oblesklk · 2 years
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There is the joy of finding a beautiful new album you love.  The joy of a beloved ice cream flavor.
Then there is the joy at discovering your friend is tied up, and cannot stop you from tickling her.  Viva la laughter.
Stream all TickleTown content, including Nell's, at: www.patreon.com/oblesklk Buy Nell's tickling pack at: oblesklk.gumroad.com/l/otdsbe
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switchygigglee · 5 months
Pikmin Tigglecanons pt 4: The Pikmin 4 Koppaites
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She doesn’t mind tickling, as long as it’s from the pups she takes care of
She can be a ruthless ler if she wants to be
She’s the only one who’s allowed to tickle Brittany because they are very close.
The most ticklish of the three
He’s basically ticklish everywhere but his underarms are a spot that gets him BEGGING
Has a wheezy laugh
He and Alph definitely have tickle fights together don’t @ me
Like Charlie, gives pretty good tickle hugs
Had ticklish ribs and sides
If you’re dating him, he’ll love to give you tickly kisses because of his mustache
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ticklishraspberries · 2 years
So, absolutely no pressure, but I noticed you listed haunting of hill house in your horror list that you'd be willing to do stuff for, and I was wondering if you had any headcannons for them? Any are fine but Luke and Theo are my babies, if you're looking for particulars
Again, no pressure if you're not feeling inspired for it ^^
ahh i haven't watched the show in a while but i do have some general headcanons for the 3 youngest sibs <33
theo: used to be a very easy target for tickles from her two older siblings, but she quickly learned to hold her own against them while also getting the chance to torment the twins. because of her abilities, skin-to-skin contact can be overwhelming, but if her gloves are on she can usually dish out some pretty mean tickles. her sides and thighs are her most ticklish spots.
nell: being the youngest girl, she was often on the receiving end of tickle fights her whole childhood. the only person she could ever get the upper hand on was luke. her stomach and neck are her worst spots!! she actually finds tickling quite fun, but likes a fair fight.
luke: the slightly more ticklish twin, who never won a tickle fight until he had a growth spurt lmfao. like nell, his stomach and neck are very bad, but so are his ears, knees, and feet. very giggly laugh and secretly doesn’t mind getting wrecked.
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tickletastic · 5 years
69 for the haunting of hill house Nell crain
Song 69: Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At The Disco
At the age of 13, Nell met Theo’s first girlfriend. Theo was sixteen, and it was completely unsurprising that she was in a relationship, it was just a little bit surprising that it was with a girl. 
Nell had been thinking for a long time about girls. Maybe now that Theo had a girlfriend it made more sense. 
She used to cry herself to sleep in middle school, fearing that she was a lesbian in an unaccepting world, but she felt less and less fear. As the fear subsided, and she learned to accept herself more, she tried to understand what it was that she actually felt. 
At the age of 15, Nell developed a crush on one of the most popular girls in her school. Her name was Jonah, and she was sporty and popular, but she also represented everything soft and wholesome in the world. She spent hours making pretty notes for her classes, and everyday she packed two neat lunches in her backpack, always delivering one to her younger sister when lunch started. 
Nell could’ve sworn she was in love. She couldn’t help but stare when they were in English class, and she would smile to herself thinking about a time that Jonah asked to borrow a highlighter and she had one on hand. Jonah, of course, had a boyfriend though.
Nell knew what she was feeling, but she didn’t know how to come to terms with it.
Her siblings had noticed the change in her demeanor in the last few weeks, but Luke was the only one who had noticed the newly neat notes in Nell’s binder, and the small hearts with Jonah’s name in them in the margins.
Instead of talking to Nell about it, he figured that Theo would be the best person to tackle the situation, so he informed her about Nell’s predicament. 
Theo planted herself in Nell’s room the next afternoon, waiting until her sister arrived from model UN to talk to her. 
When Nell arrived, she was surprised to see her sister, but not upset. 
“Hey Theo,” Nell greeted, throwing her backpack onto the floor before sitting down in one of her beanbag chairs.
“Hey Nell,” Theo responded, sitting down in the beanbag across from her. 
Nell looked at her expectantly, waiting for her older sister to say something.
Theo had no clue how to go about this, she’s not the oldest sibling, she wasn’t used to giving advice or having meaningful conversations, that was Shirley’s job, sometimes even Steve’s.
She decided to get straight to the point, “Nell, do you like girls?”
Nell looked down at her hands, playing with one of her rings. Had it been anyone else, they would have been upset about the ambush, but all Nell could feel was relief. 
“I think so,” she breathed out, loud and steady, “but not just girls, Theo, I like boys too.”
Theo nodded thoughtfully, taking in her baby sister’s words understandingly. “There’s a name for that, you know?”
Nell’s eyes brightened as she looked up and met her sister’s, “there is?”
“Yup, yup, yup, it’s called bisexuality.”
“No way,” Nell responded, relieved that this word meant that she wasn’t the only one who felt attracted to both. She felt calm, all this time she had spent worrying that her feelings were abnormal were put to rest, as if all at once.
“I’d talk to you about all that sappy stuff, but I think that’ll be Steve’s job, just know that we accept you no matter what Nellie.” Theo scooted her beanbag closer to Nell’s in order to ruffle her hair. “Now, tell me about Jonah.”
Nell turned as red as a tomato, shaking her head rapidly, “no way.”
Theo knew that her sister wouldn’t readily give up this information, and she had worn her gloves knowing that she would have to resort to desperate measures. “You’re forcing my hands El.”
Theo’s finger started spidering rapidly over Nell’s tummy, outrunning any attempts that Nell took to stop her fingers. 
Nell giggled, rolling down in her beanbag as the ticklish sensations overwhelmed her body. It was rare that Theo ever took part in the tickling of her siblings because of her gift, but when she did, she knew exactly how to get what she wanted. 
Theo’s left hand scurried up to Nell’s ears, and Nell giggled loudly, trying to duck. 
“Alright, aahahalright! I’ll tell you!” Nell screamed, rolling down as far as she could.
Theo stopped, sitting up in the beanbag with her hands held together, ready to intently listen. “Spill.”
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secondborn-cambion · 3 years
Four Random Headcanons..
Dante taught himself to be ambidextrous. It ended up being a useful skill to have when he needed to dual wield Luce & Umbra or Ebony & Ivory, or to use a gun with one hand and Rebellion with the other..
