#tighnari looks like..
minminho0 · 1 year
◈A Baby!?◈
<Tighnari x Reader>
Summary: You two just got married not to long ago but the topic of babies suddenly pop up on one of your conversation and one thing lead to another.
Reader: Female
Warnings: --
A/n: lol im so curious abt tighnari 😭 writing for him bcz he is quickly trying to replace my main and its working🔥🔥
I hope you enjoy~!
"Oh my mom? She left after she gave birth to me because they we're to young to have a baby. My dad gave me up for adoption after a month." You sipped your tea.
"Oh im sorry to hear that" Tighnari spoke.
"Welp there's no use crying because of it, i already have a good life going on and i don't want to ruin it." You comforted yourself.
"Mhm yea"
"Do you get.. Baby fever?"
"Baby fever? What do you mean by that?"
"When you find a baby so cute, you feel like you'd explode, thats what i feel every time i see a baby"
"Oh i never felt that before actually, i wonder how will that feel"
"Do you love me?" You suddenly exclaimed.
"Of course! What kind of question is that?" He laughed.
"Then... "
"If we have a baby, will you take responsibility?" You said suddenly which surprised tighnari.
"Huh? Of course! I didn't marry you just to leave you if you got pregnant! Im your husband, ill take care of you!"
"Promise?" You brought up your pinky finger towards him.
"Promise!" He replied by linking his pinky to yours.
You two smiled before letting go of eachothers hand. You looked out the window, thinking if you should say it or not.
'Should i tell him?'
'No that be to weird'
'But his your husband! Its normal to ask things like that!'
'No you will just embarrass yourself!'
"Hey, you seem lost, whats on your mind?" Tighnari snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Ha?oh ye.. "
"I want to ask you something but please dont find it weird!"
"Haha sure sure, so whats on yur mind?"
"So like you were a baby rigth?"
"Mhm yea duh"
"So like.. Since babies dont just pop up with a head full of hair.. What did you look like when you were born?"
"Wait what do yu mean?" Tighnari said curiously.
"Did yu get born with four ears?"
"Do you like not have hair on your head? Did you look like a stray hairless cat?"
"W-what n-no!"
"But you were bald?"
"O-of course..?"
"But you have ears so hairless cat?"
And the questions continue~
Tighnari being bombarded with questions about his baby look.
"Please stop.. " tighnari said tiredly.
"But you haven't asnwered ny question!"
-April 23, 2023
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cor-lapis · 2 months
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"If we must fight, Sethos... I shall defeat you with the power of my friend group of employed adults who miraculously have regularly scheduled meet-ups, and also my daughter!"
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cynomain69 · 19 days
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cyno story quest part 2 spoilers!!!!
i really liked how unwilling to leave cynos side tighnari was like last time he left cyno alone his father figure got buried alive and he was just NOT having it i hope we can all have friends like tighnari
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pluvioseprince · 2 years
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cynonari 🤝....
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silentborage · 4 months
Tighnari is Kavetham's no.1 hater because he sees how much Kaveh holds Alhaitham's opinion to a high regard even if he won't admit it and that Alhaitham isn't good at communication and he'll eventually say something and Kaveh will jump to some conclusion and spiral and then Tighnari will have to be the one to help his friend out of it afterwards
Cyno is Kavetham's no.2 hater cause he thinks alhitham is a dickhead and doesn't like his ass
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celestianstar · 1 year
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call them the autism polycule
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otaku553 · 2 years
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I appreciate him
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mahamatra-cyno · 13 days
Is gay marriage legal in Sumeru? Would you face any issues with the Academiya for dating or marrying a man?
Sumeru is a nation focused almost entirely on the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. As such, it is well within our interests as a nation to reject nonsensical traditional views and policies. Especially now, with the corrupt sages removed from power, that has been realized in its entirety. Akademiya is expanding to the desert, healthcare is free, artistic expression is encouraged. Even then, all of the previously existing stereotypes and biases have stemmed from academic disparities, misconceptions, and influence from the people in power—rather than mass discrimination for sexuality or gender, like some other nations might face. This is not to say that some people don’t experience those biases on an individual level—they just aren’t systemic. The discrimination against desert dwellers, on the other hand, are an entirely different issue, and will likely take years to deconstruct.
