#thread | combustion
balladetto · 10 months
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reasons to cup a face / always accepting / @nihlkahn
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BELIEF, in a moment where the receiver is lacking in self-confidence, the sender cups their face tenderly and professes their faith in the receiver's abilities.
     Remembering only comes in two ways for Link.
     Mercifully. Bitingly. Sometimes, it's and that anchors them to each other. Sometimes, it's or that separates them. Tonight, it's then that connects how the memories visit him — and in some part, he really shouldn't have expected otherwise.
     The fairy fountain they'd stumbled upon had been a pleasant shock with how far from Hyrule's borders they were. Link had cupped little sprite after little sprite within his palms, delighted by the familiarity of wings fluttering a tooth's gap from his fingers and gossamer dust sprinkled on his skin. None of them were Navi — had Navi's shine, or her colour, or her voice, or her recognition — but that was fine. That was fine. It was an adjacent kind of wistful relief at having found anything at all that had his heart swelling with something close to hope.
     As he startles awake with a desperate cry, ears ringing from the silence of a cruel farewell, his heart tears through the flesh of his lungs and pounds imprints on the bars of his ribs.
     His hands are what he registers first. One twisted in the blanket covering him, the other unthinkingly extended towards the next thing that pierces through the sleep-haze. Link inhales sharply and pulls away from the figure crouched over him, scrambling upright and a small distance back.
     How bad must his dream have looked for the Fierce Deity to thread together this tangible form? Bad, the shadows on that marked face tell him — really bad, the heat stinging his eyes and the soreness of a lip bitten clean through correct. He presses the back of a hand to his mouth, swallowing what blood's been drawn, and lets the quiet hanging in the space between them fester like a blistering sore.
     "Ss-orry," he finally blurts out. "Sorry," he repeats a beat later, then again, and again. He doesn't know what he needs to keep apologising for. But when his companion shifts — just some slight adjustment of his posture — there's a sudden, staggering fear that Link will be left alone if he stops.
     "Nno, don'—" The hand at his chin jerks forward, darts back. "Don' g-go. Sorry. Sorry, mm— I'll be—"
     Better. I'll be better. He stills, clarity coldly cleaving through the snapshot of an unreachable light in his mind's eye.
     Link folds over himself. Folds into himself. He takes each raw, pulsating wound tonight's nightmare has unburied and pushes them beneath the layer of indifference he's reapplying over every inch of his skin, trying to force his breaths into a measured pace. It works enough that he can redirect his words, and even smile — however strained — as he looks up and shakes his head. "Sorry. I'll...be...fine."
     He forgets, in his distress, that this god is the only thing alive who's seen every crack splintering his soul.
     Warmth washes over his face, radiating from hands hovering a hair's breadth away from his cheeks. These are hands that want to hold him safe. They are hands that seem to only ever want to hold him safe. Link feels his efforts to recover some manner of composure unravel at the thought: his smile crumples, his pulse picks up. The prickling behind his eyes worsens as he meets his companion's steady, pale gaze.
     Tentatively, helplessly, he nods.
     The Deity's touch is softer than he's ever felt it. Careful, almost delicate, and when Link doesn't react beyond a quiver of his lips, they press a hint firmer until sensation blooms over his scalp and down his neck. He has to stifle a fractured noise as tears leak past the corners of his waterlines, dripping in rivulets to where those thumbs meet his cheeks.
     He's vaguely aware that something is being said. It's so hard to focus on the words when all he can do is drink in the security he hasn't been able to feel so, so keenly in so, so long. For a fragile moment, Link wonders what this care must look like — what kind of picture they're painting over the backdrop. He wonders, if they were in some town or village or anywhere but out here where it's only the two of them, what would set them apart from the scenery he's begun noticing since the Deity's stayed with him through many awful days and many awful nights.
     What would set them apart from a child getting their scraped knees cleaned by the fountain? What would set them apart from an adult kneeling to lift someone so much smaller? What, if anything, would set them apart from sights he once thought less than nothing of — and now finds some measure of understanding in?
     The moment persists. It lasts through the sound of more words he can't pinpoint, in the quiet tones of someone who could be that concerned, someone who could be that fond. He places feather-light fingers over the Deity's knuckles. His companion says his name the way it used to be cradled on tongues from an old home and the steady branches of an old tree.
     Link shuts his eyes, leans into the comfort of hands so tender in spite of the unfathomable things they've done-can do-will do, and weaves together imaginings of a world where a father might be something he can have.
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cldhrbour · 6 months
continued from here - @recitedemise
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the phone chitters it's little melody and it's enough to send the vampire scrambling to reach for it from her comfortable spot on her bed. such movement roused grumbles and growls from sleeping canines who were quite incensed at being disturbed out of their cuddling form around her. in spite of herself , she's smiling.
[text]: so i can haunt your home from now on? deleted, too forward, she thinks. [text]: are you inviting me into your home, then? 🧛🏻‍♀️ [text]: that sounds most lovely. better than what i had in mind. give me an hour.
an hour unneeded , for she had already showered and dressed herself in the hopes that he'd say yes. had sent a request to garan for some things preemptively and was met with grumbling that he wasn't her personal assistant and had other , more important matters of the coven to attend to. yet when she walked into her living area the 1973 bottle of chardonnay she'd asked for had been placed neatly on her table. serana had started putting some ice in a vintage bucket when her phone chimes again. placing the bottle with a partner of a deeper, thicker red into the bucket , she snaps a picture and sends it.
[text]: what about this? does it match your taste? i'd be an awful guest if i came empty-handed 💁🏻‍♀️
is it rude to bring her own food ?? no. it'd be ruder to assume , right ?? hm. while she waits she glances in the standing mirror, ornately framed in gold filigree, leaning against her wall. a simple silk blouse and black slacks. that should be fine. not too much. why did the most trivial of her choices , ones made on most days without second thought , feel so challenging ?? why was she second guessing herself all of a sudden ??
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butterbabyflapjack · 9 months
I have a feeling that you know who I am at this point despite my efforts🙈
I wanted to ask you if you would ever do something for kinktober or at least another body of work like the Tangled Threads and Heartstrings series? I’ve been rereading on the tube this week and still love it!
All the best 🩵
Aaaaa I'm so honored by your rereads! tysm! And I’m not sure i know who you are tho maybe I have a guess 😏 all I know for sure is that ily! 💖💖 Tangled Threads holds a special place in my heart so I'm super glad you like it. I've been wanting to update it or Chaos Hearts for a while and've been relaying Elden Ring for inspiration, but right now I have to focus on an original piece first for a project I can't talk about yet but am excited for when I can finally drop it - BUT, I already have rough drafts for Yhorm, Pursuer, Bell Bearing Hunter, Omenkiller, and Tanith’s Knight, though honestly the souls characters I most want to write for rn are either the Lautrec/Patches wombo combo, which in its current state needs editing but also makes me BLUSH, or I'd love to write Gurranq. Like, a lot, I'd love to write Gurranq. Cause, goddamn, Gurranq’s voice… 😩💕💕 I've imagined filthy things about him and that gritty fucking voice. Though admittedly the size difference thing might be a ~little~ tricky to work around lol, but then again I'm not one to back away from a challenge 😤😤 I think I'm slutty enough to handle it!
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mindsmade · 8 months
@vulpesse / unprompted: I will keep hurting. I will keep killing. Anything to protect you.
Who would he be to deny her this, as a man whose life is centred around violence in service to others? A hypocrite, for one, and a cruel one at that for even considering rejecting that what she offers out of affection ( love, even? ); that what he would offer in much the same way.
As twisted as he thinks himself welcoming her boundless devotion even at her potential detriment, knowing she's prepared to go to such lengths for his sake is intoxicating. He's not alone in his commitment, contrary to what some part of him always fears, and let that be the one thing he has always cherished most in all the fantasies he's conjured up about relationships over the years.
Spending his life in this specific bubble of solitude has at least permitted him to come to an unfiltered agreement on what he needs from a relationship. He may be too reserved to ask for it, but he's aware all the same. Maybe she is, too; maybe she just about sensed that her unshakeable commitment is precisely what he yearns for.
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So he can’t reject it; won't reject it — instead holding up his proverbial palms in quiet acceptance of her offering. Much more perceptible, though, is his shift alongside her body, only half-covered by the silken sheets. He seeks not to avoid her gaze as he so often does when faced with the overwhelming, because he seeks not to shy away from her nature. He strives to embrace it; to embrace her in full.
A finger finds the edge of her chin, coaxing her gaze upwards to stay on him ( heavy from previous hours of exertion and lack of sleep ).
❛  You’ll never know just what that means to me, but I would ask one more thing from you, Vix.  ❜ His eyebrows knit together, his stare imploringly pinned on her eyes. ❛  Don’t do anythin’ at your own expense. If you ever gotta choose ‘tween me and doin’ whatever you must to come back to me, even if it means sheathin’ your claws and hidin’ your fangs, and stowin' your pride … do it. Please. Come back to me, always.  ❜
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scarletooyoroi · 11 months
A certain vibrancy found itself thick within Inauzma's climate within these particular days. Through his guiding introduction would be the witness of humanity in a more active, rowdy nature as Inazuma itself seemed content to let it's power be used for this purpose. A demonstration was being made for a new face that decided to visit these very shores.
Running within his mind had been a determination to let new sights be embraced. Though, maybe the sight was a touch too energetic as through the arcs of lightning whipping higher in the sky, the hoots and hollers of more traveling fit Inazumans soaring with wind gliders, quite the experience was being demonstrated to Qilin firsthand. Needless to say as Thoma's mouth found itself mildly agape, even he hadn't anticipated this certain bunch utilizing nature at this point and time.
"And..! Well, what we have here is an ancient means of fast travel through the wilds of Inazuma! Through the Sakura's blessing, usually it allowed the nimble to soar and for more unique ends of skyborne travel.."
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There's a pause grating the explanation as one of those figures nearly flung themselves to the wayside. While the natural electricity would've made their body more durable for the fall, Thoma's instincts kicked in regardless, an agile feat being performed to not only catch this sailing soul! Also to carefully set them down, pat dust from the shoulders and offer a 'be a lil more careful!' Such a response warranted a response in question.
