#thought on my blorbo angel devil
So I may be all caught up on chainsaw man now , I started it on Wednesday and that’s with school and homework
jesus christ.
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makerofmadness · 6 months
ok I wasn't like Gaming for a few days. Got overwhelmed at school and kinda crashed at Living in general but I'm trying to Exist again.
and then I just open witch's castle again and it just. I think there was maintenance or something last time I tried to play and now it just gave me alchemist cookie (and others)?????
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My life's goal has been accomplished <3 I have Her
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discount-kirishima · 2 years
y'all ever think about your blorbos and get nauseous
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fyodor-the-whore · 2 years
Love the new vibe, especially the profile pic -S
aaahh thank you S!!
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miralyk · 7 months
i know you're leaning more into supernatural mythical designs now, but how do living people like elijah, delsin, or aiden factor in your au?
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okay this is kinda mean to joke about kjsdhfgjksdf, real answer under the cut though in case people don't want to hear me ramble
jokes aside, elijah, delsin, and aiden are fine if i were gonna draw them for the ghosts in the machine ""au"" too, just simply not drawn as angels, demons, spirits, etc! like any other "blorbo acting as an impromptu art muse", they'd be the same thing as my previous doodles of alex and desmond crawling out of my screen before i started to toy w drawing supernatural/spiritual details on them.
i just,, haven't really thought of a good way to include them in my current doodlings since My current art muses atm (and thus who i draw in the "artist haunted by her ""art muses""" shenanigans) are primarily desmond, alex, and sometimes the ac brotherhood/desmond's ancestors barging in to fight for my attention/hyperfixation too...! if i were hyperfixated and drawing the others though, i like the idea of elijah and desmond being modern menaces to the brotherhood (Especially giving them shit for not acknowledging elijah beyond the comics), delsin can karma-switch back and forth Acting like an angel/devil (depending on how he feels/acts in the moment) to play off of or annoy des and alex, and aiden,,,, aiden's still just an old man fighting over the remote w me, idk lmao
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vroombeams · 2 months
constantine au ?? can we hear more ab that bc i am obsessed
hiya nonnie you sure can!!
like if i were to just do a one-to-one fic of the movie... mark as constantine, oscar as a way less goofy chas for sure. i THINK one could stick lando in there as angela, and just give him a fictional twin who has died offscreen. seb is gabriel. obv. fernando would Have to be balthazar even though aesthetically jensonthazar would be HOOOOEY! but realistically jenson i think i would cast as a much much hotter version of father hennessy lmao
the alternative version would be like, an inspired-by thing that i've been sort of rotating in my peanut shell of a brain. but is a similar setup, so mark's an exorcist, oscar's his apprentice who gets involved with halfbreed demon lando, bites off more than he can chew, disasters happen probably!! there would be a lot of same bits to it, like same universe with the angel & devil proxy war + seb would probably still a gabriel-esque figure etc. might toss demon jenson in there you know for fun and sport and spice
writing that alt version would very much be like, oscar falling in with lando and lando needing help (or is he just trying to lure oscar and by extension mark into TROUBLE) and mark trying to like. stop oscar from dying
just generally a whole mess of thoughts but we love tossing the blorbos into a film noir sort of situation!!! biblical/supernatural detective stories and all that!! i'm so sorry this really is just a jumble of thoughts tl;dr i like the idea of mark being a gritty chainsmoking exorcist and seb being a feral demi-angel and that's really what shaped this whole thing
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schnuffel-danny · 2 years
fully intend to open a pandora's box w this but i srsly want to know your thoughts on jack/vlad
They are my Blorbos. They are my Angels. They are my Stars, my Sky and my Moon. They shine a bright light from within my heart and- ALRIGHT that's enough of that. I like them a normal amount.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to properly formulate my thoughts on them, there is so much going on with these two (or, most likely, I’m just being sick in the head). On one hand, they are peak comedy; the idea of them being a couple in any capacity is absolutely hilarious. They’re both braindead to a terrifying degree in completely opposite directions, they’re a disaster duo through and through, in the event that they’re allowed to be together (both on good terms) for more than five minutes they’ll somehow manage to burn an entire city down, with Jack excitedly suggesting they make s’mores over the roaring fires of a local gas station. Vlad is on a never-ending quest to prove his intelligence and superiority, Jack doesn’t even really care what’s going on he just wants to prove that whatever it is he can do it. None of us would get out alive if this apocalyptic event of a relationship were to happen, not me, not you, not any of the mildly horrified yet incredibly amused bystanders. They’re the funniest ever.
