tickletastic · 1 year
The Cure for the Grumpies is a Case of the Giggles
Fandom: 9-1-1
Ship: Buddie :))
Summary: Buck woke up grumpy, and a long, long shift definitely didn’t help his mood. (Inspired by and dedicated to the ever so lovely @orchid-fics)​
Buck hadn’t meant to come off as an asshole, he just wasn’t having a great day, he must’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed or something. He had come into the station late and coffee-less in preparation for a 24-hour shift, only to go straight into multiple calls of cats stuck in trees, and Eddie thought it would be funny to make Buck do every single one. 
Then Probie said the q-word, and it was all downhill.
Now, after one of the busiest shifts he’s ever worked, Buck is high-strung and lecturing Ravi on why he made the dumbest decision possible earlier that day. 
At some point, Bobby had come up behind them, hearing Buck’s harsh tone and sensing the stress coming from his surrogate-son from twenty feet away. He puts an inconspicuous arm around Buck’s shoulder, and both Buck and Ravi look his way.
“What’s going on here?”
Buck stops talking, stammering, “n-nothing, Cap.”
Bobby’s fingers slowly start to move back and forth across Buck’s neck, the blonde quickly turning red in his efforts to suppress his giggles. “It better be nothing, I better not hear from Ravi that you’ve been taking out your bad mood on him.”
“O-of course n-not,” Buck says, scrunching his nose when Bobby’s hand grazes his collarbones. 
Ravi looks on at the two, amused by the sight. “He wasn’t bothering you, was he, kid?” Bobby asks, holding Buck tighter so he can’t squirm away. 
“No, no, sir,” Ravi says with a smile. Buck breaks into light giggles when Bobby’s hands massage into his neck, ducking his head to hide his blush. 
“The kid’s had a case of the grumpies all day,” Bobby explains, as if Buck isn’t giggling next to him, “but that’s nothing I can’t fix. Go get changed, Ravi, we’ve had a long day.”
Ravi nods, giggling when Buck lets out a snort and whines a small ‘Bobby stop!’. He says goodbye to the team before heading downstairs to the locker room.
Buck tries to bolt once Ravi is gone, but quickly feels strong arms around his waist. He quickly realizes that they aren’t Bobby’s when he’s thrown over someone’s shoulder, smelling Eddie’s familiar cologne. 
“Got him, Cap,” Eddie says, tossing Buck onto the couch and Bobby is quickly above him, poking all over his ribs as he lets out a surprised shriek. 
“Bohohobby nahahaha! Plehehease!” Buck yells, trying to use his strength to flip the two of them over.
“Sorry, kid. As your captain it is in fact my obligation to cure a case of the grumpies,” Bobby says, smiling down at Buck, “and we’ve talked about scaring the probie, I’m sure he’ll never say the word again after today’s shift.”
“ihihihit- ihihihit’s thehehehe princihihihiple!” Buck laughs, snorting when Bobby knuckles between his ribs. 
“Principle my ass, Buck,” Eddie says from his position at the kitchen’s island, “you just wanted someone to rag on.”
“I’d have to agree with Eddie, Buck,” Bobby says before leaning down to give Buck a giant raspberry to the tummy, Buck screams and arches his back, shaking his head back and forth frantically. “So, we’re gonna cure these grumpies, you’re going to go home with Eddie and sleep, and you’re going to apologize to Ravi on your next shift, capiche?”
“YEHEHES! YEHES YEHES!” Buck screeches, body having gone limp since Bobby decided to get his hips midway through the raspberry. 
“Alright, I believe you, kid,” Bobby says, going up to count Buck’s ribs. 
“WHAHAHAT?” Buck asks, throwing his head back. 
“Hey, you made me lose count!” Bobby feigns annoyance before starting back at the bottom. 
“Bohohohobby! Whyhyhy?” Buck cries out, uselessly batting at Bobby’s hands. 
“Why? Why what?”
“Stahahp! Whyhy are yohohou stihihill gohohohoing?” 
“Well, kid,” Bobby grins mischievously, “I don’t think the grumpies are gone just yet.”
Bobby’s hands quickly dart back down to Buck’s hips, and he starts to raspberry all along Buck’s collarbones, shaking his head to increase the sensation. 
Buck’s laughter goes silent, completely limp as he is made to take the ticklish torture. After a minute or two, when Buck’s smile is splitting his face in half and his blush has run down his neck, Bobby finally thinks that the grumpies are gone for good, and proudly stands up with the confidence of having cured the blonde.
Buck curls up on the couch, giggling madly for a few minutes. Eddie walks over, rubbing his hand through his hair and smiling down at the blonde, “well, now someone’s got a case of the giggles.” 
Buck goes red up to his ears but can’t argue with Eddie’s prognosis, still desperately giggling though the tickling stopped nearly five minutes ago. “Ihihi- Ihihi cahahan’t!”
“Alright, Buckley,” Eddie laughs, “you gotta calm down a little. How am I supposed to get Mr. Giggle Pants to the car?”
“Ihihi-” Buck hiccups, bringing his hands up to cover his face, “Ihihihi’m tryhihihing!”
Eddie can’t help the sickeningly fond look on his face, but tries not to think about it so he doesn’t end up with his own blush. “Cap, I think you broke your kid.”
Bobby laughs, walking back over to them, having gone to the kitchen to put the lasagna in the oven that he had prepared in advance for the new shift. He places a warm hand on Buck’s back, rubbing comfortingly and firmly up and down it. “C’mon kid, it’s time to go.”
Buck giggles for a few more minutes until he’s basically putty, body limp and leaning on Eddie.
“Well,” Eddie laughs, “I guess this hasn’t made it much easier to get him to the car, has it?”
“Oh, not a chance,” Bobby laughs in response. 
Eddie gets up, picking Buck up bridal-style and going towards the stairs. He hears Bobby clear his throat and turns around, looking towards him.
“Take care of him, Eddie. Let me know if he wakes up with another case of the grumpies” 
Eddie grins, nodding, “will do, Cap, will do.”
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opzeijfi04 · 9 months
Micky's tight cardigan reveals great cleavage.
Lets just say she passed the test and we look forward to tying her up in the future! CONTINUE...
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tearsofcalamity · 1 month
Boothil has me on a chokeholdI want to fuck him so bad.Maybe install a few softwares, up his sensitivity, play with his mind.. Or maybe a lewd virus.. Make him so horny and needy, his head can literally think of you fucking him so good..Or him accidentally plugging the wrong USB, thinking it's his usual data after rebooting, but it's your USB and it messed with him.. I want to fuck his pretty hole so bad
hi anon this is tasty oml
imagine his sensitivity's been all off, some kinda glitch maybe from an incident during one of his missions. one moment it's been too low, and the next (just like now) it's way, way too high. for every other touch it's just annoying, but every time you've brushed past him today, he's failed to mention his issue with just how aroused he feels himself getting. it's different when it's your touch.
when he finally bucks up and admits that he's been having issues, you're so caring, so much more considerate of his senses (he wishes you wouldn't be - he really just wants you to fuck him dumb every time you so much as graze him) as you set out a few USBs and ask him to wait while you go grab some other tools to fix up his sensors. he asks what they're for, and when you tell him they're various types of sensations compiled into USBs to better test each type of touch, he figures he might as well just get a jumpstart with the testing so he doesn't waste your precious time.
he opts for the USB sitting the furthest away. the fool, he hadn't even asked you what sensation each one was before trying it out. it could've been pain, a ticklish feeling, but no, he got arousal. it was like he was overwhelmed like an animal in heat at once, his eyes shooting open as his cock strained against his trousers painfully. images of you involuntarily flashed through his mind, and he had to fight to keep himself breathing normally, but it was no use...
you get back to find him practically humping the air, strands of black and white hair sticking to his forehead as he pants and moans and begs for your help. you're concerned until you see the USB sticking out of his port and realize at once what he's done, lightly chastising him (horrendous torture for him in this state, surely, to have your breath so gently tickling his ear as he suffers) on not touching your tools without asking you first.
unfortunately, it'd be too risky to go in and fix this via his inner wiring while he's this worked up... it might burn you with how much he's overheating. so the only solution is to fuck his brains out until he's at least semi-conscious enough to cool down. good thing you made sure he'd be able to fuck in any way a normal man could when adding his sensitivity! giving him all the facilities is coming in handy.
poor guy doesn't even have the time or mental faculties to ask why the hell you had an arousal USB among the testers present.
ooooh, maybe use a toy on his cock while you pound into him... it'll give you a nice view of his face while he's being completely overwhelmed, his eye filled with hearts, rolling back as his tongue sticks out from behind those pretty lips of his. a nice, slick onahole should do wonders to cool him down after one, three, five... maybe more orgasms, even as he begs you to stop despite his hips continuing to rut into the gadget. the fun thing about fucking a robot is that he can go a lot more than a human can, and as much as boothill tosses his head from side to side, actual tears beginning to spill, you can also see the drool beginning to fall from his lips, his lolling tongue as he groans your name over and over.
he's got a pseudo-prostate that you make sure to nail with precision every time your strap slides inside of him, the impeccable design of his insides allowing you to slip in and out with ease. you remove the onahole from his weeping cock (another feature that aids the toy and your current activities as a whole), pushing his legs up and folding him in half into a mating press, just to see if he can cum only from his prostate. and cum he does - his voice coming out higher and higher pitched as he wails in both euphoria and humiliation at your treatment of him.
finally, you slow when you realize he has indeed begun to cool. his eyes are rolled back, hair messy and splayed across the table, harsh scratches made by his metal nails into the steel table (somehow). he's not quite unconscious, but he certainly can't form any further words, his breathing heaving with small, scattered moans as he tries to regain himself. his emergency cooling procedure had kicked into high gear at last, aiding you in fixing up his sensitivity.
oh, but perhaps leave that special USB lying around. mark it clearly, and pretend not to notice when boothill digs through your messy desk to find it and plug it back in, acting for all the world that he didn't mean to use that special little one on himself again. he's got too much pride to admit it, after all. oh well, it seems you'll have to help him once more!
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soap-ify · 5 months
the key to solving johnny’s horrible mood? by letting him eat you out.
cw — f!reader, cunnilingus, soap's nasty.
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careless recruits, getting scolded by the captain and messing up some tasks — literally everything was going terribly wrong today. did he wake up on the wrong side today or what? just his damn luck.
barging into the apartment he shared with you and dropping his stuff aside, he stomped inside and searched around for you, glaring blue eyes softening just a bit when he caught you reading a book on the bed, comfortably laying.
and oh, you were wearing some loose shorts too.
he pounced on you in no time, shoving the book away from your grasp, earning a surprised yelp from you.
“johnny, what—”
“need ye so bad, hen. cannae shut down my head.” he grumbled and pressed soft kisses on your cheeks until you finally let out a giggle due to the ticklish feeling, callused fingers sliding your loose shorts down your squirming leg before shoving his face in between your legs.
he was nasty, mouthing and licking your warm cunt through your panties, soaking them all up with his saliva and your precum, feeling the heat emitting from you.
this is exactly what he needed, just comfortably laying in between those soft plush thighs of yours, all cozy with his mind only focused on you and the little moans you let out, your hands resting on your stomach while you panted softly.
he would gently grab the bottom of your panties and move them aside, letting his mouth latch onto your soaking cunt, hungrily slurping and sucking onto your poor sensitive clit, obscene noises filling the air.
he was so messy, not caring about your slick coating his stubble, your wetness slowly beginning to soak the sheets underneath. in fact, he loved it. so much for being called soap.
you had long forgotten about the book you were reading, pleasure overtaking your senses while you whined and tried to grind against his hungry mouth with your hips clumsily bucking forward, your fingers tugging and gripping onto the messy hair of his mohawk while his tongue circled your puffy clit before shoving into your tightness, his nose nudging against your clit.
by now, all of his anger was long forgotten. you really were his off switch.
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aouiaa · 2 months
Check Up
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Outline: Trouble in paradise? Go to marriage counseling! They’ll teach you the ins and outs! *wink wink*
Word count: 830
Warnings: MINORS DNI — SMUT AHEAD + Dom! Abby + Sub! Reader + Smut with little plot + Roleplaying + A refers to R as “Miss Harding” + Fingering
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“You want me to be what?” you laugh nervously with some shock underlying it.
