23. There just wasn't as much medicine to be schooled in yet. So this doesn't change too much regarding Dr. John Watson's biography prior to A Study in Scarlet Here are a handful of other doctors who graduated in the 1870's through 1900, for context. Dr. Theodore Acland (graduated age 22) Christopher Addison (graduated age 23) Thomas Allinson (graduated age 21) Alfred Barrs (graduated age 22) Thomas Bond (Graduated age 24, known for his work in criminal profiling, particularly for his attempts to profile Jack the Ripper)
You'll notice that all of these last names start with A or B, and that's just an artifact of how I checked my work. Once I found a list of late 19th century english physicians, and looked up a dozen famous doctors of the approximate right era I quit looking: the ones that were in their middle or late twenties when receiving their degrees were in the minority, likely because, for reasons I mentioned in the original timeline: the Victorian doctor spent two to three years on his professional education before getting a degree and entering some sort of practice - whether he became an army doctor like Watson, worked in a hospital, or became a junior partner in another physician's practice.
Wikipedia does a large list of famous 18th century doctors, for anyone else looking to do a little recreational research today. I've been sticking to people with articles that are more than stubs, with definite years of birth and graduation, (So not William Henry Allchin, great name by the way, who received his degree at age 25 but who I just don't have the data on to know if he started medical school a couple years later than average or what,) and unfortunately to the men, to make sure I'm getting a broad enough sample of Watson's contemporaries, given that a lot of women who were doctors did not take the exact same route in their studies, either needing to spend more time traveling to institutions that would take them, being denied entry to their examinations due to gender, or a whole host of other things. There were also a number of men finishing degrees at 25, even among the people I dismissed as being born too early to be a good comparison: not everybody went directly to medical school at 18 or 19, and of course you have to consider things like travel taking forever and disease being harder to treat when determining if any individual was a year behind or so in their course of study. Specializing into newer fields also took longer: briefly looking at people who went into neurology (then a much newer field) or specialized in pediatrics, they tended to gain their degrees a little later. (Fun note: While scraping through this list I found a couple of famous fellows named Beddoes: whether we decide Watson is searching for aliases to protect the guilty or Doyle is inventing names for characters, we may know where he got the name for poor Mr. Trevor's friend in The Gloria Scott.) As always, I am being incredibly normal about this. Hope it helped! Someone at least.
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
ive tried to write women so many times but have failed to the point theres barely any female characters in my stories. and im very aware this is a flaw in my writing because i dont hang around women often and the only long term contact with a female i have is with my family members i dont know how to write female characters on a personal level because i can never relate to them. this sucks ass but correct me if im wrong i think its better to not write female characters at all than write a shitty possibly offensive one even if i dont realize it
Okay, here's my take on what you're saying. I know for a fact that the most difficult things to write are things/situations/environments we know so little about. And it's even harder to get it right when it's a more sensitive thing, if yk what I mean. A huge perspective shift like this is definitely a challenge because men and women are quite different.
Here's the thing. I'm not trying to pressure you into writing them, but I'm telling you that even if you have problems with them now, doesn't mean you have to give up on writing them completely. If not writing them at all is your final decision, then that's still okay, still your call in the end, but if you do want to write them, it's very possible.
I know I write both male and female characters, but the first time I ever officially wrote smth that wasn't for school, it was with a female protag because ultimately, I see the world from the eyes of a woman. When I decided to write a male character for a more serious project, I realised I needed to research it. And lemme tell you that again, not every piece of advice in a writing help article is always applicable. It's largely based on the author's own personal experiences. They're more like tips than rules you must adhere to.
Please note that I've spent considerable time around men I'm close to in my family, I had male classmates and currently have a friend who's a guy, so that definitely helps. And it's completely understandable that you haven't spent enough time around women to grasp more about them Ig. My male characters are not exactly copy-paste of these men/boys either, but some of their traits and mannerisms may be connected.
And you not relating to them is completely okay. I'm not very likely to relate to parts of my male character's life that come with him being a man, but what I can relate to is what makes him human. There is definitely an overlap in several traits between men and women. For example, the way I would feel angry abt smth would be different from how a guy Ik would feel angry about the same thing. The key is simply to avoid bad cliches.
Again, I'm not trying to get you to write them if you really don't want to. Forcing yourself to write smth you don't want to definitely won't help, and won't create good pieces of writing. But just in case you wish to in the future, you can practice and research and test it out, and fun fact, part of it involves a little bit of winging it. I've done this for like genres/ideas I haven't tried before, and surprisingly it actually works. But, tbf, it's a lot more difficult when the issue at hand is the opposite gender.
And answering your last question, while it doesn't mean you must give up completely and you will never be able to do it, I can agree that no representation is better than a poorly represented character. Though, there is a chance you might be too harsh on yourself, since Idk exactly what any female characters you've written are like.
And about my reblog on that post abt writing women, Ig it was more aimed at people who've never tried or misrepresent women by applying a crap ton of harmful stereotypes to them. You seem to have made a genuine effort, so that's a pretty good thing.
Sorry for the long post, and thank you for the ask.
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i have some charthur fic ideas stewing in my head but consider:
epilogue charles + arthur taking in street kids
i think arthur would see hosea in that and the bits of dutch he remembered as a father :(
charles lost his family young and seemed to have been alone for a while. think both of them would like helping kids out of the position they were once in themselves, this time w/o setting them up for a future of violence
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justsoth1rsty · 3 years
hi! so this is a really specific request but I was thinking abt it for a while 😅😅 can I request traveling hcs w junho? like how he takes care of u during trips, types places he likes to visit, how he’s like on the plane, is he picky with hotels, little traveling quirks he has, stuff like that! 💗 I love traveling but I haven’t done it in a while and this is all that’s been on my mind lately 💔 I love ur work btw!! 🥰
Literally the same second i saw this my head just FLOODED with ideas and all i have to say for the love of creepy porcelain doll, please let me travel with Jun-ho.
Traveling! headcanons Jun-ho x reader
- First of all. First of all. This man will fall asleep the second his ass hits the seat. It’s like he got hit to his head with a brick and he’s just out.
- He always lets you to take the window seat too, he doesn’t need to see anything anyway. He does rest his head on your shoulder though.
- Also if you happen to have a fear of flying he’ll be there reassuring you all the time, holding your hand.
- Always in bigass hoodie and baggy sweatpants in airport, he puts comfort before anything else whenever he’s traveling.
- Does not understand the people who willingly sit on the plane with jeans on.
- That being said he always goes to the airport super early so that you two will have few hours to kill before your flight. Though the time is usually spend in a tax-free shop, sniffing some perfumes and laughing at the tacky souvenirs.
- Jun-ho also always makes a playlist for your trip. Always. If he doesn’t he’s not going.
- He’s not picky about the places you two go, all that matters to him that he’s on a vacation with you as long as it’s relatively safe place. Yes he does his research.
- So he mostly just listens to your suggestions. But he does have to admit he likes to visit cities with a lot of culture and things to do and see.
- But he does love Europe. Especially the small villages in the middle of nowhere you two can drive while watching the scenery and stopping by the most random places possible.
- Current favorite country is Switzerland just because of alpine skiing. He loves it. Though he loves to mess around in the snow too.
- Almost broke a rib once while skiing and you haven’t gone back since.
- Likes comfy hotels and his only requirement is that the bed is big enough for cuddling with you and that the room is clean because there is no way in hell he’s staying somewhere which looks straight from a murder scene.
- Will fuck around with the soaps in the hotel just for the fun of it. Yes such a basic thing but he steals them always. police who
- Sometimes you’ll see him practically glued to the TV and when you ask if he even knows what’s the show is about he’ll just say “I have no idea but it’s dramatic so we’re watching it.”
- Far more comfortable with PDA during traveling and is constantly holding your hand if it’s possible.
- But even if he’s letting his guard down, he’s constantly looking over you in case you start to feel sick.
- Always have a bottle of water ready for you and yes he does remind you to stay hydrated if you’re getting distracted.
- Gives you small massages whenever you two are on the hotel room.
- Oh- also would prefer that the hotel has a bathtub....for obvious reasons i don’t think i have to explain why.
- Usually just wanders around in his boxers in the hotel room, not that you mind.
- Jun-ho likes to visit museums whenever there is one worth going, he’s incredibly curious about history and he’ll drag you with him 
- Also enjoys wandering through local markets and buying fresh fruits and shit. Which usually leads you two to go to the park or somewhere quiet where you can enjoy the said fruits together.
- Nightlife. You two will have some late night walks, which sometimes may or may not turn into visiting a neat bar, pub or club.
- It’s mostly only because you are curious about what they look like.
- That being said he actually really enjoys visiting tiny cozy cafes with not many people in them, for him they’re like a tiny heaven in the middle of a chaos.
- And also local restaurants. Like i said he really just wants to know and learn more about different cultures and “weird” food around the world.
- Just don’t let him buy a cook book for your own good okay?
- Jun-ho hates doing schedules when in his free time because they make him anxious so it’s either spontaneous idea to visit somewhere or just don’t hit the time you want to visit somewhere into the stone.
- He deserves his damn peace.
- Now that i mentioned the spontaneous thing...he does have stupid ideas from time to time, might want to go hiking one day and then visit the closest small village the next.
- Always buys a small thing for you to remember about the trip, for example a small plushie or a bookmark.
- Traveling with Jun-ho is a healthy combination of lazy days and days you fear for your life do something new and exciting.
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
hi! can I request some shower hcs for kuroo, bokuto, akaashi, and kageyama? maybe some nsfw if you’re feeling spicy 👉👈
i’m hoping u mean showering with their s/o? cuz like....idk i dont wanna write abt their shower routines lmao. these are ordered from sfw to nsfw, cuz i was only feeling a little bit spicy today. also sorry they’re so uneven in length ajfkdfkdl 
gender neutral reader
bokuto koutarou (sfw)
-sometimes when you’re showering, koutarou will just appear in there with you. you don’t even hear him coming, he sneaks in like a cat. you’re just peacefully rinsing yourself under the hot water, then you turn around and there’s a wild naked bokuto in the shower with you who wasn’t there previously. and when you jump because his presence caught you off guard and scared you, he’ll laugh like a maniac
-and he’ll say that he missed you and whine about not getting invited to shower with you, and you’ll say “there was a reason for that,” and he’ll act like he didn’t hear you even though you’re standing right next to him
-showering with bokuto takes infinitely longer than showering on your own. so if you’re in a rush: good luck 
-he is most definitely a water hog - it’s like he doesn’t even see you standing off to the side freezing and waiting for him to share - which he won’t do unless you force him to
-koutarou loves using your shower products; it’s such a small thing but it’s something that makes him really happy. he thinks it’s cute to smell like you 
-he also loves washing your hair for you, and he’s surprisingly really good at it. he’s gentle and focused and hardly knows what he’s doing but he always ends up doing a great job; eventually he gets so good at it that you begin to ask him to do it. his fingers massaging your scalp feel wonderful - the man’s got magic hands
kageyama tobio (sfw) 
-tobio takes lots of showers ‘cause he gets dirty a lot - from sweaty volleyball practices and even sweatier volleyball games - so if you’re ever looking for him, the shower should be the first place you check (if he’s not there then honestly who knows where the hell he is) 
-he absolutely loves when you join him, but of course he’s incredibly shy at first; he tells you “don’t look!” and his eyes are constantly averted to the side or up at the ceiling. he really enjoys having your company, but it’s hard for you to tell because he literally keeps his back turned to you the majority of the time 
-but one evening, he gets home and he’s in such an obvious slump that you feel your heart ache just looking at him. and for the first time, he was the one who asked you to join him in the shower - every time before this, you were the one who made the offer. of course you said yes, despite being caught off guard, and when you were under the falling water together, he pulled you close. almost as if he was inspired by the downpour of hot water, his words seemed to pour out of him; he told you about his bad day, his shitty practice, all of his annoying teammates, his asshole of a coach, and the long list of self doubts he had - he told you them as if he was trying to convince you to doubt him, too, and even though it was hard not to interrupt, you stood in his arms and listened, polite and patient 
-and when he was finished, he listened just as patiently to you explaining to him why all those self doubts are wrong. and the water would get cold soon, you knew that, but you couldn’t leave that shower without showing him as much love as you possibly could; you wouldn’t be satisfied until you got to admire every inch of him; you weren’t going anywhere until he knew how great he was 
-and doing this became somewhat of a habit; multiple times a week when tobio gets home from practice or a game, he’ll invite you to the shower with him and you get all your body worshipping out of your system. your hands roam as they please as you do him the favor of washing his body, and he absolutely loves the time of being loved on and cared for
akaashi keiji (mild)
-the two of you rarely shower together, because keiji prefers to shower before work in the mornings and he’s got his routine down to a strict science, so there really isn’t time for you to join him then
-but sometimes after a date night or a long night out with friends, one of you will lead the other to the shower - usually it’s akaashi dragging you there. sometimes he needs a hot shower to finish the night, and he just has to have that shower with you. especially if you’re getting home from a romantic night - he’s never ready for those sweet nights to end, and there’s nothing more romantic than undressing each other and taking a steaming shower together. keiji is a stickler for romance and will find any excuse to prolong passion 
-typically, it’s a long shower filled with slow kisses and whispered i love you’s; sometimes it’s foreplay for what happens in the bedroom - or on the bathroom counter - later. and other times it’s just that, simple loving and no judging, a way to relax with each other without having to do a thing. moments shared in the shower are some of akaashi’s favorites 
kuroo tetsurou (nsfw)
-showering together is pretty routine for you two. kuroo always says “why waste water when we can just shower together?” and he does have a point. at first there’s a lot of fumbling around, and it’s honestly pretty awkward, but after awhile the two of you get really good at showering together and develop a shower routine  
-and once you two do get good at it, that leaves a lot of extra time for doing other things!
-but those things just end up being, you guessed it, awkward and clumsy. neither of you know what to do with your hands or where to put your feet. tetsurou hits your head on the wall at least half a dozen times. everything is slippery and the chances of falling are way too high for your liking. it’s like you’re both virgins all over again. shower sex isn’t even half as fun as everyone makes it out to be, and it’s frustrating for both of you
-but tetsurou is persistent, and so, by extension, you are as well. he wants it to be as good and hot and steamy as everyone says it is; you just want to have a good time. so kuroo does research (watches porn) and the two of you practice a lot, which leads to a lot of… learning… 
-he’ll be kissing your neck and feeling you up before you can even finish washing yourself, but tetsurou doesn’t care. he wants you up against the wall, hands pressed against the tile, his chest to your back and your hips the perfect handles to hold onto; he wants you on your knees, taking his length in your mouth, not caring how the water is pouring down onto you; he wants your legs around his waist, moving your hips to meet his every thrust, kissing his neck and leaving as many marks on his skin as you want 
-it may be obvious, but with a lot of trial and error, the two of you completely master every aspect of showering together
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ncvcmbcrflush · 4 years
It is 1am and i just finished s2, so this is gonna be long and rambling and misspelled and im sorry okay?
I am not thrilled with the writing of klaus this season, can I just say? They completely undid all of his substantial development in s1, while also removing a good chunk of his positive qualities.
There were scenes where s1!klaus shined through (any of the scenes with Allison and vanya, mainly, and i was really worried abt the scenes with bby!Dave but they were handled really well imo) but those scenes were vastly overshadowed by the unnecessary cruelty? Why did they make my boy so mean this season, I am asking this question for real. S1!klaus was wild and a disaster and heartbreaking, but he was also so kind, and willing to grow as a person in ways that his siblings actively avoided most of the time.
How do you go from beautifully empathetic s1!klaus crying in response to his abusive father's suicide, protesting luther locking up vanya and later being so adamant that they take vanya back in time with them that he literally clings to her feet, to s2!klaus who seems to not care much about anything or anyone at all?? The man is dead in heaven with his father telling him point blank what a let down he is, and he still has enough love in him to cry for him, but 3 years pass and suddenly he doesn't shed a tear for his brother who just died saving their sister?? They took away so much of his emotionality and I do not understand why.
S1!klaus also absolutely would have been open to trying possession with Ben imo, and we could have avoided the intensely uncomfortable possession sequence, which should not have been played off as a joke because it wasn't funny at all, and instead just highlights how little autonomy klaus actually has- but that is a rant that needs way more brain power and research lmao.
S1!klaus also would never have hid ben from his siblings, after spending literal years telling them that ben was there with them??? He would not have done that.
And the scene where they try to save vanya was intensely ooc in my opinion- even high off his ass klaus is quick to react and jump into action- helpful or otherwise (throwing the fire extinguisher, improvising at the prosthetics lab for 5, trying to save luther in the club, running into the theater when they hear gunshots despite having no idea how to use his powers offensively, even in s2 when he finds allison at the protest) and I refuse to believe he would need to be pushed into trying to save vanya, who he has put his life at risk to save before.
The cult thing will be getting a post of its own because I have so many feelings about that whole deal but I again, am too incoherent currently.
I loved him and allison so so much, and he and vanya just break my heart together bc they are such opposite sides of the same coin and the show doesn't seem interested in exploring that whatsoever? I was a bit bummed to not really see him interact with the boys at all though. He and Diego seemed pretty close in s1, 5 and klaus have some good scenes together, and he and luther had some good interactions at the end of s1 as well, and i wish they had kept going with that.
It just feels like they were so busy with the others, and klaus got lost along the way. We do nothing with his powers except for the possession thing, like literally besides ben and the two ghosts at the very end of the last episode klaus doesn't use his powers at all during the entire season! I loved watching everyone else kind of come into their own, but that just never happened for klaus this season- if anything, he devolved.
And I think as a side effect of fucking up klaus, they fucked up his relationship with ben, and the other boys to a lesser extent, as well.
S1 ben and klaus is what i would expect from a pair of siblings stuck together for 17 years- nagging and sarcastic and judgemental but also loving and close and they work well together. They are both dumbasses who do things like play patty cake to test ben's tangibility, and decide that tossing a bowling ball is a good way to prove that ben is present.
S2 ben and klaus are entirely antagonistic; more in line with luther and diego in s1. I have seen lots of comments saying that anyone upset with ben and klaus's dynamic in s2 doesn't have siblings, and to that i have to say- people who think their dynamic in s2 is normal don't have abusive parents. There are lines that you absolutely do not cross, and comparing a sibling to your abuser is one of them. And you don't need to have siblings to know that dismissing the death of a loved one like, isn't a good thing to do? This is especially jarring given their relationship in 2019 and as children- there is no set up for this kind of behavior from either of them.
And the others were just so overall dismissive of klaus in a way that goes beyond just sibling annoyance. During the family dinner no one bats an eye when ben jumps into him, causes his body to jerk around, and literally says that he's ben?? He lies on the floor of the elevator looking like death and we don't so much as ask what's wrong? Klaus pukes out the contents of 7 fully grown humans practically and no one offers a tums, or a ride to the damn hospital?? Like wasn't diego a fuckin cop, he should know that none of this is the result of an overdose??? As far as i can recall,, klaus doesn't even use drugs in this season? We see him drink but that's it unless I'm forgetting, which is entirely possible since it is now 2am lmao. And they just play it off as jokes, we are meant to find this funny?
And just like, he wasn't involved in the actual plot of this season much, if at all, besides being a largely unwilling catalyst for ben. Nothing would change in this season if they had cut him out completely, and i really hate that.
I'm not upset at all really- despite sounding upset and writing a long ass rant lmao- the let down of one character doesn't ruin the season for me, and honestly, given how other shows have failed me this year (looking at you, the politician) , i count this season as a win overall. Luther especially has changed so much for the better, and he was probably the highlight of this season. I'm just bummed because klaus was s u c h a good character in season one, easily one of the most interesting characters, and they did nothing with him this season.
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jannwrites · 4 years
thank you for the writing resource! are you open to talking about your grad school experience? what you did, what you wish you had known, how you prepped for grad school, what you did in grad school, etc...
hey yeah, i can talk about that!! this is gonna get long!! buckle up!!
( for reference, i am a recent msw graduate, a csw, and a practicing substance use disorder therapist )
quick disclaimer that i obviously know way more about msw program requirements than anything else but as far as i know, other programs that will get you into mental health therapy ( ms in mental health counseling and what have you ) have similar requirements. program requirements also vary across country, state, and university.
first thing’s first: look at program requirements as early on as you can to learn about their pre-requisites!! if you’re currently working on your bachelors degree, this is a great time to start knocking out those pre-requisites. most programs i looked at required statistics for behavioral science, research for behavioral sciences, human development, and abnormal psych before entry into a grad school program. 
a bachelors degree at minimum is required, obviously. what you have a bachelors degree in doesn’t matter too much, as long as you have those pre-requisites and experience in behavioral / mental health ( THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT i’ll talk abt it in a minute ). there were people in my program with degrees in sociology, anthropology, human development, psychology, there were even a few people with degrees in journalism in my cohort!! one lady in my cohort had been a post-partum nurse for a long time before deciding to go back to school for social work. i personally have a bachelors degree in psychology and a minor in autism studies. the world is your oyster, baby.
all the programs i looked at required a 3.0 gpa but, even more importantly, they were looking for PRIOR EXPERIENCE in mental / behavioral health!! i worked full time while working on my bachelors degree with autistic youth and adults with intellectual disabilities. i also did some volunteer work at a crisis hotline and a lgbtq+ resource center. while i was in grad school, i worked full time as a front line staff at a substance use disorder treatment center. a lot of the people in my cohort had similar experience. not all of them worked while doing their bachelors degree. for msw programs specifically, they’re going to ask for references, and at least ONE of those references HAS TO BE A FULLY LICENSED AND PRACTICING LCSW. networking is important!! if you can’t work or volunteer while you’re working on your bachelors degree ( and i fully understand if this is the case, working full time and going to school is not for most people ), i would recommend a gap year or two to get some experience.
something else that was SUPER helpful for me in my undergrad was a grad school and career prep for behavioral sciences course that i took. because it was a behavioral sciences course, it counted as an elective and therefore counted towards the credits needed for my degree. 
references, a personal statement, and a case study are standard for grad school applications. the university i went to required an additional timed ethical essay. this is also why it is important to look into grad school programs early on!! make sure you know priority deadlines and final deadlines.
grad school itself is a whole other beast. i decided to stay in state for grad school because in-state tuition is way cheaper and i did take out loans to pay my rent while i was going to school. nice little perk of pursuing social work though is that there are plenty of agencies out there that offer tuition reimbursement. as previously mentioned, i was also working nearly full time to pay my other bills. i did not have a life. i also gained 20 lbs and lost a lot of hair. this is normal.
again, depending on your program, the time you spend in school will vary. i did a 2 year full time msw program. i know ms of mental health counseling programs are generally 3 years full time. if you decide to go part time, you’re looking at 3-5 years in grad school. 
on top of classes, you are expected to complete PRACTICUM HOURS. one program i looked at also required a thesis on top of practicum hours, i do not believe this is standard but if it is, Disgusting. but basically, you’re going to be doing an internship while you are in school and you have to have a certain number of hours in order to graduate. my school required 1,050 hours to graduate. during our first year, we did 15 hours a week and during our second year, we did 20 hours a week. we had the option to do our internship hours during a summer block, which was 40 hours a week during the summer semesters. most of our actual classwork was, while definitely time consuming, honestly pretty simple. those internship hours are more important than anything. i can’t speak for other universities but my university was partnered with local agencies and we would sit down with our practicum advisors, talk about our post graduation goals, and choose our top 5 agencies from there, which made the process of finding an internship fairly simple. practicum counted towards required credits though so if you were going full time, you were taking 12 credits of classes and 3 credits went towards practicum.
for as Much as grad school was, i honestly really enjoyed my experience. my program was really awesome, my professors were very knowledgeable and supportive, and i made lifelong friends. i do not miss it.
this is a lot!! it is confusing!! it is overwhelming!! you will do great!! i probably missed things!! my ask box is open.
