#thoughts on the game your turn to die and my hopes that it'll be like about finding a new family i guess
lovverletters · 2 months
I've been scrolling through your blog, you've got some pretty cute stuff. I loved the serial killer piece. Food for thought, just a little treat- yandere hacker. Serially online genius who falls in love with a small time content creator, and would go on revenge streaks to try and "protect" His darling from trolls
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A/N : i miss 707. have some yan hacker instead.
T/W : yandere theme, mentions of doxxing, mentions of harassment, invasion of personal information
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" Thanks for the 20 dollar donation 'L3M0NP1E' !! "
[name] thanked the donor with a grateful smile. Being a smaller content creator, receiving donation is quite a rare feat especially with the small size of audience they currently have.
They had only begun making content a few months ago out of boredom under the name of [alias name]. It started with them posting videos of gameplay commentary video, that by a stroke of luck gained traction.
Viewers find their awkward and bizarre commentary that's paired by theirㅡ admittedly horribleㅡ skills in video gaming entertaining and stucked around for more.
[name] was grateful of their supportive and positive followings, they've heard countless horror stories of small content creators being harassed by trolls due to lack of moderation.
They're thankful of the fact that they have yet to encounter any and hope that it'll stay that way.
" Chat, should I go in that room? I feel like if I do, the killer would corner me like a bully asking for my lunch money " [name] turned to read their live chat to seek for the viewer's opinion.
" I see plenty of 'Yes', if I die here it's on you okay~ " They snorted before moving their character to enter the sketchy room only to be killed by the killer the moment they step foot inside of it.
" What did I say, chat?! Like a fucking loser I not only got my lunch money stolen but I was also given a wedgies by that motherfucker! " They hysterically laughed as the chat goes crazy.
It took them a moment to settle down from their fit of laughter and resumed the game. As they were playing through it and talking to the viewers, they noticed a familiar name popping up on the fast paced chat.
edgelord404 : hello. I had a business to attend to earlier, what did I missed?
A smile bloomed on [name]'s feature seeing the message in their chat. This particular viewerㅡ edgelord404ㅡ was one of their viewer they recognized from their early days when the view count barely cracked a hundred on their postings.
" edgelord404 hey! welcome to the stream, we're trying to break into this old granny's bank account and steal her retirement funds "
" Not in real life of course. Don't be silly! " They clarified by emphasizing their words.
edgelord404 : sounds illegal.
edgelord404 : I can help. I got experiences.
[name] began wheezing from how much they laughed. True to their username, edgelord404 loves to spout the most edgy and emo things. They have to admit, it did lights up their days from edgelord404 attempt at humor.
As they were about to respond to edgelord404's comments, they noticed the chat being flooded by less than pleasant comments. They immediately recognized it as to be the work of internet trolls trying to get a rise out of the creator they're harassing.
Before they could attempt at defusing the situation, all of the comments instantly disappeared. [name] and their viewers were confused but the latter assumed that [alias name] got everything under controlled and thought nothing of it.
peachesandcrem : what just happened💀
edgelord404 : you were saying?
" Uhㅡ yeah. Anyways as I was sayingㅡ "
That was odd. Huh.
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Saehoon leaned back against his chair, a satisfied smirk on his face. He watches [alias name], his favourite content creator playing a random game they had interest in.
The stream went along smoothly until a minor turbulence appeared but nothing that he couldn't deal with. Although, he isn't entirely done with the trolls who had invaded his beloved's chat and tried to cause a ruckus.
He had encountered [alias name]'s page a few months ago, right when they had just started with zero following. Saehoon decided to watch them to kill some time but didn't anticipated for him to fall for them instantly.
It could've been the fact that he was the only one watching them failed at the same obstacle over and over againㅡ that it felt intimate. Their bizarre humour and commentary only adds up to their charms that made him fall even deeper.
It didn't take quite a while for Saehoon to dig up information behind the content creator whom had captivated him. Being a genius hacker himself, it is something he was used to doing on a dailyㅡ for work purposes obviously.
Within a few clicks, he has the entirety of [alias name]'s information in his palm. Such as their real name, [name]. Their location, acquaintances, friends, family, their backgrounds and even more.
" [name] .. " Saehoon uttered their name once he obtained their information. It sounded perfect, the way it rolls on his tongueㅡ they were perfect for him.
As time passes, he noticed them slowly gaining popularity and he couldn't help but feel proud of how much they had grown. Admittedly, he was somewhat responsible for pushing out their contents by messing with the algorithm.
Though, he would never take credit for their success of course, he just aided them and the rest is purely their hardwork.
Although he isn't keen on sharing [name] with others, he'd comfort himself with the thought that only he knows such intimate knowledge of [name] that none of their other viewers or fans knows.
Another annoyance that came with [name]'s success is the incessant waves of trolling that comes with it. Normally, he wouldn't care but if it involves his beloved [name]? they best count their lucky stars that he only leaked their doxxes online and not done worse.
Saehoon believed that [name] should invest in some moderator but he's aware that they couldn't afford to pay them. Perhaps he should offered himself someday, that way he could not only openly protects [name] from internet trollsㅡ he could also be closer to them.
Speaking of trolls, he contemplate on what he should do as a revenge for their pathetic attempt at harassing [name]. He'd leaked their personal information as usual of course but he's feeling quite spiteful today, perhaps he should dig up their embarassing past and posted it onlineㅡ or he could post a selfie of theirs that had never been seen before on a forum board.
They'll pay the price of crossing path with [name] and in turn him as well.
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denydestiny · 2 years
might as well say something. the biggest gamble one has to take with sequential storytelling - the likes of which felt in indie game communities if you're not the creator of a game, and so, you don't know what to expect - is that the next piece in the puzzle could have something in it that really dashes audience expectation. something that just really hits them the wrong way, to put it lightly.
it's felt to me most in the indie horror genre, in how content warnings tend to be vague if they're there. i think partly it's from a sense of wanting it be a surprise, partly from working with something so closely you dunno what you'd say about it, and partly because some circles seem to think labeling it "horror" tells you all you need to know. for now though, i'm talking more about when a game is released in parts.
by the time a few parts are out, there's a chance you'd know what level of intensity to expect from a project, but like... nothing's guaranteed
in particular, this is about yttd, in that it's last part seems to me that it'll end with some pay off. classic horror movie stuff. the cast dwindles down, and the survivors probably become friends? i'm hoping that the mentor character the lead has ends up as like, her new dad. i don't remember the names right now, but like to me, that's the best case scenario. more thoughts below but.
but i will say that if yttd doesn't stick the landing i'm going to reply to this saying i called it.
also if you plan to look into the videogame i wouldn't know how to warn for the contents, only that it's called a "death game" and people sure do die. it's like about what i'd expect from a slasher film, i guess is the best way to put it
the creator seems unpredictable to me in how he writes. and i've been told the manga for the game, that wasn't written by the game developer, was drawn by someone weird? i dunno the specifics, but my point is that makes me go :/ a friend also pointed out some weird writing choices surrounding a mentor character who's kind of a dad to the lead. so that's also making me go :/ because i'm really hoping the point of this story is the lead like... realizing that her dad is lame, and finding a new better dad. because i actually haven't seen that done in many horror stories where the new dad/mentor lives. so we'll see
and i didn't get super into the game, and i don't think i'd enjoy the ending a super great deal because the part that's out right now was like the climax of the story. the tables are turning, an ending awaits... that sort of thing.
so at this point, as october draws near and i think about indie games i've seen release in installments, i'm thinking about what it means to wait. sometimes the best thing a story can do is take you on a journey. even if it never finishes. i've seen plenty of cool projects fall through and therefore, never end
i don't think i need any closure past the part that's out right now since everything up to this point has been pretty standard stuff for horror/suspense films. the cast gets smaller as they have to make harder choices, and in the end it comes down to trusting other people or like... wanting to be the final girl. i think yttd's answering all of the questions that it's posing, and that's cool. i think one ending will involve a group surviving, and another will not
but i'm still kind of meh about it. anime, and anime-inspired indie games, sometimes try to say something really profound, but... sometimes they don't stick the landing. i'm fine with a good tragedy, but if it's done wrong, it feels like a waste of time. so i'd have to wait until it actually ends to say anything more profound
it's the same kind of feeling i think one gets when waiting for an author they like to continue a series. there's no way of knowing if the small red flags are actually red flags, or if it's a poor attempt at writing something meaningful. because it could be cool, what yttd is trying to do
0 notes
buckyalpine · 10 months
Bucky x Reader
Childhood friends to lovers. Thought of this randomly and I thought it was so cute because imagine chubby baby Bucky in love with his cute little neighbor. Imagine this little boy with his messy mop of brown hair on his head, rosy cheeks, blushing over his friend who he adores so much. He toddles over to her porch, excited over the very important game of hide and seek they had planned for the day.
Y/n, y/l/n, or Buttercup according to him is his favorite person in the whole world besides Stevie. He loves Steve, he knows he does, but Buttercup is different. He gets these little butterflies in that chubby belly of his whenever they play together. He's usually a rambunctious devil but not at all with her. If she wants a tea party, he'll sit with her on her yard with a picnic mat spread out, always sneaking a few cookies from the jar for them to share.
She really likes the swing that hangs on the branch of the tree in front of his house. He'll push her with all his might till she squeals with laughter; a big toothy grin on his face when she says faster Bucky. When she trips over and scrapes her knee, he's dashing to his house to find a band aid, blowing on the cut just like his ma does when he hurts himself, he's so careful with his shaky little hands.
"Tank you Bucky" You say between a sniffle, kissing his cheek without thinking, the both of you innocently blinking at each other before running off and playing again. All Bucky knows is that he wants Buttercup by his side for his whole entire life.
So imagine his joy when he finds out its a possibility.
He's in his nicest buttoned shirt, tucked into his dress pants and polished shoes, hair combed over to the side. He kicks his legs while sitting with his mother, father and sisters, watching one of their family friends recite their vows at the altar. Winnifred already had to place her hand on his leg twice to keep him still, warning him that he had to behave at weddings since it was an important day.
"Why are they getting married?" He asks, wondering what the big deal was if they were in church on a Saturday.
"Because they care about each other Jamie, they'll be happy together forever" She whispers, pulling her squirmy little one onto her lap so he can see better.
“Can me and y/n get married mama?” He asks with large innocent eyes, hopeful she’ll say yes.
“You wanna marry y/n, huh?” She coos, brushing back the strands of soft hair that cover his forehead. “Y’know you’ll have to take care of her baby”
“I know” He nods with confidence, of course he'd always take care of his Buttercup.
“And you’ll have to work real hard" Again he nods, just waiting for her to say yes, maybe he can get married tomorrow! "You gotta love her with all your heart"
"I do mama, I do!"
"Then one day baby boy, one day you can marry her"
"But I wanna marry her now!" Bucky doesn't understand what the issue was, he knew he loved his Buttercup right then and there, why did he have to wait?
"Just wait a little while okay? My sweet little boy" Winifred laughed at her baby's fallen face, kissing his flushed cheek. "Before you know it, it'll be your turn"
Patience wasn't Bucky's strong suit but if it meant he'd be with you, he'd wait as long as he had to. He sat on the soft grass with you under the shade of a tree, sipping on a cup of lemonade your mom had brought out for you both.
“I wanna marry you” he pouts, "But mama says I have to wait and dad said I gotta ask p'mission first"
"Then we can be best f'wends forever?" You ask excitedly and he grins in response.
"F'wends forever"
"You promise?"
"I promise"
Now I thought about stopping this fic here but....
Some may have thought that eventually his puppy love lose its fire but no. His crush doesn't ever die down. Not when he nicks a flower from his mothers prized garden when you turn 5. Not when he gives you his favorite brown bear for Christmas. Not when he saves up all his allowance to buy you your first porcelain doll for your 10th birthday. It just grows and grow until he stands before you, wiping the tear that slips down your cheek when he comes to say good bye before going off to the army.
“One day m’gonna marry you doll" He whispers, doing his best to blink back his own tears while you sniffle against his chest.
"You promise?" You ask him with the same innocent doe eyes you had when you were little,
"I promise" He hugs you tighter, not wanting to let you go, the both of you spending the afternoon under the same shady tree. His mothers ring is kept safely in a box, tucked away in his room. He'd spoken to your father in private as soon as you'd both turned 18, not wanting to waste a second. All he had to do was return, safe and sound to his Buttercup.
