#tibetan wool
briery · 8 months
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Secret Garden Rug from the Opulent Nature Collection by Guo Pei. Handknotted Tibetan wool and silk. (From $7, 680). (Hi-Res 1, 2).
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chichivb · 11 months
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Picture by https://instagram.com/norlha_atelier?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
(Norlha atelier)
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devil-in-hiding · 2 months
On The Run Part 1
The Barn
cw: violent behavior, suggestive themes, i will get better at this i swear
It’s a downpour tonight. The roof overhead rattles with the force of the winds outside, keeping you awake. Your eyes drift towards the window periodically, watching the lightening illuminate the night sky, thunder rolling closer and closer as the wind hails. Your four loyal, massive Tibetan Mastiffs lay around your bed, dead to the storm raging outside. You’d normally have them out in the barn, but with how terrible it’s coming down you would have felt terrible.
But now you lie awake, worry in the pit of your stomach. Some of the goats had just given birth, and with this storm you knew the kids had to be distressed, and their bleats often agitated the horses.
You absentmindedly reach down to run a hand through Dixon’s fur, who lets out a pleased huff, nuzzling your palm. You try to let the beat of rain lure you to sleep, eyes finally feeling heavy as your breathing evens out.
But then you hear it, over the raging of the storm you can still hear your stallion, Sebastian, neighing, and then the pound of his hoofs against his stalls, and you're flying out of your bed.
Nothing spooks your stallion, absolutely nothing.
You race down the stairs in just your nightgown, rushing to pull on your boots, no socks, as Dixon, Grimes, Judy and Maggie come bounding after you. You throw open the door, the screen slamming against the house from the wind but you pay no mind, running towards the barn, barely catching yourself from slipping in the mud.
The closer you get, the louder you can hear all your herd. Your hearts pounding harder than the rain when you reach the barn doors, and you can hear the dogs barking behind you as you reach to yank open the double doors
Your barn is never locked.
From the inside.
“Hello?!” You yell, slamming your palms against the wood, guilt wracking your body when you hear something scurry away on the other side.
“What are you doing in there?” You scream, shaking the handles with all your might, but they hold strong, and after a harsh yank, your hand slips, sending you flying into the mud.
You can hear what can only be described as chaos in the barn, and tears prick your eyes as you crawl forward, banging your fists against the doors.
“PLEASE! Please don’t hurt my animals! They’re already scared! Please- AH!” You scream as the door flies open, sending you face first into the barn floor.
You barely register the blood dripping from your hands as you scramble to stand up, taking in the scene.
The mares were going wild, bucking and kicking the doors of their stalls while Sebastian raged, having busted his door down, prancing infront of his ladies protectively.
Your goats were huddled in a group on the corner, the kids tucked between their bodies and the sheep standing in front of them, shaking so badly their wool was trembling. The rest of the stock is scattered, hiding in various corners of the barn.
You whistle, which immediately catches Sebastian’s attention, huffing and puffing.
“I’m here! It’s okay, ma is here!” You hush them, slowly walking towards the stallion with your hand out, palm up.
He neighs, tossing his head, leaning down to sniff your hand, when he stops, and suddenly a new sound reaches your ears.
Dixon and Grimes are growling out a warning.
Before you can even blink, there’s a hand over your mouth. Your gasp is muffled at the pressure of cold steel at your neck, an arm wrapping around your chest pulling you into a firm, solid figure.
“Not. A. Sound.” A gruff voice barks in your ear, and your blood runs cold.
“Lock the doors back.” The man orders, and a sinking feeling overcomes you when you hear a new set of footsteps. You stumble as you’re jerked back, Dixon barking as you start to thrash, kicking your feet, but the grip around you tightens.
“Fuckin- Knock it off!” He growls, pressing what you can only guess is your carving knife painfully against your throat and Grimes lets out a guttural sounding bark before lunging, only to yelp when a foot shoves him back, and you thrash harder, attempting to nip at this man’s hand.
“Stop you little fuckin-SHIT!” He bellows as your teeth sink into his palm, not releasing until you taste his blood splash over your teeth, and then you’re on the ground.
“Little bitch!”
“Don’t touch my fucking animals.” You spit, turning to stare up at the intruder, just to be met with a ski mask and cold eyes. You can’t help but freeze, the carving knife glinting in the low light of the barn.
He’s quick, and you try to stumble to your feet, but you're once more in his grasp. You go for a punch, but he catches your wrist easily, pinning your arm behind your back with one hand and yanking your forward with the other, pinning you against him, and the knife is at your throat again.
“Let’s try this again.” He says between clenched teeth, tightening his grip till you whimper.
“Ghost. Lighten up.” A voice pipes up, raspy and stern with a commanding tone. The masked man, Ghost, rolls his eyes, but loosens the hold he has on your wrist.
“Who else lives here?” He questions, and it feels as though a bucket of cold water has been dumped over you.
“No one…” You whisper, squeezing your eyes shut when his grip tightens once more. “Don’t bullshit us. Who else lives on this land with you?!” He’s in your face, making you open your eyes, tears blurring your vision.
“It’s just me I swear!” You sob, feeling the tip of the knife digging into your skin. “I swear to god it’s just me, you can go check the house-“
The pressure of the knife is gone, and the shock of your bare knees hitting the barn floors barely phases you as Dixon and Grimes dart to your side, whining softly as they nudge your hands with their heads.