Dante lived on the street in some capacity or another until he was 13 and Nell Goldstein, tired of him rumaging through her trash like some kinda child-sized raccoon, gave him a cot and a roof over his head, until he turned 16 and moved out again.
Dante's ribs and hips are ticklish, but if you happen to tickle his feet, he'll kick like a mule and has sent more than one person through a wall.
Being a Cambion, Dante believed he wasn't allergic to anything, or that he couldn't be, until he had artichokes.
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feather-aesthetic · 5 years
The Rewards of Being Loved
A/N: Wrote this when I watched the show last year, never finished it... well today I finished it.
Rating: T
Fandom: The Haunting of Hill House
Pairing: Sisterly Shirley and Theo
Summary: Theo explains her powers to Shirley, and they grow closer because of it.
Words: 2,500
Night has fallen on the Crain-Harris household, and the oft-lively home is still, and mostly quiet.  In the living room, two figures sit side-by-side on the couch, a cheesy Netflix rom-com playing on the television.  Theo Crain curls her legs underneath her, internally rolling her eyes at Shirley’s choice of movie.  Even though she doesn’t live right next door in Shirley’s guest house anymore, she still visits at least once a week, often bringing Trish along with her for dinner.  
This week, though, with Kevin chaperoning Jayden’s Boy Scout camping trip and Allie at a sleepover for the evening, Trish invented a work function to attend, not-so-gently encouraging Theo to spend some quality time with her sister.  And it’s not like she minds hanging out with her sister, in fact a growing part of her is so, so excited, but this movie is just… awful.  Theo sighs again as the female lead complains to her friend group about her love life.  She’s trying to contain her boredom, but she must not be subtle enough because Shirley shifts beside her, taking in a deep breath.
“Sorry,” Theo sighs.  “This just really isn’t my thing.”
“What?  No, this movie is terrible,” Shirley hastens to reassure her.  “That’s not what I…”  Theo turns to her.  It’s not like Shirley to avoid speaking her mind, so whatever she’s thinking about, it must be pretty important.
“What’s wrong?”  Shirley’s eyes flicker around the room for a moment before settling on Theo, meeting her steady gaze.  She laughs, then, breaking the eye contact.
“I can’t talk to you when you’re making your therapist face.”  Theo cracks a grin, huffing out a relieved laugh, and the suddenly somber atmosphere is broken.  Theo scrubs at her face, trying to wipe away the so-called ‘therapist expression’ and rearrange her features into something more sisterly, less professional.
“Sorry, sorry.  What’s up, Shirl?”  Her sister looks at her for a moment, fond smile playing on her lips, and Theo tries not to bask in it too much.  
“Can you tell me about your... abilities?”  Her gloveless hands feel suddenly bare.  Theo instinctively stiffens, clamming up despite her best efforts to relax, and she can see Shirley cringe slightly.  To her credit, though, she pushes on, trying to explain.
“I tried so hard, for so long, to pretend that we were normal, and—I want to understand you, Theo.”  Theo pauses, processing for such a long moment that Shirley almost dismisses the entire idea.  The movie goes on quietly in the background, providing a muted white noise to their conversation.  
“What do you want to know?”  Her voice is low and quiet, so much softer than the usual commanding tone or calm therapist voice she uses.  Of all her siblings, Shirley was always the most resistant to Theo’s unique abilities.  Theo explained it away as disbelief, or maybe even a fear of having her innermost thoughts broadcast over the surface of Theo’s skin.  To have her openly talk about it means more to Theo than her sister will ever know.  
“What happens when you touch something?”  Alright, so they’re starting from the basics.
“When I touch an object,” Theo begins, twisting her fingers together, “I experience the memories and emotions attached to that object.  The stronger the emotion, the easier it is for me to see the memory.”  Her face darkens as she recalls the couch in that foster family’s basement, the terror and revulsion that overcame her as she stared up at the wooden ceiling.  
“And when you touch another person?”  
“I can feel their emotions, see things about them, things that they might want to keep hidden.  I can tell if they’re lying.”  An image of Luke, his young eyes filled with trust, gazing dejectedly up at her while he described his experience in the basement of Hill House, flashes through her mind.  Nell, and that terrible nothingness that had infected her like a plague.
“So if you touched me right now, you would feel what I’m feeling?”  Theo nods, a slow incline of her chin.  “Do you… want to?” Shirley asks hesitantly.  Theo shrugs.  
“Sometimes,” she responds, deliberately misinterpreting the question.  She sighs when Shirley fixes her with a look, one that lets her know her older sister sees right through her.
“Why?” Theo asks, years of secrecy making her blunt.  Now it’s Shirley’s turn to shrug, albeit more cautiously than her sister had.  
“I don’t know, you just talk about it like you only ever feel bad things.  Don’t you want to feel good things sometimes?”  
“Of course I do, I just—I never know what I’m going to feel until I’m touching someone, and then it’s too late.”  Shirley flicks her eyes away, her equivalent of biting her lip nervously, then offers, 
“I’m feeling good things right now.”  Theo looks down at her recently ungloved hands, considering.  It’s not just an offering for Theo’s sake, but a genuine ceding of ground on Shirley’s part as well.  There’s a quote Theo has read in an article somewhere; “If we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.”  In Theo’s case, her knowledge of whoever she touches is total, and she understands how terrifying that notion can be.  For her sister to offer this is a huge show of trust.  Shirley still isn’t looking at her, but she brings her head up sharply when she feels Theo hesitantly brush fingertips over her palm.  Theo gasps at the sudden bursts of love, of pride, of joy that wash over her, filling up her chest with a welling sort of light and tingling down the backs of her forearms.  Their gazes were locked, but Theo can’t experience her sister’s overwhelming love for her while looking into her eyes, so she drops her vision to their touching hands.  They’re side-by-side on the couch, facing each other, and Shirley’s gaze is still locked on her face, studying her expressions.
“You feel happiness in your arms,” Theo murmurs, and Shirley’s face lights up with delight even as her cheeks tinge pink from the observation.  
“You feel the way I experience emotions?”  Theo grins at the revelation that’s just dawning on Shirley, and because she can’t contain two people’s happiness coursing through her behind a stony expression any longer.  Her knuckles are resting in Shirley’s palm now, and she slowly lifts her hand to let the contact fall away.  
“Mom said I was sensitive,” she offers as a response.  There’s a moment where Theo’s afraid she might have ruined the moment by bringing up their mother, but then Shirley grins a little mischievously.
