#thought it would look cute since they are currently living together
greenmute · 11 months
Tittle cuddle pile to three feathery guys. C:
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reidmotif · 19 days
Dialing up for Trouble
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Summary: Reader and Spencer were fuck-buddies, until Spencer cuts her off quite suddenly. A party and some risque images may be enough to get them back to their old routine.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Content Warning: semi-public sex, sexting, mentions of nude images and descriptions of generic lingerie, masturbation (f!receiving), penetrative sex, semi-dom!spencer
Word Count: 3.5 k
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Clichés bothered me. There was no other way to put it. I’d grown up hating the likes of love triangles, meet-cutes, chosen ones, and right now, I was being reminded more than ever of that hatred because, what the fuck? 
“Too much of a good thing” was the reasoning Spencer had cited when he proposed we stop sleeping together casually, and return to our previous relationship of  “just coworkers”. I’d let him know how ridiculous I found his sentiment, and attempted every possible method to continue our secret rendezvous, but he was absolutely dead-set on his decision, it seemed.
 No more sex. No more late-night calls. None of it. It was all over. All because of a cliche. 
We seemed to agree on one thing, and that was, yes. The sex was fantastic. It really was that good. While I’d never wish weariness on Spencer Reid, I couldn’t deny that in the aftermath of stress and frustration from whatever life had chosen for him, the way he’d deal with that was absolutely electrifying for me.
I’d find myself constantly breathless, pulled into hotel rooms, storage closets- anything resembling the barest hint of privacy, and allow him to use me as he saw fit. I gave him complete trust and control over my body, and in turn, he rewarded me with some incredibly life-changing orgasms. And for what it’s worth, he seemed to get an equal amount of satisfaction out of our hidden trysts, which only made his recent decision that more devastating.  
It’d been roughly a month since we’d had sex, or anything resembling the sort, and I found myself absolutely deprived. When the FBI gave out invitations to its semi-annual gala, I imagined the festivities would be enough to distract me, but I was completely in error for assuming so. Amidst drinks and conversations, there was the occasional lull where I couldn’t help but absentmindedly imagine the feel of his hands over my skin, squeezing the fat of my hips. His lips trailing up and down my neck, focusing on spots only he knew about. The way his hair would tickle against my thighs when he’d bury his head-
The voice breaks me out of my thoughts, and I have to remind myself not to choke on my beverage. There he was. The current subject of my thoughts, standing in front of me, live and in the flesh. Spencer Reid. 
“Hey.” I mirror back, taking a sip of my drink, acting as lax as I could, given the circumstances. “Enjoying yourself?” I ask, gesturing to the party in front of us, the general ambience. 
“You know me.” He replies, pausing for a second, keeping his gaze trained on mine. “Not my scene but.. doable.” 
I chuckle for a moment, understanding perfectly. Spencer wasn’t exactly the most social guy out there. I was honestly surprised he’d chosen to come to this thing at all in the first place. 
“You look nice.” He says, suddenly. “Your dress. It’s nice.” He rushes out the words, as if he’s scared to say them in the first place. 
I smooth down the fabric instinctively, nodding. I try not to let the compliment affect me so much, keeping my head down for a split second to hide the creeping heat emanating from my cheeks. 
 “Thank you. I appreciate it.” 
I surprise myself with my own answer. The silence for that tick is horrible. I appreciate it? Jesus. I couldn’t think of the right words anymore. The correct and witty response that would allow this conversation to flow smoothly. 
 I truly wanted to fuck this man so bad, it made me look stupid. 
And stupid I was, because yet again, I attempted to test the current parameters of our relationship he’d put us on. I swallow my pride, lifting my head to meet his eyes with mine. 
“If you like it so much, you could- you know. Take it off.” I say, biting my lip. There’s a light tease in my voice, but it’s obvious I’m being as forthcoming as I possibly could. No games. No jokes. I didn’t want to dance around it, and I hoped my boldness would reward me as it did previously in the past. 
But no, it seems that fortune does not favor the bold, because Spencer’s immediate response was to shake his head, lowering his voice. He pulled on my arm to decrease our proximity, to the point where it was ensured no passer-bys could possibly hear our conversation. 
“Come on.” He pleads, almost looking desperate.  “I told you we should stop- hasn’t that worked out? We can be coworkers. This works.”
I roll my eyes, letting my displeasure show plainly over my face. “This works?” I say, and the sarcasm is clear in my voice. “Sex worked too, you know.” 
“I know it did!” He says, in a hushed whisper. “But- we can’t. No. It’s not right. Too much of a-” 
“If you finish that sentence, I swear to god.” I say, my expression turning much more volatile. I forcibly shrug his arm off me. “This is stupid.” I continue, trying not to let my voice rise. “I see the way you look at me. I know it was good for both of us. I know you’re thinking about it just as much as I am, so why not!” There’s a hint of hurt in my voice as well. Underneath all the sex, I’d grown to miss the interactions after. The giggles under covers and the feel of his hair in my fingers. I missed him. All of him. 
There’s a miserable pause on his end, and I hold my breath waiting for his next words. Spencer sputters, looking absolutely defeated. “Because- because we just can’t, okay?” He replies, helplessly, stepping back from me, as I’d done with him. “Look. I’m just going to enjoy the rest of the party, okay? Take care of yourself, yeah?” 
Before I can get in another word, demanding a real explanation from the man, he leaves me alone, replaying the words of his confusing outburst in my mind. 
I take a short time to myself, electing to go use the restroom and take a breather from the party, a bit on edge after our exchange. Was it possible he was completely fine with what the loss of our arrangement had done to us? Was I the only one absolutely losing my mind? Any attempt to diverge my attention from the topic proved futile, and  I remained in the closed room, mindlessly adjusting myself in the mirror with no real rhyme or reason. There’s an eventual use of my phone, focusing the camera directly on my face to make sure nothing had smudged or looked off on my face in the time I’d last checked my makeup. In the use of the device, I remembered the pictures I’d taken before coming here. 
The pictures weren’t meant to serve any true purpose. I’d bought new lingerie for this dress, as my previous bras weren’t suited to the cut and shape of the specific piece of clothing, and decided to take a few pictures for myself. It was lacy, and pretty, but nothing truly special. The bra had a slight push-up effect, and the panties were a bit cheekier than my normal, day-to-day undergarments.  The actual lingerie was innocent- harmless, even. Looking at the images right now, though, a salacious idea creeped into my head. 
Under the right circumstances, these could be exactly the catalyst to finally receiving what I wanted. 
I open the messaging app on my phone, finding Spencer’s contact, and beginning to type out a simple message. 
The response is immediate. 
What’s up? 
You good? 
Where’d you go? 
I laugh a little. I imagined him scanning the crowd for me, trying to figure out where I’d gone off to. 
all good, don’t worry
so we’re still sticking to the no sex thing? 
I see his typing bubble pop up, then pause. Then starts up again. 
Trust me, it’s for the better. 
I groan internally. Of course he thinks that. Always thinks he knows what’s good for everyone. 
trust me 
if you knew what i had planned for us
you wouldn’t say that
I feel my phone vibrate in my hand, indicating he was now calling me? I hadn’t planned for this. 
“Spencer?” I remark, waiting for his voice on the line. 
“What do you mean?” He says, quickly. I can no longer hear the bustle of the party in the background, so it’s only reasonable to assume he’s moved somewhere quieter. Still, I ask. 
“Are you around other people?” I murmur, keeping my voice low. 
“No. Alone. What did you mean by your last message?” He repeats, quickly. 
There’s my in. I respond, feigning an unmistakable innocence in my voice. “Mind if I show you?” 
“Show me?” The confusion in his voice is palpable. 
“Show you.” I reply, more definitively.  “Check your messages.” 
I bring my phone away from my ear, electing to send the first picture I saw in my camera roll,  which prominently featured my breasts- a feature of mine I knew Spencer was quite interested in. I return to the call, my heart pounding wildly. 
“Did you see?” I ask, hesitantly, when all I can hear is his breathing on the other line. 
The response is a choked out, breathy mess of a sentence. “Yeah- I did. Jesus.” 
“Want more?” I murmur, biting my lip as the realization dawned on me that this possibly had a chance of working. 
There’s a delay in his words on the line, before I finally hear:
“Yes. God, yes.” 
I grin ear-to-ear, beginning to send an assortment of pictures I’d taken previously in the day. Knowing this was having an effect on him, that somewhere in this party Spencer was sitting alone, his gaze trained on his phone intently, did something to me. He was behaving this way because of my body, because of what I could do to him. 
It was hard not to get wet at the thought. 
“You look so good.” He breathes out, and the desire in his voice is unmistakable. 
“Yeah?” I mumble to the speaker. “You think so?” 
“Mhm.” He murmurs. “You’re wearing this right now?” He asks, seemingly needing that confirmation at this moment.  
“In all its glory.” I try not to giggle before murmuring teasingly, “What, you wanna see?” 
“Where are you?” He asks, suddenly seeming very determined. I can hear the shuffling on the other line, indicating he was now starting to move from where he was currently situated. He was completely, and utterly serious about this. 
“Bathroom, on the left corridor of the entrance.” I say, feeling exhilarated at the thought of him meeting me here. This was happening. 
“Stay.” He replies, and the call cuts. 
There’s an impatient itch that creeps up on me during the two-minute wait for him, before I hear a solid knock on the door, and my name being whispered through the door, belonging to a voice I’d grown so accustomed to and fond of. 
My fingers undo the lock, opening it just enough so that he could squeeze through without drawing too much attention to ourselves right now. 
And as soon as he’s managed in, he’s practically on me, devouring me with a kiss with a passion I’d never felt from him before. My hands go to wrap around his neck, pressing our bodies flush against each other, every ragged breath of his shooting directly to my core, which was now throbbing with need. 
“Fuck. Missed this so much.” He breathes out, gasping for air in between our kisses. I couldn’t so much as get a whimper out, before he’d dive right in again. It’s like he wanted to eat me alive. 
And I’d let him. 
I moan softly into his mouth, starved for more contact between us. It’s as if he can read my mind, because in an instant,  he guides us from the center of the bathroom, towards a wall, slotting his thigh between my legs. He takes a momentary break from ravishing me with his lips, now adopting a slower, more sensual pace as he works down my neck, each soft kiss leaving me craving him even more.  
His hands drift down to my hips, keeping me pinned against the wall as he murmured soft praises. My legs felt wobbly, absolutely taken aback by how quickly I could go weak for this man. 
“You like this, mm?” He mumbles, letting his teeth nip over the lobe of my ear, before switching to a more neglected side of my neck. “Like me that much, mm?” 
I don’t care about the cockiness in his tone. I don’t care how smug I render him. I just need him to continue this, for as long as I can have him. 
“Yes.” I breathe out, my voice higher-pitched than it normally would be. “God. Love this so much.” 
There’s a flash of hesitance from him, as he pulls his face away from my neck, staring at my eyes with his own. I can’t dwell on the pause, because for once, I’m finally seeing him. His hair was absolutely ruined, sticking up wildly in different directions. His cheeks were a light pink, serving to make his features even prettier and doe-like than before. But what got me were his eyes. His pupils were blown out, the normal honey-hazel I’d seen on a daily basis replaced with an absolute abyss of black. The darkness served to cause a surge within me, practically launching forward to meet his lips with mine. 
There are no words required for what happens next, as I feel his hand creep up my back, pulling me away from the wall and towards the closest surface, which happened to be the sink. He guides me to bend over, and I do so with no resistance.
 He could have me, whichever way he wanted, whenever he wanted. All I needed was his touch. 
I can feel him crouch to his knees, slowly reaching under my dress to hook his fingers around my panties, slowly pulling them down. I can feel a string of my arousal clinging to the fabric, and it seems Spencer can too, because he practically moans as he drags the soiled piece of lingerie down my thighs. I step out of them quickly, and turn my head back, fast enough to see him stuff the proof of our debauchery down his suit pocket. 
“Eyes ahead.” He whispers, leaning down close to my ear to nip at the sensitive flesh again. 
“Okay.” I murmur, slipping into a more submissive version of myself that he seemed to bring out in me. There’s a sense of relaxation and excitement all at the same time, and I’m absolutely wracked with lust for him. 
His fingers stroke my clit for a moment, applying pressure in just the right way. The movements are practiced, precise and guaranteed to hurl me off the edge if he continues this way. 
“You’re soaked, sweetheart.” He murmurs, almost amazed,  letting his fingers slip away. “All this for me?” 
I can barely respond, whimpering and nodding. “Yes. Please- Spencer.” I beg, needily. 
“I know, I know.” He replies, and I can hear how pleased he is. There’s a certain delight he derives from my submission, and while in any other circumstance, the smugness he displays would turn me off, right now it only served to further my hunger. 
I can feel him start to work on his belt, sliding the coarse material of his dress pants just enough, so that his cock could spring free. I can’t see it, but I can feel it, his tip sliding through my folds, and I clench at the thought of him finally being inside of me. 
Just when I believed his teasing to be done, there’s a knock at the door, and we both freeze. Spencer swallows, and quickly raises his voice. “Occupied!” 
There’s silence, and that previous sense of lust and content drifts back into our bodies, Spencer’s fingers trace up to my face, and he lets his finger slip into my mouth. I can taste my arousal on his fingers, and there’s a genuine struggle on my end to stay upright. How could I, when the man behind me rendered me so indisposed? 
He draws his fingers out of my mouth. “Good girl.” He whispers.
It seems the universe has other plans though, because yet again- a knock sounds at the door. I can hear Spencer’s groan, and watch through the mirror as he attempts to come up with a response that would give us the seclusion we required. 
My patience however, had worn thin. His cock was right there, and I’d be damned if I was forced to wait any longer. I turn my head towards the door, complacency and submission gone from my voice. 
“Do you mind? I’m trying to fuck him in here!” I say, snarking out the words. 
There’s a silence, and a murmur of mortification on the other side of the door. Footsteps. And then at last, silence. 
Spencer quickly leans down to kiss my cheek, mumbling out an “I love you.” 
Before I can even comprehend the words, he’s guiding himself into me, sliding his cock through my walls, and I have to bite my lip to keep a scream in. He feels so fucking good inside of me, stretching me out in ways no man ever could. I can feel the underside of his cock hitting that spongy spot deep inside of me, and my breathing turns rapid in mere seconds. 
“There we go, relax for me baby, yeah?” He mumbles. “Nice and slow.” 
I moan out my affirmative, gripping onto the sink as I let my jaw drop, eyes squeezing in absolute ecstasy. “So good for me.” He murmurs. “So warm and wet, Jesus.” 
And with that, he starts a pace that works for both of us. It’s hard and fast, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The feel of his cock gliding through my puffy walls is intoxicating, and I can only wonder how I went so long without feeling it. 
It seems Spencer’s having similar  thoughts, because through my moans and his occasional groans, I can feel his grip on my hips get more bruising by the second, marking me as his own. I can hear occasional fragments of words through his noises. 
“Never letting you go. Oh fuck. Fuck.” He mumbles, and despite the overwhelming amount of arousal shooting through me, my heart swells. 
“Me too.” I whimper out, gripping the sink even harder. I can feel my wetness seeping all around us, splashing against my thighs with every movement he drives into me. “Need you so badly.” 
“Rub your clit for me.” He demands, whispering out the words. “Need to see you come on my cock first, pretty girl.” The words are strained, and I can tell he’s doing everything to keep from spilling inside of me prematurely. 
There’s no reason to temporize, and my fingers make their way down to the sensitive bundle of nerves, and the effect is almost immediate. It takes roughly a minute of my incessant rubbing and the feel of him inside me before I’m coming with a soft shout, growing limp against the sink as my muscles twitch and fill me with a deep sense of relief and satisfaction. 
Spencer isn’t far behind me, humping into me a few more times before coming inside of me, the release signified with a loud moan and a sense of warmth flooding my deepest point. He slumps against my back, pressing a few, soft kisses to my neck. 
As we both come down from our highs, I recall the words Spencer mumbled in my ear previously. I let out a self-satisfied giggle, which Spencer smiles at. 
“Mm. What’s that about?” He murmurs. 
“You love me?” I ask, softly. 
A pause. 
“A little.” He responds, voice equally as soft. 
“Is that why you stopped having sex with me?” I mumble out, gently. 
He presses another kiss to the nape of my neck. “Mhm. Please don’t be mad.” 
I let out a soft chuckle. “Not mad. The opposite, really.” 
He pulls me up, causing us both to look at each other. “You feel the same way?” 
I nod, biting my lip. “We could try this out, I think. I want to, Spencer.” 
I stop, and decide I do need to tease him a bit, especially after the sex-less agony he put me through for a month. 
“Though, I do recall someone telling me too much of a good thing can go bad..” 
His lips part in confusion, before he picks up the teasing nature of my words and leans in for a soft, simple kiss. He keeps his forehead on mind, his eyes staring into mine with a gentle reverence. 
“Let’s indulge just this once.” 
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holy shit has it been a long time since i've written a fic!! i'm so sorry?! i've been dealing with life and other assorted things and writing sort of took a backseat in that period of time <3 i hope this was okay. as usual any feedback, likes, comments, reblogs are so so greatly appreciated. i love writing for spencer, and i hope you guys like that writing too <3 i'm sorry that the two previous fics i promised seem to be delayed, i swear i'm gonna write those next, but inspiration sort of just struck on my end f or this, and i hope it was good <3 but yeah!! thank you so much for reading and interacting with this in any way you choose!! i appreciate it greatly!!
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hanjsquokka · 2 months
Slow Down - [ Bang Chan ]
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🎸 SYNOPSIS : There was something about the way he looked at you that made you squeeze your thighs together, your focus faltering as you did his eye makeup. However, your predicament might get a solution when you overhear a conversation you weren't supposed to.
GENRE : smut, strangers to potential lovers
PAIRING : bang chan × fem!reader
CONTENT WARNING : smut (warnings under the cut!), mature language, 3RACHA (yes that is a warning)
AUTHOR'S NOTE : (Part of my Stray Kids × Chase Atlantic series special for their 6th anniversary) Bang Chan!!! I still remember the first time I freaked out over his look in the Thunderous MV (my first one) and I was like holy shit 😭. He soon became one of my biases since I started with 3RACHA first before I learnt about the other members. Despite not watching his lives when they were live, Chan's room holds a special place in my heart. The best leader ♡.
minors dni. if you click read, you agree to nsfw content
SMUT WARNING : no clear dom/sub dynamics, protected sex, piv, fingering, light oral (f receiving), big dick chan agenda, mirror sex, nicknames (baby girl, baby, good girl), reader calls chan as channie, semi public sex? (they're in a changing room but no one else is there), light hair pulling, orgasm denial
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The bass was booming outside of the changing room you were currently in, doing makeup for your favorite band. People were so hyped up for the upcoming 3RACHA performance and you weren't any better.
“Y/n, that's purple — !” Han Jisung yelped, moving away from the cushion pad you were holding in your hand, now dabbed with purple powder.
“Oh my — I'm so sorry Jisung. I'm so out of it today.” You blushed out of embarrassment, fumbling with your things as you got the correct cosmetic product and applied it on him. Your jitters were most certainly caused by the other male in the room, who was currently watching you with a glinting his eyes. Changbin was busy on his phone so you knew to whom the gaze belonged to without even turning around.
Bang Chan.
Or Chris. That was how he introduced himself to you the very first time you met him almost a year ago. Hi, my name's Chris, are you our new makeup artist? Those words played in your head a lot. His voice was so melodic, and his accent only made the feelings inside you intensify. And that was all before you saw what he meant by Chris. He was a completely different man on stage. The first time you saw him perform, you had to excuse yourself to the restroom because your face instantly burned red.
Ever since then, your imagination only grew worse. You dreamed endless nights of him, of how wonderful it would be if he were with you, how he would be in bed. God, just thinking about how his hands could make you see more stars than in the night sky was enough to almost make you drop the brush in your hand.
For this particular performance, held in the elusive 5-STAR club, they were going all out. Which meant Chan dressed in a way that nearly made you faint when you walked into the room an hour ago. Ever since then, he had his sight locked on you as you tried to focus on Jisung, who wasn't making things any easier with how hyper he could get before a show. You swallowed as the man in front of you got up and left, allowing the last of their trio to take a seat in front of you.
“Excited?” You asked him as you started his makeup, trying to make small talk so you could make yourself believe that was the reason he was looking at you like that. Sometimes, you felt as if Chan could read your thoughts, as if a speech bubble hung over your head, dictating your most unholy secrets to him.
“Yeah.” He smiled, dimples on full display that nearly made you swoon. How could he be so charming and cute and then switch to hot and sexy the next minute? “There's so many people who came to see us. I never thought that it would happen.”
You smiled. Another thing about Chan. He was so humble, it had to be illegal. You cupped his jaw so would stay still. “You three are crazy good. You should be proud of yourself.”
“I am.” He replied cheekily, making you chuckle. “Will you stay and watch the show?”
“As always.”
He cracked a wide grin again. “Great. I need my number one watching me.”
