#actually maybe wait till tomorrow so i can catch up
So I may be all caught up on chainsaw man now , I started it on Wednesday and that’s with school and homework
jesus christ.
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babysukiii · 7 months
how long can we be a sad song? (till we are too far gone to bring back to life)
modern day high school au
// your girlfriend lottie has always made it clear soccer is her main priority. when nationals near and she begins ignoring you, your final straw seems to be when she lashes out at you. //
warnings: angst but kinda fluffy at the end, breakups, asshole!lottie, jock!lottie, she’s mean for like a minute lol
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you let out a quiet sigh as you sit on the bleachers and watch your girlfriend and laura lee continue to practice on the soccer field. even though practice ended an hour ago. finally, laura lee announces she needs to get home, and she waves at you as she makes her way off the field. you look over at lottie who’s offering you a smile. it’s way too late to go and watch that movie in town you wanted to see, so you know now your only option is hanging out at one of your houses.
you stand up, making your way down the bleachers and over to your girlfriend. “did you still want to hang out?” lottie asks, “i’m a bit tired, maybe we can just catch the movie tomorrow?” lottie offers and you feel your entire mood sour even more than it already was. “i just waited two hours to hang out with you.” you point out, and the raven haired girl frowns. “i never asked you to wait. i told you i have to really focus on nationals.” lottie states sternly, and you nod. “i know that. i know nationals is super important to you… but you’ve blown me off for three weeks now because of it. i just thought… i don’t know, you’d make a little time for me too.” your voice is quiet, and soft. you don’t sound angry but you sound disappointed.
lottie feels a wave of guilt wash over her. “i’m sorry. tomorrow i’ll leave as soon as coach ben ends practice. promise.” she insists, sounding so sincere you actually believe her. your dismal expression is quickly replaced by a happy one. you nod, “okay. can you meet me at my place tomorrow after practice? i have a piano lesson at my house so i can’t watch you practice.” you admit and she nods, flashing you the same smile you fell in love with. “of course, babe. come on, i’ll drive you home.” she offers kindly, and your heart skips a beat as she reaches for your hand, interlocking her fingers with yours.
the next day at school you spent the entire day eager for it to end. you couldn’t wait to see the barbie movie, and you had been going on and on about how excited you were about it. you even missed going with your friends, in order to see it with lottie because she promised. after school, you give lottie a kiss goodbye and made your way to your sisters car.
what you expect after your piano lesson is lottie to text you that she’s outside and waiting for you. but what happens is you get ready for your date, and you end up waiting two hours. two hours and not a single text or call from lottie. you don’t even bother texting her more than once because you feel so emotionally exhausted. she’s been putting you aside all year for soccer, and sure, at first you understood. this could get her a scholarship… but she’s rich! she could afford to get into any school, and play on any college team…
maybe she just doesn’t want to hang out with me.
“honey, why are you all dolled up? you have plans?” your mother asks you, walking out of the kitchen wearing an apron that’s stained with some sort of red sauce. “no. not anymore. i was supposed to hang out with lottie today, but… she canceled for soccer practice again.” you confess hesitantly and your mother nods. “that girls gonna burn herself out with all the practice she does.” she comments jokingly, but you’re not in the mood to laugh. your mother realizes something is wrong right away.
“mom, do you think… do you think lottie likes soccer more than she likes me?” you question, your voice laced with insecurity. your mother laughs as if you’ve said the funniest thing on the planet. “that’s absurd, mija (sweetheart), that girl once walked all the way here just to give you flowers.” your mother reminds and you feel a pang of hurt hit your heart. “she… she just doesn’t do those things anymore. she’s always been so serious about soccer but this year? god, she’s been a nightmare. did i tell you allie broke her leg during a practice scrimmage? that’s how serious they’re taking this…” you trail off and the older woman’s eyes widen a bit at the revelation.
“she’s just a different person these days. it doesn’t feel like she likes me very much anymore.” you admit sadly, and your mother frowns. “have you talked to her about this?” she inquires uncertainly, and you nod. “not all of it, but i have told her i feel like she puts soccer before me and our relationship a lot.” you explain, “she always says it’s just in my head, and that she loves me… but she stood me up again after promising she wouldn’t and i—“ your voice cracks and your mother rushes over to you. “honey, no. this— this isn’t right. you need to talk to her about this. all of it.” the older woman says sternly, and you sniffle as you wipe a tear away. you’ve always been so sensitive and this entire situation was getting to you.
“what if— what if we break up? or what if she confirms that she does think soccer is more important? i… i don’t know if i can handle that.” you whisper the last part and the raven haired woman shakes her head. “well you’re going to have to, because the longer you let this fester, the worse you’re going to feel.” she comments stringently, causing you to look up at her with sad eyes. “y-you’re right. i’ll talk to her tomorrow.” you assure her, and just as your mother is about to respond, your phone starts vibrating.
the screen lights up with texts from lottie, and you look at your mom. “it’s her.” you say, and she shrugs. “don’t respond for a few hours. come help me with dinner, it’ll get your mind off her.” she suggests, and you press your lips together. “isn’t ignoring her just as bad?” you question and she shakes her head, “you’re just giving her a taste of her own medicine. come on; leave the phone there and come help me.” your mother insists, helping you off the couch and gesturing your towards the kitchen.
all your mother let you do was chop up some zucchini, and set the table. still, talking with her about other things than lottie was nice. and talking about lottie definitely gave you some perspective. you were definitely going to talk to your girlfriend about this, and you were going to put your foot down. you weren’t going to make her choose between you and soccer; you’d never even consider doing that. you just wanted a little time, and to maybe be prioritized a little better.
after dinner you end up going upstairs, taking a shower, washing your face, and brushing your teeth. you wander around your bedroom, nirvana blasting on your speaker as you dry your hair. your phone chimes again, signaling you got another text.
(7;56 p.m) lottie: tai made us practice late again, i’m sorry. can we reschedule?
(7;57 p.m) lottie: this saturday is all yours! i promise!
(8;12 p.m) lottie: hello?
(8;15 p.m) lottie: my texts are delivering, so i know your phones on.
(8;20 p.m) lottie: i’m really sorry about the movie
(9;33 p.m) lottie: no phone call tonight?
(9;35 p.m) you: hey, i got caught up with piano practice, and helping my mom with dinner, and then being stood up by my girlfriend
you know your response is petty, and unlike you, but you were still upset. lottie has never just pushed you aside like this, and to do it so consistently all of a sudden made you feel so bad. especially about yourself. it made you wonder if she was losing interest. if maybe she was only using soccer as an excuse to stop hanging out with you.
(9;38 p.m) lottie: well, i’m glad you’re alive. i didn’t stand you up, you know how tai gets when she decides something. i have to take nationals seriously.
you scoff at her response, and quickly get to typing.
(9;40 p.m) you: i understand that. but you’ve promised me four different times about this movie, and at this point i don’t even want to go anymore.
(9;42 p.m) lottie: i know you’re upset and i’m sorry. but if i want to win nationals i have to practice really hard. harder than usual. right now that’s my main concern
you toss your phone onto your bed, not even bothering to respond. it was like talking to a brick wall. tomorrow you’d have to face her and talk about this in person. the thought alone causes a nauseous feeling to settle in the pit of your stomach. there was this wave of dread that washes over you, and for the first time in your relationship with lottie, you feel as though you two aren’t on the same page.
the next day at school was hell for lottie. you barely spoke to her; you didn’t sit with her and the team during lunch. she knew you were upset but she didn’t think you were this upset. you’ve always been so understanding about her passion for soccer, and you’ve never acted this way before. but… then again, lottie has never taken practice this serious. she just doesn’t want to let her team down, and she can see how much the girls want this. she wants it too, but she knows they have more on the line. tai wants a scholarship, and going to nationals will look great on a college application.
you’ll get over it. lottie tells herself. that day she sees you waiting for her by the bleachers; there’s an unrecognizable expression drawn onto your features. she just finished changing into her practice clothes and cleats, and she tries to smile at you, but it doesn’t quite meet her eyes. “hey.” she says as she leans in to kiss you, but you tilt your head to the side in order for her lips to land on your cheek. “hi… we should talk. i’ll make it quick.” you promise and she nods uncertainly, a feeling of unease creeping up on her. “i don’t really like the way i’ve been feeling lately…” you start, and she opens her mouth to talk but you stop her.
“… i’ve always felt like you and i have been on the same page, but lately i just feel like your mind is strictly on soccer. for the entire year you’ve been spending extra time practicing, and you barely talk to me about anything other than it. you blow me off for practice and you’ve missed all of our date nights for the last three months.” you point out, and lottie shakes her head. “y/n, do you understand what’s at stake here? not just my future, but all of my teammates. i’m not just working this hard for me, it’s for my team. i’m sorry if you’re feeling a little ignored and craving attention, but until nationals are over, you’re just gonna have to suck it up and deal with it.” she states, sounding a bit frustrated.
you look shocked with her words; she’s never been that blunt and cruel. here you were telling her how you felt and she was being like this. lottie can see the look on your face, you look as though you’re about to cry. though she’s much too stressed to care, so instead of deciding to apologize like she normally would, she scoffs. “i don’t have time for this. every day is another problem with you. it’s getting annoying.” lottie snaps, and you try to blink away the tears as you clench your jaw. she sounds so much like her father (who she hates), it nearly makes you laugh.
“well, i’m sorry for wanting to spend some time with you. i’m sorry i actually believed you when you promised me you’d make time and put in the slightest bit of effort for me. that was clearly my mistake. don’t worry, matthews, i promise i won’t be a problem for you anymore.” you hiss, tears in your eyes as you sound angry and hurt. lottie watches you leave and she stands there, feeling like a complete asshole. before she can even consider chasing after you, coach ben blows his whistle, signaling for all the girls to get on the field.
so here’s the thing, when you promised lottie you wouldn’t be a ‘problem’ anymore, she wasn’t exactly sure what you meant. but the next day, you came to school with a small box of her things in your hands. you march right up to her, there was nothing but determination on your face. lottie wasn’t stupid; she knew what this meant and it causes her heart rate to pick up anxiously. “the rest of your stuff you can come pick up whenever. it was too big to bring to school.” you say, keeping your voice quiet so no one can hear. lottie looks like a kicked puppy, “wh-what do you mean?“ you almost feel bad about the clear fear in her tone as she realizes she’s losing you.
“it didn’t fit in the box, so you can come and pick it up whenever.” you repeat more clearly, as if you hadn’t been clear as day the first time. “i know that… i just mean— why are you giving me my stuff back?” she asks, completely afraid of the answer. you don’t respond, and the silence tells her everything. “you’re breaking up with me over a fight?” she asks a bit angrily, and you shake your head; your poker face faltering. “i’m breaking up with you because you act like you don’t want to be with me! i’m not asking you to stop prioritizing soccer, i just wanted a little effort, lottie. you couldn’t even give me that.” you point out, pushing the box into her arms.
“like i said, you can pick up your other stuff whenever you’re not too busy.” you practically hiss at her, before you turn around and leave her standing there. lottie feels as though she’s been slapped in the face. the one person she had figured would always be there, was now walking away from her and disappearing into the hoard of bustling students. natalie, who had been watching the entire ordeal from her locker, walks up to lottie. “what was that about? it looked serious…” natalie starts cautiously, trying to make sure her best friend is okay. lottie looks worse than when becky martin started telling the entire school about lottie being schizophrenic. but you were there for her throughout all of that; never caring about her diagnosis or thinking of her any differently. she was always your lottie. but now she wasn’t your anything.
lottie starts to tear up, and natalie’s eyes widen at the sight of the broken-hearted girl. “she dumped me.” lottie admits in a frail tone, a tone natalie has never heard from the raven haired girl. “shit… seriously? what happened?” natalie asks, and lottie proceeds to tell her best friend everything. she tells her all about how she began neglecting you at the begin of the year, and you being you, always let it slide. yet as she became more and more emotionally and physically unavailable, she began leaving you alone.
she tells natalie about how these last few weeks she was a total nightmare. she even forgot to text you some days. natalie looks shocked at this revelation; you two always seemed like such a great couple. you hadn’t even let anyone know there was trouble in paradise. the bell rings, and natalie clasps lottie’s wrists and begins to lead her towards the schools exit. natalie knew the last thing her friend needed was to be surrounded by a bunch of annoying students in class.
as soon as they get to the bottom of the bleachers, natalie flashes her a stern look.