“Well I know you’re sensitive, Theo,” she teases, elbowing her gently.  Theo relaxes into her role as a sibling, rolling her eyes and shoving Shirley in retaliation.
“Shut up, Shirl.”  But the amused look hasn’t left Shirley’s eyes, and Theo recoils slightly at a nudge to her side.
“You know, you really should be nicer to your older sister, Theo.”  Theo squirms at the continued jostling, trying to ignore the fingers that have drifted sneakily over to her sides and are prodding at the flesh there.  
“Shirley,” she whines, hoping that it will be enough to deter her sister.  Shirley grins wider, poking in between her ribs in places she knows Theo can’t stand.  Theo’s been making a valiant effort of staring at the ceiling with her lips tightly sealed, hoping that her sister will get bored and abandon the game before it’s begun, but at this new attack she’s unable to remain still, and her hands shoot up to catch Shirley’s wrists just as the first burst of true laughter escapes her.  
“Don’t,” she pleads, but it’s more breathless and giggly than serious, and they both know that if she really meant it Theo would be halfway across the room by now.  Shirley takes this as an invitation, and when her grip shifts and skin brushes skin, Theo gets the barest glimpse of her plans just before she’s bowled over by one Shirley Crain-Harris.  Quick fingers bypass her makeshift defenses like she’d never thrown up her arms at all, gently pinching at sides and ribs in a way that Shirley knows drives Theo crazy.  
It’s been decades since Shirley has done this, but she still remembers all her sister’s ticklish spots from when they used to play together.  The spots on her sides that make her bubbly laughter morph into more of a cackle, the way she squirms harder when Shirley pinches at her hipbones, the redness in her cheeks and the push of her heels into the couch when fingers manage to sneak under her arms; they’re still familiar reactions, but Shirley confirms each one with a widening smirk, reveling in her rediscovered power.  
Theo, for her part, is in hysterics, bubbly giggles jumping or turning into squeaks when Shirley switches spots.  
“Shirl!” she gasps between bouts of laughter, not ready to beg her to stop but unwilling to just lay there and take it.  It’s been ages since she’s been tickled, especially by her sister, and she’s almost forgotten how simultaneously fun and maddening it can be.  It makes her want to jump out of her skin in the best way possible.  
“What is it, Theo?” Shirley asks, as though they’re having a normal conversation and she isn’t tickling her sister half to death.  Whatever response Theo was formulating is cut off by her squeal when Shirley unexpectedly finds a weak spot at the base of her ribs.  Shirley laughs at the reaction, squeezing sporadically and milking the spot for all it’s worth.  
“Well, that’s new,” she teases, lobster-clawing her way up Theo’s ribs before sneaking back down to attack the recently discovered tickle spot.  Theo squeals again, throwing her head back and squeezing her eyes shut at the sensation.  She didn’t even know she was that ticklish before now, and the feeling is quickly becoming too much for her to handle.  
“Shit, Shihihihirl!” she half-shrieks, thrashing.  She’s lost all hope of dignity, and can now only hope that her sister will have mercy.  Fortunately for her, Shirley seems to understand that she’s just about reached her limit, and retreats to the other end of the couch, bearing a sly grin that only a sound victory can bring.  Shirley leans back against the arm of the couch, stretching her legs across the piece of furniture towards her sister and listening as Theo gasps for breath and tries to pull herself together.  
“Been a while since we’ve done that, huh?” Shirley murmurs, smile still tugging at her lips.  Theo sits up slowly, pink-faced and giggling while she recovers from the playful torment.  
“Yeah,” she agrees, a certain lightness in her tone that Shirley hasn’t heard since their childhood.  “You know what we haven’t done in even longer?”  She’s crawling up the couch menacingly now, biting her lip to contain the brilliant smile threatening to break through.  Shirley has a feeling she knows exactly where this is going, but she allows herself to sink further into the cushions, tamping down on a grin of her own.
“What’s that?”  Theo is looming over her, fingers poised to strike, and Shirley shrinks back but doesn’t move to stop her.  If she plays it cool, doesn’t provoke her sister by trying to run away or fend her off (turning it into a competition will only make it worse for Shirley when Theo finally manages to pin her down) then maybe she’ll go easy on her.  Her ploy fails, however, when Theo raises an eyebrow at her, tells her she knows exactly what Shirley’s trying to do, and pounces.  
“No!” Shirley squeals when Theo goes straight for some of her worst spots, spidering quick fingers across her stomach and fluttering gently around her neck.  She scrunches up as best she can, writhing between her sister and the back of the couch.  Unlike Theo, Shirley’s squirming is actually productive, and she actively tries to escape, so Theo has a much harder time getting her to keep still long enough to tickle with any intensity.  Even without much tickling, though, Shirley’s a mess—arching her back and squealing whenever the lightest touches connect with her skin, even through her clothes.  Theo might not fight back, but Shirley is way more ticklish than she ever was.  
She looks up to find Theo grinning at her, and though she can’t feel emotions like Theo can, the love shining through her sister’s eyes and through her smile is clear.  She reaches out, crippled by the fits of uncontrollable giggles Theo’s fingers are causing, to launch a counterattack, searching out Theo’s sides and digging in until the other woman backs off, unable to concentrate enough to continue her assault.  Before Shirley can get herself together, though, she feels an elbow lock around her ankles, and then nails are scraping their way up her bare feet.  She shrieks, arching her back and kicking her legs in Theo’s grasp.  Theo tightens her hold in response, grin so wide her cheeks ache, and scribbles fingers all over her soles.  Shirley loses it, dissolving into hearty, unrestrained laughter punctuated with little squeals when fingers dip dangerously close to the inside of her arches or underneath her toes.  
“Theo!  Theohoho—nohohohoho!”  The pleas are barely intelligible through her laughter, but the torment ends quickly when Theo’s fingers start touching the skin of her feet and suddenly Theo is kicking out at nothing, overcome with the same breathless laughter pinning Shirley to the couch.  Theo lets go of her ankles in an effort to escape the contact at the same time Shirley realises what’s happened.  Shirley’s hoarse laughter turns genuine at Theo’s predicament, while Theo retires to her end of the couch to mock-sulk.  
“That’s so unfair,” she grumbles, expression forming the beginnings of a pout.  Shirley offers her a self-satisfied smile, stretching her back against the arm of the couch.