His words made your heart stutter, making you almost mess up (again). You avoided the fact that your face was as red as a tomato and continued your job, still talking with him although the intrusive thoughts inside you were screaming to kiss him. Your sane side, however, took over and made sure you didn't attack him and ruin the makeup you had just put on him. He continued to look at you, making you squeeze your thighs together as you tried to play placate the thought of him bending you over the vanity and fucking you.
You were done quicker than you hoped and excused yourself to wash your hands. After spending an abnormal amount of soap to get rid of the purple you accidently almost used, you walked back to their changing room, only to stop in your tracks at the door because of the ongoing conversation on the other side.
“It's driving me crazy!”
“Chan, you've been saying that for a year now.”
“Does she not realize what she's doing? —”
“Her job?”
“Shut up Han. The only thing I want to do to her is bend her over in front of that fucking mirror and —”
“Geez, you're hornier than me.”
You heard footsteps coming closer to the door, so you panicked and ran down the corridor and went into the main club. Your heart was racing along with your mind. Did he want the same thing as you? Goosebumps covered your skin when you thought of the possibility of Chan having the same thoughts as you. You were probably hallucinating (could you hallucinate hearing a person?) and way over your head but a ridiculous idea started to form in your head as the trio took the stage, eliciting roars of excitement through the audience that were awaiting their performance.
They played a few of their own songs as well as your personal favorites — Chase Atlantic covers. Their vibes suited well with the songs and you were addicted to the way Chan sang — you're buried in the pillow yeah you're so loud — from Slow Down. The way he held the mic, sweat glistening on his face and sometimes how it would seem like he looked around for someone and then settled his focus on you made you squirm in the place you were standing.
After the performance, you quickly ducked back into their changing rooms, under the pretense of packing away your stuff but in actuality, you were hoping for a small miracle. Said miracle walked into the room moments later, his presence created an aura you've never felt before.
“Nice work out there.” You said with a smile, putting the makeup brushes in your bag.
“You think so?” Chan came closer to you, you felt his warm breath hitting your shoulder, the heat emitting from his skin sent shivers down your spine. You looked at him through the mirror in front of you, his signature smile was on his face but there was something else you couldn't quite distinguish. Something akin to a blaze burning beneath the kindness of his words. “The crowd was amazing.”
“They were.” You smiled again, heart thudding in your chest when you felt him brush against you. “Where's Jisung and Changbin?”
“Them? Oh, they disappeared after the performance. Probably getting some drinks.”
“So why are you here?”
“I have something much more interesting to do than drinks.”
You chuckled. “Is that so?” You turned around, chest flush against his as you looked him in the eyes, “would that something have to do with me bent over the vanity?”
Your teasing worked perfectly, a red hue spreading across his cheeks, his smile dropped and morphed into surprise. “You —”
“I'm not opposed to it.”
He blinked. “You're… not?” He shifted, moving closer to you. His tone was in stark juxtaposition to the way his hands were clenched in a fist, like he was controlling himself. “Y/n… don't play with me.”
“I'm not playing.” He let out a shaky exhale. “I want this, Channie, please?”
The nickname was his breaking point. He brushed aside the hair falling into your jaws before he cupped your cheek and sealed your lips together in a searing kiss, full of passion and a need to be as close together as possible. Your hands gripped the edge of the vanity as he pushed you onto further, his tongue pushing against your mouth for entrance, which you gladly granted, allowing him to explore your mouth. His free hand moved up and down your back a couple times before stopping at the side of your breast. He had a moment of hesitation before he rolled his thumb over your hardening nipple, making you moan into his mouth. He seemed to have liked that response because he did it again, a little more harshly. He pulled away from your lips when you squeezed your thighs together.
He tutted. “Spread those legs for me, baby girl.” You swallowed and did as he said, parting your legs for his hand to dive between them and rub your core over the fabric of your jeans. You bit your lip, eyes fluttering close at the sensation.
“Touch me Channie, please.”
Moments later, your pants were on the floor and your head was thrown back as his fingers reached deep inside you. “Feel good baby?”
“S-So good, Channie, don't stop —” You moaned, back arching as another digit entered you, scissoring you open.
“Gotta stretch you properly. Such a tight little pussy. So wet.” He curled his fingers at that one spit that made you see stars. Your reaction only made him brush his fingers against that spot again and again, making the band in your belly tighten.
Hearing those filthy words come from his mouth turned you on even more. “All for you.”
“All for me?” He smirked, pumping his fingers a few more times before pulling them out and popping them into his mouth. “So sweet.” You whined at the emptiness and your ruined orgasm. He moved away slightly. “Turn over baby. Wanna see that ass.” You obliged, turning around so you were bent over the vanity, facing the mirror. You could see him in the reflection, pupils blown with lust. He dropped to his knees, his warm breath hitting your core. He licked a stripe along your folds before diving in with his tongue, pulling away yet again when you were close.
“Wanna cum.”
“You will cum baby girl.” He stood up again. “Around my cock.” You heard his pants drop, the buckle hitting the floor with a clank and the sound of a foil being torn open. You couldn't exactly see his dick as he slid the condom on, but you moaned loudly as he rubbed the tip against your folds.
“Don't tease.” You whined as he prodded his cock at your entrance.
“Whatever you say.” He laughed and pushed the tip in. Your mouth dropped open, sounds of pleasure freely spilling from your mouth as he kept inching in.
“You're so b-big.” You felt impossibly full as he bottomed out, a grunt coming from behind you as he waited for both of you to adjust to the feeling. His cock was kissing your cervix already, you felt like you could come just like that. “M-Move, please —”
He nodded and slowly pulled back and snapped his hips forward. “So tight.” He groaned as he repeated the motion again and again. You were long gone already, his dick brushing against all the sweet spots inside you that made your toes curl. “Eyes up. I want you to watch.” He pulled your head up by your hair, lightly tugging at it so you could see your reflection in the mirror. You clenched around him the moment he did that, making him groan and move faster.
“Chan — fuck, so big —” You whimpered, watching yourself get fucked in the changing room, where anyone could walk in and see yourself getting split open by Chan.
“You have — no idea, how long I've been waiting for this.” He pulled out completely before slamming back inside, making you scream out his name. “Fucking you over the the next surface. God, you've been driving me crazy. Swinging that ass around. It's mine, got it?”
“Good girl.” He let go of your hair and instead reached between your legs to find your clit, rubbing harsh circles over it.
“T-Too much. Channie — please, ‘m gonna cum —”
“Cum for me baby.” His harsh thrusts, the stimulation on your clit and you watching everything from the mirror — it all became too much. Fireworks lit up inside you as you came all over his cock, clenching hard as he still moved inside you. Overstimulation sent jolts throughout your body. “Like a fucking vice.” He grunted, before you felt his seed fill the condom. He pulled out and discarded the condom, helping you stand up properly and handed you a water bottle from a nearby table. “I hope that was okay.” Goddamn he really did have a switch inside him.
“Okay? Fuck, Chan that was amazing.”
“Amazing enough to let me fuck you after all my shows?”
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©hanjsquokka | copying, translating or republishing my work is strictly prohibited
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honeylations · 6 months
Prompt: Minjeong, your best friend (and secret crush), lied to her parents about having a girlfriend. You didn’t expect that YOU were the girlfriend. Let’s see how your heart plays out.
Warnings/Notes: loser nerd Minjeong, g!p Minjeong, eventual smut, best friends to lovers
A/N: more loser Minjeong because she’s so cute
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‘Sorry, will be a few mins late!’ Was Minjeong’s last text before you found yourself sitting alone in the Uni’s library for what was supposed to be exam prepping.
However the ‘few mins’ that Minjeong said ended up being almost half an hour and you were close to ditching the plan for a matcha latte, but the taller girl touched your shoulder which almost sent you into cardiac arrest.
“Jesus Jeongie! Don’t sneak up on my like that!”
“I’m sorry for making you wait! Something happened at home so I couldn’t just leave” she sighed and sat beside you.
She was wearing her oversized Minecraft shirt and baggy jeans. Complimented with her old and extremely dirty converses that you told her to throw away. Her short hair was tied into a mini ponytail and her adorable black glasses were taped together in the middle after she accidentally got hit with a basketball in the face.
Oh your adorable nerdy Jeongie :(
“Wanna talk about it?” You asked softly once seeing her stressed state.
She nodded cutely. Like a little puppy. But that thought went out the window when she rested her arm around the back of your chair, leaning closely so no one else would hear what she was gonna say.
Your stomach started to do flips from the close proximity. Her big eyes looked into yours desperately, like she was asking for help.
“Please don’t get mad, Y/n-ie”
“What’s wrong Jeongie?”
She sighed once more and looked away for a split second before meeting your eyes again. My God, she was so hot.
“I may or may not have told my parents that you were my girlfriend…”
That’s when you lost your voice. The air around you felt thick and there was only one way you were able to respond.
You punched her face.
Minjeong grunted and fell out of her seat from the sudden blow. She held her cheek and turned to you in shock. “What the hell Y/n!”
“Are you kidding me Minjeong? What the hell happened for you to lie like that!”
She stood up, still holding her pained cheek. “Both of my sisters got girlfriends leaving me stuck like some virgin loser with no life! What else was I supposed to do? My parents are on my tail and I couldn’t let them know that I’m still refusing to have some human interaction while playing with legos”
You threw a small tantrum. “So what, we just hold hands for the rest of our lives?”
“Look, I just want you to come for dinner tonight. Have some simple conversations with them and it’ll seal the deal. They won’t bother me anymore after”
She was making it harder for you to say no. You wanted her so bad as your girlfriend since you first met but not in the situation she has currently put you in. Letting go of her face, she walked up to you and gently rubbed your shoulders.
You looked up and felt the butterflies again. Why couldn’t the girlfriend thing just be real instead?
“Please Y/n-ie. I really need your help”
Well that was enough to convince you. Talk about being whipped.
“Alright Jeongie. But you owe me big time”
“Yes yes of course! Thank you!” She cutely celebrated and pulled you in for a tight hug.
“I’ll send you my parent’s address. Come at 7 okay? You can even sleep over my dorm afterwards”
“That sounds nice. I haven’t slept over your dorm in a while”
She shrugged. “We get too busy nowadays”
“Yeah we do. Do I have to dress nicely?”
Minjeong looked up to think for a moment before nodding. “Might as well. I’ll dress nice too”
“Alright. Let’s start studying”
You stood at the front door and rang the bell, quickly adjusting the short tight dress just in time for Minjeong to open the door to greet you.
You found yourself stuck in a trance as your best friend revealed herself in a black button up and slacks. The top 3 buttons were undone to reveal the chain necklace you gifted her ages ago.
Minjeong wasn’t wearing her glasses either and her short brown hair wasn’t tied in her usual ponytail. Her hair was free and looking so fluffy as she ran her fingers through it.
“Y/n welcome!” She gave that ever so handsome smile while hugging you.
Her perfume was stronger than usual, almost intoxicating you.
“Jeongie you look so…”
“Different? Yeah I know. It feels a bit weird” she giggled and looked at her own outfit.
“I was gonna say hot but yeah that works too”
Her lips parted adorably. “You think so?”
“Don’t get too happy now” you winked as she allowed you inside and to the kitchen where her parents and two sisters were seated at the table.
“Just go with the flow. It’ll be okay” she whispered in your ear before gently holding your hand. “Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Jang Y/n. Y/n, these are my parents and my two sisters Chaewon and Taeyeon”
You bowed and flashed a bright smile. “Pleasure to finally meet you all!”
“I didn’t think our little JeongJeong was able to pull such a pretty woman” Taeyeon smiled, making you instantly blush.
You felt Minjeong’s hand tighten around yours and you noticed her jaw clenching. Chaewon picked up on it aswell and began laughing.
“Oh relax Minjeong, no one’s planning to steal your girl. Tone down the jealousy”
“I’m not jealous. Come on Y/n, take a seat” she said and pulled the chair out for you to sit on.
She took her own seat afterwards and returned to holding your hand again. “Also guys, please don’t overwhelm my girlfriend with too many questions okay? I’m sure she’s tired already from her uni lectures today”
“Oh you study Y/n?” Her Dad asked with crossed arms as if he was studying you.
“Yes sir, I’m a pharmacy student” you answered proudly, earning an impressed reaction from the family.
“Is that so? May I ask why?”
“My dad currently owns a pharmacy and I hope to open my own after graduation”
“Awe you’re such a sweetheart” Minjeong’s mom cooed, holding your free hand. “Let’s not bother her any longer, honey” She whispered to her husband and then smiling at you again.
“Let’s eat now”
And that’s how the remainder of the dinner went. Chaewon and Taeyeon asked a few more casual questions here and there to get to know you better and surprisingly the 3 of you clicked. You and Chaewon love mint chocolate ice cream whereas you and Taeyeon used to play the violin.
That’s when the two older Kim sisters brought out expensive wine for you to share and then you got a bit carried away from the delectable taste.
Chaewon was slightly worse. Only two glasses in and she was passed out at the dinner table. Taeyeon was more responsible, being the eldest sibling as she took reasonable sips of the liquor. You just chugged every pour and your red cheeks were enough of a sign for Minjeong to confiscate the glass from you.
“That’s enough, Y/n”
“Awe man” you whined and let your head fall onto her shoulder.
“I didn’t expect the dinner to end like this. Sorry Mom and Dad. I promise you she doesn’t usually drink so carelessly” Minjeong smiled sheepishly at her smiling parents
“Sometimes a uni student needs their break” Her mom giggled.
“Thanks for introducing her to us, darling. She’s a gem you need to take care of. If I find out you made her cry, I’m hunting YOU down” Her dad joked, earning a nudge from his wife.
“Thanks guys. It’s time to take her home. I’ll visit you guys again next weekend once exams are over” Minjeong told.
She stood up with you leaning into her arms like a sleepy toddler.
“That sounds lovely. Do bring Y/n again if you can”
“I’ll ask her. Have a goodnight, I love you both”
You woke up during the car ride back to Minjeong’s dorm, feeling a bit dizzy from the wine. “Jeongie?”
“Hey, silly. Didn’t expect you to wake up so soon”
You sat up in the passenger seat and started scanning the view of your supposed to be nerdy best friend driving. She looked so attractive?
She had one hand on the wheel and the other resting on the gear stick, unintentionally displaying the rings on her index and middle finger.
“What’s going on?”
“You’re sleeping over my place remember? Unless you changed your mind. I can drive you to your place instead”
“No no!” You quickly panicked, surprising Minjeong a little.
“Cool. You feeling better?”
The effects of the alcohol were coming back as your eyes did their own thing again, starting from your best friend’s Adam’s Apple down to her unbuttoned shirt and finally…her crotch.
You remember accidentally walking in on her changing out of her pants and seeing quite an impressive size underneath her boxers but that was when Minjeong’s dick was flaccid. It made you wonder the size when hard.
“I’d suck your dick until my jaw dislocates” You randomly blurt out.
Minjeong’s eyes went wide, almost sending the car flying with how hard she slammed on the brakes. “W-What?”
The wine was giving you more confidence than needed so you decided to continue by running a hand from her knee up to her crotch and giving a gentle squeeze. Minjeong’s hands tightened around the wheel as she continued driving.
“Y-Y/n, we’re gonna crash”
“You don’t understand how badly I’ve wanted you, Jeongie” you husked, hand never leaving her bulge.
“Y-You want me?” She cutely squeaked, eyes darting from your hand to the road.
“Always wanted you. The faster you drive us, the faster you get to fucking me, baby” you whispered hotly in her ear and kissing the lobe after.
You found out that same night that Minjeong didn’t like taking things slow. You were both already naked on her bed, her hand wrapped around your throat while she kissed you like she was starved.
She quickly sat up and fished out a condom but you snatched it from her and threw it away. “I want it raw, baby”
“Do you just let anyone fuck you raw?”
“No, just you. You’re all I ever think about”
Minjeong cursed under her breath before kissing you again, already pushing in her cock inside your desperate cunt. Her lips moved to the space on your neck that her hand wasn’t covering, sucking and biting while your back arched.
“Oh my god, Jeongie”
She smirked into your skin and began moving her hips. “My pretty cock sleeve”
Her words, her actions, her tone were beyond your expectations. A loser nerd girl who was also fucking hot under the sheets and knows how to use her dick? There’s nothing else you could’ve wanted.
“Ah!” You gasped at a particular hard thrust, pushing Minjeong’s head closer to your skin that she continued marking.
“Fuck Princess, need you to be mine” she growled and the hand she had on your throat had pinned your wrists above your head, letting you see her biceps under the dim lighting and her hot face, shining with sweat.
Her chain was dangling just above your nose as her movements became rougher. She bit on her lower lip and released a muffled moan that got you clenching.
“Shit. Gonna fucking cum, Y/n-ie”
“Yes please, Jeongie! I want to be yours”
She leaned down to kiss your nipples and then your lips. “Gonna claim you, okay baby? Not only will you be my girlfriend but you’ll be my personal cum dump too. How does that sound?” She smirked evilly, watching you nod.
“Yes yes yes! Fucking have me. I’ll be anything you want!”
“Good” Minjeong simply said before flipping you over with your ass up.
She held your hips and began fucking you from behind like a mad dog, slapping your ass hard enough to leave a mark. You cried into the sheets as you fisted the ruined blanket, looking to the side and seeing the lewd reflection in the mirror.
You could see Minjeong’s lips parted as she destroyed your insides, almost setting them on fire. “Fuck, gonna cum in this delicious pussy of yours, baby”
You chanted a bunch of “yes”’s as the bed started ramming into the wall. Your eyes rolled back and you released a scream, feeling yourself explode your cum all over Minjeong’s big cock, but she continued to pound into you chasing for her own release.
“Fucking take it, bitch” she panted, feeling the familiar tightness in her abdomen. “Holy shit, Y/n!”
You moaned at the warm feeling of her cum fill your insides, certain that it was going to trickle out of you. Minjeong pulled out and kissed your right ass cheek before staring intently at the white liquid escaping your abused pussy.
“I came a lot for a virgin” she chuckled, making your head whip so fast.
“You’re a virgin?!”
“I thought it would be obvious with, you know, the Minecraft shirts, my Roblox merch…”
“You’re a virgin but you literally fucked me like that?!” You said breathlessly.
“Pleasing a woman doesn’t seem so hard. Porn sites are quite educational too” she winked and laid you beside her.
She pulled the sheets over your sweaty bodies and kissed your crown. “So…does this mean you’re my girlfriend now? Like for real?”
You looked up at her and giggled. “Yes it does”
“Yayyy” she scrunched her nose, personality returning to the loser Minjeong you fell in love with.
“I need to build my Lego soon” she added.
“It’s literally 4am”
“I said what I said”
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moodriingz · 1 month
The Prophecy | J. Hughes
Summary | You’ve given up on love until love hits you in the face (with a door) 
Warnings | Unedited, one curse word, (really bad) angst
Author's Note | I finally finished all of my finals! So that means more regular stories so send in requests! This is also part of my 100 follower celebration!
Masterlist | 100 follower celebration
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You never expected to feel so lost in a city you lived in for most of your adult life. You and your college boyfriend broke up after five years of dating. You met early in your freshman year and were stuck together like glue. He made you feel like you caught lightning in a bottle, so much so you were willing to do anything for him. So many of your friends thought you were going to get married and he had been hinting at it since you graduated a year ago.
You were blindsided when he said that he didn’t think you two should be together anymore and basically kicked you out of your shared apartment. Luckily Hannah, your best friend, offered to stay in her apartment until you could find one. 
All you could think was that it was your fault. Why else would he end it so suddenly? He gave you little to no explanation. Even though you were still so young you felt like you would never find a love like his. It was like someone was betting against you. All you ever wanted was someone who wanted your company.
After a couple of weeks you were able to find a new apartment in a different part of town and you never felt so excited or rejuvenated. Hannah was trying to convince you to start dating again, but you told her it was too soon. You were scared someone was betting against your love life and you didn’t want to risk it yet. 
Little did you know when you went to check out a new pizza place you would run into the cutest guy you’ve ever seen. It wasn’t a normal meeting though he almost gave you a concussion by hitting you with the door.
“I’m so sorry, are you ok? How many fingers am I holding up?” The stranger asks as he stares into your eyes looking for any signs of injury. Before you respond you notice his really tall friend recovering the pizza off the ground.
“I’m fine thank- why are you moving your finger in front of my eyes?” You ask confused about what he is doing.
“I’m trying to make sure you don’t have a concussion. You hit your head pretty hard when you fell,” he said, still doing some concussion protocol? You’re not too certain what is happening honestly.
“I think I’m ok I really appreciate it though,” you say finally getting the opportunity to stand up as he backs up. You go to move inside before he stops you.
“Wait what’s your name?”
“Y/n,” You tell him before turning around to enter the shop and order your much deserved pizza.
Later you meet up with Hannah to debrief about both of your weeks. You almost forgot to tell her about the mystery pizza man until she mentions dating to you again.
“Hannah, I'm not going on a date right now. But there was this really cute guy who almost gave me a concussion the other night when I went to get pizza,” You say nonchalantly.
