#though roman is really a brat in this fic for a while
claymorexpunisher · 17 days
Liberación (Ch. 12/?) (18+ Fic)
DISCLAIMER: This fic discusses past instances of abuse and mental control. Be warned. This is also NSFW and will feature various different kinks and fetishes. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag things as best I can. If you choose to read my work, do so at your own discretion. You may have noticed that I switched the POV of this fic to third person omniscient so, apologies for any grammatical errors as well. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: Harper and Drew started Liberación as a way to heal. And it slowly became bigger than they could've have ever imagined…
Main Pairings: Damian Priest/OFC.
Side Pairings: Drew McIntyre/OFC, Roman Reigns/OFC, Finn Bálor/OFC, Rhea Ripley/Liv Morgan, Rhea Ripley/Buddy Matthews.
Side Characters: Various.
Tags: 18+, praise kink, daddy kink, size kink, kink negotiation, consensual kink, consensual non-consent, BDSM, knife play, light blood play, bratting, hair-pulling, breeding kink, and more.
Chapter Word Count: 1,332.
Prev. Chapter
Harper turned her phone off the second she teleported to her home, not wanting to be bothered, not even when alarmed texts from Tammie started pouring in.
She didnt wanna talk.
Didn’t want to have to answer to the nauseous feeling still swirling in her gut and the way her heart felt like it was being put through a blender over and over again.
She felt like a moron, even though the more sensical part of her brain knew she had essentially been played by Damian like a fiddle, and Harper wasn’t in the mood for pep talks or comforting hugs.
She hadn’t let herself wallow in her feelings in a long time, but tonight she gave herself permission.
Just for tonight, she’d cuddle with her cat, Storm, and maybe she’d cry a little. Or alot, while eating some late night desserts.
But tomorrow, she’d snap out of it.
Just for tonight, she decided to show herself some grace and feel her emotions.
But when daylight came, she vowed to pick herself back up.
Jason didn’t destroy her, and she’d be damned if she’d let Damian’s suddenly callous and dismissive attitude destroy her either.
He made his feelings- or lack thereof-more than clear tonight, and if he wasn’t sweating Harper, Harper wouldn’t sweat him either.
Fuck that.
And fuck Damian Priest…
~Past (After Harper and Damian’s first demo)~
Harper sat in Damian’s car as he drove them to the Tampa Bay Pier, eyes shut as she willed her racing hearts and thoughts to settle the fuck down until she heard the heavy metal playing through Damian’s plugged-in aux cord lower down to a softer hum, and his free hand covered hers.
She didn’t want to, but Harper felt something settle inside of her once again as his thumb made slow, back and forth strokes over her hand.
“Why’d you turn it down?” Harper asked as she turned on the passenger seat slightly to fully look into Damian’s coffee-colored eyes.
Damian’s eyes held so much warmth in them that very moment and it almost knocked the wind out of Harper. She didn’t know if she wanted to bolt out of the moving vehicle or… or sink into the feeling that bloomed in her chest every time she looked into those eyes.
“I figured you wanted some quiet, mamita.” A chuckle followed his reply as Harper shook her head.
“Noo. I don’t mind it. I mean… it’s… it’s kinda perfect for the mood I’m in.” She almost sheepishly answered.
“I lowkey think I want to get into wrestling at some point…” Harper piped up after a few moments of silence as she and Damian sat side by side on a bench at the Tampa Pier, watching the boats come in and people-watching as well after they threw away their takeout bags.
The picturesque water crashing in front of them sprinkled a light breeze that had Harper’s humming contently from time to time.
The air smelled like corndogs, and hotdogs, and salt and Harper and Damian soaked it all in.
“Really?” Damian replied, not in a judgey tone. More curious than anything else.
“Mhm! I’ve kinda wanted to for a while, but I’ve just been hyper-focused on getting the club off the ground. But I dunno… we seem to be doin’ pretty fuckin well for ourselves, so I don’t think it’ll be too long before I can safely take a step back and let the girls and the rest of the staff handle shit… I wanna do this the hard way, though. Start in the indies and work my way towards WWE? Kinda do what Drew did after his release and he just contacted every promotion known to man. It’s ambitious as someone who hasn’t set foot in a ring… ever. And the traveling would be insane. But, I figure if I’m gonna do this, I don’t wanna half-ass it. Y’know?” Harper said, letting her thoughts tumble out one by one and she caught Damian’s lips quirking into a flash of a soft grin.
“Have you talked to any wrestlers about training? Or looked into wrestling schools?” He asked.
Harper nodded. “I did look into some schools. I can almost guarantee Drew would train me if I asked.”
“Why haven’t you?” Damian asked, letting his arm come around over Harper’s shoulders. She melted into him as he pulled her closer and he kissed her temple, sending her pulse raising at a hummingbird’s speed.
She shrugged.
“I don’t know. Second-guessing myself, I guess.” Harper replied, hating herself for the lack of confidence in her words and she heard Damian make a teeth-sucking sound as he squeezed her a little.
“Why? You already have a good attitude coming into this. Don’t sell yourself short, Princesa. You’ve got Drew, Liv, Rhea, and so many others who are gonna be more than willing to help you every step of the way… You’ve got me.” He murmured, kissing her temple again, this time his hand accompanied his tender actions, rubbing up and down Harper’s arm in such a soothing motion, she almost sighed in deep contentment before she caught herself.
‘Snap out of it, pendeja. This isn’t what you think it is. Once a player, always a player. He’s your friend and that’s it. This isn’t a fairytale.’ She berated herself and brought herself back down to Earth.
She knew of Damian’s reputation. And of his endless charm. And she swore she wouldn’t fall for it. Especially not after what Jason put her through. She swore she was smarter than that.
“It’ll be difficult, but you’ll crush it. Maybe you and I will end up World Champs at the same time.” He laughed, though he sounded like he believed every word he was saying.
And so did I.
He always knew the perfect thing to say at any given time…
~Mariah~ (Lace & Leather Night)
“Did Harper say where she was going?” Tammie asked Mariah after small introductions were made.
Tammie had seen Harper leave in a hurry after she had left Mariah with Roman, and Damian had seemingly gone off to play with that leggy brunette on his arm.
Mariah nodded.
“She said she was going home.” Mariah responded and then she added, “her and Damian… are they… are they hookin’ up or something?” She asked before she hurriedly corrected herself.
“You don’t have to answer that, I’m sorry. She just seemed really off after she saw him with that woman… matter of fact, she seemed off since before that. I just didn’t wanna say anything cuz she and I don’t know each other like that.” Mariah said, wondering if she’d overstepped yet her empathetic heart couldn’t help but go out to Harper.
“…Or something. It’s… apparently I read him wrong and he’s actually a dick who thinks he’s hot shit and that women should be falling at his feet. He knows all the pretty things to say... I regret telling her to speak to him.” Tammie said, shrugging her shoulders as Mariah’s feathery yet perfectly waxed brows rose a little, taken aback by Tammie’s bluntness.
“…Well. If you get in contact with her, will you please give her my number? We forgot to exchange those when we were talking in her office. I’m gonna be working with you ladies soon, but I also wanna check in on her, if that’s okay.” Mariah said, meeting Tammie’s warm smile with a warm smile of her own.
“Aw, yeah. I’ll be sure to pass it onto her. Thank you for your concern. She’ll be okay, though. She always is in the end. She’ll pick herself back up again.” Tammie said with an expression on her face that read all of the years she and Harper had been close and all the times she watched Harper take disappointment after disappointment on the chin, all with an ironlike strength that would unnerve the mightiest lion.
And even after just meeting Harper tonight, Mariah didn’t doubt Tammie's confident words one bit…
Next Chapter
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wastelandcrown · 4 years
logan lark’s adventures in trying to appease his parents
CHAPTER 1: anybody have a map?
Summary: Logan Lark is a fairly average high school student. By all means, he should be impressing his parents on all grounds. Except...he doesn’t exactly have a social life. So after his parents give him puppy dog eyes, he decides to join the local theatre's youth production. Good grief...His life is about to get weird isn’t it?
Warning: Potential ooc behavior, Roman is a theatre brat to the highest degree (Sorry Roman stans)
Notes: This fic is based off an idea from @under-the-blue-moonlight who very graciously let me use it! I’ve made a couple changes, mostly surrounding Virgil’s involvement and I gave Logan performance anxiety because I thought it would be neat. There will be warnings on the chapters that have potentially triggering talk.
Pairings: Eventual Intrulogical, Eventual Rociet, Eventual One-Sided Logicality, Platonic Analogical, Platonic DRLAMP 
Word Count: 2584
There he stands, at the precipice of his own destruction. By all accounts, it is fair to say that Logan is blowing this out of proportion. Wildly. Though he was doing much more than adequately in school, had a fairly stable mental health, and was better than most teenagers in regards to his physical well-being and room upkeep, it apparently wasn’t enough. Don’t misunderstand, his parents were in no way vindictive or cruel. Just...positive. Overtly so. In a way that made Logan cringe. How he, a man of logic and science, was ever made from these two extremely lovey-dovey saps, we will never know. Despite all his successes his parents still encouraged him to partake in activities with his peers. ‘Oh Logan, why don’t you join the school football team?’ ‘Logan, wouldn’t it be nice to make some friends at the local animal shelter?’ ‘Why are you always by yourself? Wouldn’t it be nice to make some friends?’ No, it would not. Not for him. Other people are stupid, especially teenagers. His whole life was planned on the cork board above his desk, and there was nothing important enough to make him deviate from his goal. 
To him, at least. To his parents, his social life being active was figuratively their number one priority. He’s been hoping for a calm dinner with his mother and father, he even enjoyed it most nights. He and his mother would discuss new things going on at the schools they respectively learnt and taught at. His father would discuss his work managing the popular local theatre. Discussing his father’s work tonight was a mistake.
“You know, Logan,” His father begins, and he knows where this is going, “The youth production is going to be starting up again soon.”
His mother smiles, taking his father's hand, “Loganberry, we think it would be good for you to join. You’re in your second year of high school and you don’t even talk to the kids in your class!”
“Mother, please try and understand, I really don’t think it’s necessary for me to find friends. I don’t enjoy having acquaintances, let alone having close personal friends.”
“Logan-” His father starts again but his mother pats his hand, and he quiets. 
She smiles at him and reaches across the table to put a hand on his cheek in a caring motherly gesture. 
“I know you don’t like other kids dear, but...think about it this way! It could be a fun experiment!”
Logan pauses, leaning into his mother’s touch, and nodding to show he’s listening. 
His mother started again, “You can gather data on a lot of different kinds of people, and then find out who you most enjoy hanging out with so that...in your...career…” 
Even though she’s trying, she stumbles, and his father picks up the slack, “So that in your career, you can find the people who you think are easiest to work with and be more efficient that way!” 
He knows what they’re doing. They’re buttering him up with some flimsy science experiment and explaining their position with a strange metaphor. But when both his parents are smiling at him like that...he can’t bring himself to say no to them. When he looks at them like this, he suddenly remembers how similar he looks to each of them. His mother’s dark brown hair, His father’s icy blue eyes, the glasses that sit snugly on both their faces...They smile at him so brightly that he just can’t say no to them. 
“Fine. I will do it, just this once.”
His parents erupt into literal cheers. He finds it a tad too much, but as long as they are happy he supposes he can put up with socialization and scheduling conflicts for a few months. 
That’s how he ended up at the theatre with his father at eight in the morning, on a Sunday in July. If it were his choice, he would be eating Crofter’s by the spoonful and reading some classic literature. Instead, he’s here. His father did get them both coffee, however. So he stands there awkwardly, nursing the cup that’s gone lukewarm, and he starts to feel nauseous. As he follows his father, he can hear the other kids. They’re loud. Too loud. Logan is going to hate this, he already hates this. He’s overthinking a bit, eyes trained to the floor when he accidentally trips. He’s bracing to be smacked in the face by the floor and his coffee when someone taller than him places a hand on his chest and props him back up. 
“Hi there!” Says the smiling man, who is tall with brown hair and brown eyes. He looks very kind and is wearing a Steven Universe t-shirt. 
“I-I apologize for that, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Logan manages to stammer out. Had he been this nervous the whole time? He takes a deep breath and tries to get a grip. 
“Oh, no problem!” The man nods to his dad, “Hey, Edward! This is Logan?”
“Yes, he is! He’s usually a little more focused, though.” Edward nudges Logan with a smirk, and Logan has to nod and concede. He’s right, of course. He is usually more focused. 
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Logan! I’m Thomas Sanders, I’m the head on the performance department here! Your dad’s been talking you up for weeks, you’re going to fit right in.”
With these words, Logan feels himself flush a little. Leave it to his father to talk him up for no good reason. He had never even been in a performance before! 
“Uhm-Yes. Thank you-” Logan begins and is cut off by a large crash.
Thomas lets out a deep sigh and turns, motioning for Logan to follow. His dad gives him a big smile and a double thumbs-up, Logan gives him a small and tired smile in return. He wishes desperately he had refused his parents the second he enters the auditorium. On stage, an adult in an orange beanie is reprimanding a boy dressed like he just crawled out of the mosh pit of a rave. The boy is laughing maniacally as off to his side, a nearly identical boy in a strangely put together outfit is pouting and crying crocodile tears. Logan makes a note to steer clear of the neon-garbage-rave kid. 
“What did you do now, Remus?” Thomas asks with a sigh, as the kid points off stage and cackles. 
“Remus started this year off by glue-and-feathering Roman’s make-up bag.” The adult in the beanie says, and Logan looks shocked. They’re certainly going to kick this guy out, right? Right!? 
“Remus...Dude…” Thomas grimaces, making his way over to who Logan assumes is Roman and supportively patting his shoulder. 
“What!?” Remus nearly shouts through his laughing, “It was funny!”
“It was not!” Roman cries with such an intense amount of drama. 
This only makes Remus laugh more. 
He’s watching so intently that he doesn’t notice that someone has entered and is standing next to him. 
“Oh, Hello.” He politely mutters, turning to look at the person. He’s shorter than he is, and definitely a lot bouncier. Even at eight am, he looks joyful. His eyes are a lighter blue than his, and his head is a mess of blonde curls. He also has round-ish tortoiseshell glasses. He isn’t unpleasant to look at, aside from the fact that he’s wearing cargo shorts and socks with sandals. 
“Hi! Don’t worry about them, Remus does something like that every year! He likes a-uh...fun start!” The kid starts talking, and even his voice is joyful and bubbly. 
“I’m Patton Foster, it’s nice to meet you!” Patton offers Logan a hand, which he takes and gives a firm shake. 
“Logan Lark. Is it typically this rambunctious, or does it calm over time?” 
Patton looks down, a little sheepish, then offers Logan a smile, “It’s always like this. Sorry!”
“It’s not a problem. I’ll just need to adapt to my circumstances.” As he says this he knows that it is going to be an especially arduous task. 
Pointing to his cup, Patton starts speaking again, “Is your coffee getting cold? We have a microwave backstage if you want me to warm it up for you!” 
The offer is sweet and genuine, so he lets Patton take the cup and run off behind the curtains. If he’s going to be here, he should start on that experiment, so he thinks. Patton seems sweet, potentially too sweet. It may be a ruse, but if his behavior is genuine Logan thinks he might be able to get by in his interactions with him. At least he’ll be able to send him off to do polite tasks if he ever needs to. 
Returning with his coffee reheated, Patton is nearly bouncing on his heels. Throughout the early morning, Patton drags Logan around and Logan realizes the bouncing is just how Patton is. He scoots by as Thomas introduces the staff. The person in the orange beanie, Joan, is the stage manager. Stood quietly beside them is a darkly dressed kid who only acknowledges the audience with a nod, his name is apparently Virgil Storm and he is running lights and sound for the show. Logan wishes desperately he could be up there on that stage. Not because he’s decided he wants to be here, but because he wishes he had known tech was an option. Damn his father for making him act. There are only about twenty kids in the audience, and by the time Thomas is done explaining the rules and conduct, the time is reaching noon. When Thomas announces that the production they will be putting on is called “Hamilton” and is a musical, the others begin to cheer wildly. Now, Logan has no clue what Hamilton sounds like, but he knows it is about the Founding Fathers. Musicals have never interested him, and especially not one about men who owned slaves and were all hoity-toity. He’s heard of it, of course. His father talks about how it revolutionized musical theatre, but Logan has never been interested enough to ask any further questions. As everyone is buzzing, he turns to Patton and taps him on the shoulder. 
“Is that a good thing?” Patton looks a little puzzled and goes to answer before he hears an offended gasp from behind him. 
“A good thing!? Is Lin-Manuel Miranda’s pride and joy, the musical that revolutionized musical theatre, the Emmy Award-Winning show Hamilton any good!?” Roman gawks at him and sputters like he’s never heard something so blasphemous in his life.
“I have no interest in musical theatre, therefore I was asking to gain clarity.” Perhaps saying this is a mistake because there are many gasps from other students, and Logan is pretty sure someone yells ‘Sexy!’
Roman snaps at him loudly and rises from his seat, “Why are you even here then!? You look like a nerd!”
“Roman!” Patton stands up and now Logan is cornered between them, “Don’t be rude!”
“Wha-Well I’m sorry that I’m confused as to why he’s here if he doesn’t even know about Hamilton!” He steps closer, cornering Logan even more.
Then he stands, “My father enjoys musical theatre and asked me to join, I don’t see what the issue is with my joining but if it truly perturbs you I suppose I will take my leave.”
He’s really grateful for this opportunity to abandon the theatre, and he turns to try and leave and ends up nearly chest to chest with Patton. 
“Hey now! There’s room enough for everyone here Logan!” Patton says brightly, and from the stage, Thomas nods. 
“Patton is right, Roman. We welcome everyone to try their hand at theatre, so please sit down so I can let you all go have lunch.” Thomas looks exasperated as Roman sits with a huff, followed by Patton and Logan.
On the stage, Thomas continues to explain what they will be doing, and then they’re being released to lunch with the goal of listening to the musical and beginning to practice their audition material. 
Logan manages to slink away from Patton, who had started talking to Roman about being nicer to the newbies or something. He had forgotten to bring lunch, which was probably fine. He’d just have to go and find his father and ask for some money. Pushing the auditorium door open, Logan finally notices he has attracted someone’s gaze. He makes eye contact with a glaring boy in a bright yellow hoodie, and he nods. The guy looks away and Logan shrugs him off. The front desk happily calls his father, who comes and brings him some money for the lobby vending machines and promises to buy him something more filling on the way home. This would severely throw off his new healthier diet, but he caves. After this day he would probably need some disgustingly greasy fast food to make him feel a little better. After the stunt with Roman, he’s not sure he’s going to go unnoticed. He buys a bottle of water and a granola bar from the vending machine and decides to sit at one of the lobby chairs to avoid the others. As he turns to find a space to sit, a voice from beside the vending machine makes him jump. 
“You’re not going to fuck up the show, are you?” The voice says, and Logan turns to find the same kid who was glaring at him before. From up close, he’s around the same size as Logan. His eyes are green-brown heterochromic, his hair is messy and brown, and one side of his face has vitiligo in a pattern that looks eerily similar to a reptile’s scales. He is glaring Logan down and he can’t help but feel a little intimidated.
“I don’t plan on it, no. Just because I am here against my will does not mean that I am going to attempt to make the show disreputable in any way.” He tries to say this confidently and he thinks he succeeds when the boy grins and offers him a hand. 
“Janus Devine.”
“Logan Lark.” And then he stops, and realizes he recognizes the origins of that name,“Are you by any chance named after the Greek god of doorways?”
Janus blinks, seemingly not expecting that reaction, “Shit-Yeah-How did you even know that?”
“I pride myself on being well-read.” Logan adjusts his tie as he says it and Janus gives a little chuckle. 
“Very good to know.” Someone yells from down the hall, and Janus rolls his eyes at the noise, “How would you like to come to join me and my...friends this afternoon?”
“It would probably be of good use to me.” He replies with a small shrug of his shoulders. Hopefully, these friends are nicer than that Roman fellow, but not as nice as Patton. 
“Oh no, it’s going to be totally useless. We aren’t going to get anything done.” Deadpans Janus and Logan just stares at him a little confused.
“That was sarcasm, specks.” His counterpart tacks on when he sees the confusion on his face. 
“Oh, right” 
All he can do now is follow Janus as he walks down the hallway towards the loud group of people. Logan follows behind and watches Janus’ movement. He walks so confidently that it’s almost like sauntering, but it’s too slow. Too smooth. It’s like slithering. 
Taking a deep breath, he prepares himself for whatever horrible experiences await.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
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+18 HEADCANON :: Gettin’ Frisky With The Måneskin Members 
# word count. 2.5k | bullet points
♡ note. they put a spell on us and spiced up 2021, i thought hello world why not write about ‘em. måneskin at their very core are all about being gnc and their bdsm aesthetic is off the charts, it’s all over their lyrics as well — pretty much what i blog about, match made in heaven. yes to some fic content, and time for some ot4 agenda because we’re exploring each member in depth. enjoy!
WARNINGS. ⚠️ explicit content, gender neutral reader, switch!damiano, hard domme!victoria, vanilla!thomas, sub!ethan, freaky stuff, toys and s/m, oral (both ways), degradation, spit, pain play, brat taming, bondage, sinning cuz rock’n’roll never dies
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⌜ /// damiano david ⌟
oh, sweet roma with the jawline of god, clad in ruffles, crop tops and mesh
i can sense the kinky switch in him from a mile away, he just radiates it
if this guy isn’t open to try almost everything i don’t know anymore
so yep — as versatile as can be my luvs
not just a sexy beast in tight pants but also really charismatic and good at communicating
damiano can tell you exactly what to do, or do exactly as you say, the man knows how it’s done
totally has a thing for your legs, kisses your hands, sits on your lap, lets you feel up his masterpiece of a body
can go on and on and on like... woo, stamina. this guy is just living the wild and free life, perks of being the group stuntman i mean lead singer, he’s athletic af
divine techniques of giving head, his favorite thing to do, he’s a tongue guy for sure. damiano’s craving for oral spirals out of control when the hormones strike
curses like mad, reaction king, full of flirty antics and banter, talks a lot in bed
the sexy jewelry stay on during sex m’kay
if you have a kink for rings and necklaces this is the right address
not to mention that he maintains a whole collar and choker collection. this guy’s all about ownership, just you wait he probably has a leash for you to hold as well
might also bring out his box of sex toys, damiano is a curious soul in love with all kinds of pleasure so if he knows you like that shit too things will get mighty busy
you’d think ethan is the one to have his hair pulled all the time but it’s actually damiano, figures though
he’ll admit he likes pain to you at some point. but you won’t be that surprised. when you pinch his waist and abs, guy straight up groans
confident being naked generally, figures as well
thrives being tied up, it’s art to him, he looks like art
always torn between wanting to blow your back out and getting roughed up by you until his eyeliner starts running, and his lipstick is all smudged. lord he loves grabbing you by the neck and getting choked out himself as well
yep, a slut, obviously
the type to take the strap balls deep because he can
and vocal as hell, i mean there’s not much explaining to do here. damiano is one loud motherfucker, extroversion here we go
one-on-one is cool with him, but if you are interested things will get poly pretty quickly. damiano is gonna go all out, a roman emperor doing orgies. grapes and good sex and a house full of moaning people, cum everywhere, elaborate roleplay scenes and pole dancing competitions and— okay okay i’m exaggerating but he’s seriously into pleasing several partners
which includes being eye candy. if you wanna lick his tattoos and run your hand through that glorious undercut while you’re cumming... go ahead he likes that
all the madness aside. wholesome aftercare, he truly has a puppy personality. rock’n’roll is one thing but damiano is a genuinely sweet guy, i mean you can just sit down and paint his nails and talk about everything
you’ll be eating self-cooked italian cuisine and cuddle lots before a long nap together, forehead kissing included
what an interesting man. good on him, damiano david everyone.