Vlad spends as much time as possible talking about how much he hates Jack and how much he wants to fuck his wife. This man wants to rip Jack’s spine out and steal his wife and kids. Jack’s kids consider Vlad to be the devil himself and his wife is at best indifferent towards him. Yet, forever oblivious, Jack treats Vlad like he put the stars in the night sky one by one. They’re friends to lovers to exes to enemies to friends to lovers (to exes to maybe lovers) again, but they can’t even be that because the enemies thing is entirely one sided. Jack is so blinded by his nostalgic ideal of Vlad as a friend that he remains blissfully ignorant of Vlad’s murderous intentions towards him.
The entire concept of the villain somehow getting together with the hero’s dad, who absolutely refuses to see him for the walking red flag that he is, gives these two the potential to be the funniest cringe fail pairing in existence.
Before I even thought of anything else about these two I was captivated by their comedic potential, so captivated in fact that while I was happily stomping my feet in the shallow puddle of this ship’s depth I didn’t notice I'd tripped and fallen into a lake until I started drowning.
Thinking about them hurts. It’s about the memories. It’s about the love which, despite everything, remains the same. It’s about the familiar comfort that seems so unattainable now, even when it’s within reach. The burning hatred, the unanswered cries for help, the unspoken apologies, the yearning for things to go back to the way they were, the loneliness, the betrayal, the violence… It’s knowing nothing has changed. It’s knowing nothing is the same. It’s about looking at someone you hate more than anyone and only being able to think of the times he’s held you close and made you feel safe in the world. It’s about loving someone and only being able to think of how you were abandoned. It’s about seeing how neither of you has moved on and realizing that you can’t do anything about it, not at this point of your lives. You aren’t friends, you aren’t lovers, you aren’t enemies. No matter what one feels towards the other it can seemingly never be reciprocated in the same way. Love neither wins nor loses. Love remains at a stalemate. It burns the same it has for decades and you watch the flames dance, but neither reaches to warm their hands by the fire. Not anymore. Something about doing so feels wrong. Maybe you just aren’t ready yet. But it’s alright, you’re not worried about it going out anytime soon.
Conclusion: I hate them and I want them to die.
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naamahdarling · 1 year
did the blorbo grow from a seed or did he pop into existence fully fledged and ready to be obsessed over?
does he run around in your mind shouting at you or does he sit quietly and wait for you to utilize him
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Gowan at ~22 | Gowan at 47 | Gowan's ass at ~24
Oh, he is SO LOUD. It's so bad.
I love him so much, I want Every Excuse to talk about him so thanks for giving me one.
So Gowan's story, and I want to lead with it so you know where it wound up before I tell you where it started, is for a TTRPG space western campaign. It's a rags to riches story that involves a queer ADHD mess being swept off his swampy hellworld at 20 to become a genius fiddle-playing boy band heartthrob, being genetically modified in embarrassing ways like having iridescent hair, falling for his angel-voiced manufactured rival, ditching his contract over nonconsensual dentistry, evading an assassination attempt, and returning to his hellworld to sleep off this fever dream working in the family bar. Now 15-odd years later, he's very middle-aged, and shit's gotten really fucking bad: his swamp is poisoned, his hometown is being starved out by the company, he fucked things up with his boyfriend...and he's dying of a rare but terminal disease. So despite not being combat-oriented, and being at heart a genuinely good man, he's gearing up to go hunt some space trillionaires for sport. When everything is burning down around you and you have always been the prince of bad decisions, why not go out in a blaze of glory achieving something almost as meaningful as loving and being loved by your fans? Something that will make a difference...and get you remembered...forever.
After all, the Devil is the hero of his own story.
I like it. It's ridiculous, dramatic, meaningful, three things you need for a good TTRPG character. He's got a lot of depth because I've been working on him for over a year behind the scenes.
Now, where that started? I need you to understand that this is ACUTELY embarrassing to me.*
I main Zane in Borderlands 3 because I love his '80s cyberpunk space western vibe and his (bad?) Irish accent. A friend who knows me way too well saw that I'd customized him in horrendous eye-searing neon colors and said "That's gonna be your tabletop character for the space western campaign I'm going to run lol!" and I said "FUCK."
But how to give a narrative origin for this middle-aged man's atrocious Lisa Frank aesthetic? Immediately I thought ex boy band turned mercenary, and while none of that stuck exactly, it was nevertheless all I needed to get going.
He hasn't shut up since.
This is his cat:
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* It shouldn't be, but I cannot shake the TREMENDOUS fuckor of being so accurately targeted by my ex.
