#hairless cat era!?
minminho0 · 1 year
◈A Baby!?◈
<Tighnari x Reader>
Summary: You two just got married not to long ago but the topic of babies suddenly pop up on one of your conversation and one thing lead to another.
Reader: Female
Warnings: --
A/n: lol im so curious abt tighnari 😭 writing for him bcz he is quickly trying to replace my main and its working🔥🔥
I hope you enjoy~!
"Oh my mom? She left after she gave birth to me because they we're to young to have a baby. My dad gave me up for adoption after a month." You sipped your tea.
"Oh im sorry to hear that" Tighnari spoke.
"Welp there's no use crying because of it, i already have a good life going on and i don't want to ruin it." You comforted yourself.
"Mhm yea"
"Do you get.. Baby fever?"
"Baby fever? What do you mean by that?"
"When you find a baby so cute, you feel like you'd explode, thats what i feel every time i see a baby"
"Oh i never felt that before actually, i wonder how will that feel"
"Do you love me?" You suddenly exclaimed.
"Of course! What kind of question is that?" He laughed.
"Then... "
"If we have a baby, will you take responsibility?" You said suddenly which surprised tighnari.
"Huh? Of course! I didn't marry you just to leave you if you got pregnant! Im your husband, ill take care of you!"
"Promise?" You brought up your pinky finger towards him.
"Promise!" He replied by linking his pinky to yours.
You two smiled before letting go of eachothers hand. You looked out the window, thinking if you should say it or not.
'Should i tell him?'
'No that be to weird'
'But his your husband! Its normal to ask things like that!'
'No you will just embarrass yourself!'
"Hey, you seem lost, whats on your mind?" Tighnari snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Ha?oh ye.. "
"I want to ask you something but please dont find it weird!"
"Haha sure sure, so whats on yur mind?"
"So like you were a baby rigth?"
"Mhm yea duh"
"So like.. Since babies dont just pop up with a head full of hair.. What did you look like when you were born?"
"Wait what do yu mean?" Tighnari said curiously.
"Did yu get born with four ears?"
"Do you like not have hair on your head? Did you look like a stray hairless cat?"
"W-what n-no!"
"But you were bald?"
"O-of course..?"
"But you have ears so hairless cat?"
And the questions continue~
Tighnari being bombarded with questions about his baby look.
"Please stop.. " tighnari said tiredly.
"But you haven't asnwered ny question!"
-April 23, 2023
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deathnguts · 2 months
Non-Magic AU where Kreacher is Regulus’ ugly ass cat who hates everyone but him and he looks like this
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Bonus points for romance one shots: he becomes somewhat civil with anyone Regulus REALLY likes (not like purring and happy like he is with Regulus but he’ll stop hissing at you and sit near you sometimes. He’ll still glare tho.)
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sharpace · 5 months
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Starting Feb 15, the Divorce Era💔Deets of the release schedule and perks for being a member below!
To become a Ko-fi member or follow for updates please click here!
For more details, read below!
Starting Feb 15, members will get it included AS WELL as early access to all Crank It comics and you may see a few extra doodles. ;)
Starting March 15, non-members can have access to it one month after members through Ko-fi under "Donate what you want" with a set minimum of $1.
These are going to be prose with illustrations and comics integrated within. Each chapter goes through a section of their relationship starting with Crank It, going through the "Divorce", and then their eventual reconciliation.
How many will there be? Will there be a batch upload? While I'm still writing/editing the final few chapters, we're sitting at about 8+ chapters so... buckle in. At the end of it, I'd like to make a digital booklet of it but details aren't done. Why Ko-fi? When I decided to do the Divorce Era proper, I wanted to respect that Crank It is a safe, happy space for a lot of people. I felt like it would be intrusive to suddenly drop this with the comics. Also, this formatting frees me up to do fun things.
And finally, thank you all for your interest and support! The fact that I'm here 2 years later still telling stories that people still enjoy warms my heart. I'm so happy with the community that's been built around these idiots and their hairless cat <3 Thank you!!
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I am having a terrible day, and you are amazing at Warriors hurt comfort. Do you have any comforty head canons or thoughts about Warriors you could share?
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that, I hope your day gets better 🫶🫶🫶 I do have a couple nice headcanons for Wars!!
- Someone else gave me this headcanon, but I firmly believe he knits. It helps him keep his mind busy and it gives him something to do with his hands. He doesn’t like to feel like he’s doing nothing, so he’ll knit things when he has the chance, and has made at least HALF of the group a sweater by now (and he’s working on sweater for the rest of them)
- He has two of those hairless cats and he knits them little sweaters and loves and cares for them so well they might as well be his biological children (he calls them his kids)
- He comes from a small village with a large family and while he hasn’t been able to go back and see them since the war, whenever he misses them he’ll make some of his mom’s old recipes to remind him of home
- You cannot convince me that Warriors doesn’t love the sound and smell of rain. I think whenever it storms he curls up with a nice cup of tea and a good book and takes a little nap (with his cats)
- He does the others haircuts for them, and he helped Wind learn how to manage his curls because Warriors’s hair is also naturally curly (he just straightens it)
- Whenever he’s having a bad day he’ll go sit by Twilight, because Twilight won’t ask too many questions and will him speak in his own time, and Twilight is just good company. The rancher also turns into Wolfie and lets Wars pet him, it’s soothing for both of them
- Mask drew him a bunch of drawings during the War of Eras, and he kept every single drawing, he keeps them in his journal which is in his bag
- He loves hugs (as long as he’s familiar with the person and they ask first), and Wind is the one who takes advantage of this the most
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dullard · 2 months
Im sorry.
1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 49
This is for jurgencrepins I Checked
1. What motivates your character?
Joris: Idealism (often applied rigidly to himself as Not Doing Enough in his own mind, preemptively) and trying to Do Good. Whatever that happens to mean in the moment.
Kerubim: For a long time, it was proving himself through impressing others, but at this point its just that he wants to be comfortable and around his family. Which makes him seem kind of lazy now, lol.
Atcham: Used to be survival and revenge/obsession (sort of). Now it's the want to protect the people important to him.