In terms of gay marriage, I cannot recall such a preventative law existing in the time that I’ve been General Mahamatra, but if it had, I have no doubt that either Lesser Lord Kusanali or Alhaitham himself would have eradicated it from our legislature by now. You are free to marry who you want in Sumeru.
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n-pq · 7 months
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"[...] And besides, there’s no such thing as fate.”
They lived in two entirely separate worlds.
based again on the gift of silence.
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mako-doodles101 · 19 days
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My fav thing from the new cyno quest is Tighnari's Done-With-Cyno's-Bull-Fucking-Shit™ face
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caluupin · 1 year
I was looking at some genshin clip/meme channel clipping haitham's voicelines abt kaveh pointhing out how much he talks about him. and there's something that caught my eye.
one of the funny things they pointed out was the fact that on "about tighnari" voiceline, he doesn't even mention tighnari's name, and yet mention kaveh BY NAME 4 times (since the video was in english)
...as someone who has time on his hands, I have to look it up to see if it was a localization thing or not........ and........ oh...... oh my god
(here's en line on the first one for reference)
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(and here's the cn and jp lines respectively)
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caspersickfanfics · 3 months
Written for @monthofsick Day 13: Professionalism Failure
Prompt List | AO3 | Ask | Rules
Warnings: Vomiting, fever, implied scat/diarrhea off screen
Anon asked:
Hey! I was wondering if I could request the professionalism failure for sick Cyno Tighnari caretaker? Maybe cyno has gotten food poisoning from a work event and has to somehow keep it together until tighnari can rescue him? Or maybe he can’t and has to deal with the embarrassment of it all. I just can imagine Tighnari being really protective over him if the other academy members give him a hard time~
I don’t think this really makes sense in the canonical progression of things, but as I wrote this I imagined it taking place before Nahida had time to select actual good sages to replace the old ones. So the sages here are like the default ones who were next in line after Azar and that group. Essentially, they’re connected to Azar still but weren't directly convicted of any crimes and they have a lot less power. Idk, thinking about politics too much even in fiction makes me mad so I’m just gonna do a bit of a hand wave here.
This meeting has been a thorn in Tighnari’s side since the sages demanded to arrange it weeks ago. Despite his best efforts to wriggle his way out of it, the thorn had stuck. They’d backed him into a corner of sorts; the Akademiya demanded his presence specifically to even consider allocating funding to assist in the healing and maintenance of the Avidya Forest. Somehow, now that he’s in attendance, it’s even worse than he’d expected.
He scowls at the itinerary in front of him. It’s weighted so that anything anyone’s interested in will happen at the very end. No chance of leaving early. He probably shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up.
The one saving grace is that Cyno is here as well. While the matras’ financials are essentially secured as a matter of tradition, the specific way in which the money gets distributed is up in the air. Depending on the outcome, Cyno’s internal sense of justice may be placed in alignment with or in opposition to their mandates. This meeting may be even more important for him than for the forest rangers.
Which is why Tighnari is alarmed when, about 45 minutes into the 5 hour meeting, Cyno’s head is pillowed in his arms, resting upon the ridiculously long conference table. Although Tighnari is seated a distance away, he thinks he can see sweat matting the matra’s hair down. With any luck, he’s just being paranoid, though that seems unlikely. Even more so when Cyno raises his head and suddenly stands. His typically warm skin tone has paled to an ashy brown. He’s hunched over, too. His posture is altered so slightly that Tighnari doubts anyone else has noticed, despite all eyes turning his way at the scrape of his chair, but it’s glaringly obvious to him. Not to mention - this is Cyno’s second time interrupting the meeting. For the second time, too, he quietly excuses himself for the bathroom.
It’s fortunate that Alhaitham is still Acting Grand Sage. Tighnari had been somewhat grumpy towards his friend for the fact that he hadn’t been able to exempt him from the meeting, but the fiery grudge is doused when the ex-scribe’s glare silences annoyed complaints from the other sages about the General Mahamatra’s exit. If Alhaitham’s lingering frown is anything to go by, he’s noticed something off about Cyno as well.
The meeting continues on, and its participants are forced to split into breakout groups. They’re meant to be discussing the continued importance of knowledge to Sumeru, though no one seems to care enough to stay on topic. Instead, the people around Tighnari begin trash-talking Cyno.