"Aye aye! Much thanks to you, Mr.Fixer. Certainly didn't want to make more of a fool of myself before your present company, haha!" As they skittered off, indulging in the high octane nature of zipping from one point to another, even Thoma couldn't help but edge an apologetic look towards his current company.
"..I promise antics like this aren't the usual norm."
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caelcstis · 8 months
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tags -- bae brothers !!
you appear as if ice overtook your entire heart. ⸢ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 / visage. ⸥ how many scars have you suffered for your family? ⸢ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 / about. ⸥ the lion's heart is protected once and for all. ⸢ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 / aes. ⸥ take your drugs like the good boy you are &&. choke on your money. ⸢ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 / youth. ⸥ the quiet doesn't seem so scary &&. the milky mornings warm your body instead. ⸢ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 / first. ⸥ your voice &&. presence still seems to shake those around you. ⸢ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 / threads. ⸥ there are still demons &&. monsters chasing your tail ⸢ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 / headcanons. ⸥ how funny is it that i own your heart when you cured mine? ⸢ regulus + leo. ⸥
so much rage &&. pain are gathered in your eyes how can you still smile? ⸢ 𝐉𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 / visage. ⸥ there's so much fire inside of you that you might just combust ⸢ 𝐉𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 / about. ⸥ you'd reach &&. live with the stars if you could ⸢ 𝐉𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 / aes. ⸥ you look to the stars in hopes they can tell your story instead ⸢ 𝐉𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 / headcanons. ⸥ how many stars do you wish upon? how many do you wish would take you away? ⸢ 𝐉𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 / first. ⸥ your words are choked &&. you're unsure if you'll start screaming or crying ⸢ 𝐉𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 / threads. ⸥ rather than getting burnt by this fire in my heart you let it warm you instead ⸢ jupiter + minsung / r3dblccd. ⸥
#you appear as if ice overtook your entire heart. ⸢ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 / visage. ⸥#how many scars have you suffered for your family? ⸢ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 / about. ⸥#the lion's heart is protected once and for all. ⸢ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 / aes. ⸥#take your drugs like the good boy you are &&. choke on your money. ⸢ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 / youth. ⸥#the quiet doesn't seem so scary &&. the milky mornings warm your body instead. ⸢ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 / first. ⸥#your voice &&. presence still seems to shake those around you. ⸢ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 / threads. ⸥#there are still demons &&. monsters chasing your tail ⸢ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 / headcanons. ⸥#how funny is it that i own your heart when you cured mine? ⸢ regulus + leo. ⸥#so much rage &&. pain are gathered in your eyes how can you still smile? ⸢ 𝐉𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 / visage. ⸥#there's so much fire inside of you that you might just combust ⸢ 𝐉𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 / about. ⸥#you'd reach &&. live with the stars if you could ⸢ 𝐉𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 / aes. ⸥#you look to the stars in hopes they can tell your story instead ⸢ 𝐉𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 / headcanons. ⸥#how many stars do you wish upon? how many do you wish would take you away? ⸢ 𝐉𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 / first. ⸥#your words are choked &&. you're unsure if you'll start screaming or crying ⸢ 𝐉𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 / threads. ⸥#rather than getting burnt by this fire in my heart you let it warm you instead ⸢ jupiter + minsung / r3dblccd. ⸥
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rodolfoparras · 6 months
Don’t cry over spilled milk (or do)
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Pairing: The Milkman x Male reader
Content warnings: 18+, anal fingering, Francis is one vocal fellow
Thinking about Francis Mosses who’s always been considered the perfect top, mostly because of his size- getting to bottom for the first time in his life.
Down on all four, with his ass in the air big fat cock uselessly hanging between his legs, and feeling himself flushing red from being in such a vulnerable position.
Besides the embarrassment brewing in his gut, he feels restless just laying like that , so used to being able to see what his partner is doing to him, now he can only rely on the feeling of your two thumbs prying his cheeks apart, and exposing the sensitive flesh to the cold air.
Goosebumps raise across his skin, a sharp breath escapes his lips and he can feel the impatience growing inside of him. “Come on come come on just hurry up!,” he hisses out, feeling even more vulnerable from the way your gaze seems to be burning into the pink flesh of his ass.
“Patience love” you say, hand firmly landing on his cheek, and as much as he’s embarrassed to say it, the action manages to silence him.
His dark eyes glare down at the bright white sheets, thumbs fiddling with the loose threads of it, trying to ignore how his face must be as red as the cheek you just slapped while you freely ogle at him.
“Anybody told you that you look pretty like this hm?” You say, thumbing curiously at his puckered rim, but not adding enough pressure to push your finger inside him.
Another wave of embarrassment washes over him, and he feel the urge to cuss you out with every curse word to exist in the English language but he knows but he knows by doing so you, you’ll further prolong this.
So he clears his throat, swallows down his pride before he mutters the word “No,”
A contended hum escapes your lips, your hot breath washing over his skin and this time he knows your face is just a hair away from his puckered rim. “Well you are,” you say, words as firm as your grip on him. “So so pretty”
And you’re so so close yet so far away.
He clears his throat again, swallows the last bit of pride in him before he utters the words “Please just please-“
“What is it sweetheart? What do you want hm?” You say, amusement clear in your voice. He can even feel the way the tip of your nose drags along his bottom half, doing everything and anything in your power to wind him up and he doesn’t know how much more he can take before he combust.
“Please just please fuck me!” He cries out, tears threatening to spill from his glassy eyes but all the air is suddenly punched out of his lungs when you slip the tip of your finger inside.
There’s a slight sting that comes with the stretch, body momentarily tensing as you carefully work your finger inside him”Oh! Oh oh fuck!”
“Francis? You okay?” You say, carefully massaging the pink flesh.
With each brush of your finger tip; the burning sensation dulls a bit and he feels himself relax back onto the sheets, a soft hum rolling off his tongue before he manages to properly answer you. “Good, it’s good,” he hums out, as he further relaxes into your touch.
Eventually the stinging sensation completely subsides and he starts feeling empty with only your fingertip inside. “More, please more,” he grunts out hips subconsciously buck up into your hand.
“Such a demanding little thing” you say to him as a chuckle escapes your lips but you don’t waste a second working your finger deeper inside of him til you’re buried knuckles deep, and tactically grazing the wall of nerves that sends sparks of pleasure through his body, specially down to his dick.”Mmph-God! Just- ah just like that”
This isn’t something he’s felt before, your touch feels ever so intoxicating especially when your calloused finger grazes the sensitive wall of nerves and before he realizes what he’s doing he finds himself begging for more, greedy as ever and drunk on pleasure.
It doesn’t take much before you fulfill his wish, pushing two fingers past his puckered rim, the stinging sensation briefly returning , as he gets used to the feeling of having two thick digits inside of him. “Come on sweetheart, you can take it yeah? I know you can” he hears you say, familiar word spilling past your lips and for a brief seconds he imagines the times he’d been the one to say it when he had someone under him.
Eager to prove himself, he starts fucking himself back onto your digits, something that starts off slow as he gets used to the stretch before he increases the pace. “Ugh fuck - fuck feels so so good yes yes yes!!”
By this point he doesn’t register when you work a third finger inside of him, only registering the fullness that comes with it and the way your hand slides between his legs, gently palming his ballsack
“Look at you love, haven’t even fucked you yet you’re already so close to cumming,” You say , puncturing every word with a thrust to his prostate while tugging at his hard and weeping dick.
Francis couldn’t care less about the fact that you’re taunting him, couldnt care less about how pathetic he looks like this, all he can care about is how every thrust - every stroke, has him inching closer to his orgasm.
“Please oh god please -“ He cries out, begs and pleads sounding something akin to a mantra, fingers practically digging holes into the mattress and the muscles in his thighs cramping up from how hard he’s fucking himself onto your hand.
It doesn’t take much before he feels his toes curl, pulse roaring in his ears as a wave of hot white pleasure washes over him.
“Ah ah God ‘m cumming ‘m cumming please-“ he cries out, feels himself spill all over the sheets and his thighs, body shaking as you continue to milk his cock.
“Stop- stop, please.” He finally slurs out, once there’s nothing but pathetic spurts of cum coming from his cock, hand blindly pushing you away from him before he finally slumps down onto the mattress.
Exhaustion creeps up his bones, eyelids feeling heavier than ever and all of a sudden he feels himself fading away in the dream land.
“Ah, ah ah,” he hears you say, the sound of your sharp voice snapping him awake. “We’re not done here,”
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flovverworks · 1 year
i take it back im not resizing but;_; all over the place today but star aesthethics GET to me.......and i like animated bgs......mhyk alrdy has bgs where the color changes depending on the time of day which i alrdy rly like,,,,i like the snowing manor bg a lot too,,,,
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xvysarene · 2 months
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𝔹𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕎𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕟
Pairing: LADS Men (All 5) x Fem!Reader Prompt: The moment they realise they want to spend their whole life with you Words: ~1.3k || 200-300 per LI Genre: Fluff, Comfort, Established relationship A/N: Highly recommend giving Urban Zakapa's "Nearness is to love" a listen to capture the mood! I need to be love like this smh
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⊱ 𝕏𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕣
Xavier has always wondered why he willingly abandons a good slumber and ignores the sting and soreness in his body just to see your face after every challenging mission.
“𝐷𝘰 𝑦𝘰𝑢 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝘵 𝑚𝑒 𝘵𝘰 𝑐𝘰𝘰𝑘 𝑦𝘰𝑢 𝑠𝘰𝑚𝑒𝘵ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒?”
The lines of concern etched on your forehead deepen when he hasn't touched the porridge, all white swiftly checking to ensure you haven’t missed tending to any of his injuries.
He realises then, that you opening the door after the first knock, with a home-cooked meal waiting for him even before the first rays of dawn, is why he always seeks you out first.
This is the person he wants to witness a lifetime of sunrises with, the one he never wants to see weighed down by worry due to his line of work.
Words fail him, so he gathers you in his arms. Revelling in the way your body moulds perfectly against his.
“𝐼 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝘵 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝘰𝑢 𝑐𝑙𝘰𝑠𝑒.”
“𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑙,” you chide softly, eyes flicking up to meet his.
The concern in your gaze tugs at something deep within him.
Xavier now understands what it is to be unconditionally loved—to be so genuinely cared for that someone would worry about his well-being above all else.
“𝐼 𝑝𝑟𝘰𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝘵𝘰 𝑏𝑒 𝑚𝘰𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑖𝑓 𝑖𝘵 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛 ℎ𝘰𝑙𝑑 𝑦𝘰𝑢 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝘵ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑒𝜈𝑒𝑟𝑦𝘵𝑖𝑚𝑒.”
Your eyes soften. “𝑌𝘰𝑢 𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑦, 𝑦𝘰𝑢 𝑑𝘰𝑛'𝘵 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝘰𝑛 𝘵𝘰 ℎ𝘰𝑙𝑑 𝑚𝑒.”
The sensation of your fingers threading through his hair is pure heaven, and as you hold him tighter, you express that this embrace requires no further validation.
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⊱ ℝ𝕒𝕗𝕒𝕪𝕖𝕝
Bathed in hues of molten gold and fiery amber, Rafayel watches you set up the dining table with his aunt and Thomas, a scene he will cherish until his very last breath.
The laughter of his favourite people mingling with the rhythmic crash of waves is music to his ears.
“𝑅𝑎𝑓, 𝑑𝘰𝑛'𝘵 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝘵 𝑠𝘵𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝘵ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒,” you call out. Tucking your hair behind your ear as the salty breeze whips strands across your face.
If only he could immortalise this scene on canvas, Rafayel muses.
But he knows that a painting would never do justice to fully conveying the true essence of this beauty.
“𝛭𝑦 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝘰𝜈𝑒𝑑, 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝐼 𝑠𝘵𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑦𝘰𝑢 𝑓𝘰𝑟 𝑎 𝑚𝘰𝑚𝑒𝑛𝘵?” The quiver in his voice doesn’t go amiss by anyone’s notice as he approaches.
Thomas quirks a questioning brow, while his aunt's gaze softens, her smile somehow knowing as she glances between the two of you.
Normally, he would have a response ready as Thomas quips about the champagne warming, but not this time. 
Not when everything else other than you fades into insignificance.
Overwhelmed with emotion, he pulls you in a tight hug as soon as you both are away from prying eyes, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“𝑇𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑒,” his voice barely above a whisper, “ℎ𝘰𝑤 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝐼 𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑦𝘰𝑢 𝑓𝘰𝑟 𝑚𝑦𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓, 𝑓𝘰𝑟𝑒𝜈𝑒𝑟?”
You gently draw back and hold his cheeks, adoring the crimson spreading onto his face and ears, before murmuring tenderly against his lips, “𝑌𝘰𝑢 𝑎𝑙𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦 ℎ𝑎𝜈𝑒.”
At that very moment, it feels as though his heart might combust.
As if every whispered longing he's ever had has come true.
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⊱ ℤ𝕒𝕪𝕟𝕖
Perplexed is what Zayne always imagined he would feel—wishing to spend the rest of his life with someone is a huge commitment after all.
But now, his heart overflows with nothing but contentment and peace.
With his glasses and book perch on his lap, he attentively listens as you animatedly vent about one of your coworkers, sitting cross-legged beside him on the bed.
“...𝐼'𝑚 𝑠𝘰𝑟𝑟𝑦, 𝐼 𝑠ℎ𝘰𝑢𝑙𝑑𝑛'𝘵 ℎ𝑎𝜈𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝘰𝑛. 𝑌𝘰𝑢 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝘵 𝑏𝑒 𝘵𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝘵𝘰𝑑𝑎𝑦.”
Zayne frowns, cursing himself as you mistaken his prolonged silence and composed demeanour for indifference.
Setting his stuff aside, he draws you closer, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead as your arms circle around him.
“𝐿𝘰𝜈𝑒, 𝐼 𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑒𝑛𝑗𝘰𝑦 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝘰𝑢 𝘵𝑎𝑙𝑘. 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝜈𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝘵𝘰𝑝 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝘰𝑢𝑟 𝘵ℎ𝘰𝑢𝑔ℎ𝘵𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝘵ℎ 𝑚𝑒.” 
A small content sigh leaves his lips as you nestle closer to him, the warmth of your embrace seeping into his very soul.
Long fingers gently stroke your hair as you voice out concern about adding to his mounting stress with your words.
“𝑌𝘰𝑢 𝑐𝘰𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑛𝑒𝜈𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑒 𝑎 𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑛,” he murmurs, lips brushing your temple. “𝑌𝘰𝑢𝑟 𝜈𝘰𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝘵 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑒 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑎𝘵 ℎ𝘰𝑚𝑒. 𝑌𝘰𝑢 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑒𝜈𝑒𝑟𝑦𝘵ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑒𝘵𝘵𝑒𝑟, 𝑑𝘰𝑛'𝘵 𝑒𝜈𝑒𝑟 𝘵ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝘰𝘵ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒.”
Sometimes he wonders if he truly deserves the depth of love and understanding you provide, a treasure more valuable than any he has ever known.
He is not an easy man to love, yet you wholeheartedly embrace his complexities.
In that quiet moment, with the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtain, he knows with certainty that you occupy a space in his life that no one else can fill.
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⊱ 𝕊𝕪𝕝𝕦𝕤
“𝑌𝘰𝑢 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝘰𝑙𝑢𝘵𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑓𝑓𝘰𝘰𝑛!” your voice trembles with fury as you cock your gun at him. “𝑊ℎ𝘰 𝑖𝑛 𝘵ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝘵 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝘰𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑘 𝑖𝑛𝘵𝘰 𝑎 𝘵𝑟𝑎𝑝 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑦? 𝑌𝘰𝑢 𝑐𝘰𝑢𝑙𝑑 ℎ𝑎𝜈𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑑!”
Despite having just slain dozens of degenerates and currently staring down the barrel of your gun, Sylus’s head is oddly silent.
The sight of his enemies’ blood staining your clothes, your hair tousling messily from its ponytail, and the blazing intensity in your eyes—every detail captivates him completely.
Fuck him, you’re perfect.
Exasperated by his grin, you continue calling him all the names in the book: reckless idiot, brainless fool, dumbass…
But he’s your idiot.
Sylus watches your eyes widen as he closes the distance between you, your mouth opening to protest, “𝐷𝘰𝑛’𝘵 𝑦𝘰𝑢 𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑘𝑖—” but before you can finish, he discards your gun aside with alarming speed, lips crashing against yours with a fervour that matches your fury.
It’s not a gentle kiss, it’s an explosion of emotions; a release of all the anger, fear, and love that has been building up.
“𝐼’𝑚 𝑠𝘰𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑓𝘰𝑟 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝘰𝑢,” he says breathlessly, resting his forehead against yours.
Strong hands pull you closer, and he smiles, sensing your fury starting to dissipate as you melt into his cocoon. “𝛢𝑠 𝑙𝘰𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑠 𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝜈𝑒 𝑦𝘰𝑢, 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝘵ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝘵, 𝑛𝘰 𝘰𝑛𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝘵𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑚𝑒—𝑢𝑠—𝑑𝘰𝑤𝑛 𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑦.”
When you respond to him with another creative jibe, calling him a “𝘵ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘-ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝘰𝑎𝑓”, his deep laughter booms through the room.
No one else can and will challenge him like you do, and he lives for it.
Caught in the back-and-forth of your wit and spirit, craving the spark you kindle within him with every word.
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⊱ ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕓
The moment your wide smile graces your features upon spotting him down the store aisle, it robs out all the oxygen in his lungs.
Caleb has always known that this relationship is different from his past ones—the thought of seeing you in his future teasing his brain occasionally.
But when you skip to him, with excitement dancing in your eyes, it hits him that he will give everything just to witness that radiance again.
Every day for the rest of his life.
“𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝘰𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒!” You slip your hand into his and intertwine your fingers together. “𝐼 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝘰𝑢𝑟 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑝 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝘵ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝘵𝑒𝑚 𝘵ℎ𝑒𝑦’𝜈𝑒 𝑝𝑢𝘵 𝑢𝑝 𝑠𝘰 ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ.”
He’ll let you lead him to whichever section of the market, and he'll damn well help you get whatever you want, even if it’s questionable whether you need it or not.
Another mini planter for your succulents? Sure, he’ll even buy all of the different designs for you.
When you ask him if he’s alright, noticing his dazed expression, he straight up pulls you into his embrace and kisses the top of your head, murmuring, “𝐼 ℎ𝘰𝑝𝑒 𝑦𝘰𝑢’𝑙𝑙 𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑎𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑒 𝘵𝘰 𝑔𝑒𝘵 𝘵ℎ𝘰𝑠𝑒 𝑢𝑛𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑖𝘵𝑒𝑚𝑠.”
If he is misty-eyed amidst the bustling grocery store, it doesn’t concern him in the least.
You smile up at him in confusion, noticing the sentimental mood in his eyes. Standing on tiptoes, you give him a quick peck and melt in the warmth of his arms, feeling the beat of his heart against your cheek.
No other place feels as secure and comforting as being in each other’s arms.
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paarksunghoon · 13 days
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SUMMARY: the last thing you want to do is interrupt sunghoon’s time with his friends, but your doting boyfriend has always said he’ll be there whenever you need him. when a shift at work leaves you hanging by a thread, he and his friends are there to patch your soul back up.
NOTES: felt some type of way and naturally i need a hug from sunghoon. best i can do is write about it.
PAIRING: sunghoon x fem!reader
WARNINGS: angst, typical rough day stuff and typos, probably.
Your car comes to a complete halt when you situate yourself on the curb of Lee Heeseung’s apartment. The rumble of the pavement beneath your tires ceases to amplify the slight movement that naturally shakes your car seats and you sit in the driver’s side like you’re a zombie.
The muggy atmosphere from the heat attempting to displace the freezing air makes your skin feel sticky and gross as you turn your engine off. The overhead lights temporarily blind you as you stare ahead into the dark night and feel the tension building up in your body.
Your jaw clenches and your cheeks become warm with the sheer amount of frustration seeping into your bones. The cold sweat you harbor makes you feel hot and freezing at the same time. The coolness of your glass window does nothing to quell your body’s temperature.
The familiar two-story house beside you is where Heeseung lives. He rents the bottom property and has lived with Park Jongseong ever since you all collectively started the last year of university.