Bucky goes through hell, sees the worst things imaginable, some days he struggles to keep his eyes open, cuts and wounds littering his battered body. However, when he closes his eyes and thinks about her smile, the way he'd get butterflies when she giggles, he knows he has to survive and come home. It doesn't matter how hard it is to keep going now because one day it'll all be worth it.
Which is why he practically runs home once the war is over, zipping in and out of his house and up to the porch next door, panting with flushed cheeks. He hears shuffling on the other side, his heart beating erratically while clutching onto the ring, the knob clicking open.
"Jamie!" You gasp, tears running down your face in no time as you throw your arms around him, your feet lifting off the ground as he spins you. "You're back!"
"I promised you doll" He presses his forehead against yours before sinking down on one knee, smiling up at you while you choke back a sob, his hand holding onto yours.
"Buttercup, will you-
"Yes, Jamie yes!!" You nod frantically, while he happily slips the ring onto your finger before kissing you deeply, only pulling away to breathe. He doesn't give you long, pulling you back for more, his tongue laced with yours, unbothered that you're both on the porch, most of the neighbor watching quietly with steamy eyes.
Honestly, imagine how emotional everyone would be seeing the handsome soldier with his beautiful sweet bride up at the altar, going rom little babies to children to two souls that were meant to be together from the start. So cute.
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enkvyu · 10 months
ask game — prompt from this request
“you kiss your mother with that mouth?”
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there’s an extra thump in gojo’s heartbeat.
his hands are sweaty even though he’s swiped his palms along his jeans a million times. he feels light headed, perhaps due to the sun peeking through the train window, and his thoughts are playing bumper cars inside his skull.
his mouth is dry, his body is begging him to relax his stiff posture, and he’s nervous. too much blood is rushing to his brain and not enough air is entering his lungs. he thinks he might need some water, but he's worried that if he tries drinking it'll just dribble down his chin.
you sleep peacefully through his panic.
the gentle rumble of wheels along rails lulls you into a shallow sleep, not the kind that has you wishing for a deeper slumber, but just enough rest for your heart to slow and your breathing to deepen.
your pillow is soft. it’s sturdy against your cheek and smells really, really nice, like fresh laundry hung out under the summer sun. it’s also warm, which is an obvious bonus. you snuggle into the heat, exhaling softly when you’re comfortable.
a sudden incline of the train track makes the carriage jolt, and your eyes widen at the shift in gravity.
“what’s happening?” your words slur together as you lift your head from your pillow to survey your surroundings.
you find gojo sitting beside you, oddly rigid and close by.
“why is your shoulder next to my head?”
gojo clears his throat, his eyes darting to you then away. “no reason.”
accepting his answer, you yawn and stretch your arms above your head. your hands collide with the compartment above and you’re once again reminded of where you were.
“when’s the train arriving?” you ask.
gojo flips his phone around to check the time. “you were asleep for forty minutes, so we still have an hour to go.”
“an hour? that long?”
“that’s why i said you should have let me warp us there instead.”
“i’d rather die.” you immediately decline. “last time i let you teleport us to the mission site, we ended up in california.”
“california is a great place!”
“our mission was in finland.”
gojo huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. the gesture blocks you off and you know he is sulking.
it's clear your words have wedged its way deep into gojo's heart, leaving a wound that'll only grow and become infected if you don't soothe him with flattery. “maybe next time, okay? sometime after you’ve mastered your technique which, i'm sure won't take long since you've always been so competent.”
he remains quiet, but you can almost see his ears perk towards you.
"the most competent out of the lot of us!"
he shifts closer, though his arms are still crossed at his front.
"throughout heaven and earth, you alone are the competent one?"
he finally turns over to you, loosening his posture. there's still doubt in his eyes but it is as expected; dealing with a sulky gojo was never going to be easy. “if you don’t trust me, you can just say that.” he pouts.
“okay, i don’t trust you.”
he tilts his body further away from you.
you're quick to reach over and hook your hand under his arm, pulling it towards you in hopes that he'll face you once again. you made a mistake, a slight slip of the tongue and now your progress had been reset. "my bad! but seriously, aren't you tired of playing the victim all the time?"
"excuse me?"
"i mean." you bite your lip, sealing away any more harsh remarks that might leave your mouth unintentionally. "you... are crazy cool! you're the best, gojo. i deeply apologise for my words earlier."
his mouth hangs open. "i think the one who's crazy is you. how do you always find something to complain about?"
"you're telling that to me? as if you weren't treating this entire train ride like your own personal therapy session. i did not need to know how much you struggled on the toilet this morning."
"it's a sign of being unhealthy! that's a very big concern!"
"one that you can bring up with shoko, not me." you easily deflect. "i could not care less about your health even if i tried."
"you are so mean."
you shrug. "i think you're just being a pissy boy."
"you kiss your mother with that mouth?" he asks. "and she lets you? even though her child is a mean, spiteful, terrible person?"
he doesn't appreciate how his eyes flicker down to your lips at the mention, suddenly growing conscious of how he had begun to lean in during the heated conversation. you look none the different, face carved into your usual expression of disinterest.
it irks him.
wasn't it unfair how unfazed you seemed whilst he was running a marathon in his head? wasn't it simply annoying how much you looked like you were falling asleep again, even though his thoughts were held captive by the sight of you?
"where did you think my attitude comes from in the first place?" there's a lazy grin on your face that only makes gojo heat up even more—because it made him mad, not because it looked good on you, he tells himself.
"if you kissed me i wouldn't like it." he says, then immediately slaps a hand over his mouth.
you give him the strangest look you can muster. "sorry?"
"i mean, because, i'm saying i wouldn't like it because you are such a mean person. that's all i'm saying, there's nothing else i'm trying to tell you. you're a horrible person. that's what i meant." gojo splutters. "not because i want you to kiss me. that would be such a strange thing to say. which is why i wasn't saying that."
there's a silence that fills the carriage, broken only from the hum of the train. gojo thinks he can hear his brain explode in the absence of sound before you finally burst out into laughter.
"oh my god, gojo! i never thought you would be the type of person that gets flustered over something like talking about kissing." you say around your giggles, smothering them with your palm as you watch gojo grow red. "especially since you brought it up."
gojo hisses, turning away to rest his chin on his hand, elbow on the aisle armrest. he pointedly ignores your attempts to get him to face you. "me neither." he mumbles into his hand.
"it's kind of cute."
"shut up."
"you're getting redder!"
"ignore it."
you only quiet down when a few minutes passes, making snide remarks at his oddly still state before sighing in satisfaction. you check the time on your phone and note that there was still a long way to go before you arrived. placing it on silent, you tap gojo on the shoulder. "wake me up before the train gets to our stop, okay?"
he makes a noise that you take as agreement, considering that he won't bear to look at you, before adjusting yourself and closing your eyes.
the train ride is silent save for your silent snores and the internal monologue of gojo's breakdown. his body grows stiff when he feels a pressure on his shoulder.
looking over, he finds you using him as a pillow again.
the embarrassment of his earlier words and his slight realisation that you made him feel weird, made him feel warm and nervous all over, makes this action deadly. with his heart racing, he sighs and shifts around so that you were more comfortable. the gesture is appreciated, and you sigh softly in your sleep.
the sight of you is pure torture and gojo finds himself unable to chase sleep as easily as you do. he stays awake until the train halts at the station, ignoring your question on why he looked so tired.
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i'll write the other requests tmrw !! i'm sorry that this doesn't rlly have much to do with the prompt but i think i'm starting to lose my mind
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spacebarbarianweird · 8 months
Hey, I saw you take request and so I wanted to ask if you could write some fluff, maybe some Astarion comforting Tav after they went through a panick attack
Gender neutral if possible please, I just had my first ever panick attack and would love some comfort from my fav Vampire <3
- Astarions-Imagine-Archiche [Would love to go off anon but sadly, Tumblr dosent let me send asks through sideblogs]
Hi! Hope you will enjoy it!
Sometimes it's just too much to bear TW: A description of a panic attack Tags: hurt \ comfort, gn!reader, nurturing Astarion, post game, established relationship Read on AO3
Surrounded by a fiery inferno, you sense the escalating heat in the air. The thick layer of fabric shields your skin from immediate harm, yet your body responds almost primally.
Scorching and stifling air leaves you struggling to breathe, and the smoke stings your eyes.
An indiscriminate devourer of all, whether mortal or undead, demon or elf, it rages like a starving beast. Discarding your sword, you decide to leap, knowing the flames will only graze your skin a bit.
"Ig-nis!" Astarion's voice rings out, casting a fireball into the necromancer. The half-orc topples, weakening the ring of fire around you. Muscles tense, preparing for the leap, but an abrupt freeze takes over just as your feet are about to propel you forward.
Attempting to move your hand, your brain feels detached, as though subjected to a Mindflayer's experiment. The fire intensifies, yet your legs remain unresponsive. Trapped within the confines of your own body, you are helpless and silent.
It's merely a "hold person" spell, lasting a minute or two or until Astarion dispatches the necromancer. Nothing harmful, nothing scary. The enemy just wants to win some time. 
Immobile, you manage to shift your eyelids just slightly. Astarion is nowhere to be seen while the necromancer looms ten feet before you. Approaching like a ghoul, his eyes scrutinize you as if you're a specimen in a lab.
Astarion. Astarion, where are you? Panic sets in. What if he's wounded, dead, or worse, turned into a mindless ghoul under a new master's control?
The necromancer, eyeing you with a sinister hunger, licks his lips. "Pretty creature. You will serve me well once you die."
His touch on your right temple triggers another memory—a Mindflayer's pod, helplessness, fear, disgust. A tadpole approaching your eyelid.
If you could scream, you would. 
"What is your worst nightmare?" the sorcerer whispers, casting the second spell.
Suddenly, you're back in the Nautiloid. A Mindflayer cracks your skull open, and the scent of burning bone fills the air. The monster probes your bare brain, and it sprouts thin black legs. Your organ is no longer yours; it's an intellect devourer.
A vision unfolds. Astarion's body writhes and transforms into a Mindflayer. "Don't do this to me. I can't do this again!" he cries for help until his face explodes, tentacles burst forth. 
You fall again, from the Nautiloid to the seashore, but the Emperor is unwilling to save you. Your spine breaks on the rocks.
Baldur's Gate. The day of the attack. The Nautiloid inches forward, missing Astarion, who escapes to the sewers. You'll never see him again; he's condemned to be his new master's slave.
No, no, please, no, gods help me.
Suddenly, the fear releases its grip, your hands and legs regain movement, and you collapse onto the scorched ground. 
"Fuck!" you curse. "Fuck you, bastard!" 
The necromancer lies dead. Fat flies crawling on his rotten flesh.
"Well, someone needs to learn how to dodge”, Astarion chuckles. “Next time, it'll be something more dangerous, like a power word spell or a death finger. Instant death, and you're resurrected as a ghoul," strong hands lift you up, and you stand on your feet once again.
"Where have you been," you mutter, your voice trembling.
He pulls away. "What do you mean?"
"I didn't see you. I thought you were dead. Where were you?"
"Darling, I made sure to disappear from his decayed eyes. I prefer an advantage when the enemy... let's say... has their ways with the undead and the dead." He tilts your chin up, making you look into his crimson eyes. 
If you weren't as tired and numb, guilt might settle in. That's how he fights—no knight, no warrior. He hides and attacks when the enemy forgets about him. It's not his fault you were knocked out, but the bitterness lingers in your heart, replacing the fear.
Returning to the small camp silently, you muster the last remnants of your strength to pull off your armor. Astarion sits by the fire with a book, not attempting to join you in the tent. Guilt pervades your thoughts. What if your rudeness jeopardizes the progress, you've made together?
What if you wake up the following day, and he's gone?
Your mind spirals in twisted ways. What if a piece of the tadpole remains in your brain? Powerful creatures aren't to be trusted. What if it's still there, waiting to hatch? What if Astarion harbors one inside his head as well? What if this isn't the end, and unthinkable horrors lie ahead? What if one day you wake up and hear a voice subduing you to some eldritch, horrible, and insane entity?
