#throwing me off my groove
alsojnpie · 4 months
If the ask thing is still allowed, is ur Papyrus purely the horrortale one or is OG Papyrus also there? Love ur art and stuff btw aaaa Ur self-ship art is so cute >\\\\\<
awwwwwe thank you :' ) i will hold your kind words tight and treasure them forever❤️❤️
and you mean my imaginary friends right?
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sometimes i do imagine og papyrus because it makes me sad to think of him being left out and i love him so much. but that's more me playing with daydream toys, then him being a real imaginary friend. (which like, playing with daydream toys is kind of the first step to imaginary friend! but..)
i haven't seen the real imaginary friend him ever since years ago (i can rewind the tape in my mind and you can actually pinpoint the second his heart rips in half) and it feels insulting to force. he left on purpose. i could probably make a new one and indeed I've half-heartedly tried but again it feels rude. also that was the most tangible and least constructed papyrus in my mind so anything i make specifically to replace him inevitably feels kinda phony.
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as-above-is-moving · 1 year
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"have you ever looked at someone and wondered, what is going on inside their head?"
me, after learning that Europa has co2 along with oceans : SPACE WHALES SPACE WHALES SPACE WHALES SPACE WHALES SPA-
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bandanabiel · 1 year
kicking my feet twirling my hair and listening to drop pop candy while writing emotionally intense scenes like 🥰🥰
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lyriumsings · 7 months
i thought i was gonna have a chill day but my head is killing me and the girls are fighting lmao
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kamenriderhamo · 11 months
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robinsnest2111 · 1 year
youtube seems to have gotten rid of the recommended videos homepage format both on desktop and mobile. now it wants me to activate my watch history instead...
what in the fresh hell is this?
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twerkstallion · 1 year
so torn about where to do my art rn
ive been using csp on the ipad and loving how things come out despite how much more tedious it is to use compared to the graphics tablet + keyboard... and its hard to swap between the two bc i have entirely different muscle memory for each as well as different controls and posture.
it just trips me up, and executive function/initiating tasks/staying focused/self esteem is already something i really struggle with .. gaah it doesnt help, go away brain woes i want to make art!!
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saiibeo · 1 year
Me: looking up Scr.eam info out of curiosity while going through a Scr.eam marathon. Google: which movie was Dan.ny Joh.nson in? Answer: Scr.eam 5 Me, knowing damn well Danny is just a DB.D character and now being so fucking confUSED WONDERING IF I MISSED SOMETHING:
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frostbitegator · 2 years
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Neglected this whole year to update my daily calendar up until just recently, so whipped up all the months including September since it's now October.
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lindwurmkai · 2 years
Confession: I hate "like to charge, reblog to cast" posts because yeah I often want to reblog them but then I would also have to like them and my likes are only for supporting friends or bookmarking posts I want to look at again later
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atlafan · 2 days
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yumenosakiacademy · 4 months
oh nooo either my alarm didn't ring or I 4got 2 turn it on/accidentally turned it off somehow b4 bed when I set it? bc I meant 2 get up st 12:30 (already late bc I went 2 bed late) but it's 1:30 now :( I've lost a whole hr of my day :(
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foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
I’ve been fired exactly once in my life. In my early twenties I was working at a pizza place. The pizzas were artisanal, thin crust and personal. They’re a huge chain now but when I first started the company was in its infancy. It was the wild west of management, and the core investors would frequently stop by to check on things. One of these people was this round little man with rage issues. A knock off Danny Devito with no charisma at all.
His favorite thing to do was to come in on a Friday or Saturday night. We'd be at our stations: taking orders, making pizza, manning the oven, finishing orders off, running the cash register. He'd shove his way onto the line and start rearranging people. "You, get off orders and work the cash register, you come over and make the pizzas!" With a line of customers snaking out the door he'd throw off all our grooves and rattle us.
Then, inevitably, a mistake would happen.
When it did he'd call the person over and say, "Hey c'mere. You're fired." Just like that. No inflection, just a flat "You're fired." It was absolutely a power kink, and because of his involvement the average turn over was three months. You were a veteran at five months.
One night there was only three of us manning the front. I took an order than went to the cash register to ring them out before I made the pizza. This horrible man watched that then called me into the back. I didn't know if I was about to be fired. But I wasn't. In fact, he had one other move besides firing people. He yelled.
In the back he absolutely lost his mind screaming at me for being on the cash register. I'm talking veins popping, spit flying, red with rage, this man just started bellowing nonsensically about where I should be and how I was just such a failure. It was truly like his brain had shut off, nothing he was saying even made sense. I stood there in the face of this tirade for a minute and then set a record for being the first person to ever cut him short by bursting into tears.
He instantly stopped yelling and it was like Jekyll and Hyde. He was remorseful and consoling, deeply embarrassed by my display of emotion. All my male coworkers just took the abuse but faced with my weeping he about faced and instantly backed off. I went outside to cry and when I came back in he pretended it had never happened.
That was the state of things. The investors knew they desperately needed to keep this man out of the stores, but they couldn't just give him the boot. They needed to move him aside and fill his position with someone. The store manager was this lovely woman who had hired me on the spot at my interview. The entire staff adored her. She was the best fit to get this roided out investor out of the stores for good.
Her replacement was this man called Anthony. He was instantly loathed by the entire staff. Condescending, critical, and lazy he started off his reign by letting go a core lead who "back talked." He spent a whole morning berating the opening crew because the closing crew (who had sold 100 more pizzas than we were even supposed to have on hand) had forgotten to windex the doors. He left the entire crew to close without him while he flirted with a girl who wasn't his pregnant girlfriend. He hired his roommate to replace the lead he fired and even that guy hated his guts.
Our antipathy toward him made him paranoid and resentful and one by one he started finding excuses to fire the whole staff, certain that if he could clean house he'd be able to do the job. My time came, and he sat me down with his boss, my former manager. She cried as he announced I wasn't personable enough and used too many pepperonis.
I looked at her, the woman who had trained me on how many pepperoni to use, but she said nothing. What could she say? He was the boss now and had determined I was going to be let go regardless. Too many in this case was seven. Seven pepperonis on a personal pizza. The correct number was five according to him, which is one pepperoni per slice, and one in the middle.
I sat there for a moment, taking it in. I smiled at my old manager, obviously miserable. I looked back at him and said, "You're a terrible manager, you're doing the worst imaginable job." I outlined some of the things he'd done so she could hear them, then I stood up and left. I made it to the back room before I started crying.
I found out later through a bus boy that he replaced the whole staff with college kids who had such limited availability that the store couldn't run, then quit three months later leaving the whole place in shambles. Most of the old staff returned, but I'd moved onto the sex shop already and was enjoying a job with significantly less risk of being fired on a whim.
However I do have to disclose on job applications if I've ever been fired. I always says yes and list the reason as, "Excessive use of pepperoni." It has never failed to get a laugh from my interviewer.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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I am getting this like. Every 2 seconds. Be it if I'm editing a draft or inserting an icon. It's driving me nuts D:<
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raraeavesmoriendi · 1 year
one thing I miss about fencing in high school was having a foil that I could use to hold people at more than double my arm’s length.
stay over there or get poked, idiot 🤺
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