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Jiraak OC relationship ask: 5, 31, 32, 38, 40, 61 and 100! (only if it’s no trouble! I’m incredibly nosy :3)
I LOVE NOSY!!! BE NOSY ALL YOU LIKE!!! Thank you so much for asking about my stupid blorbos!!! 💖🥺
💕ask game💕
5. What is something they like to do together?
Ah, many things! Firstly, I can see them enjoying learning from each other since they're both very inquisitive—Jia teaches Miraak alchemy, while he teaches her magic, mostly restoration and alteration. They like cooking together (Miraak's not there yet, but he tries okay; he loves eating though! 🥲), and they even like to stay close in comfortable silence; I promise, though, Jia loves it when listens to him humming Atmoran shanties and/or psalms from his Dragon Priest era! Having been out of Apocrypha, she knows he'd appreciate walks in the sun and picnics in the frosty woods by Heljarchen Hall, as well as gazing at the aurora and the stars at night, feeding the birds nestling in her roof tiles, tending the flowers in her garden, and generally, being reintroduced to the world with her helping him remember every single detail...🥰
31. How would they describe one another.
Due to the nature of their soul bond (which hasn't been clarified completely in my fic yet...👀) I can only imagine them describing one another the way Emily Bronte did it in Wuthering Heights, which is to say not so romantic, but with a tint of pain and inevitability instead:
“He is more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. If all else perished and he remained, I should still continue to be, and if all else remained, and we were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. He’s always, always in my mind; not as a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.”
32. Can they communicate private thoughts whilst in company? If so, how?
I mean,,, they can read each other's minds if they try hard enough! There's a scene in my fic where Miraak just. skims through Jia's memories and almost uncovers her worst fear (wow, rude much, Miraak? 😤). Also, they tend to recognize each other's mannerisms. For example, Jia has very specific ways she moves when she's nervous, angry, excited, etc, and Miraak, being very observant, knows how to interpret them even if she can't speak her mind at a specific moment, and vice versa.
38. What would be their ideal evening in?
So, both in Heljarchen Hall and Breezehome, Jia has purposely left a piece of her wooden canopy a little open (just so, she can't stand the cold!), so the light of the night sky always slips right into her room. I imagine an ideal evening in would be her lying in bed with Miraak, both moonbathed, talking to each other, discussing everything, good and bad, tales and real segments of their lives, until the night eventually turns into day, and instead of starlight/moonglow, they are cloaked by the warmth of the sunlight and birbs' chirps...🥰
Their shared trauma, their pain, their despair, their attempts to give strength to one another ["You're better than this" He says as a hand slaps my face and I stand And say, "No good man grace" I can't do this (you can)] AND ["Oh, sleep now," oh, she pleads "You're not a coward 'cause you cower You're brave because they broke you Yet broken still you breathe So breathe, breathe, just breathe"]
Not to mention the "'Cause you are in the earth of me", which for Plot Significance makes me jump around like a monkey. Ough. Just Ough...
61. How would they describe their S/O in one word?
Miraak for Jia: ember (a smouldering one...👀)
Jia for Miraak: angel (a bit fallen and corrupted but an angel nonetheless 😅)
100. Make a meme of this ship.
I am a bad Meme Maker myself, but I stumbled upon a Perfect Jiraak Meme on Pinterest, which is this right here and has a very "give me your hand" "I'll stain you" "I'll take it" vibe:
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This also goes either way, for both.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 10 months
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I hit 100 followers a while ago. It's not the biggest thing ever I know, but I also didn't really expect anything like that when I started this silly little blog about a mysterious lady and her goofy samurai gang. For 50 we did 27 favorites. People seemed to like it. Main cast taking up a bunch of spots is boring, though I do think a few of these could potentially end up in the main one. For now though that's Nami, Brook, & Jinbei. This time is more measured, I actually thought about a Sweet 16 and why. It's fun to see how it changes over time:
Cabbage: I love pretty idiots in anime. This one was necessary to keep me invested in Dressrosa. But there is a real amount of nobility there and the story of actually being a fallen prince obsessed with stardom is a good one! Most little guy Leo is surging but Cavendish is still my favorite of the Grand Fleet captains.
Queen Otohime: I've already said a lot about her with our Seafloor Sidestory. Such a great examination of a political leader, a civil rights icon. I've flirted with that role myself at times and always been around it as a quirk of fate...so it's cool to see someone who gets the nuances like Oda did with this story. How it plays off of Tiger's, influences someone like Jinbei. I rate Fishman Island very high and Otohime is a huge part of that.
Pudding: Pudding is such a two-faced little snot but young enough and cartoonish enough about it I think she's funny. Whole Cake is a great arc, love how she plays off of Sanji, the "Doll" element hits a little close to home.