“What? Y/n why didn’t you tell me? What’s his name? Are you going out with him?” She babbles as you roll your eyes.
“No to all of those questions. I felt like such a fool because of my ex and I’m not doing that again.” You say with a shrug. Living alone has really forced you to think about your relationship and you realized that the end of your relationship was most likely your fault, and you definitely do not want to get into another relationship until you figure out how to stop it from happening again.
After dinner you and Hannah decide to hit a club that was only semi full until the hockey crowd filtered in after the game. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits though so the Devils must have won.
Little did you know is that your pizza mystery man was currently walking in the club with some of his teammates to celebrate. Hannah was a pretty big fan and spotted some of them almost instantly.
“Oh my gosh the Devils are here we should go say hey. Maybe you can find a date,” She wasn’t going to take no for an answer so you just let her pull you by the wrist.
Hannah finally stops when she’s face to face with Nico, who you only recognize because of all of his ads around town. Before you can introduce yourself someone calls out your name.
“Y/n,” Your mystery man. He says it shocked like he didn’t expect to see you again.
“You know Jack Hughes?” Hannah whispers into your ear. You just ignore her because maybe it's fate? Maybe it’s a cruel joke?
You don’t even know what to say, you’re so shocked by the turn of events. You never would’ve thought you’d meet him again. You thought your near concussion experience would be the last you see of him.
“I’m Jack by the way,” He says and you’re drawn in by his voice and his eyes that haven’t left yours.
“I think you owe me a drink for almost killing me,” You say, shocking yourself.
“In my defense I didn’t try to give you a concussion, my brother was distracting me,” He says leading you to the bar. You order your regular drink and he does the same before asking you if you’d want to talk for a bit.  
The two of you talked for what seemed like minutes until Hannah came to find you to let you know that she’s leaving. You check the time and realize you should probably leave as well. 
“I had an amazing night thanks for keeping me company,” You say getting up to leave.
“Wait let me give you my number,” Jack says standing up and you nod, handing him your phone.
You walk Hannah home because you’re much more sober than she is and all she can talk about is that you know Jack Hughes.
“You should go out with him, he's so cute and sweet.”
“Hannah I’m not dating right now and you know that,” You say, leading her to her door.
“Yeah I know but you just deserve to be happy, and I really think he would be perfect for you,” She said, drawing out her syllables. You say goodnight and make your way home which luckily isn’t too far from her apartment.
The next day you decide to listen to Hannah and reach out to Jack. You try texting him telling him that you had a great time talking to him last night, but the message never gets delivered. All you can do is feel idiotic. It wasn’t fate to run into him twice (physically or not). You feel so childish thinking maybe this was your chance. 
You blame Hannah for getting your hopes up to think that maybe something could happen. You were starting to think that maybe it was some cruel joke fate was playing on you. You were almost compelled to pray to change your prophecy, but then you just started feeling even more insane. But, there must be a way to change it, right?
Later in the week you decide to work out of a cafe nearby and feel like the universe is playing some sick joke on you. As you look up your eyes meet with a pair of blue eyes staring you down. You smile shyly at the hockey player not knowing how to respond to someone who never responded to your text. Jack took that as an invitation to join you.
“You never called,” He says as he sits down.
“I texted but you never responded,” You say nervous you’d get turned down in person this time.
“What are you talking about? I was so excited to see you again because I wanted to get your number the first time we met but I thought it would be weird if I asked after almost giving you a head injury. I would’ve noticed if you texted me,” He rambles and you just pull out your phone to show him the message. He clicks around on your phone until his eyes get wide.
“I gave you the wrong number,” Jack says with a blush on his face. You feel that maybe your tables are turning. Instead of fate working against you, maybe they just wanted you two to meet a couple of times.
“Third times a charm right?” You smile at him as he fixes his number in your phone. You two fall into conversation once again before he checks the time.
“I have to go but I can’t leave until you agree to go on a date with me,” Jack says with a hopeful gleam in his eyes. You just nod knowing that someone was finally betting on your love life.
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Sumeru men when they hear you sing in the shower.
Characters Included: Cyno; Tighnari; Alhaitham; Kaveh
Content: Gender neutral reader; little bit of teasing; established relationship; otherwise just fluff really
Word count: 1,2k words
Have fun reading!
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The first time it happened was fairly early into the relationship, when he was staying over
You told him you wanted to shower before going to bed, since you had a long and exhausting day
Cyno promted to wait for you in the living room, halfheartedly reading a book placed in his lap, when he suddenly began to hear noises coming from the bathroom
at first, it just sounded like unintelligible mumbling to him but when he put his book down and listened to it a bit more closely, he could make out some sort of rhythm to it
and when he concentrated even more, he could make out your voice, recognicing the words you said to be some song he had heard a few times
now realizing what you were doing in the shower, he couldn't help the smile that formed on his lips
the book now completely forgotten, he listened to your singing, although he did have to concentrate on it to be able to understand you properly
after a few minutes, he noticed the water turn off, telling him that you were done with your shower now
he quickly grabbed the book again, pretending to have been reading this whole time while he waited for you to come out
You walked into the living room, dressed in your pyjamas, your hair still wet from the shower
You see him sitting on the couch, deciding to sit yourself on his lap and snuggling up into his chest
he smiles as he abandons the book completely now, putting his arms around you
he contemplates wether to say something or not, but when he thought about you stopping your little performances if he commented on them made him shut his mouth
It would have to be his little secret...
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when Tighnari realized that you usually sing in the shower, he found it extremely cute
for a long time, he would lean against the wall outside the bathroom to listen to you more clearly
he knows that this probably would look wrong if you ever found out about this, but he was careful to never let that scenario happen
he always made it a point to quietly but quickly get away as soon as he heard the water get turned off, so as to not be discovered
this time however, he wanted something else
you were currently showering again, Tighnari as usual outside, listening to your singing
he found your singing voice to beautiful and calming to listen to, but he wanted to hear it directly now, and not just through the closed door
So, hoping that you wouldn't kill him for doing this, he quietly went into the bathroom, closing the door behind him
your back was facing him and you haven't noticed him entering, peacefully continuing your performance
Instead of just listening to you like this, Tighnari decided to slip out of his own clothes, slipping under the shower beside you
You jump at the sudden presence of another person, their arms snaking around your waist
You soon relax as you realize that it's only Tighnari, but soon after, you realize something else and your face combusts in all shades of red at the embarrassement
"Please, darling, don't stop. I truly adore your singing. Continue, please?"
he rested his head on your shoulder, holding you in the embrace
you however, not being able to deny him anything, continue the song with a bit of a shaking voice, but soon get used to him and his presence, so it doesn't really bother you anymore. It's just Tighnari after all...
From now on, he always insists on joining you when you shower. He claims it's to preserve water, but you and him both know the true reason...
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Living with Alhaitham actually turns out to be pretty chill
The chores are evenly split up and each of you always takes care of them without fail
You spent a lot of time together, yet you also implemented a rule where each of you can spend some time alone and relax a bit for themselves if you wanted to
this rule was rarely used but either of you respected it when the other wanted to use it
right now, Alhaitham made use of it, telling you that he just needed a bit of time to destress
you agreed, telling him that you would take a shower in the mean time
Alhaitham stayed in the living room, deciding to pick up and continue the book he was currently reading to blow off some stress, his headphones resting beside him on the couch. He figured he wouldn't need them right now, since Kaveh was out of the house for the evening
While he was drowning in the pages of the book, he suddenly realized that certain sounds were coming from the bathroom
Confused, he lowered his book, listening more intently now
The thing is, this wasn't the first time you showered at his place, by far not. But, he had to admit, he never had his headphones off at those times. This was a first
Had he known, he would have taken them off much sooner, the sound of your singing voice relaxing him more than that book ever could
relaxing into the sofa, he leaned back a bit, closing his eyes and just listened to you like this
When you imerged again, you saw him still on the couch in his half sitting, half laying position
you giggled as you saw that. "Did you calm down?"
"Yes, I did. Thanks to you and your relaxing voice. That was a good choice of song, by the way."
Realizing what he meant by that, you were horrified. Your cheeks turned a bright red and you quickly turned and ran into his bedroom, hiding yourself under the covers from the embarrassement
He apologized to you but still managed to convince you to keep doing it... which you only agreed to reluctantly
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I think he would find out about that little detail about you rather quickly
and no, he is not going to make fun of you or talk bad about it in any way
because he also belongs to those people who sing under the shower
Any tune he hears during his day, it often gets stuck in his head, making him hum or sing along to it the entire day, no matter where he is
so when he learns that you also do that, he would be over the moon that he's not alone with this habit anymore
from now on, there are only two possible outcomes when it comes to showering:
Number one: he joins you in taking a shower and you both have a full on performance in there, holding imaginary microphones, imagining staying on a big ass stage with a cheering audience
it's always such a fun time and you guys end up spending almost an hour in the bathroom
Or, number two: you shower while he is still out and he comes home to you singing under the shower alone. Now, he either starts to sing along to you loudly, making his presence known to you as you start to sing louder as well. OR, he stays silent, waiting for you to finish and when you exit the bathroom, he picks up the song where you left off, prompting you to join him in singing again
overall, it is a very fun and comforting experience to share with Kaveh
he would always compliment your singing voice and how much he loved to listen to it
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jymwahuwu · 9 months
I have an idea. A self-aware au. What if Jing yuan/Blade is aware of darling's affection for him since they would log in the game and just see him and just admire them that is until Genshin drops 4.1 trailer and saw Arlecchino and Neuvillette and now they're envious of these two taking away their darling's attention.
It's just an interesting idea tho. But in actuality I'd think neuvillette and him would be friends or somewhat
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Hello, this anon has similar thoughts!! Put them together to answer >_< I think they will be really jealous of the genshin impact characters who are stealing your attention lol. Jing Yuan's jealousy is more harmless (seemingly), while Blade's is more aggressive (?)
This is my first time writing a self-aware AU, hope you like it!!
CW: yandere, self-aware au
Jing Yuan and Blade have their own lives.
When you're not with them, when you're not in front of the screen or looking at them with a smile or wonder. They are handling the work/tasks of the Seat of Divine Foresight/Stellaron Hunters. Blade, Silver Wolf and Kafka were practicing the new "destiny" script and took away another Stellaron. Jing Yuan is managing Luofu and attending meetings. How strange. Once you click on the space screen to enter the game, they can see your face. You organize your team and do daily tasks with them.
At first, they thought it was some kind of prank or a conspiracy, but over time they got used to it. In Elio's words, "The world is like a video game. No one can prove whether the world is real or false. Feeling the current destiny is the most important thing."
For Jing Yuan, he just got familiar with your personality. He confirmed that your presence would not put Luofu in danger, and that you acted like a cute kitten playing with a ball of yarn. You can control Luofu's General and Stellaron Hunter, and all you do is wander around Xianzhou and buy snacks to feed them, break every poor object on the way, fight to get some rewards, take the books on the table, etc.
You didn't forget to "build" them either. They watch you search for "Jing Yuan", "Blade", "build", "guide" and other keywords on the Internet, and take them to fight again and again to get materials to upgrade. Although they have actually participated in some wars and have terrible strength, what you see here is "lv 1-80".
You really like them, otherwise you wouldn’t pull, right? You even take photos of them while wandering around the map. Jing Yuan snickered when you took Blade to take a selfie in front of his wanted poster. The general is not shy about giving you a smile either. They know your admiration because you always take more than one photo.
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Until… recently, they noticed that you weren't online as often. At one point, you log in again, and then, as if you thought of something important, you search "genshin impact" on Youtube (they know the name of the site) and start watching trailers and special programs.
What's this?
You stared intently at those…those people. White curly bangs, long hair like a waterfall, and his gorgeous and decent attire. The other man has short black hair. He punches enemies in live. A woman with short gray and white hair smiles confidently.
Jing Yuan opened his eyes wide, not expecting you to be so "frivolous" - did you plan to be unfaithful to him? You found Jing Yuan pouting at you in the game, but you thought you were hallucinating, so you gave him immortal's delight and puffergoat milk to comfort him. Blade clicked his tongue, crossed his arms in boredom, and stopped observing what you were doing on the other side of the screen. Silver Wolf and Kafka teased him about whether he was separated from the little player? Jealous? You're surprised to notice that his damage has been doubled. While on a mission, Blade almost lost control and killed a person on the script. His eyes as red as candlelight flashed, and he almost swung down the sword in his hand.
They are all looking for opportunities to get close to you. That part of Xianzhou's large computer installation called "loom" is running, investigating and analyzing you.
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freemansgirl · 8 months
“get naked, i got a plan.”
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pairing: amber freeman x fem reader
genre: smut
summary: reader confides in amber to make her mask & costume kink sex fantasy come true.
words: 4.6k (enjoy the details 🙈)
warnings: knife kink (ambs fucks you w her knife handle, cuts your tits with it, and holds it against your neck), mask kink, degradation kink (use of “slut”), praise kink, reader gets her tits sucked, amber talks abt wanting to kill men for you, cowgirl position (you’re riding her), bottom!amber.
a/n: halloween special for you guys, happy halloween 🖤
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on this exciting halloween night, the air was charged with a unique blend of spooky anticipation and joyful excitement. in order to live it up this amazing, scary holiday, what better way is there to do that other than partying at your girlfriend’s place?
it was the perfect opportunity since amber’s parents were currently gone for the night, which gave her the idea to throw the party while having you help her host it, it being the two of you’s idea. amber always knew how to throw the best parties, the guests and her friends always had the best time of their lives when participating at them. you and her always had a lot of fun such as dancing together (mainly you dance on her) and getting drunk together for shits and giggles.
when you had hit some liquor in your system, you found yourself being really touchy feely with your girlfriend and you wanted her and only her right now. she was constantly whispering sweet nothings in your ear while you grinded your hips against hers to the rhythm of the beat. your ass underneath the black tutu of your witch costume just pressing against amber’s dick made her get so hard. she wanted you so bad that she shamelessly started to attempt rubbing her finger against your clothed, wet pussy under your tutu at one point. she could care less knowing majority of these drunk or/and high teenagers weren’t paying attention to anything around them.
she just couldn’t help herself at all, you were too hot for her to keep her hands to herself. it’s not like you didn’t mind either when both of you were infatuated with just how hot the other looked in their costume, so this was okay. your enchanting, sexy black witch costume matched perfectly with her intimidating, mysterious ghostface costume. amber thought you looked so hot in it, the wide-brimmed hat, your black t shirt exposing your bust perfectly, your thighs looking sexy in your mesh black, thigh high socks, and the way your black tutu bounced everytime you walked, made you looked so good.
usually, you’d tell amber to stop teasing you because “people are looking” but she was wearing a ghostface costume, anonymous to anyone so you weren’t too worried. not to mention, it was pretty packed in this party so no one could really see you guys getting dirty on the dance floor. your girlfriend was really jealous and couldn’t help but let her possessiveness take over. she caught so many prying, inappropriate eyes dawning down on you, watching your every move. she hated seeing all of those people look at what was hers, which would cause her to glare at them or make threatening gestures (the main one being she’d drag her index finger across her neck to mock a “knife slicing throat” emote) towards them behind your back.
you had this sudden burst of confidence due to the liquor consumption, enjoying all of the attention that amber have gave you when you were moaning so subtly. thank god the music was so loud that no one could hear all of the cute, lewd noises that you released for your girlfriend. as amber understood your needs, she wanted to kick everyone out of the party so it was only just you two.
as the clock hit midnight, you guys began to thank everyone for coming out to this party and wished everyone a good night. the atmosphere was now a blend of playfulness and excitement as the two of you started to go up to amber’s room, ready to fuck. you guys will have to clean up the mess of the party later, needs and wants always come first. seeing all of the costumed guest leave brought you guys a sense of intimacy leading up to a deep, lustful makeout session.
“finally, some alone time, am i right?” amber smiled, cupping your cheeks. she starts to pull the chin of the ghostface mask upwards, moving it back some so she could lean in for a kiss. there was a mischievous gleam in his own eyes, displaying her own growing excitement while she looked at how pretty you looked. you start to nod, smiling when you wrap your arms around her neck as your lips meet her own in what starts off as a soft, lingering kiss. the two of you closed your eyes, feeling lost in each other’s embrace.
then, the kiss deepened as it began to feel intense and hungrier, while amber’s free hand gropped your soft, bare ass right under the tutu like she was doing earlier. you let out a gasp which causes her to explore deeper inside of your mouth, dominating the kiss and she starts to push you towards her bed. the two of you pulled back from the kiss, your eyes meeting with lust and satisfaction from this make out session. there was a share of panting between you two.
“you are so sexy, baby. maybe, you really are a witch with the way you got me in a trance when i see you.” amber complimented you, studying your beautiful features and also your witch outfit. she started to hover on top of your body, planting small kisses over your neck to chest. she was thankful that the party was over so she can just have some one on one time with her girl. the make out session was very much needed, considering the two of you couldn’t keep your hands off of each other the whole night.
“you think that’s a trance? you haven’t seen nothing, yet. get naked, i got a plan.” you whispered seductively, looking up at the girl dressed in the ghostface costume. amber pulled away with a pretty shocked expression on her face when hearing you say this, wondering what plan is there. “and what plan is that, love?” she smirked at you, raising a brow to see what is there to come out of your mouth.
you start to sit up, using your elbows to prop you up so you’re sitting up on the bed properly to face your girlfriend. you wanted to have a proper conversation here, serious and all, no bullshit. the only issue is… how could you tell your girlfriend that you wanted her to fuck you in her ghostface costume? your liquor courage from earlier wasn’t here to help you out, it was you, the real, sobered you. your girlfriend studied your features, she can tell you looked worried and she didn’t understand why the sudden mood change. she wouldn’t mind stopping and just going to sleep with you to show how much of a respectful, caring girlfriend she is.
“what’s wrong, (your name)? if something’s bothering you, we can stop.”
your girlfriend rubbed your shoulder with a reassuring look on her face, to show how much she cares about your consent and well-being. as a result of this, you give her a sweet smile and shake your head at her.
“no, it’s not that… lately i…” you trailed off, no longer looking at your girlfriend and you’re looking down at the ground now, out of shyness, before looking back up at amber. “i been wanting to try new things in sex with you, if that’s okay? the sex with you is always amazing, don’t get me wrong, ambs. i just.. wanna spice things up. so with that being said, could you fuck me in your ghostface costume? since it fits the halloween spirit and all….?”
your eyes started to turn into big, doe ones as you stared into her dazed, dark brown ones while she’s processing the information you just told her. you innocently bat your eyes at her, hoping it would convince her. with eyes like yours, how could she even say no? the way your girlfriend stared at you with her eyes now suddenly shocked at this information you told her, worried you. should you just take back everything you said now?
these are the words amber could only respond with right now. she was really shocked to hear you even ask for such a request. she wasn’t complaining, hell, she was turned on by the fact that you even asked! she would’ve never thought in a million years that you would ask her to fuck you in her ghostface costume. especially considering that you hated when she would playfully prank you when she would jump out in her costume around her house or the fact that she would joke about fucking you in her ghostface costume once you found out she was ghostface. of course, she never did fuck you as ghostface because she knew how much you hated that costume and she also doesn’t want to hear you complaining about the suit being a turn off as she fucks you.
at first, you disapproved of her being ghostface for self explanatory reasons but you had no choice but to stay with her. knowing amber, she wasn’t gonna let you out of her sight that easily due to her overbearing possessive nature. over time, you had no choice but to accept this but a part of you was… actually turned on by her costume and mask the more you seen her wear the costume. at this point, you couldn’t stop your mask kink from forming and turning into something more, you accepted it.
“you heard me, ambs. cmon, stop playing dumb before i change my mind.” you sighed, a frown was drawn on your lips while you crossed your arms. there was a hint of blush that came across your skin, showing that you felt embarrassed and flustered for even bringing up the suggestion to her. you started to turn away from her but she grabs you by your body and makes you turn back to her.
“no, baby, don’t hide yourself from me. don’t worry, i’m not complaining, it’s just i didn’t know how much of a freak in the sheets my girlfriend was.” amber spoke, lightly laughing before a smirk was plastered to her face. she was right, yes you were definitely freaky, but not this freaky that it caused her shock. there was a blush on your face when she called you a freak. honestly, she loved this so much, seeing you all flustered and shy asking her to fuck you in her costume. at the sound of her words, you feel yourself getting really excited because you’re getting what it is that you asked for.
that’s when she started to actually undress herself underneath the black ghostface robe, taking off her jeans and boots so she can kick them to the side. she moves onto pulling the robe over her head, so she can remove the black t-shirt and her bra she was wearing now. she pulls down her boxers, her 8 inch dick was showing. after she’s fully undressed, she puts her robe back on and pulls her mask over head, covering her face.
at the sight of her getting fully invested into this ghostface costume, you felt your panties dampen with a moist liquid. you were already wet from earlier when amber was touching you underneath your tutu, but damn you just got even wetter for her. before your wanted to get to the actual fucking, she wanted to do some foreplay. she takes out a shiny, metal knife from the pocket of her ghostface costume and walks towards you.