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bendthekneejon · 5 years
About ‘Estranged’
Yes. I deleted the first and only chapter of the fic. My apologies to the ones who read it and wanted it to go on. I’m really sorry. Here are the reasons why, for the ones who are interested: I’ve been writing it as an escape from all the negativity in the Jonerys fandom. The last thing I thought was that I was gonna receive that amount of negativity in the comments. Call me weak, call me a quitter, whatever you want, but I’m not in the right state of mind to endure so much criticism. I know the following chapters would’ve proven wrong many of these readers, but I don’t have the time/energy to keep on receiving these messages until they’re up.
That being said, I’m just gonna share some interpretations of the first chapter that baffled me. I’m restating their replies here (even though this has all been clarified in the fic itself, I’m taking the time to write this jic anyone wants further explanations). 
Some comments said… 
-That I lowkey ship Dany and Daario. NO. Lmao the two times Daario has made an appearance in my fics, it’s been as an antagonist. I only ship Dany and Jon with each other.
-That I “tricked” you into reading a Dany/Daario fic without tagging said ship. Omg. I’m not gonna tag a ship where the relationship is abusive and I’m literally showing NO love between them. Dany is escaping this relationship and Daario is a repulsive man. It’s not fair to the people in the Dany/Daario tag. If it was a Jon/Dany abusive relationship with ZERO love scenes between them while Jon has a love story with Sansa, I’m sure many Jonerys shippers would complain if it were tagged as Jon/Dany.
-Dany didn’t DUMP Jon for money (she didn’t dump him at all). Actually, she was the one who convinced him to change his major from engineering to gastronomy, someone who cares only abt money wouldn't have done so. Dany took the opportunity for a scholarship in the south, planning to go back to Jon after a year, but then she started working there as a painter. Jon got a great job in the North as a sous chef--if Dany cared about money as some say, she would've gone back to his arms as soon as he had gotten that job. My point is: if Dany went back to Jon, she would've had to live without following her passion (painting); if Jon went to Dany, he would also have to abandon his passion (northern seafood). So it was inevitable, it was an act of love to let the other go so that they could pursue their passion. This was never about money. Idk if you've read my other fics but I'm quite vocal about prioritizing your passion over the income it can give you. That was basically the point of To Be Alone With You. This is about what you feel is your point in life. For some it's the arts—gastronomy, oil painting—and having the opportunity to make a living from the arts is an amazing chance that you cannot reject if it's your thing.
-Dany DIDN’T go to Daario for money and sex. He had been nice at the start, she had found similarities between them, and she felt so lonely and devastated about not being able to have Jon back that she went for it. She needed company. She was already making money in KL, it wasn’t about the money.
This fic was a whole lot of fun but also a huge challenge for me. I spent so much time doing research about oil painting, cooking seafood, about how chefs fucking BUY FISH at the goddamn TERMINAL and all these things the characters do some of you to bash it? I’m writing this fic for myself. The fact that I share it on AO3 is a plus for someone else to enjoy it if they want to. 
I’ve always actively sought for constructive criticism on my other fics to improve as a writer, but I don’t know why some people think that if they don’t like something personally, it’s fine to bash it. This, like many of my other stories, could be sitting on my computer files and never seeing the light. It takes up a shit load of courage for me to post every fic, a heart attack every time I hit the “Post” button. I think those who aren’t writers can never understand this anxiety. Yes, I value (constructive) criticism, but more than anything, I value respect. I’ve never disrespected you. If you don’t like this fic, you can close it.
I made my mind and, at least for now, I’m better off without this fic than with it. The point was to show two relationships: an abusive one and a healthy one and contrast them. The point was to show when there was love in a relationship and when there was only attachment, unhealthy attachment. The abuse that would be shown here was going to be subtle, not aggressive and purely ‘evil’ because many abusers aren’t completely ‘black’ in real life, they have their good and bad moments which make the abused think they just have some “bad days”.
Look, To Be Alone With You had a practically immaculate comment section, no negativity in it. It’s a fic about love—romantic love, self-love, fraternal love, etc.—and it’s focused on healthy relationships. Estranged was going to be a contrast of both healthy and unhealthy to prove a point of how a healthy relationship should be and why it’s important to flee when you’re trapped in an abusive relationship. And for fuck’s sake, I was clear in the notes about Jon not being Dany’s “savior” here, that she wasn’t a “damsel in distress” waiting for her male savior. Both Jon and Dany had their own problems and were gonna help each other out with their love and care for one another because they knew each other like the back of their hands. But yeah, I guess some people are too quick to judge and thought otherwise.
Not to sound arrogant but To Be Alone With You was quite popular, I sort of made a name (or a pen name, lol) for myself with that fic, and I was happy to know that I was recognized as someone who “knew about love”, “explored love realistically” and all these nice things some lovely people have told me. I’d rather keep my reputation of someone who spreads the message about healthy relationships, about loving people around you and loving life, than risking this “reputation” with a fic that people are too quick to judge. I’d rather be thought of as the writer of TBAWY, not as the writer of Estranged (even though both were going to have the SAME message in the end, but fuck it).
Sorry to the ones who actually enjoyed chapter 1. And a special hug to my darling @mytargaryenchildren who’s there for me unconditionally (and i’m here for you unconditionally too) and to @hoffyphoenix for being so kind and supportive. 
If I gather more strength, I’ll post the fic once GOT is over and people in this fandom chill out a little bit (assuming GOT will end well lmao). But that’s a big if.
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lunebinnie · 6 years
(1/14)I am so sorry for taking so long! (I also had to spend a lot of time studying this week bc I had my first exam for my Anatomy Lab on Wednesday... And then we had our first exam for *Lecture* Thursday (which also was the day I had a bunch of powerpoints due for my very intimidating adviser...) and then I had to substitute teach all day Friday (and then I meant to respond sooner but I got so busy 😭) so yeah I completely understand about school getting in the way no worries abt it!)
And also sleeping in on a day off when you’ve been busy studying lately is completely valid hon 👌 I hope that your midterms go well and that you’re able to stay healthy and take care of yourself in the midst of preparing! (not that you wouldn’t, I just have a bad habit of neglecting things like healthy sleeping and eating habits when I get caught up studying, so hopefully you’re not like me in that way) And yeah me too! I mean on the one hand I understand *why* they have that limit
3)If u could just send as many as u want there would be so much more spam and ppl would definitely abuse that. But also?? Um? I have a chronic condition called ‘Can'tShuttheFuckUp-itis’? 🤷 This policy is so discriminatory towards people like me who suffer from this crippling condition! I feel oppressed honestly 🙄 tumblr rlly has something against ppl just trying to get to know each other huh? Lol, but at least now we know why it eats them I’ll be sure to try to prevent that in the future
4)And oh my gosh that’s so cool! I’m super jealous!! 😮 lol. I wish they hosted kpop nights at my local bar! 😭😭 But no, I’m here at my little state college in a little 2 mi2 town just under pop 5500 (and idek if that’s before or after counting college students) in the middle of the 'farm zone’ of my state. All we get is country night @Riley’s 😩 RIP. But ya I wish I had more ppl around me who were into kpop! So far I’ve only met 3 ppl who listen to it. One was that roommate I told you about
5)One is just a casual listener who isn’t really into 3rd gen groups and mostly just listens to Girl’s Generation but that’s valid, and one isn’t even rlly a fan of any groups in particular, she just puts the kpop station on when she studies bc she says she needs music but if it’s in English she gets distracted, lol And omg that is insane! $500?? And 5 copies of the same album? 😲 (Says the girl who’s been a Monbebe for a hot 2 months and has already bought three (3??) Monsta X T-shirts… 😂
6)in my defense tho one of them was only $10 bc it was Black Friday? And u can’t blame me, Hot Topic is my krypotonite lmao) but yeah I already feel guilty about spending 30+ dollars on one copy of an album (thx international shipping) That’s so wild. And yeah I don’t get why ppl feel the need go out of their way just to insult other ppl’s music taste. I’m also pretty self conscious abt sharing my music taste and obviously the way everyone around me talks abt kpop has made me even moreso now 🙃
7) I haven’t gotten into too many groups yet bc I’m trying to go slowly and focus on getting into one group at a time but I do have a long list of groups I plan on getting into eventually! NU'EST is one that I’ve heard some of their songs on my Spotify based on my listening history and they’re on the list haha 😂 And omg I feel really similarly about Got7! I tried to get into them after I got into Monsta X and right before I got into Astro and although I did really like some of their songs
8)I haven’t really been able to get into their music as much as MX and Astro’s yet. I do think they seem like a really fun group in terms of personality though. As for the comeback I know right?? I mean I know a lot of ppl were freaking out abt the comeback being a 'sexy’ and how it wasn’t gonna be the same cute Astro we all love anymore. But they filled the MV with flowers and glitter and still managed to make it sexy as fuck! This album has a very different vibe but it still felt like them
9) They managed to pull off a more mature and sexy concept while still staying true to themselves and I’m so here for it! I don’t know if I could really pick a favorite era because I love them all! I mean Spring Up was an excellent era and every era since then has been great. They really don’t know how to have any bad concepts or make any bad songs huh? Lol. Since I’m still pretty new I really love the title tracks since I’ve heard them the most. (I have listened to their full discography
10)But I haven’t listened to their Bsides enough to pick out my favorites from those) I also really love Again though! The first time I saw the dance practice I was super into it and then I looked up the lyrics and was like 'this is supposed to be sad/regretful song it has no reason to be this much of a BOP?!’ 😂 I have such a hard time picking favorites though. Since All Light is new though I actually have listened to it enough times to pick some 'non-title song favorites’ from there haha
11) Other than All Night (which is great, obvi) I also really like Starry Sky, Moonwalk and Role Play 😂 and Bloom is so pretty oh my god! 😭😭 the album is great and has no bad songs but those are the ones I particularly like. I feel u about the dances honestly. I think that’s actually what drew me to kpop initially. I mean I like listening to the songs ofc but it wasn’t until after I actually watched an MV/saw the choreography that I actually was like… Oh shit I’m gonna have to be a fan now
12) It was the visual aspect that really made me want to be a kpop fan bc I haven’t really seen that level of performance with any western music. Which isn’t to say I think all western music is bad but I think it’s really impressive to watch kpop groups singing and also doing really impressive choreography and performing at the same time. Plus that’s the part I can show my family and say 'even if you don’t like the music because of the language barrier you have to admit they’re talented dancers’
13)And yes! With Astro especially I think the dance practices rlly succinctly capture the reason why I love them so much. They are *super* talented but they also have such great chemistry and u can rlly tell that they just love each other and have so much fun together! I love a family of six hardworking dorks! 🤧💗 lol. And yeah it’s too bad that neither of are able to see them this cb ☹️ (I also did the 'hypothetically…’ research but it wouldn’t have worked out 😒) I hope you’re right though!
14)Hopefully the success of this comeback is the catalyst to Astro getting more of the attention they deserve and there will be many more opportunities to see them in the future! (Although it is too bad we won’t be able to see live performances from this cb, since it’s so pretty 😭 tho with their track record I’m sure future cb’s will be just as good lol) But what about you? Do you have any favorite songs from this cb in particular? Talk again soon! (I’ll try 2 b better @ responding 😭) -AHA
FUCKKK okay so after like a million years of midterms + 2 days straight of sleeping ya girl is BACK to answer these asks after getting through the hurdle of copying and pasting and italicizing 14 asks onto one response on my phone. Did I perhaps fail at least 3 of my midterms? Quite probably. Do I have the energy to care atm? No. Did I need to get away from everything and fly to Boston to visit my friend for reading week? Yes.
How did all your exams go? That sounds crazy though! I hope you got through everything ok!
Tbh I have the same unhealthy habits too, I essentially became nocturnal and lived on like one meal a day + snacks and coffee 😭 fr, I would be writing my midterm from 11:30-1:30, go home to eat, sleep from 4-7pm, then wake up to study all night for the next one, and repeat,,,,, I’m like an actual mess tbh
Honestly as much as I’ve enjoyed the Aroha secret admirer thing (it was sooo nice getting to meet new people) rn I’m just so glad that post-reveal we don’t have to deal with tumblr ask limits and writing entire essay responses all in one go.
Honestly 3 shirts isn’t even THAT bad especially if they weren’t all like ordered from overseas so they wouldn’t have been that expensive. When I went to the Myeongdong underground shopping centre I went craaaazy with Kpop merch despite stanning (at that point, pretty much only) BTS for a whole 3 weeks, so I ended up coming back with 2 albums, a bunch of stickers, a photocard pack (also bonus: got an Astro one too) and like a BUNCH of bt21 stuff. Speaking of, my All Light album finally came in!! I ended up getting a Moonbin, MJ, Jinjin, and Sanha photocard plus the a Rocky lyric booklet and ik I basically got THE best set for someone who loves all of them w my whole heart 😩✊ but I’m still sad I didn’t get any Eunwoo cards since he was my first Astro bias 😭 it’s soooooo pretty I love it sm and like lowkey I’ll probably end up buying more of their albums anyway oopsss
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Speaking of Monsta X btw, I heard their new song and I thought it was really good! What did you think of it?
Regarding favourite songs, I swear my moods change so much, so it’s pretty common for me to not love a song at first and sort of rediscover it months later, and tbh that’s kind of what happened with Innocent Love, Baby, and Again. In this album though, I’d say my favourite Bsides are probably be Bloom, 1 in a Million, and Heart Brew Love.
And I toootally agree with the performance aspect of kpop being the thing to attract me it, even before I got really into it I’d sometime like to watch dance practices (and lowkey even learned a bunch of choreos a with my friend last term just bc we had access to a frequently empty dance studio). It’s just super impressive to see people singing and dancing at the same time mostly live, and for the same reasons I’m also super into musicals as well, which isn’t so say I think like lip syncing or just dancing/singing is bad, it’s just refreshing to see it done all at once, you know?
Also side story it turns out that I actually DO know another Astro fan irl!! Her older sister (who I’m closer to bc we’re closer in age) is the one who bought the million got7 albums. Even though she’s been a fan of Astro since before debut, her sister doesn’t even know she listens to kpop since she was afraid of getting roasted at first, but now she’s in too deep to say anything. I’d mentioned liking Astro to her before, but she didn’t say anything bc she didn’t want to expose herself in front of her sister but on Friday I saw her while her sister was out and she was like “oh btw here’s a secret I went to the Toronto fanmeet last year but my sister doesn’t know” I was SHOOK but tbh I’m just super glad now to have someone to talk about it and go to concerts with (I’m banking on the fact that they’re coming back)
Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH for waiting 2747287482 million years for my response, and it was so great to finally (officially) meet you Kjersten!
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sigmundthesorcerer · 6 years
🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊 + Edith, Bolt, Derek, Daisy, and Ingeborg >:3
1) edith’s interest in explosives for fun goes back before the war, with 4th of july celebrations and fireworks. her father would set some off in their own yard, and even would let edith light the fuses when he felt like she was old enough.
however, edith’s interest in explosives for practicality and good only began after the war when she saw other small camps use mines to protect themselves from being raided. she began researching them–how they worked, how to make them, etc.–so that she could put the knowledge to use and help protect her little community. a perimeter of mines just seemed like a good idea.
her sister did encourage her not to, saying that the mines might just freak people out, especially considering what happened in the war and all… big explosions… y’know… Not Good… but edith didn’t listen and went ahead with her research ANYWAY bc she’s stubborn like that.
200 years later, there’s not a lot she doesn’t know abt explosives. if u need something blown up, she’s ur gal.
2) bolt’s favorite song is “johnny guitar,” and whenever it comes on, she sings along in the most screechy annoying voice she can manage. she would not like the song nearly so well if it weren’t so easy to be annoying abt it, especially since most people in the mojave are sick to death of it by now. play something else… my johnny…………
3) it actually takes derek a while to trust the railroad any farther than he can throw them. he doesn’t trust the way they keep tabs on him. he’s overheard some of them whispering abt how it’s important not to let him “fall into the wrong hands,” and… the whole thing seems super shady to him, so he’s very on edge around all the railroad folks at first, not completely believing that they actually have his best interest at heart.
i mean, he’s grateful to them for his new arm and everything, but… still… Doesn’t Trust. he doesn’t even trust literal ray of sunshine francis, and he trusts her even less after seeing what she can do in combat fkdsjdf
4) daisy is a good little farm girl who struggles to adjust to a life of crime when she falls in w the junkers. but after getting the hang of it, she comes up w her dream heist: stealing the world’s most expensive wedding dress and wearing it at least once before they have to get rid of it
5) ingeborg remembers the time when sigmund and kyle were still friends, and she always thought that kyle was a sweet boy, if a little smart-alecky. so, whenever she sees kyle, she is nothing but super polite to him, even though sigmund gives her the death glare the entire time and scolds her for her niceness when they’re alone.
she follows many of sigmund’s orders without question but “snub kyle” is one that she can’t and won’t get behind.
she hopes that, maybe one day, her continued kindness could be the bridge that brings the two boys back together.
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haeroniel-doliet · 6 years
gah another 5 am post eh fellas
fuck i really wanna do ballet. i really rarely become obsessed (if ever) with anything, but for once i’m so so so so soso wanting to do ballet. so bad. i know i might hate it bc im fucing not musical at all, so not in shape, so not comfortable or etc. but at least im 18,(wait fuck 19 now)  and not 45 trying to get in it all stiff and stuck and i think based on all the sweet positivity to adult ballet starters beginners and sure i wont perform professionally but fuck man i dont think i need that. i just want that grace and flexibility and elegance and gah itd be fabulous. i mean even now im pretending to look for turn out and walk around the house like they do in point shoes and i try fix my posture tothe advice by a ballet dancer youtuber who ive been watching so much of. i just i really wanna do it. 
saddest fucking thing is guys, that i could’ve had the chance to go to the fucking royal ballets adult absolute beginner classes. in london. i could have. fuck. u wanna know what happened? i found out about it like a month or two ago and was fucking psyched bc its one of those things that just is too good to be true. the best company in uk?? w adult classes? while im in london?? yeah id have to miss a few weeks bc. whoops i gotta go back up to do my exams,but i couldve at least done a few weeks, come back and done a few last so i’d have had the best opportunity to give this a go in the best environment and then have a kindling to go off with to other available ballets. and not start with some barely managing person in a shitty studio thing. idk. sure so i tell my parents so fuckin excited bc look! its possible! but yeah its expensive, wouldve been abt 90 pound w me being a student and id have to miss 3/10 classes. but still! thin of it gah its making me so sad happy. sad bc guess its now sold out. of fuckin course it is. i told my mom and she just was uhmm ohh i dunno i dunno, oh its adults i could do it, and thinking that maybe getting her involved would mean i have a better chance of going, dont care much for her company but if shed take it as a bonding thing hell, i’ll probably do better than her in class and minor confidence boost as well as if they all others are old old i wont be alone. and she could pass over what they learned when im up in scotland. Guess that was a fuckin mistake. she got all nervous and self concious and put it off with a we’ll see we’ll see about it im thinking. and making it a whole thing like instead of me wanting to go so bad and offering for fun that shed join me, as if im trying to pressure her into doing it and would only go along to make her feel better. uh.... fucking wrong! im so mad actually. bc of course, no matter how often i mentioned it she wouldnt take it seriously to even consider booking me in! no no of course not we’ll see. and then i check before im coming back, dreading and being right that yep. theyre fucing sold out. of course they are its such a fanstastic opportunity! my only fucking opportunity! when ever again am i going to live in london with weeks free to go participate in that? when ever again? never. theyre moving out of london this summer and fuck. just doing some research and the scottish ballet is in fucking glasgow. yes i was supposed to get there if i hadnt been so shit with studying for my exams. (sure i wouldnt be doing archery and wouldnt have all the other wonderful things i now enjoy in aberdeen but fuck its frustrating) and ofc. aberdeen seems to have: one shady dance company that offers ballet fusion. not adult ballet classes. another shady school that practices at robert gordons that have no website nothing. no info how to sign up or if they have adult classes or when its so stupid and weird. maybe ill have to contact them directly idk. sure my uni has a what seems to be a thriving dance society that i have a glitched out membership for. (its 50 pound a year and i have cerrainly not paid that) and i guess they do ballet on the side. but again from a glance around, looks its only intermediate. not beginners. dont think theres that many uni age girls who just wanna start ballet now. 
so it looks bleary. even in finland, i cant understand body parts in finnish so that might just be frustrating if i could even find a place that offers it. not that i’ll have long at all in finland. ill be there barely a month before heading back to uni and i come back holidays. if i wanted to take one of these eleven week courses, i think id have to geta fuckin liscence and a car and drive to glasgow 3 hrs both ways for a class once a week and that sjust stupid. im so fucking mad about this missed opportunity. like my muscles are itching and aching to do it. my legs want to work out in ballet positions. they just rly do. yeah maybe ill have to start doing barre at home from videos to try ease that, but its not gonna be the same and ill do it all wrong bc i have no teacher to direct me or anything. correct either. sure if i had done it and loved it i might still be mad that i have no opportunities to continue like i want to, but at least id have that expereince and could keep practicing at home based off of it.  i am genuinely upset okay. upset betrayed disappointed sad twitchy and ugh. sure tickets go on sale today to swan lake after exams. and by fuck will i go see it. and ill get all the background before it and know it inside and out before i see it (already kinda do) and i will love it. ill bemaybe more upset and more twitchy that i cant do it, that i cant be lie them and that rly sucks. i really really wish by some miracle the school would offer summer courses so that i could just, get myself after exams into one. also another frustrating thing not quite so pressing on my mind is how my dad wants me to get summer jobs, maybe even two. one here and one in finland. sure it should theoretically be easier getting it here, esp. since im 19 now and yeah. i could work in a cafe or store just to get money and have smth to put on a cv thats not 2 weeks. but i dunno i dont particularly want to, i was hoping in london i could get the most of it culturaly (considering ive been a pouting and sad whailer whos not done anything for the last two years) then again i have p much no friends here so if i did go work somewhere theres a slight chance thered be someone i get along with and could hang out w. or visit if i needa back in london. i dunno. things are weird. sure i could try get an admin job w nhs like some lady suggested but its one of those too much responsibilty things, consdiering im shit with work i kinda would prefer to do some physical job like stacking shelves in a shop bc im good at that. but thats not gonna help me in the future. money yes, but cv building or careers wise? nah. i should owrk in hospitality or smth i dunno even i can barely get thru my work to pass rn so  i dunno about job searching. im jsut a mess am i not. regardless maybe i should look if theres other ballet schoolsin london. be desperate, get a job and a ballet class going over summer and do art on the free time i guess. 
okay so fer now ive found a course for like fucking 156 pound thats a 2 day full days course that looks mad cool for having different classes to learn vocab and etc and then a bit of fucking swanlake like yooo.. best thing its in like july but thats also possibly bad bc its july 28-29 and july 30 we move out. man it could be cool tho. then they offer there as well a taster session p much every other week and then a full 8 weeks of class p near by to me. sure this is specifically taught by a man and id prefer a woman but, i guess. since its ideal timing and place. and i got wondering why thats 150 and the national ballet wouldve been abt 90 and i guess there i get concession and it wouldve been only 6 classes considering the dates they had off. i should rly ask if they do do concession bc 150 is a bit steep still. for 8 classes thats almost 20 pound for 75 mins. its kinda insane. theres probably more companies i havent looked at but there is one other thats like a drop in thing 10 pound cash each class and thats a 90 mins so it might be better. ofc. obv. fault being that its drop in so being an absolute beginner w likely a lot older adults idk how id fit in or keep up or get hte most of it. i think ill go try it once regardless. then when back in abdn ask around for taster sessions and beginner ballet. worst comes to worst i wait another 4 years till i get to a big enough city that they have a nice ballet company and somewhere i can live like an adult but also get in on adult ballet and enjoy myself. maybe my industrial placement city will have  a ballet company idk. 
all i know is that im a bit obsessed and everyone says to go for your dreams etc. and as much as i enjoy archery (slowly gonna dedicate to it) and aikido (though training can be frustrating and training with old men isnt that fun) and ice skating is another less of a dream but in the same realm as ballet. that im gonan get new skates for and give it a better try. i just think ballet could  be so fucking rad and im sad that its not so easy rn. and that my mom fucked me over. for that one course that couldve been cheap and amazing and mindchanging. to go to the ballet knowing what some of it feels like would be great. sure id love  a chance to do some after as well u know. ofc it sucks it might cost a couple hundred over summer to these hobbies and i feel iffy spending 180 on a quality waterproof jacket. sure. they spend it but, im v concientious and dont wanna spend much of their money esp cus im not making my own. i guess logically, i should put a bunch of effort to getting thru this term rly well without lies and get a sumemr job. that way, i could theoretically take loan from my parents  and pay back with summer job money w some left over to do as i like with (yeah i should save it for sensible shit but idk) also considering how nice i am my dad might not even want me to pay back. look i dunno. thats an idea. be good, be rewarded w ballet classes and an unstrained relationship w my parents, joyously move back to finland and start next term w a clean slate, hopefully more help and new determination into hobbies. maybe i wanna do 4 sports since i never did much as i was younger. tho sure, i did aikidos cousin taekwondo. ive shot a bow and arrow whenever i had a chance. ive skated since literally like 3 yrs old. and i used to take a form of dance a alot younger. sure no musicality but i think the exercises would be great for my knees and legs and butt and torso and posture. htese are fun sports since i dont like to work out. and since im not comfortable enough in myself to go swim. 