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⌜ /// victoria de angelis ⌟
oh my god this lady is on a new level
ding ding ding, dominatrix
rock’n’roll baby
miss de angelis doesn’t have girls bite back written on her bass for no reason
she can and will bite you, marking is her favorite thing in fact
prepare for hickeys all over your torso alright, everything tongue-in-cheek she just loves to tease you so much
vic is take-charge and a dirty talk legend, she’s gonna grill you if you’re all bratty i swear
her body is a stunner and she knows it, those hips, that hair... geez
will sit on your face as a hobby, might practice new bass lines while doing it, you’ll feel those in your bones hot damn
can crack a whip on you without hesitation as well, kneel and pray you peasants the alpha bi has arrived
this gal i swear, she can step on you, put you in a tight corset and peeptoe heels to make you extra pretty for her, spit in your face and you’re gonna say thank you mamma mia
talking about mama, victoria got the occasional mommy kink going, you gotta be prepared for that
also rough sex and cigarettes my dear, vic wants to fuck some shit up
loves degradation, calling you pathetic is her favorite, having you lick her boots as well, imagine that
this must be the portal to heaven 
might look like a doll but you’re the one she’s gonna throw around like one huh, get ready to get pushed on a bed or pinned against a wall, wow she’s assertive and physical af
watch out for your ass, too, she’ll find ways to destroy it i mean—
guess why maneskin won, the world is longing for unbridled asskicking energy, vic definitely has it
she’ll go down on you so intensely, have fun catching any breath at all
putting you in your place is all she ever needed to see, your begging eyes, your whines and crying, the way you look like cuffed and connected to her favorite vibrators — the sweetest torture, really. she can go on for hours spoiling you with every fantasy a masochist could be dreaming of, and she’s happy to be your mistress
will take off her lingerie, stuff it in your mouth, slap you for good measure, and enjoys you writhing thoroughly. even better, overstimulating you with those agile bass fingers... bad girls do it better.
let’s just put it into words once and for all victoria is a goddess
rolls out the soft domme as well, adores you for aftercare, she’s totally kissy and loves the pillow talk, ma’am your taurus is showing
victoria is a gal you can have outrageous fun sex with and philosophize about the world afterwards, she has so many thoughts to share
you can get an essay about every political issue there is, or every abstract topic, she’s great with languages too
let me tell you: if you like her, it’s guaranteed you’re a hopeless sapiosexual. congratulations for sure
yeah wow she’s a phenomenon inside out
bless her you’ll be crushing so hard
vic rules and she owns your ass peace out
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⌜ /// thomas raggi ⌟
how cool is he
resident smooth operator
he got the moves like jagger, the shoes too, and he’s wearing lace jackets come on look at him. he understood the assignment utterly and completely what a joy to behold
fashion is his way of flirting with you, run that hand down his chest and you’ll know
wanna fuck him in that leopard faux fur coat? or the perfectly transparent sequin suit from sanremo that brought out all of his femboy glory (oh my god, the untapped potential of it)? of course you can, no limits
this guy just radiates the sass without even trying and it’s gonna show in bed
mister raggi is like one of those adverts... sexy italian man in your area wants to get to know you 
well he really does: the quality time love language is going strong so the getting to know you part is not just gonna be sex all night
the flavor of rock comes with guitar solos and jamming out, imagine fucking several rounds with thomas playing some new pieces for you in between, and you become his muse
god that would be ecstatic, heaven, the stones would be so proud of you, freddie mercury would give a major thumbs up
who needs drugs indeed, just listen to thomas hitting a sick riff at full volume, eargasm
this guy grinding on the floor with just his guitar and a leather jacket on, nothing underneath, singing an ode to you... that’s gonna be an image you’ll never forget i’m telling you
but hey rock star attitude aside he’s actually full of crack, watch him serenade you on the ukulele too and invent a little dance, that’s his real form of foreplay
making you laugh and move your body to the music is the ultimate aphrodisiac for thomas he’s so in love with that
slow sex is on the menu right here. thomas is super relaxed about this, carefree, everything goes
experienced, huge pleaser
thomas is for the vanilla folks, he can spice it up without power exchange ye know. as i note time and again the characters in this group are in perfect equilibrium, vic and damiano are all about that sadomasochistic stuff meanwhile thomas and ethan keep it calmer in that regard
thomas is always upbeat and loves to tease with lighthearted pranks, you blink once next thing you know his shirt is off, damiano has some serious stripper competition
his hair is so cute. those blonde waves and curls, super soft and shiny, this whole band has such great outstanding hairstyles my god. he doesn’t mind you twirling it at all
but mind you. it won’t stay with just teasing and fooling around, this guy can go through a whole pack of condoms in one night. always dances his heart out so you know those hips can keep on grinding
semi-public sex? yesh, he’d fancy it. he’d absolutely make out with you on stage anyway. thomas feels the most comfortable when it’s body on body
a little party never killed nobody: imagine if it wasn’t for covid just how much the two of you would conquer the night life of any major city. loves going out with you to check out all kinds of new genres, clubbing legend. it’s getting steamy on the dancefloor, thomas got his long ass legs between your thighs in a hot minute
can stroke you like his guitar can i get an amen
as you can tell he got that certain kind of confidence 
hard to describe, british rock band of the 90s you know, that kind of feeling
keeps it chill with the kinkiness unless lavish fetish wear is concerned, he’s a fashion king after all, harnesses on deck everybody
yeah as you can tell he’s just cool through and through
just an allround great and merry time with thomas, good stuff
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⌜ /// ethan torchio ⌟
and now for my personal favorite fella, i’ll tell you why
ethan vibes different, i know right. the balance of personalities in this group is simply beyond astounding. guy’s in his own world, but he’s glad to invite someone dear to him
truest to the band name’s meaning. as in danish for moonshine, if that doesn’t hit home for mister taciturn torchio
subtle elegance in person with a whole sexy and primal twist
ironically he’s the most unhinged and intimidating on stage with his hair flying all over the place and the glaring eyes it’s hilarious, such a duality
off-stage he becomes this elusive buff dracula, bloody hell (pun intended) he is beyond his years, his decade in fact. you gotta be the chosen one — he’s very very picky with who he lets his guard down for. and if he does, it’s gonna be super twin flames i don’t know what other word fits
that’ll be moonshine lovemaking indeed, luxurious and artistic, in each other’s embrace
because he’s a royal vampire count lost in thought, he’s the kinda guy who’s glued to your neck with those lips absentmindedly, wow he loves kissing and worshipping it so much. but he’s almost too afraid to ask
yeah you’re dealing with a shy bean with some hidden kinks
once you get to know each other he’s not awkward at all though, ethan is just very particular with who he’s hanging out around and what words he’s putting into the world
expresses himself with the body instead. can be pretty quiet in bed but it’s not because he’s not feeling anything. he does moan, just very softly and sensually, and he likes to compliment you so much it’s gonna catch you off guard
the more he opens up the more goofy he’ll become like... yeah, closet romantic. ethan is one big honey bear who loves being chest to chest with you, with all that eye contact and snuggling
most of his energy is already spent on destroying the drums, that’s his release
so you can guess how careful he’s gonna be with ya. and ethan enjoys you being the feisty one and the big spoon, he thinks domination is so hot like tie those strong hands to the headboard of his bed already and ride his brains out until he ascends
who knows he might go full on subby and let you drop that candle wax from his favorite antique table on his back, welcome to lord torchio’s vampire castle ba dum tss
SO eager to make you come, his concentration is such a turn-on
indulgent french kisses alert, you leaving scratches on his back and muscles yum
easily led, eager to switch positions a lot, fast sex hell yes it’s so good, loves getting his ass and waist grabbed, control his body how you want to, he will read every wish right from your lips
very much into clothed sex, as we can tell by his insta he loves the gentleman aesthetic so why would that suit come off? it’s part of the experience, he can blow your mind like no other
ethan is kinda packing — and a little embarrassed about it — so you get a whole treat, blowjobs blowjobs blowjobs, you’re gonna eat him alive, suck his soul out, and make him feel so damn good, shit he deserves to go insane from all that head
orgasms so beautifully like... you need to have a camera ready, just how many polaroids of him do you have in your wallet
when you both reached your climax, the way he looks at you is so emotional like goodness me, his eyes always tell no words needed
aftercare is basically you brushing his hair, on the balcony watching the sunrise or sunset, gotta come down in style. he’s so beautiful, mother of god
your gorgeous man is very lowkey, but remember that still waters run deep. he’s such a devoted lover i’m living
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© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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littleoddwriter · 4 years
Naughty | Roman Sionis x Male!Reader | Smut
"And last but not least 10, Roman/black mask x male reader (nsf/w again cuz we be horny). I don't have a super specific scenario for this, but it could either be reader genuinely doesn't know who they're talking to and Roman decided to teach them a lesson
Or reader knows *exactly* who they are talking to but is fishing for punishment/a lesson/just being a brat. You're welcome to decide what the lesson is (ideas include idk man spanking, orgasm delay/denial, public (am I thinking of an opposite to the other horny fic we came up with? where reader is not a good boy? maybe,,,,), whatever you want really lol)" @iscariot-rising​
summary; You’re in a mood and seek punishment from Roman to get out of your head for a bit. 
notes; KINKS: Daddy!Kink; Spanking; Sexual Punishment; Consensual, but neither safe nor sane tbh; Coming basically untouched; Slight exhibitionism. Male!Reader; PWP; Lemon; Smut; Using sexual punishment to stop feeling bad/thinking.
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Having woken up after an awful night and feeling your mood decline with every thought that tumbled through your brain, you were feeling that need for Roman to put you in your place and make you lose every train of thought possible. Usually a good punishment would get you out of your head and that weird mood, because no doubt it would only get progressively worse the more you dwelled on it. Roman wouldn't punish you if you asked for it, though. He wanted you to have earned it. Fine by you. You would make sure you've earned it, alright.
Roman was downstairs at the club, which wasn't even due to open for several more hours. So you went and joined him there, seeing to whatever he was doing.
When you reached downstairs, you saw a couple of his men mopping the floor. It smelled awfully like bleach. It assaulted your nose for a moment, as you scrunched your face up in reaction to it.
Side-stepping the working men, you went further into the club's area and saw Roman sitting in a booth with Zsasz, cackling about something. There was some blood on Victor's face. That would explain what they've been doing then, and possibly even what they were laughing about.
When Roman finally noticed you coming closer, he sobered up a little at first, then a wide grin spread on his face. It still had some sadistic, sinister touch to it, but for the most part it was charming, happy even.
"Look at you, baby! What are you doing down here, hm?" He exclaimed, still grinning, as Zsasz looked at you curiously.
You sat down next to Roman and playfully smiled up at him. "Oh, you know, I got a little bored all by myself and wanted to see what you were doing."
"Did you now? And haven't I told you not to come downstairs when I'm busy here outside of business hours, baby?" His tone already took on a dangerous edge; so going down here despite knowing you weren't allowed to did pay off. Good.
"Ah, well, I might have forgotten, sorry," you said, not sounding sorry at all.
Roman hummed, his grin slowly vanishing from his face.
"You know I don't like it when my orders aren't being followed," he rasped.
Shivering, you bit your lower lip and grinned cheekily.
"Didn't know that applied to me as well, Daddy."
"Hmmm, you're just being a little shit now, sweet boy, aren’t you? What is it?"
"I'm not! It's nothing, Daddy, I promise! What should it be?" You said, playing up the part of being completely oblivious.
"Do you just act stupid or are you really it?" He rasped.
By then, you knew he had caught on, probably even knowing that you did it on purpose; but his quick temper often got the better of him when you played your cards right. Like right now.
"Now, now, Daddy! That's rude, isn't it? But that's to be expected from you."
You knew that what you just said would make his blood boil, it might have hurt him a little, too, but you were willing to pay that price right now.
Clenching his fists, he fixed you with a fierce glare. "Do you have any idea who you're talking to?"
"Of course I do, Daddy! But y'know, sometimes you really can be a little rude."
"Is that so? Do you hear that Zsasz?"
Zsasz nodded, "I think you should teach him a lesson, Boss."
You were sure that Victor wasn't talking about sexual punishment like you were aiming for, but rather peeling your mug off because he wanted Roman to himself.
"Yes, I believe you're right, I should. Would you be so kind and leave us alone then, Victor?" Roman said, looking at you intently.
Disappointment was clear in Victor's expression, but he got up without another word and left the two of you alone in the club, as the other staff had left by that point, too.
Roman nudged you, "C'mon, over my lap. Now."
Fucking finally!
Swallowing thickly, you shifted and leaned over his legs and laid face-down on his thighs, your chest and stomach pressing against them, while your ass was up for him to do whatever he liked with. He rubbed his gloved hand over your still clothed ass cheeks, seemingly admiring them.
"Count," was his only, huskily rasped, warning before he lifted his hand and let it come down on your right ass cheek, hard.
You yelped and moaned out a "One".
Then again. "Two."
Again. It felt harder. "Three."
This continued on until you reached spank number ten.
Because then, he reached under you and unbuttoned your pants, sliding them down your hips, over your straining erection, and over your butt, situating them right where thighs met cheeks. Your bottom already felt so fucking raw. Roman's spankings were always forceful. As much as he looked like he never lifted a finger on his own, he actually worked out, and it showed in his strength.
You've been hard and aching for the past three spanks already and you didn't know how many he's planned for you to receive. You might come practically untouched, depending on it, because your cock kept rubbing against the cushion beneath you and his thigh. It was driving you crazy before, when you were still clothed, and now, with your dick bared, it would only be so much worse.
All those thoughts were ripped from your mind, as his leather-clad hand came back down on your bare rump again, alternating between the left and right cheek and where he hit. It was relentless.
By the twenty-fith spank, your counting was barely intelligible anymore, as it was caught between shouts, moans and dry sobs.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you figured that his hand must have gone numb by that point, but he kept spanking you. You could feel his hard cock against your stomach, though. So as unaffected as he seemed by all of this, he wasn't it entirely.
At the fiftieth hit, you couldn't control yourself anymore and came all over his thigh and the booth's cushions, sobbing and moaning pitifully, as tears streamed down your red face.
He stopped for a moment, rubbing over your cheeks soothingly, although it only made them burn more.
"Tell Daddy how sorry you are for disrespecting him and for coming unprompted all over him. C'mon," he rasped, his voice even deeper than before.
It took you a moment to even register what he's said. You blinked rapidly, trying to come back to the now. You felt so floaty.
"Sorry, Daddy." It was a quiet, unintelligible mumble.
"I didn't quite hear you there, sweet cheeks. Try again." To underline what he just said, he spanked you twice on each cheek again.
Obediently, you slurred the numbers. He paused again.
"Daddy, I- I'm sorry. 'm so sorry," you mumbled a little louder, your voice shaking.
"'Kay then," he whispered.
Roman then lifted his hand off your ass and helped you to sit up. You were so out of it that you just barely registered the pain it caused to sit.
"Ew, you've made a fucking mess of my suit pants. Ugh," you could faintly hear him complain.
A moment later he had gotten up apparently, as you felt his arms around you. One around your back, under you arms and gripping onto your side, and the other one under your thighs. Then he lifted you up, bridal style.
"Let's get you upstairs and taken care of, my little prince."
Completely out of it, you smiled and pressed your wet, red face into his chest. Your plan had worked out to the best possible result. 
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zodiyack · 4 years
Tell Me It’s Real
Requested by anon: So I had this idea for a fic where the reader is pretending to be in love with Roman to get close to him. The reader is a viglante and plans to take him down when she earns his trust. he finds out about her plans and he’s upset because he really likes her. But instead of killing her he keeps her as a prisoner. Sorry if that’s too specific. I love your work!
Pairing: Roman Sionis x reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst, alcohol, drugging, crime, soft!Roman, mention of murder, kidnapping(?), mention of Roman’s homemade removal surgery (aka face skinning), mention of Stockholm syndrome? idk, movie reference
Note: I hope this is what you wanted! I’m sorry if I went a bit offtrack! I also I apologize, I was rather tired when writing the first half of this!
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Taglist: @stardancerluv​​ @matth1w​​ @redspaceace​​
Masterlist | Birds of Prey Masterlist
Part Two
Her lips formed into a smirk against his. He was tempted to deepen their kiss, but for now, he was being interrupted with a business deal. With him being more focused on the pain across from him who was pleading for a deal, he didn’t notice the flicking eyes of his girlfriend. The way she subtly listened to their conversation.
But just because Roman hadn't noticed didn’t mean Victor didn’t take caution. He saw her, just as he did every time she did something of the sort. He was curious to know why, but he left it be. As Roman’s best friend and employee, he knew the boundary of accusing Roman’s lover of anything without solid evidence.
He tried photos. But Y/n was the same as he was with her. Both keeping an eye on each other. He tried to set up cameras. But she was always one step ahead, always being out of the view of the lens or the footage would “somehow” be glitchy, deleted, ruined, just never the way he knew it was supposed to be.
It all added up for him. However, not for Roman. Head over fucking heals for Y/n; he refused to believe anything that was said of her. From Victor or someone else. He never believed.
This was the time. Victor was determined to catch her. She had to fuck up at some point, right? No human being was that perfect.
“Rome?” Her breath tickled his neck, distracting him from the conversation. She nipped at his ear as he made a “mhm” sound in response to his name. “I’m feeling thirsty. What about you?”
“Exactly the same as you, angel. I’ll get Vincent to g-”
“No!” Victor’s head snapped up, both him and Roman had a look of confusion and shock at her sudden raise of voice. “I mean, no. I’ll get them myself.”
“Oh...if you’d like. Come right back though, alright, Angel?”
“Yes sir. I love you, Romey.” She kissed him roughly before setting off to get the promised drinks. Now that she finally had control over him, her plan was being set into motion. He finally trusted her. She knew of the reports being made of her, she knew how Roman turned them down like they were just rumors, it all was just proof that it was the perfect time for her to begin.
She went up to the bar and asked for two cups of a random alcohol. When the man handed her the drinks, she thanked him and walked to a dark corner, pouring pills into one of the cups. Thank god she accepted Harley’s offer.
“Wait! Please, just let me go, I just started my life free of Mr. J! I’ll give you something in return!”
“Harley, what on earth could you possibly have that would stop me from turning you in?”
She fished around in her pocket, smiling brightly when she found what she was searching for. “Here,” she held out a bottle of pills. Specifically the kind you’d use to drug someone. The kind to knock them out. “take ‘em!”
“What the hell would I need these for? I’m a fucking vigilante, I’m throwing you guys in jail, not kidnapping you.”
“You know exactly what they’re for!”
Her arms folded over her chest, inhaling deeply and rolling her eyes. “No, Harley, I really don’t.”
“Oh come on Y/n! Don’t be so modest! I know you’re goin’ for the big one! Roman Sionis?”
Her eyes widened. “H-how did you-”
“Easy! You and that other... scary.. cop lady want a case against him. You’re the only new person so he has no idea who you are, meaning it’s easy for you to sneak right in and turn him to putty in your hands before... ya know-” She shook the pills next to her face. “You may have gotten some people in jail, but if you build your reputation up too quickly, he’ll have you shot dead before you can even reach the lot of his club.”
“And how do I know you won’t go blabbering to him?” Y/n drawled, taking the bottle from the blonde.
“Really? He hates my guts. I thought you knew that already? Oooh righttt, you’re new. Sorry, I just forgot for a sec due to how good you are at this hero shit.”
“Anytime sweets!” She glanced down at her wrist, checking an imaginary watch. “Welp, nice talking to ya, but I gotta go. Seeya!” Before any words could leave Y/n’s mouth, Harley was already on the back of the bus, holding onto the rail and catching an illegal ride.
She sat back down, smiling at her boyfriend and handing him the cup with the drugged drink. One of the men across from her initiated a conversation. It was the perfect timing for something against her plan.
Victor had seen her. He’d seen the pills. Stealthily, but obvious enough for Roman to notice him, he switched the cups. and shrugged when Roman raised an eyebrow.
“Could I make a toast?”
Y/n turned to Victor, smiling and grabbing the glass in front of her. Victor spat out some bullshit toast and downed his glass, the rest of the table following his action. A few moments went by and Y/n started to sway, she struggled to keep her eyes open.
“Angel? Are you alright? Do you need us to leave early?”
“I’m.. I’m fine Rome. I p-promi...promise...” The last “promise” of her sentence was whispered. Her head hit the table and her eyes fell closed. Roman jumped up, no knowing what was going on or who to blame.
“You! What the fuck did you do to her Victor?”
He assumed quickly, based off Victor switching their cups in front of him. “It wasn’t me. That cup was from her, meant for you. Remember? I didn’t do jack-shit to her.”
It hit him. Finally. It hit him like a thunderbolt striking his tall form. Moments he should’ve taken note of. The times she was caught in suspicious actions and brushed it off with some excuse he believed. There was still one more thing.
“Out.” No one moved. Rarely anyone heard him. If they did, they didn’t listen to him. “Out!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CLUB!” Just like that, they did. People swarmed, racing to the exit, not wanting to face the furry and wrath of Roman Sionis. “Zsasz-”
“On it boss.” He began to pick her up and head into the direction of where Roman’s infamous unconsented facial removal surgeries took place. 
“Where the fuck are you going?”
“Don’t listen? I know. As I was going to say, chain her up... please. Don’t hurt her, don’t kill her,” He turned to the rest of his employees, “you got that? NONE OF YOU LAY A FUCKING HAND ON HER! Or it’ll be your face I skin next.”
Audible gulps sounded through the room. No one moved. Not even an inch.
“Well? GO!”
. . .
She woke up, vision blurred and wrists feeling sore. Her eyes were watery and her throat felt dry. She couldn’t have messed up, she knew exactly what glass it was in! No matter her mistake, she was obviously in for it now. ‘Fuck.’
“Well well, look who’s awake Roman!” A voice sneered from in front of her. Y/n managed to look up, meeting the eyes of Victor Zsasz. “Look at you now. So helpless. You’ve failed, ya know? Just one little brat who ca-”
“Enough, Victor.”
Victor’s eyes never left Y/n’s. He stared her down while mumbling an apology to Roman, obviously not genuine. She took the chance, smiling mischievously, and spat in his face.
“You bitch!” His hand raised to meet her face, but Roman stopped him quickly.
“Victor. I said enough.” Y/n could hear his steps approaching her. Great, she really was gonna die. “Please leave us, friend.”
“Yeah whatever.”
He left, just as Roman had asked, Although she acted fearless and literally just did something that could’ve gotten her killed on the spot, a tinge of fear made it’s way to her gut. Roman seemed intrigued with his girlfriend. Was she really afraid or was she skimming through her mind for an escape strategy?
She was too busy shivering with wide eyes, confused by Roman’s actions.
“Listen... I know, I should kill you. I mean, if anyone else had done it, I would’ve peeled their fucking face off and then made them suffer a horrible death, but you... I fucking loved you. I- I love you.”
“Roman. P-please I-”
“No. I’ve already figured it out, Angel.”
“Roman! I beg of you, please don’t kill me.. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have hurt you like that! I hurt you by using your heart rather than a less emotional tactic and I’m sorry!”
Roman tutted, walking around Y/n and kneeling in front of her. “Y/n, Y/n, Y/n. You’re right, it hurt me in a very unfair way, but your apologies won’t excuse your attempt of knocking me out.”
“How did you-” She thought back, Victor keeping his eyes on her, her finding what she thought to be an unoccupied corner and not bothering to check her surroundings. “Shit.”
“O-huh-ha-o! You finally figured it out! Well, he switched the glasses, and look where we are now. The woman I love, trying to kill me. What is this, Mr. and Mrs. Smith?”
“Could be.” she sighed. “Are you gonna...” The chains rattled against the floor as she moved her hands in a circle motion over her face.
“Skin you? No. I’m gonna keep you here.” He stood up.
“Am I gonna die?”
“No to that question as well.” Roman started towards the door. “There is, however, a way you can get out of this.”