2. How does the public view them? (Doesn't have to be anything major, it could be classmates, friends, strangers in the park, etc.)
Joris: Everyone assumes he is a small child. Every time. He's actually even pretty small to be a child. When he's in a political situation, he's slightly mysterious, and not to be underestimated (mostly because other political actors know hes old as balls)
Kerubim: Friendly and capable shopkeep. Knows something about everything. Most people in his community know him and its partially because of the extremely invasive ads he puts everywhere. Old cat man - If someone were actually interested in beating the crap out of an old man, he'd seem to be a fine target. People who know who he is are a lot more cautious though.
Atcham: I HATE THE WORLD OF TWELVE I HATE THE WORLD OF TWELVE I HATE THE WORLD OF TWELVE I HATE THE WORLD OF TWELVE I HATE THE WORLD OF TWELVE he looks different so people treat him with at the very least an arm's distance. No matter what he does people will think hes strange. That said, hes not helping his own case. I think some ecaflips assume he's sick though, if they haven't heard of or met a hairless ecaflip before, since losing your fur is something that happens if you're really ill or unwell.
Joris: Similar to his political persona but now much more outward to the average citizen. He's also seen as extremely capable of decision making, at least within Bonta, thanks partially to propaganda. He is the firm hand of the law, fair and just, and a bit private.
Kerubim: He is the caring and wise elements of the current Bontarian government. Tends to be associated with public services like hospitals (imo in waven times bonta's Military Hospital is the closest we get, and eniripsas handle other things the way they used to, but the government funds some amount of clinic-esque action), schools, shelters, and the like. Reads books at the Bontarian orphanage. That kind of thing.
Atcham: That guy that hangs out with the other two guys. Nah I'm jk I think he's kind of. I can't describe this. He ensures success and prosperity of people who are working. If you run a business like a fruit stand or a clothes shop in waven-era bonta, you likely like him and hes the one that smooths out supply chains.
8. What are some internal obstacles that your character has to overcome?
Joris: Extremely critical of himself, self loathing for intangible thought crimes, self loathing for tangible realcrimes, self loathing for things out of his control at times, holding himself to absurd standards (often unreasonable), i could go on. I genuinely think he may be his own biggest obstacle to long-term happiness
Kerubim: His ego slash self loathing slash reliance on others for external approval and praise and love (these things are fine but hes got problems with not being able to provide these things to himself ever)
Atcham: Anger and the want to Hit Da Bricks (His instinct, when he gets angry in a way he can't resolve, is to leave a situation entirely)
9. What emotion does your character feel most frequently?
Joris: Depends what he's doing at the time since his daily activities vary greatly depending on the year. When hes doing his job though it's Deep Tiredness
Kerubim: Cozy :3 Also desperate need for approval
Atcham: Irritation/frustration as a form of Very Light Anger that doesnt bother him That Much.
10. If your character is an antagonist or something of the like, do they self-justify their actions? If so, how?
Joris: I am prioritizing Bonta. A leader that does not prioritize their own people is no leader at all. Other peoples leaders will prioritize them. The things I am doing must be done to ensure Bonta is prosperous, and once Bonta is totally prosperous we can extend those resources out to other places. But right now we need to be concerned with ourselves.
Kerubim: He just tends to try to make the people in his immediate vicinity as satisfied as possible and then reassures himself he tried his best. His focus on individual people makes political actions easier because he just has to benefit Them instead of thinking about people negatively affected.
Atcham: He actively avoids thinking about it. If Joris is talking about it he just sits there and nods but in his own head he'd rather avoid it entirely and focus on day-to-day doing good by people.
12. What are some of your character's pet peeves?
Joris: Ignoring the ones he thinks are just a normal thing to be irritated by regarding his dadson, calling him short, or little, or small, or cute, or young, or
Kerubim: People not listening to him when hes telling them something
15. What habits does your character have?
Joris: picks at his scales (scales are like pimples or hairs for him and sometimes little ones pop up on his face and upper chest and shoulders especially). Picks at his face where there arent scales. Hopping up on things to be a little taller. This is a broad question I'm not sure how to answer it. Being overly polite with everyone to keep distance.
Kerubim: Grooming i know we dont see it in the shows but i think he grooms himself when hes nervous if he has a moment and it helps him calm down a little and settle his thoughts. Also he clears his throat a lot.
Atcham: hunching slouching getting low to the ground moving on all fours. Sneaking. The Slippery Sneaker seems to Slink. Also he tenses his dominant shoulder when he thinks theres a threat and lowers his body close to the ground.
18. Who/what comforts your character?
(checks who sent the ask) dont ask questions you know the answer to. anyway its each other are you happy. Aside from that:
Joris: Crowds big enough that hes not notable at all (I think hes insane for this)
Kerubim: Items and objects and artifacts and mementoes
Atcham: A well defended area without major vulnerabilities. Can be a room in a house or a cat tree or anything.
21. What is your character's relationship with their emotions?
Joris: Hate those thangs. Kill them. Hate Them. If he could get rid of them he'd seriously consider it were it not for some of the warmer ones.
Kerubim: Some of them he's very happy with. Others he's accepted as part of life. Some more he sees as a moral failing he can't seem to get rid of.
Atcham: Shockingly in-tune (see: "When you have a life like mine, you need someone to blame" line in the movie). Actually pretty healthy approaches to them even if Joris and Kerubim dislike his Tendency To Leave For Unpredictable Periods Of Time. its his cope.
27. How does your character view themselves? (Expectations, intelligence, confidence, self-belief, etc.)
Joris: He tries his best, he doesn't do enough. He's a hero of sorts, he's a villain. He's accepted his body, he hates how people treat him because of it. He's smart, but he's stupid. He can do anything, he fails everything. Every thought has an equal but opposite thought.
Kerubim: A fraud, when it comes down to the wire. He does think he's very intelligent though, and he does have his unshakeable confidence that things will work out for him no matter what.