“Think she’s telling the truth?” A new voice speaks up, a thick Scottish accent ringing in your ears as you try to put distance between you and the four, you are finally able to count, men standing in the middle of your barn.
“Explains the massive mutts.” Ghost grunts, glancing at the four mastiffs, who you push behind you, shielding them, trying not to let your fear show more than it already has.
“They aren’t mutts.” You hiss, Judy nuzzling her giant head into your back as you shuffle them back, away from these men.
You hold your head high, but your lip can’t help but tremble when all their eyes turn to you.
“You sure there’s no one else in that great big house?” The older man with scruffy facial hair asks with a tilt of his head, and a spark of agitation flares in your chest. Why did they want to know so badly? if they were going to…
If they were going to kill you, surely they would have done it by now, right?
“I swear on my life.” You plead, voice cracking. You’re horrified when you realize your nightgown has been soaked through this whole time, noticing the way the one with the mohawk, the Scot, keeps eyeing your bosom. You look away, cheeks burning as fresh tears prick your eyes.
“Soap, Gaz. You two go check the house. Report back to me, I want a moment with her.” The unnamed man ordered.
Mohawk and a dark skinned man nodded, heading out of the barn. Ghost passes one of them the carving knife, and your fist curl in your lap.
“What do I do Price?” Ghost asks, and the man, Price, waves a hand, eyes trained on you. “Search the surrounding area, look for anyone hiding on the property.”
And then you were alone. The barn has settled, most of your animals having made their way to the farthest wall behind you. He approaches you slowly, cautiously eyeing Dixon who raises up, baring his teeth, but you click your tongue, and he steps back immediately, sitting at your side like a statue as the others guard the flock.
You feel a puff of air breath against your head, and you can’t help the wet laugh that bubbles out when you realize Sebastian is standing guard over you.
“Seems you’ve got yourself quite the protection.”
He muses, eyes bouncing between the animals.
“They were abandoned when I found this place.” You confess, a slight tremble to your voice as you watch Price crouch in front of you. He’s quiet for a moment, eyes flickering over your form and you wrap your arms around your middle.
“If my men are walking into a trap, whoever is there will be killed.” He says simply, tone almost bored and you feel your face pale.
“They’re not! This is my land! Mine!” You insist, frustrated tears falling freely as you flex your fingers, muscles tense.
“Tiny little bird like you, all by herself?” Ghost scoffs as he returns, and you feel your ears burn.
“What did you find?” Price asks him over his shoulders.
“Can hardly see shit in this rain but I found no one. There’s a truck around back but the engine seems shot.” He shrugs, eyes peering at you through that ski mask and you avert your gaze.
The doors open against, the other two rushing in, soaked to the bone.
“The house is clear sir. Only one room looks lived in, two guest rooms down the hall on the upper level and a small library on the ground level. Gaz found a shotgun by the front door.” The Scot, Soap, you gather, reports back to Price.
“I told you. It’s just me out here.” You mutter, and this time Ghost is crouching in front of you, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him.
“You hiding from something little bird?” He asks, cocking his head to the side
“You’re the ones breaking into my barn and scaring my animals!” You snap, trying to get out of his grip, but he only holds tighter.
“You’re a little fighter aren’t you?” You see his eyes crinkle, and you're shocked this man even knows how to smile under that mask.
He releases you, standing up and stepping back to stand with the other three men, who still loom over you. You feel like a lamb being sent to the slaughter house, and you bury one of your hands in Dixon’s thick fur to ground yourself.
“Please-“ You start, voice shaking, and you feel a tear slip down your cheek.
“I don’t have much, there’s maybe three thousand dollars in the safe in my closet. I’ll give you the code just…” Your voice trails off, a sob slipping past your lips and Dixon whines, low and sad as he places his giant head in your lap.
“Please don’t hurt us. D-don’t hurt my animals- I won’t even call the cops, it would take the nearest deputy three hours to even reach my house.” You beg, exhaustion and nerves taking over as your shoulders slump, trembling with your quiet sobs.
You see Price’s boots approach you, and he tilts your chin up, and you flinch when he brushes a tear away with his thumb.
“Stop all these tears pretty. We don’t want to hurt you or your little farm.” He coos down at you. Confusion swirls in your head, making you dizzy as another sob can’t help but slip out, Price cupping your cheeks, shushing you softly as he wipes your cheeks.
“I don’t understand…” You whisper, searching this strange, terrifying man’s face for any sign of deceit, but he just grins at you.
“You told us the truth. Very good.” It sounds almost like praise the way he whispers it to you, and you whimper, shame filling your stomach. You look away from him, taking a shuddering breath as you struggle to compose yourself.
“Let’s get you back inside hm? Can’t have you catching a cold.” He tsks, and before you can argue, you’re being lifted into his arms, tucked against his chest. You try to struggle, but the adrenaline has worn off, confusion left in its wake as these strange men usher the herd into their correct pens, Soap barley escaping one of the Roosters pecking at him in defiance, before pausing.
“I don’t think I want to mess with this guy.” Gaz mutters, the three of them staring at Sebastian, who stares back, as though daring them to try and corral him.
“He.. He’ll go back in his stall once it’s quiet… You scared them…” You mutter, tired as you give in, resting your head against the strong chest you’re pressed against, and you feel Price’s grip tighten.