“And that is?”
He turned slightly, eyes meeting hers. “Well you gotta make sure it’s the truth. Some guy is coming by and he loves his machinery. Something about it shocking you if you lie?” A goofy “oops”-kind-of-smile rested on his lips.
“But what is it that I need to do?”
The door slammed shut and the locks clicked into place. “Tell Me It’s Real.”
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦  
Part two? Also I’m sorry if this story is like...REALLY ooc or something, I just went with the flow. 
And with the movie reference part (Mr. And Mrs. Smith) I could totally write an au for that as a Roman Sionis if y’all like that idea. Him or another character, I don’t mind, I just like the movie a lot
✘ Bowie
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sides-of-demigods · 5 years
Character Profiles
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Son of Apollo, god of...let's just say the arts, archery, and medicine.
Apollo? God of music? Theatre? The arts? And just all around extraness?
Yeah he's the son of Apollo.
Roman is skilled with anything involving missile projectiles, from archery to basketball, and is a natural musician and actor.
He can actually charm people with his singing voice and, if he is focused enough and has the energy, can almost cast spells with songs. For instance, when he used it in the forest incident to lead him and Virgil out of the woods.
For weaponry, Roman is the only one with a magic weapon. Most often it's a double bladed sword, but it can be separated into two swords, used as a spear, or melded into one single sword.
Also, for some reason no one can explain, it's actually made of Imperial Gold instead of Celestial Bronze, but there's red detailing in the hilt and designs on the blades.
Of course he also has a bow, he's the son of Apollo, but his sword is his signature weapon.
His smile is like sunshine and he has ALL OF THE FRECKLES
He has Auburn hair and is the second shortest of the main four, much to his annoyance, though he's still tall at 5’10 (177 cm)
His eyes are green and he's the pretty boy of camp, giving all of the Aphrodite kids a run for their money.
Roman has been going to Camp Half-Blood for 10 years, ever since he was six.
Roman knew since he was brought to Camp Half-Blood for the first time for the summer by his mom when he was six, because he was immediately claimed by Apollo.
His mom told him early on that he was a demigod but it wasn't until the golden sun with it's arrows for rays that he knew exactly who he was.
But knowing he was a demigod he became obsessed with the magic and fantasy of Greek mythology, and as a kid who had already heard so many fairy tales, he had...strong opinions on the gods.
And their children.
And that included his brother.
He's getting better, especially since the forest incident, which resulted in him befriending and pining after Virgil.
Him and Patton fangirl over Disney and dashing heroes and stuff such as that.
Him and Logan it's all sass battles and such and they act like they hate each other but literally the entire camp knows that's die for each other in a heartbeat. You boys aren't fooling anybody.
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Son of Athena, goddess of wisdom
He's??? So smart??? Like there's Athena Cabin smart, and then there's Logan smart. The dude is on a whole nother level.
When it comes to weapons Logan uses twin landsknecht daggers, as they are weapons that require you to be precise and calculating. They aren't really anything special, with navy blue hilts and Celestial Bronze blades, but that's perfect for him.
Logan has black hair and blue eyes, and is the second tallest of the main four, at just over six feet. (182 cm)
Logan was the second most recent to arrive to Camp, arriving at 12 and having been at Camp for four years.
Logan took, surprise surprise, a much more logical standpoint on things than Roman.
He was from a long line of legacies. No one, even his father, knew he was a true son of Athena not just her legacy
So you can imagine his surprise when he got to camp and was properly claimed.
He adapted to this new development rather quickly and got on with his life, electing to, with the support of his family, to stay at camp year round and visit his family once in a while, usually for holidays and such.
It was actually so that his friend and totally not crush Patton wouldn't be lonely most of the year.
As a legacy, Logan dove into Greek Mythology similar to Roman, but rather than focus on the story elements Logan memorized as many stories, weapons, and monsters as he could.
He's like a walking Mythapedia.
The counselor of Aphrodite, Valerie Torres-Rosario, once set him up with Patton as a sort of joke (but everyone at camp low-key shipped them) and Logan was so astonished.
How can anyone be so happy? And pretty? Wait pretty? Wait, shit, 404 error, Logan.exe has shut down.
Well can you say POWER COUPLE?
Battle couple, leader couple, just all around the most badass couple at camp that literally everyone loves.
Random fact: Logan has a southern drawl that he often dials down, worried it'll cause people to not take him seriously. But sometimes he let's it out with Patton, and yes it makes the poor boy melt.
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Son of Hebe, goddess of youth
Patton is kind of the definition of “looks like a cinnamon roll, and is a cinnamon roll” but when it comes to his abilities he's probably the most powerful of the bunch.
He can manipulate age, sucking the youth out of people and monsters with only a touch. He can almost always control it, but he usually wears gloves anyway. No one actually knew the extent of this until Capture the Flag one day.
Logan ran afoul of an orthrus (a two headed dog the size of a pony) and Patton without even thinking ripped off his gloves, holding on until the monster aged into dust.
He tends to not his powers much after that, so he instead studied with the Apollo cabin to be a healer and learned to use a slingshot and crossbow.
Also while not having a magic weapon persay, Patton does have a magic pouch with Celestial Bronze spheres for his slingshot that can hold way more than it seems. It's not bottomless but it can hold way more than you'd think.
Patton, poor baby, is the shortest of the group at 5’8”. (172 cm)
Patton and his brother were the second to arrive, Patton being 10 when he arrived at Camp, therefore being at Camp 6 years.
Patton also stays year round with his younger brother Dennis but that's because of a less happy reason.
See Hebe is a beautiful woman who Mr. Hailey fell in love with, but only for her beauty and they only had a one night stand. So he was not happy when a baby showed up at his door.
He got even worse when it happened again (although with a different goddess).
One day Patton took Dee and just left. Thankfully they were quickly found by a satyrs, Talyn, who escorted them to camp.
They stayed in the Hermes cabin for quite a while, Dee even longer than Patton, before being claimed.
Patton fit in quite quickly with his cabin mates. The children of Hebe are “highly sociable, take pride in community service and happiness of others, enjoy parties and feasts, tend to maintain a youthful appearance throughout their lives, are known to be fast healers, and are very good at planning social activities and parties.
That sure sounds like Patton to me.
Obviously is the dad of the entire camp.
Him and Logan, though Logan won't admit it, totally are mom and dad of CHB.
Random fact: Patton is next in line for counselor of the Hebe cabin.
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Son of Phobos, god of fear
He can instill fear in people, as well as make them see their worst fears. He can look at someone and know what their afraid at that moment and their worst fears. He can also sort of sense fear of all kinds, from nervousness to anxiety to terror.
Virgil has a sword made of stygian iron, with a hilt of onyx inlaid with amethysts.
Also, he's the only one who had the sense to have a freaking shield. He doesn't always use it, but it's usually at least on his back if he's going into combat. He also has a small hand crossbow, but he doesn't always bring that with him.
Virge has brown hair, dyed purple, and actually tends to not wear much eye shadow, since the sweat from training can make it run.
He also straightens his hair but has Hobbit hair that only the other three have seen because he's kinda self-conscious about it, and each time was an accident. (Aww that might the a cute fic idea. “3 times Virgil accidentally showed his curly hair and one time it was on purpose”. Might write that if y'all want, idk.)
Moving on from his hair, he's got brown eyes, and while he doesn't wear a lot of eyeshadow (think the much less intense eyeshadow from his first few appearances) he still tends to wear white foundation and such. Idk anything about makeup.
Virgil is actually the tallest at 6’3” (190 cm) but is often so slouched he seems to be as tall as Logan if not shorter.
Virgil arrived at camp at 13, the last to arrive, and he has been at Camp 3 years.
Virgil and his parents didn't even know he was a demigod, not until a satyr named Joan showed up at his doorstep on his 13th birthday.
So he shows up to camp for the summers although when everything at home becomes too much he is known to stay at camp for a week or two.
His family situation is okay, but it's pretty tense and that just overwhelms him sometimes.
Him and Roman didn't get along at first, Roman convinced he was the son of an “evil” god. Then the forest incident happened and Virgil released maybe Roman wasn't the stuck up brat he seemed to be. They became friends and now Virgil is slowly falling in love. Curse those damn freckles.
Him and Logan get along pretty well and tend to hang out when everyone at camp is being a little too much. When they just need some practicality.
Patton is his best friend ever, they're totally bffs.
They're like the most wholesome friendship ever and honestly, even before Roman became Virgil's friend, people were starting to question if Virgil was really that bad, because if he was how could he befriend someone as precious as Patton?
Random fact: He somehow always manages to wear black and purple? He somehow even managed to get a hold of a black Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, something no one can explain considering they we're all supposedly bright orange.
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Son of Apate, goddess of fraud, deceit, trickery, and lies.
Children of Apate aren't known as being powerful in a flashy way. They can't raise the dead, or summon hurricanes, or call lightning from the sky. Their powers are incredibly subtle.
Obviously they can lie their way out of almost any situation, they can blend into crowds easily, they can sense weakness, motivation, and lies. They can twist people's words around.
But just as some children have Aphrodite have charmspeak and some children of Hephaestus can control fire, certain children of Apate have another ability I'm calling Mimicry.
They can take on the form of another person to a level somewhere between an illusion and shapeshifting (meaning they can get stuff wrong), and mimic some speech patterns, quirks, and mannerisms. But not memories.
Dennis uses a rapier. The handle is black, but the area around the handle is gold (if you look up a rapier you'll know what I mean). The blade itself is the usual celestial bronze. That's his signature weapon but he's also good with various knives and daggers, including throwing knives.
He has black hair like Logan, but his eyes are grey, and he has a nasty scar on the side of his face from when him and Patton were fighting a monster before Talyn found them.
He's even shorter than Patton, but he's also not done growing yet, so cut him some slack.
Okay now the good stuff. You already read the gist of his back story with Patton, but once Patton got claimed their stories kind of separated.
See after Patton got claimed Dennis was still stuck in the Hermes cabin for a while. But while Patton was getting to know his other siblings, Dee was kinda left behind.
He took care of the rest of the distance when he was claimed by Apate.
It's a mostly one sided hate, because despite what Dennis has done, Patton just can't bring himself to hate his brother. And, no matter what he tells people Dennis really just misses his big brother but feels betrayed and can't risk that.
So instead he befriended a son of Eris, a boy also scorned by his brother (more on him soon). Although honestly, it's more like Dennis is the one keeping the older boy even semi under control.
Other than that, Dennis is still the manipulative, lying, GOOD INTENTIONED snek we all know and love.
He still causes chaos, but he's kind of true Neutral.
He's like this because that's how he came to believe was necessary for survival.
He was a child of the god of lies.
They wanted a snake?
He'd give them a snake.
But Patton won't give up on Dee. So maybe, just maybe, Dennis won't give up on himself either
Random fact: The one night (after Dennis was out of the infirmary for his injury) while the Hailey boys were still in the Hermes cabin, Patton and Dennis managed to sneak into the kitchen and Patton made chocolate chip cookies. Much to his annoyance, even to this day Dennis's ambrosia and nectar tend to taste like those cookies.
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Son of Eris, goddess of strife and discord
Remus is stronger in chaotic times, can create a golden apple that can cause people to fight over it, and cause fights between weaker-willed people.
His most powerful ability is a Strife Storm which causes things within it to break, change, or warp.
Remus uses a mace. Plot twist, right? He uses a sword more often than his signature weapon though.
The Mace is black with green designs on the handle. The head is celestial bronze, but Remus painted it black.
By the way, the following actually happened:
Thomas: What do you have?
Remus running wildly: A MACE!
Thomas: NO!
Roman: Oh my gods, why does he have a mace.
Remus has Auburn hair like Roman, but has black eyes and dyed lime green streaks into it.
He and Roman are the exact same height, and this annoys the shit out of both of them.
So now the family stuff. It seems complicated but it's really not, I swear.
So remember Roman's mom? So she met Apollo and had Roman.
But on the exact same day as Roman, Remus appeared on the doorstep of Mr. Dux. He knew it was his child, based on the note from Eris. So yes, the two have the exact same birthday.
But THEN, like not even a year later, Ms. Prince and Mr. Dux met and soon, they got married.
Roman and Remus got along like real brothers, and were the best of friends. Until, they were six years old.
You may remember that six years old was the first summer the boys arrived at Camp Half-Blood.
Roman was claimed practically as soon as they crossed the border. Remus was claimed in a few weeks, but during those weeks something...something happened to him.
He began to...change.
He began to become more chaotic, cruel, just plain old mean.
Roman was trying so hard to excuse this. Maybe his brother just missed their parents? Maybe if he spent more time with Remus than his cabin mates?
But then Remus was claimed, and Roman finally snapped, turning his back on his brother for good.
This was the last straw for Remus too.
The two finally decided, subconsciously and unanimously, that despite their parents love for both of them, despite their marriage, despite their childhood, they were no longer brothers.
Both boys cried that night.
But now Remus channels his energy into destruction, pranks, and honestly horrible things.
Dennis is quite honestly the only thing keeping him from actually killing someone.
That orthux that attacked Logan? That was Remus.
The forest incident? Remus.
Random fact: Remus loves bananas, and of his favorite things to do is eat a banana and leave it on the floor of the dining pavilion right before the dinner rush and watch an unsuspecting demigod slip and fall.
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Son of Iris, goddess of the rainbow
Okay I know what you're thinking, but I SWEAR this isn't a gay joke. Honestly it started that way but I did actual research and I decided to actually keep it.
Okay so children of Iris have good communication skills, are often nice and good at making friends, are creative, have good color coordination, and are good with animals. Sounding familiar yet? YUP IT SOUNDS LIKE THOMAS FUCKING SANDERS.
Sorry I'm just so excited this worked out so perfectly.
Anyway onto the next part: powers.
Thomathy over here has the power to generate and manipulate light and color, he can change the color of things with just a touch (people suspect he's behind Virgil's black Camp t-shirts), he can see the whole spectrum of light (thankfully he can turn this on and off), and because he's special, he can summon rainbow wings that he can use to fly.
Thomas uses a bow and arrow. There isn't much special about them. It's a recurve bow that's a magenta color, the feathers on his arrows are all different colors, the arrowheads are celestial bronze but there are celestial bronze bits on the ends of his bow just in case a monster decides to get up close and personal.
He has a short sword as well, but he prefers to use the bow.
Thomas looks the same as our Thomas: brown hair, brown eyes, 5’10” (177 cm), etc.
Thomas honestly has a pretty good family life, and actually has been known to bring campers home with him for a week or so if needed? His family is welcome at camp, people call Mama Sanders “mom” even more often than they do Logan, it's pretty amazing.
As for demigod stuff, well Thomas was on watch for a while.
He was special for a child of Iris already (the wings ain't normal), but his best friend and his protector (Joan obviously) could tell he had potential to be a leader and a role model for all the kids at camp.
So at twelve, Thomas arrived at Camp Half Blood for his first day at camp.
He wasn't the best when it came to the physical attributes. He could fight, otherwise he'd be dead by now, but he wasn't exactly gifted at it.
Yet somehow he was counselor of the Iris cabin by the time he was 15?
He is just great at making friends. Even the Ares cabin likes him! He can actually talk them down!
No one understands it!
Literally the only one he can't control is Remus.
Soon, Dionysus was able to somehow cut a deal that got him out of camp director. That title went to Chiron and Thomas, at age 18, became the activities counselor, taking over Chiron's now vacant spot.
Literally the entire camp cheered when this happened.
There wasn't a single unhappy camper in sight.
Random Fact: Thomas's eyes actually change color sometimes, like a holographic image. They're usually brown, but campers swear they've seen them multiple other colors, even colors that shouldn't be possible like red and purple.
Tag List: @coconut-cluster @stop-it-anxiety @wizzo-the-motherfucking-wizard @planetkookie @winterrs-child @thgjclw @dragonsaphirareads @jessadamsdraws @landofsaltandshade @just--potato @that-one-sunfish-with-a-wig-on @withspaces @demoncrownqueen
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Movie Night
This is a Royality Fluff fic. There is a little Analogical in it as well! No trigger warnings as far as I can tell!
Summary: Roman and Patton had been dating for a few years now. 5 years to be exact. It was their 5 year anniversary. Since Roman was always the one who was being 'extra' with the dates, Patton wanted to do something 'extra' for Roman. He asked for Logan's help because for some very odd reason, he was always being the 'extra' one in his and Virgil's relationship. Virgil was always telling Patton how extravagant his dates were with Logan. Anyways, Patton and Logan had decided they would set something up in the backyard. Patton was planning on having a Disney movie marathon with Roman.
3rd Person POV
Patton and Logan were setting up the screen that they were going to project the movies on. Logan made Virgil make some popcorn and bring it out. Logan and Patton had a blanket set out with some pillows. Though it was just a few blankets and some pillows, it looked beautiful.
"Are you sure this is a good date for you and Roman. I mean, not to bring you down or anything, but what if he doesn't like it? He HAS seen like every Disney movie know to man." Virgil said, sitting on a lounge chair under the balcony.
"You can't bring me down Kiddo! You only help to bring me up! He has been talking about re-watching these movies. But with me! He just hasn't had time because of all of these quests."
"Virgil, if you are going to be here, giving all of those upsetting comments, then come help us." Logan said, looking at his boyfriend sternly.
"No thanks I'm good here just enjoying the view." Virgil said, winking at Logan. Logan just sighed and Virgil blew him a kiss.
"That's fine Kiddo! We are almost done here anyways. Do you know what time Roman will be back?" Patton asked excitedly.
"Nah Dad but I do know that he is on his way here. We've been texting for the last hour."
"Might I ask what you two were talking about Hun?"
"Nope. Patton's the dad here. You're just my boyfriend."
"Just your boyfriend?"
"Now now Kiddos, be nice! Virgil, can you ask him when he will be here?"
"Uhh yeah. Wait.. He is here."
"Oh MY GOSH! Logan what do I do?!"
"Virgil, can you go distract him while we finish up here?" Logan asked as if the conversation from earlier 
"What will I get out of this?"
Logan's complete demeanor changed. "Virgilllll. Please Hun? I'll make it up to you~" Logan said flirtatiously. Virgil took the hint and stood up and went to go distract Roman.
"Hey Logan?"
"Yes, Patton?"
"What did you mean by 'make it up to him?'" Logan chuckled. "Umm... Nothing Patton. Let's just finish this."
~Time Skip~
Logan and Patton finished and Logan texted Virgil telling him to blindfold him and bring him outside. A few minutes later. Roman was yelling at Virgil.
"Virgil! I demand that you let me take this blindfold off!"
"I will not you fucking brat! Just hold on we are almost there!"
"Why are we best friends when all you do is insult me all the time?"
"Oh shut the fuck up, you love me!" Virgil led Roman in front of the set up that Logan and Patton set up.
"Why am I stopped? Are we here?" Patton was trying to hold in laughter and Logan was setting up the projector.
"Yeah we are here idiot." Virgil took off Roman's blindfold. Roman gasped and Patton wrapped him in a hug. "Happy anniversary Ro!!"
"What's all this?" 
"Me and Logan made this for a Disney movie marathon!"
"It's 'Logan and I' Patton." Logan corrected Patton and Virgil walked up to Logan, wrapping his arms around Logan's waist. "Come on L~ Let's go and leave them alone~" Logan nodded and they both went into the house.
"You really did this for me?"
"Of course! You always take me on amazing dates and I remember you talking about wanting to have a Disney marathon with me. So, I asked Logan to help me set it up!"
"That's amazing! I love it!" Patton and Roman sat down on the pile of blankets. The fairy lights illuminated the area they were in. Patton presses play on the computer and Snow White begins playing.
Patton and Roman were snuggled up together, eating popcorn and laughing at all of the movies.
Every now and then, Roman would turn and kiss Patton. Patton would giggle and kiss him back.
"I love you Patt~"
"I love you more Ro~"
They went on back and forth for quite a few minutes. Then, Patton grabbed Roman's sash and pulled him closer, kissing him passionately. Roman kissed him back, slipping his tongue inside. After a few minutes, Patton pulled away, both of them gasping for air.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too Patt."
~Okaaayyyyy. Was this even good? IDK. I mean I guess I liked it but I guess it only really matters if you guys like it. IDK? Let me know what ships you want next or just what you want me to write about next!!!! I could do a part two to this one with the analogical? What do you guys think?~
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logan-go-nom · 5 years
Continuing with punk Logan i suppose
because i actually had thoughts but i didn’t want to burden a post with my fic in the first place i just couldn’t help myself.
“So am i to assume you like the look?” Logan is still trying to catch his breath, but it isn’t in him to just not ask a question. Virgil laughs, rolling to the side and grabbing a bottle of water. He takes a drink before handing it to Logan who has yet to stop staring at the ceiling, “i am waiting for an answer.”
“I am just jealous that you wear it better than I do”
“there is nothing wrong with trying out a new look, it was Roman’s idea actually.” Virgil nearly spits out his drink.
“Roman’s idea?” Virgil glares at the floor like it had something to do with this. Of course. Virgil makes one comment-after far more than one shot of tequila- and his stupid brother has to go and interfere with his life. 
“what are you thinking? That’s your thinking face. that’s the face you made right before you decided to [i couldn’t pick which headcannon i liked more for virgil because i have so many so just insert your own okay?]. what are you gonna do?” Logan props himself up a little higher and puts a hand on Virgil’s shoulder.
“I am just thinking that my dear brother is going to learn just how much of a brat he is.” Logan nods nervously.
“Hey uh, are we officially friends so i can ask how you two are related AT ALL?”
“Obviously we are brothers”
“Oh really? Like, brothers-brothers or like we-grew-up-together-and-our-parents-were-friends sort of brothers?”
“Like... our mom married his dad because they were expected to, prom king and queen, captian of the football team and head cheerleader, head jocks, popular kids, highschool sweethearts, that kind of thing, it kinda explains why Roman is so... Roman.” Logan nods and moves to sit beside Virgil at the edge of the bed, “But in college she met this really sweet guy- that would be my father- and they went out for a while, it was a big scandal in our home town when i was born and looked nothing like my ‘father’, he made up some nonsense about recessive traits, and our little brother Remus was born to try to dispel rumors, it didn’t work and we moved. i haven’t seen my biological dad in forever, he doesn’t really like me though, and Roman’s dad is much ”
“While i appreciate the backstory, i didn’t mean to pry,” Logan laughs a little, “You could have just said you were half brothers and left it at that.” Virgil looks at him with an odd look in his eyes.
“That’s a thing?”
Logan laughs a little, “Yes, now why don’t you cut your brother some slack, he did a nice thing for you... i think.” Virgil shakes his head, suddenly remembering that they are both missing some important clothing.
“he wasn’t being nice, he was being a brat and he is not going to get away with it. I can play this game all year if he wants.” And Virgil is up, pulling on a shirt, then pants and socks and all the rest of his ensemble as Logan is left on the bed wondering what this ‘game’ is and if it will entail more not-quite-long-enough mornings.
@majorfander ask and ye shall receive, i suppose. There is more but i am procrastinating and i have a paper to write. and i wanted to post this. because idk
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Warning: This is a Thomas/Virgil romantic fic, so as always please skip if that’s is not your cup of tea, and have a wonderful day!
Hello! Just here with a Thvi oneshot as a present for Sam (@organizeddiscord ) for her birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM! I hope you are enjoying your day and that you like this little gift! And I hope everyone else enjoys too!
Thomas knew he shouldn't have gone out that day.
He'd woken up in that kind of mood where he just wanted to lie in bed all day and do nothing. It was a mood that actually didn't hit him very often, most of the time he at least wanted to get up and eat or watch or movie or something, but today all he wanted was to stay curled up in his blankets and relax.
However, there were only a few days left until Christmas and he had been busy with the upcoming video and so hadn't bought presents for all of his family members yet. So despite his mood, he forced himself out of bed, got dressed, grabbed a quick breakfast, and headed out to the local mall to do a little Christmas shopping.