“For you, maybe.”  Theo’s displeased expression only deepens.  She leans forward, and for a moment Shirley thinks she’s going to try for a rematch and tenses up, but Theo just drapes herself across Shirley’s thighs, head resting on her stomach.  One of Shirley’s hands goes automatically to the top of her sister’s head, beginning to smooth out the ruffled curls with slow, soothing strokes.  Theo hasn’t been so tactile with her in decades, and she’s loathe to overstep… but her hair is still just as soft as when they were kids cuddled up in bed together, and maybe Shirley has missed this more than she realised.  Theo squirms a bit, getting more comfortable, and mumbles something that Shirley doesn’t quite catch over the credits music of the romcom they were watching.  She hums questioningly to get Theo to repeat herself.
“Love you,” Theo says, half asleep at the feeling of her sister petting her hair.  Shirley smiles down at her, a tear deep inside her heart mending at the words.
“Love you too, Theo.  Completely.”
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anasticklefics · 5 years
so in the haunting of hill house, i have a headcanon that luke and nell could sometimes feel when the other was being tickled because of the twin thing. (btw hi its the same anon who said that theo could tell where people where ticklish by touching them)
Ooohh that’d be terrible for them both I love it
And hi!
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skinnybonesmusic · 2 years
SOBER RAVERS UNION LaFHomme Guest Mix La Face B Wednesday, May 25, 2022, 8pm EST
DJ Python – Club Sentimental Vol Three [Incienso] Laced – FCUK [Causal Chain] Gescom – Key Nell 1 [SKAM] Duppy Remover – God’s Child [Still.FM] Bunzinelli – Call In Blue [LaRama] Bclip – Brnk [Ilegal Internacional] Orlando Voorn – The Drop [Nighttripper] Coco Em feat. Sisian & Kasiva – Land (Black) First [InFiné] Arkajo – Truth [Arkajo] Honeydrip – Outta Here (Ouri Remix) [self] Dexter – Space Booty [Clone] OJPB – Bre-som (Je porte pas de) [unreleased] NPNP – Graph Attack [Cold Cache] Joel Eel – Fragrance Unity [Perpetual Care] Jordan Dessar – Forbidden Fruit [Equal People]
LilC4 – Nana Jay R Neutron - BBHMM estoc - She Who Laughs Last ft. Archangel Lorenzo BITW – Basta ft. Mc Yallah & Swordman Kitala Ginuwine – Pony (BYGARDO X BURN Bootleg) El Alfa x CJ x El Cherry Scom – La Mamá De La Mamá (Akalex Remix) Don Toliver x Aaliyah – No Idea x One in A Million (Mashup) Charli XCX – Focus (Yaeji Remix) Mvntana DJ Taj – Caillou Jersey Mix ft. DJ Taj Jay R Neutron – WOBBLE THAT ASS SAPPHIR22 – BRUJONASO DJ Nativesun – Hold On Shankers (DJ Nativesun edit) Jay R Neutron – WHERE U BEEN? MATRAKK – Romantic Dream estoc – SAN IRIS (FOR NETFLEX) VOLANT & Integra – Reality Zomby – Euphoria Thys – Unmoved Mover LazyGod – MIRANDA COSGROVE Namasenda – ☆ ft. Oklou DJ SWISHA – RIP AALIYAH DJ Rashad – Only One ft. Spinn & Taso Xxtarlit⚸ – I Felt You Machinedrum – Infinite Us (Ticklish Remix) úlvur – tears in the club (úlvur DnB Edit) Haunt – Falling In Love Erika De Casier  – What U Wanna Do? (DJ G2G Club Edit) SUS1ER – CLARITY 7038634357 – No Hate Is A Cold Star (Wa?ste Remix)
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chamaelhyun · 7 years
so i just finished reading stephen king’s it...
... and i have too much feelings for it i think i have to write everything down, more for myself than for anything else lmao
first and foremost, bill loves georgie so much just thinking about them makes me so fucking soft??? and georgie kissing him on his cheek that day legit brought tears to my eyes knowing what’s gonna happen to him
also, stanley did not take that fucking bath i refuse to believe it no sir
“it was easier to be brave when you were someone else” - richie tozier
eddie my dear boy why would you marry your mother smh
ben loves beverly so much okay!!!!
i feel like bill and eddie’s friendship is so underrated so let me just put it right here -- bill thinks of eddie as his only real friend prior to everything that happened that summer and eddie "would have died for bill", if bill had asked him he would have just responded: “sure, big bill.. you got a time in mind yet?”
"..richie’s mouth was like a half-tamed horse that has a way of bolting for absolutely no reason at all” uhHHH IF THIS AINT THE TRUEST THING LMAO
“maybe sometimes things didn’t just go wrong and then stop; maybe sometimes they just kept going wronger and wronger until everything was totally fucked up”
eddie loves bill like a big brother or a father if this isnt the purest thing ever im crying
RICHIE LIKES PINCHING EDDIE’S CHEEKS OKAY DO NOT TOUCH ME “i hate it when you do that, richie” “ah, you love it, eds” 
i’m such a trash but richie!!! winking!!! at!!! eddie!!!
uhh richie telling eddie about his ambition when they were hanging out in eddie’s garage??? good shit right here
from eddie’s pov -- richie has an “enchanting, often exhausting charm” okay
the savage bill that usually comes out when richie is being such a little shit, i love it!! “best part of you ran down your father’s leg” kids pls lmao
stan “i think that must have been my father” the man
“it was just richie. he could drive you bugshit.. but it was still sort of nice to have him around” oh eddie spaghetti
isn’t it adorable how whenever richie says something which eddie thinks is bullshit but he isnt really sure is bullshit, he just turns to bill for confirmation??? “is there such a thing as a sift bill” 
“you know about fucking, don’t you, eds?” uhhh richie dont corrupt my innocent little son like this??? (tho of course my son is well aware thanks to this taliendo boy?? whoever he is??)
uh ben is such a genius??? youngest architect y’all. this. my son. right here.
that time when they were caught by mr. nell building the dam and everybody -- even richie himself -- was like, “shut the fuck up richie gdi!!!” and stan was holding on to richie’s arm ready to squeeze him hard if he starts being a little shit it’s like one of my faves of them idek why it’s just so funny to me??
also, richie is such a trash for bill istg??? “..maybe just seeing bill’s eyes light up with their own excitement was enough” ???