You feel like you can't breathe. The heart races, heavy as a tombstone, and your hands are numb and cold. The uncertainties weigh on you like a suffocating shroud.
A lump rises in your throat, an unbearable sensation that makes you want to vomit. You press your hands to your chest and breathe heavily as if you are short of air.
Light steps approach from behind. "Darling, your breathing can be heard in a nearby village. What's wrong?" The voice sounds distant, echoing through thick walls. Suddenly, your eyesight blurs, reality becoming an illusion, disconnecting you from your body. The voice sounds unfamiliar and distorted.
Astarion wraps his hands around your waist. "It's okay, everything is alright. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." 
 It still feels unreal, as if someone tries to imitate your lover's voice.
"I- I am…I am dying", you whisper.
"It's just a panic attack, nothing more," he replies. "Let me guess, he casted the fear spell on you? You saw something unpleasant, didn’t you? Illithids, I bet." 
Astarion brushes your hair with pale fingers and then kisses the crown of your head. He gently touches your hand, then your leg. "You are here. You are safe with me. And if someone threatens you, I will rip their throats." He holds you tighter, speaking comforting words. The lines he once used for seduction and manipulation now sound like a weird, soothing spell.
You don't feel your body. You don't understand where you are. You remember the Nautiloid, the blood, the fear. 
You start crying. You haven't cried for ages – first, there was no time to reflect on awful things happening to you. Then, it was Astarion who needed you to be strong because he was a mess after 200 years of abuse and sudden freedom he didn't dream of having. But now it’s you who is overwhelmed and scared.
"Hush, everything is okay. You are safe with me," Astarion whispers.
Suddenly, you come to your senses. The racing heart subsides, and the looming horror fades.
You breathe freely. Astarion strokes your hair. "Feeling better?"
You nod and find the strength to sit up. "What can I do for you, my love?" Astarion asks.
Licking your dry lips, you realize the intense need for water causing your dizziness. Before you can utter a word, the vampire reaches for a flask. In three big gulps, you drain the bottle and collapse onto your back in the tent. The thick black fabric, enchanted with the "darkness" spell, feels like a reassuring wall, offering a sense of safety rather than claustrophobia.
Astarion lies beside you, wrapping his hands around your waist. But instead of pressing his face against your collarbone as usual, he pushes against his chest. If he were alive, you would hear his heartbeat. 
"I am just—I don't know—afraid?" you finally admit. "I'm afraid this Illithid madness isn't over, and something is stuck in our brains waiting for the right moment. I'm afraid to die. I'm afraid you will die. I'm afraid that one of these powerful creatures we pissed off will come for our souls. I'm afraid you will slip into feral madness, and there's nothing I will be able to do to prevent this."
He presses you even tighter. "You are a very brave little thing, you know that?" he finally says. "I insist on that. Leading the way from this Illithid madness, letting me close despite knowing who I am. Facing any danger or monster. But sometimes it's just too much, right?"
You nod and receive one more kiss. "I will always be with you; I am not going anywhere. And when it just feels too much, you tell me. I will gladly take a nurturing role. Besides, you've been caring for me for far too long. Time to change roles."
Slowly, you drift into sleep, the last thing you remember before slipping away being Astarion whispering, "I am lucky to have you."
@tragedybunny @caitlincat-95 @tallymonster @astarionsbeloved @lumienyx @fayeriess @aoirohi @elora-the-slutty-songstress @veillsar @astarion-imagine-archive
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archiveikemen · 3 months
Ellis Twilight Main Story: Chapter 0
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
Ellis: That’s all Jude told me to report.
Victor: Thank you, you’ve done well for this mission. … Looks like things got rather rough tonight.
Ellis: Huh? Oh…
I looked down at my bloodied shirt and understood the reason for Victor’s wry smile.
Tonight’s mission indeed took longer to complete than expected.
Ellis: I was aiming for the heart, but their flesh was thicker than I thought, so my knife didn't go very deep.
Ellis: I felt sorry for them because I couldn’t make them die an instant death.
Victor: And as always, you continued with your mission calmly, but… have you ever had a hard time completing missions?
(Have I…)
The members of “Crown”, the imperial organisation under direct command of Her Majesty the Queen, took missions ranging from gathering information to assassinations.
Not long after I joined them, did I realise that some of us weren't entirely indifferent to taking the lives of others.
If anything, I thought it was normal to feel that way.
Ellis: Not particularly.
Victor: … That’s great then. Could you also convey my thanks to Jude on my behalf?
Ellis: Mm, got it.
Picking flowers, putting them together in a bouquet, and displaying them in a shop.
Polishing dirty shoes with cream and a brush.
To me, my job being to kill people felt no different from those regular jobs.
As long as it didn't involve my personal desires, I never hesitated to kill.
(If ever I hesitate to kill someone—)
(It’ll definitely be because I want to kill them.)
(It'll be when I harbour such selfish thoughts.)
In order to avoid that — I put a tightly sealed lid over my desires.
Never again… will I turn the happiness of someone I love into a fake.
Little Boy: Waaahh…!
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Ellis: …!
No matter how bloody the night got, it would always be followed by a bright morning.
While I was at the market on some business for the Jude and the company, I came across a little boy bawling his eyes out.
(He doesn't seem to be injured… is he lost?)
I was about to approach him, when a postwoman nearby quickly crouched down next to the crying boy and comforted him.
Her gentle demeanour seemed to help him calm down a little.
(... That's good. In that case, I shall—)
I looked around the area…
(Ah, over there.)
I spotted the person I was looking for. My relatively tall height gave me an advantage in crowds.
Ellis: By any chance, are you looking for a lost child?
Teary-Eyed Woman: Y-Yes, do you know where he is…!?
I pointed in the direction of the little boy, and the woman immediately ran towards him.
I watched as the facial expressions of the postwoman, little boy, and the woman who seemed to be his mother brightened up.
(... I’m glad.)
If possible, I want everyone I meet to be happy.
I don’t want anyone to be unhappy.
If there’s anything I can do to make them happy, I will.
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(Because… happiness is easily broken.)
(It doesn’t matter how wonderful the person is, or how much they hope for an ordinary day.)
Happiness, like the twilight sky, was transient.
(... See?)
It was a typical night where we were on a mission as usual, and Crown had just taken the life of our target.
Then came the sound of a woman’s happiness shattering.
William: Now look who we have here, aren't you the little robin I met earlier today?
Kate: Um… uhh… eeh…?
The lady was trembling with blood splattered on her pale face.
She was likely that postwoman I saw in town earlier in the day.
(... Poor lady.)
My heart ached when I recalled the happy smile on her face when that mother found her lost son.
The things we did as Crown were top secret.
This darkness should never be made known to people who live in the sun.
If they ever find out about it — there would be no going back to their original lives.
(That’s why, at the very least…)
Ellis: Do we kill her?
Ellis: She doesn’t look happy at all, but I’ll do it if it’s for work.
(At the very least, she’ll be freed from suffering if I kill her.)
The room went silent.
The postwoman who introduced herself as Kate trembled pitifully.
Victor: Hmm. Let me think…
(Once he decides to kill Kate, I’ll make it quick for her.)
(That way, she won’t have to suffer from the fear and anxiety any longer.)
While awaiting Victor’s response, I reached for my knife, and at that moment—
Kate: I swear that I will NEVER breathe a word about ANYTHING I just heard!
Kate declared with an assertive voice.
Victor: Hmm… huh? What?
Kate: I will keep all that information strictly confidential. I work as a postwoman, I’m professionally trained to keep secrets!
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Victor • William: …
(Victor and Will seem surprised.)
I was surprised by her response as well, and I found myself unable to take my eyes off her.
Even though Kate was in a potentially life-threatening situation, she didn’t seem to have given up on wanting to live.
Kate: If you don’t trust me, you can go ahead and keep a close eye on me until you do.
Kate: I’ll prove to you through my actions that I’m worthy of your trust.
(... I believe in you.)
I believe that you’ll return to your original life.
I believe that you’ll smile with joy once again.
In this darkness where the sun doesn't shine, I believe in you.
(—... How lovely.)
Her profile was dazzling, like the setting sun before it disappeared in the horizon—.
(I want to see you smile again.)
(Like how you did when I saw you in town.)
Having those thoughts felt so natural to me.
If only this didn't have to be “The End” because of my job.
If only there was a “continuation” of your happiness.
(I want to make you happy.)
As I gazed at Kate’s look of determination—
— For some reason, an image of the twilight on the happiest day of my life appeared in my mind.
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First, I wanted to say thanks for all the work you do, you can tell you put a lot of effort and care into it!
Second, I wanted to ask if you had any possible advice for creating black zombie characters?
I really love zombies and enjoy making zombie characters and drawing zombies. Though, I draw quite cartoonishly and when I draw them I tend to make them that cartoony shade of zombie green as well, y'know? I was wondering if you knew how I would go about this- like if I ought to maybe make the skin more on the grey-ish side(since you mentioned that grey-ish skintone bases make the characters look ashen/less-alive recently) Or perhaps sticking with a similar shade of green, but making sure to include more defining black features? I'm mostly looking for tips about appearance, but I'm happy to get any advice you're able to give!
I hardly ever see black zombies in art(I see them in movies/shows and games occasionally, but never really in art!) and I wanna help change that, if I can. Im sorry if this is a bit clumsily worded- I hope you know I do not mean this ask in a rude or disrespectful way(due to the subject matter of (un)dead characters)! I just really love zombies!!
(also I thought the mini-mini lesson about clowns was very interesting and helpful, thanks for writing it!)
ngl, getting this ask at 10 something pm last night was WILD bc I swore I turned anons off lmao.
Thank you!
Um, this really is in the same zone as the sickness question. We'd still look like Black people, but dead lmao. In varying stages of decay too, if you're discussing zombies. My partner suggested watching some clips from The Walking Dead and try to spot Black zombies amongst the extras, so there's an idea!
If you're going with the cartoony idea of making them green skinned, as long as I can tell they were Black when they were alive (unless they're damn near a skeleton) I don't see the issue. If you make everyone that's a zombie green, it'll just match the style. So that's easy enough.
But if you're going for an actual decaying look, I think it would be worth looking into stages of decay on bodies as a whole. What types of injuries do they have and how did that affect them as zombies? (For example, if a Black person got a deep cut prezombie, that cut would be healed either brown or pink depending on depth, versus a post zombie cut would just be... Bloody. Probably not bruising either bc there's no healing going on. But I'm not a doctor, so don't quote me on that. The book I tagged would likely help you, too!)
In my grad program I once saw the recently dead body of a Black lady, and what disturbed me wasn't that she "looked" dead, but that she didn't. Other than her eyes being far gone... She looked the same.
Now, this (and the sickness one too!) also ties into undertones. When we die, the blood leaves our bodies and pools wherever the gravity is. So if we're in a burial position, or we've been drained of blood, the blood will leave your face. Now, on black people, that means our undertone will be pallid. It's the way Black people "blanch"; like we as a WHOLE don't turn pale, but our undertone will change bc it's physiological. (Now, based on our complexion, it's easier to see that on some more than on others!)
Hm....that's all I can think of for right now. If anyone else has any ideas, feel free to chime in!
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vvagustd · 1 year
oomg!! that last sick one was so cute 😭😭 i am obSESSED!! <33 hshdjsjs your so good at writing!! 😭🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 anywaysss..i have another DEVIOUS request.. drumroll.. 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 OKAY'bn!! i am requesting a chishiya x reader where they go to a theme park..and they go on the ferris wheel.....BUT READER IS SCARED OF HEIGHTS......and they get stuck..at the top.......for THRITY MINUETS!!'n (vine boom) (im so devious) (ahahahah) -sincerely, anon!!
yess! i am in love with this idea! and thank you so much to the people that have requested and taken time to read my fics and say nice things, you guys are amazing! i hope you enjoy this fic as much as i do <3
✎ heights - chishiya
[chishiya x fem!reader]
synopsis - chishiya finally takes you to the amusement park you've wanted to go to forever, but you forgot to mention your fear of heights.
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You had begged Chishiya for months to take you here.
And here you were! Chishiya finally gave in and took you to the amusement park you've wanted to go to forever. He took notice of how you avoided all of the super tall rides, dragging him into teacups, carnival games, small rollercoasters. The one thing he overlooked was your fear of heights, he only ruled out that you were just overall scared of intense rides.
