#through kidanpping
sexybagels-masa · 1 year
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I've been Inspired.. and now I keep thinking about it
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dwreader · 7 months
Actual incidents in the book that are in dispute btwn Louis and Lestat since you fuckers can't seem to read:
-Lestat wanted Louis for his plantation vs. he is in fact already rich: not really relevant to the show since show Lestat is flaunting the fact that he's extremely wealthy from the start. Louis is not under any illusion that this guy is after his wealth, HE moves into Lestat's house in fact and accepts Lestat's money/gifts/etc. Lestat is a captial p PROVIDER. He said do NOT take that away from me and it's one thing he's 100% right about.
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-A cold loveless relationship depicted in IWTV vs. a more loving though still troubled "marriage" according to TVL: again, more or less moot for the show since season 1 depicts Lestat's version of their relationship more so than Louis's. They are clearly in a romantic relationship, had some good times (that were maybe glossed over quickly by Louis but are still clearly depicted through Claudia's diaries) and yet even in TVL, Lestat agrees that Louis's account was an accurate representation of the atomsphere of their decades together and that he deserved all the punishment he got.
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-Lestat torturing + killing people for fun according to Louis vs. Lestat's claim that he only killed people who were "bad" and deserved it: kind of already played out on the show when Louis suggests the idea in 1x03, but ultimately it doesn't significantly alter our perception of Lestat cause does anyone actually care that prostitutes stole money from their clients and think that's a valid reason to torture and kill them? Hope not! It's just a good insight into Lestat's mind and how he justifies killing.
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-The events after Lestat's murder and Paris: these parts we have to take from Lestat's POV simply because Louis is unaware of things happening when he's not present. Obviously will be a major part of Season 2.
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-The scene at the end of IWTV happening or not: the most direct contradiction between the two accounts but this has not happened yet on the show so it has no bearing on anything in season 1.
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As you can see, most of these contradictions involve Louis's omissions in IWTV rather than "made up" events. Save for the final scene in NOLA that doesn't actually mean anything to season 1, absolutely nothing about Louis's depiction of events in IWTV is really disputed by Lestat. Louis's turning, Claudia's turning, the "atomsphere" under which they lived leading up to Lestat's murder and Lestat's murder itself are all indisputable. Lestat is revealing more of his motivations and giving us further vampire context/knowledge that Louis didn't have (because Lestat kept it from him btw and he forgives Louis his errors because he knew it was out of enforced ignorance), but that only slightly changes our perception of his actions. It does not throw them into the trash.
It's also very clear that Season 1 is already an amalgamation of the two versions. If they were taking IWTV literally, the show wouldn't even be a romance and it clearly is. It uses Claudia's diaries (a device revealed only much later in the books) to fill in some scenes that Louis may not have been present for like the kidanpping on the train but the two perspectives make the story kind of bulletproof? The reliability or lack thereof of Louis as a narrator is made possible by Claudia's diary being there as a secondary source and when he's at his most unreliable, it's the diary that provides the contradictions. WE see something's off when the diary's pages are excised. BUT you really don't have any basis in the books for a major lifechanging event like episode 5 to be retconned, let alone an event with two people as sources and involved a prolonged recovery period that's also described in painstaking detail by said two people. Like this woman was a lazy writer most of the time but even SHE wouldn't do that cause its like a basic writing tenant not to feed your reader horseshit??
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topbottomswitchblade · 3 months
thinking about doing porn writing commissions but i have no idea how much ppl charge for that sort of thing
here's a thing i wrote a few years ago. not necessarily all gonna be this long. also doesn't have to be in first/second person.
(kidanpping, cnc, gangbang)
You caught my eye when I was out one day, and I’ve been watching you since. Waiting for the right time to take you.
It’s easy to manage when you’re not expecting it, and the drugs made sure you didn’t put up much of a fight.
I tossed your limp body in the trunk of my car and drove out to the cabin, where my friends are waiting for a boy’s weekend.
When I arrive and get out of the car, greeting my friends, one of them goes straight for the trunk. It was a long drive, and I gave you a small dose - didn’t want to have to wait around to start our fun. But apparently I should have given you a little bit more, because you manage to jump out and slip past my friend, making a run for it into the woods. 
I shake my head and tell my friends that I’ll deal with it. I could tell as you ran off that you’re still unsteady on your feet. Head start or not, you won’t be hard to catch. 