“That’s enough gossip, I think,” Tighnari asserts dryly. He recognizes a handful of the nuisances around him as Bimarstan employees and smirks as they pale before him. “Sorry, who was it you were saying is unprofessional? I, for one, wonder about the ethical repercussions medical personnel might face if they were, say, reported for rudely speculating on a past patient’s personal life.” He resists the urge to make specific jabs at a particularly loud doctor whom he has quite damning intelligence on, but keeps the option available for future use as needed.
Fortunately, his colleagues are just barely smart enough to catch his threat. They carry their discussion to the topic at hand, and then onto some other irrelevant gossip that Tighnari doesn’t care enough to comment on. Instead, he’s distracted by tracking the time that Cyno’s been gone. Ten minutes, then 15. When the door finally creaks open, conversation lulls. Heads turn.
“I apologize for the disruption,” Cyno says upon entering. He looks… marginally better than he had when he’d left. The sages accept his apology with minor grumbling that is cut surprisingly short - again, likely thanks to the Acting Grand Sage. Tighnari will thank him, later. He tries to let his concern fade away, but is unable to resist clearing his throat.
“I’d like for the General to join our group, if that’s alright? I believe his insight would be rather beneficial to our current discussion.” A discussion to which Tighnari has been paying no attention. He is grateful once again for Alhaitham, who nods and silently leaves no room for disagreement.
Up close, Cyno looks exhausted. Tighnari was right to be worried. Cyno runs hot, but doesn’t tend to sweat; definitely not this profusely. He’s quiet by nature, but has never hesitated to voice his opinions. Now he says nothing even when their colleagues unapologetically speak with microaggressions and horribly biased misconceptions about the Eremites. His eyes are unfocused; Tighnari wonders if he’s hearing the conversation at all. As time passes, Cyno’s condition only worsens and he drifts closer to Tighnari’s side. Eventually, the matra’s stomach makes an angry noise and his cheeks flush. Tighnari pulls him aside.
“Do you need to leave?” He asks gently. Tighnari silently dares anyone else to comment with a quick glare at the rest of the group. They continue to chatter amongst themselves, shuffling out of earshot. Perhaps out of respect, an effort to grant some privacy; perhaps simply to gossip more. Tighnari simply does not care - not right now, at least. He’ll deal with it later if he needs to.
“I’m sorry,” Cyno says, voice weak. “I’m okay. My–” He sucks in a sharp breath and winces, his hand shaking as it drifts to his midsection. A moment passes; the pain intensifies and then relents. When he speaks again, Cyno’s voice is dulled. “My stomach is just disagreeing with something I ate.”
Clearly. If his partner were feeling better Tighnari would argue that this is a severe understatement. “You’ve been feeling bad this whole time?” Tighnari asks instead. The General shrugs.
“It’s manageable.”
Very deliberate phrasing, Tighnari notes. Outwardly, he nods. “Let me know if that changes, Cyno.”
The meeting carries on. It’s boring and obnoxious. The loud doctor continues to be vocal about his nonsense. Tighnari rebukes him occasionally for the sake of a bit of entertainment, but the other man is easily cowed. He defers quickly to Tighnari’s judgement each time. Uninteresting, but probably for the best; there’s no point in getting worked up over someone who will likely lose his position for malpractice in the next few months.
For his part, Cyno remains unspeaking in the presence of the rest of the group. He sits off to the side and fidgets, looking at the floor. His cheeks are flushed, which Tighnari suspects is due to both a fever and humiliation. When the side of his face comes to rest against the table, Tighnari resists the urge to remove his heavy headdress only because he knows that doing so would embarrass Cyno further.
Next on the itinerary is free discussion, meaning that everyone at the meeting is supposed to get up, walk around, talk to people… Tighnari does not care for this sort of connection making. He doesn’t bother moving, and responds politely but vaguely to anyone who approaches him. More importantly, he responds the same way when anyone tries to approach his partner - perhaps with a touch of extra heat. Of course, Cyno could fend for himself, even in his current state, but Tighnari has no doubt that at least some of their colleagues have picked up on the General's vulnerability and are deliberately targeting it. He’s just sent someone away perhaps a bit too forcefully to be called diplomatic, when a cool, clammy hand wraps around his arm. Cyno is looking up at him.
“Tighnari. I feel sick.” A queasy burp escapes him. Tighnari frowns.