"Chishiya!" He snapped out of his thoughts at your voice. "Let's do that one!" You grabbed his hand, interlocking your fingers and dragging him to yet another small ride that whipped you around like hell.
It had finally come time for Chishiya to pick a ride. The day was slowly coming to an end, the sky darkening as the sun dipped below the horizon. He softly grabbed your hand and led you over to what had to be the tallest ride in the entire park. The ferris wheel. It was a beautiful looking ride, with supposedly an even more beautiful view. He thought it would be a good idea, basing off what he thought was your fear of intense rides. Your hand tightened around his as you looked up at the ride towering over you.
"What's wrong?" Chishiya asked, squeezing your hand slightly. "I don't- I don't think I can do it, Chishiya." He looked at you questioningly, this had to be the calmest ride in the whole park, and you were one of the bravest people he knew. This whole park should have been nothing to you. "I'm," you paused for a second, "I'm scared of heights." Chishiya raised his eyebrows and looked at you. "I should've known, I thought you just didn't like intense rides." You let out a shaky laugh, turning your head to face the ground instead of up at the ride. "It'll be alright, Y/n. We'll only be up high for a few seconds, you'll love it."
You infact, did not love it. The second the ride started to move upward, everything felt wrong. Chishiya took note of how your breathing shallowed and your tight hold on your sweater sleeves. He moved his hands to hold yours, brushing his thumb up and down the top of your hand. "It's alright, love," he sighed, "nothing's going to happen." He wanted to tell you to suck it up and stop being a baby, but he decided that you needed reassurance more. You slowly approach the top of the ferris wheels, getting higher and higher. "Y/n." This is too high, you were going way too high. "Y/n." You were going to die! "Y/n!" Chishiya slightly rose his voice, the same lack of emotion behind it. His voice pulled you out of your trance, bringing you back to the reality of how high up you are.
Suddenly the lights on the ferris went out, the whole ride coming to a stop, with you and Chishiya at the very top. "Oh no, oh no no no." You started freaking out, trying to look for a way, any way at all, to get out of this nightmare. "Y/n, just look." He turned your head to look at the view. The entire park was lit up in the night, rides running with screams of enjoyment. It really was beautiful, the beauty of it all subsiding your fear.
Chishiya wasn't a man that voiced his emotions, his likes, dislikes. But scenery that he's always liked, since he could remember. Pretty views always made him feel peaceful, especially when nothing else did. There was one thing he loved above all else though.
You were his safe space, his peace. You were the love of his life. You taught him what it was like to be loved, and what it felt like to love someone else. As much as Chishiya loved you and the view, his patience was starting to wear thin. You had gotten over your fear now and were starting to appreciate the beauty of the park at night. "It's beautiful, right 'shiya?" You leaned into his arms, resting your head on his shoulder. "You're beautiful." He replied, kissing the top of your head.
You had been up there for about thirty minutes before the lights turned back on and your ride came to an end. The workers at the bottom were apologizing and thanking everyone for their patience, each getting a free stuffed animal of their choice. You chose the cutest looking sliver stuffed cat, holding it up to Chishiya. "Reminds me of you." You said, holding the cat closed to you.
Chishiya let out a soft chuckle as you guys walked out of the park hand-in-hand, hearts entwined.
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mad4turtles · 1 year
I'm not sure if you're still doing writing requests, but I really loved your oneshot about Leo coming out to Splinter - it brought a few tears to my eyes thinking about my own coming out experience :') if you want, could you maybe do something about Mikey giving Usagi "The Shovel Talk"? It doesn't have to be serious, I just thought it'd be funny if Mikey went all Dr. Delicate Touch while Leo tries not to die in the background. Hope you have a good day/night! :D
I'm so sorry this took FOREVER to get out, I went through several drafts before I finally had to say it was fine XD Hope you enjoy :3
First Impressions (Part 2)
Miyamoto Usagi has become a regular guest in the Hamato household.
After introductions went about as smoothly as one could expect—Splinter warring between outrage and panic and glee that his Baby Blue was dating, and the rest of the family stunned that Leo actually has game (or maybe Usagi is just as dumb as he is)—the clan don't go long without seeing him wandering the lair, usually side by side with Leo.
In hindsight, that makes the death glares Donnie drills into the back of the rabbit's head make much more sense, but that's another issue.
Apparently, they'd been together three weeks before the introductions, and Mikey believes it. Just yesterday, he'd caught them through the crack of Leo's open bedroom door sitting together on the bed, sharing a pair of earbuds as Leo shuffled through his Spotify playlist, letting Usagi in on his atrocious taste in music.
“Hey, glam-rock is the shit,” Leo nudged Usagi's shoulder. “And you can't talk when all you listen to is J and K Pop, classical, country and Lofi.”
“Shut up, baka kappa,” Usagi nudged him back, grinning wide and showing off the buck front teeth that Leo found adorable. “Classical is thought-provoking, good for meditation. And I'll have you know Lofi is calming, something you never are about anything ever.” 
“Okay, I will allow that just this once but you cannot defend country or K Pop—”
“Contrary to popular belief, not all of your western music is about human Christian values, tractors or drinking—in fact, give me your phone, I'll show you my jazz playlist—”
“No!” Leo pulled his arm up, holding his phone out of Usagi's reaching paws even as the rabbit clambered over him. “Knowing you it'll be some awful jazz-lofi remix or somehow have Catholicism involved, people are getting creative in converting the masses—ow! No, get away from me—!”
“Your music sucks! You must be properly educated! Jazz is soothing for the soul!”
“But Queen! David Bowie! Prince!”
“All of the Hidden City knows you're gay, Leonardo, you don't have to blast it on speaker, too!”
“You attack me?! I let you into my house! I trusted you!”
 “Gankona baka! Kōfuku shite horobiro!”
  “Conejito idiota! ¡Fuera de mi trasero!”
They'd tousled for a bit before falling over on the bed and giving into giggles, barely any space between them. Leo's cheeks were flushed, his eyes bright and his grin a wide, dopey thing. Usagi called him a fool and nuzzled his nose against Leo's, earning a delighted chirp from the slider, and it was the happiest Mikey had seen him in months.
He's so in love it's gross. Mikey means that in the best way.
And Usagi seems like a nice guy. A really nice guy.
But they've been fooled by a pretty face and flowery words before. Last time, Leo had to bail them out. This time, Leo is too high up on cloud nine; he won't notice the danger until it's too late, and the fallout will be devastating.
Leo is strong, the strongest of them all as far as Mikey's concerned, in little ways they've never noticed until he'd showed them all by locking himself in hell with a demon. He's faced bigger, scarier things than any teenager—any person—ever should. But relationships? Dating? Being vulnerable with another person, opening your heart and trusting that person to take care of it, and in turn care for theirs? That's a beast of a different calibre.
Heartbreak happens to everyone; it's just how life is, and ignoring the ugly truth of it serves no one. Leo had barely survived his physical body breaking under metal fists driven by hatred and mindless bloodlust. Mikey doubts even he, with all that strength he possesses in spades that have carried him through some of the worst moments of their lives, would last long with a wound that deep.
Mikey loves him too much to let that happen.
(That, and he really doesn't want to kill Usagi, bail costs a lot, and not even Donnie has that much in his many wired accounts.)
So the trio meet up in Donnie's lab late one night and make a plan.
Miyamoto Usagi is gonna learn what'll happen if he messes with the Hamato clan.
A week later, Mikey corners Usagi at the front door.
The samurai in training doesn't startle when he drops from the ceiling or flinch at the smile that would have his brothers running for the hills. He smiles back, adjusting the duffle bag on his shoulder.
“Hello, Michelangelo. Nice of you to drop in,” he says, completely straight, and Mikey kind of wants to die. Leo did say they've been dating for a while. More than enough time for him to be a horrible influence on the otherwise straight (ha) laced samurai.
“Hey, Usagi! Here to see Leo?” Mikey asks like it's not obvious.
Still, Usagi nods. “That I am. We'd talked about some traditional Japanese snacks he hasn't tried before, so I bought some from the marketplace near my home.” He unzips his bag to let Mikey peek inside. “I'd be happy to share some with you and your brothers. I may have over-purchased.”
Mikey is dazzled by the array of absolutely delicious-looking snacks—including mango-flavoured mochi, oh be still his heart—but he shakes his head. Focus. Leo's heart and Usagi's continued existence depend on it. “That's great, Usagi, but I'm good for now. Actually, we gotta talk with you real quick before you see your boy. May I take your bag?”
Usagi blinks at him. “Oh. Um. Certainly?” He zips the bag up and shrugs it off, handing it to Mikey, and damn, he wasn't kidding. Did he buy out the whole store?
Mikey shoulders the bag and smiles. “Perfect! Now, stay still so Donnie doesn't accidentally knock you out.”
“Okay—wait, what—?”
Donnie drops from the ceiling and shoves a pillowcase over Usagi's head. 
And as Mikey expects, Usagi doesn't immediately struggle or fight: he freezes, an innate rabbit instinct kinda like how Mikey retreats into his shell. He almost feels bad for exploiting that weakness. Almost, because it gives Raph enough time to grab him in his massive arms, pick him up and carry him off to the atrium. Mikey and Donnie follow behind, the latter wearing an unsettling grin that tells Mikey he's enjoying this far more than he should. 
Blindfolded and trapped in Raph's solid grip. Usagi doesn't panic. Though his voice carries a twinge of worry when he says, “Is this a game? Am I being kidnapped? Did Leonardo put you up to this?”
“All will be revealed in good time,” Donnie says with a chuckle meant to sound ominous but it comes off as dorky. “Just relax, don't ask any questions and everything shall run smoothly and without the removal of a thing attached to another thing, like your head from your neck.”
“Alright?” Usagi says. Mikey bumps his hip against Donnie's and scowls. Donnie rolls his eyes.
They reach the living room, Dad's chair thankfully unoccupied, and Raph drops Usagi into it. Mikey sets the duffle bag down and quickly zips to his room to grab the sweater, glasses and pants, shrugging into them. When he returns, Donnie has just finished duct-taping Usagi's arms to the chair—
“What?” Donnie has the gall to look offended. “This was your idea!”
“Not to tie him up!”
“Who's to say he won't run, hm? He's a rabbit and they're fast as frick, we'd never catch him before Leo gets back, and then our whole plan is ruined. Also, no teenager is comfortable talking about 'feelings', so I'm just taking extra precautions—”
“I can still hear you, you know,” Usagi says, the pillowcase still over his head. He doesn't seem bothered about this whole situation, which both amuses and concerns Mikey a little.
“You shush, or I'll bring out the chainsaw,” Donnie says.
Mikey looks at Raph. “You didn't think to stop him?”
Raph folds his arms and shrugs. “I'm just the muscle here, big man. This is your show.”
Dr Feelings appreciates the level of trust and respect Raph has for Mikey that's been a slow-growing thing these last few years. Dr Delicate Touch wants to strangle his oldest brother for being a wise ass.
He rolls his eyes instead and gets in position while Donnie sets up the projector. He nods to Raph, and the snapper pulls off the pillowcase.
Usagi blinks, adjusting to the brightness and looking around. “You blindfolded me to take me to the living room? Where I've been multiple times?”
“Shush,” Donnie hisses, “second warning. We'll be doing the talking here, bunny boy.”
“Don, chill,” Raph says, looking seconds from bursting out laughing. “We're just here to have a nice, friendly chat.”
Usagi arches a brow, pointedly dipping his chin down at his taped arms.
Raph's smile twitches, a drop of sweat trickling down his brow. “... I'm just the muscle?”
Mikey clears his throat loudly, snapping their attention back to him. He smiles and rolls his shoulders back, relaxing into the role that's become a blessing these last few months than the curse it was two years ago (at least to his brothers).
“Good evening! I'm Dr Feelings, and welcome to my newest seminar—!”
He clicks the button for the next slide on the PowerPoint, a photo of the three turtles glaring down at the camera from a high angle, a shovel in Mikey's hands. Underneath, the title reads in comically bright, bubblegum pink letters--
“—Shovel Talks!”
Usagi stares at the slide and then at each of the present turtles. Mikey keeps his smile bright while his brothers (mostly Donnie) no longer hide the touch of sadistic glee in theirs.
“... ah,” he says carefully. “I see the position I'm in now.”