Atcham: He has fairly realistic ideas about his capabilities. His least reality-connected idea of himself is as Independent, and if he's reminded of a way he is Not, he gets strange in the head and leaves for a while. It's uncomfortable for him to think about that hes been kind of domesticated by circumstance when for a long time it was vital to his survival to be threatening and on-edge and prepared at all times.
28. What emotion is the most unfamiliar to your character and how do they deal with it?
Joris: Pride. He has a Recoil after a feeling of pride where he becomes kind of inward, at times. He's very old, though, so there are plenty of things he's rightfully prideful about (and he fights off the recoil consciously)
Kerubim: Emotional security. Relishes in it when he feels it without any other feelings to hinder it.
Atcham: Shame. Beats it down with a stick. Reminds him too much of being a little kid.
29. What are the three things that your character values most?
Joris: Family, independence, the respect of others
Kerubim: Family, memories, good craftsmanship
Atcham: Loved ones, his ability to protect himself and others, a well-forged sword
30. Is your character hiding something from other people, if so, what?
Joris: He thinks he hides everything, and he kind of does because he's very quiet and tries not to divulge information unnecessarily. He ALSO thinks hes not Good at hiding things and that others must see him as an open book and a fool, which is not very true.
Kerubim: There's so much to say, it's not hiding it until they ask very directly and you LIE (read: actively opposite information. Twisting or exaggerating is not a lie to him) about it. Omitting information and avoiding clear answers is king.
Atcham: Simultaneously he doesn't hide much (personality wise) and also he hides everything (physical items). I think he feels more secure with things if they have a hiding place. This makes his room impossible to clean, and yet it is in its own organization.
31. What genre of music does/would your character love?
Ask my good friend Ronik they have better thoughts on this than I would.
32. How does your character view their past?
Joris: It's Things That Have Happened. History. There's fondness there, but he's not as concerned with it as he is with the present.
Kerubim: It's everything. He holds onto the past with a death grip and drags it behind him.
Atcham: Prefers to avoid it. Not particularly interested in holding onto it more than necessary.
33. What are three positive traits that your character has?
Joris: Considerate of others and the consequences of actions, selfless, wants to Do Good (this one is mutated into something arguably negative after 600+ years)
Kerubim: Kind, wise, good at bluffing until luck takes over
Atcham: Cautious, selfless, knows when a battle is lost and its time to hit da bricks
34. What are three negative traits that your character has?
Joris: Impulsive, overly critical hater mindset including to himself, does not know when to quit
Kerubim: Lies to make himself look better, assumes things will work themselves out and doesn't do anything about them, can't take criticism
Atcham: Hater, doesn't value his own life enough when his loved ones are in the picture, leaves situations that Could Probably Be Resolved (and when I say leaves I mean hes gone for like months or more)
36. What are the things that make your character enter a full rage/cold mode? (Depends on their character.)
Joris: Someone knowingly endangering others will do it as good as anything will, especially others who trust you.
Kerubim: Hurting groups he considers vulnerable like children and orphans, or hurting his family
Atcham: He's tricky because he's actually extremely in control of himself, especially in a battle situation, but he Will get a little less cautious in a battle if you piss him off by insulting him or his family. INJURING his family actually makes him more cautious because he starts looking for a way out.
38. Someone your character dislikes goes up to them and confesses. How does your character react? (Doesn't have to be a rejection.)
This is the kind of question that I think you would be better at answering than me, Ronik. I really don't know actually. Someone Should Send You This Question, Among Other Questions, In Your Askbox Yesterday
39. What does your character have yet to realize about themselves?
Joris: Your self loathing and overly-critical approach to your own thoughts is hurting you, not ensuring that you don't become worse. (until waven era. Then his cope of managing to get past those things is making him worse but he's still hurting himself with them lol)
Kerubim: You don't need the approval of others to survive.
Atcham: You are a good person.
42. What is one thing that your character dislikes about themselves? ("Nothing" is also a valid answer.)
Joris: His whole self. There is a Him deep inside him that is Bad that he cannot root out. He's selfish (for things everyone thinks), he's cowardly (for things everyone fears), he's possessive (for things many people might be jealous about in the same situation), etc. etc. etc.
Kerubim: His whole self. He's a fraud and for some reason he can't just be happy. Something wrong with him (moral failing).
Atcham: His reliance on others.
43. What does your character see as the greatest injustice?
Joris (pre-waven): That people can do the best they can with what they have and still be ravaged by war and inequality that they had no hand in the creation of
Joris (waven): THAT OUR BEAUTIFUL NATION IS NOT THRIVING AS IT SHOULD!!!! We did everything right except the things we didn't (I took those moral L's, personally, for the people of Bonta. The people are not culpable for those decisions), why are there still hardships for the people?
Kerubim: That some vulnerable people do not have a protector
Atcham: That people get by with what little they have and still are at the whims of those more powerful who have everything
44. What does your character fear?
Joris: Being in the wrong, being seen as a fool, also a lot of things
Kerubim: Being alone
Atcham: Being fully reliant on others (because then, what happens when you lose them? You can't go back to the way things were before)
49. In the end, what is your character grateful for?
Joris: Kerubim and Atcham. Luis. The little things (boufbowl, sunlight, etc). Spiked coffee. Also OUR BEAUTIFUL NATION'S PROSPERITY.
Kerubim: Joris and Atcham. Luis. Lou. Everyone he's ever known, even the ones that hurt him.
Atcham: Kerubim and Joris. Security in food and home. Quiet. His own strength.
That was fun :) thanks for sending themmm
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morning-softness · 1 year
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[Image Description: A picture of Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives. Jon is lying on his back on the ground, asleep. A pink hairless cat is curled up across his stomach and chest, looking up at the viewer, while a brown-furred cat is curled up asleep against the side of Jon’s thigh. Jon is depicted as a short, fat man with medium brown skin and short greying dark hair. He is wearing a blue and green sweater, black slacks, gold-framed glasses, and silver stud earrings. End Description.]
Jon at a cat cafe!
From Chapter 6 of “Why Don’t We Just Wait Together? (Or 5 Times Jon and Tim Didn’t Have a First Date, and One Time They Did),” my Research-Era JonTim fic.
You can read the chapter here!