I jog off after you, not in any hurry. After all, we’ve got the whole weekend.
You stumble through the trees, trying your damnedest to run, nearly losing your balance over and over. But you don’t fall. Not for a while. Until it gets harder and harder to right yourself, with the uneven ground and the world spinning around you. 
And then you hear a whistle. Not a songbird - distinctly human, and too close for comfort.
You trip on a branch and tumble down a dirt decline.
“Come on, baby,” you hear a voice ring out as you sit up and catch your breath. “Cabin’s back this way!” 
You try to stand, but your legs give out and you fall back onto your hands and knees. Maybe it would be better to try to hide and steady yourself for a bit.
And then you hear the whistle again. 
It’s hard to pinpoint where it’s coming from, but it’s definitely closer. 
Adrenaline fighting the remaining drugs in your system, you support yourself on a tree and clamber to your feet. You look back the way you came, and lock eyes with me. Just standing amongst the trees, watching you. 
I smile.
You take off running, and so do I.
It’s less than a minute before I tackle you to the ground. 
Your cheek pressed into the cool dirt, you can feel my weight pressing down on top of you. My fingers tangle into your hair and pull your head back.
“You were a bad boy running away like that,” I say. “Making me run out here after you, making all my friends wait....”
You only whimper in response. I shove your face back in the dirt. 
“And bad boys get punished.”
I pull your arms behind your back, holding your wrists together. You can feel hard plastic tighten against your skin as I fasten the zipties. My weight shifts off as I take hold of your waistband and begin to pull your pants down.
“No, no!” you protest, trying to squirm away, kicking your legs out. 
I put a hand on the back of your head, shoving your face down into the dirt.
“Shh, shh,” I hiss at you.
“Get off of me!” you growl against the ground, continuing to struggle.
You hear a click before I yank your head back and press the cold edge of a knife to your throat. 
You go still instantly.
“Shhhh,” I hush again, more gently this time. “You’re going to be a good boy for me now.”
I pull the knife away and stab it into the ground in front of your face, letting your head rest against the dirt again. You feel the chill exposure to the air as I pull your pants and boxers down around your ankles.
There’s nothing to do but close your eyes and wait. You shudder as my hand runs over your ass, then jerk and moan when a finger slips in. 
I don’t take much time trying to work you open before my hand disappears. You try to look back, and catch a glimpse of me stroking my cock, getting ready to line it up with your entrance.
Your eyes go wide.
“It - it won’t fit!” you gasp.
I shush you again, pushing your head back down.
“It will,” I say with confidence.
My hand grips your hip as I line up and start to push inside you.
You gasp and tense up.
“No, please - it’s too big!” you beg.
“Make this easy on yourself and relax,” I say, pushing in further. “It’s going in.”
You moan and shudder as I make good on my word, pushing in inch by inch. I pull back a bit, and then slide in the rest of the way.
You whimper beneath me, feeling like you’re going to be split open. But as I begin to slide in and out, your body begins to adjust. Despite everything, it starts to feel good.
I start to pick up speed and get into a rhythm. I grip your hips and pull you back toward me. You gasp every time I slam into you. 
I grab your hair and pull back as I roll my hips into you. You’re moaning like a whore beneath me, and you can hear me laugh, but you can’t stop. 
I shove your head back down, holding it there, pressing your face into the dirt. My other hand tightens the grip on your hip, my fingernails digging into your skin. You can tell I’m getting close - my thrusts coming quicker and frenzied, knocking you forward with each thrust. Finally press against you and hold there as I cum inside you. 
I sigh contentedly and let go of you, pulling out. You whimper at the sensation, panting against the cool earth. I pull your pants and boxers back up around you, not wasting time cleaning you up. It’s not like you’re done for the night, anyway.
I haul you to your feet and have to support you as we walk back to the cabin, your hands still ziptied behind you.
When I drag you through the door of the cabin, you can see a group of my friends sitting around waiting for us.
“Took you a while,” one said. 
“Catching him was easy,” I said, shoving you forward. “But since you already wasted my time letting him escape, I decided not to waste any more.”
“You fucked him already?”
“I picked him out,” I said. “I had first dibs anyway. In fact, you’re going last. And I should get a bonus for having to run.”