You don’t necessarily want to be here. Coming to Heeseung’s apartment because you feel like you might combust at any minute seems like an invasion of privacy. Your boyfriend Sunghoon had let you know that he was sleeping over at his friends’ apartment tonight and you had no qualms with the proposition. He deserved to have his time with his friends too. Although it seems that your mind has its own agenda and you find yourself in front of Heeseung’s place in no time.
You step out of the car and lock it. Your feet carry you around the hood and you step onto the hard sidewalk with a slight wobble. The air is chilling, throwing a stark shiver down your spine as you huddle in your arms for warmth. The jacket you have sprawled on the backseat looks at you with concern.
You’re a step away from ringing the doorbell but your finger hovers the white button as tears well up in your eyes. The feeling of desperation and burden weigh on your chest as you listen to the muffled laughter that comes from Heeseung’s living room. Sunghoon hadn’t seen his friends in a few weeks between classes, work, and you. The last thing you want to do is impede on his time with his friends when you’ve spent the better half of this month glued to his side.
But you can’t help it. Your nose feels like it could be burning from the cold and the weather forces you to ring Heeseung’s doorbell when it ripples through your shirt. You hear him padding to the front door and can make out his figure from the bottom, his shadow blocking the light from inside.
Heeseung opens it just slightly ajar to assess who’s standing outside his apartment at this late hour. When he opens it, seeing you standing in the cold with red eyes and no jacket makes him panic.
“Y/N?” he asks. “What are you doing here?”
You think he might close the door with the look of confusion on his face but he opens it wider to allow you into his apartment. He shuts it quickly behind him and notices your chattering teeth, eyes softening at the sound when you look up at him. Heeseung watches your eyes begin to water and puts a hand on your upper back to soothe your emotions, but it makes you spill a few tears.
“I-I’m sorry for coming here,” you hiccup. “I didn’t know where else to go.”
“It’s okay, Y/N. You can always come over if you need something.”
You speak faster than you can think. “Today was so awful.”
Heeseung purses his lips and tells you to stay put. You watch him retreat into the living room and stare at the wall clock in front of you until you hear Heeseung say, “Hoon, your girl’s here.”
Sunghoon hears the worry in his friend’s voice because he stands up from the couch like he’s on a mission. With his eyebrows furrowed and heart beating in his chest, Sunghoon follows Heeseung to the front door and is immediately presented with you.
You look nothing like the happy-go-lucky girlfriend he said goodbye to before heading over to Heeseung’s. This morning, you’d woken up next to Sunghoon and he’d given you a tender kiss before heading to spend the day with his friends. Now, your eyes are swollen and your cheeks are stained with salty tears.
His heart plummets when he sees you standing in Heeseung’s doorway with no jacket on. You look helpless in a way he doesn’t see very often. Your knees buckle in your pants and the goosebumps on your arms are prominent to his eye.
Sunghoon wastes no time and envelopes you in a hug, pulling you into his chest until your face is situated in his neck.
“Baby?” he asks, feeling your hot breaths against his skin. “Talk to me. What happened? You’re so cold. Where’s your jacket? Did you bring one?”
His deep, honey-like voice that utter sweet concern only makes you cry harder. You try to keep your chokes and sobs as quiet as possible but the hiccups emitting from your throat make it impossible. You try to ignore the fact that Sunghoon’s friends can likely hear you weeping, instead focusing on your boyfriend’s warmth.
His arms encircle your body, one hand protectively around your waist and the other secured behind you. Sunghoon’s hands cup the back of your head and he strokes his fingers through your head lovingly.
“I had a bad day.” Your broken whispers makes Sunghoon’s heart sink even further. He pushes your hair out of the way and kisses your temple with plump lips.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he says. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Rethinking the events that led to your arrival at Heeseung’s place only fuels your tears and you shut your eyes, burying yourself further into your boyfriend’s neck.
Heeseung, helplessly standing around the corner, walks closer to tell him the two of you could use his bedroom. Sunghoon rubs the small of your back and slowly walks towards the room, guiding you inside without so much as a word spoken. Heeseung closes the door behind you two and Sunghoon immediately perches the two of you on the edge of his bed.
“My baby.” Sunghoon lifts your head and pushes the tears underneath your eyes away with the pads of his thumbs. “What’s got you upset, hm? Are you hurt?”
“No,” you choke. “I’m not hurt.”
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
Sunghoon pulls you into his chest and further onto Heeseung’s bed when you give into him. He lets you cry against him, not caring that his shirt is becoming damp as the seconds pass by. His palm soothes the entirety of your back and he kisses the crown of your head, periodically squeezing you tighter when his heart breaks at the sound of your sobs.
“Life is so hard,” you say into his chest. “I feel overwhelmed and scared.”
“Scared of what, baby?”
“I don’t know. Everything? I had the worst shift at work today. A customer ordered a hot coffee but I made it iced by accident and instead of letting me remake it for her, she involved my manager and was making a scene in front of everybody there.”
“I’m sorry.” Sunghoon whispers against your temple and kisses it again. “That’s frustrating.”
“My manager tried to get her to leave but she was pushy. Usually I could handle that but I’m overwhelmed with school and my senior project that I just broke down when the manager sent me home.”
“Your manager doesn’t think you’re at fault, right?”
“No,” you shake your head. “Nothing like that. He said I looked like I needed some rest and told me to take the rest of the night off.”
“Thank God.” He squeezes you tighter. “I’m sorry you had such a bad day. You shouldn’t have to put up with mean people who get mad at you for making a small mistake.”
“Everybody is so fucking mean, Hoon.” You roughly push away the tears from your eyes with the heel of your palm. “I’m tired of everybody expecting so much from me. Between work, school, and my parents asking me what job I’ll have after graduating, it’s all too much.”
Sunghoon coos. “You’re so precious, you know that? You’re dealing with so much and you’re allowed to cry about it. I’m sorry everything is affecting you like this.”
“Sorry for ruining your boys night,” you sniffle. “I feel awful that I took you away from your friends.”
Your boyfriend shakes his head. “Don’t be sorry. I’d come to you in a heartbeat if you called.”
His words only make you cry harder. Sunghoon is the perfect boyfriend. He dotes on you like you’re the only woman he’s ever loved in his entire life and lets you know how beautiful you are any chance he gets. He gets along with your friends and family, welcomes you into his own life, and makes you feel like you can achieve anything whether he’s in the picture or not.
Being with him has made you feel safer than you have in a long time. His arms provide the kind of comfort you’ve always been seeking and despite the amount of frustration and sadness in your body, it seems to be melting away with every kiss Sunghoon puts on your forehead.
Heeseung knocks gently and opens the door just slightly. You feel silly being held like a baby in front of Sunghoon’s friends who you’ve met only once before. It was at Heeseung’s house that you first met the three guys Sunghoon is closest to after they made an effort to invite you over to a night at the local dive bar before coming back to watch a marathon of Marvel movies. Your love for Iron Man catapulted the start of your friendship with Heeseung in particular and Sunghoon was starting to love how well you fit into his life.
“It’s been a while and I wanted to check in. You doin’ okay?”
You sniffle and hold onto Sunghoon’s arm. “Bad day. Everybody sucks.”
Heeseung laughs. “Preaching to the choir.” You immediately realize you neglected to take your shoes off when entering the apartment and scold yourself for bringing dirt onto his hardwood floors.
“Shit,” you say, pulling your legs higher so they’re farther from the surface. “I’m so sorry Heeseung. I’m sorry for barging in.”
He shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it. Take them off, I’ll put them by the door.”
You oblige. Sunghoon holds you to balance your body as you hand each sneaker to Heeseung, who doesn’t look at you weirdly or scold you for interrupting his time with your boyfriend. Instead, he smiles at you and lets you know Jongseong and Sim Jaeyun, another one of Sunghoon’s friends that you met during the movie night, are outside and concerned for you.
“We don’t have to go out if you don’t want to,” Sunghoon tells you as Heeseung closes the door behind him for a second time. “But they really like you and I know they care about you.”
“I only met them once,” you hiccup, toying with the hem attached to the bottom of his shirt. “How could they possibly like me?”
Sunghoon laughs and kisses your cheek. “I talk about you all the time. I’m pretty sure they’re sick of hearing me talk about you and would rather hang out with you instead.”
“You do?”
He nods. “Mhm. I have the best girlfriend in the world, you know. They had a lot of fun getting to know you and were planning on inviting you to a barbecue Jongseong’s having next weekend.”
Your doe-like eyes makes Sunghoon’s heart melt. He nods and kisses your nose. “Yes, baby. They love you. Not as much as I do, but a close second.” Hearing you laugh makes him breathe easier.
“I still feel bad for ruining your guys’ night,” you say with a pout.
Sunghoon eases your mind and presses a tender kiss to your lips to displace said pout. “We’ve all been there. If you’re uncomfortable, we can go back to your place and sleep?”
You shake your head. “This is your night. I don’t want to interrupt and make things awkward.”
“Why don’t we at least get you some water. You don’t have to say anything but at least drink something so you’re not dehydrated.” You don’t want to get up and face the embarrassment of the other three boys seeing you cry, but you know Sunghoon is right. After all the crying you’ve done, you’re feeling parched.
You nod and stand from him, all while he still has one hand in yours. Moments like this make you appreciate Sunghoon even more than you already do. He’s willing to do anything for you at the drop of a hat and it gives you butterflies when you remember this handsome, generous man is your boyfriend.
Jongseong and Jaeyun look at you with concerned eyes when you meet them outside. You try to speak but your mouth keeps opening and closing as you find the words to say.
“I’m okay,” you tell them. “And I’m sorry for ruining your night.”
Jongseong hands you a glass of water. “Don’t sweat it, Y/N. Everyone has bad days.”
“Yeah, but you guys haven’t seen Hoon in forever and this was supposed to be your weekend.” Your sincere apology and the cracks in your voice make Jaeyun’s eyes water too.
“It’s alright,” he tells you sincerely. “We love hanging out with you. You should stay and we can watch movies. We were gonna do that anyway.”
“I don’t want to intrude.”