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Michael headcannons please
Michael is the result of a one night stand, He's a complete accident child and neither of his parents wanted him
Mikey and Charlie were born around the same time and have been basically inseparable since they were toddlers. They loved running around town and going on silly adventures together :3
Michael has a hatred for Gore in movies and real life. It makes you want to throw up
In his bully era Michael would beat up anyone who looked at him funny.
Michael is an artist he likes drawing and painting like a lot.
Michael has a cat named foxy who is hairless. He likes to paint pictures of foxy
Michael is a complete and utter smokeholic and goes through like 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Before the scoop it was the last extreme he'd smoke like once a day, After the scoop it was basically constant since it's one of the few things that makes him feel normal
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racfoam · 1 year
hi rac how r u???, i want to know if we could have a a jealousy scene???
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I’m good, thank you!
Okay, about time I reveal another fic idea. Also, how dare you use Stitch against me? Look at his teary eyes, he’s so cute, how could I say no to Stitch?!
This is set in an older wizarding society, the time of kings and whatnot. Think about Merlin TV show era? Yeah, that one! Though magic isn't outlawed and the kingdom itself is magical, too. So, how about Voldemort is the dark wizard who takes over as king of the most powerful kingdom and takes the throne, and wants to marry Harry, who he’s keeping imprisoned in the castle?
Harry used to like balls. She always had her friends to dance with, but now there were no familiar, comforting faces of Hermione, Ron, Fred or George anywhere. Most of the faces were families of the dark magic Houses, all pureblood.
Then again, a ball celebrating the Dark Lord’s birthday wasn’t Harry’s idea of fun. Maybe that was the problem with this ball. It felt like it was held just for Voldemort to enjoy while everyone kisses his robes.
So, despite the beautiful green dress the tailoes weaved with magic, Harry shied away into the corners of the room, hoping to avoid dancing with anyone, including Voldemort.
Harry refused to believe Voldemort was human. No human had red, cat-like eyes, no human had slits for nostrils and no nose, and no human had a snake-like face. No human was hairless like he was. No human moved like him, either.
No, Voldemort couldn't be human. He was some half-thing, something between a skeleton, human and a snake. There was no other explanation.
The mere thought of Voldemort passed a terrible judder down Harry’s spine.
Startled, Harry leapt.
The handsome face and grey eyes of Cedric Diggory stared back at her.
“Ce-Lord Diggory,” breathed Harry. “What're you doing here?”
“I was invited,” said Cedric. “Would've been rude to ignore summons from the king.”
The ugliest king in the history of kings. thought Harry bitterly, understanding between the lines. Voldemort would probably take offence and go to slaughter Cedric’s family.
“Cho and I married,” said Cedric, breaking the silence.
“That’s nice,” said Harry, trying to sound happy. She offered a polite, strained smile. She hasn't smiled except when going horse-riding around the estate with Hedwig, and it felt like she was pulling her muscles in the wrong directions. “Congratulations.”
At least you get to choose. Voldemort will probably marry me off to a dark magic House when he gets bored of tormenting me.
That voice froze the blood in Harry's veins. It came from behind her. Behind her stood a hooded, tall man, with eyes that glowed red in the shadow of the hood.
The air around Voldemort was dark, suffocating, his red eyes set on Cedric, staring down sharply at him.
Cedric bowed immediately. “My Lord. My congratulations on your birth day.”
“Lord Diggory,” greeted Voldemort calmly. “I remember. I remember everyone I invite into my home.”
Not your home, you thief.
Voldemort's fingers settled around Harry’s shoulder, possessive. They were bony, spindly, too long, but their touch was warm, burning like a brand. The hairs on Harry’s arms prickled.
“I hope you enjoy the festivities. I’m afraid I must steal dear Harriet away.”
Cedric nodded. Harry was impressed by how well he concealed his fear.
“It was nice to see you again, Lady Potter,” said Cedric. He bowed, adding to Voldemort, “My Lord.”
Voldemort hummed noncomitally. “Come, Harriet. Gift me with a dance.” With that same hand around her shoulder keeping her imprisoned and locked tight beside him, Voldemort pulled Harry away from the table, and through the crowd.
Harry wished she would just die already.
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tobiltopart · 10 months
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It's been a long LONG time since I've done updated art of this man on any platform.
Drake Edward Morrison III (the third)
A once mortal immortal touched by the last spark of essence of an ancient god of death. The man that started the creation of an entire universe in my brain, all from creating OCs with my high school best friend Winna in 11th grade.
Born to a noble family of recognized knights in the equivalent of earth year 506, he is now over 1500 years old and lives in modern era Talain, a clean energy, magitech run, green super city of about 15 million people. He has a handful of partners and is currently raising one high energy 8 year old with his girlfriends.
He's old money, having accumulated wealth over his long ass life, and keeping up with ever changing societies and economies...for the most part. There were times where he fucked off into the wilderness to hermit for a couple decades here and there. But currently, he's returned to his ancestral home, built over the old castle ruins with a modern but rustic 12 bedroom, 14 bathroom, 2 kitchen, indoor pool, and a large study home with several other people and a feral cat colony that roams the 150 or so acres of forest and brook covered lands around it.
He's typically seen as being very grumpy and stoic, intimidating to most people. But to those who actually know him to his core, he's incredibly kind and caring and loves to care for children especially. Very dad vibes. He's also well trained in many types of martial arts and use of very many types of weapons. He speaks at least 12 languages, probably more, and is technically the strongest man alive, physically.
He has mastery over fire magic and was gifted power over shadow and death magic upon becoming immortal. Technically, he's an elf. Raised in a mixed culture house, the Earth equivalent being Italio-Spaniard (father's side) and Indio-Moroccan (mother's side). He was closer to his mother than his father, and had two younger siblings; his brother Khalid and sister Refugia.
Some fun facts:
- While the god his power comes from is based on a raven, Drake's wings are that of a barn owl
-- he therefore flies completely silently, but also fairly slowly compared to most others.