“You’re freezing sweetheart, let’s get you out of these wet clothes.” He murmers, and your heart skips.
“I can do that myself.” You hiss, staring up at him with narrowed eyes, despite the fact you can feel your cheeks burning.
He just laughs.
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metanoiastudies · 2 years
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Dining Room - Traditional Dining Room
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jareckiworld · 6 months
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Tsherin Sherpa — Three’s Not Always A Crowd (highland tibetan wool, chinese silk, cotton warp and weft, 2022)
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circlique · 2 years
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I'm basically obsessed with researching clothing for different regions for OC ideas, and knowing that the Air Nomads were based on Tibetan monks, I think there was a real missed opportunity to show Aang wearing a chuba in the show!
It's an ankle-length robe tied around the waist with a sash, usually made of wool or sheepskin, that originated in Tibet. I'm sure the Northern and Southern Air Temples get quite cold, so it doesn't seem too out there for the monks at those temples to make wool winter garments like this.
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thegildedbee · 4 months
Fire/Night: May 20 & 21 Prompts from @calaisreno
[This current chapter and the previous ones are on Ao3.]
............................................................................................... As he begins to step off the train, Sherlock uncurls his fingers to let his mobile slide from his hand into the open space between the train carriage and the pavement's edge — although he’s removed the sim card, best not to have anything to hand that has an identification number since he's unsure as to what dangers lie ahead. He’s now untethered from communications, and about to step out onto a naked stage to begin a scene for which he does not have a script, although others surely do. He looks about with a keen eye, seeking to identify his contact – ah, there he is, it seems, a man perhaps a decade younger than himself, dressed neatly but inconspicuously, in black jeans and a heavy navy wool jacket, the asymmetrical opening buttoned closed at the shoulder. Sherlock inclines his head, as does the other man in response.
When Sherlock nears the path leading to the car park, the man toward whom he’s heading begins unfastening the coat, causing Sherlock to slow his stride and shift his weight, looking stealthily toward his left to identify any obstacles should he suddenly need to begin an evasive maneuver.
The man shakes his head slightly, and places his hand, fingers spread and pressed flat against his heart, for a brief moment, and then holds up his index finger. Looking closely, Sherlock sees that he is wearing a vibrant blue shirt, patterned with silver-outlined cranes. He calms, and awards points to his contact; nice touch, that. Although he subtracts points for needlessly tripping the threat alarm of a person on approach.
“Dr. Scott?” the stranger inquires, clearly expecting the nod of confirmation that Sherlock gives; he seems to have been at least minimally briefed. Sherlock hopes that this means they’re not flying blind.
“Greetings, sir. I am Ceba Trungpa, education section head of The Council for the Preservation of Sacred Cranes, at your service – I am here to help you complete your itinerary for the day,” he says pleasantly, speaking in Mandarin. With two hands, he holds out his business card and bows slightly; Sherlock accepts the card in the same manner, including responding with a careful bow. The front, written in English, is straightforward: name, title, organization. These words also appear on the back, although this time in Mandarin, and in a smaller font, to make room for some additional lines, which look to be numbers related to addresses and mobile contact details. Shorn of the letters, however, Sherlock decodes the numerals as indicating map coordinates; it’s not likely to be a coincidence, for the result works out to be roughly five miles from where they now stand, in a slightly northeasterly direction. He scrutinizes the card further, but concludes that he’s extracted all the information to be had, which leaves him only marginally less in the dark.
“I am grateful for your assistance, Mr. Trungpa,” Sherlock replies, also in Mandarin. “As you have been informed, I have come from Shigatse, where, out in the field, I was honored to have seen four pairs of the noble black-necked crane nesting safely. A rare privilege.”
Trungpa does up his coat, and nods his head. “Indeed, you are quite fortunate to have been absent from Lhasa in such safe surroundings, and to have been able to view such a high-priority scene -- a very fine outcome,” he says blandly, with an affable smile. “Black-necked cranes are remarkable creatures, as you know. Beautiful and fascinating in themselves, but also a flagship species for assessing the environmental status of the Tibetan plateau. Your photographs and field observations are most welcome, and it is certain that they will be of significant interest to many.” He gestures toward the car park. “If you are ready to join me, please come this way; my vehicle is at the far end from where we are – the jeep near the entrance. Do you see?”
“Yes, I do. Thank you. If I may, what is our itinerary?”
“Of course. You are to finish your day by visiting Drak Yerpa, a Buddhist pilgrimage site, located in a valley on the northern bank of the Kyichu. It will take us perhaps an hour to arrive there. It consists of a monastery and a number of ancient meditation caves, carved into the steep limestone cliffs. As you may have read, it was created in the seventh century, and at one time housed several hundred monks. Nearly all was destroyed when the Chinese came; but the caves remain, and there has been rebuilding. In our own time, ten monks have permission from the authorities to be in residence. I can assure you that it is a remarkable introduction to the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.”
Sherlock takes this in, wondering what advantage will be gained by this turn of events. “This sounds most intriguing. I thank you for this opportunity for enlightenment.”
Trungpa halts briefly, looking closely at Sherlock with an air of gravity as he also comes to a stop. "It was thought this would be an excellent place for you to begin your departure from Lhasa. In addition to exploring the site, there are many interesting bird species in the area – pheasants, finches, sparrows, larks, partridges, geese, vultures.”