It was way too crowded, the lines were too long, half the stores were out of stock for many items, it was loud, and he really wondered why he hadn't just shopped online sooner. He managed to find presents for everyone left on his list though and was heading back to where his car was when it happened.
The mall was several floors high and he had ended up on the top floor in his search for gifts. Since his car was on ground level and he didn't want to try and balance all the bags headed while walking down flights of stairs, he decided to take the elevator.
He was grateful to see no one else was waiting for the elevator, miraculous considering how busy the mall was, so he had it to himself on the way down. No need to worry about being crowded in. He stepped on to the elevator and waited for the doors to shut.
The elevator began it's slow descent as Thomas went over the things he'd bought in his head and absentmindedly wondered what he was going to have for dinner.  He considered inviting Talyn and Joan over and getting some takeout, though it would have to wait until he got home as his phone had died earlier in the day.
He was jostled out of his thoughts when the elevator jerked to a stop. At first, he thought he must have arrived on the ground floor, only for his stomach to drop as he looked up and realized he was stuck between the second and third floor.
He tried to stay calm. Surely, this was just a glitch and it would be fixed momentarily. His nerves started to build though as several minutes went by and the elevator did not come back on. He'd like to say he didn't let out a shriek when the lights went off in the elevator and he was plunged into darkness, but that would be a lie.
He was torn between nervousness and exasperation. He just wanted to get home. He should have stayed in bed and shopped tomorrow. Then he wouldn't be stuck in a dark elevator, surrounded by silence and shopping bags, with nothing to do and no way to see.
A few more dark, quiet minutes passed before a loud sound filled the room. That loud sound was another shriek Thomas as he heard a random thump on the room. "Jeez, Thomas. It's me. I just hit the stupid wall popping up." Thomas squinted his eyes even though it didn't help him to see at all. "Virgil?" He questioned the familiar voice. "Yeah. You were freaking out up here. I was freaking out in the mindscape. So I figured we could at least keep each other company while we panic."
Thomas let out a chuckle at the side's words. "Thank you. I'm glad someone's here. I’m glad you’re here." He was, even though being trapped in a small space, dark, secluded with the trait gave his mind way too many ideas that he shouldn’t be having. He’d been crushing on Virgil for several months now, and situations similar to this had occured in his dreams...multiple times. Though they tended to end in….well he shouldn’t think about that right now.
Virgil began to nod before remembering Thomas couldn't see him. "No problem. I went out and checked on the situation before I came here. They know about the stuck elevator and are working on the issue now. They're not sure how long it will be though so I'd take a seat for now."
Thomas saw the sense in that and very slowly started to try and sit, not wanting to fall or sit on any of his bags. "Here I can see, let me guide you." A warm arm wrapped around him and helped him sit. "You have night vision?" He asked curiously as he got himself settled. "Yep. Got to be able to see threats in the dark so I can do my job." Hmmm. Thomas hadn't known that. Interesting.
After Thomas was settled Virgil's arm left him and he heard the side sitting down beside him. He felt a strange sense of loss at no longer having his anxious side touching him, but shook it off. At least he did until the elevator started up again. Before he could even breathe a sigh of relief the elevator lurched hard again a shut right back off. Virgil quickly moved behind him, stopping his head from hitting the wall as he jerked back on instinct.
When the elevator had stilled once more, Virgil made to move away only to have Thomas turn and cling on to his hand. "It’s probably better if you stay there. For my safety. In case the elevator jerks again." He justified, wondering why he could feel a blush creeping over his cheeks. Virgil must have agreed with his justification though as he ceased moving away and settled back down behind Thomas.
Thomas could feel Virgil up against his back, which he found rather soothing. He subtly leaned back a bit, more into Virgil's chest. That's when he felt it. Virgil's breathing and heart rate were a bit faster than normal. And he was shaking, not much, but still noticeably shaking.
"You okay Verge?" The moment he spoke the shaking forcibly stopped. He felt more than saw Virgil's sigh. "They said it's a simple mechanical issue. It happens often. Easily fixed." Thomas could read between the lines. Despite the seemingly minute problem, Virgil probably still couldn't help thinking through all the possibilities of things that could happen.   
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m safe." To emphasize his point Thomas turned around and wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist, leaning into his chest. "I’m right here and you’re here to protect me.” Virgil tensed for a moment. "You don't have to um....do this...comfort me, you know?" Thomas squeezed him tighter. "Is it making you feel better?" He could feel Virgil's shy nod on the top of his head. "Then I am happy to do it." He commented with finality as he snuggled into Virgil's chest.
Virgil sat there for a minute before wrapping his arms around Thomas as well, pulling him closer. Thomas smiled as he felt Virgil’s breathing calm and his heart rate slow somewhat. They sat there in silence, just enjoying being so close.
After a few minutes, Thomas got bored of the silence. "Hey, Virgil." Virgil shifted a bit beneath him. "Hmmmm?" It was interesting being able to feel the vibration of Virgil's voice in his chest. "Can you talk to me?" Virgil raised an eyebrow that he knew Thomas couldn't see. "About what?" Thomas gave a shrug. "Anything really. I just don't want to sit here in silence. Besides, I like the sound of your voice."
Virgil blushed at the words. He cleared his throat before speaking again. "Anything is a pretty broad concept Thomas." Thomas thought about it. "We could play Twenty Questions?" He suggested. "I already know pretty much everything about you." Thomas pouted adorably, making Virgil glad for his night vision. "Well I don't know everything about you. And there has to be something you could ask me."
"Okay. You want to go first?" Thomas nodded before taking a minute to think of his first question. "Favorite color?" Virgil gave an incredulous huff. "Really? That's your first question? That is the lamest, most overused question ever. Besides, isn't it obvious?" Thomas rolled his eyes. "It was the first thing that came to mind! And alright, it is kind of obvious. Purple. But why?"
"Slightly better question. Other than being a Halloween color and generally being the most spooky of the colors. I don't really know. I just find it calming and mysterious." Thomas nodded. "Okay, your turn."
"Hmmmmm, what's the first word you think of when you think of each of your main sides?" Thomas' face scrunched up a bit in confusion. "I had to think of something I wouldn't know the answer to." Thomas nodded in understanding.
"For Roman passionate. For Logan sharp. For Patton attentive. For you warm." Virgil was surprised. "Warm?" Thomas blushed a bit. "It was off the top of my head. And you are really warm to snuggle against right now."
"Oh. Are you getting too warm? Should I..." Virgil went to remove his arms. "No! I mean, no. I'm fine. It's nice." Virgil adjusted his arms back around Thomas. "Normally, I would probably think of something like protective or intense."
"Yes, I am so intense." Virgil deadpanned. "Or sarcastic. And you are intense. Especially when you're focused on something. It's not a bad thing. Your eyes get this look in them and it's....." Thomas trailed off. "What?" Thomas shook his head. "Nothing. Just it's good." Virgil raised an eyebrow again."Okay...your turn again."
"Ummm alright, turning your question back on you. What's the first word you think of when you think of me?" Virgil let out an amused scoff. "Again, very original." The side deadpanned. "Fine. New question. Why are you such an adorable little brat?" He heard a noise of offense.
"I am not a brat! Or adorable! I am a dark, intimidating, mysterious enigma!" Thomas hoped he was in Virgil's line of sight as he directed a false placating look where he assumed Virgil's face was. "Of course you are." Virgil seemed to pick up on his ingenuine tone. "Screw you Sanders." Virgil commented as he pushed Thomas out of his arms, crossing them and looking the other way.
"Ow!" Virgil's eyes widened instantly and he quickly moved to scoop Thomas back up, wildly checking him over for any injuries. "Thomas! Are you okay? I'm sorry. I am a brat. Where are you hurt? Did your head hit the wall? Are you bleeding anywhere? Is-" Virgil cut himself off as he heard Thomas start to giggle. "You didn't actually hit the wall or get hurt did you?"
"Nope. But I got you to take me back didn't I?" The host's tone radiated 'innocence'."And you had the nerve to call me a brat." Despite now realizing the trick, Virgil didn't push Thomas away again. He pulled the host back against him, if anything closer than before. A silence overtook the elevator for a few minutes.
                               Again Virgil was the first to break the silence as he cleared his throat. "So...how much longer until they have this fixed do you think?" It was clearly a subject change, but Thomas answered him anyway. "Not sure. Probably not too much longer." Thomas really shouldn't feel disappointed by the fact that they would be free soon. But he was. Just a little.
"Thanks, by the way." Virgil shifted around him. "For what?" Thomas made a gesture with one of his hands. "For coming to keep me company. You could have been doing anything else right now in the mindscape, but you chose to come up and sit in a tiny dark elevator with me. So thank you."  Virgil nodded, his chin brushing lightly against Thomas' hair as he did so. "Anytime."
"So, should we finish twenty questions?" Thomas asked to a laugh from his side. "No, I think that was a fail. Guess you'll have to find out more about me the old-fashioned way." Thomas nodded. "By spending time with you and talking naturally." Virgil shrugged. "I was going to say sneaking into my room and reading my diary but sure. I guess your way works too. Plus, you'd never find my diary anyway.”
“Fair enough. Besides you didn’t even answer half the questions I was asked anyway.” Thomas muttered into Virgil’s chest. There was a pause before Virgil spoke. "Everything." Thomas tilted his head in confusion. "Hmmm?" "The first word I would think of in association with you." Virgil explained softly. "Everything? Why?" Thomas questioned curiously. "Isn't it obvious? You're everything to me." Thomas' eyes widened at Virgil's words. He couldn’t help imagining hearing those words leave the other’s lips in different context. Between kisses. Out on dates. In bed.  
Silence reigned again as Thomas fully processed that. Virgil must have gotten anxious at his lack of response. “Sorry. That was probably...kinda... a little...just…not…” He couldn’t seem to decide what he wanted to say and his breathing was starting to increase again. Thomas hugged him tighter. “Verge, it’s fine. It’s great actually. I love that you care about me so much. I care about you too.” Virgil thankfully seemed to relax once more as Thomas spoke.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?” He didn’t really mean to ask that out loud. It was just that as he relaxed Virgil had rested his head against the side of Thomas’. Thomas could faintly feel the smile on the anxious side’s lips against his skin and he wanted so badly to feel them on his. He thought he could feel Virgil’s cheek heat up against him, though it could have just been the heat radiating off his own face at the moment.
“You mean on the cheek? Like you give your other friends?” He must be imagining the note of hidden hope in Virgil’s voice. He should take the easy out. He really should. “No, I mean on the lips. Like I’d give my boyfriend.” His eyes widened as he processed what he just said. "Your boyfriend?" He wondered if he was imagining the note of hope in Virgil's voice. "Yeah. I mean you don't have to just because I'm y-"
"Yes!" He was cut off by the relatively loud exclamation filling the small room. He was most definitely feeling heat coming off Virgil's cheeks now as the trait cleared his throat rather awkwardly. "I mean, yes. You can kiss me. On the lips. I'd like that. If you want." Thomas felt a wide grin grow on his face. "I'm the one that asked." He pointed out as he leaned forward to press his lips to Virgil's.
Except he still couldn't see so he ended up kissing Virgil's forehead, and his eyelid, and his nose, and his chin. "I will find your lips damn it." Virgil was trying not to laugh, and failing slightly as a few giggles escaped. He couldn't help that Thomas' frustrated, determined face was cute.  "You want some h-elp?" Virgil's voice went higher at the end as Thomas missed again and kissed a sensitive spot on his neck. Thomas made a mental note of Virgil's reaction to it as he pulled back. "Yeah, I think I need it."
Virgil leaned forward until his lips were just barely touching Thomas, allowing the host to be the one to push forward, truly connecting them. Virgil's lips were warm and slightly rough where the side worried them between his teeth so often. He managed to be both eager and hesitant in kissing Thomas back, as if afraid of doing something wrong.
Thomas pressed harder against Virgil's lips and turned to crawl into his lap, straddling his side's hips with Virgil's arms still wrapped around him. The action seemed to reassure the anxious trait as he began to kiss back more confidently.
Eventually, Thomas had to breathe, Virgil could hold his breath longer as a side but recognized his host's needs, they barely pulled apart for a moment though before smashing their lips together again. Thomas was surprised but pleased when Virgil lightly nipped at his bottom lip before running his tongue along it. Thomas happily opened his mouth to let Virgil's tongue in.
They take their time exploring each other's mouths until Thomas has to breath again. While he panted heavily, Virgil focused his lips on trailing across Thomas' jawline and then down his neck. This action was not really helping Thomas regain his breath, but that was a small sacrifice to the host in exchange for the feeling of Virgil's lips and teeth and tongue dragging across his skin.
He had just reach the bottom of Thomas' neck and was attempting to suck a mark into his collarbone when they could hear the elevator starting up again. "Really? Are you fucking kidding me? Now is when you decide to work?" The anxious trait groaned to the empty air. Thomas couldn't agree more.
Virgil sighed and gently picked Thomas up and stood up with him before placing him on his feet. "I better get going before the lights come back on. Wouldn't want to try explaining to security why only one person was on the elevator when it stopped, but two were on it when it started again." Thomas could see the sense in that, even though he didn't want to let Virgil go.
He clung to him for a few more seconds before releasing the anxious side with a pout. The pout quickly turned into a smile when Virgil gently kissed it, though the kiss was far too short in Thomas' opinion. He heard as Virgil took a deep breath as if building his courage. "I'll be waiting for you when you get home. See you soon!" Thomas shivered at the tone in the trait's voice. He just barely saw a glimpse of Virgil's smirk in the returning lights before the side vanished.
Thomas got his breathing back under control as he gathered up his bags, and waited for the elevator to get to the ground floor. All in all, he was no longer so frustrated with having to come out today. After all, he did get his gift shopping finally done. Plus, he ended up getting the best present himself in the mall too. Virgil was certainly worth getting out of bed for (or in bed for), and hopefully Thomas will get to be with him for a very, very long time.   
However, he thought as he rushed out of the elevator, brushing off apologies from workers and wishing them a Happy Holidays, his desire to just get home had only increased.
Taglist: @organizeddiscord, @lesliealiceinwonderland, @theagenderghost, @riley-castillo, @winterknight1087, @yourfriendlycouchlesbian, @max-is-tired, @obsessingovermanythings
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claymorexpunisher · 2 days
Liberación (Ch. 14/?) (18+ Fic)
DISCLAIMER: This fic discusses past instances of abuse and mental control. Be warned. This is also NSFW and will feature various different kinks and fetishes. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag things as best I can. If you choose to read my work, do so at your own discretion. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: Harper and Drew started Liberación as a way to heal. And it slowly became bigger than they could've have ever imagined…
Main Pairings: Damian Priest/OFC.
Side Pairings: Drew McIntyre/OFC, Roman Reigns/OFC, Finn Bálor/OFC, past! Rhea Ripley/Liv Morgan, Rhea Ripley/Buddy Matthews
Side Characters: Various.
Fic Tags: 18+, praise kink, daddy kink, size kink, kink negotiation, consensual kink, voyeurism, consensual non-consent, BDSM, knife play, light blood play, bratting, hair-pulling, breeding kink, and more.
Chapter Word Count: 2,219
Previous Chapter
~Present, 2021~
~a week after Lace and Leather Night~
“Maxwell. Jacob. Friedman.” Harper purred in the New York native’s ear and smiled wide at him as soon as he swiveled around to face her, forgetting his glass of whiskey on the table.
Tonight was no theme night, but still it was a packed place as it always seemed to be, especially on Sundays, and wrestlers made up for most of the guest list.
“How are you?” She said to Max before they shared a warm kiss on the cheek.
“I’m great, dollface. It’s been a minute.” He smirked.
Max was dressed casually in a white v-neck and some jeans while Harper donned a black cutout body-con dress that reached mid-thigh and looked almost painted on over her curves, her makeup minimal, and her hair up with two small pieces framing her round features and rose golden jewelry decorated her ears and wrist.
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She’d meant what she had said to Tati.
She gave herself the night a few days ago to wallow, and the day after it was back to work, despite feeling the other girls were suspicious of her seemingly casual demeanor, and even more so of the fact that she’d gone to square, “remembering who she was” and asserted how her dynamic with men should have never changed just because of “Damian’s pretty words and manipulative gestures disguised as romance or affection.”
From now on, it was Operation: Move the Fuck On…
Harper and Max eyed one another up and down after a few beats of silence where they just stared at one another with mirth in their eyes.
Harper was hyperaware of not only Max but also of Damian and Rhea watching them from their own table across the room in the bar area of Liberacion.
“It has.” Harper nodded and she held onto Max’s arm after he held it out and they began to make their way towards the staircase that reached the upper levels of the club, walking leisurely rather than taking the elevator.
Rhea noticed the way Damian’s entire body tensed, as rigid as steel the second they noticed Harper approaching Maxwell.
“This could all be fixed if you just told Harper the truth- that you don’t really know if you’re ready for that kind of commitment, but that you want to at least try.” Rhea murmured to Damian, confident that his accute vampire hearing allowed him to hear her clearly over the clubgoers mingling all while he glowered at Max’s back.
Eventually Max and Harper disappeared from view and and Damian’s eyes settled back onto Rhea.
“I told you to drop that, Rhea. It’s easier this way.” Damian shrugged, his face trying for indifference while his body language remained rigid.
“Is it?” Rhea pressed. “Mate, you can lie to yourself all you want. But it really doesn’t seem like you’re unsure about her.”
“Rhea, let it go. Ya, enough.” Damian responded with some irritation bleeding into his voice.
Rhea wasn’t entirely convinced, though, anyway.
She wasn’t convinced by the aloofness he tried to portay- especially after she just watched him glare at Max as if the New Yorker had personally offended him just by speaking to Harper- nor was she convinced by Damian’s reasoning as to why he chose to dash Harper’s hopes for a future between them and broke her heart.
But Rhea decided to hop off Damian’s back.
For now.
But with her own love life in shambles, she found it even harder not to put all her energy and focus into steering her best friend in the direction she felt was going to make him the happiest, and that direction, to Rhea, was towards pursuing things with Harper.
“If you say so, dude.” Rhea shrugged as well.
But the longer Harper and Maxwell took to come back downstairs, the more restless Damian’s energy became to Rhea.
“…Okay, I’m gonna go say hi to some people. I hear there are some old friends here. Wanna come?” Rhea asked Damian as she sipped on her first drink of the night.
But Damian shook his head, of course.
“I’ll be back.” Was all he replied, before he left her with an affectionate kiss to the temple that told Rhea he wasn’t upset with her.
Rhea silently watched Damian walk towards the same direction Harper and Max had just walked towards.
Rhea’s witch senses told her exactly what Damian would find when he finally caught up to the pair of old casual playmates, but she figured warning Damian ahead of time would only fall on stubborn ears…
~Roman and Mariah~
“You remember the first time we discussed all of this?” Mariah asked her boyfriend of now almost a year.
Roman smiled at her with his arm around her waist, holding her snug against him on his lap as they sat on the couch in a closed-off VIP section of Liberacion.
His hand absentmindedly stroked along her side as he began to recall the evening they spent after he had divulged the lifestyle he treasured about as deeply as his career in wrestling.
“That was a fun night. I thought you’d think I was a serial killer and that you’d run away the second I told you.” Roman chuckled and Mariah did as well, the sound warming him from head to toe before they both went quiet for a moment.
“…That was the hottest night I’ve ever spent with someone.” Mariah divulged, looking at Roman through her lashes as she shot him a coy smirk before her lips touched his a few times.
His lips came back glistening with the tint of Mariah’s fuchsia gloss before she grabbed a clean napkin and gently wiped it off.
“Was it?” Roman asked, wearing a smirk of his own as he went in for another kiss, this one more heated than the last, making Mariah’s actions of wiping completely useless.
“Mmmmhm. You know it was.” Mariah giggled softly against Roman’s lips as she ran her hands up and down his chest and her arms eventually snaked around him and she hummed softly as his lips began to travel toward her neck, both of them taking advantage of the seclusion that this particular VIP section gave them.
“And things have only gotten better. Haven’t they, Daddy?” She murmured and Roman nodded.
“I’d say so, yeah.” Roman said, the heat in his gaze molten hot now as Mariah’s words almost immediately peaked his cock’s interest.
Mariah’s lashes fluttered as Roman’s hand slid up her dress-clad torso and came to rest lightly at her throat as his soft lips continued to wander as he took in the soft and enticing scent of his soulmate.
Roman pulled his hand away from Mariah’s throat to signal her to keep quiet, placing his index finger over his lips after he looked around to make sure they were in fact obscured.
Though sex isn’t technically allowed except for in the designated rooms or areas, they had been told by Harper that if they hypothetically were to have a little fun in the secluded area, it wouldn’t be a problem- as long as they weren’t caught.
Harper herself confessed to having some fun of her own with some past partners whenever they wanted the thrill of the possibility of being caught…
Roman tapped his pointer and middle finger lightly on the side of Mariah’s right knee, again silently signaling to her, this time for her to spread her legs a little.
Mariah’s body immediately reacted as she complied with Roman’s silent request.
Her now dilated eyes momentarily watched Roman’s hand leave his mouth and slowly move towards the hem of her short fuchsia dress.
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“Eyes over here, Mimi.” Roman whispered firmly and Mariah eyes nearly crossed as Roman’s hand finally slid between her legs and two of his fingers expertly rubbed up and down her damp pussy, quickly making her soaking wet and humming pleasantly as the pads of his fingers felt the building river of her arousal.
His hungry eyes didn’t leave Mariah’s face as her features crumpled and a moan threatened to choke her before she bit her lip to muffle the sound.
But Roman definitely heard it, and it only caused his own arousal to build into a burning inferno.
But still, his fingers kept their slow pace over the most sensitive parts of her pussy.
The slow motions built up the pleasure for Mariah, making it harder and harder to keep her eyes open and locked on his brown ones like he wanted, but she still tried her hardest.
Roman could see her trying not to call attention to herself and to what they were currently doing, and even moreso when those two fingers that seemed to be crafted perfectly for her pussy finally slid inside her wet walls.
“Oh my god. Daddy…” Mariah whined softly before she bit her lip hard and looked around the area behind them where blessedly, no one had come through just yet.
“Shh… I got you, Mimi. You just focus on how good this feels. And on cummin’ for me. Okay?” Roman whispered, hungrily kissing her as his fingers continued to work.
Roman smiled as he crooked his fingers and Mariah gasped sharply and her back bowed momentarily as he found her sweet spot…
A group of about 5 people- a livid Damian and now also an unsurprised Rhea who had eventually followed him to the 3rd floor in Liberacion- watched Harper and Max’s eager mouths and hands explore one another, Harper straddling Max’s lap on the bed, him sitting up with his back toward their audience.
Now in just a black lace bra and matching panties, Harper moaned wantonly against Max’s lips, her head lolling back as her hips swiveled over his lap and the slow but firm motion made the tent in his boxers bigger.
“Tone it down a little, babe. We want him to buy it, don’t we?” Max whispered.
Harper rolled her eyes playfully and she laughed, knowing Max was right.
She was genuinely enjoying herself- she always did with Maxwell.
But she almost agreed to drop the pornstar act, if it weren’t for the fact that, the second her eyes met Damian’s through the viewing glass.
He. looked. pissed.
Damian’s darkening eyes weren’t anywhere near Max, solely focused on Harper as she continued her little game.
Why was Damian the only one allowed to have fun in this equation?
“Hush.” Harper whispered and shoved Max’s torso down onto the bed, her semi sharp nails dragging down his skin and watching his body arch into the sting of her actions.
“Sorry. I meant do your worst, Mistress.” Max quipped, his tone laced with a challenge that Harper gladly accepted.
“Ohh, you want me to do my worst?… Okay.” Harper murmured as she leaned down to kiss him hungrily before she sat up again and she reached back to pull Max’s cock out from his boxers.
The rapt audience already had Harper’s pussy sopping wet and sensitive and she smiled at how hard Max’s cock was in her hand.