Crocodile: He's got style, he's got grace. He'll throw sand in your face. Cool villain, loved him in Impel Down/Marineford, epitome of T-Boy swag.
Miss Goldenweek: Marianne, Goldie...such a treasure. Girl makes me laugh so much. Comically lazy but the secret weapon that was a nightmare for Luffy. Cover story that made her shine as a capable operative and Rainbow of Dreams rocks. Please come back to Cross Guild you little weirdo. I need you and Buggy playing off each other, I need Crocodile hyping up one of his superstar agents to Mihawk only for her to doze off/ask for snacks in the middle of it.
Nekomamushi: He is a massive yellow cat man. This is a great start. Had a nice theme song too. He loves lasagna but isn't an asshole like Garfield. Rising love. Samurai cat man. Then he's Kiku's lil bro and I enjoy pondering that dynamic. Goro nya nya.
Kin'emon: He was pretty funny before, making the chauvinist a simp for his classy af wife and the confused, but caring father figure to a sweetheart trans girl is hilarious. I love his devil fruit and impersonating Doffy was classic. His supernatural luck forced his way deeply into my heart.
Conis: Conis is lovely. Sweet angel girl...with a big ol bazooka she is not afraid to use. People forget Conis but I still love her. Sky Island was fun.
Jewelry Bonney: Being an angry child makes her so much more fun. Always thought she was a solid Supernova. Being such a glutton is funny. Egghead has elevated her. Interesting devil fruit, it's the one my sweetie would want to eat himself which is neat.
Izo: Izo is very, very pretty. He is also good at shooty but have you seen how pretty he is? He is also the dashing elder brother of #1 blorbo...
Kiku: I know this inclusion will surprise some of you. She's a total sweetie with hidden narrative weirdness. What's not to love and obsess over? Plus she's really tall and forgets that when hiding behind things. Imagine if we saw her trying to hide behind Chopper sticking most of his body out from behind a hiding place. That would tick us back at least one minute from midnight.
Cindry: The other Okiku and subject of our Spooky Sidestory. Maliciously compliant zombie with a showgirl vibe. Far out. Hucking plates rules as a combat style.
Ginny: Some might say she's too new. Some Might Say is a pretty good early Oasis song. Neither of those are relevant right now. I love Ginny. She's wonderful. She got done dirty because flashback characters always get done dirty.
Hina: Hina pleased to be included. Hina pleased. She was our Shackled Sidestory and I love her. The cool vibe mixed with a couple of childish traits. One of our truly good Marines who probably hasn't gotten high enough up the ladder to really know how depraved the World Government is. Cool fruit too, perfect for a Marine.
Monet: Punk Hazard came out right before I went into grad school. I love thinking of her as the beleaguered, far more talented assistant to Caesar Clown who I hate and should just die. Harpies are also classic cool and I will not accept statements to the contrary. I love her snow power too.
Gecko Moria: Touched on this in a post about him for Halloween. He's grown on me a lot as a villain as I've gotten old enough to understand him. There's a realism in his motivations that makes him more of a unique villain. I actually believe if he was serious from the start Luffy would never have stood a chance. Shadow fruit is cool and Thriller Bark is an excellent arc.
Bellemere, Kawamatsu, Denjiro, and Hancock would be the honorable mentions. But these are my true One Piece loves.
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ari!! i am dropping by to give some good vibes & good weather for the weekend!! 🥹🌤️ & am also curious!! what song reminds you of any of your blorbos? 🥺
sel !!!! tysm ur so sweet, im sending u sunlight and flowers n treats :3 ☀️☀️☀️🌻🌻🍰🍰🍪🍪 i hope ur weekend is full of rest n the fluffiest vibes !! <3
aaaa thats such a good question too !!!!! i have a lot for gojo n geto, and then some for megumi n shoko too i think … im just gonna put it all under the cut in case it gets long i !!!! love love love assigning songs to my blorbos <333
FIRST OF ALL …. sel. u know how i am w gojo….. phshdhs i have a bunchhh of different songs i associate w him but !! here r a couple :>
ok so first !! i firmly believe that gojo is a swiftie so i legally have to assign him a taylor swift song n this is basic but ’cruel summer’ is just so HIM. i especially think of hs gojo when i hear it !!
so cut the headlights, summer’s a knife // i’m always waiting for you just to cut to the bone // devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes // and if i bleed, you’ll be the last to know
also ….. pinkpantheress ….. i dont know WHY i just get big gojo vibes when i listen to her songs 😭😭😭 … i firmly believe he’d listen to her too. i esp associate him w ’break it off’, ’capable of love’ and ’close to you’!!! the lyrics remind me sm of him too :’) i !! love our lonely babyboy !!!!