“I see,” Sherlock says slowly, not sure that he does. If the man is an operative of some sort, he is giving almost nothing away; he is doing a commendable job of seeming to be nothing more than what his putative business card says he is.
“Am I correct that I will be required to trek beyond the monastery site itself in quest of these sights?”
“Yes, you are indeed correct. In particular, if you proceed some distance away, after dusk you will encounter a Blackhawk.”
And there it is, Sherlock thinks to himself, the sum and substance of this foray. He tries to convey by the slight nod of his head that he understands the import of that last statement.
"And will you be joining me for that later portion of the schedule?” he says mildly, mentally inching his way toward a determination of what the mechanics will be that bring his visit to Tibet to its end. He is very nearly sure that these developments are being overseen by his brother, but he remains wary of assuming too much, too soon, lest he make a ruinous error.
Trungpa begins moving forward, and bids Sherlock continue with him. "I regret to say that will not be possible. I will be leaving near 17.30, when Drak Yerpa closes for visitation. Prior to this I will convey information regarding which direction it would be most profitable for you to proceed in order to have maximum success.”
When they reach the vehicle, Trungpa indicates that Sherlock should seat himself in the back, while he takes the wheel. Once they are both settled, he adds, “I should note that the elevation will increase another one thousand metres as compared to our current altitude. You will need to pace yourself accordingly. For now, please, just sit back and rest.”
The barest of outlines seems to be coming into view, Sherlock muses; he will need to hike a mile or so beyond the caves, using his compass to find the exact placement. If he has not been deceived – either deliberately, or through his own miscalculation – a Blackhawk helicopter will arrive to extract him soon after nightfall.
“That is excellent advice. I have indeed found the altitude to be challenging.” Contemplating the rendezvous to come, he asks, casually, “Are there 'bears' in the vicinity? Would one need to have some sort of weapon to hand?” He carries several, not least an intimidating knife concealed in his right boot. Best to know if trouble is expected.
“According to my current information, it is highly unlikely, and you need not concern yourself with such a scenario,” Trungpa answers, making eye contact with Sherlock in the mirror. He turns slightly to look at him person, his eyes taking on a teasing glint. “Nor do you need fear encountering a Yeti.”
“Good to know,” Sherlock says with a chuckle. He settles back into the seat, and pulls a banknote from a trouser pocket, and in self-soothing gestures, folds it, then unfolds it, smooths it out, and then folds it again to occupy his hands. He closes his eyes, and internally surveys the disordered pathway to the Asian museum exhibit space in his mind palace.
On the passing of the half-hour, he opens his eyes, and scans the passing landscape of grazing yaks and small farms amidst the winding roadway. He wishes he knew more specifically the cause of the instruction that he steer clear of his hotel, and to continue on as Dr. William Scott, rather than re-inhabiting Gabriel Vernet's persona. He has been careful to try and keep under the radar of Moriarty's network by engaging only lower and middle level confederates to date, and by spreading his efforts widely, dispersed across great distances. He has been keen to avoid establishing data points that might make a pattern of effort evident, attracting attention from the leadership, and prompting reconsiderations of his status as deceased. He is anxious to learn what he may have done wrong, and whether it will affect what comes next.
Upon their arrival, Trungpa suggests they stop at the teahouse situated below the cave complex. Although his stomach is reluctant to receive food, Sherlock knows that eating at least a small meal will help fortify him for whatever complications may lie ahead, and so he chooses some meat and cheese dumplings and sweet tea. As he watches Trungpa pay up front for their orders, he catches a glimpse of a piece of paper being passed to him, and reminds himself to stay alert.
During their long climb to the caves, and then as they tread along the extensive trail that connects them, they cross paths with very few people. As a guide, Trungpa is quite knowledgeable, explaining the meanings behind various statues and wall paintings, as well as stories that have been handed down from past centuries that assign specific caves to having been inhabited by particular holy men for years in meditative retreat.
It is said that one of these very monks from the ninth century spent years in solitary meditation in one of the caves, until mounting a horse and riding to the emperor's palace, where he shot an arrow through the heart of the man who would be the last ruler of the Tibetan empire, assassinated for his hostility to Buddhism, his death ushering in what came to be known as the Era of Fragmentation. Trungpa relates that he then returned to spend further years in meditation, having eluded capture by escaping to the riverbank, whereupon he reversed his black robe so that the white lining was now visible, and in wading his horse through the river, the charcoal he had used to color the animal black was washed away. There is another tale, which gives the horse's name as Silver Blaze, in honor of the speed with which his hooves pounded across the plateau, as swift as a flashing sword. Sherlock senses that his companion is particularly invested in this story, and he wonders if it resonates as more than sacred history, but also as an image that symbolizes a vein of resistance to the Chinese occupation of what their leaders style as the Autonomous Region of Tibet.
As they approach one of the furthest caves, Trungpa indicates that they should move behind a crag a short distance beyond, which will shield them from view. It is a location that opens out onto rocky terrain, which Sherlock grasps is where he will begin his trek. His guide verifies that the business card reveals map coordinates, and gives Sherlock a basic orientation to the topography that lies before him. He shakes Sherlock’s hand, and passes on the paper that he had received below. He has been told that the message contains no information of immediate necessity, and suggests that Sherlock make haste to move toward the meeting point, and only then, when safely arrived, read the message. He then speaks several sentences in Tibetan, places the palms of his hands together and bows, and lastly uses English to ask that the next phase of Sherlock's journey be auspicious, safe, and marked by good fortune.