She gave girthy appendage some firm strokes, watching Max’s eyes shutter as he moaned, eagerly bucking his hips for a moment.
Harper wasted no time sliding her panties to the side and guiding Max inside her and riding him like a bull, letting herself enjoy the full sensation for a moment before she winked and smiled at the guests watching them through the glass.
Her eyes flitted over each person before they settled on the only person this little show was for…
Except… Damian didn’t look like he was out for murder anymore.
Now, his features were carefully uninterested.
As nonchalant as they were during Lace and Leather night as he had left hand-in-hand with that brunette.
But something told Harper that he was full of it.
She noticed those nonchalant eyes pinned on her, roaming over the swell of her voluptuous breasts and settling on her curves before they roamed back upwards and stayed locked on her face.
Harper noticed his hands balled into fists and her lips stretched into a small victorious smirk.
She knew that the only thing that was hurt, was Damian’s ego, but she took that as a win anyway.
It wasn’t that he felt anything for her as much as she thought he enjoyed the way she had turned into a blubbering schoolgirl when faced with his attention and affection.
He seemed to expect to… to what?
Chase after him?
Beg him to reconsider?
Fuck that.
With that thought in mind, she kept up the pornstar act and even dialed it up a notch, almost feral moans and grunts leaving hers and Max’s lips as she rode him wildly now.
Eventually, she slowed down, teasing herself and Max as she lifted her hips until only the tip of his cock was inside of her and she slowly teased with quick pulsing movements until neither of them could take it anymore.
Seconds after Harper reached her peak, exploding with a loud, shuddery moan, her eyes inevitably scanning the transparent glass in front of her.
She smiled at a few of the voyeurs watching as she took a second to catch her breath.
But almost immediately, she noticed that neither Damian nor Rhea where anywhere to be found.
@theworldofotps @alyyaanna @southerngirl41 @harmshake @mzv11 @letsgivethisonemoreshot @slutfortheeclaymore @auraravenora77 @niknakattack @thesamoanqueen @moonwolfdemonprincess21 @babiidee28 @omegasshyghuleh6661ghosts @xndalynch @84reedsy @romanstheory @kianaleani @elefrog25-blog @motherknuckers @sassginaswanmills @exhaustedclown @aritannahrocks1300 @superlove167 @ayeeitsali @queencherryberry @kayfabebabe @rhea-the-eradicator @souleatermia @bittersweetastoria @domripley @wrestlingprincess80 @myluvrrhea @viper-nightmare
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wastelandcrown · 4 years
logan lark’s adventures in trying to appease his parents
CHAPTER 4: a tight-knit family
Summary: Logan Lark is a fairly average high school student. By all means, he should be impressing his parents on all grounds. Except...he doesn’t exactly have a social life. So after his parents give him puppy dog eyes, he decides to join the local theatre's youth production. Good grief...His life is about to get weird isn’t it?
Warnings: Potential ooc behavior, Roman is a theatre brat to the highest degree (Sorry Roman stans), Remus being Remus, (If I miss something please tell me!)
Notes: This fic is based off an idea from @under-the-blue-moonlight. If you wanna be tagged in chapters, please dm me!! This chapter we see a LOT of Patton, a little of Virgil, and some Roman being an ass behaviour. I apologize if this chapter is lackluster, it’s important I promise!! Also I just finished chapter 5...its 3295 of intrulogical fluff 
Pairings: Eventual Intrulogical, Eventual Rociet, Eventual One-Sided Logicality, Platonic Analogical, Platonic DRLAMP
Word Count: 2269
Tagslist: @under-the-blue-moonlight @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @im-actually-ok @hauntedturkeycalzonedreamer
After a few weeks, not disappointing Remus was a weak reason to be here. 
Though he never considered himself a quitter, god he would love to just quit one thing in his life. The thing being theatre. 
When Thomas arrived Roman bombarded him with questions. Turns out, Logan was cast as Hamilton due to his exceptional rapping. Roman, weaker at rapping but a very confident and strong singer, could provide the extremely skilled vocal performance required by Washington. If Logan were to get sick, Roman would play Hamilton and Remus would hand over Maria’s part to his understudy. Which made sense, of course. The beginnings of rehearsals were, by all means, not entirely awful. They were going to learn the music to the show, song by song. The first problem arises with Logan’s absolutely awful stage fright. After the first run-through of the title number, Alexander Hamilton, Logan almost threw up again. People looked directly at him whenever he sang or rapped. The musical director, Jamahl, assured him it was fine. Jamahl, as nice as he was, would be receiving a solid two on Logan’s chart. It’s okay, Logan, Everyone gets stage fright, Logan. That, quite frankly, sounded like a bunch of bullshit. Especially since every time Logan got too nervous and messed up, Roman laughed from off to his side. 
Which shouldn’t bother him. It really shouldn’t. Except...Well, it was infuriating to be laughed at. For something he can’t control no less. He was ready to ball up his script and pelt him with paper until he stopped being a colossally egotistical idiot. Along with Roman’s frankly abhorrent behaviour, Logan also had to deal with feigning...romantic intimacy. Don’t get him wrong, Patton was a very nice guy. But...how would you feel knowing your first kiss would have to be fake for a theatre production? Bad. You would feel bad. So does Logan. Logan is sick of all of this, and by the end of the second week he finally snaps. 
When he hears that during Helpless he needs to kiss Patton, he doesn’t bother to hide his surprise. Of course, after he does, Roman decides to open his big dumb mouth. 
“What’s wrong, Microsoft nerd? Upset that your first kiss will be on the stage?” 
Patton reels back and glares at Roman almost instantly, opening his mouth to defend Logan, when Logan turns on Roman himself. 
“I am beginning to wonder if you ever just shut up,” Logan snaps, fists balled in anger.
“Because honestly, for the two weeks I have been in this theatre program, you have done nothing but spout off like a tea kettle about to boil over all because I happened to be better than you at one thing. So I am sincerely asking, do you ever shut up?”
Somehow, he has done the impossible. Roman is stunned into silence, his face goes red with anger. 
“How dare-” Is all he manages to get out before Thomas calls for a five-minute break. 
Thomas motions for Logan to come over to him, and he’s still fuming. If he were as dramatic as a certain hoity-toity theatre brat, he would be practically foaming at the mouth. Thomas is an adult, so he tries to pull himself together. 
“I apologize-” 
“Don’t. Roman kinda deserved that,” Thomas says with a smirk, “He’s a great kid, but he has a lot to learn.”
It’s his turn to be shocked into silence, because never in a million years would he expect an adult to enable such an outburst. 
“Really though, Logan, Just try not to let it happen again. I’ll let it slide this time, okay?”
With a nudge to the side and a kind smile, Logan is sent to have his break. 
Roman is quiet for the rest of the day. Logan could not be more pleased. Roman’s anger at him was unjustified and awful, he was overall awful. After today, he would need to add a negative rating to his charts. He doesn’t think he could ever get along with someone like Roman without eventually succumbing to his anger and strangling him. Logan knows his extreme anger is wrong, but Roman was just...just...absolutely, unbelievably, infuriating. Sitting in the lobby waiting for his father like usual, he is approached by Patton. Alone this time, without Virgil. Which is strange. 
“You look like you’re about to rip someone's head off,” Patton giggles out with a sympathetic smile. 
Logan sighs and gives him a little smirk, “My apologies, are you going to be getting a ride with Virgil tonight?”
“No, his dad is picking him up! I was actually wondering if you wanted to hang out!”
“I-” Logan thinks on this for a while, then shrugs. It may be for the best. Patton has been very kind, and he has defended him when Roman was being a jerk.
“Sure, let me message my father.”
Patton’s car is a beat-up looking second-hand thing that looks like it rolled out of a dump. Inside, it’s actually very well taken care of. Patton calls the car “Christine” and pats her lovingly. Hanging from the rear-view mirror is a small frog-shaped air freshener that makes the car smell of strawberries. The seats are comfortable, and Patton’s music is sweet. Eventually they pull into a parking lot in a townhouse area, and as they walk down the street Patton waves and says hello to all his neighbours that are outside. 
“You know them all?” 
“Oh, yeah! Lots of them have babysat me, or my sisters! And I’ve babysat for them too!”
Huh. He didn’t know Patton had sisters. Though, the second they enter his house, it’s entirely obvious. 
In the living room, there are three young girls. Patton’s shoes are barely off when the two youngest ones rush him and engulf him in hugs. The older one walks over and smiles at Logan first.
“Hi, which one are you?” She asks, and Patton laughs.
“Delilah Ann! That’s not nice!”
“I’m Logan, it’s nice to meet you.”
“I’m Lilah, I’ve heard a lot about you. Mostly ‘cause Pat doesn’t shut up.”
Patton looks a little pouty, but Logan thinks he likes Lilah. She doesn’t look much like Patton at all. Her hair is more wavy than curly, and a very nice strawberry blonde colour. She doesn’t have glasses, and dresses very tomboyish, the only thing that ties them together are their freckled cheeks. She’s only thirteen, but Logan finds her interesting to talk to. While Patton is dealing with the younger ones, she tells him about how she wants to be a mortician and is the smartest in her family. Logan smiles a little while they have a mostly one-sided conversation. 
One thing the siblings have in common is certainly their talkative likability. 
The younger two are put to work on their homework at the dining table, and Patton begins to set up dinner. Logan sits next to the girls at the table, Delilah retreating to her room, chatting with Patton as he cooks. He offered to help but was denied at every turn. Something about him being a guest, and how he shouldn’t have to. They’re discussing their roles in the play when the youngest slams her head against the table dramatically.
“Patton! I don’t wanna do this anymore!” She whines, Patton puts some potatoes in a pot then brushes off his hands on his apron. 
“Do you need help, or do you need a break?” 
Logan peers over her paper and sees a bunch of simple multiplication questions, she must only be in second or third grade. 
He clears his throat, “If you’d like, I could help you.”
“Oh! Oh! Yes! Patton can Logan help me please!” 
Patton agrees, despite obviously looking at Logan and saying ‘You really don’t have to’ with his eyes. Logan likes to teach, he’s more than happy to help out. Especially since Elaine is extremely charming. You can definitely see how much she looks like Patton. Big square glasses, blonde hair in pigtails, tons of freckles dotting chubby cheeks. She acts like him too, spouting out awful dad jokes that make Patton lose it laughing in the kitchen. She tries her best to listen, and manages to actually complete her math homework with a pretty good mark. Her teacher will hopefully be impressed. Logan’s dad texts and asks if he needs to be picked up, but Elaine begs him to stay for dinner and...well he can’t say no, can he? Patton says he doesn’t have to stay, but he wants to. 
He’d never had siblings, it had always just been him and his parents. Though he loved them, and they loved him, it was so...lonely sometimes. He had always wanted a little brother or sister, maybe even a pet, but it never really happened. The energy in Patton’s house was somehow a perfect mix of lively and calm, they felt like they were really a family. Logan relished in it. The feeling of community, full of love so openly given and received. The most he had were very quiet holiday dinners with the few Larks who were left. He remembers being Elaine’s age, he felt so lonely. She wasn’t lonely though, she was full of love. So was Patton. It was very nice. He watches Patton cook and he chats with him while realizing he’s been much too harsh on him. His kindness wasn’t fake, there was no way. He was a real person who was actually that nice. He defended him out of the kindness of his heart. 
hey logan wyd rn
Ah, Virgil. That was a pleasant surprise. 
I’m actually at Patton’s house. Elaine has roped me into staying for dinner.
He can almost hear Virgil’s little chuckle. 
yeah she does that hows sophie
Sophie? Oh, that must be the third sister. She’s very quiet, her eyes haven’t once looked upwards the whole time they’ve been sat together. 
“Ahem-Uhm-Sophie,” Logan starts, and Sophie looks up from her homework, “Virgil was wondering how you are?”
Her eyes light up, “I’m good. Is he going to come over?”
She’s good. She wants to know if you will be coming over.
hah, sure tell her to give me 20 
“Yes, give him twenty minutes.”
Sophie smiles, and Logan is reminded of Virgil almost immediately. She has dark brown hair that covers her face and a bit of a natural glare. Her smile is shy, and he wonders if Patton secretly stole Virgil’s little sister. 
It seems like it, even more, when Virgil actually gets there. Sophie’s entire demeanor changes. She becomes extremely talkative and tells Virgil all about how she’s got a new villager in her animal crossing town. Virgil entertains her with talking, going and helping Patton to cook. Logan gets up to help as well, but Virgil waves him away. Virgil looks like he belongs here, in this little dining room-kitchen. He’s laughing beside Patton, talking to both girls and Logan, helping cook and set the table. Logan can’t help but wonder how many times he’s done this before. While Patton is putting the food on the table, the door opens and a tired-looking woman enters. Virgil goes to greet her, and she smiles. Her hair is curly and blonde, her eyes are a cloudy green, she is covered in a smattering of freckles, and she looks...just like Patton. 
Logan gets up to go greet her as well. When she sees him she beams and it’s like he’s been confronted by the sun herself. 
“You must be Logan! Virgil and Patton talk my ears off about you!” She pats his head, and continues, “The boys just adore you! It’s about time you came for dinner!”
He almost can’t speak, and both Virgil and Patton whine about her embarrassing them, but he nods, “Thank you for having me, but I’ve only known them for two weeks, Ma’am.”
The woman looks a little confused, then laughs joyously, “No need for that, kiddo! Just call me Lisa, okay?” 
After patting him on the shoulder, she slinks by and greets all her children. Lilah has come back down, and the whole table is now filled to the brim. Dinner is filling and delicious, Patton really has a talent for the culinary arts. Which is strange considering Logan took him as someone who, like him, couldn’t cook to save his life.
After dinner, Patton brings Logan and Virgil to his room to hang out. They play video games, talk about anything they can manage, and by the time it’s late Logan is smiling. At nine, Elaine and Sophie are whining about Patton putting them to bed. Virgil and Logan wish them good night and Virgil drives Logan home. 
“Logan, I’ve gotta ask...why did you agree to hang out with Patton?”
“Well...I’m not actually sure. I think that I needed it.”
“How do you mean?”
Logan looks out the window and thinks to himself. Why? He’s never had friends, or much of a close family. He figured he agreed because well…
“Patton has something I don’t. It helped me understand him better to see what he has.”
Virgil accepted that, but Logan wasn’t sure he understood it fully. He’s not even sure he does. 
That night, Roman gets a negative two. Patton gets a ten, and written on his pages are the names and personalities of his family members. Along with that, is a very simple phrase. 
I have concluded that Patton is, indeed, a very good person.
Why it took him this long to come to terms with, he will never understand. 
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Safe Place~Chapter 1
Ok so this is my first actual fic, and it’s a hot mess. Please bear with me as I try to write this piece of hot garbage. I’ve written almost 10k over a span of two weeks without an outline and with hardly any plan for where I want it to go. It probably isn’t smart for this directionless mess to be the first thing I post, but it’s too late now. I hope it’s not too hard to manage <3
Characters: Roman Prince, Virgil Dubh
Pairings: future prinxiety, future logicality
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, vague mentions of family troubles
Sum. – Roman sees Virgil wandering down the street around midnight. He quickly catches onto what’s happening when Virgil refuses to accept a ride home, so he invites him over and does everything in his power to make him feel safe and comfortable before Virgil has to go back and face his chaotic household.
Word Count: 4,337
(edited because I’m super insecure about my writing, I’m sorry)
“Hey Virgil!” Virgil’s head snapped up to see some preppy theater kid rolling along slowly down the road in an old, beat up Honda Accord. Roman something. Roman Prince. Some guy that Virgil had never talked to aside from the short exchanges and small talk the Roman had tried to make when Virgil occasionally ordered coffee from a shop that Roman been working at since freshman year. All Virgil really knew about him was that he was the lead in almost school play. Because Virgil was in charge of a lot of the backstage aspects of plays, he never really had to talk to Roman. From the little contact they had had over the past two years, Virgil had firmly deduced that Roman was a stuck up brat.
“Need a ride?”
He was exhausted, it was forty degrees, nearly midnight, and he was six miles away from home. It’d been about half an hour since he’d thought about scrapping the idea of walking the whole way to Logan’s house, but he was too far from home now to turn back. He really did need a ride, but there’s no way he’d admit it to this guy.
“How do you know my name?” Virgil hugged his jacket closer to his body and tried at all costs to avoid looking up again at Roman.
“I know all the tech crew.” Virgil glanced up for just long enough to catch Roman’s proud smile.
“You know this isn’t how you get people to like you, right?” He dramatically rolled his eyes and stopped walking, forcing Roman to pull over if he wanted to continue the conversation.
“W-what?” Roman stopped the car abruptly out of shock before calming himself down quickly and pulling over to the side of the road.
“I know everyone likes you, and I don’t really understand why. I know you want to be friends with everyone, but I also know that I’m not one of those people. You don’t have to be nice to me and make small talk and offer me a ride just to trick me into thinking you like me.” He stared down at his feet and waited patiently for a response.
“I’m trying to help, you know.” Roman sounded slightly offended, but Virgil looked up to see a look of sympathy on his face.
“I’d really rather you didn’t, if I’m being completely honest. Quick acting like you’re going to tolerate me. Just go back to whatever you were doing before and let me walk in peace.”
“At least tell me where you’re going.”
“Why do you want to know.” Virgil snapped bitterly.
“I don’t know, I’m just curious.”
“I was going to walk to my best friend’s house,” He sighed and pulled his jacket closer again to hide his shivers. “But it got dark faster than I’d expected, and with that it ended up getting really cold. I’m not exactly prepared to be out in forty-degree weather.” He nodded down at his jacket. “But now I’m six miles from home and too far to turn back. I don’t even know if Logan will be awake by the time I get there, but yeah. I’m too far now to go back”
“Are you sure you don’t want a ride home? I don’t have anywhere to be, so it’s hardly an inconvenience.”
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
“But it’s-“
“Look, I just don’t want to go home. I want to be anywhere but there right now, okay?” He snapped. “I just… I’d rather freeze out here than go back there.” His voice died out as he spoke. If the streets hadn’t been so quiet, Roman might not have heard him. Virgil shuffled around awkwardly, and Roman leaned over and popped open the passenger side door with a sigh.
“Dude just get in.”
“I just told you that I don’t want to go-“
“You don’t have to go home. You can come hang out at my place until you want to go back.”
“What?” Virgil looked up at him in shock. This was the last thing he’d expected from this guy. He wanted him to just leave him alone and drive away. He wanted to just keep walking until he got lost and had to call Logan for a ride. He wanted to sit on his porch and wait for his brother to wake up and let him in because Logan wasn’t allowed to have friends over this late and had no choice but to take him home. He wanted a normal Friday night.
“You could be a murderer or something for all I know. I could be a murderer for all you know.” He had no reason to believe that Roman was being serious. There was no way that this conceited egotist was actually concerned.
Roman laughed and leaned back into the driver’s seat again. “Well I’m not a murderer, I can assure you of that. And if you’re a murderer then you really just gave yourself away. Now come on, I’ve got Mario Kart and bagel bites and I’m not leaving you alone until I know you’re someplace safe.”
After a moment of anxious consideration, Virgil slowly crawled into the car and closed the door. He didn’t take his eyes off of Roman the entire time. He had no idea if this guy was being genuine or not, so he had to be extra careful now that he was in a more vulnerable place.
“I’m not going to bite your head off, Virgil.” Roman said with a laugh as he started the car up again. “I just want to make sure you’re alright.”
“Yeah, okay.” Virgil mumbled. “I still don’t like you though.”
“Well that’s certainly no way to talk to your savior.”
“That’s pretty dramatic. I could’ve gotten to Logan’s without your help.”
“Well now you’re going to Roman’s house and getting Wii Sports and Nightmare Before Christmas on Blu-Ray.” He has a bright smile on his face as he pulled back onto the road.
“You have The Nightmare Before Christmas on Blu-Ray?” Maybe going over to his house wouldn’t be that bad.
“Hell yeah!” Roman laughed. “I’ve got the biggest Disney collection you’ll ever see, but I thought that one was worth mentioning due to your whole dark façade.”
“I guess that’s fair.” Virgil eased up slightly and let himself get more comfortable in the seat. Mario Kart and a Disney collection? How dangerous could this kid really be.
“And by the way, why exactly were you walking around in the city at midnight?”
“I told you, I was walking to Logan’s house”
“Yeah, I got that part, I meant why were you walking?”
“Well I can’t drive.” Virgil mumbled. He shrugged his shoulders up closer to himself and curled back into the seat.
“You’re seventeen, right?” Virgil nodded slowly. Roman continued with a confused expression. “Do you not have your license?”
Virgil shook his head. Roman was thankful for the quiet streets that were giving him opportunities to look over at Virgil for nonverbal responses. He also couldn’t help but be happy about the street lights that cast a soft yellow glow over Virgil’s face every few seconds
“Do you mind if I ask why?” Virgil seemed to tense up at that question, but he slowly shook his head. He was silent for a moment, and when he spoke it was barely above a whisper.
“Someone really close to me got into a pretty bad accident when I was learning how to drive. I don’t know, I guess it just spooked me out of the whole idea of driving.”
Roman nodded slowly, then returned a soft response. “I’m sorry for asking.”
“Nah, it’s not your fault.” Virgil finally looked up at him and smiled. “You didn’t do anything wrong. It was a harmless question.”
 Dammit Roman, you shouldn’t have asked. You probably look like a stalker. You’re going to freak him out and scare him away or something. So much for impressing him with the whole debonair physique, he probably thinks you’re a creep.
Roman racked his brain for something to say to cut the tension in the air, but nothing seemed appropriate. He switched on the radio to fill the silence, as not to make Virgil anymore anxious, and planned on keeping quiet for the rest of the drive. His plan shattered quickly, but he really couldn’t complain all that much. Virgil speaking was definitely better than whatever late night or early morning talk show he’d flipped the radio to.
“What’s your favorite Disney movie?” Virgil asked in a hushed voice. Everything about the way he said it seemed frail, almost like he was afraid to ask, but Roman picked up the soft hint of sincere curiosity.
“Oh there’s no way I could choose. I’ve never seen a Disney movie that I didn’t immediately love.”
“What about Peter Pan?”
“Wha-why wouldn’t I like Peter Pan?”
“Oh come on,” Virgil laughed “You know what I’m talking about.”
“Ok you can’t let that one scene define the entire movie!”
“I can and I will.” Virgil smiled. “I refuse to watch it just because of that scene.”
This, of course, started Roman into an entire spiel about how Virgil could just skip the racist Native American scene and how no Disney classic should be disrespected like this. As much as he hated to admit it, Virgil was actually enjoying listening to Roman complain. He spoke with passion, and something about it was enticing. That enjoyment ended the second Roman pulled his car into the driveway.
There weren’t any other cars, meaning that Roman’s parents probably weren’t home. This was good and bad for Virgil, but he couldn’t help but feel that the bad was overwhelming anything possibly good in the situation. While Virgil now wouldn’t have to have an awkward introduction to Roman’s parents, he did have to worry about whether he was intruding without their permission. Mostly though, he was worrying about being alone all night with some guy that he’d hardly even talked to until about twenty minutes ago. Roman hopped out of the car without hesitation, but waited in the driveway to see if Virgil followed.
“Are your parents home?” Virgil asked softly as he got out of the car. His voice was ringing in his ears against the silence of the night. Roman’s emitted a quick beep as he locked it, further shattering the illusion of peace in the cold air.
“Nah, they’re out of town. Don’t worry though, they don’t care if I have friends over.”
Virgil only nodded in response, as he cautiously followed Roman to the front door. Roman’s keys jingling as he unlocked the door was making Virgil’s head pound. Every little sound pushed his anxiety one step closer to crashing.
