#tickle veriveri
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vladilife · 8 months
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galileo’s and scaramouche’s pov:
taylor swift - i know places (tv)
cr. to the fancams on yt: rang0531, ffin531, lemonaade_luv, lovelyz-fancam, revol-20, prefo
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i haven’t seen this kpop tickle moment on tumblr , i’m making this videos entrance now
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lovebtsworld · 4 years
I want more moments like this 😁🤗😃😍😂
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Verivery “They realise they love you”
Verivery Masterlist                                       Group Masterlist  
Ask:  Hiya hun💕 My req is for verivery👀 “when they realise They love You” Thank You💕💕💕💕
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Dongheon was known to be serious during dance practice, however it proved to pay off when looking at the group’s clean choreography. He just simply wished it didn’t take such a toll on him, he liked being strict in a joking sense, he didn’t like actually having to do it. It always left him drained afterwards. 
You poked your head into the practice room, going by the time that Dongheon texted you earlier. He was alone, sitting with his back to the mirror and very obviously deep in thought. “You look like you’re having a moment, do you need me to come back?” You asked, grabbing his attention from whatever he was thinking about. 
Seeing you felt like a breath of fresh air and that stupidly beautiful smile of his appeared. “No, no you come here.” Dongheon reached out and pulled you to the ground with him, causing you both to laugh. “You look upset.” You commented as he placed his head in your hands, pouting in the process as you squeezed his cheeks. “Not upset, just tired. But a lot better now that you’re here.” 
Dongheon had noticed that on days where he felt he couldn’t be himself, you always appeared like a gust of wind. He loved you for it. 
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It was a dream truly, going to give a dog their forever home together with your forever person. Hoyoung was just as excited as you, though he could tell you were way more emotionally effected by the shelter. You both had come to the conclusion it was better to give a dog a second chance, you just didn’t think it would take this toll on you. 
“I want to take them all home.” You mumbled to yourself, not meaning for Hoyoung to hear. However the hand on your waist showed you he did. “Me too. Kinda hurts seeing them all like this.” He gestured to a group of older dogs, staring at you both with glassy eyes. 
That was the straw for you, turning your face into Hoyoung’s chest and crying softly. You didn’t want to make a scene, so you kept it minimal but you needed to get it out. He patted your head gently, the other hand gently stroking over an old retriever’s nose. “I know, I know. But we’ll give one of them a good home, let’s start there.” 
You were sympathetic and kind, getting emotional at things that wouldn’t effect anyone else. You were vulnerable to him, it was one of the reasons he loved you.
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The low strumming of Minchan’s guitar filled the room and you could feel yourself slowly lulling to sleep. This isn’t what you were trying to do, you were trying to keep him company while he worked. However the atmosphere in the studio coupled with the late hour was making it very difficult. 
“So how did that sound?” Minchan swivelled in his chair to you, suddenly waking you up. “Huh?” You asked, not having focussed on the music much just the overall feeling. Minchan laughed, putting his guitar down and joining you on your chair. The action made you scoot over and throw your legs over his lap. “I in vite you to spend time with me and you don’t pay attention?” Minchan joked, cupping your face in his hands and squeezing. 
“I’m sorry, it’s just so cozy in here. I can’t help it.” Your voice mumbled from the way he was squeezing your cheeks. “I’m only kidding.” He tucked you under his arm and kissed your forehead. “It is cozy in here though, I see what you mean. Maybe we should take a nap.” 
Minchan adored the way you spent time with him and made yourself comfortable no matter where you were. It was endearing and he loved you for it. 
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It only took one playfull shove to get you to the ground, Gyehyeon laughing in the process before crawling on top of you. This wasn’t a rare occurance with him, play wrestling and fighting. It was fun and often happened on movie nights, this was just one of those times. 
“What you looking at punk?” He grumbled, imitating the film before tickling your sides. You fought back, laughing and trying to dodge his fingers before trying to flip him to take charge. You could tickle him right back, at least that was what you thought. Gyehyeon was immensly stronger than he looked and you were left laughing and screaming on the floor. 