“spread your legs, love.” amber demanded, her eyes narrowing from behind the eyeholes of her mask to look at your very innocent, curious eyes watching her. you looked so nervous and scared of her with that knife in her hand, wondering what she was planning to do, it was just too cute. you slowly spread your legs for her, inviting amber to come and take you on the bed right here and there.
“i’m going take real good care of you, baby. i’m not going to hurt you… yet, that is.” she reassured, hovering her body right on top of you like it was earlier. her pale hands grabbed your black, fluffy tutu to push it down to your ankles so it wasn’t in the way as she works on you. amber took her knife and turned the blade to her, so the handle was facing the entrance of your slick, clothed pussy. her leathered gloves moved your underwear to the side, so it was just your pussy on display.
she pressed the handle right against your slick fold, rubbing it against your the folds of your vagina. you began to let out a groan at how the feel of the handle going up and down against your vagina, it felt so good. when amber saw how your wetness grazed over the knife’s handle, she let out a pleased sigh at how wet you are. “so wet for me as always, you’re so good to me, baby. now let me return the favor tonight.” the black haired girl cooed, while running her left hand all over your thighs as the right hand kept moving the handle on your clit.
the sensation of the handle sliding right inside of your wet folds was enough to cause you to whine, you felt your back start to arch slightly. you grabbed onto amber’s left hand for support and something to grab onto. your breath started to shake when you felt that handle enter inside of you, your mouth turned into an “o” shape.
“fuck, amber…” you groaned, watching her press the handle inside of you deeper. just as soon as things were getting really good, she pulled out the handle abruptly. you looked at her with the most confused look on your face, unsure of why she stopped. “now, sweetheart, if you’re gonna let me fuck you with this costume on, at least use the correct name when i’m fucking you.”
you didn’t understand what she meant by this, because this was your first time letting her fuck you with the costume on. that’s when it hit you, you immediately understood what she meant by her sentence.
“nailed it, baby.”
when she heard you called her ghostface, her dick got harder than it already was. hearing you say it so innocently made her want to fuck you. however, she can wait after shes done fucking you with the handle of the knife. she stuck the handle right back into your entrance, picking back up on where the two of you just started. she started to put it right back in there, pushing the handle slowly, taking her time with you so you can adjust.
you let out a wince, trying to get back into feeling the handle inside of you. amber’s left hand moved from holding your thigh to grasping your waist and gave it a small squeeze as a nonverbal cue to stay put. she didn’t want you to move at all because she wanted you to enjoy yourself while she fucked you with this knife. your girlfriend started to speed up her pace, causing you to moan a lot.
if it wasn’t for the ghostface mask, you would be able to see the look on your girlfriend’s face. she was getting so turned on through her lustful, hungry eyes watching you moan all over her knife. that same knife that she used to attack and murder many people in woodsboro, some of them being you and amber’s mutual friends. the same knife that she used to protect you from any creeps trying to mess with you. she had so much blood spilled onto this knife. this was the knife that was the talk of the town, it put so much fear into citizen’s hearts.
you had no business fucking a serial killer, it was wrong and you knew that but you couldn’t help yourself. the thought was starting to turn you on so much, you loved the taboo aspect that came with this. unfortunately, it was a guilty pleasure. your thoughts were being clouded as the knife handle went in and out of your clit, each thrust getting faster, brutal, and harder. your hips were arching as your eyes rolled back into your head, the pleasure was taking over your body.
“good girl, fucking yourself all over my knife. this is what i like to see.” amber’s muffled voice from behind her ghostface mask filled the room, watching you take her knife in. you start to feel your body rise and rise, you can feel yourself getting stimulated down there. a deep, heavy groan escaped your lips when you felt yourself getting close.
“more, ghostface, more! i’m so close! keep going!” you cried out, grabbing onto amber’s left arm even harder when you kept watching her. taking notice of your features scrunching up from the pleasure, she started to thrust the knife even more into you. you started to jerk your body a lot, once your orgasm was approaching. you felt yourself shiver, finishing all over her knife handle. amber pulled the knife out of you, throwing it to the side for now.
she allowed you to catch your breath for a couple of minutes, watching you pant from her hard work of fucking you with the edge of her knife handle. she started to caress the right cheek of your face, rubbing her thumb on it so gently. she lifted up her ghostface mask to plant a kiss to your forehead. “you did so good for me… but i know you’re gonna do even better when i fuck the shit out of you. time for the grand finale, babe.”
there was a smirk plastered on her beautiful, pale features when she stared down at your figure. too bad you couldn’t admire her forever because she pulled the mask right back on, to get back into character. the glistening, shiny knife that she threw away to side was now back into her hands again. the blade of the knife was pressed into the skin of your cheek as it trailed down to your black t-shirt, causing you to let out soft, pretty whimpers here and there for her. “aw… baby, you’re so cute when you whimper for me.” your lover laughed softly, giving you a fake pout to pretend she felt bad about the blade making you whimper.
the knife stopped at the right cup of your bra, her blade poking your right boob. she licked her lips at just how nice and perfect your boobs were sitting up in your black t-shirt. she loved seeing the breastbone of your breasts, the peak of side boobs sticking out from each boob. too bad she was going to ruin your shirt so she can see those pretty titties of yours. “god, i am so lucky to be blessed with the best set of boobs i ever seen in my life. you’re my everything, babe.” she sighed lovingly, before running her blade on the fabric of your shirt, slicing it in half to reveal your beautiful black bra that matched your lacey black panties.
as much as you wanted to complain about your girlfriend cutting off your shirt, you rather save it for after the sex because you wanted her to perform whatever acts were to come next on your boobs. she taps your bra strap with the tip of her knife, giving you a look. “go on, princess, take off your bra for me.”
with that command being said, you started to unclasp your bra in the back letting it drop down to the ground. your bare boobs were now in front of amber, only for her to see. “so pretty, all for me and only me. been wanting to suck on these, the moment i saw all of those losers looking at what belongs to me.” she whispered, fondling each of your breasts, the leather fabric on her hands groping all over your soft boob tissue.
“mhmm, baby. you’re the only one that gets to see me like this.” you gasped at how her leather fabric felt against your body. you started to touch her mask with your thumb, rubbing it in a caressing manner. she takes the knife in her hand and holds right in front of your face, the blade is an inch away from your eyes.
“now, see this knife, right here, darling?”
you nodded at her, eyeing her to see what else she was about to say. “i wanted to slice off every single guy’s head that even fucking took a look at you. i was so close to slitting their fucking throats and placing their lifeless heads on the dresser so they could watch me fuck the shit out of you.” she advised, clenching the knife handle, her knuckles were getting pale out of the jealousy that was being shown through her behavior. you felt yourself getting so hot and bothered when she said that, you couldn’t fight your feelings. you loved it when she showed her possessiveness and jealousy, it was hot when she wanted to kill for you.
amber pressed the knife onto the areola of your right breast, gently dragging it down so it could create a scar. there was some winces of pain that came out when you watched her do this. she lifted up her ghostface mask, so you could only see her mouth but not her whole face. she began sucking on the scar and consuming the blood that was oozing from it while she massaged your left nipple to make you feel better. the way how her tongue was circling and swirling all over your scar made you breathe heavily, it all felt so good because it didn’t hurt as much anymore.
“i always knew your blood would taste good, baby.” amber pulled away, a smirk on her face, pleased with the tangy, sweet taste of your blood. she went to work on your left breast, kissing all over then putting her mouth on it since it was neglected earlier. she gave a nice, long lick to your nipple which caused you to shudder at how wet your left nipple suddenly felt. her licks started to change speed, each one was getting faster while she sucked on it. you grabbed her by the back of her ghostface costume hood so you can push her more into you. after making you moan so many times from the affection, amber was now finished from sucking off your boobs causing her to stop.
she took a good look at your boobs again, admiring just how sexy they are. they were definitely sexy alright, but they’d be even sexier bouncing when you ride her. at the thought of that, amber smirked, there was some excitement behind her eyes at her idea. she put her mask over her head again before patting your ass lightly with the blade of her knife. “get up, i wanna see you ride my dick right fucking now.”
you immediately listened to your girlfriend’s words as the two of you swapped spots. the black haired girl leaned her body against the bed frame, while she watched you across from her. amber grabbed you roughly by your thighs, so you were pulled towards her legs. she started to lift up the ghostface robe up, so she can reveal the lower half of her body, mainly her hard 8 inch dick that’s been eager to enter you the whole night.
“sit that pretty pussy right on top of this dick, baby.” she called out, patting her thighs to motion you to come sit on her dick. you crawled over to her, positioning your vagina to sit right on top of amber’s dick. the two of you share a groan of pleasure when you feel her dick sliding into your wet folds so easily. you could feel her tip getting deeper inside of your hole, stretching you out nicely. “mmm, fuck… ghostface.” you let out a soft moan, while taking your time to move your hips on your lover’s dick.
you started off really slow, taking as much time as you can to move against her. amber stroked her hands against your body, feeling every curve of it. she moved her hands down to your ass, giving it some nice squeezes here and there. your eyes started roll back at how good everything was feeling, you threw your head back in ecstasy. so many moans came from out of your mouth from how good her dick felt against your pussy.
“faster, slut. i wanna see your knees tremble when you ride me. i don’t wanna see you be able to walk in the morning, understand?” your girlfriend ordered, there was sense of harshness to her tone. she started to slap your ass with a hard smack, it leaving a tense sting on your right ass cheek. amber let go of the right side of your hips with her right hand to grab her knife. she picked it up and pressed it against your neck, the blade sitting right above your skin. you nodded, starting to obey what you were told as your body moved quicker onto her dick.
amber started to grab you to guide your movements with her left hand as you rode her dick. she squeezed your ass and pushed it onto her dick, showing that she was in control of your every move. she start begins to put her knife back down so she can grab onto you with both her hands now. she grabs your hips and slams it onto her cock, your whole body jerking upward from the slam. your boobs were bouncing at every single hop that was on her dick.
you press your hands against her body, grabbing her waist to hold yourself up for support. sometimes, you’d take your hands off of her waist to feel up on your body especially your breasts because you knew that was her favorite sexual part of your body. “that’s right, touch yourself while i fuck you.” she cooed, continuing to move you against your hips.
when watching you slam against her thighs, each slam was getting more and more powerful by the second. she licked her lips as she watched your pussy consuming her whole dick, the sight being a beautiful one. you felt amazing on your girlfriend’s dick, so tight, yet it felt so good when you squeezed around her hard dick. “god, fuck, baby you feel amazing on my dick like always.” the raven haired girl let out a groan, praising you for your hard work.
you couldn’t really say much but moan because of how she kept shoving your pussy onto her. “a-all— for… you, ghostface.” you spoke, in between continuous moans at the feeling. the more you rode her, the more you were starting to see stars. you could feel your knees trembling from how much skin was slapping against skin, the only noise happening in this room. you felt your knees about to give out. amber could feel her brows starting to narrow and tighten from all of this pleasure, she was very close to cumming.
“fuck— i’m about to cum. shit.” she breathed out, letting curses roll from her tongue so effortlessly. after you hit you hit your last final jump on her dick, you just sat there and buried your pussy on her twitching dick. she rolled her head back while saying your name as she started to let her cum shoot inside of your vagina. the two of you remained in your same spots, neither of you moving. amber took off of her mask, revealing her fast, heavy pants that were kept behind it.
she could see that you were panting just as much as she was, the two of you had your eyes staring right into each other. you started to lean onto her body, snuggling into her warm, comfortable embrace. her pale hands snaked their way around your hips as a way to bring you more comfort. you were laying your head on top of her shoulder. she gave you a small kiss, before chuckling at your exhausted, laid out position on her.
“i wish you would’ve spoken up about this whole dirty little secret of yours earlier, love. we were missing out on so much fun that could’ve happened sooner.”
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spamgyu · 3 months
PRETTY BOY // College!Mingyu AU – small purses and labels
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"Even if the sky's on fire. Got you here, it's alright, with me ..."
Started off as this prompt: no bc college!mingyu as someone who lives down the hall from your dorm and you always run into him doing something questionable genre: tooth-aching fluff
this is based on these two requests - one of them i cant find bc i am a disorganized mess but it's from 🎀 and the other is from this anon
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"Can you put my keys in your purse?" Mingyu batted his lashes at her, holding his car keys out.
Y/n glanced at his hand and then at the tiny shoulder bag in her hand – raising a brow at him. "I hope you know this literally only fits a lipgloss and my will to live."
Curse the current trend of tiny baguette bags – why must they be so cute yet so small, only able to hold far less than what she could probably stuff into her pockets.
It wasn't that her outfit needed a purse. They were simply getting bagels.
But it did make complete her look, and that was more than enough of an excuse to use it.
"Pleaseeee." He dragged his word.
It wasn't like his keys would take up much space anyways – it wasn't like hers that had multiple unneccesary key chains hanging off of it.
It was literally just his key fob, house keys, and dorm keys. It would take up 4 inches at most.
Taking the set with sigh, Y/n threw it in her purse before holding it out for him.
"What do you want me to do with that?" Mingyu blinked.
"It's heavy now and I don't want to carry it."
"Y/n," Mingyu let out a chuckle. "You can't possibly be ser— yeah okay."
Taking the black bag from her hand, Mingyu slipped the strap awkwardly up his arm – the tiny loop stopping mid-bicep.
"Am I serving?"
The girl let out a laugh, pulling out her phone to snap a picture at how ridiculous her boyf– her friend, looked. "You could have just held it."
"But am I serving?" He repeated, this time placing a hand on his jutted out hip.
"Yes. You served and ate." Y/n rolled her eyes at his antics – he never did stop with his foolishness since they began .... talking.
If anything, it persisted much more – Mingyu revealing more and more of his true self and y/n doing the same.
There wasn't a single day they were together that wasn't filled with laughter – laughs that left tears in their eyes.
A grown woman's voice caught the two's attention – Mingyu mostly, whipping his head at the source of the familiar voice.
"Mom!" His eyes wide.
It wasn't that he was afraid, as if he was caught doing something wrong. No, never that. He was simply surprised – especially considering he lived two cities away and there was no reason for his parents to be in their college town.
"Wha- what are you guys doing here?" He leaned in to place a kiss on each of his parent's cheeks before stepping back to stand next to y/n, who was awkwardly shifting her weight from one foot to another.
If he had been any one of her friends, she would have happily stuck her hand out and introduced herself to Mingyu's parents.
But their situation was different.
They were in a grey area. For now, at least.
They were much more than friends; sharing sweet hushed words in the midst of a crowd, their hands naturally gravitating to one another when they walked side by side, his lips finding a home on her forehead whenever he greeted or bid her a goodbye.
But they weren't official either. There was no label.
"This is– um–"
"You must be Mingyu's girlfriend." The older woman cut her son off with a smile. "All we've heard during calls is your name and how wonderful you are."
"Mom." Mingyu warned through his teeth, eyes just as wide as when he first heard her call out for him earlier.
Y/n bit back the smile that threatened to form on her lips.
He talked about her.
More importantly, he addressed her as his girlfriend.
Y/n has always been confident in herself, and she thought she would be the same when it came to dating; but to say she didn't have some doubts in her and Mingyu would be a lie. She knew she wasn't the only one with her eyes set on the six-foot charismatic basketball player; y/n was well aware there are girls dying to be at her spot.
And sure, she may have spent some nights lying awake, thinking of the worst – the blissful past few weeks possibly coming down crashing on her. She was a realist, after all.
Mingyu could have anyone, he could be with that girl in 302 – the smart dark haired girl who seemed to know more about sports than y/n did. The one girl she could have sworn Mingyu had his eyes on before they even established a friendship.
Y/n was just like any other girl. She had her insecurities; one of them including Mingyu's true feelings for her.
Despite the fact that he was very transparent with her.
"Oh, don't act all embarrassed now." His mother waved him off. "You even have her purse up your arm. Young love–"
"Alright, we're going." Mingyu spoke quickly, tugging on y/n's arm – who was now giggling.
"It was wonderful meeting you, Mr. and Mrs. Kim." Y/n stood her ground, despite the boy who was practically begging for the ground to swallow him whole.
"Likewise." His father nodded. "We usually have Sunday dinners, you should come along."
Y/n glanced at Mingyu. "I mean it's only fair, considering how much of my family dinners you've crashed."
"Mingyu!" Mrs. Kim gasped.
"Hey! I was invited by coach!" He cried. "I– I'll bring her along, can we please just be excused? I feel like I'm dying here."
The three of them laughed at the poor boy who cowered behind the girl that was practically half his height – dreading the conversation they were about to have the second they stepped away from his parents.
"Have a great rest of your day, kids." Mr. Kim chuckled.
"Thanks." Mingyu mumbled with a sigh, practically dragging y/n away from his parents.
"Girlfriend, huh?" She laughed as the finally reached the store front.
A suppressed groan was heard from Mingyu, using his hands to cover the redness that began to form on his face.
Y/n wasn't upset, not like what Mingyu thought in his head. In fact, she found the whole interaction, and revelation, to be cute – even more now that he was clearly quite embarrassed.
"Do you refer to me as your girlfriend to anyone else?" She brought her hands up to pull his away from his face – their fingers interlocking once they were at his side.
"Um– everyone?" Mingyu kept his eyes trained on his shoes.
"Sorry– what?" Y/n coughed.
"Well– I, we're heading there anyways and– I promise I do plan on asking you to be my girlfriend. I have it all planned it's romant–"
He was speaking fast.
It was a habit of his when he was either excited or nervous; either way, she found it absolutely adorable. Y/n didn't care to listen to the rest of his rambling, leaning up to place a quick kiss on his lips.
"This was romantic." She smiled up at him.
"I'm your girlfriend."
Mingyu stood frozen, his brain still attempting to process the soft pillows that made contact with his lips – his fingers reaching up to touch the sticky gloss she had left behind.
Peach vanilla.
"I'm your boyfriend." His voice was small, almost as if he was saying it to reaffirm himself.
"I'm your boyfriend!" Mingyu repeated much louder this time, his lips stretched from ear to ear. "Oh, prepared to be so sick of me."
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@thegirlwhoimagined @forcheol @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @pluviophile-xxx @daegutowns @niktwazny303 @fragmentof-indifference @leah-rose03 @haolistic @eclliipsed @joshuahongnumbers @gyuguys @yaaaridk @christinewithluv @yoonzinoooo @jaebammie @livelikejinki @watercolureyes @whoa-jo @primoisellerose @wonwoobestboyy @rakshithanotrao @mingcouper
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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improbable-outset · 9 months
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📂 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞
♥︎: 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩
♡: 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩
♦︎: 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
♣︎: 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭
♠︎: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠...
↳ 📂 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎’𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚.𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
‘Look at you…’ ♠︎
Tirelessly ♣︎
Semi-Masochist ♠︎
For his eyes only ♠︎
Sensory deprivation ♠︎
Big Brain ♥︎♠︎
Untitled.doc ♠︎
{{One shots}}
Eres mía ♥︎♠︎
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You’re not the only one experiencing cravings during your pregnancy
‘Tis the Season ♡♠︎
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: It’s the holiday season and for some reason, you thought it would be a good idea to rile Miguel up more than you usually do. That was until you were taken back to his lab and he gained the upper hand over you.
Meet Cute ♦︎
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You didn’t expect the mysterious man that you met at a wedding to change your whole trajectory of the night
Static in the Air ♠︎♣︎
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Divorce was supposed to bring closure, but for Miguel, it only fuelled a lingering ache for the woman he still loved. Convincing himself that ending the marriage was for your benefit, he didn't realise the depth of his mistake until he saw you moving on.
Moved by Devotion and Prestige ♦︎♣︎
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: During a company dinner party, you find yourself humiliated by your current boyfriend. Seeking some escape, you confide with your boss, Miguel, whose support reveals some hidden emotions you’ve buried.
{{Multiple-chapter stories}}
Scientist Husband Masterlist ♥︎
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Marrying a scientist superhero has its unique perks
In his Crimson-Filled eyes [Part 2] [Part 3] ♣︎♥︎
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: After waking up from a year-long coma, you find yourself in the hospital with the tender embrace of your husband sitting beside you. You have no memory of your marriage nor the life you shared together. As you try to navigate the scattered memories, Miguel becomes your guiding light through your journey of transcending memories.
Rekindling an Old Love [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] ♣︎♠︎♥︎
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: In your complex web of your shared history, you and Miguel, your ex-husband and co-worker, struggle to communicate without clashing your professional and personal lives. However, an unexpected moment sparks a longing between the two of you. Despite the tension, a shared moment reveals unspoken desires and deep secrets.
Envy from the next room [Part 2] [Part 3] ♡♠︎
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Miguel has mixed feelings towards your new boyfriend. That was until you came back with very exciting devastating news
I’m loving you from a distance but the road is getting longer ♣︎♠︎
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: It’s been over a year since you split up, but unfortunately for Miguel, things are still taking a toll. Even after going your separate ways, you still have to see each other everyday and it was affecting his performance. Meanwhile, your dual life as a loyal lover and as Spider-Woman is putting a lingering strain on your new relationship. The ripple effect of your breakup is coming back to bite you in the ass in the most unexpected way possible.