“Jongseong and I want you to stay,” Heeseung says. The two of them nod. “You shouldn’t be alone when you feel like this.”
“Fuck,” you say, voice cracking to the point where it makes you laugh. The four boys laugh as well and feel the relief in the air around them. “You guys are too nice.”
“We were gonna order takeout too,” Jongseong says, pulling his phone out. “We were thinking maybe fried chicken but Hoon says you love Thai food. Why don’t we order stuff from the place around the block and eat it family style?”
“Oh, you don’t have to change it for me.”
Jongseong waves you off. “Nah. We all love Thai. Any excuse to eat it.”
“And don’t think about paying us back,” Jaeyun says with a genuine smile. “I’ll pay for it.”
“We’ll split it by four,” Heeseung adds.
Jongseong lets you put in your order and everybody else follows suit. Sunghoon has you tucked underneath his chin as the whole ordeal happens and kisses the side of your face every so often.
“Feel better?” He asks, mouth against your ear. His warm breath is comforting, as to remind you that he’ll always be there for you.
“Much better.” Your voice is no longer brittle from your cries. Sunghoon smiles.
“My sweet baby,” he coos. “You’re so pretty when you cry.”
“What about when I’m not crying?”
“Still pretty.” He squishes your cheeks with his hands and pressed a kiss to your fattened lips. “Adorable, even.”
Jaeyun looks at the two of you and laughs. He can only hope that he’ll feel like that with someone someday. It compels him to say something.
“You guys are stupid cute.”
Sunghoon says nothing. He smiles at his friend and squeezes you tighter. Having him to lean back on makes you feel like you might be the luckiest girl in the world.
comments and reblogs would be appreciated! xx
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
Crawling back to you
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synopsis-> His new concubine start to slowly become an obsession for him
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The dimly lit chamber is thick with the heady aroma of sandalwood and smoldering embers casting their flickering amber glows across ornately gilded walls.
You kneel demurely before the towering entity that is the indominable King of Curses with a tray of succulent fruits balanced precariously in your lap.
Despite the dozens of lithe, scantily-clad courtesans draped across plush cushions surrounding Sukuna's imposing throne, not a single one possesses the capability to enrapture his full, unadulterated interest like you.
He attempts schooling his expression into one of practiced aloofness yet finds his scrutiny involuntarily drinking you in from the corner of his periphery.
The modest way loose tendrils of obsidian tresses fall around your delicately sculpted features...How those full lips part just enough to reveal a glimpse of glistening teeth worrying your lower pout while plucking a ripe persimmon free...
Even the flutter of those thick, sooty lashes framing those eyes as you peek up through them with an achingly sweet naivete.
Something viscerally primal stirs low in Sukuna's abdomen each instance your gazes accidentally lock - simultaneously thrilling yet inexplicably vexing him to the core.
He shouldn't find any fascination or particular novelty in your obvious purity and fragility, should he? After all, you pose no formidable threat to one who has mercilessly throttled nations with nary a conscious thought.
Yet he cannot prevent those four obsidian-tipped limbs from imperceptibly tightening with the overwhelming compulsion to simply...take you right there.
To lash out and possess every scant inch until the searing brand of his essence remains molten and permanently etched into your very marrow.
Maybe then you'd no longer exude such blinding radiance capable of rooting him in place like some pathetic, feeble-willed human wretch.
Every sinew instinctively coils rigid when your delicate fingertips drift upwards to present that glistening persimmon temptingly close.
Except your feather-light caress doesn't retreat once his lips part to accept your offering.
Instead, the pad of your thumb ghosts across his bottom lip with a tenderness and reverence he finds utterly transfixing.
And just like that, the last thread of rigid control over his carnal urges combusts instantaneously.
Sukuna's vision fractures into a million shards of ruby as your hopelessly innocent proximity suddenly consumes his restraint whole.
"Get out..." The abdominal maw snarls in a guttural rasp now utterly stripped of his usual controlled veneer.
Every talon-like fingernail hollows razor-deep grooves into the armrests flanking his throne when you instinctively flinch back with those dewy irises rounded in terror.
The massive chamber remains utterly frozen until you scramble backwards on hands and knees finally fleeing his presence.
Only then does Sukuna finally permit himself to surrender - lifting a single beckoning digit to numbly brush across the very spot your captive touch seared straight through his exterior not a moment prior.
What sacrilegious witchcraft have you entangled him within?
This unfathomable compulsion to simultaneously profane and protect?
He's the almighty King of Curses - feared and reviled across every realm. Yet a solitary brush of your chaste fingertips against his mouth threatens to dismantle every staunch defense he's meticulously crafted over centuries of brutality and indiscriminate annihilation...
Head bowing forward until his pallid death mask cracks in a bitter sneer, Sukuna releases a blustering huff of mirthless derision directed solely at his own lamentable weakness.
Loathing how you've wormed your way beneath his armor so effortlessly with scarcely any intent whatsoever.
He vows to purge this infuriatingly inexplicable yearning to possess your radiance before it blossoms into something...darker. Something treacherous...
For both your sakes...
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avocado-writing · 8 months
Could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to his gn crush who is so oblivious that they told him with confidence that no one would be interested in them romantically?
yes of course lovely, it’s always a pleasure writing your prompt lists 😊💕
definitely thinks you’re joking at first.
laughs, then sees the defeated lag of your shoulders, the way you can’t tear your gaze from the ground.
wants to do his usual blasé retort, but is torn because well. he really cares for you.
I think, after a moment of silence, he reaches out and takes your hand. threads his fingers through yours.
“darling… there is so much of you to love, it’s mesmerising.”
he can’t look at you while he admits this of course, but he feels the way you squeeze his hand in yours and his dead heart skips a beat. 💕
utterly baffled.
of course someone would love you romantically?
from a practical point of view he just starts listing things off: you’re kind, a good leader, big-hearted, have a strong moral compass…
and then he just lapses into the things he likes about you.
that you’re so lovely. so good-looking. that your hair is nice and your eyes are spellbinding.
only realises he’s gone off on a tangent when he sees you grinning at him, then gets a little embarrassed…
gives you the confidence to press a kiss to his cheek though, and after that he’s beaming for the whole day 🥰
shocked. shocked and appalled that you think that way about yourself.
takes you out for a stroll, just the two of you, and ends up waxing lyrical about all the things you have going for you.
he tries not to turn it into a confession but my man is a romantic, and soon he ends up spilling everything.
the way every time you smile at him his heart speeds up and his cheeks get hot. how you deserve someone who’ll be by your side through everything, and he’s not afraid to be that someone despite everything you’ve faced on the road.
he’d keep going if you didn’t muster up your courage and pull him into a long kiss 💕
is old enough to understand self-doubt doesn’t just go away in one day. he’s admired you for a while so he tries to start actively courting you.
little gifts appear for you. carvings of your favourite animals, flowers you’ve mentioned liking the perfume of.
he finds a reason to be by your side every day. always tries to make you smile and laugh.
and eventually you realise… oh, what you believed before? about nobody ever feeling romantic love towards you? that was totally wrong. because there is your Druid and you’ve just realised his heart is totally devoted to you.
when you have this moment you immediately run to find him and throw yourself into his arms rom-com style lmfao ❤️
“that’s… that’s not true! there would be plenty of people who’d love you.”
you look up into his eyes. they’re soft and sweet, and there’s a desperation behind them as the words come tumbling out of his mouth, too late to stop them.
“I’d love you. I do love you.”
a moment passes. he’s worried he’s messed up.
then you stride across the room to bring him into a kiss and his face gets hot enough to rival his forge… 🔥
”don’t be so foolish.”
you’re utterly gobsmacked, because you were being so vulnerable, admitting your worry. “excuse me?!”
he tries to backtrack and make it look like he didn’t just insult you, lol
”there’s nothing wrong with you. you’re… wonderful. anyone would be lucky to have you.”
cheeks a bright crimson, and he’s so bad at hiding his emotions that you clock what this is instantly. it’s a confession.
“oh…” “don’t worry, forget it, I didn’t say anything—!” “rolan, would you like to get a drink tonight?”
he might combust. but he squeaks out a “yes.” because honestly? he was worried about the exact same thing you came to him to confide…
is firm in how silly you’re being, but kind.
holds your face in your hands to get you to look at him.
swears how lovely you are, his words like a pledge. like a prayer.
and when this paladin tells you all this? how could you believe him to be wrong.
maybe someone would love you romantically. gazing into his warm eyes, maybe someone does.
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trashmouth-richie · 1 year
the way that steve and eddie fuck you, are not the same
bf!steve is an all missionary man.
threading your fingers with his as he lays chest to chest with you, kissing you sweet and delicate along the column of your throat, even though his monster cock is splitting you open, he nearly comes when your eyebrows pull together and your breathing is hot. when you cry out for him? He’s a total mess.
His breeding kink taking over fully as he hikes one of your legs up into the crook of his elbow, “mm shit, doing so good for me honey,”
“you’d look so fuckin’ pretty with my baby in your belly,” he’d moan, the infamous lock of hair hanging rogue in his face as he bites his lip, “that’s what you want, huh?”
he was obsessed with the idea of it. a family of his own to love and dote on. he knew you’d be the perfect wife and mother some day.
so what if that day came sooner rather than later?
bf!eddie is all mouth
all mouth in a way that you could barely catch your breath between kisses and heated gasps. it didn’t matter what position you were pretzeled into— his mouth never left your skin.
he devoured you in a way that left prominent wine colored hickeys all over your skin, love bites allover your thighs. he’d moan into your neck , drunk on the fact that you chose him, the freak of Hawkins high.
he’d spill I love you baby each time your body bent further into him.
he loved you in a way that stung your spine and buzzed your brain.
he’d eat you out for hours having you come again and again, lapping at your puffy clit and slick cunt whispering how perfect your body was how you were his girl, his angel, his everything.
finishing the love making by washing your hair in the shower, ordering take out and brushing your hair.
king!steve fucked for him not you.
he never called you a whore, he never called you anything. you were an empty hole for him— and you praised him, loved the feeling of him splitting you wide open. he’d mutter under his breath about how tight your little pussy is and how it was his, right?
of course it was.
you mewled for him and it only stretched his ego wider, threatening to burst with such cockiness you were sure he’d combust.
he came before you did, not really caring if you would or not, no effort put into it on his part.
he’d toss the condom into the trash and zip up his jeans, fixing his hair in the mirror and calling you by the wrong name before he’d slink back to the party
kissing another girl on the mouth and squeezing her ass, another easy target.
mean!eddie fucked with anger
the rumors were true, he was hung like a horse and knew how to use it. he pulled noises from you that would shake his trailer walls, screaming his name as he pounded into you deeper and deeper.
he didn’t use pet names, you were simply his whore, a bitch a slut.
you’d leave with finger shaped bruises on your hips from him driving you down onto his cock when you rode him in reverse, his thick veiny cock bruising your g spot.
your head ached from his fist in your hair as he took you from behind with your ass in the air and your knees carpet burned from the shitty couch.
hand prints on each ass cheek, lips bit and swollen after choking on his length til you nearly passed out, and he mistakenly awarded you with a kiss but bit your lip to show he didn’t mean it.
you’d be covered in sweat when he was done, your legs shaky with the sweet high of too many orgasms.