I plop down on the couch, undoing the front of my pants. Another one of my friends circles around you like a vulture. He runs his hands over your ass, under your shirt. You’re too afraid to do anything as he comes around in front of you and undoes your pants, pushing them down to the floor and lifting your feet out of them.
“Bring him over here,” I say from the couch.
My friend grabs you by the hair and leads you over. I look up at you with dark eyes.
“On your knees.”
You hesitate only a moment, but my friend pushes you down in front of me. I spread my legs.
“Well,” I say. “Be a good boy, now.”
You look around helplessly, only to be met with expectant, hungry faces.
“Um…” You roll your shoulders uncomfortably.
“Oh,” I say, digging a knife from my pocket. I pass it to my friend. “Cut his hands free.”
My friend kneels down behind you. You feel cold metal press against the skin on your wrists, and then the plastic gives way. They pass the knife back to me over your shoulder.
You bring your arms in front of you, rubbing your wrists. You look up at me hesitantly, as if hoping to find mercy in my eyes. Clearly you find none, as your eyes drop down to the task at hand. 
Shakily, you run your hands over my thighs. You lick your lips, looking up at me one last time, before reaching out to stroke my cock. With a trembling breath, you lower your head and lick the tip. You glance up nervously, before licking a long stripe up its length. 
I run my fingers through your hair, gently this time, and let you know you’re doing well. You give a small nod and and a deep breath, before taking me into your mouth. I settle back against the couch.
My friend is still kneeling behind you. He runs his hands up your thighs and under your shirt. You pull away from me and start to turn to look back at him. I catch your chin, pulling you to face me again.
“Don’t worry about him,” I say. “Worry about me.”
You gulp and give a small nod. I release your chin and you put your lips on me again. You begin to suck my cock in earnest, taking more and more of me into your mouth.
Behind you, my friend pushes his cock into your already stretched hole. 
You flinch and begin to draw away from me, but I grab the back of your head and force it back down. You choke and splutter on my cock, but I don’t let go. I pull back just a moment to let you catch your breath before thrusting up, causing you to choke again. My friend thrusts hard enough into you that you’re pushed forward and gag. I have to let you up to breathe, tears streaming down your face.
“Puh-Please,” you cry. “I can’t….”
“Of course you can,” I say. “You don’t have any other options.”
I grip your hair and pull you back down, muffling your whines with my cock as I force it into your mouth. I give you enough slack to bob your head, but as I start to get close, I tighten my grip and hold you in place as I fuck your face.
It isn’t long before I have both hands tight in your hair, unloading into your throat. You gag and struggle to swallow it down. 
I release your head, letting you cough and gasp for air. 
My friend sits back and pulls you onto his lap. You whimper as he thrusts up into you, and gasp when he reaches around to stroke your cock.
I watch with amusement as you pant, eyes wide, bouncing on my friend’s dick.
“You know,” I say, leaning forward with a smirk. “My friend is a big softy. I bet he would let you cum if you asked nicely.”
“Please! Please! Please!” you gasp out.
“Please what?” my friend asks, nibbling on your earlobe.
“Please let me cum! Please, please let me cum!” you beg, no longer caring where you were or who was doing this to you.
My friend chuckles and starts stroking you more earnestly. You gasp and shake as you cum against his hand. As you start to come down from your own orgasm, my friend pushes you forward onto the floor and starts to rut into you. You squeak and whimper with overstimulation, but it doesn’t take long before he’s groaning, emptying out inside of you. 
He pulls out, leaving you fucked out and boneless on the floor, breathing heavily.
“All right,” I say, looking to the rest of my friends. “Who’s up next?”
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thedeafprophet · 10 months
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@velvetlinedbox okay here is aesthetic board i made ajdkdfkfglglhj
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Its geniuenly so long ago i dont remember toooooo much about it
If i recall (without going through a rereading all my old messages) still love potion stuff going on in this fantasy universe because thats. Very fun for me
and Alex is a vampire hunter that gets in way over his head :) :) :) . its verty adjancent to light fingers except not because the plot is unrelated ajfkfkkghkj. but still with a recurring situation of enemies encouter before the love potion thing
and uhhhhh then later on a very intense situation with kidanpping anddddd that comes to a very close miss of Forced Vampire Turning there's more stuff i remember but um im too embaressed to post it
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mallowstep · 3 years
y'all really shouldn't encourage this kind of thing bc now i'm like.
okay there's.