A sigh of regret mixed with embarrassment of her request caused Abby to sit down on the bed, bringing her hand to rub her eyes, “You know what, never mind.”
“No, no, I want to too but it was…just out of the blue.” you say while sitting down beside Abby and placing your hand on her shoulder.
It’s her request that brings back past events when your marriage counselor suggested that you and Abby should “explore each other’s fantasy, to better learn about one another” was a shocker to the two of you. Definitely not what you expected going into counseling, but here you are assigned with homework to, “explore each other.” God was the duration of your ride home lingering with awkwardness. All you could really think about was what the women said after assigning the homework, “Your partner can still always surprise you.”
When the two of you got home, words were barely exchanged until now. Confronting the elephant in the bedroom. Abby was taking her shirt off while you were taking yours off as well when she said it.
“You know what I was thinking?” she says, throwing her shirt in the hamper, leaving her in her undershirt.
An acknowledged hum comes out of you as you struggle to take off your blouse. “Hm? And what is that?”
“I was thinking…” she trails off, her voice sounding more prominent as she walks over to your side of the bed, lifting her hand up to help free the last pesky button which causes you to look up. “…about what the counselor said.” her voice sounding low and soft with every breath wasted on each word leaves a sudden shiver down your spine.
“About the roleplaying?” you inquire.
“Mhm, about the roleplaying. And I was thinking it would be really hot if you were a patient coming into my office for a check up.” she says.
And that’s how you ended up here, with your wife knuckles deep in your cunt. A moan slips your lips as you look up at her now darkened blue eyes. Her fingers pumping in and out of you deliciously which elicits your back to arch off the bed, “Oh abby—“
“Dr. Anderson.” she reprimands with a pause to curl her fingers into your g-spot which causes you to yelp, bucking your hips.
“Dr. Anderson…”
Her last name leaving your lips, the one you so proudly have now once you married her has her underwear soaked. Seeing you in this state because of her only worses it. “Yeah, I’ll have you leaving my office all better up, miss…Harding.” she says, kissing and sucking bruises into your neck which further your overwhelming pleasure.
“Or maybe I won’t. So you can keep coming back here. And be my favorite patient…Yeah?” She smirks, feeling your gummy walls hug around her fingers at the expense of her lewd words. “Yeah, you’d like that a lot, wouldn’t you?”
“Ye-Yes, Doctor Anderson.” you let out a shuddered moan, “Yes…I would love that.”
“Mmm, good girl.”
All her dirty words only bring you closer to the precipice of your climax. And with the way she knew your body like the back of her hand. You weren’t gonna last long with her heaven sent fingers stretching you out perfectly, pumping in and out, and curling into your g-spot. And don’t get yourself start on her carefully calculated movements, how fast she knows to go to make you see the stars. She is a doctor after all. Anatomy is her thing.
“Oh, Doctor—Fuck!—I’m—“ you’re cut off by your own release. Your head falling back on the plush of your pillow. Your heavy breathing followed by the soft ticklish smooches of Abby kissing your neck to your jaw while slowly removing her fingers which makes you whimper at loss and watch her bring her fingers to her mouth to taste you on her tongue.
She moans at the taste of you before looking back at you with a smirk. “Well miss harding..” she jesters with a chuckle. “You made quite the mess, but that can be addressed upon your departure.”
“Oh yeah?” you respond, breathy.
“Mhm, and how do you rate your visit today, miss harding?” she says, not able to contain the smile begging to spread, and leans down to kiss you.
“Quite a ride, Dr. Anderson.” you say in between kisses, giggling.
“A good one?”
“Uhm yeah! A ‘we should definitely try this again’ one.” you chuckle, cupping Abby’s face to kiss her once more.
A soft laugh leaves Abby’s lips as she looks down at you, her expression seeming to soften. “I love you.” She speaks in a quieter tone.
And maybe in that moment, you can thank your counselor instead of constantly insulting her, in your head of course. Because she was right about one thing. Your partner can definitely still surprise you.
“I love you too, abs.”
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a/n; Got this idea in the shower. Yeah, I’m 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 like that…
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wnwoolvr · 13 days
inexperienced (C.S)
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pairings: soobin x fem!reader
synopsis: Soobin is huge and inexperienced, reader helps him to use *it*
genre: smut | MINORS DNI
warnings: soobin eating reader out, blowjob, lots of cum mention… 🙂‍↔️
note: pls reblog!! and send requests!! and not proof read so spare me for any misspelled words.
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Your apartment was pretty cold today, the weather has been all rain and clouds, but you can’t complain, infact you love it.
This weather means soobin will be more clingy to retain warmth from you, the cuddles are never ending on days like this.
“soob, should i make us something to eat? hm?” you ask rubbing soobins hair as his head laid on your chest and the rest of his body engulfed yours, he was warm, and he smelled so good, you could die like this.
he shook his head “no, i want to stay like this forever” he looked up at you briefly before burying his head back into your chest, you giggled at his cuteness and gave in “fine, we can stay like this” you told him twirling your fingers in his hair making him close his eyes out of content. his big palms made their way under your shirt to caress your sides, you sq
“y/n..” he said your name, almost as if he was afraid to, “yes? what is it?” you answered back, he took a while before he answered, almost as if he was carefully planning his words.
“can i… can i uhm.. can i suck your tits? i mean you can say no or you can say yes either way i’ll accept your answer but like i would be happy if you said yes but if you said no i would respect your decision because-“ he rambled on and on and you found it cute, you just couldn’t say no to him, although this would be both of your first times being this intimate with each-other,
“mhm, you can, bunny” you say lifting your shirt just above your chest exposing your boobs to him, the cold air hit your chest causing your nipples to immediately become affected. soobin didn’t know what to say, he didn’t even expect you to agree so quickly. just seeing you laid out like this infront of him was enough to get his cock rock solid.
he leaned in to place a chaste kiss on your lips before attaching his lips to one of your nipples, while his hands rubbed your sides and kneaded them, making you giggle because it was ticklish.
after two minutes of soobin sucking for comfort you felt his lower half moving, ‘is he grinding on the chair right now?’ you thought to yourself, you looked at his face but it didn’t show anything, maybe he was mindlessly doing it.
“bunny? you okay?” you asked him and he hummed, sending vibrations along your chest and you felt it in your lower region making you shift.
you lightly moved his head off your nipple and replaced it with your finger, “you’re humping the chair bunny, did you notice?” you asked him as he continued to suck on your finger
he shook his head in the no motion.
he sat up, and was on his knees, leaving the vision of his very, very large cock in his sweats.
you would think it would be normal for you to see soobin like this, but it was your first time, doing anything sexual with him, you both kept it fluffy, never anything sexual so this was a shock. “you’re so big bunny…” you say running your index finger along his print making him whine and buck his hips upwards.
“y/niee…” he whimpered out, begging for you to touch him his cheeked stained red from embarrassment, “what bunny? want me to touch you? hm? touch you where? here?” you respond, moving your hand to find his tip to tease him through his pants, “yes…” he said shyly you helped him take his pants off, his huge cock slinging out his pants and slapping against his tummy.
he whined as precum leaked from his tip, practically fucking the air, you could tell he had no idea what to do with it, “soobie… you have such a big cock baby” you say ogling at his size, he became shy and tried to turn away “come here…” you say moving him back to his original position, back against the couch and his legs open and his shirt bunched up on his chest, body glistening from nervous sweat.
“you know how to use it right?” you ask him jokingly teasing him but he gets serious and shakes his head no, you didn’t believe him at first but seeing how serious he was, you realized he wasn’t lying, “it’s okay, i’ll teach you” you hum, moving to kiss his neck, your hands resting on his abs, moving dangerously low to the base of his cock. he was so sensitive on the neck, it was actually so cute hearing him whine and beg while you just kissed his neck.
you dropped to your knees infront of him, you grabbed his cock and started to pump it slowly, he started hissing and jerking up into your fists, you used your spare hand to push his hips down into the couch, you licked his tip and played with it on your tongue soobin was seeing stars, he had never felt something like this before he was 2 seconds away from coming right then and there, you took him completely in your mouth and his mouth hung agape as he felt your warm wet mouth pleasuring him, “y/n… oh my god…” he moaned as he fucked your face, “gonna cum y/nie…” he whined out desperately as you continued your assault on his tip, his cum spurted in your mouth, but this didn’t stop you, you kept going to overstimulate him, it was too much for him so he kept coming, his body jolting in shock.
“such a good boy…” you say standing up infront of him wiping your mouth, “wanna make you feel good y/n…” he mumbled looking at you with his doe eyes “how?” you ask him, knowing he is shy and not experienced, he stumbles over his words, ears getting hot from shyness. “how about, you eat me out?” you say offering him, you lean back against he couch and open your legs inviting him, he nods eagerly and drops to his knees now infront of you, he flattens his tongue and licks a stripe up your cunt, since soobin had no idea what he was doing he just opted to make out with your pussy, but it was working, you were moaning and gripping at his hair, pushing his face down more “shit…” you moaned with your mouth open, “gonna cum..gonna cum..” you repeated as you came on soobins face, riding your high out on his tongue.
“did i do it right?” he said lifting his face up, glistening in your juices, “mhm, you did it perfectly” you praised him, you closed your eyes to regain your breath, as your eyes were closed you could feel soobin moving, “can i… put it in?” he asked shyly waiting for your ‘yes’
you could tell he couldn’t fit, but you stuck it out for him anyways, you moved to the edge of the couch so he had a better angle “yes” you said smiling at him, he stroked himself a little before he puts his fat cock head against your entrance trying to bully his way in “fuck soobin…” you said wincing at the pain, but he didn’t care, he just wanted to feel the inside of a warm cunt, “soobin ow ow” you whined as the stretch was too much, soobin felt embarassed but he was so far gone on chasing his high “im sorry im sorry..” he kept apologizing as he continued to force his way into your cunt, once he bottomed out in you, there was a visible bump in your stomach.
soobin gave you some time to adjust per your request, you were constantly clenching making him hiss as he felt the suction around him, “move” you say encouraging him to start moving, soobin wasted no time, he was thrusting at a selfish pace, one that felt good to him, but you didn’t blame him. “faster” you prompt him and he follows through moving faster giving you a surge of pleasure “oh my god… i love your cock soobin” you whine and arch your back. you reached down and rubbed your clit as soobin kept thrusting into you, “y/n… gonna cum… wanna cum so bad” he said hammering into you holding your hips down against the chair “cum, bunny…” you say bringing him to the edge, he cums as his mouth is open wide, he came so much in you it could have been enough to fill up an entire glass, you eventually came from feeling his cum in you.
soobin collapsed onto your chest completely out of breath. “you came so much bunny” you praise him, it makes you giggle when you feel him twitch inside of you.
don’t forget to send a request! and those that did send a request i’m working on it!!!
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bratchoso · 3 months
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pairing. choso x f!reader word count. 2.6k content warnings. smut, pwp, use of vibrator, overstimulation, unprotected sex, creampie, needy whimpering messy choso (for a minute before he takes control hehe)
“It’ll feel good. Trust me, baby.” Your voice sounds so sweet, soft around the edges as your hand gently trails the silicone head along his bare skin. It’s not on yet, but the anticipation is killing him. The rounded edge of your nail tickles his chest as you circle your finger around his nipple, making a choked gasp escape him. “If it makes me feel good, imagine how good you’ll feel. Hm?”
Choso doesn’t even remember how he ended up in this position, his back resting against your mountain of pillows, you naked on his lap with the prettiest smile on your lips. He was familiar with the vibrator in your hand, had seen you use it a few times, enjoyed pressing the soft head against your bundle of nerves as he fucked you, but he had never thought of using it on himself. 
“Y-yeah, okay.” And maybe he shouldn’t be so quick to accept, because the flash in your eyes is a little too excited for him to register that maybe you had something else up your sleeve. But he can’t help that you have him wrapped around your finger, wound so tightly he even helps you yank down his sweats and boxers in a haste. 
“It’ll feel good,” you reassure him again, voice blending in with the low buzzing as you turn on the vibrator. It buzzes against his abs, muscles clenching at the sensation, his eyes focusing on it with a slow breath. He’s in a trance as it trails along his skin, circling his belly button before dipping down an inch. You giggle as he shudders from the ticklish feeling, your free hand resting on his hip, legs slot between his as you sit on his thigh. 