Sherlock draws out a leather wallet and places the paper inside, and then draws a paper object of his own from his jacket pocket. He presents Trungpa with the banknote that he had been toying with inside the jeep, which he had fashioned into an origami crane. He, too, bids his companion safe travels and good fortune, and bows, and then swiftly sets to make his way without looking back. The sun is beginning to dip below the horizon, casting long bruise-colored shadows from the slopes of the mountains, while at the same time coloring the snow-covered peaks as if they are on fire.
He hopes that his camouflaged field jacket will aid him in making his way to the site without being noticed, until the night's sweeping robe of darkness hides him from view, as he waits to meet whatever fate has in store for him.
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @friday411 @peanitbear @original-welovethebeekeeper
@helloliriels @a-victorian-girl @keirgreeneyes @starrla89 @naefelldaurk
@topsyturvy-turtely @lisbeth-kk @raina-at @jobooksncoffee @meetinginsamarra
@solarmama-plantsareneat @bluebellofbakerstreet @dragonnan @safedistancefrombeingsmart @jolieblack
@msladysmith @ninasnakie @riversong912 @dapetty
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molkolsdal · 1 month
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This beautiful costume is inspired from the Balti ethnic group of Ladakh paired with the beautiful headgear "Lzaba Chan etu", which is mostly worn by married women of the community along with "kar". Kar is a shawl made of sheep wool worn on the back to keep the wearer warm in the harsh weather of Ladakh. Balti community are of Tibetan descendants and predominantly settled in the Kargil district of Ladakh and in smaller numbers in Leh, bogdang village of nubra valley.
Namza Couture
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discdogs · 5 months
I love absolutely all of the costume pieces in Hackers, they’re all such unique pieces and are so fitting for each respective character but i just wanted to share just a few of my favs that i saw on hackers curators!!
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Dades party pants - “Dade wears these checkered wide-legged bondage pants to Kate's party. They were designed for Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren's World's End label, for the 1984 Hypnos collection. Dade's pants are blue and orange checked with orange details, but a light blue and yellow color was also produced.”
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Phreaks BW jacket - “Phreak wears this black and white Pierre Cardin leather jacket on top of the Empire State Building during the hack battle and again when the Hackers gather around a pool table to score the battle”
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Cereals velvet underground Tank - “Cereal wears this ripped 1980s The Velvet Underground tee during both Cyberdelia scenes and at Lord Nikon's apartment when he shows up to watch Hack The Planet. The shirt features the cover art from Michael Leigh's controversial novel from which the band got their name.” (i made a version of this for a cosplay awhile ago)
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Curtis’ Jacket - “Curtis wears this jacket by Solar-1 to Cyberdelia on the night Dade beats Kate's top score.. It is an EMT jacket that is available in several colors and has distinctive silver reflective stripes to help Curtis look slick all day (and night).”
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Kates backpack - “Kate's "backpack" is a USAF C9 Parachute quarter deployment bag. The straps were added for the film” extra: “Deepdive information is coming soon, but in the meantime, check out the video process of our recreation.”
Razors Boots - “Razor wears these long "yeti" fur boots in the club scene when he and Blade agree to help hack the Gibson. These boots are vintage goat fur après ski boots by Italian label Oscar Sport, likely from the 1970s. Oscar still makes this style, called the Capra 01, although a few small details have changed in the past few decades. If the current model is any indication, the boots are handmade in Italy out of Tibetan goat fur and are wool-lined. Razor must be cold-blooded to dance all night in these babies!”
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misforgotten2 · 11 days
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Not vicuña? Then it isn't good for the likes of me.
BTW vicuña wool is the finest and most expensive legal wool in the world.
Illegal wool? Yes, shahtoosh is from the an endangered Tibetan antelope that can't be shorn so has to be killed to remove.
Life - March 19th 1956
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Nayshall's clothing (pt. 1)
I'm gonna be 100% honest with ya'll. I was writing a Bosch smut and for the life of me, I didn't know the names of the clothes he was wearing. But I didn't want to put "Robes" and move on, so I did a deep dive into Nayshall's clothes.
Nayshall is a blend of multiple cultures in one, but the general consensus of forums on Reddit and other forums was that Nayshall was inspired by Bhutan, Nepal, Indian, and Tibet cultures.
This is going to be split into multiple of parts because Nayshall has a lot of different types of clothes so I won't be able to cover it in one sitting. I barely even scratched the surface here.
If anyone is more knowledgeable than me and sees that I got something wrong please tell me in the comments. But I'm posting this because I want people to see the hard work the street-fighting devs put into this and the world of Nayshall.
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The chuba is a floor-length, left-crossing loose garment that is adjusted at the waist with a wide, usually red cloth belt, and pulled up to different degrees according to sex, rank or region. It is an extraordinarily adaptable garment worn by town dwellers, farmers, nomads, men and women alike, and is equally wearable on horse or motorcycle.
Chubas are pocket-less and held together with a waistband, with room in the front that serves as an “inside pocket” or inner pouch to store necessities such as food items, money belts, amulets, personal things, and even an infant in the bosom.
The chuba can be worn in different lengths, and the shorter the chuba, the more voluminous the pouch resulting from the overhanging material used to hold small items. Women wear their chuba ankle length, while men mostly pull them up the mid-calf or above the knee. Tibetan weather is fickle and temperatures can rise and fall within minutes.
