#thx for the ask bro...
drawnfamiliarfaces · 20 hours
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Heroes of Millennium (HoM) AU
Act 1, Omake 2 (Extra): Barrier Team. - (here)
Act 1, Omake 1 (Extra): Master of Time. - read here
Act 1: What was left behind. - read here
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colorfulplasma · 6 months
Charater : Infinite
Palette : Powerful
[ /nf ]
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tw gore
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color palette ask challenge :)
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starfiresky · 5 months
Guys. I just went to prom all by myself without a date (cuz nobody asked me) and friends (even tho I’ve been living here for 3 years). I was going to just mope and be sad, but I decided to just have an epic time and be really happy. I even went out on a limb and asked this dude to dance with me, and he was genuinely happy and ACTUALLY had rizz, and turned out to be an elite smash bros player who actually likes and plays kingdom hearts. WHAT!? WHO IS THIS MAN?
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leafuxxtea · 6 months
black hole.
(gets consumed by The Void)
i see n othi ng. ih ear no t hing. i f eel not hin g.
t her e
is n ot hing
bu t
d ark n ess
yo my bad i fell asleep there for a sec (genuinely how i feel falling asleep in class)
HELLO ATLAS!!! not only do you cause me pain by roblox-fying characters, but you also send an entire BLACK HOLE after me???? why have enemies when you have friends like these 😔😔 but ig it was fun to be devoid of Everything for a second (I actually have no idea how black hole works, so like. whoops)
Reluctantly sending you my love,,,😒 but gn and sweet dreams!! (we're in the same timezone right?? maybe ur sleep schedule isn't as fucked up as mine, hopefully,,,)
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surfsup4juno · 2 months
dude water isn't that bad 🥺
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smallturtlebomb · 2 months
4.) When did you become a fan of TMNT?
26.) What is one of your favorite pieces of TMNT fan art?
4.) I became a fan of tmnt in 2014 or 2015 when tmnt!12 was rlly popular
26.) and my favorite pieces of fan art have to be crossover fanart or when the turtles r being siblings and annoying each other
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a-big-apple · 4 months
oh shit for the ask meme!!! 4, 5, 12, 23!
omg i forgot about that already jdskjldfkjdfs <3
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet
hmmm, one i never started but i want to go back to eventually is an amethyst pov su fic about her and greg finally unearthing the deed to his uncle's mansion that greg mentioned in maximum capacity, and helping steven move into this mansion when he's done driving around finding himself. in my head it's not really a mansion, it just seemed that way to greg when he was a suburban kid, but it's big enough that connie could move in if she wanted, and gems could come and go for visits, and amethyst is sort of facilitating this next step in steven being on his own and having his own life while greg and the gems stay in beach city and have their lives.
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
this is from a tlt wip i've been stuck on for quite a while, about how cam got harrow in handcuffs:
If Camilla had been in a locked room where a child was brutally—and invisibly—skewered to death less than twenty-four hours ago, the Warden would be scrutinizing that room within an inch of its life the instant he got the chance.
12. a trope you’re really into right now
omg i don't even know...i've been craving more takes on harrow and kiriona/gideon after whatever happens in atn, if that counts as a trope! somehow i can never read too many fics about these damaged girls trying to recover on a thalergy planet and learning how to farm or cook or just live a country life while pyrrha and paul and maybe ianthe poke their noses in. i guess this is what i'm into reading more than what i'm into writing, but i've been too busy to write so T^T
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
this is HARD!! i think i want the three keywords to be musical, mundane, and interpersonal
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kaibacorpbros · 11 months
Ryou placed a small smooch on Kaiba's cheek. Sure the man didn't like birthdays, who could blame him? But it still didn't make Ryou's feelings go away. He still felt he had to do something special on the day that the world was blessed by Seto's birth. So a quiet evening was given. As the man worked, Ryou brought him a small sandwich and a drink for him to enjoy. And that smooch to his cheek as well.
"Happy birthday dear. Thank you for being you." All the good and all the bad that Seto was. It was all a blessing.
| birthday asks | @curseofnecrofear
Acts of service was always something Seto has appreciated. But he appreciated them all the more in moments like these. Times when he'd been staring at his work a little bit too long and starting to get a bit frustrated which impeded his progress. And just when his brain was yowling for sustenance but Seto was too engrossed to allow himself to stop and get himself something Ryou saved the day.
It was simple, but the best things usually were.
"It's appreciated, I needed this," he says, quickly taking a bite.
His was grateful for low profile of Ryou's celebration this year.
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twerkyvulture · 1 year
Sorry for saying that…it was really rude of me…
Apology accepted.
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was a good night. even though i diddnt have any freaky gross gay sex.
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colorfulplasma · 4 months
Someone give Twitch fentanyl
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kumbatant · 2 years
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! 🖤
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zooone · 2 years
Thank you for convincing florence to do a Siren fanfiction, in return I'll give my first newborn
i think this is the best ask ive ever received.
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pranksteranon · 2 years
hey hey hey wanna see a really funny thing i can do
*falls over onto their side and projectile shoots two pieces of toast at pranon*
*catches both toasts with my mouth*
(Muffled) Oh, ffnx ffo fha beffasft, fohmi
(Oh, thx for the breakfast, homie)
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scouts-numba-1-blog · 1 month
Let's start simple
16. What do you think makes you attractive?
- 🪶 anon
This is my kinda question!
All a me! My face! My muscles! All the good stuff! That’s an easy question that I always love answerin!
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dmercer91 · 2 months
hit 1k posts i feel,,,,, old
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