#tigerclaw au
He's not your brother, Tigerstar, Fireheart just looks like that!
I mentioned before a sibling TigerFire AU before, but I think it'd be really funny if Rusty/Firepaw just happened to share physical traits with Pinestar by complete coincidence (like same pelt markings, colours, shape).
He's not related to Pine or Tiger but Tigerclaw can't help but see the similarities and wonder if this cat who came from the Twolegplace, the same place his father left to become a kittypet, is his brother.
Bonus if Tiger becomes CONVINCED that Firepaw is his younger brother and makes snide remarks about it. Meanwhile Fire has no fucking idea what he's talking about.
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artsyraccoons · 8 months
Another wip
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(last wip)
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mommyclaws · 1 year
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Mentor Tigerclaw and Firepaw Au
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cupcakeslushie · 9 months
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Sobered up and made it just in time to still say Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/or just hope everyone had a good, chill day!!!
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tangledinink · 9 months
What's the twins relationship with Tigerclaw like (I see that warriors reference, I see you)
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it's complicated. [ ✩ the gemini ✩ ]
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burntpaws · 4 months
i wonder how interesting it would be if tigerstar 1 was an actually good father who cared about his family, just not as much as he cared for power.
i think it would’ve made bramblepaw’s denouncing of him much more meaningful, knowing that he’d disown his loving father who has only been kind to him because of his actions towards others.
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kudossi · 1 year
Tigerclaw and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Senior Warrior Position AU
In a world where deputies can only be named after their first apprentice has been granted their warrior name, Tigerclaw struggles to keep an apprentice alive long enough to earn their name.
or, a comedy-tragedy AU in which having an apprentice isn't enough — you have to see them to their warrior name, and Tigerclaw cannot fucking get any of his goddamn apprentices to live, damn it.
It starts out mostly normally, except for the fact that Tigerclaw hasn't gotten any apprentices to their warrior name, and he needs that so he can accomplish his (very noble, of course) kitty genocide goals. And also be the supreme leader of the world or something. Darkpaw died stupidly, he hasn't had a chance since, and now he's got some tiny thing that's afraid of his own shadow.
Well. It'll have to do.
So naturally this man is so protective over Ravenpaw that Ravenpaw barely even leaves his sight. Firepaw and Graypaw think that this is adorable. Look how much Tigerclaw cares about his apprentice!!
Ravenpaw, of course, is fucking terrified and also slowly losing his mind, just in a different way.
"Redtail assigned us to go on a patrol to Snakerocks." "OH NO HE DID NOT. WE'RE STAYING IN THE SANDY HOLLOW WHERE IT'S SAFE."
"Nothing matters more to me than making you a warrior, Ravenpaw. Nothing." And the terrible thing is that Ravenpaw is sure he's being sincere.
Ravenpaw disappears and Tigerclaw nearly fucking has a conniption because the timing was all RIGHT and he was going to finally get the position AND HE NEVER GOT HIS DAMN NAME FUCK.
"Do you think I could convince the elders that Fireheart was my apprentice?" "Fireheart was Bluestar's apprentice, as approved by StarClan. You're going to have to wait for the next litter to be apprenticed."
So he begs and begs and gets Cinderpaw and then she accidentally falls into the trap he'd set for a better deputy candidate at the Thunderpath. Fuck.
Well. Time to resort to drastic measures.
"I was thinking that Darkstripe would have been a good name. Because he had dark stripes." "Again, Tigerclaw, it's admirable that you loved your apprentice so much, but I cannot grant him a name." "Are you sure?" "Honestly, Tigerclaw, I'm not sure he ever would have gotten a name. Missing quite a few feathers from his nest, that one..." Fuck. The worst part was that she wasn't even wrong.
— Swiftpaw and Brightpaw get mauled by the dogs he set up to happen like right after he got the title and they sprang it before and he's like FUCK NOW WHAT DO I DO WITH THESE DAMN DOGS? His world domination plans literally never come to fruition because he cannot keep his apprentices alive/in the clan/his own.
— "Brightheart counts. She HAS to count." "Actually, Cloudtail took over her training…" [demented noises]
Turns out that Ravenpaw is alive and no one — no one — in the Harper Collins Extended Universe is happier than Tigerclaw.
"You're alive! …You deserve your warrior name!" "Actually, I've come to peace with my name and my way of life. I have no need for a—" "GET YOUR FUCKING NAME RIGHT NOW RAVENPAW OR SO HELP ME STARCLAN—" "I know you really wanted Ravenpaw to become a warrior," Barley says gently, "but he's made his decision. It's very kind of you to acknowledge that he deserves it, though. You must have been so close as mentor and apprentice." Tigerclaw's eye twitches. "Yes. Close. Very... close." —
He finally, finally retires as an elder after his plans go absolutely nowhere for years on end. And maybe StarClan is still like "Brambleclaw would be chill actually, we can forget that pesky little law" and Tigerclaw is sitting there like "excuse me what the actual fuck?" —
But at this point Tigerclaw is about as dangerous as Ashfur without a freak forest fire. Which is to say about as dangerous as using a leaf as a weapon. Which is, incidentally, how Darkpaw managed to get himself killed in the first place.
"Is this the Dark Forest? This has to be the Dark Forest. It doesn't look like Thistleclaw described it, but it must be. This Clan is all an elaborate punishment meted down by StarClan for my sins." "Tigerclaw, sir, I'm just here to help you with your ticks. See? I have the mousebile right here." "…Yes, thank you, Alderpaw." — Graystripe joins him in the elder's den and he's like, "You know, Ravenpaw thought you were up to some… scheme, back in the day. Crazy, right? You've been a model Clanmate as long as I've been alive." [muffled screaming] "Huh, what do you think that is? It sounds almost like someone killed a rabbit, but they know not to come this close to camp…"
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I really love the "Tigerstar is Swiftpaw's dad" AU. It doesn't change that much storywise, but it just makes it really tragic with Tigerstar sending the dogs that kill him and him wanting to prove himself.
