#tim immediately pronounces him king of the archives for that
OK not a shitty domain post but this occurred to me and I had to share it.
So the Jonah only hires non-cishet people for the Institute theory? What if in the interview he asks them if they are cishet. But he's got the eye so no matter if you're in the closet or just don't want to tell him or don't know yourself, he knows.
And then someone in the closet and someone who doesn't know they are queer yet talk and think he's homophobic but someone who told him upfront (probably Tim let's be real) goes "nah he hired me anyway, basically everyone here is LGBTQ" and the plot thickens.
The person in the closet goes "wait I lied but he hired me anyway, can he tell if you are queer?" And the person who doesn't know yet says "nah I'm not" so rumours just start that Elias has a strangely accurate gaydar and only hires people he thinks are LGBTQ.
Then the person who didn't know figures out their identity. And the office is in uproar. Elias officialy knows if you are queer even if you don't.
And thus starts the "I got my gender assigned by Elias Bouchard mid job interview" office meme.
Thanks for listening to my Ted talk.
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phoebenavarro · 3 years
and on you stumble on (ch 1)
part 6 of my Jon trusting Tim s2 AU, we’ve reached the end of season 2! woo let’s go
the magnus archives, established JonTim, pre JonMarTim, 1642 words
read this part and the rest of the series on ao3 here
Jon sits, frozen, as his mind struggles to process everything. He told Tim what Melanie said about Sasha, the two Sashas, but he’d kept the rest of his little investigation to himself. It wasn’t fair to Tim, but Sasha is a delicate subject for him, and Jon wanted to be sure. And maybe, as long as he kept it to himself, it wouldn’t be real. Sasha wouldn’t have been replaced by a monster that looks nothing like her, the real her. But the time for that willful denial is over now; he knows the truth, much as he wishes he could change it. Sasha’s dead, and she has been since Prentiss.
Tim. He has to tell Tim. He deserves to know, and he deserves to help kill it.
Especially after the tapes. The tapes with the real Sasha’s voice on them. He presses play on the recorder with a shaking hand, and the voice he still can’t recognize as Sasha’s crackles through the speakers. He sits there and listens and hates himself for not figuring it out sooner. That thing hasn’t even been trying to be like Sasha, the real Sasha, and he still didn’t realize that his friend had been replaced by a monster.
He’s listening to the tape—her statement about her encounter with Michael—for a third time when the door to his office opens.
“Alright boss, you about ready to go?” Tim asks cheerfully, striding in, but he freezes when he sees the distressed look on Jon’s face. “Jon. What’s wrong?”
“I, um…” Jon says, at a loss for words.
“What happened? Did Michael come back?”
“What? No, no…” Jon sighs and rubs his eyes. He’s so tired. “No, it— it’s not that. I suppose it’s easier if I show you.” He gestures Tim over to his desk. “Do you remember what Melanie King said, about there being two Sashas?” Tim nods slowly.
“Yeah, what— did you figure out what’s going on?”
Jon sighs again. “Yes. Tim… I’m sorry.” He hands Tim the paper copies of the statements. Tim frowns, but he doesn’t say anything, he just starts reading. Jon tries not to stare at him while he reads, heartbroken for him and a little bit terrified for how he’s going to react. Jon’s own grief for Sasha hasn’t hit him yet, he’s too preoccupied with thinking about what they’re going to do now. He’s got a plan forming, but that will entirely depend on what Tim wants to do.
Tim sets the papers down and rubs his eyes. “Fuck,” he swears quietly. “That’s it, then. She’s dead,” his voice is disturbingly flat, and Jon aches to reach out to him, to comfort his boyfriend, but Jon’s never seen him like this.
“I’m sorry,” Jon says, because he doesn’t know what else to say.
“When did it happen?” Tim asks.
“I uh… It seems like it was during the Prentiss attack, when she got separated from Elias and ran into Artifact Storage.” Tim breathes in sharply and swears again under his breath.
“She hated Artifact Storage,” Tim says quietly.
“I know.”
“Or are our memories of her even real? If this thing could replace her and change what she looked like in our minds, why couldn’t it completely change everything?”
“I… I don’t know,” Jon admits, “It’s certainly possible, but we can’t— we can’t start questioning every little memory. I think that’s what it wants, what it feeds on, and besides, it’s just not feasible.”
“Yeah,” Tim says quietly. Jon reaches for his hand, trying to find some way to comfort Tim, to make this news a little more bearable. Tim lets him.
“I think our memories are our own,” Jon continues, “I mean, we both remember her being different before the Prentiss attack. She… changed. We both noticed. We didn’t know why she changed, but we definitely noticed.”
Tim nods, but he doesn’t say anything, so Jon just launches into the next thing he needs to tell Tim about.