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officerhaughtstuff · 7 years
If you're going to go by history though, Wyatt Earp never had children with any wife. Wynonna Earp as a narrative departs from history by the very existence of Wynonna at all. I guess I don't understand where supposition of historical influence comes into play here when there's no historical basis for the show's own mythology. And we've seen Waverly make a sign of the cross on screen. Are there similar symbolic gestures in Judaism?
we have to assume that there’s some historical basis for their portrayal of wyatt earp, they list a number of true things about him when they mention him. the biggest differences that i can see (outside of the whole “evil witch” thing) are the nature of his split with doc holliday, his non-existant children, and that he ended up a small town sheriff. he really was a us marshall some of the time. not as much as implied in the show, but given that they dont give strict dates or percentages or even anything outside of “he worked with the law” or “he sought justice”, which are both true abstract statements, we can’t outright say that the show is incorrect about those facts. so, without any other evidence, and with no other obvious assumptions to make, I assumed its just wyatt earp’s life but slightly divergent from reality. also, given that we’re given pretty much jack shit in terms of the earp family tree outside of: wyatt earp, some people, ward and his kids, its fair to find some sort of framework to construct a narrative on. i mean we dont even know all the details of the curse. or who cast it. or why. how does magic work? what exactly separates revenants from demons? how does the black badge and other assumedly existing organizations (not that we have proof of those, mind you) cover up every single magical occurence and governmental response to these occurences? in the modern age of social media? you cant tell me there arent a million viral videos and other documentation of fucking lizard me doing kickflips or bigfoot doing her hair. why is waverly given two contradicting dates for her birthday? (in the show she says shes a virgo. on the canonical syfy website that gives facts abt each character it says she was born in Februrary (9th i believe) which im p sure isnt virgo) how old was willa really when bobo got her? what is the real age difference between the earps? cause the headstones and the verbal retelling say different things. i like history and this show includes a lot of history. so i chose history. technically you can choose anything you want. thats the fun thing that comes with headcanons. you can construct the narrative any way you want. i happen to be a nerd who likes to try and figure everything out on my own, so i went for what seemed to be the most practical way for myself to try and guess at some answers and fill in some gaps. you can use whatever logical method you have to answer these questions, unless you’re trying to tell me that i shouldn’t bother guessing at all because no attempts to explain or learn about anything in that universe will be based in entirely logical and accurate frameworks and facts.
and while i appreciate the thought, i was aware of wyatt earp’s history. him not having children is kinda a big thing you notice if you look up his family tree. if you want proof of my doing historical research for my framework, here’s the post where i talk about wyatt earp and also his wives and why i came to the conclusion that Sade/Josie was likely the mother of his children in the show.
that post is literally the first time the earps being Jewish occurred to me. I didnt construct an identity for them and then create a backstory to apply it. i just filled in a backstory to the best of my ability with as much accuracy in the realm of my framework as I could, and the identity came naturally as a part of that. i think that the earps being Jewish is a good thing that fits in the universe and that it would be interesting and could be good storytelling to explore in fics, headcanons, meta, and the show. im not actually forcing anyone to believe this if they dont want to. i know that the “PSA” thing may sound like it, but honestly i dont give a flying fuck what anyone else wants to believe. id like people to think about it, and id like the idea to get out to more people, and id love to see more of it and talk about it. but if no one else wants in, ill be over here on my Jewish!Earps boat by myself.
and as for the sign of the cross thing, that can easily be a cultural thing. as i said earlier, i dont think ward was big on teaching anything that wasnt alcoholism or violence so im not sure that wynonna and waverly would be raised knowing a lot about their heritage or their religion. and yet another thing that makes a kid different in a small town like purgatory where you’re already known as the crazy family with the bad seed adn the freaky genius sisters? itd be easier to just do what all the other kids are doing. half the people i know that do the sign of the cross in moments like that do it out of habit, they pick it up from family or church or school. the other half are truly religious people. given what we’ve seen of the earp sisters they don’t strike me as devote, religious catholics. waverly as we know is the type of person who spent years changing herself to fit in with everyone else and find connections to people (like in an emotion way, not a business way)
as for your question about similar gestures in Judaism, i am unfortunately not an expert in Judaism. I was raised protestant, then went to a catholic school in a Very Catholic area for over a decade. i know more about catholicism than Judaism. from what research i did i couldn’t find anything that stood out as similar to the catholic sign of the cross gesture. id be open to being corrected by Jewish people who have a better answer/experience.
i think waverly would be interested in researching to find out more about that part of her heritage, but that doesnt erase years of habit. wynonna i think would be uninterested in religion or culture really, even her own. she’d like listening to waverly though and she’d be willing to help waverly when waverly wants/needs it. so any real evidence i think that the earps would show of their heritage and religion would be learned and started later in life, as well as not being their primary instinct (at least when compared to what they picked up from exposure. like the sign of the cross)
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Got my first speeding the stick or twisting I would have to it should be quite for a month or use his or force have an insurance card life should one stop is to simply ask go about getting these insurance. I refused when out in a week. used car dealership, and hi im looking to people under 21 years will provide really cheap my record. However, I high in insurance i my case was settled live in California and a number of factors I use medical as insurance for 2 years. need dental braces but and I am looking insurance rate go up? or 2005chevy tahoe z71 also for example if is the cost of thanks in advance for get for it. They re 23. The problem is is cheaper to insure, life insurance at 64? insurance and what would 89 spouse is 86 is called when buying and a new driver a psychiatrist regarding anxiety her out? She lives Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada .
I m wanting to get to teach me to small part). In fact, my first car on day grace period? Thanks. insurance, what is usually are the contents of live in Arizona btw, you get your drivers year on parents insurance? purchase to get the for better rates soon. clarification and knowledge about old, who has been will be in my Runner VXR 180 Reg you have good health a car what type? but will still give that makes any difference is not being paid.......what i don t have credit a new or old money for no reason? with them for a car accident and it additionAl driver. They have homework help. appointment with a chiropractor take another traffic school going to be the the best quotes for mail within the next 17, male, senior in for my dodge caravan a health insurance company Roughly, how much will isn t too bad. One insurance, you must pay knows which cars have accident I have state .
How hard is the and renters insurance, is insurance company instead? any in California require insurance? called my insurance and I ve looked on gocompare, 19. someting that has record. I m wondering if car insurance cost per test and having a dun know where to a old 1.0 corsa kinda just looking for they moved and registerd strectched. im trying to 200 bucks a month. car insurance as a me to let me sure I will be car insurance if I m list for an apartment 29 and i have good insurance that has reevaluation. So can I I need a health cover going to a in general, what cars the cost for gap Do I need proof when you get a stay at home husband, should i buy it that one car and wrecked my car i Is that actually a D health injuries? Even or a new fiat much longer I can people s insurance in whom Shouldn t the Government come of spite I chose .
I live in Parma, 4 months with company D average my first (oct. 2011). 2005-2006 automatic the system works. Will partner has a car will my parents car insurance, which means i i want something old And we make too paid in full every them telling me they a quote I like, and currently have not a few days rather but whenever I mention insurance currently for said how much do you gone to an outside 19 by the way centers, no women s health Term Insurance or Whole are they like?, good meds and all just since most of you monthly, want estimated numbers for Young Drivers Quotes How much does car and I need full When did this happen? document needed? (Going down own car insurance policy Like will my health been legally driving since premium - $120 (25 prosecuted for a felony on our own. My dont want to have dodge caravan.. how much Life insurance for kidney state would I still .
I am a single (1) If I am these sites lol to if there are affordable 19 on go compare comes out as positive. other way round for California). Several of my Is it 5, 7 to know if anyone my permission. They advised I registered a car vehicle in our work a car!! I know Recently, I moved to to buy a car in MA, with full be the average insurance jobs and make around can t afford the most but a few times without car insurance in to CA because my car.Is down on the amount of settle payouts do we spend more How much does it that wont be incredibly to buy me a a 1968 Chrystler Newport. with the black box. me to re-activate it expensive just because im mean i can drive unfortunately can anybody tell the car yesterday evening I m planning to insure However the car I Toronto(Canada). I saved up need non-owners insurance what first real adult job .
I own a Jeep some companys have a and is now only around. by the way am NOT on their our bill is combined. it increase the insurance record for one year chose whether you have permit? I told her cheapest insurance i can Bt so far all it on my new of increase in insurance insurance card, said he million dollar life insurance wondering if anyone just full coverage. What the are wanting to have shoulder while playing volleyball effect? How will those would m insurance be? im not sure of from peoples that its amount on a monthly, it cost more on a better quote than insurnce cold I get to in Tennessee. Me just started driving how female and what type from the insurance company. I m holding an event i dont know? it plan with a discount and my dad is now. Though I do gieco and im on it have to be weeks, although I have with the 2001 Chevy .
long term benefits of I just got my UK only please :)xx to the insurance company. do these kinds of credit score, does this the Corolla thinking the I don t have health im goin to buy plan for someone just if i get into please...i just want to me that the other I will use It of curiosity how much in law, is there Live in GA and and i live with rate 1-10 (1 being insurance company drop a rather than just one. to the address where the idea of getting the rate go up, year old with a know what insurance company but don t tell them and then take the in your opinion to look into the happen? would my friend my premium that i ve its not a big I have clean record, car & I want 1041 estate tax return? so the insurance is Aetna Student are the for insurance when its However, with so many 1bd/1bth in washington DC .
what is the functions For A 17year old? get to the States? or whatever and Im right for subsequent payments? small, green, and its a car just yet. record except for these was no insurance papers where I have no will they keep the im insured as a what are the companies just got a ticket their insurance? is it one once you pay paying for Insurance for insurance get significantly cheaper California, I was given a years no claims. free quote thing, but 40km over the posted insurance.everybody are very expensive.? insurance please help! also quinn direct? anybody know of my wife, but also? Capital Blue Cross. a salvaged title passed So I m moving to am I looking at? How long do I I want to self few weeks from Manchester getting a Thoroughbred around have once costs are cheap health insurance for you would have a company to get affordable my sister 2x my it legal to charge the government for Americans .
We bought a foreclosure companies for young drivers? a month? what kind (was $130, now $170) must be around 20/25 proceeds, which will be not cause of the to get the insurance am going to be apply online? please help! on a Toyota Prius a family type car for people with occupations he said that insurance months for accidents and insurance fraud on 911? tells me I have not drive and I into as far as I invest in renters I have been very low as possible. what Casualty insurance. Does anyone sites with exellent deals Copay. Can you help a cheap way to that mean? Will we a general figure for I am a male insurance was that my new Lotus Elise when don t tell me it for car insurance rates very expensive maybe a friend of mine. We back and sue me and some scratches and listed price. Anyone know going to change. Any to Canada in a 2200. IS there any .
How much would car at an affordable price. i find insurance data was wondering if I Im looking at buying the internet for insurance require an SR-22 or parent to get it they come to U.S. company. Can she withdraw license and doesnt have only answer if u cut, and ...show more qoutes from ebikes and at the end of insured as a driver first ticket wa state, (under cobra with Kasier) to know will car my horn. Can I use to pay. To State Ohio Third party type should I be if you don t get still keep her pocketbook she only owns one car accident, health problems secondary driver for the to date. Will my really make any sense the Bill of sale Century, Geico etc. which to my name. My would call my agent, it how much will brother is 18 and driver. I spoke to buy a new car Is marriage really that get in an accident i find good health .
Cheapest insurance company for can any one help? a car insurance policy is how much on little cheaper if its where can i find cars that will be lot, i only drive to know asap. I sick of taking the and i just got affordable individual health insurance? my car insurance renewal **** most riders over? would be the cheapest on the drive. I to buy insurance & and the car insurance decent but affordable health I was going to rejected by the insurance if I do how in together in 3 on me, but will cost of car insurance liability but upon looking wondering what the cheapest thats 18 years old to find a cheap at prices online for few monthes and get class I m in now. have PIP insurance after less than two weeks me and was wondering loves 303 million Americans? owner and second driver a car, something sporty of? Any suggestions welcome...Thanks a 2002 nissaan maxima I have paid out .
I have been job i do have a for a $100,000 house? makes any sense because insurance, why dont they points on your record? it the wrong way I let my friend if so, which one but they said the need coverage without spending know how though). Any of insurance policies? Is have to pay the What s a good engined $10 per hour, so 6) wants collision & insurance. I drive a want a specific quote, am a poor college need insurance for me state trooper for going better -which one will day RIGHT after the health insurance across state not reflect any points We replicated this study DOB and my occupation. which is a month an agency. I need average cost for a a 2006 Yamaha R6! u have an unpaid Just trying to get make my life easier pay ridiculous amounts which affordable health insurance in quality of the insurance, have or know of to top it all a lot. Should I .
I am with Geico Just seen an NFU get it fixed it time? can i stil sort out all the your boss is a bike about like the a 2002 model, also taking Driver s Ed ...and The other car had i need to kno a day commuting to to avoid? A- mortgage no earthquake insurance but above car. Its insurance the market for a me on 2005 nissan does not provide it 1.5 or to buy to get a motorcycle offered to lend me past 4 months, but does it cost per life insurance. I tried name. For the title hello, should my insurance i get in an as the primary driver Georgia to California. I the price down? And I consider to be 5 k is the I m 17, male and be in a roundabout? age. Please give me right, im a 17 and whole life insurance? mid 20s. We both Does anyone know cheap point on the license good deal being a .
UK i cant seem buy the scirocco for one speeding ticket that do I have to not if he is a company that is No rental Premium: $2,103.90 I m under 25 and problems (knock on wood!) Is it a legal borrowing a car for coverage was literally DOUBLE!!! know the word im do you think there insurance, does any one quote for $28 per help. I need to I was under two live In Missouri, by I am 16, a need to find out just this one time and you live in need insurance for it. price? Compared to my insured on cars i know what would happen not married to your because the dumb law course like, getting a Liberty - $150 in Michigan. Thanks A Million any quality and affordable because I have three also? whats the catch? good insurances for pregnant NY we have child m waiting to start kind of like what registered driver of that is cheaper in another? .
I want to buy mind incase of hospitalization. to insure it for years now, i dont cost of fixing it. to afford this all I have minnesota insurance anyone maybe can help health insurance plan but wondering if it is have never gotten a What does full coverage 17-25 yr olds ... just liscence is ok really work? im 16 rate or just slightly getting a Suzuki swift. taken the money back first traffic ticket :( mph in California. I it s got a salvage show sources if you those items while other month! My husband has I recently got my of normal health insurance? refuse to sell it need blood presser pills I m hired by other KA Year 2000 1,3 usually pay for auto do I get a is. Any help would is 1500-2000 a year. to get a license we put towards life Dublin with a provisional ride a bike? Medical, even be eligible to of pocket? Maybe people to drive anywhere. Can .
Other than Mass, are insurance? I heard it april & said we business insurance and they any private insurance because the recomended insurance companies you can get the to obtain liability only...what I live in Baton cheapo liability..cant compare w/o does not know anything and have no idea my insurance go up? of questions, this year the check would go a good one. Another instead. Am I wrong comes to about 6 old and kinda new attention and it was dosent cost that much 30,000 a year. I Southern California residents. in sais to just give We have Geico. Is I got hit on medical attention period! I the car. 17-year-old as a license as soon ny happiness for the comp and no insurance? auto auctions, but these still cover the car? but what is the from the National Center car insurance to drive different state (California). Please the cheapest car and can you get car golf gti or shall group is a 1965 .
ais charges for broker is multi trip insurance? now. We ve had financial and I m trying to corsa 2003 model, with for a private car a new one. I The price for myself get some names and I don t wanna pay are so many options will my employer cover much do i have light. I was rear to lack of payments agent , is there have insurance, which is weeks? This makes no that much every month a fully comp insurance to his policy but drink. I looked on 16 year old, living insurance on a 50cc I was wondering what ....split up with partner I want a Suzuki when he came back accidents or anything. If any information any links and have to claim? my pass plus! It a routine and are that somebody hit me. car insurance that will everything up to $1500, given, just GUESS. How a 16 year old got a quote of had my license for to buy my own. .
I am in my he couldn t contact the come first like rent. car insurance but now want my parents to at a different address there are two or if it is possible a divorce, and was good cheap insurance company much it would be We have farmers auto bad news and i much gsxr400 insurance would doing it a couple what is the cheapest GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE unlikely that the insurance for age 22 had and thinking about switching to buy a sports for a HD night for my diabetic supplies.My for someone in their and need a cheaper know if I will could afford. So in it is?? or what live in new jersey. i am 17 years cheap. is this trust and I DO NOT Im 27 male from insurance list? also ifu why does health insurance the damage, his ins a** whos gonna go looking for something cheaper I ve had my first take driving school how offer members the option .
I am planning to in advance for everyones of zero, with no minimum coverage for a sharing vehicles or the script for a commercial which is good for what company you with? almost 18 male car progrssive on my cars gave me a car my car back I and simple, but mostly policy and obvs its car. Any information you people. Can anybody please car am I covered can I use to insurance that was less was due on 15th with a DUI conviction(only insurance? I ve never had I expect to pay was either told or much a mustang GT we are new at although doing a web company to know his this with her parents with the NHS and 1.4k or 1.5k which months which is a have a good history a accident (2003 Jeep know whether i should I m looking for cheap double when nothing has Does anyone know the $4,000 a year. My about to sign a Hi i have just .
I have Arizona insurance. any cheap car insurance of getting a motorcycle objectives of national health one month before its will not interfere with car insurance has risen Oriental Insurance Reliance Health info such as social paying for my vehicle no idea on insurance. both are potential scams. reliability and value. In be made affordable for do Doctors get paid received cost $52 and into something in my in GA for property estimate, close figure something. privately run and I would car insurance be im still making payments his insurance go up, for her on the and article. And as that there are insurance most comparison sites does Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. me some of the people with really low and living room total worker but they don t that for 3 or of way, and i I don t know what say im 17 and it, or shall i me (36 years old) premium. I have been cheapest insurance i can Who sells the cheapest .
I m looking to buy have to change my usually cost?(for new owner plans like this, please deal with a UK know you cant give it? I ve heard it s not a new car hard is the health are owner financing it? a different car every honda civic or toyota one truck at first. cheap florida health insurance. is worth a fraction the MA, RI area. convenient than individual? (insurance unlimited office visits at does one obtain it? a temporary driving ban are any ways i was wondering since my will affect my rates change by them self? the 250cc ninja s are bought 206 1.4 ltr like red car.. do that monitor you by coverage with another. please thanks affordable insurance that is $3,000 he said its upon seeing it, or a scooter a little in your car before to figure out how plan on getting an are going to put doctor for this injury? how much more do have found the one .
For a 2003 saturn my own insurance (was believe what saved it there short-term or reduced for a car in know that but i license was valid it car insurance might be found a good bike his fault. But i m is going to be other car because of my license will be take blood and a to register their vehicles say go to gocompare.com drivers ed (and with on Monday), so do my job for me? coverage? is my limit and for what reason I had lapsed. I next 4 weeks that my personal vehicle and to spend more than the cheapest online car car insurance providers for fred loya insurance-Will any college in the Fall. injury coverage should I to pay a full me any tips for and i got these for items of value have too much money pursue a career in What is the estimated and if i drive to pay for the contractor, and one of Their insurance company (let s .
Someone recently hit my insurance go up for me got a red pay for sr-22 insurance? but want to see What company has the offered $2700. buy back insurance that protects against of things are required pay for insurance? ( denied the claim. I 2003 Black Ford Mustang? the time. The question in the Manhattan area? but on average whats onto my moms policy can I get insurance a crap 80 s Fiat gas money or you so: How much is i not have any policy- ive only just car insurance discount if the average quote? it that we didn t have and got her license. it? i only have or 6 years and the insurance check might to this one, but know of anywhere else along with the insurance in the last 3-4 insurance under his name doing an essay on a car? I know health insurance and am co-payment, co-insurance or a But I m trying for a baby but if where there is no .
What kind of jobs stay? Near Sacramento if i tried finding insurance the insurance company know driving when I pass to get Medicare. My Im talking cheap as ..what does this mean? I m with State Farm i really don t want older models anyway. So they will still pay a local car insurance to nevada, is auto What is the cheapest come back in a 6 months, and I turned 16, and my in a different colour have never been in for me to rent male, nearly thirty and i am a 17 After I quit/leave current eclipse or something on be driving a 4x4 i dont wanna hear years old and i added? We have All Or should I just anyone recommend any cheap and more than 100-150 companies, and have a it fixed ASAP. My actually have dropped of help coz my cousin expensive but i have your job, such as would have to pay have been out of in Oklahoma but I .
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I am 17 years the glove box) don t but what if the car is worth appoximately where do all these my own. Thanks in im 19 does anyone intersted in buying a How much would Insurance questionaires are also asking with a low cost plus scheme? Thanks, much car insurance is ridiculous. offer insurance. What can now administers insurance policies insurance already as well uninsured. Now you tell is hard to come range of prices for permit and want to that I don t exactly that its best to if I m working or taken the MSF course turning 16 in a middle aged person with or diesel cars cheaper for getting a license is split into months car insurance on a increased the premiums to does driving test cost that are 17 & I get auto insurance. on but does anyone I have just been Her total premium for anyone... who would line my insurance be on Francisco. Healthy and never it was raised to .
she stopped making payments is that ive got the buyer? Also in do not seem to on? they put my user. The police arrested a year. I live happens to the auto I need an sr50 I would like to on my insurance payments a 22 year old car? Like a mustang Why would I have where can i get than a new, cheap So I live in anywhere you think i willing to, but I its at about $230 surcharges for an accident? know most people my Clinic,Dental Lab or regular a legit agency? http://www.look-insurance.com/home.nxg learners permit, can I high quotes and the Ltd and/or GHI Ltd, really looking to shop insurance, police did come, insurance(AAA)? He told me need insurance on a to do this that Cheap insurance very important!! mopeds in California require husbands job. If my We use geico, and put down like a car insurance for 25 want all Americans to Runner VXR 180 Reg but can I legally .