Half-chupas: Just the skirt
Full chupas: Can be worn with a shirt
One-piece chupas: A one-piece dress
Town women: Wear their chubas floor length with pumps or high heel boots
Farmers and nomads: Double them over trousers 
Ex: Rewancha, Yua, and Bosch all wore a form of chuba as their gown.  The Chuba had 2 sleeves, but the locals usually only wear one sleeve and leave the other hanging loose. This is a way of adjusting the body temperature. When it gets hot, they take off one sleeve to cool down a bit. But if the temperature keeps rising they remove another sleeve too. We can actually see in Bosch's picture that the other sleeve is tucked in the back.
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They often have soft fur, pulu, or colorful cloth on the collar, front, cuff, and lower hem of the gown.
5 types of robes could be made out of, Pulu woven fabrics, lambskin robes, sheepskin robes, woolen robes, and light robes.
Woolen robes are made with inner layers of sheep fur, so they are light and warm, making them popular in warmer, agricultural areas like Nayshall.
Pulu, the traditional Tibetan wool fabric, is made by fluffing and combing the wool into a thread by fingers, then weaving it with a wooden shuttle loom. Pulu robes are a favorite in pastoral areas as well as farmland.
Lambskin is ranked by degree, according to the length of lamb hair, curliness, and quality of the skin. 40+ lambskin is necessary to make a medium-class lambskin robe.
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Modern and traditional
A growing trend among young Tibetans is blending traditional and modern casual clothing. Young Tibetans often try to find a balance between modern styles and their cultural heritage. It is not uncommon to see some Western-style clothing like jeans and t-shirts
The classic chuba robe is still everywhere, but Tibetan youth will make stylish adaptations. The cut of the fabric or the embroidered designs will be changed to something more contemporary. These changes show the desire to keep old traditions alive while making innovations to express personal style.
Ex. Same with the people in Nayshall they blend traditional and modern together. Shopkeeper Tsanpa wears jeans with his gho (Bhutan) tucked in. Yua wears modern shoes that resemble Tibetan boots, and Kina wears a beanie on top of her head.
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note that Kina may also be wearing a Kora Yushu hat.
The Kora Yushu hat is made from a blend of yak and merino wool, and its fabric originates from Tibet and China. Kora sources the wool directly from Tibetan communities to ensure its quality and origin. The hat is lightweight, warm, and thin enough to fit beneath a hood or helmet, making it suitable for winter and mountain use.
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Tibetan hair jewelry, including braids and hair beads, is used to mark life milestones like birth, marriage, adulthood, and death. The jewelry often reflects the colors of nature.
Tibetan hair beads can be used by both men and women. In Tibet, long hair was recommended for both men and women, except for monks and nuns. Tibetan braids can signal a woman's marital status, social rank, and tribal affiliation. Tibetan men wear hair beads but there is no male equivalent. 
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Tibetan headdresses vary by region, age, and marital status. For example, unmarried girls wear a single braid with a red hair string, called Xia Jiu in Tibetan. 
Tibetan women wear headdresses on special occasions, such as festivals and their comings-of-age. Headdresses can be colorful and made of coral, turquoise, or other materials. For example, a "Bazhu" is a deluxe headdress made of coral or turquoise with gold or silver earrings. Tibetan women also wear silver bracelets on their left hand and white conch bracelets on their right. 
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Tibetans traditionally wear jewelry, which is often made from gold, silver, and precious stones. The most common gems used are turquoise, coral, and pearls, which are used in necklaces, earrings, hair ornaments, and to decorate ritual objects. Tibetan jewelry can also be made from cow bone, amber, shell, and agate.
Tibetans wear a variety of jewelry, including ornaments made of gold and silver, as well as jewelry made of amber, agate, jadeite, pearl, and ivory. Tibetan jewelry traditionally features materials from across South Asia, East Asia, and the Middle East, and the symbols on Tibetan jewelry are usually from Himalayan Buddhism. Tibetans like to wear many ornaments and jewelry, such as Buddha beads, hair bands, hair accessories, belts, prayer beads, and necklaces.
Jewelry is a symbol of status and wealth in Tibetan culture, and each design has a specific meaning. For example, ornaments with symbols of animals, flowers, and stones are often given to commemorate special occasions. Some also believe that wearing gold enhances spiritual power over evil spirits. Offering jewelry to holy statues is thought to generate positive virtue for the donor. 
This article also goes into the types of ornaments they use in their jewelry
Jewelry can also serve as a talisman, with different amulets protecting against disease and harm. For example, coral and turquoise are said to ward off evil spirits and illness. 
Many Tibetan jewelry pieces are passed down from generation to generation. For example, some Tibetan-style pendants are used in Buddhism as ritual instruments to subdue demons, which are believed to dispel sins and bring people power, intelligence, and courage. Many of these pendants also have Sanskrit inscriptions of a religious symbolic nature.
Braids are also a symbol of strength, wisdom, and identity for some indigenous men and boys. They can also represent a connection to the earth, ancestors, and the creator. For example, in Native American tradition, hair is a signifier of spiritual practice, and braiding demonstrates strength in unity
sumba shoes
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Tibetans typically wear boots, which are more cultural representations than practical clothing. However, due to the prevalence of mass-produced shoes, traditional Tibetan boots are no longer the daily footwear for ordinary Tibetans. Instead, they are now usually part of ceremonial attire.