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orgverse · 11 months
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san's red hair got me and @sanjoongie going crazzzyyyyy. so please enjoy this while i make topaz suffer. N E WAYS this is also apart of a pornstar au that i'm currently working on, so enjoy!!
for the two, almost three, years you have known san, he has always had black hair. you remember watching videos and seeing him with different colored hair, but never in person. when him and wooyoung had reached out wanting to film a video with you and hongjoong, he had just cut and dyed his hair back to black from the blonde mullet he hand. and since then its been black.
so you were throughly surprised when you opened your apartment door and was greeted with bright red hair. your jaw dropped, literally. you probably would have started drooling if san didn't start teasing you. "you'll catch flies, star girl."
you were def going to be seeing stars soon.
san had volunteered to help you with your stream tonight since seonghwa was away visiting his parents, and hongjoong was busy editing the film you just finished shooting with yunho.
"no wooyoung?" you asked when you noticed the louder of the two males nowhere in sight.
"nah, he says he wants to stay home and watch the stream instead. think he said something about wanting to support his fav girl," he told you he walked into the apartment and removed his designer shoes. you noted how sexy san looked with his entire outfit. simple, but san was good at making simple look sexy.
his black tank top doing well to show off his muscles and his slim waist, and his jeans hugging his body nice and framing what little ass he has. but you won't tell him that because he would argue he does have an ass. sure, san, sure. he takes off the jean jacket he had been wearing and hangs it over the computer chair that seonghwa usually sits in.
he towers over you as he watches you pull up the website, love-heart-xx, and set up the stream. you remember san mentioning how he had streamed too back before he stopped and focused solely on just porn films.
"you're setup is very cute. very you," san says when you get up to let him sit down. that's when he finally takes a few moments to look around the room.
"o-oh, you think so?" you ask, a little caught off guard by his words. san nods his head, red hair bouncing with the movement.
"all the decorations are cute and welcoming, it makes it feel like its your personal bedroom and not a separate one. it feels... lived in," he explains and you feel a heat spread through your body at his words.
you've always admired san, having watched him since he first started his career in the porn industry. you kind of wish you found him when he still streamed. it had always been a goal – a dream actually, to film with him.
and now he's helping you with your stream. un-fucking-real.
"well, i'm going to go get ready! i'll be right back!" san doesn't say anything, but nods his head and gives you a smile before you're turning and walking out of the room.
walking into your actual bedroom you share with hongjoong, you find your lover sitting at his computer, headphones on, and eyes focused on the video editing program in front of him. you notice he's at the part where you and yunho were making out. yunho's hand holding your chin as his tongue licks over your own before he's sucking on it. you remember that scene and knowing what comes next makes you rubs your thighs together.
no, you needed to get changed. walking over to your walk-in closet, you go over to the section that was specific for streaming. you dug through your clothes before pulling out a dark blue lingerie set. when you walked out of the closet, you noticed hongjoong had his headphones off and was turned facing your direction.
"hey, babe," you said putting the lingerie on the bed before you take your shirt off. you notice hongjoong is looking at you, his eyes focused on how your breast bounced a little before you're taking your shorts and underwear off.
"i thought i heard you sneak in. is san here?" he asks and you nod your head as you step into the blue lingerie bottoms before putting the bra on. you look at yourself in the full-length mirror, turning to look at every part of you. "does this look good?"
hongjoong lets out a sigh before he's standing up and making his way over to you. his arm wrapping around your waist as he takes in your appearance. "you look beautiful," he says kissing your neck. he gives your ass a good pat before he walking back over to his desk.
"are you going to try and watch some of the stream?" you ask, making your way over to the door. hongjoong nods giving you a smile.
"of course, i'll do my best to pop in."
"okay! so usually seonghwa just sits here and kind of moderates chat. usually while i'm talking to chat, he'll jump in, but you don't have to if you don't want to," you tell san as you sit on the bed. you look at yourself in the monitor setup in front of you as you attempted to make sure you looked good. "do i look okay?" you ask, looking towards san.
"perfect," he says making you look away from him, a little flustered.
"you can go ahead and hit the button, san," you tell him shyly. he lets out a small chuckle before he's clicking the 'start stream' button and you watch as the stream starts and viewer start pouring in.
"hi guys!" you say, smile overtaking your face as you wave to the camera. the chat on the side of the screen being filled with your usual watchers greeting you. tips easily coming in. "i'm doing good tiger-star! hope you're doing well! ... oh! you like this piece, rubyred? i'm glad you like it, i've been wanting to wear it for a while!"
san watches you with a smile on his face. he takes in how natural you look interacting with your chat and... chatting with them.
"oh!" you say clapping your hands and earning san's attention, "seonghwa couldn't be here today... i know sunshine-sparkle, i'm sad too, but! we have a lovely person who agreed to cover for him tonight! ... no hotpants it is not patrick star," you deadpanned that last part making san chuckle. "sannie is here!" you say looking towards the male how leans forward just enough to stick his hand in front of the camera.
mega_yn_fan : holy shit THE choi san!!!
guylovescheese : FUCK! how much to see him fuck your pussy???
a_lexa_star22 : i would gladly pay to see that happen!
"do you think they want me to fuck you?" he teases making you let out a small laugh. suddenly, you see a rather large tip come in making you almost fall off the bed from how far you leaned over to look at it.
"holy shit! thank you wooenergizer for the three thousand dollar tip," you say, still not comprehending the sudden amount.
"oh, that's wooyoung!" san says, right before you read the message he also sent in with the tip.
"three thousand to see sannie finger you," you read out loud, feeling flustered by the message. wooyoung really had no self-control or filter.
san lets out a chuckle before he's standing up from his seat and crawling onto the bed next to you.
"if chat gets to ten thousand i'll fuck this pretty pussy," san says, spreading your legs to gently pat your clothed cunt. "sound good?" san adds before looking at you and you nod your head.
you let out a breathy moan, hips jerking forward as san fucks you hard and fast with his fingers. the wet sounds from your pussy mingling in with your moans, your manicured nails digging into san's thighs. he had removed his pants a while ago, leaving him in just his tank top and underwear. you feel his hard-on rubbing against your backside.
his other hand gropes your breast, your bra being pulled down to let your breast out. he pinches your nipples and gives it a good tug making you let out a whine at the feeling.
"s-sannie, please so-s-so good, fuck!" you say, tilting your head back to let it rest on san's shoulder. you could feel the tension rising within you, your orgasm coming soon. you attempted to close your legs but san didn't let you.
he pulls his fingers out of you and you whine at the empty feeling. san uses both his hands to spread your legs, throwing them over his own legs to keep them open. you moaned at how you could see your pussy on full display to for everyone watching. your pussy dripping with juices that run out of you and you can see it glistening under the lights.
you yelp, jumping and whole body bouncing when san suddenly gave your pussy a good smack before he's rubbing furious circles on your clit. "s-s-sa-san!"
"look at that, star girl, your chat got us to five thousand. that's halfway. should we switch it up?" he asks and you wonder who's he's talking to.
"hm... hungry2ho says they want you to sit on my face. i don't know hungry, do you think y/n's been a good girl enough to sit on my face?" san asks and you clench at the thought of sitting on san's face. he suddenly grabs your face, turning you to look at him. his eyes half-lidded as he meets your lustful and almost fucked out ones. "do you think you deserve to sit on my face?"
"p-ple-please san, i-i've been good! let me please," you're begging him now and san can't help the smirk that paints his lips.
"well~ since you asked so nicely, who am i to deny my pretty star girl," san says and you can feel your thighs tremble. "open your mouth," his voice is commanding and you do it without a second thought. you let out a loud moan as you watch san spit in your mouth, allowing it to run down your tongue and throat. "such a nasty girl. no wonder wooyoung is so fond of you, just like him," he says before moving to lay on his back, his bright red hair a heavy contrast to the cream-colored bedsheets.
"oh fuck– san, san! your tongue feels soooo good~" you say with a moan as you rock your hips back and forth. san had a tight gripped wrapped around your legs and waist as he kept you pinned down to mouth. his nose bumped against your clit, rubbing and stimulating it nicely as his tongue licked and fucked your pussy.
you glanced down, running your hand through his soft hair to see his eyes staring intensely at you. he stare honestly made your heart skip a beat as you felt his moans vibrate through you and shake your core. san kneaded the flesh of your ass before giving it a firm smack. the sound resonating through the room and you were sure anyone watching could have heard it.
wooenergizer : look at how you're falling apart on sannie's tongue 👅 can't wait to see you fall apart on his dick... again 🍆💦
you couldn't but let out a hearty laugh at wooyoung's comment before you see others in the chat agree with him. knowing wooyoung was still watching also made your heart skip a beat, because along with san, wooyoung had also been someone you admired within the industry.
"mmh~ san, fuck so good! i think i'm gonna cum!" you say, letting your head roll back a little as you grind your hips again, san's nose once again nudging at your clit.
"hold it, pretty star," san says, voice just as stern and intense as his eyes. you feel yourself clench when you notice the lower half of his face is glistening with your juices.
"sannie," you say, hand running through his hair as your other one runs over your body, feeling yourself and groping one of your breast. "please fuck me."
"i don't think your viewers want me to fuck you. you're still only at eight thousand," san says in a rather mocking tone.
"fuck– please, please let sannie fuck me! i need his cock so badly!" you beg looking at the camera and indirectly looking at your viewers. your eyes were pleading with them and hoping that your begging would convince them to continuing to tip you.
fuck, you felt like such a cock slut right now. but you couldn't deny how good san's cock was and how badly you wanted it.
and then it happened. you heard the familiar sound of being tipped and you immediately had to do a double take on it.
k.yeosang tipped $5,000.
your viewers must have seen the tip as well as the chat immediately exploded in excitement at the tip, knowing it was only a matter of time before they got to see you take san's dick.
"yeosang!" you say, chest warming when you realized it the male who had donated to you. "thank you so much! wow, you definitely didn't have to tip that much, but i really appreciate it!" you say, sliding off of san and letting him sit up so he could see the tip as well. he ran a hand down your back, noticing how your legs slightly trembled.
k.yeosang : make sure to invite me next time 😉
"i'll def keep in it mind, yeo," you say, not being able to stop the smile that overtakes you. you feel san pressing open mouthed on your neck and trailing down your back. you allow san to to move you so you're resting on your hands and knees, and you can't help the yelp that escapes you when you feel san gently bite your ass. you watch yourself and san through the monitor, feeling your excitement start to swell up as he removes his underwear and tossing them to the floor. you arch your ass, high into the air and gently sway it in an attempt to tempt san to move faster.
you moan as you see him pump his cock. the angry red tip, leaking with precum which his is using to lube himself. "s-sannie," you call out earning the male's attention. he smirks, running a hand through his hair before he's positioning himself at your entrance. you couldn't help the breathy moans that left you as san entered you. stretching you out, but sucking him in nonetheless.
"you sound like a bitch in heat, y/n," he laughs as he gently positions you, hands gripping your hips as he starts off with a harsh and fast pace. your mouth was fixed in a perfect o-shape, unable to close it and also so easily lost in pleasure that you couldn't make a sound.
having san fuck you was like a new experience, each and every time. of course it was mainly different because of the films you did together. each scenario being different enough from the last that it gave you a new experience each time.
and this time was no different. you couldn't help but shove your face into the sheets. wanting a moment to just feel san's cock abused your insides, yet the sudden sting to your scalp said otherwise. san held your hair harshly, gripping it to the point it was almost painful.
"don't hide your face, y/n, your viewers paid good money to see you get fucked by me. don't make them waste their money," san says as you feel him rest his body weight on top of you.
"i-i'm sorry!" you said, however who you were saying it to, you weren't sure. you felt tears start to brim your waterline, but thankful san let go of your hair in favor of using both his hands to prop himself up. the sound of skin slapping skin ringed in your ears. his cock rubbed against your walls, stretching you out over and over again and it made start to see small white stars in your vision.
"s-san! sansansan so-s-so fuuuucking good! ugh– please, please let me cum!" san presses a kiss between your shoulder blades before he's thrusting even harder. the tension in your stomach building up, waiting to snap and explode any moment now.
"fuck, i am too, my star. gonna let me cum inside you? give your viewers a good creampie?"
"yes! fuck, yes! fill me up!" you begged, you noticed your arms were now in front of you, hanging off the edge of the bed. you swear you feel a line drool run down your chin, but you arms feel so much like jelly that you don't have the energy to wipe it away. not that you care anyways.
then suddenly, you feel san pulling out and you feel your approaching orgasm quickly escaping you. you're about to scream, throw a fit before san is hoisting you up off your stomach on onto your knees. you are left slightly confused and dazed before san is entering you again. his arms hooking underneath yours to keep you up right. this new position allowing everyone to get a good few of san fucking your pussy.
"go ahead and cum," you hear him whisper and just like that, the coil snaps inside of you and your cumming with a loud and well... pornographic moan. san gives you a few more thrusts before he's sheathing himself deep inside of you and also cumming inside of you with a low groan.
you are out of breath, covered in a layer of sweat when san pulls out of you and quickly positions you on the bed. legs spread wide apart before he's getting off the bed. you watch him with dazed eyes as he picks the camera up – you want to complain about how he's ruined the perfect position you spent months working to find, but you don't have the energy to say anything. instead you watch him as he does a close up on your pussy which slowly begins to leak out his cum.
his fingers come to spread your pussy lips, showing off how much cum he truly stuff you with before he's scooping some up on his fingers. "fuck look at how well he's took him, such a good pussy," you hear him say at one point.
then san is panning the camera up to your fucked out face, his cum-covered finger easily slipping inside your open mouth. you have just enough energy to eagerly suck on his finger, tongue licking up his cum and cleaning his fingers. when he's sure your done, he removes them with a pop sound the rings around the room.
"tell your viewers bye," san says in a cheery tone making you smile at both him and the camera.
"bye-bye~" you say smiling, waving, and blowing several kisses to the camera that goes further away from you as san goes over to the computer to end the livestream.
san put the camera back on the tripod before he coming over to the bed. he pulls you more towards the edge of it by your ankles and you laugh at how easily he does it. his strength showing once again. he rubs circles onto you ankles before he's leaning over you.
"thank you, san," you say pressing a kiss to his cheek. you notice a faint pink dusting san's cheeks as he pulling away from you.
"of course," he says with a cough, "you know i enjoy spending time with you," he says adds on making butterflies swarm around your stomach.
"really. now come on, let's get cleaned up and go bother hongjoong for food," san says with a smile as he helps you off the bed and begins walking you towards the door before he's stopping. turning to you before adding, "i would love to do this again soon. maybe even watch you and wooyoung have some fun."
"gosh, shut up and take me to the bathroom, you fool."
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jishyucks · 1 year
Me, You, and the View ‣ lmk
‣ pairing: mark lee x reader
‣ genre: FLUFF, f2l (in a way), 'our friends left us and it's just us left' trope, slice-of-life!au
‣ wc: 5.5k
‣ summary: after being ditched by your entire friend group on an out-of-town trip, you and your (not-so-close) friend Mark are left alone to explore the destination together
‣ warnings?: reader has a fear of heights, mark is very mark in this, he feeds the wildlife some fries
‣ an: something I wrote for no reason, I just found the idea cute,,, also I know those things aren't called gondolas but thts what we call those here where I live,,, anyways some of this stuff is taken straight from Mark's antics in that one 127 hit the states video (you'll know which one it is when you read); anyways thanks to my bestie @hoonieji for reading over my shite again <33 PLS ENJOY AS ALWAYS!
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The best word that could describe how you’re currently feeling is appalled.
Appalled because the friends with whom you planned this trip to the Rockies have decided to break off with their own significant others without you. Sure, you were still the supportive friend you always were with their SOs, but you thought that would be later and with a warning at least. Not first thing in the morning.
“I guess it’s just us, then?” 
Mark awkwardly stands at your side, hands stuffed deep into his hoodie. His hood’s falling off of his head as he turns to look at you. He quickly tugs it back up, but you notice that the hood gets tucked behind one ear. 
“Yeah,” you say, “I guess.” 
It’s not like you hated Mark (cause who in the world would hate Mark?)... it was more so that your relationship with said boy wasn’t as tightly knitted as it was with Donghyuck or Renjun. You weren’t sure you had anything in common with Mark, except for the friends you both shared. Other than that, from what you know, your interests were completely different. 
“Or we can just go around alone?” Mark quickly follows up. He laughs awkwardly and kicks at the dirt underneath his sneakers, “Whatever’s fine.”
From the tone in his voice, you can tell he’s slightly upset, “No, it’s fine! I just wasn’t expecting them to just… ditch us like that.” 
Mark laughs and nods. “Me too. Let’s go then?”
“Go where?” You questioned. Mark’s already a few steps in front of you, so you’re brought to jog lightly to catch up, “Have you been here before?” 
He shakes his head, “No, but I want to go up there.” He points at the top of a mountain, “I just know that the view’s going to be breathtaking.” You follow his finger and see a long trail of gondola lifts travelling up to the top. 
“Up there?” You don’t mention your fear of heights. Only because you’re not sure if Mark would make fun of you or not. You guess this is how your mind is conditioned after hanging around Donghyuck too much. 
He nods, eyes sparkling but you don’t notice, “Yeah! That’s what I’ve been looking forward to when Hyuck first mentioned the trip.” 
The smile on his face makes it harder for you to tell him that you’re afraid to go. You both have already been left alone by your friends, and now you don’t have the heart to leave him alone either. That, and the fact that you didn’t want to be alone in this unknown place. 
You’ll just close your eyes the whole way up. 
“It sounds fun,” you say, gulping, “Let’s go then.”
You and Mark reach the ticket booth, paying for a round-trip ticket before lining up at the bottom of the mountain. You’re surprised to see that the lines weren’t as long as your parents had warned you about, probably since it’s still early morning, so you and Mark reach the front of the line within five minutes. 
“Have you read the safety guidelines?” The worker points to a board standing a few yards away from him. You and Mark both reply with a simple ‘yes’ before slipping the man the first half of the ticket. He lets you through, reminding you to watch your step when getting onto the gondola. 
“I’m excited~” Mark comments, plopping down on the seat on the side that would consider him going forwards for the trip. You sit the opposite of him and laugh nervously. You immediately grip the edge of the seat as the door of the cart closes. 
“Me too.” You hope Mark doesn’t read through your expression, or hear the slight waver in your voice when you did speak. You’re lucky to see that his attention’s already diverted to the shrinking trees and people waiting for their turn to go on. Although there’s a comfortable silence that settles on top of both of you, you still feel like you both should still be saying something to fill that silence. You’re just not sure what. You leave it be.
The gondola was travelling faster than it looked from the ground, not to mention the fact that it swayed in the slightest every time it reached a connecting pole. You gulp and train your eyes on your shoes, praying that your eyes won’t do as little as flicker to the view outside of the gondola. If you were hooked up to those heart rate monitors at the hospital, you’d be admitted for how fast your heart was beating. You could feel it pounding against your chest. 
“Look at those mountains over there!” Mark finally speaks up. You’re compelled to look, but you know that if you did, you’d probably pass out from how high you were—not that you knew how high you and Mark currently were… it just felt high. 
“They look… cool,” you comment without moving your head. You trace your laces with your eyes, while your grip around the edge of the seat grew tighter (if that was even possible). 
“Oh c’mon, you didn’t even look,” Mark says lightheartedly. It doesn’t take him long to realize what’s happening, eyes reading your body language like a book. At first, he hesitates to speak up, not knowing if he’ll come off as weird if he does reach out, but there’s something in him that pushes him to do so, “Do you want to sit next to me?” 
You gulp again, eyes quickly moving to Mark and then back to your feet. Were you being that obvious?
“It’s better on this side,” he says, “You don’t notice how far we’ve gone.” 
Your heart warms slightly at the fact that Mark doesn’t even question you, nor does he joke about the distance between you and the ground. Instead, he simply just acts on handing over the comfort you’ve been needing ever since you stepped onto this damn lift. “Can I?” You say quietly, bringing your legs closer underneath you. 
Mark nods, then he realizes you couldn’t actually see him nod, “Of course, you can.” 
“O-okay,” you take a deep breath and reach out for the seat in front of you. It’s further than you initially thought it was, so you feel that you look rather ridiculous reaching out for nothing. 
And that’s when you feel hands grabbing yours. 
“Okay, take your time to stand up,” he says softly, “I’ll pull you to my side so you don’t need to look up.” For the second time today, Mark Lee makes your stomach twist in an unusual way. 
Or was it just because you were practically hundreds of feet off ground?
You finally build the courage to stand up. Mark waits for your cue to tug gently at your arms, guiding you to the now-empty seat next to him. 
There’s a sense of relief when you finally plop down beside Mark, your neck thanking you for finally extending it after what felt like hours of looking down. Mark was right when he said that you wouldn’t be able to tell how far off the ground you both were. He was also right about how pretty the mountains were. 