“Bienvenido a la casa de Principe.” Roman said with a dramatic swoosh of his arm as he flung the door open. Virgil’s jaw nearly dropped at the house. It wasn’t exactly a mansion, but it was definitely bigger than any house he’d been into before. In front of him was a large living room with high ceilings. The entire back wall was covered in windows that reached from the floor almost all the way up to the ceiling. To his right was a dining room with an elegant grand piano tucked into the corner. Between the living room and dining room was two staircases. One led down to the basement, and the other led up to a loft full of couches that Virgil assumed was probably Roman’s hang out space. A giant white dog came bounding through the living room and flung itself onto Roman.
“Ah yes, this is Khan,” Roman said through a laugh as he leaned down to let the dog lick his face. “He’s a Samoyed, and he’s our mighty guard dog.”
Virgil immediately jumped back out of shock. Roman noticed and grabbed Khan’s collar to keep him from hopping up to greet him.
“I can put the baby gate up to keep him upstairs so he doesn’t bother us if you want. Sorry, I didn’t even think about that you could be afraid of dogs.” Roman scratched around Khan’s ears and tried to calm him down.
Virgil cautiously held his hand out to the dog, but smiled when Khan licked it excitedly and tried to run forward again to greet him.
“I think I’ll be alright. He doesn’t seem that scary.” He patted him on the head before Khan sprinted off to jump up onto the couch.
“Alright, so what do you want to do? I’ve got a whole case of Disney movies, a Wii, the best dog in the world- Khan!” Roman kicked off his shoes and ran through the house, sliding onto the living room carpet to tackle the dog into a hug on the couch. Virgil nervously toed off his boots and followed Roman.
As he walked further into the house, he noticed an enormous kitchen to the right of the living room. He also looked up and got a better view of the loft to see a door with a sign the simply read “Princey”. He smiled at the little crown design on it before bringing his attention back to the living room.
Feeling a little more at ease now, Virgil sat down next to Roman and his dog on the couch. Roman sat up and let Khan lay his head on his lap.
“Alright. Back on track, what do you want to do?” He kept one hand on Khan’s head and with the other picked up the remote and turned on the TV. Not surprisingly, it was already on Disney. It was now nearly one in the morning. Virgil was awake and alert due to his anxiety from the new situation, but Roman, for some strange reason, was even more active than him. It led Virgil to wonder whether Roman ever actually slept at all, or if he was just one big ball of constant energy.
“Like I said earlier, I’ve got quite a few videogames and a pretty big Disney collection, or we can make some food if you’re hungry. Actually, I guess it’s like one in the morning, so I wouldn’t be offended really if you just wanted to go to sleep so you can get this over with and leave ASAP.” Roman continued to absentmindedly pet Khan, but turned his head again to gauge Virgil’s reactions to his suggestions. As much as he hated the idea, he really was getting increasingly more nervous about possibly scaring Virgil. As far as Roman knew, the only place Virgil seemed completely comfortable was in the tech booth behind the stage.
“I don’t want to be a buzzkill and say I want to go to sleep, but I’m pretty sure that if you put on a movie I’ll be out in like half an hour or less.” Virgil shrugged. Nothing really sounded like a completely safe option to him, but not too much could go wrong with watching a movie.
“If you want, we can bring a bunch of pillows and blankets down here so we can watch a movie and you can just go to sleep whenever you want.” Roman suggested.
“Yeah… that sounds good.” Virgil nodded slowly. He still wasn’t completely comfortable sleeping in this guy’s house, but he’d guessed that by now there really wasn’t much that could go wrong. Roman genuinely seemed like he was trying to help, and if he wanted to murder him he probably would’ve done it by now.
“Alright,” He hoisted himself up off of the couch. “There’s a closet full of blankets right next to my room in the loft, so we can grab pillows from my room and blankets from there.”
Roman’s room was just about everything that Virgil had expected it to be. Three walls were covered mostly by an ashy blue color. The forth, the wall closest to Roman’s bed, was an enormous mural of a scene from Tangled. It showed Flynn and Rapunzel on the water with the city behind them and lanterns lighting up the night sky around them. The mural spread onto part of the ceiling and the corner of the next wall.
The floor was littered with stacks of paper and various craft supplies. Across from the door was a slightly less cluttered desk. A MacBook sat in the center, and the wall directly behind it was covered in colorful sticky notes. Virgil assumed that this was probably Roman’s primary work space. It was all one giant mess, but it was one giant creative mess.
Roman ran over and flopped onto his unmade bed before rolling over and grabbing an armful of pillows off of the unorganized lump of blankets. Virgil looked back over at the mural, completely awed by the detail.
 “Like the mural?” Virgil nodded slowly, keeping his eyes on it. Roman took advantage of the moment and let a smile settle on his face again as he watched Virgil study the painting. A bookshelf covered part of the right side, and his bed, being only a couple feet from the wall, covered part of the left, but most of the mural was still visible.
“It was my friend Patton’s idea. You know Patton Bon?” Virgil shook his head. Roman smiled and went on to explain. “He comes to all of our plays. Cool dude, super friendly. I’m surprised he’s never tried to talk to you. I think all he cares about in life is having as many friends as possible. Well we moved all of my furniture and painted it the summer after freshman year.”
“You… you painted that?” Virgil gave him an astonished look.
“Yeah!” Roman’s smile grew again. He sat up and crossed his legs, setting the pillows aside. He gestured for Virgil to come sit with him. Virgil walked over cautiously and sat on the edge of the bed, as far away as he could get from Roman.
“Patton painted the sky, the water, the boat and a few of the lanterns.” He pointed as he explained. “He made me do everything else though. He said he wasn’t much of a detail person and was worried about messing the other parts up.”
Virgil’s eyes scanned over the mural again before looking over at Roman.
“That’s awesome. I can’t believe your parents let you do it.” He smiled as he started to relax again.
“Well, actuallyyy…” Roman trailed, glancing over to the other wall to avoid Virgil’s eyes.
“You didn’t ask your parents?!” He flung his legs up onto the bed to sit cross legged and leaned toward Roman. Screw any anxiety Virgil had had, this was too interesting for him to not ask questions.
“In all honesty, no. We knew it would take a lot of time to make, so we waited until they were out of town. Then we moved all of the furniture away from the wall and slept downstairs until it was finished. My dad was a little bit annoyed at first that I hadn’t asked first, but my mom couldn’t have cared less. She said as long as it’s good enough that we don’t have to paint over it if we move, then she doesn’t care.”
“How long did it take?”
“The background took a day, and the castle was two. The boat, lanterns, and characters were done piece by piece along the way, but we did most of the work on them on a separate day. So about four or five days.” He beamed with pride now as he gathered up the pillows and slid to the edge of the bed.
“Wait, this is a weird question, but can I take a picture of it? It’s just that that’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen.” Virgil asked awkwardly. Roman’s response instantly made him regret asking. His mouth dropped open and he stared at Virgil in stunned silence.
“Wh- really?” He was blushing like crazy, but Virgil assumed it was nothing but embarrassment. “Or, I mean, yeah. Yeah of course! Do you want me to move the furniture so you can get the whole thing?”
Roman chill, Roman chill, Roman C H I L L. You’re fine. It’s fine. This is fine. Not intimidating. Just a picture. You’re a good artist, this shouldn’t be that surprising! Chill.
“Nah it’s fine. I doubt you really have space to move the furniture anyway” Virgil smirked and raised his eyebrows at Roman’s messy floors. He slid off the bed and pulled out his phone, snapping a quick picture before holding his hand out to help Roman up.
“That’s done, now let’s get some blankets and start this Disney marathon.” He tilted his head slightly and smiled at Roman. Roman’s face burned even redder. He grabbed the pillows and then took Virgil’s hand. Virgil quickly hefted him up off the bed. Roman, in his dazed state, nearly fell from shock as soon as his feet hit the ground. Virgil jumped back and set his hands on Roman’s shoulders to steady him. Despites his efforts to help, this only made Roman more flustered. Virgil accidently let out a laugh upon seeing his stunned expression.
He’s just being friendly. This is what friends do. Just chill out. Dammit Roman stop being so gay. This is f i n e.
“You good, Roman?” He leaned over to get at eye level with Roman, who at this point had resorted to resting his hands on his knees and staring at the floor. Virgil laughed unapologetically this time as he tapped his knuckles lightly on the top of Roman’s head. “All the lights on up there?”
Roman snapped up to attention. He shook his head before turning to pick up the pillows and rushing out the door to get the blankets.
“Just peachy! Now come on, let’s get some blankets!” He yelled nervously as he fled from his bedroom. Virgil took one last look at the mural before following him out.
That was weird. Maybe he just doesn’t get complimented on his art often or something. But that’s got to be impossible-
Virgil’s train of thought was interrupted as soon as he stepped out of the room. Roman threw a blanket at him and nearly managed to knock him over.
“Wh-hey!” Virgil stumbled back, hitting the railing and nearly falling down the stairs. “Be nice!” He laughed as he chucked the blanket back. Roman picked his pillows up off the floor and dropped them over the railing. Almost all of them landed in the middle of the sectional, much to Khan’s apparent distress.
Roman, seemingly back to his cheery self, dropped the last few blankets into the living room. He leaned over the railing and called an apology to his vexed puppy before hopping down the stairs back into the living room.
“Do you want a thicker blanket or will this do?” Roman asked as he sorted the pillows and blankets into two piles.
“I’d prefer a heavier one, if you have one down here already.” Virgil picked at his hoodie sleeves as he watched Roman organize. “If you don’t though that’s ok.”
“I don’t think I brought one down here. I usually sleep with the fan on when I’m down here, but actually I guess we can just leave it off if you’re worried about getting cold…” He looked up to see Virgil standing awkwardly by the couch.
“No it just, um… It’s ok. I don’t need one.” He shrugged, shifting his gaze down to the floor.
“I can go grab one if you need me to, it’s no big deal.”
“No, it’s um… I don’t need one…” His brows furrowed together as he glanced back up at Roman. “It just… kinda makes me less anxious.” He shrugged again and crossed his arms across his body, pulling his jacket closer to himself.
“Oh!” Roman smiled. He hopped over the back of the couch near the stairs and headed up to grab a different blanket. “That’s no big deal. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable.”
He ran into his room and grabbed the Lion King comforter off of his bed and dropped it onto the couch with the other blankets. Virgil shuffled over and sat down on the clear section of the couch, patting the cushion next to him to encourage Khan to sit with him. Khan hopped up and laid down next to him, resting his head on Virgil’s legs.
Roman bounced down the stairs again and headed over to a large bookshelf full of movie cases. Virgil assumed that this was probably the prided Disney collection. Roman grabbed a case and turned his head to glance at Virgil and Khan as he slid a movie into the DVD player.
“I think he likes you.” He smiled.
“Really?” Virgil looked down at Khan, who already looked like he was half asleep in the boy’s lap.
“Yeah, he seems pretty comfy. How dare you steal the affection of my most loyal and trustworthy knight?” He rolled onto the blanket pile on the other half of the couch and laid his head on Khan’s flank.
“Not my choice, he just likes me better.” Virgil chuckled. He reached over Khan and pulled a blanket out from the pile under Roman, rolling him off of the couch.
“Hey, rude! Oh, wait, here’s the comforter.” He tossed the orange and red sunrise blanket at Virgil.
“Right, thanks.” Virgil took off his hoodie and dropped it on the floor next to the couch before pulling his legs up to chest and curling up in the blanket. He dropped the smaller blanket on top of his hoodie, then settled again and let Khan rest his head on his lap again.
“If my dog abandons me to sleep with you, I’m kicking you out.” Roman laughed. He pressed play, then rolled himself up in his own blanket and rested his head on Khan again. The two boys settled and fell quiet as the first chords of This is Halloween softly filled the room around them.
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Graffiti- Chapter 6
Ao3 link
Chapter word count: 7,545 -> Total story word count: 30,762
Chapter summary:
"Hmm." Leorio was studying him carefully again and Killua had to make a conscious effort not to squirm under that studious gaze. He didn’t like it, the way Leorio was looking at him.
Leorio asked suddenly, “You really trust Gon, huh?”
A pang of shock jolted through Killua. “I–I trust his abilities, that’s it! He’s strong, okay.”
Dammit, he sounded way too defensive right now!
Finally getting to post this thing after three months of finishing off grad school XD A big thank you to @sketchxhunter for being my beta and for making the chapter art, and thank you to @xcoruscaminex for supporting me and this fic in every possible way <3 I love you both!
Chapter title: Contract of Trust
(Chapter art)
“I still don’t understand why you two need to borrow my car—” Leorio started angrily.
“Yeah!” Gon cut in and Killua bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself calm. “Why can’t we just use my motorcycle to get to this Kurapika guy’s place?”
“I already explained this to you last night,” Killua growled. “We can’t use your motorcycle; Kurapika lives in the next country over, this drive is going to take us all day! And I’m not about to cling to your back for seven and a half hours until all my fingers go numb!”
“I can think of a few things I could do to keep you warm,” Gon countered, wiggling his eyebrows, and Killua almost socked him in his cheerful, freckled face. It was too goddamn early for Gon and his stupidly blunt flirtations—
“Okay you two, relax. Damn.” Leorio shook his head. “I didn’t know I was dealing with two children, today.”
“Gon is the only child here!”
“No, I’m not! I’m twenty years old!”
“No way,” Killua said, horror seizing his heart. “Are you seriously saying you’re older than me?!”
Gon blinked. Then his expression twisted in delighted glee. “I dunno, am I? When’s your birthday, Ki-llu-a? Mine was a few weeks ago—”
“Hey, hey, time out!” Leorio made a cutting motion with his hands. “You both can discuss who’s older later! I wanna know why you need my car so badly!”
Killua turned back to Leorio with an irritated glare. “I just told you, old man, we need to go see Kurapika! Or are you losing your hearing in your old age?”
A muscle in Leorio’s face twitched. “Watch who you’re calling old, brat.” He poked Killua hard on the forehead and Killua yelped. “Do you want my help or don’t you?”
“I do,” Killua grumbled and rubbed the place where Leorio had jabbed him. “I didn’t think it would take this long to get it, though!”
“It’s my car and my baby, I think I deserve to ask a few questions.”
“You have got to be joking, that thing’s nothing but a pile of junk held together by some screws and oil—”
“Then why don’t you use your own car if it’s that much of an inconvenience for you, huh?!”
“You know why!!!”
Killua’s vicious snarl was met with resounding silence. For a long moment, no one spoke. Second after second ticked by while Killua and Leorio continued to glare murderously at each other, and a thick, palpable tension hanging in the air between them.
Rage simmered under Killua’s skin, coiling through his veins. Leorio knew better than anyone why Killua couldn’t use his own car, why going into enemy territory with something so directly tied to his own name was equivalent to pointing a huge arrow at his forehead for Milluki to trace back to him within seconds! It was something even Killua and Alluka, with all their tricks and careful strategies, couldn’t counter.
That was why they needed Leorio, and it was way too early in the morning for Killua to be awake and playing question games right now!
“So—” Gon started, finally breaking the silence, “—you guys are good friends, huh?”
Killua uncurled his white-knuckled fists and looked away with a tch. Leorio let out a short breath.
“Yeah, we’re friends,” he grumbled. “Someone has to take care of this kid.”
Killua’s cheeks grew hot. “I can take care of myself!”
“Sure, and that’s why you’re here, right?” Leorio shook his head. “Save your breath, Killua. Even if you hadn’t…you know, gone out on a limb for me, I’d still do whatever I could for you and Alluka. You’re family.”
Killua wrinkled his nose and ducked his head. Ugh, great. His whole face was on fire now.
“Yeah, well. You’re not so bad yourself,” he mumbled, scuffing his shoe on the floor. He saw Leorio’s chest swell out do the corner of his eye and smiled to himself. They might get on each other’s nerves a lot, but he trusted Leorio. And that alone said a lot.
“Um. I’m sorry, but…I still don’t get it.”
Killua turned to see Gon wrinkling his nose in confusion. “I mean,” the gang leader continued. “I know we need this Kurapika person because he’s in the Mafia and he’s got the information Alluka can’t get through the computers, but—”
“But, what?” Killua asked sharply. He had a bad feeling about where this conversation was going, felt the dread pooling in the base of his stomach like lead. “What else could you possibly need to know?!”
“Let me finish!” Gon puffed out his cheeks. “But the Mafia works all over the globe, right? Why can’t we just ask someone from the Mafia here, in this country? Then we don’t have to bother Leorio about his car, and we won’t have to travel as far…”
Killua stilled, blood turning to ice. He was careful not to look over at Leorio because he knew one glance could give away everything, even without saying a single word.
He heard Leorio cough and the sound came out somewhat strained. “It’s not that simple, kid. There’s only one reining Mafia family per country and everyone else just works under them. The reining families share resources under occasion but it’s not that common of a thing.”
Gon deflated. “Oh. So, then, the Mafia family here might not have what we need?”
“Exactly,” Killua said, voice ten times calmer than he felt. “And besides, Kurapika is the only Mafia connection I have as of right now. There’s no point in talking to anyone else.”
“So, what do you say?” he abruptly asked Leorio to change the topic of conversation. He shoved his hands deep into the front pockets of his jeans. “Can we borrow the car, or can’t we?”
Leorio hesitated. He looked between them—Gon, wide eyed and entirely too innocent looking, and Killua, exhausted and irritated—before finally sighing.
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” he grumbled. “You just better not hurt my baby....”
Killua turned to Gon with a grin, only to find Gon already looking back at him with the same delighted beam on his face. He felt his skin warm as Gon’s glimmering brown-gold eyes locked on his face and stayed there, refusing to break their shared gaze. He only distantly noted Leorio walking over to his kitchen counter over the heavy thud-thud-ing of his heart.
“Make sure to get her back to me in one piece, yeah?” Leorio said and Killua forcibly tore his eyes away from Gon’s. Leorio was making his way back to where they stood in his apartment entrance, fiddling for something in his wallet.
He eventually managed to fish out his keys and tossed them to Gon. Gon caught them one-handedly without flinching.
“Go to the parking garage on the street corner,” Leorio told him with a jerk of his head. “The keys should help you find my car once you get inside.”
Gon nodded, then glanced at Killua expectantly.
He said quickly, “You go get the car. I want to talk to Leorio for a bit before we go.”
“Oh…okay.” Gon wilted a bit at that, sounding put out.
Killua rolled his eyes and nudged Gon in the side. “Don’t sound so sad, jeez!” he laughed lightly. “I’m not going anywhere, stupid. I’ll still be here when you get back.”
“I know that!” Gon stuck his tongue out, but the childish action did nothing to hide the blush darkening cheeks. Killua just grinned, eyebrows shooting upwards. He couldn’t help but find it funny how much Gon acted like a little kid sometimes.
He continued to watch Gon with amusement as his partner jerked open the front door and stomped down the front steps of Leorio’s apartment. He kept his gaze pointedly trained on Gon’s green spikes, ignoring the heavy weight of Leorio’s gaze digging into the side of his face.
Just like he was ignoring the steady warmth creeping across his cheeks.
“Oh!” Gon turned around on the last step and called back at them, “It was nice to see you again, Mister Leorio! Thanks for the help!”
“It’s just Leorio!” the older man hollered after Gon. “I’m only a few years older than you, dammit!”
He leaned against the doorframe with an angry huff. Together, he and Killua tracked Gon’s progress as he jogged down the street.
“Never thought I’d see that kid again,” Leorio admitted and folded his arms.
“Yeah, well, that makes two of us.”
“Hmph. I could have said that a year ago the way you dumped him on my doorstep then bolted for the hills….you do know what all this means, though, right?”
Killua tensed. “What all what means?”
“This.” Leorio made a general sweeping gesture with his hands. “You and him, going to see Kurapika. You won’t be able to hide your connections to the Mafia from Gon like how you did just now. You’re going to have to tell him the truth.”
Killua grimaced. “I—yeah.” He rubbed his forehead, the wrinkles there. “I know. I knew that the second Alluka mentioned Kurapika’s name.”
Leorio stared at him critically. “And are you ready to tell him? You didn’t look like it just now.”
Killua felt a muscle in his face twitch. “What are you, my therapist?” he snapped. “I’ll tell him when I’m ready, okay? I just couldn’t tell him there, that’s all. I’ll tell him soon, jeez.”
“Yeah, yeah, okay. No need to yell. I was just acting like the concerned, kind friend I am. What’s your relationship with him, anyway?”
“Huh?” Killua glanced at him sharply. “What are you talking about now, you geezer? If you’re just gonna harass me maybe I should’ve just left with Gon to get your car after all—”
“Hey, don’t get all defensive!” Leorio held up his hands in surrender. “I just think it’s kind of strange that this is the second time you’ve shown up here asking for my help with him in tow. You haven’t done that at all since I set you and Alluka up with the apartment two years ago.”
Killua scowled and said shortly, “If you’re asking whether there’s a deeper relationship going on here there isn’t. The only reason Gon showed up is because he wants my help with this very specific…thing. And the only reason I’m helping is because he can keep me and Alluka off Illumi’s trail for a while.”
Leorio visibly paled. “I-Illumi’s here?!”
Killua shrugged, trying not to appear as sick as the horrible knot of dread in his gut made him feel. “Seems like it. Got a handwritten note from him confirming he knew where we were, at least.”
“Shit. That’s…” Leorio shook his head. “Killua, that’s bad.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
“And Alluka? Is she safe?”
“For now, yeah. She’s staying with Gon’s gang while we pay this visit to Kurapika.”
“You don’t think you should’ve taken her with you?”
Killua scoffed. “No. You think I would ever risk taking Alluka into Mafia-infested lands? To a place that’s so directly connected to our family that she could be dragged back to home within a few hours of being recognized?” He shook his head, nostrils flaring. “I don’t think so. She’s safer where she is for now…”
“But you’re going,” Leorio pointed out and Killua rolled his eyes.
“I’ll risk my own safety, sure, but never Alluka’s. And, besides, I’m not totally alone; I have Gon.”
“Hmm.” Leorio was studying him carefully again and Killua had to make a conscious effort not to squirm under that studious gaze. He didn’t like it, the way Leorio was looking at him.
Leorio asked suddenly, “You really trust him, huh?”
A pang of shock jolted through Killua. “I–I trust his abilities, that’s it! He’s strong, okay.” Dammit, he sounded way too defensive right now—
“Uh-huh. Sure. And then what was with the whole—” he nudged Killua’s side, like Killua had done to Gon just a few minutes ago, and Killua flushed hotly.
“Th-That was nothing!” he stammered. He waved a hand in the air, as if that would somehow help explain himself. “Just, you know, a bit of harmless teasing; you saw the puppy dog face he was making at me!”
“Oh, trust me, I think I’d have to be blind to miss the way that guy was looking at you,” Leorio said and Killua bristled. He opened his mouth in a snarl—
“Hell, I thought something might’ve changed over the past year, but apparently not.”
Killua froze. “W-Wait…what?”
“Nothing, I’m just thought a year passing would’ve changed the way Gon looked at you but.” Leorio shrugged. “He still looks at you like the way you look at chocolate. And that’s saying something.”
Killua suddenly felt warm all over. “You—you mean, Gon was interested in me a year ago? All the way back when we first met?!”
Leorio quirked an eyebrow. “That’s what it looked like to me. Did you seriously not notice? He never shut up about you the entire time I was stitching him up. Wanted to know everything about you—not that I said anything, of course, but—”
“W-Why didn’t you tell me?!” Killua sputtered out, mind racing
He wasn’t expecting this. Meeting Gon had been a whirlwind of activity; he was too terrified back then to see Gon as anything more than a threat to his and Alluka’s carefully crafted life, so that’s how he treated him. He took care of Gon, washed his hands of the whole situation and walked away, determined to never think of the bleeding man ever again.
But, according to Leorio, Gon had thought of him.
Distantly, he heard Leorio’s complaining start up again. He refocused just in time to hear him say, “You never wanted to hear about it! Every time I tried to bring Gon up you always shrieked your head off at me!”
Leorio let out an irritated huff. But then his expression shifted and changed, morphing into a sly smirk. Killua glowered at him. What the hell was he thinking about now?