To be honest I really thought for the longest time he WAS Swiftpaw's dad.
God... Tiger spying on Gatherings and not seeing Swiftpaw there. Overhearing apprentices gossip.
"Did you hear what happened to Brightpaw? I hope she doesn't get an infection."
"Better than what happened to Swiftpaw."
But... What happened to Swiftpaw? Where was he? Was he hurt?
Tigerstar getting his 9 lives and seeing his son standing in the crowd, glaring at him with a look that chokes him. He sees the glittering scars and puts 2 and 2 together. That was his son, his baby, his precious boy so full of potential and life and so stubborn and proud. Why was he not given a name? Why did Bluestar treat his son like this? She gave a name to the bastard kittypet child, but denied his son? She's to blame of course, not him, he would have named him Swiftstrike or Swiftfang, something respectable and powerful. His son... Sitting there with his other lost child, lost so young, they both look so unhappy...
Seeing Swiftpaw amongst his own victims as he keeps dying over and over again. Begging them each time to help him. Help me Swiftpaw, please, please, you love me, I'm your father you need to do something you need to save me please Swiftpaw please don't let me die I'm your papa I love y
Watching his other sons, another child of his lost too young, Tadpole was so much like him too, fearless and strong.
Comparing Hawkfrost to Swiftpaw in the horrible way that parents do. Come on Hawkfrost that was sloppy, Swiftpaw had that technique down and never left apprenticeship, you'll avenge me and your brother, Firestar was deputy he could have said something, it would have saved your brother's life.
Seeing Swiftpaw during the Great Battle giving a blessing to Firestar. Realizing he gave Firestar a life and just... Losing it. Firestar stole his son from him, and let him die, and his perfect son still gave him a life?! Why?!
Oh it all just goes perfectly.
Although... It does give Tigerstar the widest family tree EVER.
Lynxkit, Swiftpaw, Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt, Tadpole, Mothwing and Hawkfrost. Oof, gift giving events have gotta be a nightmare.
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oleanderpigeon · 1 year
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AU where Firestar is mentored by Tigerclaw and grows up to be Tigerstar's loyal right hand (paw?)
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Haha remember that AU I mentioned in the 'list of my AUs post' about Pinestar being Firepaw's dad? original I know
What if Tiger still hates Fire but this time because he sees Fire as everything Pine wanted in a son. Pinestar left him and his sick sisters to become a kittypet, but stayed in his soft kittypet home for this guy and his what's-their-faces littermates?
Firepaw is the perfect apprentice and later warrior. He's even given the suffix 'heart,' the same suffix that Pinestar had!
And he talks so much about his dad back home, the games they would play together, or a warrior would mention something about a frog and Firepaw would pipe up "oh! my dad, Pine, told me this one story once where this frog...."
and it annoys Tiger so much. Makes him so furious. Because while Tiger was growing up, mourning his sisters, mourning his mother, wondering why his dad left, his dad had been raising someone else with all the love in him?
It was easier before, to think that Pinestar was just a bad father. But now it was more complicated than that. Tiger wasn't one to wonder if he wasn't worth it, but the subconscious thought still dug into him.
Now from here, the AU could branch out. Does Tiger take Fire under his wing, only to manipulate him and turn him into someone horrible so he is no longer so perfect? Is Fire torn between loyalty to his brother, his father, and Clan? Do they know from the beginning? Does only one know? Do they find out later, when they're already sworn enemies?
The possibilities are endless!
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justapigeonn · 1 month
might be one of the stranger takes i've had but part of me really wishes that tigerclaw was more of a watership down bigwig type character where he's hotheaded, kinda mean, loves a good fight and has very little faith in fireheart to begin with but eventually grows to deeply trust and respect him as firestar learns and grows into a leader he's proud to fight beside - becoming one of firestar's most trusted allies - while brokenstar remains the main villain of the arc.
fireheart could have his serious suspicions of tigerclaw but he moreso serves as a red herring while brokenstar (and perhaps darkstripe, secretly working with him from within thunderclan) are the real threat
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birdsong-warriors · 6 months
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Part 1: Friend and Family
See up to thirty pages ahead, with timelapses, on Patreon!
Backgrounds, brushes, timelapses, and other assets for sale on my Ko-Fi!
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mommyclaws · 9 months
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"If any cat can turn a kittypet into a Thunderclan warrior, it is you, Tigerclaw."
The clearing of cats murmur around him in shock. Firepaw's pelt quivers with excitement and anxiety. Tigerclaw would be his mentor?
He turns to see the massive warrior among the crowd, anticipating his reaction. If Tigerclaw was suprised by the decision, it didn't show on his face. He only blinks and dips his head in silence. Bluestar goes on,
"It will not be an easy task, but I trust you will pass your courage onto him. Train him well. I have great expectations for you both."
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cupcakeslushie · 10 months
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Leo arc part 5
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Almost, but not quite. Replaced too often to be called the same.
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snailchasers-den · 2 months
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New Mini figure set just dropped, cursed family edition. Let's GOOO
Tigerclaw, Moonshrike, and Spottedleaf, because who else would it be, the brainrot is strong with this AU.
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dongpound · 10 months
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Inspired by this post from @incorrect-tmnt2012-quotes
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