Tibetan boots are a significant part of the Tibetan way of life. They are more cultural than practical, and are worn to represent different regions and environments. For example, boots with a pointed toe are suitable for different types of terrain, and can be worn with a garter in cold weather. Boots from different regions of Tibet have different styles and qualities. For example, boots from Chamdo and northern Tibet are simple, while boots from Shannan and Xigaze are more delicate.
Tibetan boots are commonly made from cowhide, pigskin, corduroy, and pulu, a traditional woolen fabric. Other materials used include cloth, canvas, velvet, leather, and felt. The original boots were made from yak hide, and the soles were embroidered with patterns like dragons and snakes, and the shoes were decorated with red and green woolen cloth.
Tibetan boots come in two general types: short leg and long leg. Most Tibetan boots are lined or padded, though some may be unlined. The heads of corduroy boots are made of cowhide, and many kinds of pulu boots have cowhide soles.
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briery · 9 months
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Tempest Day Rug from the Opulent Nature Collection by Guo Pei. Handknotted Tibetan wool and silk. (From $6, 000). (Hi-Res 1, 2).
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ko-existing · 4 months
Did you make these clothes with artificial intelligence?
They have nice vibes and look cool, but those clothes give off a heavy and thick look.
Yes, with Bing AI!
I intentionally went for a heavier look for a imaginary winter-ish collection. The chuba is the core of Tibetan clothing, a full length cross over robe tied with a sash. There are a few different versions but in normadic regions, traditionally, winter coats are made from sheep skin on the outside and lined with sheep wool inside. They last pretty much forever. In winter we only wear a longsleeve shirt or thin sweater underneath, that's how warm the jacket is. Noting else is needed!
For me personally, having some weight & thickness to my clothes is a must otherwise it feels weird. I need to feel what i'm wearing, especially if it's denim like in the previous designs pictures and it's for winter so it'll keep you warm without having to add a million layers
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vartamin · 8 months
i will say that i think kiawentiio is a great casting choice for Katara, she's a great fit for the character and im super excited to see her perform. i will also say however (and this is no fault of kiawentiio's) that im rly disappointed in the costuming choices regarding Katara specifically
Out of all the pictures of the cast so far, Katara definitely feels the most "costume-y" and unrealistic
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The design of the patterned pieces on her coat do not resemble any type of Inuit or otherwise indigenous embroidery that I know of, in fact they aren't embroidery at all (which I find personally offensive because embroidery would've looked SO much better and more natural and would relate it more solidly to the Inuit and indigenous clothing it should be based off of) but they are reminiscent of water tribe designs in the show so I would give them a pass on that technicality. However, it's just so bad looking I really can't let it go. It's ugly! There! I said it! I have no real reason to dislike it other than my own personal preference! So what!
Moving on from the coat, the absolute lack of Inuit inspiration is a lot more apparent in the inner layers/traveling clothes. I understand that the Southern Water Tribe being inspired by Inuit/Inupiat/Yupik culture is a cultural outlier in the rest of the show, where the other nations draw from an amalgamation of East and South East Asian cultures, and the Northern Water Tribe of Mongolian and various Siberian cultures. Katara and Sokka's traveling clothes (both in the og show and the netflix adaptation) seem to be inspired more by East Asian clothing in order to bring their designs more in line with the rest of the show, but the lack of Inuit and indigenous inspiration in any of these new designs (that we've been shown so far at least) really annoys me
To my knowledge, even the inner layers in Inuit garments are commonly made of skins, not cloth, but there are other cold climate cultures that will use fabrics like cotton, wool and silks in their clothing, so I could forgive them (again) if they drew accurately from those designs instead.
Katara's outfit appears (to me) to most likely be based off of the Mongolian Deel, but I think an argument could be made for Qing Dynasty Chinese dress as well as they both wrap around the body to clasp to the side of the chest (the look of the clasps however do not seem to have any basis in anything whatsoever)
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However, netflix seems to have gone the same way as the shyamalan movie in choosing what looks like a linen(??) fabric? which really stumps me because, to my knowledge, linen is not a fabric often used in cold climate cultures. While it does have thermoregulatory qualities and works well for insulation, it is much more well known for its cooling capabilities than its warming ones. I understand that, to be true to the show they needed to use fabrics not common in traditional Inuit fashion, but even the Mongolian Deel is much more likely to be made of cotton, wool, silk or skins, so the decision to use it seriously throws me for a bit of a loop.
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Katara's iconic "hair loopies" are a reference to a traditional Inuit hairstyle (Nunavut Inuit specifically), but the way they have the braids start so far from her part with those plastic beads just makes it look so unnatural. It might be more accurate to the look of the show but spirits it doesn't look good (also just realized now writing this that her necklace pendant is white too it looks like a plastic bottle cap what the fuck EDIT: you see the difference between the faux fur lining her hood and inside it??? CHEAP OLD NAVY DOLLAR STORE LOOKIN ASS COAT)
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Even Kanna, who wears the same hairstyle, has her loops integrated more naturally and they look so much better in general
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the beads in Katara's hair are not culturally Inuit as far as I know, and instead seem to resemble Tibetan beaded and braided hairstyles. You can see here, though, that they somehow manage to not look like absolute shit and out of place like netflix has Katara's looking (and also are not plastic dental floss white they aren't even white in the show why would they do this to me specifically??)