“But maybe that’s all in the past,” Leorio said in a sing-song voice. “After all, it looks like there’s been some recent developments.”
Killua’s shoulders jerked upwards. Bristing, he hissed venomously, “You—!”
“Don’t get mad at me, kid! I’m just calling it as I see it, okay? I can count on my fingers the number of times I’ve seen you get this flustered, and I’ve known you longer than most.”
Killua looked away furiously. His body felt hot all over. He didn’t even know why he was reacting like this; it was dumb and stupid and none of this even mattered. His so-called ‘feelings’ for Gon were nothing short of basic tolerance moving onto acquaintanceship, and that was if he was being generous.
His nails dug into his palms hard enough to draw blood as he ground out, “We only met a week ago. There can’t be anything.”
“Attachments have formed in less time,” Leorio said wisely. “Love is spontaneous. You can’t always control what you do or don’t feel.”
Killua’s head snapped up. Leorio’s eyes softened, filling with a kind of dull pain. He asked, voice strained, “Say hello to him for me, will you?”
Killua swallowed thickly as the anger drained out of him. There was only one person Leorio could be talking about: a person with shoulder-length blonde hair, and piercing but exhausted gray eyes.
Kurapika always looked so tired whenever Killua had talked to him. But he came to life around Leorio.
Killua answered, heart twisting, “Of course.”
“And Alluka, once you get back. Haven’t seen her in a while either.”
Killua felt a sharp stab of guilt. “I-I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to—”
“Killua.” Two warm, sturdy hands gripped Killua’s shoulders, steadying him. Leorio smiled down at him and there was nothing but genuine fondness shining in his brown eyes.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said softly, giving Killua’s shoulders a squeeze. “Alright? Visit when you have the time. When you’re safe. That’s all that matters to me—and to Kurapika, I know. He will help you with whatever this all is. And when you’re done we’ll figure something out to get you and Alluka  out of this mess again.”
Killua’s eyes prickled. He sucked in an unsteady breath and reached up to grip one of Leorio’s hands, nodding. He couldn’t properly express what Leorio’s support meant to him. It went beyond words.
The sound of a car pulling in front of Leorio’s apartment broke the moment. Killua turned to see Leorio’s older car with Gon in the front seat, his usual sunny beam in place.
“Killua!” he called happily through the open window and Killua’s chest lightened somehow at the simple call of his own name. “I found it, I found the car! We can go, now!”
“Guess you better get going,” Leorio said. “He’ll wake up the whole neighborhood if he keeps hollering like that.”
“Yeah.” Killua faced him one last time and bit his bottom lip. “Uh, listen. Th-Thanks. I promise I’ll get her back to you in one piece and everything—”
“You are much more important to me than any car, kid.” Leorio ruffled his hair and Killua squawked. “Get yourself in and out of Yorbia safely, first and foremost. Got it?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Killua grumbled as he tried in in vain to comb his hair back in place with his fingers. He was going to have to spend another fifteen minutes messing around with it now thanks to Leorio’s intervention—
“I’m glad he’s with you.”
Killua jolted at the unexpected statement, his fingers caught on a stray knot. “H-Huh?” he asked and voice squeaked.
“I’m glad Gon is going with you,” Leorio repeated with a satisfied nod. “I can tell he’ll take care of you. Make sure you two stick together, and tell him if anything happens to you—anything at all!—he’ll have me to answer to!”
Killua’s face flushed in horrified mortification. “Holy shit, please never say that again; you are not my dad, Leorio!”
“I should be! I would do a better job than that asshole!”
Killua burst into startled laughter. He didn’t know what to say to that, other than— “You’re right,” he said, grinning, and gave Leorio a fist-bump. He began to edge out the door. “Thanks again, man. I really owe you for this.”
“Thank me when you’re back and safe!”
Killua waved a hand in acknowledgement and finally turned on his heel to face the street. He ran down the final steps of Leorio’s apartment, to where Gon was waiting for him in the car. Gon reached over and pushed open the passages side door just in time for Killua to slip in.
“Ready to go?” Gon asked, beaming, as Killua slammed the door shut behind him.
Killua nodded, breathless. “Yeah. Let’s get this show on the road.”
Killua looked up from the map, half a piece of chocolate sticking out of his mouth. Gon was drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as he drove, a slight pucker in his brow.
Killua quickly chewed the rest of the chocolate piece and swallowed. “What?” he asked when he could finally talk. “You can’t just say something like that then not follow up, Gon.”
“Eh, it’s nothing big!”
“I don’t care, I’m involved now. Spill.”
Gon’s lips twitched, like he was trying not to smile and failing. “Mm, well, I was wondering…how do Leorio and this Kurapika guy know each other? It seemed like you three had all been friends at some point the way you were talking back at Leorio’s apartment.”
Killua raised his eyebrows. Of all the questions he was expecting Gon to ask, that one had certainly not been high on the list. But then again, Gon rarely did anything on Killua’s list of ‘expected Gon things’…
“They were a thing,” Killua said shortly, letting his eyes drop back down to the map.
“A-A thing?”
Killua snorted at Gon’s tone. “Yep.”
“As in…”
“Yes, that sort of thing. With a capital ’t’.”
“Oh.” A pause. “What happened?”
Killua looked back up the question, confused. “Huh?”
“You said ‘were’,” Gon said matter-of-factly. “So, what happened? Why did they break up?”
Killua blinked owlishly. He was genuinely surprised Gon noticed that. Not that Gon wasn’t smart, but. Well. He was more observant than Killua gave him credit for, sometimes.
“They…” Killua began, hesitating. How the hell could he explain this? “Kurapika wanted to stay in the Mafia. Leorio wanted out. So, they split.”
Gon’s frown from before returned in full, deepening at the corners. “But, didn’t they love each other?”
“Uh. Yeah? I guess. I mean, they were usually arguing whenever I saw them together, but—”
“If you really love someone, you should stay with them no matter what!” Gon said stubbornly. Killua eyed how Gon’s knuckles whitened under his tightening grip, honey eyes hardening to solid gold as they narrowed in anger. “That’s what love is all about!”
Killua sighed heavily, slumping back in his seat. “It’s not always that simple, Gon.”
“It should be! If you really, really love someone, that’s all that matters in the end!”
“Well.” Killua folded his arms over his chest. “Love actually was the problem, in the end.”
Gon stiffened at that. “W-What?”
“Kurapika is in the Mafia because of love,” Killua explained. “Familial love. He’s in it for revenge against his deceased family and he’ll never leave until he gets it. That love triumphs over everything—even what he and Leorio had. Leorio tried to convince him to leave with him, ‘course but—” he shrugged, “—Kurapika naturally refused. So, yeah. You’re right. Love wins, just not always in the way you expect.”
Gon didn’t say anything to that. He stayed quiet, silently absorbing what Killua had said, and Killua studied him in turn.
He let his gaze wander over those freckles scattered across broad cheeks like stars, focused honey eyes, the tired lines in Gon’s face softened by dawn. It was still too early for sun to rise yet, but light was starting to creep into the sky ever so slowly, painting the sky and Gon’s bronze skin in a warm glow.
Gon was talking about Kite, Killua thought to himself. He had to be. Gon’s definition for love was cut from the moments he was fighting for his life and the life of his friends against the ANTS. For Gon, it was all or nothing when it came to love.
For Killua, it was be grateful for what still remained.
“And…you helped him?”
Killua jolted out of his thoughts, face growing hot when he realized he’d been staring at Gon blankly that entire time.
“H-Huh?” he stammered with blazing red cheeks.
“You helped Leorio escape, right?” Gon repeated. He hadn’t noticed Killua’s gwaping since he’d been driving, and Killua couldn’t be more relieved. “That’s what Leorio kept saying. That must be how you two know each other!”
“Y-Yeah? So?” Killua furiously scrubbed at his flushed skin with the heel of one hand. He was only half listening to Gon at this point. He felt hot and prickling all over and he hated it.
But even more so, he hated how simultaneously comfortable and hyper-aware he was of Gon all damn the time. They’d only spent a week of being in each other’s near-constant company, but it was all too easy for Killua to let down his defenses around Gon. To joke and tease and challenge him almost as easily as he did with Alluka.
Even now, he and Gon had been in this rickety old car for at least an hour already, and yet the conversation had flowed easy and smooth, almost as if Killua was talking to Canary or Leorio or Kurapika, himself.
But the instant Killua really looked at Gon…
Another wave of heat crashed over him, accompanied with a strange little lurch in his stomach, and Killua grounded his teeth together.
Stupid, he snapped at himself. It’s early and you’re cranky and not fully awake right now. That’s all this is. None of these feelings mean anything—
“You know…you’re a really good person, Killua.”
Killua’s head whipped around. He stared at Gon, wide-eyed, as the other man smiled softly at the empty road.
“Idiot,” Killua finally said after a small pause. The insult had no bite, and he would have been mad at himself if not for the strange, heavy, twisting inside his chest. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I do, though! You helped Leorio, and you saved me last year!” Gon chirped. “I bet you’ve helped a whole bunch of people! And that makes you a good person!”
The heavy feeling was worse now; it was crushing his lungs, making it hard to breathe and get the following words out. He looked down at his lap, at his clasped hands, and blinked rapidly.
He whispered hoarsely, “I wouldn’t be so sure about that if I were you…”
“I am.”
Killua blinked when a warm hand enveloped his, squeezing once. The hand pulled away again before Killua could think to shake it off, and he looked up in time to see Gon leaning back into his seat with his gaze still on the horizon.
Killua’s heart sped up ever so slightly. He didn’t know when Gon had even looked over, or how he had managed to do that while still staying so focused. But—
But it made the crushing feeling lighten, somehow. It was hard not to believe Gon when he spoke with such conviction like that. Even when Killua’s heart seemed dead-set on proving him wrong.
Killua glanced out his window to hide the scarlet tinge his prickling cheeks. As steadily as he could manage, he said, “You and I have very different opinions on what qualifies as a good person, Gon.”
“Hmm. You think?”
“Yeah. I do.”
“Why’s that?”
Killua rolled his eyes at fields of grass flying past them. “Because. You’re this—this bubbling ray of sunshine—”
“I’ve seen my fair share horrors, Killua. Don’t forget that.”
Killua stiffened at Gon’s tone. He twisted back around; Gon’s face was carved from stone now, lips pressed into a thin line.
“I never said you hadn’t,” Killua said after a pause.
“I know.” Gon shot him a smile that didn’t reach his eyes before turning back to the road. “But I know that’s what you were thinking. Besides, it’s not what you’ve seen or done, I think. What makes you a good person is how you react to whatever life has handed you. It’s how you respond.”
Killua snorted bitterly. “Then that still makes me a bad person in your books.”
Gon’s expression became confused. “How? You’ve never done anything wrong or bad that I can see. Not ever!”
This was it: the moment of truth. Killua heard Alluka’s voice echoing in his head—
“This agreement, between us and Gon?” she said, sitting cross-legged on their shared bed just minutes before he left for his trip with Gon. “It’s a contract of trust, Brother.”
Killua wrinkled his nose. “Trust, huh?”
She bobbed her head. “Mhm! Trust! Think about it; Gon didn’t have to tell you all that stuff about Kite. Or anything about his past, right? He could have just said he wanted our help to find Kite’s body. But he didn’t. He told you something personal, something important to him; that night he put his trust in you.”
Killua leaned back, letting out a long breath. He hadn’t really thought about it like, well, that. He’d just thought…
He frowned. He didn’t know what he thought, actually. Gon was an enigma to him—an incredibly frustrating, freckled, and muscular enigma with a smile made from the sun itself, sure, but an enigma all the same. And Killua had lost plenty of hours of sleep trying and failing to pick apart the meaning in the playful glimmer in his eyes and hopeful curve of his lips.
“So,” Killua started, ignoring the slight warmth on his cheeks that always came from thinking about Gon a little too long. “What you’re saying is, I should trust him? With everything?”
“No, I’m saying that maybe you should cut him some slack. You don’t have to give him everything at once, and to be honest, you probably shouldn’t tell him everything anyway…”
Alluka bit her lip, fingers lingering along a strand of beaded hair she had just tucked behind her ear. The pink smiley-faced beads gleamed in the low light and Killua touched the bracelet on his left wrist out of reflex. The thread and beads were cool under his fingertips, just like always.
“Just—let your guard down a little,” Alluka said finally and Killua looked up to blue eyes that were so like his own. “It’s a matter of trust, remember? Tell him what you feel you can trust him with, and no more than that.”
Killua gripped his left wrist tightly, until the bracelet’s beads dug painfully into his skin. He didn’t flinch at the pain; this was nothing, compared to the heart-stabbing symbolism of the bracelet itself. “And what if I tell him too much?”
But Alluka just smiled. “You won’t. I trust you, Brother.”
Back in the car, Killua breathed in deep. Alluka trusted him. And Gon…Gon trusted him, too. Somehow.
But did Killua trust Gon?
“Killua?” Gon asked, a quiet but clear concern woven between the syllables of his name. “Are you okay?”
Killua leaned his head against the back of his seat. He ignored Gon’s question, instead stating flatly, “You know, I envy you, Gon.”
“Huh?” Confusion flooded Gon’s tone. “Wh-Why would you—”
“Your drive to avenge Kite,” Killua said loudly. He waved his hand in the air. “Your 'response’ or whatever you called it. It’s how how you’re reacting to the ANTS Hunter Extermination. That’s how you’re reacting to Kite’s death.”
There was a low, somewhat strained, chuckle from the driver’s seat. “I always thought you believed I was crazy for all of that.”
“Oh, you are. Don’t get me wrong. I think you’re totally insane and gonna get yourself killed one day wrapped up in all this ANTS bullshit. But—” Killua let out a long breath, his bangs flopping against his forehead. There was a tightness in his throat, a twisting in his stomach. He almost didn’t want to voice this confession, but…
But a larger part of him, a strange urging in his heart, wanted him to continue. Wanted him to give in and stop fighting, to surrender to whatever pull Gon seemed to have on him.
(And maybe, if he finally opened up, he would start to understand a fraction of the alien feelings Gon stirred within him)
So he plunged ahead, forcing the words out before he could overthink them:
“—but I think there’s some bravery in that. In refusing to forget the person you lost, and wanting to remember what they meant to you, wanting to take them back in some way from the people that took them away from you.”
He paused. “That’s what it is, right? That’s why you want Kite’s body back. Because you don’t want the ANTS to have his final remains after everything they did to him. They don’t deserve that right.”
He finally looked over at Gon. The other man had frozen, hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly that Killua could see the whiteness of his bones under taunt skin. Even Gon’s gold gaze was locked and unblinking on the road in front of them with his lips slightly parted in shock.
It took a few seconds, but with a shuddering breath, Gon came back to life. He swallowed thickly and Killua’s eyes automatically darted to where his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat—
“Killua,” Gon whispered hoarsely. His face was very pale, the palest Killua had seen yet. “H-How did you know all of that?”
“Because you’re not the only person who has lost loved ones.”
Gon’s mouth shut with a snap. Killua’s heart was heavy as lead now, and there was a burning in the back of his eyes that wouldn’t go away no matter how many times he blinked. But that always happened when he got like this.
Whenever he thought about Nanika.
“That’s why I envy you,” he continued and was proud at the steadiness of his voice. “Because you’re going back. You’re strong enough to do that. You care enough to do that. I—” he blinked rapidly, the world around him starting to blur, “—I w-wasn’t. And I probably won’t ever go back there again, even if I wanted to. I’m not strong like you are.”
Silence fell between them. Killua looked away and raised a shaking hand to his cheek. His skin was dry, thank god. But his eyes still prickled and his throat still felt raw with pain and the gaping hole inside his chest still chanted that same scream from when he was six years old:
'it’s all your fault it’s all your fault it’s all your fault she’s gone—’
“Is it…” Gon hesitated. Killua didn’t turn around, choosing instead to wait and let Gon speak for once. “Is it okay if I ask you what happened?”
Surprise shot down Killua’s spine. He felt like he’d been slapped in the face. He’d never thought—after saying all of that, after his entire speech and picking Gon’s motives apart and confessing a coded piece of his own past—
He never once thought Gon would ask for his permission for wanting to know more.
He laughed quietly, unable to stop himself. He pressed his hand to his mouth to keep the laughter locked away and his shoulders shook with the effort to keep himself calm.
“You,” he said breathlessly before flashing a smile at the confused driver. “Really are something, Gon. And yes, you can ask me anything. I don’t think I could stop you if I tried. Whether or not I actually answer is up to me, though.”
“O-Okay.” Gon’s brow furrowed. “Are you sure, Killua? I want to know, but you sound kind of weird—”
“I’m fine.” And he was. Really. He…he trusted Gon. With part of the truth, at least. “You said so yourself, you want to know about my past, right?”
“Um. Right, but I don’t want to force you—”
“You’re not forcing me into anything. You asked, and I’m going to tell you. It’s that simple.” Killua took a deep breath, folded his fingers together in his lap just to have something to do.
To keep them from shaking.
“I told you before that I have four siblings,” Killua began in a murmur. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Gon straighten in his seat. “And that is true, but it’s also not. I do have four siblings, but I have another one I didn’t mention to you: a fifth sibling.”
Killua heard Gon suck in a sharp breath. “A fifth sibling? Then, who’s–”
“Her name is Nanika,” Killua cut him off. He kept his gaze locked on the smiley-faced ring on his left pinky as he continued, “She’s Alluka’s twin, and my younger sister. We were inseparable when we were kids.”
“Alluka has a twin?” Gon repeated, sounding dumbfounded. Killua didn’t respond, waiting for the gears in Gon’s brain to click into place, because he knew Gon was smart enough to piece together the scattered hints from the past week their lives had collided and crashed and melded into each other—
Gon gasped suddenly. “Oh! The picture! From your bedroom! The one with you holding Alluka, that’s…that’s not Alluka at all, is it?”
His question ended in an unbearably soft tone. Killua gritted his teeth to stop the painful way his heart twisted and tore.
“No,” he finally choked out. “It’s not.”
There was a small pause. Then—
“Killua,” Gon said quietly, gently, why was Gon being so gentle— “What happened?”
Killua squeezed his eyes shut and breathed out through his nose.
“I don’t know,” he finally whispered. His throat was raw again, burning. Aching for something too long lost and never coming back. “I guess that’s the worst part of it all, not knowing. I should’ve known what was going to happen though; Alluka and Nanika were always brilliant from the moment they were born. Smarter than anyone. They were always inventing stuff when we were kids, you wouldn’t believe some of the things they made if I told you about them. They were true geniuses.”
Killua paused, then shook his head. “But my parents…they didn’t see Alluka and Nanika as anything more than tools. That’s how my family works: everyone is analyzed and valued to the extent that they can push the family forward. The greater their potential, the earlier they must be trained to use it. That’s all that matters.”
“My sisters’ potential was their minds. And my parents wanted that gift, wanted it badly. So, one night we went to sleep like usual, and the next day, they were gone.”
“Just like that?” Gon repeated. His tone was still soft, not at all demanding or harsh. “Without warning or anything?”
“Just like that.” Killua brought his legs to his chest and dropped his head onto his knees, wrapping his arms around his shins.
“God,” he choked out between gritted teeth to fight back the tears. “I wish I—I wish I had been smart enough to know better. But I was still under my parents thumb back then, so I didn’t. Who knows what kind of hell Alluka and Nanika went through while they were gone, what horrors my parents forced them to go through or invent just for the sake of advancing our family’s status.”
“Killua,” Gon started. “You can’t blame yourself for something like that, you sound like you were really young when this all happened—”
“Doesn’t matter. None of that matters. All that matters is that two years passed before I saw Alluka again, and by then, it was too late to do anything.”
Gon tensed. “Before you saw Alluka again? But, what about…?”
Killua felt hollow now. His voice was flat and empty when he said, “Alluka came back. Nanika didn’t. She never has, and she never will. She’s gone forever, my parents made sure of that. Alluka’s all I have left now.”
There was another long pause. A beat heavy enough for Killua to know the weight of his words had been felt. He bit his lip, letting his teeth sink into his flesh until the physical pain of his action hurt more than the pounding of his heart.
“…but you still have Alluka.”
Killua’s head snapped up. “What?”
“You still have Alluka,” Gon repeated in that same, steady tone. He turned briefly to smile at Killua and Killua stared back, stunned.
“Wh-What are you going on about now?” he stammered, caught off guard.
Gon looked back to the road. “Your family sounds evil. That’s not something Alluka could’ve escaped from on her own. And yet, she’s here today. How did she manage to survive this long after what happened to Nanika? How is Alluka still here?”
Killua shut his gaping mouth. Pinpricks of heat were starting to crawl across his cheeks. “I…I saved her. I made sure we escaped. I couldn’t let what happen to Nanika happen to her, so I got us out as soon as I could.”
“There you go,” Gon chirped. “See, Killua? You saved her, just like you saved me and Leorio. You saved us all.”
Killua struggled with what to say next, overwhelmed. He was caught between the crushing sadness over his dead sister, the embarrassed but light fluttering in his stomach at Gon’s praise, and frustration, because Gon didn’t understand what he was trying to say. It wasn’t the same thing. Because— “But I couldn’t save Nanika.”
“You can’t save everyone. I couldn’t save Kite, either,” Gon said and that shut Killua up. “You said you envy me, but to be honest, I envy you. You’re letting your love for Alluka win. You were strong enough to save her, to get her away from your parents. You’re strong enough to protect what’s most important to you.”
Killua’s heart twisted. He never thought about it like that. He always saw himself as weak for failing Nanika, and he knew he always would. But, somehow, Gon didn’t see it that way.
Gon said thoughtfully, “You know, we’re not that different, you and me. You lost Nanika, I lost Kite. We both lost someone important to us. We’re just dealing with that loss in different ways.”
Killua scowled. “Yeah. But you’re going to lose yourself in the path you’re going down,” he snapped.
Gon shrugged. “I never said what I was doing was smart or sane. I’m doing what I think needs to be done. It’s like what you said earlier; those ANTS don’t deserve to keep Kite’s body. I won’t let them.”
“You make it sound so simple,” Killua grumbled and Gon hummed.
“In theory, it is! In practice, not so much. But that’s why I have you.”
Heat flared in Killua’s cheeks. An abrupt surge of happiness rose inside him at Gon’s words, even though he knew how dumb it was. Gon was using him. That was all this was. He didn’t need Killua for any reason besides this crazy mission of his, and then it was goodbye forever.
Killua looked out the window, eyes stinging. He kept his gaze firmly locked on the ever brightening horizon as he said, “Yeah, well. It’s not really me you need. Alluka’s the one doing most of the heavy lifting here, digging through data on the computers and everything.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” Gon said softly and the hairs on the back of Killua’s neck rose. “You’re the one with me right now, aren’t you?”
Killua’s head whipped around.
Gon was staring ahead at the road, just like always, like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Like he hadn’t just whispered something that made Killua’s breath catch in his throat, and his skin tingle with electricity.
The only hint that he’d been looking at Killua at all, in fact, was the slight curve of those perfect lips into a smirk, and the loud, rapid pounding of Killua’s heart against his ribcage.
Gon gasped suddenly. “Oh! Killua, look—”
Before Killua could speak, Gon swiftly pulled the car over to the side of the road. He turned off the engine, scrambled out of his seat, and was pulling open Killua’s door in record time.
“G-Gon?!” Killua yelped as Gon tugged him onto the grass by his wrist. He stumbled to get his footing while Gon half-yanked him up a hill and away from Leorio’s car. His clumsiness didn’t help rid the still-scarlet tinge of his cheeks from Gon’s suggestive commentary only minutes earlier, and he gritted his teeth in frustration.
“Hey!” he yelled at Gon’s back. “Gon, slow down a second! Where are we going?!”
“Just a few more steps, Killua! Then you’ll see, I promise!”