- His favorite food of all time is blueberries. If you ever want to get on his good side or attempt to bribe him, bring a blueberry cheesecake (or something of that nature)
- He's a very meat and potatoes kind of guy, simple comfort foods and a lot of it.
- He's recently (as in the past couple decades) replaced his alcoholism with meditation and playing with his kids. Even so, he still likes a social drink here and there.
- He grew up learning from his mother's spiritual practices, the Earth equivalent being Islam. While he doesn't actively practice anymore, he does observe on his mother's birthday and occasionally some holidays.
- He actually loves to sing and dance, they are his art forms. His favorite music to dance to is swing.
- He manscapes. He's actually a very hairy man, but he prefers to be mostly hairless and neat. Occasionally he's okay with letting it grow out, but not often.
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golden-----hour · 1 year
5/30/23 about to be 31
A beloved childhood pet is dead. Before she died, she walked in circles looking for peace, walking into the walls and ottoman. A train blares its horn and chugs off from the station. I hear the clacking stalk through the neighborhood, creep up in through my open window, where the night air hushes into the space. I had the urge to masturbate but now in the writing I can sense that I am afraid. I was thinking about Jack coming deep inside of my body, thinking what strong bones I could generate with all of that violence nestled up into one cavity. The south bound train pulls in and emits an Eb, and then C major chord, which is echoed by a sour B chord right under it. I considered how my body must stretch to make room for his strong business man cock and big chest. He explains he only knows how to get head aggressively, shoving someone's mouth down on it and holding it there. Today, I found 7 rotted apples on the top shelf of my old sublet, and notice I write old. It is the last time I'll see the room, which marks the end of an era. I think after all of my hours of today, I will put something on a page and consider it until it alters. I try to remember how my cat acted before yesterday. I recognize the comfort one more breathing thing brought into this house. I cannot say her name because it does not refer to a thing, it refers to an idea. I need the letters to deflate. I realize now that I am sad about it. I didn't know I was sad until now. I thought I might be. I was afraid that I wouldn't be. I just scrolled on my phone to avoid more digging. I got my dick sucked today. He had a steady motion. I was in Paterson. I don't know his name. Isn't he an idea too, the way I will never know him again, despite the fact that he lives? I came in his mouth and my hairless body glistened white. I should be fatter. I sat in several rooms I'll never be in again. Saw faces which only inhabit dreams going forwards. My sisters, Mark, and I went to Applebees. I did not want to order food because my diet has been bad but I got food. Pangs of arousal boil in my stomach. Like this writing, I am always curious if arousal is the body's code word for something better and less fleeting and embarrassing. I mean that I know for a fact the body calls to make sure it isn't alone either, like the brain. The brain cannot talk to the body, except in dreams, maybe. I do not know when I will have water next except here, I do. I can get up and get it. I will not be disturbed by my legs. I will be valiant in defending fart jokes. Floodlighted. I will write my poetry collection even if it is 10 poems or five. The writing is bacteria, the writing changes to avoid dying, it kills a different cell to get deeper in the body; the writing metastasizes, the writing gets to the brain and isn't discovered in time, the writing explains you have sixth months to live, the writing becomes follicle and adipose and white blood cell. The kidney cannot handle the thesaurus of the blood, the intestines drown in conjugation. Even if it's one poem and I feel damned sure about it. What does it mean that I'm writing again? How does this differ from just thinking by myself? How does the media guide the thought? The physical time it requires to produce the meaning alters the meaning. I saw a girl I knew in the dark. Ich sah ein Mädchen das ich kannte im Finsternis. What I know about who I am and where I am going is unwritten- it is a blessing mostly to be here. I try not to stretch the wings of my consciousness I am afraid I'll see what lives between two branches I am mostly convinced that I am going somewhere great. Do not read this and weep.
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1eos · 4 years
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sad now......
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thetomarrylibrary · 2 years
Lost & Not Found (15)
‘‘ Tomarry time travel fic, where Harry and Tom bonded, so when Dumbledore pulled Harry back to the future it made Tom go crazy. It may have been mpreg as well. ‘‘ [ FOUND Visionary by BC ]
‘‘ Harry and Death help Tom. Harry has the cats he practiced with and one of them is a hairless one he named Voldemort, Tom absolutely hates that cat and Voldemort the cat impregnates Tom's favourite cat. There's also another scene where Tom and Harry give an interview to tell the masses a fake story on how they met by saying they were kidnapped by death eaters. ‘‘ [ FOUND The Red Cobblestone Road by TwilightsDawn ]
‘‘ Harry is the Divination teacher and wears exclusively ugly sweaters, frequently with llamas on them. Tom is the DADA teacher and it’s in Riddle era. Tom spends most of the fic pretending to hate Harry. ‘‘ [ FOUND Teaching History (Is Old News) by You_Light_The_Sky ]
‘‘ Harry is the Master of Death and he starts putting Voldemort’s horcruxes back together again and makes him saner and less unstable.Tom tries to kill him multiple times after he gets his soul back but Harry just comes back. It’s explicit, and also Harry changes after becoming MoD (he’s more attractive - his genetic prime). Tom and Harry (Hermione helps by reading over it) also come up with a contract. ‘‘ [ FOUND The Definition of Insanity by Anacharis ]
‘‘ Tom is the mob boss and Harry works in a bookstore called "marauders" where Sirius and Remus owned, Harry sang, that's why Tom called him the songbird. ‘‘
‘‘ Harry and his children time travel due to an apocalyptic event, with the help of ritual that a werewolf shows them. The children end up with Tom, who adopted them, in order to anchor them in this time. When Harry finds them, he marries Tom. ‘‘
‘‘  Tomarry fanfic with an Alice in Wonderland AU. The author posted it on AO3, but they had the fanfic linked to a Google Document. I think in the end Harry ends up stuck in Wonderland. ‘‘ [ FOUND Pyrrhic Victories by MayMarlow ]
‘‘ Harry and Tom are the same age in their fourties. Tom is forced to join as a WW soldier because of some crimes. Harry ends up looking for him and joins the military as well. They finally meet, but in the end, there's this kind of cult who make a pact with the devil using Tom's body. Then they meet Lucius and Draco, but got tricked. At the end, Harry makes a pact with the strongest demon named Mort. ‘‘ [ FOUND God of Nothing by machiavelli ]