He didn’t wear condoms, just tossed you the morning after pill he kept in bulk in his dresser and made you take in front of him.
“don’t want you tryin’ to trap me.” he’d goad and when you giggled and rolled your eyes, his would turn black as he shoved the water bottle into your hand, making you stick out your tongue and show him that the small white pill was gone.
“Good girl”
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hotchfiles · 8 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ❝ darling, lean your weight to me ❞ ─ a darling, in any life blurb
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pairing: aaron hotchner x reader. summary: the red thread between two people destined to be together may stretch and tangle, but those ties will never break. or: aaron finds a way to show you his commitment to you. content warnings: suggestive make out. you might think he's a bit ooc and if you do i want you to know you're wrong. word count: 1.1k
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You made sure to check your phone twice for the time, it was way too damn late to have someone at your door, midnight and you were already drifting into beautiful relaxing dreams when the sound of the doorbell woke you up. You couldn't even deny you were a bit scared, you were a woman living alone after all. You took your phone with you ready to call the cops, even if you really wanted to be able to call Aaron, or that he was already there with you like he was supposed to.
The dinner reservations he had made fell through when a case took longer than he expected, so now you were about to face a stranger in your front door alone. Or so you thought, as the face you saw through the peep hole was of the handsome, but obviously tired, man of your literal dreams.
You unlocked the door and hushed him in, hugging him tightly after closing it again. "What are you doing here, airhead? You look exhausted."
"Not quite the reception I was waiting for." He comments, leaving his go bag and a brown paper one on your couch, going back to your embrace to kiss you.
You only hummed to his teasing. Obviously happy he was there, but not only surprised, worried about his health. He was indeed tired, taking time to rest his head on yours and stay like that, enjoying your scent and your warmth against his chest. He had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, blazer and tie nowhere to be seen, first two buttons undone. Gorgeous. A sight to be taken in, the dark bags under his eyes only made him sexier, it reminded you the importance of his work, the commitment he had to it.
"Care to explain yourself?" You look up to him, keeping your arms around his waist for a moment before touching his features softly, hand to his cheek. Aaron leans on it, eyes closed.
"We had a date. I'm just late to it."
You felt like you could combust maybe, the sweetness not only on his voice but of his actions were almost too much for you to handle, "you know you didn’t have to do this, right? I understand you were busy, babe."
"It wasn’t trouble, and I missed you.” He did miss you, and you didn’t have to know he had to make last minute arrangements so the jet could leave him in Arlington’s city airport, not to mention getting a taxi. What you did have to know and he wanted to make sure you did, was how much he cared about you and how much he wanted to be present with you when he could. He needed to show you he was committed to that.
That's why dinner was important tonight, he had planned it perfectly, the restaurant, the wine, he even went as far as to ask both Spencer and Garcia for a bit of help with showing his intentions just right. It has been a few weeks of you two going out, weekends together, late nights. He wanted to keep you, but asking a woman to be his girlfriend at 43 seemed childish, and also not enough for what he wanted to convey.
"I have something for you, love." The sweet pet names were common now, even though you both kept the use of the childhood silly ones to piss each other off. You tilted your head at him waiting for him to continue and his glanced the brown paper bag you had forgotten was in your couch. Aaron usually didn't gift without reason, physical touch and acts of service were much more prominent from him, you were excited if not a tiny bit suspicious.
"Did I forget any special date?" You wonder as he pulls you to the couch with him, sitting right beside the bag and instructing you to sit by his side. Aaron dismissed your question with a simple shake of his head, getting a thin velvet box from the bag, by the size you knew it wasn't a ring, thankfully.
"I just wanted to give you something. to cement my commitment... To you." You were speechless as he opened the box, a beautiful golden necklace, delicate, a white small pendant in the form of a heart, framed by the same gold of the necklace. "It's uh... A mother of pearl. Garcia helped me with it." Aaron took it out of the box and gestured you to turn around, which you gladly did, taking your hair out of his way. He kept explaining it while you touched the pendant lightly as he put it on you. "It can symbolize loyalty, which is what i want you to know you'll always have from me." Loyalty. Something you didn't get from your cheating ex, definitely. Commitment. This was the equivalent of getting a promise ring as a teen.
You didn't even have words to thank him, or to show him how beautiful the gift, the thought behind it... Everything was. So you just pulled him by his collar into your lips, the kiss getting saltier by the second as happy tears went down your cheek. His fingers go to wipe them away as he pulls himself from you, his lips brushing against your forehead before taking something else from the paper bag.
"And as you say, I'm still a sap, so I got these bracelets as well." Two black woven bracelets in hand, you had given him an extremely colorful one back in the day, something to solidify your friendship. You remember as clear as day as he accepted it and let you put it on his wrist even with complaints about it being too bright. "Got it in black, I'm not wearing that awful mix of colors you got us last time." Aaron secured it in your wrist this time, handing you the other one to do the same to him.
"They were in style, okay!" You defend yourself as you wrapped it tight on his wrist. "i love it, you know you didn't have to do any of this. but i love that you did." you held him with both your hands and spent some time kissing every single corner of his face before getting to his lips.
His deep need for control getting the best of him as you were pulled to his lap, straddling him as he deepens the kiss, hands splitting attention between gripping your thigh and tugging your hair. "Aar—" a high moan replaces his name from your lips as he pushes you down on his crotch. "It's late—you need to shower and sleep"
"Fine. Wise ass." He sounds exasperated, his head hitting the back of your couch. he knew you were right. But his smirk as he looked back at you told otherwise. "But you're coming with me."
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 3 months
Emerald Hallow Chapter 2
Summary: Steve Rogers wants to move on.  He wants to forget Peggy, and dive into the 21st century.  But this man of the past doesn’t know how to navigate being an Alpha in a modern world of skittish Omegas.  He prides himself on his self control, never wanting to harm or scare them, until something just smells too damn good…and he’s not the only one who notices.  
**plus size reader 
Warnings: abo!dynamics, smutty smut smut, name calling, eventual threesome, voyeurism, rough sex
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Steve called her the next day.  Twelve hours was surely enough time.  He also felt like he was going to combust if he didn’t hear her voice again.  He was worried about how badly he wanted her, knowing that this kind of connection was something that wasn’t common.  His self control was hanging on by a thread, and with their date coming up at the end of the week he was trying his best to not think about it too much, or fixate on the way her emerald hair shone on stage, or the black lipstick that slightly stained his beard, the feel of her on his lap…
“Jesus, punk, I need to meet this girl.  If she’s got you all wound up like this,” Bucky laughed watching Steve pace back and forth from his closet, dropping clothes onto his bed, trying to figure out what to wear.  Steve growled at the mention of Bucky, a natural born Alpha, even coming close to Y/N.  Bucky raised his eyebrows at Steve’s challenge.  “Chill, man.  Not trying to come for her, just saying she sounds like quite the Omega if she’s got you of all people acting up.”
Steve’s glare relaxed on his face as he tried to breath through the anxiety in his body.  “I’m sorry, Buck.  I know, I’m trying to just…” he sat down on the small free space on his bed.  “I’ve never felt this before.  I don’t know how to handle it.  I’ve never felt so…out of control before.”  Bucky nodded, his eyes downcast.  “Have you?” Steve asked hesitantly.
“Besides being the Winter Soldier, no, my Alpha has never taken over,” Bucky said, shaking his head as his eyebrows furrowed.  “Maybe gotten the better of me here and there, but never anything like you’re describing.”
Steve sighed heavily as the jittery feeling ebbed and flowed through what felt like his very cells.  His body knew it was going to be around Y/N again in a few hours, and his Alpha hormones were thrumming, making his blood race and heartbeat rate spike periodically.  “I’m afraid that the second I see her, let alone smell her, that I’m going to do something I’ll regret.”
Bucky reached out over the pile of clothes and gripped Steve’s shoulder.  “You won’t.  If I’ve ever seen someone who is the ultimate gentleman, it’s you.  You won’t hurt her.  You won’t take advantage of her.  I know you won’t,” he reassured him, squeezing his shoulder before dropping his hand.  He pulled out a shirt and pants from the pile and held it out to him.  “Wear this.”
Steve grabbed the clothes from him and studied them, finally nodding as he stood to go change.  “Thanks…jerk.”
Bucky scoffed.  “Yeah, whatever.  Just think of Hydra any time you get too excited.”
A few hours later Steve stood waiting outside a themed restaurant that he thought she would like.  After seeing glimpses of the tattoos that were on her arms, and judging based on her hair and style that night at the jazz club, she was a Halloween enthusiast, and this place was a witchy, spooky themed restaurant with fancy cocktails and food.  Halloween was only a few days away, and he wanted to show her that he was paying attention and impress her.