you can’t even sleep when you turn the lights off // white noise in your head makes it harder to breathe // but easier to tell me when it’s time for me to leave
this happened at the start, everytime we try we fall apart // you can’t seem to hold my heart // close to you // and i know that you make it clear that you want me out of here // though it’s loneliness you fear // close to you
and i think i need a picture ’cause it’s never enough // to see you smilin’ in my mind when i lay still in the dark // it starts with you
i’m obsessed with the idea that one day it breaks up // ’cause after that, i know i’ll never be as capable of love // after you
and then !! and then !!! ’be nice to me’ by the front bottoms is my favorite ever n its !! so so gojo !!!! reminds me sm of him and sugu ;(
if we all left it alone // i’m sure it’d work itself out fine // we keep playing with the numbers // we are running out of time
but you’re a killer // and i’m your best friend // think it’s unfair, your situation // you say i’m changing // sorry, i didn’t know i had to stay the same
and you’re a werewolf and i’m a full moon // and all your very worst enemies will be gone soon // i think you’re changing // don’t worry, you don’t gotta stay the same
(also …. ’fighter’ by jack stauber …. yeaaa. gojocoded)
call me fighter, i’ll mop the floor with you // call me lover, i’ll take you for a drink or two // you’ll get older, and maybe then you’ll feel some control
now as for geto …………. i think i have a billion angsty geto songs but tbh above all else hes so mitski coded. he IS mitski. ’last words of a shooting star’ and ’why didnt you stop me?’ were literally written for geto idc . this is just sooo …. T_T my doomed boy
all of this turbulance wasn’t forecasted // apologies from the intercom // and i am relieved that i’d left my room tidy // they’ll think of me kindly when they come for my things
they’ll never know how i’d stared at the dark in that room // with no thoughts // like a blood-sniffing shark
i always wanted to die clean and pretty // but i’d be too busy on working days // so i am relieved that the turbulance wasn’t forecasted // i couldn’t have changed anyways
i know that i ended it, but // why won’t you chase after me? // you know me better than i do // so why didn’t you stop me?
and then shoko !! hhh for some reason i associate her a lot w penelope scott … i think ’moonsickness’ especially !! and and and … ’ribs’ by lorde :( i think of her when i listen to it n then i cry. ’cigarettes out the window’ by tv girl is another one !!
blood clots, death camps, glitz and depressions // the business cycle and the tides // you fuckers know it’s all built on lies // but the beast refuses to die // and so i guess, well, neither can i
this dream isn’t feeling sweet // we’re reeling through the midnight streets // and i’ve never felt more alone // it feels so scary, getting old
and finally !!!! gumi !!!! :D ok so sel i know we both agree when i say hes the neighbourhood coded. like pretty boy, cry baby, softcore etc etc hes just sooo… yeah.
but !! for some reason i also rly rly associate him w beabadoobee ….. maybe just cuz i think he would like her music. ’apple cider’ makes me think of him everytime i listen to it, im not sure why it just feels so gumi to me ?? esp college gumi !! ’care’ is another beabadoobee song that reminds me of him
and i don’t even like you that much // wait, i do, fuck
you said you liked my hair // so go ahead and touch it // you said you liked the jumper i wore // and so i always wore it
so call me at midnight // ask you if it’s alright // to have a sleepover // to drink some apple cider // or maybe some fruit punch // and we can talk about how we don’t like each other that much
and then theres another one i cant really explain bc its just vibe based pahshhdh BUT … ’cool with you’ by newjeans is so gumi to me .
THIS WAS SO FUN ty for the question sel !!!! makes me wanna make playlists for everyone hhhh ….. 🥺🥺 my blorbos of all time
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thespacelizard · 2 years
@fluffbruary day 13, with more good good blorbo content: Zeth'rinn and Menzova from my Dark Ascendance campaign getting their first kiss at the end of the Fear the Underdark arc!
In which there is a first kiss
The strangers were talking with the angel in the ruined courtyard of the T’sonri estate. Friends now, Menzova would have called them, though still more than passing strange. Probably it was because they’d come from the surface—she imagined that growing up with nothing solid above you did odd things to your mind.
She skirted the edge of one of the smoking craters just outside the estate, kicked a chunk of rubble into it. Devils and angels, squabbling in the mess Lolth had made of her city. Even certain as she was that Eilistraee had a plan for her, it hardly seemed reasonable that such destruction should have been a part of it.
“There you are.”
She turned at the voice, trying to fight the nervous jump in her stomach. “Hi, Zeth’rinn.”
“How’s your head?”