“Thanks,” you sighed quietly, “I felt like I was going to shit myself.” 
Mark laughs and offers a kind grin, “It’s nothing. Why didn’t you say anything before we got on?”
You echo his laugh and shrug, “You looked too happy and I didn’t want to say no.” Mark feels himself smile at your reply, letting it hang in the air before it dissolves with no problem. In all honesty, he wouldn’t have forced you to go if he knew you had a fear of heights, but he was glad he was there to give you a sense of comfort in this situation. 
The rest of the ride up to the top of the mountain, you train your eyes at what you believe was the end of the trip up. There was a large roofed area that attempted to hide the large gears turning the entire cable line. Just beneath them, you could see ant-sized humans getting off and on the gondolas. You couldn’t help but feel relief bloom in your chest. 
“I’m excited!” Mark says from beside you. He jumps a bit in his seat, kicking his legs up like a young child, “I can’t wait to go sightseeing up there.” 
The gondola’s brought closer and closer to the end by the second, and before you know it, you and Mark are hopping off of the cart with heavy huffs. You’re ecstatic to feel the ground beneath your feet. And although you’re metres and metres above sea level, ground is ground and you’ll accept anything solid and concrete.
“The air’s very…” you hear Mark take in a big fat whiff of air, “Clear.” The astonishment in his voice makes you giggle. 
You give him a look, “Isn’t all air clear?” You both begin to walk out of the roofed area and out to where many other tourists were. People were walking back and forth, some walking up man-made stairs to reach one of the highest points of the mountain. 
“Yes, but you know what I mean,” he waves his hand to dismiss the comment he’s made, stuffing his hands into his pockets when a breeze blows past you both, “Are you okay making our way up?” 
You nod, “As long as we’re not hanging above ground then I’m fine.” Mark takes this as a green light to start walking up the steps, letting you go first and following closely after. 
“When we get up there, I want to take pictures,” Mark says from behind you. You can tell he’s out of breath, but you don’t blame him because you’ve been going up stairs for a good five minutes. 
Just under ten minutes, you and Mark finally reach the last step and onto a divided platform at a high point of the mountain. There weren't as many people as you thought there’d be, probably because the top wasn’t the easiest to reach. 
Just as earlier, you take in the scene happening in front of you. People were leaning against the railings with big smiles as someone took pictures of them, others stood and just stared off at the view, which you still had yet to see. There were a few families taking breaks at the picnic tables set up in a gathering area in the middle and dogs doing the same next to them. 
This itself was already nice to see, you think. Now it was time for the actual view that you and Mark had travelled all the way up here for. It better be worth the fear. 
Mark takes the lead again, gesturing for you to follow him up to an empty portion of the railing. His hands were still stuffed deep into the pockets of his hoodie, the air up being cooler than it was at the bottom of the mountain. You can faintly see the huffs of air coming out of your and Mark’s mouths, but the temperature was bearable. Besides, by the end of the trip up, you’ll probably be sweating your ass off.
Once Mark reaches the railings, you hear him gasp before turning to you, urging you to hurry up just a bit. And when it was your turn to get to the rail, you know exactly why Mark’s gasp was not exaggerated. 
It was breathtaking. And you suppose that it quite literally sucked the air out of Mark. There was no way to describe the sight except for the fact that it looked like it was pulled straight from a painting. The winding river, narrowed as it reached the end of the vast horizon, the layers of mountains getting lighter the further they got, and the trees presenting shades of autumn that all looked fabricated. It was all too beautiful to be real. There was no way it wasn’t just some abnormally enlarged picture. But the movement of the water stream and the slight swaying of the trees prove you wrong.
“I just….” Mark starts, “Want to sit here forever.” He crosses his arms and rests them on top of the metal fence. Then he brings his head down to sit on top of his arms. He’s bent down in a seemingly uncomfortable way, but by the way, his face relaxes, you know he isn’t. 
“It’s definitely so refreshing to see compared to buildings and concrete and almost no trees back home,” you comment before mirroring the way he’s posed. 
“You’re right,” he agrees. Mark stands up straight and pulls his phone from his pocket, “Do you want pictures?” He doesn’t even wait for your answer to pull up the camera, standing back just far enough so that you could still see the view behind you. 
“Yes please.” You turn your back to him and tell him you want one like that first before actually facing the camera. 
Mark holds a thumb up before holding the camera steady to let you know that everything was fine. Your pose, the camera’s position, the view in the back, they were all fine. 
There was no problem at all, everything was completely fine. 
At least that’s what Mark believes before he finds himself frozen as he stares at your silhouette through his phone. At the back of his mind, he deeply questions why he’s only like this now, when he's had so many other opportunities to actually look at you. 
So, why now?
He has no idea why. 
“One… one…” he drags on, finger wavering over the white button on the screen. 
“Are you okay?” You turn to look at him and Mark sees this through his phone’s screen. 
“Sorry,” he apologizes quickly, “I just zoned out there for a second.” Mark watches you get back into position and he quickly snaps a few pictures. Once he believes he’s gotten good shots of you, he hands you his phone, “Can I get some too?”
Without another word, you grab his phone and take pictures of Mark in front of the pretty view. He pulls the most ridiculous poses, but you find it endearing. You grin and pull the phone back to look at the photos. “Send me these?”
“I will when we get back to the hotel,” he nods. You hand him his phone and the both of you take in the view one more time before leaving for another part of the peak. As you and Mark make your way to different points of the peak, you begin to learn that there will simply be no bad sights to see. The surrounding forest area all held its own special view and with each part you encounter, you and Mark take pictures with the desire to capture the moment as it was. 
It was nice, actually. 
You started the day thinking it wouldn’t reach the expectations you set yourself when you all planned this trip. But you stand corrected when you’re actually enjoying Mark’s company. Thinking about it, it would’ve been a mess with everyone here. At least with Mark, there’s a good balance between pictures, relaxation, and simply joking around. You shouldn’t have judged the day so quickly. 
“I’m hungry,” Mark announces, “Do you want to find something to eat up here?” 
“What, like acorns or something?” you joke. There was almost nothing but nature, but you do recall seeing a building located a walk’s length from the departure zone of the gondolas. 
Mark laughs, shaking his head, “I’m not in the mood for nuts right now. I was thinking ‘bout that building over there.” He points to the same building you were thinking about.
“Sure,” you nod, “I’m pretty thirsty, too.”
After grabbing replenishments, you and Mark decide that it was warm enough to sit outside on one of the empty benches. You’re lucky to even have grabbed one considering there were more people sightseeing. 
“I wonder what the others are doing.” You take the biggest gulp of water and then eat the food you settled on. There had been no texts or phone calls from your friends, nor did they let you know where they were going. 
Mark shrugs and munches on his own food, “I don’t know, but I bet they’re not having as much fun as us.” His shoulders touch yours slightly as he swings his feet underneath him. You didn’t even notice how close he was sitting to you. The contact tickles your shoulder. 
You laugh and joke, “You’re right. I bet you they’re walking in mud right now. Karma for ditching us.” At the corner of your eye, movement catches your attention and you immediately go to look at it. A yelp leaves your lips as you come face to face with a ground squirrel, curiosity getting the best of it as it approaches you and Mark. “Shit, that scared me!”
Mark gasps and starts making noises to attract it. “It’s so cute!” He pulls out a French fry from his meal and stands up to face it, waddling back and forth and mirroring the direction the squirrel was moving, “Hey there!” Then he proceeds to make noises that you believe aren’t even squirrel noises. 
This is too cute. You hastily fish your phone out from your pocket and pull up the camera app, recording as much of the interaction as you can. 
Mark goes on for an embarrassingly long amount of time before he finally squats down to the animal and looks back at you, “You think it likes fries?”
“Mark, I don’t think we should feed wildlife,” you say seriously, but you’re laughing, only because Mark’s being adorable and you can’t handle it. His eyes give off the same look a kid would have after discovering something exciting. Who would have thought a ground squirrel would have this much of an effect on a grown man?
“Just one won’t hurt, right?” Mark questions. He sticks his hand out and waits for the squirrel to take it, “I feel bad. It looks hungry.” The ground squirrel snatches it out of Mark’s fingers, acquiring the fried potato strip before jetting off. 
“Man, it just wanted food.” Mark’s sulky. He stands up and turns to you, “I should’ve kno–“ He cuts himself off before his eyes widen. 
“Mark, are you good?” 
The boy bursts out into laughter, hand clutching his stomach. 
“Mark?” You’re utterly confused, almost feeling left out despite it only being between him and you. 
He reaches for your shoulders and turns you to look behind you, “Look!”
You let him turn you and you see why he’s laughing. On a big, white board that’s stuck strategically in the dirt, was a sign that states DO NOT FEED WILDLIFE. 
By the time you and Mark have explored a majority of the landmark, you’re both stumbling back and forth from the soreness of your feet. It’s funny because as you’re watching Mark walk, you can see that he can barely even pick his feet up, the back of his sneakers dragging roughly against the gravel. You’re knees feel like buckling from how tired they were from the semi-hiking you’ve been doing the entire day. 
“Let’s rest,” you say. It wasn’t even a suggestion or a question. If you kept walking, you felt like your legs were going to betray you and you’ll be tumbling down the stairs. 
“I was waiting for you to say,” Mark huffed, hand to the chest. He points to an empty bench right by a sightseeing telescope.
You give him a look, “Why didn’t you just say? What if I never said anything?”
He shrugs and plops down onto the bench, “I didn’t want to hold you back from exploring.” 
“And if something happens to you, then what?” your eyes narrow, but the tone in your voice is light. You take the empty spot next to him and slump down so that your head is able to rest against the bench’s backrest. You extend your legs forward and close your eyes. 
“Then you’d have to carry me down this mountain,” Mark replies wittily. 
You think about it as if he were being serious, “Okay, then I’ll be charging by the hour.” 
Mark laughs and notices that you have your eyes closed, “If you want to nap for a bit, you can go ahead. I’ll keep watch.” 
You smile softly and thank him. Oddly enough, you never saw Mark as a thoughtful guy. Sure, you knew he was a good guy, but it was just worth pointing out that he has genuinely good intent behind everything he says or does.
When you hear Mark stop kicking his feet against the gravel, you can’t help but take a peek to see what he’s up to. 
You open one eye and turn your head in his direction, but you’re only met with Mark staring down at his phone. His fingers fly across the screen for a good minute. You wonder who he’s texting. 
“Is it one of the others?”
Mark jumps slightly at your voice, head darting towards your direction, “Huh?”
“Whoever you’re texting.”
“Oh, I’m not texting any of them,” Mark says sheepishly. He hesitates for a moment before opting to turn his phone to you, showing you whatever he’s doing. The notes app stares back at you and there are words written in verses. 
“You write?” 
He nods, “Well, sorta… just random stuff. It’s how I like to express myself… Do you want to read it?” You realize how special this probably was to him. He’s sharing with you things he’s written that reflect his own emotions. 
“I’d love to.” You sit up as he hands you his phone. 
Then you read it:
“Winding rivers predictably change unpredictably;
Leaves turn hues that contrast the
Weather is ever-changing but foretold;
Time remains constant, but
no knowledge of what the future will bring;”
“I-it’s still a work in progress and I don’t know what direction I’m headed but—”
“So, living in the now is what’s important,” you say, “At least that’s how I interpret it.”
Mark blinks at you in astonishment. No one he’s shown his written verses to has ever tried to comprehend it, nor did they even appreciate it (besides his English professor, obviously). So when you actually take your time to read it, understand it, and offer your own meaning behind his words, he can’t help but feel his heart skip a beat just for you. 
Mark’s phone rings, interrupting him mid-sentence. 
“Oh, it’s Donghyuck.” He quickly answers it and brings the phone up to his ear, excusing himself.
The two of them have a short conversation with the usual back and forth. Then it dies down after a couple of minutes. “Maybe fifteen minutes? Give or take,” Mark estimates, “But you guys can start thinking before we get there… yeah… okay sounds good I think… see you!”
“What’d he say?” You ask, standing to the side of Mark.
“That they want to meet up for dinner,” Mark says, “He says they’re where we were this morning.” Mark stuffs his phone into his pocket and claps his hands together. He brings himself to stand at the railing, breathing it all in. “Goodbye, view.”
You laugh to yourself at Mark and you play along, “We’ll miss you!” It’s funny because you guys are going to be here for another day. It’s a high possibility you’ll be back tomorrow, even if it were for a short while. 
Mark looks over at you and smiles, “Let’s not keep the others waiting.” 
Although you let Mark lead the way, he still ends up slowing his pace to walk next to you. He’s telling you that it would be better if you sat in the same spot as you did this morning on the gondola, “And I’ll cover your eyes if you get scared.” 
You glare at him playfully and furrow your brows, “I can close my own eyes, you know.” 
Mark laughs, rolling his eyes, “Yeah but I don’t know, it’s my duty or something since I’m on there with you.” You freeze for a moment, causing the guy to walk a few steps ahead of you. Was he just flirting with you or was it Mark just being… Mark? Mark has always been the type to say things that surfaced from his thoughts. 
You shake your head and jog to keep up with him, “Don’t worry about me. I don’t think I’ll freak out this time anyways. It’s just good knowing you’re there just in case, though.” Nudging him playfully, you send him a small smile of reassurance. 
“I’m honoured,” Mark gasps, “But I’m serious, if you feel scared anytime during the ride down, just tell me.” 
“I will.”
°•. ✿ .•°
Your eyes are close to shutting when you feel a rough tug at your duvet. 
“What do you want, Yeri,” you groan, throwing your body around to face her. The lamp on her side of the two-bed room is still turned on and you can’t help but feel blinded when you accidentally look straight at it. Yeri’s wearing a face mask that makes her look like a ghost. You can’t even recall when she even stood up to put it on, nor did you hear her unwrap one. 
“Are you mad at me?” She attempts to pout but the mask stops her from any sort of facial expression, “I promise you we didn’t plan to ditch you but–”
“I’m not mad, I’m just tired,” you sit up, clearly understanding that Yeri wants to have a conversation. The sleeve of your oversized shirt falls off one shoulder and you quickly pull it back up. Then, you lean forward towards your own lap and flick it on. 
“Okay good!” Yeri exclaims, “Because I have a question that I’ve been meaning to ask you ever since dinner ended but Mark was with us.” Although your best friend still can’t pull the usual expressions she usually makes, you can tell which one she’s pulled off her rack just by the look in her eyes.
Your brow quirks at the mention of Mark, “Why would it matter if Mark was there or not?” 
“I wanted to ask you how it went with him.” Yeri grins slightly through her mask, eyes blinking like in those cartoons. She pulls her legs up and crosses them, bouncing on her bed. 
“What do you even mean?”
“You and Mark were alone,” she points out, “When was the last time he and you were alone? Never. You guys would look cute together, you know?” 
You look at her like she was crazy, knowing exactly what she was implying (though she wasn’t even trying to be subtle), but you try your best to ignore it, “To be honest it was actually fun.” And you’re not lying. You tell Yeri everything, telling her about the trip up to the mountains, the picture-taking, seeing ground squirrels, the trip down—everything. By the looks on Yeri’s face, you can tell she’s overanalyzing everything (exactly how a best friend would). 
“If you say anything about Mark and feelings, I will actually kick you right now,” you show her your foot, “I don’t like Mark like that.” You think about what you said in your head. You’re almost completely sure you don’t have any underlying feelings for Mark, but after today, you can’t help but think about the possibility. In childish terms, it wasn’t gross actually having feelings for Mark, it was just odd because you never would think you’d have these feelings, especially since you both weren’t considered close among your friend group. But after your day with him and seeing what it was like being with him, you wouldn’t oppose any feelings if they did come up. 
Yeri gives you a look that involved her having to tilt one side of her face closer to you. She looked like that Megamind ‘no bitches’ meme. You raise your foot in threat, “Yeri, don’t look at me like that.” 
“I’m just making sure,” she shrugs, backing up. 
There’s a knock at the door before you’re even able to reply. You can already guess it’s one of the others. There was no way an employee would willingly serve guests at this ungodly hour. Being closer to the door, an unspoken rule brings you up to your feet to open it, leaving Yeri at her bed (she doesn’t complain). 
You look through the peephole and see Donghyuck standing there, Mark trying to drag the younger boy back to their own room. You can see Mark saying something in panic but Hyuck’s choosing to ignore him, eyes staring intently at the door. You open it. 
“Go sleep, guys.” 
“Oh, great! Y/N, you answered it,” Donghyuck exclaims. Mark’s now attempting to put him in a chokehold, roughly pulling him back. Donghyuck doesn’t budge. It seems that he has superhuman strength whenever he chooses. 
“Huh? What do yo—”
“What did you do to him?” Donghyuck grabs Mark by the wrist and points to him. You’re not even sure why you’re not laughing at this point. Donghyuck looks dead serious and Mark looks like he’s going to explode out of stress. It was probably the curiosity keeping you from bursting. 
“What do you mean?” 
“You broke him,” Donghyuck replies as if it still made sense. Fortunately, he keeps going without question, “I was trying to talk to him, but he wasn’t even listening. You know why? He was staring at his phone like this.” Donghyuck freezes and pretends to gawk at his phone. At this point, Mark’s trying to cover his mouth. 
“And why am I to blame?”
When Mark realizes what’s about to be said, he stops restraining Donghyuck and retreats back down the direction of their room. In another universe, his feet would leave tracks of fire. 
Donghyuck’s posture sags and he groans, “The picture was of you!” 
You freeze. “Me?” 
“Her!?” Yeri gasps running to the door, “Mark come back here!” 
You look down the hall and Mark’s frozen as if you were all playing a game of red light, green light. There was no way he was going to turn back. He was scared to move. But he knew he was done for. 
Meanwhile, your heart’s beating out of your chest because this was news to you. You’re not sure how to react.
“Mark Lee!” Yeri calls. You feel bad for the other guests in the other rooms because the four of you are disrupting the hell out of their sleep. You wonder if the others can hear this going down, “Come back here, or I’m telling auntie you scratched her car!”
Mark’s back at Donghyuck’s side in an instant, but he’s avoiding all possible eye contact with you. Donghyuck’s just laughing at him, bringing his cheeks between his thumb and his index finger. 
“Care to explain?” Yeri pushes on, eyes burning holes through Mark’s face. At the back of her mind, she knows that her mask is long overdue, but she doesn’t care about that right now. She wants to know what’s up with Mr. Lee. 
“Youlookedreallyprettyinthepicture,” Mark mumbles, eyes glued to the old hotel carpet. 
Donghyuck and Yeri, who seemed more invested in this than you were, looked at him and threw him a slap, “Speak clearly!” 
“I… um…” Mark’s eyes flicker to his best friend and to you, and then to Yeri, and then back to you before settling to its home staring at the carpet, “Can I talk to Y/N alone?”
Yeri immediately drags Donghyuck into the room, pushing you out in the process. Then, before you know it, the door is shut and you’re alone with Mark in this quiet hallway. 
“I wanted to say how I really enjoyed today,” he says quietly. Mark can feel his chest heat up, cheeks following not long after, “And… I was staring at the picture because you looked… really pretty in it.” Mark feels like bolting off, but the deed was halfway done. That, and his feet feel like they’ve been anchored to the floor underneath him. 
“Wow… umm, thank you?” you gulp, “But I enjoyed today, too. So much that I was actually a bit bummed when we had to leave…” 
Mark’s confidence level rises just a little bit, hearing that you were somehow reciprocating all of this, “When… when we get back home, do you want to go on a… date with me?”
“A date?”
“I-I mean it can be a friendly date if you want, or a date-date if that’s what you want too,” Mark rambles, “I’m okay with what you want. But my question was about a date…date.”
“Ya! Mark Lee! At least make this bearable to watch!” you hear Donghyuck through the door. 
“Y/N answer him already, my neck is hurting!” Yeri calls after. 
You quickly shoot a glare at the peephole and turn back to Mark, who is now a crimson shade of red, “I would love to go on a date with you, actually. A date-date.” 
Mark’s eyes light up at your response, “Really?”
“Yes really.”
Behind the door, you hear Donghyuck and Yeri cheer, followed by slaps that you could guess were a bunch of high-fives. 
They were just as ecstatic as Mark was.
Because Operation: Mountain Trip was a success. 
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
I would love if you could write something like this:
Steve went to the past after putting back the stones bc he wanted to stay with Peggy…so he did, but after 5 hours with her he realised that Peggy is not the love of his life but it’s actually reader.
Like they were engaged and had been together for long long time (since 2012 idk) and reader was gonna tell him she was pregnant after he came back from putting the stone…
But bc of time travelling 5 hours in the past are 5 years for the rest (like reader, Bucky Sam etc.) which means that Steve has been gone for 5 years, so when he comes back he is shocked and confused but then he finds readers house (which is similar to Tony’s and pepper yk cute in the woods near a lake bla bla bla) and he rings the bell and she opens and is whole like tf???
And then her their son come up behind her and ist like “mommy who’s this?”
Also Bucky and Sam and all the others have helped her with the baby and now son.