He can feel how wet you are already, messy folds dripping onto his skin as you fidget on his thigh, and he finds it hard to focus on anything else until you’re running the vibrator over his lower belly, just enough for the vibrations to tingle down to his cock. Its a brief moment but it makes his heart stutter, hands clenching the sheets below him as his mouth drops open. Nothing could have prepared him for the feeling of the vibrator finally running down the length of his cock, weakly buzzing head resting on the red tip, making beads or precum drip out. 
“Oh fuck,” he groans, eyes clenching shut as he tries to breathe. The feeling was unfamiliar, a little shocking at first, but something about that gentle buzzing made him crave more. You giggle, sliding it off his tip, choosing to bring it back up and down his inner thigh in a teasing motion, just wanting to give him a taste. 
“How’s that?” His hips buck up in search for it, thigh rubbing deliciously against you and you have to bite back a moan. 
“More—want more, baby.” It’s a low rasp, desperate and needy as he looks at you with hooded eyes. You told him he’d like it. 
He holds his breath as you wrap your hand around his cock, leaning over him as you let a glob of spit drip from your mouth and onto his tip. He hisses, brows pinching together as your hand glides up to spread your drool along his length. It’s shiny in the dim lighting of your bedroom, heavy in your hand as you pump him with a sly smile. 
With a click the vibrators intensity goes up, pulsing against his inner thigh while your hand rests along his base. It's a torturously slow trail, but once you glide it back over his cock and his eyes roll back, he knows it was worth it. His mind is spinning as you circle it around his sensitive tip, enjoying the way more beads of precum drip out, gliding down to collect around your palm as you continue to jack him off. 
“I like seeing you like this,” you muse, eyes taking him in. His hair is a mess on his head, getting worse as he rakes his fingers through the dark strands, a huff of laughter escaping him as he spares you a glance. “So pretty when you’re needy and whining.”
His chest hiccups as you press against his frenulum, the jolt of pleasure shooting up his spine. A mirth smile tugs at his lips, head tilting as he stares down at you. “Careful love”
“Or what?” You counter, giggling sweetly as you tighten your hold on him and speed up. “I have the power right now. You gotta be nice to me.”
“I’m always nice to you—fuck,” he groans when you raise the intensity, leaning forward again until you’re lightly suckling on the head of his cock. It was overwhelming, the warmth of your mouth, the tingling vibration felt to his core, the delicious squeeze of your hand. “So fucking good. Just like that, good girl.”
His praise has you mewling, hips instinctively rocking against his tense thigh. The feeling of your wetness dripping down his skin has Choso reeling, his hand reaching forward to cup against your cheek, abs tensing when you once again up the level. You pull away from his cock with a smile, a small string of spit connecting to your lips. 
“I wanna see you cum, Choso. Make a mess so I can clean it up.” He curses under his breath, nodding along mindlessly, hips rutting up. The silicone head bends as you press it harder against him, the pleasure building inside him, threatening to burst at the seams as he moans out. His chest feels tight as he gasps, blood pumping so loud in his ears. He would’ve never imagined something like this would feel so good, no wonder it always left you drooling and crying when he used it on you. 
“Mm yeah, gonna cum. Make me cum baby.” His whines sound like music to your ears, rutting against his thigh with more urgency, circling his tip to bring him closer to the edge. Choso lets his head hang back as he groans, desperate little whimpers filling the air, stomach caving in as the warmth spreads until finally, he’s cumming. Your eyes widen in surprise as white ropes spurt onto his tummy, dribbling onto the head of the vibrator as it continues to buzz against him. He whimpers as the feeling rocks through him, hips twitching when you lick along his tip. 
“Fuck, too much.” He hisses when you hum in question, continuing to tease him as you milk his orgasm. The pleasure turns sharp, his whole body tensing, hips pushing into the bed to try to escape the feeling. 
“Really? I thought you’d want to fuck me after.” The vibrator finds its ways down lower, buzzing against his balls and making him curse. He groans as he stares at you, licking his lips while you bend over to clean up the mess on his stomach. The pearly white splashes get licked up, coating your tongue as you smile and stick it out for him to see before going back to lick up the length of his aching cock. 
“I do, s-so let me. Please.” It happens too fast for him to register, the vibrator being tossed aside as you shimmy higher up his body, straddling his hips before you’re sinking onto him. Your walls invite him in easily, nice and wet from the show he just gave you. The sensation leaves him feeling winded, hands clutching onto your hips so hard your skin dimples. 
“Wanna feel you cum again.” Your walls pulse around him, hands resting on his chest as you raise your hips before dropping them once more with a thump. The veins in his neck appear as he clenches his jaw, sensitive cock being sucked up by your greedy pussy, overstimulation making the corners of his vision blur but it hurts too good to beg you to stop. 
“Y-yeah, I can do that just—fuck. Go a little faster for me.” His hands grip you tighter, bruising your skin, controlling the speed of your hips in case you decide to go against him. It’s not like you mind though, always preferring when he lets you go pliant and does what he wants. His cock curves just right inside of you, tip rubbing against the spongey patch of nerves that have you whining, nails digging into the soft skin of his chest as you lean forward and angle your hips better. The wet sound of skin slapping together fills the bedroom, the obscene squelch making the faintest blush spread onto his cheeks, always loving being able to hear how much you wanted him. 
“Mm, you feel good Choso,” you mewl, head dropping down to watch the way his cock disappears inside of you, covered in your slick, ring of white collecting at the base. 
“Yeah?” he hums, biting down on his bottom lip as he slides you up and down. “Can feel how wet you are, making my cock nice and messy. Your pussy likes me that much?”
A shaky laugh escapes you as you lift your head, meeting his lidded stare, eyes swirling with lust. “Almost as much as I do.”
Choso smiles now, tongue tracing the bottom of his teeth. How could you be this cute in this position? One of his hands glides up your body, goosebumps flaring up on your skin on the path he makes until he has a handful of your tits in his palm. You groan as he gives them a playful squeeze, fingers pinching the pebbled bud, feeling your pussy clench as he tugs it. 
His feet slide up, planting themselves on the bed as he starts to rut into you, matching your speed and reaching deeper inside of you. His laugh is dark as you gasp in shock, resting more of your weight on his chest to let him take over fully. While your eyes flutter shut he reaches over, hands sliding along the bed sheets until he finds the discarded toy, remnants of his cum still covering the head.
“Want you to use this on yourself while I fuck you,” he grunts, thumb pressing the button to bring the toy to life. It buzzes against your thigh, making you blink your eyes open to stare at it as he trails it up your skin towards your pussy. His cum smears along your folds, the vibrations making you shudder as he presses it gently against your clit. “Need to feel you cum around me before I fill you up baby.”
The desperation drips from his voice, soaks into your skin and makes your stomach flip. With a shaky hand, you replace his hold on the vibrator, following instructions like the good girl you are and pressing it against your clit. It's embarrassing how quickly the warmth spreads through you at the stimulation, walls clamping down around him so tight it makes him groan. You know you won’t last long now, especially with the way he starts to fuck up into you ruthlessly, eyes glued to the way your tits bounce from the force. 
He looks so beautiful beneath you, muscles flexing from exertion, sweat glistening on his skin, love drunk look taking over his features. It’s funny how easily the roles are switched, how quickly you become the whining mess on top of him, whimpering with each roll of his hips. 
“I thought you had the power baby?” he teases, brow cocked up as he angles his thrusts just right to have you gasping. 
“S-shut up,” you stutter, letting your head fall back, raising the intensity of the pulsing, feeling your nerve endings tingling. Your body starts to rock, searching for moremore once the familiar feeling starts to overpower you. 
“I’m kidding,” he whispers, stomach tensing as his orgasm starts to creep up on him too. “You look so fucking pretty like this, always look so pretty. Already making a mess of you, got my cum smeared all over your pussy baby, look at that.” You glance down, seeing the milky white streaks coating your folds, remnants of his earlier orgasm blending in with your arousal as you glide the toy down to your entrance and back up. 
“Oh fuck,” you cry, biting down on your lip, breath choppy and stuttering as your high approaches. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll make you messier right now. You just gotta cum for me,” he grunts out, trying to ebb his own orgasm away, needing to feel you crumble and fall apart before he did. You’re nodding above him, mouth open as you moan out, nails clawing into his skin as the pleasure starts to crest, crashing over you until you’re cumming. He watches in awe as your eyes roll back, body tensing as your orgasm flows through you, pussy clamping around his cock so tight it makes him gasp. 
“Oh my god,” you whimper, tingles spreading through you as you come down, allowing the toy to continue to buzz against your bundle of nerves before you’re weakly shutting it off and letting it drop to the side. Choso doesn’t slow down, if anything he speeds up, determined to fulfill his promise. You gush around his length, only amplifying the raunchy sound of his balls hitting your ass, tiny mewls from you blending into it to make the prettiest sound he’s ever heard. 
“Ah, cumming. I’m c-cumming,” he groans, eyes locked onto the view of his cock pummeled into you, sticky and wet with your orgasm, and the thought of him adding more to it sends him over the edge. Choso grits his teeth as he spills into you with a raspy moan of your name, cock twitching inside your pulsing walls, spilling ropes of white with each thrust. His hands clench your hips, slamming you down until you’re flush against him, humming in content at the warm feeling, allowing him to shallowly rut into you until he is satisfied. 
You look down at him with a cheeky smile, seeing the blissed out look on his face, giggling when he purses his lips out for you to lean forward and give him a kiss. His arms wrap around you as you kiss, lips smacking together softly, cock still nestled inside of you when he flips you both over to cage you in. It makes you squeal in delight, loving how small he was able to make you feel, your hands roaming over the muscles of his back as he kisses your neck gently. 
“You’re so cute,” you whisper when he pulls away, a smile on his face at the tender compliment. You groan when he finally pulls his cock out, feeling his cum gush out of you, surely staining the sheets below. Choso smirks when his cock bobs in the air, still hard as he readjusts his hips until it’s resting along your swollen folds. Your brows pinch together when he rocks forward experimentally, sensitive clit aching as his tip rubs against it. You think he’s just teasing, still riding the wave of his orgasm, until he does it again and again, not caring about the slight pain he feels. Maybe he got off on it, but he knew you enjoyed it too, especially with the way your leg instinctively hooks around his waist to keep him close. So desperate. So cute. 
“Wait Choso, ah.”
“Why?” he rasps with a wicked smile, arm still caging you in as his free hand guides his cock back into you with a lewd squelch, enjoying the wet gasp you release. “Thought you liked this? Wanted me to keep cumming earlier. You can handle it, trust me baby.”
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cosmicmunsonwrites · 1 year
for the first time
pairing(s): bf!jj maybank x gf!fem!virgin!reader
warnings: smut, oral (f receiving), fingering, hair pulling, pet names, jj being a softy, porn without plot, slapping, praise kink, blood, aftercare
summary: finally ready after being with jj for 7 months, you ask jj if you can take it a step further.
authors note: tbh i’m probably gonna make two more parts to this so i hope you guys enjoy it
part one | part two | part three
not edited ..
do not copy my works. i do not condone rewrites, translations, or edited versions. all my content is my content that i wrote.
gif not mine
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“what if something goes wrong? or what if i do something wrong?” you asked nervously. you cuddled in closer to him, legs tangled together with your head on his chest.
jj chuckled and ran a comforting hand over your thigh. “baby, nothings gonna go wrong. i promise. just relax and let me do all the work.”
you pouted lightly and cuddled in closer to him. “what if i like, accidentally punch you or something?”
that made him really laugh. “you won’t,” he said through his fit of laughter. “but hey, theres a first time for everything.”
you lightly slapped his stomach and hid your face in his neck. “that’s not funny, j.”
“it’s kinda funny,” he defended. “if you don’t wanna do this, we don’t have to. i don’t wanna make you feel like i’m pressuring you into this.”
you shook your head immediately against him. “i want to. ‘m just scared.”
“there’s nothing to be scared about, baby,” he reassured. “you trust me?”