ONE OF MY MOST FAVORITE RICHIE MOMENTS (and there’s a lot considering he’s my fave loser) -- him making bill feel better and less guilty about georgie’s death and then comforting bill, tho awkwardly, when the latter started crying 
uh idk if i maybe missed it in the book or in the movie but why is almost the entire fandom saying that his parents dont give a shit about richie?? cause i think out of all the losers, his parents are fairly regular (bill said so himself) he even gets to joke around with them?? and from richie’s pov: “he could read both of his parents like books -- well-worn and well-loved books” so im really kinda confused??
“they’ll pinch my cheeks and tell me how much i’ve grown” “that’s cause they know how cute you are, eds -- just like me. i saw what a cutie you were the first time i met you” uhh richie how many times are you gonna call eddie cute?? well i dont really blame you, my son is a reaal cutie
also!!!! bev and richie’s frienship??? hello why was it not in the movie????? cigarette buddies??? my badass babies??? 
richie: “likes bev a lot. well, he likes her, but not that way.’
also richie: *blushes and flustered when bev teased him if he was asking her out on a date*
ben not believing himself when he told richie to shut up, oh child you have all the right in the world to make him shut up lmao
bill and richie are like two of the bravest losers but after escaping the werefolf from the neibolt house they both just hugged each other and cried and oh my god my poor sons they do not deserve any of this theyre just kids ffs
uhhh beverly on the plane on the way back to derry was just a mess who couldnt stop laughing and just?? if i could smack tom rogan i would gladly do so and her father too for good measure
ben and bev and eddie just hysterically laughing is my aesthetic my kids deserve all the happiness in the world pls
ben always stands up for bev he’s so sweet?? he doesnt even care much what others say to him as long as they arent disrespecting bev and i just????
my pure innocent eddie not understanding why bev isnt allowed to have boys into the house when there inst anyone else there oh boy so precious
what’s worse than frightening stan uris? offending him, that’s right
the losers have forgotten about each other for more than twenty years but when they remembered and met up again its like nothing has changed at all????
uhh richie trying to calm eddie down but the latter just rounded on him telling him not to call him eds!!! and not to pinch his cheeks!!! cause he hates it!!! and richie recoiled and just?? my heart hurts
“i wish stan was here” you and me both mikey
“she wouldve died for him” why are they all willing to die for bill oh god these kids
“he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts”
dafuq richie is really so funny istg??? im not playing favorites with my kids here but he’s so funny?? his voices are so funny i hate him lmao
The Apocalyptic Rockfight (need i say more?????)
excuse me but richie (and bev) taking care of eddie after said rockfight
bill is like the president of the losers club and richie is his right hand man am i right or amirite
I JUST LOVE HOW THESE LOSERS KEEP SAYING THEY LOVE EACH OTHER??? they’re so vocal about it and just??? idc if they were, like, brought together by this turtle to fight it,, their friendship is one of a kind and they deserve all the best thinsg in life
“stan did not have much sense of humor, and the bit he did have was sort of peculiar” UHH I SHOULDNT BE LAUGHING THIS HARD
“i don’t call you dick, as in ‘you got any gum on ya, dick?’“ OHH EDDIE STRIKES BACK YES
uhm excuse the fuck outta me but richie called eddie “my love” do not fucking touch me
“the losers are still losing, but stanley uris is finally ahead” uhhh fuck you pennywise???
I JUST LOVE IT WHEN THE LOSERS ARE BEING KIDS AND JUST PLAYING AROUND TOGETHER HAPPILY this is how it shouldve been anyways they should all just be happy and protected 
stan catching the losers’ crazy yup
richie being so proud of them, of his friends?? losers or not losers?? he;s just proud that theyre all together?? im so soft
"he shouldnt be down here” - richie when he heard eddie coughing when they were in the smokehole im such a reddie trash i feel like i notice every little thing between them lol
bill is eddie’s hero it’s canon
uhh when the losers visited eddie in the hospital and not even richie was smiling uhh why dont you just step on my heart???
“no good friends. no bad friend. only people you want, need to be with; people who build their houses in your heart.”
"it hurts, doesn’t it?” “yeah, why, sure. it hurts.” RICHIE CRYING CAUSE OF STAN SOMEBODY HOLD ME
richie asking for eddie’s aspirator and the others doing the same before they entered the house on neibolt street
UHH EDDIE IS LIKE THE LITERAL BABY OF THE LOSERS DON’T FIGHT ME ON THIS he’s often called cute (by richie of course) and often described as fragile, vulnerable and beautiful. and also,ticklish. so yup. a baby. The Baby.
“sure i can. i was alone last time. this time i’m with my friends.” SEE AN ACTUAL BABY THAT MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS
“anyone who tries to steal your aspirator, we kill him. but we kill him slow.” oh richie just say outright that youll protect the baby itsokay son say it
“hey eddie needs help okay?” richie making sure the baby is properly assisted by the losers (ok im such a trash really, sue me)
stan,,,,, makes me so sad istg yes he’s like the weakest among the losers in some ways but he was brave enough to go with them that summer okay and that says so much about my poor baby!! “i don’t have anything” YOU HAVE YOUR FRIEMNDS SON PLS DONT HURT ME LIKE THIS
uhh can i just say,, i love all my children,,, but no to cheating pls????
these kids are such,,, kids lmao that part where eddie wanted a lick on richie’s ice cream (i think) and richie’s like no??? germs??? sharing??? your mom wouldnt like it?? then began to eat faster and eddie’s just like, i’ll chance it. so richie reluctantly let him have a taste but snatched it away quick lmao then stan offered his to eddie
“she says henrys gone crazy” “shit you mean he used to be sane??” richie istg
baby eddie!!!!! richie’s like no eds youre not going your arm is still broken and bill’s like he has to so walk with me eddie ill keep an eye on you (and protect you and carry you on my back and)
that moment when eddie called the others fucking pussies cause he’s doing that mashed potatoes all over it and he’s got a broken arm!!!!! ahhh i love this kid so much?????
and then after when the eye is gone and richie is mimicking eddie and was like “not too shabby, eds” and eddie was all “i hate it when you call me eds” and richie just goes i know and HUGGED EDDIE and says, “but somebody has to toughen you up, eds...” I LOVE THEM SO MUCH?????
FUCKKKKKK it’s the part when my kid’s arm got cut off and my heart just hurts so fucking much????? he doesnt deseve this?? none of them does????
‘richie was weaving and tumbling toward him like a drunk at the end of a long hard night’ “--eds--” STAB ME IN THE HEART WHY DONT YOU
 “richie, don’t call me eds. you know i..i...” FUCK YOU ALL I HATE YOU ALL
uhhh lets not talk about that thing that happened so they could get out of there im still so fukcing disturbed??? 