He smelled her before he saw her, her scent whipping his face with the Autumn wind.  It nearly knocked him off balance, his hormones humming and buzzing as he turned towards her.  Y/N was wearing a large, rust orange overcoat with a knee length, pear-colored pinafore dress peeking out from underneath.  Her emerald hair complimented the colors well, now worn in a much more modern wavy curl style.  Her lips were natural this time, and he felt his own lips itch at wanting to grab her face and kiss her.  As she walked he could see her legs were covered with black sheer tights and tattoos that were haphazardly scattered across her thick calves.  She wore chunky Doc Martens and thick socks against the cold.  She gave him a brilliant smile as she approached.  Steve was physically holding himself back, biting his lower lip and his fingers on one hand pinching the other hand to keep his hands to himself.  
“Hey handsome,” Y/N greeted him, her signature smirk making his knees feel weak.
“Hi,” Steve said gruffly, looking her over hungrily.  “You look beautiful.”
“Aw, thanks,” she smiled widely.  “You’re insanely hot, as usual.”
Steve laughed loudly, the humor helping to lessen his anxiety.  “Insanely hot?  Wow, high praise.  I need to work on my compliments.”
“You say a lot with those pretty eyes of yours,” Y/N said cheekily.  Steve’s breath stuttered as she gazed up at him.  “You smell…delectable,” she sighed, giving him a dreamy look.  She reached out and swiped his coat, her fingers sliding over the knitted sweater he was wearing.  “And you look incredible in green, has anyone ever told you that?  It brings out the little bit of green in your eyes.”  Steve blushed deeply at her consistent compliments.  “Or…did you wear green because of me?” she stepped toward him, the heat of her body making her scent roll off her in waves.  “You wanted to match me, didn’t you?”  Steve couldn’t even try to save his pride as he nodded, his eyes fluttering as he swallowed harshly.  “You like my green hair?” she teased him, her long nails scratching through his sweater, making goosebumps erupt across his chest.  
“I like everything about you,” Steve whispered, his hand reaching for her hand on his chest and bringing it up to his face, kissing her open palm reverently.  This made the smirk on her face fall, her eyes widening slightly as she watched him.  “I have to be honest, I’m a very controlled man, but ever since that night I've been struggling to keep my composure with you.  So as much as I love this flirty back and forth, tread carefully, Omega,” he used her classification as a warning, his eyes flashing dangerously.  
Y/N blinked, his words seeming to strike her quiet momentarily.  Then her smirk slowly returned, her eyes looking playful.  “Yes, Alpha,” she said slowly.  Steve’s eyes rolled and his grip on her hand tightened.  She giggled and then turned to the restaurant.  “I’m starving,” she announced and walked away from him, pulling her hand out of his grasp.  Steve blew out a rough puff of air and followed her inside.
They got to know each other better during dinner, Y/N enjoying the cocktails as she explained a lot of the decor inside the restaurant to Steve, who wasn’t well versed in horror movies or Halloween in general.  They were sitting in a booth, and as the night drew on they moved from opposite ends to sitting next to each other.  Steve’s arm was behind her shoulders, his body angled toward her as she told him another story about her time singing at the jazz club.
“Usually it’s nothing but fun, but every once in a while there’s some drunk, self-obsessed Alpha that just can’t seem to understand the word ‘no,’” she said offhandedly, taking another sip of her third cocktail.
Steve squirmed in his seat, unhappy with this piece of information.  “Really?”
Y/N nodded, setting the cocktail down and adjusting her dress that had risen up her thighs.  “Such an ass.  Like let me sing the damn song, dude.”
“Is he there often?” Steve asked, looking down at her thighs, his free hand tightening into a fist.  Y/N nodded as she took a bite of the dessert he ordered.  “Why don’t they ban him?”
She scoffed, her eyes rolling dramatically.  “He’s the manager’s brother.  Doesn’t matter how many complaints there have been, he doesn’t take me seriously.  I’m just the ‘talent,’” she said, her fingers tightening around the fork in her hand. 
Steve bristled, his anger bubbling deep in his belly.  His jaw ticked as he tried to calm himself.  “When do you sing next?”
Y/N gave him a suspicious look.  “Tomorrow night, why?”
“I’d just like to come see you sing again,” Steve said unconvincingly, his arm behind her wrapping around her more firmly.  Her eyes narrowed at him but she merely smiled as she stabbed another piece of the dessert with her fork and then held it up to his lips.  Steve smiled at her offering and opened his mouth, letting her feed him.  Something about that action made the Alpha in him hum with satisfaction as he ate.
“Oh, you got a little…” Y/N pointed towards his mouth.  Steve tried licking his lips, but she shook her head.  “It’s just…here,” she lifted her fingers to his lips, her thumb wiping a piece of chocolate off the side of his mouth.  She pulled her hand away but Steve moved forward quickly and bit her thumb softly, sucking the chocolate off.  Her eyes widened and she sucked in a short gasp.  He watched her as he licked her thumb then released it, their faces much closer together now than before.  He took his chance and leaned forward, his nose nuzzling hers.
Y/N smiled, her eyes fluttering as she breathed him in.  She angled her head as her body shifted to face him, then dragged her lips from his cheek down to his neck.  Steve froze, afraid that if he moved he’d take her on the table right there and then.  She nuzzled his neck gently, then he felt her tongue lick his scent gland.  His hands turned to fists as she sucked softly on his skin, his scent strengthening as she scented him.  People at the tables around them shifted uncomfortably as his pheromones reverberated across the restaurant.
“Y/N,” Steve whimpered.  “Please…”
She pulled away, licking her lips and her hand squeezing his knee.  “Your place or mine, handsome?”
A deep growl rumbled in his chest and he threw a few bills on the table before taking her hand and ripping her out of the booth.  Y/N quickly grabbed her coat and laughed as he pulled her out of the restaurant.  He led her to his car and helped her in before slamming the door and winding over to his side, sliding in and peeling out of the parking spot and towards his apartment.  The whole way he kept a hand on her thigh, squeezing firmly, trying to ground himself.  His hormones were going haywire, making her own scent get stronger.  As her desire grew her scent became spicier, making his eyes and mouth water, his grip on the steering wheel warping the leather.  When they finally reached his apartment he helped her out and pulled her inside.  Once the door was closed behind her he caged her against the it with his arms.
“I can’t do this anymore,” Steve breathed heavily, his eyes hungrily looking her over, watching her chest rise and fall.  “If we do this, I won’t be able to stop myself.  I’m surprised I’ve made it this far.  If you let me have you, I won’t let you go, Omega,” he grunted.  
Y/N sighed, her eyebrows turning upwards as she licked her lips again.  “I want this, Steve.  I want you.  Let me have you,” she reached up and grabbed his face, pulling him into a heated kiss.
The second their lips met Steve lost all control.  He pulled her against him roughly, his kiss too hard, his tongue shoving its way passed her lips and into her mouth to taste her hastily.  His hands blindly pulled at her clothes, unhooking her dress, taking her shirt off while leading her to his bedroom.  Her hands did the same to him, touching him all over his chest and stomach as she pushed his sweater and undershirt up and over his head.  When he finally got her completely bare before him he picked her up and threw her on his bed.  She yelped and then laughed when she hit the bed.
“I don’t think anyone has ever lifted me before,” Y/N smiled, watching him as he took his pants and underwear off, her eyes bugging as she stared at his large cock.
“I’m not like anyone else,” Steve smirked as he crawled up onto the bed.  His hands felt every inch of skin, massaging the plushy flesh on her body, his fingers dipping into every curve and dimple and admiring the array of tattoos that littered her skin.  His lips were not far behind, kissing, licking and sucking as he moved up her legs.  Without warning when he reached her core in between her legs he dove right in, inhaling deeply as his tongue licked between her slit.  Y/N gasped loudly, her hands gripping the blanket beneath her.  Steve couldn’t stop tasting her, her slick slowly oozing from her as he worked her towards her orgasm.  His fingers parted her lower lips and he eased one finger into her, pumping slowly as she keened at the feeling.  He quickly added another finger, the tip of his tongue flicking her clit quickly then slowing down.  He added another finger, and her back arched as her slick made his fingers squelch in and out of her. 
He sucked her clit harshly as his fingers quickened, curling inside of her just right.  Y/N moaned, then it turned into a shriek as her orgasm washed over her.  Steve continued sucking and fucking her with his fingers as she rode out the orgasm, his own deep moan vibrating into her pussy as he smushed his face into her.  Her legs twitched as she calmed down and Steve finally pulled his fingers out, sucking at her slick on his fingers.
“Taste so good, Omega,” he said lowly as he lifted his wet fingers to her mouth.  Y/N obeyed and opened her mouth, licking and sucking at her slick on his fingers.  She gripped his wrist with her hand and continued sucking two of his fingers, her eyes focused on his face as she sucked them like she would his cock.  Steve groaned at the feeling of her tongue on him, and he quickly moved up and pulled his fingers from her mouth, kissing her lewdly.  Her arms wrapped around his neck, keeping him against her as he nestled his hips between her legs, his cock sliding between her lower lips.  He took his cock in his hand and lined himself up with her pussy.  Y/N’s ankles hooked behind his ass and pulled him towards her, shoving his cock deep inside her in one thrust.  They both moaned against each others’ mouths as he filled her.
“Oh my fucking god,” Y/N whispered against his lips.  “So good, Steve…fuck,” she rolled her hips against him, trying to get him to move.
“My needy Omega,” Steve huffed a laugh, then pulled his hips back and snapped them back into her.  Y/N’s mouth dropped open, her eyes shutting tight as he filled her again.  Steve kissed her all over her face and down to her neck, nosing her scent gland and licking and sucking at it roughly as he thrusted repeatedly into her.  His hands kneaded her breasts, pinching and flicking her nipples until his mouth could replace them and suck and lick at them.  Y/N’s hands were all over him, then ultimately settled on running her fingers through his hair and giving the back of his head a harsh tug.  Steve whimpered at that, his hips trembling.  “Fuck, do that again,” he said as his left arm dug underneath her shoulders and cradled her head in the crook of his elbow, keeping his body close to hers.  Y/N smiled as she scratched his scalp again with both hands, her long nails leaving a tingling sensation as they ran down his head until she gripped his hair and pulled.  Steve whimpered more loudly, his breath fanning her face as he kept himself cheek to cheek with her.  “You’re so good…Y/N…my pretty Omega,” Steve’s free hand slid between their bodies and his thumb started rubbing at her clit as he thrusted faster.  Y/N’s voice rose in pitch, a steady stream of rushed breaths at his thrusts spilling from her lips.