“‘course i trust you j.”
he placed a soft kiss to your forehead. “then let me do all the work. i promise you nothing bad will happen to you when you’re with me. and if i do get punched or something, all good. sounds kinda hot.”
you slapped his chest again, making him laugh and pull you closer. he used the hand that wasn’t resting on your back to lift your chin up. he leaned down to gently connect your lips. he pressed in further and applied more pressure, hands finding your waist to pull you into his lap.
you smiled against his lips at his eagerness, only for the moment to be cut short when his hands squeezed your bottom through your shorts, making you gasp at the suddenness.
he used the opportunity to slip his tongue through your parted lips to begin exploring every inch he already knew so well. one of his hands came off your ass for a second just to come back with a hard slap. your hips bucked on top of his, making the both of you moan.
he grabbed your hips and smoothly rolled you over so you were now underneath him, jj straddling your legs as he began leaving soft kisses down your jawline and neck. once he reached the collar of your t-shirt, he tugged at the bottom. “can i take this off, sweet girl?”
you nodded and hummed. “mhm.” he swiftly pulled it over your head with your assistance of lifting yourself off the bed before his lips were back on you. they trailed down your neck to over the tops of your breasts then down your stomach.
you laughed slightly at the ticklish feeling. his hands held your waist as he splayed more kisses over your stomach, loving the sound of your laugh. you giggled harder and lightly pushed his head away. you could feel him smile against your skin as he kissed lower towards the waistband of your shorts. “you’re so fuckin’ pretty,” he muttered against your skin. “can i?”
“please,” you said breathily. your lifted your hips off the bed as he tugged your shorts down and threw them somewhere on the floor. he tugged his tank off and over his head as he began to grow hotter, throwing it somewhere like he’d done with your shorts.
you marveled at his toned stomach and tanned skin as long as you could before he was back to leaving kissed above the waist band of your panties. “look at you, baby. bein’ so good for me,” he praised, grabbing your bent legs and spreading them further so he could kiss the insides of your thighs. “my gorgeous girl.”
you hid your face under your arms, beginning to blush at the compliments and praise you were getting.
he placed a kiss over your panties just above your core, hands soothing over the insides of your thighs. “still doin’ okay, sweetheart?”
you nodded. “‘m okay.”
“is it good if i take ‘em off?” he asked softly, hands still caressing your thighs lovingly.
you took a deep breath and nodded once again. “yeah.”
his signature smile returned before he was shimmying your panties off and stuffing them into his back pocket. “fuck, baby. you’re so beautiful.” he laid down between your legs on his stomach, his pointer finger lightly running down your slit to see how you reacted.
once his finger bumped your clit, your eyes shut and your hips bucked up slightly. he did it again, but this time, you felt his mouth on you.
his tongue ran up your core, stopping at the top to lightly suck on your sensitive little button. your head tipped back against the pillows as you moaned loudly and gripped the sheets by your head. “tastes so good, princess.”
your lips parted when he continued doing it, holding your hips down to keep your from moving to much.
“oh, fuck, jj,” you moaned breathlessly, your hips starting to grind into his mouth.
he flattened his tongue against it before dragging it down and prodding at your entrance with the tip of the wet muscle.
your teeth caught your bottom lip, trying to silence the moans that were begging to spill. he dragged it back up, moving to suck on your clit yet again but with more pressure this time. your hands flew to his hair, lightly pulling when the pleasure began to get to be too much for you to handle. “fuck, jj. feels so good.”
“doin’ so well for me, pretty girl. so fuckin’ good.” and his mouth was back on you again immediately. his middle finger prodded at your entrance, rimming around it as his tongue worked wonders on your clit. “can i?”
you felt his finger pressing against you lightly. “yes. please.” you begged weakly.
the tip of his middle finger gently slipped into you, allowing you to get used to the foreign feeling before slowly pushing in to the first knuckle. he watched your face contort from one of discomfort into one of pleasure in a matter of seconds.
“oh, god, jj,” you moaned out. “‘m so close.”
“you’re doing so fuckin’ good for me, angel. best pussy i’ve ever tasted,” he praised. he pressed his finger in further, slowly beginning to move it in and out when he heard your pretty moans become more constant. “think you can handle another?”
you nodded eagerly, opening your eyes for a second to look down at him. “mhm,” you hummed. he carefully added his ring finger, both now stretching you out in the best way possible. he curled them inside you, making you bite your lip so hard you were sure you had drawn some blood. “right there, please j, right there.”
he could feel you clenching around his fingers. “such good girl. you gonna cum for me? hmm? gonna cum on my fingers?”
you were so close. right there. all you needed was that last little push. and he was right there to give it to you. his mouth found your clit again, sucking and licking at it while his fingers thrusted in and out of you.
“oh fuck. jj, ‘m coming,” you warned, hips bucking up to meet his mouth, legs shaking and hands pulling at his hair. “fuck, fuck, fuck!”
he dragged it out a little longer before he felt your hands pushing his head lightly when the pleasure began to be too much. he slowly pulled his fingers from you and crawled up your body with soft kisses to follow, the last one landing on your lips. “you okay, pretty girl?”
you nodded, legs still shaking with the aftershock. “why is it doing that?” you asked, beginning to panic.
“you’re okay, baby. you’re fine. it happens. it was just intense,” he reassured, running his hand up your side and placing gentle kisses over the tops of your breasts.
you felt a gush between your legs, making you feel uneasy. when you leaned up on your forearms to see, you could see the white milky liquid tinged with red pooling between your thighs.
jj could see the embarrassed look on your face. “hey, hey it’s okay, sweetheart. it was your first time, happens to everyone. you’re fine, i promise.” you covered your face with your hands. “it’s fine. i swear. nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“j, i just bled on your sheets,” you said almost painfully.
he shook his head and got up to grab some towels. “it happens, baby. you’ve never had anything inside you and now that you have, it’s gonna bleed a little. it’s all good. you enjoy yourself?” you nodded shyly. “then don’t worry about it. i got a washing machine for a reason.”
he gently ran the towel along your puffy cunt, wiping up the mess the two of you had made before getting up to put the used fabric in the bathroom.
he disappeared once more before returning with a bottle of water. “here. drink some,” he said as he handed it off to you. you thanked him and took a few sips and he made himself comfortable next to you and waited for you to cuddle into him.
“you did so good for me today, pretty baby. might have to do this more often.”
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slttygeto · 8 months
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synopsis: as geto's girlfriend at jujutsu high and a teacher yourself, ijichi knew that he would never be able to have you. that the stolen glances towards your thighs during the car rides, your sweet smiles that had his cock straining were just embarrassing him. lucky him, you've always had a soft spot for sweet, harmless ijichi.
tags: teacher!suguru, driver!ijichi, fem!reader, established relationship, smut.
c.w: fem!dom!reader, only switches with suguru, sub!ijichi, pussy drunk! ijichi, cunnilingus, blowjob, cumshots<3, ijichi cums on your face hehe, praise (directed towards ijichi mostly), suguru watches you two, protective sex.
word count: 2,6k
note: i've had this on my mind all day, i literally started the draft before classes started and i just finished it. and for the record, i know that these two have never interacted before, but i love the idea of pussy drunk ijichi and possessive suguru<3. have fun!
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geto was not fond of the idea. in fact, he couldn’t understand where it came from and why you’d suggest it in the first place.
“it’s just for fun baby,” you traced a finger down his chest while your other hand held his tightly. “there’s no harm in having some fun, no?”
there was truly no harm in having some fun, but when the fun included another man, a man whom he didn’t know that well to trust with touching you—or rather letting you touch him, suguru was a bit hesitant.
you lead suguru inside the other man’s bedroom with a blindfold covering his eyes and sit him down on one of the arm chairs there. your boyfriend patiently waits on the chair until you remove the blindfold and—fuck, were you a treat.
“sugu,” you start before pressing a kiss to the corner of his lips. “do you love me, sugu?” the man obviously does, and since words weren’t his forte at times like these, he proceeds to grab onto your ass and pull you closer to him, showing the man on his bed that even after this, after whatever was about to go down—you will always be his, and his only.
“more than words could ever show, princess,” he leans in and presses a kiss to your bare torso. your fingers run through his hair, a coy smile dancing on your lips.
“then sit back and watch, hm?”
throughout the past three years of being a teacher at jujutsu high, Ijichi has always thought that you were gorgeous, stunning—a little tease. he would always turn red at your compliments and hide his face whenever you and suguru would share a small moment of intimacy in the back of his car. his eyes would rake over your bare legs, traveling up towards your thighs before his eyes would lock with suguru’s icy cold ones through the rearview mirror and his blood runs cold.
so you can imagine ijichi’s surprise (and embarrassment) when you told him that you were aware of his perverted and shy stares, and that you liked them in a way. your hand placed on his cheek in a gentle manner before telling him.
“I asked suguru if I could play with you while he watches, he agreed.”
which leads him to where he is at the moment, in the bedroom of his apartment laid out, bare and vulnerable to your hungry gaze all while suguru sat in the corner of the room on a chair, manspread with a stare that could only be described as threatening.
your choice of clothes was very playful too, and ijichi could feel his cock strain against his boxers when he watched you grab one of his blouses to wrap it around your half naked body.
“smells like you, ijichi,” you said in a soft voice, taking a whiff of his perfume–his smell before flashing him a smile. “i like it.”
“oh please,” he whimpers out when you start to unbutton the blouse slowly, and you slowly straddle him with your hands braced on his flushed, heaving chest.
“please? please what?” your finger traces his hardened nipples, traveling down towards his stomach where he clenches his abs at the ticklish feeling. your pussy sat right on his hardened member, giving him more than enough reasons to buck up his hips and make you scold him.
“no,” you slowly get off of him and your hand grabs his hardened cock through his boxers. “not yet, mhm?”
this was a different side of you that suguru has never seen before. you were always so pliant, so obedient and easily submissive to his touch, his voice and his ministrations. to be able to make a man fold like this for you, use that voice on him and render him a weeping mess beneath you—suguru wasn’t sure whether he liked it or not.
your fingers tug at the elastic band of ijichi’s boxers and you pull them down. his cock springs free, and you bite your lip at how shy and embarrassed he gets from your stares. the tip is red and angry, leaking white liquid and you can’t help but lean down and give the tip and kittenish, experimental lick that has the man in glasses gasp in surprise.
“you taste so good,” your hand wraps around the base and you squeeze his cock, causing him to gasp and look down at you. “is this what you imagined? when you kept staring at my thighs all the time,”
he hesitates for a second, eyes locking with suguru’s who seems to be palming himself at the sight of your ass so perked up, your body arched over the bed to reach ijichi. the men lock eyes and ijichi gulps when suguru’s gaze hardens at your question.
noticing how the man melting under your touch suddenly quieted down, you look over your shoulder towards your boyfriend and give him a pout.
“suguru, don’t be mean.”
“am not, sweet girl,” he replies in his sweet voice.
“you’re scaring him,” your hand starts to stroke his cock, and ijichi can no longer keep his noises in as he bucks up his hips and grips onto the pillow underneath his head. “how can he fuck me if you’re staring at him like that?”
suguru’s entire demeanor shifts at the mention of ijichi fucking you. he is about to refuse first, tell you that there was no way that another man will be inside you in his presence but he stops when he sees you turn around and engulf ijichi’s cock inside your mouth. you bob your head up and down just like how you do it on his cock, your fingers wrap around the base and squeeze and your free hand fondles with his balls just like how you do it when you give him head.
ijichi’s flushed cheeks and sweaty forehead become something so interesting to you because you can’t stop staring at him. there is something so fascinating about a man falling apart under your touch and making you feel in control—you like the feeling.
ijichi’s hands shyly rest on top of your head, and it seems as though suguru needs to remind him of what he is doing.
“careful.” but before ijichi can remove his hands, your hand wraps around one of his wrists and keep it on your head, pushing his fingers to grip your hair.
you release his cock from your mouth with a “pop” sound and your tongue trails all over that one prominent vein.
“suguru is so mean, isn’t he?” you mumble against his cock, and your boyfriend shoots you a warning stare that you can’t even see.
“darling,” he starts but you cut him off.
“don’t worry,” you whisper against ijichi’s cock before planting a sweet kiss to the tip of his cock. “I’m not as mean as him, I can be as sweet as you imagine me to be,” you grin against the skin and he starts shivering in anticipation.