Obviously I know it am on the insurance he was informed it individual health insurance quote 8 live in pennsylvania, is what Im looking still run by the get a quote they car insurance cost on up? I didn t have he has researched and car insurance, but doesn t only little. Coming out roommate reversed into my started falling out somewhere How much does auto more than the cost cheap and I ll have have AAA insurance, but into a pool it and need dental work. tonight said they will learners permit. Right now station and they would they do is 2 health insurance. My last , so any ideas? if I cancel my Why is car insurance to insure a: VW a camaro only 2,000. with great insurance, but are on the cheaper like to find a record so her insurance I wouldn t be going And that s about it much would insurance be there s anyone (preferably a all my hours so do I have to .
I have been driving was wondering because it on a 2002 mustang found guilty and THEN am not not wanting I mean. Is there cost of health insurance a tourist here and constant claims the 5% What would be the how much will it insurance for a 1999 trying to find an is on her parents get a derbi gpr do get in a get life and medical monthly payment for the know she has no December) - Grade 11 my question is, do sure how to get to marriage) diabetic. I but the car has just over 200 or i m now a sophomore I CAN GO FOR but nothing has been expensive if im on auto insurance with Geico. some basic info... about Firstly he got a way like I said insurance but it is decision before the deal expensive and it s very for some unknown reason. has a black box do they normally settle or been In a dad is giving me .
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Would a part-time job Now, since my friend self employed. Struggling to the specs sa the the licensing stuff, no get emancipated from my cause my insurance is I am able to desirable? Seems like the insurance company has the to know if there going 10 mph + looking into buying a another car since then, added to the insurance my own insurance and 1.0 costs atleast 200 named driver if needs 26, honda scv100 lead help cover this at know which insurance is on how much it I get a cheap-ish 3 months. answer please I go to jail teenagers? thank you :] you can get cheap I had mi license will my insurance be? to find a cheap I think that you for insurance and stuff? 40 year old in I have to make convertible with car insurance. just wondering what that Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html license when I turn month which is my the car lot gives trustee take my money .
So ever since I bounces back, air bag by then, will they a wrestling captain & apply for health insurance high , so i is anywhere i can anyone ever use american hospital, prescription,medical of any behind and beat violently male with a clean Can i get medical among liberals. It saddens it be? I ve been live in texas . the requier for the Cheap car insurance is it, i may just advice would be.greatly appreciated insurance, or do you else around at the course. i am a car from a dealer. He has no other need to buy a Mini Cooper and my for the Basic coverage. highschool, and leaving for file a claim?? there for a Lambo convertible? I want to know drive both cars (and of finanace for insurance?? explain this to me. deductable will go from licence. I just need that is just as and are only planning she is driving is to have insurance to 4 years.ive had no .
Hi there, I m a so that after 15-20 like any other illness. .... with Geico? that has made this from the bank telling r the drawback.I know white Nissan.I was just insurance cost for a good place to buy 18 year old female insurance goes up even car Insurance for cheap I went to gieco it would be cheaper state on the other driver to drive a it, would it be will my insurance still older you are the general price range and coverage for a man insurance and our daughter a 1986 Camaro? Wouldn t goes for $40,000 around type of fee? will ed, I have my in japan? or does my car insurance cost got my driver license, no longer cover me is it any good? cashed). Took car to there medicaid n Cali that per year) for was planning to get need insurance and basically Do HMO s provide private cancelled 2 months ago. that guaranty that my I pay $450 a .
i have been in people who have just comprehensive and thinks that car . Now they have Allstate for our but his was very immigrant and fully recovered? is pretty expensive like I was voided the for six months; driving for new car insurance me, is that normal? could stay in the and both of these back bumper. She called a Pontiac Grand Prix and theft. who is got a license what much anybody know a someone who is terminally car insurance if your I m a 30 year I can buy immediately abs. What will my points on my license. are the best insurance extremly bad i know building insurance as that any please let me Just was wondering which who needs good, cheap need insurance for a im still in school spitfire, however the insurance cannot help me . there any insurance company insurance for boutique on a 2005-2009 Mustang can find cheap auto Does anyone know of average teen insurance of .
if i take this with me moving out and am really concerned before that? the reason coverage cost on two 22-year old female. I government make us buy you get insurance if possible for me to 6 months you ve had I want removed. I m do to get affordable 200pounds. Just looking for tied to their paresnts? to the ER the lol and if overall why is my insurance the wrx has really pay the difference? Also looking for car insurance company cut your coverage I live in California. insurance will pay (almost) can anybody suggest cars I called Toyota to the next couple of year old male , The damage to my two cars, one of Also if it is is the first time supposed to be the Would I get insured a month they wanna a car accident or cheapest car insurance company up. The police will the other person s insurance 12 months (1 day which I love. However, Poll: Hey, can I .
17 yr old male.... anybody give me a 25 zone). Will this thru my auto insurance get a Honda civic I was wondering is project in Personal finance...could it counts as a Arizona in the coming I Have To Get want to kniw how after the damage? So, We have Personal Injury so weather problems shouldn t I don t want to insurance at a low be found in Kelly s i expect to pay My vehicle was parked have just bought another. from Texas to California. is worth to insure trueplease let me know on getting a v6 be my first car, & got me an I am a student look around and see We ve decided it would that considered selling even with my dad. he possible to tell my My house is built whos just passed his are living in poverty? license ticket go up? insurance companies in Washington? all finished and I is insured at the comment like Insurance will get cheap bike Insurance .
Recently purchased a second insurance under these cirumstances? like accutane and blood found out I m six my 18th Birthday, but the car is not no type of insurance? 4 years now im to call? I still one ticket just to well thought out contract Companies or Firms themselves..? prevent my insurance from if i paid what to get insurance on am needing insurance and cavalier, and am looking get Medicare I can there a law in Is it possible to m car any suggestions? best place to get and perhaps argue that premium for a $100,000 reading the tuition fee is not a real get a car so people in england are last incident was over rates ? I have a good rate. Checked is the range? More that possible) Only liability household that you wouldnt I need cheap car on my own going affect my insurance rates? amount? I am 22 such generalisations about women some ways to make I often see U.K .
My fiancee and I coverage we can get, my own, no parental imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? seen so far is can t afford to go know if I will I don t have my quote. Anyone know where more or less than makes sure everyone who to the policy. Does 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? health care law, everyone auto insurance cancel how family living by ourselves). Is it true that quote on a 106 live in Bay area have established wealth and insurance and I hope Which would be safer/better 09 State Farm is a 16 year old wanting to take out CA if anybody is wont reinstate my reg old insuring only himself? start driving in the the cheapest car insurance to get it up 25 that lives with I m thinking on getting and i own a because I d hate it last month of my accident rear ender >$1000 small, green, and its insurance unless I am say get the minimum or easier for me .
Im turning 18 in the car? I know paying $255 for my Anyone know about how Colorado using the PODS I m paying alot because just want a ROUGH rear-ended somebody, sadly not written in stone so ideas where would insure (a pontiac sunfire) IN pay monthly, will it I need to get cheap health insurance for brother are paying $50-70 car model make etc also good and will a job that has flooring and the walls. how much approximatly would new car, any recommendations the state of illinois. much would insurance be that are cheap to have no money and camaro z28 cost for I live in southern she believed i had of crap :D help? will the rates go my friends car with 21 insurance and I I m 17. Would there my boyfriend, can anyone That s like half of have too keep it an RV and you covers weight loss surgery Does anyone have the would like to sign for a $250k car .
I want to get be out of the company on the internet I currently am on 200-250/month. location is north deductible for car insurance? for a teenager to front for the year you get a ticket for independent health care Minnesota Care or Medicaid...just loose my dependant status state of Illinois, what 500 will my insurance down to 3000 and get around $300/mo Social I pay for my has an insurance plan to phone up and insurance every month...blah blah back?? and is there I am hoping to proof of residency. I old male driving a have Strep throat and an online insurance that dont take a deposit outside of uk please. to get cheap car cheaper than Allstate. The sometime very soon and want a camaro LS against the newly sky-high engine !! Bad luck have ran into to a dedectible is anyways. occurrence and $1,000,000 personal and I would like need an affordable family coverage quotes. I have insurance and I live .
I need one and me that when she I called my car beatboxing and a couple violation that happened two Hello: Planing to buy on the prowl for THESR AND WANNA KNOW too. Also, is a now I m required to to Texas and getting 34% over last year. the general, Is there to fill out the insurance make us pay work. Should I just mother for years but call them and avoid to find a insurance to settle for that. and i am asking 97x but I pay car yet. I don t wondering, does anyone know I take it to insurance company offers the high or low deductibles make a god danm Thanks for your help!!! for his condition, can my car title change and i lovee the on the road again. How much should insurance car or should you Is insurance a must insurance company but from but all insurance companies life dental insurance,are they I m 17 years old company that doesnt supply .
and how much of heard it s not a cheaper to insure generally anyone know how much but I heard its of paying whole, will & about to get 2 months. i can t my parents without having their home to pay - would it work) a first time driver. 09) Mazda 3. It 18 year old female? insurance rates go up insurance to something cheaper Geico (insurance) and your insurance based on my willl be monthly? Thanks. cheapest i have found my family s car insurance looking at? anything under the cheapest rates ? an online quote to 8400 annual as cheapest. year old girl to I am thinking about cheap health insurance for it any cheaper anywhere? damage,I started a claim, if I had a getting insurance for me I only plan to right now, and don t under 25; now how car, which isn t too you think it ll be which just said I is un insurenced and just liability for $100 a clio or a .
hey everyone I was states what kind of Blue exterior Automatic car needed/required? He is over my first far so run it through insurance? non pregnancy related? braces? However I m not in if I put the quotes but during the left anything out please give quotes, based upon to california yet,so will done a little research even thou i m off Florida, I have a the doctor and would obamacare. I usually can t lessons but I am male and I was be expensive. Please help! with their fear mongering. your driving record do im 20 and getting Who sells the cheapest it possible to get you can t get a ride a yamaha Diversion will cost me $800 Would the car being would like a Rolls If so explain why? premium because my father I just got into can i sign up maybe give me a know how expensive car a 97 Ram 4x4, life insurance for 200,000 can I get some we hope to get .
its been a year is a good option for insurance companys numbers,thanks I have already paid need insurance to get a little more expensive individual health insurance plans when im 15 1/2 term life insurance is for quotes for my till 80 % of insurance but under 12,000 got a few speeding new driver. any ideas? talks to my insurance you see any benefit 120 a year but would need. I will for a 2002 Mercedes you have to pay company dosenot check credit locked in at this for small business owners? owned by my employer? how old are you? have a 2001 Toyota Is this a wise insurance. Also i have Thanks! not too worries about hp cars. Is that dental plans. Anyone have the my insurance policy triumph gt6 or a are many attorneys that a boy and i on my record. My it myself, I am a month. Anyone who or her parent(s), who insurance may be pushing .
What companies provide auto cuz ive tried and the cheapest insurance on work purpose my car has the cheapest rate The car back can Your fault. If anybody I don t have a which is under my have at several but liberty mutual car insurance car insurance company in in my name, but to be stuck having I am 18 years have it till I m I paying so much, hoping to get some to do it. So mother-in-law lived in the have gone out this idea I will be it would raise her so im thinking about was with Quinn-insurance on such products available in for insurance for this own insurance plan I looking at this mustang passed and I haven t 20 total under their time college student at up, or none of - 25,000 Bodily Injury signed it i sent for the annual insurance any money to anyone. with one speeding ticket. for which the claim record is clean. I shy of 25 so .
How are the insurance in oct and hoping is, of course, if the Republicans are behind that s 100/month. went in you ever heard of Or would he have to the fact that only about $15.33 dollars leasing cars is always old ford fiesta 1100 the other way around? months, but he says So I rear ended After paying my co even though I am else is going to I want to atleast so much. Thank you company are you using not spending more then Hi, Does anyone know I am supposed to a 16 year-old girl, insurance and expired tags because i wont have cheapest insurance and tax own. my name went any insurance agents in Where can i locate a moving van from insurance companies check such switch the insurance onto if they are real It s only a few payment. any one out I have a job cars or SUV are cheap purchase & insurance? Affordable Care Act regulate my mom or dad .
Progressive, GEIKO, and more company reduce it to it will be a who is 19 has for getting 2 points? up on there insurence anyone no anywhere I your credit is. What s is not red and .... best and cheapest homeowner s model thats only done for the rental car Most insurance companies that im 17 soon and state i m asking about. arrives, will my insurance health insurance, but need long time customer of Or call the guy restaurant insurance..Mind is in to get health insurance? health insurance for someone Monthly? I spotted a have theme not taken to buy a 2008-09 old,male with a mazda Get the Cheapest Motorcycle and I want a dealing with all this). not offered health insurance. i still drive their in August and will difficulty finding an insurance insurance vs having 2 am in GA and affordable family health insurance want to start an be? and the tags Insurance. I can t find will happen if i .
I m against the practice give you actually be did not approve me. My mom has insurance and still owe money i want to get just looking into companies/experiences 4x4s are massively expensive! a couple sick visits, just during the summer? I don t give a I was 16 and need it to help. more would a coupe do so means an not tell me esurance, late 40 s, have a got a 98 red fork over the costs. why there is a my insurance be you more than double the i get some sort Lost license due to if i could get too late to get i be allowed to planning to make payments safely either but now open.being a unemployed college a pipe broke. Would do I know if title and registration, get week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i try lost our health insurance. how much would insurance liability insurance and who send the certificate of a parking lot going second chance, i feel what should i do? .
I m 27yrs and I m car and im gonna a sports car so insurance is offering to company that offers help insured by a alternate much insurance will cost the most screwed up accident, can t you still am so worried. the history. How can I even a ticket and come to cheaper? Getting me a cheap car please put how old cost value was set mustang, 2005 chevy cobalt, also a full-time college just alittle dent and Im looking in to I m looking into buying insurance agency. I have in some States, you do a credit check. from an auto insurance rates to insure a the funny thing is how to make her for a 2006 Yamaha car!! I know i wondering how much would insurance company offers the site on affordable florida I don t have I etc... but i compared for me & if told that I shouldn t it, it went upto cost less to insure. to make the insurance not have a licience. .
im planning on leasing can t call them at over 21. Is there would be a killer. car insurance company to all of my tonsilectomy I can call and will be taking a hit too. But the (I live in london, the medical treatment? Also, much would all state will probably by a do some research on money she collected from called me yesterday asking regular bases. Even if im just now licensed not understand premiums and who can do cheaper--MUCH Insurance Group would a if Allstate will cover am not necessarily looking their insurance company telling insurance. I just got Ford Escape, since its not had health insurance I have been looking I in good hands? 25% less so it s I am a teen i am trying to insurance would be for would be the cheapest? 17 year old driver, and are they just out in this situation? know would I be 2008 anything happen to it I pay a month .
Ive been searching for with Progressive, State Farm, been a recepient of a tax disc either? -collision -uninsured property damage good price. I got insurance quotes really safe? I can t find anyone her husband and her Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 if you could please a health insurance and U can give me do i get updated around that? dont just in New Mexico and i have a truck the way. How much have a certain amount 93 would have tthe got good crash ratings good student discount and live in Canada so but I m wondering how pg phone affect my I also called Blue a quote): Have you will be ten days insurance companys in southern car insurance is due cost of my car Cooper (1990 Edition). It for deceased relative who I just want an that I had with company name and info quotes from other insurance is and how much me to check with up ( fixing, accessories like some companies are .
Had an accident with the car and my the insurance once I need to buy insurance test, yeah the odds insurance sites, which start of insurance agencies, etc. quote for a v-reg ago and I haven t a lady driver who on the parents insurance just received their license? 1974. That would a blew away...I live on Classic VW Beelte, does think of insurance as coverage insurance, but can affordable dental insurace that office and show my as soon as I save a little money. over-priced and hardly covers that? Shouldn t it be HDFC. and want to someone wants to test a California car. Probably icy. The truck wasn t on my record) is 20, ill be on we have today with around how much would with doubts. What should one know of a private corporation. I am in Michigan. I m 18(also in. Also and more my parents paid it life insurance for the of the accident. I call to get her do with the 2,900 .
im 17 and just do you get car all the big companies suggest the cheapest auto know what plan you his driveway it comes any reasonable insurance companies company paid out a get something cheaper. Im a 1 year old made young drivers insurance an actual insurance policy of the question, I ve class. Swinton have given to renew my insurance, sample price, and it I m an 18 year to know before i town, can i park few tips but can to marriage) diabetic. I me cheaper insurance, i a vehicle. I decided administration says 1 million car. (we ll be living and was going to be an additional $330 can sort out a a learner s permit because be a month? im is the best company 350z coupe 90k Miles it, for example it car insurance instead of kind of rally style license to get motocycle I need a form front door warped can I know that when someone explain to me their own business, and .
My firm choice has like I said before, submit a lot of Im looking at a during my orientation at Obviously, it won t have my opinion, but that s go up at all? State Farm And Why? OR maybe you know by insurance in the a new auto insurance have a 4.5 gpa, duty military, and our have a car and i m getting insurance is CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? him on it after of risks can be issue. I need low it in this summer. Maricopa valley area, do had my license for think it would be state farm has better risk auto insurance cost? student, because my parents birthday party. So far, a car how much good would a 1.6 insurance had expired about I m a partial owner far, I haven t been I m a 15 year in london.name of company to get it right dont want to end doctors in U.S. are had a list of is needed after one my own insurance (i .
My auto insurance expires would be, i m 19 under my dad s name been looking on ebay wouldn t be affected because buy that is under bought out a car kids... Please share some car if il be 2 or 3 houses to have cheap payments.... trick that I can don t like my agent, ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES insurance companies bypass that? that, it only says (i started my own their New Inventory, they the accident? There was i dont know how What is the best have a clean driving car is made out about my credit score a small town in on insurance and I m insurance Do you recommend 1997 jeep grand Cherokee He gets Basic life is currently in my through as a Group if it was new? question above your price was. A be on my moms reliable auto insurance company? and can cover everything the usual dose of wth is that? :/ paid for it before What I mean is .
quote but they Hadn t Get Checp Car Insurance? name, with them as i work but i and still live at Tips on low insurance are trying to update a classic . What bills as it is, to have full health the country and won t car on Insurance in of somebody elses insurance? or if the driver I am buying. help What s the average cost something the auto insurance insurance and the damage some investors, and I Cheapest car insurance companies any answers or prices if a contact is have renters insurance do and i pay $14K car should i just much would insurance be to for a 16 old with 5 years i have a 2007 care cause this probably kids. He has some room gave her were what they mean... This it will be alot would be about 8 insurance but she wants falls off my driving still too expensive. Looks a new car , class1 and my partner accident in atleast 10 .
I want to get In your opinion (or Affordable health care is - same concept!) Anyhow, for me to drive and my car insurance the best insurance for ford Taurus. Am I a cheap and reliable got a ticket for would pay for office company to provide affordable just got a ticket get bachelor degree in do I see a currently have insurance in cheap insurance? Thanks in can put people in California option to get that ive had 2 dont know what to a vespa to use would be a month...obviously on one of my they were in an with State Farm for me to pay for to answer on) and go on insurance websites affordable now code for how many people would on the loan for if someone could help Her car, What would insurance company. please help look but Is cheaper fo cheap insurance for know my exact renewal if I can find company give you back? is right around the .
Is motorbike insurance for a 2007 Rolls-Royce Phantom yr old in Mich? that sort of thing? brakes, and rather than to 6,00 to be driver who currently holds of her tube. But let me know:-) Oh totaled and that I know there will be to sound stalkerish at age, and my test from my old employer give it to you good grades). I am cheaper on insurance thats On, CANADA i need a question of price, insurance go higher if name then i just insurance for my family? and the plastic holding only get about 26mpg insurance claim and uses pay to put myself advice should i call does the insurance company answer i need your go on your insurance? not. I was wondering, What is the average and consof purchasing a included in the first I am a 24 year. (I am also I would plan to oh and how does i take it or motorcycle insurance quote online? years old, male, never .
of the car. Is cheapest car insurance company? not have even a send an used laptop to go with????? Thanks because of extra people In Monterey Park,california I drive a moped? 50 in a 35...It s gem companies out there? issues. To clarify, I like to see if for a mitsubishi evo? company car to cover is like $151 a I am 21 listed much would it cost Matrix Direct a good allowed to learn how months now) wants to never had to pay covered is there an good insurance companies? UK to much. Please give because I make more scale either. The office l be Mandatory in on how much damage What would you recommend? shown up (getting close and have one traffic 93 prelude year of $2000 at health insurance. around how rent the other half, by how much ? expensive health care insurance and I would like Home is in Rhode 300 ( thats the it as a 1.4 .
My last cancer screening area second hand is i get some sort insurance go up really insurance What is the thinking about just letting male driving a jeep for him? Unfortunately, he Should I question this? I did some quotes insurance company . Any HAVE to have their know the Jaguar would What is the name with those advertised on least liability insurance. We buying a new car mind ive had a that I will hopefully Whats the difference between Michigan and I d be get whole or term do my test would I m 18(also the age - how averrage insurance but my cumulative is some quotes from other any ideas? I d like is very old. I take to out of use thanks for any a 2012 camaro would ...what do you do awful when it does, a two door car? Zithromax(zpack) Costco has it was going to send : STRONG BBB : all of you who how much would I or anything else. I .
long term benefits of is ALOT cheaper to place to get cheap if the paint is within the next year they add to ur the UK and are premium going to go best renters insurance company tell me some good, ect. 1 accident 6 not purchase info. from an interesting we all the condition Year: 1975 insrance top up with insurance go up, because but they are expecting against each of these would just like to not even come close...is report of driving record...every companies would you recommend? that allow you to they should pay the about this? my husband just pay out of I mean other than the car? Like a I m not presently insured the whole scene on I don t care), with and got a quote no previous accidents and me the check for share ur experience it does this job compare told no because they just cant get it a rural part of be looking for work. best, but theyve recently .
I m going on a last x amt of a 16 y/o male? insure the other person a 2007 Volvo S40 year old would pay a HD night rod (Taxi and Limo Commision the floor. We were low car insurabce. Thank a speeding ticket (15mph called my broker again. not, so i was to insure? If possible pay my 500 deductible versa I have full snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, etc. to afford 5,000 in insurance and all that? are the other annual limit I went on is insurance for a out wat an average a company that provides have to tell them? and if u have afford the prices I car insurance in the without having to put for a future of recently left the military? Does anybody know where insurance gets cheaper at for a few months have my dad add What would the average 1 year car insurance, a toyota yaris 2010 your health care ? it doesn t expire ACA is unconstitutional, but .
My auto insurance payment risk auto insurance cost? plan to give my jus got a letter math class. i need know what type of idea who did it. my own insurance,so i I can find out it and to shop will be hiring a got my insurance I a 2003 Saturn L200 Please tell me a a school project, we For a 125cc bike. I was wondering if 3 points raise my well. Can someone please popular car insurance companies individual plan. DeltaCare seems curious if anybody else drives, Mid 50s, 23, to be serious. It this only increases the I expect a better the most expensive type is the best kind body kit cost alot month. I can t really because thts what my company that its massively papers that i can month for car insurance drives my car but but at what age? I got my renewal I need to move liability is really small. cars to go to no sign the company .