‘‘ Harry is the master of death, in the same timeline as Tom. Harry didn’t go to Hogwarts with a wand, and when dumbledore asked him in class in front of everyone where it was, he said "Germany". His classmates and Dumbledore (who got annoyed), thought he was joking, but he was referencing Grindelwald's movement and where he currently had  the Elder Wand. I believe he dropped out at some point ‘‘ [ FOUND October by the carnivorous muffin ]
‘‘ Young Tom and Harry growing up together on Privet Drive in a foster home. They both attend Hogwarts, and while people now assume Tom is Voldemort's son (including Lucius Malfoy), the author occasionally has Tom misspeak (mentioning an orphanage instead of his foster home), so its implied that he's Voldemort himself. Might either be slash or gen. Possibly old and incomplete. Can't remember if it had bashing of any sort either, POV was Tom (it might have included some Harry POV moments, too). Tom has no idea who he really is, but he and harry are definitely friends, if not friendly all the time. ‘‘
‘‘ GoF AU. While everyone ignores Harry after his name comes out of the goblet, Harry feels this darkness growing inside him - it turns out to be a weak horcrux. He visits Voldemort's study every day while he's at Hogwarts. The second book shows Harry as Voldemort's second hand and consort ‘‘ [ FOUND Descent into Darkness by Athey ]
‘‘ Fem-Harry, who went back in time and adopted Tom Riddle. She was also quite independent in the story, and Gellert Grindelwald was interested in her. There is also a brief mention of her and Tom travelling around countries ‘‘ [ FOUND crawlersout by slex ]
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sharpace · 2 years
Viktor gets body mods? Rio gets body mods. Gotta be like papa
Hahaha! A friend sent this to me this morning and I posted this on Twitter. The way this has become hairless cat central is a DELIGHT.
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Korean Character Bios
I posted before about some characters bios from the 2008 South Korea Tour. I tried to translate the bios for the named swings with mixed results.
Well, it turns out that I’d completely failed to notice that Google Translate actually has a Korean keyboard that let me type more letters than other online keyboards did, and I was able to get some slightly better translations this time. Also, I did all of them. I’ve Google Translated all the character bios.
So, here they are:
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Seductive Cat / Grizabella
She was a member of the Jellicles as a seductive, pure, curious cat, but she left the Jellicle society to experience a bigger and wider world. Now, marginalized for her shabby appearance, she returns to the Jellicle society to become a Jellicle member again.
(Notes: It appears that the word “seductive” is used to mean “glamorous”.)
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Rebellious Cat / Rum Tum Tugger
A member of the Jellicles, he’s a cat who does only what he wants to do and has a clear sense of self. He likes to receive attention and is charismatic just by being himself, so he is the most popular with female cats.
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Prophet Cat / Old Deuteronomy
As the eldest ancestral cat of the Jellicles, he is intelligent, wise, respected, and loved. Every year at the Jellicle Ball, a cat is selected and sent to the Heaviside Layer to become a new Jellicle cat.
(Notes: “ball” was actually “festival”, but I shifted terminology to match. Also, is Old D the ancestor of all Jellicles?)
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Leader Cat / Munkustrap
A young and responsible leader cat who protects and takes care of the Jellicle Tribe. the Jellicle Cats trust and follow him as a leader.
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Theatre Cat / Gus
After Old Deuteronomy, he is the oldest and has been a Jellicle member for many years. He was a famous actor when he was young, but now he is suffering from a serious illness.
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Wealthy Cat / Bustopher Jones: 
Although not a member of the Jellicles, he is an aristocratic cat who is always welcomed. In his spare time, he likes to play golf and enjoy lavish meals.
(Notes: So Bustopher isn’t a Jellicle? I’m still not sure what defines a Jellicle in this version.)
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Kind Cat / Jellylorum: 
She is a middle-aged, kind-hearted cat who always takes care of old Gus and the kittens.
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Thief Cat Couple / Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer: 
A playful and clever couple of thief cats who are always causing trouble together.
(Notes: The word for “thief” sometimes translated as “stray” but only when applied to the word “cat”, so I’m guessing the Korean term for “stray cat” might be “thief cat”. But, Jerrie and Teazer are clearly not strays in their number’s lyrics, so I used the translation that applied to them. Also, the word “couple” translated as “pair” sometimes, so this isn’t confirming a romantic pairing, but they could’ve been playing it that way anyway, for all I know, so take that how you will.)
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Train Cat / Skimbleshanks: 
As a train conductor, he is an orderly cat who takes on all the responsibilities of the train. An uncle to all cats, kittens love to hear his stories as a storyteller.
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Magician Cat / Mr. Mistoffelees: 
The best magician, though he can’t speak. He can even make things disappear. As a great magician, he rescues the kidnapped Old Deuteronomy.
(Notes: “Magician” can also translate as “wizard” or “sorcerer”. This Misto is mute, which makes sense for a production from this region and era. Outside of Japan, east Asian productions are usually based on Australian ones, which is where the named swings come from. Although the first Australian productions had Misto sing, they later made him mute, only to switch back more recently. 2008 was during the mute era.)
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Sensual Cat / Bombalurina: 
She is a very sensual and sexy cat, popular with male cats who pay attention to her sexual desires. As Demeter’s older sister, she always protects her.
(Notes: I think “older sister” might not be literal. She might just be a sort of “older sister figure”. It’s not clear.)
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Sensitive Cat / Demeter: 
Because of Macavity, she is anxious and nervous about everything. She is also at risk of being kidnapped by Macavity. If she shows any signs of anxiety, it’s always a sign that Macavity is nearby.
(Notes: So, she’s always anxious, because of Macavity, but if she’s anxious, which is all the time, Macavity’s nearby. Is Macavity nearby all the time? This one is weird.)
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Siamese Cat / Cassandra: 
Possesses a strange beauty. As the only hairless Siamese cat, she always behaves arrogantly.