“You’re nauseous? Cyno,” he chides. “You need to rest at home.”
Fortunately, Cyno nods in agreement. “I’ll let the sages know that I’m leaving. You should stay,” he says, waving away Tighnari's skepticism. “I can handle this and - hic! - there’s no need for the forest to suffer for my failings.”
Tighnari nearly rolls his eyes. He’s sure that neither the forest nor the matra need to face consequences as a result of an illness entirely out of Cyno’s control; though he can acknowledge there is some benefit in his presence here, if the other man is able to hold out on his own. If he stays, Tighnari could at least ensure nothing disastrous happens regarding either of their positions.
Still. He would easily sacrifice that for the sake of Cyno’s wellbeing.
He watches the sick man approach the sages, who sit in large, looming chairs, making Cyno look tiny. Alhaitham stands, as if to stretch his legs, and moves close. Frustratingly, with all of the chatter and the distance between then, Tighnari can’t hear a thing without imposing on the conversation directly. He can see Cyno speak, and then Alhaitham nods. The elder sages frown and one says something, before two more join in. Cyno's head bobs, then shakes, and then he muffles what looks to be another burp into his fist. He’s still for a moment, aside from his Adam’s apple bobbing frantically. 
Even without knowing the exact words exchanged, it’s more than evident that the sages are unwilling to respect Cyno’s needs. Tighnari is about to interfere when Alhaitham’s voice jumps up a notch - likely deliberately at a volume just loud enough for Tighnari to hear.
“So,” he’s saying to the other sages, “you’re saying that a doctor whose medical skills are acknowledged by the Akademiya must verify that he’s ill?”
Tighnari tenses. He immediately glances around the large room, eyes searching. Alhaitham is still speaking.
“For example,” he continues. “A Bimarstan doctor?”
There’s no use checking whether the sages agree - Alhaitham has them cornered. Now Tighnari just needs to— Ah. There.
He barely resists grabbing the doctor by the ear and latches onto his wrist instead. Under his breath, he speaks with venom, “Cyno is sick, clearly, don’t you agree?”
The man is silent, probably stunned, and Tighnari continues. “Or would denying the obvious truth be worth risking—”
“Oh no, yes, you are correct, Master Tighnari,” the doctor rambles nervously. Tighnari pushes him before the sages. They glance at one another. Cyno looks up, as well, but stays quiet, taking measured breaths.
“Well?” Tighnari asks. “He’s a Bimarstan doctor.”
With the glares of both Tighnari and Alhaitham pinned on him, the eldest sage slowly nods. Tighnari turns his gaze to the doctor and taps his foot. “Go on, then.”
“Oh! Um, yes, I believe that the General Mahamatra is experiencing some, uh, gastrointestinal distress. He should rest at home for the quickest recovery.”
“And,” Tighnari jumps in before he gets a chance to scurry away. “Would you recommend that someone assist in his care during this time, perhaps due to the strain of having been forced to stay on his feet for so long?”
“Ah, yes. Master Tighnari is correct, it would be wise for him to accompany the General. Should– should you all agree–” His backtracking cuts off with a wheeze as Tighnari stomps on his foot.
The eldest sage doesn’t look pleased, but he sighs, unsmiling as he spits out begrudging words. “I will allow it. But the forest watcher must agree to reapply for his funding and return to the city in a few weeks' time... Should he still be interested in the Akademiya’s support, that is.”
Tighnari grits his teeth. These geezers always need to get the last word in. “Fine,” he snaps, foregoing any pretense of politeness. He all but drags Cyno out of the conference room - gently of course, though he’s sure they’re equally eager to be elsewhere.
As soon as they’re through the door, Cyno stops.
“Tighnari. The bathroom— urp!” He lurches forward with an empty heave, then scrambles away. Tighnari is quick on his heels, and finds Cyno in an unlocked stall, trembling with his head hanging over the toilet. He hasn’t been sick yet, but it’s only a matter of time.
“Hey,” Tighnari speaks quietly. “Deep breaths, okay?”
Cyno glances at him briefly, then nods and squeezes his eyes shut. “I’m sorry,” he mumbles. Tighnari scoffs.
“For saving me from that meeting? Cyno, please.”