“Knew you were mine from the second I scented you,” Steve groaned, leaning down to lick her gland again.  “Up there singing to me, like a goddamn tease,” he nipped at her neck, making her gasp.  “Prettiest voice I ever heard,” he said.  “Be mine.”
Y/N’s hips twitched, her pussy fluttering around him.  He could feel his knot starting to catch inside her as he became more desperate for her answer.  She tensed at the feeling.  “I’m…I’m my own,” she said, her voice sounding heavy with emotion.  Steve looked at her in alarm, worried he’d said something wrong.  “But I’ll be yours, as long as you’ll be mine,” she said resolutely, her eyes starting to fill with tears.  
Steve nodded fervently.  “I was yours the moment I found you,” he promised.  Y/N blinked rapidly as his knot grew, the tears finally slipping from the sides of her eyes.  “I’ve never wanted anything, anyone, like I want you.  Can I have you…please?” he nipped near her gland again.
Y/N let out a small sob, bringing his head back up and kissing him deeply.  “Yes, Alpha.  I’m yours.”
Steve smiled and kissed her again, his hips thrusting four more times until his knot fully inflated and he came inside her, groaning loudly.  Y/N was right behind him as he flicked her clit, her squeal being muffled by his lips on hers.  He rutted against her as he filled her up, then he broke the kiss and licked down to her neck.  He kissed her gland before opening his mouth wide and biting down on it.  
Y/N’s back arched as he bit her, her hands scratching his back as it triggered another smaller orgasm.  She whimpered and he growled at her pussy squeezing him again.  Their scents combined as he let go of her neck and licked it to sooth the bite.  She was now his mate, and he was hers.  It all went a lot faster than either of them were expecting, but Steve couldn’t find it in himself to care.  He moved them both to lay on their sides, holding her close to his chest as they waited for his knot to deflate.  
Steve tickled her spine with the tips of his fingers, randomly kissing the top of her head and forehead as his breathing evened out.  Y/N’s arm that was wrapped around his body squeezed him and she kissed the spot above his heart on his chest.  He smiled and looked down at her.  “My Omega,” he whispered, nuzzling her cheek with his nose.
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myseungsunglove · 7 months
You’re gonna Pay for that | Ksm
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Characters: Seungmin x Reader, Reader’s parents briefly
Warnings: Smut, there is ZERO plot here, a little bit of voyeurism but not REALLY, oral (male and female receiving), language
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: this is just a random, all smut, no plot Seungmin story. If you’re looking for any substance, it’s not here.
「© February 16, 2023 by myseungsungheart」
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During dinner, with your damn parents, Seungmin had gotten you nine kinds of worked up. He had done it on purpose, teasing you with his large hands, pulling your petite hands into his lap to feel his growing erection. To feel exactly what you were doing to him. All the while, your parents sat across from you at the dinner table talking away.
You had agreed to visit your parents since you were on tour in the States and only about an hour’s drive or so from your most recent stop in Dallas. The rest of the boys had decided to piddle around Dallas while you and Seungmin spent an evening with your parents. They insisted on the two of you staying the night because you, and I quote, “never spent any time with them since you lived in South Korea now.”
“And we’ll even be cool with the two of you sharing a room,” your mom laughs, earning a glare from your dad.
“Mom, I’m a grown woman. I’m pretty sure you couldn’t do anything about it if you wanted to,” you snark with a small smile, your eyes meeting Seungmin’s briefly.
“My roof. My rules,” your dad chimes in as Seungmin’s hand runs up the inside of your thigh.
Instead of spontaneously combusting, You stand hastily, walking over to your dad and kissing him on the cheek, desperate to get away from Seungmin’s touch while you are in front of your parents.
“Love you, daddy,” you giggle innocently.
“You’ll always be my little pumpkin,” he sighs. “You’d do well to remember that son,” he adds, his words aimed at Seungmin.
“Yes sir,” Seungmin smiles and bows politely. Always the picture of perfection.
“I’m beat, guys,” you note, stretching up on your toes, your hands extending above your head so that your stomach was on display. “Seungie, we should probably get some rest,” you suggest, walking back to his side of the table and threading his long fingers with yours. “This is one of the rare opportunities we will have to just exist while we are in the US.”
“Yeah,” Seungmin yawns dramatically. “I’m definitely exhausted after the trip,” he agrees. You pull him from his chair and drag him down the hall.
“G’night you two,” your mom sing-songs down the hall. You have to stifle the giggle that is rising in your throat.
You push Seungmin through the bedroom door, into the room that you spent the first eighteen years of your life. He lets out an airy chuckle at the way you manhandle him.
“Did someone get a little worked up back there?” he laughs, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing a teasing kiss on the nape of your neck.
“Dude,” you let out in a huff, your head falling against his shoulder. “In front of my parents?”
He chuckles lightly against your skin, a teasing smile dawning on his face as he turns you in his hold, his lips finding yours at last, a slow sensual kiss igniting between you that sends goosebumps breaking out across your skin, his hands pushing your shirt over your head and tossing it carelessly into the corner.
“Makes it more exciting,” he teases as he relieves you of your bra and leans down to suck your hardened nub into his mouth, his hands caressing your sides lovingly, reverently as he tends to the task at hand.
When you feel a moan rising in your throat, you push him away gently, and he falls gracefully onto the full sized bed in the middle of the room.
“You’re gonna pay for that, Min,” you warn, falling to your knees in front of him, your hands running up his muscled thighs, the thighs you loved to ride just to get off. But that would have to wait. Your fingers dance at the button of his jeans as you gaze into his eyes. He is staring at you intently, his eyes blown with lust, zeroing in on you as you slowly unbutton his jeans.
“Do your worst, Y/N,” he challenges.
You hastily unzip his jeans and peel them away from his smooth skin, letting them pool around his ankles. You run your hands up his delicious thighs, your hand coming to rest over his cloth covered erection, stroking him slowly. He watches you intently, but the second you pull his briefs away from his aching cock, he throws his head back in ecstasy, your gaze causing it to raise to attention. He puffs his cute cheeks out and lets out the air filling them, his black hair blowing against his forehead as your hand slides around his long, smooth cock.
You are mesmerized by the way it feels in your hand. No matter how many times you have done this, you can’t look away. And you just have to taste him.
Seungmin watches as you lower your lips to the tip of his cock at a glacial pace. Finally, your tongue flicks out, running over his slit, swirling around the head. You could feel his legs tense beneath you as you lower your mouth onto his long, thick cock.
The weight of his dick on your tongue is enough to send a rush of desire flooding through you. It is a heady sensation you’ll never get used to.
“Now this is what I call desert,” you moan as you bob up and down, your tongue licking at the underside of his cock as you lift off him, only to sink back down so that he slides halfway down your throat. You choke slightly, your throat constricting around his substantial length.
Seungmin’s hands finds your hair then, holding you in place while his hips do the work. He pumps into your mouth, his cock sliding down your throat roughly, his grip on you possessive.
“Fuck,” he groans as you began to cup his balls, spit dripping out around his cock and your hands as you fondle him.
“Come on my tits, Seungie,” you gasp as you pull off of him with a plop. He snarls as he slaps his heavy cock between your breasts as you squeeze them around his member, his hips pistoning with abandon. You lean in to lick the tip of his cock with each thrust and before you know it, he is done for. You lick up what you can reach as his pace slows, the look on his face pure carnal bliss.
He reaches out for your hand, pulling you up gently to rest in his lap.
“Someone is wearing too many clothes,” he whispers against your mouth as he flips you on your back and kisses you hard. He fiddles with your jeans button and zipper before forgoing the annoyance and ripping your jeans and underwear off of you in one swift motion.
“It’s my turn for dessert,” he whispers, his mouth hovering over the lips of your pussy, his breath hot.
You spread your legs wider, opening yourself to him.
“Enjoy. There is plenty more where that came from,” you manage, your head falling back against the pillow with a pleasure filled sigh as he kisses your clit reverently.
There was a knock at the door then and your breath catches in your throat.
“We’re changing; about to get in bed,” you call out as steadily as you can. Seungmin rumbles against your pussy, his tongue licking you from bottom to top.
“Oh okay. Just wanted to say goodnight,” your mom’s voice rings out from the other side of the door.
“Okay, good night,” you squeak out as Seungmin’s tongue dips into your hole.You slap your hand over your mouth as he sucks on your clit, two long fingers replacing his tongue inside you.
You hear your mom walk away and you slap him on the shoulder, earning you a low, devious chuckle from him that rumbles through your body.
“Fuck you, Min,” you breathe heavily, your brain going fuzzy as the coil in your stomach begins to wind tight.
“That’s the idea,” he snarks, his fingers curling into your g-spot.
“Shit, Seungie,” you moan. “I’m gonna come.”
Seungmin takes that as a challenge, grabbing your ass and pulling your dripping cunt closer to his mouth as he starts to move his head from side to side. You lose it the minute his tongue makes contact with your clit, your legs boxing in his head as you bite down on your pillow to stifle the scream that wants to tear from your throat.
While you are still a quivering mess, Seungmin crawls up your body, kissing you slow and sweet, the taste of your release still on his lips as he rolls his hips teasingly against yours, causing you to quake in pleasure, like a live wire ready to send volts of pleasure through your body at any second.
“Ready for round two?” he asks, running his hard cock through your soaked folds, teasing your clit, causing your legs to shake uncontrollably. “Cause I know I am,” he growls as he slides home, your warmth enveloping his cock, inviting him in. “Hold on tight, beautiful. You aren’t gonna know what hit you,” he warns as he pulls his cock out of you and slams back in without warning, knocking the air from your lungs as he rips his polo over his broad shoulders.
“Fuck,” you moan, reaching out to make contact with the beautiful expanse of skin that has just been revealed to you as he pounds you. Your fingers dig into his shoulders and take every inch of him he gives.
You could now officially mark fucking Kim Seungmin in your childhood room off your bucket list. You had a feeling this wouldn’t be the only time tonight it happened.
Not if Seungmin had a say. And Kim Seungmin always had the final say.
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