You held out longer than he expected, finally tapping out and looking at him with heavy breaths. “No fair, there is most definitely a strength difference here.” You sighed and he simply shrugged. “No idea what you mean. Besides you were side-eyeing me funny.” He added on and you sat up, pushing him down into the position you were in not 2 minutes earlier. “No fair, you caught me off guard!” 
Gyehyeon enjoyed that you played along with him, going along with it when you could just ignore it. It tickled him and he loved you for it.
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Yeonho was simply having a bad day. It wasn’t due to any particular reason, or anyone, it was simply a bad day. The members could tell and you could tell over the brief responses via text that something was off. At least you knew exactly the cure: snacks, cuddles and movies.
“What are you doing here?” Yeonho’s expression seemed lighter to the members already. “You seemed like you were having a bad day.” You said, lifting your hand and shaking the bag with snacks. “Now come on, let’s go munch and watch a movie.” You added on, tugging him along to his room.
It took him all of 2 seconds to lay down in your arms with a comfortable pout. “I’m so glad you’re here.” He mumbled, feeling you pet his hair. “How did you know I was having a bad day?” He asked and you continued to twirl his hair between your fingers. “You think I can’t tell? I always know.” You said jokingly, feeling him shake his head against your chest. “You always know.” 
It was like a 6th sense, you always knew when something was wrong and when he was in need of something. You always knew and he loved you for it. 
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It took a lot to come up with unique dates, truly. However it took more to surprise Yongseung. The boy was ridiculously clever and it was simply difficult to plan without him finding out. However, being with him for a while meant you found a way. 
You watched Yongseung’s expression light up as you both walked into the planetarium, his hand squeezing your excitedly. “You’re getting too sneaky. I didn’t see this coming.” Yongseung said, pointing at you and you shrugged. “You say sneaky, I say working extra hard to surprise you.” You said and he smiled, leaning over and kissing your cheek. 
His hand never left yours the whole day and his smile never seemed to fade. Staring at stars and planets while thinking about how amazing this day was and how amazing you were for putting it together. Yongseung was over the moon and he felt absolutely cherished. 
You took special care into learning about his interests and surprising him. It made Yongseung feel loved and cared for and it was one of the reasons he loved you. 
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He was the baby of the group, it was clear for everyone to see. Even if you didn’t know, you could tell. Between the way the others treated him and the way he acted around them it was clear. Kangmin was babied and that was totally okay. 
“You shouldn’t let him do that alone, he probably needs help.” Dongheon gestured as Kangmin sliced vegetables to go with dinner. You shook your head, the others babied him but you didn’t feel the need. He lived away from his family, he goes on tour, he could handle himself in your opinion. “He’s doing fine. He doesn’t need my help.” You said, returning to what you were doing. 
Kangmin overheard the exchange, smiling to himself. The members were simply so used to helping him out, it was refreshing to hear. “Hey Y/N.” Kangmin said, grabbing your attention and gesturing for you to come over. “Thank you.” He said when you reached him, making you raise and eyebrow. “For what?” You were confused, especially as he reached out to grab your hand. “For not babying me.” 
You treated him differently from most people, you didn’t think he needed help all the time or needed to be babied. It’s something he loves you for. 
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heythisismyblogg · 2 years
Tk playlist
it’ll probably be a mix of links and yt and tumblr
still work in progress!
mainstream/random moments
Timothee Chalamet
some twoset violin because yes 🙌
dooksuri ❤️ They’re so adorable ahhh
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Idk what to name this so I’ll just put the picture above
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He’s so SMOL I wanna cryyy 😭😭😭
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I can’t imagine this many people
some Japanese f/f tickling
big brother (movie)
DANNYPHANTOM.EXE People loved this one
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Idk what to call this haha
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Some more Japanese m/m tickling
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milkybonya · 4 years
hii, can i request an imagine if yongseung from verivery? can it be about him having a stressful practice and he just wants cuddles?👉👈 I'm in a fluffy mood😭
i'm so sorry i'm late !! i hope you enjoy this ~ i hope it's not too short; 3;
you did well - Yongseung
Warnings: none
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“We have an important event coming up. This is not good, ”Dongheon says, running his fingers through his sweat-streaked hair.
"But we're trying, hyung!" Gyehyeon says.
"I know you are, but this isn't good enough."