Idk you can decide if she if a single mom or if she is with in a relationship with Bucky or if she is with someone else yk
I love you and your fics!!!
Besos 💕
hi honey! I hope you like this and thank you, I love you too!
summary - steve left you for peggy, only to realise five hours in that she was no longer the woman he loved. when he came back, five years had passed. will you ever forgive him for the sake of your son? or is your future with him no more?
warning - angst, so much angst, swearing.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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Five years ago today, you had watched the love of your life disappear to the past and not return. You had suspected something was going to go wrong that day, and it was also the day you had found out you were pregnant. You could remember when Steve had first gone to the past, and when he came back… He was… Distant. He couldn’t even look at you, wouldn’t hug or kiss you, and those days were the hardest. You had felt so alone and unloved. 
Right now, you’re decorating a bunch of biscuits that have been cooling since they came out of the oven. You find yourself zoned out as you stare out the kitchen window and at the swing tied to a huge tree. You hadn’t thought of Steve for a very long time, sure. There were times that your son reminded you of him. Of course, he would. He was the spitting image of his father, just cuter and tinier. 
“Mumma?” You blink, clearing your throat before you turn and look down at your son. “Can I have a biscuit now?” You smile softly, cupping his cheek, your thumb stroking his face. 
“Sure, baby. Which colour do you want?” He points to the sparkly green one, mentioning that it reminds him of Rex. The dinosaur he’s currently clutching. “Here you go, baby. But that’s the only one, okay? We don’t want to spoil your dinner.” 
“Okay, mumma! Thank you!” He gives you a wide, toothless smile before stuffing the biscuit into his mouth and walking away, probably to continue watching his cartoons.
You sigh, sadly watching him walk away. You had been engaged to Steve and thought he was happy with you. You were ready to marry him, buy a house in the woods and have many kids, but he left you for her. He left, and you were alone to pick up the pieces. Sure, you could’ve gone to Bucky, Sam, or any of the remaining avengers. But they were all grieving themselves, so you packed up. You bought that house in the woods and ended up raising your child alone. You remember during your pregnancy, you didn’t want to live, but you didn’t want to do that to everyone else. When the team found out you were pregnant and trying to do it alone, they nagged you until you let them help.
You could remember clear as day when Bucky and Sam knocked on your door, bringing you food daily, staying up with you, and getting you your cravings. They were there when your son was born, and they were there to change his diaper and feed him whilst you slept. They were there, and yet, he wasn’t. Of course, he wasn’t. The man decided to be selfish when you needed him the most. What hurt most was the fact that he couldn’t be selfish with you. He had to be with another for that. You wish he had told you so that you could say goodbye. 
You were so in your head that you didn’t hear the familiar rumble of a motorbike pull up. It just blended with old memories of Steve. The bell rang throughout the house, followed by some knocking. Your brows furrow as you wonder what asshole is ringing and knocking at your door. Couldn’t they decide which one? You put down the biscuit you were decorating, brushing your hands against your apron before you head over. Your hand wrapped tightly around the handle, and you swung it open.
“What the–” Your eyes widen when they connect with those beautiful blue ones you fell in love with. Your lips curl in a sneer, an angry expression crossing your face. “What do you want? Shouldn’t you be fucking some old whore right now?” 
Steve winces, his eyes dragging up and down your body as he takes you in. He can feel his heart nearly beating out of his chest at the sight of you in front of him. “Listen… I know–”
“No, you listen. You piece of shit!” You whisper-yell, teeth clenched as you don’t want your son to hear. Your finger presses against Steve’s chest as you poke. “You left me. You left us. For someone who had already moved on, for someone who was in your past. You asked me to marry you, we had these plans for our future, and you threw them away for someone else.” You rapidly blink away the tears, not wanting to show him any sign of weakness. “You plunged your hand into my chest and ripped it out, taking it with you. You don’t get to come back here and think all is forgiven. It’s been five fucking years, Steven, five. Why’d you even come back, huh? You get sick of her already?” Your hands rest on your hips as you glare up at him. 
He gulps, feeling tears fill his eyes as he realises the amount of pain you’ve gone through these past years. “I didn’t know it was going to be five years… I was only there for five hours, but I came back for you! I realised you are the one I love, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.” He stops as your glare hardens.
“Steven Grant Rogers, are you telling me you had to leave without a goodbye, leave me for another woman for you to realise I was the one? Is that what your telling me right now?! You’re telling me the many years we spent together weren’t enough for you to know. But possibly sticking your dick in another made you realise?” 
Steve’s mouth opens as he’s about to argue, but a much smaller voice cuts him off. “Mummy? Who’s this?” Your eyes fall down to your son’s, watching as he glares at Steve. Steve’s brows are furrowed as he takes in the child, noticing how similar he looks. His breath hitches as the pieces of the puzzle begin to connect.
He looks at you, tears now rolling down his face. “Is he…” You reluctantly nod, causing sobs to escape Steve. “Oh my god, I have a son? Why didn’t you tell me? I missed so much….” 
You glare, “why didn’t I tell you? Why didn’t I tell you?!” You hear a small whimper and quickly look down at your son. “It’s okay, baby. Why don’t you go and watch more of your cartoons? Mummy will be there soon.” He nods, casting one last glance at Steve before wandering off, hesitating to leave his mum with a man who is obviously upsetting her. “I was going to tell you that day, Steve. But you decided that leaving for someone in the past was more important than staying with the people you had in the present.” 
He takes a shaky breath, staring at you. “What can I do to make it up to you? What can I do to make us a family?” His fingers itch, wanting to reach out and touch you, but he knows you’d rip his limbs off if he did.
“There’s nothing you can do, Steve. I may let you see your son, but anything between us is over. I don’t want to be with someone I can’t trust, but the first sign of you becoming distant, I will ban all interaction with my son. Understood?” He nods, feeling his heartbreak at your decision, wondering if there’s someone else.
“I–Is there someone else?” Steve gulps, watching your jaw clench. “I wouldn’t blame you if you moved on… But.”
“But what? Do you really think you have a say in anything? You left me, Steve. Remember that, before you ask personal questions, you have no right to know.” You move back, and just as you are about to close the door. You look at him. “But, no. There’s no one else because you ruined that for me. So I hope she was worth it.” And with that, you close the door, sliding down it as you try and catch your breath. Your head goes into your hands, trying not to break down because you still have your son to think about. 
“Mummy?” You quickly blink the tears away, lifting your head, your eyes meeting his bright blue ones. He comes closer and crawls into your lap, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face into your neck. “I love you, mummy. Will always be here.” 
And with those words, you break down. You have no idea of the man on the other side listening to everything, on the verge of his own tears. You only care about the sweet angel hugging you. You hold him tightly against you as you cry into his hair. “I love you too, baby boy. Mummy will always love you.”
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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kanpaeki · 10 months
"stop playing with my panties, dominic" - dominic fike x reader
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gif not mine <33
THIS is my first piece of writing since like 2018. i'm so nervous to left this fly but i've received some encouragement from some sweethearts so i think i'm ready!
this is just dominic bothering reader as she's doing her self care sunday. i wanted my first fic back to be something short, silly but cute. thank you so so much to @huhniebowl for helping me get this out, i'd been brainstorming for days.
hopefully we go up from here. hope you likeeee.
after a long week, self-care sunday finally arrived to reinstate the state of your sanity. nearing the end of summer, you'd assume people would have their lives together more so than the beginning. but nope. and of course it was your job to deal with the mess. but you digress, it wasn't like this all the time. plus, you wouldn't get such satisfaction out of cleaning as you do now.
you'd decided to start on chores to get them out the way before you really locked in with skin, nails and hair care. you'd already put a load in the laundry, taking care of the dishes currently when you hear the jiggle of the front door. dominic bursts through, having gone for an impromptu session at the studio after some lyrics suddenly came to him.
"hey! how was it?" you call over your shoulder, elbow-deep in some sudsy water. instead of answering you, he slinks behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his chin atop your head. "honestly, i really wanna put this one out."
you laugh at that, knowing he says that damn near every time. "it must be good then."
"well, you know, i'm something of a musical prodigy," he smiles, leaving your side to go see what snacks he could find in the cabinet, "just kidding. i don't know what i'm doing." he mumbles, stuffing a chip in his mouth.
rolling your eyes, you unplug the drain in the sink, letting the water out and shaking out your hands. "even your mom said you were a musical prodigy, i'd have to agree with her."
you go to grab a paper towel when he puts the chip bag down on the counter, "i'm being so rude, did you want help?" he dusts his hands off on his jeans before picking up a dish and rinsing it off. except he grabbed a spoon. and consequently, water went everywhere, mostly on you due to your position right in front of the faucet. he drops the spoon and pauses while you hiss at the cool water soaking through your shirt, looking down to see the damage before glaring up at him.
"i didn't mean to do that."
with a soaked shirt, you sigh and continue the dishes. "you can dry them as i rinse them, how about that?"
"yeah, that's probably better."
after you'd finished the dishes, you moved onto working on laundry as he went to rest. or so you thought. you played some music from your phone softly, while you sat on a stool, folding clothes out the dryer and putting them in a clean basket.
something flung from the corner of your eye and you looked over to see dominic with an incredulous look of amusement on his face before he burst into laughter and picked up another pair of your seamless panties.
"dominic, what the hell are you doing?" you sputter, "are those clean?" as if that's the biggest issue at hand.
"i don't know, i got 'em from this basket." he laughed, flinging the next pair towards you and you flinch before they land on your head. you huff and snatch them off your head, balling them in your hand and standing up.
"stop playing with my panties, dominic. i thought you were laying down in the room!" you gasp, picking up the other panties off the floor while he laughs and runs away.
there was a pair you couldn’t find and you just gave up, not even bothering to waste time looking for them. you’d have him find it later.
today was going to be a long day, you think to yourself while you watch his form retreat back to the bedroom. it was rare that he got in these teasing moods and usually, you didn't mind but you don't think you have the patience for it today.
it's not until you've finished the laundry and put everything away that dominic showed his face again. using a spatula to spread the face mask on, wrapped in a robe, hair tied up and out of the way, dom pokes his head in the bathroom to look at you.
"sorry for being annoying," he gives you those puppy dog brown eyes and you want to roll your eyes so bad but you can't when those butterflies are fluttering through your stomach.
it takes you a minute to respond. you just look at him through the mirror, putting the spatula down and a soft smile spreads on your lips. your head tilts and you nod, "it's okay, dom." you can't help but chuckle. the ridiculousness of the situation was too funny. only dominic.
"you look hot." he deadpans. and you know he's lying. the green goop of a face mask dripping from your face, making a mess everywhere on the sink. but you laugh anyway.
“thank you. wanna do skincare with me?"
and of course, he’s down. ever the supporter of all things you, he sits patiently on the toilet while you paint his face with the goo. his nimble fingers find their way under the skirt of your robe to the waistband of your panties, snapping the material lightly on your skin.
“i thought i asked you to stop playing with my panties.” you can’t help but crack a smile.
he sighs and looks up at you with those brown doe eyes, “my fault,” making you laugh with pure adoration for the boy.
and so you finish his mask. while he’s checking himself out in the mirror, you begin to run a bath. he’s making noises from behind you, posing as you can see from the corner of your eye.
“what are you doing?” you ask, testing the water with the pads of your fingers under the faucet.
“i look like jason or something.” he pounces on you, shaking you playfully. he leans in to kiss you and you hesitate because your masks, causing his jaw to drop in offense. “what the hell was that?!”
you laugh, shaking your head, “just be careful. our masks are still drying.” and you lean in for a peck of the lips, cautious but sweet.
“i’m glad you’re here,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around his waist. all the gym’s been doing him good, you can feel the muscle building under his tan skin. he’s been warmer, healthier, happier. you’re so proud of him.
“thank you for putting up with me.” he responds, pushing the stray hairs back from your updo, smoothing them down. he always liked holding your head. you’re not entirely sure why.
a quiet moment ensues, just the sound of the water filling up the tub while you enjoy each other’s company, looking into each other’s eyes.
before you realize something.
“did you ever find where you flung my panties?”
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noroi1000 · 1 year
I had this idea of a Geto x reader. So in the jjk movie Geto has subordinate or slaves who worship him so what if the reader was one of those subordinates and knew the dark truth about Geto and all she wants is to runaway from him. Geto on the other hand likes y/n and she’s his favorite slave, treats her like his pet who he takes care of, and since he’s almost with her all the time, she barely has the chance to escape. He doesn’t know that she wants to escape because he thought that since he gave her everything she didn’t felt the need to leave. Until one day she did escape and he becomes crazy trying to look for her but she was gone. Let’s say about a year later the reader is living faraway in the country side and everything was peaceful until one day, he was suddenly inside her house and killed her current boyfriend, he takes her back to his temple where he locks her up away in his room, the ending can be however you want.
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Alleged NSFW,murders, kidnaping, yandere
Yandere Master Geto x servant/slave reader
Summary: You are his pet. You are his favorite servant. Do you think you could ever live another life without him? He's the one who saved your life. That's why you're his. His beloved pet. His puppy. Out of all of them, he only wants you.  His sweet, beautiful and perfect puppy.
Words: 5.7k
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"Well-behaved puppies are rewarded. And you're such a cute puppy that I can't be mad at you." You heard him say as you knelt on the floor in front of him. Your head is slightly tilted. Down.
There was a broken vase in front of you.
You broke it.
And you had to do it while he was around...
Why does everything that's bad happen to you?
Why did you have to break it, not someone else?
Oh, you already know why...
You are his pet...
And the people you live with here can tell right away that being his pet is the worst thing you could stay in this place.
Still, it wasn't that bad.
But that didn't encourage you to stay with him here. You don't want to be here. You don't want to live as his servant. You don't want to be his "puppy". Even if he doesn't treat you like a slave. Even if you are always welcome here. You can do much more than others can. You get gifts from him...
You are still a pet for him that he wants to care for...
Little puppies blindly follow people who care for them. It was the same with you. He's so good to you...
However, there is something that scares you about this man.
He hates people...
He hates people who aren't "sorcerers", whatever those people are...
He is a murderer...
He doesn't care what others feel. He only cares about his family. Which was a nice plus in your opinion because you've seen them together many times. Happy.
They were family. And you were his pet.
The pet he feeds, dresses, strokes. He is playing.
And he also trains his pet to have you cute, but also to listen to him. And that you will always be with him.
Because you are his favorite. And he would never give you up, because from all the time you've been here, you're his.
You have a place of honor next to him.
You spend time with him. When he sits, you sit next to him.
On his knee, next to his leg, snuggling against his thigh. Or you sit next to him, letting him do what he wants, and he will only touch you when he wants to.
He has trained his puppy to follow him. Who follows his orders.
But because of who he is... You want to run away...
You don't want to live here...
You don't want to know that you are pleasing a man who kills without hesitation. He's the darkest person you've ever known.
Even though he cares about you and you have everything here as long as you listen to him. Even though you don't have a life outside of him, because since he brought you here, you've lost everything.
Even though this is your home now.
You don't want to help a man who killed someone right in front of you.
The vase that fell on the floor collapsed because you caught the sleeve of your clothes on the cupboard as you ran to the front door.
You wear a kimono or a yukata here, according to "Geto-sama" order...
While others wear plain white, yours have light colors or patterns.
Which clearly shows the difference in how he treats you. You are his favourite.
But what you have to do here has become your lost this time. When your sleeve with pink ornaments. He touched the vase. Causing the glass to fall to the ground.
When you heard footsteps, you immediately got scared and knelt down to pick up the glass.
Then he appeared...
Your Master.
A man who gives you everything even though you don't want it.
"What happened here?" he asked looking at the mess.
"Geto-sama..." You widened your eyes slightly.
When he realizes you're too close to the exit door without his order, he'll get pissed.
When he realizes that you want to run away, he will kill you right away...
"...S-Sorry... So sorry..." you bowed harder.
You're just his servant...
You have to apologize for everything you've done. You will take the blame for everything that happens.
He has more patience with you. He treats you leniently because you are his favourite.
He won't punish you like he would others...
Whatever happens, you will take it upon yourself so that none of the people you work with here die.
You are his favorite, and he does what he wants with you. But you don't want the people you befriended to suffer.
You will take whatever he tells you to do.
Even if at some point you have to please him...
It won't be that bad because he's not disgusting.
"Look at me." He said and you obeyed and lifted your head to look at him. "Do I look like I'm expecting an apology? I'm not angry about what happened."
He straightened up, but you were still kneeling.
"Good puppies are rewarded. And you're such a cute puppy that I can't be mad at you."
Your head is slightly tilted. Down.
His hand was suddenly on your head, and he stroked your hair.
"Come on, get up. You'll hurt yourself. Others will clean it up." he called out.
You got up slowly, keeping your hands together in front of your body.
"I am your slave, Geto-sama. I can clean it up..."
"A slave? Haha... You're not a slave. You are my favorite pet. You do everything I tell you. Besides, I wanted a bath. You can leave it and go on to more important things. I don't want your hands hurt."
Pet... Exactly...
You're just a pet... You always wanted it to be something else... He was always so nice to you... And then you found out you're just a pet... It was like a punch to you...
However, what else could you expect?
You're just his servant...
You have no life outside of this place... You've been here for over a year...
And you are his chief servant. You're the only one who serves him in his private affairs.
You give him his things, you prepare his bath, you take care of his clothes. Everything related to him.
You bring him food and anything he asks for.
You have a lot of work having to be with him all the time. But that doesn't bother you. As long as you manage to protect a few friends who work with you here...
You don't want to leave them here, but their service ends here.
They are here as his servants because they had no money to pay him to perform the exorcism.
They worked out what they owed him.
But life is priceless...
That's why you'll be here for the rest of your life if you don't run away...
You will be with him as long as you live. Or you can escape.
When you first met him, he was different...
Or so you thought.
You were attacked by what he calls a curse.
As he saw the blood running down your head, he stared at the monster above you.
You were moaning for help. And he was looking at the monster.
Fascinated by the power of the curse that was upon you.
You could have died that day.
Then you were thankful you didn't lose your life.
Now you sometimes wish you had died at that moment.
You won't forget his words for the rest of your life when suddenly the pain that was attacking your body disappeared.
"I will save you for giving me that curse. However, you still owe me something. Because life is supposedly more valuable than anything. Priceless."
The next day you woke up in a clean bed. In a place you didn't know.
Where you were surrounded by people whom you see for the first time.
And they told you the whole truth.
You became his servant... And you were to be that for the rest of your life.
The place you didn't know was supposed to be the only place you'd know...
Because this is your place now. Your home. Your job.
Even if you never get paid for it.
You got life. He saved you for serving him.
A slave for life for saving your life.
You bowed to him every morning. You brought him food.
And he was smiling.
Your back was slightly bent as he walked past you. You bowed slightly to him with a small smile. To give him respect.
The fact that you'd be working for him here wasn't so bad. You had very good conditions here.
He gave you smiles.
Because he thought you were cute. That if he had to pick a favorite, he'd choose you without hesitation. Even if there were people who have been here a little longer than you.
You were called more often to go to him. That's why you noticed that he treats you a little differently than other people in this temple. You had your room. You got little gifts from Him, He wasn't angry with you. He was smiling at you.
That's why when you went to bring him a meal with a smile, other people looked at you strangely.
"How can you like this monster?"
"Are you crazy?"
"Why are you smiling when you go to him?"
"We are his servants, if we could, we would be long gone."
"I hate living here. Especially with this cruel man."
There was only one answer to all these things...
"Without him, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be in the world at all."
"He is nice to me. I don't understand why you think that about him. He's not cruel. He didn't do anything to me. He is nice. He even gave me a present."
You've already become his favourite...
Favorite servant.
You were so sweet.
And others didn't want to take that smile away from you, and live in this deceptive picture that it shows you for now.
As long as you could smile genuinely here, they didn't want to give you the truth.
You were such a sweet puppy to him.
A puppy who will follow his master, even if his master is about to kick it back into the fire.
However, you were his favourite, so he will guide you, but at some point he won't get rid of you.
You blindly followed what he was now showing you without revealing one very important thing.
He hated people...
He liked you very much. Just like when you started dating him.
Perhaps you were the most important person to Him.
Someone he can care about without thinking about whether you deserve it.
Because you were such a cute pet to him.
He held on, and you were tamed. You were not a wild animal. You were his puppy.
An accustomed puppy is gentle.
And you were.
Until you saw the blood flowing on the clean wooden floor.
Blood belonging to a woman who decided she'd been here long enough, and now she was leaving. Or he has to pay her to clean this temple every day.
You only heard words like "greedy monkey" and "worthless" when you were around.
But you understood what it was about.
You were standing there with clean towels
But you felt you couldn't go in there now. You felt so dark and cold from this room.
When you saw blood pouring from behind the wall, creating red streaks on the floor, you stepped back.
You heard terrified screams.
Until you finally decided to see what was going on there.
Curiosity has taken over you.
You saw your master hold the neck of one of the women. Older woman. And the body of another lay bloody on the floor. Bent, and you saw her legs being eaten by some monster...