“I-I found the missing tapes,” Jon says, and he chuckles bitterly, “They were in Sasha’s desk. Not even well hidden, almost like it wanted us to find them. Finally figured out what those tapes had in common, they all had Sasha— the real Sasha’s voice on them.
Tim cocks his head. “How do you mean? I thought the monster changed pictures and recordings too.”
“Yes, but not polaroid photos, for some reason, and apparently not tape recordings.”
Tim’s breath hitches. “So, what’s on the tapes— that’s real?” Jon nods.
Tim swallows. “Can I— Can I listen to them?” he asks, and Jon’s chest feels tight.
“Y-yes, of course,” Jon says, and he starts rewinding the tape with Sasha’s statement. “I-I don’t think you want to listen to all of them, a-at least not right now, one of them is from the Prentiss attack, when it h-happened.”
“I need to know what happened, Jon,” Tim says, “I need to know how, if it was painful, if she…” Tim trails off. Jon thinks about Sasha’s scream, and he shudders.
“It was awful. I wish I hadn’t heard it. And- And I don’t think there’s much point to you listening to it if you’re just going to use it to punish yourself for not doing anything about it.” Tim glares at him, but Jon keeps his voice steady. “I know you, and I know you’re gonna blame yourself, but it wasn’t your fault.”
Tim mutters, “Yeah, right,” and he turns his head to stare at the floor.
The tape finishes rewinding, and Jon presses play without another word. They listen in silence as the Sasha on the tape tells her story, Tim gripping Jon’s hand so hard that it hurts. Jon can’t help but be hyper focused on every one of Tim’s reactions, every sharp intake of breath, every sigh, every small exhale of laughter. Jon remembers Sasha being funny, and it seems like she was. Jon notices a few tears on Tim’s face, and he pulls Tim close to put an arm around him.
When it ends, Tim wipes his eyes with his free hand.
“I still can’t believe she did something that reckless,” he says, “She was always going on about being the rational one.” Jon smiles. He moves to switch the tape out for the one where Sasha interrupted him to talk about the proper way to pronounce calliope, and he fast forwards to around the point where she walked in. Tim listens just as intently, like he’s trying to catalogue every little thing he can gleam about the real Sasha from these tapes. Then the Jon on the tape resumes reading his statement, and they let it play out in the quiet of the office.
Eventually, the tape ends, and Jon stops it. Jon looks to Tim expectantly, but Tim is staring at the wall with a far-away look in his eyes.
“What are we going to do about that- that thing pretending to be Sasha?” Tim asks, finally breaking the silence.
“Ah,” Jon says, “I’ve been thinking about that. It’s tied to the table, so it seems like destroying the table will kill it, or at least weaken it.”
Tim nods slowly. “Makes as much sense as anything else around here.” He runs a hand through his hair. “When?”
“Tonight? After everyone’s gone home, artifact storage will be empty.”
Absently, Tim presses a kiss to Jon’s hand. “I’m not letting this go, by the way. I want to listen to all of those tapes. But… Maybe you’re right. Maybe now isn’t the best time.”
“That’s reasonable, I suppose,” Jon replies.
Tim stares off into space again for a few minutes, clearly thinking, before he speaks again.
“Should we tell Martin? In case something happens?”
“No,” Jon says immediately, and he can’t ignore the panic that rises in his chest when he thinks about getting Martin involved in this, “No, he’ll insist on staying to help and I won’t put him in any more danger.”
Thankfully, Tim agrees. “Yeah,” he says, “He’ll be pissed when he finds out, though.”
Jon thinks back to the stern lecture Martin had given them on trust, on treating him like an adult, and when he thinks about how Martin is going to react when he finds out, he does feel guilty. Just this, he thinks, This is the last thing we’ll keep him in the dark about.
“We can deal with Martin being angry at us, if we live, but I can’t lose anyone else. It’s my job to protect you all, and I’ve already failed Sasha…”
“Hey, no—“
Jon cuts him off, “I know it wasn’t my fault, what happened to Sasha, wasn’t anyone’s fault, really, but I should have been able to protect her. And Tim, if I could, I’d send you home too, deal with this on my own.”
“I know you won’t go, you’re too stubborn, and I won’t make you, because I know this is just as important to you. But I’d rather you be safe.”
“How do you think I feel?” Tim says, “That’s two of the most important people in my life, dead, and I did nothing to stop it.” Jon opens his mouth to protest, but Tim plows on, "I don’t want you to be number three, and it seems like, as Archivist, you’ve got a target painted on your back. I also know that you’re too damn stubborn not to put yourself in danger, and well, we’ve got a better chance of not dying if we do it together.”
“I certainly hope so,” Jon agrees, “Have I mentioned recently how much I love you?”
“Once or twice,” Tim replies, “I love you too. Now how exactly are we going to go about killing this thing?”
“Did you know, it is remarkably easy to buy an axe in central London?”
Tim smiles.
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