“i-imagine you?”
“oh, come on pretty boy,” you kiss his inner thighs gently. “you think I don’t know?”
to which ijichi shakes his head. you reach to grab his hand from your hair and kiss the palm first before licking between his fingers, all the way up to the pad of them—and then you start sucking them.
the man watches in awe as you give his fingers the same treatment you were giving his cock a few moments ago, and it twitches in your hand.
you let go of his fingers with a smile.
“you fuck your fist stupid to the thought of me, don’t you?” oh god. his abs twitch again, and he can barely look you in the eyes when you give his pretty cock another kiss.
“don’t be shy,” you purr. “I like it when a pretty boy like you is desperate.”
out of all the things that you imagined would go down, this was not it. not that you were complaining.
you sit back on your knees, surprise evident on your face as your fingers touch your cheeks, nose and finally your lips. you flash a red ijichi a smile before licking the cum off of your lips.
“you like it when someone talks you through it, huh?”
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry–“ he tries to grab a tissue to clean your face, but a deep voice interrupts him.
“leave it.” you pout as you turn to face suguru, but your lips part when you see that he stood up from his chair and was walking towards you, his looming figure making you submit so easily for him and almost melt on the mattress and between ijichi’s spread out legs.
your boyfriend grabs your chin and pulls out a napkin, wiping your face so gently that you melt under his touch. the man laid on the bed watches with wide eyes at the difference in your demeanor, how one moment you were handling him with so much confidence and now you were melting under your boyfriend’s touch.
“he needs to get hard again to fuck you, right?” suguru mumbles against your lips and you nod before pulling him into a deep kiss. you don’t care that the position is uncomfortable, nor that the man watching you two make out has never even seen you kiss in public beside a couple of pecks because you always liked to keep things “private”.
he watches as suguru gropes your ass cheeks and slowly undresses you from the blouse, his touch leaving goosebumps on your skin and you moan against his lips. your hand reaches down towards ijichi’s calf and he’s startled that the attention is back on him.
giving suguru one last kiss, you push him softly back towards the chair.
“eat me out, ijichi. think you can do that?” he nods mindlessly, almost dumbly and you give him a grin. you expect him to pull you on his face but when he flips you two over and catches you by surprise, the gasp leaving your lips quickly turns into a moan when he buries his nose in your clothed cunt.
“oh fuck,” he pushes your legs towards your chest, fingers pulling your panties down to reveal the sweet cunt he’s been dying to taste.
“does it smell good?” and ijichi’s eyes almost roll to the back of his head when his tongue gets to taste your pussy for the first time.
“pussy got him acting dumb,” suguru comments from his spot, hand fisting his cock slowly. despite not being the biggest fan of the situation, there was something strangely exciting about watching a man devour your pussy so hungrily. he knew ijichi wanted you, he knew why he wanted you—but only suguru got to have you. for ijichi to lose his mind at the taste only and not at the way your pussy usually sucks his cock in and milks it—yeah, the desperation was hot.
“b-be nice to him,” you try to say through moans, head thrown back when his tongue kept licking at your clit. he sucks on the bed, saliva and arousal mixing together and leaking down your thighs and on the towel laid out underneath you. your fingers grip his hair and push him closer to your pussy where you grind on his face, your sweet sounds filling the room.
suguru was fixated on your wet pussy, fisting his cock to the same rhythm as ijichi licking and sucking at your clit, the sight of your boyfriend being so lost in his pleasure had you bursting and cumming on the man’s mouth with a loud whine.
ijichi lets you ride out his orgasm, trembling fingers soothing your thighs and calming you down in a hushed voice.
“so good,” you whisper out loud. “y-you were so good,” your hand wraps around his jaw and you caress his cheek with your thumb. he melts against your touch but quickly regains his composure before reaching towards his night stand to grab a condom.
“mmm, so desperate to fill me up? even though you just ate me out?”
“i-it’s so wet,” he stutters out, wrapping the condom on his hardened cock.
“all for you, baby,”
“watch it.” suguru warns you and halts his movements when he hears you talk to him like that, eyes shooting daggers at the man aligning the tip of his dick with your folds. and you bite your lip, totally ignoring him and holding your legs to your chest before giggling when the man slipped with his dick and nudged your clit.
“it’s so wet,” you say in awe and he finally pushes inside.
your legs wrap around his waist and pull him close towards you. you let him fuck inside you for a few moments, letting him relish in that moment of having a bit of control before you start to fuck up into him and he has to pause his movements not to cum so quickly like earlier.
“what’s the matter, pretty boy?” your arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer to you. “pussy got you dumb already?”
suguru sees that ijichi is so close to kissing you, but before he can even intervene, you press your index finger to his lips and give him a kiss on his cheek.
“sorry, I only kiss my boyfriend.”
you keep fucking up into him, fingers grabbing onto the back of ijichi’s head and pulling at the hair there. you squeeze around him and coo softly in his ear.
“you are doing so good for me, you know?” “never had a pretty boy fuck me this desperately,” “are you close? cum for me, make me proud.”
the last one seems to hit him hard, because he soon has to hold himself up on the pillow under your head and let out soft, desperate noises as he empties himself into the condom. your fingers start rubbing at your clit at the sight, moaning softly into his ear to give you a helping hand.
but before ijichi can react, he is not too roughly pushed away from you and he watches with wide eyes as suguru hooks his arms under your legs and pulls you towards the edge of the bed.
“leaving my girl unsatisfied,” he mumbles in disapproval before attaching his lips to your clit.
“o-oh! suguru!” your hands immediately fly down to his hair.
“watch and learn.” suguru eats you out and fingers you until you are a weeping mess on the man’s bed. he could care less that the man was only a few inches away, mind focused on the way you smell like another man, and how he has to get rid of this smell.
“this is,” a kiss to your clit. “how you eat,” then another to your folds. “pussy properly.” and then back on your clit.
he spits and kisses your pussy with so much passion, strong arms holding you open for him until you cum around him hard. your eyelids feel heavy, hands reaching towards ijichi to caress his thigh, comfort him and tell him that he did a good job but sleep gets the best of you and you pass out on the bed with the two men hovering over you.
it’s a little quiet for a bit but suguru quickly lifts you up to clean you, dress you up before driving back home.
“tell her…tell her I said thank you.” ijichi calls out from his bedroom, watching as your boyfriend carried you to the guest bathroom.
“I will. go clean yourself up, okay?”
one thing suguru knew, he never wanted to do this ever again.
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2023: all works belong to @ slttygeto. do not repost my works on any other platofrm.
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mukbangg · 6 months
Can you maybe do one where billy and fem!reader have been in a relationship for a year or something like that and haven’t gotten intimate yet and one day when they’re hanging out somewhere their kids kind of turns into a make out session and billy indicates he wants to go further but reader is scared so he kind of guides her in a comforting way?
Thank you!!
Being with billy is like honey.
Hes so warm you practically melt whenever you're near him and your giddy grin is reflex at this point.
Sweet sweet Billy, jesus you're drunk off him hes just so lovely.
Sometimes you spend hours kissing him like you can inhale him, saliva slick on both your chins as you suck his bottom lip and lick the roof of his mouth.(he always snorts when you do that its ticklish)
Though, all these intense makeout sessions never lead anywhere. As soon as his hands slid a little lower, you're jolting, breath stilling as you pull away with an almost shameful look. Billy doesnt mind though, hes always quick to assure you that you dont have to do anything you're not comfortable with.
Sweet, gentle Billy,despite all his bloody history and those unnerving eyes which was the last glimpse of many men before their inevitable death at his hands. He presses soft kisses into your hair, whisper honeyed words into your ear, and you're cuddling into his chest, assured that you've got nothing to be sorry for.
Maybe its all the stories from the brothel woman, the mid wives and mothers and such, its built up some subconscious fear of the act itself that it makes you hesitate each time.
So when you find yourself in his lap, panting into each other's mouths as you grind down on him, the same fear grips you and you freeze.
Billy understood immediately, pulling away as his palm cups your nape and forehead presses against yours.
"Hey doll,"
He murmurs, nudging your nose with his.
"Back to earth? We dont got to do anything, hmm?"
He kisses your cupid's bow softly, tongue darting out to lick your lips.
"I like kissing you anyways. We can just do that,'kay doll?"
But you're shaking your head slowly, teeth digging into your bottom lip.
"I can...I wanna do this, Billy. With you,"
He hears the hesitance in your voice and he quirks his lips to the side, humming in thought.
"You sure? Dont wanna make you feel forced or anything. You know that you dont have to, right?"
And you nod your head, smiling up at him all sweet the way he knows you're not changing your mind.
"My best girl,"
He whispers, dropping his head down to the crook of your neck, kissing the soft skin there.
"You'll tell me if you dont wanna, 'kay doll? I'll be real gentle, I promise,"
And gentle he was, practically worshipping you as he slips your dress off, kiss up your thighs and slide your panties off. Your legs instinctively try to close, but hes fit himself between them, just resting his chin below your belly button.
"Shy, arent you?"
He murmurs, lips curving into a loopy smile.
"Here, gimme your hands, doll,"
You reach down obediently, lips pursed before you let them quirk up in a tight smile when he places your hands over his eyes.
Your soft squeeze was all he needs before hes kissing down your pussy lips, tongue diving in to lap at your already drooling hole up to you cute little clit. Hes so slow, making sure you know he wants to take care of you. And before you know it, your hands had slide up to curl in his hair, tugging softly hips bucking into his face and he chuckles into your wet pussy knowing hes got you over your hurdle.
Hai who am I kidding, heres an extra drabble:
"Fuuucckkk doll, your lil' cunny's sucking me all the way in,"
Billy huffs, breathless as you writhed under him.
Hes got one large palm on your belly, pressing down slightly on the small bulge that's visible when he thrusts into you.
"All this time I've been jerking myself, and you've had this sweet cunt right hereohhhh fuck-"
He chokes out before hes cumming again, emptying his balls straight into your womb.
And you? You dont know how many times you've cummed already, too dumbed out and filled with pleasure(and cum).
The bottom of you butt is wet, a mixture of both your fluids spilling out your abused hole whenever he fucks into you. The loud squelch as he shifts was vile, a fat glob leaking out your when he pulls out, gliding his still hard cock through your fold.
Billy taps your face, running his hand through your mussed hair.
He runs the swollen head of his cock against your clit, earning a squeal from you as he chuckles.
"Aaandd shes gone. Fucked you dumb did I, doll?"
"Billllyyyyy!!! S'too much-"
But you dont get to finsh as your voice tapers off into a sob, his thumb sliding across your aching clit, slipping a little from how slick it is.
"C'mon doll, y'can do it, c'mon- ahfuck,"
He pushes his thick cock in just as you squirt, coating his pelvis as he continues rubbing your clit.
"Billy- billy-"
You sob, each snap of his hips coaxing spurts of clear liquid out as his tip hits that sweet spot in you just right.
"You're ready to be a momma for me, hmm? My pretty lil' momma,"
Gods, what were you thinking denying yourself Billy's cock this whole time? Every jolt of pleasure fries straight up your spine and zaps every thought out your head. You just wanna take every load he dumps in you, let him plug you with his fingers as he fuck his cum back in.
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thecutestswitch · 23 days
Working your way down (Ticklish spots)
I just want to take my time and explore all the places you're ticklish at.
The hands are a very unexpected but very ticklish spot. It's so cute as well, you mean all I have to do is hold your wrist (gently of course) and gently scratch at your palm and you're giggling and blushing so much?
The forearm is pretty ticklish too, just run your fingers up and down and you have them squirming.
Elbows/inner Elbow, they're so ticklish amd it's cute. Now this really really gets them squirming and squealing like never before! Would definitely want to scribble my nails on this spot.
Want to blow air into those cute little sensitive ears of yours to hear you squeak like a little mouse.
Then I want to see about that neck, slowly dragging my nails all over it making you shrug your shoulders trying to get my fingers out of there.
After that I'll test out your shoulders/shoulder blades and to my surprise they happen to be very sensitive and you show me such cute reactions when I tickle you there.
Now onto the ribs/back of your ribs. It drives you crazy when I wiggle my fingers against these spots right? But now I want to gently dig into those spots to drive you crazier.