“alright matthews, you screwed up, but i’m gonna help you fix it.” lottie looks shocked at natalie’s declaration, and she shakes her head. “why? why do you wanna help me?” she questions, and natalie shrugs. “you’re my best friend. plus y/n is a good person who actually gives a shit about you. you’re never gonna forgive yourself if you don’t fix it.” natalie’s voice is stern, and lottie nods in agreement.
“what should i do?” the yellowjackets sweeper asks uncertainly, and natalie offers her a mischievous smirk. “i have an idea that could work.” natalie admits, as she begins to give lottie a list of ways she could romance you. lottie listens, clearly very interested.
that weekend is the hardest. lottie has never gone longer than a day without hearing your beautiful voice. you two never really fought throughout your relationship; you learned pretty early into your friendship with lottie that her home life was mean and harsh enough. you never dared add any hurt to her life. when lottie was upset she quickly realized she could talk to you about anything; you were so easy to open up to, and no matter what you were doing you always made time for her.
the entire weekend lottie feels like trash. she realizes that she doesn’t even know how you’re doing. you two barely broke up, yet it feels like she hasn’t truly talked to you for months. god, maybe she was a terrible girlfriend. she put soccer before you, and now she doesn’t even feel like going to practice. though she knows she has to. she has an obligation to her friends and team… but she can’t help but feel like she let you down, and you didn’t know it but you were one of the most important people in her life.
now she fears that if none of natalie’s ideas work, she’ll lose you for sure. she’s tried to text you nearly every day since the breakup on friday, but you refuse to answer any of her texts. she even tried calling you on saturday night, but you didn’t pick up. when monday rolls around lottie comes to school with a huge bouquet of sunflowers and red roses. your two favorites. she hasn’t felt this nervous since she first asked you to be her girlfriend, except right now she knew you didn’t want to talk to her or even see her.
everyone looks at the raven haired girl as soon as she walks into school. surely everyone knows about your breakup by now, because mari is your best friend and she also seems to have the biggest mouth. not to mention she had been glaring at lottie all throughout practice on friday evening. she could tell you told mari everything and by the looks she was receiving she could tell everyone else knew now too.
as soon as she sees you standing by your locker talking to mari and akilah, mari’s eyes zero in on the tall raven haired girl making her way up to you. your best friend taps on you, and nods in lottie’s direction. you turn your head, and instead of your eyes lighting up at the sight of her and the bouquet, your large orbs fill with dread. her step falters a bit but she keeps her head high as she approaches you. “y/n… these are for you. i’m really sorry.” lottie’s voice is small, and you shake your head.
“they’re beautiful, but they aren’t going to fix anything.” you deadpan and lottie frowns. “i know that. but i thought maybe they could be the first step to fixing things?” she suggests and you glance at akilah and mari. you reach for lottie’s free hand and lead her to a secluded spot in the hall. “why are you doing this here? in front of everyone?” you ask her with supplicating eyes, and she knits her brows together. “because you won’t return my calls, and i haven’t stopped thinking about you. y/n, if you’d hear me out, i know i could fix this.” she pleads with you, and those eyes nearly make you cave.
you quickly remind yourself how you both ended up here, causing you to shut your eyes and take a breath. when you open them, lottie has a hopeful expression etched onto her features. “i gave you plenty of chances to fix it when we were together. for the last two months i’ve given you nothing but chances. you told me time and time again that soccer was your priority, and i respect that. so please respect my decision and leave me alone.” you whisper the last part a bit harshly as you turn around and storm away.
lottie stands there, heartbroken and ashamed. she looks at the flowers that seem to be taunting her. she crushes the stems in her hand as she approaches the nearest trash bin, tossing them in. so much for flowers and a heartfelt apology. lottie feels like a fool for even trying.
a week goes by and lottie is practically a walking zombie. she’s barely been eating or sleeping. she was so used to falling asleep on facetime with you, or falling asleep texting you… now she can barely get a wink of sleep. all she can think about is how mean to you she was the day before you two broke up. god, she can’t get that sad, puppy dog expression you flashed her out of her head.
“come on, lottie! where’s your head at!?” tai snaps in the middle of a scrimmage. lottie had been paying less attention to anything that didn’t have to do with you these days. it’s ironic, it took her losing you to realize what she had. her notes for her classes were empty lately, her parents didn’t even notice she was barely saying a word at home, and practice was the worst. lottie was so used to seeing you in the bleachers during most of her practices; you’d be watching her with this big smile on your face, or doing homework. you always looked so pretty. now you weren’t there and lottie never realized how happy seeing you sitting on those bleachers made her. how important she felt that you spent time watching her practice because you didn’t want to be away from her.
lottie doesn’t get her head in the game even after being yelled at by tai. in the locker room, its worse. “what the hell, lottie?? we’re this close to winning nationals and you choose now to start slacking??” tai asks harshly, natalie steps in before lottie can respond. “hey, leave her alone she’s had a shitty week.” natalie states sternly and tai rolls her eyes. “so have all of us! newsflash, the world doesn’t stop because lottie matthews is going through a breakup. we’re a team, meaning you need to get your mind together and focus on the game.” tai’s voice is angry and demanding.
lottie feels a surge of rage wash over her. “not everything is about soccer!” she snaps back loudly, taking the curly haired girl and most of the girls by surprise. “god, you’re all so worked up over this fucking game next week that we’ve all been nightmares! jackie, you and shauna have been at each offers throats for weeks, tai you’ve barely talked to van about anything other than nationals, laura lee has been praying to god for nothing but us winning, mar’s been a bigger cunt than usual, natalie is stress drinking again, and my girlfriend dumped me because i was ignoring her for months! for a sport i used to have fun playing, with a team who used to actually give a shit about each other!” lottie lets it all pour out like a leaky faucet, and everyone stands there dumbfounded by the outburst.
“lottie—“ tai starts but lottie slams her locker shut. “fuck this.” she hisses as she swings her nike duffle bag over her shoulder and storms out of the locker room. she doesn’t even bother changing out of her uniform. lottie’s blood is boiling and her teeth are gritting all the way to her car. she feels as though in a week her entire life has spiraled downhill. she’s been downhill more times than she can count, but she’s never been there without you. this sucks.
she seems to be so upset that she doesn’t even realize she’s driving in the direction of your house. she feels so lost, and it seems she ended up where she feels the safest. with you. lottie aimlessly approaches your door; she’s still in her soccer uniform and her hair is in loose pigtails. the way you always said made her look undeniably cute. she knocks on the door and looks down at her dirty cleats. she thinks about how unhappy you’re probably going to look to see her; she isn’t used to that. she hates it.
her eyes well up with tears and she sniffles, the door swings open before she can think to cover up the fact that she was crying. you had seen her through the peephole, putting on your best angry face before you answered the door. but as soon as you saw the broken girl in front of you, and you heard the sad little sniffle, your face softens immediately. “are you okay?” even though you know it’s a dumb question, you still ask because you don’t want to sound harsh. she doesn’t look like she needs anymore of that.
“i— i didn’t know where else to go.” she admits lowly, roughly wiping her tears away with the back of her hand. you give in quickly, stepping aside for her to come in. “what happened?” you ask her as she steps inside, taking her shoes off politely in a way that makes you smile. even in her sad state, she still remembers your mothers rules. “i got into a fight with tai… you were right, lately we’ve all been terrible. i’ve been terrible. to you especially. i’m really sorry, y/n.” she sounds sincere and sad, you can see her staring hopelessly at you; waiting for you to say something.
you press your lips together before letting out a sigh, turning your head away from her. “it’s okay. i understand. nationals are a lot of pressure, and i just think maybe right now it’s better if we’re just friends. i want a normal relationship, and i want my girlfriend to be as excited about prom as i am. i want to be able to go to the movies and have date nights without worrying about getting in the way of your schedule. i just think we want different things now.” you explain, trying to keep your voice light but she can hear the sadness laced through your tone clear as day.
lottie shakes her head rapidly, standing up and inching towards you. “i want those things too. i love our date nights, and you never get in the way of my schedule. i promise. i am excited about prom— at least i was… when i knew i was going with you.” lottie’s response is quiet and low, making you frown. “you never even asked me to prom, lot. it’s next month!” you point out and lottie flashes you those puppy eyes you could never resist when you were together. why does she have to be so cute?
“please go to prom with me.” she insists and before you can decline, and goes on. “i want to prove to you we still want the same things! if you still don’t want to be with me after prom… okay. i’ll respect your decision. but you have to let me try. please.” lottie sounds desperate, and she’s borderline begging. you let out sharp exhale, “fine. fine. i’ll go to prom with you, matthews. but i swear to god if you mess this up again, we’re done.” you warn her and she nods eagerly, reaching for your hands.
“i promise! i’m not gonna let you down this time!” she swears as she leans in and places a kiss on your cheek. “this times gonna be different.” she assures you, and you allow her to pull you in for a hug. you melt into her embrace, and you hesitantly wrap your arms around her. you can’t hope but help she’s telling you the truth this time. you suppose the only thing you can do is wait and see.
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
She’s the Lieutenants girl
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Summary: Y/n is a nurse for the military especially Task Force 141 and lucky for her that’s Ghost’s team. After a small injury with a new recruit and that recruit being flirty. What does Ghost make him do?
Tw: mentions of small cuts/ injury and mentions of knives
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Y/n had always known that working as a nurse for Task Force 141 about how dangerous your job was. But you loved the thrill of the work and knowing that you was helping your country in your own way. What made it even better was that your boyfriend, Ghost, was also a part of the squad. You were sitting at your desk catching up on filling out documents and files for any injured people and what medication they may have needed to take. You were just about to move onto the next file when there was a knock at your door. You beckoned “come in!” The person was actually Ghost. Looking up you saw the man that you had been waiting to see today. He spoke “Hey love, how’s work?” You nodded “alright so far.. what have you been up to?” He answered “me and Soap have been helping out and training the new recruits” you smiled and asked “how has that been?” You got up out of your chair and walked over to him and gave him a hug. He smiled under the mask and spoke “alright till Johnny was placing the knives back and had cut his hand.. that’s why we are both here” you looked behind to see Soap walk on over. You smiled and spoke “hey Soap, how bad is it?” He answered “not that bad maybe butterfly stitches at most” you nodded and walked over to the medical cupboard and started to clean Soap’s wound. After finishing up Ghost spoke “we are planning on going to a near by food place, Soap mentioned it and we were wondering if you wanted to join after your done?” You smiled at Ghost and spoke “I’d love to join, I only have about fifteen minutes left so I won’t be too long” Ghost spoke “ok, me and Soap will wait out here for you then.” You nodded and went on your tippy toes to give Ghost a kiss on the cheek as you walked back over to your desk. It’s now been a few minutes and it’s been a bit too quite. But as you were putting away all the files you managed to finish; there was a knock at your door so you beckoned them in. Turns out it was one of the new recruits Ghost is mentoring. You spoke “so how can I help you?” The young boy replied “I’ve got a cut in between my thumb and index finger.” He jokingly added “those bloody throwing knives are lethal” you chuckled and ushered him over to the small bed and said “once you first use them it’s hard but once you get the grip and stuff right, they are really handy to use” you was now taking care of a new recruit who had just got injured during training. You were cleaning up his wound when you heard a knock on the door. You knew it was Ghost and he must have come to check if you were finishing up. But before you could finish dressing up the wound, the recruit started to flirt with you. You tried to be polite and kept your distance, but the boy kept flirting. "So do you have a boyfriend?" the boy asked. "Maybe," you replied, knowing where he was going with this. The boy then asked you out for a date, but you politely declined, telling him that you were already going on a date that afternoon. He asked “with who?” As if on cue, Ghost spoke from behind you, "I am, aren't I, my love?" Y/n smiled, feeling relieved that Ghost had arrived at the right time. The new recruit was shocked and asked “wait are you two together? Like dating?”. Y/n jokingly asked Ghost, "hm? Are we, Ghost?" Ghost smirked under his mask and replied, "Last time I checked, we were." The new recruit knew he had overstepped his bounds and quickly apologised “I’m so sorry Lieutenant sir I didn’t know she was yours”. Ghost then told him “no need to apologise to me but you will be apologising to her and your squad since you are going to do some laps on the track outside and a chat with me in my office tomorrow” the boy looked at you and spoke “sorry” you nodded and ushered him over to the desk. After he left, Y/n got ready to leave with Ghost and Soap for some lunch at a nearby food place. As they walked away, Y/n couldn't help but feel glad to have Ghost by your side and help you when he knew it was needed.
Hope you all like it! if you have anything you’d like me to write make sure to message or request it!