“son, you did real good” i wouldve smacked this turtle thing or whatever had i been a loser,,, i mean???
“we gotta get him out of here” “it’s too dark, you know.. it’s too dark. eds.. he.” RICHIE MY POOR BOY MY SON MY MOST PRECIOUS SOBBING OVER HIS BELOVED
“fuck you, bitch!!!” 
ben and beverly yes its what they both deserve
“even if we forget each other, we’ll remember in our dreams”
mike went through so much,,, i mean he was the only one who stayed in derry and looked into all that happened there beginning from god knows when. he was scared as fuck when the killings started again but he put off calling the others cause he wanted to be absolutely sure it is back before he disrupts the other losers’ lives??? he wasnt envious whatsoever of the success of the other losers even though the difference between him and them is so fucking vast?? he accepted it -- that he stayed in derry for a reason and that is to call the others back to finally end it hwen it comes back. he has done all these and more. let us not sleep on him. my boy deserves all the love and recognition he deserves. 
YOU KNOW WHAT FUCKS ME UP SO MUCH IT’S NOT JUST THE DEATHS OF MY KIDS it’s the fact that after everything theyve gone through together, they forgot about each other in the end
but maybe it was better for them too. to not think about the nightmares. to not think about the lives lost. but is forgetting really better than not knowing at all?
they went thorugh so much together and in the end they’ll forget
maybe cause as richie said, “nothing lasts forever”
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maroon5gurl88 · 6 years
Ticklish Business Episode #45: Gilda (1946)
Ticklish Business Episode #45: Gilda (1946)
Nell Minow returns to celebrate our Centennial Celebrant for June, Rita Hayworth by discussing her turn as the ultimate femme fatale in 1946’s Gilda.
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tickletastic · 5 years
91 for nell, luke, and steve?
Song 91: Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
Luke woke up screaming, a cold sweat washed over him. Nell was hovering over his bed, and the bent-neck lady was nowhere to be seen. He wasn’t five, he was fourteen, and he was safe. Hill house was far, far away from him, and he was in his room in Aunt Janet’s house. It only took him a few seconds to piece those bits together, but it took him much longer to stop hyperventilating. 
“Luke, it’s okay, it was just a dream, you’re okay.” Nell tried to soothe him, rubbing his back though she was very panicked too. When she realized it wasn’t helping Luke, she ran to the room next door, waking up Steve and bringing him back. 
Steve looked alarmed, and he sat directly in front of his younger brother, forcing him to look into his eyes. 
“Hey, Luke, you gotta breathe with me. I need you to breathe. Just look- look at me and breathe with me.”
Luke had started to wheeze, so he tried his best to mimic Steve’s breaths. 
When he finally had his breath back, he placed his head between his knees, rocking slightly.  
Steve continued rubbing his back, whispering to Nell to get dressed and get some clothes out for Luke. 
Once Luke had completely calmed down, Steve enveloped him in a hug, holding him tight for a moment. 
“Look, Nell put out some clothes for you. Go get dressed and we’ll go to the tree house.”
Half an hour later, the three of them found themselves in the tree house at the edge of the woods behind Aunt Janet’s house. 
Although Steve very often found himself annoyed by his younger siblings, he had known how scarred they were when they had moved to Aunt Janet’s, so he had taken it upon himself, with help from Theo, to make a tree house hideaway for their youngest siblings. 
For years, Nell and Luke would go there to hideaway. The five of them would often go to the tree house to play board games when Aunt Janet was away, and they spent a lot of time there. Since it was so often used, Shirl had decorated it with a carpet and some beanbags, and pretty string lights lined the ceiling. It was somewhere only the five of them went, and they only had good memories there. They often referred to it as the Anti-Hill House.
When Luke had climbed the ladder, he visibly calmed, sitting down in the beanbag that he had declared his all those years ago. 
Though he was much calmer, he still held a distant look in his eyes, one that both Nell and Steve noticed.
“Luke, do you wanna talk about it?” Nell asked him softly, placing her fingers on his knee. 
Luke brushed her hand away, shaking his head, “not really, it was nothing new.” 
Steve walked over to Luke, sitting down in the beanbag next to his, the one that belonged to Theo, and gave Nell a look.
“Hey, remember how we used to cheer you up when we were kids?”
Luke thought about it for a second, and his eyes went wide, but by the time he realized Nell and Steve’s fingers were on him.
“Dohohon’t!” Luke started giggling right away, he had never been one to hold his laughter in. 
Steve’s fingers were spidering over Luke’s tummy in a claw-like motion. Nell’s were tracing her twin’s ear, scratching behind it every few seconds. 
Luke’s body was completely limp, he never tried to fight when his siblings tickled him.
Steve drummed his finger up to Luke’s ribs, deciding that he didn’t wanna keep the tickling up for too long since his brother was probably tired. 
Luke squealed, trying to flip onto his tummy. His siblings had a feeling that he didn’t mind being tickled, but when it came to his ribs his instincts always took over. Through his snorts he begged for his brother to stop, or even switch spots, but he eventually managed to flip himself.
He curled into the beanbag, giggling lightly. “Yohou guys are evil.”
Nell laughed, retracting her hands, “where would you be if we weren’t?”
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tickletastic · 5 years
Sixteen And Sour
Rating: G/SFW
Word Count: 1708
Fandom: The Haunting Of Hill House
Ship: N/A
Summary: Luke goes through an angsty teenage phase that Aunt Janet doesn’t know how to deal with, so Steve comes back to help his siblings knock some sense into their youngest brother.
Notes: This is the fic I’ve been working on forever! I continued it so it would fit the prompt for day 17 of tickletober: escape. 
At age sixteen, Steven was certainly no angel. He wrote, he studied, he took care of his siblings to help Aunt Janet, but inside he was mad. Teenage years aren’t easy for anybody, especially when you’re missing both parents in some way or another. Steven knew this well, so when he had been notified by Nell that Luke’s pain seemed to express itself externally, he knew there was something he had to do. 
Luke had always been much more open about his feelings than Steven had ever been. Steven admired and envied this trait, he always believed, that had he been open to those around him, things would be easier for him, the pain would not only be his weight to bear. Luke had never been afraid to cry, or let his siblings know that he was afraid, which made it easy for his siblings to understand him, even though none would truly understand him the way that Nell does. 