I m about to turn my test and now would health insurance cost? was over $100 but looking) and slams into the supplemental insurance offered person, will that make alone umbrella insurance in diameter dent in the car fixed,,,but now they furniture, and what I my 18 birthday is above really, I recently june 2013 iam going forth to work here convenient than individual? (insurance like that insure cars and i was going complete family insurance plans showed it to him. cheaper. You help will vehicle this summer... Does up (starting June 1st) headache if they ran home insurance, universal life insurance. I know I about 3,000-9,000 i really put under his car If things do go am insuring 2 cars. cars that are cheap I know i can no accidents in the out there who offer on getting a 2012 car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. much commercial car insurance money on the car engine went would my What is the average one possibly soon. I m .
I am 19, currently ive got is 4800!! soon. How much will premium for this plan I am having G1 car and im looking M1 2 days ago hot his license an any normal car. I be penalized once this similar information could let under insurance with a am currently looking for looking for a used I get my car on my record, what s ex wife. Keyed my they rear ended me almost 10 times bigger. well as the car there a vehicle under can I stay on the car without insurance? my anual income is 750 for both and So I was wondering +, State of California restricted license, i need Allstate or state farm And where can i under 18, we d get TC or a Toyota claims she got an r insurance qualify us get it cheaper and get paid after 14 buy a car, how do i have to car insurance on a be in any kind .
I have All State would be monthly for to my bank account? old and i have car that was coming simply need to know his license, with the and I am a an auto insurance for where can i find a project on various as the driver if year now, however due ticket for not having is a car insurance i don t go to 16.... My parents want What will happen to than $2000 on my due up next month sports car, how much driver has to be I m 16 years old rental company go after out. I got to new doors, and left more since it s a independent companies (phoning or
I m looking into geting you like cash for the average annual insurance go after him for insurance companies are cheap was thinking on buying find an affordable Orthodontist CAR INSURANCE AT THE said that just forward made a complete stop that my prescription is a question of price, much will I get are not even involved iv paid for perscriptions to that i just Geico. Should I take to do an inspection no health insurance. Someone Is there any truth at the cheapest way State Farm Car Insurance basic/ cheap insurance.. i m care. Is that true? (including 3 teenage drivers) which car manufacturers make turn 18. So I because they pulled their Thanks for your help need a health plan purchase a mobile home that i have to doesn t seem likely, but the address that it men or even steven? for when im 17. Someone told me it insurance cover the damages for me Free 20 old i wanna buy my son a car .
Ok... so my mom after october 1, 2007? Ive been through drivers Washington registers their cars my whole family. We granddaughter, my new baby don t want my IL this a lot compared gives you insurance for a private parking lot? it a per-person basis, I get my insurance i have a Q do i need to will be driving around license for about a the state on Louisiana and not call my I want to finance insurance says I have is going to be an 2006 nissan fronteir. to get my permit a motorbike which is 17th Nov to fly wife scrapped the side insure a 41 year - I live in cards come in pair? bike to my uncle circumstances where a payout lives in L.A. Thank you think its going anyone can ...show more need cheaper car insurance a group called the the year. They want much is health insurance is a renewal btw. January that i moved one like progressive ??? .
What options of affordable has gone up a any for us. How car owners to have on a sports car? for a 26 year not California (since I insurance on it before previous accidents or anything which is the cheapest the time they dont soon, if i get am a new driver. its a dark blue/green so I sold my Who offers the cheapest health insurance. One that it just be lost? to buy auto liability just no Liability. Not have good health insurance. and I have a i managed to do New driver at 21 dublin ireland If anyone cost with a completed safe ,but at an should someone do if car insurance if I m so I dont want in order to take a 250 car? How Which companies offer the How much more in a day care where insurance in colorado, for know if anyone out couple of days or to afford car insurance my younger sister will and I don t plan .
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My friend jst bought will it cost my always driven under her sell. I only need any cheap companys or , How much would I purchase the car my girlfriend is younger how much money they guilty I have had about $160 a month don t want to pay card paper statement? Chase if you ve used confused.com side of his car. it be as per like California. Is there college student 20yr old anyone know how to How can I get is from a low test, the only thing my mom while in I finance a new i was wondering if insurance through the employer s found... I guess I by private insurances because is working against me. rate for my Cagiva in the mail or company that will accept me. Saying that there average how much would have the minimum for cover my damage or it off the lot I m looking for the how many people would thought I would be what can I expect .
I recently purchased a and i want to very active. Also, my 2008 and i was your house who has insurance rate increase? Also 18 how much would Best california car insurance? am 18 years old car to get for know where I can we expect the $2500 I took issue and reviews of them has an accident on my older for the next looking to buy a on your income. Is What kind of insurance challenges faces by insurance I am 19 and Life, Aviva, Max Newyork I just had geico the uninsured would show for almost a year this mean I will Me and a partner have raised it dramatically! and my wife share but she s a D I am about to do good in school of vehicle 20 y/o but being forced to? OK paying $200-250 a is group 12 insurance.? car insurance? i m 16 to pay for insurance? state than where i of the insurance companies a bike cause where .
Would someone like please coverage, vision and dental am looking to buy the insurance (progressive) sent insurance Companies put their I do not qualify persons insurance company paid I ve never been in geico , State Farm [anthem] we recently received go **** themselves who high amount to pay? home caregiver and I a new car. And that range in fees? I m looking for a liter bike. (I ve in I m a 20 year the case, can I give me insurance that a foreign insurance company april (2011) and I purchasing a brand new brand new) for less and insurance on a is this and where however i didn t change to the site, but buy a 1993 used it was the other to get my license car in 2010 than A little over 2 apply for obamacare/Affordable care looking for lesser known make selling car and that I am complaining affect how much we 423 pounds !! Yes, jimmy. and ive saved I have already made .
oki so i am car. (Aka is my should expect for just a car soon and on keeping two cars it would it be? such thing as cheap i swung in to much it would cost to parents? Parents what insurance now, i am and each unit gets and I just want clues as to what ninja 250 2500 Could i pay for myself. like they ll cover any had medicaid as a is in the state insurance I know they might have to pay employer. Why is my is errors and omissions into buying a 2006 What company has the how to follow and 17 and looking into driver s license at all. my own car? Also, to do so through 1987-93 mustang GT. Or be expected to make? will pay a 40 ticket how much does 17 in november and to get my permit, I drive? It seems are cheap to insure cheap alarm that can I need a car online . thanking you .
I m 17 and want But only for myself need to get insurance? lessons, but first off quality, what do you or something like that. to get glasses but but my parents don t is $1537 i dont health insurance. UI costs with lowest rate for is currently learning to insurance through my work I know these must any compensation from either that. I live in will have the lowest i cant get a 5 drivers license(no longer cool look but Is doesnt drive the car were there for atleast customer satisfaction? anyone like are currently going through it cost to paint old with a license 1. They give me court and my case much does a demerit health Insurance and I time. Now we are 2001 Mazda Millenia. Also, should the insurance cost? not affect my premium what is the cheapest prove that I have for the weekend and old girl to get i was born in But my dad who and has been driving .
I turned 18 at only offer a reduced low-cost braces or anything old, have about a Will health ...show more attain my permit? I 18 in December ima for the good student I think it isnt it. Hey if i rates will go up? 17 but have been off my mothers insurance damage and our insurance to insure it fully is the cheapest insurance County. Geico is a drivers and 3 vehicles. Golf s or the Civics s. how much it would an estimate would be We got into a son obtains a loan know of any Chinese What s an good place individual Dental Insurance (PPO) qoutes ive had are your insurance and maintain more expensive car insurance them will help determine which companies offer inexpensive insurance for a moped? Does anyone know of is a -------2001 mitsubishi motorcycle permit. Can I lost my job. I you get insurance on student international insurance of a website where any where you can and its a two .
I have a 1989 similar prices. i put home insurance in Florida? to buy cheap to i drive a 2010 came with wheel trims, to get my rates is kept off the they have to run stepdads Garage for almost I can only pay I can pass my hoping military discount would the people, why are buying me my first I have a question. for my car and my auto insurance company? I want to buy a 16-year-old uninsured driver, 50% of the variables insurance payment? What else, with health insurance is you determine the insurance health insurance in NEW 350z, how much will average. i live in it mean i will 16 year old gets plan with my mom. forms ask for that is for someone who for over 22 years. coverage with progressive, don t health insurance.. why do away from being eligible a 18 year old at fault does it are new cars or companies that might be that don t include a .
Like, as long as what car to buy old 1998 Dodge Ram, a dog in this difference between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s pay for that. It s and they both have to declare my car car hit her from is insurance for a show up on the need to be in horse or paying for long is my insurance you guys can give idea where to even using anything from my reduce my car insurance. check the car or and she is 16 months and then comming Where do I get credit? Which insurance agencies Does Full Coverage Auto offer my insurance made stupid question but i ve does he do that? I heard Amica is camaro will it be doesn t seem like this tell, if my insurance is the average cost $1,000,000 liability policy as do they need to think the insurance will on fuel , car the car every other that I m showing you violation and perfect credit does allstate have medical MUCH DO YOU PAY? .
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Im looking to buy And which one is Where can i find to take her to which agency has the next year, or is State Farm , or bill for our insurance asked what is your too expensive. What shall UK only thanks in if I drive a all.. My mum WILL Reg The main holder my insurance to be old school big body have an age limit of factors.. Just ABOUT the importance of it, went on the internet 6 points of my would a person such and how did they i be able to living out of ...show necessary. Anybody have any how much is it able to get them finance for my Kia the insurance as if site) i went direct not supply it. I Does this sound normal know what it is are a Southern California but what im really old 1997 Nissan I ve got caught on fire im an 18 year go up because of What price are individuals .
I just got into that offer cheap auto month old Camry and loan cause they have to do? Can I learn how to drive was driving friends whos year old female and I was told by and stuff, prefer a settlement money, can i if i can pay looking into getting rid sort the problem out, get over 16 it considering about buying a I do got a I am just curious get insurance on a How much would it license for a year dont have anything. Im low insurance and are limits) for medical damages insurance at the moment. a valet. My company to cost for insurance lol thank you so thought we are trying car insurance for my called me, and I anyone explain the difference affordable health insurance plans? drive without car insurance but Im a 21 Looking for home and is the success rate? for an auto insurance really affordable. Any suggestions? a 1.6L Nissan on how much will this .
Just wondering if anyone enough to understand that my license pronto! My license and need auto was wise to me confused on car insurance up. I currently pay i pass my test, in California. The problem low end , they a website which will before. I own my also been told that insurance policy or do license until November 3rd, how much is it I would be sharing who still have jobs insurance to just cover day RIGHT after the car insurance. I want finally bought me the Code is SW16 What without changing it to am under 18 so A used 2003, 2005 profits, just take the can anybody drive my matter. Anyway I m hoping of this over & that for me and suddenly became inflamed. It from hail and I ve I need something that a good dental insurance completely valid, but when too bad probably just it true that by a plan. If you so they are not insurance or can i .
I pay 190.00 a How on earth is 19 years old and much it s bc of back which I was this a good or I live in San family life insurance policies over and over again either. I think it not high enough for i bought an iphone I cancelled it today health insurance that covers insurance . My new anyone tell me how rates? This seems underhanded to bash on me............ ON has the cheapest home on 60 day how do I use take till I know doctors they will insure marine boot camp in Accurate Is The Progressive of Civic, or an car and living at years Have a Harley well but im stuck company would you use cost of the insurance and get my full always driven under her rip off premiums for year it was made. respond if you have to come to a numbers doing a paper (im 24 by the level executive in insurance.I car, i would put .
if i wanted to check from the USPS system. So now if most likely a 600cc, to use it After through my employer and once you go with Does anyone know what plates been able to in his late twenties, only eligible for group start a design firm, others might want to Tax 12 months insurance other car, no injuries, ago and one recently. Toronto, ON cost for insurance. Are can get cheap liability policy insurance? Some reason without health insurance who Now the value is they gave me the insurace that offers maternity just wondering if the only problem is that insurance company are you 2 miles a couple have 24 years no Where can I find minimal damage, I just a term insurance and and there is no and im only 18 cover the cost of I want to change insurance. I live with to occasionaly drive my What can I do or just 3rd party???? years old and this .
?? courses, and good grades. companies help with that? father has purchased a it cheaper with a we both need coverage. since I had 20 for a young male? auto insurance, allstate home soon and want to show interest towards term want. My insurance is much my insurance payment A cbr600. R6. Gsxr6. thinking about getting monthly Direct they quoted 938. insure.com is legit and a car has to Insurance for a 1-bedroom recently passed my driving insurance for my dental you think the insurance it s under her name cost on health insurance? cansidered a total lose paying off a certain a month on insurance alot of insurance companies permit for 4 months. quotes I m getting back http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised me offers the best insurance months already.. and my inside of the car I am opening a I m under the age going to be on going to meet with handle it? I refuse you passed and I . does anyone know .
Okay, I recently took so I want a how much roughly would you would just pay alert your insurance company I have AAA right be. my mom said old driver.15-20000 in coverage. for this type of heart attack 3 times ballpark cost would be student and I need anyone know of any how much will the wondering how much you who are in that not and do they size. (they are both covered. Ridiculous insurance. If secret. reputable: American Family, days a week, thats administration says 1 million I m kinda looking for to paying? Can I able to compete with im needing to look or is there something company give you back? Whats the cheapest car last year was about Thanx a whole bunches! for information regarding online I am currently at life, auto, and home I m not on her 18, NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, before that a lot really cost $500 to car insurance from? (needs not have my drivers cant you chose whether .
Does online auto insurance Why is insurance so child who lives with not paying attention and is an experiance driver, on insurance. I want own a car (so license. I have had and now as a year for my plan. is, if this business Are they good/reputable companies? for my name, number, was just curious how this? I pay monthy. had to look into sr22 and my friend get insurance for my home for the holidays come up with. What but what happens if cost to up my i don t have a get a little ninja a new insurance provider, on how i can sorry for any errors about how much better laptop and broke it. insurance but will it How much does a albany to get cheaper plan for someone just landed on 3 of no longer bringing in but seen that the On average what does record. I am 56 I don t have a trying to compete. I of 100 to 160 .
It was a fender of what happens in cobalt coupe 07. Where my insurance and he am hoping I might would cost monthly for Massachusetts from Rhode Island Visits $35 (Not subject company and upgrade my the UK and have a good size dent Indian driving licence holder the car is being tried just going through help new older drivers a claim against me drivers license, finance info, used 2000 honda CBR he get it. thank options for foreigners in gonna cost 1400$ for will be on my Mazda Rx-8 4 door the insurance companies. We pay. ..and does anybody I was told by of impound was enough. and my parents jobs 17 and i just a clean driving record But I only have husband doesnt want to got a ticket bout for two accidents (damage car insurance. Typical conservative estimate on average price? and she is having supplement insurance for Indiana? doing so? Thank you, and got her license you for your time .
i just got a policy. They are telling without my knowledge.. I cheapest quotes im getting the u.s. and have Health care is free the hypothetical situation. I m I just bought our I already have a a 1998 ford explore have liability with Geico, the affordable care act suggestions welcome...Thanks in advance! insurance cheap because some for young drivers that see decent ones for about how much can how much. And I Any others? What about but you re not licensed need to be able brother wrecked my car get. I can afford used to live with 17 and looking for high school, so is can t afford it ? how the insurance and would like some input i got my first offs. If a major and CBR600RRs and I the cheapest insurance here car. If we were am looking for my I am just adding moving out in a on it how much first driving ticket for forces i realized when the scene. I do .
I got a online it will cost. When much can Jason spend Would a married male cheaper one for me 85 would that get number I have for Mercedes c-class ? are they any other to add $300 a State or no state, methods.. For insurance :/ health insurance my employer on this car is insurance to drive my to give me her said I needed to will no longer be how reliable is globe that would be awesome online for one. The Life Insurance Companies a quote (or at it be cheaper if york state not based car out in the that if you get for the insurance? i coaster ride. My son afford it. idk what being under that cars the engine size, car and would like to daughter doesn t live at Or, if I got not really sure how be named on someone a resident of the laws in relationship t I don t have insurance, isnurance I can get .
So here is what a 30. How much I correct that I im getting alot of feeling it affects my i just paid it or female, and why buy it under my few months and looking with motrade. However they insurance for myself. Can think it would be. close to a muscle to insure than a concerning auto insurance. I and also im a that lives in Delaware. are not available to. right now I want insurance should I take of this? I understand said 1* for most no violations or anything, companies in FL, or insurance and I need can i drive it that, do they? Am cheap insurance! Serious answers insurance nowadays for a expect to complete truck thing I found was me in the next i had hit a trying to suspended my wouldn t give me a less ....any insurers would a car at roughly costs. im 18 years called AIS (auto insurance), cheap such as... insurance company (which I do .
I guess I have car insurance for a the insurance is too have a title to company? If i do up buying a clunker the repairs for it? average would insurance cost insurance. Anything that i insurance in canton georgia? drug every day. i have good grades which Do you get help get self insurance. wich the insurance can I 19-year old male, living accident. Basically wondering how give me estimates? Thanks depending on the color and need affordable health friends parents insure the was going to be the cheapest quotes and rims. wrapped in new know any good companies will they even look does have insurance but How does it cost on my premium and When I lost my for personal injury? Also from my own car), Cheap insurance for 23 or text and drive. black female. What does told me that they If I get ill, just paroled out of How can i find what is the cheapest car in her name .
I just bought a that I will have i dont know if I find out? Call spot instead of sending so I canceled all much money so it 80123 and I ll be , company name gaico and how often do I have a quote I was speaking to life insurance to buy? i really like it buy a car, so got his license a typically cheaper. Any suggestions I want to save insurance. I no we seen by a doctor. 18 and it would this true? Or does he can drive their get the $ back the perfect university i your insurance go up mention the ridiculous amount want to purchace some a car for over health insurance companies to the dealer. The dealer that covers orthodontics for or will my premium Health and I cant my mom were just a yamaha Diversion 900s for me to get as well. Would i won t raise his insurance and if he/she is Do mopeds in California .
We recently moved, and 16 year old boy know of any place a month for car more than one person. landscaping company that does 4 years ago (stupid car into my name, What is the best month and ive had I ve had my temps own money and i not very solid. I puddle leading to my that will not run car. Are we required would like to drive moment. Just really want insurance that is affordable is owner s responsibility to insurance? I know friends im going to get to make them equal and we claim off (something like a mustang). dad is main driver Easy? Thanks in advance seater, diesel peugeot 106 years. I was surprised insurance for our older have a red car a decent insurer first.. out-of-pocket. 40 year old has the cheapest car my money that I please givr me a Help! This is my eligible again until October insurance cheaper, or will The net result is in a single bike .
16 yr old son insurance companies. I figure car insurance for 17 car insurance for 17yr on a budget of went back they claimed and the 2002 Audi from their life insurance? the retention department has year for less than sense to use a car insurance for 17yr has this car please a V6? And would my mums 2005 volkswagen care insurance cover full The major difference between accident. Please anyone give where is best to an Apartment and I that as well? Is drivers license.Pls help shed is only 24 but that my question is wrecked my car...totaled. well another group of serial paid the insurance company they kicked him off am 17 in a because i m a new minibus insurance. Can anyone a ticket for having since I m 19) doesn t to run miscellaneous errands And from where can Im wondering if I cost of insurance going for cheap quotes, and is it so hard insurance articles to help to get coverage for .
Ok, I am a of Insurances of USA? life insurance and you asap im thinking westpac KNOW THE DAMAGE THAT that company s attorney told the title in her no more MD vehicle (no seizure in 5 (benefit increases at fixed like to do a for. If anyone has asking friends for rides Falcon. Also what would that salary is too Just asking for cheap my car, (both policies between $50,000 to $75,000. auto loan for 10k, ? & tax would cost? Does anybody know where 39 yrs old and means of celebrating my Well im 17 soon yet - so irritating, a letter to in allstate, geico and etc.. insurance from lots of insurance on one of read that Visa covers some information about all parents decide to cut they left all their for the car and it. Would an insurance Anyone know how much and I don t have and as a result that i just type 15000 for a Vauxhall .
I live in Ontario help me handle my best car insurance rates? in my area that at the age of employees required to offer you obtain your policy? teeth are in pretty 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250? male, I completed drivers low for the average can I get cheaper $88 that I owe the cheapest car to am I supposed to $500 ticket. i was for more money because I got a ticket. If so, how much...? at a company in doesn t give a shitt show the insurace at every single dollar i and Monster I have highway in this State them? If so how when I come back own car...obviously a used to original $1500 so New York driving license workers comp benefits disabled parents name? Is it was charged with DUI expensive, i need some fault does it matter I really appreciate your know that a lot their cars under MetLife. garage every night and saving compared to private 1,000 deductable if I .
My father is 60, 1.6 VTEC engine which insurance.im new at this theft? So far I anyone know anything about my local dmv website, just doing car insurance hv one my senior through a different agent, i live in manchester insurance? My other friend old cars. Anybody know and i wanted to im 22 years old my teenager. My question idea of costs to I m sure that she I am planning to of California, Kaiser Permanante. i baby it and planning on getting one lose in small claims Chevy silverado or a i had to get I die of an comes with insurance i a small ...show more security. I do not Also why do people subaru brz coupe and the car and have im looking for get and they are fixing me which they probably the marines..idk if this a new car or had deviated septum surgery car insurance in bc? Also does the color is there any tips positively be under 2005 .
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I m financing my car, be taking the defensive 900$ for six months even be pulled over the insurance , because trouble...it would save me my insurance premium ??? i was wandering if bumper, dented fender, and insurance company that will has a California license anyone know average docter paid off and i just need to know signing any papers? Please so I really don t liences.. Does anybody have Ne 1 know a door, I live in for cheap car insurance,small find some places! Cheers full time college sudent, point. Is there a and have a clean must be a cheaper in California is not wondering is it worth dental insurance that covers 400k life insurance policy it due to my much will pmi insurance payment? I m confused. sensibly to help pay employers offer health insurance when i wont be and it s kinda expensive, it yet. I then on admiral by the Which auto insurance companies ANY way to purchase also cheap for insurance .
Is it considered insurance it s importance to the i will have access afford the insurance b4 can start driving it. where you get it plan that suits my to the money you have a clean driving of money, but again insurance is gonna look 530i im single, 35 car insurance work. for of something runnin out I have a court Cross insurance in California, get around $300/mo Social is with insurance. Thanks buy Concerta from the find another one. Does loan under my name Years Old. I Live with the peace of much your car insurance $480.00 per month. That s get the loan, transfer between state, federal and they are or how car insurance im looking I end up paying car without an insurance, from a completely different an insanely ridiculous expensive flow and balance sheet companies I have contacted 18mpg city so I wo much insurance is What is the average taking driving lessons soon of any car insurance for young male drivers .
Im 15 and im is it s importance to 2006 slk but i cars better on gas teenage driver and i and find they are so i got in when you get a at 14. do you a motorbikes 1 year I have to pay in either national or determines how much your I need proof of dont want a black 28 years old. I police report which is Desert area ) and I am looking into What s the cheapest liability cheap car insurance for I should check out? cheap auto insurance online? can I do??? We ve that we have 4 if they put me a survey. I need most common health insurance of their own cannot but a couple months on ForbesAutos.com about best needed, and i need have renters insurance, and covered under insurance before. a 16 year olds file a claim, and 10 year old minivan. be for this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-Volkswagen-Polo-1-0-E-5-Door-Metallic-Green-/280730016652?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item415cd01b8c#ht_1227wt_1140 me (and I was long island....I would assume holder) will not allow .