All the members avoid looking into each other's eyes.
"I think we're all just tired," Kangmin confesses. The rest of the members murmur in agreement.
“Okay ... I think you're right. Let's rest for tonight, have a good meal, get some sleep and try again tomorrow. Good job today! ”
As soon as Dongheon says that, Yongseung runs towards his bag so he can find his phone and text you.
[y / n], i'm coming over
it's 3am ???
please. please: ”)
You could never resist Yongseung's: ”)
When he arrives at your house, you open the door for him right away and he falls onto you. He's clearly exhausted. His skin glistens with sweat under the ceiling light and as your arms wrap around him, he groans.
“Today was the worst,” he says.
“Was it? Well you still did amazing, ”you say, rubbing Yongseung's back. You can feel him smiling into the crook of your neck.
As you gently lift him up, you tell him to go take a warm shower so he can relax. When he returns, fresh from the shower, he falls into your bed, next to you. With his head in your lap, you run your fingers through his wet hair and watch him as he softly smiles with his eyes closed.
“Dongheon let us come home early to rest so we can start fresh tomorrow,” Yongseung explain.
"3am is early?" 
Yongseung laughs.
"You're all working hard all the time ... you should get some sleep, Seungie," you say, still stroking his hair. With this, he pouts.
"Can't we just cuddle instead?"
“Okay, come here then,” you say, untangling your hands from his hair to stretch your arms out instead.
You embrace Yongseung as he shuffles closer to you. His head is just below your chin and you can feel like damp hair tickling your neck. The scent of his shampoo wafts into your nose as you wrap your arms around him and draw shapes on his back to calm him down.
“I'm so happy I have you, [y / n],” Yongseung says.
You press a kiss to his forehead in response, but your lips still tingle even when you pull away.
"I'm happy, too."
Quietly pressed together like that, the two of you slowly fall asleep.
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haknew · 3 years
hey jess someone in the uquiz asked about what songs you're currently unhealthily obsessed with <3 you should link them here u.u
wow thanks person who asked me in the uquiz and jess for bringing this to my attention here they are: 
the “ 1am and you can't sleep, you're caught up in your own thoughts of a different time, and if you can only get through this dreamy night, maybe it'll all be okay” song is dreamy night by lilypichu
 “there's flashing lights, loud music you don't like, and this party where you don't know anyone, you know you don't quite belong” is don’t quite belong by dodie clark
 “wandering in flashing lights, you can barely walk straight, the world spinning how long has it been, as you try to run after the one you love, trying to catch them” IS TBH how long ... BUT !!! specifically jeon woong’s cover of it okay don’t laugh at me 
“a butterfly flies across a meadow, soft grass tickling your bare feet as you sit, sunshine welcoming you, a breeze whispering ‘i really love you"’ is jacob’s cover of ifly 
“the clock ticks time away, each sound echoes in the emptiness, you sit alone at a table glancing at the empty place across from you, wondering what kind of future could have been” is what kind of future by woozi
 “you have fallen down the rabbit hole, trapped in an alice in wonderland type tea party when you spot someone familiar across the room, trying to get away...” is get away ... by ... verivery ....
“a warm cup of coffee and a fading smile, the bittersweet taste of not just the drink, but also knowing this is the last cup of coffee you'll ever share with them” is last cup of coffee also by lilypichu ! but it’s unreleased so i listen to the longer cover version by natsumiii and valkyrae ! 
“imagine a sad emo jazz bar, you're drunk and alone and all you want is for someone to take you home” is take me home by ateez !