When Steven showed up, Theo and Nell were excited to see him, Nell giving him a hug and leading him through the familiar halls to the kitchen. Sitting at the island, Steven across from Nell, while Theo inspected a yogurt from the fridge. 
“Thanks for coming Stevie,” Nell began, looking her oldest brother in the eyes, “Luke has been acting out a bit since you and Shirl moved out. We’re just- we’re worried about him.”
Steve nodded in understanding, secretly a little confused. Despite his openness, Luke had always been well-behaved, he never yelled, or fought, and he certainly never disrespected their aunt.  He caught up with them a bit more on the situation, before walking upstairs towards Luke’s room.
Despite Steve’s slight jealousy towards Luke and his ability to be open, it was good that Steve and Luke were opposites. That just meant that they balanced each other out. At least, that’s the way it used to be, but Steve wasn’t so sure this would be quite the same.
When he opened the door to Luke’s room, loud rock music blasted through the speakers, Luke was on his bed, sorting rummaging through what must be his knapsack for school. Upon hearing the familiar, non-eerie creak of his door opening, Luke snapped his head up, stilling his hands.
“Hey Luke, how are ya?” Steve asked as he approached the bed.
Luke appeared to be a little annoyed, but Steve could tell that he was trying hard not to externalize it. “I’m fine, you?”
“I’m pretty good,” Steve started, gesturing at a spot on Luke’s bed for permission to sit, receiving a nod, “but I was pretty great until I heard that you’ve been giving Aunt Janet a hard time.”
Luke ducked his head, the annoyance now completely evident on his face as he attempted to avoid eye contact with his older brother. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Luke dodged the accusations entirely, suddenly super interested in the contents of his backpack.
“C’mon Luke, we both know that’s not true, buddy,” Steve said as he reached out and placed his hand on his brother’s knee. 
Luke just kept his head down, acting as if he hadn’t heard anything. 
“Don’t make me resort to desperate measures,” Steve threatened, the tinge in his voice was one that Luke knew all too well, and his first and only instinct was to escape. He looked up, his eyes much like a deer in the headlights, and bolted, dashing out of the door and down the stairs.
Luke knew where he needed to go, he just needed to get outside in the front yard, Luke wouldn’t grab him if he were out where people could see them. To his dismay, in order to do that, he would have to run the length of the hallway, through the kitchen, and then to the living room, where he would meet the unlocked front door. 
When Luke entered the kitchen, he was immediately greeted by Nell, but he ran past her, sensing their brother was close behind him. He could see the front door in the living room from his position, he was close, so close, but suddenly all he could see was the ground in front of him as he toppled. 
He scrambled into a sitting position, no time to process what had happened before he was trying to flee again. In his downfall Steve had quickly caught up to him, however, and when he tried to stand he was pulled down by his ankle. He fought the entire time it took for Steve to pin him, and when he was finally caught, like an animal in a trap, he looked up. He met eyes with Theo, who gave him a smug wave, he glared at her, realizing that she had been the reason why he had fallen. 
“Steve, fuck off! Leave me alone!” Luke shouted, struggling to get out of his brother’s grasp. To his dismay, his growth spurt had not yet come, and his older brother had at least 8 inches and 50 pounds on him. There was no way Luke was getting out of this, and they both knew it. 
“Hey, that’s no way to speak to your favourite brother. Now, I wasn’t going to do this the hard way, but you’ve left me no choice,” Steve started to softly drum his fingers up Luke’s side, up and down sporadically.
Luke bit his tongue within his mouth, not being able to help the pout that overcame his face from the outside. His eyes glared daggers at his brother as he squirmed in an attempt to stop the fingers from doing any further damage. 
Steve knew exactly what would make his brother break instantly, but he decided to continue with his antics. He knew that the anticipation would make it worse, and he liked to give Luke the allusion that he was holding the cards. 
This went on for a minute or so, before Steve let out a tsk under his breath. Without any further warning, the tips of his fingers met the bones of Luke’s ribs, and a slow, steady stream of giggles escaped his brother. 
Steve nodded, happy with the reaction he was getting, and he started to drill between his brother’s ribs, hearing his laughter rise in franticness and volume depending on how high his fingers were on Luke’s body. 
“You and I both know that you have an out, Luke, feel free to take it,” Steve teased, methodically spidering his fingers across the bones of Luke’s ribs. 
Luke had forgotten that his sisters were even there until he felt timid fingers spidering up the souls of his socked feet. He couldn’t help but instinctively let out a snort, curling his toes and trying to bring in his legs, but he couldn’t seem to move them. 
“Nehehell, you’re a trahahaitor!” Luke giggled, struggling against his captors. He sensed that Theo had moved towards him, feeling her looming shadow, and when he looked up she was smirking down at him, her hands clasped together. 
“I think this might be what you need, Luke, but you can always get yourself out of it,” Theo spoke, watching on, amused with the attack that her siblings had launched on their brother. 
Luke shook his head, still putting up a fight, but unable to stop the various sounds and giggles that spilled from his mouth like an endless waterfall of sound. 
Steve truly just wanted Luke to talk to them, it was obvious that something was up, and Luke had never been shy about his feelings before. Steve took this into consideration, and quickly launched his next attack, both of his hands darting up under his brother’s arms.
Luke arched his back, forced belly laughter piercing the otherwise silent room, and he attached his arms to his sides, desperately wanting the touches to cease. 
Steve could tell what his brother was thinking, and started switching techniques, from soft, light touches, to drilling in, knowing that this is what always got to their brother. 
Luke squealed, the feeling of Nell’s fingers tracing his toes, and Steve’s hands beneath his arms was growing to be too much. The last thing he wanted was to give in, but the sensitivity of his own body gave him no other choice. “OHOKAY! Alright, alright! I give!”
His brother and his twin sister came to an abrupt stop, Steve unpinning his second youngest sibling. 
After Luke let go of his residual laughter, and the phantom tickles that plagued his body were much less prominent, he sat up on the cold floor. When he looked up, his siblings were looking down at him expectedly, waiting for what they had all anticipated.
“It’s just,” Luke began, feeling as if he could no longer hold eye contact with them, looking down, “the kids at school know what happened to mom and dad, and they’re ruthless about it. They say the most evil things, and I just don’t understand how they could be so mean.” 
Nell sat down next to her twin brother, prompting him to look up at her. “Luke, you should’ve just said something, we’ve all been worried about you.”