“See, I don't think you do,” Donnie drawls on Usagi's right, Raph looming over on the left. “So we are going to educate you, and do not interrupt or talk until you are spoken to as we have much to go through and very little time before our dearly devoted dum-dum returns from April and Splinter's distraction outing. Dr Feelings,” Donnie turns to Mikey and gestures grandly, “Proceed with your first slide.”
“Thank you! Let's start off by asking our patient some simple questions. Question one!” Mikey flips to the next slide titled 'Spill The Tea' with a doodle of a teacup underneath it. Under that is a photo of Leo flashing a peace sign at the camera with a goofy grin. “What are your intentions towards one Hamato Leonardo?”
Usagi blinks. “... I would think my intentions were obvious? We're dating, are we not?”
“Sigh, yes, we can see as much given how you two are all but attached at the hip whenever you're so much as in the same vicinity,” Donnie mutters before getting right up in Usagi's face with a glare, fisting the front of his blue hoodie and shaking him once. “What we don't know is why you are dating Leonardo! Were you dared to by compatriots or colleagues of similar age or older for a cruel joke? Or are you a spy sent from a yet unknown enemy seeking to destroy us from the inside, integrating yourself into our inner circle by seducing our resident feeble-minded little gay only to turn on us at the last second, surrendering us to your evil leader and shattering the heart of the boy who fell in love with a person that never truly existed?! Speak, heathen!!”
Usagi stares at Donnie with wide, mildly disturbed eyes. Donnie glares at Usagi, right eye twitching.
“Jeezy heckin' creezy, Don,” Raph squeaks after a beat. “How long've you been holding that in?”
Donnie whirls on Raph with a half-crazed grin without releasing Usagi's hoodie. “The whole dub, baby!” he says.
Raph facepalms.
Mikey gathers himself quickly and clears his throat again. “Donald, if you would please let go of our patient—”
“Prisoner, guilty until proven innocent—”
“—patient, so we can hear his clear and honest answer? Don't you test the waters of my patience, boy, I will bring out Dr Delicate Touch on your ass.”
“Language,” Raph sighs, working Donnie's grip from Usagi's hoodie and bodily lifting him up and away from the rabbit. Donnie goes without a fight, but not without a spitting glare aimed at Usagi. Ignoring him, Raph offers Usagi a smile, cementing his role as the Good Cop. “Sorry about him. Just answer the question so we can get this over with.”
“And we'll know if you're lying!” Donnie adds. “I have lie detectors under the seat that'll fry your cotton ass six ways to Sunday—!”
“There are no lie detectors.”
“Raaaaph, you're ruining it, I'm trying to instil fear—!”
“Yer doin' enough of that to me right now! We were worried about Dad goin' all 'Daddy with a shotgun' on him when we really should've been watchin' the 'Overprotective Twin with his Middle Child Nonsense'—!”
“May I speak, now?”
Usagi's tone cuts through the idiocy as neat as the katana he wields, and the boys fall silent. Raph sets Donnie down, and Donnie steps back, his glare fading to make way for open confusion and surprise.
Mikey, who'd been on the cusp of dropping the act and wringing his brothers' necks, takes in Usagi's expression—purposefully neutral, the way he shuts his eyes as he takes a breath, his fingers drumming the armrests he's tied to while the heel of one foot bounces on the floor—and wonders if they've crossed a line here.
Then Usagi sighs, slow and measured, and opens his eyes. “I understand why you're concerned,” he says. “Leonardo has been through... a lot, to put it mildly. You all have, which is why you're so protective of one another. I admire and respect that; you hold true to the ancient belief that founded your clan centuries ago. Anata wa hitori janai, I believe. Leonardo told me about it. About the Shredder, the invasion... and the prison dimension.”
A shudder runs through the brothers. Mikey sees Donnie's jaw lock, Raph's fingers curling into fists. Mikey pulls at his fingers and bites his lip. “... he told you?” he asks in a smaller voice than he intends.
Usagi's gaze softens minutely, and he nods. “Not everything, but yes. I never prompted, but... he saw me fit enough to know.” His brows furrow, his frown deep and angry as he glares at his lap. “It sickens me to hear what that creature put you through—what he did to Leonardo. And it frightens me to think of how you'd come so close to losing him... how I'd come so close to never meeting him at all.”
Oh, Mikey thinks, almost floored. Oh wow.
Usagi takes another breath and raises his head, meeting each of their gazes. “... So yes, I understand your fears regarding our relationship and your hesitance to trust me. Leonardo's well-being will always be your top priority. He's precious to you.” Then Usagi smiles. It's small but bright, warm and quietly delighted, proud and certain. “He's precious to me, too.”
This time Mikey is floored. Oh. Wow.
“To answer your question, Dr Feelings,” Usagi continues, heedless of the turtle's altering perception of reality, “my intentions towards Hamato Leonardo are simple: I want to protect him. I know he's more than capable, and knowing him, he'll never ask me for help outright. But when he does, I want to be there—no, I will be there, because I care about him. Very much. We haven't known each other long, but my life is brighter and better with him in it, and I'll do whatever I must to keep it that way.
“I want to make him as happy as he's made me because he deserves that much. He deserves every good thing in this world.” He shrugs, flashing a bashful, buck-toothed smile. “For now, I hope he can settle for just me.”
Mikey stares. Donnie stares. Raph stares.
Oh. Wow. 
Either he's the greatest liar ever, or they've had him pegged so wrong. But then, not even Big Mama, the Queen Bee Bitch of lies, could fake that kind of devotion.
No, Usagi really is just a good guy. A great guy.
“Dammit!” Donnie cries, throwing his hands up. “I can't even fully hate you ironically anymore, what the hell!” He hangs his head with a sigh. “I suppose I shall have to settle for 'jealous older twin suffering from attention withdrawal from the younger twin' until further notice. Also, you get to live another day. Congrats.”
Usagi smirks. “Thank you, I think?”
Raph rolls his eyes, but he's grinning from ear to ear, slicing away the tape binding Usagi to the chair and helping him to his feet without prompting. He drops a heavy hand on Usagi's shoulder, his grin widening when the rabbit doesn't buckle under his strength. “What I think Donnie means to say is... well. We're glad you have Leo's back. And we're sorry for thinkin' the worst of you when we're all still gettin' to know each other. I mean, we've seen how happy you two are together, and we just—well, we wanted to—”
Usagi huffs a laugh, patting Raph's massive bicep. “As I said, I understand. My sensei often warns me against jumping to conclusions, but it's different for family. Especially younger siblings. I should know, I have a little sister.”
“Right?! You get it! My little brothers are literal demons even the devil's too scared to look at, but you get it—!”
Mikey shoves his way between them and barrels into Usagi for a hug, squeezing him tight. The rabbit squeaks in surprise and possibly pain, but his arms carefully come around Mikey's shell a heartbeat later, a chuckle running through him. “I suppose this means I have the youngest's seal of approval?”
Mikey nods against his chest, raising his head to beam up at the rabbit. “You do. Welcome to the family!”
“Thank you. I'm honoured to—”
“But we didn't finish the slide show, so I'll run a tee-ell-dee-arr for you. Hurt Leo and you die.”
“... ah.”
“They'll never find your body,” Donnie adds, “because I will reduce it to atoms. I have a ray in the works, I can show you the blueprints.”
“And if that fails, Raph will break every bone in your body and dump you in the Hudson!” Raph says brightly. “Ever swim there? Pretty deep. You find all kinds'a weird stuff. A rabbit yokai won't stand out much.”
“... I understand. I'll definitely deserve one of those fates.”
“Oh, you will,” Mikey chimes. “Thank you for understanding, and thanks for coming to our TED talk!”
“Pretty sure I did most of the talking.”
“I will yeet your ass across this house—”
“Are you chuckleheads done harassing my boyfriend, or can I have him back now?” drawls a familiar voice that has them leaping a foot out of their shells. They turn to find Leo leaning against the back of the couch with one arm, the other hand propped on his popped hip. He arches a brow at their stares.
Mikey jumps back from Usagi to wildly point at his immediate older brother. “How long have you been standing there?!”
“About a minute,” Leo says. “I've been behind the couch the whole time, though.”
“What?! When'd you get back from hanging with Dad and April?!” Raph cries.
“Never left,” Leo pushes off the couch and swings his arm around Usagi's shoulders upon approach like its second nature. Usagi leans into him likewise, one arm curling around his waist. “I kinda figured this whole 'shovel talk' thing was gonna happen sooner or later, so the minute April and Splinter tried to drag me out for a 'father-son-daughter thing' the same day Usagi said he'd come over, I knew you assholes were scheming and told 'em I wasn't leaving.” His eyes narrow a little, and Mikey almost shrinks back. “Didn't think you'd tie him up, though, or that Raph would just let it happen.”
“I'm just the muscle!”
“And I am hurt and offended that you all thought so little of my absolutely innocent Bunny Boo! You look at this face—” He unwraps his arm to squish Usagi's cheeks between both hands—“and tell me there's a single bad thought behind those beautiful pink eyes!”
“Weonawdo,” Usagi mutters, fur tinted pink with embarrassment.
Quick as a whip, Donnie says, “There's not a thought whatsoever if he's dating you.”
“You're a thot.”
“Different words and spelling. And it takes one to know one.”
“You first.”
“Both of you knock it off,” Raph sighs, pinching his brow the way he's done since he first knew the pains of being the eldest. It's a miracle there's not a permanent mark between his eyes. He turns to the rabbit. “Sorry, could we borrow Leo for a sec? Then I swear you two can finally go hang out and... do whatever two teenage boys do when they're head over heels for each other but still in their parent's house so they gotta keep it PG, 'kay?” 
“Um, wow?” Leo scowls, dropping Usagi's face to plant his hands on his hips. “Who do you take me for, a horny teen with no self-control around my significant other?”
“That is exactly what we take you for,” Donnie says.
“I don't!” Mikey says, raising his hand. “You're just a dumb gay hoppin' mad for your bunny boo!”
Leo's eye twitches. “Gee. Thanks.”
Usagi snickers, taking Leo's hands, and Leo instantly melts like putty. “It's fine, Leonardo. I'll wait in your room and get the snacks sorted,” he says, then he leans in to kiss the corner of Leo's mouth. Right in front of everyone. 
It's not something he's done before—being openly affectionate with Leo when his siblings or fathers were around—but then Mikey isn't surprised.
Maybe this whole 'hesitance' and 'mistrust' thing hasn't been as one-sided as he'd thought.
Mikey never knew a slider could turn pink, but Leo manages it, steam funnelling out of his ears as the rabbit walks away, grabbing his duffle bag as he goes. There's a pep in his step, and Mikey wonders if the kiss or their acceptance put it there.
Once he's gone, Donnie breaks the silence, staring in the direction Usagi had left in—“Should I get the tranquillizer?”
“You've done enough today.” Raph puts a massive hand over Donnie's face and shoves him onto the couch, ignoring his indignant squawking as he faces Leo. The slider collects himself quickly and crosses his arms, flashing that devil-may-care grin that irritates and amuses Mikey.
“So? You gonna tie me to the chair and subject me to the horrors of dating life via Dr Feelings?” Leo drawls, “Or are you finally gonna admit that you were wrong about my totally amazing and hot boyfriend?” 
Raph sighs. “Yes, we may have taken it too far—and in Donnie's case, we were overly paranoid, even by my standards, but we learned our lesson about jumping the gun. Again. And you were right.” He smiles, broad and warm. “Your boy is cool with me, little brother. You got yourself a keeper.”
Leo blinks, his smirk falling. “... wait, wait—for real?”
“Did you not hear his heartfelt speech not even two pages ago? It was rather dramatic and moving,” Donnie says absently from the couch, eyes now on his phone to avoid looking anyone in the eye, but Mikey knows what's up. They all do, but they're nice enough not to say anything. “And if I'm being honest—which isn't saying much because I can't lie for shit and you can clock one with an accuracy that borders on mystical—I don't actually think your new beau is inherently evil. I cannot say that I like him... but I approve. For now. My earlier threats still stand, though, so please try to keep him in line, or I will turn him into a hat.”
Leo falters again in the face of sincerity, however masked, from his twin. “...oh. Um. Wow. That's—uh, cool. That's cool, Dee, I, um... thanks...”