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minminnie-shii · 5 years
may I request an imagine of verivery dates: where each member would take, how they would treat you, and a whole lot of fluff too
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long. I accidentally deleted it like twice and I kind of gave up for a while
buttt I’m back at it and ready to write this because these boys are my babies and their comeback has given me motivation
I hope you like itttttt
Lee Dongheon
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what a hard-working boy
he spends most of his days watching over his six children making sure they don’t accidentally kill themselves
especially Minchan and Yeonho
moving on
whenever he has a day off he doesn’t hesitate to run and spend it with you
shows up at your apartment with your favorite snacks and special treats
the two of you run around grabbing all the blankets and pillows that you own
you make a large fort in the middle of your living room
once its done you both crawl inside
dongyeon opens up his laptop and puts on a cheesy movie for the two of you to watch
in the middle of the movie he starts to poke at your sides slightly
you ignore him until his poking turns into tickling
you giggle slightly and start to roll away from him
he would follow after you and the two of you would get caught in the blankets pulling down that fort
dongyeon would stop once the two of you were completely wrapped up in all the blankets
he would smile down at you and pepper light kisses all over your face
rubbing his nose against your he would finally kiss your lips gently
‘I love you’
after cleaning up the mess you made you would both decided to go to bed early
snuggling up together, dongyeon would tuck you safely under his chin
whispering to each other until he falls asleep
you carefully crane your head upwards pressing a soft kiss on his chin
you fall asleep to the peaceful sound of his breathing filling your ears
Bae Hoyoung 
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i may be in love with this squish
i wanna poke his dimple
move on
he loves doing outdoorsy things
going to the beach, amusement parks anything where the two of you can have fun at
he’s also the kind of person that will totally surprise you about going somewhere
he randomly shows up at you door
‘get dressed jagiya, we’re going out today’
you did as you were told and got dressed quickly
the two of you skipped through the streets happily
you couldn’t contain your excitement when you showed up at a festival
dragging him around you two would find many things to do
he would find a game that he really wanted to play
taking you over he would try many times to beat it so he could win you a cute plushie
after a few tries, he gave up with a pout
you smiled at him and played the game, winning on your try
you would hand him the llama plushie that you had one
‘wah, my jagiya is the best isn’t she?’
the two of you would walk around the festival until nightfall 
hoyoung would surprise you by handing you a lantern
‘shall we send one off with our wishes?’
‘you are my wish hoyoung’
he would cringe at how cheesy you were but tell you the same thing
after sending off your wish he would hug you tightly to him
‘you really are my wish jagiya, forever and always’
Hong Minchan
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minchan prefers more intimate style dates
the ones where it if just the two of you together
whether it’s the two of you lying on the couch together
or when you’re reading him a new book that you bought recently
his favorite type of date
is when the two of you are in his studio and he’s playing the piano for you
you expressed multiple times that you love it when you hear the sound of a piano
so anytime the two of you are in the studio together he makes sure to play for you at least once
he would motion for you over to sit next to him on the piano bench
you would stand up from the couch and walk over, sitting down next to him
he placed his hands delicately on the keys before playing a soft melody
it’s a melody that you knew all too well
your favorite ballad that he ever wrote
after all
he wrote it about you
about how he first fell in love with you and how he knew that you were the person he wants to be with forever
every time he would play for you, it would make you feel sleepy
your head rested on his shoulder as you continued to sing quietly
he would smile and look down at you as your eyes fluttered closed
his heart would burst at the sight of you
once he finished playing he would carefully shift so you was laying against his chest 
running his fingers through your hair softly 
he would hum quietly until you were finally fully asleep
he would carry you back to the couch and cover you up
letting you sleep until he was finished with his work
that was his favorite time with you
Jo Gyehyeon
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this boys only mission in life is to show off
especially to you
he loves it when you praise him for something
it doesn’t matter what it is
so where does he take you out on a date
a place to watch him perform his martial arts of course
you sit and gleefully watch as he does multiple flips and twists in the air
in an attempt to really show off to you he does a triple backflip
only for him to slip on his footing and fall on his butt
‘Ah, hyeonie are you okay?’ 
you run over to him to quickly check up on him 
he just lies there pouting with his arms across his chest
‘i can’t believe i did that’
you giggle and help him sit up
‘i can, you’re not exactly the most elegant one’
would pout even more because you made fun of him
he would whine and complain while rolling around on the floor
‘my jagiya made fun of me, my life cant go on anymore’
you would just watch amused as he continued to complain out loud
he wouldnt be paying attention to where he was rolling and would knock into your legs causing you to fall over 
would freak out because he accidentally hurt you
you would just laugh as he would run over to you 
‘jagiya, are you all right?’ 
you would grab his arm and pull him down so he was lying on top of you
holding him close you would stroke his hair and assure him that you were all right
‘youre the best, you know that right?’ 