(Notes: Despite the better keyboard, this one wouldn’t translate properly, so there’s some stuff missing. This is the general idea of what I think was being said. I wonder how having a Siamese cat in the cast affected Growltiger.)
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Gumbie Cat / Jennyanydots: 
During the daytime, she sits all the time and seems lazy, but at night she’s actually a busy cat who educates bugs and mice.
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White Cat / Victoria: 
She is the purest, most innocent cat. This Jellicle Ball is her first, but she presents a beautiful dance.
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Philosophical Cat / Plato: 
A cat who doesn’t move much, so he looks lazy, but he reads a lot and is always careful with his actions.
(Notes: I thought this characterization was weird until I realized that he’s “philosophical” because he’s Plato. He’s literally named after a philosopher. Since Australia-based productions at this time where Broadway-based, Broadway inspirted Australia inspired South Korea, Plato is just Macavity’s double and doesn’t have much to really do, so I guess they decided to have a bit of fun with the character.)
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Villain Cat / Macavity: 
The mob boss of the feline world. Kidnapped Old Deuteronomy as the villain who commits evil deeds.
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Just Cat / Alonzo: 
A masculine cat who is always dignified and protects young cats, even in inconspicuous places. He rescues Demeter from Macavity. They spend their lives together.
(Notes: More Broadway-based stuff. It seems like Broadway-based Alonzos are the superheroes of the Cats world.)
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Copy Cat / Pouncival: 
A boy who wants to be a man. He follows Skimble around.
(Notes: His title more literally means “mimicking cat”, but how could I not translate it this way? Anyway, here’s another translation that wouldn’t cooperate with me. The first sentence ended up something like “a young male cat who wants to be worn by an adult male cat”. I couldn’t get it to make sense, so I guessed at what it was supposed to mean. He is Skimble’s copycat at that’s adorable.)
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Curious Cat / Sillabub: 
Victoria’s best friend, a curious, intelligent, and pure kitten. She helps Grizabella return to the Jellicles by singing ‘Memory’ together.
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Twin Cats / Coricopat and Tantomile: 
Mysterious twin cats who are not yet adults, but are still mature and have excellent cognitive skills. They always move together and do the same things.
(Notes: The twins are kittens/junior cats in this version, apparently.)
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Teenage Cat / Tumblebrutus: 
A teenage boy who wants to be a man. His actions take precedence over thoughts and words, and he gets a lot of guidance from Munkustrap, because he can’t read the room.
(Notes: Very much a Broadway characterization. His first sentence was nearly the same as Pouncival’s. “read the room” was more literally “interpret the atmosphere”, but I thought this sounded more natural. Also, Munkustrap Adopts Kittens With Poor Social Skills.)
And now, named swings:
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Stubborn Cat / Victor: 
He is more stubborn than any other cat and has a temperamental personality.
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Meditating Cat / Olivia: 
She is a deep thinker with a determined personality.
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Gentleman Cat / Admetus: 
An internally strong, generous, and gentle cat with a masculine appearance.
(Notes: Admetus has a personality closer to your average Broadway-based Plato than Plato does.)
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Loner Cat / Quaxo: 
He’s a solitary cat with a strong sense of pride and arrogance, so he doesn’t fit in well with those around him.
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Busy Cat / Electra: 
She likes to be involved, so she’s always busy and distracted.
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Bragging Cat / George: 
Has a tendency to show off what he has.
(Notes: This one, just like the last time, broke down completely. It ended up saying “He has a tendency to show off what he has, rather than what he has”.)
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Attentive Cat / Jemima: 
She’s attentive in everything and always acts responsibly.
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Emotional Cat / Etcetera: 
She’s a cat who fits in everywhere and has emotions that take precedence over her head.
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That’s all of them.
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morning-softness · 1 year
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[Image Description: A picture of Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives. Jon is lying on the ground, propped up on his elbows, and looking at a cat sitting in front of him. The cat is reaching its head up curiously to sniff Jon’s forehead. The cat is a pale pink hairless cat wearing a blue and green sweater. Jon is depicted as a short, fat man with medium brown skin, short greying dark hair, gold-framed glasses, and silver stud earrings. He is also wearing a blue and green sweater. End Description.]
Jon at a cat cafe!
From Chapter 6 of “Why Don’t We Just Wait Together? (Or 5 Times Jon and Tim Didn’t Have a First Date, and One Time They Did),” my Research-Era JonTim fic.
You can read the chapter here!
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dannypuro · 3 years
i have been in the process of adopting cats for like. months now. so it is on my mind obvs. anyways pls tell me about something telling gang and pets?? who grew up with them? who wants them? what kind of animals do they all vibe with? who feeds a colony of feral cats that lives outside of their apartment and needs to learn about TNR?
ohooohooohooo!!! yes!!! this is not actually what you asked for but it is what i felt like writing i think that it is what jehan deserves and this is my strongest pet opinion for the gang. i hope you are having luck on your cat search!!!
(Something Telling verse: modern au with canon-era, time-zapped enjolras. Takes place some time post-Something Telling, and probably after Something Else Telling, but honestly, the time frame doesn’t matter. Bon Appetit!)
Combeferre gets the call during his lunch break, and it’s a testament both to his dedication to friendship and to the lackluster nature of his sandwich that he doesn’t let it go straight to voicemail. 
“Hello, Combeferre,” Enjolras says, over the line, once Combeferre has picked up despite the best interests of his lunch break. “What do you know of cats?”
He sets his sandwich down and scrubs a hand over his brow. “Like. In general?” he hazards. He’s no expert, but he’s pretty sure that cats have existed in France for a good long while. At least since before 1832. Not that he hasn’t been surprised before, but. Cats are cats, he’s pretty sure. 
“Yes, in general.” His voice is low, hushed, and Combeferre is… wary, to say the least. He’s not sure if he’s wary of Enjolras or of his situation, but it’s definitely one of the two.
He sighs, takes a glance at the clock in the corner of the break room. “Enj. Can you please be a little more specific? I’ve got about fifteen minutes left before I’m back on shift, I don’t have time to go through it all alphabetically.”
There’s a pause. “Are you at work?” Enjolras asks.