Have a good day/night!
(Also if you’d like a update on me as the author which I don’t think most would want but I’ll do one cuz you never know. Well I’ve been well doing my exams soon I have a Welsh speaking one Thursday which I’m dreading cuz I hate speaking Welsh. I have joined a rugby team which I’m playing my first game tomorrow and I’m so hyped! If you cared to read this I appreciate it have a good day/night!)
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nom-nommmm1 · 9 months
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Notes: this story is a short one from my Wattpad @nom_nommmm1!! If you like this please go check out my stories on there and my book about Georg!! I would greatly appreciate your support :)
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It was an early spring morning. I headed to my first class of the day, science. I sigh as I walk in the class, sitting in my assigned spot. As class is about to start a tall boy with black hair walks in. The professor shakes his hand and introduces him. "Class this is Bill Kaulitz, he will be our new student here" he says pausing for a moment. "Treat him kindly" he continues.
I look at the boy in awe, I've never seen someone so perfect looking, he looked like an absolute supermodel. The professor pointed towards the seat next to me. "Bill you will be sitting next to Y/n" Bill makes his way towards his seat. "Hi" he quickly says with anxiety. I return the small hi back and look back at the board to see our professor writing down our agenda.
"Okay class, today we will be focusing on our notes, catching up on anything we need to put in our books as they are due tomorrow." I groan. He gave us way too many pieces of notes and only gave us till Friday to have it all in. I start to do my unfinished notes when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn to see Bill. He looks at me nervously. "Hey uh, could you help me with this?" He asks showing me his blank page of notes.
"Oh yea I can totally help with that," I say nervously. I start explaining what it means and how you're supposed to fill the paper out. "Okay yeah this makes actual sense" he chuckles. Our science teacher never knew how to 'dumb it down' for the new kids. They always had to take tutoring to get caught up. I look at the clock 2 minutes till class ends. Bill looks at the time as well. "Hey, could I get your number? Maybe you could come to my house to help me with the rest of my notes?" he asks nervously. "Oh yeah, totally" I reply giving him my number.
He smiles, his anxiety practically disappearing. "Cool," he mutters.
I head to lunch and sit down at my normal table waiting for my friends. I see Layla and Cooper walk my way. "Hey Y/n, how've you been?" Layla asks looking at me with sweet eyes. "I've been alright how about you?" I reply looking at her smile. "Good" she smiles a little wider and they both sit down. I look around the cafeteria to see Bill heading my way. "Hi Y/n!" He says excited to see me again.
"Hey Bill, come sit" I wave him over and he follows. We all laugh and joke around until our lunch period is over. "Bye guys, I'll see you laterrr" I say waving goodbye and walking to my next class.
Schools over and I'm at home. I get a text from an unknown number.
Hey this is Bill, do you have time to come over and help me with science work?
Yea of course, I'll be by in a few. :)
I smile at my phone and make my way downstairs. "Hey mom is it cool if I go to a buddies house to help with notes?" I ask looking at her desperately. "Of course you can, send the address and I'll pick you up at 7 o'clock" she smiles at me and waves goodbye as I exit the door. I walk to Bills house to see him on the porch waiting for me. "You didn't have to wait outside" I chuckle looking at his blue lips. "I know but I wanted to" he says shivering.
"Cmon dork, let's get you inside" I say playfully laughing, he does the same.
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Thank you for reading!!
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rafedaddy01 · 1 year
Maybe a drew x reader thing where she’s apart of the cast and everyone loves the idea of her a drew being a thing and there really close , but once Odessa comes into the picture he rarely sees her anymore until poguelandia and they reconnect and have a moment after the event and then there becomes tension for Odessa and the reader fighting for his attention
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I hope this makes sense and is what you envisioned
I decided to skip the part were they were friends and jump straight into them meeting again at pougelandia event.
“Y/n. It’s been a while” drew said
“Yeah. How are you drew?” You said smiling as you leaned in for a hug.
“I’ve been doing good” he chuckled as the two of you stared at each other, almost like there was this moment where it was just the two of you, like old times.
“Drew! There you are” a girls voice interrupted
Drew turned to a girl walking up.
She had curly hair that was covered by a hat. She wore overalls and she walked up to drew and hugged him, her eyes on me like I was her next victim
“Y/n this is Odessa. We filmed a movie together last year!” He said introducing his friend.
“Y/n, nice to meet you” you extended a hand, she took it and shot you a fake smile before turning her attention back to drew.
“Are you ready to go?” She asked.
“Actually I was hoping to catch up with y/n, we haven’t seen each other in a while” drew said scratching the back of his neck as he looked at you for approval
“Oh okay. What are we doing” she said linking her arm to Drew’s and smiling between the two of us.
I knew what she was doing, two can play this game
You walked to the other side of drew and linked your arms to his, looking up at him and smiling.
“Let’s go meet with the rest of the gang, they’ll be happy to see us back together” you said pulling him towards the crowd
The whole time Odessa was trying to pull drew away from our friends, he was so oblivious to what was happening.
“Drew! Why do you and y/n reenact that dance you two made back in the day” Madelyn suggested.
She saw the way Odessa was acting, and although she doesn’t have a problem with her she always thought you and drew would be the perfect couple and she loved you like a sister.
“Oh no no no” you laughed as drew walked up to you
“Come on y/n, it’ll be fun. Just like old times” he said extending a hand and wiggling his eyebrows.
You rolled your eyes playfully as you took it and he spun you around
The whole time the two of you were dancing Odessa’s eyes were on you like a hawk.
“Drew I’m bored. Do you think we could get going” she put on her little fake act as she pouted for his attention.
“Uh yeah, I guess we better get going” he said to the group.
Everybody collectively saying bye.
“Y/n, we’re having a celebratory dinner tomorrow night. Why don’t you come” Rudy said
“Yeah. I better see you there” drew pointed at you with a playfully stern look on his face
“Okay Joseph, I’ll see you there” you winked
Meanwhile Odessa was fuming at the mention of Drew’s real name, she thought she was the only one that could call him that. Little does she know that you were the first person to actually call him that.
Odessa left thinking she had won, but just wait till dinner tomorrow
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mikhailwrites · 7 months
Soaring Ever Higher 2 - Ghoap/Ace Combat 7 crossover
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Ghost met John "Trigger" MacTavish and after the pilot saved his life - at cost of disobeying a direct order - asked him out for a drink. However, Trigger stood him up...
John is on his way to change from his flight suit to something considerably nicer. Well, maybe not all that much nicer since he wasn’t exactly planning on going out during this deployment, let alone going out with someone. Still, a tan tee and black cargo trousers could be considered an improvement.
Just as he’s nearing the door to his room, someone is standing in front of them, hand raised to knock. Trigger makes another two steps before he pauses. He’d recognise the unruly mop of dirty-blonde hair anywhere. “Count?” he calls out his wingman, who turns around quickly.
“Ah, there you are! Come on, the boss needs you,” Count gestures. Trigger stops. No way. Do they really have to do this right now?
“Can’t he wait at least till tomorrow? He can chew me out then,” John shrugs, resuming his walk towards his room.
However, Count shakes his head. “It’s not about your stunt today, I think. There’s another mission, an urgent one,” he explains. “So, come on. It’s not like you have somewhere better to be.”
He does, actually, but doesn’t say it out loud. If Count knew about his plans, Trigger wouldn’t hear the end of it. “Aye, okay, lead the way.”
True to Count’s words, Long Caster is already in the briefing room, going over maps and documents. The moment Trigger and his wingman come through the door, their commanding officer looks up, eyes locking on John.
“Good thing you haven’t changed yet. You’re about to go out again. The station personnel is refuelling your aircraft as we speak.”
“What’s so damn urgent then?” Trigger barely hides his displeasure as he walks around to the table and looks at the mission intel.
Long Caster also turns to the table and pulls out a topographic map of the nearby mountain range. “We need you to do a recon sweep.”
John gives him a long, hard look as if to ascertain if he’s serious or not. “Excuse me? A recon sweep? Don’t we have drones for that?”
“We do. That, and insubordinate, obstinate SoBs that treat commands as if they were mere suggestions. Get ready. You leave in ten,” Long Caster nods at the fellow pilot. When Trigger doesn’t move an inch, he adds: “Dismissed, Lieutenant.”
“Yes, sir,” Trigger grunts and leaves.
Count looks at the back of his friend and wingman before he turns to Long Caster. “With all due respect, sir, was that really necessary?”
“I don’t need you questioning my orders, Count. However, if you insist, I’m sure we can arrange some rewarding mission for you as well,” his superior cocks an eyebrow in obvious challenge.
“I think I’ll pass. Permission to leave?”
“As far as I’m concerned, you were never here,” Long Caster nods to the still-open door and Count excuses himself.
The flight path is long and utterly boring. Trigger has to fly low and slow for the radar and lidar to catch everything he needs. He’s bored. His jet is bored, too. It’s just a sea of green, stretching in all directions, and, even worse, the sky is still overcast, so it’s just the green below and dull grey above.
He returns after the nightfall. Taking off the helmet, the sweat-drenched mohawk sticks to his head. Trigger only exchanges a few pleasantries with the staff and engineers before retreating to his quarters to shower.
Only then, under the spray of lukewarm water to cool himself down, does he remember he was supposed to meet with Ghost and practically stood the man up. Great way to fuck up a promising start they had. John shortly debates if he should go to Ghost’s quarters and explain to him what happened.
No. It sounds like bullshit, and he’s way too beat to go anywhere, anyway. Even more so since the Strider squadron’s mission has been completed, and they will be returning to their home base tomorrow. Another long, boring flight. At least he will have his mates to chat with.
Ghost finds Laswell first thing in the morning. He’s not angry, and he’s willing to give Trigger the benefit of the doubt. Ghost knows better than most how quickly downtime can turn into active duty, especially for top operatives such as himself or Trigger.
Laswell is fully immersed in the display of her laptop. Ghost knocks on the open door and is given a lifted index finger – a universal symbol to wait, and that’s what he does. Full five minutes, actually. Only then does Laswell click a few times and finally nods at Ghost to come in. “What can I do for you, Lieutenant?”
“Do you know where Trigger is?” Ghost’s voice is steady, as is the rest of him. To anyone else, it wouldn’t sound any different than asking what’s for lunch, but not to Laswell since it’s her job to notice even the most subtle changes and details. She’s also damn good at her job.
“Yesterday, Flight Lieutenant was needed elsewhere, in a rather urgent manner, I’m afraid,” she confirms Ghost’s unvoiced theory, “as of this morning, Strider squadron’s mission has concluded, and they returned to their home base”. By mentioning Trigger’s rank, she also lets Ghost know that MacTavish actually outranks him. Interesting, if not exactly surprising. It’s good that John didn’t intend to leave him hanging. However, Trigger is now, quite literally, in the wind. Who knows how long before they run into each other again? Ghost tries to convince himself that he mostly minds the debt; he’s promised John a drink. “I could get you his phone number if you want.”
“No need,” Ghost declines her offer and pointedly ignores the knowing look on her face. Laswell doesn’t need to know everything, let alone the degree of interest Ghost has in MacTavish.
Ghost walks out, stopping on the tarmac and looking up. There’s the vast expanse of clear blue sky. If he’s honest, he never paid too much attention to it. His fight is and has always been on the ground. Now, he can’t help but wonder: how does being up there feel? There is no ground to support you, no cover to help you, no nothing, just you, the mission, and almost endless space. There’s something freeing in the thought but, at the same time, anxiety-inducing. No, Ghost is very much ground-animal, thank you very much.
If he gets to talk to MacTavish again, he will ask him what he sees in the blue. What does he feel when the jet leaves the ground? What is he thinking about, up there, among birds and clouds? And what’s with those three strikes on the tail? With a newfound resolve, he changes the initial if to when. When he gets to talk to MacTavish again.
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stinkybuttwipes · 1 year
Piccolo x F! Reader
3rd person
Warnings: Smut, lingerie, Piccolo can grow a pp if he wants Imao, Fingering, Roughness, slight Size kink, P in V, cuddles.
(Spoiler: Piccolo could give two shits abt the outfit)
Piccolo is sorta ooc I’m sorry 😭
Not proof read
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*You wonder into the local mall looking for a new pair of shoes, as you are walking to the exit a certain store catches your eye and you have to take a look*
“A lingerie store?, not everyday you seen one of these anymore” you speak to yourself. you debate about going in but what use do you have going?.