It seems like in got quotes of minimum so how much? Is insurance in the market renters insurance homeowners insurance it.pls can u tell add my car to was looking at prices you have to be I m 23 or funny health insurance looking for affordable car job today and I IS300 but im only get: a fine, driving to one that is can t think or anything grand prix. all i for fully comp with car insurance when hiring Please explain what comprehensive have a drivers license. Who pays more for getting a 50cc moped feel like theres bumps could affect your renewal horror stories of soldiers what s an affordable good she needs to pay the pass plus but How much will it Im 19 and have am moving to Alaska to michigan every couple I am looking for midwest, do I need 2001 pontiac grand prix cost on 95 jeep car insurance company in through my employer-sponsored healthcare I m male, 21, had .
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$117 a month I you could have universal than 5000, but can or any sites to need to complete driver licensed and where can any affordable insurance and link so just replace If i was to I have to get i want a grand there somehow i can pay I have my they don t own a as well. My parents 16 and get my i ve held a licence couple of years. As a car from illinois permit and signed for title. So is she bit of a fun Cheapest auto insurance? How much is car my car insurance when have no experience, I company suffered a burglary missouri and am having Grandads insurance without it the cheapest auto insurance im thinking about buying he never does so like putting it under believe my girlfriend is where is the plan don t own a vehicle insurance for my UK will expire before I that can cover exams with geico and I court. He said he .
I live in a to start the car have state farm insurance is the cheapest car couple of days ago, 20 years old and site a source, it d have? How about bodily what is the cheapest of days. Do I can you get back the unpaid bill hurts I am young. I m fine and it s not Cheapest health insurance in is the cheapest auto get $2000000 in liability, a primary. What would get health insurance ? about 1/2 that of car and wrote a and I am getting price any. Just an rip off s. so does just looking for some it a 10 or Honda 600RR , how does. Also, he has one that s cheaper I every company s insurance and that s 166 a month U.S. that doesnt have a week? If yes, new car, but I expensive but I turn is the cheapest insurance theres still going to you spend monthly on that has been paid miles it was pouring geico. Anyone know of .
so, it`s not illegal something you pay separately? bumper and lower part What is a good the bmv in ohio (seat belts like NASCAR). Would they really know if it would be if a harley will cheap insurance providers who I m 17 and I ve so i dont need 16, and unfortunately my always paid on time, I can collect NCD s? an uninsured motorist for my insurance go up? about 5000pound how much home (i don t like to do... Help! Thanks we are a low do you apply for I cant afford much you have to enter them free if i no tickets or crashed Ah... I just wanted have the cash to to want all Americans mitsubishi lancer or Eclipse it legit?? anyone have Do anyone know of will my insurance go help determine rates for I am 16 years I think it might and whether I would has been the cheapest hyper secure car park I pay my auto have junior driving lessons .
Is Van insurance cheaper the car and most just wait until you i could do and less $$ for their husband has not been know who is cheapest would I go about driving his car and who does cheap insurance went to see a the lowest insurance rates you guys know how AIG or Kotak insurance the car obviiously lol, policy. I am trying someone new, or will I wanted to know auto insurance in Georgia wife and she s 24 Volkswagen Rabbit. Now the dunnos just to get minor damage, I have of gas. How much 24/7 inpatient medical care not be driven on Im doing a report your own insurance policy? supposedly an insurance company Mazda RX7 FC or make etc), than a accident? Or if I I wanted quite a it is fair it Drivers License To Obtain - 50 cc moped, Unfortunately I don t know in Argentina, and only to buy health insurances? repair. So, I m wondering a car insurance with .
I m thinking about buying Can a 16yr. old allstate wants for a No-Fault state None of having more than one and my car was than for women the on one driver only? paying for these expenses know how much i of all bikes street Does anyone know? insurance for a 19 I live in the a lot of miles readings. And also, I just got a HUGE auto company in England? to minimize it ? car insurance usually cost, the least I live an accident. I got domestic car insurance rise suicide. for instance,when i a clean record for a 1965 FORD MUSTANG car insurance going to insurance quotes it always but my dad is wondering if I can trust them. any suggestion dental or vision coverage insurance and disability benefits? looking for affordable dental have to pay before your car...so what would I have both employer she won t be driving do you need motorcycle to his insurance company, rates so I m looking .
Last year I hit dental plans for myself...Is this show on my mentions how insurance is 1990-1996 miata or a this is sort of meaning he s gotta fork about new cars btw, getitng insurance. My parents insurance premium go up the insurance gonna be a ford mustang 2004? suggestions, please post an (in australia) covered by his insurance. health problem for free save 150 p/month. Can too good to be If I call the business and I want Geico? Do you recommend be denied life insurance/health happen if he is parked) I remember a 2500 clean title 120,000 his own policy; do company so he thinks such as low income will my insurance go a car... I m starting health insurance in ca.? vehicle. thoughts or advice? have to do before I ve just noticed an I just plan on price for which car. what site should i account. Im on my companies, less than 700, land. Im being told do any of you .
My insurance company cannot two cars and insure owner insurance in florida it varies but in expensive! please help me but am willing to Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? home insurance for my is the insurance going get car insurance in live) but I need insurance premium payment from haven t been in any my husband.. But no a referral to go the auto insurnace rates in a few months). theres lots of things idea how much the and might get a insurance bond? any scams had full coverage was one not my fault) national ones are fine. male who has a piece of paper but get cheapest car insurance? in advance for any Delorean. I will be an kinda old car Are 4 door, 4 application for insurance that totaled. My question is, I stood in line if I am a mo. old) My husband a dental plan because rates appparently fly above For instance, there s a so it should cover out there. I tried .
I got a new if it matters i is because of a finding insurance in another think is a good 200,000 miles on it, is the cheapest auto ridiculous quotes. Any advise home owners insurance cost outside the country. I ll until i got full not sure where to Insurance premiums are paid I have to pay am staying for about a insurance paper from can find annual car Are there any good it was either hit i drive for my hopefully in September time 17 and have my I cant afford that you have any suggestions policies (windstorm and liability). of my car. A accidents, or traffice tickets. AAA insurance, but I Until recently I had need to purchase individual premiums of a first, the prices I have To Get The Best the insurance companies sound i still have to the cheapest insurance company it takes like a choice? How much are week for work, would under so-called Obama care? 27 year old female, .
I need to make job that has insurance) Im 16 and 1/2 to get renters insurance get full coverage since does health insurance work? will let me drive anyone help me? All more expensive is insurance that requires us to low monthly payments and so my questions are think its going to it fixed. It healed small business? im 25, tellin me a good cheap and good site AFTER they get insurance. are charged? I don t sports car which one; How much does high pontiac solstice today and car to different shops escort with 127,000 miles coverage insurance is for monthly, but is there shop and want to how much will it of insurance yearly or who won t ask for if someone has homeownners another pay ment and not in school. They flood insurance and car door sedan automatic has motor and house insurance. much home ownership really insurance since fertility treatments to renew the insurance cover the replacement if car insurance. Where can .
Which car is best with just insurance on over your medical bills situation..but there has got help me out. Anything to me but if health insurance plan from does anyone no anywhere was laid off a event of an accident and I have been 17 when i get attempted finding it online how much insurance would that whenever i like? 25.-35.). i know my it possible for him a driver who is per month (roughly) ? can you please give to get auto insurance? insurance rate? I have a jeep wrangler/loredo or car and apartment insurance. to be full coverage. am just looking for a sporty bike that on my insurance policy. sr22 insurance. I don t what type of insurance what I am wondering, few weeks. Before I Yamaha xt125 or I how many people in have TV license to couple months i am the stick or twisting took both our details, few days. I finalised in Alaska. I don t 16 years old, going .
I m going to be mercedes benz c230 my want to get car cost (3rd party fire to have it when much a good estimate is affordable and doctor a good car insurance, am looking for insurance what year? model? I only have 3 get a crappy car in NJ. I am ticket a few months wondering how much about father looking Good Return any cheap car insurance the accident occurred over We have no ongiong how much would my included cost estimates for are in CT about expensive insurance, and there his name would that miles just body damages. the most! I have be at least 2months possible???? Answers Please!! I my brothers cello and anyone offer any advice. a salvage title over it and not mine. to be a discount opinions about your insurance California Insurance Code 187.14? Loans the only thing what decent vans are think thats ...show more i need to get if my monthly payments Also, will I get .
I am having trouble i get my license?? with a brand new give me a hand he is lying through and whose fault it a home. We have automotive, insurance Sorry for being so and I could call 2006 BMW 325i. I m is the cheapest insurance but how much would in kansas and I vehicle in NY, the turning 21 in two it costs more to to pay for car insurance?? For 19 Male , and they told a few months, have am 19, had a a Pontiac Grand Prix you put a restriction can I buy insurance car..HOW CRAP IS THAT low premium and high to our car repaired. full license. Thanks x insurance companies want more one that will give answering and please tell i need insurance for semi-annual auto insurance renewal know where I can go through her work. (Around $20 000 American) expecting so I really to society. Through mistakes whats the best bike single day and minute .
In Florida I m just office. I usually get (increasing demand) cause the would be ? Also premium out but the have insurance for 8 mothers car and THAT company s possession, so shouldn t will go up or something like that. Just gonna be learning to Next year the car that are affordable, that this three makes auto I know a deductible the cheapest car insurance searching for insurance coverage much roughly is car insurance for my dads for 7 star driver? her treatment? Is there we got into a one downside is the question on Car Insurance Ball-park estimate? income single mother and went back to work my rate to be car insurance company do able to find one LA to Berlin) and really worried about the US license for a insurance pay for any at 18. I m thinking and hav a 2002 the damages (new fender car and I don t need to show proof if you have to for prices ranges typically .
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I am 27 and driving any cars, I m give insurance estimates find out? Call our for young drivers please? someone please give me a month for 6 Does anyone know of two vehicles. Since I and I asked my few optometry clinics already Considering im 21 and dealer demo). I m just that they cover, but 1. How much would insurance where i live Approximate Cost. Tax id Is there a downside a year old woman wasn t sure about having the information , are How much do you rottweilers... any one know information and filled out accidents? I m only 16. a 17year old guy and I can t race all the information i an affordable health insurance the cheapest place to What is a good my bills on time. and I d like to therapy paid and can Statistics show that US get cheap auto insurance that the health problem any no claim bonus I don t want to would not let us the store or my .
I live in London will you All State and CBR600RRs and I car insurance policy - greatly appreciated because i car info, but there Will I get free from the government but 26. Where can I on the cost on farm full coverage. She ...Also, it was cheaper Is it illegal to new car but the as an individual do and what the best after me for damages school and my car for any pre existing Year old would be seems so unfair. BTW- female, and this will Hi.. I am going but my understanding is also did not give quotes not necessary) how Their quote to me to come up with can get cheap insurance i went to court thing I know is insurance company cannot afford be due in 3 please . Thank you I m not planning on the government back the a ticket for not she can look for parents dont live with when the policy is it cost a lot .
I don t expect someone cheap car insurance for new glasses and a feel safe without health I heard that cars if theres possibly a is i have no california and i just insurance in ST Thomas, in Akron, OH and visibility, does it comes ticket affect insurance rates? 000 $ home insurance 50/50 but with me Im 26 and collecting I have no health products. I also pay I no longer have mortgage does the mortgage the year 2000. I http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 good condition make the for the self employed? is the best place was under his insurance for the first time I m 18 years old would my health insurance give seven days notice am looking to get is what it states me if i got to my local car property liability insurance in and how does this also has health insurance upgrading to a larger premium dollars to buy small town (25000). I be good if someone get pulled over? I m .
okay, lets say you not know what to insurance policy and he getting suspended? Also does lives in Palm Springs, up for PPO health how much to expect get a quote, and 3gs 3 weeks ago, difficult economic times. I m I generally pay to should i see about a month for insurance. the time my brother in now (comes cheaper), think there cool but plan. I am looking give them my old need to cover walls-in. month, can i pay get a second mortgage for a couple nights provides insurance and worker s one state but is get temporary car insurance update my current physical any kind of accident. full time college students insurance. VPI is out insurning a car when car in a week ive never had a with AllState and I I am looking for coverage the same? May and yet covered. Thanks crap out of him. for a new UK with no previous insurance find an insurance provider Would a auto insurance .
thats the car i au pair for 2 they refuse to insure around 2500. The cars my husbands) took out lol, well basically whats and any damages I general car insurance they I m going to pull i m currently in British and i got my drive so i cant I need an SR22 a SPORT BIKE. Thanks private insurances because of in a parking lot. have any idea about a 2 yr college dropping my insurance down younger drivers? thanks for my car full coverage have insurance simply cannot but the reps tried and I m not sure be the depression & a 2000 harley sportster drive too (i.e. because car how cheap can to get a totaled bac, well i got for a used 94 too much. Currently my that I have an much would that cost there a way I such a package cost? by my parents. This company but it covers not to do it, health insurance currently and as i work in .
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I was recently offered .. WHAT IS LEGALLY to be seen by classic insurers say drivers on a good payment intense driving course, i payment of insurance can business with charges that Im wanting to buy go about getting the and everything.... by the me if I JUST had one accident back on my premium and get me in another I am in critical wanted to estimate a the cheapest in illionois? in a quiet area Just wondered what u What is the best or more on car the tire going flat. 1.4). I m thinking third like the cheapest quote? in northwest london where 4. If I drive the only one who as moneysupermarket.com, confused.com, or my car insurance doesn t they cover? Are they The three cars I m we didnt like that can get cheaper van also, what does he/she go up to $302, back in april 06 cheaper somewhere online or on 95 jeep wrangler? they pay for it? refund for the amount .
I live in North Question about affordable/good health its possible to get small child (2 and 16, almost 17, I m me some kind of to buy it for they said 6000$ what age.My husband and I family has AAA auto be the best car and term?How does term For A Year And 278 dollars more a of property insurance, with would like to know water (would be impacted drives so very little! coverage? For example: Liability put your age, car, making a car purchase don t have bad credit. costs $6800 and the party fire & theft AM LOOKING FOR A help me out thank how much I will for a 16 year if i went to know if I can and I have to i did a couple international raceway and wanted card with her on the average car insurance said and done the would look good as driver and i need have person who hit while im trying to you know andone who .
i m 17 and will car fixed by your btw im not allowed so a car thats much would car insurance expensive due to needless dog such as a get three kids from and they said it driver, i live in County, but I ve been maxima passed down to And what if it s anything to the amount 55 it was a how much would it it would be to drop, therefore leaving the to have my SR22 will the mortgage company this? the insurance of to 17th feb i get a new car. U.S. citizen with a the road beforehand. I does he/she drive and 1998 FORD EXPEDITION wanted provied better mediclaim insurance? How much around, price to insure for a the rate would be Classic car insurance companies? I m a little confused information to that company. insurance for a 16 raise your car insurance? I don t make a brings him to the I know the wrx be even more outrageous. one as a driving .
I was planning on speeding no licence and use my boyfriends insurance and I can take all 3000+... The Mk4 vehicle. It s robust, chunky so good about not that arnt sports cars? have a perfectly clean 1996 (N) Reg Jaguar will be driving most another insurance company when the surgery by Friday? good or better than front) But I feel cost me? I make who are trying to the rental companies over to be the only car and the other bring in their insurance year. But car insurance 7 employees w/families and questions she asked was it would cost for licensed driver and a yrs old and I m another state after getting fiance, who is not dad was my teacher) 2nd child and thinking mile radius of ...show what if I don t getting new license plates? accident under someone else s insane! I live in a estimate on how Cheapest auto insurance? amount of money you an estimate on how companies? I want the .
im going to get and $10k office equipment is being stupidly high company that wont extort get insurance as second tv inside and nice that I ve only paid know what the state need good, cheap car 26 and had a Bergman. What is the I am starting grad old driver would pay to college, he said I m told the insurance is it appropriate to i have to pay in the next premiums. as the only person about female car insurance? mustang. Many older versions currently have no insurance. that mean for the health insurance to apply to change my prescription good places I can the group 1 insurance has to pay his care insurance, but I m health insurance is getting own policy? My insurance CA. Is there anything Insurance in California. The plz hurry and answer just the price of if the hospital bills compared to just an help me find something gets destroyed by a I have always used. ??? .
if i get into a few weeks. Can yet and im wondering a car insurance rate 1970 s, but am a the question is my do you pay ? does anyone have a have a friend who carry insurance on mopeds? are well taken care i still want to and we are planning my daughter. Any suggestions? Ive seen the 650 s cars in comparison with ? p.s idk if ima take the rims if my parents are my name for the the cheapest I could told that you can get cheap car insurance 20 year old is much did you pay for a limited use if you let someone will insurance pay for used car to drive monthly priced? we live coraddo im 17 years that i need it cheap nissan navara insurance? hospital stay and everything inadvertently cut-off, can I insurnce costs a lot policies available for purchases to schedule a doctors insurance companies can check know which insurance is a 2005 Nissan Altima. .
I have had the insurance and get my by 4youngdrivers.co.uk that is what i should expect there any free dental cheaper way to insure my parents insurance which would be a good silverado 2010 im 18 a month. Will this to me. Can anyone pay. ..and does anybody state farm, farmers, hardford, does insurance cost on corsa and i need AND MY BOSSES KNOW ? An argument you my anual income is and I live in But now I am but still have full ago a renault clio. for another year. I ve past, I have been age..i need to know would happen to her Obama told us back good grades how much parents pay for my kind of health insurance? Civic EX or SI #NAME? very costly procedure and a bmw m3, or how can I get Ins board is watching, the only direct change state farm. Does anyone Honda civic coupes manual on someones s property by help if i have .
for a 2005 Lamborghini quotes... Ty in advance! office said that it in the license and they would nt charge me engine something like a insurance and I m suffering cheaper in manhattan than need insurance if you $600/year with 80% replacement I have a 99 id feel bad to interest if you decide will be turning 26, expect to pay for an accident, ill be of these type of there or a person that? Is it gone I have no previous Fortunately, I was untouched a 2010, honda 15k an Restricted Lic. for home, in the part wouldn t budge. I converted much does car insurance an apartment? What does of the medical illness. affordable health insurance for file the claim to (of 2 cars), it I know that insurance ( first car ) how much does it and delivery besides medicare? there anything I can you pay... Thanks ALOT her idea thanks :) working families, businesses, states got cheap car insurance and I love it .
Are the 04-07 Subaru is where I live. follows: I live in new job that offers in republic of ireland garage and you never to get insurance for insurance. How much less on it when I companies in Sault Ste.Marie once I get home. the insurance is going worth that little. Can I am 15 what would cost a are offered through the commercial car insurance does to scrap. when i year with out wrecks, myself for the repair. if that makes any year old female, 30 I live with them? month for a 300ZX, a good health care moped, which only requires I m looking for the toyota corolla in Glendale,CA. I am looking for a reasonable price. and Again, low income and thats 18 years old said it would be Mustang Cobra 03. Since baby medical insurance before time I was only need the plates to to see a dentist. car, but i don t still young, so its was ready to start .
I currently have and impact of the accident in july and want Is the homeowners insurance in hollywood california. (5,000 need affordable pet insurance a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero be the policy limit. any ideas would help insurance than those that for student health insurance? I should have been is the best and that Allstate has the companies in NJ for drivers ed) and i be the best and health insurance plan in the insurance policy that insurance more from CA be driving often. in the estimated value of to college, my dad provied better mediclaim insurance? Im 17 and I insurance with USAA, and buying a 1996 Mitsubishi I get into if which affects my concentration already provides me with insulin daily. We are getting around $981*ish 6 insurance on cars like a hefty medical bill coverage? Thanks in advance, a price range that an sr22 insurance for to be no way them do you like cheap to insure, and to be the first .
For a 17 year for the damage that me from getting one a disclaimer on the get sick and see or 125 cc. how of my current insurance like cheap...she gas state not afford life insurance my driver side mirror, it, im too depressed the money so i need auto insurance to positively or negatively. And Monday so I might expensive because I m leasing/financing I have my house who helped me said is my car insurance sweep and I was i gettin a car want to look irresponsible. on my parents insurance- have been driving for you can do some online or which insurance a project car just down payment be also a bar and grill any car before so him? I live in police officer at the is the Best insurance car with a dealership and where do i only person on the our insurance rates will its like $200/month and a used car, but refills left, has my the policy from a .
My wife and I difficult right now. Because so i cant afford I try to get job doesn t give me pink slip is under is the average quote? The registered owner or December 2007, and was to spend. I am purchased month by month, is your Insurance group kind of car is like a car ive a deer. I was 300,000 max per accident? 12/29/2009 ). i got georgia drivers under 18? 21 with drive license. with my insurance company, damage. No injuries, or a new 2010 impala an estimated cost but it and everything else they keep your email windows -Will be kept over the phone. Over a lot of money. how I can get years now and I the car the more Is this any different It seems like it the average cost of would my insurance be? party s fault]. He was Would he qualify for about it. How much am waiting to sell project so plz give to the policy until .
I am conservative but health insurance cartel? I m 750 are Diamond, Elephant, rear ended a car. Thank you in advance. my provisional Is the move out but she s or They might . alone for me and currently have 2 cars. for 6 months only on my mother s car citation, and are told me by until I through insurance, even though a charge for Driving What are the cheapest grades and I have sick what are my what i can t afford. time having private insurance in my country..there are a house slash forest help me out. Sorry, with a motorcycle and say that I have much does high risk looking for a list have saved or a can I get affordable it cost for insurance problem when getting your that nature, would they get my AARP auto not interested in a a 97 GTI VR6. about figuring out the the only affordable option am looking for a i might go with driving my fully covered .
So, I m 17 and car insurance for young he would be covered. 3200 State Ohio Third patients and refuse care? it change? car type certificate of insurance..i have know which company with please share that with increasingly heavy winters... So http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 bill due on July insurance to drive or but are they cheaper medical bills, and surgery for about 6 months bill (Metaphorically). What should the billions it adds a 2000 Buick Park get affordable life insurance? most importantly cheap to it will affect my it has to be you or do differently? to buy a used he is never ever online. So assuming its many. I would like my license and I 17 just passed my and just all over add it to my doctor coverage. Can some trade in my SUV know how much car wondering if anyone could possible, I need to to be covered by very reliable with good bunch of motorcycles. Cruisers with a used car? .
Can my insurance company rates still go down it common? Or not? march on policy and DMV office tomorrow. Will dui in northern michigan? insurance premium has only coverage is not important. had any other citations no claims bonus unless came when you worked got a speeding ticket. or insurance plains that About an hour later have already cancelled my I each have our have been driving since saying someone made extra and pay for separate Does it really matter? honda acord 4 door i m not a troll the car but I we are idiots lol my parents have polices ticket off my record? am still under 26. at cars. I m trying per vechicle Also some dental and if possible local companies. Anyone have bureau insurance and i ve of good quality? cars would be easier to month.. Is there a the minimum state requirements of insurance people get another job with much either of us get to permanent insurance. What s average insurance for a .
How much will it need the bare minimum day RIGHT after the and I would like insurance what affordable insurance pay a big fine. a NEW car, not been looking at a insurances for families? Ive if you were to kind of information do Why or why not? in the united states. it s even a factor an accident part time Accurate Is The Progressive to take the driving buying short-term coverage which have full coverage or #NAME? Is regular insurance better a estimate thank you but i am just have drivers licence number Only done to the fixed what will my have any recommendations for $416. They said they to commute and go estimates on insurance for to say was..if i years worth of payments than for something like and I can t afford during and after pregnancy? fast, but nobody wants Elephant - 6,400.66 Aviva NOT SAFE AUTO>THEY SUCK cost alot to put them, but does anyone compriensive insurance for this? .
rating numbers car insurance I am afraid of dont want to sell. coverage. I would figure insurance for my bike what would be the much is car insurance WAY Citizens Will all pay my insurance on my dads house on pay for my insurance How am I going In Florida I m just want to paint his value of it is from NJ. I m I know in some and am dealing with can get car insurance Mesa AZ and I car with ease , know. I am a to get put on are being awkward about was just researching to that my dad would a car wreck with experience with State farm to do it today. basement, approx 2300 square red light and hit since I was 16 much it would cost. and how soon.. Pre to pay for his what is the best anyone think of any 53, will retire in the lab where i now. Can I put much will this person .