The disgusting smell of blood made you sick.
"Is a year of your life really that much? If you don't want me to get rid of you too, don't say anything more. Unless you want to die and never come back to your family. You only have one year of work left. So don't annoy me."
You watched the long-haired man in his navy blue outfit as he let go of the woman and turned sideways.
"Clean it up." He said firmly as his curse continued eating that meal.
He then turned his head to the side and looked at you.
It clearly showed that he saw your presence.
If he...
Will he kill you now too?
You stepped back with horror written all over your face.
The towels fell to the floor, you covered your mouth with your hands as you stepped back to lean your back against the opposite wall.
You hyperventilated.
You didn't want it in your mind. You wished this never happened!
However, as your slight dizziness subsided, you saw someone in front of you. It wasn't an empty corridor.
It was your master...
"Will you prepare me a bath?" You heard his soft voice in your ears.
Whenever he spoke to you, his voice was so gentle... You couldn't tell he was mad at you.
Your jaw was trembling.
Tears flowed from your eyes. Your hands next to your face were trembling too. And you couldn't stop the trembling.
You felt some pressure on your wrists, then your hands were pulled away from your face
His hand held your wrists.
His fingers on the other hand lifted your chin to look at him.
Your eyes widened even more as she saw his cheek with a bloodstain on it. It wasn't his blood... It was definitely not his blood...
"Let's go." He said looking into your terrified eyes.
"G-Geto-sama..." You groaned with a broken voice. More tears flowed from your eyes.
he sighed.
"I hate monkeys..." Saying this, he tugged on your wrists and started walking.
Pulling you after him as he walked towards his bathroom, where with your body trembling from crying and fear, you prepared him a bath, then quickly left leaving him there alone.
When you got into your bathroom, he vomited. To feel that awful feeling in your esophagus all night long. That you're about to throw up, even if you don't.
You sat in the corner of your room, choosing a spot where he wouldn't see you right away when he opened the door.
What if he kills you now?
You don't want to be here anymore...
Your heart raced as the door was opened in the middle of the night.
Your eyes hurt from crying and being tired. But you didn't want to sleep. Not in this place.
Not until you have the assurance that you won't die any minute.
"(y/n)? (y/n)? Where are you?"
It wasn't his voice.
A woman came through the door, but you weren't there. Can make any sound...
And when he saw you, she wanted to cry when she saw your condition.
But she didn't come there to see how you were doing.
She came to tell you that Geto wants you to come to his bedroom.
You dragged your feet on the floor as you walked with the woman in that direction.
Your body felt so heavy.
Alby would be giving you signals not to go there.
These were supposed to be the last moments of your life, weren't they?
You did something wrong... You know it...
Did you offend him in some way?
He killed the person who was supposed to pay him a debt by working for him for a year.
And you have no other life. You stay here for the rest of your life...
And your end of life is imminent, isn't it?
A soft knock on his room door.
You wanted to say something to the woman next to you, but your throat hurt from sobbing.
You heard his words allowing you to enter.
You followed her inside and bowed without saying a word.
"Go out." he said to the woman next to you.
She left without a word.
"(y/n), look at me." he ordered.
Your body forced itself to look at him.
Your tired eyes met his purple ones.
He even knows your name?
You were surprised that he remembers your name... After all, you're just a worthless monkey for him. He could easily replace you with another slave...
However, this was something else.
"When I passed your room a while ago, I heard you crying. I knew you weren't sleeping." He said resting his elbow on his leg as he sat on the edge of his bed. This yukata loosely on his body.
You have your own room because you were supposed to live here forever. But now you wish you had it. Because it's on the way to his room. And he can hear you through thin walls.
Maybe it would really be better to die that day...?
"You're tired. Right?"
You didn't say anything because you didn't know what to say to him.
If he called you to kill you, he'll do it no matter what you say.
You were afraid of him. Where is this nice and gentle man?
Suddenly he got up.
"Come to me, okay?" He extended his hand towards you.
He could come to you himself, but he'd rather you do it. Because it will then clearly show him that you are still reacting to your surroundings.
People may stop perceiving their surroundings, or they may lose their mind after seeing death.
He didn't want you to be an emotionless bag.
Then you wouldn't be his favorite anymore.
He smiled slightly as he saw your feet slowly move to approach him.
Once you were in his arm's reach, he placed his hands on your shoulders.
"Don't be afraid. I could never hurt my pet." He said pulling you to his chest.
He thought people were disgusting. However, you weren't like that. You were his clean pet. That's why he didn't pay attention to it. You are HIS pet.
"My pet will always get the best stuff. As long as you're polite. And you are always polite. Cute as a puppy."
It was at that moment that you became a puppy to him...
A puppy that started to grow.
A puppy who had had enough of life on a tether. Even though you had everything you could want.
A puppy who started defying you to protect others.
Because even according to him, you were the strongest of all his minions. That's why you interested him. Because you were so cute and perfect for it.
"Why did I see one of you creeping towards the exit?" he asked, standing in front of you.
He wanted to escape... You know it. He is new. He didn't want to be here.
That's why he got too close to the door. But you managed to call him back when you heard footsteps.
But he saw it anyway.
He didn't care if they were here or not.
But he didn't want to be deceived by ordinary monkeys...
That's why he couldn't let it happen.
You stood in front of him, looking at him with kind eyes.
"Geto-sama, I'm sorry, I thought the door was open. And I wanted to close it." You said standing in front of his chest.
You looked down at your feet.
I'm sure everyone was shocked that you were taking the blame.
But at the same time they knew that Geto wouldn't kill you. Because you were his favorite...
And his beloved pet.
"really?" he muttered in disbelief.
"It really was. Geto-sama. I'm sorry."
Suddenly his hand grabbed your chin and pulled your face up.
"What if you're lying?" He asked looking seriously into your eyes.
He doesn't need a fake pet...
He wants a clean, innocent and cute pet to have with him.
As he held your jaw with three fingers, two more were placed on your neck.
Your smaller hands instinctively grabbed his sleeve.
Something he never punished you for.
Just as puppies get their master's attention by tugging at the leg, you would grab his sleeve or put your hand on his.
"You're scared, aren't you?" He asked with a slight smile. "But you never lied to me."
He released your face.
"But this time I saw clearly that it wasn't you. There by the door."
You widened your eyes slightly.
"The strong protect the weak. You follow that rule, right? I'll let you go this time." he put his hand on your head and leaned down to your ear. "But show me that this mouth is capable of more than lying."
You didn't know what that sentence meant.
Were you singing to him? Were you supposed to talk to him?
But as he dragged you to his room, you saw him sit on the edge of his bed, and he pointed to the floor between his knees.
you were afraid. It is obvious.
Today he found out about your lie...
So what are you supposed to do now?
Once you were kneeling between his legs, you rested the side of your head on his thigh, the way he likes to do it.
They say you look so cute when you do that.
"I'm not someone who throws little puppies into the deep water to learn to swim. I'm someone who prefers to get used to slowly. So do everything at your own pace. I won't rush you."
You didn't know what to do, so you sat there.
Until his hand gently slid the fabric off your arm, leaving your arm and bra straps exposed.
"Are you so comfortable? The only punishment for you is that you have to do it kneeling in front of me. Like a bad girl for lying to me. But I can put a blanket under your knees or whatever."
You nodded your head to the side.
You saw his hands spreading the sides of his yukata.
"I don't want to just have a cute and so pretty pet to look at you and stroke your head. Cute pets do what their masters want, right? In this they fulfill the needs of their master." He sent you a smile. "You are a very useful and lovable pet. But I want more than what is now."
You shivered as you realized what he meant.
Show him that your mouth is capable of more than lying?
Your mouth is also capable of sinning with him.
You slowly grabbed the strap of his clothes and untied it to reveal his bare skin.
"Thank you for saving me... He didn't do anything to you, did he?" A young boy you saved from certain death asked you.
"No. I'm fine. He didn't do anything to me. You have nothing to thank for." You replied.
I don't think any of them wanted to know what was in the mouth that uttered such soothing words for them.
"He didn't do anything to you either, did he?"
"No... Thank you, it's thanks to you."
You're used to taking the blame.
In their eyes, Geto is a monster.
So now you can easily say you're sinning with a monster.
If they knew, they would look at you with disgust...
Or with compassion?
You are his favourite. You have his trust, and you will always be with him because you will not leave.
Those who are also won't be here for long.
A year at most.
You will try to endure so much for them.
And then you will run away too.
Your mouth is capable of talking to him.
Your mouth is capable of singing to him.
Your mouth are capable of kissing him when he wants to.
Your mouth is capable of pleasing him.
Your mouth is capable of sinning with him.
You're just a pet who feels comfortable that you've been given trust that you can use to keep people safe who may yet leave this place.
The pet he keeps on a leash someday will no longer be on his hand.
They will leave this place safely.
You will leave this place knowing that when he finds you, you will die as punishment.
One day before they were supposed to leave for their homes, you got out of his bed as he caressed your body as if enjoying the softness of a fluffy animal.
You left his room.
Not wanting to go back there again.
Covering your loose clothes with the red marks on your arms left by him.
Without turning on the light, you walked through familiar corridors to see people who believed in you standing by their rooms with small smiles.
You were ashamed that you had to leave them that day.
Out of them all, you had the best life here.
Geto never forced you to do it. Apart from staying here.
You grabbed the metal door handle outside, and pushed it open. Not wanting to look back lest you regret leaving them without your protection for one last day.
Their clothes were torn.
Their bodies.
As the curses dragged them all brutally from their rooms.
They were thrown on the floor which he washed so thoroughly yesterday.
Everyone in turn.
"Where she is?" they heard a strong voice above their heads as curses pressed their heads to the floor to bow.
When he woke up in the morning, you weren't curled up next to him in bed.
You weren't in your room. You were nowhere.
As he passed by the rooms, he released curses one by one.
And he stopped on his landing.
"She?" one woman asked.
"Don't act dumber than people are."
"You are human. Then you're as stupid as we are. If she's not here, she won't be here!"
He snorted as he passed by.
"If you don't want to die one day before your job here is done, shut up." He snarled, the curse pressing his claws to her throat.
That old woman has always protected you. Even if she didn't have to. That's why she annoyed him the most.
He left the room and, opening the door to the outside, opened holes for his curses.
"Find her. Seek until you find her. And she'll come back here." he said, and snapped his fingers for the curses to seek.
You were tiny compared to this whole world.
And how far could you be? He didn't know it.
But he was sure of one thing.
When his curses have searched every nook and cranny, you will appear.
A year of freedom was something you worked so hard for.
So much fear just to make it all right now.
Since he didn't show up a year later, he's not looking for you anymore, is he?
You have a new life.
Even though you can't get acquainted with that former one.
Your boyfriend is nice. You live in a village on the other side of Japan.
He will never find you.
It's such a small village that no one has heard of it.
You have a bus that you take every day 20 minutes to the city where you work.
You have a boyfriend with whom you plan a future together.
You never told him what happened to you. And you don't feel the need. It is irrelevant. It doesn't exist for you.
It doesn't exist. He doesn't force you to say what you don't want to say.
You were on the bus texting him. Just like it always was.
It was cute.
But at some point he stopped texting back.
You realized he might have gone to the restroom or something.
But suddenly you got another message.
"You're coming home."
You thought maybe he forgot to add a question mark at the end.
That's why you just texted him back.
"I am coming"
You got an answer in no time.
"I'm waiting."
You were surprised because your boyfriend never used dots in messages when he texted you.
But it was his phone.
You got off near your house and walked there.
You had a strange feeling on your back.
Maybe it's the excitement?
You've been waiting for the day you'll have a fiancé, not a boyfriend.
You want to start a family.
You didn't know you'd get this opportunity.
But not quite the way you want.
"Baby, I'm home!" You exclaimed as you put your shoes back on the shelf. "Honey?"
"You let a piece of trash like that touch you?"
You turned around quickly as you heard a familiar voice.
It can't be possible.
Maybe it's because you were thinking about him today, are you hallucinating?
"If you don't know where to go, go to me. I said I'll walk my puppy."
You turned on the light in the house, only to see the living room full of blood splatter. Floor and walls.
Your boyfriend's phone is on the floor.
You stepped back and started to vomit in the corner of the corridor when you saw your boyfriend's head hanging in the dark haired man's hand. Covered in blood. A piece of spine protrudes from the severed neck. A torn body.
The rest of his body lay under his leg. When he was standing on his back with one leg.
"We could have avoided it. I know you can't stand the sight of it." He said before throwing his head to the floor.
He looked at you with a serious face.
His hands in blood. His black clothes sticking to his body due to the stickiness of the substance.
"Someone as disgusting as him touched you... What was he better at than me? You had everything. And you ran away just to live in a house like this and make a pittance of money to live on. And someone like that. With a monkey. Did you want his bastards? I could have given you a much prettier one than his."
You backed up inch by inch.
"The longer you are not in your house, the longer they are there."
"What...?" You moaned softly.
"Your FRIENDS won't be back home as long as you don't in your home. But don't worry. Now you're finally coming home. So where do you belong."
Suddenly, you felt something large wrap around your neck tightly.
"I don't want to damage my cute pet, that's why I do it."
You held on to what's around your neck, However, you couldn't stop the tentacles pressing against your windpipe that you couldn't breathe.
Until finally your limbs gave up and you hung almost unconscious. Your face is red, blue from lack of oxygen.
You felt like you were falling for a very long time.
Your lungs may have taken in air. But you couldn't move.
Your body was held. You didn't move and your body moved.
You felt warm hands on your body as your throbbing, aching head lay on something hard and warm.
How is your life?
At least you could help someone you wanted to be free...
"Baby... (y/n), how are you feeling?" You heard a pleasant call next to your head.
It hurt when you opened your eyes.
"You just have to take care of her. No fussing. I'll be right back anyway." You heard a second voice. Male.
"Yes, Geto-sama."
Something warm appeared on your forehead.
The woman gently stroked your forehead.
"Why are you here...?" you asked quietly. "Yesterday everyone left..."
"I can't leave myself here... Why should you suffer for helping us?” she asked a little louder.
"You should have left with them. Go home."
"My family has come to terms with the fact that I will be gone. Besides, I'm working here as his maid now. I can go out. But I won't leave you here... I'll help you escape from here..." she said with tears in her eyes.
You smiled slightly.
"I'm not running away from here... I can't... Besides... It's probably too late to get rid of the connection with him. No matter what I do, he'll take me back. Even though he's a monster to you, he's not that bad. Even though he's a monster. But I was the one who sinned with that monster. It will be too late to end it now."
You stood up, sitting on the mattress, one hand covering your bare breasts and the other hand placed on your stomach.
He could give you prettier ones than his?
Was that what he meant tonight?
When she saw what your body looked like, she covered her mouth with her hand. Seeing the marks on your skin.
She uncovered you completely to help you go to the bathroom.
A wet spot oozed between your thighs.
"He-." she stopped, feeling bile rising in her throat at the thought.
"He didn't rape me. Don't worry. Not now, not during all the times before that…” You laughed. “Consider me disgusting. I'm just a pet that's with him. But believe me, he's not as mean as you think..."
"Why isn't she in the bath yet?"
You turned your head to the side to see him standing there shirtless by the bed.
"Go fill the bath with hot water." he said before walking over to you.
You stared at the quilt, covering your body with your hands.
He picked you up and slowly walked towards the bathroom where warm steam was already rising from the water.
He put you in the water as soon as it was enough.
Chasing the woman away, he undressed and stepped into the water, placing you between his legs. Laying down on his chest.
It made you feel better through the water.
"Geto-sama... When are you going to get tired of me as a pet to play with?" You asked quietly.
Maybe he'll get rid of you.
"I'm not getting rid of my favorite puppy. You are my beloved pet that I will never let go in my life. The only ordinary human I want in my life, and I don't want to lose it. That's why you will always be here with me from now on."
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trentslocss · 5 months
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Happy as ever - TAA
Pairing: pregnant! reader x Trent Alexander Arnold
Warnings: none. just fluff
A/N: this is my first work on tumblr. hope you like it!
P.S. I know the dates don’t really match from finding out to giving birth but hypothetically it is possible so just ignore that and enjoy the show.
Christmas was your favorite holiday. You weren’t a really festive person, but there was just something different about christmas. Especially since you’ve been living with Trent.
The two of you have been married for almost a year now, and this would be your first Christmas as a married couple. This made the holiday even more special for the two of you. You’ve lived together before, but now you have a house you’ve bought together and decorated it from scratch (something you had enjoyed doing, unlike Trent). Of course, this helped make the Christmas in your house as magical as you’ve always dreamed of.
It was the 23rd of December. Trent was currently at Anfield, preparing for the game of the season against Arsenal, the title race at it’s finest. Now, as a loving wife you would usually be at the stadium, but you were feeling rather unwell and decided to watch it at home.
Whilst adding the finishing touches to the decorations in your home in your Alexander-Arnold jersey, you kept looking at the time, making sure not to miss the start of the match. When you were finished with adding the lights to your kitchen cabinets, you jumped on your massive couch and turned the tv on. You suddenly felt like you were going to be sick.
You were walking up to your driveway. Nervous, shaking like hell. Your keys kept falling out of your hands. The match was probably finished, you wouldn’t know because instead of watching it you were running to the closest pharmacy.
Throwing your purse to the floor, jacket on the couch, shoes scattered one after the other on the carpet, you ran to the bathroom upstairs.
“Come on already” you said to the stick in your hand as you kept shaking your knees. You heard the all to familiar beep of your husband’s car. “Shit”
You could hear the front door being harassed by your lover. Out of fear you threw the stick somewhere in the bathroom and flew out the door and downstairs. “Hey baby” “I don’t deserve any pet names, if I gave that goal I would, but I didn’t” he said with a pout on his face while harassing your fridge now, pulling out a carton of milk and drinking from it. You would normally yell at him about it but you were too stressed to do it.
“Oh baby, don’t do that to yourself” you said while walking to him and engulfing him in a huge hug. “We should have won” his voice was muffled by your shoulder which made you giggle. “Come on, leave the milk. Let’s go to bed”
Having to console Trent made you forget all about the pregnancy test. You have woken up in the middle of the night, seeing the plus sign.
You were pregnant.
It was the 25th of December. Christmas. Your and your husband’s favorite holiday.
Now, you usually had a “no presents” rule, but this year you were giving him the present of his life.
You wrapped the box with a red liverpool wrapping paper and a cute bow on top. Going down the stairs from your shared bedroom, you found Trent getting ready for you both to go to his parent’s house. “You ready- Hey, what’s that” he said while tying his shoe laces. “It’s for you, merry christmas” You handed him the box, he took it and felt the bow through his fingers. “I thought we said no presents” He looked up from the present to you, with a small pout on his face. “We did, but this one is different. Open it!”
He carefully untied the bow and the wrapping paper. He opened the box, and groaned when it was filled to the top with red paper. He looked at you and playfully rolled his eyes, knowing it was your way of stalling and building up the anticipation. He cleared through the paper and found a small Liverpool jersey with his number and last name, including the small shorts. “What is this?” He asked, kind of confused. “Look in the pocket of the shorts”
He skeptically put his hand in the pocket and pulled out the positive pregnancy test. “You’re joking baby aren’t you” “No, you’re gonna be a father”
It was the 6th of October. Trent was playing a game against Manchester United at home. You were way past your due date, so you were stuck eating spicy food while watching the game on tv, praying to the lord the thing would come out of you already. Trent’s brothers were keeping you company by his demand, he didn’t want you to be alone if anything happened.
Liverpool have taken over the lead with Trent’s goal. You jumped up from the sofa, the three of you hugging and screaming, too happy to notice that your water broke.
“Umm, we gotta get you to the hospital” Marcel spoke as you looked down the ground, swallowing hard.
It was 11:30 pm when Trent ran into the hospital, you were close to being ready to give birth. “I fucking hate him. He made me like this and now it’s taking him forever to come? Wasn’t like that when he gave me this thing” You screamed to your doctor, your sarcasm amusing her until you shot her a death glance.
Trent barged into your room, completely out of breath. “Baby I’m so sorry I couldn’t start my car and then Virg was about to give me a ride and then I had to explain to everyone why I couldn’t take the bus with them and then-“ “Trent John Alexander Arnold if you don’t shut up I swear to god I’ll find a way for you to give birth to this baby” He was a bit afraid of you, so he did shut up and took your hand, staying by your side.
“You’re 10 cm wide, we can get started” said the doctor. You looked at Trent who gave you a quick smile and a peck to your cheek, mouthing that you can do it.
After an hour and a half your beautiful baby daughter was born and you could hear her cries. When she was handed to you, the both of you started crying.
After they examined her she was back in your arms, Trent seated next to you, both of you out of words. “Have you chosen a name yet?” “Tina”
“Okay” said the doctor to the nurse. “Tina Alexander Arnold. Born on the 7th of October 2024, 1:45 am”
The two of you looked at each other, neither of you have noticed that it was past midnight and it was Trent’s birthday.
“Happy birthday pretty boy” You said as you handed to him his daughter, the best present in the world.
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