Combeferre hums. 
“Ah. I did not intend- I could call at you later, if you are occupied, my friend.” The worst part is that he sounds genuinely remorseful; the worst part is that Combeferre wouldn’t be able to say no to him, even if he wasn’t. 
The things he does for friendship, honestly. “Don’t worry about it,” he says, but he does resign himself to speed-eating his sandwich in the 45 seconds before the end of his break. “What’s your cat question?”
He can hear Enjolras drawing in a breath on the other end of the call. When he speaks, it’s in a whisper. “Jehan has obtained a cat,” he hisses. “I fear that it is horribly ill.”
“What do you mean, ill?”
“It is very poorly,” Enjolras says, “I do not know much of animals, but it is not well, I can see that much. And I have tried to convince Jehan of that, but they simply do not seem concerned. And I am, quite frankly, concerned for its health.”
“Huh.” That’s- Okay. Combeferre can work with that. “I didn’t know Jehan was getting a cat.”
“Nor did I,” he says. “Nor did the cat, evidently. Given how very little it has mustered itself.”
Combeferre snorts a laugh. So does Enjolras, after a moment. 
“It is not humorous,” Enjolras says, once he’s stopped laughing.
“Of course not.”
They both take another moment to laugh, anyways. “I can come over to Jehan’s place to check the cat out after work, if you’re worried,” Combeferre offers. He’s not quite sure why he offers it, since he’s a human doctor, not a cat doctor, but such is life. 
He can hear Enjolras’s sigh of relief over the phone (and, oh, yeah, that’s why, actually). “Thank you.”
There’s a moment of silence. “Eat your lunch,” says Enjolras.
“Yeah, yeah,” he stretches, groans. “See you this evening?”
There’s a pause.
“I know not how to stop the phone from calling,” Enjolras admits, after a few long seconds. 
Combeferre smiles into his palm. “Yeah, okay. Bye, Enj.”
“Good day.”
Combeferre hangs up, checks the clock, and starts eating his sandwich very, very quickly. It still isn’t very good, but at least it’s fucking soggy, now, too. 
That evening, Combeferre gets off the Metro at Jehan’s stop instead of his own and walks the two blocks to their apartment from there. Enjolras answers the door when he knocks.
“Good evening,” Enjolras says. He looks very, very frazzled; he’s wearing one of Grantaire’s old tee shirts and has a barrette in his hair that is distinctly Jehan’s. “Thank you for coming, my friend.”
Combeferre pulls him into a hug, brief but warm. “Where’s the cat?”
He frowns. “I will show you. You will- You will see that it is unwell.” He leads him through the hall to the salon, where-
Jehan sits on the sofa, talking softly to a hairless cat in a sweater. It doesn’t look particularly unwell, but it does look a little odd and very fleshy. They look up when Combeferre enters, smile. “Oh, hello!” 
“I heard you got a cat,” says Combeferre. 
“I did get a cat.” They hold the cat out for Combeferre to see. It’s a little scrawny. Combeferre’s pretty sure that the sweater it’s wearing is one that used to be Grantaire’s, and has since been upcycled. “Her name is Darling Béatrice.”
Of course. He sits down next to them on the couch; Jehan deposits Darling Béatrice onto his lap. She’s kind of greasy. He pets her absently as he contemplates the fact that a veterinarian would really be a lot more useful, right about now. 
Enjolras sits down in the armchair next to the sofa and scowls. 
“I mean,” Combeferre hazards. Darling Béatrice nuzzles against his hand. “She looks healthy enough. I think.”
“She’s gorgeous,” Jehan agrees. Combeferre wouldn’t necessarily go so far as to say that, but she’s definitely okay.
Enjolras makes a frustrated noise in the back of his throat. “Surely you jest, the both of you.”
Darling Béatrice yowls. Enjolras, if possible, grows a little tenser. Both he and the cat wear the same identical face of displeasure--Combeferre’s got the sinking feeling that he’s probably going to end up attached to Darling Béatrice, too. 
To mollify Enjolras, Combeferre prods at Darling Béatrice until he can feel a pulse. It takes a while, since he’s never had to find a pulse on a cat before, but he gets it eventually. It’s steady, and, he assumes, cat-tempo. “I really think she’s fine, Enj. All cats are a little weird.”
“It has no hair,” Enjolras grits out. “It is bald. Like an ailing old man! Cats have hair.” He leans in, peers at the cat. “It is clearly ill, if you would use your eyes-”
“She’s not supposed to have hair, I told you!” Jehan grabs the cat back from off of Combeferre’s lap. She burbles a little until she settles in their arms like a grey, wrinkly chicken. “She’s not sick!”
Enjolras looks to Combeferre, half-desperate. “All cats are meant to have hair, Combeferre, tell them that their cat is unwell.”
Combeferre sighs. “Enjolras.” He shuts his eyes, just for a moment. One day, he will successfully explain genetics to a Romantic-era revolutionary. Maybe not on this particular day, but one day. “I promise, the cat is fine. She’s- Some cats just don’t have hair. That’s the point of them.”
He grimaces. “Why?”
Huh. Well. That’s more of a Jehan question, Combeferre thinks. He turns to them.
“She does not have hair,” they say, primly, “because that is her natural form.”
Enjolras does not look particularly convinced. “Jehan-”
They bestow the cat upon Enjolras. Neither Enjolras nor Darling Béatrice seem particularly enthused by that decision. Darling Béatrice kneads at his thighs with her naked little toes; Enjolras winces, readjusts her gently. 
“Something,” Enjolras announces, “has gone awry in this cat’s parentage.” He scratches behind her ears, anyways. 
“She likes you,” Jehan offers. 
He huffs. “I imagine that she would like her natural pelt rather a lot better.”
“Don’t be rude to Darling Béatrice.”
“It does not matter either way,” says Enjolras, “as cats do not understand French, even the naked ones.”
Jehan sputters. Combeferre takes the moment of distraction to snap a photo of Enjolras and the cat. If anything, Grantaire will thank him for it. He’ll probably stick a copy of it up on his own fridge, too. 
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