Luke nodded, ashamed of his current lack of words. He knew that openness was his forte, but he didn’t want to reopen the old wounds of his siblings. He quickly realized that they were not hurt about what had happened at school, but they were upset that he had not told them. 
They all sat in silence for a moment, nobody knowing what to say, until Steve broke the silence. “How about I talk to Aunt Janet when she gets home? There’s plenty of other schools around here, Luke.”
Luke finally looked up at Steve, a hopeful glint in his eyes, “I’d really appreciate that Stevie.”
Steve smiled, assuring his brother that it was not a problem at all, offering a hand to both of his youngest siblings so that they could stand up. 
“Now, what do you say we go get Shirley and do something fun? It’s been too long since we’ve all done something together.” 
From then on, Luke made sure to be as transparent as he had always been, but that certainly didn’t stop his siblings from tickling him.
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tickletastic · 4 years
Luke from hill house for the character meme please?
Ask Meme
On a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they? 
Probably a 7 or 8
Where is their most ticklish spot(s)?
His ribs + his neck
Which spots are they not ticklish?
I think he probably isn’t too ticklish on his back aside from his shoulder blades
What is their laugh like?
He giggles really lightly up until a certain point, after that his laughter is really bubbly + frantic
Do they enjoy tickling? if yes, is it a fun platonic/familial thing, or kinky thing to them, or can it be both depending on the circumstance?
He doesn’t mind it but he would never admit to it. He likes it as a familial thing.
Are they more often a lee or ler, generally?
Definitely a lee, I think him and Nell were always the targets of their family’s tickle attacks
Who is someone in their life that they tickle often?
Luke definitely tickled Nell, but I think he was on the receiving end of tickling when it came to all of his other siblings
Who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often?
All of the Crain siblings, but mostly Nell and Steve
Does the word “tickle” or any variation of embarrass them?
He gets really embarrassed when people as him if he’s ticklish
Are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it?
He’s not really embarrassed about it, but he definitely does try to hide it
Would gentle tickling or rough tickling affect them more?
Gentle tickling
Is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? what is it?
Not really, but he does like massages even though they usually tickle him
Is there a spot that they can’t stand to be tickled, either because it’s just too sensitive, or it’s uncomfortable/painful/etc? what is it?
His toes are really sensitive, and he can only handle tickling there for a minute or so at a time
Would they ever purposefully bug a friend/partner/sibling into tickling them, and if so, how would they go about it?
sometimes he’ll egg his siblings into giving him affection in general, including tickling sometimes
Does teasing affect them?
So, so bad, and he’s super blushy about it too
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tickletastic · 5 years
do you have any headcanons for the haunting of hill house? I always felt that steve (being the oldest) and theo (with her attitude) growing up would be the biggest lers. I also thought that through "the twin thing" nell and luke could sometimes feel when the other was being tickled
“omg i love the haunting of hill house! do you have any headcanons for stephen, shirley, theo, luke, and nell?”
Theo and Steve are definitely giant lers, 1000% correct
- Definitely a massive lee
- Big brother bear honestly
- the tickle monster was coming for his younger siblings way often
- Luke and Nell were his biggest targets, Luke would run and Nell would just stay and take it
- Steve would just follow Luke and grab him around the waist, picking him up
- Not really ticklish except in a few places
- snorts when he laughs
- surprisingly really ticklish
- Tickled most by Steve n Nell
- She’s got really ticklish ears and elbows 
- feet are her worst spot
- really airy giggles
- she’s so soft when she tickles her siblings uwu
- she tickles them to cheer them up, but always soft and she has mercy
- not really a lee because of her touch thing, but when she has her gloves on she is an evil ler
- tickles her siblings whenever they’re irritating her, with little to no mercy
- Steve and Luke are on the receiving end of most of this torture because they annoy Theo the most
- knows everybody’s worst spots and takes full advantage, she loves blackmail material against her siblings
- when she’s tickling shirley and nell she’s much softer, and she definitely has more mercy, she’s usually tickling them playfully
Before I do Luke and Nell, uh yes I love your headcanon anon, tickling is definitely part of the Twin Thing. One of them will be getting tickled and the other will start giggling from wherever they are, their siblings knew this like right away. The one who’s not getting tickled usually feels it softer, which is what lets Theo and Steve be so merciless on Luke.
- super bubbly, adorable laughter
- really ticklish behind her ears, like Shirl
- most ticklish on her tummy
- always loved tickling, just lays there and giggles
- not much of a ler unless it comes to Luke, but she has to find loopholes to the Twin Thing to tickle him
- really soft ler, coos and teases
- Hated tickling when he was younger, especially in his teens when his sibs would tickle him to get him to behave
- super ticklish with loud belly laughter
- can’t handle teases
- when he becomes an adult he kinda misses his siblings tickling him because theyre not as close
- Nell still tickles him but he misses Steve and Theo
- a super soft ler like Nell
- unless it comes to Steve, he is absolutely ruthless against steve
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tickletastic · 4 years
for the ask meme how about nell, because us already did luke? :D
Ask Meme
On a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they?
Nell is pretty on par with Luke, I’d say 8
Where is their most ticklish spot(s)?
her ribs + her neck
Which spots are they not ticklish?
Her knees and back aren’t really ticklish
What is their laugh like?
So so cute, really light, airy, and bubbly
Do they enjoy tickling? if yes, is it a fun platonic/familial thing, or kinky thing to them, or can it be both depending on the circumstance?
She likes it, and her siblings know.
Are they more often a lee or ler, generally?
She’s kind a split lee/ler, she gets tickled a lot but she also dishes it out too
Who is someone in their life that they tickle often?
Luke, and Steve mostly, but Theo too
Who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often?
Luke for the most part, but Theo and Steve join in too
Does the word “tickle” or any variation of embarrass them?
Nope, she’s not embarrassed by it at all
Are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it?
She doesn’t hide it at all. She knows that most people close to her will eventually find out anyways, so she doesn’t bother trying to pretend she’s not
Would gentle tickling or rough tickling affect them more?
She definitely finds gentle tickling worse
Is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? what is it?
Even though her neck is really ticklish, she finds neck tickling kind of relaxing
Is there a spot that they can’t stand to be tickled, either because it’s just too sensitive, or it’s uncomfortable/painful/etc? what is it?
Would they ever purposefully bug a friend/partner/sibling into tickling them, and if so, how would they go about it?
She definitely will be extra mischievous if it means that she’ll get some tickles
Does teasing affect them?
Not really, she’s pretty shameless about her ticklishness
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