He pulled Killua forward again. They finally made it to the top of the hill and Killua shivered as a small gust of wind hit his face. He closed his eyes with a wince, turning away slightly. It was only after the wind had passed that he was able to hesitantly squint out at the sight in front of him.
Killua sucked in a sharp breath, eyes flying open wide.
Just like with the sunset Gon had shown him only yesterday, this morning’s sunrise was breathtaking in every sense of the word. Dark reds and bright yellows outlined the sun as it started to cross the horizon and rise into the sky, bringing with it light and warmth. The clouds hanging low in the atmosphere turned from shocking pink to a soft purple, just as the sky itself was slowly giving way to a natural but soft blue.
Killua blinked out of his reverence. He turned to see Gon beaming happily at him.
“I told you sunrises were just as beautiful as sunsets!” he said proudly. He squeezed their still-interlocked hands and Killua’s heart jumped into his throat at the feel of Gon’s fingers curled around his.
Quickly, he looked back at the view to hide his flushed face. “Y-Yeah, you did…”
And I said if I ever saw a sunrise with anyone, Killua thought, mouth dry and skin tingling where Gon touched him, they’d have to be something really special.
So…what exactly did that say about Gon?
Killua didn’t know. He never thought about the sunrise as anything more than having to be awake too many hours too early. But then again, he’d never talked about Nanika before, either. Not even with Alluka. It was too painful, and no one could fully understand what her loss meant to him.
And yet, he had talked her with Gon.
Killua raised his face to the rainbow-colored sky as more butterflies came to life in his stomach. Maybe he needed to spend more time looking at sunrises, after all.
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dyke-remy · 3 years
Live And Let Die, part 6
Part 1      Part 2      Part 3     Part 4     Part 5 
Description: Agent 008 and Agent 009, professional spies for the MI6 with liscense to kill. Partners in both work and love. After an agent goes missing the partners have to once more go out into the field. (It’s a James Bond AU)
You don’t need to know anything about James Bond to be able to read this fic, trust me
Tw: Accidental misgendering here and there, some light torture
Words: 3611
Remus woke up in a cold sweat. His body ached and his head seemed to be banging in rhytm with his heart. He was staring into a grey concrete wall but it was weird because the ceiling looked like the floor and the floor looked like the-
Oh. Oh he was hanging upside down. He strained himself to look upwards and there was indeed rope all around his limbs that tied him to the ceiling. He could barely even move his fingers, much less his head.
"009?" He called out. He tried not to sound too worried but failed miserably.
"008!" Remy exclaimed back. To both of their's relief it didn't sound like they were far apart.
"I'm right here. Are you okay?"
"It doesn't matter but yes I'm tots 100% good"
"It matters to me!"
Remus swung a bit back and forth in the air and to his surprise his head struck something else. "009 are you-"
"That's me alright" Remy leaned their head back so they felt each other's warmth.
For a few moments they stayed like that without saying anything. As long as they could touch each other, as long as they knew the other were there, everything felt safe.
"You're okay right? Nothing happened after I blacked out?" Remy asked.
"Nothing too bad...but...I....I think I might have been hit by Jaws. Didn't see his face though"
Remy let out a quiet gasp "Jesus fuck. The bitchy brat got Jaws and everything on his side huh"
"I'm not a brat!" Virgil's voice came from somewhere Remus couldn't see.
The agent felt hands grab his shoulders and force him around. He saw Virgil with his back turned to him, he was turning Remy around the same way so the agents were looking at each other. The enby was tied to a steel chair. There even was a rope around their neck so they could barely turn their head.
"You gonna torture us? Gonna torture us with your lil baby hands?" Remy asked with a shit eating grin. In response they got a back handed slap to the face.
Remus tried to glance around. They were in what looked like a garage that had been turned into an improptu torture chamber. Tools (knifes, hammers, guns) laid on a table and next to it stood Theo, the bodyguard.
His eyes stagnated on Virgil. His hands began to shake.
"Where you hiding your lil Jawsie now tho? Aint so scary without him" Remy continued to tease.
"Do you seriously think the two of you pose enough of a threat to need Jaws here" Virgil rolled his eyes "I'm sure he's in his box or something-"
"You- You're-"
Remus' voice was shaky as he stuttered it out. He was staring at Virgil as if he was looking at a ghost.
"I know you"
Virgil glanced at him before looking over to Theo. He let out a few dry chuckles and the bodyguard laughed along.
"You're- Virgil- You're the kid- you were there when Ro- my brother died"
A sick smile spread over his lips "Of course I was. And you're Remus. And Roman is dead"
He expected the agent to lash out. To scream and shout and try to claw his way out of the ropes just to hurt him. Virgil knew he was the reason the previous 009 got killed. It was the only logical reaction.
"I'm sorry" The genuine, nearly tearfilled, tone on Remus' voice caught him off guard "You were just a kid. I'm sorry we weren't able to help you. We- I saw how your dad treated you. Me and my brother wanted to get you out of there I promise"
The teenager took a step back. He closed his hands into fists. His nails pierced into his skin until blood dripped out.
Remus lowered his voice and tried to keep eyecontact with him "We can help you now though. If you unbound us we can knock out that big stupid bodyguard and take you somewhere safe. No one will hurt you again. I'll make sure of it"
Virgil stared at him with rage in his eyes. He grabbed onto the agent's jaw and forced his head closer. "Your brother dying was a good thing"
Remus tried to say something back but it was as if his mouth had stopped listening to his brain.
"Y'know when I was younger I would always cry like a baby whenever I saw my dad kill someone" Virgil continued in a low voice "But your brother looked so Pathetic when he died that I never cried over another death again. That was the only thing he was ever good for. Just a maggot to look disgustingly pathetic before being crushed to death"
"Shut up" Remus growled out.
"And wow! Running away like a coward was a truly amazing move! The moment you left your brother started to sob. That bastard begged my dad to let him live and everything! He just kept going until-"
"Shut up!"
"-Until his voice was so hoarse and he was so close to death all he could do was keep crying out for you. I don't even think he was aware of it! It was all just sobs about hugging you and your mom until he died! Just as he deserved!"
"Darling. Darling look at me" Remy said calmly.
Remus stopped and glanced over at them. Tears were welling up in his eyes. "I deserve to die more than he did-"
"Babe that doesn't matter right now. Virgil is just trying to get you emotional so you'll be more likely to say what he wants you to say. Just follow my breathing okay? In for 4. Hold for 7-"
"Out for 8. I know. I know" Remus forced out between short breaths.
"It's okay babe just-"
"You shut the fuck up!" Virgil shouted "Theo make him shut up!"
The bodyguard promptly went up behind Remy and forced their mouth open. They tried to bit his hand but was stopped when a piece of barbed wire was pulled around their head so the largest part of it laid dangerously in their mouth.
"Thanks" Virgil took a deep breathe to try and not explode with annoyance "So Remus. 008. Whatever. You got the privilege of hanging upside down because you were such a heartless Bitch and killed 3 of my spiders! That's like killing 3 baby puppies you monster!!"
He went over to the table filled with tools and picked up a crowbar. It looked a bit too heavy in his hands. He rolled up the sleeves of his hoodie and took a firm grip on the weapon, clearly ready to swing it at the agent.
"Your brother's life was worth less than my spiders, you realize that right. So you'll pay for it" He lifted the crowbar above his head "This is for-"
"Sir!" Theo interrupted "You're holding it wrong. You'll easily hurt your wrists unless you shift your right wrist and move your left hand a bit up. It'll hurt the cretin more as well"
Virgil sent him a small smile and shifted how he held the crowbar "Thanks"
He slammed it into Remus' ribcage.  "This is for Max!" The next hit landed on the side of his hip "This is for Dante!" The last one landed on his arm "And this is for Charlotte!"
He lowered the crowbar while letting out heavy breathes. His black hair had fallen in front of his eyes and his mouth was twitching upwards into a smile. Remus didn't even seem bothered by the hits. It really had felt like being hit by a kid. If anything the reminder of his brother's death hurt more than Virgil beating him ever could.
"So now when we all agree that your brother deserved to die and all 00 agent's lives are worthless we can continue onto the interrogation! Theo please let the maggot speak again so I can beat the answers out of both of them"
Theo made sure the barbedwire dragged into Remy's skin as he dragged it out of their mouth. Their teeth were colored red from blood. They immediately tried to spit the blood into Theo's face and let out a fake moan when he slapped them in return.
Virgil dropped the weapon on the ground and instead pulled out two rings from his hoodie pocket "So I found these matching rings on your fingers and with my deducting skills I've come to the conclusion that they are rings made for 00 agenst and therefore super impor-"
"Ehm sir I believe those are wedding rings" Theo interrupted.
"But- but they're guys" He pointed at the agents as if Theo had missed it somehow. Virgil slumped his shoulders forward and grumbled something under his breathe "Anyhow! They're still important! So if you two don't tell me the info I want I will smash them with a hammer!!"
"You want info on how to deal with acne or something?? 'Cause girl it looks like you need it" Remy replied.
Virgil's cheeks went bright red "Shut up! What I want is M's real name! And Where MI6 keeps all their documents and files because I know you have info about me and my dad there and I want to destroy it!"
"M's real name is Gilbert Dickface!" Remus loudly announced. He forced a fake smile on.
"That's not a real name you...you....idiot!"
He held out his hands while an angry grimace played on his face. Theo happily handed him a large hammer. The teenager laid out the rings on the table and made sure the agents were looking at them before smashing them to bits.
Neither of them even winced. Remus' mom was literally a jewel smuggler. This just meant they got to have yet another romantic ring choosing date.
"Want to try some malachite stones this time 009?"
"I would love to 008"
Virgil pouted and dropped the hammer on the floor. He picked up a knife instead. He grabbed onto Remy's jaw and pulled their head close.
"Alright you're going to tell me or I will cut up your stupid Remus"
Remy had a smug smile on their face "Sure Jan"
"Can I request a cooler torture scene?" Remus asked "Maybe a shark pool....red laser table.....giant hotel slowly being put on fire....Being strapped to a rocket and launched into space without a space suit if I don't say the info sounds cool! Just some suggestion! Totally brainstorming here!"
Virgil hit him over the face with the back of the knife. "Maggots like the people at MI6 don't deserve to have info about me or my dad. I want it gone as soon as possible so tell me!"
"Your bitch of a dad can go shove a cactus so far up his ass it comes out of his nose!" It'd hadn't been that hard for Remus to put together that if Virgil was the kid who'd been there when Roman died then his dad had to be the leader of Enfuel...Aka the man who'd murdered his brother.
"Shut up!!"
"Girl Isn't that like the opposite of what you want us to do. Real bad interrogation you got going on otherwise. Can't even call this torture"
"I'll hurt Remus if you don't stop saying such stupid things you maggot!"
"Maybe your daddio should have sent out someone better to interrogate us. I mean like no offense girl but you aint exactly threatening. You're as short as like a 12 year old and your voice is cracking like supa intensly"
Virgil didn't even bother to reply. He sent them an angry look while cutting the knife deep into Remus' shoulder. The agent tried to focus on the sight of Remy to ignore the pain.
"Sorry babe" 009 said.
"It's okay dear. I've had worse. I'll just get another sick scar!"
Remy looked over to the teen "What I'm wondering more is how the hell you know 008's name but you don't know mine"
Virgil stagnated and glanced over to Theo. His smile grew a bit, showing off his sharp yellow teeth. Theo broke out into a laugh. A cold and controlled one. The kind you could imagine hearing before being shot to death.
"Oh you can't be serious" Theo exclaimed between chuckles "How can you expect your husband to be a 00 agent and not be known among the underworld when he's the son of James Bond!"
Remus froze "Exscuse you I don't acknowledge that cunt as my parent! I've never even met the guy! I was raised by 1 mother and her many many girlfriends and wifes! If anything you should know my name 'cause of my link to the Octopussy conglomerate!"
"You mister should be happy I don't know you because you're an octopus pussy or whatever" Theo replied "Literally every professional henchman I've met at least knows someone who's been fucked over by the Bond bitch before he disppeared. I know at leats 2 guys! One of which is dead because of him!"
"Exactly!" Virgil added "Honeslty when Theo told me about this Bond guy I thought you would be harder to catch. But nope! Easy as murdering a baby!"
"I'm glad I'm nothing like my 'dad'!" Remus spat back "For one I'm gay so I won't go around and imprenate women I don't give a shit about! And secondly I'm ace so I won't be impregnating anyone!"
"I literally do not give a flying fuck!" Virgil replied "All I care about is getting you two to talk"
Virgil's eyes darted around the room before stopping on Remy. He stared at them as if his eyes would pierce through their skull.
"You know what-"
His stare was cold as he stabbed the knife deep down into Remus' thigh.
It was enough to make Remus let out a whine. He bit his tounge and gritted his teeth to keep himself silent. Blood was already running down from the wound. He could hear it dripping down onto the floor.
"Since you clearly don't care if I hurt him-"
Virgil left the knife in the agent's thigh. He moved his hand into his hoodie's inner pocket and took out a pistol. He held it up against Remus' forhead. The metal was cold against his skin.
"I'll just kill him if you don't tell me the adress of where all of MI6's info is"
Remy glanced at Remus. He was starting to look lightheaded from hanging upside down and the slow blood loss. They bit back bile that had formed in their throat from seeing their love in pain.
"You'll just kill him anyway" They replied coldly "And I doubt your bitchass could even-"
Theo hit them at the back of their head so hard it left them dizzy. He pushed past them and grabbed onto the barrel of the gun. With a twist of his wrist he'd forced it out of Virgil's hand.
"I do the killing"
"I can do it!! I'm not some wimp! They're just things in our way anyway! Their deaths mean nothing!"
Theo hunched down slightly so they were eye to eye "Kid. Go. To. Jaws. I'll come get you in 20 minutes. You can choose what's for dinner afterwards okay?"
"Even waffles?"
"Even waffles yes"
Virgil rolled his eyes "Fine. But if you don't come back with their maggot blood on your hands I'll let Jawsie chew them up!"
"Sure kid" Theo moved to ruffle his hair but Virgil had already turned to storm out of the room.
Theo waited until the sound of footsteps were further away while slowly rolling up his sleeves. Normally Remy would have made some crude joke but the numb look in the man's eyes as he checked the gun made them bite their tounge. It wasn't that he'd killed before, they all had, it was that he saw it as just another day of work.
"The address please" He said coldly. The gun was pressed to Remus' temple.
"It's up your ass!" Remus chuckled out. His eyes were blood shot from hanging upside down.
Without hesitating Theo picked up the crowbar and slammed it into Remus' ribs. He hit hard enough so even Remy could hear a bone break in two. The agent bit into his cheek to keep himself quiet but pained whimpers still slipped out.
"For every thing either of you say that isn't the answer I want I will break another one of his ribs. And once I'm done with the ribs I'll move onto the fingers. You get the deal" Theo warned.
Remy gripped onto the wooden arm of the chair so hard their knuckles turned pure white. Their legs were desperatly straining against the ropes.
"You're favoriting him! You're getting your rocks off to hurting the 'son of Bond' or whatevs. Just- just don't just- You can hurt me instead!"
Theo shook his head "Didn't I just tell you what would happen-" He hit the crowbar into the agent's side once more. Remus couldn't stop a hoarse yell from leaving his mouth. "If I didn't get my answer!"
The bodyguard playfully poked at the agent's broken ribs. Remus did a feeble attempt at biting his hand which only resulted in Theo punching him so hard he got a nosebleed.
Remy glanced between Theo's stone cold expression and Remus' bloddy face and vacant eyes. They gritted their teeth together in thought.
Remus let out shallow breaths as his bones ached. With each gust of wind that rocked him back and forth in the air his ribs cracked and hurt. When he closed his eyes all he could see was Roman.
"Okay okay gal I-I-" Remy began.
Theo gripped onto the crowbar.
"WAIT NO STOP!" Remy's voice was shrill and desperate "I'll say just- just- I know once either of us says somethang you're probs gonna kill one of us and keep the other to try and I dunno torture more info out of? keep as inscurance-"
"Get to the point. I don't have all day. I have a traumatized teenager to look after"
"008 has been an agent longer than I have. He knows more. So- please- just- if you're gonna shoot someone just shoot me instead. Please" Remy begged.
Remus' eyes widened. He tried to fight himself free from the restraints "No! No! Don't hurt them!"
Theo looked between and seemed to think for a moment before turning towards Remy. He grabbed a handful of their hair and forced their head back. The barrel of the gun got pressed against their neck, his hand laid dangerously on the trigger.
Remus kept screaming for him to stop. To not hurt his lover. To please just kill him instead. Tears were rolling down his cheeks.
"Say the address" Theo said with a cold tone "Don't worry. I won't hurt your husband more than I have to. Even if he's the son of Bond, I can't imagine how I would feel if someone hurt my wife"
Remy shone up into a sly smile "Oh trust me, you won't have to apologize"
They thrust their entire body back making the chair jolt back too. Theo let go of them out of surprise. Remy took the chance and used the momentum to move themself forward. They put all their power on their toes and lunged forward.
Their forehead crashed into Theo's head. The bodyguard stumbled back as Remy, along with the chair, fell down on the ground.
Remus took his chance. Adrenaline was spearing him on as he swung forward in the air and bit onto Theo's right ear.
He didn't let go even as Theo fumbled his handss around. Remus forced his teeth down and ripped his ear straight off.
Theo let out a pained scream. Remy pushed their hands against the ground to make themself and the chair move to slam right into the back of Theo's knees. He fell down on the ground.
Remy didn't even give him a chance to get up. They landed the chair over his head. A whimper was all that got out before Theo passed out. Blood was running from where his ear used to be.
The agents looked at each other and smiled. Remus spit out the ear and it morbidly landed on the ground.
Remy managed to crawl over to the nearest knife. Their wrist nearly popped out of it's socket with the way they had to bend it to cut the ropes but it was worth it. They quickly cut the rest of the ropes and got up.
"I'm so glad you're okay honey. I love you" Remus beamed.
"Love you too. With all my heart"
They held onto his shoulders as they cut the ropes so when he fell down they lightened his fall. He tried to stand up but his knees buckled umder him. The knife was still stuck in his thigh and it felt like needles were being pressed into his ribs. Choked back whimpers left his throat.
the couple held onto each other in silence for a few seconds. Remus cupped their cheeks and kissed thier forehead while crying. Remy tried to send him a warm smile but couldn't help but worry about his injuries
"Should we kill him?" Remy whispered while glancing over at Theo.
"He has a family. We can't. We should-"
Remus never got time to finish the sentence. Loud footsteps came from the other side of the door.
0 notes
demonjeans · 7 years
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on: writing, art, gifsets, whatever.
I was tagged by @rocknrolleigns Thank you! This looks fun! (And really any excuse to talk about fics and not have to write them…)
I Wanna be Adored
Ambrollins AU
Seth is about 19 in this, living with his mom, decides the best way to make a living is sex work. He tells himself it’s to help out his mom, make a better life for them. Really he’s in the depths of a sex addiction, a need to be touched, given attention, being adored. (ha haaaa get it? Geeeet it?) Second problem is he’s gotten himself in deep with Hunter who wants him for his own all while Seth is falling in love for the very first time with Dean.
This was/is my first story actually and I’ve fallen in and out of love with it. I am determined to finish it though. I could say there’s not many chapters left but I’m probably a liar.
Dont Love Me Too Much
Ambrollins AU
Oh boy, another attempt by me to write a Dean detective story. Dean’s a private eye sent by Seth’s parents to a small/quiet town in the woods to find their son who is presumed dead. But he’s not dead and he’s a total brat.
It sounds fun but somewhere all my energy drained from this story and I have little to no interest returning to it. It may take a permanent residence on the shelf, we’ll see what happens.
And I’ll Cry if I Want to
Ambrolleigns AU
An end of the world story. Seth is a carefree and careless person who for the most part has led a very vapid hollow life. He knows and understands this as the world’s coming to a close but tries to play it off like it’s no big deal. He’s been hiding out in his swanky apartment waiting for the end when Dean and Roman show up looking for a place to stay.
I’m sad I haven’t continued this lately, it’s one of my favorites and I’ve had a lot of fun working on it in the past. Spoiled brat Seth is the best Seth.
Unnamed Rolleigns AU
This is more vague. A oneshot I’ve been scribbling in the mornings. They’re teenagers. I think it’s the 80s (I’M A GIANT STEREOTYPE). Seth moves into Roman and Dean’s neighborhood. Roman is smitten with this little punk from the start. All I want is Seth sharing his Ramones tape (Rocket to Russia) with Roman and Roman listening to it ten times over cause it’s Seth’s.
I tag my partner in crime @xshieldsterx ! #movitaveandannihilate!!!
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claymorexpunisher · 1 year
Liberación- Ch.3/? (WWE Fic) (18+)
Summary: Harper and Drew started Liberación as a way to heal. And it slowly became bigger than they could've have ever imagined...
Main Pairing: Damian Priest/OFC.
Side Pairings: Drew McIntyre/OFC, Roman Reigns/OFC, Finn Bálor/OFC, Rhea Ripley/Liv Morgan, Rhea Ripley/Buddy Matthews.
Side Characters: various.
Tags: 18+, praise kink, daddy kink, size kink, kink negotiation, consensual kink, consensual non-consent, BDSM, knife play, light blood play, bratting, hair-pulling, breeding kink, and more.
Total Fic Word Count (so far): 18,342
Prev. Chapter
~Harper's POV~
‘’Open the door, Harper.’’ Drew said, surprising her.
‘’But-‘’ Harper began.
Drew shook his head, his bright blue eyes firm and filled with a determination that she and Tatianna hadn’t seen in a while.
Harper didn’t wanna do this.
She would much rather drag this woman by the hair down the streets of my neighborhood and let everyone know just what she thought of her than open that door.
As Harper came face to face with Monica, it took everything in her not to lunge at Monica and claw her face off.
‘’What are you doing here, cabrona?’’ Harper hissed at her.
The innocent look Monica responded with was what ultimately sent Harper over the edge.
But, before she knew it, Harper was being dragged away by Tatianna and she locked them both in Harper's bedroom.
‘’What is your problem, H?!’’ Tatianna exclaimed.
‘’Drew doesn’t need this right now. He needs us to be there. Not to make things worse!’’ she continued.
Harper let her shoulders droop as she plopped down onto her bed, and she buried her head in hands.
Her pounding heart began to slow down as she took a few cleansing breaths.
Harper didn’t answer Tatianna for a couple seconds while she tried to gather herself.
‘’I just can’t stand it when people play dumb! You know that!’’ Harper raved. ‘’She knows what the fuck she did to him! And she has the audacity to come looking for him?’’
And then Harper had a thought.
‘’Or... did- … He can’t seriously be thinking about taking her ass back- ‘’ that made Harper lunge towards the bedroom door again but once again, Olivia blocked the way.
‘’H, you seriously need to relax... this needs to be his decision- I know. I know you don’t like that. I don’t either. But what else are we supposed to do?’’
‘Uh- kick her ass?’ Harper wanted to say.
She knew she was being a child.
A child with a hot temper that she found hard to control sometimes, especially when it came to the people she loved.
So instead, Harper stayed silent, and she listened to the quiet murmurs coming from the living room.
And then she and Tatianna heard the front door close and there was a knock at Harper's bedroom door, followed by the sound of Drew’s voice letting them know that they could come back out into the living room.
Tatianna threw one last warning look at Harper, before she urged for Harper to follow her back into the living room and Harper finally trudged behind her, giving Drew a weary look.
‘’I would say sorry about that, but I’m not so I won’t.’’ Harper said stubbornly and Drew chuckled.
The sound warmed Harper and Tatianna from the inside- for entirely different reasons- and Harper let Drew see a tiny smile against her lips in response.
‘’I know. But she won’t be coming back so you don’t have to worry anymore. Alright?’’ Drew promised and Harper felt her shoulders relax at that.
What Harper really wanted to do, though, was jump for joy.
But she only nodded instead...
(Next Chapter)
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