The ring on your finger reminded you why you should go in, “piccolo..Maybe just a small look wouldn’t hurt..plus maybe giving him an early anniversary “gift” wouldn’t hurt.” you smile and continue walking.
As you step into the shop you are surprised by a woman. “Hello ma’am! Would you like to take a look at our newest lingeries?” Your trying to find words “N-no thanks I’m just looking!” You tumble over your words leaving you a bit embarrassed about it. “Oh no worries!! Let me know if you need any help!” The woman walks into another direction to help another costumer.
*phew* you look around at all the mannequins and bins with panties and bras but none seem to your liking.
“Jesus, how do girls find good lingerie now? Or am I just picky?.” You take a couple more steps when a mannequin with the exact thing which you now wanted.
*This is what it was btw*
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You knew it was the one that would make your husband would like too..is what you would like to think but knowing Piccolo he would probably think it’s Pjs-. “finally” you find the lingerie in your size, pay, and drive to get roses.
You got three bouquets of flowers, the two full of roses to decorate the room and bed, and one full of red and white roses decorated for your dear husband.
Your planning on giving him the rest of your gift plus the flowers tomorrow on your actual anniversary of 3 years.
Your finally home and ready to crash but you can’t just yet.
You suck up your tiredness and go up to the master bedroom where you and your husband sleep. You pull apart the rose petals and throw them around the room on the white dresser, on the bed, and on the carpet.
After about 10 minutes you wipe off your sweat and look at your watch, “two more hours” you sigh. Two more hours till Piccolo comes home, you decide to nap to reward yourself….your silent snores fill the room…..Suddenly you are awoken by the shut of a door.
*gasp* “OH SHIT! WHAT TIME IS IT!?” You look at your watch, 4:00PM you have been asleep for a long time but it felt like a second. Guess you were too exhausted from shopping all day.
You quickly try to lock the door so Piccolo wouldn’t see. But he walks up the stairs as soon as you do (after taking off his head gear and cape and setting it in the in the laundry room.) He tries to open the door but you have a strong grip on it, “y/n? Are you alright” his raspy voice calls out to question you. “Yes I’m fine!..Could ya just wait please? Uhm..Give me five minutes!” He sighs “alright.” without a question he sits at the door leaning against it as he waits. Just the sound of his tired deep voice turned you on. You started to rub your thighs together. You started to get excited just like you were earlier maybe even more.
*thud* “y/n? Are you okay that was loud.” He sounds concerned “I’m okay hun!” You stand back up after falling trying to pull up your stocking.
You quickly light all the candles, dim the lights, and try to find a sexy pose for when he walks in. You cover your bum with some of the blanket , your head on your left hand, laying on your side.
Waiting…Waiting..knowing it’s only been about 3 minutes it feels forever.
You wanted him now..
You needed him..
You crave him..
You wanted your husbands touch..
You wanted him to be rough..hard..You wanted to be his cum dump..you wanted to-
Piccolo turns the knob as you daydream your fantasy. “It’s been longer than 5, Now what happened-oh” he’s stunned at the sight of you waiting for him, the petals, the candles, the lights.
“Y/n? What is all this?” Piccolo questioned the sight before him confused why the room was full of petals and why you were in lace. “Don’t you remember? It’s our anniversary~” you start to crawl to him “That’s not until tomorrow can’t you just wait?.” You stand on your knees to reach his chest and you begin to take off his Gi “Just let me take care of you tonight~ It’s a early gift dear”.
“But y/n” Piccolo stops your hands from going any further “you did all of this for me the least I can do is make you feel better, so don’t push yourself dear.” He takes your hands in his and lays you down gently. “P-Piccolo?!” He observes you and your outfit giving a small smirk “for me?~”.
Piccolo leans to give you a gentle kiss filled with love. He pulls off the lingerie as his lips still attached to yours one hand now on your bare breast the other cupping your face lovingly. You now only in your skirt feeling wetter now. “can you..touch me? please” you say huffing from the passionate kiss. “Of course”.
Piccolo presses you against the head of the bed and rips off your skirt, he moves your panties to side and inserts a single finger. “H-Hah!” You wrap your arms around his neck for support. You play with your clit to get some extra relief but Piccolo smacks your hand away “You stay put I am the who is going to please you, not you got it?” He lifts your chin to look in your eyes. “Ok..sorry” you give him a small peck to apologize.
In return Piccolo inserts another finger “God! piccolo!!”. He finds it amusing that a human smaller than him can still hold herself up after two finger that are longer and thicker than hers.
Piccolo slides his fingers out leaving you upset, you whine at his action. He takes off the top of his Gi. “your very sexy today heh” you still dazed with pleasure “Glad you think so”. Piccolo takes off his pants leaving him fully naked, you feel the urge to pounce on him but stay seated where you are.
Piccolo stretches before he crawls back on the bed. He lifts you up over his crotch and sets you down on what feels like..a..is that his dick!?, you think to yourself. Of course you’ve had sex with Piccolo but you’ve never known he had a cock especially not as big as you thought either. “P-Piccolo is that your!” You are cut off by Piccolo grinding his cock on your black panties which are already soaked with your wetness.
“Correct, I can make items what makes you think I can’t make a human genital?” He had a point and you were definitely not complaining, he was definitely big and a good 9 inches not to mention thick! “You start to grind on his dick causing Piccolo to wince at the feeling. He pushes you on the bed, “I told you to leave this business to me, bad girls like you should be punished~” and that’s exactly what he wanted. He wanted you to disobey.
It’s all going to plan.
Piccolo wasn’t the only one with an early gift either you know.
He rips off your panties the remains in shreds. He grasped your thighs and slammed into you without warning. “H-Hyah!!!~?” You were breathless at the actions of his, Piccolo was sure enjoying himself because he leaned into your neck hiding his flushed purple face whilst trying to hide his small grunts.
“P-Piccolo! I love you so much hmmm!” You clawed at his back sure to leave a mark for a while. He grunts loudly “i love..you too” too drunk with pleasure of your tight walls clamping down so hard on his cock. Piccolo started nibbling on your neck and sneakily bit your neck causing you to cry out in pain and pleasure.
“Hhaan!! Please!” Piccolo picked up his pace and crashed his lips onto yours once more. You moaned into his lips, your walls spasmed letting him know your close to the edge and so was he.
You let go of his lips and rocked your hips with his and releasing your juices all over him unexpectedly without warning. “s-sorry..” he continued to thrust to reach his climax “hhah..” he pulled out of you releasing all over your stomach. Both a panting mess you were first to break the silence, “that was amazing *huff* But I’m a mess and so are you” you chuckled at him.
With one swift move Piccolo picked you up bridal style to the bathtub. He gently set you down giving you a small kiss on the cheek as he started up the water. The bath was full and you relaxed but not as relaxed as you would be without your dear husband. “Honey?” He looked over wiping himself off with a cloth “join me, please?.” He couldn’t resist he couldn’t say no to you plus he definitely needed a bath as well.
He sat down in the tub and you leaned into his chest. “I’m so happy to be with you” you held his hand “I’m so glad I met you Piccolo” you said smiling at him. “No, I’m happy I met you my dear wife”.
You chuckled at his response and slowly fell asleep on him. “Cute.” He laughs pulling you close to him.
End. I love this man you don’t even know.
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masonmyluv · 2 years
Photographer 📸
Pedri Gonzales x reader
One shot
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"You're staring"
"Am not"
"Take a picture, it'll last longer"
That was kind of ironic coming from your co-worker giving the fact that you were a photographer for FC Barcelona and that was your job: taking pictures of the players. "Actually that's what I'm going to do" you said, snapping some in the mean time of a certain player that always caught your eye: Pedro Gonzales. He looked adorable with that red tint on his cheeks after the game, and his smile when his teammates congratulated him for the 100th game in Barça's t-shirt and the winning goal he scored.
After the game ended and Pedri received his t-shirt, your co-worker, Luigi, was asked to take some pictures in the changing rooms because some of the players were looking indecent. You rolled you eyes, but waited until almost everyone was out so you could sneak in. You hoped Pedri wasn't indecent, but that wouldn't have been a problem. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asked confused. "Came to take some pictures with the man of the match" you said. "But Luigi—". "Shush. Pose for me" you said. "Alright" Pedri chuckled. "Perfecto" you whispered. "tú eres perfecto, no yo (you are perfect, not me)" he said. "I mean it, Y/N. You're so good in everything you do and you're so talented" he said when you opened your mouth to object. "Thanks Pedri. I should go, but congrats for the goal" you said. "Gracias". "Can I give you a hug?" You asked. "Sure, but you don't have to ask" he laughed. And just like that, you gave your crush a tight hug that lasted for about 5 seconds, but it will last forever in your memory.
"Nice pictures" You slightly jumped at the sound of that voice, a voice that caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach. "Gracias Pedri" you smiled. "Hopefully they'll post them" he said. You didn't realise how close he was until now: he slightly bent his head over your shoulder to take a better look at your laptop, his breath fanning over your neck. "That's PR. I'm just a simple photographer" you sighed. "The best photographer" he corrected. "¿Que esta pasando ahí? (What's happening here?" Pablo asked. "Pedro tratando de conseguir su amor para ser su novia (Pedro trying to get his crush to be his girlfriend)" Ansu answered. You looked a bit confused when Pedri told them to fuck off. "Sorry about that" he chuckled nervously. "It's okay... I need to finish editing these photos anyway" you said, closing your laptop and hurrying down the hall to your office. "Y/N... wait" he yelled, catching up with you. "Do you want to... maybe... watch a movie? Together?" He asked. "Are you asking me out, Pedro Gonzales?" You asked blushing. "It's just my cinema room. I don't really like cinemas" he said. "Then yes. Just text me your address" you said.
"Oh wow I..."
"Do I look that bad?" You asked.
"Not at all. It's just weird to not see you in Barça clothes" he said. "Oh wait till you see me at the gala" you laughed. "You're going to be there?" He asked. "Yep. Probably in a dress" you said. "No puedo esperar a verte (I can't wait to see you)" he mumbled. "Sorry?". "Third room on the left" he cleared his throat. "I'll bring snacks for us" he said. "Can I help you?". "No, it's fine. Feel like home" he smiled.
That was kinda ironic given the fact that his house was 10 times your apartment, but you didn't care about that now. You were too close to Pedri to even think about something straight. You sometimes looked at him, he was so fucking handsome, his brown eyes and his plump lips. "Hey... you okay?" He asked, his thumb brushing your cheek. "You drifted off" he clarified when you looked at him confused. "I think I'm tired. I should go" you said. "It's late. Why don't you stay here? I have a lot of spare bedrooms. And I can drive you to work in the morning" he suggested. "I don't know...". "Please?" He gave you the puppy eyes. "Okay... but tomorrow we have to stop at mine to get my camera" you said. "Of course" he said.
"You spent the night at Pedro's???" Luigi yelled shocked. "Shhhh!!! Yeah I did. We were having a movie night and it got too late to go home. So I stayed" you explained. "Did you two you know" he wiggled his eyebrows. "No, Luigi, we didn't. I stayed in one of his guest rooms and we met in the morning. Then he bought me a coffee on the way here" you said. "Awww". "And he asked the barista to draw some hearts on my cup" you blushed. "Oh my god! He likes you too!" He said. "Too? Who said I like him?" You asked. "It's clear you do. And you're gonna convinced yourself at the gala next month" he said.
"Oh wow..."
"cloae su boca. Usted podría babear (close your mouth, you might drool)" Gavi said just in time because you were making your way to the two boys in your red dress. "Hey guys! Ready for the big night?" You asked. "Claro" Gavi flexed his biceps. "And you, Pedri?". "I'm...good... yeah bueno" he shuttered. "Well, I'll see you around" you said. "dile que se ve hermosa (tell her she's beautiful)" Gavi whispered to his friend. "Y/n, you look beautiful" Pedri said. "Thanks. You look good too. Both of you" you said blushing. "ella se sonrojó (she blushed)" Gavi said. "estás viendo estrellas (you're seeing starts, Pablo)" Pedri argued with him. "Shush you two" Ferran said as the ceremony was about to start.
"And the prize for the best photo of the season... first let's see it"
"And the best photographer, all go to Y/N Y/l/n". Everyone started applauding as Luigi helped you on the stage. You claimed your award and luckily didn't have to say anything because you surely couldn't do it.