The back (definitely a fav of mine) you can give endless scribbles there! Make them giggle/squeal/ twist and turn/blush and cover their face and how cute is that?! Absolutely adorable!
Down to these sides of yours, I'm just scratching against them ever so lightly making very little contact with your skin but you're already so squirmy and that's very adorable of you.
Now the belly (a favorite of mine). I just wiggle my nails against this cute tummy of yours, sometimes giving you pokes and squeezes and just for you to reward me with such cute giggles and beautiful laughter!
The hips (a new favorite spot of mine) it's such a ticklish spot for lots of people and you being one of them. I could just pinch those hips and you're already ready to buck me off? Goodness they must be super sensitive, which means I should squeeze AND pinch them hehehe.
The thighs are so squishy and there are so many nerves and so many different ways to tickle thighs. Inner thighs you can scribble your nails at that spot/squeeze it and or pinch at it! Such a fun spot.
Let's move down to the knees/behind the knees. Yes the knees are fun because it gives such a funny reaction from the lee butttt behind the knees is even better! That spot really gets them going. They'll snort/giggle/melt/laugh/squirm/squeal etc. Oh how I'd loveeee to scribble my nails behind some sensitive knees.
The calves are also a very sensitive spot too all you have to do is scribble nails and or give them a couple squeezes!
The ankles are a pretty ticklish spot as well I suggest using nails/electric toothbrush or even a small paintbrush.
The tops of the feet are quite sensitive as well try a feather or something soft, it should get them giggling up a storm or with you fingers/nails they'll be laughing a lot.
Now to a lot of people's favorite part the soles (not a favorite of mine). You can put them in a headlock and scribble at the heels and work your way up to the arches and then up to the toes. With the toes you can do so much such as wiggle a nap against the toe pad/go in between them/ or scribble at the toe stems.
And in this conclusion you all need to be tickled for being so cute and ticklish and having such cute reactions 😵‍💫💕💕.
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tickletastic · 9 months
You'll Float Too
Fandom: 9-1-1
Ship: Eddie/Buck
Summary: Firefighters are supposed to be fearless... Or are they? Day four of Miya and Mia's Tickletober: mask!
Eddie cannot believe that, somehow, this was how Buck found out that he’s scared of clowns. Truly, he thought it wouldn’t ever come up, it’s not like clowns are a common topic of discussion, and aren’t circuses unethical anyways?
“Buck, you better get that thing away from me!” Eddie says in an attempt to muster up a stern tone, instead it comes out more like a shrill plea as he rounds the couch in the living room, running from his boyfriend clad in a Pennywise mask. 
“C’mon, Eds! You’ll float too!” Buck shouts, giggling. He’s keeping up with Eddie’s pace pretty well, purposely indulging in the chase. His boyfriend is ever so slightly stronger than him, though Buck is faster, and he knows that Eddie knows he could catch up at any time if he wanted to. 
Eddie is screeching, begging Buck to leave him alone, and Buck is nearly laughing too much to keep running. He stops for a moment, hunching over with hearty laughter, his ears pink behind the mask. 
“Eheheddie, you should- yohohou should see your face right now!” Buck wheezes, pulling his phone from his back pocket. 
“Evan, don’t you fucking dare,” Eddie warns, trying to school his features.
“Oh, don’t ‘Evan’ me, scaredy cat,” Buck throws the mask in Eddie’s direction and Eddie shrieks, jumping away from where it lands on the floor. Buck can hardly breathe with how hard he’s laughing, having watched his boyfriend go from a big strong firefighter to a scared kid in seconds, which he now has on his phone forever, a preserved moment in time.
“Oh, I’ll give you something to laugh about, Buckley,” Eddie grits, jumping the couch.
“Wait, Eddie, no!” Buck yells, turning around to book it, but Eddie’s already got him around the waist, pulling him to the ground. 
“You are so in for it, Buck,” Eddie grins from on top of his boyfriend, “I’ll show you funny.”
Eddie’s fingers dig roughly into Buck’s waist, and the blonde absolutely howls, arching his back to a point where it almost looks painful. Eddie makes him laugh and laugh and laugh, and by the time it’s over, Buck’s voice hoarse while tears stream down his cheeks, he’s almost sorry.
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nvoirs · 1 year
Leon taking the fem reader’s virginty for the first time, but he is an experienced gentleman and the reader is a sweet girl who has been corrupted by the likes of this man. 👀👀
Can you include Praise and body worship please?
I'm so sorry this to so long, I hope you like it <3 Also I apologise if my writing font and style keeps changing I'm just trying to figure out what works best for me.
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Leon was every woman's dream man. He had the looks, the charm, the personality you name it. His witty, flirty nature made the ladies giggle and swoon for a matter of fact. So although it had been a good six months since you and him started dating you still questioned yourself as to why he chose you? You were a boring plain Jane, not some glamorous Marilyn Monroe that swept Leon off his feet.
Six months and only kisses remained. Don’t be wronged though, the kisses could be very heated and you loved it. You craved more though, you wanted Leon to touch you lower and lower until-
Snapping out of your trance when you saw Leon himself crouched in front of your hunched over form on the couch.
“Hey, are you good? Looked like you were hypnotised.” He chuckled.
“Yeah, doing fine.” You sighed.
He raised an eyebrow, a quizzical look that basically said you seriously lying to my face?
“Tell me what’s up, promise I won’t laugh.”
To be honest Leon was also getting distracted, not by daily stresses but by yourself. That low cut top you wore was just a little too low, and your lips looked nice and soft, plump and coated in a sparkly peach pink gloss. It took all of his willpower not to take you right then and there. He was aware you still suppressed your virginity, and he did not want to rush you into things you may possibly regret.
“Okay.. Leon, I want to take it to the next stage with you.”
No way did you mean what he thought you meant..
“Yes, I mean sex.” The pinkish blush evident on your cheeks slowly crept up as you squeezed your hands together waiting for an answer head hung low.
“If that’s what my girl wants, I’m going to give it to her.”
Taking your hands in his he guided you to your own bed, slowly pushing you into the soft, foamy mattress. His lips mushing with yours as he sloppily kissed you trying his ever so hardest not to quicken things. He wanted your first time to be special, gosh he was so lucky knowing he was your first.
You bit your lips as you watched from below him, a string of saliva following as Leon broke the kiss. He could taste the peach flavour of your lips, pulling off his t-shirt his naked torso on display for you to gawk at. His incredible build had you in a trance, the way his muscles and biceps flexed deliciously when he leaned back down onto the bed.
“Gonna make you feel so good baby, you hear me? Now lift your legs.”
You complied to his soft request, lifting your legs and hips so he could shimmy of your pj shorts. The cold air hit your thighs but was enveloped in a warmish, wet feeling. His tongue. Leon moved his head towards the apex of your thighs beginning to gently kiss them before moving to the inner thigh. He looked at you before diving down to place a flurry of ticklish open mouthed kisses before sinking his teeth into one thigh.
You jolted at the sudden change in demeanour it felt surprisingly good sending a shock straight to your now throbbing core. His nose nuzzled against the cotton of your underwear, right on the soiled part that had been stained by your arousal oozing itself out of your sensitive cunt.
“Smells s'good, can I take this off for you sweetheart?” The string of desperate whines were all Leon needed to know that yes you did want it. Taking his sweet time pulling down your panties completely off and staring at your glistening treasure. So wet and aroused just for him he couldn't wait to dig in.
“Baby this all for me, hm?” Bringing his ring finger to your wet folds flicking upwards to get a little moan out of you, your hips bucking into the air.
“I'm gonna put a finger in, gonna make you feel real good you hear me?” Your furious nodding made Leon's arrogance grow, coating his fingers in your sticky slick he rubbed at your entrance.
“Please Leon, put it inside.”
“It'll hurt angel, but I promise It's gonna pass real soon.” Before you could respond he'd eased his thick, long fingers into your tight, wet hole making you cry aloud. Gripping his free arm, squeezing it as he began to slowly thrust his fingers inside of you. The pain began, but ended just as Leon had mentioned it would. Pleasure clouded your thoughts, you'd been missing out if this is what it felt like to be fingered. But maybe it was just Leon and his skilled fingers.
His pace never faltered, wanting you to reach your first proper orgasm with him; he added a second finger stretching you out invitingly for when the time came. Broken whines and gasps left your dry throat, pressure building  in your stomach you couldn't speak your words lodged in your throat as you came all over Leon's fingers.
“That's right baby all over my fingers, gonna lick it all up f'ya.”
Slowly pulling out, Leon had a sly smirk painted across his angelic features. If you were this loud with only his fingers, how would you react to his cock? Well guess he'd find out very soon. Bringing his fingers to his pinkish lips he licked them teasingly, looking at your blanked out expression.
“Are you ready for the real deal, my angel?”
“Yeah Leon please, want your cock inside me.”
Oh so straightforward you were, it's one of the things that Leon absolutely adored about yourself. He had no idea how you were still a virgin, but maybe you did believe in destiny and waited for him. His low growl felt possessive, pushing you back into the plush pillows he unbuttoned your low cut pyjama top before chucking it aside. Just as he had suspected from earlier you were wearing no bra. He chuckled, grabbing both your breasts and kneading them between his fingers. Thumb pads dancing over your hardened nipples, grazing them teasingly before latching his sweet mouth onto one. Your mewls made him weak to the knee, his excitement grew in his pants wanting to desperately be inside of you just as much as you wanted it.
Sliding his pants and briefs of his meaty thighs, Leon advanced towards you again spreading your legs forcefully before leaning down into your ear. “M’gonna make you feel so, so good you look so pretty like this baby.”
“Please Leon.” Your gentle request made Leon’s heart flutter, he really just couldn’t get enough. It felt so intimate, you trusted him and he wanted to prove to you that he was the only one for you.
Grabbing himself and positioning at your tight entrance he pushed in, the acoustic melody you made somewhat between a cry and a moan made Leon soften as he allowed you to adjust to him.
Crystalline tears filled your eyes from the pain of your boyfriend stretching you out and making a home of you nestled deep inside. Sniffling you managed to speak up, tapping the blonde's shoulder. “Can move now Leon- please.” Obeying Leon began to slowly thrust into your guts making your shaky breathing louder, the air felt stifling hot and you didn’t know where to look as you locked eyes with his pale blue ones.
“Aw my baby, shh It’s okay now why’re you crying my darling? Did It hurt you a lot? I’m so sorry my love, do you need anything?” Leon’s million questions floated right past your mushy brain, but you requested one thing.
“I want you fuck-” You whimpered as he sped up hitting a particularly treasured spot of yours but you continued your sentence. “To be closer ha- to me please!”
Leon closed the distance between your sweaty bodies, his chest pressed against your boobs, his hold on your thighs tightening as he ploughed your guts out. “S’ pretty, so gorgeous I love you so much.” He was met with an a Capella of mewls before he felt you cumming around his cock, your fucked out face blanking out while coming down from your high.
“Come on baby one more for meh, can’t let you off. It's your first time you need at least two, trust me.” And before you could even respond he was already overstimulating your insides, your fingers curled in his honey coloured hair. His face buried between your tits, you could smell his hair that lavender shampoo he always used, he smelled so damn good you had your eyes fluttering shut.
“Cum with me baby, I know you can c’mon please, please?” Leon’s guttural groan had you cumming for a second time tonight, you felt his warm, thick cum drip inside of you pulling out and collapsing on the bed. Leon caressed your shoulder lightly kissing the small freckle you had there.
“Thank you Leon, I love you no one can change that I pinkie swear on it.” You stuck out your finger cutely.
Just as he had thought, such an unpredictable and straightforward little thing, but he stuck out his pinkie all the same.
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take care of you | spencer reid x reader
Sometimes, Spencer needs you to take care of him.
wc: 3k, rating: explicit/18+
tags/warnings: submissive!spencer, s2/glasses spencer, pegging, face sitting, face riding, cunnilingus (fem!reader)
a/n: couldn't stop thinking about spencer in glasses getting absolutely wrecked. i love him so much!!!! (you can also find this fic on ao3!)
You can tell how much Spencer needs this. He’s been stressed out from work – sure, his job is always kind of stressful, but he looks so exhausted that you feel it in your bones.