And finally, Mikey steps forward, shrugging off the sweater, glasses and pants. “What? You really think it's that odd that we're lookin' out for you? It's like Usagi said, you're precious to us, bro! And he was damn right sayin' you deserve every good thing. You deserve to be happy with someone who cares about you as much as we do.” 
He darts forward again even before Leo's eyes take on a misty sheen, bundling his brother in his arms as much as he can and squeezing. “And if Usagi makes you happy, we're happy too.”
“... you guys,” Leo whines, his voice thick as he holds Mikey impossibly close. Donnie tosses his phone aside to hop up and join the hug, cheek resting on Leo's shoulder. Raph lumbers over and plucks them off the floor, nuzzling the top of Leo's head with a low grumble from deep in his chest.
Later, with mostly dry eyes and a megawatt smile, Leo jogs off to find Usagi. Mikey stands with his eldest brothers and folds his arms. “Our work here is done, gentlemen.”
“But we didn't really do anything,” Donnie says.
Mikey swishes his cape and departs.
“Where the hell did you get that cape?!”
The following week, Mikey corners Usagi at the front door and tackles him with a hug. Usagi laughs and returns it freely.
In the living room, Donnie's eyes are glued to his laptop, fingers typing away. He lifts one fist, Usagi wordlessly bumping it as he sits on the couch with Raph. Setting his comic book aside, Raph reaches out to ruffle his white bangs and chuckles when Usagi's paw bats him away.
Leo enters from the kitchen and immediately brightens when he spots Usagi, leaping over the top of the couch to bounce in the open space beside the bunny. “Hey!"
“Hey, yourself,” Usagi snickers. "You couldn't possibly have missed me that much to come running as soon as I walk in."
Leo swings an arm over the top of the couch, the other pressing a hand to his forehead in a dramatic swoon. "Parting is such sweet sorrow," he bemoans, batting his eyelids at Usagi, "that I shall say good night till it be morrow!"
Mikey laughs so hard he gives himself hiccups. Raph chokes on his soda. Donnie whirls on Leo, looking downright mutinous. "You did not just quote Shakespear so you could flirt with your boyfriend!"
Leo gestures to a madly grinning Usagi trying to hide behind his hands. "It worked, though! You guys hate it when I use the cheap pickup lines off Google, so I consulted the world's finest wordsmith instead."
"You are abusing and defiling William's good name! Thou crusty batch of nature!"
Leo rolls his eyes. "Whatever. You're just jelly 'cause I've officially got more game than you."
"Or Usagi has terrible taste in men."
Leo opens his mouth to say something he'll probably regret, but Usagi swiftly intercepts with a kiss on the cheek that stops him cold. "I thought it was creative," he says, "Much better than your awful pickup lines."
At that, Leo forgets Donnie completely, leaning in with a dumb grin to peck Usagi on the lips. Raph shakes his head with a secret smile, and Mikey giggles as he lays across Raph's thighs, Switch in hand.
Donnie gags. “Get a room.”
“But keep the door open!” Splinter calls from—somewhere. 
Usagi tugs an ear over his face, flushed and embarrassed. Leo throws his head back and laughs.
Mikey grins, basking in the glow as he plugs into his game. He can get used to this.
Reblogs are appreciated :3
Feel free to send more requests <3
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witchmomresources · 10 months
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𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 ( 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟖 ); 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 1998 𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘮. 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘴 𝘦𝘵𝘤. 𝘢𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥. 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘥𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘤𝘦.
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when you hear the sound of the deathwatch beetle the person you love is doomed to die.
In this house we have chocolate cake for breakfast.
But with the sweets comes the sour.
Spare me.
____ died of a broken heart.
let's go inside and do some spells.
get the book.
 i can't think about anything else. i don't sleep.
perhaps, you might find one better suited.
i don't want anyone else.
i want them to want me so much they can't stand it.
be careful what you wish for.
i hope i never fall in love.
i can't wait to fall in love.
i thought you never wanted to fall in love.
that's the point. the person I dreamed of doesn't exist. and if they doesn't exist, i'll never die of a broken heart.
do you love them enough to marry them?
oh, come on, what's enough?
i feel like I'll never see you again.
of course you will. You can see me again. 
we'll grow old together. It'll be you and me living in a big house.
i bet we die on the same day.
you swear?
I need your pocketknife
my blood. your blood. our blood.
i guess the roto-rooter man's history.
hello, darling, how are you?
god, i miss them.
all I want is a normal life.
when are you going to understand that "normal" is not necessarily a virtue? it rather denotes a lack of courage.
well, it's what I want.
 i hear you. don't.
look out behind you! on your right!
it was the curse, wasn't it? they died because i loved them so much!
well, I did. and i want them back.
you brought them into my life. you bring them back! i have never asked you for anything ! i never asked for spells, but do this! you can bring them back.
no, dear. you don't do that!
you can do this. i know you can. i remember. 
 even if i did bring them back, it wouldn't be them. it'd be something else. something dark and unnatural.
i don’t care what they come back as. as long as they come back.
i was just thinking about you.
you're always thinking about me.
 i was really, really happy.
they have this whole dracula-cowboy thing about them.
 i hope you get chickenpox.
whats wrong with you? we do not cast and we do not toy with people's lives. do you understand? this is not a game.
sometimes i feel there's a hole inside me an emptiness that, at times seems to burn.
i think if you lifted my heart to your ear, probably you could hear the ocean.
i just want someone to love me. i want to be seen.
maybe I've had my happiness.
 nudity is entirely optional, as you well remember!
 blood on the moon!
where's my tiger's eye? it brings me luck. i left it. i got to get my tiger's eye!
the belladonna is in my bag.
louis l’amor by the way is not a foreigner! he’s from north dakota , you asshole! 
give me the bottle before i plow you into a truck just to get you to shut up!
i wasn't using a measuring cup! he tried to kill you!
 i just had no one else to turn to.
we have to go to the police. It was self-defense.
the old slowly-poison-him-to-death self-defense?
its not like he's going to stay fresh. it’s now or never.
oh please. since when is being a slut a crime in this family?
you self-centered shrew!
it was a very personal letter.
i’m not going to beat around the bush.
i have a question or two.
belladonna. It's a sedative. people put it in their tea to relax, calm their nerves.
some people also use it as a poison.
you should come here on Halloween. you’d really see something. we all jump off the roof and fly.
 do you have any idea how strange this all sounds to me?
magic isn't just spells and potions.
wish you could believe in me.
i assume you don't want pancakes.
we just stick to our stories. no body, no crime.
that's all you can think about, isn't it? you.
it’s all about you.
i don't want to fight.
don't walk away from me. i’m sick and tired of cleaning up your messes.
yeah, you’re right. you’re always right. i’m just a mess. just one big mess! 
 at least i’ve lived my life and you hate me for it because it scares the hell out of you.
 all my life, I've wished I had half your talent.
i want you out of here. i want you done.
 i’ll tell you how i did it, where i buried him, what i did it with. i’ll tell you how
 hold on just a goodamn second, all right?
i took on oath to uphold the law. i came here to bring in the bad guy because generally that's what i do.
 the reason you're here and you don't know why is because i sent for you.
you’re saying what I'm feeling is just one of your spells?
yeah. its not real and if you stay, i wouldn't know if it was because of the spell and you wouldn't know if it was because i didn't want to go to prison.
you know, all relationships have problems.
why don't you do what you do and what I do. and we'll see where we end up. okay?
 curses only have power when you believe in them and i don't.
you know what? i wished for you too.
you can't practice witchcraft while you look down your nose at it.
we need a full coven.
here is the thing. i’m a witch!
stay with me.
we're supposed to die together, remember? the same time. you promised me that and this is not that day.
 i got a worm with your name on it. you thirsty?
can love travel back in time and heal a broken heart?
there are some things i know for certain. always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder. keep rosemary by your garden gate. plant lavender for luck and fall in love whenever you can.
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
Actually, no. lemme recap now because I bet once I meet the Big Bad and beat them it'll be like 2 hours of cutscenes and dialogue.
Where did I leave off-- REALLY? THAT LONG AGO? FUCK ME.
Okay SOMEONE remind me LATER to sum up Empress, because I completed it. Note to self, it's around 12/2 in your screencaps.
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So Shido wins the elections because it turns out that no one saw the Thieves' big calling card for him, and those who did didn't remember it. There is obviously Some Shit going on with people's mass apathy syndrome.
Because Persona only has one theme and it's "people will be too lazy to pay attention to the truth, fucking sheeple," I guess.
/clucks tongue. I'm not really impressed by this turn of the story, I'm kinda Over the slow increase in apathy that winds up being the undoing of the world until we beat up a god and save everyone. This is the third time, I would have shaken shit up by having the Hidden Big Bad send the Thieves a calling card, demanding they come protect their Treasure, and then you meet the Big Bad and just gimme a villain with a motive, goddamn. It's a supernatural story, the sky's the limit!
I shouldn't kvetch too much yet. Anyway, Shido admits to his crimes, but the populace doesn't seem to care and still supports him.
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Shido's lackeys basically go "okay Shido had a major meltdown buuuuuut we can still carry his agenda forward bc if we don't, we're all going down with the ship here."
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Excellent question. In P4G I had a pretty strong idea what was doing that and here I do not, can y'all drop some hints?
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Morgana points out that the general public has a Palace and has a Treasure. It's Mementos. So if the crew wants to force a mass shift in the world's perception, they can do that. But like all other Palaces, when the Treasure is taken, Mementos will collapse, to be replaced with new, corrected cognition.
In the process, the crew will lose their powers. Oh and Morgana is gonna die.
The game hasn't said that part yet but if they didn't kill Ryuji, they're gonna kill Morgana, fucking bet.
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I love you, Morgana Notacat.
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This was actually where I got my idea of what Morgana is. Morgana's upgraded Persona is Mercurius/Hermes. Yanno, the god of messages, of thieves, of swiftness, and well-known classic psychopomp.
Morgana keeps remembering himself being born in Mementos. He's without a doubt some manifestation of humanity's rebellion against systems, the literally cognitive patron saint of Phantom Thieves. He's a mascot in the most literal sense, an emblem of good luck for the Thieves' work.
Even the fact he's a cat kind of fits in nicely. Cats are free spirits who opt-into being it other people. They are creatures of choice.
I'm gonna be big sad when Morgana fucking dies lemme tell you. I'm pretty sure he's, like, sustained by Mementos and the plan is to collapse it? Yeah, Morgana is fucked.
Goddamn HERMES, that's so cool. Morgana, our psychopomp into the bowels of the collective unconsciousness.
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I know that you know that we all know that this isn't Igor but sometimes it fucking floors me how much he isn't Igor, jesus fucking christ. Who tf is this guy. I hope he's the Big Bad somehow bc there ain't anyone else at this point.
Please don't pull another It Was The Gas Station Attendant, Persona, I'm fucking on my knees begging you.
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lmao i love the game poking the player to ensure they noticed Morgana is acting odd
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Deep in Mementos is... this..... uh..... thing. A bunch of otherworldly veins flowing down into the core.
/looks nervously around
so uh. is it a hot take to say that, uh, the last segment of this game here, the Mementos Depths, is the ugliest place in the game? Just wondering because wow working through this place, I was struck by how completely aesthetically unappealing all of this is. It should be mysterious and eerie but mostly I am finding it.... blurgh. I thought Kaneshiro's Palace was pretty unappealing too, but this is bad enough I feel the need to remark on it.
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/gestures at screen. What is all this????? oh god it reminds me of the Collector Base in Mass Effect 2. Except that game came out in 2010 for the previous generation console. /winces
The Depths of Mementos is a prison of complacency.
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All of the Shadows the Thieves defeated are in the prison cells. They are relieved to be there, where they don't have to think. Everything is taken care of for them.
Man, remember back in Persona 3 when it turned out that defeating all the Full Moon shadows was actually the thing that doomed the world? Wouldn't it be hilarious is the Thieves fucked all this up the whole time? l m a o.
I honestly don't know if that's what's happening here yet, I haven't reached, like, the Explanation, but it does feel a bit like alllllllll the way back at the start of the liveblog when I was contending with the ethics of the entire idea of stealing someone's heart and what it does. The game went out of its way to justify doing it with Shido's attempted suicide, but the bridge to far for me (and thankfully for Ann too) was killing these people.