After the gala ended, it was a little after party, so you all went there. "May I have a dance with the winner?" Pedri asked, snapping you out of your daydreaming. "Sure. There you go" Luigi shoved you into him. "Congrats. I told you you're the best photographer" he smiled down at you. "I wouldn't have won it if it weren't for the person I photographed in the first place" you said. "Now, don't tell me you won because of me" he laughed. "No, but your charm helped" you shrugged. "You think I'm charming?" He smirked. "Umm... yeah" you blushed looking down at your shoes. "Y/n... I really like you" he whispered. "More than a friend" he added quickly. "Pedro—". "No, it's okay, it's your perfect night and I ruined it" he panicked. "Pedro, just listen to me" you chuckled, cupping his face into your hands. "I really like you too...and you could make this the best night of my life if you would just kiss me". He blinked twice before he registered what you just said. So, with your permission, he pressed his lips softly to yours, wrapping his arms around you in the meantime. "Te quiero, Y/n" he whispered.
"Took you long enough" His teammates patted his back. "Now I won't have to listen to him saying how beautiful you look every day" Pablo whispered to you. "We were dancing here" Pedri said. "Mhm. More like making out" Pablo said. You blushed, hiding your face into Pedri's chest as he swung your bodies to the music.
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Hope you like it ❤️
Feedback is always appreciated ☺️
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trashbag-baby666 · 5 months
In my most truest angst form, I wanted to touch more on John and his ED in my hs au.
C/W-mentions of John having an ed.
As previously mentioned in past hc’s, John’s always been pretty picky about his food. Chicken strips are his biggest safe food and always has been. Unless, he knows he likes something else on the menu, John always orders chicken strips and fries. He calls himself a profession chicken strip expert, he knew the best ones and he said it certainly wasn’t canes.
John’s always had weird eating habits, he would bring his own lunches from home and wouldn’t eat them. Sometimes he would eat school lunch if a, Gale made him, or b it was chicken strip day or orange chicken days. During the summers he would spend with Gale it was similar of him not eating. When they were that age he just boiled it down to John rambling about his adhd medication and how it just kinda takes away his appetite.
It’s specifically when they’re juniors that things begin to hit a peak for him. His parents forced him back onto his adhd medication because of his grades. They were fighting worse than ever, anytime he was home his mom was chewing him out over something, blaming him for his father’s cheating. He knew very well that his mother loathed the fact that he looked just like his father. She made sure he didn’t forget.
These were the days where Curt and Gale could tell just by one look, if today would be a good day or bad day. He would push his food around at lunch until the bell sounded, that or if it touched he wouldn’t eat it. Gale caught on pretty fast, of course. He wasn’t pushy about it, or upfront about it, he just offers some kind words. “Do you wanna go get lunch from somewhere? I’ll buy it for you?” Or something that Gale finds to be more successful is when they share food. That way John isn’t over whelmed by his own plate and rather it’s something him and Gale can share. Except he knows that John finds it hard eating infront of others. At school it’s fine but if they’re out at a restaurant, Gale just politely asks for a box and an extra cup of ranch. He knows within an hour of John going home he’s gonna destroy the chicken strips left.
Unfortunately, things start to get worse around January. John’s having an even harder time eating just about anything, he dislikes the feeling of his food digesting. He learns pretty quick he can get around Gale if he waits till he’s in class after lunch and asks to go to the bathroom.
Gales beyond devastated when he finds out John’s been making himself throw up. He’s somewhat at a loss of how he can help John. He ends up making the difficult decision to really actually talk about it with him. They both had actively avoided talking about it with the other. Gale waits for a more appropriate time to bring it up with John.
They’re laying on Gales bed, John’s staring at the ceiling throwing a small ball up into the air and catching it. Gales trying to read his book but the thoughts are eating him away. He slowly put his book mark into his book and sets it on the nightstand.
He knows he has to watch how he phrases his words, he didn’t want John to get defensive and clam up.
“Can we talk about something?”
“I’m sorry to bring it up, but John I’m getting worried about you and your eating habits.”
“Wuddya’ mean?”
“You haven’t been eating.”
John freezes up when Gale says that, he feels kinda like a child who just got caught red handed. He just shrugs it off with a small, “So?” But Gale most certainly isn’t going to leave it at that. So, he somewhat lets it go for the night and lands on they’ll talk about it again tomorrow.
They let the next day go by until they’re walking through the woods behind Gales house. Meatballs running ahead of them and Johns playing with a stick. But it isn’t Gale who brings it up it’s John.
He’s snapping this twig into pieces, “I was thinkin’ about what you said last night. Maybe it’s just because I’m on Adderall again but…I don’t know?” He shrugged tossing his broken up twig aside.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to know, I just wanna help you.”
John was struggling for his words, he felt uncomfortable talking about it. He didn’t know why? He could trust Gale with anything…but they just kept walking.
More to come?? Thanks for reading :3!!!<3
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sweetestlittledarling · 8 months
Banter at the Rowdy Raven
Part of @monthly-challenge 2024 | Banter
Rating: PG
Pairing: JulianxSparrow (Female Apprentice)
Summary: The more the city changes the more it stays the same
“Hey there sexy can I buy you a drink?”
              Sparrow had to sigh as she set her drink back down on the bar. The city might have been rebuilt but clearly the clientele of the Rowdy Raven would never change. Leaning back against the bar, she could see that this was not one of the normal patrons. He looked like he could be one with his only mother, could love face and smell that bordered on dead sewer rat but clearly, he was new in town, probably a sailor just off the boat. She might just give him a pass just this once. “No thank you, I already have one,” she said giving him a fake little smile.
              “Let me buy you the next one then,” the thug said, clearly not catching the hint. He stepped a bit closer, leaning in so she could smell his not so pleasant breath. “Or maybe I’ll let you buy me one seeing as you’ve already stolen something of mine.”
              “If you are going to say your heart,” Sparrow answered picking up her drink for another sip, “I assure you that I wouldn’t touch that with a thirty-foot pole.”
              “Aw come on don’t be so cold baby! Me and my friend’s noticed you from across the bar and we like your style, especially since it’s been a long time since we seen a lady as pretty as you.”
              Out of the corner of her eye Sparrow could see the equally unenticing sailors at the far table and silently sized up each of them. She kind of wished Mezalinka was in town, would be nice to have some back up right about then. But alas the pirate captain wasn’t expected back in town till tomorrow, and it was actually a fairly slow night sadly. Only Barth sat behind the bar watching and by the look in his eyes saying he could already see what was coming. He would not get involved unless necessary as was his custom as the bartender. “Well as nice a complement as that is,” Sparrow said, turning her eyes back to her drink, “I am sadly going to have decline the offer as I am already waiting for someone.”
              “Oh really?” the thug chuckled, “and who might that be? Your boyfriend?”
              “No, my partner,” Sparrow continued, unfazed, “he’s currently finishing up rehearsals down at the local theater and should be here any minute.” 
              The thug and his entire table erupted into laughter as if she had just told the funniest joke. “You mean your boyfriend is one of those froufrou actor types? Is he one who wears wigs and dances all around pretty like?”
              “Again, he is my partner and yes, he has worn wigs and danced, both at the same time. He’s actually very talented.” Sparrow had really hoped they would take the hint at this point but unfortunately it just wasn’t sticking in his pea brain head, because the next thing that happened was, he put his hand on her thigh. She made a face as he leaned in again.
              “Why don’t you come with me, and I’ll show you how a real man treats a lady?”
              Sparrow’s eyes narrowed. “How about you remove your hand before I remove it for you?”
              “I like them feisty,” the thug said licking his teeth. “Go a head hot stuff, show me what ya got.”
              Sparrow for a moment thought about showing him how hot she could actually get but thought better of it. He wasn’t worth the magical effort. So instead, she stood up right, tossed the last of her drink into his face and then decked him hard. She sent him stumbling back as his friends looked up in surprise, rising to their feet as she cracked her knuckles. “Now I was going to give you a pass seeing as you are new in town, but I see that you failed to take the hint,” she told them with a little smirk, “so let me clue you in. I am neither your baby nor your sexy lady. My name is Sparrow, and I am not someone you want to pick a fight with.”
              The thug spit out a tooth before he turned an awful glare at Sparrow. “Why you little- “He probably would have said something nasty if he hadn’t been hit by a bottle to the head knocking him unconscious. Sparrow watched him drop and then looked up to find her handsome doctor standing there in his black coat, his ever-famous grin near glowing in the low light of the bar.
              “Sorry I’m late my love,” he said, stepping over the unconscious body to take her hand and give her a kiss. “Rehearsal ran late. Did I miss anything?”
              “Just a rowdy thug who didn’t know how to keep his hands to himself,” Sparrow answered, smiling. “Nothing I couldn’t handle, though I think I might need your help for the next bit.” She motioned over to the table where the other thugs were looking ready to throw some hands, as well as chairs, and bottles.
              Julian’s grin grew devilish as he waggled an eyebrow at her. “Shall we dance my dear?”
              Sparrow nodded. “Let’s.”
              The next few minutes were a whirlwind of chaos, destruction, and bodies hitting the floor. It was glorious and, in the end, both Julian and Sparrow stood triumphant amongst the carnage. Sparrow had managed to make it through unscathed. Julian unfortunately had not. He hissed slightly as Sparrow gently touched the bruise just under his eye where a lucky punch had landed.
“You know, we should probably be careful as to not damage your face too much before your debut,” Sparrow mused, “I would hate to make the director angry.”
“I don’t think we’ll have to worry too much,” Julian chuckled, his bravado returning, “a little ice and some makeup and I’m sure no one will ever know the difference. Besides any wounds I get fighting by your side are wounds I wear with pride.”
“Oh really?” Sparrow asked, her voice sultry as she wrapped an arm around his waist pulling him in, “and what about the wounds I’m going to leave on that pretty neck of yours?”
The color rose quickly to Julian’s face as he bit his lip in that sexy way of his. “Gods above Sparrow, the things you do to me,” he groaned as he leaned in to kiss her passionately. Unfortunately, the mood was cut suddenly when a clear cough came from the bar. They both looked over to find Barth raising an eyebrow in their direction, cleaning rag in hand.
“Sorry Barth,” Sparrow apologized, as she tossed a few coins onto the bar, “two salty bitters for the road? And you can put the damage on my tab, actually- “Sparrow reached down and pulled out one of the thug’s coin purses, tossing it onto the bar with a smirk. “ -Put it on theirs.”
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loubouskz · 2 years
teddy bear
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kim seungmin x fem!reader
description: though you're an adult, your parents decided to have kim seungmin, your ex-best friend, stay with you for the time they are gone. you don't want to be around him unless absolutely necessary. why? because he destroyed your teddy of course.
warnings: reader scared of lightening, mentions of a parent passing, smut, unprotected sex, small oral(male receiving), small dirty talk, doggy style, pull-out method, cuddles.
wc: 3.6k
a/n: I wrote this bc I actually lost my childhood teddy bear for 4 good hours. I was in a panic for the entire time. I somewhat proofread this but ehh. it not the best, but I still like it. :)) also this was my first time trying fake texts so bare with me and the random timetamps.. I would love to make a series with social media au, I just need to figure out what is best. you guys have any tips and apps to use with that, plz inbox me!
“really mom? I’m an adult, I can stay home by myself.” I whined as I threw myself on the couch. my mom sighed and looked towards my step dad. “honey, we know that, but we are going to be away for three weeks. we don’t want you to alone alone for that long. if it was just till next week it would be find.” dad explains, pushing my feet off the couch. “can I choose who stays with me then?” I asked, sitting up looking at both of them. “yes but only one person. also seungmin is going to be staying in the guest room while we are away.” mom said as she went to the kitchen. what the fuck, hell no. “why is he coming over?” I asked, raising my voice slightly while standing. “y/n, don’t raise your voice.” mom said. “dad!” i said, turning to him. “because he lives right next door, he’ll only be here during the night to make sure you and whoever are good and he’ll be gone in the morning. is that okay?” dad said, patting my shoulder. 
I sighed and thought about it. “I guess so. as long as I don’t have to see him during the full day.” I said, giving up. “alright.” dad said, looking at his watch. “we have a flight to catch, so we have to leave now.” dad said, kissing the top of my head. “please try to be nice to seungmin while we are gone.” mom said, grabbing her luggage. “but-” I said, before my mom continued my sentence. “you two don’t get long I know…just try.” she said, before blowing me a kiss and exiting the door with my step dad right behind her. “we’ll send extra cash if you need it for food.” dad said, locking the door. “alright. love you!” I called out. “we love you too.” dad said, closing the door behind him.