Spencer’s never been good at asking for help, either. But the sluggish way he’s been moving around lately, his eyebags somehow even darker than usual, even Penelope texting you after a rough case to take care of Spencer: they all tell you that Spencer needs you more than ever.
“Hi, my love,” you greet from the couch when he opens the door. 
Spencer jumps slightly, perhaps not expecting you to be home when he’d gotten to the apartment. He relaxes quickly enough, his tight-set features easing up as he sees you. He smiles, kicking off his shoes, and is quick to let you wrap your arms around him. He melts into your grasp. 
“Hey,” Spencer says in a soft voice, but he hugs you so tight you feel a little breathless. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, love,” you hum into his neck, nose ticklish from how his hair is growing out, curling beautifully at the nape of his neck. “Rough day?”
“That’s an understatement,” Spencer sighs. “God, I needed this.”
While you’ve been dating for more than a year, Spencer being happy to touch you always makes you feel proud – it reminds you that you’re special to Spencer, that Spencer trusts you. 
“I know, sweetheart,” you say softly, your hand petting his soft hair. “Do you want– Do you need me to take care of you tonight? To shut your brain off for a little bit?”
Spencer’s sharp intake of breath is loud in the otherwise silent apartment. He pulls away, wet, brown eyes looking into yours. “You– Really? How did you–”
“I guessed you needed it,” you say, reaching to hold his hands in yours. “Do you need that?”
“Yes, please.” Spencer’s voice is practically a whisper. 
“Come on, love,” you smile, tugging him into the bedroom.
You take care of him like this: taking off his tie, undoing the buttons of his shirt, kissing him as you undo his belt and push his slacks off. Spencer is laid on the bed for you, only in his underwear, laid out bare for you.
Spencer looks so cute wearing his glasses, and you tell him that when he moves to take them off. He blinks at you. “Do you want me to keep them on?”
“Yeah,” you say, grinning. “Makes you look extra fuckable.”
He rolls his eyes playfully, smiling, but Spencer’s mouth falls open in a gasp as your hand reaches for his cock, touching him through his briefs. His cock jumps at your touch. 
You sigh contentedly. “You’re so pretty like this, Spence.”
He whimpers, lower lip pulled between his teeth. “You’re too nice to me.”
“I just want to take care of you, love.” You hum, meeting Spencer’s eyes as you slip your hand down the waistband of his underwear, wrapping your hand around him. 
“Oh–” He moans at the contact, hips instinctively bucking up into your touch. “Mmm, please.”
“Want me to fuck you, baby?” 
Spencer nods, but you can tell he’s still on edge, attempting to give up control. He’s never been too good at that.
You lean forward to kiss him. He moans, kissing you back quickly enough, desperate and hungry. He needs you, wants you, and the attention makes you preen.
You’ve pushed Spencer’s underwear down by now, unabashedly stroking his fully-hard cock. He’s leaking all over your hand now, so the slide of your hand on him is easy. His moans against your lips turn you on to no end, getting him off while he’s like this almost feels like your duty. 
“Come on, baby,” you murmur as you pull away. You’re met with a whine from Spencer, like he’s too far gone to realise you plan to give him more, instead of just taking his pleasure away from him. 
This is good. His colleagues have always joked that Spencer’s IQ drops when he’s around a pretty girl. Maybe you’ll be able to stop his overthinking mind tonight.
“Oh, don’t pout, darling,” you coo, finding it amusing how Spencer is basically throwing a fit over how you’ve stopped kissing him, stopped touching him. “I thought you wanted me to fuck you.”
Spencer’s face is red in an instant, like he’s shocked at the sudden brazenness of it all. He pulls his lips into a thin line, sheepish, but he nods. You smile and say, “Then let me get ready for you, darling.”
He finally lets you go, but his eyes are wide and wet as he looks up at you, as you stare down at him. He looks like he wants to ask you something, but can’t find the words. “Tell me what you want, Spence.”
“I want– Can I touch myself? While– While you get ready?” He’s tripping over his words, and you feel like screaming into your hands just because he’s so cute. 
“Yes, darling. Don’t make yourself cum just yet, though,” you hum. “Wanna see you cumming on my cock.”
Spencer lets out a whimper, nodding as he wraps his hand around himself in an instant. He’s desperate, needy, and you feel so crazy about him that you feel the adrenaline in your veins as you get your harness out. Your hands shake as you attach your pink, sparkly dildo to your harness, as you take your clothes off (Spencer stares at you, making you feel so desired), strapping your harness on tight. 
In your bra with a dildo strapped to yourself, you sit between Spencer’s legs, spreading for you as he lays back on the bed you share. Lube is squeezed into your fingers, you warm it up between your thumb and index. You notice the way Spencer isn’t fully out of it yet, not in the way you want him to be.
So, leaning forward, you take Spencer’s cock between your lips, enveloping him in wet heat inch by inch. You watch his face morph with pleasure, perfectly ruined by your mouth. He always gets like this when your mouth is on him, loses his mind a little, loses the words to verbalise his pleasure. (And he always has the words.)
Spencer lets out an open-mouthed gasp, delicate and needy. His large hand comes up to his face, pushing his glasses up like he needs to get a better look at you. Spencer is desperate, eager, hips stuttering up into your mouth. You push his hips down with a firm hand. He moans.
You take the lead as you suck him off, acting more of a distraction as you rub your fingers over his hole, slick with lube as you get him to ease up. Spencer’s always been stubborn, but when you have him like this, he gives in rather easily. 
“Fuck, please, please,” Spencer’s begging now, and you’re so turned on you feel your head spin, your heart pounding in your chest. You slip a finger in, giving Spencer the pleasure he needs, and he moans so sweetly you feel like you need to fuck him right now. 
Now that he’s a little less on edge, you pull off of him, focusing on fingering Spencer. You work him open rather meticulously, coaxing him open slowly. When Spencer’s in a headspace like this he gets needy and a little helpless, letting you take the lead (and not helping much). He whimpers and gasps as you fuck one finger into him, then two, hitting that sweet spot inside of him as you get him to relax. His cock twitches with every stroke of your fingers, leaking pathetically all over his soft stomach.
“Feels good, darling?” you hum.
Spencer moans. “Yes, so good. I– So good.”
“So pretty for me, Spence,” you sigh, smiling up at him. You slip a third finger into him and he cries out so pathetically you feel like you’re losing your mind. “You sound so pretty too.”
“Fuck,” Spencer gasps, as your fingers work inside of him. His face is pushed into the pillow underneath him, his glasses sitting awkwardly from the angle. He’s wiggling his toes, writhing, and you can tell that he wants more. He tries to say something else, but it comes out garbled. 
You pull your fingers out, and when Spencer whines from the loss, you coo, “Okay– Okay, darling. I’m going to fuck you, okay?”
You press a kiss to the soft skin of his inner thigh, and when you look up at Spencer, he smiles so wide. You want to kiss him. You pucker your lips at him obnoxiously, and he giggles. 
Getting on your knees between his legs, you slick up your strap with more lube. Spencer is sickeningly adorable as he watches you stroke the dildo, a perversion of the way it usually goes. Spencer looks enthralled, as if you stroking yourself is doing something for him, even if it doesn’t do anything for you. You smirk at him, and his cheeks flush.
You wrap your hand around Spencer’s cock and stroke his cock with whatever’s left on your hand. The extra slick slide aided by the lube makes Spencer jolt and buck his hips, your hand feeling particularly amazing on him. 
“Come on, baby,” you coo, as you press the blunt head of your strap to Spencer’s hole. “You’re gonna take me in so well, aren’t you, Spence?”
Spencer is all gangly limbs, but he’s so desperate that he feels so small underneath you. His cock is leaking, and his flush has moved from his face all the way down to his chest, which rises and falls as he breathes hard. His gorgeous, lovely eyes don’t leave your frame. No matter what, he looks at you like you hung the stars.
“I will,” Spencer says softly, adoration in his tone. He’s holding his breath, cheeks flushed, eyes wide as he looks up at you. You smile at him, before you press your strap into him. His mouth falls open and his eyes flutter shut, gasping as he feels you inside of him.
You press into him so slow, taking your time, your head spinning with how pretty Spencer looks under you. While you always enjoy the sight of Spencer on top of you, he’s gorgeous like this too. Spencer’s always a little timid, submissive for sure. You find it cute. Sometimes, taking care of him like this just makes sense.
You watch as Spencer swallows you up greedily, the length of your strap disappearing inside of him. He shudders as you press your hand down on his lower abdomen, the softness of his stomach grounding you as you start to piston your hips. “Is that good, darling? Feels good?”
He nods hastily with a whimper. The bottoms of his glasses have fogged up, with the gentle sheen of sweat on Spencer’s skin and how warm his face must be by now. He’s sinfully innocent, and you resist the urge to bite him. 
Instead, you wrap your hand around his cock. He moans loudly, eagerly. You curse, your own arousal heightening even with the lack of physical touch. You keep thrusting into him, getting off on the way Spencer squirms and whines. “You sound so pretty like this, Spence.”
“Please,” Spencer groans, his voice coming out whiny and broken. “I’m so close, I wanna–”
“Already?” You feign your disappointment, even though you can’t blame Spencer for being needy in the slightest, especially since you’ve made it so easy for him to let himself go tonight. “I’ve barely had my fun with you, baby.”
He gasps, hurried and desperate: “I– I’ll make it up to you. Promise.”
To be fair, you weren’t planning on denying Spencer of an orgasm, but you’re more than happy to take Spencer up on that offer.
You grin. “Cum for me then, Spence.”
You watch his features scrunch up with pleasure as his orgasm hits him, his load splattering all over his stomach, dribbling down your knuckles as you stroke him through it. It’s adorable, the way his hips stutter, the way his mouth falls open in little, incoherent gasps as he orgasms.
You feel like you could admire him like this forever, the softness of his frame and features, the gentleness as he catches his breath. He’s gorgeous, and you can’t take your eyes off of him. Spencer smiles once he catches your eye, sheepish at your intense gaze and the attention you’ve given him. 
Sitting up, Spencer’s hands reach for your waist, fumbling to undo your harness. It’s adorable, and you rest your hand on his to get his attention. He looks up at you, hair messy, eyes wide. You kiss him softly, slowly, Spencer reaching up to cup your cheek as he kisses you back sweetly. 
You feel the harness loosening around your hips on the left side of your body, and it makes you pull away with a grin. “Multitasking, I see.”
“I want to make it up to you, my love,” Spencer says quietly, earnest. “I’m just in a hurry to get to it.”
You laugh, kissing the corner of his grin once more before you let him get back to undoing your harness. You take your panties off, tossed aside to be dealt with later, and Spencer dips his fingers between your legs. You feel his long digits swipe at the wetness that’s gathered there already. “You’re so perfect.”
“How do you want me, darling?” you hum, moaning softly as his fingers start to rub at your clit. 
“Like this.” Spencer lays back, pulling you forward by your thighs, until your body is hovering over his neck, just enough where you can meet Spencer’s eyes. 
“Oh,” you say. “You- You’re sure?”
“I’m positive. I want you to sit on my face,” Spencer says simply, and you feel like melting. Sure, you’ve been together a long time, but you can’t help but feel a little self-conscious, being close to Spencer like this. Will you be too heavy? What if you suffocate him, or worse, crush his neck? He can clearly tell you’re overthinking it, because he adds, “Come on. Please?”
“This is one hell of a way of making it up to me,” you laugh. 
Spencer’s completely serious about it, though, as he furrows his brows. “I mean it. You’re not going to hurt me. It’s statistically improbable that you’d break my neck or something. You’ll feel good, and I will too. I’ll be careful if you’re worried.”
“Okay,” you say softly, feeling slightly more comforted by Spencer’s words. He presses a kiss to your thigh, smiling up at you.
Spencer pulls you closer, urging you to sit down. You don’t put your full weight down on him at first, but the way he pulls you down onto him startles you, so you can’t even attempt to control how hard you sit on his face. He moans when you’re seated, as you feel his lips between your legs, his nose nudging at your clit. His glasses are askew on his face but it’s too late for Spencer to take them off, and it doesn’t look like he cares to, either.