The matra shakes his head. “It was important. And now you’ll have to come back. Not to mention– ugh,” a queasy shudder runs through him before Cyno is able to speak again. “Not to mention having to do the paperwork a second time.”
It’s an annoyance, but the paperwork isn't a big issue. Tighnari tells Cyno as much. “Just focus on getting better.”
The sick man has lost a great deal of the color in his face, and sweat glistens on his temples. His whole body is tense. Tighnari brushes his hair back, hoping to protect it from any mess and provide some comfort at the same time. “Try to relax,” he says.
“Guh,” Cyno moans. “I feel so… gross.”
Tighnari aches in sympathy. For as ill as Cyno looks, he’s sure he feels even worse. Minutes pass slowly. Cyno’s stomach makes angry noises and he’s periodically wracked by hiccups and burps. Eventually, Tighnari coaxes him into leaning back against his chest. His hands card through Cyno’s hair as the sick man turns, pressing his face into Tighnari's neck.
“You’re okay,” Tighnari murmurs. There are warm little puffs of air against his neck and it tickles, but he remains still.
He’s just beginning to sweat from his partner’s body heat when Cyno lurches away from him, hunched forward over an empty but gut-wrenching belch. His entire body heaves three times until he’s burping up a flood of vomit. It pours out of him with alarming urgency. Tighnari keeps his hair out of the way, but he can do little else but watch as Cyno violently empties himself. Each time he thinks it may be over, Cyno’s stomach contracts again. He sways; Tighnari steadies him just in time for another jet of puke to splash into the toilet water.
Disgusted shudders run through Cyno while he tries desperately to catch his breath. When he gets close, he is overtaken by coughs that bring up more bile. He groans.
Fortunately, there’s only so much in his stomach. When Cyno’s retching fails to bring anything else up for a handful of minutes, Tighnari half-drags him out of the stall, away from the sour smell. It seems to help. Cyno wipes his face and swallows thickly.
“How are you feeling?” Tighnari asks.
Cyno shrugs. “Bit better. For now.”
Tighnari hums; it’s to be expected. He suspects a bout of food poisoning or the stomach bug, so the next 24 hours or so will likely be challenging.  It’s a humbling thing, being able to do so little in the way of comfort at such a time. Still, he does what he can, massaging the back of Cyno’s neck, feeling him relax in time with his ministrations. He only stops when the matra begins drifting off.
Tighnari pokes his cheek. Cyno cracks an annoyed eye open, and Tighnari raises a brow. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did you want to sleep here? In this bathroom? Where our colleagues will eventually find us?”
Cyno nods. Cheeky bastard. His words are slurred when he speaks, as if his mouth has relaxed along with his body. “As long ’s you keep doin’ that…”
With a snort, Tighnari pulls them both to their feet. “Let’s go, you big lummox. I’d much rather give you a massage on your couch than on these gross tile floors.”
“Mhm,” Cyno mumbles, leaning heavily against his partner as they walk. “Nari… thank you.”
Chest warm, Tighnari ruffles the other man’s hair lightly and presses a quick kiss to the top of his head. “Any time.”
Fanart for this fic!!!
If you enjoyed the fic, feel free to let me know by replying directly to this post, by sending me an ask, or by sharing your thoughts with me privately and anonymously through this survey! I would super appreciate it <3 Thank you so much for reading!!
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moxie-girl · 1 year
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interdarshan championship event out of context
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makethiscanon · 1 year
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erabu-san · 6 months
Ok I'm new here so I'm not sure if you talked about it before: Since you ship Cyno with Nilou and Collei with Freminet, do you ship Tighnari with anyone?
Naaah I didn't mention it ! I think ?? I don't remember haha
I don't ship Tighnari with anyone ! I HC him aromantic. But, I do not mind seeing some ship in my timeline (it is rare tho) as kavehtighnari, albedotighnari, sucrosetighnari, niloutighnari, travelertighnari. Except those that consume in little dose depending of the content creator, I tend to avoid all ship relate about tighnari. 🥹
So yeaaah !! All my drawing about Tighnari and someone else are fully platonic 🫣
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blobbycentral · 27 days
Little sad that the beasts are becoming playable. I sort of wish that they’d treat the beast cookies like they have Dark Enchantress and have them either not become playable or have an event far into the future where you can wish for them. That’s just my opinion though, super excited for the new Dark Cacao update!
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