Menzova touched her temple. Elvrae T’sonri’s mind control had not left her with any physical scars, but she carried its marks all the same.
“I’ll be fine. You?”
Zeth’rinn grinned, that cocky, almost-smirk that made her insides flip upside down. He had a nasty bruise on his neck, his armour scratched, his dark eye makeup smudged and smeared—that last was, to Menzova, fairly appealing in a way she didn’t entirely understand. She was glad he wasn’t dead, though.
“It takes more than a mind-controlled, semi-angelic dragonborn and a melodramatic Lolthite to put a Baenre boy down,” Zeth’rinn said. The grin faded, and he glanced away, fiddling with one of the studs in his ear. “Though speaking of Baenre boys…”
“Your father?” Menzova ventured. He nodded.
“I think he wants to have a tiny little chat about things Bregan D’aerthe agents are supposed to do. Or not do, in my case.”
“Tell him it was the Dark Lady’s plan for you to come here,” Menzova said. “Even he can’t argue with her.”
Zeth’rinn laughed. “Jarlaxle would argue with gods, devils, and anything in between if he felt like it—and live to tell the tale.”
From what little Menzova knew of the rogue that called himself Jarlaxle Baenre, that seemed likely.
“But, Valas tells me I’m to return to the surface to talk to him,” Zeth’rinn continued, sighing. “A shame, really, since…ah…since you…” he cleared his throat. “You know you’re very beautiful, right?”
Menzova blinked.
“And I know I’m about to leave, and I should have done this sooner, but can you blame a boy for being a touch distracted by the ongoing spider-apocalypse?”
She never got to finish whatever she might have said. Zeth’rinn caught her by the waist, dipped her as though they were dancing, and kissed her square on the mouth. Menzova’s face went hot and her thoughts sort of fizzled out and she grabbed at his shoulders to keep from falling backwards into the crater. She didn’t think even Eilistraee’s blessings would let her survive the embarrassment of falling on her rear in front of perhaps the most exciting boy she’d ever kissed.
When he let her up, she staggered a bit, face still on fire. Zeth’rinn was flushed too, a violet ink stain over the bridge of his nose. He scratched at the shaved side of his head.
“Right. So.” He shifted his weight, settled his hand on the hilt of his sword, very casual—though he was looking more at his boots than at her. “So, yes. That.”
Menzova grabbed the collar of his shirt and hauled him into another kiss. He let out a tiny squeak of surprise before wrapping his arms around her and kissing her back properly. Likely they would have kept going for a good long while, but then someone said, “Zeth’rinn.”
Menzova started and leapt back—Valas Hune, the scout that had brought the strange adventurers, had arrived with his usual sudden silence. His face was impassive, though his eyes flicked from her to Zeth’rinn with mild interest.
“Time to leave,” he said.
“Oh, give me five minutes, would you, Valas?” Zeth’rinn said. Valas crossed his arms.
“Two minutes.”
Zeth’rinn glared at him, but Valas showed no sign of leaving, so he just sighed and turned back to Menzova.
“I have a stone of farspeech,” she said.
“As do I.”
“They don’t work properly in the city—you already know that much—but now that Elvrae’s dead, I can leave. I know how far out to go so the faez’ress stops blocking things.”
“The tunnels are still crawling with what’s left of her army,” Zeth’rinn pointed out. He took her hand and raised it to his lips. “Planning on carving up swarms of spiders just to talk to me?”
“Maybe. I do know how to fight.”
He grinned, and flicked the collar of her chainmail. “I’m well aware, Lady Knight.” He reached into one of his pouches and drew out a small black stone. “May I?”
Menzova fumbled at her own belt-pouches until she found her stone of farspeech, white to his black, and they touched the two together. The arcane resonances connected with a soft hum—his fingers lingered on hers as he drew his stone away.
“Depending on how much trouble I’m in,” he said, and Valas rolled his eyes, “I’ll try and come back sometime this century. Or you could come—where’s dear old dad posted up these days, Valas?”
“Waterdeep, for the time being.”
“You could come to Waterdeep.”
“There is a Shrine there,” Menzova said. “If we can restore the moon pools, then—”
“That’s two minutes.” Valas put a hand on Zeth’rinn’s shoulder. “Home time, wayward son.”
Zeth’rinn slipped his grasp just long enough to kiss Menzova once more, before Valas grabbed him by the ear and dragged him firmly away, to much pained protesting. Menzova waited until they were out of sight, then span in place with a squeal, the bells tying off her braids tinkling merrily.