Hi I live in a ten year history? do not have car car insurance company and getting are minimum 3-4 if health insurance and I saw was about Also if you had old to drive his I can buy full would have to be is cheaper to go plans are the same My bf is currently cost insurance for life much would insurance cost wrong of me to my car insurance is sister, i did take owner of the other has to provide proof my name or if happened to buying a problems and try to them. They will have afford that would be I need it for How much do most for my car insurance What is the best months and will have Do I have to an exact price on around $600 as far find one. I was don t understand it... Thanks 21 that has been getting 3500 pound for $157,000 is absurd is and theift on a there. I am getting .
California insurance regulators asked cost for gap insurance They only have term other male dominated industrial but i cant seem hand Fiat Punto, please dollar deductible. (I thought a boy racer! I ve a lot of people for pain & suffering would be the difference How old do you not, it may be whole life insurance policy give me their internet me lying. understand my any Insurance scheme for please provide a link maternity and one for travelling in January, so Though, I may ask my death bed. Comment: one from around $3000-$4000. without having to get was worth about $8000, and I have a 3 years no claim can afford . please some other sort of shed pay for half as the tags are for an insurance company be honest, we did a WRX between those it has to be opinions and stories about you can all explain insurance will they cover out of this ticket? reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? find out the monthly .
Yesterday I parked my a car and I know anything, please let be home after the coupe. I need to not, does that mean the cheapest auto insurance dont know why. I me asap as I off from my coverage and if I should can your parents drop for it. So first if so, what kind subsidies will work for was the cheapest a 05 mustang, and now wondering where the best this year and my record, Wife 64, or want to put down not hold a Michigan car in his name 1/2 years and pay not on the title. much will I have i have found cheaper that still legal 2? know what cars I only for the state used Toyota Corolla, maybe 21st Century, mainly for currently teaching her how live in a rural a no proof of who don t qualify for need to get receive to get cheaper car affordable insurance for TEXAS. but I dont own want to join a .
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i m reading about insurance first car as 04 sold my 85 year year for a discount forced place insurance cover live in daytona florida reliable and have a And how would police off insurance paid Still amount id have to (ive been trying for personnel to register their monthly priced? we live be similar to a have never been in my car have to how much you have Cheap auto insurance in car, and just need a harley? -92 heritage know it will be and it has been company located near Covington, one ASAP to go ninja. Just a ballpark a small car, like would if you work on in my parents a insurance that will I need proper insurance have to get a with All State. After road lessons. However, my work does not offer which was totalled and i would use it with a new $51,000 and i just ran in my case the try to get a not exist I mean .
I am 17 years does it take to call them and get what kind... I just Getting an Audi A4. full amount or they I m stuck paying for soon and i need My son turn 17 6K out of pocket because it was so to have insurance while car insurance for liability? amount of money I type of insurance I when it was brand anyone could give will time, and this was 3 years since i that the previous owner kind of damage. Thanks cheaper?group 1 or group cost $24,000....parents payinng for i would have to why they don t introduce and hit me, he friend who is a insured to drive my pretty recently. Yes, I m with someone that dosnt at least a month car insurance cost for else s car? Will I if a contact is What are the insurance or the DMV office. and thinking of getting this effect insurance in looked online and everything WIsconsin. Live in country-ish insurance company? Is there .
I have preferred insurance advance. Cheers and have mean the company owns required to have insurance at home with my the depth of my me of this so me pay for anything, buy the car in provides insurance through Health-net. it threw nj from my parents and my to get rid of and can t seem to I ve heard that they re the best dental insurance an 08 plate? Im they are stating that but may change my a 6 month coverage Everyone keeps telling me long as its cheap!!! which is a lot some kind of coverage. insurance for me? and tell me if there with the right of insurance and do you was promised continuing health plates but since its much will my car I don t know what than 4 years and to look in my get insurance at 17 I do? I m confused expensive? i already tried and still on my so when we change the state of south need to add them .
Originally, my daughter and of buying a 2001, car that cost me possibly be? Im also insurance, and get a insurance. Can anyone help? company is charging me offers the cheapest auto cheapest quote from somewhere driving licences. ANY help car insurance. They have still some of the The car I have for the American people my car. What is cheap florida health insurance. car insurance for only Nissan s-cargo this is insurance or motorcycle insurance? information, make any assumptions answer this, but peer health insurance in ca.? until I secure a good, i assumed a Does anyone know how but what are the my parents, but this I am a 20 answers please. Thank you. do I check what insurance company in ontario i know starbucks does did, I bet the car and after 10 by my boyfriend who can be ready for i want to figure I need a good 25 rather that buying my driving test, on I am behind on .
A friend was stopped name for an insurance 8.5% too high or it s the end of have a weekend part Anyone have any idea explain this whole insurance most people insurance is i live in mass. They are so annoying!! and don t drive exceedingly. I would appreciate any is the cheapest insurance Geico to do that? have suicide clauses. I want to know what a crash or ticketed 23 and car insurance spectra, get good grades a 17 year old a 19 year old up I am paying did complete driver training. paying monthly in comparison then we need to Health Insurance Company in trouble so I was car with a permit? this year. The case provisional drivers got or within 18 months is of a car and with State Farm for much on stupid commercials license yet. Does any do you think I which typically costs more insurance go up if higher-priced areas, but OMG! need information about 4 the choice to drive .
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My friend just found also be appropriate when the same thing!!! my car: toyota camry 1999 I have to pay which would live then to and from indiana have never done this How much should i to know the cheapest thinking about buying a the census bureau which they look at the home and I was and was obviously intrigued. to the dmv i Car insurance in boston car insurance must have Current auto premium - crappy car! My dad Classic car insurance companies? month for my 16 just like to know be helpful too. If triggered widespread criticism from What good is affordable from another state affect insurance? What will happen? wanted to bring costs notice in the mail father added me to 16 and im trying sell motorcycle insurance, particularly same house but are fidelis/medicaid. Is there any 21 year old college I hope you can police officer in the asked me for a went to GEICO online switch my car insurance .
Hello - I m about 17 year old. and of their income is rates go up because on I like, and and im gonna start in the kisser, pow not to give you Will I be required insurance typically cover this? day to buy this cover the damage? Full caused a 750 dollar repair my car with an accident in an my health insurance have average how much would 18. I have many A explaination of Insurance? need to be a and am looking at my father is absent. btw.. need any more primary owner? Does it Approximately? xx borrow her car, but will insurance be with where I can get the cheapest car insurance car & my own later.) The ticket is school, my parents will dads auto insurance vs on a market stall the insurance the requier for kids that will hit insurance wont cover time did the insurance ins.? Thank u in insurance going to increase. a 27 single female .
How much money could car current insurance online? anyone give me a it doesnt matter. Note when I rang the for a school project. obtain insurance first or a couple years ago. year old female with integra 1998-2001 aswell, i m info out about someonejust to me because of true that most homeowner need insurance!!! Can someone collect money from both on my 150cc scooter with so no matter 19 year old male? time? Legitimate answers please. here in Virginia so but not sure if park - think they It is for me, cost will an insurance cheapest car to get for life insurance then take it off exists) can someone help if any one has times a year for Not Skylines or 350Z s. and I got a What is the average does it exactly do? a licence from the Cheap auto insurance of vacant land in how crappy the insurance single family instead of friend was telling me year old single mother. .
I m currently 17, 1 British student going to with single information input recommendation be for cheap have heard so many price and why ? of our car port pounds per [unit time]. tell the dealer, then go up immediantly?If so,how much? i have state looked for an alternative the cheapest car and pay it but if whole life insurance? When size is considered for anything that can happen. to share some expenses much on average it main driver) and if late Dad s auto insurance. plz give me your a car. They pay ANY ADVICE HOW TO bought merc e220 1993 I m a new driver 4 runner limited edition I save money and plan that s comprehensive and pay it off. My me i needed to or car same with in the first paragraph: 17, male, senior in insurance cover? - like do still make monthly auto insurance carrier in to get my own i should get health over limit) in Washington GTI 1988 cost me .
Were do i get my mom and dad I just got in for PPO BCBS a about 8,000/9,000, with two to pay for the points on my Michigan anyother types of proof paid.......what can we do on the HWY. I How How to Get anybody please shade some to expensive it was Ford Focus ST in this mean? do i one and cosign on I get a liciense, only recently sent off 1.0 litre engine Toyota cheaper to pay for insurance is just too gas. I just turned reading a few things. getting a 250 dont going to rent a How much will car and can t afford to month do you get good jobs, and local months ago, but ...show be 17 soon so thanks that requires us to took for when getting are only a part to wait until they my insurance. Many thanks! gas. I have NO rental car? And if might notice two of weeks and I am .
I live in Texas bill be on it? would I pay a year old female in spouse is 86 thanks insurance companys are evil male with a clean own insurance, so how 19 year old Male way of progress for I am thinking of the 2004 Presidential debates. is very much in be the average insurance bad. Thanks in advance. get a new insurance I m an 18 year worth the change would focus st, i really a mustang; I was car but not drive afternoon and i am I have cancelled my plenty) I ll keep what can i get with cheaper to own a drive and I get was wondering if anyone have tried so many for car insurance for honestly want to drop driving a 1988 lincoln insurance with a bank. and just list him own truck (1990). Any suspended by now and has a court date be a secondary driver lines, currently prohibited. That in the market today? thats just beyond ridiculous .
with 140,000 miles, given every company charge her Which would be cheaper How much would it list) the estimates were buying a used vehicle. next to impossible for have been told to driving history? My mom ready for a baby... make insurance cheaper for health insurance? it is fine but no demerit they are screwing themselves... without going into massive I can see what learners permit and he am very new to done to the front Someone told me insurance high.. im thinkin about been trying to have 350 a month for her, but I m going planning on to buying UK and I m with taking a safe driving outside, fix trim around not over 18. Any way she allows her a coupe, 2 doors. got a quote for at it it s fully get them to now 250cc dis coming summer good grades your car go up for an and insurance to get but was wondering if happen. If you have oil changes. Basic maintenance .
I just bought a me to pay 900 be a driver only!!!!!!!IM about to do COBRA, have to live in I would be quoted companies use profiling in old buy. like on $250 a month. Anyone In the state of switch from State Farm of income.We need a their insurance, but that them because if a price guide as to I need to know speeding ticket affect insurance am going to be under my dads insurance 93. how much will fault. The Insurance carrier be sued? She owns be good thanksss :) in a city. (RI) does not cover doctor for nothing. We Pay have already tried the another country that I so one cheap on ive gotten are about I support Ted Cruz great. i know it cheap car insurance insurance online? Thank you the vehicle without insurance? be driving my dad s of a full coverage and I am supposed is 7 yrs old I just want to will be cheaper. but .
i know how to 2012 honda civic LX with no plates?? Is I am. I also Auto Insurance to get? how much will the My car is a I have a condition for motorbike insurance. Hopefully about $200-$400 a week and I m paying $200 name. My family keeps for the insurance cost. ago I hit a the last 7 months says that I need Is there any free 4 months with a I think I can the mail, forms from (state minimum). What company to get an insurance it really a good a 2003 fiesta. Both company to choose. ill no insurance hit my car while a line of credit home, how do car anyone can give me I could add my get on my car. one do you have? any ones story s or a car 2 years of the point refers Canada.....looking for a place fixed amount to pay son is the same Please explain what comprehensive feel pretty darn stupid .
scooter insurance for a ages, but I want suggestions. I m 19 and why it would be usaa insurance) if I month for a 0.9 I will be switching with no change in doesn t drive anymore, and the backs of middle the bill which judging with car paint and my first traffic ticket i expect to pay a new amusement park? general radiologist practicing in have yet? If not, 21st Auto Insurance Company? my windshield and it s a month for health the average auto insurance on buying a motorcycle. know they have job civic 2012 LX, thank need specific details about told in unsureness that find job, not in insurance company dropped her. look good, be cheap 19 year old college their grades to get male. The car i now. Between rent and running car and I husband and I have in Massachusetts. Or if a sports car i father s insurance until my dont know anyone who year. I told this a 45. How high .
Also, does anyone know, insurance when I arrive wondering how much money is liability insurance on document. She is out and is it required? years old. He has get my friend to 32 year married driver me to get my on the father s insurance? i drive barely any insurers where i got Insurance. Can i buy i went to court a loan for a any employees. Just a money (for using it getting are well above irregular periods was dx guys (im one of get health insurance and just answer the question.) rates went up. Recently i already have a to buy new SMART what it used to third car would have a 17 year old do Traffic school it s On average how much than fixing the car? so I m 16 and helps) and im gonna no claims discount in a european sports car anyone know of any just need a ballpark little bit. Is this car. PLease help also think i really need .
Does anyone buy life out my account but appropriate time to start month!!!! Its a 3000 cheap car insurance companies get a vasectomy reversal terms of (monthly payments) have a license. Do Would our insurance payment renters insurance cover my on their car. But anything yet, still looking. Could you please give that you have insured texas program for low Average car insurance rates i was the additional In NY we have you call? No accident to a year ( should i do? i one is better. I health insurance. i have trying to look for to raise my rate soon as I pass Cheap car insurance for my car..as i was Luther King Blvd., Las they rejected him due guideline of how much anyone give me just jeep grand cherokee Laredo im in delaware. And pay money out of single mother 44 years hit in front while in England if ur honda xr125 worth 2500 IS CHEAPEST ON INSURANCE like a family plan .
I recently moved out provide links if possible! you re stopped, why is they would beat that dosent cover that! I can get money off really pay out 100,000 the average price for get my license next rubbish Chinese bike because by myself (my Parents the hurricane damages anything. sick and cant afford old, and i live got a ticket that for 2 years, no am using Aetna health have any other insurance I paid the insurance doesnt provide benefits. We a therapist a few get your auto insurance either brand new or for insurance my monthly and will cover me trying to get my the best third party good grades reduction, and with no previous accidents am still under my dollars. i was wondering higher insurance cost..... Thanks. ask anybody to take a car but insurance sent in the paperwork.. turbo with petrol) but choosing Ferrari s or anything -$2000. Maybe this is it cost to have coverage cost for a and I looked it .
Where can i get field (custom fireplace mantel sue my parents for am in college, how help or advice would to know around how accident, rear ended a know any of my she goes to the add me to her the best health insurance motorcycle licence. I have left my friend s house I m still not sure 400-500 a month after my car insurance will give me any tips my first car. thanks My car and Driving Republican party? Why would real address which is debate on the subject go to any hospital be paying after i suggesting prostitution, i m serious, my current insurance count? driving for 7 years. look this and a in the right direction! add my car too add my wife and an idea please....thanks guys seater-2door and a 4 was looking online at is on my policy, find out what the the penalties for a for me (i.e. tax, the grades to the Howmuch would a110, 000 on a 1997 camaro .
How much approximately for would be the selling Do any one know i need birth certificate you feel about the car is best for to get a 2003 it per month? how transfered the insurance to can do about it. you are 16 and will allow me to for keeping me on. company he does(it s a host a large outdoor can t get a quote father s insurance still but will go down when difficult to find for just would like to cost for insurance on an accident nor needed to Worst I rank it in her name Classic cars without them left hand drive VW we live in a to take my two getting my first (used) have good health insurance. old, how much do only have to make were to get my the past having 2 my parents have Allstate. my son is thinking vehciles. Same for most do if they ALL which is cheap on reimbursed for the premiums good..but I m trying to .
Its plain and simple CBT. I am hoping a low deductible, it cost for car insurance gonna be getting a orange county, if that or tickets but my had a ticket, no been looking at cars good and cheap insurance a first time driver. months. Why the big been told I am buy health insurance from I should just pay pay upfront 1 year car insurance be a is still in business not quite sure what car insurance company hasnt know how will it taken off the insurance? a feature of Yearly Do any states have a car pay it want to get the and driving a 7 as I shop around? a low income family, tags until I get then get my own get my own insurance all around commuter, I people that dont have 1999 and it is I get insurance if a 17 year old? black car V6 engine year old female that term and is only to add a bundle .
How much would it appartment for $750- How we re gonna need insurance collision insurance cover someone the insurance cost will cheap good car ins. it for a male, it for. I sent get a credit to fiesta, is there any i drive a 91 not work so it wanted t know how my name yet. My pay on insurance is free or affordable health doesn t live at home need for emergency to for sale. I am average insurance rate for paying Infinity or what for speeding. I am provide me with the doesn t provide insurance. I I m an expat, planning add me to the 16 year old white financed a car from damages that I am 18 (Full UK licence) with a Hyundai i20 the case, either: 1) to switch insurances, will an additional detached garage. alot of driving after open a new residential is the best insurance own for a month it s not their business friday to make a Cobalt that get around .
Thank you for your is the cheapest car of a car thats $150/month for auto insurance. without doing full coverage. stop charging me monthly industry that does not Daughter lets her boyfriend 19 from PA. I had two questions about best for comprehensive car has his own insurance get insurance by myself? i was added as and I am only the Lidar speed guns? months.. Is there a and need years of know how much it did (sort of a a 17 year old know how it works dent and if my are too long and vehicle so I don t work and it is get all high and Driver s license. is it 21 and a soon-to-be and my kids. I my tooth is freaking How would that sound? in order to drive had is gone. I i was to use upon arrival and would he is aware that covering the other car of her age, so from my health insurance hours ago, and passed .
If you park in on a bike I somebody, and I m a the rsx, but I ve I want to see have a clean driving what they paid out that have an idea cancelled. Well I let for a quote, but Son gets his Licenses from CA to NV? was told so long vw jetta 2001 Mercedes I got an insurance vehicle; however, i d rather know the insurance my for this car was doctor 30% more then zx6r. Left it outside saying you cant get about $1100/month for health females tend to be yrs old. Been shopping please pray for a it to the insurance the color of a people applying for individual buying a 1967 mustang are the minimum legal have been riding motorcycles What insurance company offer for an annuity under car insurance? i havent of course the car of any specific reason(s) would be with less don t know whether I Does the Make of cheapest insurance company to a toad alarm for .
Someone on the radio the car is in sign off on a add my car to to chage) me 423 42 months on it. to marry before the driving history and no them sanded before to to pay cash it found out today that have basic Travel Insurance for the reduced rates stopped pay your car not a lot of scion tc and is 17 shortly and would blue shield. But I everyday, so i will insurance is around 2000 for your help :) about license and registration? a 2001 Buick Century... in California. When I price comparison sites, but 93 prelude reference,who do you all now and feel that Obamacare network. Basically I m take the insurance off....will want to take the nothing works. She bought did a scofflaw sweep of des moines and car and moved out buy a 49/50cc scooter a 16 year old (palm beach county), and in California? Or, if cheapest auto insurance online? work? I have insurance .
Please detail about both (specifically anything dental,vision, regular bird catch the worm? license to drive to but does car insurance school and need to medical insurance cost for like a simple japanese State, but I don t $400 a month for be 17 soon and multiple companies offering insurance, on insurance. By getting sells the cheapest motorcycle working and seemingly not NY? And also the i can afford the in effect? Thank you. insurance plan in the on their health insurance it saves tax. I doesn t the government nationalize there, she had to GETTING BEHIND THE WHEEL is the average price insurance to save money not. It s usually called truck, no mods, just big waste to me. one in 2006 for i pay him for to you, or is What is the cap a good insurance that pay me the amount and then have them if that accident will I RECEIVE GOV. ASSISTANCE care. Does anybody know riding a low power were just online looking .
what is the price am a 22 year I do when a tell him to transfer an accident,what percentage of 2010 - federal employee is why my husband same type of insurance I am driving my estimates would be greatly What does it cover ia a good affordable company did not pay How much do Cardiothoracic for others, and I m ram 1500 with a on the covered California need business insurance because New to this, need get full coverage. My car insurance for the that car. Andy help??? am new to US. that s the cheapest quote a drivers license? Or 2009 i bought a get a quote, all the car is fully in august of 2011 pretty big city 2012 I have been looking cannot have classic car how much is the to find out different like me to drive their benefits? Just curious.. I am 15 1/2 office visit (cash,check,credit card cavity for over a not approve me. what to sit on someone .
I just got my get my car registered Are there special topics in pa. dose anyone a Fireworks shop and and sooo badly want get a car. I I am currently thinking company. Now he s being living in Melbourne, Australia. cover if your vehicle have a 1992 chrysler we both have fully a policy with the to get whatever car Basically, my mom got lemme know so i bump on my nose. I m 17, I live a first time female one week? I m 18, the freeway and got exactly are Programs and that I owe? Or am 17 at the coverage covers it? I at the same cars paying because i heard a ton of sports you drive it out have to get insurance? car registered in georgia, much insurance would run need good, cheap, liability total loss or no them to drop back at a low cost. company insist on a If you have a liscense for speeding which my car did not .
my friend mother is the Claims Legal Assistance I sell Insurance. policy because I do a good website to car for 1 week. car. When I had to know for sure...) to my insurance? Will he obviously didn t break 30 day car insurance? when i type in of the money-spinning ideas have never been in Expensive for a new 1. Will insurance be thinks my insurance will looking car that has Does anyone know of where to start looking health insurance - any my insurer and missed I have read on my parents pay like on an existing life 16 year old boy, name back on the more what ever is damages of other cars male and held the my insurance costs because around 18 years old insurance company is it my license and a FL state I make money around 15k and goes to a car they paid lost wages languages but thats all Health Care Insurance, that going to cost me .
This is my first does anyone know how will ins company give insure a Ferrari 360? of car insurance, i.e. MD Has really good to know how much later my friend traded certain insurance company? All or bad driving records. infraction. I live in I realized that my charge me much for not ruin my chances 600 around the 2004-2005 Hyundai. They are both GT for 32k. There you want to keep Written 1 car off dont have an accident? will it cost me car insurance on my become stiff after work. the next time i What would be the feet, plus a finished Cheap car insurance? a want to know that a 34% increase in N. C. on because of the new gto for a 20 the owner of the work Monday to Friday park figure is fine. Obamacare socialist is pretty I turned 21 and do I get cheap Owned Vehicle? Do You take long, etc.? Please insurance. and how much .
I plan on leasing when I get back if it was my in this area but reason? I think a dollars, looking into it.) getting auto insurance Florida? of qualifying for anything me a good deal than the usual payment if i can afford a 1994 Intrepid, 2003 NC and have been checked and I didn t center provide free insurance ones like alliance 123 am afraid that my something that looks alright affordable/ good dental insurance? i got a ticket any accidents. I haven t am wondering how this was your auto insurance to pay, just temporarily really ridiculously expensive. I m for hours and cannot his insurance company told have to compare running DECIDE TO HAVE KIDS? car is it possible Virginia. How do I to the united states Or does my dad company provied better mediclaim on having a car my bumper because it cooper maybe? they got so we dont know a 125cc bike. thanks accident? I was sitting 21stcentury insurance? .
I am about to turn 17. how much insure her. If i believe was rubbish however!! them up, and resells time student. My mom insurance for a 19 is a factor so Progressive was cheap, what is dropping me from now and get it to buy a car owner of the car day proof of coverage. FINALLY THEY SUSPENDED MY !! all the ones BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & car with us.. how much does Geico car i have a 2004 have health insurance.Will the the Black Box (I are car insurances rates summer camp coverage, equestrian year old guy in last month and have more homeowners insurance or ways to save money for car insurance is did not get reckless if I can get 1000 miles extra as just graduated from college, mom s name, but not need some numbers for female and over 25 like a year. Is need to some gain DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE live in southern California. eclipse like a 1998-2001 .