the flight they take home from the fundie conference. featherpaw is 14, tawnypaw is 14 to 15.
and then there's a flight for a made up reason where tawnypelt and feathertail miss the flight, and they're around 25.
but wouldn't it -- wouldn't it be Interesting if someone decided that like. they were a good target for a ransom or something. scoop them up and hold them for a few days, maybe as much as a week?
when they're around 20.
and they're mostly left alone, in one room, with food and water. they're escorted to the bathroom a few times a day. they're not being tortured.
and tawnypelt is like. huh. you sure did live through six years of this.
and feathertail, who is just. like. struggling a lot is like. this would have been a fucking vacation.
but also like. feathertail necessarily needs to rely on tawnypelt after the first day or two. Being Kidnapped is a Stressful Event that 100% triggers a flare up and she's. like. away from everything helpful.
so she's like. not Having it and tawnypelt has to help her and. yeah. yeah yeah yeah.
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creweemmaeec11 · 4 years
hi! I love your writing! Could you do a prompt with a supervillain in love with a kidanpped hero, feeling gulity that they have to threaten them/blackmail them for information?
Hey! Thank you for your prompt! I’m also so glad you enjoy what I write :) I gotta be honest, this prompt really threw me for a loop. You said supervillain, which in the hero x villain community, usually refers to an unsympathetic character, but then I’d consider love/guilt sympathy? Anyway, this is what I ended up with! I know it’s short, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! If anyone else has a prompt for me, feel free to send it to my asks box!
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Something was wrong with the supervillain, but they didn't know what. Were they coming down with something? They didn't have a fever or anything. And yet, here they were, with this weird, bad feeling in the stomach. 
They could see the hero through the one-way glass in front of them. The hero was still tied to the chair, though more or less uninjured. Typically, the supervillain would have been in there already, probably torturing the information they needed out of the hero, but for some reason, they just didn't... want to? 
What was wrong with them?
Usually, it was empowering, forcing others to submit to them, breaking them mentally and physically, until they were nothing. But right now, the villain didn't really want to see that pretty face damaged. 
The supervillain flinched at their own thoughts. Had they been drugged or something? These weren't things they usually thought! 
The villain sighed before walking into the holding room. The hero immediately jolted at the sound of the door opening, which wasn't as satisfying as it usually was. 
The hero didn't speak, glaring at the villain with all the hatred in their eyes they could muster. It was a look the supervillain was so used to, so why did they want it to stop so badly?
"Alright, surprisingly, I'm not actually in the mood to draw this out longer than it needs to be, so just tell me what I need to know, and you're free to go," 
"Excuse me?" the hero asked incredulously, eyes wide. 
"You heard me," The supervillain said plainly. They weren't sure why, but they actually wanted this hero gone, far away from them. They hated all these weird feelings, and the quicker they were gone the better.
"And why would I tell you anything anyway?" the hero snapped. 
The supervillain sighed, "because you know what I'll do if you don't," they replied in annoyance. 
The hero stayed quiet. 
"Why were you sneaking around the power plant?"
The hero looked away, jaw clenching.
"Don't make me do something you'll regret,"
The hero's entire body tensed, but they remained quiet. 
The supervillain was starting to feel slightly sick. There was this... empty... falling... kind of sensation in their stomach. 
Is this... was this what guilt felt like? Whatever it was, they hated it. They knew what they had to do; they had done it a million times, so why was this any different?
Over this hero of all people? Gross.
The supervillain needed this information, and they needed it quickly. The lives of their men were at stake!
The villain opened their mouth, but the words got caught in their throat as if they simply refused to be spoken. They swallowed and managed to force the blackmail out. 
"346 Greywing Road,"
The hero paled.
In the end, the villain managed to get what they needed. But they had never felt worse about what should have been a win. 
They decided they hated love even more. 
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imaginefan · 8 years
Hostage Situation
Bruce Wayne X Reader 
Word Count: 822
Requested: Anon
Request: A Bruce Wayne imagine where the reader is his girlfriend and when Jerome is resurrected he takes her instead of Bruce. But then Bruce saves her in the fun house mirrors, beats up Jerome (basically what happened in the episode) and when Bruce and the reader reunite it's really adorable and just make the ending fluffy please. Thank you!