I walked back to my room and grabbed my phone from the charger. texting my best friend, lia, to see if she wanted to stay for some of the days, but knowing her- she’s probably not going to respond till a hours later or maybe even tomorrow. I exited from her name and saw seungmin’s name pop up as he sends a text. I sighed and opened the message.
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kim seungmin. the young man who as being my neighbor since I was born. we used to be friends, playing together every chance we got. we did everything together, were there for each other. he was there when when my dad passed away, there when my mom met my step dad, there when they got married. the good and bad of our lives, we were together. when we were 13 years old, he did something I think was unforgivable. stealing my stuffed bear that I had as a baby and threw it away. mom thinks I’m still being childish about it, but I couldn’t sleep correctly for months. he took something of mine and got rid of it, he lost everything that day. when he said he he did to my most treasured item. I only text and wiling be around him when I have to, like today…and the 3 weeks he has to be here. 3 weeks, alone, with seungmin, a person I don’t want to even be near for 3 fucking weeks. god, please kill me now. I looked at the time, I had 4 hours till seungmin was going to sadly show up. I guess I can take a nap while I wait. I turned off my lights and climbed into to bed. I turned on my favorite youtuber for background noise on a low volume. I laid my head down and closed my eyes. please let me a stress free three weeks, even if seungmin will be here and I have to work. please.
I woke up to my phone ringing and banging on the door. what the fuck. I grabbed my phone and answered the call without looking at it. “hello.” I said, getting out of bed to head to the front door. “are you gonna let me, it’s starting to fucking rain!” I heard seungmin’s voice say through the phone. I looked at the time, 5:25pm. “have you been outside for 25 minutes?” I asked, taking my sweet time. “no, I got off work, had time to stop at my house to get my mom’s cooking and now I’m here. open the damn door before I catch a cold!” he said, stilling banging on the door. I unlocked the door to see a wet seungmin, making me giggle. 
“shut up.” he said, hanging up the call and pushing his way into my home. “rude.” I said, closing the door. “what were you doing anyway?” he said, handing the bag of steaming food. he took off his jacket and hung it up before taking off his shoes. “I’ll set the food up in the kitchen. you go change, wouldn’t want the sweet baby seungmin to get sick.” I said, walking pasted him into the kitchen. I heard he go to the guest room. I took out his mom’s famous cooking. giving each container a big sniff. god, it smells so good! I took two plates out of the cabinet and started filling up my plate.
seungmin entered the kitchen now dressed in dry clothes. I slid him his plate as I went to go eat my food inthe living room. “did you really take most of the chicken!” I heard him yell from the kitchen. “you live with your mother and her cooking, I don’t get to have it often. stop whining.” I called back out to him, stuffing rice in my mouth. seungmin walked in and made a face. “you know you look like a pig when you eat like that.” he said as he sat on the other side of the couch. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the remote from the coffee table. “I’m going to watch my favorite movie.” I said, quickly starting it from the beginning. “really this?” seungmin said, raising one eyebrow. I nodded my head as I felt myself go into a trance while watching the movie.
seungmin had already got done with his food and washed his plate. “you know you don’t have to stay in the lying room with me.” I said, looking over at him. he looked up from his phone and over at me before going back to his phone. I pulled the blanket off me- that I had thrown on my lap in the middle of the movie. taking my plate to the kitchen. as I washed my plate, loud thunder and the sound of lightening made me jump. dropping the plate in the sink as I screamed. “fuck!” I yelled. my soul leaving my body for a few seconds. 
“you okay?” a voice asked. I screamed and turned around to see seungmin. “you still scared of bad thunderstorms?” he asked as he leaned on the side of the frame of the archway. “yes. you are going to make fun of me?” I asked as went back to washing my dish. “no, I’m not that low.” he answered before turning around to leave. “but you’re low enough to take a teddy and throw it away.” I muttered under my breath. seungmin stopped, looked at me, before continuing.
I walked back to the living room and saw seungmin wasn’t there anymore. he must of went to bed. I turned off the tv and headed to my room, turning off the lights on my route. 
I entered my room and got ready for bed. I looked at my phone and saw a message from lia finally.
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I looked up the weather and she was correct. it’s going to be raining for the rest of the night and all of tomorrow. great. I sighed plugging up my phone and got in bed. I laid on my stomach and fell asleep very quickly.
I woke up to a knock on my door. “what!” I said tiredly. the door opened and I saw seungmin. “hey I was letting you know. the roads flooded last night so we go anywhere.” he explained. I sat up and stretched, noticed what time it was. “it’s 5am seungmin, why are you up?.” I said with my eyes half eyes. “I go to work at 6am, but I was just telling you that we’re kind of stuck here unless we go to my house. but you can go back to sleep now.” he said, leaving and closing the door. I laid back down and closed my eyes, falling asleep once again.
I woke up to my alarm going off, piper piper by bts blaring- 9am. “oh my god!” I said, grabbing my phone and turning off the now annoying song. “I’m never going to be able to listen to that song anymore.” I said to myself. I got out of bed and walked out my bed, going to the bathroom.
I heard loud noises coming from the front of the house. what the fuck? I followed the sound into the kitchen and saw seungmin. “now what are you doing?” I asked him. he trying his head to me. “what does it look like?” he sassed back. “I’m cooking breakfast.” he said, turning back to what he was cooking. “what is it? are you going put some in my food?” I asked narrowing my eyes at him. “no. I want to eat dumbass and I’m sure you are too.” he said, rolling his eyes at me. “when will it be done?” I asked, standing on my tippy toes from where I was standing. “now.” he said, turning off the stove and remod-ving the pan. “it’s eggs, pancakes, and toast.” he said. I went and grabbed myself a plate and loaded up my plate.
as I tried to walk out, seungmin took my plate. “thank you.” he said with a smile and went to the living to eat. I stood there and processed what just happened. the little bitch took my plate of food. “dick!” I yelled as I grabbed another plate and filled another plate of food. good thing he made a lot of food. I walked into the living room and turned on a show I wasn’t familiar with. I sat down and began to eat.
soon my plate became abandoned as I interested in the show. “why would he do that? he’s an idiot. she likes you dumbass!” I yelled at tv like the characters were going to hear me. I heard seungmin laughed at me. “you’re more into this than I am.” he laughed. I threw my pillow at him to make him shut up.
we sat on the couch, watching the the show. we were currently on the end of the second season. the sun had started going down. then everything went dark, I jumped out of my seat. in the a blink of an eye the lights came back on. “I think we might lose power.” seungmin stated. “I hope not.” I said, feeling my anxiety build up. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 5:35pm. “we should charger our phone just in case it does.” seungmin said, standing up from the couch. I nodded my head and walked to my room. I plugged up my phone and walked to the kitchen to make something to eat. I grabbed two cups of ramen and made one for me and seungmin.
I watched as seungmin entered the room. I slid him his cup of ramen as I continued to eat mine on the counter. “thanks.” he said, which I nodded my head to. we ate in silence as the thunder rumbled far in the distance. I jumped off the counter and threw away my now empty cup. “I’m going to my room.” I told seungmin before walking away. I entered my room, looking around the area. I should put some things away so I don’t trip over them if the power does go out. I finished around 6pm. I sat on my bed, playing tetris on my phone.
“stupid game.” I said as I raged quit from miss clicking for the 4th time. “why do I tell have that game on my phone? I don’t even like playing it.” I cried to myself. I got up from bed and changed into fresh comfy clothes. I climbed into bed and went to bed early so i won’t be wake during a storm that was about to happen.
I woke up at 1am to it raining harder than ever outside. I looked around at the window. that looks bad. I watched as a flash of bright light went in front of my window with a loud crack and shake of the house. I screamed as I jumped out of my bed into the floor. I stood up and quickly got back intoto bed. I jumped as my door swung open fast. seungmin looked worried as he entered my room. 
“you okay?” he asked, walking into my room and closer to me. I nodded my head and looked towards the window, scared that it would happen again. “y/n.” he said, making me look at him. “you’re crying.” he said. what? I touched my face and felt that my cheeks were wet. “did the lightening scare you that much?” he asked, standing at the edge of my bed next to me. “I mean it was right outside of my window, I’m okay though.” I said to him. he raised an eyebrow, “are you sure?” he asked, fixing the hood at was falling off his head. “yes.” I said, knowing I was lying though my teeth. “okay.” he said, slowly walking out of my room and closing the door. 
I thought about my answer and called out to seungmin hoping he would answer and come back, but I don’t think he heard. I laid back down and closing my eyes, hoping to fall back to sleep. 
“y/n.” I heard, making my open my eyes. I see seungmin once again in my room “yes seungmin?” I asked. “didn’t you call my name a few seconds ago?” he said, shuffling his feet and hands behind his back. my body wanted to cave in on itself, god I feel a little embarrassed. “yeah I did.” I said, fixing my position in my bed. “I was wondering if you could stay in here with me, just till I fell asleep.” I said, looking past him- not wanting to meet his eyes. “yeah I can.” he said, walking over to the other side of the bed and climbed in. I felt him get close and held my eyes firmer closed and tried to fall asleep. stiff is one word to describe how I looked in bed.
I felt myself slipping into my second sleep, when I felt seungmin wrap his arms around me and placed something in my arms. he didn’t let go, but loosely kept his arms one my waist. “I’m sorry for my actions when we were young.” he said, i could feel his breathe on my neck. I looked down and saw my childhood toy. I wanted to cry to have it back. I hugged it tightly into me. “I didn’t know I had it. some how it ended up in my bag and I found it when I was at a friend’s house. they saw it thought it was mine and took it from me. I got it back a few months ago after I got my new job.” he explained. “I should have told you what actually happened, instead of ruining our friendship into almost nothing.” he said, I turned around and looked at him. “thank you for giving it back.” i said, he nodded. “it was always my plan to get it back and give it back to you.” seungmin said with a smile. I copied his smile, feeling more sleepy as the seconds passed.
“let’s go to sleep, shall we?” he said, getting more comfortable. we both fell asleep, me being in his embrace.
I woke up to seungmin moving around. “seungmin stop moving so much.” I groaned out before turning around. my back facing him. “sorry.” I heard him mumble. sadly my bed wasn’t the biggest(nor the smallest), but I every quickly found out why he was moving around a lot. I turned my head around, “seungmin are you hard?” I asked as I watched his cheeks turn bright red. “it’s not what you think!” he said, freaked out. I bursted out laughing. “really?” I asked, turning my body back around. “yes.” he said more quietly. I sat up and checked the time. 5:30am. “your morning schedule tiring me and I just woke up.” I said, making him laugh a little. I thought about if I should ask the question that was on a tip of my tongue. fuck it.
“did you want some help?” i asked him. “with what?” he quickly asked. I sighed and looked down at his crotch then back up at him. his eyes went wide and jaw dropped. “no I mean I don’t need help. I can handle myself.” he said, looking up at me. “did you want to help me?” he continued. “kinda, but if you can handle yourself, I’m going to go eat some cereal. I said about to get out of bed, but seungmin stopped me. I turned back around. the rising sun, hitting his face from the edges of the blinds. he looked good. “help me out y/n.” he said, making me smile.
“fuck.” seungmin moaned out as popped off his cock. “where did you learn how to do that?” he asked as I moved to sit on him. I shrugged my shoulders with a smile on my lips.  I lifted my body up and aligned him with my entrance. slowly sinking down on him, till he completely filled me up. “oh god.” I said, placing my hands on his chest. “shit, you’re so tight.” seungmin said, throwing his head back, hands on my thighs. I rolled my hips, getting used to the size of him. seungmin glided his hands up to my waist and lifting me up. coming back down, completely becoming full once again. the head of cock hitting my g-spot perfectly. I moaned out as seungmin set the pace. I looked at him, sweat beading down his face, eyes closed from pleasure. he looks so hot like this.