But now what happens seems to be akin to ego death instead, and.... I dunno, man, is that much different than murder?
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okay is that true or is this another fucking situation where Izanami is like "WELL REALLY when you THINK ABOUT IT all I'm doing is giving humanity what they really want soooooooooo it makes you think huh, doesn't it make you think"
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oh my god. oh my god.
yeah no, bet, it's igor's cell. which means Notigor locked him up? maybe Notigor is the final boss, that'd be great, it'd slot in perfectly with this place being a prison and Reverie having been stuck in the shitty Velvet Prison this whole time.
please igor help me, i'm so tired of the edgelord execution shit.
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me pressing my face against the bars whispering I'll be back for you igor i love you
lol what if it isn't even igor in there can you imagine
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atlasofthestaars · 9 months
oooh i loved the new chapter! the way you've written the fight scene is so impressive! very rarely do i find myself engaged when reading fight scenes, but you nailed this one! i love seeing reader's ability in action!! and im such a sucker for the 'pinned the other down post-fight' thing, god the tension between those two </3 and the patching him up when hes injured aaaa reader and bi han are just the sunshine + grumpy trope oh my god 😭 kuai liang's concern for bi han is endearing, he really just cares for him a lot :(( (+the implication that bi han has a soft spot for reader im going to die 😭😭😭😭) i wonder what route you'll take with them in the future, especially now with reader's involvement! their whole dynamic with reader is honestly one of my favourites atm <3
MADAM BO !!! what a woman shes just an icon, shes the wisest 🙇 and her special tea being super strong alcohol 💀 johnny cage therapy session turned gossip column 🙏 i like that you've brought up his divorce, since in the game they dont really tell us much, especially how it affects him considering it was pretty fresh when it all happened. glad to know the reader is there for him on that front!
keep it up! & i hope you're doing well! — ☄️
I'm glad you enjoyed it <3! Thank you! I don't often write fight scenes, but when I do I try to make them interesting haha ^^ I actually was googling all over the place trying to think of interesting animals to use for the reader! I'm a sucker for that trope too, which was a big motivation for me writing that whole fight scene in the first place HAHA I almost didn't put that patching up scene purely because I've been doing that trope recently (ex: Liu Kang last chapter) and I was worried it would stale BUT I kept it in because I've already established since like, chapter 2 that the reader patching up Bi-Han is their thing so I thought it'd be weird for the reader to not tend to his wounds. I've never viewed them as that trope, but I can totally see it! Yeah I wanted to write Kuai Liang worried over his brother because in the intros he mentions they had a bond but I felt like we never got to really see it in the story? So I wanted to add it in myself HAHA especially since Kuai Liang's ending in Mk11 focused on saving Bi-Han from corruption in the first place. Bi-Han definitely has a soft spot, even if he would not outright admit it (for now?) It'll be interesting to see what everyone will think when I progress through the plans I have involving Bi-Han! I have a very strong idea of what the future dynamic between him and the reader will be like, as well as Bi-Han's plot in general 👀 I'm glad to hear you're so invested!
I love Madam Bo!! Madam Bo kameo when?? Or even her as a main fighter?? Haha She is definitely one of my favorites, and I had to implement her a bit in my story! Yeah I took inspiration from Bo Rai' Cho for that, though I do know in game they mention it is more like ?? Drugs?? They're kinda vague with what her special tea does but it messes people up that's for sure ☠ Yeah the divorce scene was one of the first ideas I had for this fic and something I've been planning on writing! I always wanted to go into depth on what I felt like was something that was kinda glossed over in the story. Originally the reader was supposed to just stumble upon Johnny brooding outside over his ex, but I figured it made more sense with how the reader ended up being like for the reader to initiate a conversation about it. I also wanted to do it because I felt like this conversation was a bit of a turning point for the reader and Johnny, so yeah!
Thank you for your comments as usual ☄ anon! <3 I'm doing well, hope you all are too!
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specialscum · 2 months
Past a certain point (I wanna say sometime in 2022 but that year was kind of a blur with the ones before and after it, so I can only really be sure that it was after '21 and before '24) I realized I wasn't playing competitive games because I consistently found it fun, but because I thought it *might* make my own or someone else's day a little better. I swore off doing that again (not for the first time, hehe) in the middle of a team deathmatch because I realized no one ever benefits from it long term. You get to not completely hate the entire world for one or two games, and then one of two things happens:
A: Turns out you're a normal person, and you go back to treating others in game like a normal person does (very respectable if you're not rude and/or unreasonable, not very useful)
B: You go back to thinking of people with their in-game roles in mind, but without necessarily liking them (generally a big part of how most people get an understanding of what they're playing and with who, can go really right if you allow yourself to learn, makes you go fucking insane)
The best thing to do for someone in that kind of game is to convince them to quit. Not by telling them that they're "trash" and should "uninstall", just by pointing out the obvious and saying it's just throwing diluted rabies at yourself with the occasional victory to keep you going.
I realize this post may or may not make zero sense, I'm kinda completely pissed and overjoyed and scared and salty and tired right now. If you want something to take away from it that does at least sound coherent, though: There's nothing to be gained. Proving your own skill? Come back at a different time of day, time of month, couple years of people with the same ambitions and fresh faces. You'll try the same thing again, but against your own past. You'll be either old news, old shit, or an old man trying to pass as a veteran to everyone watching.
Or maybe you really are just here for fun? This is the Internet, we don't get together to have fun here. We get together to get divided, and we get divided to have some morbid parody of "fun". Man, remember fun? Fun was so fun, I wish it wasn't brutally murdered in a gross little shed in the back of the middle of nowhere when I turned twelve.
There's no "reason" why people get together in little teams where things either go to hell within 10 minutes, or you make a little alternative interpretation in your brain where we DID fuck up, it just wasn't immediately obvious to the ones who got to feel good together because we were too busy preaching about how great teamwork is while the others went off to die and have the worst cry's ever induced by entertainment. No "reason" to do THAT every day. Just excuses about how "oh but it'll be fine once I just [whatever achievement you're aspiring for, not thinking about how badly you'll want another one after {unless you're not as stupid as me, of course}]". Well it won't be fine. You'd have to get to a point where there's nothing more to achieve for that to happen. Which would only even be possible if you were completely incapable of setting your own arbitrary (pseudo-reasonable) goals *ever*, out of the question.
So that's the post. Last paragraph's conclusion is a little shorter than I planned, but I'm slowly getting more tired and less capable of writing like this. I hope no one ever reads this, and I'm sorry for making it. I would also say I'm sorry for existing, but I'm not in the mood or state to do much more than just lie down and shoot literally *anything* other than this through my brain right now.
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austinsgirl · 1 year
Rather Die | Chapter 9
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word count: 2061
warnings: talks of sex, faking sex, language
cross posted on wattpad
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"Um, did you just say Ashton??" Eliana questions Victoria.
"Yes, yes I did." Vic responds.
"You went on a date with MY ex?! How could you?!"
"Eliana, for the last fucking time. We're not friends anymore. You took Austin right from underneath me. If I want to date Ashton, I can. You can deal with it if it really bothers you that much."
"God, you're such a bitch." Eliana scoffs.
"Takes one to know one."
"Hey, can you not treat my girl like that?" Austin asks Vic.
"Why? I'm just treating her the way she's treating me. She shouldn't even be on set."
Austin didn't say anything because he knew she was right.
Everyone headed off to set to take their places, Eliana stayed off to the side to watch.
"You know, why can't you girls just learn to get along for the sake of the movie so we don't have to be so miserable on set?" Austin asks Vic as they take places.
"Look, Austin. I would be perfectly fine with being civil but she's the one that's always starting shit, and I'm not letting her get away with it like I did when we were friends."
"Are you sure you're not the one starting things?"
"Yeah, I'm sure."
"Because she's always telling me that it's you."
"Well, somehow you're rarely ever around when she starts it, so you're not there to actually see it. Oh, and by the way, I'd keep my eye on her. I saw her checking out one of the extras."
"She wouldn't. She loves me too much."
"She loves your dick & good looks. That's about it."
"How could you be so sure?"
"That's how it is with everyone she dates. Trust me. And I feel like I've told you this before."
"Ha, yeah. Okay."
"Don't come crying to me when you catch her cheating, saying "I told you so.""
"I won't, because she won't do that."
"Alright, everyone places! We're rolling in 30 seconds!" Anna shouts.
Austin & Victoria deliver their scenes and get their takes.
"Great work guys. I'm sure as you both read in the script & in the schedule, tomorrow we're doing the sex scene. I hope you guys can really bring your A game tomorrow for it. Do what you have to do to bring that passion." Anna tells them before they go off for break.
"Wanna meet up and rehearse later?" Austin smirks, really giving a fuck boy look.
"I would never in a million years have sex with you." Victoria says in response as she walks off set.
"We'll see about that."
Victoria rolls her eyes & heads to Mila's trailer.
"Austin really thinks we'll end up fucking." she says to Mila, walking in.
"What? How?"
"Well we have to film that scene tomorrow & he's like 'Wanna rehearse later?' like ew no, I would never. And he's like 'We'll see about that.' being all cocky in shit like ew stop."
"He's so gross."
"Tell me about it." Vic rolls her eyes. "After lunch we have to film the club scene and I'm so not ready to make out with him & dance all sexy."
"I do not blame you. But I'm sure it'll be fun either way."
"Only because I have you to help me through it."
"Awww stop. I love you."
"Love you too. I really don't know what Id do without you."
After lunch, everyone got changed into their club scene outfits & got into the correct hair and makeup, then headed onto set.
"Alright, so we're gonna have the music playing, everyone just dance and groove along. Victoria & Austin, the main focus on you both. I don't care when, but just kiss at some point. Keep it steamy." Anna says before calling action.
The music starts playing, everyone's dancing. Victoria and Austin keep it as steamy as they can, spite their feuding relationship.
Vic has her arms wrapped around his neck, and Austin has his hands on her hip & ass. They rock back & forth to the beat of the music.
"Oh, this is nice- Wait no. Don't fall into his trap Victoria." Vic thought to herself. "He's just being super extra handsy right now to get me to 'rehearse'."
She turns around and Austin pulls her into him. Victoria grinds herself against him. He puts his lips on her neck. She tries to fight enjoying it, but she does, until she gets a flashback to that night where everything went down, which lead her to have a mini panic attack.
"Wait, wait, wait. I need a second. Excuse me." Victoria removes herself from set to go take a breather. Mila follows behind her to make sure she's okay.
"Hey, hey, hey. Are you okay? What happened?" Mila asks her as they go outside.
"I just got a flashback to that night where everything went down, and it just kinda sent me into a panic." Victoria explains to her.
"I'm sorry babe. Do you need anything?"
"Yeah, she needs to suck up whatever this is and get back in there. What the hell, Vic?" Austin says coming outside.
"Are you serious right now, Austin?" Victoria asks him. "I wouldn't have panicked if it wasn't for your whore ass."
"What do you mean?" he asks confused.
"This scene was like that night all over again. We danced just like that before you went & fucked things up."
"Again, I'm sorry that I did that. But this is our job, we can't let the past effect us."
"Well, I'm sorry that it effected me because you're a two timing man whore."
"You're so dramatic."
"Can you fucking not right now? And just fuck off? I'm not gonna be able to compose myself if you're just feeding into it."
"Fine. I'll fuck off."
"Good. Bye."
"Anna wants us back in no more than ten minutes." Austin says before heads back inside.
"God, he's such a dick. I don't know if I can handle another few weeks working with him." Vic says to Mila.
"Hey, you'll be okay. You've gotten this far. I know it's hard, but you got this. Don't let this asshole ruin your big break."
"I know, I know. He's just making it so hard. Especially having Eliana around."
"I know. But if he tries shit again, I will fight & lose my job. I don't care. No one messes with my best friend."
"Thanks, Mila. Again, I don't know what I'd do without you."
The girls went back inside & continued to film.
Austin & Victoria we're facing each other, dancing. They kept looking at each others lips, getting ready to go in for the kiss.
"God, those lips are so lucious. NO stop Vic. Don't think like that."
Austin goes in for the kiss, Victoria follows his lead.
"Wow, this is actually an enjoyable kiss because I can't taste Eliana on them. Fuck, he's such a good kisser. NO shut up brain. We are not doing this."