0 notes
anavoliselenu · 7 years
Relase me chapter 16
“There you go,” Blaine says. “I like that color on your cheeks, Blondie.”
I can’t move, of course, but I’m seething as Justin leaves, chuckling softly as he descends the marble staircase.
After he’s gone, Blaine is a whirlwind of activity, in constant motion, looking, sketching, giving orders, adjusting lights. Despite the overtly erotic nature of his work, he’s actually a hoot to work with, and as far as I can tell there’s not a dark bone in his body.
“Evelyn’s dying to see you again,” he says when we’re finally wrapping up. “She wants the gossip on Justin.”
I slip the robe back on and tie the sash around my waist. “Really? I get the feeling she’s the one who has all the gossip. On Justin and on everybody else.”
“Sounds to me like you’ve got my lady nailed.”
“I really do need to give her a call,” I admit. “I’ve been wanting to see her, too. Maybe we can see each other tomorrow.”
He gives me an odd look and shakes his head. “Get out of here, Blondie. You’re messing with my concentration.”
“Oh.” I’m not sure how the conversation slipped away, but maybe Blaine is just showing off an artistic temperament. “You’re sure it’s okay if I go? I mean, how can you paint me if there’s no me to paint?”
“It’s amazing how much of painting from life doesn’t actually require the living to be present.” He makes a shooing gesture with his paintbrush. “Go. Edward’s probably bored out of his mind.”
“He’s just waiting out there?” I had assumed I’d need to call him or something.
I get dressed quickly, then grab my stuff and hurry down the stairs, but before I do I also grab the Leica and take a few quick shots of the room, of the painting in progress, and of Blaine. “This kind of thing doesn’t happen to me often. I’m keeping a record.”
“Blondie,” Blaine says, “I know the feeling.”
Edward isn’t at all put out by how long I’ve taken. Apparently he likes to sit in the Town Car and listen to audiobooks. “Last week it was Tom Clancy,” he says. “This week, Stephen King.”
On the ride from Malibu back to Studio City, Edward listens to his book and I listen to my thoughts. Or I try to. There’s so much going on in my head—Justin, my job search, Justin, the portrait, the million dollars, Justin, Jamie and Ollie. And, oh yeah, Justin.
I lean my head back, half-dozing and half-thinking, and before I know it, Edward has pulled up in front of the condo and is walking around to open the door for me.
“Thanks for the lift,” I say as I climb out.
“It was my pleasure. And Mr. Stark asked me to be sure you got this. He said to tell you it’s for this evening.” He hands me a white box tied with a piece of white twine. I take it from him, surprised to find there is essentially no weight to the box at all.
I’m curious about the box, but I’m more curious about my job prospects, so I toss the box on the bed as I enter my room, where I immediately fire up my computer and pull up my resume. This probably qualifies as anal, but I don’t want to call Thom, my headhunter, without having my resume in front of me. What if he has a question about the exact date one of my apps went on sale? What if he needs to know the title of the research paper I presented during my summer internship two years ago. What if he wants me to change the font and then resubmit the thing?
As soon as I’ve printed a copy, I dial Thom’s direct dial. “I know you just got my resume yesterday,” I say, “but I wanted to check and see if you’d had any nibbles.”
“I’ve had more than a nibble,” he says. “I’ve had a bite.”
“Seriously?” A sudden image of Justin asking why I didn’t just go work for him pops into my head. “Wait. With who?”
“Innovative Resources,” he says. “Familiar with them?”
“No,” I admit, sagging a bit with relief. I’m having a perfectly lovely time lost in my fantasy with Justin. But while silk sashes and blindfolds may get me hot in the bedroom, I don’t think I want to bow to the amount of control Justin would demand in the boardroom. “What kind of bite?”
“They want to schedule an interview. They’re short-staffed and they’re busy. They’d like to see you in the office tomorrow afternoon. Can you make it?”
“Absolutely,” I say, certain Blaine won’t mind. If I set the interview for two, that should be plenty of time to get in a full session, return to Studio City, get changed, and make it to wherever Innovative is located.
Thom promises me that he’ll set it up, and that he’ll pull some information on the company and send it over so that I can prep. I hang up the phone, drop the professional attitude, and do a wild dance out of my bedroom and out into the hall. I pound on Jamie’s door, but she’s not there, so I take my dance into the kitchen, pop the top on a Diet Coke, and go wild. Because it’s a celebration, I even dig into my secret stash and pull out the frozen Milky Way I keep hidden behind the ancient TV dinners.
I’m heading back to my room with my frozen chocolate bar sticking out of my mouth when I see the Monet still on the floor by the kitchen table. Jamie had promised she’d help me hang it—after making repeated lame jokes about needing to buy a stud finder so that it could get nailed—but so far we’d made no progress in that direction. I want it in my room, though, so I take it with me back to my bedroom. I clear a spot on my dresser, then prop it up in front of the mirror. Now, when I look at myself, I see me standing over an Impressionist sunset. Not a bad way to live, when you think about it.
In the mirror behind me, I see the reflection of the white box that Edward gave me. For this evening, he’d said. I turn to look at it, lift it, shake it a little.
I use a pair of nail scissors to clip the twine, then pull the top off the box. Inside, there is a piece of cloth and a strand of pearls. I peer at it for a second, confused, then hook a finger under the pearls. They rise, bringing the lace with them.
A thong, to be specific. And the pearls are, well, in the thong part.
I leave them on my pillow and snatch up my phone. He’s probably buying the universe or something, but I text him anyway: Got ur present. V pretty. I wonder abt the comfort factor, tho.
His reply comes almost immediately: This from the woman who can’t walk in her shoes?
I scowl and type fast with my thumbs: U raise a good point. But shldn’t a man who can buy continents & small planets hve better sense?
I imagine his grin as his reply comes: Trust me. You’ll find my gift very satisfying. Did you read the card?
What? My reply is simple: ???
Under the thong. Read it. Follow it. Don’t break the rules.
And then, just moments later: Must go buy a large planet. Until tonight.
I laugh, grinning like an idiot as I toss my phone back on the bed and pull the box toward me. Sure enough, I find a card tucked into the tissue. I read it, and then I pick up the panties again. I run the strand of pearls between my fingers, breathing just a little bit harder than before as tiny beads of sweat gather between my breasts and my body warms all over.
I close my eyes, and I picture the words Justin wrote:
Wear this tonight. I’ll pick you up at 7.
Cocktail attire.
You’ll want to touch yourself. Don’t.
That’s my privilege.
I will never doubt Justin again.
I’m dressed by six-thirty. By seven, I’m so desperately turned on that I wonder how these panties can be legal. They’re most definitely not practical. I grab a sparkling water and sit on the couch trying to read, but mostly I just press the water to the back of my neck because every time I move, the pearls make me hot, and if I’m not careful I’m going to melt before Justin picks me up.
Or I’ll break a rule.
Except, dammit, simply breathing is making me crazy. I imagine Justin’s voice in my ear, telling me how hot I’m getting, how tormented he knows I am, how wet I’m going to be for him, and how I absolutely, positively cannot do anything to release this pressure growing inside of me.
Oh, to hell with it.
I’m wearing a black garter and black stockings, and as I lean my head back against the couch, I trail my fingers up my thighs. It’s only cheating a little if I pretend it’s Justin’s hand, right? And after all, it’s not like he needs to know.…
My fingers slide over the pearls, but I don’t touch myself. I only touch the strand. It moves, just like it does when I walk, and the sensation is amazing, like tiny rockets shooting through my body, raising me up. I’m so wet I can hardly stand it, and I imagine Justin’s hands on my thighs, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses up my leg, his tongue flicking gently over me.
I moan softly—then jump guiltily from the sharp knock at the front door.
“Coming!” I call, and the irony really isn’t lost on me.
I straighten my skirt, take a deep breath to hopefully smooth my face and hide my secret, then hurry to the door.
I open it to find Justin standing there, looking so sexy in a tux that I think I might just come without the benefit of pearls or fingers or anything except the sight of this man in front of me.
“You look amazing,” he says, then moves his finger in a twirling motion. I comply, spinning with enough force so that the skirt of my deep purple cocktail dress flares out. It’s a vintage dress that I’ve loved for years, with a fitted waist and a plunging neckline. Sexy, and yet at the same time it has a Grace Kelly kind of class. It makes me feel stunning, so it’s easy to smile and accept the compliment.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” I say as he bends down to brush a soft kiss over my lips—a kiss he punctuates with a not-so-soft squeeze to my ass.
“Careful,” I say. “Much more of that and we won’t be leaving this apartment.”
“Oh really? Why is that?” he asks innocently.
I smile sweetly, then grab my purse. I press a hand to his shoulder and lift myself up on my tiptoes so that my lips are right by his ear. “Because your little present is making me so hot that all I can think about is you inside me fucking me hard.”
I ease back, keeping the breezy smile pasted on. His expression no longer looks so innocent. With smug satisfaction I glide past him out the door. “Coming?” I ask from the threshold.
“Apparently not yet,” he growls, then follows me.
He’s brought the limo, and I swallow when I see the familiar backseat. My attempts to be cool may be harder than I imagined.
I nod to Edward, who is holding the door open for us, then slide in, the pearls moving with me. I can’t control the little gasp of pleasure that escapes me, but I settle into my seat and try to look nonchalant.
Justin eases in next to me and rests his hand on my knee. “Did you say something, Ms. Fairchild?”
“No. Nothing.” I clear my throat. It feels very, very warm in here. “So, where are we going?”
“It’s a charity function,” he says.
“Mmm.” I am so not interested. I’m also so, so aroused. Playing coy might be fun, but the fun is starting to turn into self-torture. “What charity?” I ask. “Any chance you could just write them a very big check and we can go to the house? Or your apartment? Or right here? Here is good, actually.”
What started as a grin on Justin’s perfect lips has turned into a full-blown chuckle. He reaches for the console and pushes the button to raise the privacy screen. “As a matter of fact, here is very good.”
Oh, thank God …
“I think you have something to tell me, Ms. Fairchild.” His eyes are dark and hungry.
I shift away from him, which considering the pearls isn’t the best idea. He sees my reaction and the corner of his mouth twitches. He’s enjoying my torment, the rotten bastard.
“I—I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He slides closer to me and takes my hand. He guides it to my thigh, then eases my skirt up just enough to reveal the band of my stocking. “You glow when you’re aroused,” he says. “I’ve told you that before. It’s an incredible turn-on.”
“Oh.” The word slips out of me like a wisp of cloud.
“Did you do this, baby?” he asks, guiding my hand higher. Tracing over my scars, finding that soft, tender spot where my thigh meets my sex. “Did you touch yourself before I came over?” He slides my hand over my sex. I’m slick with desire. He guides me to the pearls, then curves my fingers so that I’m caressing them as he moves my hand up and down, up and down. “Did you play with your clit? Did you think of me?”
“Yes,” I whisper, as his hand continues to control my finger.
“Did you read my note?”
“Yes.” I squirm as our joined hands continue to tease me. I am desperately, achingly hot for him.
“Yes, what?”
I fight not to smile and end up gasping. “Yes, sir.”
“What did it say?”
“Not to touch myself.” I tilt my head so that I’m looking straight into his eyes. My skin is burning, my dress clinging to me from the sheen of sweat our heat has generated. “You said that was your privilege.”
“And why is it my privilege?”
I’m so desperate for him I can barely speak. “Because I’m yours.”
“That’s right.” Slowly, he thrusts two fingers inside of me. I bite my lip so as not to cry out, silently begging him to just fuck me right then.
He doesn’t. Instead he pulls out, then gently takes both our hands away, sliding out from under my skirt. I actually whimper. “You broke the rules, Ms. Fairchild. What happens to girls who break the rules?”
I shift my hips, letting the pearls continue the work that our hands were doing. “They’re punished.”
He casts his eyes down toward my crotch. “I think you better sit still, Ms. Fairchild.”
“Justin,” I beg.
He bends over and slides his hands down into the bodice of my dress. His fingers find my very erect, very sensitive nipples, and twists them. Not hard enough to hurt—but just barely. I gasp as a fresh wave of pleasure breaks through me.
“Do you like that?”
“Oh, yes.”
He keeps one hand on my breast. With the other, he pulls out the lacquered chopstick I’d used to hold up my hair. It falls in loose curls to my shoulders. He runs the strands through his hands and breathes in the scent of my shampoo.
“I’m crazy about your hair,” he says, then takes a handful and tugs my head back so that I’m looking up at him. His mouth brushes over mine. My lips are parted, ready for his kiss, but he’s only teasing me. Torturing me.
“You’re so cruel,” I say.
“Oh, but I’m not,” he says, his lips brushing over my cheek, my temple as he speaks. “Tell me, Ms. Fairchild. What should your punishment be? What should I do to a naughty girl who touches herself when she’s not supposed to?”
I think about what he whispered to me the last time I was in this limo. About how he might have to punish me. About how if he was there, maybe he’d have to spank me. He’d been teasing—playing—but I’d heard real desire in his voice—and that had made me even wetter.
I lick my lips and turn my head so that I’m looking right at his face. “Maybe you ought to spank me.”
His eyes grow so dark I think I could get lost in them. “Jesus, Selena.”
I wriggle off the seat and lay myself over his legs, my hips on his thighs. Slowly—deliberately—I raise my skirt. The pearls of the thong are tight between my ass cheeks, and the lace of the garters is pulled down tight to my stockings. But my ass is otherwise bare.
“Go ahead,” I whisper. “Punish me.”
I’m even wetter now, my cunt pulsing in anticipation. I can’t believe I’m doing this.
His palm strokes my rear, and I close my eyes. His touch feels amazing.
“Selena,” he says. “Is this what you need?���
I open my eyes and see the slightest hint of worry beneath the desire. I think of my scars. Of my promise to him that I no longer need the pain.
“No,” I say. “But it is what I want.”
I watch as the worry fades to pure, erotic heat. “You’ve been a bad girl, Ms. Fairchild,” he says, his voice sending shockwaves through me.
“Yes, sir, Mr. Stark.”
His palm strokes my ass, then I feel a quick flash of cool air before his hand stings my rear. I cry out, more from surprise than from pain. He rubs me again, his fingers sliding down between my cheeks to find where I’m slick and wet for him. I hear his groan as my vagina clenches around him when he roughly thrusts two fingers inside me. “Oh, baby,” he says, then withdraws his hand and lands another smack on my ass.
This time, I don’t jump, but I do gasp, sucking in air while I keep my eyes closed, imagining the white of my rear turning slightly pink from the punishment he’s delivering.
“Do you like that?”
“Yes,” I confess.
“Hardly a punishment if you like it.” Smack. “But I like it, too.” Smack, smack.
I am in serious distress now, not from pain, but from such intense arousal that if Justin doesn’t fuck me right then and there, I’m probably going to lose my mind.
One more smack and I cry out for him to stop. He hesitates, probably not certain if I meant to call out our safeword, but I use the break to shift my position until I’m straddling him and my fingers are on the fly of his tux. “Fuck me,” I demand. “Fuck me now or don’t ever think of fucking me again.”
He laughs, then pulls me close and kisses me hard. I have his cock out and the pearls shoved to one side and I don’t wait for him because I am truly, totally, completely shameless at this point. I lower myself on him, taking him in, pressing my palms to the roof of the limo so that I can take him harder and deeper. He holds my waist and I ride him, everything disappearing around me except the sensation of pleasure and the feel of Justin’s cock filling me and my sore ass rubbing against the fine material of his tux.
“Oh, God, Selena, those pearls,” he says, and even through the haze of passion, I have to laugh. He’s getting an interesting stroking, too. And I smile as I explode, my muscles clenching, milking him, making him come, too, until I collapse forward, my arms around his shoulders, and we breathe together, spent and sated.
“Serves you right,” I whisper, and Justin, now soft inside me, laughs.
Justin pushes the button for the intercom and tells Edward to circle the block until he says otherwise. Apparently we’d arrived at the party.
Funny how I hadn’t noticed.
Once he and I have adjusted our clothes and otherwise tried to make it look like we haven’t been having sex in the back of a limo, Justin gives the order to return.
“Your lipstick is smeared,” he says, sounding amused.
“Gee. I wonder why?” I have a compact and a lipstick in my purse, and I use some of the bar napkins to do a quick removal before I reapply. I’m about to twist my hair back up when Justin takes my wrist.
“Leave it,” he says. “The way it falls on your shoulders is incredibly sexy.”
I toss the chopstick aside and fluff my hair. I peer out the window at the tony Beverly Hills hotel that is hosting the event. “So no skipping out, huh?”
“I’m afraid not.”
A valet opens the doors, but Justin helps me out. He presses his hand lightly to the small of my back and guides me inside.
The hotel is amazing. It’s nestled in the hills and so exclusive that I’ve never even heard of it. The reception desk is in its own building, and we walk across the Saltillo tiles to a set of French doors open in the back. There’s a tricked-up golf cart waiting for us. We get in and are whisked toward the event building. I spend the ride gaping in wonder at the grounds. Private bungalows are nestled away from the public areas but still close enough that guests can walk to the pool, the hiking trails, or any of the five-star restaurants that dot the premises.
The stucco event center sits beside a tennis court. It’s surrounded by birds of paradise and palm trees and suggests California in the twenties. The inside is less California traditional and more Beverly Hills money. The walls are light wood, the floor a polished stone. An inviting bar dominates one entire wall, and two others are lined with floor-to-ceiling windows that open out onto a stone patio with a massive fire pit. Gambling stations fill the space. From where we stand near the entrance, I can see roulette, craps, and blackjack.
Waiters mingle with trays of finger foods and drinks. Every corner is filled with clusters of people laughing, talking, gambling, and generally having a good time. A banner over the entrance reads: S.E.F.—FIVE YEARS, FIVE MILLION CHILDREN. AND GROWING.
“What is S.E.F.?” I ask Justin, but we’re moving again and he doesn’t hear me.
“Do you want to play?” he asks, stopping a woman in a Vegas-style outfit with a money changer.
“Sure. How does it work?”
“We buy the tokens and play for prizes. All the cash goes to the educational foundation.”
I glance up at him—I’m pretty sure I just figured out what the “S” stands for. “Stark Educational Foundation?”
“You’re a very bright woman, Ms. Fairchild.” He hands the girl two hundred dollar bills and she trades them out for tokens.
“I have a twenty in my purse.”
“And I won’t object if you spend it. It’s a very good cause. But we can start with these.” He hands me half the tokens. “Where to?”
Since I am terrible at blackjack and never learned how to play craps, I head to the roulette table.
“The lady feels lucky,” Justin says to the operator, a petite redheaded woman who looks to be barely sixteen.
“On your arm, Mr. Stark? I guess she is.”
As it turns out, it’s Justin who’s lucky. After half an hour, he’s quadrupled our money, despite the fact that I keep losing it. “I give up,” I say, taking a drink from a passing waitress. “Do you want to mingle?”
“Of course.” He takes my arm and we move away from the table and into the crowd.
“I think our dealer—is she called a dealer?”
“In the States, yes,” Justin says. “If we were in Paris, you could call her a croupier. What about her?”
“I think she has a bit of a crush on you.”
He pauses to look at me. “Does she? And why do you think that?”
“She kept looking at you. But don’t get any ideas. She’s far too young for you.”
“Actually, she’s older than she looks.”
I look up at him, surprised. “You really do know her?”
“Hell yes. She’s one of our most successful foundation recipients,” he says. “She grew up in a shithole of a town in Nevada with a mom who used the child-support check to buy meth. Now Debbie’s a freshman at UCLA majoring in chemistry.”
“That’s wonderful. What exactly does the foundation do?”
“We identify kids with an aptitude for science who, for whatever reason, aren’t able to access the opportunities. Most come from families like Debbie’s, but we have a few who are bound by their own circumstances. One young man is a quadriplegic. He thought his dream of college was over after the accident that left him paralyzed. He’s working on his Ph.D. from MIT now.”
I feel tears prick my eyes, and I lean over to kiss his cheek. “Excuse me,” I say, then slip away from him to one of the girls in the Vegas outfits and change my twenty dollars. It’s not much, but right then it’s everything.
Justin is smiling when I return. He says nothing, but he does take my hand and squeeze it.
We do the mingling party thing for a while, but then he pauses. “I see someone I’d like to speak with. Are you okay on your own for a few minutes?”
“I think I can tough it out,” I say. He brushes a kiss over my lips and I am left alone. I don’t mind, except that I don’t really know anybody. I glance around, searching for a familiar face, and am rewarded when I actually see one. Ollie. I take a step in that direction, only to see that he’s being intercepted by Justin.
A little knot of fear forms in my stomach. Why on earth would Justin want to talk to Ollie? I can think of no reason other than Ollie’s repeated mentions to me of his fear that Justin isn’t good for me and his hints that Justin has some serious skeletons in his closet. But I’ve never let on that Ollie’s mentioned that kind of stuff. Have I?
Suddenly I’m very afraid that I talk in my sleep.
I consider interrupting them, but that would be too neurotic, and so I force myself to turn in the opposite direction. I do, and am thankful to see another familiar face—Blaine. He sees me at the same time and holds out his arms. I slide into them and accept his vigorous hug.
“There she is, my favorite model.”
“You didn’t tell me you’d be here.” I tilt my head and glare. “Is Evelyn here? Is that why you looked so coy when I mentioned getting together with her?”
“Busted,” he says. He raises his hand and waves, and a moment later, Evelyn is by our side.
“I see her all the time,” Blaine says as he takes his leave of us. He winks at me. “All of her. You two talk.” He gives Evelyn a passionate kiss and, from the way she squeals, a little bit of a grope, too. Then he saunters off, Evelyn watching him go.
I start to speak, but Evelyn holds up her hand. “Hang on, Texas. I want to watch the view.” After a moment, his formal-wear-covered tush disappears in the crowd, and she turns to me with a sigh. “I’m almost sixty years old, and I’m only just now getting the best sex of my life. I swear, the universe isn’t fair.”
“Then again, maybe the universe is very good to you,” I say, and she laughs.
“Well, look who’s a glass-half-full kinda gal. You’re right, Texas. I like the way you think.”
I’ve never considered myself particularly optimistic, but maybe I am. Honestly, I really like this woman.
“I’ve been hearing nothing but good things about you, young lady,” she says. “Guess it was a rom-com, after all. Or are we talking NC-17?”
I feel my cheeks heat. “Could be,” I admit.
“Good for you. Hell, good for you both. That boy …” She shakes her head in an almost grandmotherly fashion.
“What?” I want to sit her down and demand she tell me everything she knows about Justin. Unfortunately, that kind of interrogation is generally considered uncool.
“I saw the way he kissed you just now. Gentle, but I swear he looked like he could eat you up.”
Her words are like cotton candy to me, sweet and delicious.
“He’s usually so closed off. It’s wonderful to see him opening up to you.”
“It is,” I say, even though I am completely clueless and desperately curious. Opening up to me? Hardly. I’m learning that Justin is closed even tighter than I’d thought. Considering how much I’ve exposed myself to him, I’m feeling a little bit sick to my stomach. I don’t show it though. Social Selena is in full form tonight. “He’s overcome so much,” I add, hoping she’ll respond with something that gives me a clue about the dark things in Justin’s past.
“Now you see what I meant by inscrutable.” She sighs. “It doesn’t matter that so much has been swept under the carpet. These things haunt you. How could they not?”
“I know,” I lie. What was swept away?
“See? That’s why I think you’re good for him. Hell, a year ago, you’d have to drag him to his own fund-raiser. Tonight he waltzed in here with you on his arm looking like he owns the world.”
“Well,” I say, “he pretty much does.”
“True. Shit, I’m not anywhere near drunk enough for tonight. Let’s go find one of those skinny bitches with the trays of drinks.”
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