Spencer’s a god at giving head – Lord knows where he learned that from – but it’s even better when he’s needy. The best orgasms you’ve had were after Spencer was particularly worked up, extra needy over you, and dove between your legs like his life depended on it.
Today is somehow even better.
Maybe he’s made pliant by the way you fucked him earlier, but it feels so right, the way Spencer coaxes your hips forward. With his glasses digging into your thighs and his arms hooked around your legs, Spencer pulls you towards him, letting you ride his face to get you off. It’s like he needs to make you cum, like he can’t carry on if he didn’t.
There’s an added desperation you feel, deep-seated in your bones, wanting Spencer to pleasure you like you did with him. It’s never been transactional with Spencer, both of you naturally wanting to please – but Spencer is so sweet and kind with you, and you’re turned on to no end because of him. 
You feel his tongue lap at you, over your leaking hole, over your swollen clit. You feel so loved, so taken care of, just like you took care of Spencer. You only see the rims of his glasses, his brows furrowed and his eyes presumably squeezed shut as he eats you out, but God, you adore him. 
“Please, Spence,” you moan. You feel like you can’t explain it, but you ramble, “Feels so good, you’re– You’re so good for me, baby.”
He moans, pulling you closer to him like he can’t get enough of you. You’re afraid he won’t be able to breathe, but he’s doing just fine burying his head between your legs, giving you everything you need. He pleasures you like he needs it too. 
Everything is just right, his eagerness to make you orgasm, coupled with the way your head is spinning from his lovely submissiveness from earlier. Spencer is perfect, and you think you should do this more often.
You rock your hips forward, letting his hands guide you through the motions. He’s got a one-track mind, only focused on your pleasure, and you’re shaking with your orgasm before you even know it. You cry out as your orgasm wracks through your whole body, your thighs clamping down on Spencer’s face. His own moans are muffled between your legs, which push you further over the edge. You ride out your orgasm just like that, with Spencer whimpering as you use him. 
You put Spencer out of his misery when your hips slow to a stop, pulling back as you roll onto the mattress next to him. He looks like he’s in bliss, like he could’ve died happy between your legs. He turns to look at you, the lower half of his face wet with slick, his glasses sitting skewed on his nose. He swoons, “You’re the love of my life.”
You laugh, swatting at his chest playfully. “I know, darling.”
You lean over to rest your head on him contentedly. Unfortunately, despite how satisfied (and admittedly tired) you are from tonight, Spencer seems to have other ideas.
“You’re hard again,” you note, eyebrow raised curiously.
Spencer smiles sheepishly. “Couldn’t help myself.”
“Let me take care of you, then.” With your hand skirting down his stomach, you press your lips to his, with his sticky chin and all.
“Happily,” Spencer grins.
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bombuni · 4 days
hi babi !!! js wna say I love ur user ++ ur writing sm :3 was thinking if maybe u can do anything related to stoner bf San if that's okay?? like maybe him being vv needy while high idk. no rush, xoxo!
contains: sub!san x gn!reader, drug usage obv, bj’s, very soft tbh
minors dni
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San’s touchy.
He’s just like that as a person, you’ve come to realize. His hand is always around your shoulders or waist, fingers finding their home in the crook of you neck. You let him, seeing as that’s how he shows his love with everyone. It’s just-sometimes he gets too touchy. Like, he’d breathe for you if he could.
It’s especially bad when he gets high. Once the smoke fills the room, he’s babbling on about the spots on your face and the shape of your cupids bow, waxing poetry about how your touch makes him feel. You’re not complaining at all. It’s only bothersome when he does it during his downtime and you’re busy. Today is not one of those times.
You hum in acknowledgement, eyes glazed as you mindlessly watch whatever San had decided to put on in the background. You can feel his hot breath fanning onto your neck, the heat of the room and his body filling up your insides.
It’s clear San’s already gone, his low tolerance making him an easy target every time you two smoke together.
“Are you done with work?”
He’s cute when he’s mindless. You turn to look at him with a lovesick smile on your face, “Yes, Sannie. I am.”
San blushes, full-on like a tomato, when you look at him. He giggles like you’ve told the funniest joke, hiding his face in his hands as he scoots away from you like some embarrassed kid out with his first girlfriend.
“You can’t-you can’t just look at me like that,” he still giggles as he speaks, peeking his eyes from behind his hands.
You know San-you know that even though he backs away from you every inch closer you get to him, his itch to touch you only grows. He just gets an extra layer of shyness when he’s high, but it’s easy for you to break through it.
“How am I looking at you?”
He freezes when your hands easily spread his thighs apart, giving you complete freedom to sit between his legs. You’re some sort of Medusa to him, turning him rock hard just with your eyes. He feels his breathing grow heavy when one of your hands traces patterns on his knee; a hot, tingly buzzing sensation following your touch. It makes him fold for you immediately.
He watches you with half lidded eyes, “Like you’re gonna eat me. Are you gonna eat me?”
You chuckle at that, “Wish I could. Then I could keep you forever,”
He takes that tiny comment seriously. Like the mere idea of being apart from you steals the air from his lungs, “I am yours forever.”
Your smile down at him makes his heart grow with love, he feels it every time he’s with you. When he gets like this he truly believes you keep him alive just by looking at him. Your touch is just a nice bonus.
He holds your wrist gently, “Can I show you? That I’m yours forever?”
“No,” you gently take his bigger hand off of you, “I’ll show you.”
San’s not exactly sure what you mean, but he lets you do whatever. He watches as you gently take his sweatpants off, cooing niceties that make a whine build in the back of his throat when he lifts his hips up for you.
You toss his pants to the side, dragging warm fingers up over his thighs tantalizingly slowly until they reach his bulge. He’s hard already, and he’s on the verge of tears at the feeling of you palming him. The way you roll his big cock against the fabric of his underwear makes him slowly go insane, hips bucking every so often when you squeeze his cock. Precum stains his boxers now, but he doesn’t care. No, it just shows how much he belongs to you.
He can’t support the weight of his thoughts anymore. He lets himself tilt back, head banging against the arm of the couch. San lets out a surprised whine when he feels your wet mouth against his neck. He flinches, before succumbing to the ticklish feeling. You’ll leave your mark on him and he’ll be proud to show it off.
San is overly sensitive. The feeling of your sweet lips and loving hand is already too much for him. He’s keening and moaning like a slut, letting himself feel every little detail because he trusts you. Just knowing it’s you makes it all the more hotter.
“My sweet boy-“ a kiss and a moan, “do you want more?”
His head raises so fast you’ll scare it’ll fall off, “Yes, please.”
He sounds like he’s about to cry and, god, does it make you throb. You pull his cock free from his boxers, as it aches and begs for you. It’s so pretty and wet, soaked in precum and San with his panting, flushed face is the perfect picture of desperation.
His hips buck to find friction, “Can I put it in your mouth, please? I’ll be good, just-please, can you touch me?”
You cut off his desperate pleading by stroking him once. Immediately, he’s putty in your hands. His entire body relaxes against the couch, letting you control him and letting you decide what to do about his needs. All he knows is that it’s you who’s touching him, and that’s all he needs.
The lewd sounds coming from his wet cock fill the room, making him even more light-headed. Everything he’s feeling makes him think he’s in a dream, and when your mouth sucks on his tip like a lollipop, it just makes him hit cloud nine.
His hands fly to the back of your head as you take all of him in, every inch that fills your mouth slowly sending him deeper into a frenzy.
He groans, “‘S so good, baby, I love you, thank you for taking my cock-“
You bob up and down, letting San buck his hips while his mouth shoots off whatever his 2 functioning braincells can think of. Most of it is just ‘I love you’s.’
He gasps as you take him to the back of your throat, the feeling of you gagging on him burning his insides with desire. He fucks your mouth-once, twice- before he shoots his cum down your throat.
“Fuck-I fucking love you-“ he says as he holds you still, making you take what you caused. In his mind, it’s his reward, getting to prove to you just how good you make him feel. How you’re the only one for him, and he’s the only for you.
He pants below you, face flushed and sweaty, as you let him go with a pop, “‘M so sleepy. Can you cuddle me?”
You tuck him back into his boxers before letting yourself plop onto him and wrapping your arms around him. Who can say no to San?
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bom note: i think his extreme romantic needy side would come out when he’s inebriated at all. like he’s truly a lover boy at heart. also excuse my lack of knowledge on weed or if this feels ‘inaccurate’ as i literally only take edibles once in a blue moon
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elvisalltheway101 · 20 days
e’s first bj?
hmmm I mean I dunno-
let me be your teddy bear; 50s naive!e x reader 🫣
summary: he’s a nervous horny wreck!
summary: hmmm, honestly, I think I’ve got a thing for like sensitivity. With the way I feel like I blush at knowing he’s sensitive or something, I have no idea 😭 but forgive me if this don’t sound too right, I kinda rushed 🤧
“I-I-um, y-you don’t hafta d-do any of this,” he stammers out, as you position yourself between his spread thighs.
he’s pretty in this vulnerable state. Blue shimmering eyes of awe and wonder with a hint of hunger stare down at you. You lick your lips to his manspread figure, all open and ready for you to use.
When your pretty lil hands slide over his dark blue cargo jeans, grazing just barely ontop of the curved bulge, his breathing already stutters. His lil tummy heaving slightly, and you smile at the way it does. Boldly, you push up his shirt to show his golden curly happy trail that awaits your eyes’ treasure.
his head falls back when you pull off his garments to pool wih his dress shoes and he immediately tilts his head back to look at your reaction to his cock.
Your eyes widen, he was absolutely beautiful…and mouthwatering. His length was generous in length and width, and his thin foreskin that hugs on the tip. His pink, sensitive tip. With a shiny, yumny clear syrup that thickly rolls down his cock.
“y-you can b-back o-out a-anytime.” His words claim but at the way his cock twitches heavily on his stomach, tells you that he needs a burning release and you shake your head.
“s’okay, e, c’mon just lay back and let me tend my duties.” You hum as you place your warm hands onto his plump thick thighs that hug your shoulders. He nods and purses his lips, oblivious to what you were going to do.
One hand gently wraps around his base while the other hand fists on top, and the feeling is already so fucking good.
His head dipped back, as your hands wetly slid lubed by his precum and it’s when he opens his eyes and looks down, he nearly orgasms prematurely.
He didn’t know what the hell it was, but he loves the sight. You on your knees with your doe eyes looking into his, as your lil hands twist on his cock that’s red and sticky.
And you can tell he loves it, especially by the way his cock hardened under your touch, nearly jumped as his plump juicy balls swell.
“f-fuck, a-aw- awh.” Is all he mutters out, but you were just beginning. You then lean your head down, and he feels the ticklish wave of your hair on his lap but then the massive sensations of a hot-searing suction of his cock.
his hips immediately buck into your face, but you’re prepared as you train your throat to take him and he whines at the warm feeling that swallows his cock. His belly heaves and nudges your forehead as your nose is buried in his soft, blonde pubes.
he’s so sensitive, and you love it. As his fleshy length prods at your throat, your eyes water while his blue eyes roll to the back of his head.
his clammy sweaty hands stable himself as his legs bend slightly and he lets out the prettiest whimper that is morphed into a scream of pleasure by your tongue.
You immediately swallow around him and one hand cups his balls to gingerly massage his sacs of semen.
With careful hands, he shakily places them on your head and begs. “M-mama, yes, yes, nrgh, m-more p-please.” He whimpers and his eyebrows furrow, his eyes screwed close and he just needs a relief.
you oblige, pulling your mouth off to drag your hot tongue to his balls, and he pants softly, then tapping your shoulder when your hands firmly fist his huge cock.
“S-shit, ah, m-mama, m’coming, please, please, please, please,” he whines out and when you latch your tongue back to his sensitive tip, he cums heavily.
ropes to ribbons of thick, salty white cream coat your tongue and he wasn’t ready when he pulled his cock out of your lips and saw his mess. His eyes were a hazy dark blue and he just felt so dizzy in arousal.
You swallowed it and his manhood, glistening and still hard twitches on his meaty thigh, and he combs through your hair, “thank you s-s-s’much mama, y-ya treat me s’good, thank you.”
let me be your teddy bear.
taglist: @jhoneybees@your-nanas-love@pomtherine@lustnhim@jkdaddy01
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