Anna calls cut & we were done for the day.
Austin clears his throat, "Good work, Williams."
"Yeah, uh, same to you Butler."
"Hey, we should probably practice for tomorrow." he says.
"Why? Can't we just wing it?"
"Well, I mean, we'll rehearse it before we film it with the intimacy coordinator but I mean, we should ourselves so we're more prepared."
"No, I know you & I know you'd actually try to bang and that's NOT happening."
"No, we wouldn't."
"Yes we would. If we're rehearsing, it's here on set witu the coordinator. That's it."
"Cmon, Vic. You don't want to be with me?"
"Id rather die than to ever be with you." Vic says, attempting to storm off.
Austin grabs her wrist and pulls her in, & kisses her.
She gets lost in him for a moment before she realizes what's going on.
"Oh my god, Austin. No." she shoves him off of her. "We're not fucking, we're not kissing, we're not doing shit unless it's for this film. You're with Eliana, right? Use her for your fucking & kissing needs, not me."
"Fine then. Our scene will just suck."
"If it sucks, it sucks. I really don't care."
Victoria walks off set & goes to her trailer to grab her things.
"Vic, you ready to go?" Mila pops her head in.
"Yep, let's go." she says, in a passive tone.
"What's wrong?"
"Austin kissed me. Trying to get me to have sex with him to "rehearse" again." she rolls her eyes.
"I know. I cant with him."
The next day on set...
Austin & Victoria meet up with Casey, the intimacy coordinator in a closed office space that's set up as a bedroom.
"Okay, the scene starts with Allison jumping into Jake's arms, kissing very passionately. Jake carries Allison into the bedroom. I was thinking from there, Jake will throw Allison onto the bed before hovering over her, continuing the makeout. Jake will remove Allison's dress leaving her in her underwear, then his shirt comes off, he pulls down his bottoms, her panties come off, and they go at it kind of rough, but passionate. All that sound good?" Casey asks Austin & Vic as she's done explaining the scene.
They both nod their head in agreement, although they don't want to.
"Perfect. I'll have you guys get into your nudity wear stuff. It makes it all look real, without any genitalia touching. Once you guys are ready, we'll go over it, then we'll go to set and shoot."
"Ready to have your mind blown?" Austin asks Victoria all cocky.
"Please, Austin. It's not like we're going to have actual intercourse."
"If you say so."
"God, he's so annoying." she thought to herself.
The actors went off to get prepped and into costume.
Once they we're ready, they went back into the room to go over it.
Victoria jumps into Austin's arms and starts making out with him. He throws her onto the bed as directed, and hovers over her kissing her.
He removes her dress and tosses it to the side, then removes his shirt & tosses it. He pulls his pants down and removes her panties, then "goes inside of her", mimicking the actions. They both make the faces and sounds of pleasure, does whatever feels right for the scene.
"Cut! That was perfect guys. It's a super short scene, but it was great. Let's head off to set and do the exact same thing."
They all go off to set, and do their thing, of course doing the dialogue that leads up to it.
After Anna calls cut, Austin lays down next to Vic. They're both out of breath like they were actually doing it. And they'd be lying to themselves if they weren't turned on by each other right now, which they're hating on themselves for.
"Good job, Butler." Vic says to Austin.
"You too, Williams."
They get up from the bed and put their robes on.
Victoria heads off to her trailer to get dressed and break for lunch.
On Austin's way back to his trailer, he sees something that Victoria tried warning him about, but just brushed to the side, not wanting to believe it. Now that he sees it, he believes it.
"Eliana??" he says, catching her making out with that extra, as they were trying to hide in a corner of a building but it wasn't working out very well.
"Oh my god, Austin! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." Eliana goes on.
"Save it. I should have listened to Victoria. She was right about you. And I should have never kissed you that night. I lost the girl who I had thought was the best I ever met, and now I'm losing the other girl who I thought was the best."
"Austin! Please! I love you."
"No you don't. You never really did, and I know that now. You only wanted me for my looks like Victoria said. It's over Eliana. You can get your stuff out of my trailer after break. Id rather not see you again."
"Fine. If you want to be over, then we'll be over. You weren't that good at sex anyways."
"Whatever, Eliana."
Austin walks away, regretting so many decisions he's made in the past few weeks.
Maybe he should have listened to Victoria. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten with Eliana in the first place.
Only time will tell what will happen next.
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houjichaya · 1 year

13 + 71, yamaniku, i believe the rest of the details can fill themselves out???
ah, yes, thank you for requesting one of my favorite ships! tbh, it deserves way more traction in the fandom than it currently gets. 13 (detective AU) + 71 (twenty-four hours to live), ft. yamaniku (nikaidou yamato/@stellamancer) -- written in second-person pov because I wasn't sure how well legit yamaniku would be received by the niku in question. note: proper ship name is still up for debate, so yamaniku is being used as a placeholder for the time being! nikudou could be kind of cute, though. nikainuku? nikaiku? niniku? ninniku? the possibilities are endless... (if only yamato's name were written with different kanji. mountain meat would have been amazing!!!)
"Another love letter arrived for you." The envelope that's being offered to you is a soft pastel green, and nothing about it screams love letter, but your partner has taken to calling them that as of late. It's probably because the last letter you received playfully invited you to dinner, as if the sender wasn't a wanted criminal and you weren't the detective hot on his trail.  "Thanks," you say, taking the envelope without so much as a glance in his general direction. It's already been dusted for prints and checked for explosives, you suppose. If you die, it'll come out of Ishida's paycheck.  As usual, the envelope is addressed to my darling detective, written in crimson ink reminiscent of blood. Your brow furrows in irritation as you make your way over to your desk. In one fluid motion, you grab a letter opener and slice it open.  The contents read as follows: As fond as I've grown of our little game of cat and mouse, I must admit that I tire of your futile efforts to catch me. I thought I provided you with a wondrous opportunity in inviting you to dinner last night, so you can imagine my great sorrow when you failed to show up. I had to find someone else to keep me company and ease the pain of my broken heart.  (You almost crumple the letter up right then and there. Another victim will be found soon. Maybe you should have gone with your gut, after all.)  In the past few months, I feel as though we've come to and understanding of one another. It is my hope that you don't refuse me again, although our first meeting will inevitably be our last.  You have twenty-four hours to set your affairs in order, as I imagine you won't be able to do much else after. Remember: if you don't find me, then I'll find you.  Yours, Nikaidou Yamato Some love letter, you think, folding the page up and stuffing it back into the envelope so you can submit it to evidence later. It's more of a death threat than anything else, but you find that you don't mind all that much. Either way, you'll finally get to see him face to face, which means he's as good as caught.
As it turns out, Nikaidou Yamato looks nothing like the image that's been circulating the tabloids in increasing amounts over the past few months. In fact, he bears little to no resemblance to the photos in his file, which explains why no one (read: you) has been able to pin him down. And that's why you never saw him coming. The twenty-four hours came and went in the blink of an eye, and when you finally returned home to clear your head and maybe grab a bite to eat, he made good on his promise to find you instead. He ambushed you in your own kitchen, holding a knife to your throat to keep you in check. He wasted no time in shoving you down into one of the chairs in your dining room and tying you up. Which brings you to your current predicament. "See something you like?" His lips twitch at the corners as he leans back in his chair, eying you over the table that separates the two of you. You're seated directly across from him, hands bound behind the chair's back with what feels like rope. The knots won't budge. He's smart enough that he also secured your legs, which is something you hoped he'd overlook if you didn't put up too much of a fight. How unfortunate. You narrow your eyes but keep your lips pressed tightly pursed. To be honest, some part of you has noticed that he's incredibly handsome, which explains how he's been so adept at getting close to his victims, but you're not about to tell him any of that. "Come now," he says, his voice a lazy drawl. His eyes appear to be glinting with laughter as he watches you, but maybe it's just a trick of the light reflecting off his glasses. "You might as well say what you want now, or else you'll regret it later." You close your eyes for a short moment, open them again. Yamato is giving you an expectant look, and you quickly glance away, focusing instead on his hands. They're folded together in front of him, resting innocently on top of crisp white tablecloth, as though they've never been stained with the blood of innocents. "...Why are you doing this?" He makes a face. "Boring." "No, I mean"--you try your best to motion towards the tablecloth that you're only now realizing you've never seen before in your life--"why are you doing this?" There's silverware placed neatly in line with your shoulders, as one might expect from a fine-dining restaurant: forks on the left, knives and spoons on the right. It takes Yamato a few seconds to understand that you're not inquiring about his terrible life choices, and soon a smile blooms on his face, misleading in it's warmth and delight. "Ah!" He leans forward, resting his elbows on the table, and you instinctively flinch backwards -- as much as you possibly can given your current state -- which elicits a chuckle from your captor. "I thought you'd be exhausted after running around all day chasing dead ends, so I made you dinner." "How romantic," you say dryly, not quite able to stop your lips from twitching in amusement. And it would be, if you weren't tied up and the man sitting across from you wasn't a wanted criminal. He grins lazily. "A woman like you deserves it." "It'd be nicer if you untied me," you say casually, and Yamato laughs. The look on his face now makes your heart drop. He's toying with you. He knows that you're not able to spring yourself from his trap. And regrettably, he's right. "Later," he says, eyes darkening, and your blood runs cold as you remember his promise. His threat. "I'll leave your body somewhere nice so your partner won't have to look too hard. But let onii-san have a little fun with you first, okay?"
--bad end
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genshinimpactlife · 1 year
Could you do sfw headcanons for Itto x Gorou in a secret relationship?
About Itto x Gorou, can you give me headcanons of Shinobu finding out the truth, because he has been absent lately with "oni-stuff" as an excuse, she follows him for days to a village to see what he is up to, he sees him and Gorou? wearing civilian clothes and going to the forest, she first thought something serious is going on or that he just wants to leave offering to a sacred oni shrine only to see Gorou and them being all romantic. She gets caught and promises them she won't tell but she thinks it is better for them if they do reveal it by themselves even if it'll attract strange gazes, it is not a crime, she and the gang will support them. But both still refuse and deny and both are bad liars.
What if Itto gifts Gorou a superior (Favonius War)bow on his birthday. He won it after a drinking match against a cat-eared hunter (yeah I do mean Draff) after losing against him hard after a tcg match, and boy he thought he was going to die once he was done, the drinks were very good though. He and the gang only went there to become more international and because mondstadt turned into the hotspot for this card game. He wanted Gorou to come too but he had military duties
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Itto x Gorou Relationship Headcanons
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Itto and Gorou got to know each other for a while before they started dating.
Itto was utterly oblivious to the fact that Gorou liked him back. It wasn't until Gorou told him straight up that he started to understand.
They decided to keep their relationship secret just because of the possible public outrage.
A military general and the Arataki Itto dating? That would stir up some feelings in people.
Gorou did an okay job of hiding their relationship, but Itto, on the other hand… Not so much
Itto was going on about his "Secret oni-stuff" He had to go do, as that was all he could come up with when he went to sneak off.
Kuki, of course, caught on quickly that something was up and followed Itto one day.
She never expected to see Itto and Gorou in civilian clothes to blend in, watching as the two went into the woods carrying a basket.
Was Itto doing secret oni stuff with Gorou? Kuki was starting to believe it until Itto took Gorou's hand in his
Kuki was so shocked that she tripped over a rock, exposing her hiding spot to the two, who were now panicking.
Once everyone was calm, they all had a chance to sit and talk, and Kuki gave her thoughts on the situation after the two explained why they hadn't said anything yet.
"Who cares what other people think? Is it worth sneaking around all this time? You know the gang will always back you up and fight anyone who speaks badly about your relationship."
But the two weren't ready yet and decided to keep it a secret for longer, but they both were not very good at this.
Especially when it came to Gorous birthday.
A few weeks before his birthday Itto won a drinking match around a man named Draff along with a TCG round, and he was gifted a Favonious War Bow.
He was glad he could bring this back for Gorou since he couldn't come on the trip with the gang.
The rest of the gang started to catch on to what was happening when Itto said he would give it to Gorou.
Itto had such a sparkle in his eye when he spoke about Gorou, and it clicked for everyone at once. But one glare from Kuki kept the rest of the men quiet.
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I hope you enjoy <3
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