Warning - Reader is kidanpped, Reader is injured, talk of killing parents
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Your music was playing loud, all over sound was drawn out as you walked around your house you were trying to drown out what was going on outside the walls of your home, you were supposed to go see Bruce but then everything happened and it was safer inside than out. Your parents were away because of business, not that you knew what that was. You walked passed the living room and the TV was on you frowned walked in and turned it off before walking back out and continuing down the hall where you froze upon seeing someone sitting at the desk in your father’s study. “Ah, there you are.” He said you tried to back away but there was someone behind you pushing you into the room. “(Y/N)? Right?” the man asked before turning the chair to reveal that it was Jerome.
“Yeah, now what do you want?” You asked. “Attitude,” Jerome warned. “Teenagers…I remember those days so many new emotion running through you wanting to kill everything you saw” “No, I think that was just you.” You shrugged. “Talkative aren’t we?” Jerome asked. “I live in Gotham, though I’d be dead a long time ago.” You shrugged. “Not afraid?” Jerome asked. “Nope.” You shook your head, that was a lie, though. “You will be.” he smiled. “What do you want?” You asked. “Oh, of course, so I want Bruce and he’s going to come to me because it’s the only way that his ever going to see you, but then, of course, I’m going to kill him,” Jerome answered. “Why?” You asked. “It’s been nagging at me since I woke up, it’s the only thing I remember wanting to do. The idea of slitting his pretty pink throat figured that would clear the decks don’t you think?” “Oh, the night at the benefit.” You nodded. “Well, this is a step-down.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked. “Well, his Bruce Wayne.” You said. “I’m aware.” Jerome nodded getting up to walk up to you. “So you're going to kill him where no one can see it?” You asked. “For his girlfriend, you're not doing a lot of saving,” Jerome noted. “Would you listen if I tried?” You asked and he just made a face shrugging and nodding. “Look I know you're just buying time but you make a valid point so let’s change the meeting spot.” He smirked. “You have a phone, right? Of course, you do you're a teenager.” Jerome patted you down until he found it in your back pocket. “Do you mind?” he asked handing to you to unlock it. You did and he scrolled through your phone not missing the fact that he didn’t see you parents on there, actually looking out of curiosity. “Brucey.” Jerome smiled when he picked up the phone. “Ah, ah, ah, you see you girlfriend quite the genius. You want to tell him?” He asked putting the phone to his ear, when you didn’t make a sound he grabbed his knife and dragged in in a diagonal line across the outside of your forearm, you took in a breath but your face didn’t change and Jerome frowned before taking the phone back and explaining where he wanted to meet. “Oh, and Brucey make sure your alone or I’ll stab her every extra body!” You were waiting for Bruce “So you don’t like your parents?” Jerome asked. “What do you care?” You asked. “Ever felt like killing them?” Jerome asked. “Definitely.” You nodded. “Doesn’t mean I ever will.” “I like you, I might keep you.” Jerome smiled pointing the knife at you. “Oh looks like it’s show time.” Jerome walked over dragging you up from your seat his hand purposefully clamped around the open wound on your arm. “Tie her up in the tent, make sure she’s on stage.”
Jerome was excited about the show the only problem was that it was interrupted before it could begin. You watched as to police got everything under control and then Harvey came over to you and took off the handcuffs, you were sat in the back of the ambulance as they bandaged you up, a shadow loomed over you and you were almost afraid to look until you heard him “(Y/N)?” he asked quietly and you looked up at him tears streaming down your face as you jumped up wrapping your arms around his neck one hand buried in his hair as both of his wrapped around your arm. “Are you okay?” You asked pulling back to look at him, noticing the small pin pricks in his wrists and forearm. “I’m okay, it was just staples.” He smiled stroking his thumb over your bandaged arm. “You're staying with me from now on.” “I’ve got no objection to that.” You smiled lacing your fingers with his as he kissed your forehead and then lead you back to the Alfred and the car.
Requests and general question!
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pharaohhhhhhh · 5 years
A Pissed Proposal
It’s not that Derek doesn’t think Stiles would give up on him. They have been through a lot of things together and Derek knows that Stiles isn’t going to back out of this life. But he isn’t under delusions that Stiles wants this. He can see it in the way that Stiles sometimes looks at news about his past dream colleges. He can hear it in the way that Stiles complains, rants, sighs whenever the next supernatural monster comes along. He can feel it when he drains Stiles’s pain away, his human human pain that just serves as a reminder that Stiles doesn’t really, shouldn’t belong in this supernatural bullshit.