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Somehow, the studio producing a franchise live action show cannot make Katara's hair look better than one of those cheap cosplay wigs you can get off aliexpress
It's not hard to make a show-accurate Katara hairstyle work, though. Silvousplaits on YouTube has a great tutorial for a realistic Katara hairstyle that, in my opinion, is somehow better than the multimillion studio hair they've given Katara in the live action
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Cosplayers are great and devote so much time and talent to making their costumes, but there is absolutely no reason that professionally produced costuming should look worse than something handmade by amateurs that can often only devote so much time to a craft they've picked up outside of their actual careers.
It's ridiculous.
I don't want to prejudge the ATLA live action before it's even out yet, but I already know I'm going to spend the whole time lamenting every single design choice they've made regarding Katara, and the lack of care that I see in her design makes me reticent to watch it.
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dollypopinspiration · 2 years
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Sweater weather equals cozy nights in. Have you ever seen a more cozy sofa than this gorgeous piece by Adrian Pearsall in special Tibetan wool?
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theartarium25 · 3 months
Timeless Elegance: Luxury Home Decor Items to Elevate Your Living Space
Luxury home decor items are not just about extravagance but also about quality craftsmanship, exquisite materials, and timeless design. Elevate your living space with these curated selections that embody sophistication and opulence, transforming your home into a sanctuary of luxury.
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1. Designer Furniture
Investing Luxury home decor furniture pieces is key to achieving a luxurious interior. Look for iconic designs crafted from premium materials such as Italian leather, solid hardwoods, or handcrafted metals. Pieces like Eames lounge chairs, Barcelona chairs, or Chesterfield sofas not only exude elegance but also offer exceptional comfort and durability. Online platforms and exclusive boutiques often showcase a variety of designer furniture collections that cater to different tastes and interior styles.
2. Artisanal Rugs and Carpets
Luxury rugs and carpets are more than just floor coverings—they are works of art that anchor your room with style and sophistication. Hand-knotted Persian rugs, Tibetan wool carpets, or silk rugs with intricate patterns and rich colors can add a sense of opulence to any space. Online galleries and specialty stores offer a wide selection of artisanal rugs, allowing you to choose pieces that complement your decor while showcasing the craftsmanship of skilled artisans.
3. Statement Lighting Fixtures
Illuminate your home with statement lighting fixtures that serve as both functional elements and artistic focal points. Crystal chandeliers, sculptural pendant lights, or minimalist designer lamps can enhance the ambiance of your living spaces. Opt for fixtures crafted from high-quality materials like Murano glass, brushed brass, or Swarovski crystals to create a luxurious atmosphere. Online retailers specializing in luxury lighting offer a range of styles from classic to contemporary, ensuring you find the perfect pieces to illuminate and elevate your home.
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5. Fine Art and Sculptures
Integrate fine art and sculptures into your decor to add a sense of sophistication and cultural richness. Original paintings, limited edition prints, or bespoke sculptures by renowned artists can become focal points that reflect your personal taste and style. Online art galleries and auction houses provide access to a diverse range of artworks, allowing you to curate a collection that resonates with your aesthetic sensibilities and enhances the luxury of your living space.
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Incorporate antique furniture, vintage collectibles, or rare artifacts into your home decor to imbue it with a sense of history and exclusivity. Pieces such as antique French armoires, Ming dynasty porcelain vases, or Art Deco sculptures add a unique charm and timeless appeal to your interiors. Online auctions and specialty antique dealers offer a curated selection of rare and collectible items, making it possible to acquire treasures that enhance the luxury and uniqueness of your home.
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Elevate your dining experience with designer tableware and serveware crafted from fine materials such as bone china, sterling silver, or hand-blown glass. Luxury dinnerware sets, crystal glassware, and artisanal serving platters not only enhance your table settings but also reflect your refined taste and hospitality. Online luxury retailers often feature exclusive collections from renowned designers, allowing you to create memorable dining experiences with exquisite tableware that exudes elegance and sophistication.
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Personalize your living space with customized home accessories that showcase your individuality and discerning taste. From bespoke throw pillows and embroidered linens to monogrammed bath towels and handcrafted decorative objects, customization adds a personal touch of luxury to your decor. Online platforms and specialty boutiques offer bespoke services where you can collaborate with artisans and designers to create one-of-a-kind pieces that elevate the luxury and uniqueness of your home.
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Create a spa-like retreat in your bathroom with luxury bath essentials that pamper the senses and elevate your daily routine. Invest in plush bath towels, organic cotton bathrobes, and designer bath accessories crafted from fine materials like Turkish cotton or bamboo fibers. Online luxury retailers offer curated collections of spa-inspired bath essentials, allowing you to indulge in comfort and style while transforming your bathroom into a sanctuary of relaxation and rejuvenation.
Embrace the allure of luxury home decor items to create an environment that exudes sophistication, elegance, and comfort. Whether you're investing in designer furniture, artisanal rugs, fine art, or personalized accessories, each piece contributes to elevating the aesthetic appeal and ambiance of your living space. Online shopping provides unparalleled access to a diverse range of luxury home decor items, making it easier than ever to curate a home that reflects your refined taste and enhances your lifestyle. Choose wisely, and transform your home into a haven of timeless elegance and luxurious comfort.
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