Did this mean she had a boyfriend now? A real one? A Bregan D’aerthe one? Imagine, a Darksong Knight entangling herself with one of those Menzoberranyr rogues! It was like something out of the novels she and the other knights-in-training used to hide under their bunks and read when the Knight-Commander wasn’t looking.
She pressed her stone of farspeech to her lips. There was a lot to sort out here, it was going to take a long time to put Mythen Thaelas back together, but when it was…when it was…
Well. She’d always wanted to go to the surface.
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information on that thing that appeared a couple of times so far - demonstrated in a number of character description sheets, among other methods
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(NOTICE: i forgot who made these three sheets)
alright. you got the sheets. now here's the words.
this fella's an ultrakill OC i cooked up with no prep time. wanted to make an angel-type, so i did. this gnc little fuck literally just exists because i willed it so. i love them with all my heart and i am tired. don't ask why they look so similar to @mythostrickytheclown, i could not tell you even if the devil tried to waterboard it out of me.
...hey i could make the two interact who knows
anyway. uhm. what else. OH YEAH LORE. hold on
so Asbeel's lore is as follows: they used to be a respected fighter, marketed as the Angel of Destruction and as the Father's left hand. however, an incident back in time immemorial led to Asbeel getting confused about what to destroy, and through calculating themselves into a hole, they misplaced themselves and razed a Heavenly citadel to the ground. hence, why they're so feared by the Armies of Heaven, and by proxy have the reputation that they do.
Asbeel, after this incident, was cut off from their halo and Fancy Little Details, which led to them forging themselves a crowbar for self defense. in another time immemorial, they were led to being +ENRAGED for the better part of forever, likely related to how no one wants to talk to them, let alone how they cannot talk to anyone - a restrictment forced upon them by the Holy Father in their creation.
they've always wanted to say hi to people, but they've never been able to since God's been around forever... but during Act III of ULTRAKILL, Asbeel is summoned to Treachery-4 /// Judeccca... and finally emits some form of communication, albeit infront of the one who's back they've broken back a billion eons ago or so - Gabriel. yes, they've broken Gabriel's back. no, this is not really important to their lore. just thought i'd include that.
also, as a brief aside, sorry about the run on sentences, i'm going for a marathon over here. /j.
also it's 2 am.
okay returning to this it's conveniently midnight. forgot what day i wrote the 2 am stuff on. whatever man it was probably 4/28. as i was saying.
now, i can't Hyperlore like some people can, so i'm not... really trying here? i want to, but i can't, y'feel me?
the thing is, my brain is just... filled with rocks. all of the little neurons up there are too ouppy blorbo fixated onto Literally Anything Else, alternatively FUCKING NOTHING, for me to do anything good.
...i mean, that's how i see it. other people would probably like this (e.g. my friends in the steal town discord), but i don't.
suppose you could say i feel inadequate.
that's not important, i'm sorry.
back to lore.
now, Asbeel's lore was briefly touched on above in the 2 am blabberfest, but tonight i plan to go a little deeper.
Asbeel was primarily created by the Holy Father Thou Art in Heaven to function as a problem solving tool, for the problems that don't want to be solved and also don't seem important enough for the Big Boys such as Gabriel and Michael. one such example can be a rogue machine roamin' through Hell that needs judgement, or a ruler going a little too out of pocket for the Council's liking.
tl;dr, if a problem grew too annoying for the Council, and no one really felt it appropriate for the Armies, Asbeel got sent in to deal with it. pretty simple.
if there are no problems for Asbeel to deal with? they get to stand guard by gates that no one else has the time to guard. it was Very Very Boring for them but they couldn't complain because it was literally impossible for them to do such.
as Asbeel's time of "half problem solution, half gate guardian" has come to a close, and after them being used to punish Gabriel for losing to a fucking go-pro, they finally unlock the ability to Go Do Whatever... just as soon as they finish guarding the Council's personal chambers.
however... as you can tell, they didn't give a shit.
because Gabriel had other plans. you get it.
"No hard feelings, Asbeel?"
no hard feelings from Asbeel. they were tired of being used as a tool, but furthermore, they were tired from everything in general. they wanted to be peaceful, to greet those who felt too feeble to greet the other archangels. they may have hated humanity, but that doesn't mean they wanted to punish them.
humanity is dead.
not by Asbeel's doing, of course. that honor goes to the go-pro that defeated Gabriel not once, but twice now, and TWO of the strongest Prime Souls to ever exist. A SECURITY CAMERA defeated the most powerful creatures Asbeel ever had the chance to meet in person. what chance would they have against it?
whatever. Whatever. WHATEVER!! Asbeel doesn't give a shit. they'll destroy that blasted, glorified gun on legs. Gabriel couldn't, Minos couldn't. Not even fucking Sisyphus could. of course, Asbeel's likely small fry compared to that bloodthirsty blue fuck, but they couldn't care less. their fury knows no bounds. it will suffer. it will die. it will be annihilated.