would blush like crazy and hide his face in your neck
you would continue to compliment him until he couldn’t take it anymore
‘i’m only the best because you make me the best’
so much fluff and cheesiness between the two of you it’s unreal
Ju Yeonho
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this little squish
we are all aware that taking selfies is his life
so what does he do on a date with you?
takes you all around seoul so the two of you can take pictures together
it always surprises you that he always managed to find new places to take you to
but, he loved taking you the han river
he could take pictures of you in the sunset
though he always says that every picture he takes of you is pretty
he especially loved it when you take pictures of him
you always gush about how adorable he looks would cause him to smile even more
‘wah, you look amazing in this angle dont move’
would make you stand still for ten minutes until you convince him that he had enough pictures
he even takes pictures of you eating
‘yeonho, if you take one more picture of me, im throwing your phone in the river’
‘but you look so pretty, can i take one more?’
after you two were finished you would sit in the grass and just watched the stars
you would lie on his chest and point out all the constellations that you see
‘wah my jagiya is so smart, everyone must be so jealous’
while talking, you would eventually fall asleep cuddled to his chest
the second he knew you were sleeping, would pull out his phone and take another picture of you
‘delete it’
‘awe but it’s my favorite!’
Kim Yongseung
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so like
mr.competative over here
as soon as you make it to the dorm runs over to you holding to rubiks cubes
‘i bet you i can solve it faster than you’
‘bring it on’
you plop yourselves onto the couch and the boys all gather around you
‘ready? start!’ 
yongseung immediately starts working on it
his hands are flying as he expertly flips the sides
‘wow, noona’s really bad at this’
the boys would mutter about how much you suck causing you to be distracted
‘yah! how can i even try when you wont shut up?’ 
you stand up and throw the cube at minchan
‘it wasnt even me that said it!’
while youre all arguing yongseung stands up and slams the cube on the table
you look at him in shock
‘that’s not fair, they distracted me!’ 
he just smiles and grabs your hand
‘oh well, time for my reward for winning’
drags you into his room and lays you on the bed
‘you did that on purpose, didn’t you?’
he would just laugh as he hovered over you
‘maybe a little’
kisses you all over your face and neck while holding you close to him
‘i’m sorry ive been so busy lately’ 
you lean your head up and press your lips to his in a way to tell him that its okay
‘never, will i blame you for missing a date because of this, youre doing what you love, and i love that it makes you happy’
you really are the greatest
a very long and well needed makeout session occurs after that
after all, he did win
Yoo Kangmin
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this little bean is so precious and must be protected at all costs
his favorite things in life
are soccer and you
so he loves taking you to the field behind your house and playing soccer with you
most of the time while playing you little siblings come and join along
kangmin loves playing with your siblings
especially your younger siblings
being an only child made it hard for him to have fun most of the time
but now that he has you, he’ll gladly to everything he can to keep you close
even if it means having your little brother cling to his leg every time he walks through the door of your house
would take all of you out to the field to start a game
‘jagiya, come be on my team’
‘no i want her on my team!’
you wink at kangmin before running over to your sister
picking her up and resting her on your hip
‘come on together we can beat Kangmin!’
‘wah, are you really going against me?’ 
‘yep, we can totally beat you’
the game begins and you all laugh as you all run around the field
you little brother went to kick the ball he slipped and fell
he began to cry and rub his face softly 
kangmin would be by his side before you were
‘ah, did you get hurt? are you all right?’
your brother would attempt to wink at you causing you to smile
you would steal the ball from kangmin and kick it down the field
‘you betrayed me? i dont know how to feel!’ 
kangmin would chase after you and wrap his arms around your waist lifting you into the air
‘you tricked my jagiya, thats not fair’
you shrugged your shoulders and looked back at him
‘alls fair in love and war’
‘is it now? ill be sure to use that later’
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lovebtsworld · 4 years
VERIVERY Freeze Tag Dance
3 part) 🤗
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lovebtsworld · 4 years
VERIVERY Freeze Tag Dance
2 part) 🤗
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lovebtsworld · 4 years
VERIVERY Freeze Tag Dance😄
1 part) 😙
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