And he gets it. Derek is practically the president of the Stiles deserves better fan club. He lives for Stiles having a better future, a normal ass life. Unfortunately for Derek, the one time he tried to perhaps insinuate that, Stiles kind of hit him in the head, gave him the silent treatment for an hour before he broke down, called him an idiot, declared he isn’t going to back down for this unless he wants to not because a sour constipated alpha told him to.
(Somewhere in there, Derek was supposed to cut in and growl out a reason as to why Stiles should have stayed. But then Stiles accidentally confessed his love inbetween insulting his lack of eyebrows and Derek had been too focussed on kissing the soul out of him.)
(He had no excuse for later, during the post coital session and Derek can admit thatbit was because after years of pining, he was maybe a bit too selfish and didn’t want to lose the one thing that he truly cared for.)
But he knows it isn’t forever. Because of course Stiles is smart enough to know what he really deserves, Stiles sees his own worth. Of course Stiles sees that he needs to leave this life, tjat there is someone better for him, a lofe worth leaving far away.
And of course he realises this when they are captured, kidnapped one particularly ordinary evening before they could even reach the front door of the renovated Hale house.
The Harpies grab them, claws out, scratching and vying for blood. But they don’tkill them. They are being used by ...hunters... to catch Derek and Stiles just happens to be mixed up in it, because the Harpies followdd him home because of Derek’s scent.
Stiles isn’t hapoy about it and he continues to be thoroughly pissed when they get locked up in two separate cages. Derek, tied up and chained whilst Stiles is tied up by ... ropes.
The harpies leave them to get thw hunters and Stiles doesn’t even have the energy to rant. Of course Derek senses his anger, his sadness, his disappointment and he fears that Stiles has had enough of this. Stiles goes on to rant about how fucking indecent it is to be kidanpped and how he wants a normal life, not understanding the turnoil that is in Derek’s heart right now.
Stiles is still ranting when Derek makes the decison that Stiles needs to be cut off. And he begins the most uncomfortable break up. Stiles is confused at first, not understanding until Derek aays he deserves a life without him, without all this sounding heartbroken as fuck.
Stiles just samtares and then he gets mad that Derek is breaking up with him. They have a likg argument that Derek doesn’t control his life and hor Stiles needs to realise that he could get hurt and that he can walk away. And Stiles is like what the fuck, why would I and Derek gets frustrated and just makes an aborted lame ass attempt, unable to keep arguing because Stiles sees through his bullshit and just says, ‘you clearly don’t like this anymore.’
And Stiles just remembers complaining about it more than often and then reams into Derek about how he had something planned. Then he produces a fucking ring from his pocket, throws it at Derek and turns away saying, good to know you don’t want me anymore.
Derek just stares at the box with wide eyes and is speechless for a while until he smells the staring saltiness of a tear and is jolted to see Stiles, looking away , fists clenched and really upset (i mean, he wanted to propse and D ber pushed him away.)
So Derek somehow works himslef out ohe chains. Its lid its noisy but its epic. He breaks through Stiles s cage and then smooches the hell out of Stiles, and gives him the box. Stiles confused gives him a look until Derek says he’s tired of the supernatural bullshit and he isn’t saying yes in a harpy cage.
Stiles sees that for the out it is and kisses him back, kind of shly and goofily and tells him not to decide for him ever again. He wants to be here, all the time, all the ways, anyway he can be there.
They break out of the harpies cage, they fight a few hunters, escape, ditch the loft for a bit and hide out in a good night spot to see the stars. As stiles heals and Derek draws his pain, Stiles says that this is his favorite part of the whole she bang. That the sup stuff is bad but its momenta like these when everything seems worth it.
Derek says he enjoys it too. And Stiles aays as casually as you please that its a perfect proposal place. Derek rolls his eyes but doesn’t object so Stles starts taking the piss until Derek starts getting impatient and tells him to hurry up and ask him already.
Stiles realiing that its actually happening oh shit, gets nervous, says some hard core embarrassing shit about love and then puts the ring on. Derek mauls him, jumps on him and kisses Stiles.
Scott tracks them and finds them smooching, and immediately looks to Stiles for like... what happened eyes amd Stiles just yells,,, HE SAID YES!
So yeah..:
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