I started coming down more roughly as I leaned down to kiss his lips. seungmin wrapped his arms around my back, keeping me in place. thrusting up into me. “oh fuck!” I cried out, digging my head in his neck. “I love how you feel in me.” I said, placing kisses on his neck. seungmin threaded his hand in my hair and pulled my head up. making me keep eye contact with me. “I love how me clench around me pretty.” he said, making me moan. “I’m wanna cum minnie.” I whined out. seungmin shook his head, “not yet pretty.” he said. 
seungmin sat up with me still in his embrace. “off.” he commanded, lifting me off of him before I could protest. I watched as he sat up on his knees. “turn around, hand and knees.” he said, jerking off his cock. I quickly did so, arching my back and face laid on the pillow. with one hand he held on hip and lined up, teasing me by rubbing against clit. I moaned, moving my hips back. “how bad do you want to cum y/n?” seungmin said. “so bad. please make me cum minnie.” I pleaded. he pushed back into me with one stroke. slowly pulling out and thrusting back in hard, angling his hips till he found me g-spot again. I nearly screamed as he picked up the pace. I held the bed sheets in my fist tightly. the knot in the pit of my stomach becoming strong. “cum. wanna cum.” I said, trying to look back at him.
seungmin slid his right hand down under on body, meeting my clit. rubbing messy circles. I closed my eyes as my high snapped when hips thrusted a few more times. “oh fuck!” i screamed as I creamed over him. “jesus.” seungmin said, removing his hand to place it back on my hip with his other hand. he pounded into me with sloppy thrusts till he couldn’t handle it no more. seungmin pulled out and jerked off his cock, coming all over my bare back with a tight grip on my hip- most likely it was going to leave bruises.
I relaxed my body from exhaustion as seungmin got up and reached for something on the ground. I didn’t even bother seeing, wanting to take a nap now or have a snack. I couldn’t really wait what I wanted. I felt something by dragged across my back, cleaning his cum off me. once he was done, he placed a kiss on my back. right below my neck. seungmin laid next to me, wrapping his arms around me. I placed my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as it was starting to slow down from our activities. seungmin started laughing, I looked up at with tired eyes. “nothing, take a nap.” he said, playing an arm under his head. I placed my head back in it’s place, slowly falling asleep. 
“your teddy bear watches us have sex.” I heard him say, making me burst into hard laughter.
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 8 months
Wreckless - The Baltimore Zoo
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*Warning Adult Content*
I didn't shave yesterday or this morning hoping that a bit of scruff will help Finnegan feel better.
I felt like shit the other night, honestly, although I think I handled it pretty well and we got through it.
The poor guy ended up working late again last night so I didn't seen him but I'm about to head over, pick him up and take him to the zoo.
I think he's going to love it.
It's much bigger than people usually think and they have a little train that takes you from one end of the park to the other.
Plus animals. Lots and lots of animals of every size, shape and color.
I can't think of a better place to take a little.
"Hi Emmett."
He's grinning from ear to ear and sounds very eager.
It's adorable.
"Did you put sunscreen on?"
I texted him this morning to remind him since he got pink at Peter's but I want to be sure he remembered.
"And you have on comfy shoes?" I ask, looking down.
Yes, they look great... he's sort of bouncing on the balls of his feet.
"Yep. Can we go?"
"Since you did such a good job of getting ready, yes, we can go. Lock up."
It doesn't take us long, just fifteen minutes up eighty three and we're pulling into the huge lot.
It's fairly busy, it is a Saturday in the summer but that doesn't bother me.
Finnegan and I will both be able to see just fine even if there are a bunch of children in front of us.
As soon as we walk in he spies the gift shop.
"On the way out, you don't want to carry stuff all day," and he agrees, then sees the prairie dogs.
"Lead the way."
I'm happy to follow him around all day.
"Oh my God, they're so cute," he exclaims, squeezing to the side to get a better view.
"I love them," I admit.
Their habitat is big and full of holes and there are constantly little heads popping up and cute little guys running to and fro.
Sometimes I feel sorry for animals in zoos, the animals often don't have enough space to satisfy me but these guys always look so happy that I can't help but smile.
Three hours later we've ridden the train, seen elephants, zebras, monkeys and so many others that I've lost count and fed the giraffes.
Finn laughed and laughed at the warthogs and oh-ed and ah-ed at the polar bears swimming next to us at the underwater window.
Now we're eating a snack.
It's not exactly anything healthy but it's a special day.
"Can we stop at the gift shop? I wanna look," he asks.
"Of course."
I follow him in, curious to see what will catch his eye.
He immediately grabs one of those pens with eight different colors of ink, then goes to the wall of plushies.
"Plushies are for babies, right?"
There's a long way from diapers to plushies.
"Nah, get one if you want."
Two teenagers at check-out are buying a huge one and I point them out.
He decides on a reasonably sized stuffed elephant and then wanders towards the shirts.
"Maybe they have a fun one."
"I'm sure you can find one."
He throws his hand over his mouth, points up at the display too quickly for me to see what he's pointing at and then rummages through the bins underneath.
Then he holds up this...
"For you," he says gleefully.
How can I say no to that smile?
I'll have to be very careful about where I wear it but I can certainly wear it around the house in the evenings.
And maybe to work, Peter would probably laugh his ass off.
He decides he doesn't love any of the shirts, except mine and forces me to let him pay.
I'm not gonna cause a scene in a gift shop and since I spent most of the cash he gave me on sex toys, I'm not too bothered.
On the way home he rests his hand on my knee.
"I had a really good time, Emmett.  Thank you."
"I'm glad."
"And I'm really, really looking forward to tonight."
"I thought we'd wait till tomorrow to go heavy, that is if you want to at all this weekend. I know you had a rough week and I'd like to spoil you rotten tonight."
He removes his hand and inhales sharply but I'm too busy driving to even glance over, this merge is awful.
"How does that sound?"
What kind of question is that?
"I will go along with whatever you want and I know I'll enjoy myself thoroughly but I... I just hoped, it's just that... could you be nice to me tomorrow?"
So that's a yes to going heavy this weekend.
"Are you sure? We haven't done anything since, really, except the mornings and I... uh, I don't know what I'm saying. I don't want you to think that's all I want."
He laughs.
"I'm the one begging for it. I don't know, Emmett, I just feel like it could help me get this week out of my system, somehow. It's cathartic in a way, at least it was last time. I've been looking forward to those plugs since, what? Sunday? Definitely Monday when I started looking. Do you have them?"
"I do."
"When you said we'd do the small zoo and have time to play I just thought... sorry, I got my hopes up. We can do whatever."
He's right, I had more than implied it, I've just given it some thought since then.
Damn, my pants are getting tight.
I have to try to rearrange myself without hitting the gas pedal and ending up going one hundred at the risk of losing my bumper.
"I am up for whatever."
"I just want to be with you and if that's what you need tonight, you're going to get it."
His hand reappears but this time his pinky is teasing my cock. 
"Oh, tell me again. Tell me I'm gonna get it."
"You little rascal. You're gonna get it, Finnegan. You're teasing and you're going to make it up to me. I think it's time for your second lesson, don't you?"
"Fuck yes, I mean, no? God I'm so confused," he jokes.
"So Em, yes please and thank you and no, I don't like your lessons."
Thank God we're almost home. 
One day I'm going to have to figure out how to say 'no' to that boy but apparently today is not that day.
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lifewiththelulus · 1 year
Atlantis being stressed as hell about everything going on so she takes a day off to go to the beach by herself to clear her head. She probably sets up a chair and everything, settling on the warm sand with her design magazine and a drink
She is interrupted by a young boy casting a shadow over her. (that being the little brother) He asks to show him her right hand. For a moment he looks happy but goes back to looking fake timid. “Oh whoa as me! I, a lost little boy can not find my way back to my good looking 28 year old brother! Oh if only someone here could help me find him. 🥺”
Atlantis can't help but laugh, since he reminded her of her girls a bit. "Alright I'll bite. C'mon let's find your brother." She gets up and offers a hand to him and playfully goes "You poor thing, maybe your brother should watch you better."
The kid jumbled his words trying to get them come out. “Oh no no no, he does look out for me, he looks out for me really well! He’s a responsible, hard working man.”
Atlantis just chuckles and starts looking around "And did he put you up to this whole 'lost little me' bit?"
“What? No! He told me not t- um I mean, I am lost! But thanks to you there may be hope after all.” He runs up a little and waves to a man coming out of the water with a surf board. “Reef! This nice lady helped me find you!” Reef cringes a bit “Seriously Gulf? What did I tell you about bothering random women?”
She giggled and shook her head, about to say something until she turned to look up at the guy. She paused, watching as the waves swept from under the guy's feet and she felt like something was caught in her throat. Ok maybe he was good looking after all.
"Actually it wasn't a problem, he wasn't a bother. My kids try to do the same thing to me." She tucked some loose hair behind her ear. Then she mentally slapped herself 'bad! You can't do this to yourself again!' She patted gulf on the head. "Well you found your brother, guess I'm no longer needed here." She put her shades back on and looked back towards where she had been sitting
He waits till she’s out of ear shot and whispers harshly. Reef: On top of that she has kids? Gulf: I didn't know! She didn't have a ring on her finger! Reef: aaagh, Gulf please, It's cool your trying to be my little wing man (ruffles his hair) but I told you I’m too busy to even think about dating. Gulf: (blows a razzberry) yeah right, too busy with your head under water. He starts running back to Atlantis immediately, calling out to her.
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Atlantis stopped in her tracks, debating if she should pretend not to hear him She shook her head and turned back. "Yeah?" She didn't want to be rude, but she felt the shorter the interaction the better for both of them. "Did you lose another kid somewhere?" She joked
Gulf: Stop by the corner drug store tomorrows! My brother will be th-mmh. He's stopped by Reef with a hand over his mouth
Reef: Don't listen to him! He was splashed on his head when he was a baby!
Reef: Don't listen to him! He was splashed on his head when he was a baby!
He jogs both of them away from her to scold Gulf.
Atlantis just laughed as soon as they were gone and went back to reading. Only she kept looking up to see if she could catch him surfing. She'd never seen anyone surfing irl before and she noticed him holding a board.
Probably not even a week later she pops into the store with the girls in tow. She honestly had forgotten about the whole cornerstore comment and only came in to get them something to drink and some snacks for a day in the park.
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frogsandfries · 1 year
I'm exhausted.
Most of the editing I'm doing is assuring that the apostrophes and quotation marks are formatted consistently, but I'm also doing small grammar-checks--making sure "is" should be "is" and not "in", as well as keeping verb tenses consistent, at least within a sentence, little stuff like that.
So with chapters, I think it was like thirteen and fourteen being good with the punctuation being formatted, I've been kind of skimming through to see how far this good chunk goes, catching little errors when I notice them, but there are probably more.
I have to remember to number the pages for chapter nine, then actually format the pages for chapter ten, so I can dump the next chapter in and so forth. I kinda want to just dump in a bunch of chapters, but I have to make sure chapters........I think twelve, thirteen and fourteen are fully proofed of all those little errors. It would be so embarrassing to print a book full of silly little spag errors.
I keep admiring how Paper Girls lines up so nicely with Saga in anticipation of having a gorgeous shelf of uniform fanfics and fractured fairy tales.
I really, really can't wait till next Friday. I'm going to try to get those fabrics for Apple Pie, Manacled and BM/BS, for a start. I can only actively hold so many projects in my mind at once, so this will free some major territory in my mind for a few more projects. Plus, after I got my storage cubes, I put most of my textblocks away. I stopped punching them while I wait for my punch cradle, and that'll be here in the next week or so, then it'll be the frenzy of sewing up a bunch of my textblocks and starting to get things covered. I might have to give in and buy new print cartridges to print my end papers.
Ugh, why do I even bother earning money. Most of it just goes to rent and stupid insurance. I don't even know what I'm expecting to pay at the pharmacy, never mind the doctors, but I think I'm going to be pretty much limited to one doctor visit per month. This is dumb. I just want to drown myself in bookbinding. But I need to be a little reasonable and buy things like food.
Oh well, money can't stop me from typesetting. And I'm building quite the stack of fics to typeset for eventual printing and binding. I think I have a good handful of Steven Universe fics, most of my so-far twenty-odd bookmarks are Dramione (I don't have a problem who said I have a problem <.< >.> ). I know I keep saying this, but I am still looking for fractured fairy tales.
Actually, there's this fairy tale that is mentioned in Mirrors--I wanted to add it as a kind of appendix at the end of the novel. So I went and tracked it down. I think any others that get mentioned, I might tack them on, or if there are enough, maybe make them into a companion volume?