Asbeel has something to say about it.
sorry, was that any good? i say again, i don't feel like it was.
anyway i'm gonna go write asbeel fighting that damned machine. seeya
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mychemicalnations · 2 years
Got tagged in the One Wip, One song this again! This time by @zonnemaagd! This time I'll include lyrics because Katrielle did and I thought that was a nice touch ^-^
Scar Tissue (Genshin x OC oneshot) - Um, it's Kind Of A Lot, Will Wood (shocking, I know)
Oh, I love you so much it scares me half to death I'm not used to this, how did it happen, baby? Oh, I love you so much it scares me half to death The other half, I guess I'm giving to you Oh, baby
Laplace's Angel (Genshin OC oneshot) - Gut Punch/Don't Meet Your Idols, Everybody's Worried About Owen
Every time I see a spark There’s someone putting out the fire But I will not let my grandparents bury their grandchild It’s a struggle back and forth And I’m learning but it’s happening by force It's 4 AM and I'm fucking tired
Roses and Thorns (OC Backstory, placeholder title) - What's a Devil to do, Harley Poe (Yes I started this one in between Dec tagging me and Katrielle tagging me)
Oh when the saints go marching in I won't be there, 'cause I love my sin Am I so bad that you hate me? There was a time when I could see My hopes and dreams, they are no more I'm not a rich man, but blessed are the poor Oh man, forgive me, I turned away I won't come back, so I have to pay
Blorbo Pandemic WIP (Crossover novel, placeholder title) - How Far We've Come, Matchbox Twenty
Started crying and I couldn't stop myself I started running but there's no where to run to I sat down on the street and took a look at myself Said where you going man you know the world is headed for hell Say your goodbyes if you've got someone you can say goodbye to
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non-fantasy · 2 years
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blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
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i'm not sure what you expected. of course it's liphiyo. this is my favourite image of them. i love them so much. they are so good. i will not rest until i make a liphiyo fandom with my own bare hands.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
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fuuma is so good and i love him. he is so gender. it's literally like almost the two year anniversary of the last time we saw dolce, ever, but also i love him. there is a reason there is a "fuuma & hiyori" friendship tag on ao3 and the reason is me. they are besties in my head <- (they have never interacted ever)
(i can and will ramble too hard about fuuma and hiyori and cinderella motifs and what that means for liphiyo and kazufuuma if provoked.)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
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her name is satoe and i don't remember what her last name is, which is bad, because i'm like the only person who cares that she exists.
because like!!! the scene of her getting hiyori to eat pocky with her is a silly scene with a lot of poly implications and it's funny that satoe literally showed hiyori pictures of her future boyfriends and hiyori didn't recognize the two at all despite eating SO MANY of the boxes. but also
it's a sweet and touching scene because hiyori is afraid to go to high school in a new city and considers giving up on track and field to try and stay where she is but satoe refuses to let that happen!!! she encourages hiyori to go for it because she KNOWS hiyori wouldn't be happy giving up a dream so precious to her and gives hiyori a push forward! she's literally the reason why the plot could happen, but she's been forgotten and overlooked and i want justice!!! i want her back!!! i want her to find out that her best friend has somehow managed to start dating her idols despite not recognizing them at all!!!!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
i refuse to interact with the fandom enough to know what the controversies are or who's unpopular (though i learn who's unpopular through my friends sometimes). i can only think of koyuki and minami for being pathetic but also if i say that i think mar will go "you're using poor little meow meow wrong"
can i say that aizo and yujiro are poor little meow meows to hiyori's cinnamon rolls? because i will just to post more liphiyo pics
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horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
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i'm sure the reason i would torment this man is obvious just by looking at him
okay for legal reasons (self-preservation) i need to clarify that was a joke. i torment him because i saw japanese fans shipping him and manager uchida but like. arrogant teenage boy crushing on an adult woman and she's just ignoring him kind of way. and i thought it was hilarious and i think it'd be funny if that was how every one of his ships played out, even the ones with boys his age.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
liphiyo angels to devils with reincarnation au-- (I AM FORCIBLY RESTRAINED)
--honestly. probably ken. i love writing him and i love his dynamic with aizo but also. he's just fundamentally the kind of guy you need to punt sometimes <3
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total-fandom-tr45h · 2 years
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think the butterflies would be the angel n devil on your shoulder
Are they?
Or are they the embodiments of my blorbo thoughts?
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