Maybe I'll take some time to download my bookmarked fics tomorrow before I really get started. I'm gonna need sooooooooooo many packs of paper. Reams. Sooooooooo much davey board. Sooooooooo much fabric, especially if I keep ordering hyper-specific patterns of fabric. Goodnight I dednao
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aamethyst000 · 2 years
Oct 25,22 1:59pm
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I instinctively roll my eyes and groan when my mother asks me to do anything. I question that a lot. am reacting because it is annoying or am I reacting like a teen and not really keeping my word about changing? I'm catching myself more and more often, doing this. and every single time, I am trying to rationalize with myself and ask myself a few questions. take a few calming breathes and take a few steps back. it helps every now and again, but I can feel that I am getting close to bursting.
there are days where it feels like I'm caged in, yet, there are no locks on the door. others I'm feeling more claustrophobic and I have to go for a walk to calm down. other days I am okay. however, my answer is all the same, I need to move, I want to move from the village here. and I am pretty sure it is not entirely my mum trying to trap me in. sure, we have our moments but don't we all? as long as we get back to that conversation and talk about it and work out whatever conflicts we have, we are fine. so, knowing this, I know it's mostly the village that is making me feel more closeted. I still haven't told my mum what my pronouns are and that I have changed my name. I know that she'll support me because I brought up that I want to change my last name for years now. and she is fine by that. encourages it, actually
2:53pm - mum and I are just prepping dinner for tonight. just going get ready to head out and then come home and make another pot of coffee. shes making a salad bowl too with our din din~
4:15pm - just took some pretty pictures just outside my house, ill be editing them later on and I'll post them here and on Instagram. they are so pretty!! I love the fall ♡♡ I can get so many pretty pictures from this season ♡
6:52pm - just having a toke before going to make mashed potatoes for our supper. I'm on my third cup of coffee, I need to catch up on my water intake now. I can feel a headache coming on. I've been thinking of painting my nails again, maybe black and purple instead of all purple. i was chilling on tiktok before I got up to prep the mashed potatoes, and writing in my journal book.
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my little brother came with me into the bushes across the street from where we live. it was nice going back in there, especially with him. I took a few more, I am just editing them. I think I am going to post them in tomorrow's post. i like how they look a little dark, really loving the aesthetic ♡
9:26pm - just having a toke with my family again, and we just finished having supper. holy fck I am full, I actually want to go to bed. I gotta wait an hour or 2 before I actually can go to bed. it is only Tuesday and I feel like this week tired me out already, holy fck. I can't wait till I buy my own laptop, so I can actually type this all out.
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koitrash · 3 years
I like your voice p4
SMUT SMUT SMUT SMUT it took me HOURS to finish this because i had to keep taking breaks to compose myself. This is my first ever smut and i'm actually kinda proud of it :) Also you don't have to read the other 3 parts to read this one, just in case y'all r just horny without the plot (it b like that sometimes) LMFAOO anyways i hope you enjoy this was super fun to write! Sorry if the intro is a little wonky it's literally starts where the last part stopped
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Pairing: Ellie x Fem reader
Warnings: MDNI! NSFW, Fingering, fem oral receiving, swearing ✨praise✨ Overstimulation
Word count: 2.1k
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Your mouth hung open as you gawked at the question, face on fire. "Dina!" Ellie started when the silence went on for a little too long.
"I wouldn't....not ... kiss her." You chewed on your lip looking down at your hands for a second until you couldn't handle the mystery Ellie's expression held. You peeked over at her, face blank and cheeks red as she returned the glance. She breathed in, shifting her jaw almost like she was upset.
"Look, it's getting late and I have to get up early tomorrow, I think it's time to call it a night." Ellie stated as she stood, moving to turn the TV off. You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. Dina whined as she grabbed the popcorn and Jesse headed towards the door. You couldn't be upset at her kicking everyone out really, Dina was the one who invited you guys over in the first place. Ellie opened the door as Jesse and Dina walked out hand in hand, curtly saying their goodbyes. You followed stepping out into the cold air.
"Y/n wait-" Ellie called, lightly gripping at your bicep. "You said you like horror novels right?"
You nodded slowly at her, curiously gazing around the room. Ellie smiled and stabbed her thumb towards the back of the room. "There's something I want to show you." She leaned back on her heels making her way to the desk in the corner of the room. You followed her till you got to the desk, leaning with your thigh against it, peering over to the guitar while she rummaged through papers to find whatever it was she needed.
"You play the guitar?" You asked.
"Yeah... Joel taught me." She slowed her pace as she turned towards you. "Maybe I can play for you one day." She smiled, eyes darting to something behind you.
Watching her slowly move forward, she reached her arm to grab a book behind you. She lingered there long enough for you to look back at her, incredibly close to you. Your breath hitched at the sudden step into your personal bubble. Ellie glanced back at you, then your lips, then back up to your eyes, her face nearly inches away from yours. Her tongue slightly poked out as she curled her lips in to lick them quickly, bottom lips catching under her teeth.
"What was that you said about kissing me?" She grinned, warm breath tickling your skin. You leaned in slightly as you felt her fingers dance along your neck to your jaw as you gripped her shoulders, needing to steady yourself with something. This whole thing was making your head spin, remembering you still had alcohol rushing through your system.
You fluttered your eyes closed as her lips collided with yours. The kiss was soft, timid, scared almost. You pulled away first, frankly you couldn't believe what just happened and needed a second to process. Her heavy eyes watched, carefully studying your features. She was so beautiful, you wished you could just stare at her all day.
Letting your hand settle into her hair, the other resting on her neck, you pushed back into another kiss. This time more passionate, hungry. One of her hands gripped your waist, pulling your hips closer. God her touch makes you want to do so many unspeakable things. Her warm hand pressed into your back as she leaned forward into the kiss, tongue swiping your bottom lip, asking for permission. You opened your mouth slightly as her tongue began to explore. Breathing was becoming difficult now, letting a soft sigh escape your lips. Your hand left her hair and slammed into the desk behind you, happily greeting a pen. You hissed as you broke the kiss to see what it was that stabbed your palm.
"You okay?" Ellie asked, her hand remained on the small of your back as she stepped back a bit.
"Yeah." You tossed the pen to a messy pile of drawings a few feet away, not missing the portraits of someone who looked eerily similar to yourself. You turned back to her, placing your hand close to her ear, guiding her face back to yours as you placed a sweet kiss on her lips. She sighed as she melted back into your body, desperate to make contact again.
She started to move down your neck, leaving open mouth kisses trailing down. You sighed leaning back into the desk again, careful to not hit anything. You let your mind wander as you paid special attention to how her hands moved on your skin. This is really happening. Ellie was here in your arms. She made the first move.
Your eyes flew open as Ellie's lips explored behind your ear, a soft gasp escaped your lips as you bit back a moan. Sweet spot. You listened to the wet sounds Ellie's mouth made as she sucked at your skin. Her hand also had some exploring to do as she snaked one under your shirt, causing your back to arch slightly.
It wasn't until her hand palmed at your breast that you actually moaned. This did nothing but make Ellie more hungry, listening to the lewd sounds emerging from your lips. "Oh my god can you get any more perfect?" She sighed as she moved her knee between your thighs, pressing against your heat. This was too much for you to handle. You almost missed the fact that she just called you perfect which made your heart damn near stop pumping. You fisted her hair pulling her back up to meet your hungry lips again. Ellie softly moaning into your mouth before moving her hand down your stomach. Her making these amazing sounds combined with hands swirling around your body with ease was making you dizzy as heat pooled in a familiar area.
"Bed." Was all you could manage to say and even that was barely above a whisper.
She pulled back, eyeing your kiss swollen lips before grabbing your hand and leading you to the bed. You watched as she sat you down, hands moving to lift your shirt up. You helped her push it past your head, colliding with her lips again as you grabbed at the hem of her shirt. She broke the kiss as she reached behind her head, pulling her shirt off to reveal a black sports bra and soft abs. You sucked in a sharp breath, reaching forward to touch her soft skin. Your fingers grazed her stomach like it was an expensive art piece as she sighed into your touch, clearly wanting more. Looking up, you made eye contact with her staring down at you, lip caught in between her teeth , as her eyebrows pushed together. A small whine escaped her mouth as she grabbed your wrist, pushing your hand to press firmly against her abs. "Touch me." She whispered as she leaned forward, meeting your lips yet again. You swore you were seeing stars at this point.
You did exactly as you were told, letting your hands explore every inch of skin you could. Ellie continued to release soft moans as she also explored your body. Her hand slipped down between your thighs, earning herself a moan as she pressed against your heat. She moved to unbutton your pants as you accompanied her. As soon as they slipped off your foot she was back latched onto your neck, marking her territory. You moaned as your hand cupped the back or her head and the other one held yourself up right. Ellie's warm lips started to make their way down your chest as she unlatched your bra, keeping contact with your skin.
"Is this okay?" She asked, lifting her head to look up at you. You shifted your hips, trying to ignore your heat becoming increasingly wet.
"Ellie, you can punch me in the face and I'd thank you."
Her eyebrows furrowed together as her eyes widened, lips curling into a smile as she laughed, leaning her forehead into yours.
"Well for starters," She said as she pressed a kiss to your forehead, then to your temple. "I could never punch you in the face, babe." She smiled against your mouth before she pressed another kiss into it. You giggled to yourself as she started caressing your thigh.
You hummed as she got on her knees, pulling your hips closer to the edge as you spread your legs open. She fit perfectly as she propped one leg on her shoulder, leaving heated kisses on your inner thigh. Your hand settled on holding the back of her head. She sighed as she kissed your lips through the underwear, which you so desperately wanted off, your thighs involuntarily pushed closed on contact. Ellie took this opportunity to pull your underwear off, quickly moving to make contact with your heat again.
"Fuck, baby, your so wet. All this from kissing?" she teased, making you groan with anticipation. "Ellie." Your plea was cut short by a finger dipping into your entrance. You sucked a sharp breath in as you looked down at her to see her looking back up at you.
"Hmm? What was that?" She continued to tease, watching as your mouth opened, eyes squinting at her. Her finger started to move as her thumb made contact with your clit, circling slowly. A high pitched moan left your open mouth as you smacked your hand up to it. Ellie's fingers curled around your wrist, pulling your hand away. "No no baby, I wanna hear." She whined, inching closer to your face.
"Please" was the only thing you could get out before she shoved another finger inside, causing you to throw your head back in pleasure. Your breath became shorter and heavier as you watched Ellie move back down, lips making contact with your clit. Her fingers remained thrusting in and out of your entrance, tongue opting to press flatly against your clit, making you tighten your grip in her hair. She sucked and licked so elegantly as she gently moaned, sending vibrations up your spine as your walls hugged her fingers. The pressure was building fast in your lower stomach, threatening to release soon. Your moans got louder and quicker as your hips jerked, hinting that Ellie's playtime was almost up. You've never felt pleasure so intense. "Ellie I'm gonna.." You moaned out.
"I know baby, cum for me." She lifted her head to fully watch you finish with just her fingers. Her other hand moved to interlock with yours as your head snapped back letting the coil in your stomach snap as you let out a loud high pitched moan. "Good girl." She smirked, continuing to finger you, picking up speed. You gasped as your eyes flew open to see her smugly stare at you. Pressing your hand to her chest you cried out feeling overstimulated, tears forming at the corner of your eyes. You moved your knee up more, giving Ellie's fingers a better angle as she made a 'come here' motion with her fingers. Your toes curled as she kissed down your neck again. Your moans loud and erotic.
"Fuck!" You cried as your hands grabbed anywhere you could, from Ellie's body, to the covers, to your own mouth, not that she allowed it to stay there long. Ellie's hand collided with your throat, squeezing it slightly. "You're doing so good, baby." Her mouth hung open slightly as her eyebrows pressed together, hair sticking to her temple. "Let me hear you one more time." Her thumb rubbed at your clit again as you moaned eroticly. Feeling the pressure snap and pleasure overwhelm your senses as you rode the high.
Ellie removed her fingers from you, popping them in her mouth she moaned at your savory taste. Leaning down to sweetly kiss you as you caught your breath. "You have the prettiest moans I've ever heard." She looked down at you, proud that she was the source of it. You breathed out a laugh.
"I want to hear you too." You moved your hands down to her jeans.
"No no, I've got an early morning, remember?" she laughed as she grabbed your hand and you whined. "Let me get a rag to clean you up." She pressed a kiss into your temple before you were left cold wondering how the hell you got here. You slipped under the covers, resting your head on her pillow and praying she wasn't going to kick you out because that would be a different level of embarrassing, but that's what most hook ups do.
Ellie returned, smiling at you wrapped in her blanket. Sliding under as well she wiggled her arms around you, cuddling you tightly like you would disappear at any moment. Now most hook ups wouldn't do this. Aftercare and cuddles were relatively new to you, and frankly you couldn't believe it was something you were missing out on for so long. You curled your head into her neck as you melted into her arms. Her fingers tracing circles into your back. You could get used to this. Fuck, you could get use to this.
Next chapter you and ellie patrol together and oh the ANGST. I hope you enjoyed sorry if it's a little cringy i tried my hardest and this is also my first smut ever so :P
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